um okay all right um we're going to start the special needs of advis board meeting um today February 21st at 5:40 p.m. I will call the rooll is here Francisco not here [Music] here and S okay and who's taking minutes are we taking minutes we have to take minutes yes okay so order of business any deferrals additions or devisions uh we can't add or anything because we can't vote I'm just like reading I'm assuming right yeah okay um all right okay minutes so so and are we're here to discuss let's see lab workshops um anybody have any ideas for workshops I had mentioned at the last meeting I believe about um doing one with um the Chamber of Commerce um so I need to follow up with them and see and with Miss Audrey um because I thought we could ALS so ask uh um card to send the speaker hi Gabby can I see you for just a minute sorry interrupt you meeting um asking um Dr Alexandri Alexandri to maybe be a speaker if uh if Miss Audrey can't do it because she um her job is um you know it's hard for her to to go to a lunch but she's that's like her work time ask just some the director yeah yeah I remember him okay he's a he's a really good so so it's two workshops one with the Chamber of comments with Miss Aldi and one all the all together it's the same thing it's just who the speaker would be oh okay I have to see exactly who the speaker will be this will be for April uh that I have to also confirm with the Chamber of Commerce speaker okay cuz one one of the things that I'm thinking I know that April is Autism Awareness mon it will be perfect then again at the same time I don't know how Alexandria especially might be that month so that's I mean I'm not saying not to reach out I mean it's you know right right but just keep that in mind right it would be ideal but it it could be any other month as well because autism is around no of course you an APR awareness month it's super busy month for us as well so um but that's definitely one that I that that I want to do to educate business owners Miami Lakes business owners combine on with the Chamber of comments and then the guest speakers you're either Audrey or whoever but okay Alexandri or some it could also be because I know they have other great speakers from being fromard yeah anybody fromard would do a great job okay so that was uh we're shooting for April but yeah if not then I guess May cuz yeah for March will be too soon yeah yeah yeah no and it would be good and they to program it not program it what's the word like um be able to promote right cuz they book their speakers like in advance way in advance so we would have to you know try to get in there but I mean it could be like a snippet you know not necessarily like if they can give like a few minutes out of the luncheon cuz the luncheon is what like an hour two hours right so maybe they always have like a key speaker like one speaker for lunch could it be the spotlight so um mental health was trying to be like the spotlight for I guess maybe that's what the speakers called like for one of the chamber Legends okay I really don't I've never been to one so I don't know they were just like throwing it out there but they haven't done that yet okay um one of the members is in the chamber so I could I could ask her Rosie right so and I know like there's another I think October is like disability awareness month something so maybe we could shoot for that um that will be quoted for for that either so do we put April defin May or October or do we just for April or October like what what would be more the plan GE TOs um what's your first place only because April is a busy yeah then I would say we could shoot for October I would this and there's also another month that's like disability employment month or something which month it might be October also I'm not sure I know there's an employment one um just to clarify you said um October it's also October we recogniz National disability employment Awareness Month each October how to was October okay all right so let's shoot for October that way it's and it has to do with employment right for October and uh for that one yes because April's going to be I think to far okay thought um also um to do the one withs again think and it's actually theability employment works so awareness awareness Oh I thought you said awards no know no I had just WR aware okay so then that would be October but yeah I think what you said like speaking to them from now I think they like way in advance yeah way in advance so and probably I mean if if we were to get Michael Alexandri he's probably also his schedule is super effecting too so okay all right um so we're done with that Workshop right October for disability imployment awareness yeah and that would be you said Michael Alex well I mean those were one of options yeah um if that would be like a workshop here or with the chamber yeah at the chamber luncheon which I believe is the first or second Wednesday of the month something like that so we'll be on a Wednesday and we would like pay for us to go like whoever can attend for us to go and for the speaker that will bring as well I'm guessing since it's anun it's around 11 or 11:3 okay anded whoever can it's not required but I would feel comfortable if at least one of us was there to like sit with the speaker and represent the board okay and then um card is just another idea for a workshop um I thought it was a speaker yeah okay that's also yeah okay he's he's the executive director for um card oh okay I did I missed out on that okay yeah so if anything because dror like I think it would be you know one of the best if not the best for that but if anything someone else at um card would be I think really good too and you know because it's employment I would love for it to be someone from un card personally yeah because they can even talk about the safe training that they do and how they can um not not cater that's not the word like the job description how they can elaborate that according to what the needs are and like I I think that would be I really and they can get their name out there to business owners that are you know are open to hiring you know people with disabilities and and um and they work with businesses to help them you know yeah because they're already doing it and they've been successful so they can speak on that as well and it gives us gives them some more time to say we've been doing it for such and such time so okay and the fact that they have an office here in Miami Lakes that people can reach out to them and you it's like all yeah I I think this is a great idea okay now and it's also my understanding that they do like IEP [Music] workshops and I was thinking we've never done an i Workshop no what I'm I am I am uh Curious to since we don't have a te what you think about that because I value your opinion in that in that regard because you actually do IEPs with parents and you think on I Workshop would be helpful parents or even teachers or you think it's a my opinion is only on [Music] opinion I cannot speak for the pant I just know that I can't really answer that question okay I respect that I can't really answer that question okay um I know someone also or like parents of parent parents of parent I know they are phenomenal with a lot of the workshops and they offer a lot of stuff I don't know how can they set it right they can travel they definitely can um I'm actually going to be going to their picnic I believe it's I think it's this weekend or next weekend I'm not too sure I'll double check uh and I can ask them like directly like right here um cuz the person that I used to set them up with before like she would come to the school and we would tell her like we would set up which um which Workshop we wanted I and they're and they're always like with the latest information they're very up to date with everything I'm not saying um card wouldn't because because I know we did have one a virtual one that correct I remember that yes well we had a virtual one I remember one time so that's another you know another agency that we can and does I mean un card could do the IEP one or they can do it but they also have workshops and I think parent parent yes and their Advocates are free yes um you know what I want to say yes I want to say yes yeah because parent knows how tricky it starts getting when you're paying someone yeah and someone is just being kind and offering information to help you they're very good we've had them at the school and they do do it for free I don't know because it's here I would think they might still do it for free but I'll I'll make sure to ask that as well and I know that other Advocates or all the people that work at parent to parent each and every single one of them have a child especially or they're very close to someone so they a lot of the information is firstand for them as well but yeah I I I'll definitely reach out to parent to parent now I guess how how we go about like bringing them in here I then that would be the front is it okay if I assign that to you yes of course like to find to do a little research on that and get the details for the next meeting we can discuss it yeah it's this weekend actually it's is Saturday so okay um so what about the one with the attorneys the one with the attorney had had the [Music] panel I think it's time to do another one or too soon I think it might be too soon in my opinion good we just have one fav no but the one that she's saying is the one that we had the three attorneys that they spoke about guardianship and it was last year I know that I don't remember exactly why I don't 22 really before October I don't remember I don't remember being there unless I was sick and I was sick in [Music] August okay September snab Workshop wa you're going to a no no I think from last year it's an order no this is the continuation of I made November no there's nothing before November yeah this is us looking forward 2024 so what you see here is what we participated in 2023 so kind of like a carryover of it I don't even know if I have pictures how you do would you happen to remember when it was I wasn't here you weren't here yet okay so in definely couldn't have been 2023 no it's 22 I mean I'm guessing but maybe if anything early October we it special needs yes I know like it's like I thought it was it didn't happen that long ago that's what I thought sometimes I think things just happen and it's been like six months what was the name of it you remember was that last week Lego [Music] something what was the purpose of it speak guardianship yeah those like one of the main things a special virtual Workshop it wasn't virtual right no the he board Behavior work no that one was by Audrey that was the lady is that the one that is that the one okay that was January 2023 yeah January 26 okay the vocational rehab one was in October 2020 when1 2022 was the first I was here you were here for the first one with the lady that only we only had like eight people show up that was January of 2023 oober 2022 then been two years I mean it doesn't mean we're having it next week we could have it later in the year you know I I think it's an important one this is it I found it July 2022 know if you would come July 2023 I would been like yeah of course me too hey my driveway remember the guy at a driveway it's three years he showed up by the way it's three years and I could have SW it was two and I just realized I have my car for three years so yeah okay so I think okay so hold on because we're we're kind of going a little bit on our this so right now we are in February which is pretty much done is do these Gall happening in April okay wait wait wait wait wait I'm gonna come back so we done with workshops no no I think the best way to go about this is kind of go month by month no yeah so if we do so we don't get confused cuz if we do do a workshop let's say in April then or you know what I mean cuz cuz this one now is can set them up later I just want like the ideas for the workshops okay and then we'll put them wherever obviously you know we already have one in October yes yeah yeah okay so we can do uh the so we have the IEP one and the and the attorney one so that's it four workshops a year okay so I that's one every quarter that was like our goal okay when right now technically we already have one this year okay ah okay okay okay so four that way we can be done with workshops so four total that yeah okay every other month four I think sounds good no no no yeah I agree I I think it's better do four that are good kind like what they told us at the meeting four that are good and six that are mediocre know we can like plan four okay if like a great idea or a great opportunity comes up we can squeeze it in somewhere somewhere else but for now for the purpose of this meeting we're having today I think four planning three because we already did one planning the other three we're good so we chamber of commer the I on parent to parent now what I'm I'm wondering because I know parent to parent offers other workshops as well how going to get all the information exactly and to see because what happens with IEP it's the ones that are in school so whoever is not in school the IEP that's it like they wouldn't come to that Workshop so I feel I don't know if we'll be limiting it I don't know I don't know if you understand what I mean like if we do like I'm just putting something out there like oh stress when you have a child with special needs that's like something that's more open to everyone versus IEP is it's a select group those that are in school and even more specifically public school because if they're in private school a lot of them don't even look at an I so I don't know I think the as a workshop it's great and I think it's necessary for parents to know what an IP even is right I'm thinking of also addressing issues of new panics okay because I remember when Ryan first got diagnosed and I you know was thrown into this world of like Fiddlers and IP and then and I'm like what is all this and you know that's where I turned to workshops online talking to their parents meet you know and it's I know that we try to Target the older population because they have you know less um resources available out there but you know new parents com into well like I said that the the manager from Payway uh she's her child is in first grade and M leaves and she's beginning to navigate all that right so that's another reason why she wanted to come and then I I had a suggestion with that's later um because she wants to know what first of all how can she help that she's Payway and in addition what sources or what resources she has as a parent to help her child okay you know what I think I don't know if we could do it that way but kind of like do like an IEP resources because I know that parent to parent has a lot of resources too so I wonder if we could like combine something like that because as as you're navigating as you starting to navigate you need resources and then what is an IEP and the law Ida and all that stuff and one of the suggestions that I was going to come up with or I was going to suggest was currently even even me being the teacher mmy Lakes if someone comes up to me right now like her and says hey what what what's in the area what is this what is what's in my lakes and I go let me have my friend call you because you're in it you know what's in the town I have no idea so if I'm thinking if we can come up like a directory or something not really endorsing it but a direct or something saying hey Miami Lakes so and so offers this or you have a resource list online is it still on there with the new website the resource see I didn't even know that and I'm on the comme that's one of the first things that we did I really don't think so you see on our page it it should maybe let me maybe just never went into it I or never updated like shark is this new business and they offer for sensories Tuesdays or something yeah so I even on the committee didn't know I just right we but we don't have too many Town things we have big organiz there some Town things like uh like therapy places that are in town but there's a lot more there's a lot more new things like we haven't been updating it you have resources yes okay so you have the resource page is there yes yes I can show you here if you want okay something that I was going to say too about the Workshops the attorney's Workshop if you read if you notice it's geared more towards the older population right as well as the Chamber of Commerce when is more geared towards right so it makes sense right to go to the younger ones so you know what that's a I I think that's that's a great idea that's a good point but but then again when you bring back the list of the workshops or resources they we might be like oh a lot better you know so yeah definitely I thought and also you know which businesses help or cater like in especially in our town like chares that's the only one I know because I was working with a fundraiser with them I'm pretty sure there's more but since I'm not immersed in that I didn't even know we have just I'm like be something that we can come up with we had even one of our goals was even to have someone here like once a week or something like that where families can come and get information but of course they would have to be someone very vers in disability yeah and not just that not necessarily um look at all those not necessarily what's in town yes it's great because you know as you move into town but also in addition to what's out there to help yeah parents that M that definitely needs to change oh yeah see that's the gardener yeah both of those are now step up so that definitely and that and that is huge right now when you click on them do they take you to the website hit M might still there yeah but it's FL Department of UC but it says effective July 1st family enironment so that'll probably take you you see F UA that's a step up one there make transition to FES yeah but the right the right for that is step up and just so you still active and you know what I'm saying the enrollment isn't open yet for the no no I mean if all of those are all those still good are they still active exactly yeah definitely again I didn't know that was there but we need to definitely update it what's ticket to it's a it's a program I know knew more about that I don't remember too much but it has because that would help new parents and uh parents that move into our community but most of those are very general right right like but they're used to be like I don't remember putting more loc I know we spoke because yeah because we had to like verify the ones P oh I never know what to say page up or down I always get is there like another tab for like local IC noard members and how do you how do you get there uh town website oh my goodness I can't see so this is the home uhuh under government committees and boards and then you scroll that's the new website okay it makes me right click on this but you should just be able to click it and then it'll open it goes to resources no it it shows it and you drop it down yes it's like a drop down menu what does it say under the events and Mission Gala hope for autism Christmas event workshops and seminars arts for autism GG's Playhouse Gala Miami lak Century friendly movie and Independence Day Century friendly space we have look under videos should the should the I know that I'm pretty sure it's the special safety program but should it be there too or okay it's there okay telling you it's not already no it's not who do we speak to about removing it and I will get the message yeah yeah and if you want to update any resources or anything I think the the one that says Gardener and the one that says M take those off and then put the step up but the is not initiative neither is hard and if yeah how about but arts for autism makes more sense because of the I get yeah I get so I think exactly G's doesn't correct we got to remove that what about Hope for autism Christmas event like maybe uh The Cooking Class by GG's it's something that but even that is not technically our event it's not Noe and I don't I I think the whole fun on Christmas event right it's not glad we went there well the movie is something we're planning on doing okay yeah so we have to take all we have to yeah the things that are we can write this down since you guys can't vote officially and then in the March meeting if somebody would bring that up could be more yeah but I to remove and add like we can put the Painting with a Twist yes that definitely we should put up there I'm a bad girl cuz I strayed you guys it's okay we would never have found this exactly didn't even know that they had added this workshops and seminars were good Arts autism were good you just there's like different ways of like should we the arts for autism could we change it to to dance class should we do it that way so it's or just leave it as is or in parenthesis dance class like should we put dance class there somewhere yeah you also partner with them for the research so maybe you can leave that up and then add dance glasses resource parir because I think like highlighting thejo yes yes too okay the dojo since we're doing a pilot program still okay if we're adding might as well add something is actually and that won't be until after we already started so that's good okay so definitely the resources CU then that would be something good when we have that whatever whoever we have the workshop with then we can also say by the way you can also access more resources on the town's page and have that as updated as possible set up tables that resource Fair stuff instead of just uh handing out the safety program we can hand out these are uh a list of resources in our area or in town too if we ever get to that part because in my opinion don't in my opinion we go and we only talk about the safety program we really don't um oh we have this and here's a list of events and here we don't really promote the board as much or events coming up and now we're getting more so that's good and I think that's why also this is so important because a lot of times we're kind of planning like a month or two ahead versus when we're doing this we're you know what we're getting better prepared and then for promoting and everything else it's going to be huge which is very important okay so then for the workshops it'll be chamber coners we already had our first in January yeah not done so that we're good with that and then the alternities would be one and then the parents of and the Chamber of Congress so we have four total okay so uh dates should be determined cor right yeah how take care of the Chamber of Commerce one and I'll start reaching out to uh the attorne the attorneys uh because he's the one who got the other attorneys oh in addition well you're GNA ask just not IP other yeah I'm gonna ask her and they have a lot because I keep getting those emails oh yes they do they do okay so we're good with the workshops um now do we go should we discuss the open house just in case we run out because there's a meeting of us right I will I think you said well we're not St but that's something to discuss yeah about yes but at least the open house I don't think there's much more other than maybe just looking to toot they said to promote it again tomorrow okay I posted it on my Facebook page I tried it to but I need to write something and I and I also like did like individual invites to like people I know oh like on Facebook you can send it through Messenger to people that you know like you know you know people nor me is okay you do your part [Music] now I'm hoping that the people that go to the open house will give some feedback about the time and the day it's 12:30 to 5:30 like I know like that time for for Brian doesn't because the you can go the after school and there's like a ton of kids that know Sensei because he goes there um that would maybe want to take part in the program but it's too [Music] early I don't know we'll see what the orders were made today what do you set I didn't get a lot of food because you know I got for like 25 people I got the chicken I got the chicken I got the little croissant sandwiches I got the bitos I got cookies and I got like the PX the little PX okay the triangles no they're like they're like sandwiches they're like half of half so like a quarter of a so oh those okay yeah the one with a another Bri the sub R yeah so I got like both Steve turkey and instead of wraps instead of wraps because I got the corant this time so and cookies cookies there the [Music] CED um okay are we done with workshops now we're on EV this is the Olympian though isn't she an [Music] Olympian going on the picture I think she is I think I only know the big ones before um we move on from the uh workshops no the karate um does the Sensei have a copy of that flyer yes it was s awesome and for your uh review we have put a package together for you of the application the workc letter and the rules okay oh we also ordered a box of pens nice does it say special needs are on them be nice to have two it would yeah short no I'm saying forward yeah like all right so events question who who I'm guessing it would be Sensei I don't know if you'll ask any of us to kind of look over this I don't know I don't know exactly how he'll he'll do with the applications I'm thinking he he should be the one right having the applications what do you what do you guys think no well I again I'm assuming that he has his presentation do that okay okay I'm just saying I just want to make sure that we're clear no it's like he gets there like oh who's doing the applications you know what I mean I can't be talking and yeah I can assist with the application process like giving them out and then they fill it out and they give it to him right that would be the best way um now I do want want I don't know if we want to say it that day I think it would be a good idea I think to motivate them even more that we're going to be giving them the Gees or the the uniforms I would say we get the measurements on the first l or the second l so they can have it by the Third how how how would we want to do that just so we can tell them well he says he has samples or something that he can bring for at least for first class yeah but I a lot of well I don't I don't think they should have the geese for their first class no for the first one it's not going to be possible no there going to be parents that might not even go with the kids and not not not just well somebody has a guardian has to come with a kid number one number two no I'm saying the the to to the open house right no no I'm saying about the first class because let's see who shows up but that's my point we won't know until we see the the child and or the adult and we won't know that maybe until the first so there's no way that we'll know what sites you're going to use oh no cuz they go to the open house and here's the thing parents go by themselves so we what happens if we get more than 10 weight list how do you who decides who to be waight what I suggest and I think it would be good for sensate I think just put like number one two 3 four 5 6 7 8 n 10 just to know which ones were the first ones that turned them in and then we see who actually shows up the first dat do we have a signing sheet we can't do it like that cuz what everybody the first my opinion this is for him to figure out like we I don't we don't do deal with any of this with Miss Audrey okay she does her own thing she chooses the ones that are bigger huh that's a bigger plus yeah but even still like yeah she's still look usually I think she does it according to how they register right because they do it online ah but you know what maybe maybe the the first thing would be as for us what we I think should have a signment sheet us yes that's and then have them sign in and that could be the order in the order that they got there maybe I don't know that part I I don't know how to work that I don't know but I mean I guess we can leave it up to him but I mean my concern is that the first day more than 10 show up that would be my only concern or and I don't I don't mind sitting there well first of all everybody signs in whatever and then when he's done with the speech and answers and questions I hope there's an answer and question part of this of the presentation I think so yeah and then if you would like to sign up they can come back to me and I I'll have the application whoever first whoever turns it in right you put you can turn it in right now if you turn it in right now there's a possibility you might get the spot if you turn on later you we can't guarantee it and then whoever turns it in gets one two in that order that's what I I mind doing that I think that would be like you know putting the numbers like that yeah because first we have a sign in to see you know people sign up and then after he's done if you like to be one of the 10 whatever here's the application if you return it tonight we'll put you on the list and if you return it later you know we can't guarantee blah blah blah blah something very important is that we need to find out finally I'm I'm I don't know should that be you Gabby reaching out to him to let us know the RBT like how much it's going to be finally per hour or do we because I know we allotted an amount but do we get like more specifics or we just you leave it you know what I mean do we need to get a more specific number or not we got to give us a bill yeah I found minutes 127 2022 and it was about the building now will cover the cost for the doo program so parents only have to pay which I know we already got rid of this but a maximum of $10 so we have put a Max but that you see we spoke about a lot of things snap will cover the cost of an RBT and the rest of the cost motion to discuss with Sensei running the program for 10 weeks that's a TR so I just want it too late because that's so yeah so so we need a sence sheet uh I can even probably make unless Gabby has a signing sheet what is it you want on that signing sheet name email phone number phone number do we do like parent name child name and then phone number email whatever it is we need it by Monday I will say like participants name parents Guardian uhuh parent/guardian name email writing it down that sounds good sounds better than par name CH IDE I was the idea participant name I mean but this my parent name no I just put parent/guardian name participant name parent Guardian name we're first particip name and then parents that's four columns and phone number participant's name parent/guardian name email and phone number yeah then that's now there's a particular they come up that we had sort of mentioned open to 12 and above and I got that part and it was in on the flyer and I tent the flyer out and I have someone that's going to be in first grade or is in first grade that is probably going to show up and try to register and there's nothing on here but now s they said that he doesn't have a problem with it but I don't know because we did not each other and I didn't catch it until little bird told me um and I personally think we're gonna have to play it by year see who shows up exactly I think so too because who knows maybe will have there's more under 10 yeah there maybe there's more interest in under 10 population contact it doesn't matter you got a big kid and a little kid right so I say we invite everybody yeah well technically have yeah because so that's good though uh why don't you add a column to that signing thing and put it's something I next to participants name I wish we would have had for the pain I mean where to set them up which they're moving yes they are and it's they're only going to have one room yes they are it's going to fit 50 people where it's going to be so that's something to consider and they're not going to have any more small parties unless they take up the the whole room did he he tell you was next to dry cleaners or some something Dance Company I know it's still in R Lakes okay so you got the food ordered I got food I got the plates and napkins uh we don't need Waters because we have a whole case left from the we have S the the ice is be there with the cooler cuz you put on the event thing okay the tables and chairs right I told John we're gonna meet or he's going to drop off our off um Tong I have those we lost to um what else T signing sheet I'll be there you'll be there be good to have the fers for the safety me safety for the program is okay good yeah I have them I have those um maybe an application or two just in case someone I don't know WR oh extra applications he bringing his own I think we should have I think we should have yeah he yeah but to print copies or this is what I'm bringing with me I think he's bringing theop I believe he's providing because he sent that to make sure that it was approved or acceptable which nobody looked ately Grand they did right you guys looked over it so they told me that it was a oh told you told for what for this those three the application the application is it's a standard application yeah okay so you want the sign in page and [Music] um you have the special need registry safety program Flyers it's just these documents and his he sent this via email did he say I will be bringing copies you didn't I suggest we bring 20 copies unless somebody wants to come back here and make him real quick we got nothing to lose by making copies no that's fine I just from what he said the other day that but no just to be safe it would be fine or if you want just ask him like will you be bringing the but she's not here tomorrow or Friday I she's copied in the email that I sent him yeah but I wouldn't be making the I would have to reach out here no do I'll be there on Monday yeah so I can always pass by here make the copies yeah but I wouldn't like that's I'm just doing backup can you like touch them and be like hey you're bringing the applications right just making sure and and the rules we're not responsible for learning the applications and you know however you want to phrase it or or do we need to make copies because he he he sent the application and the rules right and there and the welcome there's welcome English and Spanish okay the application and then the rules and the attendance policy which is also with the rules I put them together okay so yeah question yeah just the question is are you bringing copies or do we need to make copies are you bringing all the paperwork including the welcome appli and copies okay all right are we done with the open house I believe all right so next thing I want to discuss is the bike ride in April so this is this the health fair is in March is it is the health fair happening in March I think it's April did they put somebody didn't decide April says arts for autism resource fa yeah that is the date of that is already yes for the are we going to do the no I thought we said we was G to do that at last two years yeah okay I don't know why didn't go last year yeah we did yeah we did yeah you didn't no I didn't go I was out of town and if I remember correctly feed was the feedback was like not a lot of people went it was and and it was pretty much we handed out candy canes and talk about it and what can I get what do you have yeah it's not our audience no it's yeah doctors there was a funeral parlor there yeah um went Alzheimer's went so it's health things I don't remember art for autism or except for um card just healthwise I guess I'm picturing every yeah that I'm trying to you know guy was in the corner guy was over here I thought I met Ian or his buddy and the whole side I just I'm kind of okay yeah so you got because we're already having resil our own stuff which we should start getting like uh vendors if you guys do we have yeah we have all the same like Miss Audrey she gets most of them but like I know like I always reach out to you on card and a couple of therapy places and the dent Dental Place someone that would have been really good I don't know say if it'll be enough time she might have a busy mom um suia from Sunshine CMS and there's changes coming I'm I'll see do we have a date for it already yeah cuz I I'll reach out to her and there's benefits that I think some people that have CMS are not aware of but 13th April 13 yeah when is the asax mark do you know the week after the [Music] 20th and the bike ride is the six and the talent show is the 27th so every Saturday we have something I'm not going to attach huh I'm not going to attach nothing yeah we can discuss that later oh no I'm not I don't I'm just okay so I mean nobody has to go atten so we just like sponsor the food for it okay not like a event you have to ATT to okay all right the bike ride did you have something to say about the bike ride no it's just an idea for an event that I heard of or program event something so um staff mentioned that maybe would be a good idea um to do maybe like um sign language classes oh I remember somebody said that I don't know if you anyone knows of anyone that would be willing or interested teaching sign language I know someone that teaches it I just don't know that there doesn't be the thing about since they brought there's a need right that's what I was thinking well it's just an idea I haven't taken a sign language class in over 20 years almost 20 years and don't use it you lose it yeah it and it's something that supposed like it should be consistent like at least once a week or something so I don't know like that sounds sounds like a lot yeah it can't be like a one Ty exactly unless it's like the very basic and it's a one and done and one and done with our mind stud has to be like yeah yeah usually the the person that I know I know he gives class because I have one of my co-workers she Tak class with him and he gives a class once a week so that's why like it's something to yes I think it's yeah well maybe that's like a resource ource we could add to our resource list online now where he does it isn't High me but well half of the resource is just resource in general a place to get info yeah it's just this is like I don't know I mean I I think have more information I don't all right moving along so the bike right yeah so what I want to stay up for the meeting 8:30 7 oh today yeah because I want I want to partner with them for this and I want to contribute something but I've never been to a bike ride I will not be participating like maybe I'll go but I I can't write a bike on the street because I'm terrified so but I want to like you know I don't know if you know to to like the little wristbands because they're doing an Autism Awareness that would we had mentioned that right getting bracelets the little wristbands or like you know I be a pin oh yeah like a little pen or you know I think that's good like this exactly good I am so Med I knew they were talking about that I prob bought a I think this would be like the perfect one me personally I don't have a pen so I would love a pen but that's perfect that's better I like the pen too no that's what I'm saying doing both not money yeah and then we we got like the little bags and it's something that can be used you know for other events as well you know the little that you like it has a little thing it's like little mesh not mesh pad I don't have they use it for jewelry yeah yeah Dollar Tree like we could put this and a pen inside and to each participant we could give okay I don't know I yeah I like that can I keep that so I can show them the meeting yes and I have my pen in the carard you want to show the pen it's on my it's on my work lineer but please give back just just give the don't get the work lanyard yeah no and everyone's always celebrating it so like oh my gosh I love your P you had I always have mine on on my shirt on my snap Shir okay so I think that would be great and then also because we would have to vote for that in our next week which is not next week the week after so that's something yes so well let's see if what I mean they have to approve it too no no no but I'm saying to to bring it up and I'm just putting it here so we can speak about it at the meeting okay do you want me get your bids yes see I can help with that the other stuff I can't help the pen and the bracelet and I'm mean as an idea we'll see how much it is and then we have to get those little BS yeah and then what do I call that little bag little I'm going to put little jewelry bag just because I feel like that makes a little more sense okay now do we put like a card in it too like I mean I don't what autism I don't know um no no okay I I don't know if they provide water at oh yeah they have to okay so like who I we just had a bike right the other week last week like can we provide the water no I'm well you're going to go to the meeting right and you can get the information and then you already know this is what you know we're trying we we can do this blah blah blah and also if you guys are the ones we would like to because we haven't voted yet in our meeting these are ideas that we we have depending on what you tell us today I bring it back to the board I'm just saying right don't say like oh yeah we'll do the waters because those are minutes you know just I'm just saying we're offering right to you know to partner to partner with you in addition to May maybe provide something like this maybe provide the water unless you got maybe they do water by donation yeah they might have like or they might have other suggestions of exactly to whatever but at least them out when they might have you sleep first I don't know and the bik is during the day right yeah it is yeah should be early in the morning you should never have a backr at night I did the one that they do at night is the culinary yeah okay yeah it's probably like a Saturday morning or something well I don't know you know what the dat do by is for the six the six so we have to get after your meeting we have to he has a sign in sheet registration forms are to be reviewed before through 11 start dat both printing multiple forms requires only for to 48 Hours once we receive the final approv so he's waiting to receive the approval from you guys now how do we do because technically we can't vote no but it was just like no it's just look at itest that you'll be presenting video media is what he'll be presenting so a video put templates for approval but have not heard back in Lou I will have a sign in sheet registration forms ought to be reviewed before 311 start date bulk printing multiple forms requires 24 to 48 hours once receive the final approved form so I guess he's waiting to see if there's any changes to then go ahead and print 2448 today is Wednesday he will need to know any changes by tomorrow at the latest because we need them on Monday and it's not concluding weekend can we just tell them right now that they're fine okay so it's just video then he put video media yeah that's what he put yeah didn't didn't he say that way I'm requesting it right that's what I thought yeah because we needed a projection or something yes so it'll be projected okay just make sure he understand cop is this okay we have reviewed everything and everything is fine you could go ahead and print them out yeah okay yeah and okay bring them to make copies or something I don't know it's just oh that was quick oh does he have the video If you could send it okay just [Music] oh [Music] okay so the S she is ready you would like to see it man it would have taken me half an hour no that's different font no I don't like that one okay no print that no I should we put like on the top like dojo karate and the yeah can put Dojo um Dojo program signning sheet and then line and the date yeah just just so participant name and age can go all in one box or do you want the age separate I AG separate better not no the only problem was space it would that's why I put together static well I need to tell you this you can expand the margins yeah yeah can make the margin smaller now think I put participants like I put like who the subject was like who had to put their name first just so it's clear to everyone because if I just put age by itself oh you want to send it we're a little bit anal I mean as long as it works it's fine okay so uh let's see the as put first the resource resource Fair we already talked about we don't really need to do resource Fair anything that's Audrey does everything other than get um like do the flyer for the resour okay so she's the one that did the fire last I believe so but then like I have to you guys added like our logo and stuff and the town's logo and all that so I I really don't know I know last year she did it I can reach out to her um and if she could provide it and then I'll just tell staff to put the tow logo and yeah okay I think that's how we did it last time that was the 13th I'm trying to see when our meeting is in April the sensory friendly movie I I just want to say something yeah the arts for autism resource Fair yeah our meeting in April is the 3 so we might want to already have the flyer for our next meeting for our meeting for March so we can already approve and start promoting cuz if we wait till April yeah we're not going to have almost no time to promote no but you think we need to fly or at least send it to M huh at least send it to make already no that's what Miss Audrey's is gonna make the flyer she did it last year and then she sends it to them and all they do is put our logo and a Town's logo okay I'm saying Audrey a flyer like this okay she asked her for the flyer in a couple of days at most she'll have okay so so we can have time to promote it well because it's April and don't say because so people could what I was thinking I was like that's the other problem because if some people if you send it to me I'll play around with it since you did the 99% of it okay that's fine um so yeah can you request from Miss Audrey the flyer the flyer okay so there's that for arts for autism and then we so we can start promoting we do EV the resource the does M's doing the bike ride or the the resource the resource okay so we're done with the bike ride done from the bike ride okay so there's do I have to do anything on my end with staff or the bike grade as of right now as of right now no okay we'll find out tonight their meeting hasn't been canceled right can the last couple of meetings he's trying to just when I have on the website first okay let me I didn't see canell a few days ago but I haven't checked today um did you check the board the board no it's there it's there you want me to ask anyway huh you want me to ask anyway or no hey do we have any clipboards I don't in the G At the Gala we use the ones that were there yeah I can ask I got a couple I just got to remember to get them I'll send you the email when I send you now sign sheet the resource Fair pretty much yeah we're done with that as well so the as swap okay Workshop it's just um an idea that way you guys produ soci ideas um bike ride will find more information um after the meeting and it's just for autism resource Fair which is I'm going to ask her now for the fly yeah that's it as of now yeah okay just making sure that following and then um as far as we go for all these events in April we have to start ordering stock do we have any I guess I have to ask John if do we have any sensory toys left over from I don't cuz we had the ASX FX remember but I don't remember you guys saying any I would I didn't go I don't remember you saying anything left over oh you're right no it was Alex so three of us yeah um which Speaking of I want to say we did but I don't think much no and if it was the same month July would have given it away on the fourth of July so for April okay yeah so things that we have to order is possibly these same the stuff for the uh which I'm going to get you estimates or bids or um for the um that's maybe those things to put the Flyers that they're always flying away one been talking about the sandwich p no the but they're like plastic well no but no yeah okay I think it would be nice to have like the one that's one by itself showcasing the flyer itself like no I like that I know what you're talking about and then the one that you insert them more than one correct you know what I mean right yeah but it's like it's a stand up thing like this clear and you exactly it's clear you put the fire there exactly there us to be in the 70s and 80s there were frames like that for pictures no sorry you said 70s 70 I was four so I'm okay with that um so to have that so they can see what the fire is yes and then the one that you put them inside of the thing cuz when we have them on the table they just they fly yeah so a thicker one a bigger one um so plastic frame yeah for flyers and then plastic holder um I need to make an order for are we gonna order more water bottles we have to see how much we have but that's later yeah but it for the resource we'll need it yeah but that's later to be decided at a meeting meeting but what I'm saying is to know it would be good to know so that we can what you do last year in our next meeting we Haven have to order yeah we we haven't had to order because I know that was still pretty good amount but if we're going to do the resource fair and then we're going to have the SX and the we have to see how many we have of each thing for inventory the water bottle the the bags uh and there was something else that we were get water bottle but is it was a water bottle that oh not water but water bottle yeah the water bottle the one that has our no I thought you meant water water no no no no no okay I was going to say water water water water so inventory of water bottles and the draw bags oh there is a that's why they're talking oh I didn't know there was a meting okay we also need to do the order for uh I mean the money is already allocated but I just want to in the in the minutes so that the order for the U the resource Fair like the decorations the food the little plates the you know the the tablecloths all that stuff order too so you put we need to V for the I'm sorry we need to V for the money we already voted for the money we voted for the budget you're right you know what I keep forgetting that we did that so like it my but I just want to know like all the orders I have to do in one place like okay and then I have to make the food order for the hope for autis talent show as well all those oh ail the sensory friendly movie for June um I have the contact with the uh the theater you just have to like choose a date as I [Music] get anything else that needs this I see anything ex the awards of accidents is that happening again this year okay probably well that kind of covers like the next six months say we're going I there's no moving because yeah so we're going to join the meeting at 7:05 705 what meeting is coming up now um my think you activities you ended it uh no I just happened I just yeah oh there we go no it's to go back why I guarantee you so many use the keyboard alt a it's uned oh oh there you go right ready all right good evening everyone my name is Brian Rodriguez shair for the town activities task force today is February 21st 2024 it is our regularly scheduled meeting we want to call this meeting to order at 7:13 p.m. if we can have a roll call [Music] [Music] please all right cool we have Forum move on to item three public comments are there any public comments seeing none public comments is now closed we'll go to item four the adoption of minutes take a second to read over the minutes from the last meeting um if you want to approve them you are free to motion to approve them or if you have any chance meeting a free to motion with the [Music] Chang [Music] l [Music] I to approve with no correction second a motion second any discussion seeing none all those in favor signifi by saying I oppos seeing none motion passes we move on to item five order of business appr addition deltion is there any anything wants to on the agenda moving to the next meeting or adding to the agenda seeing none we'll move on to new business I know spring thinging is down there just that I forg but um item six is sponsorships so last meeting we talked about sponsorships or specifically our next event which is springling did anyone get any sponsorships did anyone go out and look for sponsorships I know you did anyone attempt to try to get a sponsorship [Music] no I have a meeting in a few days with I trust you I'm talking about everyone else so that's the problem guys I knew this would happen Ernie there's no one here that went out the sponsor they're busy I get it you guys said you would I'm going to come through with sponsorships I spoke to Ernie two days ago what I'm want to take care of is I'm I get in contact with uh with Josh Diez and Rene Garcia to secure the stage has to go to council M so I I'll take care of that so what are the committee's thoughts when it comes to sponsorships on assigning a company for a committee and that Committee Member needs to go and talk to that company to sponsor I would like that because I just don't know like the directions going you go to a company show them the sponsorship package awesome if they're interested in sponsoring I know what you mean I just feel like come up with the list come up with the list just tell I'm not coming up with the list that's where the committee to do I I've exhausted my come with with a list just to let you know that we we are we currently have $644 remaining uh from everything else that has been purchased so far for the event there is good news uh we did we do have bite Dentistry who emailed me today and I was talk to officer about that earlier uh they're interested in participating in the event we would like to contribute $500 now with the ability to have their tent there it's up to you guys whether you want to do that or not $644 will not take us very far we are missing a DJ which we could we could we don't have to have we have speakers that work very well at the bike rodo uh we do need cleanup we have we we need a maintenance people out there sfm that is a must and they are six they are $600 um what else am I missing oh uh everything that we discussed in the previous meeting which were the rubber mallets bigger Stakes uh more signage we cannot get any of that without money money so what that we try to we try to hit local business a lot of local [Music] business you could talk to boutiques you could talk to all the stores on Main Street if you wanted to I I you know if anybody wants if anybody has a good um has a good association with with um with Dr [Music] s ed I haven't heard from him iy to very upset in what sense I don't I don't there was an issue but I could try to up to you guys you it's my okay I need everyone on board I'm looking for sponsors it's very upsetting that we came back and not one of you guys want to go I'm willing to do this next Wednesday the 28th uh I can take whoever because now of these teenagers don't drive a lot of them don't drive I can take whoever wants to go with me to go hit up some local businesses we can do some on Main Street or some nearby need a ride I I can I'm office at what time I can do at as early as 3 o' 3 and after I can you at 4:30 I can do the 28 after I can meet you on Main Street at 4:30 yeah I can meet you there okay so let's do 4:30 Main Street okay can we get and if you guys get copies of the spons M Street putting it in my cend you make copies at your school of the yeah M so we're meeting at 4:30 we're meeting up at 4:30 that's what we agree to 4:30 everybody meet up at Min stre where do we want to meet a like a location points me at the tree at the tree okay main tree tree it's in my calendar for next Wednesday at 4:30 and then the day before I'm going to print for you the sponsorship packet how many should I print 10 I'm buiness even if they say no anyway every single you want we're try to hit up as many as we can it's not any convenience to you I highly highly recommend you guys go to the gr's office oh yeah and drop it off for sure sure they are they have in the past yeah I remember that we we okay so we just you all know we Cur currently have um with should you guys agree to have bite Dentistry as part of a sponsor we would end up having $1,144 to use and in all honesty uh that will definitely cover sfm which is the main fance service which we absolutely need uh and I think it'll cover you want to I mean it all depend yeah if we don't get any other sponsors then we have to I don't think we should spend on a DJ if we get other sponsors then we have money to throw away I'm sure we could get some I think with Elevate Elevate Junction sponsors hopefully when do you think you be a to touch to elevate Sunday the exact dat but I think it's next week next week me them too okay so hopefully we'll have an answer maybe like next email of the package and all that just to sit down we have to vote for B denry now right if we're approving them you should I mean again they said that they're they're on board with $500 if they're bringing their own time yeah let's v on it we are not providing anything to them okay to bring we that's fine that's fine okay let's vote on it no no time they have to okay let's vote on it so we can get the5 milon so I don't even think we need no with it unless we want to vote just in case we V on this okay has $500 I would um yeah I I'll notify tomorrow morning first thing and I'll let them know thank you very sure so going off of sponsorship this doesn't only go for sprinkling this go for all our events our events are getting bigger budgets are going down and we need money to run events it doesn't make any sense more expensive the lower um with that being said we all do need to make an effort to get sponsorships it cannot just be myself Ernie meritz and officer and going for sponsors at one point our sponsors are now saying no because that's all we ask the only ones that ask them for sponsors so I don't even want to bother them and these are Big hitting sponsorships that myself Meritt officer Amor and ear get when I say big hitting we get title sponsors they don't even want to sponsor the little so we need I need all the committee members here at this table right now to work on trying to get some because that's how we put our events together and it brings in local businesses to show off their business to the town residents at the end of the day our committee is bringing in more people to these events than any other committee so please keep that in mind anything else on sponsorships that anyone wants to add just to Peck it back off of what Brian said he does make a good point you guys you have to keep in keeping uh into consideration a lot of these businesses as Brian was mentioning we we usually end up hitting over and over and over and over again they get exhausted and they they do they get exhausted and and not only do they get exhausted for obvious reasons but there's also reasons that according to maritz from when he had told me in the past that uh we're not we're not um what was the word we're not mentioning them or we're not honoring them or or giving them the props that they deserve which I totally agree you know that's the that's the Las thing that we shouldn't ever you know not be doing at our events you know so uh just keep in mind and a great great example is B Dentistry so B Dentistry was in last year for a gold um a gold sponsor I don't remember what what event it was but they're you know they're dropping now they're going to 500 was it for Halloween because they remember saying their name multiple yeah then yeah yeah it was for Halloween and times on that stage you know what I'm saying so I mean I I could be wrong maybe they just and it's just that they're getting exhausted just getting tired of of you're always asking me you're always asking me restaurants we can hit up yes yeah absolutely absolutely anything anything any any want to give out samples they can give out samples I don't any what Bri said any local local business keep in mind we have the only thing if you get a restaurant I would recommend having them not sell food because we have food JS no but uh let them know that that our events are are uh they usually are run ran by by volunteers we need water we need ice we need food sponsorship anything anything you know little finger foods just to keep them going you we should add that too uh the sponsorship package well like a volunteer like a volunteer sponsorship like $250 for just an example for foods and yeah no that that that is that is something that that could be added yeah thing to add there just so we can have food for volunteers well it's different when it comes to these big events with the amount of volunteers on number what do you want to do like you wanted me to put it to add a volunteer Your sponsorship and then I what what it is it's for food food water sure I'm I'm pretty sure I think you guys could all agree a lot of companies will jump in immediately knowing that there going to supply food and beverages for kids you know so that that yeah that may be a really good thing to to to put good job guys anything else on sponsorships that anyone wants to add any question questions see none we move on I know we talked about it a little bit but item seven springling that's why Oscar is here today just so he could hear our plan for the event and he could plan accordingly to the food trucks um I want to go over this event just so we are all on the same page what's the date of this event Saturday March 30th from 9 to 1 in a mon yeah so please be prepared for a possible emergency meeting if we need to because the we have a week our next meeting is a week before the event correct so we may need possible or we can even have a sub commmittee could we uh could could again this is obviously something you guys could discuss could we maybe look into having a subcommittee Brian and canceling our regularly schedule I wouldn't cancel you wouldn't want to okay that is are last minute well remember subcommittee meetings you can't even vote so we'd have to have special call meetings if we needed to vot oh that's that's finean the week of the thing is spring break so a lot of these kids might not the week of what the week of the 30 is spring break for Day Count public I may not even a lot of these kids may not so if you're gonna have an emergency because our next meeting should be the 20th so if you're going to have an emergency meeting it should be before the 20th I a idea to push it push it up because you're not going to have anybody coming in spring break I willon be here on the 20th I explain well you're talking about the 30th the meeting's not on the 30th no the meeting is on the 20th the week before but I'm saying you're going have emergency meeting the emergency meeting better be before a regular SCH meeting the point of we're GNA have one after because that's a little bit too close unless we absolutely need to then I will spr can can just because I don't remember off the top of my head can anybody tell me when is spr break the 22nd it starts through the 29th school days from my understanding Broward has it the week before has it the week of the so I'll be there for the event but but maybe she's in priv yeah private march9 259th so all the schools are on break that week I won't even be there most likely for [Music] the we still meeting on 20th yes remember the emergency meeting will come it could come within 48 Hours okay or 24 hours but the event still going to be on the 30th right yes it will and the meeting is still who will be there the day of the event um the event is on Saturday I can't I won't March 30th I will 9: a.m. to 1 p.m. I will I'll well yeah I'll be there be there we are we already have also just so you all know just to you know be aware of this we have the uh thing for the card for the credit card they're not it's a different one so we the the town Doug have they have three we can get all three I just have to make sure I reserve it for that day uh which they won't be in use because Town Hall's closed on Saturdays so we will have it and they'll they can program it to where it says pony rides x amount of dollars uh face painting x amount of dollars so you decide what you want waters you know just an example if you were selling if we were to be selling waterers and pizza and they want a pizza a slice of pizza it we could also add it for that particular day for that particular event so we're good there okay what time do the volunteers need to be starts 830 8:30 if if the event starts at 9 I I would love for them to be there at are you sure start at 9 cu the calendar invi in my phone say 10 was like 9 for volunteers 9 to 1:30 is what I have yeah 9 to 1 really I'm sorry 10 to 10 to 1:30 I have it the calendar in my us it starts at 10 invitation from okay I have to I have to look at the flyer I believe it we the 10 to1 so the volunte remember remember that we had to extend it last year because of the face the line for face painters for volunteers yeah that [Music] open remember we were so our volunteers not included sign up there or do they have to sign up have to sign up if they don't tell your people to sign up yeah so liability okay so um last year we we were kind of running behind so maybe we we start even earlier there ear 8:30 if start if it start at 10: then maybe at 8:30 rushing 7:30 at that say like it sounds 3 hours sounds like a end of the year at least our clubs are done 3 hours sounds early but at the end of the day you have to remember and you can ask Ari we used to get there at 6 I I don't think we us do that but yeah and we were still going up to the point of the event at 6 a.m. and start 8:30 no I don't think last year we were running really behind the whole o00 just curious what what were we running behind last year remember that we were like stalling oh wait for the eggs wait for the behind and that's why that why weay why were we delaying the start of the soon because but it wasn't because we were behind behind we were like do this would you guys be willing to come in on Friday with volunteers to put the stakes down yeah a preparation that you guys could you guys could easily take care of up that that was a long that was yeah but you can can you do that with the park open on a Friday afternoons absolutely we set up a couple of hours or or the day before for Halloween the so is like at least from like my experience the soul is normally a little softer in the morning I don't know if that's going to be a difference it's going to be a little softer in the morning scoutout here here's what my recommendation is starting at a.m. yes I I know I know it sounds earlier but normally I mean these kids go to school like this is they're here volunteering they here to help out and at the end of the day like like I said we used to we used to get there with volunteers at 6 o'clock in the morning and it started at 10:30 11 o' no that's fine that's fine again it was just an idea guys you get there early and you start working and doing what you have to do and making sure everything going to be marce since you're not here so marce you're going be here at 7 I'll be here at 7even you'll be there at but either way if we say 7 I think most people right here I don't think like 7:30 like that's when people are going to start showing so you have to say an early time volunte to be you you know they're getting free hours food and stuff right Brian the only reason why we got people at our school to go because when I said 7:30 only like 12 people sign up and then when I said um eight or whatever like 10 more people signed up they don't have to come I have my outlets and I could get volunteers as well if you want I could go and send that link in the in these remind chats and get 100 people real quick I didn't put that in there just so you guys can bring your people because I've done it before and I filled it up real quick so I'm just saying 3 hours sounds like a a lot of time but I can tell you it's not even enough let set up don't freak out because it is still early with and you know how you know how we do we wait till the last minute out of the 75 volunteers which were added you which were proposed we had four that's that's fine because it's that we we we we [Music] have guys we're gonna get we're gonna get it off mon away for more than 75 by the way check the minutes please I think it's yeah it was 25 from the Law Society 25 from Honor Society 25 from HML and 25 something else from HML oh yeah keub there we go yeah it say bottom of page talking yeah everyone was talking at the same time so ieas after the three pages why why are they under cutting us basically I asked for 75 we're almost there I know we're at four but the reason I asked for that is because let's say we fill up the 75 and 125th away they rather have that 25 extra just in case we do a lot of kids do not come which usually put so for Spring Fling we have I believe we voted on how many ponies four four ponies two large pting Bo how many face painters four four face pains food trucks how many food trucks do we want or how many would and that's why I brought Oscar Oscar we have a we have a a significant amount of of of um of people showing up of guests this is just as big as Halloween and you saw how many people were there keep in mind that March though do bring a little bit of heat you can have uh kids dressed up in their pretty downs and stuff like that so you might want to consider a lot of refreshing Foods if you have any any trucks that may sell you know you know food bowls or you want to have them sell milkshakes or ice cream yeah I'll be be hit and then of course obviously your your more you know popular foods like pizzas and burds something that I mean you're the we have we have we have 10 for for yeah we have 10 charts you can get more if needed okay and then what I want to ask you guys for activities any activities that you guys needed me to bring that we take on the cost that is you know alleviates you guys from we could also bring in a DJ as well that we have that we bring to our events that we could take on the cost as well to alleviate from from you guys so you'd be willing to do that yeah it's part it's part of our operation so you know like to do that that that'll be considered as a sponsorship and we can definitely we definitely maybe give him a shout out you know oh we always give him shout outs anyway yeah but we if he if you do that we could also add you to your you have a logo right we can put it onto the fer yeah we could definitely take on that that expense you know with no problem as far as the food charts I just needed to know more or less the area and how you guys are going to set up so it's not like Halloween where everyone's open in the middle yes it's open in the middle but until a certain point in the event when we set up the event you'll kind of see it around the whole track we're going to have stakes in the ground with like posion tape going around the whole track not on the outside on the inside and then the egg hunt is in that middle area so what we usually do with the trucks is put them on the outside okay so I don't know if you want to do that or we could do how we did last year or with Halloween where we up next to the playground but the kids play on the playground too so that's the thing it's not like Halloween because we also have an egg hunt area back there too do we have anything like by the basketball courts in that back area back the stage oh yeah well right now the stage isn't guaranteed we'll figure something out but do you remember do you remember at the event at the last event that you were in the Halloween event where your your trucks originally set up set themselves up it was towards the outside of the of the actual track you can easily fit there between five and seven uh and if you want to scatter maybe a little more towards the corner no no he was on the inside of the track pointing outwards no but we've done it so we're we're by the by the outside kind of like by the sidewalk but in the inside yeah that's uh yeah you can do 5 to S there with no no problems and I if I'm not mistaken you can also if you're walking towards if you're by the food truck area you're walking towards the playground I mean you can put about two or three more with no problem so you could have all 10 you know on that on that corner yeah so and activities do you guys need any other like bounce houses or anything like that uh I think B is a more reliable than me yeah it's a lot the thing is it's a lot a lot a lot a lot yeah that's really reallyy I mean we cover with the bound CES we'll be able to fence in the area andity where we put that that's the thing you guys would have to tell me you know what section we could keep contained so we can create a barrier around it and we can have every everyone sign waivers like we you know like we do what we I'm okay place that's the problem we don't have Oscar do you would would you be supplying um the generator I'll be supplying everything it doesn't take it doesn't cost you guys a penny and it adds ton of activties of course of course it does I'm sorry you're charging correct yeah they'll be charging between five to $10 to play in the in the the event yeah I mean it's is what it is yeah you want to do you gotta pay yeah exactly can you uh can can you come by sometime next week we can we can walk around same place and then I I'll take a couple pictures I'll send it over to Brian and you know see what his thoughts are you know in terms of I'm also thinking we could have him for example in between the two Pilan there's nothing happening there in between a lot of L that's slam people unless we set up the bounce offes after the first one what are you guys doing on the right side of the basketball field the basketball that's what OB was then so the basketball kind of like by the entrance where we come in with the trucks on that corner oh that that it's behind the stage that's the only thing that I was thinking it's just behind the stage like that's the only issue with that thing it's like kind of like kind separate it's two way to separate from everything that you guys have that's the only thing that I was thinking like the stage what about what about I'm okay with turning the stage what about right in front of the playground where we have parked the the bowling alley ones but that's where the egg hun goes up to yeah there's four there's four egg stations guys what about uh in between the outdoor bathrooms and Pavilion one there's nothing there is that's where the that's where the that's right that's right let's do that let's walk let's see what we can find you know where yeah it's crazy everything's spread up for sure we have the 10 trucks we'll have enough Suites and we have enough uh Refreshers so considering this you can help us with a DJ that'd be amazing the DJ you could count on it on us so from what time to what time do you need i' say EV starts at 10 I'd say at Le start at like 9:45 9:30ish up to 1 115 you know or 130 because it does run run that's fine also a is there a possibility for the trucks to stay open later CU they're already in place there to what how much you looking for like an extra hour hour and a half EXT couple hours I mean they going to end at 1 kind of like in the middle of the day already there you'll do till 3 so as long as possible they could push it since you're already there I know that there's no lights you have to also take into consideration that we after 1:00 there's also the breakdown of the of the um of the event right we're going to easily be well I can tell you I I will probably be there till the latest for your five right just I want to make sure that everybody there is uh everything is picked up I want to make sure the volunteers have been taking care of I want want to make sure that that you know the YF committee helps out in any way possible so I don't see why not okay I don't see why not right how much we're we're already selling tickets for Frankling for horses paining yes did we decide on selling them separately Right [Music] tickets there's a ticket for anything and not we talked about not doing joint greens like we had a ticket that was all three like so you guys did not $5 of ticket $5 ticket and this is a top ticket for each activity for each activity okay so so it's not a one ticket and you take it somewhere that's the only thing you can do okay so yous here's the thing here's the problem there's only a c what I think we should do is buy different color tickets and it's not just a ticket and you go to whatever you want if you buy a pony ticket let's say it's blue that blue can only be used for ponies because there's a certain limit of people that could go on each thing red for example could be for Bas painting let's one be for maybe we can vote that on the colors right now because we do have them I just want to make sure that I what are colors you have blue red purple orange blue do bright colors rede purple orang blue or red blue and orange oh red orange and blue red orange red we're doing what face P okay blue hores hores and orange for the um are we gonna put signs like like if we have enough money for signs we could put we can make a sign just with a ticket just a tiny one no no just a big like a yard sign with a picture of a TI ticket and what color that ticket is you put it there are people buying the tickets there they buy ahead of time I think they're buying it ahead of time so they cannot purchase at the dayas the day but if we hit that limit then so but the thing is is that how are we going to measure that if we're using the EV right it goes all through event right so if we make a transaction through the little thing go through breaks I'm I'm not sure to ask do you want to cap this I think we spoke about that yeah we spoke about capping because then what happened was was that there's people that purchased and they didn't could they couldn't go because you remember what the cap was guys that you we said that we have to talk to the vendors and see how much yeah how many people they could do per hour let's say or cuz they're oversaturated the amount of people in the line that's why we're doubling or quadrupling the face p [Music] with the we talked about capping but we didn't say what cap so we need to talk to the vendors the where you want me to speak to the vendors for to cap everything and the reason why I'm asking that is because you have to take into consideration that face painters if uh if uh if the the young lady or the young man is is offering to face paint Mickey Mouse versus you know versus uh versus who sure I mean one may take a little longer than the other so well they could give you an average that's the thing average they can give you an average on how many people dep I'm not I'm not 100% I'm not 100% on the capping but but I understand the thing is if you don't cap it then what then you have 10 million let's for no we're going to hit problem the same problem we had last year so what are we doing what we do we have to cap it why just sell it there like not buy it ahead of time it's easier for people to do online show so when they come to they show us they bought it online then we give them the ticket we check them in you spoke that we should have two separate lines because then we get the your phones and we could put event right on it and you guys could check in and the thing is once they check in you could look if they try to come back again it's already checked in you're not getting a but then that goes to the second issue a transaction through the thing is gonna go straight to inent and person I don't believe so so I don't believe so I I I we're gonna get the majority of the purchases are going to be through event PR think you for that I remember exactly I remember a lot of people showing up and they were like ticket they don't know how to do this year they can buy it on the right card only only I mean the tickets have numbers so if you like say like say for example you're on ticket 32 200 or something and you're only doting 200 tickets the minute you get to that number you're like I'm sorry I'm not like I would that makes sense I I just say make I think there's a way that you could charge through evate I think I've seen it before and we can just charge straight do EV with the SC we have to look into it but I remember and they added a if we cannot G to add that every time and then there was an iPad and we tried to connect it if we cannot do that would you guys want to consider capping it and if and if so you want to just talk about this and vote on the side okay I know that some of these I'm sorry um so I know I remember hearing from the face painting ladies and also kind of the petting zoo I mean yeah they allow a c C amount of people per certain amount of time so they have a certain rate they can go faster than that the the makeup people can go faster than a person every five minutes let's say so we can calculate that with four people hey they can only have in the amount of time from 9 to one or 10 to one they can only have this many people because if not we're going to have like last year we're paying them overtime to stay until two or three or four because we still have people who are waiting they need to tell you what it is we don't know I I was about to say instead of using the little Maita you can just make them all pay through R right I think we talked about this having QR codes of link and they you don't have a Q code I'm sorry you don't have to yeah we don't have to they pay for it then they show it to us and then we give them ticket that's cool so you want want to place QR codes on like three four T yeah but the problem is that sometimes they'll get sassy with us because they'll scan the QR code and then they'll stay in the line so you know what you do on the flyer you put tickets are purchased to revent break only in all caps and that's it and you know when they tell you something it's on the flyer print something I like that idea let's do let's do the money in that case so we're not using the square I think it's easier because then it takes time to process the payment the only purpose of the square or would be a purpose but it would be like for people that have cash but like know how to use EV what we had talked about last time was having two different tables in two different parts of the park so if they would pay with the square they would pay on one side and then the other at the other side so you want to eliminate the square and provide maybe three tables on three different areas to make it easier on life because if not then I think having a I'm let's just do so all right all right no problem so so we'll do that no no more squares and I'll speak to the vendors tomorrow and ask them what the cap is yeah the only reason I say that is just for efficiency just you here scan the QR code that's where you buy them and come then go to check in yeah because if they can pay with a card on they canay code yeah exactly so so here's so here's my other question they scan the QR code they pay then they check in and they check you that we have to log into the inite account we get there I can give you guys access make sure it's you have a wait but make sure it's constantly upda yeah but it just it just might get a little bit like oh the order I paid here oh but it hasn't come through yet or like something like that it might come a little bit the hospital a lot of people there that's another issue right there aing yeah if you if for some reason you L connection on the iPad something happens you know you're you know you're going to come you're you're going to come face to face with well I I I I did the QR code and I paid for it what do you mean I'm not there what do you mean you lady or sir you're not here and that's an issue for you guys as I don't want you to go through remember we're dealing with adults those ones that are pain at the end of the day it is what it is and they have to deal with what we have if they want to really write the pony they could go to event WR in paper I'm sorry it makes our life easier we're volunteers we're not being paid for this and it is what it is we could put it on the flyer the purchase tickets our tickets are to be purchased on event right only and that's it we have to put that we should put that in all caps on the flyer when it's a so this is where we're going tickets could be sold on event only except for obviously for example his are different bu so you can put tickets for homy rides petting zoo and face painting are to be purchased on event right only that's it that's it all right so we are going to set up a table so when so so when they so they're going to show you the receipt okay and a Committee Member each one just I say two fabl who to say that they don't they don't uh you know they don't um they all have order numbers so and and once they're checked in once you look up their name if they're checked in already sorry you're already checked in yeah they can use okay all right that's a great thing about so $5 a ticket the red is going to be face paint the blue is Pony rids and the Orange is petty zoo I will speak tomorrow to the vendors about capping uh this so we know exactly how many you can sell and then tickets are to be sold at a only and I'm going to put liit no tickets are limited yeah and we need to start posting this already yeah well anything else on it'll be on it'll be uh by Friday it'll be everything will be on there anything else the layout is fine we've already discussed the layout that's any we'll move on to item a old business the advocacy yeah so I'm going to ask that we push that to the March meeting and then we'll vote on the candidates then um and then I'm G to ask that we just keep on thinking any nominees until that point and then we'll decide at I know originally we had agreed to decide those um this month I've been a little busy uh but I'm gonna make sure to promoted I'm meeting with a lots of the students in the town next month I have an education Advisory board meeting on Monday so I'll make sure that gets promoted so we at least have at least four applicant so we can we can judge and then we'll make that decision of who wins at our next regular scheduled meeting can you send me the link and I can send out to send me send me a like a description and I'll send it in the you get more is your principle aware of this yeah yeah it's been for my C advisor I think sh is there any way that the principles can maybe reach out to local principles maybe I I'll send you just so we can get at least a couple of nominees yeah I get that reques motion I I'll I'll move to Extended deadline um all the way up until our next regular type of meeting and then so do you want to do you want to move it to the middle of March then like March 15 sure I I'll move to gives you about 30 days perfect I'll move to um to extend the that line to March 15 and then to select the winner at our next regular EIT meeting of March no second any a second any discussion see none all those in favor signify by saying I I any oppos s none motion we're good on that um item nine movies at the park I wasn't able to be there at the last one can we get an update from the committee on how that last movie work for that we needed do the little square thing that's perfect nobody had catch but it was very difficult who was at the movie and we got updates thank you how did it go how many people went you for upes yeah you what was the movie the movie was you guys were I I thought it was like it was smooth it wasn't a lot of wasn't lot of people very we got everything we pulled it out we sold and then we put it all back in did you give the money to earning I have the money I have your I have your your box you want so how much oh that's another thing I I I apologize we have another $400 we can move it to we can use that but remember remember that that money basically we made like 30 bucks cuz we Haven made 450 minus 400 for p or something like that right that's true about [Music] $37 well that money still comes back to the commit yeah it's well it's G to get used to you know to pay for so um regarding movies at the park for the next one when are we no this year we have one more no no no 2024 November well would be next budget year true true true I think something was referring to literally the year um yeah December January and and depending upon our our sponsorships Poss a possible I think about what if we disregard February because March is right around the corner and that's when we are preparing for this event which is our probably our biggest so why don't we do November December January I'm okay with just well just I wouldn't do November no CU Thanksgiving because of Halloween and then right after December and January well what about early J excuse me early we could do two in a month we used that's what that's what I was gonna mention we to do one every two weeks that's how we used to do it for how long like five months straight maybe do like 10 movies a year maybe 10 movies in a year yeah it was a lot more there a lot more people every movie had been this last event there was like 25 like it it wasn't at this point and maybe we make a decision not even to do movies the par anymore from being honest we do them TR make money or we just do them as an event for the town EV for the to EV for the town oh I don't think we should one of one of those vendor people yeah why are we selling pizza dude that's a waste of money for us so that's something we have to look into too is the amount of people coming even work his blue trucks coming out right is it worth Us coming out for 25 people no no it's worth so that might be something that we have to look at all I say one movie a year and then since he has so many you mean one movie a month no just one a year one one movie a year yeah instead of having like the three just one and then and making it like a dual thing with you know it's a food truck event like a bigger event movie making a big but it's a food truck EV why don't we do like a and then you bring Aon food trucks food like a food and wine buff for the families and the kids yes cuz they have that Food and Wine Festival for well so what I had originally and Ariana K contested this I've always tried to do this with the town and I've always gotten denied was doing a Christmas type of event with lights lighting up the park and decorating the park but found said every town I tell you every town has even putting up Inflatables I don't care put up Inflatables that's all they have we can look into doing like a little festival type thing almost like a food and wine festiv what I was going to mention was December is a good time to we do it early early December so welcome Christmas welcome H Market yeah like like a market at night like a Christmas Market do you guys I know you you work with uh food trucks you guys don't do um your your food truck vendors don't have tents or anything like that right you do have tents I have tents I sell honey jewelry okay fun like a little Festival Christmas festival like just make a obviously no alcohol but a family family similar to where we met you at at the at the church and then we just had a movie same thing that that was amazing and his videos are the ones honestly honestly that's probably going to be cheaper than doing movies we could probably we could probably even look into getting a real good movie big scre yes yes screen we can waste that that that that monies that budget on that one particular evening bringing snow machines we can make it snowbody and i' say if we do it let's say we do it in De summer like a Christmas or a holiday I don't know if you have any the portable ice find we have one somewhere they asked me for when I called you today for for the bunny for the Easter Bunny you know any character we have Easter Bunny costumes we have like 12 of them this is someone but yeah I have someone that has a train okay we should bring that that on that not in your Aral of things apparently you have everything do you also have like the things that that we're using now for this event like do you have can you get face painters can you get yes um absolutely you know the horses yeah yeah we have we have we have vendors already in our system that that do that so can we look into our resources too because I know the committee one time for the grams for their lighting ceremony for Christmas lights the committee sponsored a portable ice skating ring for that event for which one for which for the lighting of the tree lighting ceremony in Main Street Main Street the committee did that the YF committee we partnered up with them one year and we brought in a portable ice skating arena it's not real ice it's like plastic that you can scale on a special type of plastic sure or if you could find someone to that' be fun gu December I like starting to plan stuff early because if you don't then we're rushing I was saying I was asking that because like we're doing all this event price stuff this and that but if if your guys the people that bring already have a a setup then as a community we could do the eggs and it's still the town you know we're bringing the eggs but then get away from from all the other stuff and and allow them that already have it set up and then you know maybe talk about a lower you know because this is a cheaper right you know we try to make it cheap it's too late now for next time try to make it so that depends on whether you guys are trying to use it to race the money for the committee and and it does it add up you know because what you end up raising versus what someone could what we could charge a vendor to come in and do it themselves and then them charge a $5 then it eliminates the the problem that you guys are having with how to charge them when to charge them the line the ma customer you know you just if at the end of the day you're only going to make profits let's say uh $50 on that one person that was selling and and you know plus all the hassle you know it's not worth it it's almost worth it just to let someone give you $50 and that let them have you know of course I see that you guys are having a lot of problems I guess with the activities that amount with people if we add other activities that we will be taken care of it would alleviate the lines and and the chaos from the face painting from the egg hunt from everything that you guys have going on as well because it'll be a little bit more spread out so you know in the future I could do we have in our system over 200 vendors that that have food trucks or you know are vendors just for tents or vendors for activities for kids so everything literally like from face painting to characters to stages to lighting to sound we don't make any no no we don't really profit on any of our advant we really don't thing is it's hard to charge people for an event that is already paid for by taxpayers correct right but I mean you're not charging for the event you're charging for the activity in the event so charging for the egg hunt you know you're you're not exactly you're not charging for the main event which is the egg hunt and I mean when you go somewhere when you go like it's like us giving away the food free it's like it doesn't make any sense you're we're we're not charging it to be at the park to be in the event to listen to the music that we're providing the bathrooms the clean up I mean we go on a thousand things that we do that then to make you spend your own money if you want to but at the end of the day if you don't want to I mean you could come out here with your cooler and and and sit with your kids and watch them pick up their eggs and go home so exactly it's totally up to to them you know and people do just that there's some people that do it's they don't do anything else right and and you know and that's totally fine that's why the community does these events for that purpose speaking about I I was thinking about speaking about a train do we want to bring a train to Spring it's a lot of people that's problem who's going to be the Easter running I don't think you I don't think you'll say wor Cas scenario we could always have a volunteer provide them with a little bit of extra extra hours that should be so we'll go on more with the park it's obviously have to be for next budget Year yes but we're probably gonna have to plan before next budget year because if not it's right back to back to back budget year is October 31st really like or October 1st sorry yes so Halloween are first you on our BL um anything else regarding movies at the park or any suggestions anything like that no that was a really good idea for everybody bringing that together yeah so my recommendation is we remove it from our budget completely and make a new line item for that Christmas for that hot Festival just rename it we don't have to remove it we can rename it that's too I would I call it movie the part holiday festival or something like that I don't know holiday sure very veryy simple better than movies at the park that sounds no offense it sounds better than spring it has some it's a more General type of event name which brings people in more people are going to come to something that's called a holiday or a festival compared to of course movies at the park we have to make sure that we we don't run into any issues with the GRS Main Street does their own yeah but they do that for Thanksgiving this will be in December yeah okay just want to make sure we don't we're we be in December December and it doesn't have to be so far into December it could be the middle of December week of December something out we can bring people in and it could start it could start in the earlyish afternoon and we could have it till almost like what we do with Halloween we started at 4: or 5 until 9:00 yeah or 10 o'cl if you look at haia haia does every Saturday they have food trucks in their Park from like 5 or 4 in the afternoon till like 11 o'clock at night or midnight they're making a kill we should I think you had told me about that too but anyway I think we're good there any announcements mer I know you have a bunch your Awards nothing um yeah I'm going to kahase on Monday I was named the Florida children week youth advocate of the year so that's very exciting so I'll be attending a press conference with the secretary of education for Florida um that's excited missing an award and then in March I was named the 2024 National PTA outstanding youth advocate of the year so I'm being flown out to DC in March for that award ceremony so that's now you can do what I do and tell everyone about the award I because I have that award do I don't about it yeah I've heard about it a coule years um anything else anyone else doing anything exciting in their life um so I'm going to be uring training for the hsf um event in Los Angeles who they're flying me out March 20th so I won't be there March 20th for the meeting unfortunately um but I will be in La so that's also great um and then another thing is hsf also asked me to be the scholar speaker for one of their conferences in Miami to get more people to know about um what the fund is about good job anyone else doing anything exciting everyone's boring how about you I go to work and I come home and Next Period and I do this which reminds me actually you guys are going to hate me for this but I think we need to do this I'm gonna open up item or I'm g a motion to open up item by order do it's GNA be a quick item because we need to talk about it really quick sure it's coming up next week um I'm going to motion to open up item five wa a second the order of business I'll second a second any discussion seeing none all those in favor signify by saying I I the oppos sign motion passes all right I'm going to now another motion to add item 7A the first committee chair meeting of the 2024 or of2 do I have a second didn't here you can repeat sir Sor I'm MO um motion to add item 7A committee chairman second so on I think it's March 7th or March 4th after check the 4th Mond the 4th thank you see you no um there's uh there's a committee chair meeting meaning all the committee chairs come together to speak about issues that committees have I forgot to put it on the agenda that's why I'm adding it now because I just remembered this is the time for you guys to bring up concerns for me to bring to the town as well as the other committee chairs so we can work with other committees or bring up any issues that need to be settled anything on Committee of rules that you guys want to want Chang things of that Ma so that's your time to speak so I can bring it to the committee chairs as to town is there anything you guys want me to bring to them just that's why decid it's the same thing we always have we need more money and we need better advertis rocket more money better advertis we trust you we believe in you you know us believe in you we believe in you you got that that's the only reason I added it was just to get your feedback and if there's anything that needs to be brought up because you guys know I go in there and fight every meeting I'm the only one that speaks I know speak up all right that is it then I'm going to motion toting at [Music] 8:16 yeah