e e 511m all right we're starting this meeting at 5 what did you say 11 11 5:11 PM for special needs advisory boards special call meeting I'm Here Vivian present Julie here clarry here mlin here Francisco Francisco not here okay moving on order of business deferrals deletions additions anyone need to move anything add me adjust anything NOP nope you did you say you wanted me to put you want me to put the the gala payment on here or just leave announ just be an announcement okay in that case uh approval of minutes which I don't think we have any minutes to approve so any public comments we haven't gotten there yet oh wait yeah you're right my bad public comments would you guys like to speak no comments moving on um approval of minutes we have no minutes so we're moving on old business the Fourth of July sensory room okay I have it on here because meline said I need to put it on there what's your plan what's our plan I know you're not here I'm not GNA be here somehow you're supposed to get her the stuff I have it all in boxes ready for you who's going to be there who's going to help out what about volunteers so food um staff said that we will not be having volunteers because we do not have enough staff members on site to be able to oh to watch like not watch in s well just to supervise I thought that was our board our job right why don't we have the ability to supervise people we're not staff yes it's a liability so who will be attending I think maybe yeah but I'm checking in right now I'm TR to be there um we said the time that we would have the room available would be from something till 10:30 did we say 600 to 10:30 6:30 to 10:30 my understanding from cultural Affairs meeting on Tuesday um the events from 6:30 to 9:30 9 o' starts the fireworks 6 o'clock starts the uh DJ but at 6:30 is when we start the official event yeah I suggested that you guys get there at 5:30 for set up so let me ask why are we with the sensory room that far in advance of the actual fireworks I'm just looking oh it's not just that's not just the fireworks we have a sensory room that's open the whole time they have games activities they can come in there and get away from the so we need to have it okay so we need to have it open for three hours yeah with staff without volunteers no more four hours I have three open we you can have it from 6:30 to 9:30 3 hours right so at 9:30 right the fireworks is at 9 and this year as opposed to last year we have a lot of games for kids we got a bouncy house we got a nine putt golf thing we have um that cornhole thing there's a lot of Outdoors activity of Fun Zone that our sponsors are paying for so then 6:30 to 9:30 will be the time that we're going to have the cens room actually open you'll want to get set up at 6 so it'll be 6:00 to 9:30 yeah well we'll have to be 6:00 to 10: CU if we're finishing at 9:30 we need to pick up yeah six to 10 so technically six to 10 yes so I have you reserved um room one from 5:30 to 7 because there is sorry there's no worries yes it is concerning um I would assume it's not happening I will double check um because there's a homewor association meeting I remember but I thought and they don't know still by now I was going to say there's no can't be any homeowners meeting a party I wouldn't think so can some can someone reach out to them and like hey your next meeting is Fourth of July in the middle of our event I thought we had reached out to them it was mentioned okay so I'll reach out again and um room one only room one that's I don't remember let me see you had last I think it's the first one to the left yeah to the right yeah to the right to the right that has the partition we had the big big room where the petition open go on to the right where they have the bingo so that's room one I don't think the partition was there so I think we just use the whole room and I had suggested that the homeowners go to the room on the left if they really want to have a meeting in the middle a firework show you room one last we last year yeah there's another one in the back the bathroom big one and then there's a little one and a little one never back I think might be bathrooms there's bathrooms the room bathrooms and another room and then the two the large room on the one side that has the partition yeah that's what we always use now we use it without the partition you can just tell them that I said that they have to do it that way for for former candidate Council Council candidate John Roger said that this is how it's gonna be does that pull any we as a former candidate I mean it it sounds nice though so let's just assume that everything can be fine because Gabby's a a miracle worker over here she's going to fix it it should be we have room one no pressure so 600 to 10 is the time um I have everything all the toys and all the stuff that we have originally all in boxes they're in the clear tub boxes ready to go I checked on everything these batteries I have cord it plug and everything and I'm going to throw in a couple of extens boards for you too okay so when is the last day that you can drop that off at my house I'm here until Tuesday so I can take it to you now until Tuesday is what you mean or or this is your call I could leave it in my house and you could come by and pick it up I can unlock the button from from the house from my phone roommates if you leave it in what room I would say it would be B there's they have they run class they have they have other things going on Summer's going on my house if you need space no I rather youing so Saturday or Sunday or Monday or Monday or Tuesday Tuesday I would Tuesday Morning Tuesday morning because I work from home on Tuesday so home so Tuesday morning I'll bring it over that's perfect because but I have everything that we have originally from the original so I'm going to bring you the Wheeled cart so you can use it to P your car and the room the chairs you don't need and the table you don't need and the um pent you won't need so I'll leave those in the house but I'll bring you the two clear boxes that have all the toys and all the gadgets and everything and I have another box that's all the extra bags plus the bags that have the headphones in them still the only thing you'll have to build is the 14 bags that need the new flyers and the new headphones that we want and that's it and then the when you get the stuff from that we've ordered you'll get the what do you call this the the the drawing the crayon stuff that you'll put I think that's it and the bean bag chairs you were there last year right yes I I was you send pictur pictur I have pictures I have pictures I'm pict thank that yeah this year C feris has a lot of sponsors so they have a lot of things so I guess just ask um before we finalize it is there anything else that we'll need did all the things get ordered no because that's what I was confirming number one um well who would be there because that was one of the biggest questions that staff had Vian Jesse possibly Clary Julie okay so um and then with the things I know mine sent me the fidget finish um there's like like the spider looking one and then the other one and then the bean bags with the draw and the ear Ms was there anything else I don't know at that meeting I have ear Mouse headphones made lotion to purchase headphones bean bags the paper The Spinners and um we mentioned water oh well for the volunteers they're not going to be there so never mind well you water thanks okay we're gonna be we're going to be an Acy St anyway I don't know I think we have water what about wait AE don't we have water what about the signs signs oh the sh the signs that was another question okay so one at a time sorry go back I'm okay with being a little bit concerned over the stuff being ordered this or this late but the signs if we if we didn't order them by now then they probably won't be ordered time I would expecting them to be ordered immediately they take um about a week you thinking get a week that's good and I know we're really close what about the signs you need to know um now you know why I put this on the agenda I'm glad you didn't forgive me I literally thought we had dis voted on it everything was going to be done meanwhile who's going Friday tomorrow I'm going I'm going tomorrow I think we have two tickets of the tables too I just found a picture of Francisco standing in front of our tables it's like a I send that one too I'll send it along I know Josh is going [Music] Amador say he gador not Going's out of and I confirmed on Tuesday TI we do you want me to contact Ethan because he said that he wanted to go oh that's right no he was out of town he was out of he was be out no I think it was out of town for 4th of July look at you in your notes I love her I wrote a lot of things down let me see if I wrote that that he was so cute yeah I think she yes to something no to the the Fourth of July cuz he said no I'll and he said I'm sorry but I'll be in wherever he was going to be I'm like well that's not a bad thing okay well while this loads um the signs I believe are 12 by 18 um so yard signs you don't want any of the sandwich boards no at least not for right now at least not this this is probably going to be one of our fourth of July pieces that we just keep for Fourth of July on the sandwich board would be one of our like come check out this special news event taking place okay and the wording that was given here um maybe I just I wrote it down differently um but there's different there's sensory room sensory Zone sensory friendly room sensory friendly Zone probably sensory sensory friendly room and then we need to look at the flyer so we can no flyer there is no fire there you go it's only social media no no but there's something either the map is it the map the map the map I think has it you had it you have designed you two had designed it very and it was all good to go who had that design yes I have that but it's different the word so I just okay who's doing the who's doing the social media now for the town like the Facebook and Instagram it's still Andre Jonathan you mean Jonathan who's no longer here is Jacob right Jacob and why did we reach out can you reach out to them and just make sure there's no fly with a sensory name there's only social media and not an actual flyer and they have a which I just [Music] saw it says Mary Collins it a sensory room and then it has our logo that I did see in the map well I I had said we should do sensory friendly room or do you want to do Zone I don't care zone is what people usually call it but if if on the map it says sensory room let's just call it that yeah sensory friend well sensory sensory friendly room we said sensory room I don't that might you might confuse people like an exhibit instead of an actual place to go quite frankly is a little late to start changing the name whatever they have for us I you see social media these look looking these signs are going to go on for us for every year so I want them to be done right not done to what they M up or whatever they didn't do right why I said if we're going to make them let's make them once use them over over it's there I'm a story because I even question fact I think it sensory room because it fits on the sign very nicely in big bold letter sensory room and we had a little thing I I put a little thing underneath it that said at Mary Collins is that right I think I I think that's what we did is we said sensory room at Mary talin center with a big Arrow got do this okay Jo us also at this year celebration residents will find a sensory friendly Zone located within the Mary Collins Community Center for attendees who may need a break from the activities outside and then [Music] incl yeah okay and the new map has our logo somewhere I saw it sensory inclusive maryin community center sory no Facebook it was [Music] was I don't know what would be I like just PL all sensory Zone isn't that what you is that what you're used to reading when you like for example when you go into an air part it's sensory Zone sensory room I say sensory room sensory room sensory room sensory friendly Zone sensory room Pi one sensory room would fit sensory room one line I think on a sign sensory room versus sensory room or Z zone or room any thoughts over there zone or room pick one help us help us um what sounds better sensory room or sensory Zone Zone be friendly Zone they like z Oh She had she had the word friendly I kind of like Zone because if we ever actually have a Zone and it's not an actual room we l thanks we'll do Zoom I like the sensory friendly but the less on the sign the better so sensory sensory Zone sensory Zone Z you see you can put it you have those figures out did do we put anything underneath that or just the arrow what we said was that the arrow yeah I had a little bit of text underneath it that said at Mary Colin Center but you know what we could just take that out and just do sensory Zone with an arrow I think you had the arrow and then the logo you might not have put I'll check yeah I think that would be better not to have the rest of the wording because then we could use that any event we have so just sensory Zone and the arrow with our and remember the sign is reversed make it the more General we can use it later is it not reversed it's mirrored if this if the arrow is pointing this way on this side it should also point that way on this side we did this before joh you don't remember no I do I'm just double check it just we said mirrored well yeah yeah it should be mirrored they should have it should it should be this is the same as this side pointing both the same direction not yeah not like like this yeah it's just double-sided just double thank you now we're just waiting for her yes it's is it doing an update I don't it just wasn't connecting first to the internet and then it just wouldn't open any of my files so here it is sensory friendly room at Community Center is what it said well that's a lot to put on a sign yeah sensory just replace the bottom one completely and then make the big one sensory Zone to make it as big as possible why are we taking out the word friendly more space on the sign and is the fact that the sensory Zone make it friendly but is it gonna invite others that are not in need of a sensory room isn't that the whole point of it anyone that needs sensory relief Manny Lakes has it sensory inclusive Zone well I think it was called last I'm not sure I don't care sensory zone is only deci it's simple to the point that people can't figure that one out you know what maybe we should put Spanish on the other side last year showed up 11 a exuse thank you yeah let's do let's so let's do that what's it finally going to be our logo and what that's right since so oh seriously we're doing in Spanish it should say my goodness I'm Google you actually doing in Spanish no no no I was Jing yeah one side on English one side in Spanish I think that's perfect you think so you know how many people came up to us in Spanish yesterday or sorry last time we were there I think they would know what it is did they see the map look sensory is almost spelled the same as soral it's very close to it one and Y the other one I and zone is very similar yeah I think it's does it cost us anything to do this the thing is if they read it from the other side may not know what it is that's perfect yeah that's what I like beautiful beautiful Gabby red just change the text red yeah red on a white background yeah with the logo yes ouro I was it it's beautiful it has a black highlight around can our logo be bigger can the logo be a little bit bigger oh we really like to show ourselves out there a little bit can you make our logo really really big in the 10 business probably nine businesses eight business tomorrow yeah n bus okay okay we got that thank you so again the only thing that you should have to do before you get there or if you want to do it while you're there is to stuff the other 14 headphones into a bag and throw our goodies into it the other bags are already first we need to do is put the signs that's number one yes I'm talking about something house I don't think she's going to put the signs up in her front yard is she well you know we could start the sensory zones in in Vivian place when they come to our house oh you have at Mary Collins July 4th Flyers um I have good great okay beautiful Flyers same thing I have safety program M it was updated okay the other little ones I don't know if I have those we didn't need those we just needed the little the little safety program and we wanted it on the thicker card yeah oh did want was the QR code to be fixed on the little one oh yeah that one that's that's I'm not sure if they I think they should have fixed that one I don't know but that's cuz we tried it I believe and it didn't work cuz it was the old system the old website okay well they fix that okay really quickly so that exactly yeah want the 5 by seven I think it is yeah well like the police one the police one the hior paper police and you changed the name right safety program I have that changed that's what we needed a print out of that okay we done and you wanted how many we said a thousand I believe I can I can tell you we were we made a motion to spend no know how many were going to well right but because it came with the price for that yeah give me a second he made um $500 to print uh yeah he he just he just put $500 down but it was for about a thousand was for the Thousand because I think you all estimated would be $224 for the 5 by sevs so John made the motion to put $500 towards it at that if it was at that price okay a thousand um it was six uh yard signs yes the only thing that we you all didn't discuss was the sizing but I think it's um it's generic 12 by 18 I think what I was the regular size I have a bunch of them at my house would you like me to to measure them when I get home do they CH would you like me to put a few have mine you have yours still but if you want to get it back behind my couch you said to save them yes I forgot to get yours didn't I okay I got the boxes you I wouldn't collect everybody else's I just forgot you have one still okay anything else I'm sorry I want to go home I don't have anything I'm not sure water was only other thing to be ordered um what happened to the 24 pack cuz I only ordered 24 for this because we had a 24 pack I have about maybe 18 bottles at home from the stuff that we had left over the little the little ones from the it was from from the open house open house that went to the doil and we still have just about maybe 15 18 of them you want to buy more that should be you know yeah I say about snacks or something for us let's just get it let's just get another one cuz we're going to be there if someone comes in oh do you have water you know are we are we going to want a cooler there's some water we didn't we didn't provide water or food at the event last year because you guys could take a break and go to the food trucks and get whatever you'd like there's water in the in the water machine we didn't do any of that that's b y o b bring your own bottle whatever I can't believe we don't yes we did was four so did we have like that's really fun any staff there watching them last we just signed off on the paper maybe C am maybe okay I'm confused on that comment because I just realized cult far is paint a picture of her mom we had nine seven or nine volunteers and there was not one staff member there just saying there wasn't a staff member they keep changing the rules on me guys it's not my fault I I asked them because I did didn't have the contact and I was told that it was an event with a really large crowd and it was a liability issue because there was not enough staff on site so what does on-site mean specifically B yov is that mean Veteran Park that means that they're at the park at the event or they're on in the merry calling center well both well there's no one ever been in the center wait but aren't we volunteers well wait so right but so my question is seriously the staff members are not attending this event for for the town there won't be staff members at well they might be attending but not working the event yeah like so how many are working the event as far as I know we have communications which are two to three individuals so only two to three will be working about out of communication yes so by saying that is there another department that's also sending people or not that I so we only can use those people and that's well and you can't necessarily use those people either because they're doing other things yeah okay got okay well very good um in that case b yov bring your own volunteer okay and just call him a friend how about be your own volunteer CU that's what we are we were our own volunteers okay we do need to make sure that can email you talking points um I need whoever's going to be on stage for cultural Affairs I hear you I mean I hear you to please announce the um information about the sensory room made a note of it and told them to add it to their feeli thing perfect so and you said you wanted to talk too that's right I normally would just go up there and do it okay but um we have Vivian well we have Charles instead of I mean Charles be there he he he he's very outspoken well I was also going to email it to Manny I figured he would get out there and talk anyway right I'm sure he always goes up and says something right beginning yeah we just remind I'll remind Felicia and Charles hey please mention it again and I all right then that's all there is for for July thank you folks let's move on to the committee report all right attached to your agenda here is the comme report now the only thing I didn't make any changes on I can make changes on right now and give them to Gabby or the actual numbers they I spoke to staff and I was told that to just leave those numbers just when you you will be recording them yes okay I'll be back by then okay so when just let them know that these are the same numbers from the carry forward that you just put them there but there there has been no change that you are all requesting okay so look over the initial and events and the future projects and considerations let me know if everything looks closer to you guys get with Ian I sent him a messages don't think he replied now that you mentioned it so I'll send the and I got in touch with FR but BR hasn't P me back so I need to call him again too he he should be at the gall yeah that would be good because he seems like he was very like he he was all for the idea but he doesn't have enough time to talk to me about it I mean seemed like he was very distracted that day so let me talk to you tomorrow then you're welcome to make any changes to my speech as much as You' like remember I add love this anyway I just want to make sure what's written is correct I love it as a news I hate it I want it to sound like IR right not like put with all expenses covered by the sting and their board yeah he covered all the um the Gees right the uniforms yeah and we covered the rest right but they were we were going to pay for the GE yeah oh we were I thought he was covering that well he he he had a few hang out I think he said he had some so he technically donated something yeah I wanted to give him recognition so that the board can see oh hey it's not just some guy doing the program he also donated back to it help solidify our continuous okay but wait I think you should add my affairs e Okay g at the top you put sensei in our board and then in the middle you put that is fully funded by the board the dojo sorry we were able to give 10 spots to area residents in this program with all expenses covered by the sensei in our board and we look for and are looking at continuing the program in September following its summer break um animation [Music] this is yet another event fully funded by a board and we anticipated to return in a new future to join the Jo oh okay um in the third paragraph where it says we continue to do charity work with our community organizations at GG's no like no no no including hope for autism as facts and um card but we should also add you yeah and what part and what part of that sentence you and you put who are we working who we are um that's in the third paragraph I see I'll put it right I'm gonna put it right after hope for El yeah okay now the animation we're funding it not this is last time we didn't fund it no we didn't fund it it was through the something they fund it yeah I think I'm I I misunderstood but we funded like we provided the community we're providing the community center I don't know how to word it okay but it says this is yet another event fully funded by our board and we anticipate it to return in the near future okay let me take that word if I can find out where it is because I can't see a third paragraph about fourth sentence Down Start was funded fourth one yeah third third paragraph two three go to the left fourth sentence down starts funded there it is this is yet another event fully funded by our board not fully funded just say another event put on by our board you're taking out funded yeah well you don't have to worry about well I guess just yeah you might have to okay this is yet another event put on by our board and we anticipate it to return the near future to join the dojo and our ongoing dance programs with ar ex options professional needs Community God that's aong sentence yes it I just so used to reading I literally typed this as I was speaking um I can read word bit hang on and awards you could say this um this program helps to solve the gaps discovered instead just putting helping put a period after the word communi stop that stop that thought there and then start over with helping to solve the gaps and so you can start that sentence by saying gotta inad this program or these programs assist in solving the gaps discovered these programs assist in solving the gaps discovered by F report period comma actually okay you got two commas in that sense that's a r no I just I just ended that sentence you said especially in community period okay then th these programs help to solve the gaps discovered in which I okay assist to help I have to use both of you say these um programs assist to solve the gaps hang on this is another I are we solving gaps or filling gaps you solve gaps I feel like you fill gaps we F no I think you gab I think you saw this process I got a process I need to think about this sentence before I lose it this is yet another event where what do you think about this this is yet another event where we are able to partner with an organization to help bring more activities to our special needs population what is that the the animation I don't know if they're an organization though well because it's the cultural Affairs it's an organization it's it's the it's a generalized term read the sentence for me again please this is yet another event where we are able to partner with an organization to bring activities to our special needs populations yeah what other word were you Mak sense but you know what it's the Mami cultural Affairs but it's also the all kids included so maybe the all kids included would be the organization there's the idea is what we what we've been preaching for the last couple years is that our Partnerships with organizations help us make these things possible no no no no so I could mention them I could actually mention their full names you want me to mention the our partnership with the organizations such as the Miami B County cultural Affairs and what was um tap the tap the the was something yeah I like that go ahead and mention it if you're going to mention it you're say want you mention that helps so it what it'll say then is um so I'm making some slight adjustments here so this will say we also launched our highly anticipated adult animation classes through and it's all kids included Miami yeah hold on um we Al start how animation classes through Miami day County cultural Affairs and were able to not only include of the 12 participants but we also celebrated their Milestones with an awards presentation in the town hall Chambers took place on the 20th okay then it says for the Miami cultural Affairs yeah I did that and then also our kids including myam you want me to include that in the top one or the bottom one well it's the same thing well I get to the bottom one the bottom one's going to have it again so this is yet another event where we were able to partner with organization like these okay okay I want to read this just really quick it says all kids includ in Miami accessible Arts experiences for kids is an initiative of the Miami day County Department of cultural Affairs that promotes inclusive Arts and Cultural programs so that kids of all abilities can participate for Arts so so there a division of the cultural Affairs still organization of own it's fun we're an organization saying so I'll just so we lost our we launched our highly anticipated adult animation classes through Miami dat County cultural Affairs and all kids included Miami and were able to include up the 12 participants and celebrated their Milestones with an awards presentation that took place in town hall Chambers on June 20th this is yet another event where we were able to partner with organizations like these to bring activities to our special needs population and we anticipate it to return in the near future it will join it will he will join the dojo and our ongoing dance programs with arts for autism a for autism as town of mindes options for our special needs Community these programs help to fill the gaps discovered from our fi FIU report okay and then another one there is hope brism s facts we had ggs in front of uh s fact and then we'll push sfax and un card to the right who we are working with right now okay I've got that block anything else in that block yeah after after that where it starts in addition to those programs we continue to do charity work can we get rid of do charity and just say we continue to work with our local community organizations I thought you didn't I didn't hear you read to me oh okay yeah where is it I'm after FIU report which was completed when I first joined this right now over or I go home and T you have until next week okay I'll do it tonight because I don't want to forget okay when you use the word Milestone that sounds more like a a growth word instead maybe just put accomplishments Milestone is something like will over or walking second sentence third just accomplishment yeah7 years later you okay with that that's fine okay so did you catch that getting rid of the yes local community organizations perfect getting rid of Charity anything else in that block of sentence she said changing he he what record breaking the painting with the oh but it was compared to all of our previous ones it was the biggest one we've done it's true we actually rented out the whole facility I'm with you John I like it like it our turn to brag there you yes the part where it speaks on the WAP the wording is a little I don't know we're also looking into a donated WAP that sounds like that's [Laughter] I'm left off the word v evidently twice we're looking like a donated R from Jersey M it's it's too tiny well and we sh will to donate a rap I mean I get it but it's just doesn't I don't know if you know what I'm saying yeah I know you explain it but it sounds a little yeah like okay because we're putting donated twice like it it tells like we're kind of saying the same thing twice within the same sent yeah we are I did put it in there twice you word a little different though okay okay so I will fix that second sentence just saying we should go to one of our town cars yes I would like to say that we are getting a donated rap that's going to be those barber shops like what they so R so this guy that owns a barers shop is gonna donate a WRA to us to put on a car wait a minute how you put the sandwich on top of the car wait it's a giant sandwich as long as the car [Music] Miss com after workshops I wasn't a laop thank you I like seeing people laugh everything else good should should there be safety programs workshops right doesn't sound right safety program workshops me up mad that's right you're you just have a lot of commas in that one sentence like so you have the auth bike ride back in April do you have to say back in April or we just say April don't to say anything you just say Au of bike ride that's fine and then period and then Capital we co-host our annual um annual autism Safety Fair with our for autism and period we also hosted just just there's like everything there's a bunch of comments can you just want the reason why it's a bunch of comment is because I'm going to read this the presentation is in person so I'm reading this to the council that's why that's why it's written this way okay it does sound like a conversation so I exactly okay now I'm following I always put a copy of what I'm going to read so that if they don't hear me or understand me they can refer to it and then I just write out what I want to see and then these guys what they do is they basically look at it and say John you can't say that John can't that okay co-producing an Autism back ride oh hosting or annual the Fourth of July in here yeah better be I swear I wrote it in there I by the time you give this that would have already happened I think I'll shorten down some of the longer term projects language and that way it's not so long because maybe I put a lot more info than I need to actually read yeah not only that but worse but wait there's more and we and we did this then and we did that then and just we don't going to tell them when we did it we just that we did it Ethan wants to know what a black ENT huh Ethan wants to know if it Black Tie regular suit is funny but if he was his black tie the Mas are are you dressing up tomorrow a lot you're finally gonna sit with us or you be sitting with the g whatever event person thing is no I'm sitting with you guys oh then we don't have two tires two seats open oh even with you that's too yeah my husand you gon be Su right I'm wearing a t-shirt and shorts t-shirt and shorts lovely he's joking I'm not dressing up too much I I don't even know what I'm dring qu pants for me okay this that part of the let's get back on task here so are we good with what he's written and and and how does that work do we have to prove what you've written to be able for you to to read it is that why we're here today yes so was well you well we can vote to accept it with the corrections that's right we vote to accept with the corrections I go home and tap them up and then send them to Gabby and she send them to the council anding bomom so we on the last paragraph all right we I took out in the last paragraph we're adding the word vehicle W and I'm taking out in which they're willing to donate a vehicle WAP I put it in there twice okay that only that but we're okay so more safety program work shops more pain like comma more painting than the twist events comma part parting parting we're parting are with the party that does not sound good partnering partnering partnering partner well you know I just I decided as a as a as a committee we can no longer work with the gr company because they no longer have cows in this town without cows we can't do anything partnering with the grand comp to host seminars for our residents Which special need coma and getting our art of autism dancers on the main for autism capitalized capitalized and I think maybe that last whole part of the paragraph I can St for this year Festival the the um the developing work workshops working with the gram companies let's just take that whole thing out yeah because that's already on the yeah I agree but I will mention that we're working to get the arts for autism dancers on for stage main stage main stage because we did great with the last one but I want us to be on the main stage you want us to because then also if they approve it then we're like the council approved their committ report so let's my that yeah it's in there right you know the council approves that we said we have to be a the M St and now I have yeah and honestly I can take this out too because honestly he's gonna be sitting there I'm probably gonna add one that any should we add for our initiatives for the art the arts for autism and to participate in next year's think do I'm going to remember the name the end of the the end of your show that we had for karate that they have for the the recital thank you that's the word should we put that I mean they well not the doo class but the dance class had a chance to participate this here but because you so short notice they that's why feel like as an Initiative for next year then they could both participate when is the recital it usually happens in June towards the end of the year yeah we want so that way their future yeah that would be yeah definitely because who participate now are the dance group from the town like the not the arts for autism but the the one and then the so now we'll have one special needs are inclusion which I don't we have to do everything order time good thing is that sometimes no I I that's why we're here guys that's why we're here that is our Gabby has to know that half the time she finds out about this stuff even from us she's like it's just the town they don't remember these things the rest of the people in town don't remember because they probably have a 100 thousand things to do do in their mind and they don't think about it but I think they're becoming more aware which is awareness we're creating that awareness space wait if we're creating the awareness can we take money from the awareness bucket and pay ourselves for that you know what that's that's of that well I was gonna say we really appreciate all that you guys have done and this committee report looks great except for this last card where you money out for yourselves someone just to pay for all this after effort you know they even yeah all right so are we moing to approve it with fractions ex second all those in favor congratulations you made your first motion yes name robertoger oh his name's Robert or Bob you call I call name is I didn't know if you needed the corrective okay uh we can right not yet we have announcements oh sorry any announcements I have announc it's not really an announcement it's a comment but you guys I am so proud of us for today like really agreeded to cry when she was talking about all the students and the students were expressing themselves their feelings that they were so happy that we gave them the opportunity that they were able to start and finish something they felt accomplished they felt proud of themselves yeah so like yeah agree it was fabulous I love I wish the other three didn't miss well I guess it was two because I one came at the end to get it yeah it was awesome and what they did was amazing um their present their their final products were amazing so I would was really cool and the the movies and everything worked out fine you know I we did you oh that's right we were G to talk about doing another one so we' be putting that on the agenda for next took get more details how many weeks and that we should probably to do it beginning of aets before school FS back in session right I thought we would add it to after when everybody settled in yeah is better some people are still taking vacation and all that the lady that came one of the ladies that came told me that she was so thankful because there's nothing like this for her kids and it's during the summer and they're stuck at home with nothing to do so think about that I'll put it on the July agenda and we can make up a date whenever we want to do it but we have to see what they can do what they can do yeah he did recommend doing it Tuesday and she said and she did say in Her speech it's a fall she he said um she said Right Said She Said fall she did say fall who did um cine Catherine Catherine Catherine okay I think we're talking about two different things yeah we're talking about animation the movies talking about the movie the movie from animation or a separate movie oh I understood it was the animation Class movie yeah movie oh I heard someone the movie the animation movie Oh I thought that's what I thought I thought when you said the movies turned out great I was like yeah that was a good event yeah what I so you were talking about I talking about animation movie that we had today EV they're coming back they're coming back at the the fall what I was suggesting that we do another movie day for friendly movie at this theater in August before school starts put on July I'm sorry that's what which movie sorry if we catch it in time this is to you guys if we catch it in time they still have a summer movie series thing going on right now where it's a dollar something $1.75 for tickets I think it's Tuesday Tuesday I don't think it's a good idea because it won't be sensory friendly right it's full of Camp of campers little kids what I asked I should have Harry har we allow he told me that we could if we booked out the whole thing they would book out a theater for us on that day at 10 o'clock 10 time as the regular deal but we would get the $175 R we could we could get 100 tickets that sounds great at a dollar a piece it wouldn't be1 no we don't want to F it up right you know what I think we had a perfect amount put it on the agenda we can do it and people will come if you provideed people come it was just a thought because it would be less money now if you don't care oh that's right it would be during the week so like I can't of kids and they don't do the show at night we do another Saturday I think we should do a Saturday I think it's more accessible I'll put it on the calendar for July when we meet in July let's see if we can vote on it we'll either do it at the end of July or beginning of August okay is it's not hard for us to set that up it's very simple yeah I think beginning of August to give it time to be able to promote it and you had an announcement um yes I don't remember if I asked I think I might have um for your July meeting it's on July 3D I think we said we switched it no we said we'd have it but if we didn't have quum oh remember you saying that yeah yeah yeah because then if we changed it then there was a situation with the I know cult Affairs had to move their meeting Poss I know there was something so we're like okay let's just do it the same because I remember you asked what's like why you me back yeah what is your question we kind of she wants to know if we're still having I can't be here for that remember can be here so we know if we have form or not oh well he's not gonna be here hold on do we well it depends on Forum that's just it who's running who's running the meeting if he's not here it would be Vian VI will you be will anyone else be here from those of you who are here I should be three yeah I mean what day of the week is it Wednesday yeah so you have four as of right now so you should be okay right give it there are you okay with us coming to Mee no it's terrible what a horrible thing just let us know just let us know what you want on the agenda you can always watch it yeah well you could you could live stream it on the airplane I just can't no I won't be in there I'll be at home I'll be able I'll be at my mom's house I'll be able to watch it but you have to stop your vacation and watch our I can do that I have watch make sure I'm gonna call you I'm gonna call you caught up I wish they would I wish that the town would allow for me to be on the phone to be able to talk with you guys I don't have to vote on anybody M where's that mute button get that mute yeah that's fine with me if you guys want to meet so the only thing I I don't know what else there's some carryovers from last meeting that need to be put into this agenda which we voted on to carry over and then the uh movie theater thing we would add to the upcoming yeah we did a few items that would be pretty much it okay okay sounds good and you also mentioned that you got a hold of the lady yes for ticket for yes I pa over the phone um so that's good I just have the list of I just sent her the list Ethan going oh nice one ticket Ethan mlin um William Gonzalez Julie John Robert Vivian K Matt and and you I will not UNT but I'm sure you'll all have a great time those of you who are she doesn't socialize with outside this building I know I can't get her to do that wait a minute should I invite bur up oh my are we still recording I want to text her right now pleas our can we adjourn the meeting sir let's adour the meeting uh yeah we should like toour the meeting uh what time is it I'm motion to adj the meeting at 6:16 p.m. second all those in favor I meeting over and okay so you are still and