##VIDEO ID:XrF6_YUUVDw## comments and uh we really cannot vote on anything um what we'll do is we'll discuss those issues so that way when we meet again I may have call a special call meeting we need to get this done we have to get it voted um so for the reindeer um make I call for special call next week what's next Thursday look like I have dates for sub committee that pushes it into the thir week 12 that's THS is a budget hearing and there's EAB meeting from 4:30 to 6:30 EAB e m can we have 6:30 afterwards sure I Okay so cuz we need to we need to get these things approved for the reindeer I won't be in town you won't be in town no but I mean I'll leave youself I guess what's that I can make do everything it's okay no I mean I know it needs to be voted on um so I'm just worried that it will be short again you know that we're getting so big that we need more just have how about Monday um Monday looks Monday will [Music] be 5:30 5:30 okay we'll do that we go on the record and then we'll vote on that okay all right this meeting's call the order time is 18:37 um we have to do some amendments and modifications to those admin errors I made I no template um since we can't get through the roer that has a wrong attendance roster I'm going to um make a motion right now to uh amend the roster the roll call roster and the dates to reflect 2024 and the roll call roster to reflect the current membership since I used last year's template I apologize the agenda was not changed I submitted the administrative changes to the days on um Tuesday morning but apparently that was not enough time to just to have them replace it just for administrative uh spread Reserve um so uh the motion on the table right now is to modify the administrative issues of the roster and the date um can I have a second to that motion you can't can we vote no we can't vote all right I mean whoever the roll call is whoever's here I mean the the formality of it is so we got it we got it okay well then we will enter the incorrect R call number all right let's stand up with the pledge ofg flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sil please be seated all right public comments we have bunch of public comments I'm going to start with you Michael thank you very much uh Mr chair it's a real uh pleasure to be back here so nice to see everybody again um my family was the uh recipient of the uh veterans uh scholarship award that was a result of the hard work that you had done uh with the reindeer run and so uh the the girls uh you know I tried to get them I think Jonathan had said there was a uh paper check that was going to be given out at some point but uh with three of them in college uh now one's doing a graduate degree at um one's at uh University of Central Florida in Orlando and the other ones at um um Broward College and so uh you know they they you know the the they were encouraged to uh put in the uh you know for the scholarship and uh and there probably there are times when I would have said n guys don't but I said yeah yeah why don't you go do it and uh because having I have to be honest being retired and having three girls in college at the same time is a little bit of a drain regardless of you know uh one standing so I just wanted to come by they they all wrote cards but uh I wanted to put them in the mail and I knew that they wouldn't get to you in time so I uh well I mean I think we're supposed to do a formal presentation I mean we even got the ridiculously large check yeah yeah but I I uh I I had really encouraged them to come down and say thank you I didn't want to let another month go by I think we picked up the check uh in July sent out yeah oh I think you did you pick yours up no I got that got sent in the mail I think kind of middle of July get but yeah okay and uh but oh I yeah I saw the back I saw the back I'm not saying that I don't trust government bureaucracies I'm just saying I know government no they have gone out they have gone out right before the committee had asked to see if we and I got to tell you uh Michael it's because of the groundwork that you laid as chair of the veterans committee and kind of the ethos that you made uh let's take care of our own in this town and you know I said you know why why don't we start giving every veteran in this town who has a kid in college or in high school or in trade school or in culinary school or in nail polishing school or whatever they're doing money so their kid can attend and because of people like Judy and headquarters Toyota the scholarship we gave out is the largest scholarship amount in Miami Leakes Bar None it makes you know the grams don't even come close and uh not even close four gr and so I mean I think they had like a $1,500 scholarship ours was combined over $10,000 every family getting over $2,000 and it and it didn't matter about the child's GPA or what school What mattered was what you did as a veteran for our country and for our town we're honoring you and by honoring them so but you set that ground with Michael and I really want to thank you well thank you very much it's uh as I said uh it's a greatly appreciated it really is an honor and I know uh in particular the amount of effort that went into it it wasn't you know nothing against corporate entities that can write a check because God bless them we wouldn't you know be able to survive without them but the amount of effort that went into it uh individually and specifically there was a couple of people that were uh you know intimately involved and Judy I know took the uh the bull by the horns two years ago and just ran with it and I just wanted to say as I said I tried to get the girls here I said you know what I really want to make a point of thanking the veterans committee uh specifically and uh you know one was in school one whatever so I said all right I guess I'll I'll go do uh the work and represent the family so I just want to say thank you very much it was greatly appreciated and uh it's definitely going to good use so thank you that's exactly what [Applause] we for everybody read well I I'll be fair I guess this will I don't the girls probably won't see it but uh one of their handwriting is absolutely atrocious and I said you know what I think I'm going to take it rewrite it and I'll sign her name but then I said that would be very inauthentic so I said okay like that's on them so I I here they are I was going to stick them in the mail so they can come through and then you I guess bu all right thank you Mike would you mention anything about the 911 um I didn't it wasn't I mentioned it to the chair um I think being taken care of I mean I think part of the challenge is that then it's raining all the time you know so you know this they're talking about the Goldman School wants to set up the flags anyway on their own as a because they got a lot of kids and they need to get the community out and we're like hey whatever they that's a great thing to do for Community hours and set the flags and and they were trying to inventory how many flags were not were serviceable and how many were not and what do they need to buy Etc um but mother nature and the weather has not cooperated and so it's I think you know eventually they'll get to around to it though but thank you Michael thank you very much for everything I can uh if I I may Mr chair the uh the um we got a call I got a call last week about the vet about putting the flags up on Veterans Park I said oh no no you're talking to the wrong person that's not me and they said no no no we recognize that the veterans committee is not doing it anymore I said well okay I wish you guys the best I know it's going to be fantastic and long story short uh one of the uh mayoral candidates sponsored the flags to buy Replacements and they're going to put that out not as a ceremony but just as a monument to the fall as a monument to the fall and and they're going to leave it out there for a week or two so you know I mean the uh September 11 ceremony is now being uh managed and uh done by the Public Safety Committee so you know which should be because they're the ones who had all the have all the first respond no I agree I I don't I don't think it's a slight at all I I I'm remember thinking the same thing that somebody else but I thought it was good that a Grassroots level the town Town's people said we'd like to put it up and not have it turn into a big event that requires um a lot of resources but just as a visual reminder you and it'll be a nice thing if it continue that'll be great and that was a miss Ino who you might remember from Barbara Goldman and I think um I don't know I don't know what Josh die's involvement was but I know Tony Fernandez had contributed so I think there was a a couple of them contributing we have have at the [Music] station anyway sorry I didn't mean to thank you don't worries uh other public comments uh no I don't know if there a time uh some of the folks are here from American fishing with America's Finest back in 2022 uh host event remember remember veteran commemoration 50 year anniversity this coming year 2025 will be real 50 Anniversary of the Vietnam War the end of the Vietnam War and they're trying if you like the speak NE or B uh Ron green member of American and Neil spearheads and he's a member of the board Ron welcome sir welcome gentlemen thank you well just briefly you know uh in uh 22 or three years ago you guys assisted us with doing an event in the honor of the Vietnam Vets uh there was some confusion because the committee was titled the 50th year commemoration of the Vietnam Vietnam War next year will be the 50 the actual 50th year anniversary so we're coming back to you guys once again to see if we can partner to do a bigger event because this is a national initiative that's going to be put on um I gave everyone the um brief information sheet they can read it and catch up on the history and while while we're here and in the essence of time I'm just going to let Neil go ahead and talk about what we're going to attempt to do okay thank you ladies and gentlemen I'm captain Neil Stark before I go into this I just we' like to give you a little synopsis about our program fishing with America's Finest has been in South Florida for over 18 years uh 2019 we won a life changer award here in South Florida for over 5,000 credited rotations through our uh therapy piscatorial therapy fishion therapy and uh we are the largest program of this kind in South Florida and we're the only true non-for-profit uh there is no salaries in our program so all the funds that come into our program go out to do exactly what it is that we do and that's to uh rehabilitate wounded Vats suffering from all war related issues the event that um we're talking about uh this is a little diagram of what we did uh this is Veterans Park and this is the corner I don't know if you guys could all see this is the corner uh where the gym is um we had set up tables all along the walkway there for all different veteran organizations to come out that support vets U not only here in the city but um in Miami so we had all tables here things L and um we set up tents here for lunch uh we had a bounce house um we had a bounce house over here registration we had a a table set up for speakers uh for people that spoke we had the mayor come out uh some congressmen came out um uh I know the p uh Miami Herold came out um Miami Lakes newspaper came out but um we got permission from the GRS and we used the lake across the street and um the gate here was real easy for the Vets to to have accessibility to the lake and uh we set up a tent here and uh with all our fishing gear and stuff and the vets were able to um fish along all along the shoreline here with assistance from our people um I don't remember exactly the number but I know we had over 200 people at this event it was very successful um we did like a little fishing turn tournament if you would uh first place second place and they won awards and uh with all our events we do a free raffle we had a bounce house set up for the kids popcorn and cotton candy um we provided lunch for everybody drinks um and all the equipment uh needed to have a a successful event um we would like to do something very similar to what we did uh roughly about 2 and years ago when do we what month did we do it April April it was April you thinking about the same time about April yes sir March April yeah um and as I recall you had fishing rods and stuffbody fishing rod I mean not just the veterans but I mean some veterans brought their grandkids and kids and have fishing rods for them and provided lunch as well for everybody yeah how how the program works is the Vets obviously get to go fishing but they get to bring whoever it is that they're comfortable fishing with you know some of them like to bring their kids their spouses family members um but we have enough rods and reels and equipment to up to 200 people okay and what do you need from us um well when we did this uh two and a half years ago we funded that program uh that event uh entirely and and this time we would like to see if it's possible if we uh do the same thing but have Miami Lakes assist us with it uh this time do you have a dollar figure in mind um I did present it did I give it to you I have that okay say it on the record we um I I don't have it uh I could look it up it was $5,000 the last time we did it it's a little over it's a little bit over yeah I added it and receipts could be provided for everything that's spent and um you know the funds would go to uh to lunch to lunches um a most the equipment we have um uh Bounce House cotton candy popcorn machine uh drinks tables we to the tables chairs yeah we run the tables chairs so folks could sit down and we actually had the VA come out as well representative to you know give actually um yeah yeah now we're lucky we have an actual VA representative on the committee nice um yeah yeah that that sounds great I mean let me figure out the money issue so I'll say I guess since there's no quum I guess there can't be any formal you know adoption of there's a lot of time though which yeah we got some time and we got to do a lot we got some requests for information we got to take a look at our budget yeah we got to take a look at what we got and you know the other commitments we have and then and then you know come together and figure out uh you know what we can do um I think what we can try to do uh is at least at the special call meeting once if we have quum vote on securing the area for a date in April do you have a date specific Date Line in April no we're fible yeah okay so that's at Veterans Park that's 82 right there that's across this is Graham's property where we funneled in we basically took that corner basically and it's really nice cuz it has a sidewalk and the reason we chose that is for vets that aren't able to roll through the grass or move through the grass they they're able to access this with the with the walkways yeah like I said we have VA we had like out here we had um just companies that you know want to came out and uh yeah I remember that so I think what the Gunnery Sergeant yeah we we'll figure out is uh what it takes to uh you know as far as funding it see maybe we can find some sponsors to that we have our our rind gear run is uh December 14th maybe we I have plenty of sponsors that will donate their their Booth so if you want to come and and take one of those donated booths and show for that make sure you mark for you maybe but it it was a very successful event and um all right no I know it was I was there it was fantastic yeah so yeah I would like to make it happen and and I think folks here would like to make it happen it's just a matter of figuring out you know getting the money getting the spons we'll figure it out last time I think you you got money from the state also right uh actually um uh back in uh I want to it was right before it was before covid we actually Miami Lake sponsored uh made a donation to the program and and we chose to use those funds here in the city was it was it from the we we had there was the veterans committee I believe was it from we we had whatever whatever money that we had generated from something you provided okay you want me to give you my card too sure sure and and I got to tell you we'll take a look at the budget Monday you know so Jonathan bring please bring the budget because I December I have a sense we have some money and uh and then see where the Gap is and see what we can come up with sure I wonder um this is off subject but you know when you're I was listening to you about the kids that need community service hours um our program has always L looking for young people that want to give back to the vets and during community service hours a always to come out to the events help out whether it's giving out water help serving food or um just assisting you know someone getting from A to Z yeah I know I last time we had the Young Marines out there and they pass out food they set up and they' did a lot of stuff we'll have them out there again in April you know to help out again we we uh we have three different High School groups that we work with it's important to us to share with the youth um you know the sacrifices that our people make well I appreciate it Captain thank you thank Youk thanks for your time thank you all right right along with public comments I guess that's hi so again thanks for having us Girl Scouts troop 902 and we're here Victoria and Alexa with their um silver award project Mission positive impact we're actually here because um we reached we communicated with I about our September our proposed event C adoption event and she suggested we connect with you guys um for that as well um I don't know what her train of thought with that is but I mean I had already thought about connecting with you guys because you're amazing and in service with their project um but we have come to a position so the girls thought that it would be a great idea to have our event so first off we have our date which is September 28th yay you have one in November too don't you the the veterans parade with you guys okay you guys talked about two events that you so right now we have scheduled for four better even better we have September 28th which is their sole event um with the town at K9 Cove and then there's October 19th with the me with the mental health task force that's still in the works November 3rd with the veterans parade with you guys which was the original idea and then you guys asked us to also will do the reindeer run yes so that would be our four events awesome and what's going to happen to these four events um for when you guys yeah uh we would offer first um knowledge right just giving out information to the community about adopt don't buy um the benefits of of having a pet especially for the people who need it as a companion or a service animal and perhaps just provide some kind of information for guidance and also offer the pet adoption if we're able to have those at the events which we're still working on with I we should be able to have it at our EV at the reindeer run that shouldn't be a problem dogs we had a we have a farm right so about the farm yeah about the farm I brought to our attention that dogs are not necessarily allowed at the at the parks par but chicken yes but dogs no I know so she's working on ites she advised chicken V she advised that it is a special permit that's pulled for the farm but it may also include the the dogs so she's working on it and we'll know more okay cool you one of you guys called me right did you call me you called me okay and I said to reach back out like I was crazy when you called me yeah it was after Labor Day and I've been super busy I just started a new job and so I'm sorry that I Haven no no call me again yes I will reach out to you tomorrow so what we were here for today is to talk about the September event and how we can kind of collaborate on that to um bring some veterans over um put the word out and also to see um how we can get some help with securing a DJ which is the only thing we kind of need right now it would be nice to kind of just you know pump up the vibe and try to get the community to come out okay I don't know if it would be money or if you guys know DJ that's willing to offer their services because our budget is it just it the event is only your event right it's just going to be your adoption event it is just us not tied to a committee it is with the town directly because they are the ones giving us the the location where is it at K9 Co the dog park okay so you you were looking that you mentioned you were looking for cat3 to $400 yes I would advise that their normal fee for a DJ is about $300 or $400 you can get a full list on that do you have do you have a I think have [Music] a a djet dog lover he'll be you know he'll be turning the tunes Benny Goodman be great um so we're going to be putting together a flyer and I'm happy to share that with you guys um we just haven't had had an opportunity to do it just yet um but I mean it seems to be rolling on and I'm your program is doing really well I mean really there's uh I know that the uh mental health task force is trying to make you the recipient of thing and uh and I know that the American Legion is planning to donate some money to you oh that's awesome because our community donations have not been Stellar um tomorrow tomorrow I'm going on a on a begging trip on a begging with with Pedro yeah so I I know they're going to give you some money get some awesome yeah so I mean we do have enough at least to cover like those plum packages that we that the girls want to give out at the first adoption event but then obviously for all the other events we would need more funding and we haven't been able to secure the other things that the girls wanted was kind of um being able to give grooming to the to the new pets and maybe a vet and some boarding which um I think is going to help with one of his contacts Yeah well yeah we um you know one of the things I wanted to do and we'll probably do at a special call meeting if we have enough to vote is I want to create a subcommittee a permanent subcommittee on service dog and Equine Therapy animals for the veterans committee and uh because uh it's something that just we haven't really read you know dealt with and there's so many folks who want to help uh I was in West Palm Beach at this place called Big Dog Farms and they provide free training they're funded by the VA because of the PA's act PA's act allows you know for service animals to be trained for any service member and expanding the list to those who suffer from any amount of PTSD you know 10% PTSD you get a service animal and they will train the service animal for a veteran for free and it's in West Palm Beach and so I'm working with some folks who are at the VA cheese BR and Che and so there's a VA hospital at West Palm Beach you know and so we're working those issues and we're trying to replicate the relationship that we have with those folks in West Palm Beach down here in Miami and they're actually building a facility that will house and it's a big huge kind of like 5 acre 10 Acre Farm and the dogs you know they're running they're having a great time and they're building a facility for boarding uh veterans or actually active duty uh uh pets you know who are owned by active duty folks free of charge oh nice for any deployment or anything they're going free of charge and so you know another thing I'm working with them is to see you know because when we have veterans admitted at the West Palm Beach VA hospital overnight and stuff and they have the Sur animal and trying to get them to pick them up and board them there and then if it's a surgery or something impatient thing they bring them back so the veteran can have his family member there you know help in recovery and all that stuff so we're working those issues along with the VA and uh another nonprofit charity got stood up on it um PA for Valor you know there pause for everything and um and so you know they're working on just that niche of you know getting make sure we have boarding for school for dogs service dogs while the veterans being in for whether it's acute chronic whatever for overnight and so but I really want to find some place in B County that can replicate what those folks are doing up in brow I mean West Palm Beach I know that the Humane Society their website mentions that they provide service animals I don't know if they would do boarding yeah the thing is this is a what's good about this organization it's it's heavily funded by the United Way and other charity other organizations and uh and they seem to have broken the code on how to fully fund their system and main society the problem is they're already overloaded you know and uh and these folks are like focused like a a laser on veteran stuff and so but I think the good news is we have resources now we just got to figure out where we're can plug and play I mean they're even willing to do train to trainer stuff right so you know maybe you girls want to learn how to be dog trainers oh well they're going to do trainer trainer stuff you know and so that way we have a group of folks who are willing to train service animals for veterans you know yeah so you know we can always look into that and see what that cost and what that is and you know what's the you know how can we fund that stuff um or if it's funded by the VA or something like that anyway so yeah I really appreciate you guys are doing it's fantastic and I really I'm looking forward to thison night I can't wait to see what you know the subcommittee on service animals and you know fine therapy comes up with you know and I'm trying to get in a go or Monique to be a chair of from 10 to I have a zo yeah I think if there uh if there's going to be any decision on you know I need financial cover for that DJ or like I guess contribution from the committe have to be at that Monday special PA yeah yeah I mean everything's getting like I know I know I know yeah everything's getting shoved over there but that's no we got to get it done we got to get it done I mean so we you with everybody please please show up at that special call meeting all right and then I don't know if there's um some information that you guys can share for us how to get the word out get some of the veterans to come out um any information that he's the top dog I know the dog yeah he's the commander of the American Legion Post Yeah so okay so he's our man yeah you already know him you already met we'll stay in contact perfect thank you so much I'll tell you the key to get the veterans out from that Legion because I'm the vice Commander food you got to have free food free food so they suggested to us a food truck um food trying too yes Pedro help them with the food how can we Pedro is okay guy that's going to hit the streets with him [Laughter] tomorrows smoke and they find it bounty hunters Commander you're my contact for free we'll figure it out potentially a DJ at a discounted rate that's right playing the great hits of the 1940s oh was it you thank you very much thank thank you I call you okay and let me [Music] know next subcommittee for the r specifically is the 16 lose that one nice to meet you as well then for sure for sure you guys will find I just need to let you know how much I need I was on Saturday 10 we'll be good with that thank you thank you guys you yes yes of course 100 okay folks uh public comments anybody else all right public comments are closed I'm just going to go real quickly through the agenda so we can kind of be ready to go when a special meeting happens and we don't have to talk much about it um and the old business is basically things we had the subcommittee meeting you want to speak to it sub committee here no you're what maybe I am I don't know um thank you guys have a great night enjoy thank you these are the items we said we need to vote on yes we need to vote and I actually have a couple to add okay um so we discussed the pricing calendar and the free admissions which we are duplicating from last last year 200 Run free we had um last year we had we didn't have we only had like 50 students last year no it was a little more than it was 127 free students okay um and then this the calendar so we had 507 registered six people registered like the first the first earliest ability to Reg then 47 registered and then second tier of the of the calendar and then 454 registered at the end um and the 127 or somewh mixed in there probably at the end also so um Bill also came up to um to add that Armed Forces recruit applicants Run free which I hope the committee is is also amicable to approve I think it's a wonderful idea and then just the pre-registration pricing we won't obviously be stressing like we did the prior years cuz now we know what to expect and we know our 454 people or 654 people will show up at the last minute and run and pay so we won't we won't worry about that um we're going to talk about uh the marketing budget so we're looking at $2,000 we do need um and the bus buses for the band did you ever get did they ever like no no they just submitted their their W9 okay good so it was like $900 right $900 so it's like two buses I think they're 450 each um so the buses for the band will be added to the budget and highy Gardens has accepted and this will be I guess their final run it and we have to give maybe Goldman a chance next year uh they've just been so wonderful I don't know how to say no to them anymore um so yeah so it'll be U it'll be highly Gardens High School um and then we're going to talk about the race categories and you know male female then all those slots that I have listed there or we have listed there um then there'll be top three finishers of male and female and each will get a b a a medal with we're going to change the bands to colors instead of the trophies so silver um gold and bronze bands and we are also um trying to get quotes on maybe minting a second like a winners medal which will be even a little more special for the winners uh I don't know if it's going to be feasible in the budget but we're going look at the price otherwise it'll just be the color they'll get a participation as they run through you know the line and then they'll also receive the special bands which will be their place their place indicators um each category for each category so we're going to need to also revote on how we're going to spend the money it sounds like we have some new options to spend money on so yeah I mean uh so let me just kind of cover that um um what happened was on last meeting I guess voted to send all the money to the American Legion but we run into the same thing as when we vot try to vote the money to go to the the veteran Story Hour which was my charity uh post 144 is incorporated by Gary me and Larry lar we we incorporated and 501c3 designation from the IRS was requested by Gary me and Larry so we have the same conflict of interest fors um and so that's the problem you know uh we're like all over the incorporation bylaws and everything of that thing and it'll I'll get called up to the top floor again and talked to by the city Town manager and I don't want to do it again so I'm trying that's why I put that down I I really do appreciate and it was my fault you know I called Larry and I go you know Larry I think what he said and you know what you proposed you made total sense you know you could do the same thing Larry but it's my fault for not calling you as a Colombian I told him I would call and I didn't to let him know the reason why we have to do it this way is because we are basically I don't even know he remembered when I told him you know BL one of the incorporators of our American Legion plus 51 he goes oh yeah I'm like yeah you know so you know that's kind of hard to divide you know separate that so that's why we got to I recommend we re voted this way I I really want to I really think this committee needs to set some standard you know processes and I really think having something that goes once again to our families and to the Veterans Park Memorial and to help the American Legion vet Relief Fund which we actually are able to cut off from anybody related to it because it's such a small amount we have a separate committee um and we have we got the receipts I mean that's easy but if you give us $166,000 and next thing I know Larry's off to a Vegas junket you know so you know but uh so this Relief Fund is so limited to just paying for car repairs air conditioning repairs and stuff like that I don't even know what it's being spent on we just see the account the people who uh prove it are not in any of the incorporation stuff they are officers we don't even know they do show us the receipts so we do know it's being used for what it's supposed to be for and so far we repaired three cars or you know so you we know we want to replenish that by a th000 bucks because that's basically what it cost us to repair three different veterans cars we didn't have the money is that just for Miami Lakes it's just for Miami Lakes American Asian post so uh it's just 1,000 bucks they get they gave us 5,000 last year to seed money and uh so far we used 1,000 and we put it back in there um and we you know and then the Veterans Park thing and stay back yeah all this all repaid it's a 0% interest loan but we know we feel it's an obligation for them to repay so and you know it's like 25 bucks a month so call me me it's going to be a while before we see the money come back so you know but you know that's what we do for veterans you know um so thank you but I I just want to let you know so we're going to be rev voting on that hopefully in a special call meeting we'll get that done too okay and then also we need to add the bags to the budget so i' be number nine I guess uh yes which are plus or minus $1,400 we're going to get more quotes do you know if Ruben got quotes for the medals and doing a second no okay yeah we're going to have to bring the budget for the special call meeting our budget so we can run through it um all right so we talked about putting maybe the mil six branches of the military on the um on the strap yeah I forgot to put that down that was a actually then and my my my creative team reached out to me today and they're like is this WAP going to change I'm like yeah a little bit I forgot about that too I said wait I have a committee meeting tonight so I'm going to get back with them tomorrow to just start working on the uh we basically the band we have you know the emblems of each of the Armed Forces you know and uh the size the metal and the logo and the title sponsor logo that's right tile sponsor logo yeah it'll be on all the medals even the winners will just be the the strap be a different color yeah so yeah that'll be that'll be neat that's the vision we'll see if we can through fit that all in there very busy St um okay do we have a date for the presentation of the Mi leaks veterans family I'm still I'm still talking to the families okay I mean now it's like rough because they're they're really back at school yeah you know it could be the parents or you know I mean I you know I just don't want to be you know Michael I mean he already came he'll come again but you know a few others too like the idea is the parent or I guess the qualifying bar qualify together be an amazing because to me it's that's who we're giv the check too yeah the qu qualify because of the qualifying veteran they get the check the family get the check so yeah so let's target those guys um all right um Patriot Day do you anything it's September 11th it's going to be in front of the Town Council do you know the time uh 9: 9: 9 09 yeah spoken with they have asked us to please be there so I request that you guys please be there we already I think last meeting uh voted for I think was up to $200 for the wreath C and I are are talking about it I think I I don't have the emails so I I can't reference them verbatim fire sec police is right there so they're not secured um and so it's pretty no I think you know I think it's going to be good and I'm going to reconnect with Michael on the flags cuz I heard from um the time manager asked me what the status of the flags were um I guess because the the the mini flags that used to go in the Park yeah um I this is just tangentially related to September 11 um so I'm going to reconnect with Michael so we can all he called me I told them where they were okay Mary C we 2000 plus at the co um and then lastly we're going to be voting on a creation of a permanent subcommittee on service dog andin therapy and also a permanent subcommittee on Veterans dep Memorial development and um only because I don't want to lose the focus on those things you know as uh leadership changes over time I I'm started resourcing the reyen sourcing um these estimates of architectural engineering blah blah blah for specifically for um the battlefield cross that was last we B we bought the B no for the installation for the actual installation of it um last meeting the I forget which city it was that there was a concept of yes and the committee decided I guess that's step two step one is the battlefield cross um so that's where I'm sort of was voted down one and then it was and then the the focus was actually getting the battlefield cross put in and all said and done before we move on to another I you know I I heard that I think folks didn't understand that the battlefield cross would be part of that witch at all Memorial you know it would actually sit in the middle while the memorial goes around it oh yeah that you're right that wasn't understood yeah and and I think it's again it's my fa um I didn't uh call Larry and let him know that a lot of the stuff was worked out already with parksal Recreation and I went through a bunch of different scenar I went through all the ones that we had picked out earlier remember when we sat down and I had to get them to agree to one thing that fit their aesthetic to the park and they came up with the witch all one and they said we can put the so we're going to re revote on that one we're have to revote on it because I wasn't around to give you guys the background and uh you know my fault because I I should have called I mean I was stuck in col but yeah I could call him so it's my fault again and so I I and I apologize to Larry I called him up and let him know Larry knows that's it's it's good I think the I think permanent subcommittees are something that more municipalities do and yeah you know I think you know just to helpful because we yeah a meeting ends and then well I mean the problem is later you're meeting the year is gone yeah I'm kind of running a permanent subcommittee anyway you know by you know thing I was doing in the background going hey this is the plan we have oh we don't like that how about this one oh we don't like that how about this one we don't like that and then all a sudden oh we like this and we can see how it fits the aesthetic I'm like okay cool I think you know something better than nothing I'm going for the8 80% solution you know and then we can put the battlefield cross right then in there you know in that full kind of complete it was like a bent wall right it was like a yeah it's a bent wall and it has you know grass on the on the back it's really nice and they like you know they liked all that and then we can put the uh Battlefield cross and along with you know holes for the flags so we can actually hold ceremonies along there and so you know that's the that's the whole concept not real flag poles that we can put real Flags off the pole well I think eventually we will put permanent flag poles but you know for the meantime we can put you know holes in the ground you know into the into the granite into the granite stands and then once we have a permanent flag pole we can cap those you know easily um and then you know we can move on to the grander plan we had before the oh yeah now it's here oh yeah well here go but you know one of the things for that one of the things you know I've also been meeting with the you know Senator Renee Garcia and funding sources and when I talked to him and I told this to the Town Council so he says if we come up with an idea he will push the county with the county to fund something so you know when I heard again it's it's my fault you know and I go well okay we're just going to revote on it I'll let everybody know what was really going on behind the scenes with the now we have a actual real subcommittee permanent subcommittee and let you know that I've been working the funding issue I've been working you know design with the town and this is what we all agreed on and we still have a battlefield cross and then I can go to Senator Renee Garcia and go here it is man and here's will we estimate the funding cost is going to be to do this all what can it what can the county do and I'm just I know the mission of this of this um committee is to not only bring awareness and raise funds and you know do everything we can for veterans but if we're going to be able to get money from the county are we stealing money from the local that we can be actually M no they they have alloca us $5,000 from our 5K it could be going to but yeah but you know I believe that's a good point but I believe in bird and hand and right now the county just given us promises okay um promises mean nothing um especially when you know comes from a politician so you know and the government in general you know okay I I know what we can do and we can and also I need to come up with a plan an architectural drafting plan to actually present to the county so they needy for Bud okay okay all right and I think an architecture won probably won't touch this for less than 20 grand or something probably so you know that's why we now we got 10 now we got five Gary and Pedro can find a veteran architect architect and who does it you know for free who who needs a service chicken or he does yeah better I'm sure he does no he does you know and I'll approach also you know uh representative Tom fio and who has a good relationship with the Florida Department of the Veterans Affairs and see if they have any funding you know and and then that um so you know the veterans committee met with uh representative uh Tom forbo and we have proposed legislation which will give Purple Heart recipients would have to pay no toes no SunPass toes if they have you know they'll have a Purple Heart license plate and and he is going to draft that and he has a senator to support that so it's going to be something in the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs so you know a lot of folks pay a lot of toes going to either the westpond Beach VA or the Miami VA you know on the express lane um if you do have a purple heart and you have a Purple Heart license play because you have to show you you rate it you will not have to pay tolls that legislation passes and I met with him and we drafted that legislation so it's fantastic that's awesome I'm going up to DC in a couple weeks to lobby let me know if you need to talk to that that's big time right that's Federal yeah yeah I'll figure that out Jud I'll let you know okay 17th and 18th okay uh any further item from anyone um just fers for dates on I mean we can't technically establish them because you there's no quum but for up another parade subcommittee I wanted me to give you guys the 18th as an option for a date and the 23rd just ruminate just think about those dudes because we can't technically and do we have another reindeer subc commit yeah that's the 16th thank you there's a a 5k subcommittee yeah go go ahead oh you're good there's a 5k subcommittee on the 16th at 5:30 that is for certain and then we're just putting out fers for the 18th or the 23rd for the parade okay so what was the I got to put it in my calendar like right now otherwise what was the what was the 5K uh the 16th at 5:30 don't forget to start adding Charles James to the email oh yeah he says I'm into everything he didn't know about the we did that with her with I think we did dude what establish the 16th it's on my calendar yeah yeah okay okay hold on because I'm pretty sure I didn't put it down and that's at 5:30 yeah 5:30 p.m. and then yeah just a yeah CU I'm the secretary for that and you I tell you roll call is really hard and you put the ninth on your calendar for for our special call yes and I put it on the did you put on your calendar for the 9th yes did well I have an email that I'm draing you know me so well and what was the other one for the to just think about the 18th or the 23rd for the parade for the parade yeah um anybody have a preference for the subcommittee who's on the subcomittee for the parade what is me master Committee Member I think that's yourself Larry reasonably Pedro Gary the 18 I'm I'm out of town I'm at West pal training me too army training grossing grossing about the the 23rd [Music] Department the 23rd is one one of the days that are available yeah the 23rd at 5:30 how's the 23rd Gary does that mean I think it's only Gary Larry that looks good me and ped think anybody else I think I can't take ibly not doing it on Monday or Wednesday stage for you volleyball baseball all kind of sports on Tuesdays and Thursdays are always stuffed with meetings I don't know why they put thday but we literally divide and conquer Mondays and wednes oh wow I think aleandro was on the parade sub committee yeah but he he's no Alejandra was on the reindeer run committee he's part of yeah okay oh so sub need chair or parade and that's uh what time 5:30 to 6:30 or if it's later no because there's meetings after that we can't uh that's it thank you very much than everybody get a chance to read Michael's