the yeah started no really don't that's where I originally was last summer this year because his Cooks cried a lot being iner you did I didn't have a choice the first one was only like 15 extra pound then he added more you know what I do I never want to try it but I know I'm going to at least once do at least twice see see how much you improve terrible elepants we pay we we're try to buy out doing construction waych build Andy no that's right right I'm just so she her birthday is Jun folks call meeting to order and we are going to enter to Executive session uh purpose number three to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if any open meeting may have a detrimental effect on bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares uh we're going to talk about the mea M four of them uh so with that I would entertain a motion so moved second have a motion a second uh all in favor I oppose passes unanimously we'll be back in just a few minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I good meeting all right uh back in Open Session um please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance andice June 18th school committee meeting uh we just came back from executive session I'll will now open up a public comment if anyone from well anyone on the board have anything under public comment anyone in the audience have anything under public comment all right uh discussion items our first discussion item will be reports from school committee members anyone have anything to report on uh only that we will be having uh the workshop on next Monday uh with Glenn coocher uh in which the school committee will be doing a uh self appraisal and focusing on other areas that we want to see ourselves developing and uh tomorrow hopefully I'll be sending out materials to the rest of the board that Glenn is sending uh for distribution thank you for taking the lead on that so you're welcome anyone else all right uh superintendent report um before we go into that can I ask the committee to vote on the um just before we present too much all right that's my my bad I apologize uh do we have to vote on these individually or can we individually all right so I would uh entertain a motion for the first Mo MOA between uh the middlebar school committee and the middlebar educ Education Association which one first one the regarding the library the library the Middle School library so moved second motion a second any comments questions all in favor I I opposed passes unanimously I then contain a motion for the second Mo MOA between the middlebar school committee and the middlebar Education Association regarding sir program on Futures program schedule the Futures program schedule so move second I have a motion a second any comments questions all in favor I I oppos pass this unanimously I main a motion on a memorandum of agreement between the middleb school committee and M middleb Education Association regarding how do you want to call this one uh parent teacher conference so moved second motion and second um any comments questions all in favor I I I oppos passes unanimously all right third one regarding uh between the Middleboro school committee and the middleb Education Association regarding the schedule at the Nichols Middle School so moved second have a motion a second any comments questions I just want to comment I appreciate the uh the staff of the middle school getting involved with the schedule and look forward to uh hearing from the school the scheduling Committee in the future uh all in favor I I opposed passes unanimously all right sorry about that all right superintendent report Okay so so uh actually we're going to oh pardon me did you have a question Mr chair yes um on public comment I didn't realize a topic that was going to come up by a school board member so may I address that com a comment on that um it was brought up there as's a workshop next Monday yeah just uh please state your name and your address right my name is Robert solivan Cedar Street in tomorrow all I just wanted to know is that work an open meeting or executive session meeting thank you I believe it's a call it a workshop so the Public's is the public welcome to attend I believe it's yeah we're learning we're not we're not voting on anything development it's not professional development but it is posted I do believe it's public I don't believe it was posted under executive session it's posted as a workshop I believe so we're not actually going to take any action on anything but if you want to come in and listen yes sir yes it's open you're welcome well it's open now okay so so with that I'll turn to my report this evening we are going to start with a discussion about the Nichols Middle School schedule I'll ask Dr Tucker principal of the Nichols Middle School to come up and um walk us through and actually um if you can Dr Tucker if you click on that link it should link into your separate presentation um what while she's getting set up what I'll share is that the mea members of the staff at the Nickles Middle School worked extremely collaboratively with Dr Tucker in a committee to really look at some of the concerns that we heard about this year regarding the schedule the product here I think solves some of the known issues two of the ones that I heard about last year involved the timing of lunch um starting too early and the accessibility of music and arts programming for all students so with that I'll turn it over to Dr Tucker to uh walk us through the new schedule as um as proposed um good evening thank you for having me um okay so just to briefly overview the process of developing the schedule for the 2425 school year we went back and reviewed um there in the 2223 school year there had been a scheduling committee that really had identified some non-negotiables um and wants that were determined for the schedule for the 23 24 school year and um that was one area that we reviewed some of the areas that were looked for to um improve in this next schedule iteration is professional Learning Community time which is time with which the teachers analyze data work together as a grade level do um you know curriculum Planning and Development um ensuring that all staff have duty time and it be Equitable um there was definitely as um superintendent Lions identified lunches one started at 1011 one started at 10:41 really wanted uh three stagnant lunches and the lunchtimes to start later so we reviewed the previous nms schedules we did some research looking at other area um school districts we developed the draft schedule shared out you know some of our thoughts and tenants with the department heads from each of the curriculum areas in unified Arts um we presented to The Faculty um sought feedback uh the schedule was revised presented to The Faculty again received feedback and was revised presented to The Faculty again got feedback and revised because we really wanted this to be a collaborative effort and every time you put something in front of more eyes you get feedback and you do even better to make sure it's meeting the needs of all um involved um the department of ele and secondary education have set time and minutes for time on learning so we needed to make sure that our schedule does that we need three 30 minute lunch blocks in order to meet the teachers lunchtime the teachers need um a minimal planning time of 45 minutes the teachers cannot teach more than five blocks in a day and we have to accommodate the arrival of students over a 20-minute homeor room because of the geographical size of middleb we need the buses to reach the farther um borders of the town in order to get the students to the central location of the Nickels this also allows time for students to access breakfast and it's important for us to have an intervention block to support um the more individualized student needs and enrichment opportunities um teachers had identified some wants that they wanted in the schedule they wanted a rotation which means you know the math class does not occur at 7:57 every single morning um because students have different optimal times of the day and we wanted the schedule to do what's called waterfall rotation in order to allow every um instructional block to fall in each day um we wanted uh the intervention block uh the schedule that had been the 2223 the intervention block had been stagnant and it was important to uh make some adjustments with that as well to try and maximize you know student optimacy we wanted to make sure that we had time for the ensembles to have some greater flexibility in scheduling um the um in alignment with the multi-tiered system of supports mtss um we had developed and created a Wind Block which is what I need and the purpose is really for students um to get opportunities for targeted interventions to address their individualized learning needs this could be students on the cusp of learning um you know a skill that's need needed to push them into the next category potentially for the mcast or it's students who are requiring direct instruction to solve linear equations or to use transition words in their writing um or to be able to expand their Concepts and thoughts um so it's used for Special Education Service delivery repetitious instruction expanded content knowledge and um some executive functioning supports because inherent to the growth and development of middle school students they are not there yet nor should they be and and executive functioning does require some direct and explicit instruction so in order to describe this first set of descriptions describes What's called the bell schedule which is just the technicality of how the schedule runs it is a sixday six block schedule the classes range in length from 53 minutes to 54 minutes it's got that waterfall rotation there's a prep for each teacher there's a duty for all teachers and then we're making sure that there's opportunities for a GL grade level professional learning Community um Equitable Duty stagnant lunch Wind Block and then um advisory So within that um the one I need block is 26 minutes it's connected to an instructional block so it um it counts as those time un learning minutes that were required to meet through the department of Elementary and secondary education and it's only in the morning it's within that first three blocks the day has been divided into three 90 minute segments so to speak this is what it looks like I hope I hope it comes across um but if you look at day a block um block one you'll see that there's a Wind Block day B there's a Wind Block second block and then day C it's in the second block so um Days A B and C for the technical bell schedule repeat a day repeats dday b day repeats e day C Day repeats F day and for families listening to this at home don't worry because um I will be doing a presentation for Middle School families in August so um there'll be a repeat and more time in a presentation for families with regard to the schedule um again you can see where the lunch block is the lunch block is uh 11:06 to 12:36 that's where we've moved the lunchtime leader and you have those three 30 minute lunches um the 53 minute blocks are called short blocks that last block of the day there was one minute and that extra minute allows to to support that dismissal time and that's called a long block and then the blocks in which the Wind Block is connected to that curric that curriculum instruction block that extend it's called an Extended Learning block so as you can see um there are 53 minute blocks there's a 60-minute instructional block around lunchtime there's a 53 minute block in the afternoon a 54 minute block but with the waterfall every block of instruction will occur in every block of time um there are unified Arts these are trimesters so the Middle School functions on a trimester which is really common um and developmentally uh appropriate for middle school students um and it's really important particularly with um middle school students as you're doing some of those targeted invent um interventions a trimester gives just a little bit more time for us to Target that instruction to Target those supports versus a a quarter um you know a quarter B based such as the high school um PE is something that runs year round these are the very typical there aren't any changes in the unified Arts course offerings um the library media center as part of as you heard the Moa is being discussed um we wanted to make sure that students are actually able to access the library to do research to be able to take out books so we made sure that it is open for home room um uh one of the things we noticed in our last year's schedule is every single teacher was scheduled for Wind Block so if there was a teacher absent we didn't have a place for coverage so the library media center teacher will be available to cover for those any of those six 26 minute blocks um this the library media teacher will also co- te with um a grade level or teacher so if um they're doing a research project for a science you know a science themer topic she will collaborate with that teacher to co- te those lessons and how to in integrate research and the use of the technology skills to investigate information it'll be interwoven into um the the curriculum there's an administrative block which allows for um that instructor to be able to manage the library putting away books making sure things are cataloged correctly and just general maintenance of the library uh the last block is um an advisory block and that person will have an advisory block that rotates throughout all of the different clusters and classes so there's some time and connection that she can reinforce those skills um what's really I think what people want to see is the day in the life of a student so this is what a student schedule will look like so you can see at the very top block a um in a day block one you can see how that their the students Ela class will waterfall through the schedule you can see how the math class will waterfall through you can see how um the unified arts class you'll notice on uh day a block six students have their regular scheduled unified Arts um in the second unified Arts block which is in that brighter blue that is when students will be um participating in a second unified Arts um that is when their teachers will be having that common planning time and their Duty time and then you'll notice a turquoise block which is advisory advisory block is something that is new in the student schedule and that's time um I'm very excited to say we've ordered agendas paper agendas for every single student so we can actually teach students how to track and monitor their assignments and we'll also have opportunities to do some social emotional learning executive functioning instruction there may be times when a student may need to um finish an assignment there's also time during advisory and when student students will have um band chorus Orchestra it may be used for um additional Service delivery time for students if really um that's where some of the complexity of the schedule we actually hand schedu all of the students with disabilities and the students in music to ensure that there is no conflict between what students are looking for and what students need um so everybody will be able to get the full complement of um access so this just sort of describes that advisory Duty block um duties will rotate with the schedule um you know there's a duty within the rotation um there's start and end day of the duties that will be shared equitably if a if a set of teachers has a say a second block Duty that will be to monitor the hallways and outside the bathrooms um checking to see if students have filled out e- Hall Pass are students supposed to be where they're supposed to be um the PLC time is twice in that six day um cycle and that allows for either a grade level to meet the cluster to meet to meet as a curriculum unit um to make sure that people are following the scope and sequence and are aligned in the work that they're doing and the advisory block allows for academic support the ensembles Special Education Service delivery unified Arts the um school counselors are able to provide social skill groups we'll be addressing executive function functioning and then there will um not a lot of time but there may be occasions where there's some time for students complete some work if needed um lastly um so student schedules are targeted to be released Monday the 19th and given the complexity of what it takes to schedule if you um will be doing a parent teacher meeting Tuesday October 20th at the Nichols Middle School at 500m um to share out to go through this but in a slower Pace not in a bridge version so parents have more opportunities to ask questions to find out more and what that looks like um I'll be sending out an nms more specifically related to the schedule for families as well and for those who might not be able to attend um like I did at the start of last year I took this sort of presentation videotaped myself and kind of a five minute snippet that walked through what the schedule is to assist families with understanding um yep you said uh two you said October 20th but you meant August 20th oh I'm s misspoke um so just to confirm the schedules are released Monday the 19th and then the parent training is the following day on the 20th y can I also ask that you take the PowerPoint from today and post it on the nickolls homepage either on its own or a link that's just very visible so that any parent who's hearing this tonight and wants to take some time to digest that between now and then of course um are there any questions I believe we have some questions yep s zagoras Granite Road um two questions I think on the slide with the colors MH I think it just was maybe just left off but the third lunch isn't listed I'm assuming it's just for space but I just wanted to confirm only two lunchtimes are listed that'd be an oversight okay and then the other question I had was the lunch time like so the block before lunch um it's a little easier to look on the non colored one for this but the the block before lunch so third block ends at um 11:06 say on a Day lunch starts at 11:06 so all the other times in between like um you know first block second block have a 2 minute so how does that work for them still getting the 30 minute lunch so the students uh the students are done eating lunch in about 10 minutes on average they're done in about 10 minutes so their travel time is actually the student travel time is built into their lunch block got the teachers lunch starts when the bell rings and the students leave the class okay because the teachers aren't it's not Elementary School teachers not walking students to lunch um so students are able to you know they travel the building not to say they're not monitored but they're not being escorted so the students are leaving their classroom the teachers lunch begins at 11:06 the students enter the cafeteria at that time it takes us about 10 minutes to send about 20 30 students to 250 students are seated at a lunch um it takes approximately 10 minutes to get all of the students who are getting lunch through they take about 10 minutes to eat that still gives them 10 minutes of time which is not always utilized in the way in which we want so by adding four minutes of travel into that now we're down to only like six minutes of time which gives us a little so where it says like so it says 10:13 to 11:06 then lunch one starts 11:06 to 11:36 so are they leaving their classroom at 11:06 MH and then but they so their lunch technically starts before they're even in the calf yes cuz that's the travel times built in but then what about the between the two lunches it says 11:36 one ends one starts at 11:36 how is that working because we what same thing we've been doing for the past like over a year is we actually start to dismiss the students we don't dismiss the students at 12:06 we actually dismiss the students at 12:04 okay so the students are back and navigated and now that we have staff to be on lunch duty part of the staff duty is to actually escort the students um back to their classrooms to make sure that we actually have more support as students are navigating across each other in the main hallway as students are exiting lunch and students are entering lunch so then like if they're so they're technically not leaving lunch at 12:36 so they wouldn't be marked late for their fifth period block no they should be leaving at like 1234 and they should be in class by 123 that's what I thought but I it it it just was the same time so I wasn't positive the other thing is and I don't know if this is maybe just going to be addressed in the future are lunches going to be um the same a cluster B cluster C cluster or is it going to be it's going to be actually grade level lunches in order for us to be able to accommodate grade level planning time so one of the this is one of the challenges that got resolved with this new schedule in the last schedule we have three clusters a b and c there were only two clusters that had common planning time at the same time so you always had one cluster that was a little odd man out in terms of planning that took extra time resources and supports in order to get those staff to have the time to be able to collaborate so we worked really hard um over this past I don't know six months or so to actually be able to do grade level but in order to do that we needed um the entire grade level to have their uas at the same time which before it was only two clusters of a grade level which is why we went with a b and c mhm and so now we're able to do grade level lunches perfect and then um last question is is it going to rotate like it did before so like they'll have okay perfect thank you yep thank you do I need to do anything to get rid of this deck I'll keep going while we're transitioning I did pull up the posted um masc Workshop Dr Sullivan so this is a public meeting it's not executive session it was posted in the clerk's office on July 2nd at 3:45 p.m. so it is an open public meeting um to take place at school Street School 6 School Street um on Monday the 22nd okay so with that I will move into the next item which is a recap of the Institute the uh 30th annual Paul J Andrews executive Institute I actually got back uh this afternoon and last time I gave you the dates and told you the theme called empowering each other sustaining conditions for all to thrive it's a mix of keynote presenters breakout sessions conference wide presentations all sorts of topics today I'm going to go into a little detail so you can hear about what I've been up to over the last uh few days I can tell you at the outset it was an extremely enriching experience and I I will tell you for the first time every top every meeting I went to had truly relevant meaning in you know my everyday practice which doesn't always happen it's a testament to how much thought goes into the planning of of these sessions so it began on the 16th with a keynote by Dr Manny Scott Dr Manny Scott um presented on this concept of the power of one of affecting change if that name sounds familiar and you saw the movie Freedom Writers he was actually one of the Freedom Writers um so he or the character was based on Dr Scott so he gave a very moving very powerful performance about meeting the needs of all Learners particularly Learners who have uh certain struggles like he did Growing Up um we I attended a breakout session on strategies for streamlining initiatives which I'm very excited to talk about on convocation day with all of our staff that's really balancing all the different things we're asking our Educators to do um and how to not become overwhelmed with so many many different asks and starting to from the administrative side not you know uh meld the concepts for everybody so they understand they aren't different um but also how to assist teachers with that so they feel like they have time um which is extremely difficult to find so that session was directly spoke to this one District's plan for how they addressed it um this is the other thing the breakout sessions are all taught by sitting superintendents or mostly so we're learning from each other and it's a great way to draw on experience people who have done it for a long time or maybe not a long time but have a specialty area um we had a presentation by acting commissioner Russell Johnston he came in to talk a little bit about um some of the state metrics uh The Chronic absenteeism rates are improving um he talked about attendance quite a bit and that was helpful to a point um some of the other sessions were a little more helpful but it's always important to hear where the state's mind is at uh that was a whole conference uh section as was Project 351 these are our students who are um we have a representative that we find in eighth grade and they talked about you know what their experience is like and it's always really the highlight of the conference these kids come uh they they talk with such Grace about their experience their work in leading other students um and really instilling leadership it's a very impressive program and these kids are they're also accomplished and in inspiring and it's very exciting it's nice that Middleboro is a part of that and you know will be for the foreseeable future um I ended the day on the first day with under better understanding cyber security uh not perhaps an area of relative strength of mine Sean ciciliano is somewhere laughing um but cyber security is not a laughing matter and definitely something if you looked at the more uh the newsletter I sent out at the very end of the year we are increasing our cyber security efforts um so is the town of Middleboro it's very important that we take steps to protect our our Network and our software we are so reliant on these pieces now that if we're left vulnerable it really is a monetary liability so more to come on that but that was particularly helpful because it was an area I didn't know on the second day there was a keynote by um New York Times bestseller Amanda Ripley she came in to talk about breaking the spell of high conflict um that was probably one of my favorite presentations of the week uh the title of her presentation was called breaking the spell of high conflict she wrote a book called high conflict but she's written several books written for several Publications um and been on multiple media Outlets so that was her that was her keynote um that was for the second day there was this all conference section on using resources for diversity Equity inclusion and belongingness this is something that the state has been hard at work and and as has masas this presentation was helpful because it really pointed to resources and gave different entry points what does that work look like is different in every single Community how to get started how to talk about these topics um and really just how to have assistance in navigating him so that was a helpful section uh session as well one of the breakout sessions I attended was leading teams in data discussions um Susan I thought you would like that one in particular but it was led by a district that talked about their model of bringing together multiple stakeholders so teachers Administration coaches and really having an organic conversation around data to drive what we were going to do with it next and what was more interesting to me was the way they targeted oftentimes when you're looking at data sometimes you get into this pattern of only talking about certain Learners this presentation was geared at the sort of 50% of students in the middle which I thought was very compelling it was very helpful um one because numerically where most students sit and two it's a group that's not often discussed so I thought that was particularly helpful um I have a whole list of to-dos after this week of what I'm going to do with all of this information um and then there was another breakout session run by Fitchburg public schools on the teacher Leadership Academy and be ready because I'm definitely going to be taking some ideas from their this is a recruitment and retention program that they grew from within um when we get to goals we're going to be talking about this but this was a program they designed they do use a consultant to help them with the programming of it but the whole premise is creating Pathways for educators to see themselves in leadership positions in the district which I thought was an timely topic it's something we've talked about here at the table and it's a goal of mine we ended the second day with Roundtable meetings I'm part of the Old Colony Roundtable it's like a lighthouse group um so we planned our meetings for the year we had some uh administrivia business and talked about what is to come in the year ahead we have a a new president who is superintendent in Bourn uh kianne quinland uh Kenne quinland Joe and um she's been a member for a long time so it's exciting change there today was the last day and um it was you know A reduced schedule since obviously I came here in the afternoon uh but this morning was jam-packed we had an aasa that's the National Organization for superintendence we had an update um regarding National policy and funding which was particularly interesting to walk through kind of how the house and the Senate have handled our federal funding for those of you at home thinking what is she talking about that's title one that's title two that's title three title four um and special education funding so it's very important to know how our federal government has not only funded those initiatives over time but what's happening in the immediate so um I particularly liked that presentation I don't know that everybody would like that presentation but if anyone has in-depth questions definitely come I'm happy to talk with anybody about what I learned it was eye opening for me um the next session which was all conference was on specifically uh negotiation strategies which was another topic that it was a recurring Topic at the conference um everyone has a vested interest in uh successfully navigating a negotiation and there is some wisdom in talking as a large group about patterns and trends that we're seeing so that was that particular topic Secretary of Education uh Patrick tutweiller came and addressed all of the superintendents today and um I thought that address was very um needed and compelling he's if you've ever heard him speak he's a wonderful speaker like like Russell Johnson who's also a wonderful speaker they're both former superintendent um Patrick tuwe is recently in his role so his was a superintendent and Lynn I think only two years ago um but nice address and it's a moment to to you know create some solidarity there are 275 superintendents in Massachusetts and it can sometimes feel a little bit like you're alone so mass is very good about creating opportunities to remind everybody you're not alone and it's really important to develop that Network so that you can talk to each other and help each other through things and then finally we ended the day with a legal presentation they they always do a legal yearin review it is admittedly something I enjoy and um it's also helpful it covers a wide variety of topics that relate to students teachers negotiations any legal topic We Come Away with a a binder of information Kelly Gonzalez is the newly appointed Mass attorney attorney Mike long has just retired after 30 or 40 years I think it might have been 40 but I hope I'm not aging him more than I'm supposed to um but he's been in place a very long time and attorney Gonzalez has been with him for a very long period of time too so that mantel has now been passed um and I believe that's it on the yes I believe that's it on the Institute any questions anybody has like how to to find out because I know you're not toting your own horn but which of the Keynotes Were you invited to participate in as a speaker so I was invited to participate with Amanda Ripley um who spoke with there were three superintendents chosen to kind of create a five side chat and unpack some of the experiences that um we've navigated so she was an really engaging speaker but she was also just very smart very impressive and um it was a really good experience so that was positive well kudos to you for uh being invited to join and uh thank you for representing our district at the event sure three out of 275 is pretty good yes it was a little nerve-wracking I have to confess I uh wasn't nervous until the night before when it hit me that I was going to have to address everybody and then I had a little trouble sleeping the night before but it went well I did have one other question um with the the folks from the state who came and spoke did they they drop any uh any hints or expectations towards the uh approval of the governor's budget or any additional potential funding information for us great question no um I was struck by how Cavalier they were about the fact that we didn't have a budget yet they didn't actually Patrick teiler didn't talk about it at all uh Russell Johnson did but just to say that it wasn't ready yet and while I appreciate that these processes take time it can be frustrating as a school district as you well know without an accepted budget trying to now enter the new fiscal year with the degree of uncertainty in these already difficult times is not helpful um but no no insight there whatsoever except to say it's coming which I reminded them so are the holidays so we'll see um hopefully it'll be there soon you next um so the mass superintendent what is it oh The Joint conference yeah we have a joint conference with the school committees and the superintendant coming up in November uh November 6 through the 9th in hyanis um I went to it for the first time last year I strongly encourage everybody to go if they can um if you have any questions or anything we can take care of that uh through Caroline or through the business office or something but if you can go go it it's worth every single second that we're there and uh I generally hate taking time off in the fall because I have other Pursuits but uh this was worth it absolutely worth it the the last day of the conference last year was dedicated to um new members of school committees being able to attend the the charting the course or the the on boarding and training for new members of school committee so that was um a very helpful way to uh piggyback that on top of a conference with other information so yeah it just makes your life easier that's always a helpful thing yes yep so that's the joint conference between masc mass Association of school committees and mass mass Association of school superintendents the model is actually very similar it's a mix of large uh conference wide sections and then self- selecting breakout sections which I highly recommend because you can really have a tailored experience everything I selected this week you know not only did I get to pick but of course it related to what I'm doing because I chose the sections purposefully and there were many many choices which is always the case with ma with this fall conference as well you probably have eight to 10 choices at any given time okay so with that I'm going to move to the next item which is just an announcement and an exciting one at that um I just spoke with principal sandborne earlier today and we are planning a meet and greet event for our berkeland families on August 1st at 4:00 p.m. at the hbb calf um to have popsicles with the principal so uh Mr Sor will be there I'll be there I'll you know we'll invite our central office we'll invite our whole team there um to come and and support our newest principal where he'll be there to meet families um have hopefully a refreshing treat and um you know get started for the year so I wanted to announce that we'll put this on the Berkland website we'll probably put this actually on the district website so that it's announced districtwide um but I'll put it in both places just so that they're it's easily find findable and with that the next item I'll turn to I know um athletic director Ryan Sylvia is here this evening to just talk a little bit about our very popular summer athletic programs this link here and Mr Sylvia if you want to click on it when you get there just this link is a um the registration link which is how you can sign up for any programs that are still open and with that I'll turn to you Mr Sylvia welcome thank you uh School Committee Member school committee chair thank you for inviting me to present tonight um I don't have a formal presentation I just put the link up there uh the easiest way to access our summer programs is through the website um you can go through the the students and families link or the Athletics um Department section of the website it's it's linked on both areas um but this this program is dynamic we have 357 participants currently 18 different programs three leagues uh you can hear the the basketball buzzer going off right now we got high school basketball being played until about almost 9:00 p.m. four nights a week uh football on Monday nights on the turf field hockey on Wednesday nights um but really this the intent here is to kind of push what we have remaining for the summer uh it's still open um some of our programs are more directed towards um kind of a com uh attend when you can type of model so strength and conditioning for example is open four days a week you can come in the morning or the or the evening um if you can't make it because you're on vacation then you don't uh you don't have to be there every day um similar to similar to the leagues the endurance program the cross country running um and then other programs are more uh just 4-day clinics where you're only there four days and and the costs are kind of um spelled out accordingly so if you if you pay for a 4-day clinic you really want to be there for the four days if you can't be there every day in the summer for strength and conditioning then you come when you can but what we have left um is wrestling two two clinics for wrestling uh co-ed tennis uh co-ed wrestling as well um softball co-ed soccer co-ed volleyball and um and youth soccer which is combined with the with the um the Middle School soccer as well so that goes from grades three all the way up to entering ninth grade um so that's what we have remaining for sport clinics but the strength and conditioning is still is still open for registration uh the youth and Community track and field program has been a huge success we've had uh I believe 9 one uh participants um my it starts with students entering kindergarten all the way up to ninth grade uh so I have my seven-year-old enrolled he was enrolled last year and it's it's really uh it's fun to see you have all these kids of all ages um com learning how to do the track events um and also next week I believe is going to be the first week they compete and then parents and families are able to walk the track or observe each you know fall their student around to each of the different activities U so that's been that's we're in our second year with that and that's been a huge success and and that's a really inexpensive Clinic it's only $25 um and so you get uh believe six sessions we're on our third one now so it's one that people can jump in and join um you know whenever they you know if they feel if they are just hearing about it now um that's really the update for the the summer Clinic um if I I do have a few other things that I just wanted to kind of highlight because I have my student I have my um summer newsletter going out next week so I'll just kind of give you a little preview because we have a lot of exciting things in that newsletter so hopefully anyone who's watching at home or viewing afterwards or here tonight um we'll take a look at that newsletter when it goes out um first off we have the fall registration has been open since June 1st so I want to make sure that's on people's radar and they're registering for fall Sports getting those pH phical done they're only good for 13 months uh and with that um we've kind of made a great connection with Plymouth Bay Orthopedics um it's a orthopedic clinic in Plymouth that is offering and I and I'll have the details in the newsletter uh free physical exams for high school students um from July 29th to August 19th are the are the dates that they gave and they've also offered to um administer physical exams here in the nurse's office for so I'm working out details on that but that'll be in the newsletter once we finalize that and something that had been done in the past and and uh we're looking to do as we enter The Fall season this year um something to keep on people's Radars that will also be in the newsletter uh we're going with digital ticketing for uh any games that we uh sell tickets for so Gan which is the the um digital tick ticketing platform that the Mia uses for all their state tournaments is what we'll be using there'll be a card reader and people will be be able to purchase tickets we're going away from the uh cards the season pass cards that we've sold in the past were very popular uh but there will still be a season pass option um which will give you a discounted rate for the tickets it'll be similar to what we've done in the past um you may have if anyone attended town meeting uh we had a the middleb all sports boosters Association um requested approval for a road race in the fall which we're pair in with the Hall of Fame uh our Hall of Fame induction ceremony which is always the Saturday before Thanksgiving um and this road race will actually take place on the Sunday after the Hall of Fame induction um and that's going to be on November 24th but those details will be in there and this is um really a combination of efforts for our track mainly our track and field coach TJ Smith um and the Harnett family originally this was called Tim home run um in memory of Tim Harnett who is one of the original uh Middleboro all sports boosters Association kind of Founders and health and helped with uh starting up the Hall of Fame so it's going to be a scholarship 5K and also um a fundraiser for the athletic boosters and one other piece my last piece of kind of a preview from the newsletter I'm kind of going through the whole newsletter right now but the uh we we have a outstanding partnership coming up this year here uh I worked with our director of student service Kevin avitab um to get a grant uh to fund a partnership with positive coaching Alliance um if you're interested in viewing what that is it's positive it will be on the uh on the newsletter and really it's an organization that's completely committed to helping Youth and high school and professional and college uh Athletics organizations focus on positive coaching um things like um connections relationships growth fun belonging um and uh mental and emotional health and these are things that we're going to uh engage in with coaches and student leaders to help train our coaches to be the best they can be and provide a positive experience for our student athletes so um that's a little preview of the newsletter and also the the summer program update so if anyone has any questions happy to answer them now uh I have a couple quick little things um free physical how do you sign up for that is that that information going to be posted on the website it will be on the newsletter that goes out next week I'm finalizing the details with Plymouth Bay Orthopedics um but that my hope is that we will have them here for a day or two right before the season in August but my understanding from them now is that you can schedule the free physical with them between July 29th and August 19th I think that is fantastic um so um just say my own personal experience with the Athletics that are going on here now my my daughter's in three or four different programs my son's in one and uh I love it absolutely love it I don't love it as much as they love it but I love it but my my daughter and she's in her not talking to me mode can't stop talking to me about this so she really she loves the endurance she she a great she I think she was playing basketball earlier she loves that and uh and she was at a basketball camp I think last week or two weeks ago and my son signed up for the soccer on Mondays and Wednesdays with the uh the high school the irsa soccer and uh I couldn't be happy with it and I think it's just fantastic I appreciate it greatly um and November 24th is the 5K the Tim hanet 5K correctly I believe that's the Sunday that's if that's a Sunday then yes that's the day Sunday before Thanksgiving you just got first sign up so oh I don't think I'm first I think there's a there's quite a few people I know that uh we'll be running that I hope they have too much to drink Saturday night at the hall of fame because that's the only way I do well is some I know uh I know coach Smith is really hoping to you know get some teams maybe even a Nichols Middle School team a Berkland team you know kind of make it a school districtwide kind of thing where there's teachers involved the school committee it's all you I we might need a school committee team we never yeah I have and that's the course it runs up Fair View take a left on Wham take another left down on Main Street left on yeah it's going to start and finish start and finish in the stadium on the track beautiful but that that will be the the route yeah we have to do some to make sure it's an actual 5K we still have to figure out the exact uh the exact route but that's the idea beautiful there's uh oh who is it Andy Su forth I bet you comes in first all he's the Hall of fam yeah well we um I have to throw the gauntlet down it it's probably important to note that this is this is a Fun Run it's going to be you know it's a more fun if you win just saying it's going to be very competitive but if you want to just walk just to support the boosters and the scholarship then that's always encouraged as well I I'm again I'm ecstatic about this as well it's h we used to have a lot more road races before Co in the town and they were always well attended this is u a pretty vibrant running community in this area and uh if you really I mean should probably shut up but if you really want to appreciate the beauty of middlebar go for a run at dusco dawn sometime it's it's fantastic um yeah I'll definitely be there hopefully with a whole bunch of my friends and uh I'm really looking forward to it I appreciate I appreciate all the athletic Department's been doing over the summer thank you there's there's a lot of uh U kind of a related question sort of uh first of all I couldn't agree anymore with what Alan said of what going on in terms of Athletics is is really good I I have had a question from a Community member that I would like to ask now that I have you here sure uh and I'm sure there's a great rationale but uh during the school year the tennis courts why they are locked and can't be used uh by community members during the day so we do use them for fizzed classes uh in the spring and fall um and really it's just because the school it's the entire Athletic Facility during the school hours is closed uh to the public um is my understanding of that so in an tennis courts that's included just because we can't have people coming on campus without I wonder if it was a a legal a um insurance I thought maybe there was a specific uh legal reason but it's just for use purposes so if if you're not using them for the school they still community members can't use them yeah so we just don't have we just don't have the public on campus during school hours and during school sanction yeah I I figured but I wanted to be able to give the official reason yeah I know and and I'm sure people are you know completely harmless and want to just come on and use the the courts and maybe maybe that's something that can be discussed I'm not sure but my understanding is it's um the school the entire campus is not open to the public during school okay thank you I thought you didn't challenge me to eras so I'm glad I'm glad I was about the tennis courts no thank you Mr Sylvia uh I do just want to say one more thing before I'm dismissed here um with all of this activity going on in the summer for athletics I I I just want to say a thank you to uh Jim Hutchinson and Scott hogen and his staff because they try to get a ton of you know our custodial maintenance staff I know they have a ton going on in the summer it's their time to get things done and then I'm sending them this schedule where hey by the way we have everything the jym's booked the ENT ire summer but so I appreciate them and they've done a great job so I just wanted to make sure everybody can heard that thank you yes good note thank you okay so uh with that we'll transition and um Mr peron's going to be presenting tonight a budget update um Mike you have your own presentation I don't know if that's pulled up there but you want to make sure you have that director peron's going to talk a little bit about um the closing of y 25 and some meetings that have recently happened and kind of you know a couple of meetings that are um about to occur this summer oh good you have it okay so if you want to just put that in I'm getting better at it slideshow and then you're ready to roll good evening um so we have a quick budget update um although it's pretty important information um we have the fiscal 24 closeout as uh June 30th passed um circuit breaker filing update uh meeting with uh fincom and then we'll take any questions if you have any so on the close out um the budget certified budget at town meeting for 24 was 38 M887 72 uh on June 30th the expenses and carry forward incumbrances were 38,840 179 and so the difference was a positive balance of $41,500 and the uh as you know the unexpended amount will revert back to the town so that's good news came in on the plus side um also during the summer uh and I can take no credit for this um Miss filed the circuit breaker for 24 um the net claim for 24 was 2, 394,000 510 um the net eligible is 1,795 887 which is 75% of tuition and 75% of the trans uh transportation ation expenses that we incurred over the year um the state has tried to do 75% Transportation um although in the last couple years they have not been able to fund that so if it goes back to like last year which was 57% of um excuse me uh Transportation then we would receive uh 1 million $691 $614 and that is um roughly 105 less than if we get the full amount so we'll we'll keep an eye on that um but I wanted to give you the conservative number because that's what it has been over the last couple of years um next uh the superintendent and I on July 8th met with fincom with Mr per hold on just so you have a question I just want to make sure I understand what cir the circuit breaker filing is I think I know but I should circuit breaker is the special ed expenses that we incur during the year and the circuit breaker program uh reimburses districts for the expenses and um 75% of the tuition and they want to fund 75% of Transportation they've been trying to inch up to that since they started uh including transportation but they have not gotten there yet so I put that down that that's what we're eligible for um but if it's based on past years we'll probably get that lower amount okay thank you but we'll keep an eye on that thank you Mike just a quick question what's us what's the usual timeline for when we get the circuit breaker funds we get it quarterly and I think it's first one is September October and around Christmas time March and then we get one we just got one about a week ago the final one okay uh I'm sorry in the in last week in June so it's pretty timely because uh Miss Hy had a file that on the 15th and so you you you finish spending the money on June 30th and then you have two weeks to get it all in but the good news for uh her and I didn't know them uh the district which is a good practice she tries to uh apply for uh extraordinary relief which you have to do in March or April and so she you have to do the first nine months of the year I believe it is and so they do that as a practice so that when she goes to file the last quarter all she's filing is the last quarter in July so it it does help and uh move things along pretty quickly so um the last thing is uh we superintendent and I met with fincom on July 8th um and uh fortunately they sent us the questions that they wanted us to uh uh talk about uh prior to the meeting uh superintendent I had some questions about the questions so it was good that when we got there uh we asked them to kind of um help us with what they were you know looking for and what their concerns were and so and they were you know very um very good concerns very good questions was basically uh qu um questions on renewable uh or the offsets that we use to balance uh the budget uh which is always u a difficult thing and in school finances is pretty difficult but so we we talked about the uh offsets um we talked about renewable funding and non-renewable um and so uh um we I think we um helped them understand our budget and that uh we are in good shape for this year and hopefully we will continue and have another good budget year uh for 2526 um I think that pretty much covers it I I think they were uh better understand our situation after that meeting so okay um so just to add to that um Alan Sue and I were able to also attend that meeting and um it was very helpful for me to understand where some of their questions were coming from because the school department does function differently than other departments in the town so being able to you know understand where their questions were coming from because of practices of how you borrow money and pay it back in other departments is a little different than in the school department so it was a overall a nice uh foundation for hopefully some good continued cooperation and and Joint discussions moving forward which uh leads me to the last slide um and simply that there is a budget Summit uh coming up in on August 14th all committee members are invited to attend um and that'll start kicking off I think the good conversation about 2526 for the school committee we will send out a timeline a budget timeline in September um I looked back I believe you got it towards the end of September the timeline was developed uh and uh I will be working on that and get that to you uh in September at this time I'll take any questions if you have any other ones that we did not discuss I apologize for not getting into circuit breaker I you know when you do this for a while you just kind of last meeting and then I forgot what it was so thank you I an additional question in that timeline um uh so how do we align our timeline with your timeline or is that in it as when the budget subcommittee starts meeting we start laying out priorities and goals and and those kind of things is that done as part of your timeline or is that something that we do um knowing what your timeline is I could tell you that right so well so I understand that I'd like just to T more detail on that Alan um of uh is is it something that we get together and talk about priorities and what it you know and then that flows into that timeline be you and Zeke on the budget subcommittee and Jess or no you're in negotiations I yeah I'm on the budget and that's why I'm I yes I would ask Mike if he could attend each and every budget subcomm I'm not the chair of it I don't believe so I don't know if it's been I've not been part of it before so this is truly my asking out of knowing nothing I don't think they the subcommittee's had any meetings yet no we have not so I'm just asking when when it is that that subcommittee should begin to meet so that we do work seamlessly with um there so let speak to a little bit of my experience from last year is they set the overall agenda schedule because they know when things are due when they'll get things when all of the the the information is available and they're they guiding the process and the subcommittee joins in on the appropriate discussions well and let me just jump in there 's a couple of timelines you need to be aware of there's the town budgeting process which is sooner than ours uh the town manager likes to have the budget as much as he can he can have everything in by the end of the calendar year by December 31st this does not line up with the school committee process for a long period of time the budget hearing happens in February which means our numbers are not ready in December between December and February are when the budget subcommittee meetings happen and that at that point in time we're really reviewing the budget that's been put together what I would recommend is when we draft the schedule which really begins in Earnest in October we have some conversations about when the budget subcommittee wants to meet what role they want to have in budget priorities um along with other Town departments if they're so if they're so inclined um so that we can still meet our budget hearing timeline in February to be ready for town meeting in call it April that's helpful thank you sure actually what I'll do is send you last year's I was just going to say do you want me to send last year if you could I think that'd be the most helpful just so you can see for reference what happened last year great and I think Zeke is the chair of that sub commmittee if I remember correctly anything else any other questions all right thank you very much thank you Mr Peron and that concludes my report for this evening all right on to superintendent goals Jess um so the superintendent subcommittee which is made up of myself Sue and Allen um had multiple meetings with um Carolyn over um July we've had a we met the 10th and the 12th um we also had some emails provided in advance um to meet the guide the the expectation that we set up to try to get the goals presented earlier for the school committee approval so that we could set up a more regular calendar for the evaluation process um so just a a few points of information before we get into the specific goals so um based on all of the uh State guidance and all of the information out there from uh the department of Elementary and secondary education as well as masc there are certain expectations for superintendent goals um there is a professional practice goal and a student learning goal these align very nicely with uh our um rubric for evaluating the superintendent there's also a district Improvement goal um this year Carolyn chose to include a fourth goal um within her goals focused on communication and community relations um and that is in direct response to uh the evaluation that we completed um in the spring with all of those goals um on the superintendent evaluation rubric there are what are called Focus indicators which are the certain areas that uh you can um look at when evaluating a superintendent and the intent is that for the um annual goals that you pull out six to eight of those indicators as kind of your key Focus indicator for the year um so that is something that is also kind of an expectation for the process so during our meetings um we had um some in a lot of in-depth discussions um but our goals were to ensure that for each of the goals the text of the goal was clearly defined that the key actions to meet each goal were actually actionable and there were things that could could be done and that they were specific um and we also um asked Carolyn to provide um the types of evidence that she will be um using to allow us to assess the progress on our goals so for each goal she has evidence provided to allow us to monitor her progress on the goals throughout the year um so just to take a moment to note um during these discussions Sue did propose including some kinds of surveys within the evidence that Caroline would provide um there's not clear guidance on any of the the web pages they sort of start to tell you you could do something but then their their URL links end in a lovely 404 webpage error and don't help you get very far um so because we didn't have specific guidance and we did have some kind of conflicting information that we were finding um we agreed as a subcommittee to ask um for some guidance at the upcoming training on the 22nd um I did confirm with our um masc representative um or our leader for our division that we can amend the goals once they are approved by the committee um this would require the superintendent agreement and another school committee vote um so if we determine that surveys are an option to be included through the training then we can regroup and um look at what we want to do with with that information so just to make a note that is not necessarily included in the evidence right now because we want to make sure that we go about it the right way um so uh before we go into some of the specific goals I did just want to pull out the eight key Focus indicators that we agreed on as a subcommittee for Caroline's goals for this year um so the um the key Focus indicators again are based on the rubric that we use to evaluate the superintendent the first um SE of the rubric is instructional leadership um so three key Focus indicators were chosen from that area so 1 a uh instructional leadership focused on curriculum 1B instruction and 1e data informed decision-making uh the second grouping of focus indicators are for management and operations and we chose uh 2B as the focus which is on HR management and development and that aligns very nicely with the last school committee meeting discussion where we were just looking at how can we help manage um staff Educators within the district in uh a more supportive and um a directed fashion uh the third section is family and Community engagement so again uh Carolyn and the subcommittee looked uh chose three specific uh Focus indicators to be key for this year which are uh focused on engagement communication and family concerns and then the last key Focus indicator is in the fourth area of the rubric which is professional culture and we chose continuous learning um and just to note that that um that Focus indicator is not only looking at uh the superintendent and her engaging in uh uh continuous learning but also to set that um example for others in the district that you know we always have something more to learn and uh we can always learn how to do our job in uh new and hopefully different and better ways so those are the ones that we chose um I will note that um Carolyn had a tendency to say I want to do all of the focus indicators and make sure I'm looking at them all so we did um take the time to narrow things down and to say what we felt were the most important items for um that aligned with the district Improvement goals as well as as Caroline o Carolyn's own personal goals um so with that being said I am going to um read the text of each goal into the record um for those everybody can hear I do not plan to read out the key actions or evidence because those were all made available to us to review uh prior to now but if um after I go through all the goals if we have any discussions or questions or we do want to go into the details attached to any goals we can have that discussion so with that being said uh goal one for district Improvement effectively monitor the strategy for continuous District Improvement in the second year of monitoring the strategy the district will specifically focus on human resource management and development data informed decision-making and instruction that meets the needs of all Learners and again this focuses on our key um indicators of 1B which is instructional leadership and the actual instruction 1e instructional leadership and data informed decisionmaking and 2B which is the HR management and develop section of management and operations goal two uh is the student learning goal improve student outcomes and Equitable learning opportunities for all students through improved instructional practices supported implementation and expansion of social emotional learning and effective inclusion and co- te practices to note by late spring the district will have completed work towards implementing grade band instructional Frameworks engaging in data and vertical articulation teams implementing positive behavior intervention system at four buildings reviewing social emotional learning pilot programs and curriculum and implementing the new IEP model developed by Desi so some of this is being set to mate things we we don't have any choice but to do as well as some major um goals of the district Improvement plan so these align with our um instructional leadership evaluation based on curriculum again the um instructional leadership item for instruction and data informed decision-making as um we all like our data um and then the last one is to look also at the uh family and Community engagement uh for family concerns um and a lot of that focuses on the Equitable learning and the inclusion and co- te practices the third goal is professional practice um complete the third year of the new superintendent induction program that's the nsip program Carolyn often updates us on strengthen skills and collaboration and unity of District leadership team instructional leadership goal alignment the alignment of the district vision and professional culture through use of the consultancy protocol um with this one I do just want to note that um it was set up when Carolyn was hired that the expectation of the school committee at the time of which none of us were aart um but it is the standard that the superintendent um complete the new superintendent induction program and uh it changed right as uh Carolyn was signing up for it from a 2-year program to a three year program so our our expectation uh was kind of set out right from the get-go to um complete the third year of that um Carolyn discussed with us how the focus of a lot of the third year is um using the consultancy protocol um and so we talked a lot about setting this goal to make sure that um Carolyn is looking at how to bring back everything she's learning into the district and improve not only her practices but make use of them um with other memberships members of the leadership team uh so that Focus indicator for that is uh very much focused on 4D which is the continuous learning Focus indicator goal four community and uh communication and community relations this is the one that Carolyn chose to add um beyond the expectation of a standard uh superintendent goals and this one states to engage with staff families and caregivers to share information regarding developmental guidelines for students at all grade levels development of healthy relationships and mental health practices navigation of technology and social media invitation of Engagement efforts within the school district and assistance in understanding the special education process these align with the key Focus indicators of uh family and committee engagement for engagement and uh communication I will just note um that Carolyn has some great ideas about about how to bring uh concise and specific and uh targeted information to uh families um related to a lot of things um that we all struggle with as parents of our children and how to fit this all into um our understanding of where our students fit in the um the education system so um I'm really looking forward to uh the work that she has proposed for this goal um and I think in addition to it uh being helpful um there's also a lot of opportunities to engage students in in helping with the process which is always great to to get them to have a chance to show their skills and techniques to help the superintendent meet her goal so with that being said those are the four goals and what they align with um from the review of the other members of the committee did you have any questions on any of the key action items or the uh evidence set out to meet those you're the only person here yeah sorry Chris so you had mentioned surveys uh which of the four goals or would all four goals include surveys so that kind of comes down to what are we allowed to do um there are things that are already um noted so like within professional development um Carolyn noted that there are already processes with uh professional development to assess the successfulness of those items and that that is already captured and gathered by those professional development teams and they utilize that feedback to help continue to involve and guide the information um there are um surveys and feedback that are captured by principles within the individual buildings that can go towards um looking at the successive implementation of individual processes um this would be more us trying to figure out if there's a way to um incorporate surveys more directly um related to the superintendent practices instead of District practices and then once we know what we can do then we figure out where it fits in all right anything else may I comment of course um I just want to say that I really appreciated uh the subcommittee uh I want to go on the record of saying that um participating in the subcommittee that I think we had very good conversations about how to focus um specifics in these goals uh along with the action steps and evidence and that through that collaboration I think that we uh came out with a a strong document and other things that maybe we'll be looking at in the future uh but I just want to be on the record of saying that I think that this is a strong document and that I really appreciate Carol and your openness to rewriting and rethinking and um and responding to questions that were raised uh that it was a very good process thank you I'll Echo that same thanks to the committee this was a you know a good process it's healthy to ask questions and dig in and I think we I think we did a nice job I'm proud of this document Carn before we go on to my my last little bit before we make any motions um was there anything you wanted to add or um uh no I think what uh just to answer Chris's question on goal four that's looking at communication and community relations I am looking at ways to build in automatic surveys so once a family or an engager an engager goes through an experience I'd like to pair it with not a long survey even if it's just one qu was this useful to you you for example um just to get some of that instant feedback so I'll collect numbers on hey how many people engaged with that but it would be even better for me to have some metrics on I went to this or I viewed this or I read this and you know thumbs up or thumbs down or thumbs in the middle anything would would be helpful but I'm I'm going to try to include that in just so you have some of those metrics all right um so one of the other things that we had discussed previously was having uh a more clearcut schedule for the goal process um So based on what we have done done um we're we're we're setting ourselves up for an kind of annual schedule for um looking at this goals where we're right now we're in July where we're looking to uh approve the goals that we spent time this month developing um the intent is then for Carolyn to give us a progress update on the goals in December obviously each meeting the content that's presented is all eligible as evidence towards the work towards the goals of the district and Carolyn's goals so we'll be keeping that in mind um you know as we look at each one we can say hey where does this align and that kind of thing but it's still also helpful informal we're not going to ask for a an extensive write up no no self-evaluation assessment I just had to write mine for work and that was so much fun um so um but just a progress update where we can step back and and look at some of the evidence or the key action items where do we stand on those key action items and that kind of thing so have a have another discussion at a a public school committee meeting as to the progress um in March um we will um request another update um Carolyn intentionally aligned a lot of our action items with the knowledge that we do um do the evaluation right up in March so to help us know that progress has been made that's a lot of her deadlines for her action items um so that would also be when um Carolyn self assessment an actual documentation documented self assessment and summary of evidence would be due to the the school committee um we will go from that goals update and Carolyn providing us that information to the evaluation writing um I will attempt this year as we move into that to give a little more specifics because I think some of us were floundering a little bit with the process as we learned it last year um but we'll move into that evaluation process with the intent that um by April everybody will have done their individual evaluations I'll have um aggregated them into the final evaluation that we can present and vote on for uh the superintendent this year um there is no connection or tie to um uh uh performance review where the contractual negotiations of salary or anything like that is included this is just our due diligence as uh the school committee supervising the superintendent um but we will have that formal meeting um and then as I did this year we'll ask Carolyn to present to us in June after the school year has completed just a update on that last Q4 where the goals were not necessarily able to be incorporated into the assessment but to give us an update on those last little pieces and just kind of do an end ofe wrap up before we move into the cycle repeating itself so the one suggestion the one suggestion I would make is um that we have two at least two maybe three three weeks that the subcommittee meets prior to to bringing the information forward for the uh review for the next year's goals H just so you know you were up till 2: in the morning it where we had backtack meetings in one trying to find time where we could meet and in one week it just seemed like it got set the July meetings before July how's that yeah how's that yeah so just so that we give ourselves time that we're not staying up till hours in the night trying to do it right no I agree very much that uh knowing what our annual calendar is gives us a better chance to plan ahead make things sure things are scheduled in advance and work things around vacations and such like that more easily so um I think that at least um should be seen as a significant accomplishment of us being able to take on this now is to establish a more regular schedule and not have this be just something that we go oh right it's March we need to write the evaluations and do them so um I hope that it can also help all of us who will be evaluating Carolyn look at all of the items on each school committee meeting and say or look at the items Carolyn sent us out in the Flash and Go oh look this is moving towards that goal this applies to that goal so the whole year you're looking at the evidence and the progress on those goals instead of waiting and doing it at the last minute all right any other questions or discussion items on on this um so yeah the calendars and for the public as well the school I the school committee we have like seven different calendars we got to work on and it's doesn't make any sense at all I completely understand that maybe doing a superintendent evaluation in March doesn't make any sense but when you think about the first Saturday in April as the election day that's why we're doing it there so that the people who have been on the board for at least a year can give a uh a full evaluation and people who may not be running again or may not serve for the next they get their input in um and that's that's why we're doing an evaluation in March not in June um and the fiscal calendars we had and the election count so it's we're trying to establish now a calendar for the school committee so we understand what's coming and how how we're going to approach it I I think that's a document that should not CED in stone there should be some flexibility but we should definitely have a guideline because it the calendar should not change every year depending on the makeup of the school committee the school committee should function as a group no matter who's in the group it shouldn't be based on individuals but the calendar should be as a part of the body of the school committee yeah and maybe that's something that uh when we get to redoing the policies maybe that's something that could be actually added to it's yes the policy abs and I I did ask uh Carolyn before bringing it here if these uh projected timelines worked into the calendar that she had already begun preparing for us and um made sure that that all made sense and she already noted she would begin um if this was all approved and nobody had any issues that um we'd get that you know new version of that annual uh calendar that uh we all really liked um will get updated to include the these um agenda items in that projected calendar so yeah just it just makes more sense to everybody if we have a standard operating procedure a year long that you know so even when the next superintendent comes in right yep they know what to expect we and the next chair knows what to expect you know makes good sense and it does align you know March uh eval is being started in March I think it aligns with the normal calendar of the Educators goals and the the administrators goals within the district so everybody's kind of in the same weird awkward boat of how do we get everything done before the end of the year um and we'll go I mean and to Jess's credit I think Jess did a fantastic job agreed chairing the subcommittee there's a ton of work that she for whatever reason decided she was going to do all by herself rather than delegate which I appreciate greatly because it was 11 P you really did a fantastic job but one of the reasons we did this and tried to get it done in July was because of a direct comment from uh members last year that the value the goals weren't set up till later so she pushed and I I think rightly so to make sure that that's not a comment this year Carolyn can I ask you the latest that this should be completed that's helpful to you the evaluation uh setting the goals for next year um well it so this is tricky because the in to your point the earlier the better the problem is given I do need to say this is a this is a significant calendar most superintendents are evaluated annually once so this is a particularly strenuous calendar to to quarterly provide those updates it's very hard to switch into a new mindset of those goals until those are completed So It's Tricky I you know I having everything scrunched in the beginning of July is quicker than most districts do but the earlier the so that I mean everything in these goals folds into the summer Retreat folds into professional development for the Year to you know it's all connected so the earlier the better the earlier the better and the latest would be what for the goals yeah for the goals to be completed I'm just to give the window of opportunity and the flexibility that Alan August I'd say yeah before your retreats in August yep the retreats in early August though the though that can move but I mean try to remember with the school calendar by mid August we're already into teacher um induction and mentoring and induction we're into depending on when the school year starts which is different every year August seems to be sometimes the start of the school year again by the end of the month right so um that's why the retreat is in early August just because then I'm short we won't be in school in the first week in August so maybe by August 1 yeah I would say August 1 sure that said I mean that part I I'm more flexible it get I think it's important that the goals be correctly calibrated something that you know the process that we just engaged in to make sure we're all comfortable with it yeah is more important than the time to me exactly and and there is value in noting that we can choose to create multi-year goals instead of annual goals so that is something that as we see how this year progresses because we're trying to create and and established a new format I think it's easier to do it on a one year but as we look at next year um you know we'll be in a better position to say hey are we now at a point where maybe we're looking at goals that are a a two-year goal stretch or a three-year goal stretch um just doesn't mean we don't necessarily have those same uh quarterly updates and discussions and um you know that kind of process but it is an option for us to consider moving forward um but I do think as with everything as we've seen with the calendar adjustments that the the Middle School and the high school have done you got to give it a year figure out how it goes and then be open to making adjustments and and going forward from there appears is fairly consistent with new superintendence at the first at least two and usually three years that one year and then they move to the multi-year and that's right where we'll be right so all right so unless there are further questions um I am going to make a motion to approve the superintendent goals for the 2024 to 2025 school year with understanding that these goals can be amended after the masc training on July 22nd to add additional evidence related to surveys if it is deemed valuable and appropriate with Caroline's agreement so moved I can say it again if you want me to so do you have a question no he said so moved yeah do I hear a second I don't do this part okay go ahead is there a second second so the conversation because is there any uh discussion on the motion wouldn't it make more sense to vote after we meet with masc just so we know exactly what we can and can't do to me that I would feel more comfortable knowing that and then voting to approve as opposed to voting to approve and then it's a little murky whether we amend or not so we did discuss that um as a subcommittee um then there were multiple reasons why um I requested that we consider it this way one is we don't know what we're going to hear um at from the the information and if we find out that what we've done so Incorporated already is as much as we can do um the other is just plan old schedule and Logistics um you know us being able to have any meetings uh between when we get that training and the next school committee meeting are very unlikely with some of the uh things that we have going on um and then if we take too long we get into the negotiations process where there's a lot of time being taken up for that and uh Carolyn has a lot of things on her calendar for August with how everything goes so logistically it seemed to make sense to say we like what there is we are in agreement what there is um we feel the goals stand as a document um if we think we can improve them then we can amend them after I guess I just don't like the the phrase we don't know what we're going to hear and then what if we hear something that goes you know we might want to add or take out um so the only thing that we are putting out there to amend is to add additional requests for evidence related to surveys for these specific goals we're not asking for a change of the goal itself the uh key action items or the items that we have discussed for the focus indicators relating to the goal the only thing that we are potentially adding is the a type of evidence that could be gathered to prove the the success of the goal which I think is very important to know before approving goals is to know what type of evidence we're going to you know gather to meet that goal I think we're um please correct me if I'm wrong I personally am 100% okay with the goals as they stand right now with the goals the the Rubiks we're going to use to quantify them how we're going to I'm 100% satisfied with this document as it stands right now if there's added value that we learn at the masc we can add that I have no intention of modifying this document to take anything away only to maybe add some surveys as part of the evidence Gathering but other than that and and I'm not even 100% sold on that if we can do that but I am 100% sold on the goals as they stand right now is there no public comment there definitely going to be an opportunity for the public to comment um I think we should finish this discussion amongst the board first I appreciate what you said and I I too appreciate the goals and I I don't see a major issue I just think we started this conversation with putting out there on the table we may want to amend I think it's just makes more sense before approving it to just hear all the information and then approving it I totally understand and appreciate it we just felt that everything stood as is in a a great light um there were just within our discussions who had some questions about what we could and couldn't do um we we did all the research that we could and again it was unclear and not uh clearly spelled out there's a lot of information out there about including surveys and teacher uh educator goals um administrator goals but all of the examples that are provided and the guidance for how to conduct them don't apply to how you could do it for a superintendent so it all of the information we got is that it might be exceptionally difficult and not something that we could accomplish with this goal cycle but we didn't want to say no we definitely won't consider it in case we learned something at the training and as with anything we are open to um making something better if right after we approve it we learn that there's something more that we could do so yeah I no one to open I opened this so uh and I I I am of split mind about it um this was something that we had a lot of conversation about and Jess is capturing it uh exactly uh and it and it had to do with a short amount of time uh whether or not waiting until the next meeting to approve these goals whether that will whether that will slow us down to the um point that it's going to be problematic um it is one of the reasons why I was asking about the August 1 is it that is it that disastrous we know we're not going to change the goals themselves but will we uh will we be able to add anything else into terms of the evidence um it's one I we made I think we made some very good progress in evidence and focusing in this document and it was something that I said okay I don't want to hold the process up if if we want to go forward if other members feel that we should wait then um I understand that and would support it so um someone who hasn't heard any of this information until tonight um there just seems to be a lot of uncertainty coming from the stage uh so it just sounds like this is a very Rush decision and if you're saying you can only edit the survey part but then what if there's other things in there that you want to modify so in my understanding listening to the whole thing and it was really hard to follow because it wasn't like a PowerPoint or anything to look at so it was hard to absorb all the information um but it sounded like anything that you learned new Mond could be amended in the goals not just adding survey but then I just heard it said that no it's only adding survey so it just feels like this is still kind of in a rough draft phase it doesn't feel like this is something that um is ready from a public standpoint to be um determined tonight especially where you may go Monday and realize maybe one of your goals can be improved in the wording and you can't do that because you've taken away that opportunity and saying you can only amend the survey the other thing is is I understand if you wait until the next meeting to vote but what happens when it gets amended it still has to be voted on so it still has to be discussed so it's not like you're going to this is going to be closed tonight anyway Monday you may hear information and say you know what we do want to amend it and now we need to vote on it at the next meeting so to clarify if I could yeah the intent of our training is not focus on the superintendent evaluation process we have some very specific things that we are are looking at you know focusing on that workshop and the training this is just a specific question on this one specific item of how can you and can you and if so how incorporate surveys into the evidence requested that a superintendent provide for the goals we are not talking about revising the goals themselves we're in 100% agreement on the subcommittee about the text of the goals and the action items uh there were a few items that are already going to be done related to each individual goal that Sue wondered if we could potentially capture some feedback on through a survey and the initial information that we found led us to say no we could not send a survey again uh Sue did some additional digging and we reviewed and it was not a direct and clear answer so we all agreed as a school committee uh as a subcommittee that it is a single point question that we can ask for guidance on from the masc representative when they come but it doesn't have anything to do with the goals themselves or what we have agreed on for every other point on this document that we met and revised three times so it is not a rush decision it is not a draft decision draft document we feel um and we did ask I did ask at the last meeting everybody agreed that the document as it stood was complete and able to be presented for voting on Sue did just request that we make note that if we happen to get an answer to the question that it doesn't mean we can't adapt and take another look at something and what does that amendment process look like then does it still have to come to forward to another meeting we would have additional subcommittee meetings to discuss and we would move forward but with the schedule of everything that it could that could take another six to four you know four to six months to be able to get everything figured out formulated and added in and we didn't want Carolyn to be without a goals document going into the school year because that was an expectation we had set up as a school committee so I don't think if we learn something at at Monday it doesn't mean we're going to have any additional information to vote on at the next meeting like logistically the ability to find time to have a subcommittee meeting to discuss develop and look at that revise review with Carolyn is just not feasible and and I I that just puts us further into the school year and then it's September and the negotiation subcommittee meeting start and Carolyn has a lot of responsibilities towards that as do I and it just means there's less time to come back and make those revisions so not saying it's not possible we just didn't want the entirety of the goals to be held up based on uh ex the potential to expand the evidence we request we wanted to get them established I appreciate the info because it it honestly wasn't clear as you were speaking before that the whole thing couldn't be revised so that's so thank you for clarifying you're welcome thank you for the question any anything else all right so we had a motion and a second somebody's going to have to remind me of the way we move forward from here ask all in favor all in favor I I I all opposed I 3 to one I think that's a no so that was a nay yes you are eyeing the opposed okay I'm with you um so it's a three I was opposed so yes gotta it's always weird it's always Weir I'm G to have a conversation with Robert about his Rules of Order but that's okay um so uh I believe we can say before before we move on can you just rest restate the um motion first or second I want to make sure that and I'll I'll tell you why I asked the question I motion to approve the superintendent goals for the 2024 to 2025 school year with the understanding that these goals can be amended after the masc training on July 22nd to add evidence related to surveys if deemed valuable and appropriate and with Carolyn's agreement I think that speaks to your question thank you you're welcome all right so I believe the motion passes is 3 to1 3 to so we have agreed to accept Caroline's goals for the 2024 2025 school year so thank you for everyone and we will keep your your feedback in mind for the next time Chris so thank you okay the next item is the consent agenda and I would entertain a motion to approve as presented so moved I need a second second I have a motion to second any comments questions all in favor I I opposed passes unanimously uh we've already done the mea Mo MOA we got to figure out a better way to say that um we've already done that so I would entertain a motions would John so moved some second all right there we go I have a motion a second any comments questions all in favor I I oppos passes unanimously have a good night everyone thank you very much thank you