e e e okay we are live that one no okay we're live me fig that out so if you run the mics that's one and that's two I kept them in order and then they're in order up there um once the meeting starts I'll move my laptop you can slide over I'm going to run the stream and the PowerPoint and just make sure everyone's good and we'll hang out if it feeds back pull down the red till it stops and then we'll figure it out hello bran is in a his office right now with the door closed with all the other principles what up R hey congratulations so once the meeting starts uh I do not know if they want to introduce you if they want you already up there they will come in and they'll be line catch them and ask you're usually the very last seat I've already checked your mic okay all right we'll control all the mics up and down just make sure it's pointed at your mouth three or four inches from it don't put the microphone in your mouth I've watched people do it okay we're live streaming tonight and uh many times I just want to throw this we have two viewers oh middle educational mle republ are viewing okay cool um this mic is probably live so should be on your best behavior the white balance is Wild on this did you know there's a radio station that plays elevator music I did I'm playing elevator music is pre-show let's pull up the agenda for tonight shall [Music] we what is this called School chime all right Pledge of Allegiance student Spotlight public discussion reports new representative Eddie Parkinson s you are item five SLB these go quick so you're at the top and then you'll hang out up [Music] there we are running a whole control Booth from back a house right now let's see if this stream is live Hello friends [Music] I'm just going to check the stream see what the stream is it says it's live so anything we say is broadcasting so be careful okay's up cook hey what you doing here working it man yeah me and thew kids work the lighting on know you doing here being part of my community love it zek Z I talked with Zeke at the festival and I told him if I tried to get up and say something run for a school committee position and the first things out of my mouth were I'm a trans person with green hair and zamn pronouns I'd get booed off the stage FAS than anything come see what it's all about Zeke and Zeke said I want to help but I'm not a transgender person with green hand e e e e e e e e e e e e D it we're live is she on one okay y to [Music] [Music] you are they only gonna use yeah they're gonna push down just keep an eye on it in case he goes up and sits on the other one okay should I ask him which one's gonna sit on yeah you can do it live I trust you you know your mic's hay I'm not worried somebody keeps changing the colors of them I'm gon figure figure it out [Music] got quite the packed house tonight works yeah it's about time they should put I should it's an old form hi Justin [Music] oh that should be better Jun 13 join us in [Music] the school committee meeting for Thursday June 13th um Pledge of Allegiance student Spotlight in fifth grade career fair yes so we call Kevin principal Lisa white any other administrators I know Robin KET is here feel free to hop up um and also we're going to be calling up several students from the Mary K good and the Henry B Berkland Elementary School to talk about their experience at our career fair this spring so with that I'll turn it over to Kevin on the top line to talk to us a little bit about what the fair was and then we'll call those kids out thank you superintendent Lions uh as most of you guys should be aware back uh when I presented in February we discussed the Elementary career Affair that was kind of biging back off of what we did we doing into High School in terms of our future readys of our youth Works M Partnerships but really trying to introduce career topics to our students at a younger and younger age so that they can kind see you know the purpose of of the information and the curriculum that we're putting in front of them so earlier in the year I partnership uh with all of our fifth grade teachers both mkg and HB and we embarked on building a sixe curriculum designed for students to go through this career inspiration uh it started in March uh with some of you guys will be aware of the Elementary career fair where we had over 35 jobs and careers come in uh and and talk with our students about their jobs their roles what it took for them to get there the students had a set list of questions and walked into that event and based off of that they went back into their classroom and then inv on that six week when they did their own research about careers that were of interest to them that was a cumulative event uh and we just had the the end in May where the students had an opportunity to present their their projects to families communities there was a day event during the day for for parents and then there was also an evening events for the parents to be also be a to come and enjoy that so it was really uh you know I put on a lot of events like this and and this was seamless the teachers commitment to try to get this down and work on it in short time and there they have plenty of things going on in their life right now in school and and they really just stepped up and worked hard uh so this is still a a concept that we're looking to grow and looking to continue to find places in our district where we can find opportunities for all of our students so it was thank you to Mr for finding this and being able to have this rant to give us the opportunity to do this thank you to Mrs kenson not Jen Gman from HPB who who spearheaded it and you know really kind of over we the overseers of the building of this unit and it was it's at MPG we had mcast career fair and science fair all rolled into like a month so it was busy but it was awesome to see the students so invested and you I really our a side of the kids that we don't get to see every day which is what they're interested in outside of the four walls that I get to see them in every day so you learn unique things about them and unique interests about them so for me that was exciting to have and again thanks to the teachers all both teams were were incredible with with giving our students time in the school day to to work on these so it was it was awesome I'd like to move it to the fall um but with the teachers so you know we'd like to do that but we really look forward to doing this again and you know really reaching out not only in the borders of middleb and the and the wonderful people in the businesses of middleb but also outside of middleb and what opportunities students can see um there as well so we're this is just amazing and thank you so our students I'll do MPG first okay so if my three representatives from mkg could come up I will introduce you you can kind of give a little bit about what your career is or was choice and kind of show your poster I have David burer come on up David you're coming right over to me yeah we can girls come on up you want you can explain you want to come on stage after or now you want to come up there now all right go to the stage take your posters and go to the stage so we have David bur we have we have Sarah St and we have Emily clappy presenting for [Music] MPG I'm ask two students from H to also go up we Gia will [Applause] be yeah so David I'll start with you what did you choose and why did you choose it I chose I chose to be a NASCAR driver because I I really love cars since I was five I always uh road to go cars around parking lot and I just really got into it so I think I'm going to be racing when I'm older can you tell everybody what you do now so it sounds unbelievable but I raced these actual race cars at se Speedway they're called banderos so they're like a go-kart and a NASCAR all thrown together and um they go around 60 70 miles per hour um greats and Sh engine um they're they're fast but they're they're cool awesome I look forward to being at the gon and dag in the Winer Circle Sarah what do you have to present I my special education teacher I'm hiring um why did you choose this I've always had like a connection with those type of kids especially with the ones that have Down syndrome because one of my really good friends has it and she is just really connected with me that's awesome and I'm taking your name I'm going to follow you so when you're at Bridgewater you come back you can student teach with me okay all right Emily clappy what do you want to be I want to be a teacher and I want to be a teacher because I've always admired those teachers and they always had like a special place in my heart it both like stood out to me again I'm putting you on the list you'll be on the list for for later for what grade would you want to teach um either fifth or third we all we we may have openings so that would be good and when I we had the evening event a few weeks ago Bella came right up to me and was was looking for our own athletic director Mr Ryan Sylvia who I did see here earlier he's right in and she really wanted to talk to you and that's when I ask so she was very interested and was I think highly impacted by the pre affair she had an opportunity to talk to you so here is her opportunity to talk directly to Mr if you just want to talk a little bit why you picked the athletic director so my name is Bella and I chose to be an athletic director because I love athletic things I'm a competitive gymnast and I'm actually made Nationals States regionals and championships this year and rest of my life awesome thank you and Lily why did you choose to become a Marine engineer I chose to be a marine engineer because my dad's an engineer and every summer we me and my family go on my grandpa's boat and we have like this little island we go out and just hang there for a day it's really um boths really caught my attention and I really like engineering and building or designing so I decided that this is what I really want to do what did you guys think of doing an event like this a career Affair where you kind of got to focus on the future as a fifth grader anybody can answer this just raise your hand um at first I was kind of like um I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this um I thought the board would look all messed up but um I figured it out it looks good I it looks great it does honestly to me I since the start I was like I know what I want to do this is amazing that's great I'm still trying to figure it out so um I thought it would be good opportunity to express what I would like to be when I grow up and why do you think that's important when you're talking to your teachers and classmates why do you think expressing what you want to be you know was something that you want to do because someday I'm going to grow up and I'm going to be thinking about what I want to do and if I do this in school already I think oh I did this back in school then I have a good idea to do I wasn't really sure what I was going to do because we started out just thinking about what we were going to do I already work with horses so I thought it had to be something in that type of area but then I really like opened my mind and started looking online on what I would want to do and I took my um life into account and I realized that this is what I really want to be that's [Music] awesome um I thought during the career I thought it would be like very stressful and it would be like um like what's happening but um it was actually very like nice and everything and I really like presenting my careers and seeing what everybody else wanted to do how did you think like compared to you know working with your other classmates and getting to see did you learn anything about the kids that in your classroom that maybe you didn't know um like I learned that it's okay to like have different careers in people and you can like figure out out through your own path and open your mind and feel like more what you are feeling that's great thank you guys so much appreciate it it was a great job superintendent Lions School commit you have any questions that you'd like to ask our students I don't have a question I just wanted to congratulate all of you and point out for anybody you know tuning in or here in the audience what made this so special to me was that this activity combined Reading Writing speaking and listening I really strucked by how well spoken all of you are you'll probably be on this stage giving a graduation speech a few short years from now but congratulations on really being able to articulate yourself after conducting research these are really important skills you're going to use as you get into Middle School and High School sure Mr P I just want to add one thing while the kids were doing their research they would look at you know how much pay would they receive for these jobs and they'd look and say $35,000 wow I'm going to be rich and we were able to show the M site that is literally called reality check and some kids Chang their minds on awesome thanks guys thanks [Applause] you thank you very much next up on the agenda is public comment Mr chair before we get to that I just comment so all the kids did a great job um we saw I I want to compliment but there's not much more that needs to be said after you know hearing and seeing all that but um going to experience it I was so impressed with the depth and variety of the different career Pathways um and I am so proud of the district and very pleased that uh my students or my kids will go to a district where we have a vertical approach to all this where you know they're getting it in elementary they're getting different exposure in the middle and then um we've heard a lot about the middle uh the high SCH school um and the other thing that uh I think is important to stress this was a collaborative between the two elementary schools and I would love to see more of that as we go along I think it's very important to kind of build that Community especially in fifth grade because you know the next year they're going to be thrown together in nichels so um overall it was probably my proudest moment to be part of middle our Public Schools beautiful does anyone else have any comments all right on to public comments does anybody on the board have anything under public comment anybody in the audience have anything under public comment all right discussion items uh reports from school committee members Sue would you like to stop sure this way okay uh um some of what I have to say we we'll talk about under subcommittees but uh just wanted to report that I spoke with uh chairman f actually texted them uh and offered to uh take the lead on uh helping the board facilitating the board to do a self self assessment including um doing the kickoff with the um Massachusetts Association School boards and getting that arranged and so um Carolyn if next week maybe we could find some time together we can start talking about potential dates and I'll reach out to the other board members and we'll get that scheduled and then start putting together a framework of how we do a self assessment based on uh the charter of the school committee what his goals are how we assess ourselves and um how that lays out our work going forward any point okay yes um I wanted to um thank um specifically principal bran as well as all of the members of the high school for all of the events that went on during Senior Week um and for a wonderful graduation and for the weather for cooperating this year it was a beautiful night we were not freezing and getting rained on this year which was greatly appreciated um it was definitely a more meaningful for me personally this week because my daughter was one of the the graduates and uh I don't know if you have a student going into their senior year and you want to be on school committee it's a nice way to get to uh experience a special moment with them at graduation so I I'm very grateful for having had that moment um I also uh just wanted to kind of reflect um I have friends and family who live in Franklin and uh earlier this week their override vote failed by 2 like 63 votes it's or 36 I don't know less 300 votes their override failed and their um arts department is going to be like six different members of their arts department are going to be cut there will be no theater at the high school there will be no music at the middle school um and AP classes are getting cut robotics program is getting cut um it is just awful um and we recently had our Middle School concert and we had our our Bandon Orchestra get to perform for the Middle School um we've had so many different events um and it just made me exceptionally grateful that even in a super tight budget year um with the guidance of of Carolyn and the budget subcommittee that you know those programs are still alive and well in midboro and you know we've all been talking about how the co year really took a hit on a lot and sports took a hit Arts took a hit a lot of those different things that um when kids lost those few years to do in uh late Elementary School Middle School it wasn't something that they jumped right into in high school and you know our our high school band will have you know whopping 10 members or so um I don't know if people notice but at graduation what's normally a wonderful Popp and Circumstance play by a band had some violins and cellos added to it to get some extra oomph to make sure that uh the music was still there um which was wonderful of those students to do it but um you know we need to have those Pathways like you just spoke about Chris that pathway to to do these Career Fairs and all of that we also need the the intramural Athletics and the Arts in the elementary and the middle school to get those students able to experience and find the things that really thrill and excite them so when they get to high school and they can pick and really further those paths and find their communities and and participate at a level that um challenges them that they're interested and they're willing and they have that extra Outlet so um I'm just so grateful that we still have all of that and that our students don't have to go back to square one in however many years it takes for the money to come back if it ever does we're still there we're doing everything we can to continue to keep it there so just want to be take a moment and to express my gratitude for those things still being part of our our mitoro school system thank you Chris it was a good couple weeks for the fifth grade um I know uh principal white already spoke about the science fair science fair was almost equally as impressive as the career fair um those kids should be proud I don't know how they were working on all three at the same time but it was amazing again very diverse There Was You Know electromagnets there was handwashing uh there was even a science fair experiment with uh whether a Coal Fired Pizza or wood fired pizza which one is better and scientifically why it was it was uh something to see so uh uh just a shout out to the fifth grade again uh and then I see a number of Administrators and leaders in our district here and uh the wrap-ups for middleb public schools at all different levels are just so wonderful um I was lucky enough to attend a pajama party musical over at the mech um that misson put on and uh the teachers over there it was fantastic um I'm sure the graduation of fifth grade will you know require a bunch of tissues but also very proud moments uh so I just wanted to give um credit to how we wrap up in this District it's incred important to the kids and the parents and families uh couple just questions I got from parents um the first one is with the the summer programs uh if you go to the summer programs on our page all of them if you click on it have something at least this is as of this morning something comes up uh but I did have some parents who were looking at the ELA and math boot camp uh and it requires access so they were wondering how we go about and the uh the MH MHS Credit Recovery is the same um is there something we can tell them or I would I would encourage anybody having any issue with enrollment or any documents on the website for summer programs um anything that's an MHS program I would have them call the high school reach out to principal Branan in the alternative uh Dr Terry maras curriculum and instruction she send an email you can um you know call us whatever whatever is convenient but don't don't if there's something going on with the registration don't feel like you're you've missed your chance give us a call we'll figure it out all right thank you okay um but we seem lucky enough to have a school committee member with someone in all the schools so I'll talk about the Middle School um my daughter uh graduated with the from the eighth grade she um she very much enjoyed the dance she looked far too old I think to go to the dance that's uh that's the thing between her and I um but yeah we again the same thing as the Elementary and high school graduation 8th grade graduation was uh was really nice uh it was great to see all those kids um unfortunately I wasn't able to attend but I had a friend stand in and yell her name for me so I was pretty happy about that um but again just nothing but gratitude towards all the teachers in our system in District for uh for getting through the year and putting on that a really nice end of the year performance for all the kids it does mean a lot to them so thank you um two things a couple things as far as school committee is concerned um over the past few weeks we have gotten an invite from um the fincom to go meet with them so I'm going to meet with u k u mikon and myself are going to go to a fincom meeting you guys are more than welcome to join us as well um do you have a date it's July 8th but the time is TVD they're discussing it at the upcoming fincom meeting so I'll make sure I include that in the Flash so that you know the confirmation of exactly when but we do know it's July 8 and um and I know this is part of the subcommittee uh the finance sub will there be a meeting prior to that of of the subcommittee maybe so that maybe we're not a bad idea informed about the kinds of things we might be be nice to know little more information before going I would like to go and be nice to have a little more information before ask com they want want send us a list of questions or whatever they want to talk about but um right now I think it's a a friendly conversation about where we are and where we're headed at least that's how I'm going into the meeting okay um and we also got an invite from the uh the select board to have in town manag to have a a budget Summit in August and we're be talking about the same types of things um so and as we get closer I let you know more about it no date I believe that date is August 15 um but again that still needs to be firmed up so those are that's attended okay yeah still a little FL so but the answer do you want to come in and talk to us the answer is yes we're going to go in going to talk to whoever wants to talk to us about whatever they want um I also I I think it was last Friday I had a chance to uh listen in on a u a mass school committee association meeting about um being the chair and things to do as as a chair and how to run meetings stuff like that and it was it was pretty good and one thing that um I wish we had more members here but one thing I would like to do is work on like calendar or year on agenda so we understand what's coming up when and so everybody understands you know like in June we're going to be talking about graduations and handbooks but the handbook meeting should be we should know that that's going to happen every June um the budget when we do the budget we should have set dates throughout the year so we're going to I'm to work with Zeke and anybody else who wants to but I'll take any suggestions but setting up a a yearlong agenda that's consistent year in and year out no surprises to us no surprises to anybody else um I think that's it for me as well so actually have one more thing all right I don't know where I saw it um and mayed on the website or it may have been an email um but we are part of nasc division 3 and they're actually having like just a casual meet up at the Boston Tavern in West Bridgewater on Monday the 17th um there's a registration form online um I signed up in the hopes that I can go and just smoo and get feedback from other members of our our division so we'll see what it turns into but I figured it was worth to try more than happy to uh yeah I suggest everybody sign up for the emails and at yeah I mean we all get five to many emails one more you know um but they have a ton of great stuff that's how I I learned about the um the meeting for the chairs it really was it was a very informative casual conversation um I couldn't be there in person so I was listening to it literally on my way home so it worked out pretty well but that type of they have that type of stuff all the time and I don't know about you guys but I enjoy hearing about it and being a little bit better informed when I'm up here you know in case case it's crazy crowd out here decides to ask us tough question um anything else on the school committee reports good all right now we will welcome the new student representative Mr chair through you um I wanted to welcome Eddie Parkinson Eddie if you want to come on up and take your seat um while you're walking uh principal brandan and I always discuss who would be a good fit to be the student liaison for for the school committee and I Rely quite heavily on principal bran because he knows absolutely every student um and without reservation he's recommended Eddie Parkinson to us um so Eddie welcome might be nice to just tell us a little bit about yourself tonight and if you have any questions as we get started so I've been a member of the class of 2026 serving as the vice president and president and so on step down um brandan actually asked me to be the school committee representative so I was like sure so I'm here now welcome do you have any questions for us no I'm here to listen how do you want your name on your name plate I like it Eddie or Edward Eddie Eddie all right anybody have any questions for Ed so I think the only question I have is do you want to begin in September we'll we'll be talking about the calendar later in this meeting um I I don't know for sure but I believe we'll be meeting once in July once in August so my question for you is do you want to begin normally you're giving updates about what's going on in the schools so the natural beginning point would be September but that's up to all of you if you want to start in July or if you want to wait till September I think September or it doesn't matter whatever I think the earliest would be the best but whatever is PR your help I would recommend you enjoy your summer yeah but yeah you're always welcome okay so I think that completes that item right all right okay you can hang out tonight if you'd like but you don't have to it's beautiful night out I'll I'll take my pardon and leave on that no problem he is a smart kid um all right we're on to superintendent report yes thank you uh chairman fley we are going to be talking about handbooks this evening um all levels are represented we're going to do this in three parts beginning with the high school um so I'll ask um Andy dael assistant principal of the middleb high school along with Jeff syia assistant principal Jeff syia to come on up um what you have in your drop box is the proposed there's a small sheet that outlines the proposed edits the proposed new handbook and also the last year's of approv hand books so that you can see uh both copies so with that I'll turn the floor over to our assistant principes to walk us through the proposed evit and actually if you could talk a little bit about your process that would be great too sure sure uh thank you so much superintendent lions and good evening committee members Mr chair um our process so we begin the process annually in early May by um assembling the administrative team and having a brief conversation about what we're going to look to Target to change edit review uh for the next calendar year and so once that conversation is had we typically publish a uh Google Document to parents to uh staff and faculty and also to students so there are three different uh surveys that go out uh asking for feedback from our entire School community and and based on that feedback we again meet as an administrative team and and mul over the the merits mul over the possib ities the uh motivations the whole kitten Kaboodle so to speak and we try to narrow it down to what um can and should be change in light of what we've observed and the input that we've received from our Community Partners um and those uh those bids of feedback and our process have led us here tonight to propose to you um eight fairly modest uh revisions to our handbook that I'd love to review with you now uh for our very routine um and I'd like to highlight numbers one two three and eight for the very highly routine edits and they are uh updating the student bell schedule to reflect changes for our 2425 schedule um this year we had a a 10-day schedule um that did not meet our expectations so we went back to the drawing board and we drew up an 8 day drop free schedule that we believe will better suit our needs so those changes are reflected on page eight the proposed handbook the second change uh that we propose is an update of the MPS school calendar to reflect changes for the 2425 year reflected on page 12 and that was simply the district calendar cut and pasted into our handbook the Third change that we propose uh our routine um updates to academic calendar including quarters open houses parent conferences so it's a One-Stop shop uh between Pages 28 and 31 in our book where parents and Guardians and community members can find out when we are holding really key and important dates in our in our Academic Year um and the last very routine update would be number eight which is our updated mou uh which is found at the end of our book from Pages 134 to 145 um number four reads edit and update the MHS attendance policy if you have heard on the radio or seen on TV desie is making very intentional work done to improve attendance across the board in state um we are not alone with having attendance struggles despite our very intentional work our our abundance community outreach uh with resources from Mr T's office Josh Porter uh our our team in in School counseling we are really selling out to try to get kids in school and sometimes it's a it's a challenge for a number of different reasons so we we went into Desi guidance uh on the desie web page and really sit through what they recommend each district do from the top down and what we did was we we took what we already have and we are realigned it to be much more in line and flow more cleanly with Desi guidance uh for instance we we Define student caregiver and school's role in promoting um routine attendance to school so everybody has a part we're all working together in that triangle um we defined tears of intervention to curve habitual tar unexcused dismissal and absences so in in just set of throwing out numbers and this is what happens when it's it's much more specific and intentional with who the student will be meeting with at what period in time how the parent will be contacted and really involving them not later in the process but much earlier in the process so while some might find that very cumbersome and they'll see the caller ID is Middleboro high school and here we go again type of thing we want our students in school we want our students in school on time uh and we know that there are challenges presented with our 7:20 start time uh it's it's very very early we know that we have challenges with our traffic routines in the morning that we literally cannot do anything about in our in its current state so we are are working with parents and families to the very best of our ability to to make them know that arriving and arriving on time is imperative it is a life skill it will be a skill that will do them very very well in their professional lives as they go forward um and there might be some bumps in the road in getting them to realize that and to fall into line with that but we're prep prepared to do that that good work um and a lot of that work will come from a newly formed attendance team we've never had an attendance team um and so usually parts of the attendance would fall on School counseling and once it reached a certain number it would fall on on jeani and to be quite candid it's it's far too cumbersome for for people to tackle alone and then trickle down to two people to do it alone um and it's it's it's very very challenging with balancing all the other responsibilities that we have to do so we're going to assemble a team and we're going to make it a very concerted team effort and and with hope um we are going to see an improved attendance rate for our next school year um which leads us into Part B we have amended our uh our benchmarks for loss of credit um we have essentially two two types of classes one is a semester long class which is a half year and then another which is a full year class um and and students will have an allotment of of absences both excused and unexcused because if you look at the Desi guidance they do not differentiate between excused and unexcused they just care that the students not here so therefore we shifted our our Target to not worry about just unexcused absences but absences in total because when students are absent they cannot make progress way that they should be unless they're in front of uh their teacher and they're in the classes with their students getting that that social piece which is so incredibly important so our benchmarks for attendance will support a 93.3% uh attendance rate floor right that's that's really what we're pushing to be the the very worst of our rates we want 933 or better um which would represent uh I believe an increase from what this year we'll have once the numbers are total um we also have a program in the high school that rewards good attendance so we all know that sometimes life gets in the way there are hardships there are social emotional hardships there are family crises life happens right and we have we've been very liberal in the number of allowances that we have per student per year um but if you if you do go one over that um that Benchmark within a term so that would be four times four quarters you're able to do what's called an attendance buyback and the attendance buyback is a program that we've had in different iterations over the years but we really um started to hone in on it two years ago and again this year and we found that and the attendance by back program if you don't know is essentially we reward students who are on time perfect attendance they attend every day they're on time to everything they meet behavioral expectations and they meet academic expectations in all of their classes for five days if that happens and teachers sign off that they've done that for five days we reward that by excusing a day of AIS we do that to help students understand that all is not lost you can earn it back with doing what you're supposed to be doing anyhow but we realize I'm not an half guy sorry one to five is is an 80% ratio so we're we're with that one to five ratio we're rewarding essentially uh an 80% attendance rate which is not the goal that's not the goal so we're we changed it to uh 10 days of perfect attendance 10 days of meeting the academic behavioral expectations and so that would represent a 90% attendance rate um which is much more the goal so that's why we shifted those before I move on are there any questions about that piece that I just presented because I know it was a little bit involved uh first of all um I I really appreciate your approach uh and um understand um why this has risen up and and how you're trying to address it um my one question is about the data um so where would you say we Benchmark with other towns within the state uh regarding our attendance rate I am not equipped to answer that I've have not have not U processed that data I will share an anecdote that when we were hiring for the role of assistant principal which we're very happy and lucky to have Jeff with us another candidate had done some looking at our website and she was so incredibly impressed with what we were able to do and I think at that time that year that was available on des's website you were hovering right around 92 91% which at that time was amazing yeah and if you were to take a guess who thinking we're now down to like 88% you said that it would be an increase yeah so so my best gu and that data is not available and won't be available until Mrs good sends all of our information to the state and that gets crunched I'm going to gather a guess yeah that it's going to be right around that 88 88 889 um which is not where we want to be um and and we just have we have too many students that can and should be at school not attending school and um and so that's what's pushing our change um we might not be like a a blemish on the state level but we're not meeting our own standards for trying to get kids in and so we're we're going to shift our our practices to try to improve that for our district it's great thank you you're welcome any other questions on the attendance piece think that information is available somewhere Mr Brandon so I'm sorry I can uh the attend what what in what the average attendance rate is across the state or of uh school systems our size do we do compar does the state provide comparative information like that so this every school district has issued a report card on the desie website for accountability and that information that data is housed there and I think everyone can freely look up any districts to do comparisons um yeah you're very welcome provide some of that data it's definitely available when the state has talked about you know chronic absenteeism they've been talking about it now for about a year I will tell you that I've pulled the data more than once and found that yes while we've seen dips it has not been at the same rate as other districts just so you know they don't group us so they won't give me the other middle buroughs in Massachusetts you know I mean that we have our districts that we can our dark districts so to speak they're not always very comparable you know I mean it depends on what criteria you're looking at so I think it's just helpful to look across the state and then kind of go by size a dist dark size um I'll refresh that though and include that for this summer because I think it's reasonable to want that data and I think it's important to have heart numbers with it it's helpful thank you our our next adjustment that we propose uh is a slight adjustment to our entry about artificial intelligence um and and simply from the larger entry we are going to delete the the Clause gain any form of academic advantage and and to summarize the why behind that um led by superintendent Lion's input on the matter um that Clause infers that we're not allowing students to not use AI at all for any type of academic benefit and that may not be the tap to take with such uh ever evolve quickly evolving technology where there may absolutely there is applicable and and suitable use for AI but when it's being used to misrepresent one's own original thought in Academia obviously that is a big know um so that part remains in our book and I I do know that um this will be a point of emphasis for next year as this technology evolves and our students use of it and our teachers use of it evolves and we learn more about it um our response to it may change so that would be a kind of do to the continued part but we did not want to take away the ability for our students to use it for any reason we just want to make sure they're using it for the right reasons and applying it and citing it the right way so let me let me h on this because um artificial intelligence is extremely new it's even more new in K12 education uh college is actually unpacking this at a faster rate than K12 schools last year when I went to superintendent conference down in the cap this was a huge point of discussion and the big question became who all out there has policies on this and it was crickets and that's because it's brand new so this is definitely going to be an area that's evolving the thing about handbook language that all schools need to be careful of is being too over Brad with our reach so this was something I approached legal council and um and Mr dael we had some Lively conversation about AI what does it mean what does it not mean I do see this evolving I completely agree with everything Mr dael just said but I think it's really important that just as we've navigated cell phones and other technology I want us to avoid our knee-jerk reaction of you can't use it at all I think it is perfectly reasonable and so the language does reflect that that the students own work has to be their own work it cannot be AI generated and if you're going to use it or consult it as a source it has to be cited as such but to say it can't be used at all was this Clause of contention if you will that we had a conversation about you know Mr gazelle and I use the example if if a student has attended a history class and has some degree of confusion over the factors that led to World War II there's nothing wrong with using AI to better understand what those factors were for whatever reason the the lecture didn't land That's Not Unusual where it becomes a problem is when that student turns over the information gleaned from Ai and says that's my work those are my words so we don't want to quell the thought and and really the Academia of learning um and so that's a longer story of where that Clause came from I had a lengthy conversation with Legal C I say can you just help us for now so this is kind of a stop gap for this year I anticipate some more robust um discussion and revision with another year but truly we'll learn more about it um within the next year the trick is having something in place so that I don't want our students or families to be confused about what they're allowed to do but I also don't want us to reach in an over broad fashion I'll turn back to you great thank you uh our second to last highlight is uh we're increasing the uh the GPA requirement for National Honor Society from 3.9 to 4.2 and and 3.9 simply would be the Benchmark for an unweighted GPA and 4.2 would be the equivalent GPA but since ours is now weighted we had to make that adjustment to reflect that that weight I guess um so we're moving into 4.2 um and lastly uh there are are three athletic handbook updates that I'd like to highlight for you this evening um one I'd like to um to really loud uh super superintendent um athletic director Sylvia who is not going to be athletic director for long after that presentation she's hunting your job Ryan um I also noticed that there were no assistant principles uh there I wonder why that is that caught me that caught me yeah um so so Mr s wanted to really up the ante and hold student athletes to a higher standard which I applied him for and and really what he wanted to do was establish What's called the student athlete academic probation form and though it sounds punitive it's uh absolutely supportive in every way um and uh in the simplest form when produ reports come out student athletes will be asked to check in with their coaches to to see how they did and if they are failing even one class their their task will be to go to the teacher with whom they're struggling and to form a plan with that teacher or form a plan that that teacher will approve of to get back on track so uh it's a wonderful way to to Really hold student athletes uh accountable for their you know the kind of mentality books before ball or whatever sport they might be playing um and I think it's a great addition to the the athletic handbook um secondly um the addition of athletic interventions for student athletes who are routine T routinely tardy absent or dismissed uh and it's that added layer of intentional work that we want to do not just to hold student athletes to a higher standard but also make sure that when you're representing this town and this building this school on the athletic field you're someone who is not habitually TR from school you're someone who's not traditionally uh 20 minutes late for school every day with the MC Donut's Cup in hand um so so again I I applaud that effort to to give coaches a little bit more input and a little bit more impact on that um and and finally as we have cell phone policies for our school in the classroom Mr Sylvia thought it was important to add and as coaches as well thought it was important to add a provision about cell phone use and electronic device uses not just in the locker room which has been outlawed for quite some time um but even during practice uh because unfortunately um it has come up a number of times that players are taking their own personal time out to check a Snapchat to check a text to check certainly when not taking away the ability for a student athlete to communicate with parents Guardians in in case of moving schedules or emergencies we just want there to be more respect for that sanctity of practice time um and we also want there to be improved communication between between players and coaches uh to have that respect for one another to have that communication say hey coach I got this going on maybe not all the details but I got something going on I might need to check this done right instead of the random notification notification notification who like my post you get my point uh and with that those are the the eight proposed uh adjustments to our handbook for next year so thank you for reviewing all of them um I know that um Mr syvia does a wonderful orientation for athletes and parents and things like that at the beginning of every season so I'm sure that the the discussion with the student athletes about the updates to those policies will be clearly communicated and and be something that is um everybody gets the same education on um with everything else as you said most of them are routine the biggest change then is the attendance policies so um I guess I'm just curious as to um will there be a specific Focus going into to the beginning of the next school year on making sure everybody's aware of those changes I know everybody's supposed to read the handbook and sign a little form but will they process you telling me that you did not read those documents I actually did thank you very much once and then I scanned the changes each year but yeah um so just curious as to how that's going to be conveyed um you know I know for for some students it is a very difficult um and sensitive area and it can be very triggering for some to to hear um how how it all works together and you know especially anybody who's been struggling with with uh attendance and anxiety and those types of things already in the their school year so just curious as to how you plan to bring that up uh for everybody next year it it's a very delicate balance as as you described because we don't know what every student is coming into our building with that we try to do our best unpack it and support it um and and that's why there are so many intentional intervent intervention steps before things get truly punitive um and and it's all in an effort to support the students coming in and feeling more comfortable in the building um while as I said earlier preparing them for the smack of the real world because once we're holding jobs and we're supposed to be on time to our college classes we're going to have to be on time we're going to have to get there um and we've also had discussions about um about branding and and how we communicate because some of our Communications I think admittedly can be quite cumbersome or quite large you know a lot to sit through and I think that with the uh start strong program for the students also part of that start strong program uh is a parent get together and we're going to talk about these things and this will be probably it number one in the docket after welcome and introductions um um we're also going to be more intentionally putting out um reminders whether they're you know every 3 weeks every four weeks every two weeks not with a Litany of different things but with three B ideas or two Le ideas and whether it goes through an email or write to a phone it's something that we want people to really notice and read and know versus I'm not going to open that because it's 8,000 pages long um so we've been intentional about that but the the first day of School we're also going to have all of our class meetings and again this will be a very important topic and with our attendance team being counselors will be on that attendance team school counselors School adjustment counselors administrators the athletic director um our special education director so we're going to have many many hands in this work and and so the message is not going to necessarily come from Jeff and I the heavy sometimes the bad guys right it's going to be coming from every supportive angle that you could possibly think of um all in an effort to Simply get them comfortable in being here thank you sure okay so with that thank you high school for that presentation what we're going to do is move into the middle school before I do I found the data um Miss I just want to I I'll recap it in Greater detail in the flash but the last three years for the district was 93.6 % for this school year 23 24 93% flat 2223 and 91.6% 2122 that's certainly room for improvement but the percentages I was seeing across the state really did vary now I'll share the link that I have um you can get very granular with this data you can look at the impact on subgroups and that's really telling a whole different stor we I'm happy to always talk with you about that um but I'll give you the info and then you can kind of data Dash um from there very sure so in that transition um we are welcoming our two assistant principles from the John C Nichols Middle School assistant principal Jen gaboni and assistant principal Jason Carrol they have provided you a very similar format a rundown of the changes along with the proposed new handbook so with that welcome and and take us away sure so we have um few changes not a lot but um simple very simply we updated the format make sure it was consistent throughout um just for ease of reading um and for the this is this is something that really cropped up this year cafeteria page seven um we really wanted to Bow the sharing of food is not permitted um that at times became problematic where students were showing up with an entire lunchbox full of snacks and sort of doing them out um we want to cut down on that um food Beverages and gum we added gum is not permitted in school um so that was lacking for the telephones and electronic devices we wanted to make sure earbuds were added in most of the time kids are good about it but still um and for the bus rules um this is an area also where we had a little bit of difficulty students have to both the um student that is having a guest ride the bus and the student that is going on another bus both have to bring notes in from their parents saying they have permission and those should be brought to the office first thing and so for um some of the other specific updates the anti-bullying message on page 10 we added that Mard Public Schools uh updated the bullying and intervention plan in August of 2023 we added for clarification the definition of bullying um which is bullying is defined by Massachusetts General law c71 370 means that the repeated use by one or more students or member of a school staff of a written verbal or electronic expression or physical act or gesture or any combination thereof directed at a Target that a causes physical or emotional harm to the Target or damage uh to the target's property B places the Target and reasonable fear of harm to himself or herself or damage to their property uh C creates a hostile environment at school for the Target D infringes on the rights of the target at school or e materially um and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school bullying shall include cyber bullying uh we also added tiger trials which is on page 32 we removed uh the program because it is not run in a few years disciplinary guidelines and policies on page 33 we added um something parallel to the high school handbook uh policy regarding unauthorized recordings students that use an electronic device to photograph video record or audio records students or staff at Nichols Middle School without their permission or knowledge May face disciplinary action recording a physical or verbal altercation or any activities in a classroom bathroom locker room or office is strictly prohibited students May face discipline up to and including suspension and loss of cell phone privileges for the remainder of the school year if the device is used to record a crime the device may be confiscated by the school district and or law enforcement um and then also to make it a little bit clear for students the level one infraction on page 33 we changed person of authority to staff to make sure that students were um following the directions of all staff in the building um and we added instigating a fight recording a fight sharing recordings of fights or failing to see SE adult help during a fight as another level one infraction um level three infraction that page 33 uh refer to calling 911 um and we just added that it was you know calling 911 for non-emergency would result in discipline um we wanted to clarify that and the reflection on page 33 we changed the fire room to um more align with what we do and it's REM to be reflection room the dress code on page 39 uh the dress code is governed by health safety and appropriateness we encourage students to dress in a neat and presentable manner that reflects pride in themselves in their school school is a workplace and environment conductive to learning uh which is necessary so clothing that is too revealing causes distractions and inhibits learning um is not allowed we expect all students to conform to the following clo clothing must neat and clean and we Revis that clothing that is excessively revealing that does not cover undergarments will not be allowed also for more of the dress code tank tops or basketball shirts um must have a t-shirt underneath chains chain belts spikes studs and Gang Related attire is not allowed clothing with Alcohol Tobacco vulgar writing sexual references or controlled substance references will not be allowed outer coats bandanas sweatshirt hoods and sunglasses will not be worn in the building without permission of an administrator students ears must be visible we removed hats um from that so students are allowed to wear hats wheeled shoes and platform shoes are dangerous on our floors so they are also not allowed and blankets and or uh clothing that drapes down or is considered a tripping Hazard will not be allowed um also make sure that students realize student clothing must not stay imply or depict hate speech or imagery that Target groups based on race ethnicity gender sexual orientation gender identity religious affiliation or any other classification and any other apparel that the administration determines to be acceptable to our Comm be standards will not be allowed if students do wear something inappropriate to school they will be asked to call their parent Guardian to request that more appropriate attire be brought to school and repeated violations of the dress code will result in disciplinary action and that's it for our changes I just have I have one clarification The Bullying prevention and intervention plan is underlined in blue that am I correct to assume that that means that a parent can click on that verbage and it'll bring them right to the bullying prevention and intervention plan for our district yeah we W pass it um yes and if not can you just make sure it does exactly that there's a place prominently on our website I think this is very important um so if it isn't I I would submit that change to you so that that you are you are able to through our website independently and through this handbook as it is um I think it's hyperlink in the high school handbook and the elementary handbooks as well I just want to make sure you can click on any handbook and get there sure multiple places thank you just so I had a couple things um so the the addition of um gum being excluded kind of surprised me I've actually had my students have teachers who you know there was an afternoon on Fridays where it was we're going to S quiet read and we're going to let you chew gum to help you stay focused I don't know if it was at the middle school but was in the public school system um I also know that it is something that is encouraged for some students with some kind of sensory issues in terms of you know stop them from chewing on other things yes um so it may be something that I understand it can go everywhere and that you know kids put it in the wrong places um I just think it might need to be um something maybe you discussed with some of your your guidance staff if you haven't already is there a need for uh you know a clause allowing exceptions with you know specific accommodations or anything like that just to put it out there to make sure that it doesn't uh hit any five or four issues for you um and the other thing is um we know dress codes are tough um I think some of the changes that you made to the first bullet contradict the tank tops or basketball shirts must have a t-shirt underneath I think you're specifically talking about like muscle shirts or the ones with the Great Big Arm holes have to have the t-shirt underneath but a a tank top with a wide strap and a high collar and all of that is now permitted by your first bullet so I would just U carefully look at the language there um because I don't think you're specifically saying that you can't bear your arms I think you're just saying you have to have appropriate coverage even if it is not causing undergarments to be exposed so um just be aware there um I believe I believe the effort was made to um take a look at that first bullet which was very lengthy and frankly gendered and remove it yes um so is the concern that clothing that's excessively revealing that does not cover undergarments is contradictory to the concept of tank tops and basketball shirt specifically yes okay yep because a tank top in and of itself may meet the first bullet but now you're saying in the second bullet you can't wear it yeah I mean this is tricky language to be perfectly honest with you um as you all all know yep so um well how do you uh I don't know if Dr Tucker or if the assistant principales want to weigh in on that if there's any revision you want to propose or Clarity I hear your point I think there I do see the contradiction within those two areas um and it it becomes a very nuanced thing like is it a basketball shirt that's got the big gaping Aral and yes we would want a t-shirt under um I think the real area where we sort of sort of lay our hat is that we want to make sure that this the clothing isn't too Ral abely i' be okay with taking a look at that area well I think actually John Hazard um I can I'm looking at this language and I think the way you solve that is by looking at clothing that's excessively revealing that does not cover on under environments um including but not limited to a brief list do you know what I mean it's tough because then you get gendered list again well this is the problem this is the problem is that I think the spirit of it is undergarments are one are more private we are trying to keep those things private without gendering not just fashion today but you know um you know certain either either could be something as simple as you know sleeveless shirts with uh uh wide arm openings may require a shirt to be worn underneath or something like that where it's just a very specific statement um you know so how so tonight we'll be asking the school committee to vote on language so do you want to see your revision because I do think for both of these they need to be careful because I think if you you flat out band gum and you don't acknowledge that you could have a student with a 504 that needs the Gum as an accommodation for you know a certain conditions that you could come up against an issue and I just think that this wording could just have a little bit of a tweat so we'll we'll bring both of those back gums tricky I can tell you there are students with sensory needs in either direction so the presence of gum is also a problem unfortunately for a percentage of students but is it the nature of accommodation that goes it's C to the policy so you can have the policy and accommodation care of the policy well I think anytime you're going to say you know that something is not allowed or something is discouraged there often has to be a caveat pending individualized student Bas need is documented by yeah so we can pretty easily I me and then a generic statement of that somewhere in the handbook if it's already there might cover us like it it no it should go I'm I'm comfortable with that but we'll take the we'll take those two revisions then we'll wait do you have more revisions no those are the two anyone else have any other questions um I will say that the one thing that my son has asked me as a member of the school committee and now chair is to allow him to chew on in school and I told him no so luckily I don't think he's ever gonna watch this meeting so what I will do is ask the committee to accept the changes with the exception of these two things that I will bring back on 27 y just so it doesn't hold up the rest of the handbook and then we'll go you know go back um the previous handbook that was approved did say food gum and beverage was on there so gum was already a piece I think it just wasn't outlined in the same it doesn't matter we we why don't we U catch up with each other after after this and then we'll I think that's the cleanest way to do it just to keep us moving agree I mean all the rest of it you know I I think it's fantastic I just want to be a little careful about those items do these policies and you feele to wrate and if your last name is Ry the answer is always not you can add that do the um do these policies take um are they enforced on the buses as well I well so let me weigh in here the I've actually worked with five star directly on this F star also wants a uniform list of bus rules so I see that the Nickels has their bus rules the district also has bus rules so what and I and I don't think they're in conflict with one another so what I think is important is that we communicate to families what is the expectation of student behavior on the bus um I was looking at the bus rules listed there they're not in Conflict so what I'll do is bring any list of bus rules to because In fairness developmentally children are different at different levels I don't want there to be wildly different expectations but I do think the differentiation is okay um so I think all are in play um as long as they don't contradict so I just I I have seen uh videos of physical aligations on buses and I was wondering if we can stop that well so um this hasn't been a Hot Topic with not just my the principles but also five star all year um the bus is our video and you know we've had several conversations with five star about the monitor in of student behavior on the bus I think there's a clarification just a CL are you saying you've seen videos taken by students of other students talking you're not talking about the behavior The Bu you're actually talking about student filing correct any incident that happens on the bus quite honestly needs to be reported to the school so that they can then investigate the driver is driving the bus I don't I don't want the drivers doing anything other than safely operating the bus sometimes the driver don't see what's happening so we are quite Reliant for something like that where it's arguable the driver wouldn't see that that footage when families this see something say something um when you hear it from children when they're talking with one another the more you tell us the more skilled we will be at you know our all of our administrative team they've all boarded a bus they've all spoken to kids they've all investigated conduct on the bus the expectation is that they will adhere to the rules the school the bus is an extension of the schoolhouse so there there shouldn't be any you know I can do that on the bus because I'm on the bus I don't think that's going to carry the day but we're most skilled at cracking down on that when we know about it so please encourage All Families all students um you know to share that with us so that we can investigate it my question is is it written anywhere or is it the policy of the district at at this time or should it be if it's not that these policies are absolutely expected on the bus I don't I think we should have one set of rules for the second they step on the bus so when they get off the bus at school to back on the bus and off at their doorstep they shouldn't we should expect the same thing from them at all times when they are not custom lack of a better ter is that the policy as it stands or should we do that I think that's the understanding I just don't know if it's articulated so there is a current rule R I'm just scanning through on page nine of the nms handbook uh under the header of bus rules there is currently a l i want to be clear I'm not picking on I want this clarified for every from from prek to 12 So currently in the bus rules number 11 is while the use of cell phones is allowed on the bus there is to be no videotaping or taking pictures while on the bus so that is already in the bus rules there's also a note that gum chewing is not permitted on the bus already there as well I think we should have all the same rules for the bus and the schools y we should clarify that someone I just I know from my experience as well the bus has rules around things like they there random things about kids can't have crayons kids can't eat on the buses and that's that's different than in school obviously so I don't know how we manage that it though why don't take a crack at some overarching language we could put in all three handbooks that references an expectation of behavior that's not a bus rule but that we're affirmatively telling families when you're riding our school bus our expectation is exactly as it is in school whether you're playing with crayons or eating in a bus is almost irrelevant because your conduct is expected to adhere to certain principles maybe that maybe some that I mean I don't want it to be too big because then it's misleading but um I will I will work with all three principles um four principles on that and I absolutely do not expect the bus driver to be a davit and the bus driver like you said the bus figure everything else out after that okay anybody else have any other comments questions all right okay thank you very much thank before we get into the elementary schools unfortunately I didn't get any of the elementary information until I think 10:00 this morning 9:00 this morning and I had uh I haven't had a chance to look at any of it I don't know if anybody else had a chance to look at any of it do you would you like to wait till our next meeting so we can actually look at this stuff before we go over I think that's wise um I I guess for me it depends on how many changes are there and how routine are they I haven't had a chance to look at it at all yeah so do do you want to hear from the um Administration who's here to talk about the changes so that you know how many changes you're looking at sure I guess sure and then you know to the extent that you have lingering questions we're back on the 27th so if you want to wait so you have a proper time to judge just that information we' be happy to do that I don't like that I don't know if anyone else it yes in general I think that it's a a good move of some that we need to at least have a day things before they come to us for sure sure especially if there's an expectation of a vote so uh welcome principal go and assistant principal Greg Thomas do you uh want to talk a little bit about do you have a document to summarize the changes yes yeah we have a slide there um that summarizes pretty minor changes to proposed changes to the handbook um Josh Dyer assistant principal at mkg um has worked with us as we re reviewed the the handbook um Josh recently became a dad and kind of unexpectedly not unexpectedly but unexpectedly this soon so um there's been a little bit of a hiccup in in our Communications I apologize about that absolutely there's an expectation that school committee has this information in advance well in advance so we'll go through this tonight and obviously if you have any questions if there's anything that that comes up if we want you want us to come back next next meeting we we're happy to um so I'll turn it over to Mr Thomas all right so we um changes are really minor there's nothing um too overwhelming on the cover page we change the date from 20232 24 to 2425 uh the table of contents all the numbers are going to change because we have some edits um with a new principal coming on we are changing some of the letterhead to include him um that's on page five um safe to school that's another change we were just adding uh principle sandborn and removing Mr Thompson uh arrival dismissal Pro procedures on page 10 which is uh adding at dismissal the gate in the back of the complex where parents drive in for pickups does not open until 3 10 uh additionally it's unlawful to Stage park or idle on Route 28 we've been having um big problems on 28 where parents are arriving at the school sometimes as early as 2 o'clock and they just park themselves um so this we figured adding this would um at least make it have it on paper or have it digitally so they know that's not an expectation um 310 as well is they need to know that's when the gate open because we have um Gym classes right now that are outside so we don't obviously want cars coming on campus all the kids are outside the gym we've been in close communication with our school resource officers around this as well and um and them through Chief or through them with Chief Perkins around the the concern about the backup on um 28 and also at Mech we I met with officer Valerio yesterday around what it looks like at Mech when we're doing drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon and cars backing up out on North Main Street so we've we've come up with some plans around that as well but just being clear with that around for families well and if you don't mind I was with Chief Perkins this morning and he actually brought this to my attention um the Chiefs and I are meeting on July 1 and he has some some significant questions and concerns not just about the backup on 28 but our procedure in general so um minimally I think it makes sense to hold on on this uh verbiage because if Chief Perkins is looking for something to change not only will we of course comply that it would impact this language and then we'd have to communicate that out to families um but I did assure him we'd be you know working collaboratively with him if it's a concern to the chief it's a concern to us um certainly the arrival time of parents for pickup is an ongoing issue at all of our buildings so we have will try to you know um clarify our expectations with families as well um because I I know that's something that's been articulated by several principles I do think the language as it stands right now is a step in the right direction so I don't have any issue with saying that this language is fine um but just noting that we may be needing to make additional revisions the next slide cancellations we uh where it says um School status connect is the change we had class tag that's changed to school status connect so that's simply um indicated the change in the cancellation policy um and this is the same thing we move from class tag to scho school status Connect Cell Phones um we added SmartWatches this year uh to to this we didn't have SmartWatches before uh we're seeing now an increase in communication between um kids and their parents during the school day um and it's become a little bit of an issue um so we just figured we'd add the smart watches and treat it the same way we treat cell phones you know they keep them you know in the backpacks um during the school day um with some you know obviously with the exception there if there was an emergency um they may need a need for the Smartwatch but primarily the smart watches um you going to treat them the same way as the pH Tuesday folder we just added that um hbb and mkg do have a a Tuesday folder uh but neck has a folder that goes home every day so we made that change and after school programs uh at the complex we have um different things going on after school sometimes we have clubs and things of that nature where we're using our outdoor playground space um so needed to make it clear that um the facilities outside um can't be used until after 4:30 when our students are no longer in the building that one we can skip because that was um all right in child studies team we went from um calling it building based support teams now every building calls it a child study team so that change reflects child study team and we just word Smith here it's um in the bottom we went from staff member judges a student not is not dressed appropriately to as a staff member determines we just thought that the language was a little um friendlier those are the the changes so in light of the concern what I would recommend is that you not vote on this handbook tonight so that you have time to read it digest it and we'll Rec being on this one on the we'll be back with additional one with regardless but we'll come back on the 27th um unless you feel so I I guess I the changes that were just proposed are as Greg said at the beginning many of them are are very simple basic changes so I have no issue with approving the proposed changes um but not necessarily saying that we're approving the entirety of the handbook until we come back on the next meeting to make sure we don't have any additional it's it's up to the committee y I mean I got I think you guys have already put the changes into their your document but if it helps to know that uh you know for us to say yeah we approve these but hold off on saying that we just stamp the whole handbook for a little bit questions I recommend doing it all the same time okay yeah I agree um kind of on a broader note I think you spoke on that earlier uh I do think a lot of the information that we're going to get for one of these meetings especially if there's a vote but just even if we're going to have a discussion we need to create some sort of I don't know buffer so we have time to actually you know read through the document and bring that up on committee meeting all right schedule so yeah we're in the same chch um yeah the changes look pretty pretty standed I guess I appreciate the word smithing um all of these handbooks have gone through legal yes so so let me give you a longer explanation than that um we're doing this in phases the simple truth is You' got three different documents they all have different formatting what I'm going to be asking our legal council to do is give us a common cell in common so not everything is the same you know what I mean what's happening at the elementary level very different from what is happening at the high school level where there is commonality on laws or procedures that are not going to change I'm calling it a cell but you could call it a chapter you could call it what addendum I would like common language that you're going to find in all three handbooks so that it's the same you don't have to worry you don't have to go through it every year I me you have to review it every year but unless the Law changes in theory you're not going to change it and then leaving the rest of the handbook to the schools which even legal will tell you you know they're not going to police your dismissal time or procedures for for example so that process has started um this represents sort of the first shift there will be a bigger shift for next school year so basically finding the sections that are district policy and flagging them as District policy and noting them as such so we know once we reviewed it once it's covered everywhere and then the other things are school or environment specific not only that but even as a as a parent now or caregiver now when you're reading a handbook you're going to know oh I already know these three chapters I've already read them so you've become very familiar you can rely on that language you're not worried it's slightly different at different levels certain information will always shift but certain other Legal Information something else impacts but the intent is that those are additional updates that will be forthcoming as that happens and they're not necessarily things we're going to be voting on in July correct it'll only be done yearly because your your handbooks have to be in the hands of students students families have to understand that on day one so it'll be very rare for us to come here and say we need to make a switch I don't think that's fair to the families and they need to be able to rely on this document that's why we do it yearly um we'll talk about the calendar I I'll talk about that a little bit in the calendar but um I think I have a point like a question about if you approve or if you affirmatively vote on on the handbooks do we want to vote to approve all the handbooks some of the handbooks none of the handbooks we didn't have any points of contention with the one for MHS correct we were I didn't yeah are smart watches in the MHS one anybody know that was an interesting addition that so if we were if we're waiting to vote I mean obviously uh Chief Perkins is going to have something to say about before we even vote uh does it just make sense to vote on them all at once yeah I guess page 7 just in case something comes up like that I mean it seems like for the most part we're all kind of ready with just little tweak so to me it makes sense to just all right I would also suggest so I is that the pledge of the board will hold up to our next meeting to V on all three sure I would suggest that if as we review these if we have any comments or questions or suggestions we send them into Caroline right away do not reply don't include everybody on the email but send send them in Caroline see if she can if she can look at them bet them if you will and then we can move forward but I'd rather get it all voted at the next meeting rather than bring out the questions then and then push it off there because pretty soon it will be September again I know that's last for me right now but um let's try to get it done completely for the next meeting it does look like smart watches are reference within the high school um in terms of that they s must be silence turned off forun away during class time it does say students are allowed to use their cell phones before school in between classes lunch and after school I don't know if you want to if that should be expanded to just say electronic devices or whatever um I didn't see the nms one with a quick find but that's an easy thank you for uh bringing that one up yeah I just want to make sure that um all these have been embeded by legal and that we're on as strong legal ground as possible very happy that the last time this was questioned we ended up being on strong legal ground and I appreciate that and all the work that went into those handbooks and I'd like to stay there agreed y all right any other comments questions from the board any other comments questions from the public all right thank you thank you you guys thank you everyone appreciate it school committee meeting schedule for fy2 Mr chair so I sent earlier today I shared two Google Documents with you um I don't have cop I have one copy which if you want I'll pass it down um I'll send it down we'll start with this document this is not a mandatory document your meetings are scheduled by you at the time you want at the day of the week you want at the schedule that you want um Miss gagn and I did a mock a mockup of a schedule assuming second and fourth Thursday um that is not mandatory I didn't if you look I I did list the NHS Auditorium I do think this is the best place for the meeting but I didn't need a list of time because 7 o'clock start time does not have to be the case I also included um some information about July and August historically we have had one meeting in July one meeting in August you don't have to do that but I created slots and I gave you my availability um I'm pretty flexible on both of those months so it's a function of just picking you know if you want to keep one for the summer for each month more the schedule that is in front of you essentially includes two meetings a month with the exception of some conflicts November and December because of the holiday season tends to be very tricky so there was one meeting for November one meeting for December there is another conflict I believe it is April break where the second and fourth conflicts with a vacation period the school break period so there is one in April as well and I I think that sums up that document I also did include um you know next summer as well figuring you might want to decide all at once so you have a couple of factors to decide that is just an instructional document it is not a mandatory document thank you all right um let's start with July how do we feel July 11th 18th 25th all none pretty flexible I guess I to answer that question a little context would be helpful for me um I would say definitely one in each month and I I know in work that I've done previously summer is very much planning time in education and um it just for me feels that if we want to be proactive rather than reactive uh that we are are continuing to meet on my first knej would be twice a month like we normally do just to be having uh staying in touch with the kinds of planning that is going forward for the fall but that's with no understanding of what you've done and what the kind of work is that you've done prior your sh so I will say that I'm always willing to schedule a meeting if something comes up it doesn't have to be on Thursday it be any day if something urgent needs to needs to go to the board I have no coms about scheduling that meeting at any time just is a precursor um we can schedule uh subcommittee meetings at any time as well so things to keep in mind are we still books for a second one in June or is that we're still on the schedule the 27 y right now our next we that was from a previous meeting will be meeting on June 27 and when is your meeting with uh Chief Perkins that's not until July July 1 but I can reach out to Chief Perkins at any point and have this conversation he's not no it's just I want to make sure that if he has recommendations and we're going to ask the principals and assistants to return at a meeting in July with additional language if they have time to process it and to well I'll show them I'll show them the elementary changes um he had some just questions about why you know how long ago is it that we changed where the buses loaded and unloaded at the elementary complex you know so there's the backup on 28 is real he's really looking for multiple ways to mitigate his question was should we be routing traffic totally differently so that's a that would represent a big shift um and I was actually hoping principal white would join me in that conversation would be South Main Street instead I think uh would be absolutely absolutely director hon would be would be included as well so um I don't have to wait for the first for that conversation though I just happen to have that's a meeting I have already on exactly um all right so start so one or two I guess is the question question for July and August we good we're good with June 22nd yes all right I I will all right would you like to start at 6:30 on June 22 M by me I personally like to start earlier because I like to get out of here sounds good to me are you proposing that as just in general or just somewh I was going to propose it in general get there right now I'm just trying to get it one one day at a time 6:30 we're good all right so June 27th at 6:30 will be our next meeting beautiful all right so on to July so we have one for one meeting and one for two meetings I would propose one all right so we'll have one meeting in July unless something comes up so just for calendar hold on like the 11th the 18th or the 25th that's what I was just going to say so the uh the first Thursday in July is the 4th so you want you guys want to meet you on there's then the 11th the 18th and the 25th I am tentatively scheduled to be away the week of the 25th but that is also something I can move so just if you let me know how's the 18th work I think the 18th works perfect um and maybe do like instead of every other week just looking into August if we propose to do one you know do the eth and then so that way we're like three weeks out instead of you know going too far apart so if and then like you said if anything pops or the subcommittees want to meet yeah we can work on that yeah we it's very easy to add meeting actually it's very easy to cancel a meeting too so we're pretty flexible um all right so I'll a motion for the July 8 well the July meeting to be on the 18th at 6:30 second motion a second all in favor all right post beautiful 6:30 August uh this was suggesting the eth I like that idea any com questions it's just just a question so the next part is where I'm going to show you a calendar of topics um the August topics include a recap of St strong and staff strong start strong is our program here at High School staff strong um is our mentoring intruction program for new Educators uh those events will not have happened by August 8th that's fine I don't have you know what I mean I can always move the topics if you go one week forward I can recap them both you do the fth 15 the 15th was the proposed date for the budget Summit oh that's right I'm it's not the 15th it's a Wednesday that's it's it's definitely a Wednesday because that was my first check it did they pick a Thursday okay it was a you know what let me double check I don't want to be wrong about that because now I'm now I'm wondering um regardless it's just a mock top you know what I mean if I don't catch it on the eth if you want to hold the eth I can always recap those things in subsequent meeting I prefer the 15th yeah Wednesday the 14th okay I prefer the 15th as possible to allow you to get through those topics and to potentially allow that budget meeting to occur before you have the next meeting person yeah that works I I just would say the first and the 22nd we should stay away from but 8th or 15th is kind of either one but 15th if we're getting all that information it does make sense and you said that select I'm sorry I'm getting lost so July 8th is meeting with the finance committee August 14th is meeting with a select correct that was the proposed budget Summit kind that's a budget Summit it includes fincom um school committee Town manager select board superent anyone else who wants to right okay there'll be two fun nights in a row yeah let's let's not get confused yeah um all right so there's at Thursday August 15th at 6:30 that's good some second second sorry second uh all in favor oppos that's unan beautiful um all right then you guys want to go with the second and fourth or first and third so looking at September remember as the start of it with school starting on the 4th I would absolutely say that starting on the 12th makes much more sense I don't want to ask any school administrators or anybody to have to come and report to us the second day of school or for some of the kindergarteners the first day or the day before the first day I think the 12th makes much more sense everybody gets a little time under their belt and to me that then kind of sets the pattern that we could follow from there on out thank you am we okay 6:30 um just question Sam you're the one who can probably answer this the best for the activities that are usually in here with students if we started at 6:30 would that be disruptive to time to switch over and get tables set up there's nothing on our calendar for that time yet okay so 6:30 wouldn't be too early to start and would let you get home a half an hour somewh hopefully so I'm good to 6 all right so I would entertain a motion to uh approve the schedule as presented question on that so that means if we had an executive section we be starting at six or we could do it at the end or do it at the end we we can schedule an executive session for any time during the meeting we don't have to do it before Yes actually started at 6:30 and still we can do the executive if there's an executive we say ex session I just think doing it it would be difficult doing it earlier than start and the other thing is we can always do the executive session day before if necessary again we we have have the ability to we can absolutely that was the question I was G is the preference to try to do executive session on school committee days when you're already here should that be the first line of defense and then move to a non-school committee meeting just so that m g and I have that correct but I also like the idea of putting the executive I mean I know it's not great if we have invited guests at the executive session but I think for the public it's nice if we can say the session is going to start at 6:30 we're going to adjourn the public session go into executive session and then formally adjourn after and that lets our our students who are here helping get out sooner it lets the you know everybody else go home and not sit around Wai for us to start or if we think it's going to be aous long one we can do it at the end y you know because we can't stop before but we can't stop after yep so Miss Flex um all right so there was motion a second to approve as presented one question do you through you Mr chair do you want to what do you want to do with July and August of next year do for 25 do you want to hold on that I can take them off the calendar is that just too far in advance and we'll talk about that next spring ultimately yeah yeah let's talk about it next spring good um that's fine that's doing tomorrow um so I guess the question then is um I just want to look at November and December quickly because right now we've got one meeting in November and one meeting in December do we think we want to make any adjustments say we go with this and if if something comes up we can we can we can add one in if we think there's enough agenda topics that we need another meeting fair and then I want to be clear we can do that at any time if something comes up tonight we want to meet two business days we can Ju Just as a a note on that I took some data on that this year because the January meeting the way the schedule was we met in December the day before winter break we then convened late in the week and had another meeting the first week of January so it really I can tell you just there there wasn't a lot of things that had transpired between those two particular posts so I I uh I do believe one you can always schedule an additional meeting but I think volume wise in terms of topics if and we'll get I'll get into that next and see a little bit about that um so all right so I have a motion in a second any other on questions all in favor did you uh repeat what we're voting on uh we're GNA this schedu schedule as presented thank you generally I say as presented one I don't want to read a lot of stuff yeah got it as long as I can move something I mean every date and time for the meetings for next year go right ahead but I'm not no no I just I wasn't sure if we had add something yeah just to approve the meeting schedule as presented and subject to change at discussion motion a second all in favor I I opposed passes unanimously um two things about the schedule none that it's it's there in front of us um yeah like I said earlier I'd like to work with Z as the vice chair and work on a yearlong agenda we'll try to get that out to you guys as soon as possible um I'll be working cam with that as well knows what we have to do the stuff the second thing is u i just and I don't think we need to vote on this but as a policy I think moving forward if we don't have the materials and the meetings posted then it won't be discussed at the meeting even I quite honestly and I I think everybody can empathize sometimes my life goes Haywire at the drop of the Hat in 24 hours isn't enough to read this stuff but if it's it's two or three days then I have a little more flexibility like this morning didn't have a chance and I I hate being in a meeting discussing something I'm not familiar with it's my own personal preference agree but I think this this calendar will help as well so you know it's not like there won't be other things on the agenda these are just the things that we know we have to talk about and we know when they're going to occur which allows everybody the advanced notice and preparation and we can have a a better ability to set a for presentations and I think we all are completely flexible and reasonable people that something comes up at the last minute you know but as a a general rule of th materials when we when we post the agenda so we can have a good discussion y um Mr chair three absolutely the leadership team will comply led by um the second document I shared with you today is a document that I've been working on since 2022 now that I've had a couple of years to see what is our cycle of topics the tricky part is one you have to set your agenda clo close to the meeting so this really is topic subject to change this is just a loose outline so I think it's reasonable to sit down with the whole committee and say you know are there other topics what I can tell you is over the last two cycles we do have a pattern so for example in July we always talk about I always recap the conference the Summer Conference I always recap you know hiring um I added into this July superintendent goals to be done in July um and I Incorporated budget updates throughout um so that if not once a month then sometimes more frequently hearing budget season we'll talk about budget more frequently um there are certain things that happen at certain times the end of year report always happens at the end of September because that's when it's due this year I added Union contracts because we're going to be going into negotiations you can't discuss everything about it but I think having it as a topic is appropriate um School Improvement plans are presented twice a year so that's in this um the mcast presentation I do have it listed twice but sometimes the date changes in terms of when the results are no longer embargoed um thank you for splitting the school Improvement PL up over two meetings yep I did it I did it that I did it that way the first time just note I didn't do it that way the second time I certainly can the the thinking behind that is your fall is your lengthier presentation we are all as a team working on being more succinct um but uh my my belief system is that the second meeting should be shorter anyway because the presentation is really a recap and a quick preview the lengthier presentation is the fall which is why it's broken up into two um I'm looking I'm just looking these are these are all they're all subject I'm not locked into much with the exception of school choice you absolutely have to have uh scho the school choice conversation before we submit it to the state so I'll I'll hand over a hard copy like I said this is to give you this is to give you some guide post as to the types of things we discuss at each month it's not exhausted and it's also not to say that if something comes up that needs to be discussed as I've shown over the last years if something's up we'll talk about it here at at school committee request um and and I think that's it as I said I'll continue to look at that document and if you want to continue to make refinements because I shared it in Google Docs it'll be live and I don't know if you noticed that but in the previous document I just updated it while we were talking same goes for that uh for that document if I make changes it'll happen automatically okay the um the second page that bullet which meeting does it belong to the is it on the right or the left well but I think it's a June 26 one because it's the meeting schedule 2025 26 so I think it's part of the June 26 proposed meeting and it just I think you have columns go to the second page yeah I think that belongs with the June 26 meeting the school committee yearlong meeting schedule like we're doing right now yes exactly that's ex to clarify that's exactly right so what I built into there every like next meeting you're going to hear a presentation about the strategy update our strategy is five years every year there should be an annual update I purposefully pick the last meeting of the year because that allows the year to end and to collect all the information um school committee yearlong meeting schedule should always be previewed we did a meeting earlier Yep this time but that's when we can bring a monk up and have this conversation again um the 25 26 is really more of a preview I put it as a place marker in case anybody I me it's a little early for preview but that was you know I'm preparing a message that I'm sending home to All Families tomorrow and in it will be a welcome to Summer a great job and also here's a preview for next year just to give families the idea of hey what's to come what's going to be happening over the summer what can at forward to um and that's all I have for that yeah anybody wants to add anything to the agenda at any [Music] time no I appreciate having the U the kind of rough idea rough outline of where Things fall I think that this will also help um in looking at you know where subcommittee should start looking at where their things could fit onto the schedule and things like that anybody have anything else anybody in the audience have anything to add all right school committee subcommittees so you gave us some homework last meeting Sor right but you didn't ask us to send it out in advance of the meeting so all right um I looked at um some information and I was just putting together my notes for myself today and then I said oh I might as well share it out um but uh basically what I did is I apologize for interrupting this school committee subcommittee is GNA be on the agenda every week all right every meeting there we go um so I'm encouraging anybody who wants to tell us what's going on with this commit questions comments anything at all we have that opportunity at every meeting okay so if you want to talk about the stuff you sent us sure 630 today yeah at the next meeting you can well I could introduce it today and then we can talk more about it um so the homework we got last meeting was to um to come up with what a blur you want to blur for each of the subcommittees as to what the responsibilities are um so I spent some time looking at Massachusetts school committee other towns web pages and looking at what they had posted for subcommittees and looking at what they were and um being inspired by their language um so what I put together um in Google Drive and shared out to everybody was some I I put in some of the text that I thought was interesting and then I put in some proposed language for most of the subcommittees that we have um you know it is not um by any means evaluated for appropriate grammar or any of those things it was just a first pass um but I tried to put together a very succinct blur that didn't tie hands too much but also gave us specific things that we were actually supposed to do um so I have that for I have something for the negotiation subcommittee for budget for the facility subcommittee I put one together um policy which would also include uh coming up with and maintaining a school commity handbook superintendent evaluation um I'm proposing that we combine student and Community engagement into potentially a single subcommittee which at this point is easy enough to do because the members of those two subcommittees happen to be the same um so Now's the Time to do it almost by Design oh there you come um but it could be rebranded if we wanted to but I thought it would make sense for it to be one subcommittee specifically looking at that Outreach overall throughout the community um I don't know what the expectation is for a sick bank subcommittee because that isn't anything that anybody has documented anywhere so I don't know if we need one I don't know if that falls under the purview of the superintendent I don't know if it's something that should just be covered under policy so if anybody has any idea what the sick thing sub commmittee is ever done you can go from there um technology uh with the way our technology has been handled at almost about like technology might fall more under facilities because a lot of what we do with technology now is infrastructure and that kind of thing um obviously there's certain things with devices and and that but those types of purchases end up falling under budget so I didn't know if you might want to look at um either disbanding technology and adding something into the facilities it was even necessary um the athletic item I thought we probably didn't need it because we have such a fantastic athletic director and we have such great talking about B yes and uh such a great uh booster group and things like that that if something came up that needed evaluation for athletics it's covered under policy already um so just throwing that out there having a few less might make it a little easier for us to focus um um the other thing that I did see that I thought was interesting is um wayth had something out there that they rotate each month school committee members going to they have a townwide parent Council but they also have their CPAC their special education advisory parent or special education parent advisory Council um which we are required to have by the state and that they just kind of I don't know if we have to have a rotation but coming up with a sign up when CPAC comes up with their list of of meetings for the next school year I think it would be good if we kind of put those AIDS out there and we as a committee try to make sure that there was one of us representing the school committee at each of those meetings just to since Z wasn't able to make a meeting tonight I a motion that heend he attends as many as he can get to yeah um so um I just thought that would be an interesting thing for us to you know potentially not we don't necess need it's a subcommittee but maybe it's one of the things we put in our our policy or you know something we should keep an eye on keep an eye on um you know maybe it's under the purview of the community outreach that the that subcommittee ensures school committee representation not that they have to do it but they you know they they work to ensure um representation whenever possible um but I didn't know if there were any other groups that we thought might also be good for us to try to have Representatives at uh I'm encouraged by the meetings with the town that are already coming that it you know we start to have those regular meetings with the finance committee hopefully it doesn't mean we have to go to have a rep at every finance committee meeting but we can have regular joint meetings and things like that so something to throw out there for people to to think about um but the CPAC getting somebody there I know I've tried to go to a couple meetings in the past and sometimes the topics are um light-hearted craft that type of thing you know maybe it's one that uh you know somebody might want to go to that can bring a grandchild or bring a younger child or something like that or just go and help kids do crafts it's always fun um but then there's some that are also related to policies and IEPs and things like that so um I think our presence would be appreciated when we can attend those so um I think I shared this with you all with comment access so feel free to add comments and suggestions and I can you know incorporate things and make revisions and uh send them around for everybody to review in advance of the next meeting or whenever we feel it is appropriate because these are the types of things that could get posted on our web page and they're also the types of things that could be um incorporated into our policy manual first thank you very much it was a lot of work and I appre appreciate it um you guys want have a discussion about this at the next meeting we'll just have it right under could I also did similar yeah and came up with different thoughts so just not not necessarily resolved now but U I also went on the website on mas and I think first you need to be uh have a shared understanding of of the purpose of them and my understanding from what I looked at is uh not necessarily what our role is with the community or what our role is with the school but what are the most important topics that we believe categories of things that we believe that we should have uh an ongoing base of information that we can't all do all the time you know meeting as we meet but that really stays in touch with those categories uh and those should be what the subcommittees what what the subcommittees are um and for that reason um I would not so when I was looking at the different subcommittees from different towns the one for student engagement which I when I volunteered on it is what I thought was going to be was how it is that we as a school system engage our students not how does the school committee engage students but how so the and there were a variety of categories around curriculum and discipline and all of those things that a few people on the school committee get more of an understanding of what that means and then bring agenda items forward if we believe they need to be brought forward or if a time comes when as the topics were that come through annually that we're more prepared from our side of the table uh to engage in those con iations uh so you pause you for one second I think if you have a chance to read through some of what I wrote it's not too far off from what you said because it's it's focus on Gathering how to deal about the culture and climate within the district so it's looking at how I mean what that was what I proposed is how do the students feel about the culture and climate within the district so how is the school engaging with those students for that for their wellbeing and that kind of thing so obviously the language but I I don't think I'm um uh what I was thinking the responsibility was is very far off what you think it should be um and I think that's very different than Community engagement um I even listening to the uh principal speak of it's a struggle to figure out how how do how does the district communicate and how we do also um with the community in ways that they want to access and how do we encourage that that is a whole discipline into itself uh and for people to really get involved in that I think that that should be separate I agree about sick B got no clue I think there are some others I wonder if special Edge should be one it's one that comes up often of questions that come up and if there are some people that are really you know that were involved and we know the right questions to ask and those kinds of things so I would propose at the next meeting that we look at this list list and really decide what is this the list um and come the proposals of what should remain and and what maybe should change that would be my first recommendation my second recommendation would be that we also I saw on some of the websites that there are expectations for these sub communities that are that are put forward how often during a year they meet um what they're expected to bring forward those kinds of things that we come up with expectations um so that you know people know what they're supposed to do as well as what you've already have started to draft and that's a charge a charge of the subcommittee and its um responsibilities uh that we have that uh and I was gonna I had also drafted one for the student engagement but uh Carol that was another one I really willed to talk with you about before for yeah I'm absolutely open to having these conversations and and a good discussion and uh and there it down from there yeah and so I'm happy to work with you um as we get closer to the next meeting and kind of like put language into one document so that we have everything kind of joint to to compare and review the different options so yeah like I said the subcommittee is going to be standing agenda item the only thing I would ask is that when we have that we have a good conversation you know yes I don't want it to turn into a thing where it takes 17 hours to talk about every you know y but if we can and like I said every meeting I'm G to have that on there so if there's something we want to discuss we can and it works better if we get our info to to each other before the meeting but and it does make me a little nervous that I see that July is the superintendent goals and is that done by the other the superintendent goals done by the um evaluation committee I think the superintendent Gos in my understanding as somebody who's been on this for just over a year so you're more than me um is that the the goals are set by or agreed upon by the school the superintendent evaluation I believe will be a different so the the way we did it the last time which can change is that the superintendent evaluation subcommittee um met with Carolyn to review her proposed goals for any adjustments before they then came to the full committee so it wasn't um you there was time between that subcommittee meeting and the formal meeting if there were any changes to make so um you know we did talk about it a little bit um before the rearrangement of the subcommittees to ask Carolyn to begin working on her goals because we wanted to make sure they got on the calendar or they got created before the next school year started and it didn't wait so long so yes the ideal would be before the July meeting which is like a month away that we do have some time to um sit down review what Carolyn's come up with see if we have any feedback if we want any adjustments and decide if we need another meeting before the July um public meeting where or the July full committee meeting where those gools would be presented and voted how does that sound I sorry but I disagree um what your proposal uh my proposal is that that it's we shouldn't be just reviewing what Carn brings to us but that it should be a proactive look at different kinds of reports and things that we go into that meeting with ideas that we can share and have a conversation and not just be given something that we review uh I think that that it it's always as any time I supervise people I go into a meeting with my ideas of what I think the goals should be and I certainly listen to what the person I'm supervising what their ideas are and we have a we come to a shared understanding but um and so that would be how I would suggest and I think that a meeting with the sub committe should happen first have a conversation what documents do we want to look at what kinds of things should we be looking at uh and then have a meeting with Carn uh so that there's a real conversation uh this way I would feel unprepared I would feel very I have no issue with having a subcommittee meeting before um the meeting withen and I would just say that whatever we up we would need to jointly share with each other so we can go into the joint meeting that absolutely and no way that was I suggesting otherwise it's just so as as chair of that subcommittee I happily send out some dates for the subcommittee and will the end me get it post public technically it's a public meeting and see what we can do to look at um hopefully the subcommittee for superintendent evaluation [Music] personel it's never it's never been po fantastic that's a big thing we should know because I think the negotiation subcommittee is also a public and the superintendent evaluation does not I like those because we're going to talk about it in public so there's time for public commentary anyway to be clear but any and all subcommittees all they do is make recommendations to the full board and or the full committe and the full committee has a public discussion and a public vote on those things so there is no I and I'm not saying this for anyone here saying this by everyone that the all votes and conversations based on recommendations by the sub committees not taking place in uh open at with the full Committee in an open session it's personel things but yeah so nothing is decided or voted on subcommittee said that's just for clarification the budget subcommittee meetings public can join to listen and to interview so I think that's the difference of that would be helpful for me to know when we should clarify what's open to the public and what are not open to the public and what has to be posted we still have to post executive session stuff so they still have to be posted so they have to be posted but they're not looking to the public all right anyse can can I make a recommendation so it might not to throw a wrench in the process it might make more sense to invite masc in and do some of your work as the committee before you get too far down the field on the subcommittee work that seems to be you know what I mean defining yourselves this is just me I'm not you know mean I recognize I'm not a member of the school committe but having your own goals and defining your roles will actually help everything else flow from there agree which is how we do it in our in our process and about you know what I'm saying in our educator life so obviously the when committee prioritizing that Inc event sooner than later agreed yeah I also agree that's a good idea I think it's good to go in with a couple things like this preliminary work it'll be good for us to go in and have some stuff but I think that's a great idea to get the guidance and the training before we make too many [Music] decisions all right does anybody have anything else on sub news you guys don't have anything on so for me all right consent agenda Iain a motion for the approval of the meeting minutes for May 9th 2024 so move second I'm a motion to Second com questions all in favor I oppos pass is unanimously Iain a motion for approval of Wars as presented second any comments questions all in favor I opposed passes unly entertain a motion to approve the donation to the middlebar high school from hanfield helps so move second a motion and second any comments questions all in favor I I i' entertain a motions to Jour move second let's not be slow on that second a motion a second to adjourn all in favor I oppos pass very much thank you very [Music] much I even know what the song is and he didn't even get very far I don't know closing time I S Sonic a little heavy handed I like consistency Jess thank [Music] you e e e e e e e e e e