e e e e okay are we all ready everybody ready okay okay we're going to call this meeting to order this evening please join me and stand if you're able to say the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic it stands nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all okay welcome everybody um I before we begin I want to express congratulations on uh Zeke on your reelection and also Sue Panini welcome to uh the school committee and congratulate everybody on a successful Town election on April 6th um at this point I will be moderating this conversation this meeting tonight and will entertain nominations for the election of a chairperson for the Middleboro Public Schools school committee I would like to nominate yeah a nomination was made by Zeke Lewis any second second seconded uh by just chard off to nominate Alan prowley as chair to the school committee are there any other nominations hearing none um I will turn it over to discussion have a question which is probably going to happen a lot uh do we have a written uh job description for the chair that would be in the policy I believe yeah I believe it's in the policy manual the uh school committee policy manual and how is that accessed electronically we have physical copy at central office but there's also an electronic copy that I'll make sure you have access to as well great thank you it's a little out of date what it's a little out of date it's on the to-do list uh so so I understand it might be why I asked the question any further discussion about the nominations I just note that um you know we are a relatively young Committee in terms of tenure um and that uh Allan does bring uh experience in town politics with him to this new Venture of the school committee so um at least he'll be familiar with uh Robert Rules of Order and that'll be a good step in the right direction um but I do hope that uh as a prior chair of the select board that he'll at least have experience to help guide us and we'll figure everything else out as we go wonderful so uh with that we will take a vote on the uh nom on the election for Alan brolley for chairperson all those in favor say I I those opposed it's unanimous uh Alan fry congratulations chair of the school [Applause] committee and while you are moving down I'm going to turn over my notes to you for the election of uh a vice chairperson of the school committee and I'm going to give this to you also all right how you doing thank you appreciate it um I will entertain nominations for vice chair of the school committee Jess I'd like to nominate to continue Vice chair do I hear a second I'll second it all right I have a motion in second do I do I hear any other nominations going once going twice going three times all right I'll I'll entertain a well I'll entertain a vote for uh Zeke to be the vice chair so moved I all I I all right I uh it's unanimous congratulations thank you um take that next would be the election of the secretary all right which is Christine behind us reelect her yes all right I'll take I'll take nominations for the election of the secretary please keep her second all right I have a motion in a second all in favor I opposed unanimous beautiful um I will take a motion to entertain to adopt the Roberts Rules of Order newly revised 11th Edition as a procedural guide for conducting the school committee meetings so moved right yep yeah I need a second second I have a motion and second to adopt Robert's Rules of Order any discussion all in favor I I I opposed passes unanimously all right um so the next one is to uh Set uh meetings right I believe we were meeting on the 1st and the 3 is that okay do anybody want to change or I'm fairly flexible so I can do either Mr chair yes um so I just want to call the the attention of the committee to a memo I sent um there was a information requested of me about how to handle the remaining meetings this year there are essentially four meetings left two for May and two for June so I prepared a memo that I attached to the The Flash that I'm going to go through in detail just to revive everybody's memory we have uh this year and in previous years but in this year in particular met the first and third Thursday at 7 pm at the high school um that would be for the remaining of this year May 2nd May 16th June 6th and June 20th um these dates were tenative um given that this is the new date tonight we're meeting tonight that would mean we'd have two consecutive meetings in a row so we'd have a meeting next Thursday and there would also be two conflicts the committee needs to be aware of on Thursday June 6th this space is needed in preparation for That's Entertainment and then on June 20th this facility here is rented out um for Erica's Dance Academy there's a recital happening here if you want to keep the meetings on the schedule the June 6th and June 20th meetings could occur at the Nichols Middle School in the alternative if you wanted to shift the model for Just J uh May and June you could shift to the second and fourth um Thursdays of the month without any conflict that would be Thursday May 9th Thursday May 23rd Thursday June 13th and Thursday June 27th um there wouldn't be an issue with graduation or Senior week because there's actually a fifth week in Mar in May this year um and in both cases the last meeting in June does occur after school gets out so that's just something to be mindful of our last day of school is June 14th um and either the 20th or the 27th would present a date after school gets out of session so there's there I there's that information for you to consider with how you want to set the rest of the meetings uh for this year yeah I I said this at the last meeting which was that in the past we have had it the second and fourth and the only reason why we changed it to the first and third was because I had requested it and just because and I think I requested that in the middle of the year so it's just because if we set it for the second and fourth does not mean that we have to keep it for the second and fourth for the rest of the year going forward um I think I'm in favor of going second and fourth just for the logistics of avoiding any potential you know so I have no issue in general with the second and fourth but I do have a conflict on May 23d um which there might actually be two conflicts that's senior showcase for um the theater which is also my daughter's show on the 20 on the 23rd but it's also the day that the um evening event was scheduled for the fifth grade career fair that was potentially going to be the follow-up date for that so if we want to switch to the second and fourth I would just request we consider moving the meeting on the 23rd to potentially a different day of that week instead of doing the Thursday maybe consider the Wednesday I don't know what conflict that might bring for this space I don't believe there to be a conflict for the space um were you to shift to Wednesday May 22nd but I believe that's something that can be adjusted by the chairman uh when setting the agenda for that that particular that week so yeah anyway I'm in favor of the second or fourth instead of the fourth that week could we do because there's five Thursdays in May right could we do May 30th so the the 5ifth Thursday in May does present an issue because that is senior last assembly that evening so the fifth week in May would present a conflict as it as the Senior Week typically does it's just typic normally we it um graduation it's the earliest it can possibly be this year because it's always the first Saturday in June so I mean we could I couldn't do it then either because well it's senior last assembly and I have a senior so sue you have any uh thoughts the last week of June uh I'd have a conflict there uh but I don't think we need to organize it around I'm completely open to options I whatever you guys decide I'm can people do Wednesday the 22nd I guess is the question the 22nd of what may Wednesday the 22nd of May yes that creates a conflict for me but I'm one of six I am also one of six for the 23rd but there'll be a lot of people over there and in the gym we go for the the second and fourth and we'll renegotiate if we want to to the May the the way that I see this is that a motion yeah move that we adopt the second and fourth for the meetings in May and June and we prepare on May 9th to discuss if we're meeting on the 23rd or not was that a second there's a second all right so we we'll meet on the second and fourth and we'll have a discussion an upcoming discussion about that meeting sounds good I have a motion in second all in favor I opposed um passes unanimously all right um signing of the warrants before we move on a couple questions I have about reorganization of the committee I I was wondering in the same way is there a list of the subcommittees of um of the school committee we'll get it to you there's there's a l somewhere I I don't know where anything is right now if I if I may Mr chair through you um there is a list generally speaking at the start of the new year that is when the school committee rece like you are um asked by the chairman to uh he gives you a list of the different subcommittees that he's created for that year you will you can apply for those positions and he will get back to you with the list of who's the vice chair and who's the chairman of those subcommittees right I thank you I'd also be interested to know of the work of those subcommittees so right now I have um a paral list there's a negotiation subcommittee a budget subcommittee facility subcommittee policy manual subcommittee and superintendent evaluation subcommittee I know there's also um a grounds or a maintenance subcommittee and athletic subcommittee student engagement student engagement so I'll get those to you and uh and are are those charged with reporting back to the school committee at certain intervals I'm not sure what the intervals are but I'm sure we would be more than happy to hear from any subcommittee anytime they'd like okay thank you all right all right could you email that to all of us beautiful thank you thank you um I need a uh all right I would entertain a motion to authorize me to sign warrant just you or you and the vice chair you you and the vice chair well whoever I designate currently we're all of us except Sue are authorized to sign warrants so are we I would entertain a motion to add Sue to that list so moved second so you okay with that I all right um I'm I can generally get back into town and sign uh if I can't I'll ask Zeke first and then we'll go down the list that sound okay works for me we do need to take a vote to sign tomorrow and if I stay on the ability to sign so um so we have a motion of second to uh designate to or add Su to the list of people who can sign the warrants I all in FA I opposed passes unanimously all right so yeah we'll talk about subcommittees at the next meeting I guess oh and your next item is adjournment say that was easy um all right I we welcome Sue uh Jess would you like to talk about some uh Massachusetts school committee training opportunities yes so sue if you haven't been introduced but Chris this might also be of interest to you and um when Marcy reads the notes and for all of us um the Massachusetts Association of school committees has a lovely website right on the main page there is a listing of some upcoming sessions but if you click the the view all option within that list there are a number of offerings for charting the course which is a one day new school Committee Member training that technically I believe we are all supposed to complete complete within our first year of service um there are a few upcoming that like there's one in Handover there'll be one in Plymouth I think early fall so I just wanted to uh make everybody aware um there are definitely sessions that I would be interested in attending again um just since sometimes you don't absorb everything the first time so I just wanted to encourage you to check it out if you don't have their website don't Google masc because you get the Massachusetts Association of student councils and a whole bunch of stuff before you find the school committee so type it out with school committee you'll find it faster thank you all right um and there is just to give you a heads up there's a a weekend getaway not a weekend getaway but a uh day on the hill no the uh the training we went to down the cape conference so there's a conference that'll be in the late fall November I think so it's the joint masc Ma SS conference It's a Wonderful opportunity to uh learn about the role of school committee and also work with the superintendent and ter you know how do how do those roles work together and in concert you get to meet other school committee members across the state um it's over three days in November I can look that up while you continue to talk but I will also reference it in tomorrow's flash so that you have the dates and a link to sign up if you would like to sign up and the um sometimes the easiest thing is to look at it and if if you want to sign up message and gagnan in uh superintendent's office um because there is usually a cost to register and that's covered under the budget so that you can have her deal with that and then that way you are not paying out of pocket and trying to deal with reimbursement thank you all right the next item is uh public comment does anyone on the board have anything they'd like to discuss into public comment uh just real quick um thank you for me is yeah I appreciate it uh might take a few meetings for me to uh knock the rest off but I'm sure I'll settle back in um I would like to ask anybody who's on a school committee if they have like one or two ideas or suggestions on how to make things run smoother or something they'd like to see just email me those because I don't want 10 things because if I try to do 10 Things I won't get anything done but if you give me one or two you know we can work on it and I think that's a much more effective way to go about it um but with that I will open it up to public comment hello um my name is Mia Stevens I'm a senior at Middleboro high school I'm with my friend anzo today um we're a part of the Middleboro yes club and so um we are hosting at the high school on this Saturday April 22nd from 11 to 2 we are um hosting the cooler Middleboro Fair um so do you want to talk about sure yeah um so we're members of the youth environmental social Society and so we've teamed up with sustainable middle borrow to throw another fair this weekend again 11 to2 um and we're planning to have lots of like kids activities we're having Nea with the whale um educational booths there's going to be some student projects with like the engineering groups um I believe we're going to have a demonstration of a wind turbine which I'm excited for haven't seen it yet um and yeah it's going to be fun we're going to have kids activities lots of booths lots of people there and we're just looking to get the word out about that um and also we're having a clothing swap where people can bring in their unwanted articles of clothing and get like a punch card to trade them in for other donated items of clothing so kind of like thrifting but free and we're looking for donations for that still which can be brought on the day of to MHS in the gymnasium beautiful thank you very much thank you where it's at MHS in the gymnasium 11 to2 great wonderful event last year I encourage everybody yes it was it was great last year does anyone else have any comments yes I just wanted to confirm the joint masc and mass conference will occur from November 6th through 9th 2024 so you can have write those dates stand there is more more detail to follow I'll make sure I keep that an item on the flash for for this appreciate that sure Mr Sullivan how are you Mr chair Bob Sullivan Cedar Street middleb um I'm going to I wasn't going to mention this item because it's on the agenda but in your discussion regarding the um your Association of school committees um in reference to the question about what a chair does I believe they still have a pretty good little packet that talks about the chair the duties and responsibilities of the chair how they should be sharing information it's I think it's useful for you and the other thing item is I still think they do this it's been a while since I've asked them to get involv with this but they can bring a representative out and work with you because someone referenced that you're a relatively new committee you're not new to the town and they can come out and work with you as far as how working as a school committee I mean it sounds pretty easy but it really isn't so I I just suggest that it is something that they do offer um my the item I came up to to speak to isn't on the agenda is I'm hoping there's consideration by the school committee to have on the school committee agenda a regular item regarding a financial report so that's that's the only thing I was going to mention thank you thank you thank you would anyone else like to speak on the public comment All Right Moving On uh we will have uh reports from the school committee members Jess um so before I go into what I was going to say um I love the idea that Mr Sullivan just brought up of of considering having mesc come and do a I guess professional development day here for the school committee or or however that would work so I definitely think that um is a wonderful idea and something I'd like to pursue as well Mr chair through you I uh reached out to Glenn coocher who's the executive director of M ASC this week to schedule a time to talk with him to structure a workshop here in Middleboro so there are many different types of workshops it would help me to have feedback you know we can focus on the roles and responsibilities of the school committee you can focus on superintendent evaluation there are many different topics but it would help me in my conversation with him if you want to drill down on exactly what the what he could or a member of his team could present out on they're more than willing to come out so I've already started that process but any shaping you could give me would would be helpful and any constraints for scheduling also do they have a a list of topics that they're prepared to do so if you go on the masc website and under um I believe it's Field Services it can tell you all the different kind of services that they offer great um I would recommend the website's very helpful it's very userfriendly but it can guide exactly what kind of training and then also online workshops I referenced in the flash a couple of weeks ago there are a lot of webinars that are perfectly free you can log on and watch it just depends on what Focus you want it to take to Mr Sullivan's point with the new committee it's always a great idea to come together and invite someone from masc in to say let's talk about you know what this means for for your group okay so the other topic I wanted to bring up was just an update on the uh superintendent evaluation um so uh prior to the election we had the sitting members all uh do a individual evaluation of the superintendent um so the past chair and I were the members of that subcommittee since he wasn't on the ballot um I took on the role of aggregating the individual evaluations um so I have completed the aggregation um and I was just waiting for the election of the chair so that I will um contact you Allan to set up a time to go through what I did for the aggregation and then we can set up the meeting with the superintendent to review it and then hopefully it can be on the agenda of the next um meeting to have the public discussion um I know there were some concerns raised with the um delay in bringing the superintendent evaluation to the public last year so I wanted to try to make sure that we could move forward with with it on a more expedited timeline greatly appreciate that uh does anyone else have anything on the school commit Sue I just a question on that the process itself for the evaluation is there I'm sorry I'm going to be keep asking this same kind of question but the process itself um is there uh information about the process there is and Alan I think maybe you sent me some did you send me some of that with the I sent you the form that we used excuse me I sent you the form the link to the form that we use so you could peruse it but okay and so the evaluation consists of um the people giving input are the school committee members is there input from any other no um it is specified as it is specific that it is not a 360 evaluation our evaluation of the superintendent is based on her reports um the evidence that she presents to us and our personal observations so that's what the evaluation is based on um and that decision was made that is the masc Department of Education stance guidance if we wish for other pieces of data to be included in what we evaluate on we must request in the creation of the superintendent's goals for that evidence to be collected by the superintendent and for the superintendent to then incorporate it into the evidence that she presents to us for the evaluation thank you you you're welcome any other comments or questions from the school committee I have uh two comments um right before break the me uh two teachers Miss CER and paling did a space camp um and it was amazing the student engagement was really high um I had a whole bunch of t- Ballers telling me all about you know the moons of satn uh so I just want to thank those two and principal go for continuing to engage our young students early and Foster a love of learning the second piece I had was on April 13th uh Middleboro little league did its opening day ceremony uh it tons of kids within our system participate uh it's a it's a big deal and there was a number of staff and faculty who were present at the parade uh some that don't have students in the league or don't live in Middleboro and I just want to extend on an April vacation a thank you for them to come out and make our little Leaguers feel like big Leaguers seeing their fans so thank you very much it was a pretty cool day um also if you haven't had a chance you can go down there and take a good look at uh the bench that was dedicated dedicated to uh former Lieutenant uh AJ Leana it's a pretty pretty neat little bench and uh he was a pretty awesome guy too so that was H that was a nice touch any other comments from the school committee members all right Colin you're up thank you all right uh starting over with the kindergarten uh the mech came back from the uh spring break and I filling up a schedule with many activities it's uh events the first event is happening tomorrow night 6:00 7 it's going to be pup band it'll be at btis they're also filling up their schedule with events including field trips uh their field day uh musicals and a literacy night uh also the mech order caterpillars and duck and chicken eggs to help understand the life cycle which I still remember to this day dealing with those caterpillars um D MK uh the mkg the third grade player will be taking stage uh next week for their show uh class pitch forms will be going home with students next Tuesday in their Tuesday folders it will be taking place on May the 9th uh mcast testing will be going on grades 3rd through 5th for math mcast Monday the 6th and Wednesday the 8th uh fifth graders will also be taking signs mcast uh Tuesday the 14th and Wednesday the 15th ending off the year students will also be taking their end of year Assessments in math and literature uh same thing at the HB uh they'll also be taking mcast there same days the same grades um also the science mcast also the HB is holding their fifth annual Art Festival tomorrow from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the uh School it'll be a glowin the-art or glow glow art theme and the seems pretty interesting with glow-in-the dark face paint and stuff like that um the Middle School uh Middle School celebrated uh students academically with their trimester award award ceremony they had held they honored a large number of students with high honor roles and gave the students an chance to show their parents what they accomplish in the school year also all three GES have finally finished Elam cast by now uh spring Sports also be seen be great I just heard this morning that the softball team both baseball team both Mercy ruled their opponents in their last game also club sports are still open for participation and for more information it is posted on the newsletter uh the high school High School sports definitely did not take a break over spring break um the baseball team actually end up winning their April break tournament last week also the year is coming to an end and for a last final event or fundraiser uh student council is putting on a powder tough event it's going to be a volleyball game uh anyone is welcome to sign up it'll be signups will be at lunch and the will be taking place May 9th as well uh junior prom once again held at the Town Hall it'll be on May 11th from 6:00 to10 p.m. uh they're selling tickets in the main office beginning the 11th uh as well as Junior Prom the juniors are also selling fundraiser fundraiser bracelets for $10 uh you have uh contact Mr redpath about that also next week will be the start of AP testing in the building with many students even taking more than one AP and it will be busy next three weeks that's all thank you all right Jess one thing uh that Colin mentioned that I don't know if uh got it all the plom that it should is that the the event that the mech is hosting at btis field is the Tow Jam puppet band so if you haven't ever seen them with your small child I highly recommend you go see the to jam puppet band um that's brought the mech PTA and is that tomorrow yes tomorrow evening so definitely worth um worth getting out and see they do put on a pretty good show and if you can hula hoop it's a pretty good uh it's a lot of fun too and oddly enough my son is very good at hula hoop me not so much uh anything else good Colin y beautiful thank you all right uh next up is uh superintendent report okay all right good evening chair and members of the school committee just queuing up my report tonight I have uh three items I'm going to be covering the first is a preliminary conversation about school choice tonight I'll be covering this topic in a preliminary Manner and seeking input from you about what information you'd like me to collect for us to discuss it in May I'll come that'll be the first topic so I'll cover that in some detail this evening there's a reads collaborative agreement that was shared in the Dropbox with you that we're going to be talking about this evening and then finally an update about the mech Jim roof which is a project that has been completed so with that I will start with school choice I sent you information in the the draft box because I thought it would be a helpful primer to understanding not just what school choice is but some of the laws regulations and advisory pieces from the state around it it's I recommend you read all of the documents I sent they're pretty easy easy to understand even though the topic itself is is somewhat complicated um so as I said tonight is a preliminary conversation if the committee is going to vote to not open school choice there must be a public hearing to follow so if that is contemplated there should be a public hearing um that public hearing has to occur before June 1st because it's on June 1st that we have to report to the state school choice is ultimately the district's receip of non-resident students schools do receive tuition in exchange for non-resident enrollment but it's important that the committee understand the presumption is that all districts are school choice unless you specifically vote and elect otherwise by June 1st of each year so everybody's in unless the school committees individually decide no we're going to opt out of that process as I mentioned above um we will report your decision by June 1st to the state and it's important for you to know that school choice is a yearly decision so what you decide this year will not necessarily be in place for next year it's something that gets Revisited every year at this time of the year by way of review I thought it would be helpful for you to see well what has the what has Middleborough decided in years past this year the 2324 school year the school committee opened school choice on a limited basis to the siblings of existing school choice students only the previous year the 2223 school year the school committee opted out of school choice and then as you can see in the Years prior 2122 uh 2021 1920 and 1819 all of these years the school committee opted into school choice it is important for you to understand that opting into school choice does not have to be limited it can be limited by grade it can be limited by building it can be limited to a specific number of seats so it's pretty malleable but in terms of the state's recount of school choice it's either open or closed in or out it's binary there are some factors that um are referenced in the handouts I shared with you that I think are important to consider um the first is that there is monetary gain um per student roughly $5,000 a year um with the opportunity to receive slightly greater reimbursement for students with disabilities that's done on an individualized and incremental basis um that doesn't mean that it's additional money and not additional cost to the district but I think it's important for you to understand that there is financial gain for for opting in families do have the opportunity to keep siblings together so that if there's a sibling who's already here under school choice it would keep to RI to have it open particularly at the lower levels would allow families to stay together in our system um while some schools can adopt well all schools while some schools can adopt some rules for enrollment schools cannot discriminate on any protected U basis and that's race color religious Creed National or sex gender identity age sexual orientation ancestry athletic performance physical handicap special need or academic performance or or Proficiency in the English language it was a long list so I wanted to make sure I included all the ways um that districts are not permitted to discriminate um let me move forward this slide there are additional there were actually quite a few factors I was trying to make these slides not so wordy um it's important to understand that students who are admitted through school choice remain at in the district through graduation um they they must be residents um and schools must establish a sibling preference policy for admitting school choice students you have to address that topic regardless and um schools may not establish a preference for children of school district or Municipal Employees when admitting I believe that's a question we've had in the past can you open it to just employee children and that answer is unequivocally no they cannot sit in advance of the of the lottery but you can you can offer school choice you just have to you can't uh you can't have that preference um okay the application process must be blind and I want to explain a little bit about that schools may not consider a student's disciplinary record during the admission process it is a it is a pure application of wherever they live as long as they are a Massachusetts resident that is all we are permitted to seek this also includes students who have been expelled from another school district so it's important for you to understand what a blind admission policy um means and once a student is accepted that acceptance cannot be rescinded in any way that also includes to have this policy open include students in outof District placements they must be admitted if they app if they apply because otherwise would be discriminatory on the basis of a disability um students typically students who participate in school choice do not receive transportation that said if the student applies has Transportation specifically listed in an I individualized educational program then that could also be um part of the obligation so that's really the primer on what school choice is and some of the factors sure great question or point of clarification so um it can't be factored in if they apply however the applications process once siblings are evaluated is just the lottery so just to kind of clarify that if they apply and they have the IEP based Transportation or out of District placement we don't know they're in the lottery if they're pulled they're none of that information can be considered or really even be be sought prior to enrollment it really is if you have four seats those four seats have to be filled if you have 10 seats those 10 seats have to be filled and for every additional seat that you don't have you have to engage in a lottery okay so that's how that process works um before we have our next meeting I wanted you to see information that I'm prepared to collect and bring to next meeting which includes our current number of school choice students um I will not disclose identities or names because for obvious reasons but I think the current number is important please remember that school choice students remain school choice students regardless of subsequent year of decisions okay so even if the committee votes no and does that for the next 10 years we will still have school choice students in our district so I'll I can collect the current number of school choice students the total enrollment of students in our district from 2018 to the present including projections for the 2425 school year I think that information is important for you to know so you can see well where are we in enrollment and at what grade level the only caution I'll I'll say to you is a a projection is just that um it can be Loosely based on the um census and information that we have available now and I will also caution the committee that we are seeing Trends in late enrollment particularly with younger students it used to be that there was a big rush in the spring and we're seeing enrollment occur very um vigorously throughout the summer so I don't know if that's middleb specific or in general but it's something for you to keep in mind when considering a projection will will the projections break out um those that are continuing on that that are already in the system and then and then projected new ones that you that you think would be coming yeah the projections will really be about um grade enrollment by grade yeah and so that we can do the calculus of class size because that's really the big question if you're opening up seats what are we doing to to class size but if if we say that we are committed to people that are already here we can you probably know what the uh how many drop out have a projection on that so will it break that out versus how many might want to come in sure well I'll have a projection of how many will be graduating so you'll know how many students you know ultimately will be will be dropping off of school choice I won't be able to project Dropout per se only because you don't really I don't really have that information bu Trends yeah I mean I I have our dropout rate so I could I could give you that as a percentage over our entire student body um I also provide I can provide information about student transfers into Middleboro Public Schools so how many how many kids are coming in over the course of the year and then also withdrawals how many are coming out like enrollment is a funny thing and a fluid thing because it isn't a flat number and it really depends on what day in the school year you pull that figure so I'll try to I'll try to pull that and be as clear as I can about that um I'll also speak with the building department because I think the current building projects in Middleboro is a relevant point to point out I I just caution You by saying a building project is just that until it's until it's actually constructed and humans are are living in it it's really hard for anybody to truly know how what had that impact will be felt with enrollment um and then also current school choice students I'll work with the principles to see if we can determine of our school choice population currently enrolled today how many have unenrolled siblings so that you at least have an idea much like this year if you were to make a similar decision how many seats would that amount to um that said is there other information you want me to collect so the only thing that I can think of is since last year or for this current year we opened up school choice to um based on the number of unenrolled siblings if we look at that number again are any of the siblings that are unenrolled in Middleboro were they offered the potential to apply last year that may or may not mean anything but it would just be helpful to know if it was a slot we opened up last year that they didn't choose to apply for okay I do believe all siblings were offered those slots last year right I know there was an effort made but I'll get I'll confirm that just so you have that information just a you know a difference of who was offered it last year and didn't take up take us up on it versus because they'd be in the pool again this year well the numbers also include uh students that are going to BP yes going yeah so that we'll see the numbers that are going out yes the numbers the numbers that go out include because students go out for an array of reasons not it'll be BP Aggie private school home school um I'll try to break down some of that information so that you can see um what the what the un sometimes it's just a move also so it's not necessarily uh to a different School more than it's a different Community any questions about about school choice before I move on to the next if we opt out uh for a school choice does that also um negate our students going to other schools mean oh is it is it uh reciprocity no yeah school choic is all determined by Community but there is no relationship between communities for example if car if Carver is open it has no bearing on whether or not we're open um and I don't believe that there is the capacity to say we'll only do school choice with Carver do you see what I'm saying I I don't believe that relationship exists so there you know if students elect to school choice into another District that's incumbent on whether or not other districts um take students for school choice thank you okay um just a if we want to adopt the policy we currently have that will require a hearing correct if you want to opt out of school choice it warrants a public hearing even if you don't want to opt out you will have to vote there you have to vote on this so my suggestion would be to put this on next meeting's agenda and talk about it and become prepared to vote on the topic unless it warrants a further conversation you could have more than one meeting on it as long as it's decided before June 1st so just real quick looking at the um at the calendar we went with the second and fourth which is the 9th and the 23rd but we have we have some possible conflicts on the 23rd so you guys all right with having the hearing on the nth at our next meeting I think so yeah all right yes but if we keep the current policy it's an opt in with the sibling exception right so we wouldn't need a hearing correct if you decide to opt in you you actually don't need to do anything we would still report it to the state because that's the correct thing to do but the presumption is you're in and we are currently already in they every year they reach out to us and ask us what specifics about opting in means so we report that out regardless regardless of whether we opt in for one slot in seventh grade or correct 20 slots every grade One op in means we're in right I think a hearing is a good idea we can have it the public is allowed to you know discuss it as well so yeah I'll also offer that I've had a few parents reach out to me to ask about school choice so I made sure to let them know that it was on the agenda tonight but it was a preliminary matter and that the school committee would be addressing that in subsequent meetings so only two families have reached out but two families all the same all right beautiful okay so with that I'll move to the Reeds collaborative agreement discussion um by way of review this earlier this school year the school committee voted uh to adopt new member districts into the reads collaborative there was a discussion about whether or not um the committee wanted to allow that and they did there was a reciprocal nature of having made that decision all the other communities made the same decision in the in the reads collaborative they had to update the collaborative agreement to now reflect the new membership so you have the new collaborative agreement um in your booklet and a vote is required to adopt the revised collaborative agreement this agreement would take effect July 1st 2024 um and as I said you you have it you have it in front of you so if you have any questions about that now would be a good time to ask me any questions from the school committee any questions from the public I think we're good so you'd like a vote I'd entertain a motion to adopt the uh Reeds collaborative agreement as presented so moved second I have a motion to Second any comments just a question and clarification uh so the only change in the agreement is the listing of the total listing of the of the schools that are involved yes if you look uh I don't know if you have a physical copy you can see the text offset the the font is in purple it's actually kind of difficult to see to be perfectly honest with you but the text offset in purple which lists the two new members Brockton public schools and Whitman Hansen uh Regional School District that is the that is the only change thank you sure so have a motion in second all in favor I I opposed hearing none unanimous and uh Mr chair I will ask for your signat signature on that form that I can turn over to the reads collaborative and while you are doing that I will move to my final item of the evening which is um an update on the mech Jim roof um director of facilities Jim hunson is here tonight in case anybody has substantive questions by way of review there was damage sustained to the mech Jim roof in the storm on December 18th 2023 um dor Hutchinson and I worked on a bid waiver process and then and then a bid process in Earnest um that we kind of fast-tracked to get done before the December break it was completed we not only received the waiver but had completed the bid process and selected the lowest bitter by December 21st 2023 which is fairly Lightning Fast kudos to Mr Hutchinson for for really leading that process um we were doing we were moving at a clip that fast because the Hope was to begin that work right with the new calendar year in January if you recall the weather was mild we were hopeful we could get in get out our families at Mech were wonderfully flexible we changed the parking lot you know made made preparations and then the weather pattern just completely turned between January 1st and early March um so we were wayed not because of the roofer not because of anything on our end but simply because of the weather work started on March 12th of 2024 and it ended on March 15th our company came in and turned this work around immediately if you recall we had projected a 30-day window from compl from start to completion and we knew weather could be a factor I think we were hoping to be a little luckier with the weather but quite honestly from December 18th to March 15 is also a pretty pretty quick turnaround on on a facilities repair of that of that nature I'm also happy to report that the gym floor which did sustain damage from the roof um has also been repaired and reopened as of April 3rd uh 2024 so that gym is online they're good as new um they actually kept some of the new procedures around the parking lot and dismissal as a result of this process so kudos to principal goil in the mech Community the project was funded through Insurance um and I brought a couple of photos I had some very funny conversations with principal goil you can see this is the Washburn Wing affectionately what we call the prek wing and um as you can imagine this was very entertaining to our prek students um and they got to learn a little bit about construction and get creative with what they were seeing and then I brought some after photos this beautiful flat roof uh Mr fr I think you would ask me about um mechanics and there are not mechanics on this roof so I wanted to make sure I clarified that point but um I think Mr huderson was really pleased with the work I didn't bring photos but they this company was also extremely meticulous about how they cleaned up after the the job which I know was appreciated by the staff because that parking lot right there is a lot of where staff Park um and some of the mini buses so I thought that was noteworthy too because not only were they fast and expeditious but they cleaned up after themselves which is always um truly a welcome treat so with that that's really my report on the mech trim roof I didn't know if anyone had specific questions about that work any questions from the committee from the public all right that completes my report for this evening all right I'll entertain a motion to um approve the consent agenda as presented second any comments questions all in favor I opposed passes unanimously and with that I will gladly take a motion to adjourn so moved second I have a a second to adjourn any comments questions all in favor opposed thank you very much folks