I pledge Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please call the RO counc Conan councilman councilman counc M here C Quinn here c m Rex administrator leel here and attorney corini here councilman Rex has been um under a medical issue and um uh so we wish them well all right before we go ahead uh we need to amend the agenda to include two resolutions um one is let me get this right uh resolution uh 35-22 3 approving a tax title lean Redemption to the uh consent agenda the other one let's see is um okay is um 351-2244 Guarantee Bond okay we have a motion to amend the agenda motion and second second all in favor thank you okay no presentations so move to the appointments Linda resignation of Dan isra and Michael hes from the cultural and Heritage committee we have a motion to accept the resignation of Dan isra and Michael hes from the cultural and Heritage committee Mo and second second all in favor I just quick comment yes this is two we had three like at the last meeting do we ever find out what happened well I guess they remind yourself okay all right no proclamations uh we'll move to item seven the public hearing uh for this a resilient communities Grant uh we've been working hard all of us collectively to get this thing going um the uh good news about this um for the people on Heather Lane um that I am suggesting uh I've been doing it since day one that the burough cannot expend tax dollars on private property this is a way out it's a logistics way out and um I just hope uh we can move I think we're doing the maximum allowed on this so this is good news resilient Community project all right so uh I like a motion to open up the public hearing for the resilient communities Grant and second second all in favor I okay uh as I stated before uh please anyone jump in um this is um the maximum award is5 million dollar and um it's going to start with a project site at Heather Lane um and it's the source of funding um is is in line we just hope we can get this uh off the ground because time is of the essence uh we have number six we have number six already that's condemned and um it's going to be a domino effect unless we can mitigate this issue okay uh anybody else like to um chime in on this like Chris Chris should to the public speaking public hearing uh yeah fin public hearing public hearing final action you want to add anything else okay no I don't think so you know we're we're pursuing Public Funding obviously so that we can do some meaning okay at this time we'll open up to the uh public my motion to open up to the public the the uh comments moot in second second all in favor anyone wishing to comment please come up to the mic and state your name and address for the record okay see that there's no comments we have a motion to close the public uh comment portion of the resilient communities grant program motion and second second all in favor thank you okay now we'll move to item eight tonight we have uh three ordinances for introduction Linda I have ordinance number 24-23 providing for design and permitting in connection with Mountain View Park project appropriating $185,000 therefore authorizing the issum of 175 750 bonds and notes to finance the portion of the cost thereof authorized in by the B of middlex in the county of middx New Jersey we have a motion to introduce ordinance number 2110 4-23 motion and second second uh roll call please council president Conan yes counc M now yes counc michek yes counc Quinn yes all right public hearing for ordinance number 2104 d23 will be on December 19th 2023 Linda next one at ordinance number 25-23 and ordinance authorizing the sale property known is block 278 lot 60 n61 on the middle FX tax m located on Drake Avenue the United States Department of the Army Corps of Engineers and this is regarding Daisy Park we have a motion to introduce ordinance number 25-23 motion and second second roll call please Lind council president conam yes councilman Deo yes coun M yes C Quinn yes thank you the public hearing for ordinance number 215-232 all right next one please I have ordinance number 21 6-23 in nor amending chapter 6 Bible of Council of the municipal code of the b midle class and what this is this is uh going back to the liaison um and Council Matic form of government which we've had for many many years I may have a motion to introduce ordinance number 26-23 motion and second second roll call please Linda counc president conam yes ccino yes counc michek yes counc Quinn yes okay public hearing for ordinance number 26-23 will be on December 19th of 2023 we'll move to item nine tonight we only have one ordinance for public hearing Linda I have ordinance number 21323 and ordinance of the code of The Bu of middle sex amending chapter 355 storm order control to includes section to give uh regulations to people who privately store Salt all right um we have a motion to open up the public hearing for ordinance number 2103 d23 motion and second second all in favor I public hearing is now open anyone wishing to speak please come up to the mic and state your name and address for the record all right being no's coming up may have a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance number 2113-20 3 motion and second all in favor we have a motion to accept uh ordinance number 23-23 and adopt moot uh motion and second second any comments questions Linda please call the rooll CC president caran yes CCA counc n yes C Quinn yes okay thank you we'll move to the adoption Linda I have approval of the October 10th 2023 regular and executive meeting minutes we have a motion to approve the October 10th 2023 regular and executive meeting minutes motion and second all in favor thank you I have approved of the October 24th 2023 regular and executive meeting minutes we have a motion to approve the October 24th 2023 regular and executive meeting minutes motion and second second all in favor I thank you all right mayor's report couple items um just a lot of stuff going on here first of all um one of the other council members or the council president may talk about the uh Windor Wonderland Festival so I I won't mention that um one thing that I uh I got a call from Tony Cole most of you know who Tony Cole is um on December 2nd Saturday the the middle sex American Legion will hold their ual remembrance ceremony at the post at 7 p.m. sharp this event is to honor all legionnaires who have passed over the last year this honor reflects the sacrifice that the men and women the middle SE gave to their country in the years past I've um I've always attended this I've given a few words it's it's a really wonderful solemn ceremony so I urge everybody to come out um and that may mean leaving the U the festival half hour earlier but I think it's a very important thing okay we'll move to council member reports council president do you have anything to report I do yes um handful of things OEM uh they have a free by standard leading control class for uh for residents only will be on Tuesday the 28th November 28th uh 6:30 to 8:30 in the Library community room uh the training is a little different than some of the other trainings they've had this one includes uh they go through the types of wounds first a measures um how to stop bleeding how to wrap wounds and um things like that it's two hours you have to register on the for website L use forward our next meeting will be December 13th at 7 pm. Recreation and seniors to the mayor's Point Saturday December 2nd uh 2: to 7:00 p.m. we'll have our annual winner Wonderland Festival uh going to be in m park like always this includes our tree lighting uh music Inflatables photo ops we have a uh um new Tre this year we have an iceless skating rink and uh we're going to put the bonfire activates so free admission to all um our fire department will be hosting toys for CTS on December 2nd at the winter festival so bring a new toy to donate um thanks to the library and the American Mion for coordinating and hosting the Legacy one on the uh November November the 11th I'm very sorry I missed it I was at down a great event very great event from a lot of people um Heather Lane we have some updates which will'll provide those for our Workshop in in a little bit and Happy Thanksgiving all that's it thank you council president councilman dinino do you have anything to report a couple things swim pool me with November 15 all accounts have been closed for the so uh that's settled they're also still in discussion for that point of sale system for the snip World nobody carries cash anymore right they trying to let that's use debit cards there so apparently I'm a little concerned that it's going to be more than one charge per day but we we approved that it will be one charge and be one deposit December they will start taking applications for um followed the march by front test in s so they also were wondering about looking at a grant for that tool you know that I've been I've notic since it open it's the facade is still the same the bathrooms are still the same so they asked if we can ask something DPW to to the lost family especially his son Jared I mean I worked with John for 30 years year and his son is stationed in Japan 20 22y old boy and his dad that was family MERS also we're going to PL pre back re the park where Michael's they're continuing Le pick up they you know they're wrapping up and uh Parks Lots Sports Le bag are still available at the cycle center first come first Ser but there's not many lefts that's all I have there thank you councilman Council M check do you have anything to report I got a couple of things here uh let's go over the October uh police report Cal service 2090 arrest 55 um it's High number a lot of that is related to the the capturing of the guys they have multiple charges against them so it's like multiple arrest it's actually down to like two or three guys that were involved in this these are the guys were with the catalytic inverters so that was that was a good that was a good one for us um DWI got three uh summons 274 the numbers creeping up for sure radar summons is 54 so I mean these guys are out there you know they're they're getting there this is not the time of year you want to start getting creative in your driving um one of the things that they have been put on notice of is that I've been getting a lot of complaints about people that are exceeding the speed limit and they're not going to be so gracious you know if you're if you're going to go limit because they are looking for that right now especially with the step patrols and with it being Thanksgiving and the period through actually New Year's these guys are going to be out there they're going to be looking so if you if you think you want to go to a party and have a couple Uber get someone else to drive because you're only asking for a problem uh motor vehicle crashes we had 34 um for the for the month uh reportable crimes we had nine of which four of them were solv for a rate of 44% which is helping the start boost up our rate we're up to 15% on a year for 2117 crimes so that's a that's a good thing we're starting to see the benefit of U our detectives and everything else come along um so they're going to be offering the active shooter thing again over at the library in the community room um I think it's C creas programs for active Shooters it's going to be the community room they're going to be having a on 12:11 from 1 to 3:30 12:39 to 11:30 12:18 1 to 3:30 1 19 from 1 to 3 :3 111 from 9: to 11:30 I kind of rattle through that kind of quick but if you check the tape or check online you you'll be able to find the dates I just want to let you know there's not just one they're have a series of these that you guys can uh catch up um last night we had a a fire department meeting there was a couple of main things that uh came out of it one of them is uh we're we're working with the fire department and the DPW about guys that are working on the DPW during the day being able to go out and handle some some fire calls so we don't get caught short um basically right now everyone's everyone's in favor of it but we got to get the paperwork right before we can finalize it and say that it's a go uh additionally there's been a couple of complaints that we're looking into regarding the traffic signals that are around um you know around two firehouses on on Route 28 there's there's several issues with them some of them are driver in attention that they're not paying attention to it some of them are they're obstructed by trees uh sun glare you know it is a pro it is a project and it is a process we are looking into it and we're going to start with the stuff you know the low fruit the stuff that we can we can address first but you know just as a notice for everybody those signals are out there people should be paying attention and they should be giving the the the drivers of the trucks the 300 ft that they need especially when they're around the the the firehouses you give them enough time to be able to back the the vehicles in and get out uh that's all I have and Happy Thanksgiving councilman if um if you could if you don't know if you can find out how many um firefighters actively enrolled in losap I because I think we should monitor that since the Inception um but yeah if you could find out that'd be good I think actually Caroline would probably good that's that's that's we'll we'll that route thank you councilman Quinn you have anything to report black poster performance from the county again at the Board of Health meeting Senor representative this time um I know that I reached out to you to uh talk to Paris about getting the reports on what happened at the school still haven't heard a word from him so uh yeah the next Board of Health meetings on December 14th I'm very frustrated with how the county sampling us um we got to look into something different next year maybe we should send a strong letter to Les Jones have someone filling in for Paris now we have that woman yes she's our represent part time she yeah parttime RS okay yeah that's okay that's it Happy Thanksgiving M SE thank you councilman and councilman Rex is not here so we'll move to item 13 administrator report and administrator of place please give us your report thank you Mr Mayor members of the council members of the public um earlier this month the election went smoothly in Middle sex B thanks to our bur CL Linda chismar and her team and volunteers so thank you for that Linda congratulations councilman and mayor elect Nikolai Che council president conahan and councilman elect doie every year the state requires all municipalities to complete what is called the best practices survey it's a series of questions both scored and unscored to determine how well each municipality is following state regulations statutes and mandatory deadlines the good news is that middlex buau scored well above the threshold to maintain our full state aid payment which we get every year a big thank you needs to go to our Chief Financial Officer Carolyn Benson for doing an outstanding job of completing the survey and submitting it to the state for the burough um as mentioned earlier the Legacy Lawn project to honor Middleboro veterans was a big success on veteran day the display of signs honoring each veteran will remain in place uh through Pearl Harbor day um December 7 sincere thanks to our library director Chrissy George Who conceived the idea of the lead on the effort thanks also to Lenny Vidal and the public works department as well as our local American Legion Post Council resolutions on the agenda this evening include authorization to apply for the 2024 American Rescue plan firefighter firefighter Band program as well as authorization to purchase new signage um at the front of the police headquarters and two Matrix those are those veritable message sign for use by the fire department regarding the bound BR Road 28 Street Street skate beautification project which is almost done we've been reaching out to Public Service Electric and Gas to find out the actual installation date for the news uh ornamental Street lighting uh just today I heard from the municipal engineer who had spoken with a regional director at Public Service who assured him that our project will be moved up in order of priorities and that work will should begin soon so hopefully we'll see those lights go in soon there will be an agenda Workshop session this evening addressing the continuing focus by the buau on the area of Heatherly and the Residential Properties that have experienced dramatic erosion the burough is currently working on a cost-effective short-term approach to stabilizing the bank of the brook while also working on a permanent solution to the problem our Public Work super tendent has informed me that if all the materials are received in time we hope to Begin work on the brook Bank retaining wall during the first full week of December uh just a reminder at the suggestion of our bond Council we will have a special council meeting to approve the resolutions for our bond fale this will be on Friday December 8th 2023 at 2 p.m the executive session this evening um involves real estate matters um at um for properties at 1190 Mountain Avenue and also lby park on the headquarters site and on a personal note I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the mayor and councel my fellow Municipal Employees and other members of the community for the amazing love and support given to me and to my family since the death of my brother I would also like to extend my thanks and acknowledge the thoughtful and generous actions of superintendent Lenny Vidal councilman dinino and the middle sex public works department regarding John loss a former member of the department who recently passed away Mr loss was given a wonderful send off from this community and I can't think of anything more appropriate during this holiday season of Thanksgiving love and peace on Earth thank you thank you hence our Hallmark Town beautiful thank you administrator all right um let's move to the privilege I have a motion open up the public portion of the meeting motion and second second all in favor anyone wish need a comment please come up state your name and address for the record 243 last month's meeting mentioned that Emily Venza and Shirley pen and Judy Lon retire design excuse me from the cultural inheritance committee I would like to update that list of names are including Laura thomasy James Johansson Carl Sanderson Matt Adams Chrissy George Mark France and myself those are all people that have resigned from the cultural inh heritage committee Mark France was the chairman at the time of resign as was I and I just want to let you know that uh I feel that the councilman of Theon stretched his duties and ignored the um wishes of the committee members and I think that that's part of the reason why so many people have resigned um I have yet to meet a more operate individual as far as controlling himself and I'm sorry to say that thank you thank you [Music] I just I want to ask a question mayor about um when you came became mayor in 2020 I guess it was 19 well you w um we the tanel went from a planning award and a board of adjustment to a joint land and I think I remember somebody up here at the time saying that that was out because of the population number that we had in town at the time you had to be under certain number I I looked myself I don't know if it's changed or not but I think that the threshold is now 15,000 according to L online the other day okay so um I don't recall what the 2020 census was but they do estimates every year based on that number I think the estimate now is that we're at like 145 or 144 something like that so my question is um if we get to 15 what happens do we have to self report to the state or something and how does how does that work nothing happens nothing happens or you can go back I mean they can go back to two boards if they want to but they have to do it by ordinance okay but nothing happens automatically and we don't have to sop report but we're we're locked in doing that as long as we want yep yep there's no trigger there's no reverse ratchet okay it's just you it's just to be able to do it initially you have to be at a certain threshold and then you're good your grandfather you're basically grandfather yep y all right um one other thing um you know again jack brought it up early about all these resignations from this committee Mr Edwards just brought it up um nobody has any explanation as to what's going on here as a taxpayer you know and and then Mr Edward just brought up that there were more resignations over the last few years um it's hard for me to wonder if there something something really serious going on is the just Petty disagreements you know I don't think they have a huge budget but whatever budget they do have is being funded by myself and other taxpayers so I think we we deserve an explanation about what's going on here I notice Mr hes is here I don't want to put you on Spotlight but you know you submitted a resignation that they read before you got in here um can you get any explanation about what's going on I I I think the public is deserving of an answer uh I don't know if there's a way we could find out I am totally out of the loop on this um I really don't know why that's happened in such a tremendous volume but um well I think the next meeting that the councilman K comes maybe that would be he can supply us with an appropriate response to that well Mr Edwards just had his take on it right um I don't know that that's necessarily 100% I'm not casting anyes on Mr Edwards but that's his take on right um would you like to give us your take on it I because I just have okay so so he's in a different category than somebody else who might upset about something or concerned about something but I mean this you know this happened the first time we discussed this was a month ago yeah and you know I mean I I agree with you it's to me it's it's very unusual for that number to resign I I just think the best the best way to find this out not to keep uh uh pushing this on another meeting kicking the C down the road but I think councilman car could uh the next meeting he comes to just to respond to that or respond to myself or our business administrator to to uh chat with you on that yeah um well one other thing I guess this is the second meeting this has come up in a row the second meeting Mr Corin there I'm not up on every aspect of the administrative codee how many meetings did you miss in a row before an issue with that I think it's four four consecutive I'll check that for you Dave but I think it's four consecutive but we're not there no thank you 809 last meeting I had sent over Tree in planting initiative plan and I heard from my contact that willing to fund it from Theon deadline is December so I was just wondering if there was any forward moment on so that we could perhaps apply for the gr what what was the date December she said the end of December de I originally thought that we had a match for 25% but she had a nonprofit to matches so there' be no cost yeah I'm I'm not aware of uh any um any decision on that yet unless you on that we don't want to lose it do we mayor we want we want to decide on that now because we have only one meeting in December that's fine with me the property to put the community garden on and then see that's yeah I I agree with the council president except the logistically um I don't think we have a firm grip on a hold on where the community guard is going because the last I heard from the councilman he wanted to have it moved so I think we have to uh I provided you some ideas so yeah no great great great idea so let's see if we can move this and uh come to an applicable resolve so we can take advantage of this thank you for staying with that appreciate it Claire anybody else wishing to comment for anything or yes yeah anything sorry could you please repeat your name sir could you please repeat your had I Han I um I got a couple questions with this package I got sent from the town and um I was away for a couple of weeks and then I came home for this and uh apparently it's um it's for the landlords to pay a inspection fee or some kind of fee of $100,000 $150 150 yeah per tenant and I have a couple of questions on that it says like it's due December 15th and this is uh something that I I think it got passed in April right right and so my question is how come this wasn't sent out along with the the new tax bill I I just think it's it's a relatively new thing I I just got the package of four or five business days ago myself so I just think with the new legislation legislation and things have to kind of fall into place I think that's why we got it so late yeah but to have to pay to have to fill out all this paperwork and pay these fees during the holiday season right seems kind of unreasonable to me and um and I'm just wondering you know um you know you have our addresses to send this out to and I just think that if something that affects a certain amount of people in Middle sex um that when it's being U discussed here at mayor and Council you should you have address it you should let us know that you're about to discuss something and ask us for our feedback I think was very unfair uh I'm sure it's on the website but not everybody has you know access to Internet so um and then I guess the only other question is it affects the tenants because they got to go uh they got to have uh what either stay home from work to let an inspector in which is unfair so did you send this notice to all the tenants in town and then the one last question is uh did these other apartment buildings have to get they get this to I I have no idea P property tax yeah yeah I'm I'm not sure well we can find out but you know as far as um your second comment I just want to say and again that was a surprise for me not blaming anybody it's just the the unfortunate thing during the holidays um I was surprised to get that but as far as uh tenant staying home to me it's a similar thing to the revalve you know people just have to make arrangements to in in the reval case to make sure that somebody can let them inside so it's not always convenient I hear you know you know bics I things are tough for everybody they need to get to work when they when they can work yeah can't staying home and not earning money I think it is the apartment buildings okay it is the apartment building yeah the apartment buildings are included they're includ they are included they're included and then and then the other you know I guess the inspections um I guess I have more questions um the inspections I guess are to what see there's uh anti tip on the stove and fire extinguishers smoke detect that have that are working so it's all fire so we've uh this has been discussed for the for the last year or two our fire department uh we just reported on this a couple months ago so they they for the first time ever they scratched on a couple fire call they don't we don't have enough volunteers anymore um the call calls for the fire department is at an all-time high this year so we don't have enough guys to service the calls and they're at an all-time high now most of those calls are fire alarms smoke alarms things like that so there so in other towns in order to prevent hundreds and hundreds of fire calls by having an inspector Jean go in we should cut down on that tremendously most of these smoke alarms and fire alarms are either at a date or they don't have any there's no extinguishers we've had some huge house fires this year uh the biggest we've had in years so again we're hoping that this is all related around fire these house fires are they single family houses well both or two families they've been both landlord it's out jez taking advantage of and how come you're not going after a single family home not right there they're all time too there's 5,000 I don't know if we can do that we'd have to we'd have to hire you know 500 inspectors I mean that's I get your point I get your point but it's kind of you know kind of well the reason why is you know the residential and again this is just my opinion you buy a home in town most people don't AR in and out like a tenant right so I mean some tenants stay I know you have tenants that stay a long time some tenants stay every year that's 26 years I know I know but other tenants are in and out every year yeah go ahead councilman you know one of the things you know that I think of when I hear about the fees like this if I own a house and I'm paying the mortgage on that house I want to make sure that house don't burn down so I'm more inclined to take care of that house if I'm leasing a house I'm burning your house down and it's your problem and then you have to worry about it I mean I'm not trying to be a wise but I'm just I'm trying to be I'm trying to be realistic about it and that's kind of that's kind of the thought the thought process behind it but there's a lot of people that don't even realize that they need a fire extinguisher in the kitchen or smoke smoke detectors in their house I agree you know I know that's why and that's why they try and check them whenever they do upgrades or additions or whatever I mean when I did an upgrade on my house next thing I know I had a hardwire all the fire fire alarms in so you know half the house got ripped up to to accommodate that but that's just nature of the game I was happy at least when it's done I know it's done it's done right and you know I'm I'm better for it and thankfully that when after that work was done and I did have a drier fire which we just had in the lofer one of those buildings the other day I mean if they were there in two minutes it did what it was supposed to do Jean as far as the the date I'm sorry the December date I'm sure I I I wish Caroline was here somebody's here but I'm sure I don't know if there's a grace period but I'm sure if it's by the end of the year you know it's a brand new program I I don't I think you'll be fine yeah they may be flexible yeah yeah we don't really know that we don't really know the dates exactly when the mail went out and all the rest of it but you know we have to be a little bit reasonable for sure yeah I I I don't know um this one says 11:15 and I got to come up with all this money by 12:5 during the holidays and fill out all paperwork yeah yeah yeah the Tim is not good y all right thank you thank you J anybody else I guess I have to why don't you wait till the end you have a it looks like the proud boys are here so oh goad you talk and then I'll get up and then make it short because I don't have all no you don't work all day so just 37 I got a few questions are you going to give a list as to what you're inspecting Michael I don't think it's funny are you going to give a list of all the stuff that you're going inspect in these houses what you're looking for I I think the inspector will put yeah I I I I mean you're going to give that ahead of time I I think that's plan yeah okay what cuz there you want to expect the water what exactly you going to look at the water bonding bonding strap is one thing taking the bonding no that there's Muslim don't have bonding b b came into code in 2011 old in 2011 it's not bomed and all my point is once you peel paint that another one you're looking at for lead paint PT but the only person that know we'll have this list will be the zoning officer Tyler who you know well I would just ask him okay I've been in multiple homes throughout my lifetime 70 going on 73 I haven't seen a single fire extinguisher in any single family home I don't know all youed do but my point are you are you yet are you going to check the single family homes too on of rentals or is it two families and apartments what do you mean single any rental yeah it could be a single single family with a tenant single tenant against landlords CU what about the houses that rent to uh b&v Airbnb why aren't they look on Facebook and where they rent rooms why you go there for them I I don't know what the regulations are but it seems to because single family home a single family home how many houses you just say that yeah it's a s single my family my single family have a tenant in there I think they want to go with people pretty much with a permanent tenant your neighbor hold hold let me finish please buty I think the the the tenant of the law is to go uh go uh make sure that people who are doing permanent residency as tenants I think that's the the whole thing that that they want to do not an Airbnb where they're there for two weeks I don't think that's the in the same classification you don't understand how Airbnb works you can rent it for a day a week or a month they there it's constant flow of new people but why are they exempt they're renting you said you want to go after people that are renting so why are you penalizing the land my point is I think and I could be wrong but I think it's for permanent residency of tenants not not the ones that turn are they first why is these apartments being does the apartment get any notices I just told you but they're included they're included but did they get noticed of course they well you told me that you were going to do them this year and single families and the two families were going to be after January we can even hit January we're getting notices so let's be let's be honest and everybody got the notice and the apartment apartment buildings are included you're right they are included they will get inspected just like any other you're going to inspect this everything is up the part you're very happy why you going to do it every year if you get a 10e battery smoke detector and it's good for 10 years what the hell are you coming back for every year every other year okay but you want to charge this every year that's step the services yeah B TR ran don't care ask him how many times they went to his house I'm not paying you if you're not going to ins because the your ordinance it says inspection Fe you don't come to my house don't expect me to pay that's not going to happen and that's set the services if you expect to get there okay now you going to have enough people to do this and then you cry you don't want to be like B Brook mik you don't want no Apartments like bount Brook but you every time they find some way to put money in your pocket you're all you're fantastic with bount Brook all of a sudden B Brook is gold to you I don't mean to pick on you only but these are coming out of your mouth and what you tell me mik you known about this for two years you don't care about don't vote do you really think that you're going to incur this cost are you kidding me you're going to put it right on your tank and you know you will okay don't the BL like it's going to come out of your pocket it's not g it doesn't matter whose pocket you're still going have the attendant you're you're making what $118,000 a year on an average $1,500 how much money I pay so I go to your B and say mik you make 100,000 you should take $150 you should take a Sak how you should pay you should pay for healthare give me a come on my friends come on Michael somebody said you got to you got to chip your it's $2 you cry okay these tenants move out they're great tennants you don't want to be like who you think going to take their place move out I'm not done yet well get off you got to get off that topic because that's enough I'm saying everybody loves this town everybody doesn't want no buildings nobody Apartments everybody loves this but when you start banging the tenant they can only afford to pay so much who's going to take their place they're Democrats and all you people will be out cuz I'm going to V Democrat that's why you P it because you had no opposition know he okay that's enough that's enough don't vote com okay okay counil Council please let's keep it quiet here that's terrible well it's wrong it's wrong and that step is Serv don't f me unless okay don't please do not talk from the seat there go ahead Frank that go for you too Frank you can call me tomorrow you don't have to apologize okay come on Frank please address us please Frank address US you're up at the mic Street um for I own one two family house in Bound small potatoes and the way I say it is B Brook does it every year the house was built in 1906 when Bound Brook instituted this policy every year my father now I have to declare it it's a two family they charge me $150 to say it's a two family now each side if they're rented I get charged $150 if a tenant is in there you get charge $150 for an inspection they don't inspect every year I have to go down to Burl Hall show them a picture of the fire I mean the uh fire extinguisher the smoke detector then I go over to my insurance guy give him that information if I feel if the house burned down I'm covered whether somebody walked in the house every two years three years I don't care I go to burrow Hall Show Them There is a new smoke detector I've had it in the past past and my father has had it in the past put in the smoke detector carbon monoxide detector go in there two months later and it's taken down the batter's out of it if the place bur down the insurance company is going to say why didn't you have that in there I can't depend on a tenant if I'm living in my house and the house burned up with me in it it's my fault I'm trying to protect my investment so if that's they want to do or you want to do okay somebody's going to come in there it costs money to do it there's got to be paperwork involved down burough Hall so it gets all logged in again the house gets burned down you did everything to cook I can't depend on my tenant even though they're the nicest people in the world to make sure the battery is good or it works so I don't have a problem with it and everything costs money okay thank you Frank anyone else wishing to [Music] comment hello John 601 BS Avenue in as Park I'm here on behalf of my company tiller landsc where a s par and a business owner in town forist um may I share you with the council yes I'm sorry what's the nature of this business sorry um it's in regards to a proposed project we planning a community solar project at 245 M mass is a co building um so we are planning the community solar project as part of the Board of Public Utilities permanent Community solar program that was signed to permanent uh program appr August of this year um and just last week we open the application which closes next week so we are currently preparing all applications including the 245 Mountain project um my coworker Brad Ling and bottom I believe had also reached out to the Bur sorry uh yeah many many times and I sorry no it's okay but um I I I spoke to our business administrator about that and you know we I don't I don't want to keep putting anybody off but when I spoke to him several times I I just said you know the the best thing we could do at this point we're not ready to do this I don't want to waste anybody's time I appreciate your presentation here but um I think when there's a time for that when the council is ready then we could certainly entertain this with all due respect but I do have a question yes and may I just say do you have a sign with the logic so um without the letter we won't be able to submit the project right that's what he kept asking about and I'm sorry I I'm part of our community engagement team so I wanted to come and be a to answer any questions you may have and also to share that there are 20 residents that are currently signed up for the local Pro connected to the I see yeah I'm not sure if we have a letter that's been signed yeah I basically you're looking for a letter of support from the mayor it's a letter just acknowledging the project location and the benefit it could bring the municipality but it by no means obligates the a draft letter wasent okay and I was a little concerned when I told asked Mr Higgin Bon I said because he wanted me to sign something I said I'm not going to sign anything unless I know exactly what's going on so um that's the important thing but uh I'll follow May yes okay thank you that's why I wanted to come um and I'm not sure what Brad communicated but I just wanted to share to local towns that have also sign in case you'd like to ask any of those Mar and their experience actually Brad did share that information okay yeah my question um what what is the solar landscape what is that a defined program solar landscape is our company name oh okay there nothing to do um with what's Trinity solar is that a competitor no Trinity Sol is a residential fer company for work is interested in hosting job training opportunities we partner with ging Academy Trinity solar and Edison Job Corp for any residents that are interested in solar pen installation jobs um so that they could actually help build these jobs that are coming locally um as part of the State Community solar program good okay I appreciate you coming out job any questions on Mountain Avenue is not done yet you haven't started it yet no we completed engineering designs we applied for interconnection with longterm Le with loges to be attendant on their shop so we would be paying them an annual Le payment and tenant on the rooftop so the stud Revenue source for proes um while also being able to power approximately 700 homes in the area so it's perfect for homes where folks are in ventur um or have too many trees Shing their property so the commission question on on page not thetic Hill lot of project is expected to generate should it be selected by the Board of Public Utilities but it unfortunately there's a new requirement from the Board of Public Utilities that a letter from the mayor must be included or else it's not allowed to actually be submitted to the St consideration right that was my understanding but again I I had to have seen the letter and we'll we'll talk Mr that's sorry so so basically this is a solar farm that's on top of someone's building instead of being out in a field correct okay um the state only allows ground Mount Community solar projects on Landfield and ground field so that the bur has any properties of that nature it's always something that you could consider um but our company Coler landscap specializes in rooftop project with real okay great okay thank you thank you so much V 375 on the rental P out not that I care about the apartment complexes but I think for family enough they get expected by the state every 5 Years anyway so I don't know why the C not and that business are already being covered so I think they should be your complain this in another town I pay $25 per apartment per year I find very extreme that this town wants $150 per apartment per year the other town going do it for 2550 Brook is 150 I think there's a lot of other towns that are um Fly there so just I'm not going to tell you going be be ra yeah just so you know now if I change a tenant so you're going to inspect every three years if I have a tenant change in between there right now I've got to P the town somebody has to come out I pay these fees and more I think for tenant change is that going to be wave there's that going to be an addition to these Cas that's double dipping and we're all going to get we're all going to deal with that that's not fair when we came up with this rental registration just so you know um they they they've done the research and they want to see what other joint in towns will do so I know that's a customary charge my understanding uh for the $150 just like B Brook we were we used to be50 that got pay inspectors Administration charges and just like in any other business or what about the question on the tenant change are we going to be Hing the fees again or is that going to be covered by these fees tenant change Fe yeah when a tenant when there's a change of tency then there's a charge for the new tenant they have again for that so same inspection same inspection that I'm paying the feed for I mean that that's what the ordinance calls for so we have to we have to follow that well we can change ordinance right does make sense wasn't true all I can say is when this went through my understanding was it was research with the various towns in the area and this was the customary charge that many of the other towns are charging also I think the jeans point I think that it would be nice if I mean I know somebody said well nobody's going to hold you to these dates but it does talk about fees and penalties in here if you don't fill the pay for down right so I think it be provent the town to put out that we had until February 15th or some hard date that everybody here knows they had to deal with this you know deal with the holidays and everything else just get this in the mail a couple days ago I don't think that's unreasonable just well as as I indicated before I got that same packet so yeah around the holidays it's not the best timing but I'm going to deal with it and I I just think if if somebody needs an extension I think you can always call the burrow and I think they can work something out excuse sir keep eye what's the date on the letter no not the the post post date what date was it what date was the letter from what dat 12 the letter said 12:15 also we have to pay no no when did it when was it written to to to give is there a date on it like a cover letter or something like that lettere on it just our names April 2 where does it say April 28 was thein why it take so long on my name and address is what's the DAT of the postar 11:15 111 this a few days ago so anyway that's I just think that there if there's an issue a month is kind of tight if there's an issue people to travel people to go no Hey listen I get I'm not I'm not disagreeing the reason I was asking is that if the the letter had a date the letter itself said hey we wrote this thing April we didn't mail it till November hey come on you know what happened there and yet you're going to hold my feet to the fire when you mail it in in November expecting an answer in December and I just think you put something on the website saying that people have till February yeah I mean to be Qui I'm Flying Blind here we're Flying Blind because we don't really know when it when the letter was formulated when it was intended when it was intended to go out in the first place when was it supposed to go versus when did it really go because they're you know one month is kind of tight they don't to do anything the bottom line is this the first time they did this off the ordinance so I'm sure they're going to be making adjustments you know each year to make it more accommodating yeah the timing is bad for the uh around the holidays but and I think that um is there some budget that was put together that these fees were derived from that $150 here what the money's going ta payers we should be able to see that how this was arrived there you know if we're paying this and yes it's going to get passed on you can pass everything on to the tenants until they can't afford it and then you got a problem and then they don't pay the rent and then you're trying to evict them and then we incur more fost trying to get another tenant and then we got to punch the apartment again and you know cost keep going up as I said before um so it's easy to say pass on the tenant but that's not realistic so what what what I said before is this fee uh mimics several other communities I'm aware of but it it pays for administrative it pays for these inspectors so you're creating a job yeah well it it has to come out it has to come out that way you know I only want listen listen I just want anyone to talk go to the microphone so we have some in here please I understand what you're saying one thing that always is a p peeve of mind is when somebody says well we're charging this because towns we don't care what other towns do that's why middle sex was because we didn't have all this nonsense and all these fees and all these ordinances that these other towns have now we're just like everybody else I'm going to ask not special anymore I'm going to ask that we um we have the zoning officer and our business administrator uh look into that okay that's the best I can offer anybody else wishing to comment please it's something new creating a job then you need the expense but if you didn't pass this you wouldn't have to create a job and you wouldn't have all that okay okay thank you thank you and you keep saying well we did it in other towns but then why does everybody hate M Brook why does everybody hate apartment everybody wants to hate BR everybody wants M to stay the same okayyy want to hear did you know I I listen I've heard it too many times please sit down thank you anyone else wishing to comment yes I to see if it's legal anyway I'm call the state see if it's stop please stop hi um I'm just here to uh try to make Community aware that I'm sorry I'm not um uh if you're not aware 1700 above nurses from one of the nurses at Robert Wood joh University Hospital in brunck we've been on strike since August 4th now being 110 we've been out there um on the line and we are fighting for um safe patient ratios nursing staffing um so we just wanted to ask um if you as our Municipal leaders could also help to support um passing uh I don't know if I'm saying this right but um I'm the uh support of assembly bill number 4536 and Senate bill number um f304 to establish minimum registered professional um staing standard because our we are a level one uh chel Center we do have very high Acuity patients that we take care of and when we are um forced to take care of more patients and more and more of a heavier load it's very hard and increases mortality rat um you know medication errors and it just um Mak taking care of our patients harder and giving them care that they do deserve and need can you please repeat those two uh bills yeah assembly bill I think I think it's 436 number 4536 and the other one and it's number s34 okay well I got to I got to tell you um I have to agree with you um that's a level one trauma center and unfortunately my wife and I uh have been there too many times with our very very special needs grandson and I got to tell you the the care is it's unbelievable even during the strike so I'm kudos to the whole nursing staff for working that out so but but thank you we'll certainly uh take that under consideration thank you thank you thank you I got one more comment go ahead please in regards to what you said about passing on uh the fee to your to our tenants and what I what I find difficult is that in August our our new tax bills came out and that's when I usually uh raise the rent on my ts after that bill comes out so I know that how much to raise their rent had this come out then I would have added that to the to the uh uh to the rent race right and and you had plenty of time from April but now it coming out in November I can't I can't raise my uh my ten uh rent until next August so it's coming out of my pocket so maybe you should uh start it next year well as I say this is um this is a new quote unquote program so I'm sure they're going to work out the Kinks on this first time around okay so when when does The Kinks get worked out I don't have the crystal ball to tell you Sor had a mayor council meeting or uh behind closed doors well it's going to be worked out with the zoning officer um and then maybe we'll collaborate with the our business administrator and um and the mayor we we'll see what happens but again it's the first time uh program you know since the uh the ordinance so you know we have to we have to work out the these certain items here you know all right I just was was SEC because if it's going to be a public meeting you know I would like to have my two cents absolutely no appreciate that Jean thank you thank you anybody else okay all right since there's no more comments I'll close the public portion of the meeting we have a motion to close the public portion and second all in favor thank you all right we'll move to the consent agenda Linda I have resolution 334 d202 3 acceptance standing reports resolution 33 5 2023 authorizing refunds for non-residential development fees incorrectly assessed for certain residential developments resolution 336 2023 hey keep it down please please I'm sorry go ahead approval of this submission the Strategic plan for the middle sex Municipal Alliance grant for fiscal year 2025 excuse me members of the audience please keep it down the cler is reading the resolution thank you resolution 337 2023 authorization to purchase red alerts record management software set up an installation in the amount of $1,175 through a fire department under the source well contract number 81419 Shi resolution 338 2023 authorizing submission of a Grant application to New Jersey Department of Community Affairs fisal year 2024 American Rescue plan firefighter grant program resolution 339 2023 resolution of middle sex bur middle sex County New Jersey supporting reevolution New Jersey resolution 34-223 approving the purchase of a lated sign for the police headquarters from visual e in the amount of $880 resolution 341 2023 refunding tax titling redemptions for Block 47 lot 8.01 resolution 342 2023 authorizing purchase of two Matrix message boards for the fire department in the amount of $10,000 resolution 343 2023 authorizing the tax collection just first and second quarter 2024 taxes on blocks 86.0 Lot 2 resolution 344 2023 acknowledging the change in status for certain properties under the veterans tax deduction for Block 110 Lot 4 resolution 345 2023 special items of Revenue and appropriation Municipal Alliance grant program resolution 346 2023 canceling Improvement authorizations for the swim pool water supply refurbishment in the amount of $2,697 resolution 3 47 2023 authorizing to transfer funds from the 2023 operating budget with effected dat November 22nd 2023 and 350 2023 approving tax title lean redemptions for Block 329 lot 34 and resolution 351 2023 a release of performance guarantee for Block 318 lot 1.01 and 1.02 thank you Linda does anyone wish to separate any of the resolutions from the consent agenda no no okay all right may have a motion to approve the consent agenda Mo and second second roll call please Linda counc pres Conan yes counil Deo yes coun M yes coun Quinn yes motion carries okay um on consent I have resolution 348 2023 pay claims I have a motion to approve the uh resolution motion second second any comments all right call please C pres Khan Council m c m c Quinn yes okay thank you all right hold on one [Applause] second okay at this time uh we will uh we're going to go in the workshop we only have one item on the workshop um and this is regarding the resiliency Grant in information regarding Heather Lane all right uh I think the timing uh is the absolute best that it could be again uh with each storm we're worried about the domino effect number six is already condemned um it's just a matter of time or the others um going to fall into the same disrepair so we're hoping that the resiliency grant that um that people can sign up for quickly and we can expedite this whole uh issue and um help these poor residents um does anybody have anything new to contribute to this I spoke to I was at the garage this we Tom Harris was there and Lenny were there we're finalizing the permit to the DP this is the the basic one not not the long thrown out process but they said that they would help us with the only other thing they want they want an erosion control map which they looked into and they actually purchased I didn't leave or they PL for right so on back of six where they once they put the blocks and they back through it the stone this will hang over I see and you can cover and grass will goow through it but it's just a steel M okay we'll hold that back so the water won and and at this point are we only looking at number six or we going to number five or both of them okay all right I know there was an issue going to a th000 linear feet at some to get proper protection on Heather Lane so I guess that's going to be in the work said Lenny's looking at the first week sum also the same okay and it's good because it'll be colder and hopefully the ground will be a little more froz yeah because if you get the spring forget it and I think both agreement sign with the right away we also have the agreement to go through yeah okay any other uh questions or comments first blocks right that's you know that's the main thing right now I'm glad we finally have a game plan and Tom Harris has been absolutely spectacular he's he's been I hope he doesn't retire anytime soon so um okay any other comments about the workshop item no all right then we'll we'll move to the privilege of the floor which only will um resolve the issue with the um the workshop we have a a motion open up the public uh portion for the privilege of the floor only with the workshop item and second second all in favor I all right uh public comment period is open anyone wishing to comment please come up right since there's no comments may have a motion to close the public portion of the uh of the U meeting here and second second all in favor I all right thank you all right all right now uh we'll move to Executive Linda have resolution 349 2023 executive session excuse me we have a motion go to Executive session motion and second second roll call President Conan yes counc yes M yes C Quinn yes no action will be taken tonight at this time uh I will ask for a five-minute recess to clear the room please and thank you all for coming