Justice okay roll call please we have mayor mlck here counc president conahan here councilman corns councilman dinino here councilman Dodie here councilman Quinn here Rex here administrator La Place here and attorney corini here okay we don't have any presentations tonight but we do have an appointment of the 2024 environmental Comm Miss okay we have CLA laor three-year term Mike Schneider three-year term Holly Mueller two-year term Greg Constantino two-year term Steve Ember oneyear term Gina Salgado oneyear term counil dinino as a joint lineage Bo rep oneyear term and Patty Clark is an alternate one two-year term guys you coming up to get sworn in you too Bobby right we got get some pictures of you guys pictures we have the administrator okay he taking pictures taking pictures you guys ready all right I take your name do solemly swear doly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I support the contition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same true faith and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States to the government the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people the author people and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform all the duties of the environmental commission Representatives come on and I will Faithfully that I will Fai partially and justly perform all the duties of environmental commission represent according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations conratulations congratulations congratulations and congratulations you you didn't run over there did you not to the all right you guys get a picture you good you will share with me when you have oh absolutely congratulations guys thank you I believe uh Mr Povich what was it 12 years 14 years quite the number of years 17 17 yeah it's nice to have you back all right we're looking forward to all the things that you're going to do Steve just missed it you know what take one more picture one more yeah one more we're g to get another picture guys don't leave one more picture come on Michael don't leave in there get Steve he by himself time go he's gotta wait after he's done for Steve all right Steve ready all right I I Steve Ember you solemnly swear Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the stur that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the saint that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will and that I will Faithfully if I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties of environmental commission member confirm all the duties of the environmental commission member according to the best of my ability according to the best so help me God so help me God he took the picture I thought he did congratulations hey thank you guys I'm not good with yeah he just Tex me back too now yeah no we're just reading all right good night thank you all right getting back to the meeting here we have another appointment we have the appointment of Rich hendr act as alternate to to the parks Improvement committee okay all in favor all right okay on to to the ordinances please we have ordinance number 216-2476 adopted on October 25th 2022 providing for the acquisition of and improvements to real property for municipal purposes for the bur of middle sex in order to reduce appropriation to 425,000 from the original appropriation of 1,300,000 and increase the authorized bonds and noes to be issued to finance a portion of the cost thereof by 188 $33.97 for a total debt authorization of 38533 97 author authorized in and by the bur of middle sex in the county of middle sex New Jersey okay motion motion second second roll call please any council president Conan yes okay councilman de now yes counc Dodie counil Quinn yes and Council Rex yes april9 isct is that everybody yeah okay uh the public meeting for this will be on April 9th next one please yeah ordinance number 27-24 a bond ordinance amending part Bond ordinance number 24-23 adopted on December 19 2023 providing for the design and permitting in connection with the Mountain View Park project for the bur of middle sex in order to amend the purpose thereof increase the appropriation therefore by 2,1 15,000 for a total appropriation of 2,200,000 including the appropriations of various grants increase the authorized bonds and notes to be issued to finance a portion of the cost thereof by $ 28,41 183 for a total debt authorization of $384,950 and increase the allocation of the appropriation cost permitted under njsa 4A 2-20 authorized in and by the B M sex in the county of middle sex New Jersey okay motion motion second second all right roll call please council president Conan councilman dinino yes councilman doie yes councilman Quinn yes and councilman Rex yes okay all right next please we have ordinance number 28-24 an ordinance amending chapter 19 cultural and Heritage committee and chapter 260 the library of the municipal code of the burough of middle sex motion motion second second second actually before we do the motion second this is we're going to amend this one right yes okay so may mayor yes okay so uh in consultation with uh council president Kanan I believe consulted with um chairman Benson sorry I didn't know that it wasn't down there it is can you guys hear me now can everyone hear me in the back Kelsey I always want to be Hur um so in consultation with council president conahan who I think consulted with I know consulted with uh chairman Benson we have some additional language we'd like to add here um Linda uh for your records this is in um the section four of the ordinance I I'll read it and then I'll read the um the addition so right now it says I shall be it shall be the responsibility of the middle sex Public Library to preserve and commemorate the culture Heritage and history of the buau of middle sex the amendment that is proposed uh with the council's uh Ascent um shall be it shall be it shall be the responsibility of the middle sex Public Library comma in collaboration with other burough stakeholders comma so that that qu right um and the the balance of the section remains um remain the same L I'm just going to copy this and email to you so you don't have to write it down okay so what we're looking for here with that language um is a motion as amended so so do we have a motion as amended motion to amend second second all right roll call council president Conan yes councilman dinino yes councilman Dodie yes Council Quinn yes and councilman Rex yes okay ordinance for public hearing and final adoption um none there adoption a minutes sorry I was make for myself we have approval of the March 12 2024 regular and executive meeting minutes motion motion second okay all in favor I I all right very good okay let's move on to the mayor's report it's going to be a bit of a brief one I had a little bit of weekend interrupt this this past weekend um unfortunately but couple of things I just like to to point out is that the ordinance that that was here for the culture and Heritage is going through it's going to be the culture and arts as we've all you know you guys all got it to read um for the record out there it covered exactly everything that was discussed in the open meeting there was two minor changes the one minor change was instead of culture and Fine Arts that we discussed it's just culture and arts I think that gives them a little bit of a broader birth to to do some of the stuff that they want to do and the uh second thing was we originally talked about seven members it's seven members and there's going to be two alternates which is going to give them a much better chance of having a uh a quorum to to basically have a meeting which I think is something that was a little a miss or remiss in in the prior uh setup um you know I'm very excited about the environmental I got to tell you it's been a long time coming I know you got your you have your plans um I I we look forward to the minutes that come out of the meeting I know you have a lot of things that are are in the fire for all of you guys it I think I think it's a tremendous I I just can't explain that it's something that been lacking for you know a very long time um one of the other things I wanted to um just touch on real quick is when we talked it's it's not really worded right here in the agenda Workshop zoning firearm sales dealers basically what that was re was referring to is that you know there's a lot of brewhaha going on in Somerville over the O over the gun shops and stuff like that we just wanted to go through our stuff make sure that we're we are covered with respect to that you know permitted uses non-permitted uses um I I tend to think at this point that we're we're we're in good shape the way it's it's it's done no one's going to be able to Railroad anything down us without our approval and um you know one of the things that we're you know I want to get everyone else to feel for it but I think at the end of the day it's going to you know it's going to be a little project for our attorney here just to make sure that we're covered and we're good to go and I just wanted to bring it out there because we do try and be transparent there's a lot of people talking about it we're not going to be on the back of the curve we're going to be on the front and that's all I have to say about that and uh that's it for my report for tonight thank you okay so moving on all right excuse me this my first meeting am I allow to make comment during the public portion it's coming up in a few minutes okay thank you very much you're welcome okay um going forward sorry I lost my uh all right uh council president conahan thank you mayor I want to thank our entire recck department um led by Melissa D Marino we had an excellent bunny hop event this past Saturday I'm sure you guys all remember it was a a monsoon um that's really what made it um unique cuz we had almost three inches of rain and I thought for sure we wouldn't have anybody really attending and uh the Bunny Hop was packed it got moved inside to the rec center we had a great turnout considering all the bad weather um and we also used a community room for an uh for a uh the egg roll I want to thank all the volunteers that helped to make the event a huge success we had a lot of tables and a lot of volunteers Girl Scouts and other um uh not just kids but kids from the high school and from marer that helped out um next wreck event is our annual Memorial Day Parade which will be Monday May 27th and it starts at 10: a.m. in Victor Crow If you haven't received the volunteer Fair mailer already looks like this uh went out to the entire burrow every single mailing address um you will over the next day or two at the very most um please plan to attend our first volunteer Fair it's on Saturday April the 20th it runs from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. it's in the Library community room so we're putting a lot into this initiative um middle sex burrow is facing just like every other town a critical shortage in volunteers uh the volunteer fair is designed um to to to attract new volunteers uh in addition to that to promote Community engagement and then highlight a lot of our essential services that enhance the safety welfare and quality of life for all of our residents uh thank you very much for Barbara Benson and Lee pandle uh for spearheading this campaign they've worked feverishly on this from uh since January uh the library historical collection project group met this past Friday and here are some of the highlights uh Chrissy George our library director updated the group on the status of the history room we've talked about that the last couple of meetings including the conference table being removed thank you Lenny uh plus more items being removed like the white uh whiteboard a large whiteboard and some cabinets and some other items as well all historical documents and information um have been scanned and also photos from both the middle SE both of the middle sex books have been scanned uh there's still some more to go so all scanning should should be completed by the end of April uh the history room should be completed by the end of this summer uh members reviewed pictures of uh potential uh furniture and other Furnishings like display cases and bookshelves things like that uh members discussed other items like chairs tables a computer color themes as well as access to the room for our residents but there's still a lot of other details to uh discuss as well uh the group's next meeting will be in late April um budgets we're in the heart of budget season the next meeting will introduce the entire governing body received an email today at 2:30 p.m. from our CFO Carolyn which includes the 2024 preliminary budget draft all documentation is attached in Caroline's email so please review everything my ask is by 400 p.m. on Friday April the 5th that's 10 days uh 9 or 10 days from now um and please let Carolyn know by the 5th if you have any questions whatsoever we will be introducing the budget on the April 9th council meeting um thank you for your help with this uh gentlemen and lastly happy oneyear anniversary to administrator Le yeah week you think I was GNA forget about that I I know like 10 years but happy you don't forget anything I know that so March the 20th so um again happy anniversary and that's it man okay very good thank you Council we um jayb met on the 13th we approved two applications one on B na is going to be Contractor Yard it's where those H Hol used to be but it's ten stand lot next to it they have no tenant yet but it's proved and it's going to be a it's going to be a good spot for back there um the meeting tomorrow is canceled we have no applications as far as Public Works they're onto the spring and hopefully grass cutting and baseball and everything good Lenny did get his Public Works uh newsletter ready so that will be on the website soon also Lenny and I talk this morning is Big we need to get this out that the bur does not pick up the recycle um on the recycle days here they get 30 to 40 calls a day on the two week so it comes in you know any any kind of concern missed or whatever we need to get it out that we do not pick up the cycle um I don't know how we can do that we can get do we have a link do we have a do we have a phone number and stuff that we could we could post and say Hey listen Rec it's on the might be buried in there Len No One's Gonna read when they're they got a good head of steam they're not gonna read for a half hour trying to figure out where they're supposed to call he's good with that yeah so I mean that's that's a concern down here I mean sure Sally's there but still takes a lot you want to write up a little BL plan or we'll send DW page so you click on we put that information the news may not maybe social media and maybe the sign out front yeah I'll put one on mine because I got I have a rewrite for mine it's almost done I could just stick that in there it's a good way but Lenny do me a favor it send me the information of where they're supposed to call this way I can put it right in there also one more thing um down at the parks gcks they there was a war leak there but there was no you there was no visible water but there was thousands and thousands of gallons of day they heard the water running but they didn't know where it was going but they did find the leave Public Works fixed the problem I mean it was cost a fortune Lenny put a uh claim in where the Water Company's going to only charge us maybe for half hopefully none but how many gallons did you get did you lose figure ,000 gallons 90 okay was an old parcel line plan or an old they heard the but they saw no water leaking going underneath that building but they fixed it and everything's fixed all right well at least you found it and you fixed it which is good even better yet right councilman doie yeah few things uh I covered the CH Tre for councilman Quin thank you they were uh they did a spring planning update for 10 trees so far they're waiting for the fin final budget before they do their full thing um they talked about there was Resident was actually fine $1,000 and had to pay $400 for the tree to be replanted on top of it so just to let everybody know they're being watched by the shade tree are really good people uh the resident showed up there was quite a a bit there and they stayed for the whole thing they were talking about some trees on Walnut Street and it was coming up and I believe eventually you're going to know about it too because I think they said it was um hitting the curve and sidewalks and stuff and Claire was there and spoke to them about that she's going to do trees you know grow trees and I think they're going to collaborate she's going to grow some for the shade tree commission which will help us I think they're going to come to your environmental day they were talking about possibly also um so it was a really good really good meeting Le they have some collaboration with the environmental committee too good good um I have the February monthly report for the police department 1,897 calls 16 adult arrests there was 49 radar summonses 589 motor vehicle summonses were given that's up there yes they that's part of this program the safety program I'm sure they're can and tickets out um I have the court in second let me see if I don't think there was much going on in the detective department not much there there was one aggravated assault for harassment they're doing five theft and one burglary trespassing were some of the highlights that the detectives are investigating currently that's the police I got a report from the courts ju just one thing I would like to to recognize that officer who ran that guy down after a 10-minute rundown he he got him and you know and this is the good part about that is that this is what people don't understand this is why it's important to have the police force that we have they were there they saw them other towns they might have just let him go this guy was in a now picture yourself I know I couldn't last 30 seconds at this point but you know he he spent 10 minutes to chase this guy down and I think even online someone had a ring video of the guy getting tackled on the front it was caught on a ring video and uh we also got help from dellen and Greenbrook which is great that we collaborate with them and we get you know back up when we needed with them they also found the backpack and I believe all everything that he took was lottery tickets he stole a whole a ton 10 to 16 I think yeah 126 I forget the exact amount but it was quite a bit so it was an interesting night da then they took him to the hospital and he tried to escape from there when he was G for an xray so they had to chase him down the hall and Tackle him again it was really an interesting night for our Police Department that's good thing m y okay um the municipal court for um February total tickets issued 595 325 parking violations 283 were for the snow covered streets in case anybody wondering if they were handing out tickets when it was snow covered they were um 270 movement violations atwi uh there was 34 criminal complaints three local ordinance violations under that 19 Zone there was three court sessions 265 defendants 120 cases were disposed during the court total assets F cost $35,800 68 the burrow portion to receive for this that month was $1 19,568 2016 that's from our court okay that's all I have man oh thank you all right councilman Quinn okay so a little bit better news with the Board of Health margin um we had a meeting on the 14th of March and for the first time in I think it was about 15 years the director of the nursing program came out and she gave a presentation on everything that the county is out for as far as Services there's a clinic in pasaway but it's being moved to uh East drumwood for a larger facility they have literature they haven't provided it with us to us yet once we get it it should go out with a tax bill I believe so there'll be some information as to what you can get the County Health Department involved with as far as clinics and things like that um Patricia gave us a new updated um first draft of her um new reporting that she's going to try there's some growing pigs there there a lot of things were listed wrong uh you know class three class two that sort of stuff so she's going to work on that and hopefully this next week and coming up she has something better we emailed Les Jones at the end of the meeting uh what the uh president at 10 grad there were five complaints for the uh D on air quality and we know the complaints went in but they never made it to the reports so we don't know what happened to them um so let's see what he says when he gets back to us the next meeting will be on the 11th at 7 p.m. and it's in the rec center that's all that all right thank you councilman Rex no I don't anything to report mayor thank you all right thank you um just you know I got three little minor points that I just wanted to uh point out don't forget the carnival is coming up towards the end of April that's one I'm sure they're going to have be looking for um the wristbands I don't I'm not sure if you could buy them already 22nd 22nd y they've been given tickets to advance the the firan have so if you know a fireman and you want them go see somebody all right I believe they were handing them out two other things uh just so you know Lenny used his sign machine and we have signs posted in Victor Crow Park that there is additional parking at the annex uh what we're really trying to do is where the cars park and they park behind the three spots that we have there and then you can't get out to push them over into the other lot there's plenty of room over there and uh You' be surpris they they're actually seeing them and reading them Lenny so I appreciate the effort there thank you SS good Brown yeah yeah they're brown very it looks good and last but not least you know for those that have nothing to do at 5:00 on a Friday morning Channel 12 is going to have is going to have uh every half hour the Main Street middle sex um I don't they already post I think it's Dana MaryAnn's then I think it's uh then I think it's um Eller and then I think it's the dance studio no it's Dana MaryAnn's the golf place for two Eller's for two and then this dance studio for the last one and uh it should be a good showing for Middle sex and Michael is that when the coverage is actually going to air starting at 5: in the morning yes oh wow yeah yeah they'll show it other times during the day but they're gonna be there at 5 in the morning they'll be there at 5 in the morning because if they didn't do that not many people would know about this exactly Michael thank you Mr Mayor members of the council good evening everyone um I'd like to take the opportunity to applaud this exciting reboot of the middle six Boro environmental commission and I also would like to thank the new members for volunteering and to serve in such an important capacity of the for to work commiss the Department of Public Works is busy with early spring beautification and maintenance project throughout midlex new trees are being planted to replace ones that have died or removed last year and general clean up of the parks is underway at Victor Crow Park the DPW is power washing the lake access ramp in Boardwalk areas a contractor will be repairing and painting trim on the Annex Building and signs have recently been installed to inform visitors of loc for party at the mayor's um remark a few minutes ago uh next week I will be Distributing a draft request for proposal on RFP for review by the council members and the parks Improvement committee this RFP is to select the professional planning and engineering firm to work on with the community on a master plan for Victor CR Park and N burough clerk Linda chismar has been working very hard to put together the next issue of the burough newsletter the May 1st edition of the newsletter will be posted on the municipal website and printed copies will be available at Burl Hall the recreation Senior Center and the Library Council resolutions on the agenda this evening include ones to award the contracts for the 2023 Road Improvement project which will include dud Lane recor Lane Drive there's authorization to defend um The bur's Joint Insurance Fund coverage to the Friends through the middle sex public library and to authorize the buau to execute a contract agenda with the middle sex presan Church amending the purchase price to $350,000 regarding the B Brook Road throughout 28 streets gave beautification project we had some late news from our Municipal engineer that the light the street lights the last component of this long Leed project and is being wrapped up uh the lights are supposed to go in later this week or possibly next week keep an eye out for that I know I am going to uh the topics for discussion during the agenda Workshop session this evening include Zoning for firearm sales and the head laning area erosion issue and the executive session this evening will involve a discussion of two items real estate located at 1190 Mountain Avenue and all right thank you okay moving on privilege of the floor all right uh please come up now's your chance my my question had to do with fire oh actually I need you to go to the mic and state your name and address sorry we're very official here we do it the right way taller than I uh my name is Connie go I've lived in the town my whole life uh and my my thing was that I wrote to you mayor thank you so much for responding and it has to do with firearm scale the concern is how close a store can be to a school that can sell firearms now that's that's somerville's problem they did not put in an ordinance to that so they're now will be a gun shop a very few blocks from the schools the scataway has already put in and was proactive and put in a zoning ordinance that said a firearm store cannot be closer than a mile from a school and that's what my concern is I want to make sure I you know I want hope you will make sure that that sameon is in place because due to the Supreme Court's change in its ruling that uh it used to be that you had to prove a reason why you needed a fire arm in New Jersey don't need that anymore and last year at this time less than a thousand guns was sold and since the Supreme Court change in that same time frame over 10,000 guns have been sold in New Jersey so I'm just concerned with kids and making sure that no one can open a store close to our schools and they're using it at a sporting bed store in Sumer them and that's how it happen so that's my concern well as I mentioned before you know we are going to this is going to be something that is going to be tested to our burough attorney to just double check and make sure that I really have nothing to really has nothing to do with whether or not you can have a gun what kind of gun raising it it was just you know whether or not the the uh proximity to the schools with my thank you we're we're going to check it out thank you kage 240 hawood um want to ask about one thing that Mr leace brought up one of the resolutions um about the addendum to the Presbyterian Church property the resolution which is attached online the agenda um says it mentions environmental contamination found on the site um why is the burrow buying a property that your own resolution says is contaminated there's I mean there's there's a couple of reasons for that Dave that unfortunately at this point I don't think I'm contract negotiations Dave I think that's a question that um once the matter has been concluded either proceeded with I mean we can talk more about that or proceeded with or not well as a taxpayer you know I you have 900,000 cost on this property or contract price that's why I was need to B down quite a bit um and for somebody for a seller to whittle down the price by 2/3 tells me there must be a decent amount of contamination on that property and I know from talking to former mayor Matt I believe this quote him but I talked to him I did an exent interview with him at the end of his tenure um and I think his suggestion was that the borrow should band this purchase so um can you can't say anything about this you're just going to $50,000 of taxpayer money without explanation Dave actually I hate to say it but at this point it it is a pretty hot and heavy negotiation so we really can't I I I can't say anything without voiding what what we're supposed to be doing here the truth right okay um but it is public comment section Dave so public comment section so you should make your your comment will be taken by the men believe me Dave we're we're we're we're with you with the fact that we're not just going to throw $350,000 out the window okay well since again your own resolution says it's contaminated can you say what the estimated cost of the cleanup would be if you do acquire I can't say at this point it's an engineering question but you know we at this point are are aware of we got a phase two study right um the contents of that phase two study or you know in the hands of the appropriate Engineers the burough um appropriate elected officials you know beyond what uh mayor M said you know we're going to do due diligence to the end here to make sure the B is protected okay um I I think I a year ago or so I asked about this the um suggested or um it outline that if if the B did acquire that property was hoping to use it for recreation uh perhaps and also for a senior additional space for seniors and Recreation is that accurate those are possibilities possibilities okay well if the if the property given the property's history um and again you guys call it contaminated uh do you really think any seniors or any Recreation staff is going to want to work well I guess I guess at the end of the day Dave what you really have to look at is there's a large definition of contaminated and it's a large piece of property and there's there not everything affects the building so I think that when the negotiations of which there's been extreme due diligence on the part of this governing body and its professionals is over Dave I look forward to being able to share with you uh the face two and you could you know and you want to take it take it to Mayor merid is Madden you can spend two days with him and done no and I didn't mean to May again he was very open with me about his fars on the whole thing um sort another environmental question and this is something that I've heard floating around I don't know if it's true or not so I'm coming here to try to get the truth um the foreign the former foreign Express property do it still have an old gas tank buried on it or is that just biy at somebody that had to clean that to uh they remediate indust the highest standard you could remediated too and there's a letter in the file on that okay um so if you are you have this resolution that you're going to I assume pass later tonight on the church property um why do you still have to go talk about it in executive session or contract negotiation okay Dave is it's very complicated at this point I hate to and I I don't try to to to to slep you off because but I it's it's not as simple as it seems on the surface right now I look forward to to the phase two and all the other documents coming available for you to expect expect the not hide the ball by any means okay well you know if if I'm going to you're going to show them to me or somebody else two months down the road after the sale is consummated um that's a little late for me or somebody else to say hey I've got a problem with it the sales already consumated now I understand contract negotiations I've C this got B for a long time but it's just that you know on Surface if you following this like I have there was a $900,000 price at one time and that was a while ago that was maybe two years ago and the price is now 350 you pass you have a solution here that says it's contaminated and I think anybody who knows all of those circumstances just like wonders like what is going on here and then you know still going in executive session to talk about it afterwards you know I think you know it's all well and good that two months down the road if the contract decided you're going to come out and say all this stuff but um you know it's a th deal at that point nobody really can really raise any any valid objections or any knowledgeable objections at that point because it's a th deal the only thing I can tell you Dave at this point is that make make no mistake with these guys up here and myself no one's sitting there going in with our eyes blind saying oh don't worry about it it's okay it's okay we're we're we're putting the time and the effort into make sure that middle sex is in the best possible position period I I don't doubt that mayor because I remember uh two years ago when I first asked about this it was probably the night of the initial resolution I believe you were the one who said don't worry you know we have an out on this if this property is to whatever I don't know what Sheed so I I know you've been following that path that there's an out will take it but you know it seems to me like there is an out that's why it's just a little confusing it's going to be confusing a little while longer Dave unfortunately because it's got confusing for us after a while there's been some extenuating circumstances that kind of threw a couple of wobblers in there so at this point I'm not going to go any further just to say it's it's it's it's a negotiation just one minor elaboration mayor if I may uh By the time this building if it is acquired that's a big if um is uh fitted for use for the burrow all the documents will be completely given out that's a phase two is what it is right um and it will be reviewed and exposed to the public many many months if not years before the building will ever used for anything and that's a big if that we even get there right so so you just use the word if so is it fair to say that this transaction may still not go through yeah negotiations continue it is fair to say that negotiations continue Dave and we're going to you know we're going to continue to to do the due diligence on behalf of the burrow until the end of the GED okay I I all right I just have one last question um I was in in the interest of transparency and you know I've been a 40 years transparency I was looking at the bill list uh before tonight's meeting and it is that the attorney's Bill sorry Chris not Cas all but bill was like $9,800 for January and you say why it was $9,800 for Jan I don't have my bills in front I encourage you um as I encourage everyone my bills are available under the open public records act um what I would say is you I have nothing to hide so you can over them um and I will ask my bills are so DET unlike a lot of attorneys including my predecessor in this chair uh my attorney my bills are are extremely detailed so I would encourage you I'll look at it if you want I have hide like I said so if you want to look at it and probably the um thean church has been heating up quite a bit I would might have guess that I'm sitting here it's probably that um but the bills are out there um I always say put put one month against another and see how you know how it changed in that month but I had a guest just sitting here Dave you I keep pretty good tab on I think it's the Presbyterian Church okay well and and that's what and culture and Heritage Jack right we were we were significantly under budget last year no okay well you don't have to do a commercial for me well when one brings up one's bills one tries to give a full picture but no and I assumed when I read it when I saw the that probably did have to do at least a part of the church property and that's another reason why I'm asking about this and now we're talking about it again tonight in executive session that's more expensive we're still negotiating we haven't finalized anything this thing dragged on for a while I guess well we're hoping it doesn't drag on too much longer well it's been I think since 2022 absolutely that's why I'm saying I hopefully it doesn't drag on too much longer okay all right I don't have any questions all right thanks Dave anybody else okay uh motion to close the public session motion second all right all in favor all right okay you ready take a deep breath okay here she goes resolution 100224 acceptance of standing reports resolution 101 2024 acknowledging the change in status for certain properties under the senior citizens disable person veterans tax deductions resolution 102 2024 acknowledging the change of status for certain properties under the veteran tax dedu deductions resolution 103 2024 authorizing the tax collector to issue tax title lean redemptions on block 283 LW 18 resolution 104 2024 canceling Improvement authorizations for the 2019 Capital Improvements resolution 105 2024 approval of the 2024 temporary Appropriations resolution 106 2024 aing the contract for the 2023 Road Project Douglas Lane Ruckers Lane and Princeton drive to PA Construction Inc in the amount of $423,900 resolution 107 2024 authorizing the application to the New Jersey clean energy program Community energy planning grant program resolution 108 2024 authorizing the tax collector to issue tax pedaline redemptions on block 313 blot 33 resolution 109 2024 authorizing the B of middle sex to execute a contract addendum the second addendum with the middle sex Presbyterian Church to amend the purchase price to $350,000 resolution 110 2024 author authorizing extending the Burrow's joint Insurance Fund coverage to the Friends of the middle sex Library okay does anyone want to separate anything out nope nope okay motion sorry mayor if I may um I do recommend that um 109 be uh separated and and voted on after the executive session just so that the governing B can ask me any questions that they may have F in furtherance of uh the church which we just discussed it like Mr that that's I would just move that one so we're just gonna we're gonna pull it out yeah and we'll address it after executive session the public should know that there may be action after the executive session okay okay that's fair enough all right so we're going to vote on everything except 109 2024 all right any discussion you guys good good man roll call CC president Khan yes counc yes counc doie yes C Quinn yes Council re yes okay all right very good non-consent we have resolution 111 2024 pay all fames motion second second all right and discussion oh roll call please counc president Conan yes councilman dintino yes councilman do yes counc Quinn counc Rex yes all right very good okay the agenda Workshop item uh we kind of talked about this a little bit earlier um uh the number one item was the the firearm sales dealers like we said um I don't know how you guys want to proceed with this I figure we were going to let Chris take a look at it make sure that we're covered uh I just wanted to bring it out into the public that we're doing what we have to do to make sure that we're appropriate for the time and everything else that's going on especially if any anything pops up out of the somerv bille thing that we should be aware of sure thing okay uh second thing which is on here Mr Lenny I know that the weather has not been cooperating but uh any update on the header Lane property erosion at this point U mainly uh we put in for the resilient Grant I don't know if you guys made aare that about about a month ago maybe three weeks ago for $5 million to do the permanent repair um so that was put in with two support letters that we got from the Senators so we're crossing our fingers on that ter just so you know when uh when uh the assembly one was here I hit her up on that okay and uh I did get a followup the the the following day basically saying the letters are going to be helpful hopefully it's not going to bump us up to the to the top of the the thing but everyone there is aware of what's going on and the awards are supposed to be going out on April 15th okay that's when we should hear one way or the other that something's going to happen with that and hopefully they do what they what they should be doing be one grand 15 million or no it's five million up to five up to five one all right as far as your blocks yes so that's that's that's and the blocks still still waiting for some better weather hopes is if we do find out I have coordinated Caro uh carbo construction who is doing the wall for the Army for to kind of just in case if we do get awarded this uh we can kind of progress this to just do more of you know the permanent repair once this gets hopefully this gets more but they are also willing to assist us to get in there sooner than later if they can they have more equipment obviously that they're used to get in the basically everything stays waiting ready to go it is I'm sorry okay we're not in charge of the weather we are not suppos to rain Tom and and if I'm not mistaken we're up pretty significantly in rainfall we are like four or five inches I think at this point which is not helpful can't cat a break we were getting close and then that all right uh you guys have anything you want to add on the the head of lane or or the gun thing we're good yeah good all right uh privilege of the floor on the on the on the agenda Workshop items anyone have anything to say no okay all right thank you um at this point we're going to go into executive session uh Linda's going to read the resolution we're going to talk about the 1190 Mountain Avenue kraton Lake um there may be some some action after that okay okay we have the resolution resolution 112 2024 executive session second C president Conan yes councilman din yes councilman doie Council Quinn yes councilman Rex yes okay okay uh if you want to we're going to take a quick five minute break right here um if you guys want to hang out till after it's over you can come back uh