Liv we can have a moment of silence keeping our thoughts in prayers that our military law enforcement all First Responders always return home safe and to remember those three service members that were lost their lives open the mid East thank you pledge Al to the flag United States of America stand nais andice in accordance theion of open public meeting notice of this public meeting has been published in the home newsun newspapers and posted on County website as well as on the bulletin board in the M County Administration Building at Le 48 hours in advance of this meeting which shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting roll call County Commissioner es Barber County Commissioner Kenny County Commissioner C County Commissioner m County Commissioner Nar here County Commissioner here County Commissioner director R here we have recognition yes recognizing the JC of middlex County on their groundbreaking on the groundbreaking of their new facility is there a motion to adopt the above recognition to adop call County Commissioner Barber yes County Commissioner Kenny County Commissioner County Commissioner Nar yes County Commissioner Tamaro yes County Commissioner director yes we have correspondence commissioner correspondence received by the clerk's office since our last meeting this correspondence was kept on file in the office of the cler board for reference is there a motion to accept the corresponds all in favor oppos motion Carri minutes for approval minutes of January 18 2024 regular meeting is 6:00 is there a motion to approve the minutes roll call County Commissioner as Barber yes County Commissioner Kenny County Commissioner Pap yes County Commissioner Nar president county commissioner yes County Commissioner director R yes we have ordinances introduction and first reading the clerk will read ordinance number 472 Bond ordinance 472 ordinance appropriating $65 million from the 2024 operating budget to provide for various Capital Improvements in and by the county of middle SEC state of New Jersey and authorizing a public a public hearing to be held Thursday February 15 2024 6:30 p.m. and authorizing publication thereof is there a motion to approve ordinance 472 on first second County Commissioner as Barber yes County Commissioner Kenny County Commissioner C yes County Commissioner Nar yes County Commissioner Tamaro yes County Commissioner director R yes cler will read ordinance number 473 Bond ordinance 473 Bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements in and by the county of midc state of New Jersey appropriating 15 million therefore authorizing the issuance of 4,282 500 Bond or notes of the county to finance part of part of the cost thereof and further authorizing a public hearing to be held February 15 2024 6:30 p.m. and authorizing publication thereof is there a motion to approve warnings 473 on first reading call County Commission County Commissioner Kenny County Commissioner C County Commissioner Nar yes County Commissioner County Commissioner director yes we have reports of Commissioners commissioner Clara basona Barber thank you director do you need help with prescription dra cost if you are age 65 or older or between the ages of 18 and 64 and receiving Social Security Disability Benefits you may be eligible for NJ Safe program such as P or senior for NJ say is on online application to help low incomes seniors and individuals with disabilities save money and medicare premiums pres prescription cost and other living expenses to learn about NJ safe or other a available programs call the Office of Aging and disabled services at 732 745 3295 or visit the County website I am happy to announce that Christen poron Veterans Services specialist has Rec orain certification through the National Association of County Veteran service officers as a veteran services officer Miss person can now help veterans with need VA disability comp compensation claim right here at the County Administration Building this will be a huge asset to our veterans community as a wife of a veteran I know how important this certification is in assisting mosex County veterans congratulations Christen and if you are a veteran or any family and KN assistant please call the veteran services at 732 745 551 441 or visit the County website and that conclude my report thank you commissioner Charlie Kenny thank you director um what I'd like to do is take a few minutes and just give a uh somewhat of an update on our transportation U coordinating uh committee I know that uh at past meetings uh Charlie has asked about the U status of it and and um I just want to give a little bit of an update of where we are and what we're envisioning moving forward um so just a little history the TCC started in the 1970s um basically it was uh held here uh in since my time before in the uh meeting room here usually involved the rep from the town uh from each of our towns um rep from some of our state and legislative leaders um rep from do njtpa the bus companies the transportation companies now um not to say that everybody was here all the time but those were some of the the ones that were invited and uh participated in the program and um it would be healthier sometimes the meetings would be canceled uh and then rescheduled for another time so um it was sort of a a committee that had a um a vision when it started and it was a great idea but uh a committee that has now come to a point where um we feel that it needs to be um brought up more to the times the current times that we're in and so when Co hit and we reorganized and created the transportation department um that seemed to be a very good time to do this uh reexamination of the purpose and the operations and the goals of uh this committee and so as I've said here before in our meetings when Charlie's asked um you know we're we're looking at things nowadays where there's social media there's email we have the office of public and government Affairs that um are in constant contact with our uh um 25 towns and our legislative leaders and so we uh we feel that there's better ways to engage the public rather than meeting here once a month um and it provides for a quicker interaction um to address any concerns or problems that may be out there and just um to use as an example the um Southern Middle sex great movement study that was done um it involved the public in the the residents in that area it involved the elected officials in that area it involved transportations of officials and by reaching out and bringing everybody together we were able to um um provide a study do a study and provide results uh from that study to um help out the residents in that area so with that in mind and sort of as a uh as a uh an example of uh what we've done so far um we're going to look at this new approach to public engagement um and modernizing the Transportation uh Coordinating Committee from the 1970s um we want to have better and more efficient uh meetings um that meet today's uh needs so in the coming months the County's Department of Transportation will be implementing a new culture of public engagement to gather input from residents and transportation officials on issues important to the communities and to make sure everyone in the county has an opportunity to be heard and participate in the process if they wish to do so throughout the year we'll find you will find the Department of Transportation tabling events at um community events throughout our County where they go and here directly from the neighbors and families rather than as I said before waiting for them to come here once a month to uh talk to us uh we'll also be rolling out new opportunities for residents to communicate online through our website on social media and other mods of communication and finally I'm excited to share that later this year we'll be hosting a signature Transportation event which will bring together Transportation thought leaders from across our community to share new Innovative and discuss new Innovations and discuss Transportation issues invoke a large venue format and then broken down into smaller topic specific breakout groups designed to be informational to our elected officials and our stakeholders being the public I'm looking forward to sharing more information about this new Outreach strategy throughout the year um we look forward to making it easier than ever for transportation officials and res to share their input with our transportation team to inform the to inform the work that we do every day and so um to sum that all up in a nutshell um we won't be having a TCC committee meeting here we will be taking the TCC out to the public and meeting the public um in that sense and so that's uh my update on the TCC director and I thank you for the uh time thank you commissioner lesie C thank you director I'm proud to report that on January 17th 2024 Moody's investor service once again affirmed to Middle sex County a AAA Bond rating the highest rating attainable with this affirmation the county will have maintained a AAA Bond rating for an unprecedented 23rd year in a row during this 23-year period the rating has saved taxpayers tens of millions of dollars these savings are realized by borrowing funds lower interest rates a AAA Bond rating allows us the best available rates and are highly desired by Bond buyers the AAA rating reflects the opinion of this independent rating agency the following were noted in on the rating report excellent management with effective Financial policies and practices strong performance in budgeting resulting in Surplus High flexibility in our budget exceptionally strong liquidity and a robust institutional framework congrat rations this concludes my report thank you thank you deputy director Shany now thank you director from the divisions of solid waste and recycling last year the division held many programs which are all free of charg to our residents here are our year end totals for 2023 our fluorescent light bulb program netted 6.87 tons of buls and in 2023 the division held 5 household hazardous waste collection events uh throughout the county 3,296 residents took advantage of this cost program 161.405 12 paper shred events which attracted 5,133 residents and we collected 22,170 collection schedule is now available online by visiting the County's website or calling our divisions at 732 745 4170 in the upcoming weeks our annual recycling guide will be available with the posting of these dates as well as other valuable information on County Recycling um but to start off our very first event is a house household hazardous waste event which will be in Edison on March 17th and our first paper shredding event is on March 24th in Oldbridge but I'll remind all our residents we we do these programs all over the county and you can wait for an event in your town but you are also free to uh Avail yourself of an event in any of of the neighboring towns in middlex and that's my report director thank you thank you commissioner Jolie Tamaro yes thank you director with all the cold weather and very little Sun the last couple weeks you may be thinking ahead summer barbecues birthday parties or family reunions reservations for our 2024 picnic season begins on Monday February 5th the picnic season for this year runs from April 13th to October 13th all res are being done on our electronic reservation system so head over to our website to find all the information you may need the MX County yth Conservation Corp is now accepting applications for their spring Cree work will take place on Saturdays starting April 6th at several milet County open space properties any student interested in trail Building Maintenance and wildlife habitat recoupment projects are welcome to apply applications can be found on the website and the deadline is March 1st teams are also being accepted um for the 2024 Parks and Recreation adult slow pitch softball League's games are played at warm Park and Woodbridge and R Bay Water Waterfront Park in South Amoy men and coad teams can apply for both the spring and fall leagues applications for both seasons can be found on our website and the deadline for the spring season is March 22nd and that concludes my report for thank you okay Mr kelw we have any resoles to be added there are none resolution to be amended resolution to be held yes director resolution 24134 will be H to future thank you resolution to be voided there this time I open up the meeting to the public on any resolutions listed please State the name and address that you have five minutes to speak only on the resolutions that are listed on the agenda [Applause] good evening happy New Year commissioner Charles pille I'm uh resident of New Brunswick editor of New Brunswick today I wanted to ask first on page three 113 and 114 what's uh what is this are two people switching positions is that correcty CFO and Joe Peri who is currently the CFO will be retiring at the end of the nwork and he's moving over to the treasur position at least for the next 10 months and he'll be retiring and as responsibility running fin so they are switching positions effective to that um and and Nick's been in in in the in the treasures offices chief financial office for how many years now years in total with the county congratulations and best wishes to you um move on uh same page 117 and 118 these are some matters involving a proposed Warehouse in Piscataway um should we presume if these resolutions are adopted that the County Commissioners support the plan for a warehouse on South Washington one the the warehouse is approved what happens in in a situation where there's a requirement to provide some additional access in this case am easement uh under the developers agreement to the extent that the developer can not acquire the property on their own then the county facilitates the acquisition but is for public purposes for Public Access public access to a warehouse yeah okay I'm just not clear on why the Count's even involved in this if it was it's it's it's done under law has been done this way for years in All Counties County it's a County Road correct uh thank you and so it's my understanding there was some litigation uh involving this approval has that litigation been resolved is is the approval in effect no idea we have nothing to do with the litigation okay um I guess can you tell me what exactly these things do I see one allows for condemnation of someone else's property um which one which one the second want is condemnation proceedings why why is the county taking people's property for this I just explain that to you the first one is with regard the first resolution is with regard to acquiring the services of an appraiser to appraise it the second one is the actual I see I see yeah I guess I'm just you know uh I know a lot of people around the county are concerned about warehouses especially warehouses near residential warehouses near schools that's why so many people at the scataway have fought this project and to say still fighting in the courts uh maybe something happen that I'm not aware of but um I guess you know are the Commissioners free to vote down this resolution if they don't support warehouses this this as Mr Kelo stated this has been approved already by bisc director I just look this happens all the time there are lawsuits but if if one party is not stopped and they're allowed to continue the process that's what happens and the county is only engaging with what the County's lawful obligations are when they're presented with a plan and the town says this is what we're going forward with so if you're asking us if we're going to U vote something down that has been approved and we're just doing what Our loal obligation is as part of a regular process the answer I think should be clear that that's not something we're going to do well I guess my question is it an obligation are you obligated to approve this or do do the Commissioners the elected officials of middle sex County have a choice in the matter is if this is something that you you don't want on a County Road don't want in that neighborhood can you vote it down legally or does or does approving it mean that you actually want it's fair question I don't think it means either one of those things there's a developers agreement that's been uh authorized by the planning board of the county the planning board had to review the site plan the developers agreement which is typical in these situations in order to improve access to property off off the county road is is provides its public ability to acquire that easement for for a price and there's a fair market value that's paid for it in order to facilitate the approval uh that uh uh is has been done by both the local board and the plan so could they vote it down I suppose they could then there' be another wuit I suppose so the question thank you anyone else in the public all in favor oppos motion carries is there any commissioner that has to vote on anything separately yes I have to um uh I have a conflict with resolution -129 R and resolution D9 129 129r and 175r motion would then be in order to adopt the consent agenda consisting of resolution numbers 24-13 the resolution 24-1 192 uh and uh uh excluding resolution 24129 24175 24145 uh to be voted upon separately and resolution 24134 to be Ved is there a motion second roll call County Commissioner ask to Barber yes County Commissioner Kenny County Commissioner coo yes County Commissioner Nara yes County Commissioner yes County Commissioner director yes now director would be appropriate to consider the two resolutions excluded by deputy director Nara that's 24129 and 24175 so a motion to adopt roll County Commissioner as Barber yes County Commissioner Kenny County Commissioner Cole yes County Commissioner Nar presid not voting County Commissioner Tamaro yes County Commissioner director R yes and now finally director be appropriate to consider the resolution excluded by commission and that's resolution 24145 County Commissioner as Barber County Commissioner Kenny County Commissioner Co yes County Commissioner Nar yes County Commissioner Tam yes County Commissioner director yes this time I open up the meeting to the public you state your name and address and you have five minutes good evening Commissioners once again Charlie praille I'll start by uh uh reacting to the Cowardly decision to restrict public comment at your reorganization meeting thought that was just really poor uh really wrong and you know as the saying goes if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen if you sir can't stand to have general public comments at every one of your meetings resign um I know your email address Works CU you did uh respond to one of my emails uh this past January and uh you know you didn't respond to to all of them and I had had one really important one that I was hoping you would weigh in on so I didn't have to bring it up here but uh you know a disturbing indictment alleges your running mate Senator Mendez used his official position to benefit his friends and foreign governments and exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes including gold bars cash and a car purchased in Edison and I you know there's ample record here that uh you know you ran with him you endorsed him you supported him you told all of us we should support him and uh I asked you a question be email that you didn't respond to I wanted to know do you regret supporting Senator Mendez running with him enabling him Mr crille that's a political question or a criminal investigation question I'm not going to comment on anything like that that's absurd okay I just haven't heard you condemn him I I know many many people who uh regret uh supporting him have spoken publicly about opinion everybody's entitled to their their own opinion but I'm not going to get involved in a question like that has nothing to do with middle County governmental government work by any of our employees it's just I'm not going to answer that that's a political question or a criminal question and I'm not going to get involved in a criminal investigation make comments on a criminal in investigation okay so will you say do you stand by him or or not just what I said I'm not going to make any kind of to that as far as the reorganization nothing cowardly about that we we have every right to have the reorganization the way we have it the way we did it it's it's basically a ceremonial thing where we have family common for some of the people that are getting sworn in they come sometimes from far away and I think it's it's it's a nice event and not a political thing like you speaking up I'm sorry you don't want it to be ruined by the public speaking of that's that's not the case you you have your your one agenda it's just a political agenda it's nothing to do with the better of middle six County just to criticize this support that's all it's about but go ahead well I I like to think I raised some important issues that people in the county feel and you know whether whether what I'm raising is right or wrong as a public servant you should cre create the space in your meeting to listen to it and you're you know backtracking you since you've been in power you've been taking away the Public's right to speak at more and more meetings and you know it because you've been on this sport since 2008 back when there was more public commen time more meetings and you know you're going to have to live with that so I I'll I'll move on middle sex County number one in deaths on our roadways last year 64 fatal crashes last year already eight deaths so far this year again again on track to be worst in the state and you know I I appreciate commissioner Kenny speaking up talking about a a new culture of public engagement we need a lot more than just public engagement public engagement is a good start but we need new infrastructure we need a new transportation system we need to move away from the car Centric uh development that we've we got ourselves locked into and one thing we need is more Transit so I'm really concerned about NJ Transit proposing a 15% Fair height where everybody who drives the train or the bus is going to be paying more all the time does this board support the NJ Transit Fair let me say this number one you said there there were eight fatalities in Middle 6 County not one zero were on many middle six County Road there were there were seven on on state highways and one on a municipal road so for you to make a comment like that like we were negligent is is pretty disgraceful if you ask me there were eight and none of them not one was on the County vote Charlie Charlie I didn't say Kenny can I reclaim my time if if you're going to take time you can pause go ahead okay so with your CIO plan the mega project that you refer to as the CIO plan uh I've heard from the National Park Service the county stated a draft environmental assessment would be submitted for National Park Service review in January did that happen time up that is working PR it did not happen in there been ongoing discussions with the National Association we' been working very closely with them and so uh like I said that's work in process that uh will continue until such time move forward with the development of that thank you your time is upy to hear thank you anyone else in the public all in favor oppos motion hold on a second I want two things two announcements that I would like two comments I would like to make first of all I would like to congratulate Nick jinsky at being appointed as CFO I'm sure we're going to get great work from you because your past experience has definitely demonstrated that we congratulate you and i' also like to congratulate Sandy C I don't know where where she is she's hiding from me on her new position as department head of Economic Development she's been working hand in hand not only in her department but with other other governmental entities and businesses and I'm sure we're going to get great things out of Sandy and I just want to say congratulations on behalf of the board to you on your position is there a motion to adjourn all in favor opposed motion car --------- uh traffic commission meeting of February 1st 2024 um last meeting did not have a quum so nothing was done at that meeting and this meeting I actually I have no correspondence uh no requests I don't have really anything for discussion so with that does anybody here have anything bring up I no no no okay I was hoping Tom will be here because he always has you texted him I texted him so with that Tom might show up uh Mr crille would you like to uh speak to the uh commission yeah certainly uh had a few items to address the first is uh my concern over the number of fatal crashes in our County uh I know that we had the dubious distinction last year of having the most people die on our roadways I believe three of those fatalities occurred in New Brunswick uh in 2023 and 2024 is off to a bad start uh after last night's fatal crash we I think we're again leading the 73 State yeah again in South Brunswick so um I wanted to ask what if anything the city's doing to make it safer for pedestrians and to uh you know calm the the the speeding and and make it so um there's less dangerous situations less conflict points and uh ultimately safer streets for all can somebody speak to you know what the city of New Brunswick's doing well I know that um through cdpg funds we've been annually buying in batches uh flashing crosswalks targeting intersections for improved visibility um and uh we uh I think the Department Public Work still needs to install them but we have uh bike racks for daylighting to be installed in the six board we just at the last council meeting we just bought some uh more Flash and crossbox to be installed in certain areas we uh we improved lighting throughout I think uh I want say the sixth and fifth War part of the fifth War last year I don't know if PG's done with that project yet I think we added about 60 or 70 lights the year before we did 25 or 30 in the second board um streight lights adding to the polls um that's in addition to the ones that already there yeah okay there is apologies I mean those are those are things that uh that I involved in that I can speak to in some kind of capacity um and so I won't speak outside of that scope we we'll throw Tom into the fire right away so Mr kry bille uh is concerned about the number of fatal fatalities as far as vehicular crashes go and he was wondering if uh what what the city is doing to help control traffic calming traffic so the less chance of uhal and you before you repeat I mentioned the the flashing cross box and the additional uh uh cores that we had installed fair enough um that's primarily one of our we're trying to focus on the schools and the crossings that lead to the school Crossings in that sense with Dan's funding is relat to that um there's only so much that we can do um we are going to install a speed table on neelson at the bottom of bay is part of the neelon street park that's one of the features that we're doing speed table is that like a speed hump it's a little bit different it's it's intended to have the same effect it's not like an Abrupt hump but it's generally a raise area the Cobblestone you may realize there's one right in the touching about halfway between Route One and the Amboy Avenue light and that's kind of like what a speed table does the intention is still to Comm the traffic um obviously Livingston Avenue that was that whole project was designed as a traffic calming project by making two lanes into one the state actually is looking to use that Motif on an upcoming project they're going to do between on Route 27 between howan and belan Street near Brunswick um that all the last block is actually County right away but from the the M Brook all the way south of State jurisdiction um New Brun already has 25 mph zones all throughout town the only place that has a higher speedland other than the highway is a section of Livingston Avenue between uh Herman Road actually really between uh Halloween but that's not all the way up to the tra all the way up to the mile Brook which is right by the strip mall on Elizabeth Street um everything else in town is 25 mph I think part of Jersey is over I think part of jerseyy is at 40 that's out of our that's supp Oh you mean like Street the New Brun own streets correct correct yes so it's a lot of it believe it or not is a function of of of enforcement I mean I can add many engineering controls uh and they only go so far um obviously the people's interest in speed humps clearly that helps but at the same time we have to keep certain Roots free from those because that's our primary erress for emergency response primarily Saddam street because it's important to have those those areas so um again the fact that 25 mph Zone that that generally drops a lot of what the standard me CD type of um safety devices they might recommend they're all above 30 25 M hours on so it's kind of it's kind of difficult uh to say what are we doing about it other than that you know I know they get police get a lot of Grants maybe some enforc enforced uh you knowfor I mean enhanced enforcement might might be helpful um but again again we're at a such a low thresh due to our speed limits yeah I know there's some streets that they put the temporary Speed Monitor up yes well we we have actually um between the police and and Engineering we have a total of six um movable um speed detectors if you would um and they keep great data they get us traffic counts they can talk about percentages so it's actually picking up data oh yeah there's tons of data yeah soing your speed it's actually it'll give us counts how many TR cars go on every 24 hours how many of those are maybe speeding we're within 5 mph either way of the speed limit there's some very sophisticated reports so as we get complaints we're directed by the police at change locations and they can then run the data and do that so and that's on a cloud service um that that we pay for so uh but and then we kind of more or less have two semi-permanent ones long East nowen with those we actually fixed solar panels so we don't have to keep the other guys removal we just swap out batteries and then move them around so chargeable so and then it's whatever to please ask us to take a look at so yeah just just to add something that Tom mentions as far as the speed humps go I know we've got a request for Speed HPS and unless you it's on an emergency route uh we usually you know approve those so yeah thank you gentlemen for your answers uh I will note that the county had uh created a vision zero action plan so for those not familiar with vision zero it's a concept of uh essentially striving to have no deaths zero deaths uh and uh there was a vision zero partnership leadership committee uh convened in 2022 and I wanted to ask uh does anybody know who the city's representative on that committee was I wasn't me I don't I wouldn't know I don't know I would Zero vision partnership Vision Zero vision Vision zero partners ship leadership committee and uh they provided input to the development of the County's Vision zero action plan and you know seems like a great thing that the county did there but uh like so many things uh you know I feel like there needs to be follow up and follow through on it this was in 2022 right and I think middle sex was one of the first to kind of they have one last you don't I'm trying to follow up and see what's been done since then but they do they do they did you know create an action plan and uh you know I think you know obvious Next Step would be to make sure it's followed and see how it works and uh you know I'm trying to learn more about that and I think that could bring me to my next point of I think these meetings would be even better if a representative of the county were here I know in the past we've been successful in getting Ruckers to send someone um you know obviously with County Roads and ruer is playing such a big role here there's just uh you know some seats at the table that that that I think they should be um you know uh you present for uh and so I would encourage uh if you haven't already invited those folks yeah Tom Tom who's the who's the County engineer they actually Ron seder is the County engineer but Ron has a and I I the name the gentleman's name isav moment he has a tra he has a transportation expert within his staff who deals with the roads and the lights and not to put the hus on you you deal with these people all the time on assum um not always we have some interaction as it relates to if it's a planning board thing that has both County and City requirements if it's like Jersey that's a county road so not only we have City uh contribution to the planning board stuff there is also they have to submit to the county as well sometimes we have overlap on that the reason to contacting them I'll I'll mention teron I'll let him know and invite uh I forget he has one of the staff guys the signal en Road specialist guy I forget his name he might be he might be he might be the ideal one okay great thank you I really truly appreciate it and the other point I wanted to bring up I think I've mentioned it at the parking authority meeting uh the county has a plan they're hoping to roll out this quarter uh for a what they call a micr Transit program uh similar to what they did in Jersey City where uh folks will be able to sort of hail a you know a ride um that would uh you know uh you they call On Demand right you be able to soil like the shuttle that we had well see the shuttle fixed a fixed route right so you can you can rely upon it to pick you up without having to make an appointment no this comes to you uh I think they call it um it's like not curb to curb but like intersection and Inter Corner yeah it's almost like similar to that you know Jersey city has it there's an app and and the government subsidizes it so right the government pays this company to create the program and run it and the the cost is you know partly subsidized by that and you know in addition to the MCAT well see that's the thing I'm very disappointed that the county has cut back the MCAT so much I think we're down to just really only one route serving New Brunswick the M5 didn't come back after Co but I know one of my office mates who's currently um out ill has used used the MCAT to get to a doctor dep so but that's that's one so yeah MCAT has two programs one that you one that if you're a senior or low income you can call and set up a ride you need to have several days advanced notice but uh but there used to be the shuttles that would reliably go during business hours they take you to like four social services and you know connect different points around the city and unfortunately they never came back it's been you know almost four years now um and so whether this new program is viewed as a replacement of the routes that are no longer there or a supplement either way it's it's something that's coming it's coming it's not they haven't started it yet they they granted a they gave a contract to Via the same company that that does Jersey City and they say they you're going to roll it out quarter 1 of 2024 and they're still deciding on the sort of geography of it where it will be able to take you how far you can go outside of New Brunswick if at all and also the the cost uh and the hours are still to be determined so you know I would think that' be something that this commission would be really interested in um you know I have some you know concerns about about it I think it's obviously it's not a a full replacement for a fixed route bus system which uh I know you know I'm uh a big proponent of um and you know if you have a a fixed route system with reliable head ways of like 30 minutes or less people can know if I go there I can catch the bus at a certain time and get to my destination and it'll take you there efficiently whereas with this you you know reach out either by phone or an app and it might be 10 minutes till you get picked up or it might be 30 minutes till you get picked up and you kind of have to ask ask first without knowing um and then also you may be sharing the ride it may you know they may deviate from your quickest route to pick up someone else and it's more like a van than a a a typical taxi cab so um kind like Uber Eats for people is similar to CU they pick up somebody else's order expecting I think I think they're eight passenger vs I want to say I don't know if that includes the driver and stuff so it might be like Max six people I know somewhere in that range quity people yeah speaking of the I think Transit didn't they put something on the bus stops where there's a new app or something where tells you I saw that where where the buses um they're supposed to implement that not like something that you might see in Europe for example you know they I know they're testing it they right right exactly um yeah I don't I thought they were going to start testing it I just don't know but unfortunately you know if some of our bus stops become vulnerable like the one at Livingston and svan got hit no police report we're going have to replace our own CA so go back here the stop the shelter shelter the shelter itself shelter itself that wh mhm is that one of the new ones or one of the old one of new ones yeah wait wait wait this is all yes just so you know the way it works for Transit we requ we can we the city can request bus stops provid that they're on the bus routes they will put them in for free but then they become ours and then we have to maintain them so they type of damage correct so normally we'll have a police report this this someone slid off the road to theow storm didn't report it so normally with the police report we'll attach the claim against the insurance company for the driver and it you know may take a year but we generally getal in this case we probably don't have much although there are Camas there I should probably ask you guys we'll talk about that off the mind there's definitely cameras right there so three of them so any yeah and then just you wrapping it up the uh uh NJ Transit speaking of NJ Transit did do a a fairly uh deep study of the greater New Brunswick area and transportation as it stands and opportunities to improve it and I'm not sure if any of the Commissioners are aware of it but I'm happy to share it with you chairman and uh um you know do with it what you like I just I just got my hands on it a few days ago and hav't read it all said that to me that great appreciate that great so yeah thank thanks for hearing me out okay all right um let me give you just a quick update on what's happening on the streets uping project do you ever have a there's a lot going on let me get a new page before this starts I'm head over thanks for coming hope this do for see you guys next we not Mak any motions any all right take care folks we have a number of projects that are either about to start have started and or will be starting shortly okay go all right um first is Jules Wayne that um we coordinated with the water department all the new water main work is now complete so this spring we're going to redo the curbs and re do a road Improvement project which essentially is a mill in The Reef pave however a portion of jewels Lane is very much settled U it's actually believe on top of probably an old dump so we're going to replace about 2 to 3 fet of roadway in terms of depth and rebuil 500 ft of the roadway okay all right um so that's an existing traffic impact fund that's a that's a subsidize by the dot um I have stuff previous yeah you made I off at that appr so I had the sord street traffic improvements that project is all but done the problem that we're having with that project is that the final asphalt coat failed the compaction test and it failed such that the dot rejected it and the contractor will be back in the Sprint after mil and resurface and restripe Sanford Street um so contract is com back to yes he's got to know and repay right yes just the top all the other work the concrete work was good the drainage work is good but it's just it's just the last uh okay obviously the Cancer Institute is moving along well what's existed what's going to happen there is they owe us they're going to re they have that project has to repave Somerset Street from Lewis Street to hardenberg and probably even give us hardenberg and division sheet um repay but that's not going to be done till near the end and part of that was one of the major 26 KD feeds came up um sumerset Street for the project okay all right now uh we're about to start two other projects although water will go first van djk Avenue from Somerset to Jersey which will be some significant U water meain replacement uh that's an older 16 lead uh joint I not that there's lead in the system but it's an old system of how you join and they they have issues with leaks every now and then um following that then we're going to do a road Improvement project curve sidewalks uh new pavement um up update on the inlets things of that nature okay okay then the next project behind that is Lewis Street and that's going to be Lewis Street from French to Courtland and then Courtland to Easton and that's a road Improvement project which is Milling concrete work upgrading drain inlets things of that nature although we're doing that after a water project the Water Project is going to replace the main on Lewis Street from French to Duke and replace the main on Duke I believe the existing size of the water M on Duke is 4 in I believe Lex wants to go to eight that'll also serve as a secondary feed to the hospital as redund you got to have redundancy to these big buildings who's Lex Alex alexii oh he's the water water drive I'm sorry oh that's all right mean there's so much going on I got to keep rolling my head uh lee area Lee Avenue okay we we received um the 2020 I'm going to get the years may be screwy 2022 um NJ do is the local uh yeah Local 8 is Lee Avenue and from um from Jones not it's Lee Avenue from from Loretto to Sanford is the portion of the road Improvement project but we're going to extend it what's that comto yeah the com stock so what we did is we applied for EPA grant for 34 of a million dollars and that's going to replace the sanitary man we're adding some storm sewer to Le in the lawen street vicinity um and Lex is going to replace and we actually prepared to join from to replace the water me in fact they went anyway so that that's probably going to start a year but that's a big project uh likewise we also just were rewarded um Bernett Street and Jones Avenue so Bernett street is the section between tunison and the bridge over uh lawren that section where the engine Fire 2 is MH all right and then we combined that with Lee Avenue which I think is going to be from Sanford to U I believe sedan and that's going to be just a redo you know of Milling Paving and upgrade that that that moment part of the was done with the public service project but it was still CRA it's got a good time so Bernett Bernett Bernett street is strictly Paving is that what I heard it's going to be a Mill and a pave and we're probably going to upgrade couple of the uh you got speed there yeah there's one the firehouse yes um the bridge itself they just completed the bridge is actually every bridge in the county that is a bridge or covert that's in right away is a county jurisdiction what speaking of bridges Landing Lane bridge I thought I closed it last month aray what is the longterm there's actually a public a virtual Public Information Center coming up on that I think in the next week Brandon's got the dates the they that's another B years ago they had one of those it's it's the The Landing Lane Crossing is a is a bastard kind of jurisdiction the Delaware Canal Commission of course has jurisdiction over the over the canal itself that portion of the bridge technically is njdot jurisdiction because it's in the historic district and it's also managed by theal the rest of it is County Bridge so it's like so all the problems are occurring with the old bridge if you ever look closely that bridge used to be a a turn stop so there's a significant what they say the divver saying significant concur deterioration underneath the old Turn Style portion and theyve closed it for emergency repairs um just a month ago I'm yeah right and it's going and there's another one coming up anyway our Our concern obviously is two twofold one is that's probably a 5,000 to 6,000 uh car per day crossing over the river that's a extremely high number of cars not only that that Canal if it breaches into the river that jeopardizes our primary drinking water source which is the water out the canal so clearly New Jersey water resources has a lot of State there because Downstream from us is Middle sex Waters draw for Edison and pasca so that's a critical arterial vein of water to maintain so that's part of the sensitivity uh to that because it's not just impacts you Ric because literally as you know if you go down the Hamilton Street where Johnson Drive that's where the big brick building is that's the water pickup that goes to Edison and Scot for Middle sex interes so there's a lot of water being drawn out of that you know Canal so it's important to keep that pathway the Integrity of that pathway you know what were they doing what was the project on Johnson Drive right near the entrance they I believe that was a sore remediation project that was a state project right yeah well it was dot that Fletcher Kramer their one of their primaries um recently JJ did work inside there they replaced like the fuel tanks the executive parking garage things of that nature and then they we found that they had done their in environmental investigation the site of that site was actually a previous gas manufacturing plan GMP which is a big AOC automatic area concerned in the environmental world so my assumption is that was related to some of the soil issues but it looked like a soil cleanup removal project they didn't really dig deep they just scraped a lot of stuff off restabilize the banks and all that kind of stuff so okay uh anything else I think you have everything C that's I think that's quite a bit for now I may be missing one or two small things but um just looking see any else [Music] previously also just for your benefit the the county actually added two new signals on the roads we have a new signal at French be and Prospect Street which we really should have well was initially supposed to happen when that block got developed but because the upper building hadn't been developed there's there was the county kind of didn't see the need I guess for the light at that point uh now that we do see the need for the light that but also that's going to assist with the school at the at the Science and Technology because that was a bizarre intersection that at dismissal time it was yeah it was insane um but now also the having the light on Prospect will assist the emptying of the of the deck on Church Street um prior to we just this is very important we just put Plum Street back the way it used to be Plum Street originally was one way Somerset I mean French Somerset which was great because at that parking de you have two different directions to go two different you know everything was being forced on the frame I think that made the French backups at that of those times more uh extremes but now that Plum is one way up to Summers set that should help disperse that so we'll keep an eye on that I'll talk to kenot about that but I think we see some a little bit of alleviation of that traffic um now that that Plum two building is almost you know at least the outside they have a lot of interior work to do um but that that's one of the major things I should have pointed out that plums back back to where it was okay and you said there was two lights yes there's a new traffic signal on Jersey Avenue at Hell street at the entrance to the the new school okay um actually um the county and the Board of Education are tweaking some of the timing um because it was a long it had a long length of green on jersey and a kind of a short length of green on hail so getting the kids to wait to lights turns green sometimes as a challenge for crossing card so anyway there's two different times you're going to probably adjust the timing of the light at the peak arrival and Peak dismissal times of the school so but they're working again so were they were they going I won't keep you much the wasn't they looking at a traffic light at Jersey and vanik okay vanand Dyk in Jersey is a it's it's a three jurisdiction intersection so coming Northbound it is us it is ngj do jurisdiction to the middle line to the midpoint of Van djk okay in Jersey once you cross the midp point of Van djk going north it's County RightWay okay and then van djk is ours so we reached out to the state and to the county and none of them had any interest to help us improve that run you want to put up Blake you spend the million dollars and and you know we won't we won't we won't oppose it but that's okay so so we were trying to get into a partnership with either the county or state and help us but there was no interest on their side but uh currently all right thanks Tom very good sorry just it's all right um last call any comments or good all right thanks for coming everyone you are good joury good thank you so Bernette like the Bernett that that was like