administrators of each member and posting a copy of the meeting notice on the public bulletin board of all members I direct the secretary to enter in the minutes of this meeting the advance for notice of this meeting and statement all right do we have a roll call uh Frank bino here Ricardo lenos here Janette larrison Harry Delgado here Michael drulis here Joseph zanga here mayor heck see him Glen Curts Leon soal here Scot rant here Joe monzo here did Donna Setzer come in no James goate Sean Kelly here Dominic sell here Robin ropi here Karen Waters here Johan Walsh here and I believe Mr Caville is here as well all right now I know it has administrators report next uh I do know that Joe has to pop off for a second is there a way we can do that first yeah you can move him up chair all right Joe you ready well yeah go ahead I don't have much to say but go ahead um so um since we had a meeting last week and this is not a formal meeting where we approved bills um there hasn't been you know any change in uh the financial position um we're waiting on a check from one of the member towns uh for part of the deficit assessment was approved at their meeting on Monday it's around $66,000 um at this point that'll you know obviously be a benefit to us and I don't see any change in the condition um other than what we talked about last week we're still on track to there be a positive cash situation by the end of the year uh there's some conversation later on in the meeting about the 2021 audit which is I don't know who's going to be on from Colman frenier but with respect to 20 that's just a reworking of some new numbers for 21 which respect to 22 um Glenn and I have provided the the staff at HFA everything they've asked for I don't think there's anything that's still outstanding it's just a matter of them doing their due diligence and putting together some schedules I still fully expect to have the 2022 audit I'm always optimistic um so I'm saying by the end of the year but unless HFA say something different um when it's their turn to speak and that's the report I have for the today chair we have a regular meeting scheduled for next Wednesday also December meeting okay thank you okay all right administrator's report yeah but I maybe you want to move Mr goate up as well chair since to not have him stick around and after close session Glen before before Joe leaves um a question that you make be able to answer now or but get to us fairly soon when the 2021 assessment was done the report we received from um you and Glenn indicated that the deficit was 2 million 93,000 972 milion 97,000 right and and that was mainly comprised of um 1.1 million in additional excess insurance cost that was not included in the original budget and about 933 th000 if I remember correctly in uh claims that exceeded what was budgeted in the original budget um we now have had the auditor Revis that from the the 2,97 97,000 to 2.4 million roughly can we get a breakdown as to what um the components of that are um sure I'm glad and I can work on that the majority because in in negotiating I'm asking because in negotiating settlements with the various towns it it it gives us more Cloud if we're able to say that this went towards excess for example and you got the benefit of excess uh coverage and now you're not paying your share of the premium just as an example but that would be very helpful to get the identical breakdown for the new revised uh 2021 deficit Glenn let me ask you question Glenn so we had we had a by member Town breakdown of the 2,97 and I've been reporting to the to the committee on the status of who's paid that and who's not and there's still a couple members who owe some on that we have a similar breakdown Glenn by member uh for the 2.4 basically whatever the $300,000 addition is uh yes well having just received that report in it's it's being compiled now um but uh it would be broken down by member by line of coverage um but I think Leon wants it even more panned down to what is going to the cost of excess and what is going to the cost of claims yes and what going to ibnr correct Leon I'm correct that would be basically what it is yeah that's the same question you asked on the email this morning right Leon yeah I'm following up on the email that that Scott sent this morning okay thank you any more questions for Joe you good I'll hang on till 12:30 till my other meeting starts thank you Mr go would you like to go next you're muted Jen the there were no Services provided in the last week obviously or in the last month for that matter just want to make the membership aware p as polished it's um at least State it's fiveyear compliance strategic plan with OSHA they're going to be Target beginning in the year 2024 through 2029 the number one target is going to be fire department the number two target will be from an inspection perspective the yosha top 10 for the year uh full protection was the most cited standard and know that four out of the top eight violations that they focused on had to do with full Protection full protection laders scaffolding lack of training for employees just be aware of that that is that completes my report unless someone has an inqu thank you all right thank you all right Glenn you ready for the administrator report uh yes chair um just to uh let everybody know I circulated uh after last meeting uh the uh the report from uh HFA uh with respects to the 2021 audit um when I uh reviewed the back schedules I had a follow-up call with h Patty and subsequently Lauren and noticed a discrepancy on a schedule C so she is in the process of correcting that discrepancy uh we went over it it does not affect the overall numbers in any particular year or the totals for the GIF but since um you know this report is going to be probably the subject of litigation going forward I wanted to make sure that correction was made before we filed it with the state and uh for other members to see uh unfortunately Patty and Lauren Patty's in at the doctor's today but she couldn't attend but uh she is making that adjustment and once I get the final final I will certain circulate for the members it is my understanding none of the numbers overall will change in any particular uh year or in the total so I wanted to bring that to your attention other than that I circulated uh a list of uh claim payments uh through the month of December uh broken down by coverages workers compensation claimants claims paid uh through uh the end of November totaling 2,981 873 uh that is broken down by member um just to give you an idea of who uh who the members are we are currently paying claims on and how it affects our negotiations with them going forward with respects to to uh to them getting on board to collect the deficit uh and then I then broke that down by uh fun year uh to let you know where the money is going behind that is a uh claim payments of the general claim account broken down again by fund member uh and again broken down by fund year uh for year review so that I will be working with Mr uh soal and Mr Leon uh ranton moving forward um the only other item I have uh for discussion right now chair I wanted to make everyone aware uh we did release a formal proposal to uh to North Brunswick who was interested in receiving a proposal uh their broker has it I understand uh she is discussing it with the burrow um I believe we came in a little high but from what I understand the Burrows current program has deductibles on all lines of coverage uh on the gln in addition to the PO and eppl coverages whereas the GIF is currently first dollar and general liability and auto liability uh so I'll reach out to her and see if I can find out a little more information uh as to um where the cost break down and whether or not a if they would entertain a higher deductible the GIF and then morning DAV we do with them would be subject to the board approval so I've only been here a half hour I'm listening I'm listening to a stupid I got all right that's all I have right now chair for Open Session Glen question for you from the chair please so being that we're in the last two or three weeks of the calendar year what's the expectation of timeline turnaround in terms of discussion with North brunwick and when they have to make a decision and when until what time they could probably um I understand they had a workshop meeting this week um a reg a council meeting next week um some guys will will hold off Michael and and have it deferred to a uh an independent uh committee and the committee will make the recommendation to the board U but um like I said the the risk man or broker risk manager there was discussing it with the burrow I hope to have feedback either this afternoon or tomorrow to uh to see uh the like hood of that so well I guess the the substance of my question is what is a calendar timeline in which they need to respond by they would if they were to join for 2024 they would have to give us notice give me enough notice to get it circulated to you for a verbal communication yes or no uh and then it would be done at our reorganization meeting for a January one renewal so okay so would would be subject to okay so if I get if I circulate and say they want to join and circulate it to you guys and I get a favorable response it would be subject to board approval so so then with them as a candidate if they wanted to move forward their current coverage lasts them how is that how is how is the coverage matter managed if the coverage expires on December 31st for them if the coverage expires for them on December 31st and they have a verbal commitment uh of their intent to withdraw and from what I understand they gave their proper notice and they were on a a renewal cycle um if I have to call a special meeting and say you're accepted one one I would do that if if it can be done before the next board meeting on the 20th I'll do it then so okay thank you very much Glen are they included in um the the coverage we received for the excess insurance I have numbers for them separated out they are not included in that number back meeting but if they decide and let us know in the next week that they want to join what's the procedure to get them included in the excess coverage and and how does that affect our budget I would have to notify the excess car that uh they [Music] are a potential applicant for 2024 they already have all the underwriting information and have quoted it but it's not included in our budget so if they join our budget would have to be amended to include that okay any other questions for Glenn all right so I'll need a uh motion to go into close I'll move it that Harry yeah is that Joe yes Frank bino yes Jo zanga yes Delgado yes Ricardo Lanos yes Michael Drews yes stay Len I think that you need to put the Commissioners and councel in a breakout room for them to discuss I guess Personnel matters and then we would come get you to on the rest of the um Clos session meeting [Music] okay L do you need us to stay no you can drop off chimp okay see you next week recording stopped recording in progress ba you might be back in the waiting room so are they going to open or they continuing with close I see you as not joined so I can Jo okay recording stopped recording in progress all's back all right everybody back in Glen we good uh Dominic's here Robin's here Charlie's here is Sean Walsh here yes yeah he's here all right do you want to run through uh Mr jeffy's uh communication he sent over I got an email earlier from Jonathan who said unfortunately he wasn't going to be able to make the meeting today I circulated his uh uh latest uh memor memorandum or press release uh he put together with respects to the gif's relationship with qua care it was in my uh email this morning uh basically stating uh you know our relationship with quare goes back to uh to 2021 our estimated savings using the quare network of $13 million on workers comp claims uh specifically regarding utilizing their uh their uh their network uh as well as the wonderful service they are providing for the GIF and uh getting employees immediately to uh the proper care through their n nurse case management uh department and uh basically how uh utilizing this service uh not only keeps your employees healthy and gets them back to worth in a healthy condition uh but uh is the right thing to do by your employees and and get them taken care of so they can take care of the public but U it's there for your review he expects to release this on Friday if you have any updates or anything else you'd like to see I know Mr Drew has added a line or two uh but if anybody else has anything they like they had let me know before he does his absolute release on Friday uh other than that he expects uh to uh his next uh uh next Avenue would be to tackle uh the gif's relationship with the dynamic testing uh who the GIF utilizes to manage the CDL component of uh your employees all the drivers who uh are required to have CDL licenses uh are required to a have an active license be randomly tested if tested and tested positive they're referred to proper treatment or proper uh uh Council uh and U I'm going to make that contact between him and he's going to tackle that with the dynamic testing uh probably hopefully by the end of the year if not early January all right you have any old business uh none at this time chair new business the only new business I discussed that under my report was with respects to uh the North Brunswick I will reach out to her and follow up and uh see if I can push her along and hopefully get that wrapped up uh prior to uh the crammed up week in between Christmas and New Year so I will definitely reach out to her this week okay ready to open for audience comments did Charlie not come in I see his thing in there but it's usually him in a number right oh there there you go thanks Char all right we have a motion toour if anybody has anything else motion second Frank Pino yes Joe Zena yes Harry delado yeso Lanos yes Michael julus yes okay so we're still on for next uh the 20th correct chair yes okay all right see you