I mean um Pat's on right recording in progress all right you want me to start go ahead okay let's see uh can you give me access to share my screen oh no not yet no not not yet not yet not yet okay so I'd like to call uh the December 6th meeting of the middle sex County Municipal joint Insurance Fund meeting to order um this meeting uh notice of this meeting was given by sending sufficient notice herewith to the home News Tribune the Asbury Park Press and the Jersey Journal uh filing advanc written notice of this meeting with the clerk Andor administrator of each member and posting a copy of the meeting notice on the public bulletin board of all members I direct the secretary to enter into the minutes of this this meeting the advance written notice of this meeting and this statement can I get a roll call please yes Frank bino here Ricardo Lanos thought he saw yeah he's here I don't know what y Janette harison here Harry Delgado here Michael truus here Jo Zena here mayor heck Glen Curts Leon and Scott yes you can try Ricardo again he he had unmuted and then you lost him okay I'll check Joe monzo here Donna Setzer here James goate I said Jim John Kelly here Dominic selli SE twice Robin ropi here Karen Waters John Walsh and jaffy Karen is here too I don't she's muted but she's here okay so uh there were no minutes to approve so we'll move on to the administrator's report uh yes chair in packets uh for the month although it's been only two weeks since the last uh meeting uh I did Issue out the claim reports claims submitted uh claims we've since closed off the system as well as the claims were pursuing third party recoveries and I believe a LW run report was included hold on 2023 Auto physical damage total incurred claims 2,837 2022 42448 Auto liability uh claims of uh 2023 63319 2022 41269 general liability claims of uh 2023 533 454 2022 of 884 616 property damage claims of 7974 2022 25,8 58 and on a workers comp 2023 claims of 519 211 and 2022 of a million 694 795 um I also have uh Patty Lindsay here to give everybody a update with respects to the 2021 restatement and the status of the 2022 audit you there Patty yeah can uh you're the host are you the host can you share uh the screen with me so I can share my screen do that right I'm making you host switch it back okay yes I will okay let me see where we're at here okay can you all see this yes okay so um I'm just going to go through the pages of the report that have been changed and we'll talk a little bit about the changes obviously uh we were requested you know subsequent information found out after we had issued the report that the $2.5 million that was presented to us as um Ida claim reimbursements from chub uh that the claims were not in the financial statements or weren't presented to us were not in the numbers uh we were under the impression that 2.5 was a reimbursement for claims that were paid out already um then come to find out that um it actually isn't $2.5 million it's actually a total of 3.57 19993 that actually came in the door from chub um two different checks uh one for a million dollars and one for 2.5 71993 U so what we have done in the financial statements is we have recorded the revenue and the offsetting expense in what we'll call the profit and loss statement or uh your statement of changes of Revenue and expense um and then we've also increase the receivable uh for the remaining amount that came in subsequent to year end so it is a wash through the balance sheet and a wash through the um the income statement as well so in reissuing the report the opinion and everything up here stays the same um coming down um sorry if I'm making you dizzy here we have a new paragraph here that is uh instituted it's hard to do it with the draft sign here but so other information is added to the opinion and it says as more fully discussed in note five and note 14 in the financial statements we rest they were restated and the previous stated uh net position was reduced by 2350 as a result additional information provided by the fund and disclosures in 200 um I'm sorry disclosures in the note five and note 14 we believe the financial statements as of December 21 um are still in accordance with generally accepted um accounting standards and okay and then down here we have what we call an accept for opinion we originally issued on May the 19th except for Note 5 and note 14 to which uh it is dated November 22nd uh 2023 that was the date I finalized and forwarded everything over so that's the first reference that we have and then we're just going to go through uh the various pages that have changed so that is your opinion this is um the restated 2021 numbers our excess claims receivable has gone up now uh an additional uh 1,071 because remember we had recorded the $2.5 million as a receivable we've increased it now for that difference to bring it up to $3.5 million and then also the actual U AR has made a change in her um ibnr case reserves number so that's changed slightly and obviously the net position has changed then as well um and these financial statements that we're looking at here exhibit A and B are on a gap basis gas basis uh so you have the additional revenue is reported up in here and then the additional expenses here so it's a wash now total wash out so it leaves you on a gap basis a change in in net position of $489,000 for the for the 2021 year okay and let's see that's page 19 uh we're going to go to page 28 I'm going to show you the updated uh information right here from the Aur report and those numbers she certifies to being um complete and accurate so we we pull those in um and then also page 37 we're going to look at so note 14 goes into the restatement of net position when we talk down here about the excess claims receivable on income were previously report understated by the million 071 because we only recorded the 2.5 million um and the payables and the provision claims and claims adjustments were understated by the 3.5 million because we didn't have any of the expense or the payable there the actuary reissued her report she noted a change of 150,000 which was flown through in the case reserves related to herida um and then as such The netting of all of that is 2.35 is the net um change to net position okay and then that is also flown through um to the back schedules on a statutory basis the schedule a again restated the increase in the excess claims and then the case reserves runoff and the accounts payable is also changed here and on 43 we'll rotate this again we have restated that property line to include the 3.5 million and then we're also including the 3.5 in here there was a negative $29,000 I think that was in here for that year um so then our our restated totals here as well and Page 65 PE again so here's our new number that ties back up to the front statements for your net deficit um and all of that is running through this other income line and then the claims paid that brings you down to this $27 Million number and let's see here D1 on the D1 thiss okay we've also restated here again you see it here flowing through flows through the claims brings down your property to here a surplus for the current year and we have restated totals over to the right and I believe that is the last of the schedules that are changed let me just check the E1 yes this one is restated as well to the 3.5 and a restated [Music] totals and that is really it so um those are the only pages that have changed in the financial statements uh Lauren what's going to go with a final she's done as as far as she's concerned so we can issue this uh but she just wanted in draft format just in case there were any questions or any concerns or any changes that were seeing um when we presented today P has any changes from this draft uh as opposed to the draft I had originally received the draft you're showing today is the same it's the same draft correct nothing's changed since what I forwarded to you thank you you're welcome you've gone pretty quickly what what is the the the deficit that is now found compared to the 2, 93,000 that was a part of the analysis provided by the CFO and executive director previously okay so here on a gap basis and again we're including information related to pension uh liabilities and pension assets uh so here we're at uh 28282 is our deficit and then for just the schedule D1 which is the current Year's operations on a statutory basis let me go [Music] here here we are at 2.41 18084 is your actual deficit in the um in the 2021 year so that's changed by that 2 million 350 that was that we're talking about in the footnotes which is just the deting of adding another million dollars into the revenue here we bumped this up another million 071 to bring it to the 3.5 71993 and then we also includeed in here 3.5 71993 added it to the number that was previously there for paid claims so the deficit that we can work with now in terms of the supplemental assessment is 2 million 418 084 for year 2021 on a statutory basis yes okay does anybody have any questions just a comment chair okay Patty thank you for putting this presentation together take us to report by report was was very helpful no problem thank you okay um and just to give you an update as the 2022 audit is currently in process um we've been going back and forth our staff has been reaching out to Glenn and Joe and they've been providing us information as um we've requested um Joe's just come up with a few items that need to checks that need to be voided uh we just had a discussion right before this uh this conference call and uh he knows what he needs to do to void those and provide us with a new general ledger and a new trial balance for the year um we're looking for some supporting documentation I've uh created a list and sent that off uh this morning for other items that we need uh Glenn did upload to our portal a significant amount of information yesterday so the staff is going through that today uh to see if we've got everything that we need um and doing our testing that needs to get done uh we also need access to the call links portal uh we had it in the past uh prior year year and they only they only give it to you for a year period of time and then you have to Glenn's got to reach out to his contact and uh get us a new uh a new login so that we can log in for the current year so that we can look up the support that qu links has on file for the claims um there's some items that we need for 2023 that Glenn is also getting ready to provide to us uh Joe as well for uh general ledger uh detail for 2023 as we look to see if anything that was paid in 23 should have been pushed back to um and that's really it so we are moving along with that uh I can't give you a drop dead deadline of when we will be done it's as as the information comes in uh Lauren's motto is pens p pens and pencils down until we get all the information that we need and get it back on the schedule we originally had 22 scheduled for uh time period in September uh the audit actually didn't really start we didn't really get trial balance until October November time frame uh that was fin finalized as unaudited um and again now J has found something so he's going to make an adjustment to it as well um these entries that we are posting on this 2021 will get run through Joe you said you've already done that correct you you ran them through your trial balance I did I made the adjustments through the trial balance per P those voids I just sent you some of the stuff you needed that we talked about before we jumped on this call okay um I made some notes on the email that you sent with u whether I have the provided or Glen or when some other stuff's coming later today when I'm done perfect yeah so as soon as we get all that information we're going to get it back on the schedule um obviously we have other jobs that we're working on um you know because we didn't meet that September time frame to get everything from you so we're just getting it back on the schedule and as soon as it gets back on the schedule with the holidays and whatnot we'll be moving along um and again uh we're in constant contact with Joe and Glenn uh even though we're on other jobs as well question sure um so so Patty thank you that was my next set of questions is what's gonna happen with the next few audits here so hopefully it'll be two for two with all the right answers um so I'm I'm when if the staff I'm goingon to re just kind of take this opportunity to ask the staff to continue their focus and their efforts to get our audit information to you as soon as it's requested um and you know having 2022 open as we come out of 2023 um while it's reasonable the reason that we have it open I understand is because we had to get 2021 straightened out and the efforts that would have gone into 22 need to go to 21 and and we need a strong base from 21 in order to examine 22 um but uh you know this this GIF Prides itself on pushing forward to getting our financials done in a timely way and so I'd like to ask that each board meeting going forward we have an agenda item that provides an update and Patty if you could join us every board meeting and give us an update until we close out and get everything you need for 2023 um I'd appreciate it and you know respectfully as that through our chair yeah I think that's a great idea yeah that's a reasonable request so we will make it happen thank you okay thank you anyone else have comments or questions okay well thank you Patty appreciate it thank you all uh Scott we need a motion to accept the draft so she can issue the final or Leon sure might as well do that do a motion to accept it and then they can issue it in final so there'll be no question that it was reviewed and approved okay so I need a motion to to accept the draft audit as presented for 2020 for the year ending 2021 who is that Harry har I think Harry got it who's second it Frank oh yeah I'll second it Frank bino yes Jo Zena yes Harry Delgado yes Ricardo Lanos yes Michael you hear me yes we did thank you all right cool L yes yes Patty can you send over the controls yep hold on one second thank you all right well thank you everybody have a good rest of the day and I'll see you at the next board meeting Patty I think that I think that we may be discussing some audit issues during closed session okay so if you could stay um until we know for sure that would be appreciated no problem also one last question for you Patty when can we get the uh the signed final audit so that we can distribute it to all of the uh uh members who were members in 20121 I have to touch base with Lauren and I'm hoping to get it out this week no later than Friday okay thank you okay next we have um I'm going to be looking for a motion to go into a close session looks like we have um you know um litigation concerns so um Harry did did you motion that I'm sorry I did okay I'll second if there was yep Frank Pino yes Joe zanga yes Harry Delgado yes Ricardo Lanos Michael julus Yes Janette larrison yes okay for Patty did you give me back everything sign I need a host okay two hours Glen do you still see my screen yeah yeah all right hold on a second why is it not letting me stop sharing I click click the button that said stop sharing let's go back here again let me stop sharing now did you get it oh no you still see my screen I can still see you you can see me or I can see everybody all right so you should have rights now to share yours did you make him he made you a host did you revert the host back to him uh how do you revert the host then let's see here under more yeah I got participants invite [Music] chat no I don't have it I think if you go to participants yeah I'm in there now right click on me nothing's happening here let say here make the host how about that there we go then it says you're the host now there it is okay for recording stopped for for e okay e recording in progress is everybody here and it looks like we're missing some people a lot of people missing Joe zanga Ricardo and Leon all right there we go okay good okay so uh no Finance no safety and loss uh member Communications is he he's not here uh he said he's willing to come back but that was about an hour ago okay well uh just a brief update chair uh he has reached out to uh to Don quare and his working with swap care with respects to another communication uhas so okay all right what uh old business uh none at this moment okay new business uh yes chair uh we introduced the 2024 budget which is uh before the board for consideration um we've had discussion on it uh I don't know if you want to open a hearing and ask for any audience comments and proposal for adoption okay so let's get a motion to open uh budget hearing for 2024 budget motion second J Frank bino yes joena yes Harry Delgado yes Ricardo Lanos yes Michael julus Yes larrison Yes uh yes chair uh before the board is the 2024 budget uh requesting total revenue of 8,990 uh set aside for claims of 3 million5 uh excess premiums of 3 million6 uh as I stated we have a firmed commitment from the uh existing renewal carriers uh at the limits as proposed uh we're still trying to work them down but uh we're proposing 3 million6 total Administration costs of a million5 defense litigation of 50,000 and Risk Managers of 339 bring the total to [Music] 8,990 if anybody has any questions or if you want to open it up for discussion anybody have any questions comments nope motion to move it second uh first we have to uh close the budget hearing oh motion to close the budget hearing second third Frank Pino yes Joe Zena yes Harry Delgado yes card Lanos yes Michael trules yes arrison yes any need a motion to adopt motion Frank second I think Michael made the motion Mike made it okayo yeah yes yes Harry Delgado yes Ricardo Leno yes yes there's a f on I'm going on now yeah in the building yeah uh oh get out all right did he vote did we get your vote yes yes okay yes don't put a claim in don't put till January next year sorry guys okay all right all right I got jump I'm going to go check on Harry brother right there motion to close not wait a minute wait a minute I don't think everybody voted yet no everybody did not vote yet okay I got everybody on that last Mo okay all right and then um set re meeting date okay January 10th 2024 okay do we need approval or anything for that or I need a authorization so I'll make a motion yes joena yes Harry's uh In Absentia Ricardo yes Michael julus he's uh G oh he's still here oh there he is okay oh harison yes okay next we can uh is there anyone from the audience that would like to make a comment good Madam chairman yes um I think that there was the commissioner said talked about setting a special meeting for next Wednesday oh correct yes so uh I'll make a motion to uh set up a special meeting for uh Wednesday December 13th at 12 o'clock second Frank Bolino yes joea yes uh Ricardo yes Michael julus yes larison yes okay audience comments anyone from the audience like to make a comment yes Charlie kaville New Brunswick New Bruns today I um wanted to ask first if uh through you madam chair can Mr Kurt say if he received my emails of November 27th and 29th uh that did not come up yes I did and I replied was that with respects to the two claims Charlie yeah I don't think I if there was a response I didn't receive it I did send you a response back uh on it was right after the last meeting right I believe so yeah I yeah I followed up again my out but I know I replied to your questions about the two claims and if not I appreciate if you could check into it thank you and and uh yeah and then just uh uh more generally I don't think I I uh got to hear all the reports in the meeting but is there any potential new members um we are still discussions with one we have not solidified a deal uh but uh I could probably report on that more at the next board meeting so we are in discussion with a potential member okay and on the next board meeting I saw on the website it said maybe the 20th but now what I'm hearing is there'll be an additional one next week are you still going to do the 20th as well uh at this moment yes unless the board cancels it so as of today it is okay and yeah I appreciate it getting the uh updated audit information and uh you know also appreciated Mr jules's request to make that a regular agenda item I was curious if if any any of the Commissioners have a reaction to the issues with the audit I'm I'm not sure was this one of the ones that Samuel Klein did or was this uh Holan the 2021 it was Holan yes hold okay and and yeah I was just curious you know the uh the errors that were made or you know the the things that needed to be corrected um you know what what's the explanation for that and uh you know what uh what's being done to make sure those things don't happen again I you know I know the 22 audit is still you know really just getting underway um you know how can we make sure this this kind of thing doesn't happen again I believe uh we put in a necessary protocols with Joe as well as with the hfa's audit team to make sure that happened Charlie I think uh one of the issues was the 2021 one audit included a lot of subsequent information that happened after the closure of the 2021 fund year so I believe we've addressed that going forward um and I guess just for good measure I should ask about the matter with the New Brunswick councilman is there any update on that um I'll answer that uh M CH there's been no change since the last meeting okay well thank you for answering my questions I'll follow up on the uh the emailed uh request and uh hopefully I can get that information thank you all thank you anyone else okay so then I'll just be looking for a motion to adjourn motion second rank second Frank bino yes Joe Zena yes Harry Delgado he's gone Ricardo Lanos yeah Michael julus Yes Janette larrison yes all right everybody see you next week Time same B station all right goodbye