the board has been an executive Executives I can't speak today for the past six six minutes for the purpose of discussing confidential matters as outlined in 2.01 the matters that were discussed will be disclosed to the public as soon as possible once the reason for non-disclosure no longer exists so move second that can you please take the r Mrs feny yes Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Quin yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs sh yes thank you we will now move on to our Employee of the Month presentation and we will be recognizing Mrs madis she would you please come to the podium Mrs she has been selected from Hazelwood school and she's is selected as the April District Employee of the Month she's being recognized for her exceptional professionalism and dedication serving as a classroom Aid in the preschool Department Mrs she consistently serves the school community in a caring and nurturing way often extending her assistance to all classrooms with kindness and generosity her willingness to support both students and colleagues exemplifies her her outstanding character making her an invaluable asset to our school community congratulations [Applause] [Applause] congratulations now we will do our 2024 Library updates presentation have some missing team members but thank you for giving us some time to update you on what our libraries have been doing it's been a little while since we've been here so um I am Leslie wise and we have Joyce gery and Ann iic and you'll hear the names of our other members um you gonna do that for me [Music] these are um I getor yeah and there's some comments from the kids on the back all right so um right so we start with the mission so you might want to read the back instead um so the mission of the Middle Middle School District Library program is to serve as the Hub of our learning communities providing resources for both students and teachers to support interdisciplinary authentic exploration of the world of personal interest and of our potential to contribute to the larger community and sorry to read that but it we all came up with the mission together and I think it is a a very good umbrella for what we hope to do um all right next one please we have some statistics here uh one way to consider the value of our libraries is to look at circulation numbers uh with a quick review of the size of these libraries for the students we serve we have about you know 2,000 students and approximately 18,000 9,000 19,000 checkouts so that would acquaint very conservatively to about a $320,000 value just for the circulation um so that is if we were Barnes and& Noble rather than School libraries but we know that libraries are much more than circulation numbers so next we'll see our a graphic which is uh we are readers and problem solvers this graphic provides a quick overview of how we structure the elementary library program with a balance of literature appreciation in the dark blue squares and Hands-On literature based stem challenges in the light blue squares our elementary library staff will provide us um now with some creative examples of this so for Hazelwood we have Mrs giry do you want to read that or okay yeah got um I I have a really good time in the HZ the library and I I think the students do also and some of our favorite things oh the picture up there oh yes some of our favorite things are the stem challenges that we do um we do lepre contracts around St Patrick's Day and I've actually been doing them for years I think Todd's kids were young when I started doing that um we also do uh for The Three Billy Goats gr by this was a kindergarten stem challenge they built a bridge the troll had to be able to fit Under the Bridge so there were you know certain things that they had to follow uh we also in there somewhere there's Shaggy on a WRA the little WRA he is escaping an island with his parrot and that comes from the book terrific that we read we always start with a story so it's literature based we also have campfires at the library um we have them Halloween that's the bottom have a hat on uh it's a for and also for Earth B coming up we kind of do I'll set up a tent in the library um we have the campfire the campfire is actually a wood campfire it's on a pizza tray there's Christmas lights underneath and then um tissue paper you know yellow orange red you know for the color you turn out the lights we enjoy the story we also have glow-in-the-dark stars on the wall so that kind of gets to the fun we also do more serious stuff we always do cards for Veterans Day thank you cards and we've gone through um holiday for Heroes that's a Red Cross organization I've delivered cards to Lions hospital and operation gratitude is our most recent one and I also do a Blog every week so that parents know what we're doing in the library and lots of other stuff but I have a very good time doing thank you so then uh we're going to look at um Mrs aer's slide yes for Parker Elementary um she was not able to be here because of a baseball game tonight um so in March our steam design projects were focused on women's History Month each grade level listened to a read aloud about an important female historical figure for two weeks they followed the engine um engineer design process to complete the steam challenge week number one is ask ask questions brainstorm ideas and make a plan and week number two is to create your design and make improvements and that's a that design process we follow across the schools all right and then we have um Mrs Anne Erik for wat Young Elementary after listening to a biography about Anthony SAR who is the individual who invented the balloons who fly that fly over the Thanksgiving Parade all of my second graders participate in a cross-curricular multi-week stem challenge along with our our teacher Britney Smith to design and build Parade floats they are given three cardboard boxes and after that the SKU theit for that they present their stem FL Flo parade to our entire school on one of the half days right before we go home for Thanksgiving break I am also using a hidden golden ticket incentive to encourage all of my watch on students to explore the low circulation Library BS instead of always choosing Alan um they receive a reading pencil for choosing a either a brand new book or a book that has not circulated in a very long time and has been very lonely on the Shelf [Applause] with all right so Woodland Intermediate School um is myself and Mrs liar um in the Intermediate School uh we this is sort of in order of pictures uh we offer Library club and you'll see um our one young gentleman there um they are literally choosing to come and dust and um organize the books in the library rather than new recess they're allowed to do that once a week and it's very shockingly popular and they do a great job so uh we also have our Tech clubs um our adaptive technology uh for special ed classes which is the little soccer guy up there um that's augmented reality and we have crafts or Legos for excused um gym and recess students and Mrs LLY does a great job um always creating different craft stations for them um so that they we can keep them off their screens for a little bit uh we host the gifted groups which you see here with the green screen um and then in the bottom right we have um a student author section uh which the elementary libraries also have um in my classes we designed Proto types um such as the home security system you see on the far right um which honors um Marie Van Brittain Brown for Black History Month who um invented a home security system in 1966 um and uh of course we do our literature appreciation and our digital citizenship and and other things in our media literacy classes too we're good for Monger now uh this is Mrs L and myself again in the Middle School library staff works with teachers to Support classes through the integration of Technology research skills literature appreciation and Project based learning uh for example uh you can see on the upper left we use Virtual Reality for language arts settings and uh then below that we have augmented reality to study anatomy and then you see our a robotics Club can be seen building a catapult to compete against another M team those are just some examples of what we do and then we have a some pictures from the high school for Miss Hiba who developed uh two elective courses for this year oh yeah sorry now we're in a video mode um our high school library program offers two Dynamic elective courses Innovation and invention and design thinking promoting creativity and problem solving skills students can also participate in Esports and our High School Technology internship collaborating directly with the district tech department additionally our library hosts various clubs and school events providing a collaborative space for student engag engagement last one thank you so during this National Library month uh we hope you read a book research both sides of an issue build a Lego model or create an app all worthy Library activities I'd like to thank this fabulous Library team who is here and the ones who aren't for always going above and beyond and thank you to the board and the administration for your time tonight and your fion need support thank you so much I appreciate that you [Applause] great IDE [Music] exactly okay we will now move on to our announcements um so for me tonight I just want to to welcome our new board member Mrs Schuler um we had a vacancy and Mrs Schuler put in for the vacancy and she was chosen by us so thank you for returning and welcome back thank you and then I also wanted to just say thank you also to miss Gomez we received a high impact tutoring Grant and she was instrumental in doing that she completed the grant submission and submitted it and it was approved so great time thank you he our superintendent of schools Dr Roberto thank you today I had the pleasure to attend the 23rd annual sportsmanship banquet where two of our outstanding students were recognized for their character congratulations to Dakota Clark and Payton chai for representing middle sex we are fortunate to have Stellar athletes such as yourselves tomorrow two more students will be recognized that the New Jersey School Board Association sung Heroes Awards dinner Junior minf and senior Kiara Johansson will be recognized for their perseverance and resilience tomorrow night also right here and that's why there's very limited parking out there Hazelwood will have their talent show um which will be here held here at the high school this is an event you don't want to miss last year not only did the students put on a fantastic performance But the teacher and parent performance is always something that you don't want to miss and finally if we can just give a round of applause to our student representative for representative Miss ianl Thomas because last month she played the role of the Cowardly Lion in the High School production of The Wizard of Oz and I have to say if anyone disagrees about her putting on a fantastic book performance I say to you and I I'm not sure if I'm going to get this right you did something like put them up put them up congratulations it was excellent and that's my report for tonight thank you okay now our acting business administrator board secretary Miss Annette gordano I have no announcements toight perfect we'll move on to our liaison reports um we will not do our SBA delegate Miss is not here tonight um our NJ SBA delegate Miss Robins all right so now that we've got everything figured out um one thing that is moving forward doesn't affect us thankfully um but right now the big news is the um state aid for a lot of schools that are on the negative side um so that is moving forward for them I think that should be interesting to see what happens because I do think it's you know as we talked about last night it's a temporary fix so we'll have to see what happens for the future of the way they determine this um if they are going to make changes because that's what the big conversation's been um how do they actually determine it are they going to make any changes going forward they going to be more transparent so that um was the big piece of news um there is a delegate meeting on May 18th um that I just got information about today um so nothing more for me today on this thank you our middle sex Public Library Board of Education representative Miss Aon Gomez good evening everyone so our last meeting was Monday April 8th and just a couple updates for the library itself and for our role with the library as well so on Monday April 22nd from 3:30 to 4:30 the library is celebrating Earth Day they're going to be making upcycled tote bags out of old t-shirt shirts and this event is for like tweens teens age nine and up and participants have to register through the library website and bring their own t-shirt but that'll be something that would be fun and then on Friday April 26th our watchong elementary school first graders will be taking a trip over to the public library to check out things for the summer to look at books any summer reading possibilities and all that good stuff and then some of the programs will be coming soon so keep an eye out for that for both adults and children and then our next meeting will be Monday May 13th thank you and our Stu student representative missel Thomas this week I had the pleasure to speak to the principal of hawood Mr Dion Kia and miss haor the head of the special needs services from hazelwood's dedicated teachers who take time to get to know each student personally to their peace meeting purposed to fering understanding to daily encouragement directed towards students freely expressing ideas Hazelwood School environment age exceptional Del sorry developmental learning to take place hazelwood's teachers are Dynamic and intentionally creating engaging and captivating lesson plans while simultaneously putting kids in the driving seat of their own learning PT administrators and teachers also have meetings often where they analyze trends of testing scores and classroom behaviors to see what practices work and what practices don't because of questions like are we on the right path Hazelwood is always able to evolve for the betterment of kids while learning about Hazelwood emphasis on community I was really touched because statistically kids do better mentally emotionally and academically when they have a community when they have teachers who care enough to get to know them thoroughly in a world where a productive household environment is not guaranteed it is so beautiful to me that all the kids at Hazel Woods are in a community where they are constantly met with love that will surely Aid in their success Hazelwood staff model is providing the best education environment to catalyze learning and Community the Innovative practices implemented truly Aid this model to be a reality I love talking to Miss Taylor and learning about the special needs Department the special needs Department model is we see the ability not the disability this model is truly seen through each step administrators take from the teaching of emotional regulatory skills to active communication with students and families to supporting and sparking entrepreneurial Endeavors to facilitating Equitable Pathways to higher education the department of special needs education effectively provides students with imperative skills necessary to thrive in their Futures the department of the department encounters many different types of students so they focus on individualizing health to Aid all Student Success for students who have learning disabilities the P the department helps them create and utilize tools to close learning gaps for students with communication deficits teacher utiliz open dialogue to teach kids how to express themselves freely yet appropriately similarly to Haz Woods Administration the special needs Department also adopts an Ever evolving way of guiding their students they constantly have meetings and analyze Trends to see which course of actions students enjoy the best and they benefit from the most the special education department also stresses the importance of getting their kids to be able to function and thrive in whatever public Endeavor they would like to explore in a really cool program kids operate a snack and coffee C dipping their toes into customer service and Entrepreneurship kids also go out in public spaces with teachers and learn how to interact efficiently and appropriately and that is what I learned this week from talking to these amazing individuals thank you thank you okay we're on um number five approve our board meeting minutes uh 5.01 is the committee of the whole and the regular public meeting minutes from March um 5.02 is Corrections and revisions to previous board agendas that we discussed last night 5.03 is the superintendent recommends approval of items 5.01 to 5.02 as presented so moved second that can you please take the role Mrs yes Mr n yes Mrs yes Mrs Reynold yes Mrs robs yes you I will now open the public comments section of the meeting comments at this time are limited to agenda items only please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record before speaking please your name address and subject of your comment to misso acting administrator board secretary direct your comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes everyone so my comments can be about 501 which is the minutes uh so the Commit This more in reference to the committee minutes uh there hasn't been posted committee minutes at all this calendar year the last time there was posted committee minutes were was on December committee uh I don't know why uh but January February and just approved March which expect you to upload those immediately uh have not been posted especially because those those meetings are not live streamed uh like this one is uh and it could be a potential sunsh uh open public meeting at the violation because uh there's while there's no real requirement to post them online the board docs is the only way of uh minute meetings being accessed uh and not posting those in a timely manner could be a violation uh I don't know why they haven't composed but yeah that is that is all thank you so everything is posted um it's part of New Jersey qac and we are in a qac year and um perhaps if you want to come down we could um go over how to to access the minutes on board dox but they are absolutely posted I can show you now there's febru February committee as a whole there should be a review minutes butun and it's not there okay all right okay see anyone else so I will now close the public comment portion of the meeting often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases the unanimous vote before matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a party committee okay now we will do the report of our Personnel committee by our chair Mr T thank you Danielle uh 9.01 we have no tral appointments 9.02 salary AIDS 9.03 hourly positions 9.04 substitutes 9.05 extra curricular code curricular sens 9.06 absence 9.07 in service .08 transfers .09 no salary adjustments exra teacher assignments and we have no Community School other Personnel action superintendent recommends approval of personnel action items 9.1 through 9.12 as presented so move second any questions discussions no okay and that can you please take the RO Mrs Pary yes Mr n yes Mrs Quinn 9.10 of stain uh Gary brener and a yes to everything else Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robbins yes Mr Scher yes okay we will move on to the report of our education committee um our chair Mrs Perry is not here today so Mrs Robins will take her place as the co okay so we have 11.01 where we have the acceptance of the anti-bullying report um 11.03 home instruction 11.06 fire drills uh 11.07 we have field trips 11.08 we have student teacher coming um and then we have some workshop at 11.11 11.12 we have other educational items so we have the ice hockey Tri up that is being renewed for another two years two years um we have the 2024 2025 holiday calendars um for secretary staff maintenance staff and administrative staff um and we have a Centenary University um affiliation agreement for student teachers um and then there's a modification to HIV um the case numers right there so um superintendent recommends the approval of Education items action items 11.1 to 11.12 as presented second any questions discussions that can you please take the RO Mrs use on 11.12 number two for the custodial maintenance staff and yes Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins yes Mr I'm staying on 11.2 number four and yes to the rest now we move on to our policy action items well we have no first readings no second readings 12.03 is to abolish um the policy noted there that we discussed last night um 12.04 is the adoption of B policies and regulations that have already been through first and second readings the superintendent recommends the approval of policy action items 12.01 to 12.04 as presented so moved second any questions that can you please take the RO Mrs Bry yes Mr Nicolai yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robbins yes Mrs Schuler yes thank you now we'll move on to our finance and Facilities report by our chair Mr to thank you Danielle we have 14.01 as our bills list 14.02 monthly budget transfers 14.03 monthly for secretary's report no monthly Treasures report 1405 School business insures monthly certification 14.06 board members monthly certification R building use 14.07 solid waste collection dispos osal Services 14.084 point0 n submission of Grant application 14.10 Grant acceptance 14.11 use of capital reserve funds 14.12 purchase of equipment for the high school cafeteria 14.13 purchase of equipment for muler superintendent recommends approval of facilities and finance action items 14.01 through 14.1 so second any questions can you please take your Mrs yes Mr Nicholai yes Mrs TN yes Mrs Reynold yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs SCH yes do we have any ony business bus open public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time can be on any topic please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the reference book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss nette gordano acting business administrator board secretary director comments and questions to the board president may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes each I'll now close the public comment portion of the meeting do not need to go into another executive session um so I will make a motion to adjourn second all in favor