and that can you please take the RO here Mrs here Mrs here Mr n yes Mrs Perry here Mrs Quinn here Mrs Reynold here Mrs Robins here Mrs Sher here okay I'd like to introduce our Spanish interpreter Miss suette har the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right oh okay than yeah I saw that thank you the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of the public bod at which any business affecting their interest is discussed and acting upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the board secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted on the bulletin board located in the hallway outside of the administrative offices a notice was provided to The Courier News the home new Tribune and the middle sex bur cler okay we're not going into exec tonight um so we will move on to our Employee of the Month presentation dran Mr roas could you please come to the podium Please Mr Albero roas is an amazing employee there isn't a day that goes by that you won't see a smile on this sas's face his positive attitude and commitment to his work are truly commendable he approaches each task with diligence and enthusiasm embodying the spirit of Excellence but it's not just about the tasks he performs it's about the impact he has on our entire School Community Mr roa's professionalism and dedication set a shining example for us all his hard work behind the scenes does not go under notice and today we take this opportunity to express our gratitude congratulations Alo on this well-deserved recognition your contributions make a significant difference in our workplace and we are truly grateful for all that you [Applause] [Music] do thank you congratulations thank [Applause] you okay now we move on to our announcements um so I don't really have much this month I just wanted to say that I was able to attend the Hazelwood non-fiction Museum of experts um when was that two weeks ago something like that maybe longer um it was grade two and they all present they all picked a topic and presented on it um and it was just really adorable um and I actually did learn a couple of things about turtles and the solar system so they taught me something I don't I don't remember what it was a text because remember um and then we also had read Across America week um and personally my son got to go to one one of the elementary schools with the basketball team and read to some of the students so that that was really cool too um and that's all I have for this month so our superintendent of schools Dr Roberto fre just really quick two big things coming up this week starting tomorrow The Wizard of Oz will be happening here at the high school Thursday Friday and Saturday at 7M and maker day at marer and Woodland happening Friday night from 4 to 7 don't want to miss it thank you um our acting business administrator board secretary Miss pette G orano good evening um I am very happy to announce that the budget is on the agenda for tonight and there as you said light at the end of the tunnel um and that's pretty much it that's been my for few months so happy the agenda thank you um now on to our liaison reports our burough Alliance committee liaison M Mrs Sher good evening there is nothing to report at this time since the Alliance meeting has been moved to March okay thank you um our middle sex County SBA delegate uh Miss Janette de good evening good evening everyone the middlex County School Board Association met on May on March 6 and we had um several updates as well as a visit from Vince scal who is um the representative senate representative from District 11 the topic of the evening was on teacher shortages and um things that have been looked at or consider considered and some things that are coming some bills that were that are coming down to try to look at how we recruit how we retain how we evaluate um and just really the the sense that that I took away from that was that I feel like the department of Ed is really as well as the education committee really looking at ways to address this teacher shortage because we all know it's not only our districts but many districts across the state are suffering from not having um teachers one of the things that they talked about was um the possibility of really exploring a grow your own program um things of that nature of taking a look at the pension program te Val program eliminating the skills tests things to just get more people involved um and I think Elise will probably cover some of the bills that that were in the past but um there you know again I felt this is a a it's it's a sensitive to it's an important topic but I do feel like it's getting traction and people are looking at it so I'm hopeful that some things are going to come down the road the next meeting will be on April 18th um and that's going to be for the unsung heroes um probably have sever of our students being recognized that that be in for me thank you now our njsba legislative officer and delegate uh Mrs Elise Robbins wonderful so to add on to what um stacus was saying um so the grow last month I talked about bills that had passed um so some of the bills coming up right now um there are like five or six about Staffing shortage initiatives so grow your own was one of them um which is really a loone ition program um and the you know what's important to know is like the is the support of the njsba um and they also talked a lot about the fact that everybody anybody can actually speak um publicly um and then they threw out some dates I I could send those around to the board like if people have comments to make about these bills that are being put forth um but everybody besides that I also attended legislative meeting on Saturday um and there was a couple of different Senators on there everybody was so supportive of all these bills and some they didn't know about some they didn't know about and so they were sharing all this information um another one they were talking about was a common application um for substitutes and teachers that they were talking through um I know we've talked a little bit about the basic skills requirements I know that's goes back and forth when we talk about that that one um c a database of newly certified teachers um they're trying to create um a database to um really to host job fairs and then the student teacher stien I think we talked a little bit about that maybe in the past but that's another bill that's out there some other things that are coming um that they've put out are I know we talked a little bit about Transportation costs I know we talked about that I didn't we last time um there is a bill out there to provide supplemented transportation Aid um especially if we participate in inter District public school um programs and I I do think we have some maybe um some evaluations um there's an evaluation review task force on sgo relief um and so there's a couple of other things um out there that are coming down but I sent this whole thing to Danielle um like literally just before the meeting you have not seen yet um in case anybody um maybe we could share it around because I thought what was good about it is it gives you gives everybody the way to look them up um you know in case there's anything you want to see further thank you you're welcome okay our middle sex Public Library Board of Education representative Miss Aon Gomez good evening everyone I have nothing to report tonight as our next meeting is Monday April 8th thank you our student representative representative Miss I forgot oh no I'm sorry sorry I didn't hi m is Blake Thompson I'm for vanabelle who couldn't be here tonight but she recently had the chance to meet with Mrs Powers who's our director of counseling for the district and during this conversation EA learned about the goals of the counseling department the main priority is helping students be the best people they can be with a focus on mental health character education and academic support throughout the district school counselors work closely with teachers and parents to identify concerns or signs of mental health issues and students and collaborate on strategies to address and support these students this may involve referrals to outside mental health professionals creating individualized plans for students within the school providing in school support such as counseling sessions with a school counselor or developing in groups where students can have discussion with their viewers as a student I can definitely vouch for that I've always felt supported by our counselors I've really apprec appreciated our recent initiative and events that promote mental health awareness I think we definitely got a great balance here between rigorous education and support from our staff in addition to mental health support our school council is also focus on developing our students to be positive members of the school Community by providing them with character education lessons during Elementary Middle School these lessons teach students not only about being a good person but also how to put these character traits into action in addition students in middle and high school regularly meet with a counselor to discuss the grades at the high school level students meet with the counselor to make sure they're on track to graduate and meet requirements to go to college or trade school by focusing on student mental health awareness and providing tools and support need for a student toop the counsel Department can help students become the best version of themselves with dedicated counselors in every Elementary School A specialized curriculum for each grade and a focus on building strong relationships with students the counseling department continues to make a positive impact on student well-being and success thank you Blake I'm sorry I came in in a hurry I didn't even look to here okay um now we are going to approve the board meeting minutes um the superintendent recommends approval of the minutes as presented we have the committee of the whole and the executive session for that night on February 20th and the regular public meeting and the executive session for that night which was February 21st um superintendent recommends approval of Corrections and revisions to the previous board agenda items as presented um those are noted on the agenda so superintendent recommends approval of it 5.01 to 5.02 as presented so moved second any questions ask please take the RO Mrs breny yes Mrs Deus yes Mrs B yes Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs TN yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs Sher yes thank you we will now open up the public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time are limited to agenda items only please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette diano acting business administrator board secretary direct your comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes each okay we will close the public comment section oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of school if the superintendent is satisfi that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting okay we'll move on to our Personnel report by the chair Mr Todd nckl thank you Danielle uh the Personnel committee last met on March 5th and we'll meet again on on April 9th superintendent recommends approval of personnel action items 9.1 through 9.12 as presented so second any questions and that may you please take the RO Mrs K yes Mrs Deus yes Mrs B yes Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs Shar yes thank you we move on to our education report by the education committee chair Mrs Brenda Barry good evening uh the education committee met last night um Mr Moka um updated us on all of the fun things that are going on in the district like guided math and the CK program um our next committee meeting will be April 16th and the superintendent recommends the approval of the education action items 111 through 1112 as presented so move second any questions discussion since last night and that can you please take the r this yes Mrs B yes Mr Nicholai yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs qu yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs Sher yes thank you we'll move on to our policy action items we have the only the second reading of bylaws policies and regulations and we are abolishing one policy superintendent recommends the approval of policy action items 12.01 to 12.04 as presented so moved second any questions can you please take the Mrs Bry yes Mrs Deus yes Mrs B yes Mr nicolay yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs Sher yes thank you moving right along to our facil facilities and finance report our chair Mr nck yes we are moving right along we do all this the night before um the facilities and finance committee also met on March 5th and we will meet again on April 9th the superintendent recommends approval faity of Finance action items 14119 second any further questions or discussions anything we talked about last night no problem I have a quick question because I saw the Women's Conference on there doesn't have my name on it but I I know Janette and I are both going I saw it once though so I assume it's me because I think mine went in first so I just don't vote I just recuse myself on that one this was on the on the bills list yeah I didn't see my name which is why I got confused but then I saw I saw it pop up I think they're both together okay so make sure youe I have the check number it says Women's Conference it's just on the bill it's you want the check I'll give you the check number if you want it's 0 35708 it's on page five yeah you're welcome any other questions and that can you pleas take the RO Mrs peny yes Mrs de yes this is B Check Yes recused myself of check number 035 659 Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn for 14.10 no and yes for the rest Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins uh distri on check 0 35708 yes yes sorry Mr sherff for 14.01 and the check number is 03561 and on 1410 everything else is yes thank you um do we have any ongoing business new business okay we will open our second um public comment SE session comments at this time can be on any topic please come to the podium and and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette diano acting business administrator board secretary direct your comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes each it's a quiet one tonight okay we will close the public comments section uh we do not need to go into executive session so I would like to make a motion to adjourn second all in favor I