I didn't realiz five minutes it's not too much later thank you Michelle we're going to call the Mee in the order November 15 2023 do flag salute we'll take the rooll that please Mr here Mrs re here here Mrs Quin here mrss here Mrs here thank you Anette the New Jersey public open meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meeting of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the board secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place their poster on the bulton board located in the hallway outside the administra of offices and notice was provided to The Courier News the home News Tribune and the MX Boro clerk we do not have a reason to go into exec tonight so we're going to start with our our presentations and recognizeing our employee in the month Miss would you please come to the podium this evening it gives me great pleasure to introduce the November Employee of the Month Alisa manino Mrs manino not only meets but exceeds expectations in every aspect of her role at Bonnie mger Middle School her hard work passion and unwavering commitment to Excellence have been have set a standard that inspires us all whether it's assisting her colleagues or going the extra mile Mrs manino has consistently gone above and beyond demonstrating her collaborative spirit that enriches the front office Mrs manino contributes to the positive culture in the office and makes everyone who works in the building or visiting the building feel welcome we thank you Miss man for for your dedication you inspire us your work ethic motivates us and your positive attitude uplifts us all [Applause] congratulations pict they're trying to take it from the side live [Applause] [Music] it's always the favorite part of my night we have to do it early um I don't have any announcements to make and I'll turn see if from our superintendent of school Dr Roberto Freeman I have nothing to report I just want to thank the board for a wonderful time in Atlantic City and all of the great things that we learned that we discussed last night and I look forward to implementing many of the things that we talked about I second that um we'll go into our um weison reports and our burough Alliance committee along with our violia community advisory panel representative Mr hi um both uh violia and Alliance we sort of reviewed what has come up this year and plans for next year U on the alliance our social studies teacher Kelly dinola is planning on restarting the pride program now for those of you who don't know uh Pride covers a lot of areas but mostly what it has to do within school is um addressing drug and alcohol issues in the community and helping to keep team drivers safe it's sort of been a Hiatus for the last couple years so I'm glad Kelly's stepped up to start it back up again um bolia is pry almost the same thing uh trying toh come up with topics for next year for those who don't know they recycle everything we talked about this once they all kind of chemical waste and uh and hazardous material and that was one of the sub of our last meeting that other than safety they reminded people of uh change of batteries in their smoke detectors and things like that but what we what they consider hazardous waste a lot of it's under our sink that we don't consider hazardous waste and to the point where even hand sanitizer is 90% alcohol and it's flammable and what we do with it can be a problem for the environment and they had no solution for us because they deal with millions of gallons of things a year but it's something to think about that all the Hazardous things we have under our sink that can be harmful to ourselves and the environment and that's the reports thank you Bill I'm just going to circle back um to our announcements and our acting business administrator board secretary Janette Jon you don't okay thank it was the top of it was cut off in my thing so I skipped over here so I apologize I just have one question um with the pride program is you know did they talk at all about um trying to actively get kids from the high school involved right Kelly just trying to get us started up she came to our uh the meeting last month actually a few weeks ago so she's she was there to get information from the alliance okay so she didn't give a lot of details about when they're starting or if they have started already but that's what they want to do they want to get students involved again because like I said it went away for a little while all right great thank you Bill and thanks Elise for your question um our M six County SBA delegate Miss Janus good evening the um New Jersey School Board Association Next County meeting will be on November 28th it is also a hybrid meeting um it on the assciation the meeting will be at Woodbridge and the topic is going to be uh polling locations the use of schools for elections and also the new si le law typically a lawyer to come um I think someone from the bush Law Group presting that evening um I encourage all to if you can if you can't make it um to at least try to register this parts of it especially yes important for us to understand why they use our schools what are what is the responsibility of schol when that happens inter good thank you Janette our njsba legislative officer along with our njsba delegate is Shar so um as far as the legislative I don't think we've had a meeting and obviously they probably won't be one before I leave the board so somebody will have to take over that uh position as far as the legislative committee however it's not being the legislative officer is just kind of following up on What legislation is out there as far as my position on the legislative committee that will um we moved from District 22 will be moving to 21 and that will be reassigned to somebody in district 21 who has been working through the process of getting themselves up to being the delegate there um for the special ed committee which I'm also on uh I am working I am facilitating potentially trying to get Janette to replace me on the special ed committee with New Jersey school boards I think she would be a great asset between her day job and and her work here um so I had a conversation with um John Burns from New Jersey school wordss to death so if she's interested we put her name what is that sh so that's that's that's the New Jersey school board special education committee um how long you've been on that since 2017 um as far as the delegate assem um I was able to get myself registered today thanks to Annette and her staff um they're they don't have the booklet out but basically the delegate assembly is a group of individuals there's one person from every District who is assigned and they vote on things that go into New Jersey school um School Board Association bylaws um Etc different schools submit resolutions I believe there are four resolutions that will be coming up for consideration in dece on December 2nd um one of them is from planfield which I believe is one of your Hope's districts um and that is to potentially advocate for um reclassification of cohorts when individuals leave the state or the country and and right now they're they're sitting on our roles and and hindering our graduation rates when they have literally some of them left the country so we can't we can't graduate them if they're not here so that's one of the ones that'll come up um Essex County School Board um is advocating for an anti book band um Franklin Township has a um um request that they that New Jersey school boards kind of advocate for um the state to get involved in the program where we have to report out if somebody has left the district for particular reasons but the state kind of leaves it up to each district um and then Union County is basically just about the nominating committee so we have we spent two hours in a group of people I can't wait to see how long that takes for all the delegates to have this conversation that was in TR right that's um it's actually at the Mercer Community College yeah um so that'll be on December 2nd so I'll report out once um at our next meeting on that and I think that's everything that I am yeah okay thanks so obviously Sharon besides being a board member she fed tremendous this matter rols with these other responsibilities so prior to our reward on January 3D if there's anybody that's interested in need of these misss please CH myself and Dr bu you know she obviously done a lot for a long time our um middlex Public Library Board of Education representative Miss Aaron Gomez good evening everyone I don't have much to report but I will say if you haven't gotten a chance to go over to the library to see the Legacy Lawn where they have all of the um the pictures up of the veterans you should definitely go they have those up I believe until December 11th and they'll take them down and bring them back out for the Memorial Day Parade to uh put along the parade route um and my other favorite part of the night Arts do to represent hi to I'm talking middle scho first I'm G to talk about academic goals so Mar Middle School's main academic goal is to finish learning that creely learning gaps hased students re support after school sorry after school whenever students are confused with class material they are open to come after school and their teacher can give them personaliz support and that really excites me because sometimes when hearing stuff in class it just doesn't click but coming after school where your teacher can understand where your mistakes are can really help and maer has also been offering incentives for high achieving students High achieving students are first pick to play peep rally games which are really fun and they are also honored for having exceptional grades I think this is really important because celebrating those who are doing well not only motivates them to do better but also shows other students hey this is kind of cool the kids doing well are being able to play games I want to work harder to do well as well nextly I'm going to talk about creative Innovative me measures mgar middle school has used some middle state grants to invest time and energy towards Innovative measures with hopes of sparking students creativity providing free spaces where students can develop unique abilities that are not commonly grown in schools and developing zest for Learning and creating clear Pathways for students to set and Achieve long-term goals so okay this was really exciting to me when I heard about it they set up these really cool virtual reality headsets which allow students to explore parts of the world from like Goin that's career days are also set up through middle SE High School libraries that show students a wide variety of careers available to them while showcasing successful people from whatever field that is nextly mental health support guidance counselors go into classrooms and absorb to have inter information about class interactions every student has at least one counselor they are assigned to so they can build comfortability and trust with them in order to provide a some sort of safe space where they can feel okay to reach out to somebody because um when somebody doesn't feel safe with the person they're reaching out to they're not going to reach out to them so I feel like it's really important that every student has at least one counselor where they create communication with these guidance counselors notice and track students who struggle with mental health so counselors personally reach out and check out on the mental health wellbeing students and something else that I learned that was pretty interesting to me was that when students feel over stimulated or stress CL they're able to pull their teacher aside and let them know and take a quick trip to the guidance counselor office where they provide places where the students can take a break eat a snack and talk lastly Middle School is a time where students develop unique characteristics that either have the ability to propel them in the future or stagnate them and middle school and M Middle School does not only prepare students for high school but also aims to instill life skills people skills that will carry students forward for the rest of their days in the words of M's principle marer wants students to be good Scholars good friends and good humans mre's Middle School focuses on building a prospering school Community where Scholars respect one another regardless of their differences as middle schoolers with different uping that are bound to be bullying in order to to prevent and combat bullying teachers look out for signs of bullying and students are also prompted to report bullying when cases of bullying are reported there are investigative processes that follow and when results come back to be found in discipline and ignorance leading teaching are applied thank you thank you m thas I know we said it before but I think it's important to recognize that she takes the time to do interview the admin rators at the school wherever she's going to speak about and obviously very thorough and um just thank you for the information thank you for what you're doing um I just want to go back real quick I'd be remissed if I didn't announce our Spanish interpreter Su this is susette Carter but thank you all right um approved board meeting minutes super superintendent recommends approv of the minutes as presented our regular public meeting on October 18 2023 our Committee of the whole on October 17 2023 along with our executive session during the committee of the whole on 1017 20123 superintendent recommends approval of Corrections revisions to previous board agenda items as presented October 18 2023 section 9.01 contractual appointments superintendent recommends approval items 5.1 through 5.02 any questions so move second and that may please take the r Mr n here Mrs Reynolds yes yes yes Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs yes thank you Annette um we'll Now open up communication from the public at this time agenda um communication being agenda items only please come to the podium put your name address email address and subject of the comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject the comment in this Jana AC business administrator board secretary and director comments and questions to the board president and you may speak on two separate topics up for three minutes each all right we're going to close the public comment portion of this meeting um often times this is something that we put in here and often times it may appear to members of the audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then and only then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken and only then as is placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting we'll give into our committee reports and our Personnel report by our chair Miss Janette Deus good evening uh the committee the personel committee meeting met on November 6 to review the items that are being presented this evening the next committee meeting will be December 5 at 5:00 even like to present 9.1 appointments contractual 9.3 hourly position 9.4 9.6 9.9 salary adjustments 9.2 the superintendent recommends approval personal action item number one two and number two and just to go back to 91 contractual there is a change in the previous agenda that went out we had one person from decline in position so last evening were two this evening there's only one year 9.13 the superintendent recomends approval of personal action items 9.1 through 912 as presented second any questions for Jette just Jessie is on as a longm a right yes that's correct I just wanted to make sure a question thank you Janette our education committee chair Mr Brenda Perry I'm sorry my bad rot call onette please yes yes Mr yes mrsy yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs yes thank you and and now our education committee chair m our education committee met yesterday to discuss um where we left off last month a couple questions our next meeting will is to be announced um tonight the superintendent recommends the approval of the following education action items 111 through 1113 so move second any questions and that may please take the role Mr n yes Reynolds yes Mr yes Mrs stus yes Mrs yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs yes thank you Anette um we don't have any first readings of any bylaws policies or regul we have second reading of 12.02 that's it superintendent recommends the approval of policy action items 12.1 through 12.03 as presented so move second any questions and that may please take the V Mr yes Mrs reyn yes Mr Co yes Mrs D yes Mrs yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Rob yes yes thank you Anette and our Osan finance committee chair Mr Sharon Scher uh the facility and finance committee met on uh the 6th and our next meeting will be on December 5th um this evening for approval we have our bills list our budget transfer secretary report treasury's report certification for the ba to do the work p purchase of cafeteria tables refinishing of the gymnasium floors um unit ventilator replacement contract um proposal for additional fire alarm upgrades at the high school proposal for parking lot and S Improvement upgrades watch on and longers and we have four building use approvals so um the super recommends approval of the facilities and finance action it 1401 second any questions I also have on that please State the RO n yes I have to refuse from 14.12 sh Rene along withn yes iused from myself list Mr recuse on check 0 34989 and 03593 yes Bry uh reuse on check number 034 976 and 034 977 yes to everything else um recuse 14 the bills list myself and yes to the yes on Bill 3492 on myself on the bills list 35068 and yes great thank you and that is there any ongoing business words like to discuss any new business and open up this um public comments portion at this time any comments can be on comments can be on any topic please come for the voting put your name address and email address and subject the comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and sub comment Dre Dan acting business administrator board secretary director comments and questions of the board president you may speak on two separate topics all right we'll close the communication from the public at this time we have no reason to go into exec make a motion to ajour move and that me please take the role Mr yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mr Co yes Mrs D yes Mrs yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes yes yes thank you and that our next public meeting will be Wednesday December 13th 2023 here in the media thank you everyone for coming get home safe and have a great Thanksgiving