okay to 6 o' we will call the meeting to order we will start with our flight FL of the United States of America I'd like to introduce our Spanish interpreter can you please take here Mrs Deus here Mrs B Mr Nikolai here Mrs Perry here Mrs Quin here Mrs Reynold here Mrs Scher here thank the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of to attend the meeting of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the board secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted on the bulletin board located in the hallway outside of the administrative offices a notice was provided to The Courier News the home News Tribune and the middle sex B no need for session okay at this time um we have a board action item Board of Education members will make nominations for the board vacancy followed by I nominate Miss Jeffrey thank any other nominations and that can you take the RO please Mrs penzi yes Mrs Deus yes Mr ncol yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Arnold yes Mrs sh yes okay and now miss anano acting business ad administrator board secretary will administer the oath of office to miss Jeffrey our newly appointed board [Applause] I um I uh Lord de Jeffrey I know it say looks like it says L do Solly spare to or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true um faith in Alliance to the same and to the government established in the United States in this state under the authority of the people to help me guide um I Jeffrey do Sly swear or affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office a member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuing to rs19 uh 4-1 um nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 1882 to1 and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties that the office according to the best of my ability so help me God thank you [Applause] Mr chair uh congratulations my name is Aaron mandal boards attorney filling in for AR Schneider here um so now that now you you've been sworn in you are a board member you have the full rights and authority of all the other board members usually when a board member is selected or elected there's a a period between when the election occurs and when they're sworn in and things happen during that time where allows the board member to kind of get their bearings and kind of figure out what they're about to embark on and uh be expected of uh when a board member is selected like you are and and sworn in right after you're voted it's voted on you don't really have that opportunity so I just wanted to make sure I introduced myself and welcome to you and if you have any questions throughout you know the rest of tonight please uh feel free to speak up and um you know like like I before you for the full Authority and and as all the other board members here um if there's something that you're not familiar with on the agenda you certainly can feel free to abstain from the vote or to ask questions about it so welcome thank you okay we move on to our announcements um it's quiet right now because it's summer so I don't have much um we're hearing up for next school year um excited about the direction school is going in um and I think we're we're already ready for next school year already ready already ready okay now we're in superintendent of school drto good evening everyone I just want to say as I look out into this crowd how excited I am that our new hires are here and Mr Nicola when he get to the Personnel section we'll be introducing each and every one of you so please stand tall and proud when your name is called and welcome to Middle sex okay now our acting business administrator secretary Miss Anette good evening I just want to say welcome to all the new faces and I am from the business office and certainly if you have any questions or need any assistance with anything you can feel free to call me stop by and uh I'll always have time to answer your questions welcome thank you now our liaison reports our middle sex County SBA delegate Miss Mrs Janette good evening everyone I don't have any updates for the summer um I know that all already registered for Workshop be exited they did thank you and our njsda delegate Mrs Sharon sh um so again same way the delegate assembly happened back in May I believe at least reported out on it um the next one be until November so thank you and our middle sex Public Library Board of Education representative Miss Aron Gomez good evening everyone I have nothing to report this month but again like Dr Freeman said and Mr de and said welcome everybody we're so excited to have all these new faces and we're so excited for the new school year with with everybody here thank you okay now we we will approve our board meeting minutes um 6.01 uh superintendent recommends approval of the minutes as presented that is the committee of the whole on 611 and the regular public meeting and the executive session on 612 um 6.02 is Corrections and revisions to previous board agendas as noted we discussed last night and superintendent recommends approval of items 6.01 to 6.02 as presented so moved second and that can you please any questions and that can you please take the role mrsy yes Mrs yes Mr yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynold yes Mr yes an accid 27 I'm gonna recuse myself it's new okay um we are now going to open the public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time are limited to agenda items only please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette beo acting business administrator board secretary direct your comments and questions to the board president pres you may speak on two separate topics for up to 3 minutes each good evening guys uh first question would be on the chapter or section 15 16 and 17 uh so I talked about last night under the cancellation under the nearly $41,000 in student launch Deb uh but I also noticed the uh cancellation of a certain capital capital budget Capital project budgets uh one was for 7 which I was assuming just could have been extra L of money but the other one was for a little over $100,000 what was the uh what gave us so much so much money back from the uh partial group replacement I that for later that my second question okay we will get back all right and then my second question will be on uh or section 10be subsection 12 I want to congratulate shano for being Now official business administrator not longer acting after that gets voted on uh will will we have another assistant be that one it but thank you okay I will now close the public portion of the meeting public comment portion of the meeting and we going to go back now your number three um we have we have Dr Haber here he's going to okay he'll be here in a minute um Dr he will present the demographic study that was conducted for the district he back I didn't [Laughter] realize oh my God hello um we're at the part of our agenda where you are welcome to present your study did you get by any chance to last late this is just here good evening okay um what I'd like to do is I'd like to briefly I control your I would like to just briefly go through this short presentation to give an overview of the demographic study what I did first my name is Ross saer company's Ross saer Associates it's a pleasure to be here for a very difficult Journey but um anyway so what I'd like to do is I'd like to provide this as an overview of the projection let me just start by stating that um the methodology I follow was that of the New Jersey State education department and the methodology I use is called the cohort survival study um when you file a long range facility plan this this is the kind of projection you have to file with them so that's what coort coort projection is it follows groups of students over a six-year period as they move from grade to grade and um it calculates the difference between the grade levels so for example if there 100 kids in the first grade and when they become second grade is 110 that's 10% increase uh and what you do is you calculate that average over those six years to determine what projected numbers are going forward the other thing that we do in a in a courts of our projection is that we calculate kindergarten by taking the number of live births attributed to the community attribut to u to to to a middle sex and um we calculate the difference between children born uh for example in 2018 and children become kindergarten in 202 look at that fiveyear differential and come with an average an average number between kids born and kids who attend kindergarten 5 years later we do it over a six-year period because has to counted things like not every child born in Middle sex will eventually attend the middle sex schools and not every child that comes into the middle sex schools were born in Middle sex so that sixe average kind of makes up for that difference so having said that let me go through the slideshow the first this first slide this is a 10year overview of history and projection so we're taking look at the base year which is 2018 and 19 to the current year which is 2023 24 and then taking a look at the projected year which is 2829 so as you can see in 20 in 201819 there were 287 students um that number dropped a bit but not significantly over that fiveyear period about a difference of 21 children the app projection to 2028 29 is 271 would should be a difference of about five children between 2023 and 2028 what this shows is stability in the population that there's not a lot of moving up not a moving down in terms of school population the rest of it shows what each of the schools are going to look like what they look like in 201819 what they're going to look like in 20 what they look like at the opening of school this year in 2023 24 and what the app projection is over the next U over the next five years so we can see Hazelwood will be down about one child Parker up 14 Watchung up about 38 the Intermediate School down about 55 uh the middle school down 36 the high school increasing by about 54 uh the number of self-contained children and uh self-contained children of children that are not in a general education class at any point in the day so I extract them from the the total population all other special ed kids are in the general population what some important about that is that we want to make sure that space is available for self-contained children who may need a dedicated classroom so that's why I separate that out and we take and then we take a look at the prean numbers um which are going to decrease by about 12 and PS uh there was no um there was no preschool disabled children to find in the most current data that I had so that's what you have as an Overlook of what your schools are going to look like over the next over next five years and help you determine things like Staffing room space those different kinds of things based on based on this chart the next thing I did was I took a look at I wanted to see the relationship between changes in the community demographics versus changes in the school demographics so uh and this data come the data for the community demographics comes from um US Census Bureau okay the American Community survey which you can look up online it's got tons of data about communities and it's interesting mostly to guys like me but if just look a little further anyway what we're looking at 2018 there was a total of 13,656 um residents in in um in Middle sex as of 2023 uh that number went to about 14525 which was an increase of about 190 um uh individuals overall again stable the median age in the district um was was 37.9 years in 201819 that went up about about six years about 7 years between 2018 2023 it tells me something significant it tells me that people are not selling their homes a staying in the community it probably does account for a lot of disability in terms of the school population the old so we're not seeing a replacement of a lot younger children of younger uh individuals with with with older we're seeing people remaining so the median age of the district goes up because you're not losing a lot of population the median income in the community increased by about $60,000 in that 5year period the mean income increased by about 37,000 so the dist so the district has become a little bit older and a little bit wealthier and that's that they that's that's consistent in terms of racial overall racial characteristics in the community uh the um the the there was about a 6.2% drop over 5year period in in in whites blacks increased by just marginally the Asian population decreased slightly the Hispanic population decreased slightly according to the Census Bureau overall population in the district um multiple people reporting multiple categories okay in it was was a pretty high number so a lot of that does impact what some of the other racial makeup is now looking over at the school as I said the uh the um enrollment has been consistent the white population in 2018 was about 51.1 7% of the um of the overall of the overall enrollment in the schools uh it's now as of 20123 it was 33.8 the black population increased by about 11.8% the Asian population by 9.9% in the schools now the Hispanic population went from 32% to 40% um and the other categories were were very small numbers they were Hawaiian Pacific Islanders increased by about 1.69% multiple categories those are people reporting multiple races two or more races was about 2.56% the um number of the number of students receiving free lunch did decline a little bit and the number of students receiv receiving reduced lunch did increase a little bit so again pretty much the building the schools some of some changes in ethnicity as you can see there um what how's that trending over time is something that that that needs should be looked at or could be looked at to see how that impacts programs and program programmatic needs of the schools okay this okay this table and that's why I gave you that this this shows how a cohort projection works as I explained children born in 2013 be kep I do that didn't tou didn't realize touch me just G to take you back easy way to do it okay won't touch it this time so children born in 2013 became um kindergartens in 201819 which was about 6.62% increase in differential between kindergarteners and kids being born the average over over the over the six-year period was about 0.95 so it was slightly lower number of kindergarten kids coming in based upon based upon the average dis difference between kids being born in 2018 it'ss coming soon 2023 the um other other thing if you take a look here 161 kindergarten children became 154 and that was nine n 99.5% going down there was a a slight increase of about 2.6% did it again should go back oh it did okay okay an average increase about 2.6% so all of these numbers represent on this line called average all these numbers represent the growth the average growth between grade levels these then become the multiplier for become the multiplier for going ahead so for example 131 children in 2023 multipli by 1.026 become 134 children in in 2024-25 and so forth down the line and these then are all of your totals your total numbers so again to 20 2087 and 201819 2066 at the as of this this school year and 27 2071 going across to uh 220 22829 the have year rejection these next show the actual grade levels grade level projections for each of the the K3 schools again 201819 numbers these are the numbers these are the grade level numbers and from those you can you can configure the number of of of sections needed for each each grade level and coming down here these projected numbers moving out again it's it it's it's for helping you determine staffing needs helping you determine space needs and those kinds of things same thing applies to the intermediate school and the and the Middle School projections okay and um those those numbers are again based on the same difference the high school is the high school is actually found by just looking 9 through 12 here and the 9 through 12 history and projections over here here the rest are projections for special education prek um and I said PSD did not appear on this years's uh data form that I receiv received um the way that you project self contain special education is you take the average the average number of spe of self-contained students based upon their percentage of the total population in the school bu that's the state methodology for doing that so that's uh that's the complexity or the lack of lety of a cohort projection uh again K3 projections intermediate and high school projections and so by summ my conclusion is the population in Middle sex burrow and enrollment in Middle sex schools has shown stability between 20189 and 20232 24 the projection for the schools shows continuing of the stability through the 2028 29 in terms of total population although we are seeing changes in ethnicity and ra racial distributions so that's my overview um questions please what's the range of plus or minus I'm sorry the accuracy R well the accuracy is based upon my experience okay and what and so I find over fiveyear period I'm a bad plus or minus 2% okay and the way I do that is I take a sample of all the school bu so you going send me you can stay as long as you like if there's um hopefully there'll be less traic going home listen thank you all very much is there any questions or other concerns or our spee just call me okay and okay take carebody [Applause] thank often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the board of education is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion question before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting we'll move on to our Personnel report from the committee chair Mr Tod M thank you Danielle um as Dr Freeman said I'm gonna read your names if you'd be so kind to stand we'll recognize you but please remain standing so that the end we can recognize you guys as a group but I just want to thank you for you know I'm sure you had other opportunities other choices but choosing middle sex um where we couldn't be more excited to have you and um it's going to be a great year and hopefully you're here for many many years to come Nora burn Kevin Gilbert Erica jungles Melissa Lewis [Applause] Katherine [Applause] Miller Angela Opa Jessica [Applause] Pierce Douglas Peters Sarah scanda [Applause] Anna [Applause] stalen Kristen [Applause] Cardone Andrew newcomer Andrew sham football coach Robert schin everybody and thank [Applause] you welcome to Middle SE right moving right along um 10.02 salary AIDS there are additional Personnel action items that are added today superintendent recommends approval of personnel action it item action items 10.01 101 as presented so move second uh anybody have any questions on any of that what 10.01 102 addition yeah this is a 10.2 still Yes okay no questions now you please take the roley um I have to recuse on 10.12 [Music] number 10 and 11 um um I'm also on 10.12 number one um I'm voting no on the director of School Safety and Security and yes to everything else Mrs yes Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Perry recuse from 105 James Perry and recuse from item 108 Angela s yes to the rest this is Quinn um 10.2 um no to the director of School Safety and Security position and yes to the rest Mrs Reynold yes Mrs Shan yes Mrs Jeffrey I'm GNA refuse myself thank you and we would like to recognize andette and officially welcome you as our here you okay now we will move on to our education report by our chair Mrs Brenda Perry um good evening the superintendent recommends the approval of the education action items 12. 1 through 12.8 as presented so move second any questions and can you please take the role mrsy yes Mrs D yes Mr Nicholai yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynold yes Mrs Scher yes Mrs Jeffrey yes okay we move on to our policy action items um 13.01 is first reading of bylaws policies and regulations um there are many and we discussed that last night um and there's none on anything else so superintendent recommends the approval of policy action items 13.01 as presented so move second any questions Anette can you please take the RO Mrs gry yes Mrs D SE yes Mr n yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs yes Mrs thank you we will now move on to the report of our facilities and finance committee from our chair Mr Todd nicolay God bless you thank you um superintendent recommends approval of facilities and finance AC items by 15.01 through 1524 as presented so move second there is 25 by just sorry um any questions can you please take the RO mrsy yes yes Mr n yes Mrs Perry yes m Quinn yes Mrs rold yes Mrs Sher yes Mrs Jeffrey thank you um so anybody have any ongoing business new business okay um I will now open the public comment section of the meeting comments at this time can be on any topic please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette gordano acting business administrator board secretary direct your comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes each well uh couple things on the under n uh under 10 1012 kind of a print because this is not supposed to be for the public there's an executive file attachment named Aaron Gomez 2425 PDF curious what that was I comment on it what woulds and and my next topic would be uh I think it's important to point out that M down has been running the business office since September uh it's it's also important to note that this district has essentially paid out the former business administrator for the past year uh under the comp the separation agreement that was board approved in January I Opa requested it essentially paid out the former business administrator full pay 39 vacation days in Six pay upon retirement uh I just thought it's important to note that uh since uh not many if a very select few know about that and it's important to point out for the public thank you thank you for your comments like to remind the public that uh board members are very limited in what they're able to say I fully understand personel related no one else okay we will close the public comment portion of the meeting um we don't have any Jo into executive session so I would like to make a motion to adj so move all