the board has been in ex executive session for the past 12 minutes for the purpose of discussing confidential matters as outlined in 2.01 the matters that we discuss will be disclosed to the public as soon as possible once reason for nondisclosure no longer exists so second can we please take the RO Mrs yes Mrs yes Mrs B there yes Mr Nikolai Mrs Perry yes Mrs qu yes Mrs Reynold yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs Sher yes okay now we will have our employees of the month um presentation and this month we are fortunate to have two employees of the month and we'll start with Mrs Candace AER Mrs AER will you come to the podium please this is a iated professional of the middlex bough School District some of the initiatives that she has t has implemented this school year include working with the first book Marketplace and a lengthy book publishing project with her grade three students through the Publishing Company student Treasures Mrs actor's partnership with the first book Marketplace allows Parker Elementary School to receive free books for the book publishing project each third grade student contributed one illustration and one writing page even though Mrs AER only sees her students once a week rough drafts edits final copies and Illustrated were completed within a six week time frame and because of this the it's official that the third grade students at Parker School are published we honor you this evening congratulations congratul come on down Miss [Applause] Ryan Miss Ryan is a teacher at maer in the LLB classroom with a wide Vari range of Learners her classroom is a highly productive learning environment that supports the needs of the students she serves she has established a nurturing environment that allows students to thrive there's a culture of self-reflection and Independence in her classroom for students learn to self-regulate and self assess their understanding of complex topics these instructional Decisions by Miss Ryan have had a positive impact on student learning as evidence by impressive strive and reading and math performance on their latest I ready diagnostic for that and for so many reasons we say congratulations withan I was just gonna say we're twins we're [Laughter] [Applause] twins okay we will now move on to our announcements um so I just wanted to say that a few of us had the pleasure of attending challenge day yesterday um that was professional development for the teachers and staff and a few of us were able to attend it was a wonderful experience um we got to get to know some of the teachers and staff a little bit more maybe some that we haven't met before um and it just really I feel like it taught us to see The Human Side of people not maybe just what we see of them every day in a general setting um so it was a really really great experience and I'm glad we were able to attend and I know that there has been discussion about calendars um we are working on that to make up the emergency day from this year and we're planning the calendar for next year starting tomorrow so that'll be out soon okay um now superintendent of schools second thank you and just to piggy back on to what you said yesterday was our challenge day day which was truly amazing and I just wanted to thank the board for coming out and supporting and being a part and it really was a nurturing day it was a long day um we laughed we cried and we played a lot of games but it was really good and I think we're on that road that we want to see that road to Blue that we keep talking about so just thank you thank you to the board for supporting it thank you um now our acting business administrator board secretary miss pette gordano good evening there's really nothing new in the business office we're working on budget still state aid figures should be out next week so hopefully we'll be able to wrap that up and then have more information for everyone as to what the budget looks like for next year thank you now we will do our the aison reports our burrow Alliance committee the aison Mrs sh good evening um I attended an alliance meeting on February the 7th um we found out that the governor of council against alcohol abuse has a new name which is now Governor Council on substance use disorders um they talked about hidden and clean sight uh program uh that they hope to have the schools I guess sometime this year uh that was very successful in the past um they also spoke about on March 8th there'll be a third annual Wellness Fair um and this I don't know Stacy's last name she's wonderful she spoke about diversity day that they held on January the 25th there were 100 participants and it was extremely successful um and she also t talked about breaking down the walls which was also uh a great successful program and uh they're hoping maybe to bring that back later in the fall that's how much the students enjoyed it um what else going to tell you we also spoke briefly about Vape detectors and uh the Avail availability of n can in the schools but it was a great meeting thank you thank you okay our middle sex County SBA delegate M good evening everyone the next sorry so I attended on January 22nd the seet county um meeting because the topic was um the how the boards can support student achievement and curriculum and basically it was the assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction of Franklin who presented his um how they do it and they uh and what the board can do to support that um and I feel like we can do so much more and we are doing so um that's something that I think um we're on the road towards the next meeting will be on March 6th and that's going to be it'll be virtual and any and anybody can register for the board members can register through the school board's website and that is um the topic will be on teacher shortages and Senator Vince scow who is the Senate education committee chair will be present and he will be presenting and Fielding questions um that is a timely issue that many districts are facing teacher shortages and there's been lots of talk about different initiatives and people have mixed feelings about those initiatives so this this is a good time to come and listen to other board members also um and their concerns about that and maybe we we can um you know be inspired to think that I know we do that all the time in Personnel we're always pushing but um it's it's good this should be good information so I'll bring back information for the March that thank you now our njsba legislative offic and delegate Mrs Robins so we have um our delegate um will be in May and right now they're taking um resolutions for March 14th which is coming up soon um some of the things that got signed into law recently um which then takes time as I understand it to come down to the board um couple of things that came in that we talked about a little bit last last night in our committee meeting was um some new standards with bized uh Comprehensive Health and phys educ physical education um really focused on emotional and behavioral symptoms of grief coping mechanisms and some resources available to students so I think that's going to be interesting um that will be headed our way a couple of other things um I know there was a lot um at the beginning of the year just on the way our electronic stuff came out um for applying for um free and reduced lunches it is mandatory that everybody signs off so that is a requirement um and so there was um more guidance um it revi Revis the type of information that needs to be sent to parents or Guardians at the beginning of the school year so that is also something that got um basically goes into effect for the 2024 25 year um and so you can't just not file it you have to sign off saying that you read it and you decline um the other one that came out was a um students with disabilities so there's going to be certain documentation that during school um security drills and emergency situations the school security plan contains information and training for school secur um schools on what they do when they have students with disabilities in emergency planning and there's a whole list um that the schools will need to take into account um there's a bunch of others but one that I know um I've actually heard a lot about just I guess because of the age group that I fall into for my children um FS for requirements so starting with children currently in 11th grade um they now have to file fast reforms so that is a requirement um so that is something new you did not always have to file fast reforms so more to come on that she will create some chaos at some point but um that was something that was interes understand so I will as I get as I told the board as I get information um of what's coming down the pike for the resolutions to be voted on I will bring that to the board thank you now our middle sex Public Library uh representative good evening everyone uh I have nothing to report tonight but our next meeting is Monday March 11th thank you and now our student representative Ian Bel Thomas hey so um last month I told you guys about breaking down the walls and like it was already said it was a tremendous success it was so fun participating all of the kids were engaged and by the end of the days there was a lot of tears and a lot of hugs um we all wrote stuff on postic notes and stuck it on each other so everybody walked out with nice little messages and a lot of Juniors and underclass classman are really ecstatic at the possibility of participating in it next year last week I had the pleasure to speak with our district curricular supervisors Mr maoka and Mr seagull in K to five learning is majority student centered learning so there are fact stations where kids get to learn like math facts and there will be a middle sex showcase which will show all the progress that they made on February 28th there are there are also linguage art programs to hone interdisciplinary skills and they are working on creating a a gifted and talented program which is really exciting in high school curriculum supervisors are working to create schedules for Block scheduling next year and are teaching teachers the best practices to implement in blog scheduled learning block scheduling gives students the ability to dig a little deeper into topics and internalize the material in a lasting Manner and covid-19 online learning has created some learning gaps that the curriculum creators are working hard to close to close those gaps there are professional learning sessions that teach teachers how to support all type of learners in classrooms teachers intentionally Foster climates where students are enthusiastic and feel comfortable enough to interact which leads to a sense of ownership over their own learning there is also a increase in collaboration in classroom settings although covid-19 online learning created a gap it also revolutionize the way technology is used in the classroom which tremendously boosted students learning potential thank you thank you okay now we will approve our board meeting minutes um 5.01 are the minutes from the committee of the whole meeting on January 16th um and then our regular meeting and the executive session on January 17 5.02 are Corrections and revisions to previous board agendas that are noted there superintendent recommends approval of items 5.01 to 5.02 as presented so move second can you please the oh I'm sorry any questions on no thank Mrs yes Mrs yes Mrs B yes Mr Nichol yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynold yes Mrs Robins yes Mr Sheriff yes thank you um I will now open the public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time are limited to agenda items only please come to the podium and put your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss Anette gorano acting business administrator board secretary direct your comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics up to three minutes each evening uh last night uh superintendent mentioned her for the demographic study survey which would estimate about how many students would be coming into the district with the growing size of this town uh and you also mentioned last night touring uh our Le virgins 10 classrooms uh across the street from the church uh if this study comes back and we and the capacity uh goes through these 10 classrooms and we need more space for these kids what would be the solution uh include P needing more [Music] space and then on 1201 uh policy number 3324 and 4324 right to privacy uh the first readings of them but there's an optional section in both where they uh prohibit the recording of staff and teaching that's support and teaching staff uh which in theory is good but there's a cases even nationally where this is a policy uh and it's LED for uh go to the extremes but uh teacher verbal abuse physical abuse being covered up and the uh the student gets penalized uh so obviously it's an optional and it's only the first reading but that be consideration for future what numbers are those uh the two mandated 334 thank you um we will now close the public comment portion of the meeting oftentimes it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment and in many cases a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at a public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools the super intendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to sure to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then is it placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting okay now we will move on to our Personnel report by Mr M thank you Danielle welcome everybody the Personnel committee met on February 13th and we will meet again on March 5th superintendent recommends approval Personnel action items 9.1 through 9.12 as presented so move second any questions discussions Mrs peny yes Mrs Deus yes Mrs B yes Mr nicholay yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robin yes M sure yes now we will move on to our education report by Mrs good evening um last night or yesterday we met um at our next meeting will be March 12th um at our meeting yesterday Mr seagull thank you for presenting um had a nice presentation explaining to us how they're supporting the teachers and um with their scheduling and different resources that might be helpful for them during B schedule um the superintendent recommends the approval of Education action items 111 through 1113 as presented so second any questions so the only question I had kind of goes to what Danielle was asking yesterday about um you had a pocket on the the ones that say student funded um I know there's been some question about the amount we're asking parents to pay for some of these activities um I don't think it's on here but I'm pretty sure there's one for eth grade that's pretty Havey fa um when we have student funded activities um um and I think somebody you might have asked this yesterday is there you know what happens when somebody can't pay um are they do we fck somebody from that um and you know is there a certain limit that we're asking parents to pay because you know $120 is a lot of money to ask a parent to pay for an activity so I don't know you know if we could see that on here but I know we don't currently see that on here okay um Anette can please take the Mrs peny um recuse on 11.10 Justin Marsh yes everything else mrus refuse on 11.10 myself yes to the rest Mrs B yes Mr Nicholai yes Mrs Parry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynold yes Mrs Robbins um refuse on 11.10 myself and yes Mr sh uh no on 11.01 and yes to everything else okay the superintendent approves the first reading of pha's policies and regulations as presented that's 1201 we don't have any second reading for adoptions tonight so the superintendent recommends the approval of policy action items 12.01 12.03 as presented so second any questions and please take the Mrs yes Mrs stus yes Mrs B yes Mr Nikolai yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs Sher yes okay now we move on to our facilities and finance report by Mr n thank you Danielle um the facility and finance committee also met on February 13th and we will be again on March 5th you have 14.01 is your bills list 14.02 monthly budget transfers 14.03 or monthly board secet report 14.04 monthly treasur report 14.05 the SBA administrator monthly certification 14.06 board number monthly certification 14.07 J School Development Authority Grant 14.8 another grant grant are through 14.11 14.2 contractual change orders I realized there was so many 14.3 purchase of equipment 144 14.14 our building uses superintendent recommends approval of facilities and finance action items 14.01 to 14.14 so move second any questions discussion next Mrs pen yes Mrs deuss yes Mrs B yes Mr Nikolai um I need to reuse on 14.14 number four and yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs TNN yes Mrs Reynold yes Mrs Robins I just want to make sure that the ones that we just did for the conference didn't go through I tried to triple check the bills list but they're not on there right they are not on there okay good then yes to everything Mrs Shar yes okay um do we have any ongoing business new business okay we now open the public comment portion of the meeting comments at this time can be on any topic please come to the podium and your name address email address and subject of your comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of your comment to miss n g orano acting business administrator board secretary direct your comments and questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to three minutes each hi um my name is Nancy Bel my address is 311 Second Street M and my top topic is the calendar I know it's not set but I would just like to point something out to the board um my daughter is a senior and I'm really concerned about graduation being moved if you do have family that's coming and pret to come on that date and to have it become the following week will be difficult for our family and I knew know some of some of my daughter's friends they have vacation plans the following week and um it's the these kids lost their eighth grade graduation and to have their graduation this year be impacted I think the board should just take that into consideration not change graduation but sen thank you okay I'll now close the public comment portion of the meeting um we do not need to go into another second session I'd like to make a motion to second all in favor