as outlined in 2.1 the matters that we discussed will be disc will be disclosed to the public as soon as possible once the reason phom closure no longer exists so mov second yes Mr Quin yes Mrs reyn yes Mrs Robins yes Mrs yes recogn it gives me great pleasure to introduce the district Employee of the Month Mrs Janette [Applause] Pine Mrs Pine transferred to watang school three years ago since that time not only has she done an excellent job in her role as an academic support teacher now called a win teacher what I need but she has also become a valuable asset to laang school each day Mrs Pine arrives to work with a smile on her face and a positive attitude she is always working towards providing students on her roster with the best academic experience she welcomes changes to her daily schedule at Grace and an encouraging Outlook to possibilities of the day in addition to her teaching role Mrs Pine was the first I want to note that the first teacher who volunteered to be a part of the The Joint pilot with the ccsso and the NJ doe Early Childhood Improvement Network Community as a member of the elck Mrs Pine has represented our district in Washington DC it was there she was among other teachers and thought leaders who are leading the science of reading charge simply put Mrs Pine is awesome with a capital Ed [Music] [Applause] congratulations thank you the Board of Education extends its heartful congratulations to the winners of the governor educator and Educational Services Professionals for the 2023 2024 school year video thanks for all you did today in your classroom for making a million little Split Second decision for the benefit of your students for putting your own needs on hold and keeping them the focus of your day they planning for them long me for today every rolling for for changing those plans because they didn't fit someone who needed a little extra for smiling laughing with them and reassure and reassuring their efforts trials and mistakes for placing your hand on a shoulder that was exactly what someone needed forgetting down on the physical level of your students because it matters we're thinking of a new way to reach someone who wasn't getting it you matter [Applause] in a little love we hug out mommies and we're greeted with a smile day after day spring went through fall we spent a lot of time learning between those classroom walk we knew a few letters but we did not know them all and we learned our phone number in case we needed to make a call we learned about reming run football we learned the days of the week and how to walk hardly down the hall we learned love learning which is the person of all a big thank you to our teacher for helping us grow and we want you to know that we will miss you so s school behind the message that learnning this school your patience and understanding cannot be under so your courage and commitment is the life room of told each day you teach your children is a day to Rejoice because of you our children will have their own whistle thank you dear teacher for pass passing knowledge Through The Years you thought you were merely teaching when you're illumining ears were made in this classroom friendship were formed and they through each little child with other why or wild learned so many great things from you you were the one they of mil the teacher they came to adore the person they knew they could now on they they were wonderful and so much more your kindness will always stay with them the gentl was always the key to helping them grow and helping then trust they could be the best they could be enjoy each lesson you choose as my RO model you inspire me to dream and to work and to reach with your kindness you give my attention every day you are planting a seed have curiosity and motivation to know and to grow and succeed you help me fulfill my quotation I'm thankful for all that you done I admire you each day and I just want to say as a teacher you're number [Applause] one our achievements and our fruits inspire a love of knowledge and Truth as you like the past which leads out use for the future brightens with with each lesson you teach each smile you lengthen each goal you help us reach for the dawn of each poet each philosopher and King begins with a teacher and the wisdom they [Applause] bring what is a teacher a walker a talker a COR or stalker a leader director tful collector a role model computer a with computers and natural persu daily a reader reports on protector a m c sender of letters a natural orator a nonn confiscator a divider decider St provider cutter a sticker a fair minded scker a deat reator a smile reator a payer a carer a lesson preparer a Defender A lender a broke and a broker and vendor Creator inventor Inspire smile Smiler a stay back AER trip organizer covered in in and on your side staff will deci that's what makes a teacher it person to teach a child and class to just keep his attention in a world that moves so fast to show a child to is unique with tal and steep inside to help to build his confidence so he can be mypi to show a little patience for a child has lost his way to a child child who feels abandon who has seen better days to inspire and to motivate so a child can learn and grow to go into this big white r that has a size you are a special person you always give your best and for every your husand their life is to new [Applause] so we will call names and if you could come up to the podium to receive your little gift I just want to recognize Mr Christopher chesmar he's not here this evening but congratulations from the middle sex High School from the vonie moger school Ashley [Applause] Schnitzer please stay for a picture from Woodland School Rael [Applause] goth from Hazelwood School Leanne Lewis she couldn't be with us this evening but for Parker School Elise [Applause] coso from Wong Elementary School Alyssa Ricky [Applause] from the high school and who was instrumental and making that awesome video you just saw Lauren Hiba [Applause] [Laughter] from Bonnie moer School Leslie lapowski okay from Hazelwood School Mary dinger [Applause] [Applause] from Parker School Amy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Cawa and last but certainly not least who was also instrumental in this awesome video this evening from the Wong Elementary School and [Applause] J conratulations congratulations [Applause] up we are going to have presentations our district speech language pathologist will present to the Board of Education I apologize I have Voice tonight so I going to use one of our augmentative devices to do my presentation hello May's National speech language hearing month we are the district speech language pathologist I'm Rachel singer here Isle R Amy and Jenna we are going to share a little bit about who we are in what we do in the district here is sub to start us off what is ANP mslp is a speech language pathologist we receive specialized training through Master's programs with a minimum of 63 credits we are all highly qualified holding as certificate of clinical competence we are required to remain cage as practice policies all right so we can work in early interventions schools clinics hospitals nursing homes Home Care Private Practice accent reduction and T in the schools we assess diagnose treat and help prevent communication difficulties in the areas of articulation language pragmatics dysphasia voice fluency assistive technology which is what Rachel is just using um augmentative and alternative communication or AAC auditory habilitation or Rehabilitation for people with hearing loss um and then related areas for C pallet cerebral paly learning disabilities literacy autism brain injury and developmental delay soop's diagnose and treat articulation disorders so some of those are sound substitutions like think for think omissions C cat for cat distortions Lis for lisp phonological disorders like fronting tat instead of cat and childhood praxio speech it's a motor speech disorder we also treat language disorders which may include difficulties with morphology and syntax that's formulating sentences grammar and word endings vocabulary and word finding listening and comprehension phonological skills like learning and producing sounds Associated letters and sounds and also figurative language what you can do to help your student or your child is to please explain what something means when they use figurative language a lot of kids do not understand idioms you're driving me up a wall has nothing to do with a [Laughter] car we also diagnose and treat social communication ERS which may include difficulties problematics social interactions and language disorders we also diagnose and treat fluency disorders which make the difficulty with stuttering and cluttering sometimes we use visual aids like a turtle snail or sloth to help remind students to slow down slps help students to have a voice and communicate with an augmenta or alternative communication EAC system there are different types of a te iPads or low te P Picture Exchange Communication System these augmentative and alternative communication systems can be temporary or permanent depending on each other they are tools to help facilitate communication and provide a way for students to communicate there for decreasing frustrations we currently have 26 students in the district utilizing some form of a communicate their wants and needs and to access the curriculum 23 devices and students using isim of students speechy tips and strategies for parents at home with students that are in kindergarten through second grade talk with your child a lot read various books together talk about the stories you read also when you're watching TV there's a pause button on our remote control pause it what's going to happen next what just happened who did you see there so asking a lot of questions to make sure that they're comprehending what they're seeing on TV play rhyming games and point out letters as you go retell stories and discuss their day give them directions to follow and make sure you have a routine all children this age should be following a routine they should be responsible my goodness all the students that tell me my mom didn't do my homework I said I didn't give homework to Mom I gave homework to you so make sure they're following their routine tips and strategies for parents with students at home that are in grades three to five keep reading with your child ask them what they think about what they read um also like if you're reading a book with your child you know um you can read a chapter or a page they can read it and then make sure you're doing a synopsis at the end of each some students need each page or a chapter you can go and keep talking about what they read help them make connections between home and school talk out loud to problem solve and look for word spelling patterns um the English language is weird so there's a lot of things that don't look right when they're spelling so make sure you're pointing it out that you know I have so many students sing am I working on a k sound or a c sound funny thing it's both because the C is a copy cat and sounds like a cake so make sure that you're pointing those things out to your children next week we'll be celebrating speech and language week in our schools there'll be fun facts announced um on the announcements and some schools will be participating in different uh spirit week activities like um bringing a water bottle so that our voice stays nice and hydrated or wearing a different outfit um colored shirt [Laughter] [Applause] these are some additional resources you go TOA or as website thank you [Applause] okay I think we have one more uh quick presentation and then we can go on Miss coso cosma thank you for coming we want to congratulate you on being the teacher of the year for Parker school so [Applause] [Applause] have any announc really quickly I just want to extend congratulations to our very own Michael odonnell for being inducted into the middle sex High School Hall of Fame this past Saturday night it was a wonderful event and it was wonderful to see one of our own leadership part of our leadership team become a member so [Applause] congratulations ad hi good evening everyone congratulations to everyone uh I have no announcements from the business office tonight is leis reports I can say that um as the middle County SDA delegate we celebrated our um our um we had a it was I wasn't able to go but I know that Dr Freeman and um others were able to attend we had a presentation for um some of our students that will recognize at county level the next um there's a Hiatus and next meetings will SP next school year so there's um that's it for Middle sex County we have um Elise the and jsba legislative officer Mrs Robins so um couple of updates um we have Workshop 2024 coming up in October and there's going to be a couple of new um things that they're going to have there um especially around career Readiness there was also an inaugural Women's Conference which Janette Sharon and I attended there was over 200 attendees um and I know I assume you guys felt the same way but it was an incredible event um a lot of it was around bringing your whole self to work and also the importance of girls um mentoring for girls so there was some great videos um that I actually told Dr Freeman I'll share with her um that you know was was very emotional at that day um and I do think it's going to be an annual that they they worked for 10 years to get this event off the ground so um it was pretty impressive um they're also working on governance one uh reboot and um they've made some updates to the website um and there's also a federal advoc advocacy tax Force um to guide for future leadership um so that is the main things that are coming up um the other thing that got um it's physical fitness and sports month in New Jersey so um there was a resolution passed that recommended persons age 16 uh 6 to 17 participate in these 60 Minutes of physical activity daily so we'll see what that um comes with might be more RS um there was also um a new religious holidays calendar updated and they would get some questions on that um and there's some new special education regulations that we approved as well middle six Public Library Board of Education representative good evening everyone uh I have nothing to report tonight as our meeting for May is not until next Monday and now studed representative hello this week I had the pleasure of talking to the principal of w mrsy I got to learn more about the school and I was able to learn that W Elementary is a place where academic skills are nurtured positive School experiences are created peers get along long social relationship Foster and students are happy to learn from the moment students arrive in the morning they are intensely greeted by multiple staff members who take the time to connect with them on a personal level building excitement right from the beginning of the day another really cool thing I found out about this school was that they Ed whale cutouts as a positive reinforcement tool students receive awards for doing the right things and are caught in the act of making good choices and then they get whale cutouts put in these cute little baskets this creates a culture of positivity and encouragement within the school community teachers at Wong Elementary School are dedicated to helping students excel in their Academic School skills they are now focusing on Ma math workstations and are piloting new language arts programs to provide students with a well-rounded education Additionally the school offers a program called win what I need where students can receive flexible help and enrichment opportunities after school throughout the year W Elementary School Host fun events to bring the community together third graders recently took a field trip to Woodland for an orientation and tour of the school and all all students in all grades will soon be able to enjoy a field day at the high school as the school year comes to a close Wong Elementary School remains a busy and exciting Place staff works hard to ensure that students continue to to school even as the summer approaches students are continuously taught import important social and behavioral skills such as interacting with others and resolving conflicts student support is always available very much and res to help students navigate social situations and that's about all that I took thank you and I wanted to extend a congratulations on behalf of the board on your acceptance and your committal to R University and you wish you all the luck in your chosen hat of biology and thank you so much [Applause] moving along are going to approve the board minutes foll the agenda 6.1 6.2 Corrections revisions to previous board agenda 6.3 accept the minutes and Corrections revisions to previous board agenders are there any questions so second any questions well Mrs Deus yes Mrs B yes Mr n yes Mrs Perry um recused from the regular Public public meeting on 4 17 and Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Rob yes M abstain from the executive session on 416 and the special public meeting on 51 yes and then I do have to make a correction I have to abstain from 4117 from the regular meeting and the ex for myself okay next section is communication from the public comments at this time are limited to agenda items only please come to the podium and put your name address email and subject of the comment into the record book before speaking please give your name address and subject of the comment to Mr pette jordano acting business administrative board secretary direct your comments questions to the board president you may speak on two separate topics for up to 3 minutes each okay see none hearing we closing the public comments section 8.01 formal action on agenda items often times it may appear to members of our audience that the Board of Education takes action with very little comment in many cases and in many cases a unanimous vote before a matter is placed on the agenda at the public meeting the Administration has thoroughly reviewed the matter with the superintendent of schools if the superintendent is satisfied that the matter is ready to be presented to the Board of Education it is then referred to the appropriate board committee the members of the board committee work with the administration and the superintendent to assure that the members fully understand the matter when the committee is satisfied with the matter it is presented to the board of education for discussion before any final action is taken only then it is placed on the agenda for Action at a public meeting we will now have a report of the Personnel committee chair Mr Tod nicholet thank you Janette superintendent recommends approval of personnel action items 10.1 through 10.12 as presented still mov second any questions roll Mrs yes Mrs yes Mr yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quinn yes but for 12.2 sorry 10.12 reappointment schedules recru from Gary brener Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins yes M yes we now have a report from our education committee Miss even the super recommends the approval of Education action items 121 through 122 as presented second questions yes Mrs B yes Mr Nichol yes Mrs Perry yes Mrs Quin yes Mrs Reynolds yes Mrs Robins yes there are no policy items for us to discuss vote on this evening yes I oh I'm sorry this is L but yeah next section is facilities and finance superintendent recommends approval facilties and finance actuals 151 seconds Mrs yes Mrs B yes Mr n yes Mrs Paris yes Mrs Quinn yes Mrs Reynold yes Mrs Robins yes but on check number 0364 yes any ongoing business open communication from the public um public be on any agenda item please come to the podium and put your name address address subject comment into the before speaking your name address and subject of the comment jordo AC business administrator direct your comments questions to the board president you may speak on separate on two separate to toic for up to three minutes like now close the public comment we do not need to go into an exact session so we are going to um move to a journ second congratulations [Applause]