##VIDEO ID:5vcE2ynDvis## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e what good evening everyone adequate notice of this meeting was provided by sending such notice to the Asbury press the Middletown patch and the Middletown Township Public School dist website and the posting of such notice at the AUST team minor administrative offices in each elementary middle and secondary school in the district R Mrs P Mrs Farley here Mr F barell here Mrs minues here Mrs gazy here Mr to here Mrs R Mrs tobacco here Mr here now I need a motion for ex next session to speak about Personnel matters so second all in favor see you little e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone please stand for the pledge a moment of silence with sadness we share the passing per District employee Vernard T bernardette worked in the district for over 28 years before retiring from her position as high nor guidance counsel in 2014 our deepest condolences are extended to the toy panel thank you pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America to the stands Nation God indivisible liy and justice start off tonight with our curriculum instruction committee report thank you uh we met was yes was last week and um just a few things of note on the agenda tonight for a vote are the re Cula for uh grades three four and five the as I think I've mentioned at prior meetings these have been Revan um according to what the elementary teachers um felt would be just sort of a better flow of material especially considering that we've moved to oron Gillingham for K through 2 um so they're all really excited about the the new CRI new programs um also the report cards for grades four and five that were revamped to include um numerical percentages in addition to some of the standards based grading are going to be launched for this year and there will be um parent tutorials and information you know so that everybody understands what those look like but those are really exciting to help our uh fourth and fifth grader be better prepared to to make the transition to Middle School where there's numerical grading um we talked about the Jordan toas speaking engagement I know everyone's really excited about that coming up um in on September 18th there's also going to be Robert frck is coming for speaking engagement on October 16th and 17th no octob 17 sorry um he's going to be talking about finding best cist and I think that does it okay great thank you so much moving to Student Services Mr T yes thank you we also met uh last Thursday the 22nd um couple exciting things I was uh excited to hear about um first last month I think we we shared that um as part of expanding the the use of the inclass consultative model to expand inclusion efforts uh in the district we the administration's found a way to deploy a number of our special ed teachers to provide support in the world languages classes for the language teachers who don't necessarily have that background to provide differentiated or individualized instruction so um I'm happy to see and report that that's uh in place I think there's um what seven or eight seven uh staff members who are going to be in the mix for that and Beyond World Language there's also some opportunities where they're going to help out with uh some art classes in nth grade seminar classes so having um special ed trained teachers supporting those um elective teachers who might not have that background um so that's exciting also uh Mr Colin just updated us on the district's partnership with njcie which is the New Jersey Coalition for inclusive education um and providing different different programming for professional development other Consulting Services uh uh in the inclusion World um and in particular we talked about hopefully moving forward finding ways to work with NJ C in that partnership um to maybe identify ways to support staff members in um not just in the classroom but also finding ways to expand uh social and extracurricular opportunities in a in a more uniform way for our special students and that was something that came out of our parent feedback sessions last spring and um we'll be excited to see that so that wasain and uh the highlights thank you Mr to moving on to facility miss m yes we had a meeting last week it was um long interesting and exciting to hear some of the uh items that are going on everybody should have gotten the PowerPoint on the portal that goes through Adam went through everything you could do a great job putting that together we're going to start with the high school turf field I know there's a lot of rumors out there that we're behind schedule and that we canel the track none of that is true everything is on schedule what people don't realize I think is that the drainage was always going to take time to do so it might have looked like nobody was working on the field but the drainage is humongous out there it took a lot of time um to get that through so it's on schedule they're doing we're doing everything possible to get the kids out on that field for practice before the first game before we allow any athletic activities the field is tested and ensured to meet the safety standards required by playing playing on the surface these tests are conducted annually throughout the life of the turf testing is done the same day as the turf is deemed finished and the usage can um begin immediately the track is scheduled to be done by the end of September so it is not put off it is just as soon as the field is done the track can get done um we also want to thank the uh DPW which was very instrumental in making sure our drainage for the turf field was clean and usable they loaned us the equipment and the manpower to clean the scope the lines with their jet truck and remote control video scope we were able to do it for no additional cost to the community additionally their staff was an absolute pleasure to work with says our um facilities director and he said it also saved us a lot of money by that shared service with the township so we'd like to thank the township and the DPW for all their hard work on helping us get this Fields up and going all geothermal systems which maybe some people have never heard about but they are out there and now they are fully operational again at our secondary schools they've been brought back slowly online as the summer progressed after the extended period of time of operating at around 50% of the capacity and the reason for that is because we always had to bring in outside companies to to fix that Adam and his crew have been trained and they can now do this work in District saving us thousands of dollars by doing it inhouse so that was a big accomplishment the hbac controls have been reprogrammed they went through every single aradale unit in the district which is about 225 of them they tested each and every one so that they're all up and running and they did this all in house also saving us a lot of money there was only one hbac um unit that needs to be replaced at a 225 that's pretty good it did take time but our staff was able to get to look at each every aale unit and assess it and make sure it was up and running for the upcoming school year so that saved us about $300,000 worth of savings and utilities so that was on up hbac we also um the north kitchen the the money that we're spending on the the facilities that should be up and running by the beginning of next week the equipment is being installed today and tomorrow should be installed on Thursday and um then they have to go in and set up and get everything ready for the lunches and then in the future there will be some more work done on the outside of the kitchen area to um make the cafeteria look good The Linc the natural gas service was installed the design is now designed if you looked at the PowerPoint you could see how they designed it and the Environmental Testing is in progress so things are up and moving on that project also um also just so everybody's aware and nobody panics every three years the district is supposed to go out and Lead test our water and that is up this year so if people here that we're testing for lead it's not a um issue that's going on it's something that we are required to do and we should be doing every three years and the sale of Port M the district um received approval from NJ dooe that we could sell that property so now we're just waiting um they have informed the County Parks and Recreation Department that the approval has been received so they can start the process of the closing of the sale which the estimate will take approximately six months um we did talk a little bit about the master facilities plan and the budget that's something that really needs to go when the whole committee is there so we could start um talking about it and planning it and involving the whole board in that we did get an inquiry from Verizon to put a cell phone tower up at High School North that's something we're going to discuss at a future meeting to see if there really is a need for us to do that on school property there's no conion to that and um that's about it they have um the facilities communties did a great job getting our schools up and running they look great I've been in few for different meat and greets and things like that and uh the buildings look great ready for the kids to come back hopefully everything is a smooth opening and we'd like to thank them for all their hard work and um I'm just really impressed how much that our facilities guys are being trained to do in house work and it's going to in the future save us a lot more money I ask who was at that facilities meeting what can I ask who was members Le and I Dar notified us on Friday that he couldn't make it Karina was on vacation had to go through with it I also asked to change it to a different date and I got shut down right away well I didn't shut you down I know I I you did I said yeah I was shut down Other M asked to fill in that is not my job to ask filling no chair doesn't have the authority to ask people filling but if you didn't want us to have it you could said it but the bottom line is we need to have this because we need to have this update for back to school and I talked to Frank about it Frank and I talked about it and we set I set the date we're GNA move on now to curricula thank you Miss K good evening everyone we had our last co-curricular meeting on August 19th Mr Carol our athletic director gave us an update on our athletic teams there will not be a freshman field hockey team at High School North or High School South due to lack of interest and not being able to field enough athletes for the squad also the following sport gymnastics at High School North does not have enough ath athletes to to um to have a team as well at the time of the meeting there were several teams that did not have transportation for the fall Sports we've gotten additional quotes to cover the athletic routes and they are on the agenda for this evening we also got into a conversation about our strength and conditioning coaches the group discussed ways to expand the audience that works for the strength and conditioning coaches we also talked about the importance of having our coaches collaborate with our strength and conditioning coaches during the offseason so our athletes can get um the most out of our services or their services the district as a whole is also taking steps to infuse the health and uh the strength and conditioning coaches skills into health and PE classes so we can expand the service to people who are non athletes as well that's it thank you so much mam moving on now to public comment on gender items only if anybody wish to make a comment on gender item you pleas step forward state your name and address for the record you no one want we're going to move on reports um I'm just going to say here we are about to start up a new year all the children getting ready uh the dad sending off two older ones to college I'm sure there's plenty in the district that actually sent their kids off to college it's pretty heart-wrenching me I should say and uh another year on the way and we're looking forward to a great year ahead of us now pass over to Mrs Al report thank you um I also wished to um start off the year the New Year by wishing everyone a Fant fantastic start of the school year for us Educators this is like uh you know an exciting time um it's the time where we all get to start with a clean slate fresh start new opportunities um we welcome our teaching staff members back tomorrow um we had our new educator Academy last week two freshman orientations today and our students will come back in on Tuesday so um that's why we do what we do so it's way too quiet over the summer so uh we can't wait to get our students back in the in the buildings I also would like to Echo the thank you to our facilities custodial and maintenance staff they really have done an outstanding job of getting our buildings prepared to open and that's with a lot of things still happening in our buildings um they have to work around our summer programming and you know teachers coming in and out during the summer and they just have done just an amazing job and our buildings look fantastic so I wish to thank them um I want to thank our administrative team we had our administrative Retreat yesterday which is always a great kickoff to our school year and I just want to thank them for all the preparation that gets done on their behalf and setting up for a new school year certainly um they work year round and the summer is extremely busy we are behind the scenes ensuring that everything runs smoothly when those doors open in September I also want to thank our instructional staff members many of of whom have already been in their building setting up their classrooms um you know usually around August 1st people get the itch to come back and you know they start to trickle in slowly to set up their rooms and you know get their class lists and and those types of things so I thank the staff because they do that on their own time um and they certainly do put a lot of heart and dedication into making sure that the spaces that we're welcoming our students into are um ready for them to learn inviting certainly um positive ones I will be sending out my uh back to school update it should go out tomorrow please take a little bit of time to review all the exciting things that are going on in the district it really does outline all of our major initiatives gives you some information with some links that you can look at some of um the things that we are doing across the district for the upcoming school year so that should be out tomorrow um two program that we're certainly excited about that um Mrs Farley mentioned in her report is the Jordan Toma event which for parents is scheduled for September 18th it'll be held here at High School North just because it's a larger venue um we can hold more people in that Auditorium that's why we selected north um it's a ticketed event and in my newsletter there is a link to purchase tickets and also you can grab the link off of the website under the event tickets tab uh we also have Robert Fran coming for the presentation um from the Princeton Review on selecting the right fit College um so we're inviting any parent to come to that and that's later um in October our major projects this summer I'm not going to review them because um the facilities report really had most of it in there I just want to reiterate it is our 100% intention to have the High School North Turf ready by game day September 6 hopefully a couple of days earlier that has always been our timeline we are challenged with starting any kind of work that involves that field till after we graduate our students which obviously happens very late in June and then depending on the scope of the work which in this case this entailed significant amount of drainage work which doesn't look like a lot but it's crucially important to the success of the turf and the longevity and lifespan of that Turf so hopefully we'll see lots of Green Turf being rolled out to tomorrow um and that is really the easiest part of the process that will go the quickest and it is we are 100% on the timeline that was promised to us so um we're excited for that September 6 kickoff game um we had as I mentioned two successful freshman orientations today it's always great to see the Freshman come in and I think they come in a little more confident every year probably a little more tall a little taller although I today kind of was like maybe I'm shrinking because they looked really really tall to me today um but they all come in and they have a great experience and the two buildings do it a little bit differently but equally as um beneficial for our kids and they have a great time um they get their Chromebooks which is always a cool thing and the best part about the day is the majority of it is run by our peer leaders in both buildings so they have a heavy hand in in greeting those new students and actually mentoring them during the course of their time that both high schools um we have on the agenda tonight our move from using Strauss Esme as our policy provider to um New Jersey school boards we will be um up for vote tonight is the adoption of that new manual we have spent the the last part of the the last most of last year really doing a crosswalk um with New Jersey school boards take a look at our policies because our policy committee has worked really really hard on really taking a critical look at our policies and ensuring that they fit the needs of our district so we wanted to make sure in the policy transition that we captured all of those changes and all of those things that are important um to our school community so we have that work done finally um it is a heavy lift like these are two massive binders of um policies that really represent the operational functioning of our district from students to staff to you know Administration the whole gamut um so that will be on for adoption tonight and certainly um if that should pass through the vote of the board then we will put that electronically online imminently um in partnership with New Jersey school boards so it will be publicly accessible the mammoth County um Arts High School has a program that we are going to be partnering with for this school year um we've had a a loose partnership with them in the past but this is going to be a more formalized partnership because we have moved away from having an Arts Academy housed in one building um in hope that we can provide more Equitable experience across both high schools however we do still recognize that there are some students that will have a dedicated passion for going into the Arts and might want some specialized programming so we are going to be partnering with New Jersey teen arts and we will be um supporting their admittance through through financial support um using Federal monies in order to be able to expand um what they do receive if they truly are students that have that passion and want to dedicate um a bulk of their athletic time or academic time rather to to going offsite and taking specialized courses so that will be something that we're launching this year um Mr tol he had um talked about the inclusive consultative model for World Language at the high school um that is hugely important they had been up until this point unsupported classes we are going to be providing providing support and also ensuring that those class sizes are reasonably lower um so that way we can and maximize the support that we're giving to those classrooms and finally tonight in the audience which I'm not going to steal um president Capone Thunder but we are going to be honoring one of our detectives in town detective Cruz who does a great deal of work with our students at our lead program um I just want to personally extend my thank you on behalf of our administrative team and the board of education on the work that you do with our students um it does go a long way um and the lead program is antiviolence anti-drug um but detective Cruz just has an amazing connection with our kids and they really truly get so much out of the program so um that's it we welcome everybody back and we'll see you all uh next Tuesday so that's okay a motion to approve the meeting minutes 7A B all in favor oppose exensions to the board that consent agenda a law enforcement against drug violence lead New Jersey instructor of the Year detective Ricardo Cruz whereas Midtown Township Police Department sector Ricardo f is awarded New Jersey instructor of the Year by lead for his work with nutof Elementary School Ocean Avenue Elementary School New MTH Elementary School linro Elementary School St Mary school and St Leo the great now therefore be it resolved that the Middletown Township Board of Education recognize detective tr's outstanding work with our students and celebrate his well-deserved honor I will say detective and I see chap weers in in audience here today and committee woman Clark uh fratz uh thank you so much for what you do each and every day for our students it sort of goes unnoticed but you behind the scene what you do we are all grateful as a board and as a district for everything that you do for us so thank you tremendously from the bottom of our heart would you like to come up and take a little photo with the board detective I know if you had a proclamation it be noted in yeah you be the photo you're a good photographer I'm not I'm a bad photographer congratulations okay moving on motion to approve recommendation of superintendent of scho consent to agender 10A through K all in favor I oppos exensions the motion to approve I know I got on one second Miss and motion approve 8 B move all in favor oppose extensions may have motion to approve business office consent agenda 9 a through J second all in favor I oppos extensions on to new business anybody have any new business old business anyone have any old business I now open the microphone up a public comment on non- agender items anybody wish to make a comment please say the name and address of the record no one want to make a comment make a motion to Jour all in favor thank you everyone