e e e e e e one good evening everyone adequate notes this meeting was provided by sending such notice to the Asbury par press the Middletown patch and the Middletown Township Public School District website and the posting of such notice at the August t- minor administrative offices in each elementary middle and secondary school and District roll Mrs CTI Mrs Farley here Mr Fitzgerald here Mrs minues Mrs skolaski here Mr K here Mrs Wright here Mrs tobacco here Mr here and I need a motion for exec session to discuss I appeals I update personel matters so second all in favor oens see you a little while e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e one good evening everyone please stand for the pledge end the moment of Sil former District employee Francis Fran Pierce passed away on April 29th 2024 Fran to High School South in 1982 until the retirement in 2006 we extend our deepest condolences to the peerce family the district also extends it condolences to family of Richard laa who passed away on May 15 2024 Richard is the president of Middletown chapter of International Alliance club and worked alongside our school nursing staff to organize vision screening for the children of mtown Township Schools thanks to his dedication many students were identified early for eye disorders and receive necessary corrective glasses and even crucial surgeries his contributions to the Middletown Community have enabled generations to see better enabling them to achieve greater success in school and life I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible Justice thank you [Music] everyone he tuo student speakers this evening calling up from High School North Mr Aiden aeden for this year how you doing aen yes well how about you H Perfect all [Music] right all right finally did it all right good evening our first praise program presents students with opportunities to recognize staff members positive contributions and influence throughout the school all nominees receive a certificate in High School North super Council consisting of elected officials from each co-curricular Club then selects one monthy coin recipient based upon the submissions last one's Award winner was Miss Bon ma teacher our second annual Advance placement Advantage fair was held yesterday in the media center during blogs 3 and 4 this program presented students who are currently enrolled in these courses speak to classmates about academic expectations class content and the many benefits it our boys and girls Tru programs softball teams and boys the cross team have all earned divisional championship titles the spring season after the fire an inspiring assembly about overcoming adversity CH through challenges will be presented to our class of 2024 Thursday May 23rd in the theater Patrick bonista was named NJ Advanced media's best Junior T player an impressive ath excuse me athletic ACC M boys has earned the all-time strikeout record for HS North's highly decorated software program and magnificent pitching achievement every MOS and Luke Sheen were honored with short conference Sportsman award a prestigious recognition that demonstrates their integrity respect and overall positive influence Nick bate Tommy Bady and Conor Walsh senior leaders of our cheering section have been nominated for the New Jersey high school game changers award enthusiasm SCH Spirit 15 decorated and outstanding student athletes who celebrated today during our spring signing events in the upper gym they include BR kinsky for division one wrestling to Ryder University gin and Ramos division two lacrosse to georgean court University aen Matos for division 2 lacrosse to Georgian Court University Madison marotti for division 3 basketball to Mont Clair State University Brian Deli division 3 football Bary Dion University Anthony Guzman division 3 football Keystone College Gavin hollering division 3 football Monclair State University Colin Jakes division 3 football to Alfred University Luke shean Vision 3 football Union College Ian P Morgan division 3 football Bradley Dickinson University Justin soda for division 3 football to Monclair State University Richie wton division 3 football to fairly dickon University Frank Z Now division 3 football fairly Dion University Caroline Prince for division three tennis to D sales University Nate Whitehead for division fre tennis the Catholic University of America 300 60 students took 517 advanced placement exams in our campus from May 6th to the 17th we are proud of focus and preparation for these important tests Artest exhibit of original projects from fine apply and Digital Arts is set for May 29th and 30th in the media center the evening Community session will be held on May 29th from 4 p.m. 6: p.m. Thursday May 30th is senior decision day where the members of our class 2024 will work year that presents the future Scholastic or career plans thank you have a good night thank you next up from High School South Mr Jake B [Music] good evening nice to see all of you Emily DeMarco completed her senior project as an inclusive art project for our autism program May was a month of testing njsla and AP tests were administered and all went well sophomore Yas Yasmin sandal and Junior Alex seagull were accepted into the cie global Navigators program for this summer gasmin will be traveling to coyota Japan in July to participate in the Japanese language and culture program Alex will be going to Sydney Australia in June to participate in the wildlife conservation from Lab to se each student will be in the respective countries for 3 weeks our spring sports teams are entering postseason play state tournament action Begins for most teams this week with several teams posting home game senior Rosie Shay recently won both the 800 met and 1600 met races at the M County championships senior golfer Dan cassid qualified for the Tournament of Champions After placing fifth in the north 2 group Three Tournament the basball team earned number three earned the number three seed in the short Conference tournament falling to the four time defending Champion RBC in the quarter final they still have the njsi AA tournament which begins this week the softball team Advanced to the finals of the mammoth County tournament blue division final against M South held its third Collegiate signing event of the year on May 16th with 12 student athletes celebrating their advancement to Collegiate Athletics Cassidy Brown Sean burn Dan Cass Derek amander Luke Cordo will Edwards Sean good Ali Owen Murphy Quinn P Pyers Evan RL and Jacob LEL were all celebrated during the event three films from South were selected to be scream at this year's Mont Clair emerging filmmaker competition on June 1st at the clarage theater in Mont New Jersey Christian Gaz Luke zini Adriana James kley and Julia Alexandre will be awarded the the jury prize for their films notas theore and the last call while giigi Mariana and Kate cashion will be taking home the grand prize where someday is today congratulations to Ethan Castro Michael Puma Colin chadborn Ben DeMarco GS Alex Miller Hayden alen Adriana Deno James kley Juliana Juliana Alexandre Jake greenwolf n Nick Valdez Joseph Part D Andy kersner Andy kersner Gigi Mariana and Kate cash four their films were selected to be screened at the Barry Moore Film Center in Fort Le New Jersey on June June 15th as a part of this year's New Jersey young filmmakers Festival their work is being recognized by the New Jersey's longest running film festival and all films will be awarded either first second or third place on the date of the festival the 10th Annual Middletown High School South stent Film Festival will be taking place on June 14th at 700 p.m. in the Southside theater the festival will showcase some of the students work that was created over the course of the Year tickets are $5 in closing I would like to thank all of you for this great opportunity as this will be my last meeting of the year as I'll be attending the American Legion voice SE at the time of the June meeting it's been an honor and a privilege to learn to witness and learn all the good work you all do to benefit the students in time and I'd like to welcome Conor M he will speak Jake it's been an honor you being with us thank you so much thank [Applause] you at this time um I would like to introduce Conor MCA from High School South who is going to be talking uh tonight about his experience in our transition program at High School South [Music] Anna hi my name is Conor I've been a part of the transition program for two years in transition program I've learned meaningful meaningful life skills and employment skills the transition program combines classroom lessons work-based learning and Community Based instruction to care my years and I for adult life I started my work base learning with two days a week at Brookdale kitchen one day at Party Fair and one day at DW this current school year I'm participating in work based learning at Town Park and I paid job at noland's Cafe last year while I was volunteering at Party Fair I I was doing very well and was offered a paid job there this year I take one day off of school week we attend working point there in addition I was I was recently offered an opportunity to intern at the town clerk over the summer in the transition program I have learned how to advocate for myself I learn life skills such as grocery shopping social skills cooking skills and participated in recreational activities in the transition program I I do a card called the the miles par being and my classmates plan organize shot and prepare the food so the staff M High School South every Friday in the program we spend time learning employment skills and preparing for future employment I given the opportunity to have support at the job sites I'm able to work towards independence like I did a part of there the program also goes on weekly on weekly weekly Community trips where we learn about our community have the opportunity you use skills we have learned in real world situations a typical day for us is that we come into school and prepare for our jobs that day we do classroom activities about life skills and employment skills after block one we leave our work sites we remain at our work sit for the majority of the day once we return return to school we complet we complete a reflection on our day of work we are given we are given the chance to discuss any issues and then we head to self-directed physical education where we get physical activity doing things we enjoy I want to give a special thank you to my parents Mrs Mandel Mrs blin Mr Toria Mr Tomo and my parents for helping me have confidence with this speech and give the opportunity to do the speech and I'm very glad not I do this thank [Applause] [Applause] you to thank you and I sure that I Echo the sentiments of the Board of Education and the other administrators and your teachers and your parents that we are just so proud of you um proud of the work that you've done proud of the effort you've put in and proud of you for getting up there and speaking tonight so um beautifully about the program um and you are 100% the reason why we do what we do so thank you thank you very [Applause] much we now V to Mr KT Patrick for the presentation of f grades in SS yes so proud of you Conor thank you Mr tough act to follow okay so while we're pulling up the presentation twice a year we present information related to student safety data system and P assessment scores this evening I am going to be presenting information related to ssds for the first period period one of the school year which is September 1 through December and I'm going to compare that data to period one of the 2022 2023 school year I'm also going to be discussing the hip self assessment scores which were discussed earlier in the year which I'll touch on in just a minute but I'll start with ssds information Shannon please okay like I said this is ssds information from period one of this year and also period one of the 2022 2023 school year so it's a period one comparison next year in the fall I will be doing a comparison of the entire year period one and period two which starts in January and goes to the end of the school year and I'll compare it to the entire school year 2223 so the column all the way to the left addresses an incidents that have to be reported to the state on a monthly basis and those incidents include anything related to violence vandalism substances weapons confirmed hips nonconfirmed hibs and any other incidents that lead to students removal from school program whether it's a suspension or an in school suspension so if you look at the far right hand column you can see the breakdown of each one of those incidents for period one of this school year and then you can compare the middle column which was the 2223 school year what I want to draw your attention to are the Hib confirmed and the Hib alleged for this school year if you combine those two rows and compare them to the two rows combined of the 2223 school year you'll see there's a substantial difference the Board of Education adopted our principal preliminary determination this year which has given Administration the ability to not investigate certain certain um incidents that don't necessarily meet the skate criteria for harassment intimidation and bullying so I just wanted to point that out those are the comparisons for period one for the last two school years I'm going to speak about HIIT assessment grades next if you recall back in the fall I presented these numbers from the self assessment scores that each school school climate team put together after filling out the state's assessment after we presented it to the the board back in the fall we send the states in the scores into the state and they review them they have now approved them and that's why I'm presenting them right now they've been approved by the state those are all of the individual scores for each school and the district grade score which is 73 and that's out of a possible of 78 those scores have been placed on every school's website as well as the district website right now over the course of the summer we'll get information from the state that will that I will pass on to our counseling staff and they will start breaking down the self assessment for this school year and that will be posted next school year any questions that anyone has related to ssds data or hi data they can reach out to me at central office I'd be happy to have a conversation with them thank you very much have a great night thank you Mr Patrick moving forward committee reports I'm hand to miss the finance committee um met yesterday we had few items on the agenda first off we had our representatives from the incoming health insurance broker Brio benefits uh Richard Kinski and Jason U the committee talked about our 2425 renewal information uh that had been developed over the past uh few months and since we're making a transition with our broker we have um the information that our um outgoing broker had been working on for a few months and uh gotten proposals for we brought the new broker in to re review all that information and consult on it uh came to a consensus on what direction to go to for next year uh that they were comfortable with as well and we've added that to the agenda uh tonight because we have to have new contracts in place by July 1st so we did discuss that with them uh we also went over uh if you notice on this agenda every may we do a variety of reorganization items and professional appointments those are all listed on the agenda this evening uh we did review all of those uh we do this on an annual basis uh so there are quite a few things on there that we have to renew for next year but we went over those in the committee uh we also talked about we obtained some updated appraisals on some of our vacant property uh we did get those reports uh we are in the process of reviewing them and the committee will continue to discuss you know in what direction to go uh with those properties in the future uh we did talk about uh possibly going through the process to be able to get approval uh to make them available for sale if you CH to do that in the future and that's you know we do have uh couple we did we also did talk about the class three officer agreement that will be on the agenda uh for June we're at the end of our initial contract period two years and we do have one uh two-year renewal available to us so we will be approving that in June uh and also the township we need to approve that as well we've been in contact with them to coordinate that and thanks Mr okay we now have a public comment for agender item only if you wish to make a comment please step forward state your name and address for so you know St forward we're going to move close for the comment and continue on um I just want to say to everyone here like to welcome Mr Evan to the table he's a new lead now and uh just want to point that out to you in my report [Music] made the table U I'm now going to hand up to Mrs Alon to speak that superintend great thank you um so a couple of things tonight um the first I want to make mention of um and a lot of these things went out in my update on Friday to the community but to reiterate them um we have evolved our parent information committee to become um stakeholder collaborative sessions to um try to expand um our parental involvement on a variety of topics and initiatives within the district um these will be small Focus discussions and we just had our two very first one was related to GPA transcripts and college admissions um at the high school level and there was lots of productive convers productive conversation and some action items that we took away from that for the future and then we had a second uh small group Forum where we talked about literacy initiatives and the um at the K to 5 level and our Elementary School report card redesigned particular to grades four and five which I'll speak about in a moment um there was a link that was embedded in my communication if any parent or um family member has interest in participating in one of these forums for next year you simply have to put your um name contact information and any topics that you think you would want to be a part of a discussion for and we're going to start to form um small groups that will operate all year long so that way parents have a very granular level of input into some of the things that are happening across the district as I mentioned we are in the process currently of redesigning our fourth and fifth grade report card we're starting there um the init the impetus behind this was to create a hybrid model that built a better Bridge from our fourth and fifth grade into our Middle School um as many of you know our Elementary report cards are standard-based which means they include no percent AG values um and we are finding and found that that is a detriment to sixth graders when they come into middle school because they've never been graded on a percentage basis before so what we're looking to do is take our fourth and fifth grade literacy and math grades to start and have them have a percentage tied to them that's in alignment with how that's created at the middle school but also have some standards indicators that are broader um to give a little bit more specified feedback in those content areas we are certain that this will be live and ready to go by the Fall for our first trimester reporting and between now and that time we'll be having parent sessions to share and roll out that new report card uh model for fourth and fifth grade in conjunction with that we're also um redesigning our fourth and fifth grade literacy curriculum to better align with our um new report card model so that's all going to happen in conjunction um we're also really excited um to announce that in September a renowned motivational speaker Jordan Toma is coming to Middletown his program I am just a kid with an IEP Inspire students to turn their struggles into strengths he will be conducting an event at both High School South and High School North for our ninth graders in the new um freshman Frontiers redesign as kind of a kickoff event um and he's not just a speaker it's a whole event so it really does um get the student excite students excited and engaged in the program um we're also really excited to bring him back that evening at 700 p.m. for a parent night um where you know parents can bring students that aren't in ninth grade to hear him speak it will be a ticketed event and more information will come we are going to have it here at High School North because we have a greater Auditorium capacity um but more information but we're really excited to bring Jordan to Middletown um get on YouTube check him out he has um some great content that is really inspiring and motivating and he really really um impacts the kids in a really positive way um in in his visit so we're excited um I can't believe we're already talking about graduation because we're a little shy of a month we're about a month away um tickets will be available through hometown our online um ticketing app on June 3rd at noon all middle school students will have access to six tickets per student and all high school students will have access to eight tickets per student and these allotments are based on our capacities at the various venues where we conduct our graduation and promotion ceremonies the last thing I just want to kind of talk about is We are continuing to move forward with our link coft Annex project and planning for the linkof annex to be the eventual home of our miles program which is which is our 18 to 21y Old transition program um a team of District staff members with a vested interest in the project met today with our architect to discuss layout timelines and vision of the overall project we're really excited to move forward with this and I have to say this is a project that I am absolutely so proud to be a part of um we have so many amazing success stories of students in the transition program and tonight you were able to witness that for hand um our goal is to continue to grow this program in an effort to help our postsecondary students develop important job skills and simultaneously expand our offerings for full-time employment after they get out of the transition program and or max out of age at 21 um individuals who may have challenges may need additional support in the form of coaching and modeling but as you can see these success stories like Connor Define what can be accomplished it is our job as Educators I believe to remove barriers and provide support and opportunities to ensure that all of our students can contribute to the World when they leave us at whatever age that may be if I were to get to pick where the legacy of my time would be I would forever want mine to be etched into this program it is truly work that matters and cultivates a larger inclusive culture that we want to exist for our students and for all individuals so you know Connor is a shin tring star for us and an example of all that can be um and I know myself and the board are dedicated to having that program um you know support other students that um that are capable and can contribute in a really really positive way in the world so that's it that's all I have thank you for listening thank you miss all right I need approval of the meeting minutes 10 A and B mtion to approve so okay discussion all in favor I oppose extensions I need a motion to [Music] approve appointment for 2024 25 school year 11 a through y discussion all in favor oppose OBS a motion to approve business office consent agender 12 a through n and the addendum 1 A and B discussion all in favor oppose OBS a motion to approve superintendent of school's recommendation consent agenda 13A through d motion to approve 13 a through Mo second discussion all in favor I oppose I oppose 88 no 8 okay on on the entire item hey yes okay and uh we're going to move on to the uh 26979 26 3623 and 26854 motion to approve each one second discussion all in favor I am in favor yes on all [Music] three yes oppos I'm in favor on the the first and the third so I'm in favor on 261 979 and 260 854 and I'm no on 263 623 and I'm exactly the same same same I have Mr F Mrs Right good move on to Old business does anyone have old business to speak about I'm not sure I was go sorry I just want to tell the board that I attend and the public that I attended the njfca delegate assembly this Saturday as a voting delegate um my first time it was very interesting exercise and learning what and what power the boards have and don't have in terms of legislation for njsba and what the njsba supports um some interesting topics were brought up including changes to the hi law um changes to social studies curriculum there was a a motion to put social studies and um history lessons into every single subject um among the boards forth and so just for everyone's information we are able to come together as a board to write any resolution that we feel like like the NJ to support there's another assembly in December and so talk about that much lative like yeah it very interesting right I'm just up an old business but we have a conflict on June 18th in our calendar for our board meetings it is graduation for the middle school so everybody can work out their calendar real quick and think if the following week the 24th would work which is the Monday [Music] Tuesday the 25th work I think so yes said yes all right it's over the 25th it is that will be our new date for our meeting Tuesday June 25th anyone else for old business Aiden Jake we going to you next do you have any business that you like to speak of anything you want to talk about you know this your last meeting Jake and we are very honored like I said before don't know a DAT change I might be here all right just an FYI you're graduating the 19th if not the 20th so this is the next week so well I'm here I'll be here next you to we look forward to have you in June if you can make do want to say though that the the Navy is coming to South good stuff [Music] all right anyone else a new business any new business yeah I have new business um I'd like to request that we convene the policy committee to create a district policy regarding the use of cell phones in school during the school day I believe that if we enact a policy prohibiting the use of cell phones during the school day we will notice not only an improvement in student educational achievements and attention but we will see social and emotional improvements as well the vast majority of bullying instances we see as a board involve the use of a cell phone in some way often during the school day this has to stop school should be a place for students to thrive and it is Our obligation as a district to provide them with these opportunities prohibiting the use of cell phones during the school day is the best way to start presently the code of conduct does not permit students to use their phones during instructional time but my understanding is that this is very difficult to enforce there was just an article in the Wall Street Journal yesterday I don't know if anybody else saw it but a teacher who quit the profession over his frustration with students in cell phones what a distraction and detriment it had been to it become to students both educationally and socially and emotionally our teachers have enough important jobs to do during the day and they already go above and beyond for our students they should not also be tasked with constantly regulating cell phone use study after study has confirmed that the most successful course of action is to prohibit the use of cell phones during the day entirely we can discuss the best way to implement this with the committee and administration but I would like to see that been in place by the start of next school year I know there will be some parental concerns and we will definitely do our best to make sure that those are addressed and then just as in the side um I'd like to encourage any parent who's interested um or who feels passionately about this to check out the book The anent Generation by Jonathan hate um it just came out a couple months ago it's an incredible book talks about uh the struggles of a phone based childhood that started in the early 2010s when the iPhone and social media became very prevalent and has great suggestions for what we can do as parents and as a community to try to turn this around and give our children the childhood that they deserve um and I'd like to do my part for all the children in Middletown by focusing on this effort this summer to roll out in the fall looking to cify student I'm looking to create a policy on cell phone use in school I think I think everybody all of you guys should read that book it's ex incredible right I know I want to assign it to every parent like in the hospital here so I'm having a permit poliy meeting and I think it is crucial to discuss it and there's a lot of logistics to figure out it might not be the same policy in elementary middle and high but I think we do need to discuss it y um I also believe that in terms of kids who do abuse their cell phone privileges by participating in some kind of hip or using as a tool of bullying those privileges should be revoked um to be bringing a school at all but I think we can discuss it and we can listen to our entire board feedback as well and Community feedback um and just as an asign before the policy Comm Le time just figure out a date to meet we also have a big agenda with our njsba policy toview um as we move some St ese over to our njfca policy manle so we just all meet before everyone runs out of here thank you and just to be clear we're not looking for a ban so we looking to cify our currents to cour we're not looking to cify ex I'm not committing to anything I think what I want to do is to be in the policy committee to create a policy regarding the use of cell phones I think we need to talk to administrators in the school find out you know what their take is what they think um no one is I'm not proposing that we say you know that we take student cell phones away from them when they arrive for the day and don't give them you know that we collect them somewhere and have them in the office or something like that um but I'm I'm we need to discuss it in policy I don't think that the current code of conduct is effective and so I don't really think it should be cified I think we need to start from scratch and I would love to for the pause the meeting also if we could hear from the secondary principles they've given us some feedback already oh great so just a question are are phones right now currently allowed to be used during educational time in school when directed by a teacher okay so when it's so they're not allowed now and only when directed by teacher they to their personal devices while they're in classroom Mr col can correct me if I'm wrong at the high school level the students are allowed to use them in the lunchroom and in the hallway in a free time correct but in the classroom it has to be under the direction of the educator so we looking to take away during the free time also or you want to take away during the free time yes but why are we having this discussion now and she just asked that's true I would like to talk about like to know right now we have it already you're not allowed to use these yes but it's not effective you've seen the videos that have been presented to us as part of his that were literally filmed during the day so we also paral rights in this whole Community okay so if you don't want your child to be bringing cell phones to school that is your choice but you also have other obstacles as in people who work children who work that have their employer right after school you have issues of safety issues that would be coming up with a cell phone so to say that we're going to ban people meeting and I think that the test discussion now among the board is ludicrous I think it's a policy meeting to discuss she did not sayon she did not say that no one is looking to fully ban cell phones or OB with them or because like I'm just saying a parent if they do not want that phone in that classroom or in that school that is your right to say to your Child leave your phone at home but if you're a parent who wants that phone at school that is up to you it's called parental Choice which we as a board I believe fight for each and every day I don't think this is a parental Choice issue in any way shape at all when you're in school you're subject to the rules of the school so if a parent has to set limitations around their child's use of a cell phone before school after school on the weekends whatever that's great they're welcome to do that what I'm talking about is creating a policy like we have dozens of hundreds of policy no but just like all of our other policies to govern behavior in the school setting during the school day which we have the pr to deal which you also have right now currently but we just need to police we don't have a cell phone policy and as I mentioned we have a video recording policy and we have a code of conduct that is in our handbook that is not a Bo policy that tells you not to use your a board policy do not have a board policy regarding cell phone use so we will cify our student for that's not what she's asking toy and I think Frank you're on the policy commit right so we can discuss this I just I want to be clear this is a big situation we talking about that's well okay just to add I know there's other districts that have uh Cubbies that they take their cell phones and public correct Cubbies or there's the um the little pouches pouches there's lots of options we're certainly not the first school district that has contemplated this problem and there are many districts that have been very successful in implementing these policies and have seen really huge benefits to their you know their communities and as a policy chair I would like to have this meeting and have discuss in a committee meeting all the pros all the cons all the input from everyone and I think we need to yes acknowledge that this is probably a heated topic but again as I said it also could be different protocols for different grade levels and I think we need input from our principles on all that sounds good back to policy goes any more new business actually I would like to make a motion I don't know if this is the vote or what but I'd also like to to make a comment um I would like to keep new business and old business conversations to actual board business from here on out and not have it be just a recounting of different School men and there's a different place for that but I think we do need to continue to keep board business to actual presenting just as ke did a topic that has to go back to a committee or that something that needs to be discussed um I know a lot of times we just get an email or someone will just mention like oh I want to talk about this in meeting but I think the board new business should actually be kept to what is the board's business at hand that we have to accomplish I think that's actually how Rob that would be the rule that that already applies here so just a matter have REM board members for Jackie's motion and all right and we have the microphone open for public I'm sorry Adriana and Jake you're good micophone open for public comment on anything you'd like to speak of just please take your name and address for record Mark Pap very great job on the cell phones I agree 100% it definitely needs to be looked into there has to be a full thought out plan but you know in my wife's School in a different District they implemented this uh last year actually just in her school and it was Mayhem at first the first month was May with parents and the teachers and this year it's been a different story because now the kids are used to it and it's what's normal and well you bring up the point that it's the parent right for the kid to bring the phone to school what the parent that doesn't want their kid to have the phone in school and is now being exposed to the kid who brought it in it's it's kind of a gray area so I agree definitely look into that great policy it would be benefit to districts need to get off get off social media go on social media 3:00 not during lunch that's when incidents can start you know or a meme comes up or something that just doesn't belong thank you anyone else pH the microphone just name and we very official official hi how and I think you'll be surprised Frank but I think most parents would agree with this so I know that you are concerned a little bit about that but I think most parents moms um they'll be on board of course I'm not disagreeing with anyone I just want to make it clear that this is the the way we look to movement you say right now is actually a good idea kind of wild that the the the cell phone right now the internet social media it's kind of like you know taking over everyone's lives but there's still not policy to regulate school time regardless if it's in the hallways if it's a classroom it doesn't matter it needs to exist so it's a great initiative so and we also need to teach our children responsibility as well so moving on in life at one point we need to know that if you're going to have a phone College J Adriana to use it know how to use it prog anyone else want to make a phone com see I to a Jour the meeting faor have a great night