good evening everyone adequate notes of this meeting was provided by sending such notice to the a press the Middletown patch and the Middletown Township Public District website and the posting of such notice at the a minor administrative offices in each elementary middle and secondary school and District Mrs C here Mrs fary here Mr here Mrs Vues here Mrs skolaski here Mr T here this right here Mrs tobacco here Mr here I need a resolution for executive session to speak out legal case say update and Personnel matters all in favor oppostion see students and attendance of 15 different states and five different countries the the students who attended had a great experience of learning and participating in how to effectively Implement change at a World level of government the M sou academic team competed in the JF High School academic on January 26th Place 4th 5th and 8th out of 16 schools congratulations to m Joe Marco Sean mer holls their film Panic was selected as an honorable mention at this year's Sun Valley Jun film competition in Sun Valley Idaho the film was selected from a field over 500 F submissions from 68 different countries 39 of our were inducted into South chapter of science National Society on Wednesday February 1th proximately 100 students attended South First winter formal on February 15 great success the winter sports season is winding down with teams competing a postseason play seniors Rosie Shay and MD hussy form their 3200 M rates and shot foot respectively at the North two group three champ Junior Peter CH won the P clearing a height of 12 the girls swim team finished in third place at the short conquer championships winning the 400 me relay the hockey team team up with mown North raised $10,000 for infinite love kids funing cancer organization the three game fundraiser culminated with the JD game between the two teams but several children from the organization in attendance Taken part in both free and South will be hosting the second annual staff student cor throughout the month of March 90 teams of one staff member and one student will be competing for this year's title as well as representing a charity of their choice wi will present a donation to a Char you [Applause] speaking next from High School North Mr a good see good see let's see if I get this right this time even of the prde our student staff member of the month recognition program so great excellence serves as our school Community Foundation last month's award recipients include our ninth graders Gian Arina and Addison C 10th graders PA p and Lina bani our 11th graders Ella AER and Alexa V our 12th graders Alana woods and Frank Z and our staff member recipient is Mr Bard our social studies teacher interviews were conducted to select students for American Le boys state and highly respected esteemed a very selective educational program at R University here students become a part of the operation of local County and state government they build upon the already event leadership skills and discuss ways to further rich communities our attendees are R Miller Tre gas Ron PA 17 of our students earn the Seal of Biol literacy prestigious academic honor that demonstrates Proficiency in two or more languages it include and in Spanish Sergio I with Spanish haly Robertson with Spanish K Pinsky with Spanish Alon brown with Spanish us with Spanish Alo OFA with Spanish tyer with Spanish and Alysa uraga with Spanish and French Talia Fernandez with French and Portuguese Dix with French is with French with Italian Italian Ash Mal with Italian Parson with Italian and lastly Olivia zic Italian our guidance Department hosted its annual parent college application information night on February 15th the session features strategies insights and timelines for our classic 45 over 100 family MERS attended this educational event in our media center the following students competed at the dean marketing organizational Regional competition at ke University in January 4th for outstanding performance coupled with the squires of the DECA 100 question business desk qualify them to represent North the DECA state competition and Atlantic City from March 4th to the 6th here students will compete over with over 25 00 of their peers from across the state for a chance to represent New Jersey at the international competition in April these students include Andy aam J baringer Kevin cordella Van constant your try aen corero Theodora isic cath CER Elliot Kennedy de Metro Jake Minon Minon William RI and L our hockey team won the mayor's cup and imports CommunityWide tradition and are competing in the njsi AA flight off tonight vers Hunter Dawn Central our boys basketball team won short conference coaches Cup Tournament and will compete in njs AA playoffs at e way high school this Thursday and this weekend district 18 wrestling PR 11 competitors qualified to progress into regions they are Tyler Odin Shane Neo Conor Brown lell finished in third place Thomas BL Justin Fon and Michael DWI earn second place finishes and Jacob Hortman M castelli Ben Benbrook and Bradley kinsky finished in first place this Mark kin's Third District title over his career Mr Morley was also recognized as District a KS coach of the year at the state sectional championships for track Pino plac fourth ashy Rizo played six in the P earning models also a reed won a medal finishing fourth and high jump Richie Bolton played six in the 55 meter dash earning a medal and aen Marrow earned a spe champion title with a gold and shot freshman for day a program that enables e8th grade students to authentically experience classes here at North is under way 110 students from bore Thor hon and several other local private schools have taken advantage of this opportunity Community leaders have envisioned and campus to speak with nor Civic leadership excuse me North Civic leaders about positively influencing Society through AC leadership so far the speakers have included mayor Perry commissioner director or known deputy director and Senator o thank you have a good night thank [Applause] you now stop our committee reports to turn the micophone over this Harley for culum and instruction thank you we met last week um not a terrible amount of things to report but I did want to touch on the um the element I'm sorry the district calendar for 2425 is on the agenda for a vote tonight this you all know and um something I think is pretty exciting that's different about this year's calendar is that there is no longer a the week of C days for elementary conferences that used to be in December every year because the elementary um parent teacher conference structure is being totally revamped for next year in a way that um with collaboration with uh committee of teachers and administrators and trying to and feedback from parents and the community trying to um put together something that's going to be more beneficial for uh teachers parents you know and students going forward to make the best use of that time so that's a really exciting thing uh that we've been trying to get going and I'm very happy to see that it's happening for next year um and I guess the only other thing I was going to hit on Aiden talked about it a little bit but the Seal of biliteracy there were 17 students at High School North and also three at High School South who earned that this year which is really impressive that's all the finance and hand microphone over to miss we met on February 16th uh talking about two major topics one is on the agenda for this evening the sale of Fort M Property we did approve the sale of putting properties up for sale last month uh this month we are adding two more lots to that and we are also accepting an informal offer that we received from the county of M for the purchase of our property in the amount of 2.5 million the acceptance is only conditional on the approval receipt from the njde we are going through that process now so that's on the agenda this evening uh we also had a discussion about the 2425 budget um Mrs Al phone and I shared information with the committee regarding some potential budget strategies for next year we are continuing our discussions uh we also talked about ways to offset you know we are we are facing some challenges so we talked about some ways to offset those we do have to have a tenative budget submitted to the county by March 20 um I have one note that's actually not something we talk about committee because we got out the information after that but I just want to also report that the district received notification of a war of 2324 stabilization Aid we did apply for that back in September and being a district that's losing money under the S2 legislation we had the opportunity to apply for some restoration funds we were awarded $2,184 which is the net amount of our state aid reduction for this year after they did a reduction they refunded some of the money last year and we received the rest of it back so essentially we were made whole for reduction in aid for the current care so we got that notification and that's it thank you I'm St back to Mr T on streen services for a second sorry no problem thank you yes we also special services met last week as well um we talked about a number of things that relate to some of the the higher level structural things we're working on to try to improve social opportunities for special students um first thing I'll point an extra curricular activities as well um UniFi cheer program uh the special Comm talk about how to coach that program that people involved are working hard at uh coming up with a plan to expand that into next year where it isn't just isolated to the unified sporting event but an opportunity for them to rotate in at all sorts of sporting events starting fall including football games I was excited to hear that on that note I'll just point out the UniFi cheer event was snowed out last week that was going to be their last game I think and it got canell but it is being made up this Thursday at South at 500m so encourage people to check that out um also something uh just very exciting to hear about we got some feedback at the parent forums where we learned that there's a group of high school students here at North who had an idea for a club that they came up with um called triaa um which is athletes athlete Alli athlet allies for autism so this is a group of high school students athletes who came up with the idea where they're going to travel to elementary school autism classrooms to engage in sports activities uh with the students in those classes um a number of the the kids involved in this are the older siblings of younger autistic siblings and they found you know great benefits and and opportunities in their life with their siblings and they want to expand that to the school Community which which was awesome and uh just that phone worked with them to try to move that along they thought they get a roadblock but looks like it's going to happen as soon as March get started with that um and then last we we talked towards the end of last year about just trying to brainstorm and come up with ways to identify and curate um and coordinate the social opportunities for specialist students um one kind of practical uh achievement that they're working on now is coming up with a like a centralized single landing page off the district website where all clubs and activities um can all be accessed you know in the same place in sort of a standardized centralized real time manner for the access and communication without clubs without their meeting things like that so there's a lot being pulled together from a lot of different corners of all buildings and hopeful that's going be thank you great thank you Mr moving to facilities Miss Min um a report out on that thank you um facilities committee met also on February 16th we discussed a variety of topics uh one of them was the the committee received an update on the master facilities assessment work that's currently being performed by spel Architectural Group we did that for grou Google meet Steve SE P they have completed a certain portion of the work the C building envelope grps Windows do Etc walking through most of the buildings at this point and the next stage is to meet the administration of each building to identify instruct program needs facilities issues that need to be addressed we are going to be updating our long range facilities plan based on the work done in this assessment we are required to do that and fiveyear interval so this will allow us to update our long range facilities plan and also give the boards and the administration more information for planning can I sorry can I just ask you quickly to and um I know that you know you guys have the committee when can the rest of the board expect to see maybe something stive like we're paying them a lot of money every month as part of this master plan and I know we a lot of us board members did walkthroughs of all of the buildings over the course of the last couple of years and met with Administration and kind of feel like spel maybe repeating some of that work obviously we're not Architects and we're not in a position to you know be making suggestions for um master plan purposes but I'm just kind of wondering when we could expect to see some um I don't know something substantive to riew there and especially because I noticed that they said next step would include solicitation of community input um and I I'm just wondering like what is there even to solic like what are they finding what what do our schools need specifically and what community input would beess so when they get closer to a final report they will be coming back to present to the board and any kind of timeline for that uh they were looking at toward the end of this school year that we would do that it does take some time they they're doing a lot of this stuff off hours when students on't in the building and uh meeting with admin ation when they're not tied up with students so we are working through it but definitely before there will be a final product issue that be for discussion Bo and presentation I mean they're doing specific things to update our more wange facilities plan so it would be as far as far as the instructional program pce goes it would be taking that and then crystalizing it into specific items in our La Range and along with budget numbers for that too so so it's more than just saying what would you like to see it's how would we get that done and how much it cost so that's all part of this process as well and could you explain um to everybody how eel works is the on retainer does he get paid for each job uh we get proposals for each assignment that that's given whether it be this or whether it be something related to a project they develop a proposal based on the time that they anticipate for the we review that and then goes on the agenda for the and they've always been a part of the long range plan well they have been working with us for the last several years and so when we do long range facilities plans outd they have assisted Us in doing that so we are required to do that with the doe like I said at certain intervals but it also is something that's an important tool for the board for planning purposes now than they're involved we talked a little bit about the L 12 um complex is is involved in that yes that's actually that was going to be part of my of our committee report but yes they they are um so our project updates a couple of things I just want to touch on is the high school North T track um as you know we did award those contracts at a previous board meeting we are currently working with the contractors on the timeline and the details of the project Pro work will begin at the end of the school year because we really can't disturb the field before the end of the school year but there was a lot of pre-work that goes into that but you won't see anything physical until the school year ends U we also talked about I'll skip down to Mrs Min just mentioned the link Annex we are looking at that facility to perhaps transition transition our transition program that having a high school uh over to that facility but we never used that space for educational purposes or if it was it was a very long time ago not anything recent so spel had is involved we had them look at the site and we are talking with our Administration and trying we're trying to find a plans to that building Township may have them too but anyway just to see what upgradings or what things we might need to fix before we can use it as an educational facility that njd we will have to approve that as well and then also what we might what alterations we may want to make to accommodate the program so we are currently working with them to develop that scope and then want the budget for that would be is that part of the retainer that we have with them or is this an independent I don't think any of us we didn't V to look at anything right we don't have a retainer again we have a specific project they develop a scope and a fee and then we approve that se so when they do come back to us with what they think needs to be done at the link prop anex you know then they would develop a proposal and they would say this is you know what our fees would be to assist with this project we review it and then you approve that for no cost we develop the proposal for no cost or proposal but not but not the plans for the project scope right yeah okay it's just cosmetic we need I don't I don't believe it's just going to be cosmetic I mean they're assessing all of the systems the HVAC the ventilation um any other things that they need to be improved I mean they're looking at the whole building envelope and and also there's going to be some changes inside the building to change the layout and so forth so we have to take all that into account I don't I can't tell you what the scope of work is going to be right now but it does seem to be it's going to be somewhat more cosmetic nothing to but it's it's not going to be just pain um another thing we talked about is it's actually on the agenda or it was on the agenda we approved a no I'm sorry it is on the agenda for harmony playground we are approving a contract for purchase of equipment uh if the board remembers we received a grant uh for that last year through the local Recreation grant program uh so we are now awarding a contract to purchase the equipment and to put down some surfacing and also to relocate some existing prepay equipment that is in the main playground area over to where the prepaid playground is so we discussed the scope of that total cost of all of that work including the purchase of the U equipment that were adding to the playground is 11,754 of which 69,000 of that will be offset by this Grant and then the rest of it is included in our budget for this current year so we will be moving forward with that related to that you know after the committee meeting we did talk about amongst the administrative team and conjunction with u River Plaza PTA they're in they've been raising some funds and are continuing to raise some funds to work on their their playground and they were interested in having the district apply for Grant funds to help supplement their efforts there is some equipment there that needs replacement we're getting to the point with some of their equipment where we can't get a replacement parts so we are putting together an application with the loal Recreation program grant for this year and there is resolution on the agenda for the board to approve for our submission for that Grant which is due next week so we will apply for that and we did explain to them it is a competitive Grant last year we applied for $100,000 for Harmon you received 69,000 so you don't know if it'll be awarded or how much it will be we put forward your best efforts and we'll give it a try but we are sort of Expediting that them because it just kind of came to light from our end that they were interested and moving forward with that project that want to assist and get that application in and see if we can get some more funds to help that can I just ask about that I'm a little concerned that this grant is out there and we never applied for it and and reading the email that I got this morning was a little really taken back by how they say the condition of that playground equipment is if I read it right Gary it said something about plywood being around one of the um playground equipment to me that's that's not acceptable we had to have known about this ahead of time it never came up in facilities and you know now all of a sudden today we find out that you know we're we're applying for this grant when we probably should let every other school apply for the grant too um but obvious obviously they in dire need if their playround equipment is surrounded by plywood that's pretty unsafe and it never came up in facilities that just takes me T really hit me the wrong way that how could we let this happen and how could we have not applied for this grant without them coming to us for it why didn't why wasn't this automatically applied for knowing that the playground equipment was in such dire need I mean we might get it we might not get it but by not applying for it we'll never know and now we are but we're only doing it at the last minute this should have been on the radar before today that's just my personal opinion and I I think if there's other facilities that you know have major issues like plywood and stuff around their playground equipment I think it should be brought to the facilities committee so that we could address those issues or try to I just was taken back by the whole email and I I felt bad that we didn't know that ahead of time and why we weren't going to apply for that Grant unless they approached us that's all I'm just kind of annoyed by that the other couple things that we talked about where sustainable Jersey for schools and Mr Nasser has updated the committee on the progress of our work to obtain a district certification under this program certification in this program we give the District of preferred status in the application process for Grants offered by this program as well as being a positive Initiative for the district each school can get certification as well es North is already certified and the district certification points will assist the schools in getting their individual certifications as well as we pursue that we also talked about the 2425 facilities budget budget is basically flat there are no significant maintenance projects or any capital projects currently budgeted at this point in budget development and we are looking at anything else that we may want to add or alter before we finalize T budget in March and just and I you know we did have a note here that we did discuss briefly at the facilities committee meeting on last Friday that Mr T did mentioned that the slide at Plaza was in disrepair that was the first time we did discuss it at the meeting was last week but we did we we discussed that and Mr Nasser did share that the PTA was also looking at that as well so this all evolved very quickly knowing that the PTA was also working on raising funds and so it was decided that a collaborative effort to try to match the grant funds with the pta's funds would be able to give them a an amount of money that could actually move something ahead I'm not disagreeing with that I I think we absolutely have to go ahead with it I'm just disappointed that we didn't hear about this you know Gary said that something was wrong with the slide no one ever said like the email said this morning it was surrounded with plywood to me that's that's major you're on a playground with little kids you know how long the I know since last year there's there's at least the one slide where slide gone and there's like a board so [Music] lad this this past week's facil was my first time on that committee address certainly going forward beware of any RS that are up there whe there's a whether there's a mature P effort or not get the money absolutely the safety issue that's all thank you thank you thank you moving on to curriculum this is em we had a combined co-curricular and Technology meeting on January 31st I will report out on the co-curricular piece High School South is currently looking for a football coach the initial interviews took place the week of February 5th and there was one internal candidate in that pool decision has not been made yet but there will be a decision coming soon Midtown High School South at the time of our co-curricular meeting had moved their Ski Club trip that they planned February to March they've had to cancel March since as a result of low enrollment they are committed to having ke Club take a shot at this again next year and hopefully hopefully publicize a little bit more and try to include some High School North students because if you can't fill it from a High School South standpoint there's certainly some High School North students who may want to attend so we're going to give it a shot again next year we discuss fundraisers and our current practice of not allowing clubs to take donations the co-curricular committee agrees that there should be some sort of activity or service that takes place in order to fund raise not just take straight donations so we're going to continue that practice the co-curricular committee also discuss the fact that the policy committee is currently examining our random drug testing policy that was the curricula portion the technology portion is either Joe or Mr I will filling in we have our technology meetings in conjunction with the co-curriculum meeting January 31st we went over a few items that are happening in technology we had applied for the state and local cyber security grant program this fall we've been notified that we will receive some resources as a result of that application that would include additional multiactor authen authentication tokens we are in the process of continuing to roll that out we have multi Factor authentication on certain systems at this point will be rolling out more before the end of the school year gives us access to cyber training for IT staff security awareness training for all employees and other resources related to cyber security so we were happy for that we are continuing to add to our cyber security environment continually adding tools to improve our position again we're continuing our roll that of multiactor authentication we have implemented malicious domain blocking and Reporting and we also are looking at or implementing email security pro protocols to block the threat main school things so that's things that we have technology department focused on we have red out Turn Style chios in each of our secondary schools to allow students to check in and out throughout building user using their ID card or their name so that provides real time student location tracking and attendance throughout the day uh we are also still developing the 2425 technology budget our biggest drivers of course are device replacement and infrastructure improvements we're looking to add or replace some servers that support our camera system throughout the district so we are looking to see you know how much we can allocate for within the budget to work for those main drivers and that's it now moving on to public comment or gender em only anybody wish to make public please the microphone St the see no com microphone close that and move on to Proclamation read Across America day um it's March 2nd this year and it will be taking place throughout the week of March 4th through March 8th and be resolve Bo of education for the citizens of Middletown Township to ensure that every child in safe place read together with caring adult on March 2nd 2024 now moving on to Mrs the superintendent great thank you um so I'll start out with just thanking the school Community for um their cooperation on our two weather related emergency days I was very happy when it snowed Friday to Saturday in the last snowstorm it made life a lot easier but I just wanted to make everyone aware these are not decisions that we take lightly certainly and um while we're trying to bet out what the best options are we are in constant communication with Township officials as well um who are really our boots on the ground with giving us indications of road conditions and you know how um you know how the Department of Public Works and the office of emergency manag agement can keep up with the plowing efforts so that is all very fluid um and certainly we always make the decision that's in the best interest of safety we are traveling a lot of people um students staff um parents so we want to always ensure that we're airing on that side of caution um you know we delayed our opening the other day because we wanted to make sure that it was actually going to snow um that weather forecast was a little challenging so we do thank you for the cooperation I know it's never easy that last minute pivot but sometimes it's necessary um so as you know speaking about our calendar um we do not have emergency days built in which will cause us to have to add on at least two to the end of the year and it's vetted on the calendar how they get added on and we are going to try to combat that with next year's calendar a little bit by building in what are referred to as cloting emergency days there will be one that will be positioned on on um April 21st which which is the Monday after our Spring Break um the second one will be positioned on May 23rd which is the Friday of Memorial Day weekend if we do not have an emergency weather related closing those would become days off within the calendar if we do have one weather related closing then the April 21st would be the date where we will be in session it will be a full day and then if we have a second weather related closing like this year our second day would be that May 23rd that Friday we would be in session but it would be an early release day that will give us at least a chance for our end of the year to not be a moving Target if we get more than two then we're going to perceived to tack on to the end of the year but you know as we all know the last few years we haven't had too much snow this has been an anomaly year for us so I think we'll be safe with the two in most cases so that will be um part of the calendar that's being voted on this evening um we will not reset this year's calendar with those additional days to the end until we get out of March so um we want to make sure we're in the clear before we approve something and that will also solidify when our graduation dates will be that's another challenge with not having built-in days is graduation becomes a factor um and PE we we do appreciate the fact that families like to plan that because they have people coming and you know it it's better to have at least a shot at a static date um the other thing that Mrs Farley mentioned which I just also wanted to mention is the elimination of the early release days for elementary school in December that definitely came as a product of our parent survey that we conducted related to Elementary parent teacher conferences um and not only are we going to be moving um eliminating those days we're also going to be repositioning them in January a lot of the feedback that we received had to do with not having report cards in hand prior to the conference because Elementary School runs on trimesters so we are going to bump them to January um and there will be a new structure for next year and how they're going to operate um there will still be the availability of an evening conference slot um so that will still remain intact but how we are going to do them and where they will be scheduled out we will will send that all in the fall of next year but it will not come um at the expense of instructional time we also were able to through that feedback and the new structure extend the time frame that we give to um conferences particularly in our fourth and fifth grade departmentalize setting um when you're trying to run 50 conferences at a grade level in a finite amount of time you're looking at a 10-minute 8 minute conference which is not ideal we have with the new structure been able to extend that out to 15 minutes per conference so in some circumstances we would be doubling that time so um more to come on that um but know that um you know there will be a new structure moving forward for next year um our students just took our winter Benchmark assessment in I ready for grades uh K through 8 we take that three times a year fall winter spring the fall is really a baseline or a level setting and our winter is we're we really start to analyze data for growth um which which is the data that you know the administration and our teaching staff really like to see because it really demonstrates all the fruits of their labor and all the hard work that our students have been putting in um but we also just received which I wanted to mention our District's comparison to the state test takers with I ready and it's quite a large sample there are over 200,000 I ready test takers in the state of New Jersey so I would say that's a fairly reliable and valid statistic um and then they this is also a nationally Norm reference test um when you compare Middletown student performance to um the national Norm as well as the state of New Jerseys we perform or we have performed on our winter Benchmark exceeding both of those other comparative um groups so it's something to be really proud of um you know we pride ourselves on our high quality of educ ation that we give to our students and this certainly is one snapshot in time but an extremely important one because it's not only a measure of how we stack up against other districts in New Jersey it really demonstrates um the high quality as compared to other places across the country so I am going to be sharing the actual data in my February update so that parents can see um it's going to be broken down in reading and math and also by grade level not by building but District collection Ive but I think it's really really great information and something you know we need to continue to grow and improve on but also at the same time something we should be really proud of and it really does demonstrate the high quality of instruction that takes place across the district on a daily basis um the final thing I just want to mention is we will be also rolling out um over the spring to our Middle School parents and alteration of our Middle School elective structure um we are just tweaking some of the courses that exist there to give our students two things um more Choice um and more ability to be immersed in the Arts if they so choose so standards at the middle school level are grade banded which means you have sixth through eth grade to complete them for our find and Performing Arts so we felt it was really important to redesign some of the electives so that students if they wish to stay in an instrumental or an art or vocal music track for more than the prescribed years to meet the requirements that they could so we're going to move to that model in the Middle School um our courses will also be semesters versus marking period driven so that way they can have sustained time within the courses that they're uh electing to participate in our principles are starting to visit our elementary schools with their guidance counselors and they'll be sharing more about that information and the new new information will be published in the Middle School course guide um as we venture into the spring so again thank you every thanks everybody for the cooperation on the weather days and um my update for February will be um out next week thank you superint and moving on I need a motion to approve the meeting minutes 9 a NV second discussion all in favor I oppose abens of Education consent the agender and a motion to approve send A and B all in favor discussion all in favor oppose exensions business office consent agender a motion to approve 11 a through G discussion all in favor I oppose extensions a recommendation of the superintendent of schools I need a motion to approve 12 a through H minus 12825 687 discussion all in favor I oppose I am I'm voting no on the yeses and yes on the no number number one okay now we're going to vote on 256870 discussion all in favor oppose I oppose yes is everybody oppos there any pleas this P I'm one Mrs barley I Mr fit darl no Mrs Min Mrs gaski yes Mr to yes Mrs wri yes Mrs tobacco no Mr cap no forward now to Old business does anyone have any old business has old business moving to new business does anybody have any new business yeah I I have a couple things but the first thing I want to ask is I would like to see us go out and get um people to apply for long-term principal substitutes we need a new list a little more we are always hiring um when someone's out oh you saying temporary yeah long-term substitute Personnel um administrators we do we do advertise for it yeah well I haven't seen any new names on here and our pool is empty so they're they're just not out I mean we can keep going out but it it really is a hard pool to find so we do advertise it um during the course of the Year all right I just want to make sure because we haven't seen any new names there needed to use the list it's not a um not a deep candidate unfortunately that's too bad okay my other old business is is um school events Leonardo is having um their gift auction on March 22nd their gift auction is being done differently than others they are having it where you can buy tickets and drop them into the baskets during the day or you could come back at night and put the tickets in and watch the call the calling of the baskets it will be online so that if you drop your tickets during the day you could see the numbers they're calling um so that's different so you know if you're busy that night you can still buy the tickets and you can still um support that function and if you need information you could go to leonard. happenings and you'll get the information on that we also have um Thorn coming up this Thursday night they're doing a dine to know to donate from 11 to 7 at siren Seafood right here by bashore Middle School all you have to do is mention Thorn middle school and they'll get credit for that they're also having their gift auction on April 25th from 6:00 to 10: at the gry tickets are $95 for more information um you can go to PTA Thorn Middle School I've also tweeted these invitations out so um if you follow me you'll be able to see it on the tweets we have nvis sing variety show coming up on 3 15 it'll be held at bore they're also having a trivia night on March 22nd it's a parents night out it's held at the navyn library $25 a person uh they're also doing a theater week the week of 45 and uh this week 227 well next week 22 no it's this week 227 they're having stem night and science night from 5:30 to 7:30 in their office purpose room bores gift auction is coming up on 4:26 um information can be found on the PTA website B is also having a gift option on 316 at the BFW $20 to enter $40 for tickets it's a bring your own food that information also you can um get on Twitter I have tweeted it out and that's all of the school events that I have coming up so far for this month and next month okay does anybody else got new business I do um you've been talking a lot about budget budget season obviously getting ready for next year um and I just wanted to sort of propose that we might consider going out for some rfps for our vendors for the district um just to try to make sure that we're getting you know the best value of our vendors and also um for you know our our staff and our students in terms of the services that we're bringing in um we don't necessarily have a full list of all the vendors that we use for the district but just off the top of my head you know things like health insurance um architect special education attorney um instructure manager I don't know I know there's a lot more but I think that we should consider set putting out you know some request for proposals to try to make sure we're getting the best value and also Services out of our owners you uh I do thinkk you to that statement dur budget Seas The Prudent thing for us to do as a governing body to go out for EXP share responsibility to make sure best [Music] services does anybody have any opposition to that just said health insurance insurance um Architects special ed attorney construction manager [Music] engine [Music] right discuss we don't construction manager engineer [Music] record does anyone else have a new business yeah just really quick uh so on behalf of Joe myself for bore Middle School um in addition to the ultimate decades gift auction which is coming up on April 26 they are having a dime to donate next week at silen seat food from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. so if you feel like seafood on the 29th go there and please mention be thank you okay moving on to public comment on non-agenda items anybody to make a comment please set the micophone record [Music] com public comment and favor have a great night everybody