I'm calling to order the meeting of the Middletown Township Board of Education reorganization meeting adequate notice of this meeting was provided by sending such notice to the Asbury par press the Middletown patch and the Middletown Township Public Schools district website and posting of such notice at the August te minor administrative offices and each Elementary middle and secondary school in the district we'll start with the Pledge of Allegiance United States Amica indivis tonight is our reorganization meeting our newly elected board members we we have for on November 7th the following we elected to a three-year term beginning January 2024 and ending December 2026 Frank Capone Jacqueline tobacco and taring the skolaski we will now be doing the oath of office for our incoming and returning board members so the three of you can step up fr [Music] please raise your right hand say I and say your name do solemly swear do swe that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of newy and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same Al to the and to the governments established in the United States and this state un States under the authority of the people so help me I and then your name do swear s that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education the office of member of Education that I am not disqualified as a voter I not disqualified as a puring to any legal statutes legal statutes nor disqualify due to any conviction of a crime or offense nor disqualify to conviction of crime or and that I will Faithfully will impartially and justly and perform all of the duties per du of that office that office according to the best of my ability Accord to the best of my ability so help congratulations [Applause] we'll now take a roll call of the newly seated board Mr Capone here Mrs PTI here Mrs Farley here Mr Fitzgerald here Mrs minu here Mrs gaski here Mrs tobacco here Mr to here Mrs W yes here sorry okay I will now take a motion for the nomination and election of the president of the board for the 2024 school [Music] year it I'll [Music] second are there any other nominations seeing none I'll take a roll call vote Mr Capone yes Mrs CTI yes Mrs far yes Mr fitzg yes Mrs Min yes Mrs scasi yes Mrs tobacco yes Mr T yes and Mrs R yes congratulations Mr Kon thank you very much I'm glad you're happy Amy I'm happy to turn the meeting that's right okay firstly I'd like to St by saying Happy New Year to everyone middl toown um I hope you have a blessed nice beautiful new year with your family and friends um as we embark on this New Year let us continue to strive for excellence in everything that we do as a board of education here in Middletown we know the challenges will come our way but I have complete faith in our Collective efforts to overcome any event together we can navigate any obstacle and do so in the best interests of the students in Middletown I'm honored to serve as a president once again and I promise to uphold Middletown's values principles and guide us and always work in the best interests of our community thank you for the trust support and dedication may this year be filled with success growth and endless possibilities for the students parents taxpayers and teachers in Middletown thank you and now we'll take some nominations for the vice president and I would like to nominate my former vice president jacine toaca a [Music] second I'll take a roll call vote on the nomination of Mrs tobacco for vice president Mrs C yes Mrs Farley yes Mr fit yes Mrs Min yes Mrs scasi yes Mrs tobacco yes Mr T yes Mr yes Mr K yes congratulations [Applause] m [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] so designation for the New Jersey school boards Association delegate and Alternate delegate um designation is going to be Mrs jacqulyn tobacco as the delegate and Kate Farley as the all delegate to New Jersey School Board Association Del get assembly for 2024 we're now going to start with our calendar as we have going forward I'm proposing and please everybody check your dates I'm proposing possibly for the fourth Thursday possible or the third Thursday of the month to change the calendar yes not not this one not this one ongoing ongoing yes fourth or third you want to make it on Thursdays and not Tuesday Tuesdays we have conflicts on Tuesdays I do have two conflicts myself and other people do as well um I'm open for other days as well I just thought that maybe Thursdays might be a little bit easier but everybody please chip in and tell I have a lot of um things on THS Wednesdays are probably better for me I have two conflicts on Wednesday so far [Music] Tuesday day you guys decide I'll make it work the best yeah I mean I think if we basically keep the same thing M at one week yeah if we can stick to Tuesdays I think that's going to be easier there's just some months that the dates will arange to accommodate other requirements uh for example in well we have our special meeting in March for the budget right uh the April voting meeting was in the time frame that we would have to approve the final budget but I'm not sure if somebody the April 23rd meeting the district's [Music] closed no not in April not for April yeah we're Clos that one day one [Music] day yeah [Music] yeah all right so right now this is on the this is on Tuesday in January correct it's the third Tuesday that's the third Tuesday no Tuesday third Tuesday would be the 16th of January I can't do that just I could generally do the third Tuesday but not that's early let's go with the 30th of January January [Music] the February we're going to go try and do the 20th does that work feary 20th is a Tuesday these are Tuesday so far March we're going to try and do the 19th the voting that's going to be the for the special voting meeting yes correct wait not the 12 can everybody do the 12th do the 12 do the 12 and the 19th I can't do the [Music] 19th anybody else have a conflict on the [Music] 19 20th on that one that I can do everybody 20th I can do that 20th good what day is that this is the vote the regular board meeting in March we have the special vo me no 19th no good but the 20th does that work with you I'm just putting it down so it's the 12th and the 20th 12th and the 20th yes and the special voting meeting the 12 yes going to April now we have the 20 we have to switch the 2 yeah distri the 16th well that that's going to be too early to adopt the budget budg yeah so let's try the 30th on the April is that good for personel what date Frank the 30th of April actually [Applause] yes okay let's go to May 14 may we have the 14th but that's the budget then we have the 21st will that work [Music] y 21st was June we have the 20 going to be change to the 18th is that okay Amy as far as I that's but yeah 18 last day with graduation last year we got back figure that out kind of a moving Target right now let's keep it on right now as we have a date and we can manuver when we get closer we know the graduation July the 16 everybody good with [Music] that I'm sorry there's no way to do it a little bit later in the month only because you know then we start it's early in the month for buiness and financial the 30th on the julya right now it's fine yeah well guess we're going to try and do the [Music] 20th you want to try the 27th or the 27th I think we should put this one as late as possible because if we're trying to get people on agendas for hiring this the year we need as much time as possible so 27 27 okay September 17th again that's probably a little early in the month well there's no more dates in the 31st in the September so I guess [Music] 24 October the [Music] 29th 29th of October that November 19th there's only one more week there so that might be right you yeah that would be on December you have it as the 17th you want to leave it [Music] that yeah shall we I will so the 17th and you have the r here for January 7th right I'm just going to read these back so that I have make sure we have them all January January 30th February 20th March 12th special meeting March 20th April 30th May 14th May 21st June 18th July 30th August 27th September 24th October 29th November 19th December 17th and January good okay now we're going to move on to the public comment open sorry M Mr P just we need to have a motion approve motion for the calendar all fa oppos exension now going to move on to the public comment if anybody wish to make a public comment you can come forward that your name and address before we do the public I just want to mention about the calendar how do we get these changes out to the [Music] CH to be Sunshine these people know for years that we have our meetings are ser day of the month they know have by they're still on Tuesdays they on Tuesday but they're not the right Tuesday that's what I'm saying you don't I can put it in my um monthly update too okay as as like for everybody so everybody get it website and we adver we'll make sure by the 30th everyone's going to know that's what I'm just say you know you know how these people the town knows they really they know better than us you good I'm fine okay I'm just that's all point I'm sorry we're now going to open up the microphone once again to the public comment if anyone wishes to make a comment please stve your name and address for the record see anyone coming to the [Music] microphone wish to make a motion to ajour have a great night everyone