is the meeting of the township committee April 8th 2024 the notice requirements provided for in the open public meetings act have been satisfied notice of this meeting was properly given by transmission to the asbar park press and the two of her times and by posting at the Middletown Township Municipal Building and filing with the Township Clerk all on January 11 2024 committee man Clark here committee woman Katz here committee man sen brino here Deputy Mayor HBO here mayor Perry here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty ince for all at this time I'd like to um ask for a moment of silence to honor the troops serving worldwide defending our constitutions freedoms and way of life thank you first on our agenda tonight we have proclamations for the record we have a proclamation recognizing April 2024 as alcohol awareness month in the township of Middletown and a proclamation recognizing April 7th through 13 2024 as National Library week in the township of Middletown uh we have public hearing of proposed ordinances our first ordinance 2024 34 8 an ordinance for calendar year 2024 to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limit and establish a cap Bank per njsa 48445 uh4 any member of the public wishing to speak on public ordinance number 20124 d348 seeing no member of the public stepping forward move the close the public portion and approve second comman Clark yeah committee women RS yes committee man s brino yes Deputy Mayor hell yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to pass this ordinance on second and final reading our next ordinance for public hearing we have ordinance 2024 3409 Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $9,200 th000 for the Development and Construction of affordable housing for Veterans by and for the township of Middletown in the county of Mammoth New Jersey and authorizing the issuance of $4 million in bonds or notes of the township for financing part of the appropriation any member of the public wishing to speak on public ordinance number 2024-the forward move to close the public portion and approve second appr committee man Clark yes committee woman Katz yes committee man sen bino yes Deputy Mayor hell I'm going to give two yeses on this one mayor Perry yes motion carries pass this ordinance on second and final reading at this time we have introduction of proposed ordinances our first ordinance is 2024-the street names motion introduce second committee man Clark yes committee woman Katz yes committee man sen bro yes Deputy Mayor hell yes mayor Perry yes motion carries a pass this ordinance on first reading with a public hearing to be held April 22nd 2024 at this time we have ordinance 202 24- 3411 an ordinance amending permitting and Licensing standards for in itinerant retail food handling establishments I I just like amending this ordinance just so that you have to go back and say that IDI thank you all right I appreciate it motion to introduce that me that me means it's not real all right motion introduce second committee man Clark yes committee women Katz yes committee man sen brino yes Deputy Mayor hell yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to pass this ordinance on first reading with a public hearing to be held uh April 22nd 2024 at this time I'd like to ask the township committee to adopt a consent agenda which will include resolutions 24-1 122 through 24- 139 and in addition to a late um item coming on the agenda tonight we have 24-14 resolution authorizing solicitation of natural gas bids motion to approve the consent the agenda second committee man Clark yes committee woman Katz Yes committe Man sen brino yes Deputy Mayor hell yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to adopt consent agenda this time we have Township committee comments commun Clark nothing for tonight all right Community Cino nothing mayor thank you woman Katz I'll hold my comments mayor thank you all right Deputy Mayor I'll do the same thank you okay um any now open it up for public comment any member of the public wishing to make a public comment may do so we ask that you state your name and address for the record we ask that you keep your comments to five minutes and at four minutes I'll let you know that you have 1 minute remaining with that being said any member of the public wishing to make a public comment yes sir Joe's going to bring up the microphone for you okay uh my name is Thomas Loro I reside at 19 rariden Avenue Leonardo New Jersey good evening committee man good evening uh mayor Perry um I just want to bring to the committee's attention on 41922 I was here present uh 41922 uh made a presentation at this meeting and we discussed the uh Rehabilitation of kungl Park including the tennis courts the playground um the basketball courts which are in deep need of repair uh mayor Perry and a few of his U employees uh met with me was cour jul enough to meet with us on 71322 that summer to go over the um what was needed to be repaired uh everyone took notes and I'm just here to find out if there's any update it's like two years ago if there's any money in the budget to you know I mean you guys did a great job on the uh skate park so now we just have to complement that with the other side with conle Park yeah yeah there's uh so yes the the short answer is yes it's it's a capital um budget not a not the operating budget of the Town um but the plan is to grade any of the areas on kungle that need that grading to be completed but um my uh my work this year will be to try and replace again uh it's already in the the uh the the be but but what's it called I was going to say uh the uh it wasn't just an analysis for kungl it was an analysis for all the tennis courts to happen so now the next phase of that will be from the skate park to the tennis courts at kungl so that's the next phase of that kungle restoration any anything with the basketball courts because there's a lot of cracks and I would uh actually I want to replace most of the basketball courts across the town in fact I think both but I mean in totality talking about the entire town I know we're just talking about kungle but I think it's important for everybody to know the other part of this is to try and the the basketball courts all across town even like Wu like looking at those they're in bad condition and it's easy to just replace those so that the idea is to buy as many of these as we can to replace them all across along with um resurfacing all the basketball and Tennis Courts because the same thing is happening at Tindle Tindle tennis courts uh both the lit side and the unlit side are all being resurfaced um this year uh as along with the basketball court so the same thing it's kind of a replication that we're doing at several different in fact I was at McMahon park over the weekend checking on the new playground that's being built over there um and same thing there those basketball courts have to come down new ones have to be installed and and redone so it's it's a kind of a facelift across all these different parks to Encompass them all into one action so is there any kind of like ballpark time that this might be completed or oh this summer oh this summer okay well thank you thank you very much for your time all right okay thank you you're welcome any other member of the public wish to make a public comment yes sir evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Alan anol I live at 47 Portland Road the Atlantic Highland section of Middletown and I'd like to bring to light a problem that uh my wife and I have had going back uh 30 plus years and that is an extreme flooding problem that we uh are exposed to every time we have any kind of significant rainfall uh in our area uh the the water actually has three sources One Source is all the new uh builds that were put on the top of Portland Road there being no way for that water to be ingested into the ground because there are no grates there are no uh there's no way for it to get the water out has to come all the way down Portland Road to get to a drain that's in front of my house uh that's the First Source there is no land up there that can absorb the water everything just runs off with including all the garbage all the trash just it's been an ongoing Pro problem uh the second core the second part of the problem is also a Beacon Hill Country Club when we get a significant rainfall you can actually see the water Cascade right across uh uh Portland Road it affects not only my house pardon from the country club from the country club from the golf course yes directly across uh the street and it just it's it's a deluge at times um you'll also hear from some of the other neighbors too so it's not just not not not affecting my house the third source is and we can't figure this out in 2013 there was a uh house uh that was on the same level plane as ours uh it was demolished the people had moved out a new house was built however when that new house was built they raised the level of property probably 89 ft at least with truck after truck after truck after truck of land they raised up their house put it on a level plane and just channeled all port or on pow that's on Portland okay um it's a again a new build I had spoken to uh resoning officer at the time I don't know if she's still there miss dun marann dun she said that there was a water mitigation plan that was put in place and it Med code that's 2013 uh we're just inundated I have all kinds of photographs I have done documentation we've talked to people uh we even had a Mr imler out who I don't know if he's still you know within the township but he was the um uh the the director of the road maintenance and construction and he actually spent quite a bit of time at my property we went all through our photos we went all through our videos we went all through the communications the last thing that he said as he was walking out the door is he says I have I have enough information now to go to the mayor's office his words we have not heard heard a thing and this was in 2022 no matter who we have talked to we've gotten lip service we have not gotten any mitigation of the problem and again I don't I'm not have five minutes I don't want to take your time but I do have photographs where our our back property is completely underwater uh it's taken out fencing we spent my wife and I probably spent an excess of $10,000 trying to mitigate the problem ourselves and we're still trying to do so but in the 30 plus years that we've had this issue it's only gone worse as the years have gone on and we can't get anybody to do anything so if there's anything to come out of this I think what I would like if it's possible is to maybe set up a meeting or somewhere where we can sit down and lay this information out and again it's not only going to help my property but there are also other properties involved that you'll hear about that uh so if if that could be arranged uh you want to come come in on Wednesday La Laura's right here um and I'm happy to sit down with you I that would give wonderful her card just reach out to her and I'll sit down with you it's no problem you can come right right here we'll schedule a time right here at Town Hall and I'll have Ted there and great you can show me those pictures I'd be interested in seeing them yes thank you very much I'd really appreciate it again this is like over 30 years so yeah I got you um app Laura will give you her card and um just reach out to her we'll schedule that time for Wednesday okay okay thank you very much you're welcome M any go ahead Sir Francis marada 29 Portland Road Atlantic Islands Middletown Township I live in front of Al and uh it it's severe the flooding it goes around both sides in my house two feet of water in my garage it's it's out of control and you got the little Brook all that water coming down the hill then got the two drains in front of my house going this way if you get a lot of rain they back up and go around the house MH and then it comes from the golf course if it keeps going so um yeah well I mean all all all of you are I'm more than happy to meet with everybody um you know if if that works for everyone um just to kind of go through your pictures and go like really look we'll bring up on the map so that we can kind of visualize everything and you can give us an better understanding I'm out there all the time clean the drains out from the top of the hill to the bottom of the hill sometimes all night long Ted does it make sense does it make sense to have tnm perhaps or or one of our engineering firms do some type of hydraulic study like we've done for um uh stola and and over in that area to do some type of hydraulic study just so that we can get a get a sense of uh number one identifying all sources of the the water um and the the um Pathways of the water and just have them do a you know it it takes normally they do it over the course of like four weeks basically is is and we've done it in other areas of town as well to try and mitigate um flooding um that that happens um yeah it's it's a serious problem yeah I mean listen one of the greatest um crimes I think that that is happening is the regulatory burden on dredging Creeks um I just think go to a panic attack every time they call him for heavy rain it's yeah it's it's a you know to me I think it's it's absolutely outrageous the the regulatory burden that that comes on to dredging Creeks um and you know the fight that the township committee is right now in the midst of two Builder remedy suits you know to to develop property right why does this happen is because you're taking away impervious surfaces that are able to absorb that very water but then I'm also Bound by law to you know or or we're supposed to be bound by law to build up all these high density um housing um so something has to give at some point in time and what what is laughable about the law that was just signed into just signed into law is that there is zero regard for environmental impacts well what do you think flooding is that an environmental impact so the law that was just signed by the governor would require an additional more than 500 units okay times four right so where are you going to put them and how you going to how you going to stop the environmental impacts of flooding in other neighborhoods by that happening don't know the answer to that I I don't I don't pretend to know all the answers it's not my job to to pretend I'm the smartest guy in the room I'm not but I am I I am fairly in in my mind sensible when it comes to if you build more units you're going to have more flooding you're going to have more problems so um yeah it's just one of one of I don't know what's going to happen with Beacon Hill now because they're doing they're they're putting drainage pipes uh they're digging up over there so we don't don't even know what's going to happen you mean where the where the three houses used to be Hill Country Club yeah yeah but the three houses that they used to have on their property you told that it came it comes from the pond which is th000 feet away I had a fish in my driveway a sunny it came from the pond that you caught or that it was after the storm it was after a rainstorm I swear to God I can't you can't make it up yeah it came from the pond in the golf course this B the water the water comes over like a river and and it comes down the hill also like a river so you're getting two things at once yeah well let let's let's meet um this week and and figure out what we can how what what uh course of action but I definitely think Ted reach out to Rob tomorrow and get that in the work because I think that's no matter what we decide on Wednesday the first step is going to be they're going to require that we do a hydraulic study so let's just do one and and get that ball in motion at least thank you mayor can I just can I just ask one question I I heard of some problems coming down Beacon Hill Road uh is that an issue with the water going down that street as well they put a drainage ditch on Beacon Hill Road and I they ran pipe a couple years ago into the drain onto Portland so I think it's coming from there okay but the only way to do that is to AR range stor and put die down a okay P I just got a just question we don't have any storm drains on the end of Beacon Hill Road correct by lonville at the end of Beacon Hill Road yeah I don't think so it's it's right by the trail right by the uh the road that goes up to the clubhouse Beacon Hill and the road that goes up to the clubhouse they just put before we before we get that project that that Road's due to be paved so before we get that done maybe we can have teum look at putting a couple drains on the bottom of that Hill as well they're doing extend ensive drainage thing so no it's not them at the end of the road where it goes out the entrance there I think we could probably get some just to try to relieve some of the pressure from going into lville road okay all right thank you sir any other member of the public wishing to make a public comment seeing no other member of the public stepping forward move the close of public portion and adjourn second yes many women yes committee sen bro yes Deputy Mayor hell yes mayor Perry yes motion carries to adjourn have a great day everybody thank you all