e e e e e no e in accordance with Section Five of the open public meetings act be advised that a notice of this meeting was made by posting on the bulletin board in town hall and forwarding to the officially designated newspapers that this meeting would take place at Town Hall at 7 p.m. on Tuesday June 18th 2024 meeting details and the draft agenda were also posted on our Township website please all stand to salute the flag here M puus here mayor secondy here Mr stoer present mayor Romano here may I have a motion to approve the agenda so may I have a second second all in favor I have a motion to approve the May 21st 2024 regular Township committee minutes so may I have a second second all in favor may I have a motion to approve the June 4th 2024 regular Township committee minutes may I have a second second all those in favor may I have a motion to approve the June 4th 24 special Township committee Ms may I have a second second all those in favor okay um Mr McDonald The Pedestrian safety advisory committee poster con contest he just okay so here are our 2024 um poster contest Winters for the walk bike and roll initiative uh the first one for the kindergarten to through second age category rahani aarie second grade at haran school yeah if you're here you can come up if are you here uh the second uh grade three to five Annabelle song and ho fifth grade Washington School and third grade six through eth aurella ho sixth grade milour middle school great job take some pictures you guys want to show your posters hold your posters up so just by way of background uh the last few years we've held a poster contest for the uh for the schools to provide uh what we will end up using to advertise uh bike Walk and Roll to Milburn uh it's been growing in its popularity and uh you know we're very thankful for the kids and the students that do this and uh and they do a great job and so each of them just received a $25 gift card to hoganas so [Applause] enjoy okay up next we have uh resolution 24159 to confirm appointments to the milour Police Department chief any there everyone uh I would just like to thank the committee for allowing us to present two candidates for cons consideration as police officers uh first we're going to have Devin Kos 21 years old and resides in Union with his family Deon graduated from piland Regional High School in 2021 he attended Union Union County college and graduated with his associates degree in criminal justice in 2023 he has worked as a loss prevention officer at Target in Union for the past four years Deon will be attending the Mars County Police Academy in July and tonight with him is his mom Sabrina dad Jeffrey stepmom arleene grandmother and two [Applause] sisters next up is edmmond nay Edmond is 25 years old and resides in Union with his family graduated from Union High School in 2016 After High School he attended Mammoth University for a year and then transferred to Montclair State University and graduated in 2020 with a bachelor's degree in exercise science EB has been working as a supervisor at Costco Union for the past seven years and he will be attending the Morris County Police Academy in July tonight with him is his mom Rebecca Brother David and his aunt Christmas may have a motion to approve resolution 24-19 which confirms the appointments so mo may I have a second second roll call vote Please Mr Cen yes missus yes mayor s yes Mr ster affirmative mayor Romano yes thank you Miss Gaddy will now issue the oath of office o of office to the new [Music] [Music] the family on this side you guys on that I state your name I do me swear s i support the constition of the United States support thetion of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey and that will Faithfully discharge and I will Faithfully discharge duties of police officer the duties of police officer of the Milbourne Township Police Department of the milb Township Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so me go congratulations thank so much thank thank no I'll Take Care thank you just sign thank you just sign all right thank [Applause] you and now my favorite time of year the police department Awards presented by Chief gilf meing everybody so tonight we're gonna have our uh 2023 award ceremony uh this year we're going to dedicate to the Lions family as you know we had a tragic loss for our department and U he was integral friend uh cooworker and integral to our drone program if you know anything about our drone he's the one who got it started and uh what a success that was um so we'll start with uh January officer bufano juski Dundon and Griffin if you come up notified of a licensed Plate Reader scan at the mall a stol vehicle officer bufano done Griffin uh and juski responded to the mall officers located the vehicle conducted surveillance five and individuals entered the vehicle and while attempting to escape were surrounded by the officers on scene five subjects were placed under arrest without any incident and thank you officer bufano the witchlands officer craw uh for officer lines ofet come up control units were notified of a license plate scan Stone motor vehicle near White over Road detect the witchlands responded to the area and located the vehicle in the driveway of the residents te the witchlands blocked the vehicle in preventing her from escaping the occupants of the vehicle quickly attempted to flee on foot detective witchland was able immediately apprend to the subject and place them under arrest the Drone unit of course operated by officer liines and uh then officer bufano arrived moments later and pursued the third subject on foot and was able to apprehend and place him under arrest with the assistance of Officer cron andish with the assistance of summit police the force subject was located and placed on their arrest no the scene would come forward after received a call of a suicidal male on a roof of a house the man ran onto the rooftop after having an argument with family members officers theim was talking to the male with no success to get him to come back inside the mail then started walking towards the edge of the roof when a seene reached out through the window and was able to pull the mail back inside the home without any injury mail was given the proper medical [Music] treatment officer lham officer Reed and Sergeant delg all units were notified of a license plate scan of a stone motor vehicle near White oer Road officer L responded to the area and with the assistance of an armar Summit Patrol uh car located the vehicle on White Road near Great Hills Road Pursuit ensued to which officer L was granted authorization officer re was involved as a secretary secondary unit and the driver of the stolen vehicle eventually then crashed the three subjects in the stolen vehicle then attempted to flee on foot after a short foot pursuit Mr lham with the assistant of Sergeant dogado placed one sub subject under arrest unless AR was able to apprehend the second subject thank you Sergeant D Roa sergeant baros Patrol units were notified of a licensed Plate Reader scan of a stone motor vehicle traffic north on wer drove short while later officer ker located the stone vehicle traveling south on Old Shir officer ker was able to stop the stone vehicle on birlean near Adams officer Kerwin apprehended one subject after a brief foot pursuit detective Barbosa and detective D roza arrived on scene moments later and took the remaining three subjects in his St vehicle into custody all four subjects were charged detective [Music] witchlands troll units respond to the residents on Fairfield Drive of a report of three subjects attempting to break into residence it was also soon after the subject attempted to do the same to another residence in a vehicle park next door on fa Drive officer bufano transmitted the subject's description to unit responding your assist detected witchlands approximately an hour later observed the car service in the area which raised suspicions detected wit stopped the vehicle and located three subjects in the back of the vehicle all three subjects were the same subjects that were trying to break in the house and were placed under arrest Sergeant D Roa and sergeant Roy this is a January through March investigation these two gentlemen used to be in our detective Bureau uh through investigative means including fingerprints and surveillance video detective Rosa and Bryce were able to solve multiple crimes that occurred in the town from January to March including a burglary on marrywood with storm Vehicles a robbery that happened in the area of Milburn and Locust a theft of a vehicle on M all three subjects were arrested and charged officer Ros and officer n Patrol units responded to the area of Rector Street on a report of a male wearing a hoodie and a vest attempting to gain entry into the motor vehicle Al Ros in the team rapidly responded to the area and oberved the mail matching the description upon attempting approach the mail to stop him immediately fled on foot to nearby backyards a Pursuit was initiated and a perimeter was immediately set up a short time later the mail was observed walking on Church Street at which time officers the seos responded to the location and arrested in charge offic hunt miles and officer maters officers arrived on scene to the high school of a player not breathing on his own officers Kelly MOS seab bomb and Hunt miles stepped in assisted the coaches that were helping the player and administering CPR after multiple rounds of CPR the player was transported to the hospital where he recovered thank [Music] officer Kerwin and officer nashan cash on the road troll units responded the JFK Parkway in the area of the New Jersey American Water Company for a report of a disabled vehicle in which a number of it occupants were fleeing from Livingston Police had just termin a pursuit of a stone vehicle with the same description the vehicle just prior had been observed by a caller and it was involved an attempted burglary of a vehicle in milour officers on scene confirmed it was a storm vehicle that eluded the Livingston Police off officer officer Kerwin and the cashing were able to apprehend and arrest two of the subjects all occupants of the stolen vehicle were arrested in charge officer aliota officer Ros and officer n this is part of a long uh postal investigation during the month of um during the month of May a post employee had been robbed of his keys and subsequently the township had multiple male thefts from our local post office du the investig skills of detective medson in the assistant of postal inspectors and our own Patrol officers multiple undercover operations were conducted to arrest the robbery suspect and several criminals of the male theft officer Kerwin officer Reed and officer l were dispatched to the dialysis center on a patient not having a pulse officers arrived then took over CPR for approximately 40 minutes eventually regaining auler of the victim victim was then transported to the hospital Sergeant D Roa and Lieutenant Del Russo B detective units respond to the area of Milam in Wyoming for a license plate reader hit of a stolen motor vehicle and jurisdiction from Bo upon arrival to the area detective D Roa located the stone vehicle near Sagamore in far on attempting to stop the vehicle it fled brief motor vehicle Pursuit was initiated where the car then turned down a dead end subsequently hitting a curb and disabling the vehicle three occupants then fled into the backyards Patrol units then set up a permeter of the area short time later detective DeRosa and Lieutenant deluso located one of the males hiding on vehicle taking him into custody without incident detective medson also located one of the the males and took him into with an incident as well thank detective rebello and sergeant oros Rosen detective reel received a license plate rear alert of a vehicle known to commit burglaries uh entering town the vehicle was under investigation by the Essex County Sheriff's Office for motor vehicle burglaries and County Parks uh Sergeant D Roa and detective rebell responded to South Mountain reservation to search for the vehicle and located in Lucas gr Sergeant D roza and detective rebello in their undercover vehicle conducted a surveillance operation the suspects attempted to Comm a burglary into the vehicle that was parked in the area right at that point and at which point they were apprehended and taken to custody by uh detective Sergeant D Roa and detective Rebel and [Applause] sub officer Griffin officer juski officer kland Griffin was on patrol at the sh H Mo when he heard a radio transmission by ball security of three suspicious individuals Mall security reported that they notified that the subjects had been looking into park vehicles and attempting to enter them by pulling on the door handles officer Griffin and officer Kerwin located the three subjects leaving the mall were able to stop them officer ju who responded to assist gathered further information and confirmed that the vehicle peries that the subjects had attempted the subjects were all placed under arrest for attempted motor vehicle bur which led to the discovery of a loaded handgun tucked in the waistband of one of the subjects three subjects were charged according officer Kerwin officer dakan Deli responds to the area of White Road on a report from the Floren Park police of a stol vehicle traveling from no officer Kerwin located the vehicle however was unsuccessful in stopping it sir keran continued in the direction of the vehicle and the vehicle fled to soon after become aware that the summit police were behind the vehicle on Route 24 officer Kerwin continued in the direction of the vehicle that it was last seen where he discovered had been involved in a crash and overturn some police have begun the search for the occupants to which officer Kerwin assisted officer Kerwin located the three occupants of the vehicle fleeing eastbound on foot on the highway offer keran was quickly able to apprehend one of the subjects and place him under arrest offer ding ers responded to the area to assist and located two the subjects fing on foot also deling Pursuit the subject on foot or stop after short foot pursuit officer D was able to apprehend one of the subjects and place him in the ARR both subjects were return over to the summit Police Department sergeant Roy Sergeant Barbosa officer Tupac unit responded to the area of white3 Road and Hobart gap for report of a stone motor vehicle out of Patterson in the area while responding to the area officer chup Pac absorbed a stone vehicle near Parson shill Road in Joanna way as it passed his location going the other direction was Tupac immediately turned around and located the vehicle on long road stopped and now unoccupied a further search of that area led to in the saying that he observed someone matching the scription running in her backyard that yelled don't call the police short term later short time later suspect was loaded with the assistance of living supp police was taken in custody without incident by Officer Tupac Sergeant Royce and sergeant barbos [Applause] sergeant Roy into detective seli te Roy respond to the G school on a bur into a vehicle the suspect had broken into the victim's vehicle and stolen her handbag detective Roy through investigation determined that the suspect arrived in Milburn and stole a license plate from a park vehicle before proceeding to commit the burgly the victim began receiving alerts on her credit card being fraudulent used in the neighboring municipalities detective Royce and detective slimy conducted further investigations were able to secure surveillance video of the suspect and learned of his presence at the Jersey Gardens mall in Elizabeth Sergeant Royce and detective Cy responded to Jersey Gardens Mall located the vehicle and arrested the suspect further investigations led to of the vehicle revealed evidence from numerous other thefts from victims in States up and down the Eastern Seaboard the suspect of resident in Georgia was stolen property from victims of various States up and down Route 95 be part of the felony Lan Lane gang officer buff some of PD had reported that they are in pursuit of a stone vehicle that just committed a burglary in their town the vehicle was then picked up by officer bufano in our toown officer buffano then continued Pursuit through Livingston and West Orange where eventually Stone vehicle crashed officer bufano was able to secure all the suspects until other officers from our town and other agencies arrived Al bufano also had to render Medical Aid to one of the suspects who was trapped in the vehicle officer Kerwin officer D and officer Reed Sergeant Royce and Sergeant D Roa units were notified of a licensed Plate Reader scan of a stone vehicle near Milbourne Avenue officer Kerwin located the vehicle on lacana place near Glenn and attempted to conduct the motor vehicle stop officer Reed Dean sergeant Roy and Sergeant D Roa responded to assist vehicle failed to stop however it was quick quickly surrounded by the responding Patrol units and stopped documents were removed from the vehicle and secured located in the vehicle was CDs drug prefer and a loaded handgun the driver was also found to have active warrant out of multiple jurisdictions officer manag officer Griffin officer O'Neal and officer units responded to The Cheesecake factor in report of a unresponsive female with CPR in progress officer UAG Griffin Kerwin and O'Neal immediately responded to the scene so Manu Griffin immediately began CPR on the patient rotating compressions while officer on NE curin open the airway uh rcy bre due to these officer Swift and collaborative response the patient gained a pulse back on scene it was transported to the hospital and made a full recovery he last one aler were notified of a license plate reader scan of a vehicle whose registered owner was wanted on a uh ncic warrant for aggravated assault with a weapon Mr Dy respond to the area of JFK Parkway located the vehicle on par Road officer ding conducted a motor vehicle stop and identified the driver as a subject with the outstanding warrant as a result of the Stop and subsequent arrest in search officer blocking secured a loaded gun being improperly by the subject subject was charge ACC can we just congratulate all of our uh police department again please special Proclamation is Mr George Williams here tonight whereas the Milbourne Township committee values the contributions of members in our community and wants to recognize outstanding efforts that reflect the giving and thoughtful Spirit of Milbourne Township's finest and whereas George Williams is one of those selfless and thoughtful members of our community who has demonstrated a sense of dedication to Milbourne Township residents and works tired ly TIR tirelessly to improve the quality of life of our citizens and others who live who who he has touched by his thoughtful and caring nature whereas in early 2024 George Williams a member of the maintenance team at Short Hills Terris residents on Morris turnplate was aware that one of their elderly residents was not well and when unable to reach the resident by phone contacted the Milbourne Township Police Department and requested a welfare check and whereas the Milbourne Police Department found the man unconscious on the floor and he was taken to the hospital in time to be all involved that George Williams heroic actions that day saved this man's life that day saved this man's life now therefore be resolved by the mayor Township committee by the mayor Township Committee of the township of mburg and on behalf of the township residents on this 18th day of June 20124 recognize George Williams and extend our appreciation for his selfless Act of comp passion to our community members and for providing an inspiration to all [Applause] a five minute recess for those that don't want e e e e e e e e e e e e we could do the other one first okay the committee men Stoler your scheduled to present a proclamation whereas part and Recreation is an integral part of communities throughout this country including the township of Milburn and oh there he is he left and whereas Parks and Recreation promotes health and wellness improving the physical and mental health of people who participate in Recreation program and whereas Parks and Recreation promotes time spent in nature which positively impacts mental health by increasing cognitive performance and well-being and alleviating illnesses such as depression attention deficit disorders and Alzheimer's and whereas parks recreation encourages uh Park Recreation and education activities such as out of school time programming Youth Sports and Environmental Education are critical to childhood development and whereas Parks and Recreation increases the community's economic Prosperity through increased property values expansion of the local tax base increased tourism the attraction and retention of businesses and crime reduction and whereas Parks and Recreation is fundamental to the environmental well-being of our community and is an essential and adaptable infrastructure that makes our communities resilient in the face of natural disasters and climate change and whereas our parks and natural Recreation areas ensure the E ecological beauty of our community and provide a place for children and adults to connect with nature and recreate outdoors and whereas the US House of Representatives has designated July as Parks and Recreation month and now therefore be it resolved by a Township Committee of the township of Milbourne in the county of Essex state of New Jersey recognizes the benefits derived from parks and recreation resources and proclaims July's Park and Recreation month in the township of mbour thank you Township committee thank you mayor thank you our Le I'm Mr Stoler um recently our rec director Chris Meyers was sworn in as State Recreation Commission president only the second Milburn director to receive such an honor and the other one George Bower has a building named after himself so um on behalf of Mr Meyers my fellow commissioner Tara puus the entire Tara sorry the the entire Rec commission and um the rec staff I proudly accept this Proclamation thank you so much thank Youk committe man Cen okay where is the National Association of town watch sponsors the national Community Building campaign on Tuesday August 6 2024 entitled National Night Out and whereas the National Night Out campaign provides an opportunity for Neighbors in the township of milberg to join over 38 million neighbors across approximately 16,000 communities from all 50 states US territories and military bases worldwide and where's National Night app is an annual community building campaign that promotes police Community Partnerships and neighborhood camarades to make our neighborhood safer more caring places to live and where as Neighbors in the township of Milburn assist the Milbourne Police Department through joint Community Building efforts and support National nightout 2024 and whereas it is essential that all neighbors of the township of Milbourne come together with police and work together to build a safer more caring community and now therefore mayor nette Romano hereby calls upon all neighbors of the township of Milburn to join Milburn police department and National Association of town watch in support for National Night Out on Tuesday August 6 2024 further let it be resolved that Anette Romano hereby proclaims Tuesday August 6 2024 as National Night Out in Milburn New Jersey everybody come out August 6 uh we'll be at Taylor Park again this year we have a lot of stuff for the children come meet our police officers interact and other agencies that are in our area thank you thank you okay uh reports provide reports sorry please provide reports on the Committees that you are Lia on to um I just want to talk about um senior citizens uh really quickly we have a new senior citizen coordinator I mean a new human services coordinator I'm sorry Corey Cher lonio um she's taking the place for Anna Milan who left at the end of May uh also Ellie proc uh who was the chair on senior citizen has stepped down as chair she's going to remain on the committee um she has been on the senior citizen Advisory board for 30 years I don't think we have any other volunteer that we've had that long um and Trina Frankle uh will be the new chair the summer programs are going to be starting at the library in July and August and uh we have uh tentatively a date set for August 7th for the Essex County Health mobile to come to the library between 11: and 1 in partnership with RW RW barnabus Health um more details will come as as we get closer and I just also wanted just to um in case you haven't heard I received three uh award Grant letters last week totaling $883,000 that's coming into the township that's going to be going towards protective gear for the Fire Department lights at uh Taylor Park and the playground so it's um great news I just wanted to make sure that everyone was aware and that was all my reports Deputy Mayor sure so the historic preservation commission um passed a resolution to discommendation process for that district and uh hopefully that will give some comfort to those in the neighborhood that opposed it um the planning board met and found all of the zoning ordinances that we have uh on for second read tonight uh to be not inconsistent with the master plan uh they're also working on establishing formal bylaws as well uh no updates for the environmental commission or and the zoning code advisory committee did not meet um between last meeting and them that's it sure okay Recreation committee fall program registration is now open spots are filling up register through Community pass the pool will be starting fulltime hours beginning this Friday June 21st uh and if uh this heat index is way up they may even surprised everybody do a Thursday Friday uh special Peak so let's keep our fingers crossed it's hot outside um Mr Romano stole my thunder on Chris Meyers being elected as president of the New Jersey wreck and park Association for 2025 uh 425 U and as he said previous that was John Fox in 36 and Bower in 48 special improvement district explorers monthly board meeting is on Thursday at 6:30 right here in this room all interested residents property owners and business owners are invited to attend or in person or via Zoom uh the Town Hall Plaza will be closed to traffic starting the weekend on June 29th 30th this is in lie of closing Main Street uh the team will be setting up Zeos seating and games over the weekend and the official opening night is July 2nd uh there's going to be a jazz band playing from 6:30 to 9:30 and a kickoff party uh for property owners and businesses catered by Jack surf and turf from upper Milburn Avenue uh huge kudos to girls night out it was at capacity my wife and daughters went had a great time uh and the uh last concert was at capacity there is another concert on Thursday this Thursday at 7 PM uh Workman working man's Jed that's a Grateful Dead tribute band will be performing affordable housing Jared will be giving an update on that in a little bit later uh Boe liaison uh two points from there uh due to new measures put in place by the Boe board for access to AP classes there was an incremental increase of 19% of people signing up for APS uh so that's very positive and then one other thing to watch that you're going to see in uh in uh the newspapers that the Boe and teachers uh did not come to agreement on salary negotiations and uh it will be during dormant during the summer uh however the teachers are pushing to work on it over the summer so you might see some contentious actions there joint Fields no new updates emergency dispatch uh we had a meeting today nothing really to report uh uh femac uh which is the flood mitigation uh committee West orange bypass unfortunately we did not get the $2.5 million of federal funding um for the development uh but we did get 1.5 million Federal request what was put forward for the Gilbert pump expansion uh that will not impact the progress in developing the orange bypass solution however that's it thank you sure Deputy Mayor second excuse me covered the planning board the uh the Board of Trustees at the library met um actually last night and passed budget for the next year following upon the township the township budget and the major effort um will that will continue is plans for the renovation of the second floor um the court har Rober also met last week that for that they do they reorg June unlike any of the other committees around here um they've elected three new Trustees for next year and appointed to during the year so the board has uh has expanded which has certainly help them with their F RK Mr thank you mayor committee um just a couple announcements on tonight's agenda is the approval of the fireworks uh at the high school that take place on July 4th at uh gates open at 7:30 pm uh the festivity start in the morning at 9:00 am with the Patriots award and just in case people don't know it's probably one of the best fireworks displays around uh maybe only second to the Macy's in New York City but uh they do a great job so I hope everybody comes out uh just a piggyback on the Town Hall Plaza closure which will take place very early in the morning on Saturday the 29th uh in addition there will be some reshuffling of parking uh for those individuals who have a 24-hour permit or business permit that currently Park in lot six which is a lot directly next to um Town Hall uh and Town Hall Plaza we are going to ask all of those that park there to park in lot 19 um and the staff are going to utilize lot six um to just avoid some confusion that will take place with that closure just some Logistics there that will all be communicated to those permit holders as well in addition uh on Thursday 6:20 the lot nine which is the all day commuter lot next to the library will be closed to all day parking we're asking those uh resident uh permit holders or sticker holders to park on the third level of the deck and pay at the pay station uh in the uh in the parking deck for one day only just a minor inconvenience due to a large Library event uh I think it's a Consortium of um area libraries that'll be in attendance at our library and so there's a lot of parking that is needed for that just a an update on Fairfield Drive million of Paving um that is projected finally to take place on uh Wednesday 6:26 through uh Friday 628 uh weather permitting so we'll get that project closed up lastly uh I'm just going to ask if I can have uh five minutes in this report to have um um let me just give a little bit of History um back in 2021 uh the township committee at that time pass an ordinance that the township of Milbourne would be a part of the hunon energy aggregation group uh which is a energy Consortium group uh that would bid out for um energy Supply to Residents uh of Milbourne Township for three years that um had been unsuccessful due to the price of electricity uh however they recently had success in an auction um and I've invited uh Lisa Hibbs who is I believe the director of that group um to come give a give a quick um spiel about uh the community energy aggregation program uh and what that means and sort of some timeline as it as it relates to that um just so uh everyone is aware this has been around for a long time in various communities where you have the ability to opt out of the program um in particular in this uh partic and I'm not stealing all of your thunder I hope Lisa but in this particular example uh residents will also have the ability to opt up to 100% uh renewable uh renewable energy and so um Lisa is just going to explain very briefly uh some of the program details obviously a whole bunch of information will be on the Township's website as well as being mailed directly to Residents So Lisa thanks for being here thank you so much Alex and thank you for uh all of the time on the phone over the past uh couple weeks here um so The Hunton area energy Cooperative started in 2017 with three towns it is now 18 towns strong and spans five counties uh including um Milbourne Township here in6 um so uh thank you Alex for for the quick update yeah the energy Market was a little rough going there uh from 2021 to 2023 uh we did attempt out auctions each year uh and then finally May 22nd of 24 uh we were able to achieve a 5% savings uh for residents moving forward so beginning with meter reads in September and continuing through uh November of 2025 so it's a 15-month term the rate is flat for residents we make it as easy as possible for residents that do not want to participate to opt out uh there's also a permanent opt out feature so if they don't want to not only participate this time um but in future r pounds um for the 100 and Co-op um they can be put on a do not disturb list um residents wishing to take advantage of that 100% renewable option it is fractions of a penny higher than the basic um renewable portfolio standard of 37 and a half percent um there's still it's it's a minimal savings um but it's there um but again it's not costing residents much more than what they would pay through jcpnl um to achieve that 100% renewable um goal um so next steps I just want to um let everyone know um and and Township committee can rest assured that there was a robust Outreach um to Residents in in this regard especially um Senior Communities I mean they're targeted all the time um with um you know offers um so I'm working with Alex right now on the information kit the information kits are all the same from the cover letter um being the only difference um we can tweak that a little bit um and I did for Milbourne since this is your first time through um so since this is milburn's uh first uh experience with the process just wanted to make you aware that the program's web page is um an amazing resource for accurate information for residents about the program sometimes Facebook kind of takes on a life of its own um and rumors start and things um start to get out there that are not necessarily true um we will will put a link on the um Township's website um that will link to that information as well that way we're not burdening your staff with any updates along the way information kits will all be posted on that website we'll record a video about the program I will work with Alex um and and and other team members to schedule some in-person Outreach presentations here in Township since it is your first time through um we've done them at libraries community centers wherever it's most convenient um for your residents uh to come out and hear about the program um there's a PowerPoint presentation that we give and then we allow about half hour for uh questions and answers afterward um again anyone not wishing to participate in the program there is an opt out card in the mailer they can opt out online they can call a call center in Butler New Jersey that their only purpose is to take opt outs they can't answer questions about the program they're not a hard sell if a if a resident wants out they're out um and then again for the um for the green option the 100% there is a card also in the mailer um that residents can return but they can also opt up on the website and they can also call us to do that residents can also track their savings um through the program through the website um all they have to do is um identify their account number set up a password and they can track their savings through the program for the entire 15 months I can also provide the township with um a similar access code that you can see the aggregate savings um you won't be able to see individual but you'll be able to see how the the program is tracking and Performing for your residents throughout that 15-month term I can also pull those reports for you anyone that we receive return mail for is automatically opted out they did not have a chance to make an informed decision so they are not included doesn't mean they can't opt in just means that we won't include them um there's an initial 30-day opt out period the letter are going to be mailed July 15th they should be hitting residents mailboxes so we want to have those Outreach meetings the 18th through possibly August 13th to give people the amount of time that they need to make an informed decision if for some reason a resident misses that 30-day opt out window it doesn't mean they can't opt out of the program they can opt in or out of this program as many times as they want to during that 15-month term with no fees or penalties ever I think that covers it just to pay you back on that a little bit so back in 2021 when this had originally been um established by the township committee we had put information on our website while that information has been up there since um it probably needs some refreshing uh but there was a list of frequently asked questions and and and various information about uh the program we will um um we will update that as well as um make sure that there's uh there's current C ly a link to the Hun and energy aggregation um Cooperative but we're we'll make sure that everything is updated on that website for the residents as well we'll set up these public information sessions um with the group um and make sure that this is uh sort of I know it's the summertime and I know that it's going to be difficult for some people because uh they're not around a whole lot uh which is why you know one of my first questions to Lisa was whether they can opt out at any time you know they get back from Summer uh and are able to um are able to opt out uh once school starts I think that's all that's all part of this process so now I did fail to mention one important piece um after that 30-day opt out period we in we let the um supplier for the program IDT energy know which accounts are going to be enrolled in the program and at which level whether it be the standard or the green option they then notify jcpnl of which accounts are to be switched over to the supplier for the program from the utilities basic generation service um jcpnl will send a confirmation letter to every resident whose account is going to be switched over to the program giving them another bite at the Apple to opt out the letter specifically says hey if this is a mistake just let us know they can op out through JC panl as well thank you thank you so much Mr caner good evening mayor thank you um so just a brief update from where we were last time on uh affordable housing um I think last last meeting I gave a pretty detailed update that the special Master recommended to the court um that the court uh continue with the original non Main Street project um since that report was filed the township requested um the opportunity to file rebuttal with the court the court granted that request um and allowed all parties to file a rebuttal a rebuttal will be filed um onor before July 20th once it's filed sorry June 20th sorry once it's filed I presume it'll be an openable document and you know it'll be accessible to the public the Court's website um and um last time I was here there was some uncertainty has to when the hearing was going to be held uh the court rescheduled the hearing for July 3r at 10:30 uh it'll be in person uh that hearing is open to the public obviously there's no public participation but that hearing will be um open to the public um other than that I have no further update to the public on affordable housing but if the committee or mayor have any questions I'm happy to answer thank you may thank you public comment when invited to speak to offer your comments please come to the Lector and clearly state your name and whether you a Milburn resident Endor property or business owner please do not provide your full address seeing our meetings are recorded and are readily available to the public for the convenience of our community there is a remote option if you called in and would like to come in please press star six now if you are attending by computer or electronic device please click the raise hand button and be sure your video is on when you comment all members of the public wishing to speak will be put into the Que in the queue to address the committee to help facilitate an orderly meeting and to permit all to be heard speakers shall limit their comments to one three minute session you will be prompted when there is 30 seconds remaining a remind that this is not a time for dialogue or to debate a matter and this is a time during our business meeting for the public to offer comments I will now open the public comment period um good evening my name is Jeffrey Feld I live in the poet section um prior to this meeting as my custom I sent a various list of heads up questions and comments that were're not really responded yet um first first one is I'm very happy that we have two new officers going to the academy but after their appointment how many officers will we have as part of our system and when will they come actually come graduate the academy and come online and also I'm still waiting for uh like the paramilitary chain of command organization we posted as to the police that's to the bill list we due respect to Mr caner reviews his time summaries so he his firm many more than one person two people three people four people 10 hearings and meetings are we paying for that excess people um if you look at the bill list as the three entries there's no description in the past they would say like be properties litigation or some other litigation as to the breakouts why is to this bill list was there no more descriptions and since o October 2021 when he was retained in the fair share housing matter how much have we paid his firm for that type of work um who authorized and improve the Township's be properties sir reply that was five um as to the audit there's a payment for the audit when will the audit be finished and posted for the public this is the calendar year 2023 um there's a reference to Venice Hagen Brin they did Services regarding 22 East Willow Street what services do they perform what type of services um there's a also today to authorize going out for bid for lot 14 the first time we had discussions there was a public forum as to lot 14 as to changes U and proposals I mean I attended a various a couple public forums I met with the engineer I think various other people have those changes never been shared with the public and we're trying to figure out what those bid specs are um as to the paper mill Playhouse what's the status of the acquisition lot ordinance and I would invite the public to watch last night's beginning of the zoning board meeting about the discussion uh that's starting it'll be continued later in August as to the paper mill because some rep there was information disclosed last night that sort of contradicted what was told to this this party and to the public about the expansion of the uh carriage house that's going to be from 60 to 120 more tables um how does that impact what was told to us and also they did break out the use of the the other proceeds I'll see you later hi J moreli resident I'd like to start by just thanking all the committee members for your service to the community um since the last TC meeting some people have asked me why I am supporting a charter study commission so I thought I would explain and if I get anything wrong Mr caner Mr McDonald please correct me um a charter commission is an elected board that examines the current form of municipal government and researches Alternative forms that might better suit the community's needs well what difference does the form of government make well in New Jersey there are 12 different forms of municipal government Milbourne operates under a Township form with an elected Township Committee of five people which appoints a mayor and a Township administrator Milbourne holds partisan elections every June and November Summit another example has a city form of government Summit has an elected mayor responsible for executive functions and a council for legislative functions Madison uses a b burrow form of government South Orange is a village and operates under a special Charter chadam has a burrow and a Township with their own Mayors and councils the form of government defines the structures and rules a municipal government operates under the township form was one of the one of eight different forms of municipal government in New Jersey until 1950 when the state legislator passed the fauler ACT which created four new forms of government which provided citizens with more say in how their town government is run these new form of government came with new rights for Citizens such as the ability to directly petition the government to add questions to the ballot some of the new forms of government also include an option for partisan or nonpartisan election nonpartisan elections eliminate the June Municipal primaries and all candidates appear in the general election without a party designation just like our Board of Ed elections most nonpartisan elections in New Jersey today happen in the general election in November at the same time state and federal elections occur that brings us back to the Charter study commissions the there are two ways to change the form of government but the charter commission is the more common and open approach it starts with the TC passing an ordinance by simple majority to add a question to the ballot asking citizens if they want the charter commission to be formed and if the voters approve the commission is typically formed with members elected at the same time this occurs as part of the general election I'll finish up in my second three minutes Phil kers over in Resident I just had a question about the energy program I thought I remember from 2021 we have solar panels and I think I remember that's an automatic opt out so we don't do anything okay shouldn't get the mail if you get the mailer okay sounds like a good program but we just you know have our own yeah we we'll interfere with your credits for sure thank you good evening Diane Eglo first of all I am support I'm in support of the TC looking into a charter study and looking at the benefits of the Town being nonpartisan Mr con you mentioned last week that you might have 10 people running well so be it the Board of Ed has more people running than they have seats and I think there's nothing wrong with that um Mr Cosgrove sorry sorry to call you out by name it would be the Democratic CC candidate um you were one of the strongest opponents to the Silverman project by the shill train station on chadow road which is in your neighborhood I wonder if we could do um a calculate a Township tax revenue loss by not having that built by losing Summit Medical Group as a tenant and the residents that could have been moved in years ago we can't have TC members just out up there to protect their own neighborhood as we've seen in the past also I believe the TC should continue to fight to stop the Main Street project it's already impossible to get down ultd Hills Road in Glenn Avenue a building there with one egress and ingrace is just I don't know stupid and all the other reasons why that's a terrible project and I would be in favor of you fighting it no matter what it cost the taxpayers my tax money too I'd like to make a suggestion the mayor's message on Friday it's lovely how you all rotate I think you should put the link to the Tuesday night meeting because a lot of people get that message and they would get a direct link to this meeting and they be maybe more involved more informed um I want to know about the triangle on Locust and M Avenue if the DPW can somehow look at that there's all weeds there for some reason there's no flowers um Alex the status of The Pedestrian crosswalk at Ivy Terrace Ridgewood um also what was I did speak to our Christine I can't remember the officer who does the um traffic I he was going to reach out to Essex County about having the traffic lights you know beeping and speaking and I also want to say it's really important for Wyoming Avenue and Milbourne Avenue i' walk there with my friends you just stand there you wait for the little white hand it never comes you can't cross that corner it's unsafe as is Milbourne and Main I think that would be a really nice thing to do for the town and also I bring again where are all the trees there are no trees on mil Avenue there are no trees on Essex Street where are the trees we are a tree City we have no trees is this my end because also when we I'm talking about redoing the park didn't the sh beautification League have all these trees that they were going to donate what happened to the trees from the sh beautification they had grand for was it 18 trees they're not in Tor Park they're not on mil Avenue so I really think it's you go to Madison you go to chadam you go to all these towns their landcape is shaded it's really a benefit to have trees thank you thank you good evening Jerry Kung Short Hills resident I have some deep concerns regarding the $7 million that this committee has chosen to allocate to the paper mill renovation I've spoken before about how I disagree with this handout but if the committee insists on going down this path there must be more oversight the way this project is currently being managed raises significant red flags in January when executive director STS made the $7.5 million ask at this podium he stated that the goal was to raise $40 million however at the zoning board yesterday he testified that it is quote now a $43 million project within just five months time and no ground being broken the costs of the project have now somehow increased by almost 10% this increase is alarming we have no visibility into why $3 million were tacked onto the project cost if there are further cost overruns or if the paper mill fails to meet its ambitious fundraising goal will they be coming back to the township asking for another handout records retrieved via Oprah subjects thought they probably will after all Mr stots has a history of nickel and diming the township for instance on April 12th in an email exchange between Mr stots and business administrator McDonald they write Alex reick scholnick has calculated the fees due with filing the land use application package should we include these at this time or delete altogether will Eileen accept the package without the fees Mr McDonald responded Mike what was the dollar amount for the fees I will speak with Eileen I think paper mill would still need to post escrow for the application thanks Mr STS replied that the application fee was $7 7,835 and the escro was $879 Mr McDonald could you please confirm that all fees in escrow were collected as part of the filing of this application on March 15th Mr Scots emailed Mr McDonald hey Alex on a completely different topic do you think the town trip might support the paper mill Gala by purchasing a $155,000 table to our Gala on May 10th it would be great have members of the township Committee in attendance given everything we are going through right now on January 11th Mr stots emailed Mr McDonald for some reason we overpaid the 2019 base rent by $2,922 the parasitic leeching doesn't just end there even though the paper mill received more than $4.8 million of shuttered venue operators grants in 2022 as far as I'm aware the township has not received a single penny of the $341,000 of rent abatement provided during Co we currently have no guarantees that taxpayer monies will be used effectively or efficiently given that the paper mill is still at least $10 million short of their goal there is also a very real risk that they fail to meet their fundraising goal independently will they come back and ask us for it when that happens I urge this committee to demand a detailed itemized budget and to implement strict oversight mechanisms to ensure that further Financial burdens do not fall back on our community due to Port planning and lack of accountability thank you anyone else before we go online hi Jean Pastak resident um I want to start off by saying um congratulations to all the newly elected Democratic and Republican District leaders who form the municipal County committees that are required by the state um those fulfilling these roles are charged with being Liaisons to voters and Neighbors in their voting districts I I urge our residents to learn who their District leaders are and let them know your concerns so these can be considered in the selection process of candidates who are put forward by these committees to run for Township committee at least until we choose as a community to go nonpartisan um a new app was introduced by the Essex County Clerk Durkin for voters um see looks interesting uh it's to give and get information regarding elections I gather on behalf of Milbourne voters can our Clerk and Mr McDonald verify how the personal information uh given as part of this app downloading this app and using it will be used in store um for our voters lastly um about the paper mill giveaway um I didn't hear what Jerry was gonna say but I completely agree it's it just doesn't make sense and it's all been said over and over by dozens of residents you guys have a reason now to think um and act to stop this enormous taxpayer dollar giveaway we've been hit hard by the special Master about 9 Main Street we definitely should fight back I'm totally in in agreement with that it's definitely worth it we will be spending unfathomable amounts for that and our taxpayer dollars just trying to keep up with our already overwhelmed infrastructure with hundreds of new residential units and businesses coming on stream now today and many more in the future we should redirect that money to our Town's critical needs the $43 million vanity project is not for Milburn taxpayers it's a handout to Mr STS and the paper mill Board of Trustees those trustees include a former murn mayor Ted Burke who no longer lives in town and was the architect of the unpopular and Unwound complete streets mess and Mr Mount also a former TC member another architect of complete streets and because of that debacle that they caused they it resulted in them being voted off the TC and some of you here right ter it is their responsibility as a board to raise those monies for this nonprofit it is not appropriate that Milburn taxpayers are press pressured our TC is pressured to take from Milburn taxpayers and justify this grab with a profoundly flawed consultant study using data from Phoenix Arizona to make their phony taste you are all misled and it's your fiduciary duty to reconsider and reverse course now that you aware of the facts presented by various residents including Dr Kung don't don't let the Papermill strong arm art art Township committee and Mr McDonald into going ahead with this inappropriate taxpayer giveaway thank you we can go online good evening good evening Perry erso upper Milburn Avenue um I have a couple questions about your resolution 24-1 165 um considering that some of my properties are are surrounding lot 14 why have we not received any update prior to this consideration this evening therefore will the changes to the original shared plans for lot 14 bid specs be shared with the public who have attended the prior lot uh 14 public forums and who have also met with the township Engineers additionally when does the original capital of $400,000 plus dollars Bond appropriation lapse and why does lot 14 not provide um 15 minutes free public parking like other parking lot and areas throughout the municipality and feel free to um correct me if I am wrong on that but I'm just talking about for Patron parking also uh why are we rejecting judge Moore's recommendation to mediate and not late and I hate to continually repeat myself but I'd like to ask who was making these decisions and where are these decisions being May and lastly after all of these years why do you keep dismissing out of hand Mr turny feld's comments and leave his questions unanswered thank you and have a nice evening thank you okay I will now close the public comment um does anyone from the committee have any comments I address no I'd like to answer this the difference between the Board of Education and the township committee is the board of education has three seats up at every time Township committee can have as little as one so if you have nine people running that's still nine people for three seats that's more of a mandate then you could certainly end up with nine people running for one seat I know Dr Kung suggested rank to voting and I think that's very interesting although not a tried and true method is I know was used in the New York city mayor mayor's race I think think that's something that is in in its early stages I don't think everybody I think it's pretty complicated and I don't think the average person understands the the impact of that I'm sure you do because you're very involved with this but I doubt that that's true for the for the public in general but that that is something that I know is going on another thing I heard from one of the residents was well we could just have a runoff amongst the top two the top two winners well that's kind of what we have now that we have primaries and from the from the two parties two of each of those parties ends up in the general election so that's the runoff um that's not true that's not true you um so miss EO um the Silverman project um it's my understanding and then I'll let you know Mr McDonald correct me if I'm wrong but it's my understanding that it's really up to the developer at this point when they start that project and once that project is completed I would imagine the building would be assessed and it would start bringing in more tax revenue um but it's not up to the township to decide when the developer goes and starts the construction of that project uh we we are going along with it in terms of I believe it's been given approval by the planning board um and you know we had it as part of the settlement agreement so just understand it's not the township that's holding that up in anyway it's the individual developer um see uh as far as the trees on Milbourne Avenue uh I did happen to notice uh driving you know from where the high school is into town towards town hall there are actually some trees uh in the sidewalks in front of the uh new Wells Fargo Building and seem like you know they go down a little ways um so it would certainly be interesting to find out if there's some sort of engineering uh challenge that would prevent us from having more trees um I would imagine that certain types of trees their Roots would get under the pavement and that could cause problems um but uh it's certainly something that uh I'd like to get more information on um Dr Kung um you know the the paper mill project um I strongly objected uh to the TC moving forward with that um I agree if the TC is going to continue to move forward with that I think there needs to be some oversight this is a very complicated and expensive project and it actually involves town-owned property uh we're sort of in a unique situation where the lesie is going to be making improvements to the town-owned property and I do think it would be important for the township to keep tabs on that and you you know I just don't think that the um Papermill board really has the experience to know whether the bids they're getting are are accurate if if cost overruns are correct um I also do have concerns that they may start to demolish the facade of the building and then all of a sudden run out of money and then what happens when there's no facade on the building and they come to us and say well we we can't afford to to finish it what what do we do now they don't have any collateral because they don't know the building so what are they going to do so I'd love to know uh from Mr Mcdonald if there's any provisions uh to deal with a situation like that um and you know I would also think that because it is town-owned property we should have involvement from our planner and Mr McDonald is our planner involved in in that in any way um those oprit emails are very interesting and concerning uh it seems like they certainly got the consultant to paint a Rosy picture of its economic impact uh and I think that given this new information uh the members of this committee should really take a deep look at all of the new information that's come to light and reassess whether this is something we should still move forward with uh and as Dr Kung as as Miss past actually pointed out uh we're gonna have a lot of upcoming expenses you know regardless of how this situation with the dump turns out there's going to be some sort of affordable housing development velopment that the town is sponsoring and that's going to be expensive we need to replace Town Hall it's falling apart uh we have a lot of other expenses coming up and I think in light of those we should really reassess whether uh the paper mill is something that the town should be investing in um Miss berso uh with regards to the uh bid uh Mr McDonald could you uh answer whether the bid documents will be available to the public um that would that would be good to know um that's it thanks everyone um just real quickly to answer at least one of the questions regarding the audit uh we we go through this every year uh we have an audit every year and first and foremost the audit has to be returned to the township committee uh for their acceptance and approval uh and then it'll be available to the public uh that generally happens in August so I think you keep an eye out for it then um in terms of Miss ELO's question about the trees um one of the things that we are uh considering because I I mean I know that that Milbourne Avenue and Essex Street maybe don't have enough trees but I can I can tell you for sure that upper Milbourne Avenue does not have enough trees um and so it's an area that we're we're looking at and whether there's appetite from those individuals up there um as well as um um what is feasible uh within that area uh to add some additional trees or plantings or whatever it might be in terms of beautification uh in that area uh we are fortunate that we have a licensed Arbor arborist on on staff and so with regard to concerns trees that have root systems and are you know uh have the ability to plant it in the street we can continue to look into that uh but that is um that is something that we also are hoping to address in other people's improvements to their properties or uh whether it's development uh like deputy mayor sakandi uh stated with the Wells Fargo or the Hearth building uh they planted quite a bit of uh trees in and around that property so um certainly on the Forefront of our mind as well yeah I mean right and if I remember correctly during complete streets they planted 72 Street trees uh a lot of concern goes into where they're planted whether they're you know you have to find the space in between buildings and nobody wants them necessarily in front of their storefront um if it blocks signage or things like that uh as well as all of the other things that are underground that impact where you can plant trees so there you know it's I wish it were as simple as just you know popping them in the ground and and putting them in there but yes we can certainly those existing tree pits that we don't have trees in um or that they've been cut down um or um or if there are additional areas that we can I think yes um I will have uh have DPW take a look at the triangle and see what's going on with that um I know that's something that's usually been handled in terms of ball planting uh by other groups but um we'll take a look at that um in terms of uh Dr kung's comments um I'll have to look into uh exactly the fees that were paid and I will get back to you and or uh the committee on that in terms of the paper mill I think that with regard to just general comments and certainly you know where the committee wants to go with it is fine but uh it is has been outlined um what the Township's uh contribution is paying for one of those things is the fac um because that is something that the historic preservation uh commission wanted to see done it is something that the township wants to see done and we think that is very important to that um so you know there is um there are very specific things that the township had allocated those funds for in particular the first part is the purchase of 20 Brookside uh which uh we anticipate having on the township committee's agenda on July 16th question Alex while you're still on that topic uh so that money would be for the facade on the Carriage House correct not the facade of the that they're going to build F hm on yes sorry yeah that is the historical facel correct okay um and um you know in terms of oversight um first and foremost I think what I can I mean certainly we've been you know we we've been meeting on anything that the township is involved in um but I can uh I can inquire with the uh with the board uh to be placed on the facilities uh Review Committee and whatever whoever whatever committee is handling uh the improvements um uh to add some additional oversight um and will'll certainly you know can help uh sort of facilitate some back and forth between our planner and and and and the paper Mo I think those are all fine suggestions but I think it's also been been clear that part of the expansion also the of the carriage house that was never not discussed was part of the plan you could see it on the plan they were adding a second level to The Carriage House part of that is part of the reason for that is some of the asss that were uh provided to the paper mod with regard to additional seating at the restaurant to to expand the revenue source of that as well as um you know speaker series and other events that would be held at the paper mill following uh following the Improvement so uh that that has never been sort of kept the secret Alex so so in place is the strict and I completely agree there needs to be strict monitoring of how the money is spent and that it's spent appropriately on the things that we have now I also agree with Frank and um Frank's husband uh Dr Kong uh that we should maybe investigate the HBC and understand what they did say to the Papermill Playhouse about that uh facade as well as what they've talked to to the to the Short Hills Village and get some clarity of what's being discussed between HBC and some of these resident projects so maybe we should take that up as well yeah I I mean I was I was I was certainly involved in the conversations with uh with the papermilk and so um it was very clear what what the desire of of everyone in that situation uh was and so that is why it was part of our um our portion just to preserve the faade it is to preserve the facade um and make sure that the the postcard image of the paper mill is visible and the first thing that you see driving up I drive toward toward the uh toward the theater um uh Miss bash certainly will look into the app and understand what information is you know kept there I'm I'm not um particularly familiar with it at this point and we will share the big specs uh with the lot 14 uh concerned individuals uh once we put them uh on the website they're available and operable but um and I don't believe much has changed from those specs remember we just held off as a result of timing I think not much has changed about those specs but there may be U one one uh one change that we can certainly share with Miss erso and others that may be concerned Mr thank you mayor there were a lot of comments regarding um changing the form of government and uh Charter commission uh the employment of Charter commission um that's on later in the agenda so I'll Reserve comment on that until it's until that's the appropriate time in the agenda um unless the committee has any questions we have no further comment what that's what the public thank you the township committee will now consider consent agenda resolutions are there any comments from the committee in regard to any listed items on the consent agenda may have a mo may have a motion to approve resolution 24-16 through resolution 24-1 168 which are listed on the consent agenda motion may I have a second second roll call vote Please Mr Cohen yes M yes Deputy Mayor Sandy yes Mr ster mayor yes uh committee and Co and you are scheduled to sponsor ordinance 2675-1 I present for consideration an ordinance and title ordinance number 2675 d24 Capital ordinance with the county of murn and the county of Essex New Jersey authorizing the making of various public improvements and Acquisitions in by and for the township appropriating therefore the sum of 1,712 th000 and providing that such sums so appropriated shall be raised from the capital Improvement fund of the township and from the Township's capital reserve for police and capital reserve for DPW tonight is the time set for the public hearing and final passage as advertised in accordance with law I declare the hearing open I move that the public hearing be closed that the ordinance be adopted on Final reading and that the Township Clerk be directed to publish the ordinance by title as passed on Final reading in accordance with law may I have a second second roll call vote Please Mr Colin yes Miss purpus yes Deputy Mayor Sandy yes Mr Stoler affirmative mayor Romano yes commit MTO your scheduled to sponsor ordinance 2676-20 thank you I present for consideration an ordinance entitled ordinance number 26762 4 ordinance creating a temporary open container area tonight is the time for the public hearing and final passage as advertised in accordance with law I declare the hearing open I move that this public hearing be closed no ordinance to be adopted on Final reading at the Township Clerk be directed to publish the ordinance by title as passed on Final reading in ordance with law may I have a second second roll call vote Please Mr Colin yes this prose yes Deputy Mayor sakandi yes Mr Stoler affirmative mayor Romano yes thank you Deputy Mayor sakandi you are scheduled to sponsor ordinance 2677-20 I present for consideration ordinance entitled ordinance 2677 d24 estab establish citizen advisory committee on affordable housing tonight is the time set for public hearing and final passage as advertised in accordance with law I declare the hearing open I move that this public hearing be closed and the ordinance be adopted on Final reading and that the Township Clerk be directed to publish the ordinance by title as passed on Final reading in accordance with law may I have a second second roll call vote Please Mr Collins yes Miss purus yes Deputy Mayor Sandy yes Mr Stoler affirmative mayor Romano yes thank you old business uh the charter commissions start a charter study commission Mr C so I know um I wasn't here but there was some questions regarding um the charter study commission and to adopt the new form of government so one method to adopt a new form of government is to elect a charter commission um that process would require an ordinance by this committee um authorizing um a ballot authorizing a ballot question as to whether or not a charter commission should be established um it and additionally on that ballot you could list Commissioners to be elected there's five Commissioners they're elected at the election that election can take place simultaneously obviously if the commission question is rejected then you know any votes to those Commissioners um you know wouldn't wouldn't matter um could it also you said could so does that mean that we could put it we could put it up as a question without the actual commit on that ballot you could then obviously you would then need another election to elect your Commissioners and then um you know go through it but adopting the commission's recommendation also takes it's also a ballot referendum so then you would need a third election to actually um complete the um the study um you know once and if if the ballot measure were to fail if you were to put a commission uh on the ballot in order to fail you wouldn't be allowed to do it again for another four years so there's a four-year time period where you wouldn't be allowed to do that um you know I can go through some more of the stuff you know once the commission organizes itself um it will set rules um they have to hold at least one public hearing to solicit information from the public um they can hold private hearings about forms of government um and they arrive to A they you know they arrive as a decision as to which former government has to be a f act former government there's four that they can choose from um you know they should first analyze the current form of government to understand um benefits and shortcomings um and you know they're encouraged to obviously talk to this governing body and others as to um know the benefits of that um you know they'll they'll issue a report um once they make a decision it then becomes it goes on the ballot this committee would not you know would not have to accept or reject the report the report would then be uh on the ballot and the public would get an opportunity to vote on whether or not the change the form of government um I more detailing yes and Jared um while you were out last last meeting there was some discussion whether it takes three Council Township committee members uh to pass it or four do you know the answer to that question yeah it's three members it's three members three um the super majority is required if you're a fuler Act of government there was a new law that was passed within the last maybe three four years if you're a fuler act the government which allow there is no nonpartisan Township form of government so you have a fuler active government alls for partisan and nonpartisan you can change from partisan to nonpartisan by a super majority but that's but no for it will require a simple majority what's the process for somebody running to be on that Charter commission is that any any citizens self- nominate themselves get petition signatures could you describe that process you know I that's one thing I'm not sure of but I presume it's I presume it's like any other official who wants to go for that spot put petitions in that's my understanding but I don't know let me let me follow up with you I don't want to who has oversight of that Commission of that group so they'll they'll elect the chairman within I think 15 days they have to organize and elect the chairman it'll be independent of this committee how long does it take for how long do they have to get a report or how long does that process um it's recommended that it's done um in three and a half months or four months but in my experience it's taken much longer uh to come up with the report and to get it on the ballot people are on thisiss five and the elections are they part of a general election or are they special election uh they could be part of the next general but all three elections that you me that you mentioned or two I guess but two depending on two generals you would have one to see if if if they it got started and then another to see that would be the following year if they if they issue the report in time there's time constraints so Jared um if we if we vote on this um what's the cuto off for getting it on this year's ballot and if we go after that cut off is it then automatically on next year's ballot yes so we looked at it um if you were to adopted on your August meeting be in time for the November ballot it's um 75 days and that puts you a few days past your August Mee so July will be introduced thank you so if if we wait until November let's say it'll be on the following right and I want to make sure it's not too early but right and I also not sure if it could be done in the primary election I would have to look at that also no but would be for the following Year's General meaning like if we voted for it on this committee right and we voted to have it done for the general 2025 election this committee's standing vote holds for 2025 that I'm not sure I don't know that that ordinance canot be repealed next year by another governing body I don't that I wouldn't know I'd have to do the procedure but I mean until it's on the ballot I presume and any I think I think any governing body can repeal any act that it's taken so I would think that you could repeal that ordinance before it takes effect or can we can we look into that because my concern that would be I mean I think actually know that I'm talking it out I mean that if if we were to pass an ordinance today that said let's put it on 2025 and a later ordinance before it got on the ballot came to place I would say that it was supered that ordinance that so my my concern is that at this point it's already June given that the town empties out over the summer I just feel that it would be it would be sort of a little bit irresponsible to try and push this through for this year's ballot simply because you're going to need time for people to run as Commissioners you're also going to need time for the public to get educated because if this fails you can't do it again you can't try it again for four years well that'll be the people that are to be the commission to that point Frank you know we had 65% of the Town saying that they want it so I don't know why why you're turning your back on that if 65% of the town want it and we want to press it forward we don't need to really worry about the Commissioners at this point it's whether we just get it on the ballot I mean if we want to create a more inclusive transparent and Ive system of governance that prioritizes the best interest of all residents why would we not accelerate it we could probably vote tonight procedurally to get it moving and get everything going is that correct get I would take I would take this committee I don't have a say and I'm I would I would take this commit direction if I was asked to draft an ordinance for introduction for the next meeting but it's up to this committee what What legislation get put up to vote I I mean I I would like to vote for it right now get you going I mean honestly if if if you want I'm not prepared to vote on it to me then so it's never it's never going to happen excuse me that's read for July can you just let us have a first read for July you can vote no then let's see the let's see the ordinance let's find out if there's a way that we can do this to be binding for next year's there no if we're going to include the um the commission itself on the ballot then I think we need a little bit more information on how those people run and what their deadline is and their petitions Etc but if we're just doing the commission just a commission let's keep the ball rolling on that is the main pillar of our campaign that I Define with without the the commission without the commission you can have the commission so you can't if you're not a registered party member you can't vote what in the primary right if you're an unaffiliated voter you're not allow to vot in the primary you have to elect the Commissioners in the fall 20125 right you have to wait till then that's right least you got one piece great that's three people one piece jar you got marching orders well no we only it's the ordinance just to put the question put the question if it passes we're going to have the Commissioners are going to be allowed to run as a matter of right law and then and then they decide they decide should start the process great we'll start the process we'll start the process can we should we vote on it yeah get everybody on record good the I have the mayor I have committee women appr I committee so Frank's not I'm saying go J go ahead and draft okay just want to make sure we're right what about Michael listen guys just for purpose you're not you're just because you're authorizing me to draft an ordinance to review doesn't commit you to vote Yes on it when it's up okay thank you okay um new business cusers and solicitors regulations um yes so I just wanted to bring to the committee's attention there has been some consternation um from the public in terms of uh this allowance um and I think there are some changes that can be made to the ordinance however we are um there are a lot of difficulties with uh canvases and solicitors ordinance constitutionally and this has been litigated far and wide throughout the United States and uh we actually made a wholesale change to our ordinance a few years back but I think at this point in time there are some uh changes I'd like to consider or have the township committee consider um in particular the fee um increasing the fee um to at least $50 per applicant um so per person per application fee uh shortening the time that the permit is um valid from one year to six months um at at least six months um and um there are other changes uh that could be done just to further solidify the establishment um like having those applicants check check off that they've received and read um uh the no knock list the no knock list uh is pretty much our our our line of defense when it comes to door-to-door solicitation and for those residents that are not aware there is a no knock list that you can sign up on for so that um conceivably uh solicitors should not be knocking on your door and should be following that list if you're on the no knock list then you have the ability to call the police department to uh issue citation to somebody who uh knocked on your door that's where ring doorbells come in uh very handy um but I think um it's time to make some changes to the ordinance just to continue to um to up the fees and and and limit the time and make sure that because what happens what we've heard this year is all of a sudden a canvas may have gotten a permit at the end of August and then they come back in June and people will say well you know how can you still have a license uh to solicit and they still have a valid license because it's available for a year um so I'd just like to propose some changes to the township committee um with with regard to this ordinance and hopefully you know uh do what we can within the confines of Law and Constitution um to to revamp this can we take a two-minute break so I can R and just with that as we do this just I you do that e e e e e e e um just real quick uh uh a public announcement that uh town hall is closed tomorrow um for for juneth um all other all other uh Municipal functions will be going on so only non-union people have off tomorrow just want to let everybody know that even though the state holiday is y federal holiday Monday okay public comment this this public comment period is allowed for final comments from the community when invited to speak to offer your comments please come to the Lector and clearly state your name and whether you are a Milburn resident and or property or business owner please do not provide your full address seeing our meetings are recorded and readily available to the public a reminder that in order to help facilitate orderly meeting and to permit all to be heard speakers shall be limited limit their comments to one three minute session okay my name is Jeffrey Phil I live in the poet section um I really want to talk about and hopefully give assistance in our fight to sever the nine Main Street project um there's several things last week Livingston published a notice of a amended fair share and final compliance notice the last paragraph is very interesting is changing about citizens having the right to speak I'm surprised no one really talked about what happened yesterday with Mr Norcross um the reason I say this because I'm the only person that was ever really a slap suit was filed against them by RPM and I filed a counter claim and a third party complaint talking about criminal Enterprises fast forward eight years ago our us our us our attorney general starts talking about there's certain issues and one thing that has to be mentioned in our reply papers let's go back to July 30th 2021 a special meeting on less than 45 minutes notice who the only resident there that spoke out and did not know the terms and when you follow your papers I think you need to put certain exhibits in I think you need to amend your exhibits to the redevelopers agreement because they ask if there's any pending litigation that gets read in this settlement there is it's called fell versus city of milour Township of Milbourne where I was seeking an injunction which because I filed the case about two weeks before this seeking an injunction that we had the right because you someone that Count Council in 2021 took away our right to speak before you took official action the reason I raised that there's certain case that came out of the Supreme Court talking about the right to be heard in bankruptcy talking about what's in interest in person when you look at the administrative procedures act when an agency was going to take action they to give you notice and they had to take public comments there was no public comments as to the final terms because the public never had the terms that issue has to be raised you need to put the exhibit of the re conditional redevelopers agreement that there were no deadlines we had horrible representation that's not you Mr caner people before you they sold us out and that better be emphasized in papers I've offered you the manga cases the two cases the private sale of a dollar you can't do without a Redevelopment agreement Redevelopment plan I stood up here and said it what did I get Mr Phil you don't know what you're talking about well I'm telling you something here the Attorney General the US attorney had I told you the FBI came to see me several times and you need to look at what happened at St Rose the same pattern that brought the FBI to see me and armed is here thank you hi J Morel resident um Mr uh caner did a great job summarizing the charter commission uh I will say that it's my understanding that while it's certainly best practice to hold the elections at the same time as the general election so not to incur another one it is possible my understanding to hold a special election at any point um that's true I I would certainly though recommend we do it at the general election um I support uh the formation of the charter Commission because it ask the residents do you want to Charter commission it's not asking the people on the committee it's asking the residents if they don't want it they can say no I don't understand what what the objection would be I would recommend doing the Commissioners at the same time so as to not avoid another time Gap in the process um as as was brought up um this was a campaign issue for the candidates that won uh with a significant majority um I commend uh mayor romano and uh committee women prus and Stoler for supporting this I think it's fantastic um I do recommend that you put the Commissioners on there at the same time I realized that um people have to go out and collect signatures to get on um some people may be traveling uh but that's no different than any other election um numerous I I do want to comment on on Mr Cohen's Point regarding having election with with a number of people on the ballot I will first remind um committee and Cohen that in 2022 the winners won with 46% of the vote they did not a majority I don't recall anybody ever saying you don't have a mandate I certainly never said that I did not hear it here I think you've been great up on the de uh with 46% somebody wins with 35% so be it um that happens in elections there are numerous municipalities in New Jersey that have nonpartisan elections and operate just fine um hobok and Verona uh I could go on and on um so in my opinion um move forward with this um do the Commissioners at the same time and uh follow through on what the voters asked for um last November thank you thank you since I decided to stay to the end um Alex the crosswalk at Ivy and Ridgewood it would be great if that could be done before the school year we do have more kids walking again and I'd love that still doing the poster contest that's really nice um ironically the last time I was walking at the corner of Wyoming Milbourne Avenue who did I run into Jen Duckworth and we were talking about how hard it is to cross at Wyoming and Milburn Avenue and as we're sitting there waiting to cross it the light never went on so I really wanted to know if Essex County responded if they would allow Milburn I mean how expensive could it be to put the mechanism on the existing traffic lights because I was in Summit the other day my move to Summit and there it beeps beep beep beep so I mean there's things we could do that would make crossing our intersections much safer and I do hope that we can find a place to plant trees good night good evening Jerry Kong short Hol resident um just wanted to make some comments about the charter commission I'm fully in favor of a charter commission I think it's a great idea I just think that as with everything in life timing matters um you know given that it's the summer I think that my recollection when I read the statute is that you need a 100 signatures on a petition the town empties out over the summer it's going to be by the second read of the ordinance it'll be August we'll have 75 days for hopefully at least five people to step up gather 100 signatures per each and end up on the ballot somehow get the message out educate the community as to what their stances on a charter commission is um so you know I think look it would it would be great if we could get this started as soon as possible I think that we should think deeply about hashing out all of the details whether or not we want to elect Commissioners at the same time if not electing Commissioners at the same time when do we elect commissioners I would highly suggest that you do not elect Commissioners at the same time as a primary election because that would sort of defeat the purpose as to you know the percentage of people coming out to vote in a primary election 45% of the town is independent voters they're not even going to show up at a primary election so let's just make sure that if we do this right that if we do this which I am fully in favor of doing it and I think I hope all of you are in favor of doing it because we should let the residents speak for themselves but if you want to do something do it right if you mess it up the first time there's a four-year lockout period where you you're not allowed to do it again and you know a lot can happen in four years so look I think it's it's great that people are sticking to their campaign promises but we need to just think very deliberately about how we want to proceed because when we act too quickly and we act too rashly and we think that we're under the gun for whatever reason self-imposed or otherwise we end up with bad decisions and Mr Feld spoke right here about the bad decisions that happened in August 2021 with the fair share housing settlement agreement which we're still talking about three years later so let's you know take a deep breath think about how we're going to do everything gather all of the information and then figure out the right way to proceed okay I think there's a little bit of bickering that I'm seeing up here which is a little bit disappointing because I think that people should be acting more mature and instead of scoring political points or you know trying to put someone into a corner I think the important thing is what is best for our community people need to think sit back in their seats and make the right decision thank you thank you good evening everyone Richard cyber how you doing than you president great line I heard um the small small steps big accomplishments this is just a small step that being asked about the commissions it could be a big accomplishment but it starts with the small step that's all small Jean Pastor I just like to say that um I think that people here that um have not actually gone out and gathered signatures over the summer really have no idea what they're talking about people are not here in town we've worked very hard for at least four years getting the word out to the community you saw the result of that last year at the election people are interested in this nonpartisan topic but it's unfair not to allow people enough time that might want to be involved might want to be on the commission to be present and able to get the signatures to get themselves on the ballot I 100% agree with the nonpartisan effort and doing the commission of some form but I do not agree with the timing thank you thank you anyone else before we go online online good evening could put your camera on please thank you um I'm gonna speak about the paper mill Playhouse I'm not going to give you the same facts and figures I gave you last time I agree with everything Jerry said in Sunday Star Ledger Ben Stoler by the way made a comment that we could lose them they could go somewhere else uh I want to tell you something they're not going to the Mayo Art Center in morrist toown I went to a show up there Led Zeppelin this ran in the Star Ledger it ran this week Sunday there are a hundred events in that theater in Morristown the bgs Whitney Houston tribute tribute to Pearl Jam New Jersey Ballet Charlie Brown Christmas Johnny Mattis Christmas New Jersey Ballet Nutcracker Jay Leno live Blind Boys of Alabama yok Herman Pearlman Gilbert and sullon Swan Lake Jay Leno the national dance company of Ireland Etc a hundred different events and they don't need 500 employees to put these events on they come with packages there's no way in the world that some of these places would take on the obligations of the paper mill Playhouse and this this is their schedule for the next 12 months so I wouldn't worry about it I think we have to get a lot tougher with the the paper mill I haven't seen any compromises I haven't heard them say they'll cut back one show they'll cut back a hundred people no compromises all I heard from Jerry was they're they're possibly going to spend more money they're going to do more seing and I I love the paper mill I'm not against it I said that last time please reconsider it's not too late thank you thank you hi I'm sorry Perry uro upper milb Avenue just um a quick question when you talked about the knocking solicitors is that also going um are you considering that also for the commercial businesses so just wanted to get that question out there thank you so much have a great evening and I hope you gentlemen on the DI had a wonderful Father's Day have a good night for Jun on Friday okay I will now close public comment does anyone have any anyone want to respond to any public comment Deputy Mayor um so for those of you that so for those of you that that spoke about the concerns with the timing on the charter commission I absolutely agree with you it's essential that we get the timing correct uh because we get one chance uh one bite at the Apple and we're locked out for four years if it fails so just to make it clear um my position is that I'm fine with the question of whether to put the charter commission whether to form a charter commission could go on this year's ballot I would only agree to that as long as the election of the Commissioners is on the November 2025 ballot I feel it is imperative that we give adequate time to have Commissioners identified have them run have them have a campaign this is a very important issue and we need to make sure we do it right I I've always been one of my mantras is if you're going to do something do it once and do it right and um so I just want to put that out there that's my position so uh hopefully the ordinance will be drafted that way and we'll be able to vote on it next next meeting committee woman appr okay I'm in agreement with Frank I think that's a good way to do it um and and right primary is not an option so I agree that the ordinance should be drafted in to committtee Mr doar no I certainly agree with the right we get one bite at the Apple I mean that's what we ran on uh I 100% want to get this on the uh ballot for for this election uh we could do a special ction we can wait till November it really doesn't matter the key is about getting the first of the snowball rolling down the hill and then let it go from there um so so I think that is the easy solution uh that we that we can agree with uh just comment on Mike Becker on the paper mill playoffs um I'm not sure if the if the paper playhouses moving to the Mayo Center uh the Mayo Center is a prime example of the coordination and the collaboration with marst toown and the economic benefits it brings to the town uh this is what a lot of people are missing on the Papermill playoffs it's not a giveaway that's gaslighting the community what it is is we're collecting $350,000 of combined revenue we're paying $200,000 a year for a uh 30-year bond for that we get all of the econom EIC impacts we get the cultural events we get the qualitative educational programs for our children um and we get to grow with them obviously there has to be a strict and intense monitoring process of how the money is spent they've already put that through uh and told us what that money would be spent on uh so um and if Mike Becker has the number I'd love him to email me of how many employees the Mayo pack has because he seems to know but I've not seen that number anywhere so uh I would like to see that night thank you I have nothing to add Mr McDonald um just to answer Miss erso's question it does include commercial properties it's any uh address uh can be on the uh the no knock list um and in terms of Ivy and Ridgewood I think and I'll verify it from misslo but I think that this is a part of our overall um CBD money oh she but um our community development block grant money uh that we utilize for accessibility projects and so we're waiting on our award of that money from uh from the county uh which probably won't happen until the fall unfortunately I don't think that that particular intersection will be done prior to school starting but it is on the list of those intersections that we are tackling including um several up in the U I believe the coniston uh and South Terrace area as well it's uh a few other stragglers so and to her Point can we look at that light at Wyoming and Milburn we we have brought this light to the attention of the County uh previously um we can certainly do it again uh I think that they're uh they were not going to allow us to uh make improvements to it but I'll I'll verify that again I know our traffic Sergeant has reached out to okay because I guess Orlando's already left who's the Essex County represent restive be nice to bring it bring it to and uh but you know I I understand exactly what uh what she's talking about a consistent complaint all right nothing for the mayor thank you have a motion to adjourn motion may have a second all in favor hi good night every