e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome everybody I'm going to start by uh leave the open public need statement in accordance with section the open meeting act 231 laws 1975 we advise that notice of this meeting was made by posting on the bulleon board town hall and serving the officially designated newspapers a notice stating that this meeting would take place at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. on August 1st 2024 Mrs Canfield here Mr Davis is absent Mr T Lada yes Mr Frank absent Mrs Gaylor is absent Mrs glat here Mrs Wanga is absent Mr Jenkins here Mr C is absent um I'd like to make an announcement um the application number 58922 Brookside Drive block 1304 Lot number 13 play was a referral from the zoning board [Music] um we are actually removing this dece we're actually carrying it until the September meeting so that's next month September 5th at 7:30 right here no further notice correct thank [Music] you so we will jump to meeting minutes um the approval of minutes of June 6 2021 meeting so it's only Mr Jenkins and Mr Tada that can vote on this who that we here thank you all in favor oppos okay many many excuse me meeting minutes stand thank you theorizations we have five so I'm just going to read application and address application number 54961 Street application number 577 122 Cyprus Street application number 5782 chestn Place application number 580 117 C Street and application number 566 10 Forest Drive are there any additions Corrections or questions on these memorializations I just want to point out to the commission that 10 is correct because surve should do that that oh sorry that's all right um so do I hear a motion to approve with the corrections made on 10 Forest Drive are we are we all eligible to vote on all of these yes you they received a copy of the memorialization so this is even though they weren't here for the meeting you have to be here for the meeting yes otherwise you don't know what happened unless you read a transcript so only Mr Mr all in favor oos motion stand approved as thank you uh we are going to move on to new business our first application this evening is 91 Highland Avenue block 2205 Lot number three it's a contributing property in the his Park historic district um it's a regulatory application to construct the second Flo bathroom Edition new windows and doors on the existing detached garage re relocate an existing garage door to the detached garage modify the driveway to enter the front of the detached garage and remove the portion of the driveway to the left of the detached garage if we could ask the applicants and professional it's a contributing yeah the agenda were the witnesses the applicant and I am Dave Rosen architect okay raise your hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you provide on the application tonight to the commission will be the TRU whole truth in yes I did so I'm Kasher that uh is a model that they've made of 91 Highland we uh we closed on this house in January and we moved here in April and we've been making some small improvements part uh and and uh some of those are in this application there's a bathroom to be built on the second floor which has uh as of right now two bathrooms between three bedrooms and some changes to uh the access to the garage uh Dave any questions for a okay uh this house 91 Highland Avenue uh was was built probably in 1920 Barton Ross mentions 1925 EXC me one second he mentions 1925 but I believe that that's not the actual date when it was built according to the David Gibson and Associates report it was built in 1920 with alterations in 2540 43 and so on 15 years ago um our firm did a renovation of this house and at that time in order to to illustrate what was happening at the house we had built this model um and people liked it back then so we glued the pieces of paper that were coming off and so on and brought it back and what we're talking about the front of the house is as you can see it there on the driveway side and then coming around I'm going to tip it this way but we had added uh in 2009 this section back here so this and this the original house was an L shape like this um we had added a second floor on the left side of the house as you see it from the street uh 10 years ago so that's um in 2014 and we had renovated the existing porch down below here all the renovations that we did at that time were we started with a photo uh of the house from uh which was from a booklet uh that had been put out by the summit Herald which was the newspaper back then and still when I was a kid and it was called it was a booklet called um beautiful homes of summit and Short Hills and so this is a picture of of the house really I think kind of at its peak at that time there's another photo which is a terrible photo but that's what had sent over um but by 2008 the house looked quite different we had made a number of changes the house had been sort of colonialized painted white six over six windows were had replaced the one over ones and the front entrance had been uh the enclosed area of that vestibule had been taken away they had enclosed a porch on the front left side of the house and at that time we tried to bring it back to for many of those things there's also a low wall stone wall at the front uh by 2008 that wall was gone and you can see it up close but you can see I think it's in the package that you have that the patio furniture you can see all the way down to the bottom so when we renovated at that time and I don't I'll be just two more minutes about what we've done before we restored the uh the front vestibule we replaced the window with one over ones we put this what had originally been an open porch back to about what we thought it was was at the time um but we but with Windows you can see barely but there are line there are vertical lines in here which divide that into thirds and you can see it even in this terrible terribly reproduced photo so we put it we tried to put some of those things back additionally we we changed the color of the house from white to more of a wood tone um as it was originally believe it or not this model was that same wood tone but in the 15 years that it sat up on a shelf in my office the the beige went away and I we end up with mint chocolate chip but our intent is not to paint any of it mint chocolate chip especially the stone and so on but anyway the original House it's in some of the information there's some photos the original house was this l-shape and when we add it around here we added uh family room kitchen mud room breakfast area the kind of rooms that people tend to use all the time now and essentially other than a Kitchen didn't exist when this house was built in 1920 those kinds of rooms uh we had gotten approval back then it had been a little difficult for a couple of the members to understand understand what we were doing so we built this model now this model actually turns out to come in handy because we're adding this little area here it's almost Square it's about 80 square feet on the second floor it is against the the part of the house that we had added 15 years ago um it is it does not obscure other than about a foot or two against the corner of the original house it doesn't obscure the the original house we didn't bring it even out quite as far as as the the rest of the breakfast area in order to not uh change the overall form uh of the house so we've gone through the pictures and in the floor plan on hpc5 you can see this sort of almost square of what we're doing we're affecting essentially nothing else on the house other than putting a a door through the what's Curr an exterior wall we're not even taking out a window or anything so it's just to add this bathroom two sinks uh combination tub shower and toilet so that this back bedroom can have a bathroom in closer proximity these two bedrooms share the whole bathroom that's between them the primary Suite has its own bathroom over here so that's really the the first half of what we want to to do and um the second half is that there is a garage a detach garage which was built 1943 at the back right corner of the property the garage currently is a three car garage entered from the side but as you can see on the existing site plan the driveway comes in swings to the left back around to the right and the paved area of the driveway comes essentially to the center of the back part of the property and we would like to modify where the garage doors are instead of having you can see on hpc7 instead of having at the lower left you can instead of having three garage doors on the side and that Paving extending way into the yard we would like to move the garage doors to the front so that the garage doors face straight out um in doing so we're keeping the same uh architectural details and the elements of this building which are a little bit different from the main house in particular there are currently 6 over six windows and we're keeping those and the new windows will match will match those rather than shifting it to make it more like the original house we will require a variance for for the garage because a front-facing garage requires a variance even though you can't see it because from the street you have to come all the way to the front right corner of the property look straight down but because of the way it's planted and the topography you can't actually see uh the garage you certainly couldn't see the garage doors but we'll go to the Zoning Board of adjustment after uh hopefully the after approval here and uh we'll we'll request that variance the way that the driveway goes in uh if you look straight back it's going to be we're going to take a retaining wool that currently bends around kind of straighten it out a little bit in order to be able to get there but from straight on the driveway you can't see it and as I mentioned from the front corner you can't see that either the benefit is and you can see it uh on the proposed site plan is instead of the driveway swinging way out here it'll give a much better play area and a more attractive area uh for for the property and a slightly reduced uh lot coverage let me just confirm yeah we're we're reducing by uh not quite 2% on the lot coverage on that I know that's not your issue but I think that it goes towards the beautification of the back part of the property I think that it benefits the the the neighborhood of it with the neighbor behind the neighbor to the right would not really see that because of the way the Topography is and again with in some of the photos uh these were taken before things had really where the leaves had really come on but in looking at the old at the existing garage the ground goes up and is is gets close to the top of the first floor even right at the garage and then as it gets farther away the ground continues to rise up so we have these two parts uh of the project um that we would like to get approval on the garage being the second one and the first one was this bathroom um these are uh these are following when they bought the house there were a number of areas in the house that had it's not put it nicely they settled but they actually in one bedroom there's a little over a 3in dip in the floor so um some ele in some rooms we've put back new um new flooring raised up in order to have it not flat but better than what it was we've used the same kind of wood it's a we use Rift cut Cordon White Oak um and so on with borders so that it feels like it's part of the original house where the stair had settled in uh that was opened up restructured so that it's not quite as uh sagging you don't sort of drift to the side as you're walking down the stairs so this some of that work has been done in advance of them moving into the house and then these are the next items that we'd like to do so I'm glad to answer any questions thank you um is Mr Ross on my okay um I was just going to ask him if he had any additional comments um we certainly receiv received his recommendations for this application are there any questions or comments from the Commissioners so just to be clear the garage is going from a three car garage to a two carage right now it's three cars and nothing else but as with a lot of families if there are bicycles gardening things you know all of things that somebody doesn't want in the house that end up in the garage before they get thrown out um we will still have this really probably serves as two bars plus a variety of other things in the proposed plan the the position of the extra things is just modified but the two cars can fit in nicely from the front um it's very snug opening doors they bang the other car in the current configuration with three it's a little bit tighter than what we would normally do but it's uh the other things will be farther back in the garage I just okay I just wanted to mention also that uh some of the terminology I know that you're probably familiar with it but this house has been called different things depending on what era it was so now considered a contributing structure with the with the categories being non-contributing contributing and key contributing this is in that middle Zone in 1920 it's it's a heartworn house but it's toward the end of well I'm actually not the end of his life he was about 80 when this was built he lived till Stuart haror lived till 96 died in 1937 but he really slowed down I think he had done enough but that's he could have done a little more but um so this is an unnumbered house it sort of I don't know the history of exactly who was in charge of things but I would think that he had achieved an awful lot in building a significant part of our community and by 80 I think he was there were still properties that he owned and houses developed but it doesn't have it's not a key contributing I think for part of that reason in the past it has been considered um uh other there are other categories that used to be used but the the standard now is Secretary of the Interior standards for historic reservation re Rehabilitation and so that's the current language previously it was a designated house um and there's one other that was also referred to as I do have a historic question was is there a secondary structure on this property through an old map do you know how the doors or Farm doors or whatever was their yeah good question I don't know the answer to that uh the the information that we have I mean these these could be original I don't know they they may have been replaced from 1943 they were there in 2008 so 15 years ago they were there um and it's a lot of people have who have well some of the people who have lived in this house have felt that it's a little bit too far and they Park in the loop in the front or on the driveway on the right side and come into the house the prior owners the Tomos used both of those they I don't I don't know if they ever put their car cars in the garage but they tended to leave them out front I mean I would going up and down the Highland I would see Brian Tomo's Audi with various versions he had the same car but it was always out front or just to the side um I don't know really how much this garage was used uh or whether there was another structure prior to that it would seem likely that in 1920 there should have been something and but it from 1920 to 1943 I'm not sure what that garage was if it was taken down it was probably in the same general area because the driveway naturally goes back there but I don't have any information on that well my reason for asking is if there is a photograph of that particular structure and you could see if it was forward facing so that might help you possibly in Zing so right I don't know uh thank you but I don't know about that it should a lot of times in those 1928 Robinson Maps they'll show that uh there are some other maps from uh around that area that era the sandborn fire Insurance Maps sometimes had those with and they would just draw a little box even if they didn't really describe it um I don't know I I have a question and that is in the um in the proposed plan on hpc3 yes um the area to the left of the words modified Drive where the retaining R is coming around that you're taking out what what is that area is that area driveway like for a k turn or is it something else oh you mean over to the left of where it says modified Drive correct that is a place to be able to turn around in order to be able to come out safely um the driveway one could back all the way up and then come around the loop but again A lot of times there's a car in that in the loop so we we figured that using the garage would be nice to do the K turn here and then come out face first a little bit safer okay any other questions or comments okay do we have anyone in the audience here for the open meeting for to the public B application please come forward if there are do we have anyone on Zoom perfect very no more questions or comments do I hear a motion to approve this application like to make a motion to approve second second cryst Canfield yes Mr T yes Mr Jenkins yes yes thank you very much good luck with the rest of your big agenda good luck thank you so next on um the agenda we have application number 574 121 kyin Avenue um Mr beo my understanding is you'd like to carry this application to this September HBC meeting no the October okay like to carry it's okay without re noticing October 3rd at 7:30 with no further notice thank you you're welcome no perfect next on the agenda is application number 575 85 Stewart block number 3103 lot number five is a contributing property in the Hills Park District Marco and Stephanie and I will butcher thiso thank you um this is a regulatory application for the construction of a freestanding metal roof structure over an existing tennis court in the rear yard I would like to take this time to remind the commission uh that this application was presented to the agenc at the June 2024 meeting uh they are here tonight addressing some concerns that the commissioner had and have made have made changes to the architectural element so we welcome you back thank you [Music] so ask Council we need to SP them in again I think it's been a long time [Music] Thomas do you swear please proceed okay well thank you once again for hearing us um we appear tonight to present the latest version of our tennis Pavilion structure for 85 Stewart Road I have taken the time to research and download reports addressing comments from the last meeting and I'm here to present those if needed as exhibits and it's quite extensive so I'm not sure how deep we want to go into this the exhibits I have um are in response there's a bunch of them are response to sound from the last meeting and I'm submitting uh a data on decel readings which I was able to uh download discover as well as two public documents related to sound reports produced on the subject of tennis sound the first is from an Australian presentation on tennis sound levels versus road noise this was pertaining to an application on moving tennis courts closer to a residential district the next one is a report from the Fort Lauderdale 1999 white paper on the sound of tennis and uh a final exhibit which is a chart comparing tennis to other sports which is discovered by me online the conclusion is that tennis is considered a quiet Sport with sound decel readings generally less than voice uh and in everything I could submit it's under 55 DB okay um first J do we need to put those in as exhibits would you like to I would submit them if the board wants me to submit them because I did a lot of research there was a lot of discussion on sound well certainly yes and would be beneficial yes I did watch the video so if we could use those as exhibits I think that would be great okay I'm G to mark and I'll give you the marked ones I believe we're up to A4 oh okay so okay I'll mark it as A5 and I'll date it 8124 and A6 and A7 so with those addressed uh for our conversation with Bart and myself what were what was some of the other measures that you were taking sound that sping about um oh we're going to get to that actually let me get through these exhibits and then I'll come back to those individual um these are backup data on decel sounds it it needless to say tennis is generally quiet um I just appeared and we didn't have enough data sheets at the time to validate it so that's why I brought that all right um next in anticipation of any discussion on light spillage um I brought um I hired a lighting expert um so someone actually produced a lighting report for us um so I have that Plano metric which I'll hand out to you um basically the data set includes expected foot candles at parts of the court and around the property immediate to the court um and another one to that is the US Tennis Association standard uh on recreational tennis and the recommended light play that they want it so that's it for the exhibit six so this would be we already have an A7 this is A8 this is A8 yeah say yes and just put your initials on thanks the last two that is the light we're doing these are the plom metrics I might a short one no I have 10 all right sorry and thanks for that okay it is our intent to provide light levels between 32 and 60 foot candles the exhibit that I've given you especially the one produced by the lighting engineer uh shows that roughly 58 feet away from the base of the Court um which has a a 12 foot wide apron anyway uh the light spill which is virtually zero and that's on page three of the engineers report and finally I have our updated renderings which in your packets I hope you can appreciate the extraordinary detail that went into making the structure appropriate for the setting um firstly we have introduced tonight a 24-in wall around the tennis court there was discussions about historical tennis structures I think that the relevancy of adding a wall was um remarkable and we have rendered it to represent the ivy as well as the wall and the stone columns which will support the roof the roof looks the least like a steel structure now uh at any time during our presentations and I hope you agree that the application has made great strides into what we hope becomes an approvable application tonight thank [Music] you so right now uh are there any questions or comments from the commissioners I was just going to ask about the lighting I know you have this here maybe you can explain a little bit more terms in terms of like how much light is going to be I see the spill doesn't go proper here it's yeah the spillage is roughly it's a weird shape because of the angle of the roof the page um three the these are front and P back so page one is the cover page two is the back of page one page three shows where lighting levels of between 38 and 60 foot candles is achieved yes so that's in the yellow areas the green basically is anywhere from 31 to 38 which is the USA recommended for recreational play and then the Reds come all the way down to about two two foot candles so at 58 feet the number of foot candles is effectively zero um it is worth telling you that there are very tall trees all around the tennis court trees are in many cases 30 ft tall we don't expect there to be light spills beyond the pool to the left uh shown on my presentation here Beyond here uh or really onto these trees that surround the rest of the property and also prior to the second meeting that we attended we planted a row of about 30 more trees very tall ones green Giants yeah I remember that last time yeah so this is a very well shielded application the perspective drawings that I present in your packet um they're not as bright as this one effectively show the tree line that's all around the tennis Pavilion and the unique sort of style of this tennis Pion it looks like an outdoor Arbor and that is by intent off of the steel we're bringing Outrigger so it looks like it is a pergola and from the only view which you can really see from I had to do it from the air so we rented a drone you could see that it's tucked in back here and it's really not visible and it's a delightful structure and I'm I'm very proud that this is nice and dark and exhibited with shadowing this is one of the nicest um accessory structures i' I've ever had the privilege to design and I hope you agree um The Ivy the stone the wall the coloration the translucent of the of the roof much of the roof panel all are producing a wonderful recreational structure that hopefully Will Survive a long time the the transluc gr what is that um it's I brought so I'll show you a photo then I have a okay the translucent roof is made of a b polycarbonate plastic of three layers it's structural it's a snow Lo AB a support and it really is down the whole center of the structure so that for the most part it appears to bring light into the tennis Pavilion and for the most part unless there's evening play the lights probably don't have to be on sure was that changed since the last time yes it was a yes we talked about sound we talked about putting blankets we talked about um light well light a little bit and sound mostly about sound hanging the ceiling the are those they're not hanging they're yes they will be on the side so the center part is translucent material we're not putting the blankets there if a ball hits it it won't sound as tinny as the underside of the standing seam metal um what what ad number we have to 10 I do have question and I did listen to video so I did hear the comments um the color of the actual we talk a little more on that that piece the actual color of the be sure the beams are going to be colored burnished slate I'll Circle it sounds like I have another exhibit this I'm G to pass it around first you guys circle back so that that color is going to appear to be as close as we can get to the the coppering patina of the house it's it's initially um Brown and then turns green we don't want to do that green on here now that we have Ivy so this structure which appeared at one of your applications is green is now that burnish tan and is that powder coated or how is that yes it's it's uh it's powder coated aluminum yes and you said it will fade or won't will not will not no it's a best way to have the IV ju toos against it so that is really what we're trying to achieve this sort of pagot Pavilion Pera we have any other questions this nice report that you have submitted is that on a Open Air tennis cour or is it one of enclosed Tennis coures Open Air enclosed tennis would not produce a report it's almost impossible to find and we actually spoke her mom had had a sound engineer on their house in Westfield I was going to bring a sound engineer but uh once I got deep into this to find that tennis is effectively a sub 55 deel sport um I'm hoping that my data submissions suffice the concern that you might have had we appreciate the efforts you do oh thank you it took me hours and hours and hours of resarch appreciate that I think if I made the only issue on sound would be our kids in the pool oh yes if you if you look it up sound in tennis is almost entirely made of grunts um the tennis players the USA the International Federation all arguing whether they should stop the grunting and it's um the decel readings of the grunts can be upwards of 100 decb in when the measurements while tennis even in its active play very active back and forth um is achieved the highest ever reported was 57 at 20 feet away so it's it's a Qui generally quiet sport you never knew you going to be such an expert plom metrics and sound attenuation have become uh new standards um I also want to point out I'm not submitting an exhibit we found a picture of this old enclosed tennis and you see the light coming down the middle there's a lot of Merit to this structure being a very approvable historical element and I hope you can all appreciate that the owners have been very patient with me as we work through the getting this application done thank yeah thank you um the the clear paneling doesn't have sheer ability so this structure is a is a bunch of skeleton bones and I need lateral stabilization so we can only do it for like the center Bay and they're even reluctant like they said we really want to carry one down the middle at the Pinnacle we might have to but there's an ibeam in there right now any other questions I think this is really the last to see kind of the in between but from the first meeting this much improved and really goes along with the architectural design of the house itself um I thought that the noise concern was not so much the actual tennis playe but to go to your question about it hitting the roof and making a sound on the roof but I think that now that you've taken out that Center portion um taken it out but you've replaced it with this more translucent whatever that material is um I think that that should hopefully reduce the tiny noise say I didn't think it was a matter of like hitting the balls back and forth because the tennis court was pre-existing I thought it ones who add a roof to it to you know the balls right there was we had some questions about the height I'm not going to submit as another exhibit but the play in this family's tennis this is not a court for professional Play It's played in the first six feet above the net there's no major lobbing but if they're they want to screw around and hit the roof that's where we felt it could resonate yeah thank you um I'd like to open this up to the floor now do we have anyone in the audience for the open meeting okay having um no more questions or comments do I hear a motion to approve um I'd also like to add with the information exhibits that were given so iar a motion to approve to approve a second second Crystal canf yes Mr Tada yes Mr Jenkins yes Mrs yes yes thank you commission I also want to thank you for working with this commission and and really listening to the commission and their concerns and I appreciate all the changes that you've made yeah if I may add I just I really want to thank you guys I mean I know it may have been a long process but I think we came out with a beautiful structure and as I told Tom and Allison like I think actually more in love with it than I was before so I really want to thank you guys and and thanks for pushing us out the comfort zone yeah because I think it really made a difference so I'm super excited and really want to thank you guys for the support great thank you it's worth noting guys Marcos is a former professional soccer player we uh in our family we encourage Sports so hence the roof is really to get them and he's in the video game so will you be playing soccer in that our kids as long as they're playing sports I think they uh I'm happy well welcome to the community and thank you very much for being patient with his and we we appreciate what you've done here for this very special historic property thank you thank you very thank you J uh next on the agenda is application number 588 17 Highland Avenue blck 2111 Lot number 17 it's a non-contributing property Short Hills historic uh District Mr cie it's my understanding you would like to carry this application to September 17 Highland oh I apologize oh no no just 17 Highland caring that's the one right so that's what I said 17 158 is here right and 17 Highlands were okay to to the octob or to the September 5th meeting okay no further notice thank you all right we are now at the next application number 590 95 Cypress Street block 207 Lot number six it's a non-contributing property in the Wyoming historic district it's a regulatory application to construct an to the side and rear the existing house and other associ Associated side improvements but I think you skipped over 159 unless I two pages I apologize so I have to read that okay application number 187 159 Hobart Avenue BL 2111 Lot Number Four it's a contributing property in the Short Hills historic district uh it's a regulatory application to construct a one story Edition on the Windom road side of the existing house and the Reconstruction of a previously demolished Pier yes on the bouevard Avenue Corner um if we could have the applicants andn in swear orir that you will testim hi everybody um thank you for having us uh tonight um we've been living in this house for the past seven years um it's actually the first house that I've owned so I'm very attached to it we've moved to it uh seven years ago fell in love with this Farmhouse it's very unique it's very special we've been caring for it lovingly for the past uh for the past years and now we want to uh do this addition but we are um very much committed in um to keeping its character um and and it's in its um historical appearance and we are very much appreciative of your guys' help and guidance and doing so so thank you for having us and the pi yeah I'm CL and just she's in touched with us on the on the pier it was quite was almost being disolved let's say so going to repair it look nice got two peers on the street and it's a little cool to side right so it t it it felt that so got to reconstruct that to it's original maybe I'll do the pier first since we're on it and it's easy I think the um if you look in your pamphlet or I think is there a photo of they're also inside the pamplet at about I think about page 25 but or inside the application but the pier is the one in what I called photo b or I guess also in photo a there's a there's a little pier on the corner of Hobart and wind wind okay I actually was in chadam on Monday night and had a board of adjustment application on Windwood okay that's the whole thing is really confusing me so the p is visible in photo a and that's because I went and I found an old Google photo of it that's what that is you know it was still on Google even though the first time I saw the well the first time I saw the P Pier with these guys it had already been removed and this is a detail of that pier and um they they were um repairing it and um the Mason I think I think if I really understand this correctly the Mason decided that it would be smarter to just pull the whole thing down and rebuild it so he demolished it and then um I think somebody from the town or somebody called the town and that got the town out and uh we are just planning as part of this application to rebuild the pier as it is and rebuild it to the shape that it was uh I also included on C and B the peer that's on the other side of the street and they um they saved the plaque and they saved all the material and have it stored on the side of the property and we're going to rebuild it with all of the old material so we're in good shape with that and these are on the left side are construction details for the rebuilding of that Pier okay and that's something I kind of work through with Barton and it's also true that the pier is actually on the town property it's within the right away so it's been a little issue that we've been going back and forth to town but everybody's on board at this point and we're kind of would like your approval on the pier so that we can proceed and get that done and in the meantime we came once because we were trying to finish up this little addition that we want to do in the first floor and they want to create a really a bedroom and a bath for um their parents and we putting that bedroom on on my hpac one sheet in that front corner of the property on the Windam side you now there's a wraparound porch on this building which I think was built around 1850 and read in Borton thing that he saw something about 1880 and there is some information about 1880 but I I think it's closer to 1850 it's an old building and it was the original Little Farmhouse for this sort of a farm area that is all that little tea of Windom road if you ever went up that way you know where you got sort of back out when you get up there um but there's that little thing that was all part of this initial farm and I found an old uh on one of the old Maps it almost looks like the old post office was on this property also almost as if the whoever own this little farm I'm calling it a farm just because it it's it's vernacular the building is like a farmhous but I don't know looks kind of like a Fed site for a farm to me kind of a steep hill I can't believe it was ever actually a farm but it looks like they also owned what was the post office you know which is two doors down and uh later converted into a house so I think it was built around 1850 and it was built with this little wraparound porch and if I really look at this you can see that this area here I think at one point was probably the garage and then a garage was added to the right and this was enclosed and turned into a family room at some earlier date and we're asking tonight to go in front and we have to go to the board of adjustment with this also it fails on building coverage and it also fails on front yard setback but only by three4 of a foot front yard setback and I'm looking at you as I say that so um that's where our Bard is you can see that the Ballard or the pier is actually not really EA on our property and right as we bring the property line down and that's what we're asking to do this evening if I flip to my hpc2 [Applause] sheet this addition here would allow us to leave the existing garage as it is and build a a bedroom get a little study Alco and a small bathroom it gives us a bathroom on this floor that's what we're trying to do and just looking at the size of that building is what leads me to believe that it must have been the garage at one some point in time although I couldn't really find anything substantiate and then when I if I go up you know we have no work going on on the second floor really just in one story edition if I go to my hpc3 sheet you can see the existing porch coming around this area is I don't know if it was part of the porch that was previously enclosed where is like a mud room and powder room and this building that we have textured in is our new building it's um the windows would all match existing the exterior trims M everything is easy to match in this house it's all just wood it's all easy to fabricate there's that actually see not a lot of um any extensive detailing work difficult to match everything is very easy to match here and that is really our proposed addition and then the existing barage it work forward of the family room which kind of say I think was at one time in G then you can see from the side view and this is our primary elevation this is the window side that I'm sh on my side view looking back like you're on the Tia when I'm coming down the hill that's our building which lines up with that existing porch then the baller which I previously went through after that there's you have these also the existing documents right our basement There is almost no basement in this house it's a this front area has a small basement it's low it's it's a little diff difficult there's not a lot of room to we definitely couldn't get a bedroom down and we're trying to get it on the first floor our existing first floor really you know a lot of our building coverage is consumed by the front porch then you come into a living room it has a side stairway it's all in very good shape this house it's was restored um I think about 20 years ago it's actually really shape the um the floors all look look good I mean everything in it looks good the handrail is still in place for the stairway but it goes really living room dining room a kitchen and our addition that we're proposing is right in that front area forward of the existing P terms of the existing second floor yeah I would think the initial building probably ended you know was probably right about there just these two bedrooms with the bathroom and later they added a master bath in this little Den space with an additional Stairway to get down to the first floor this is really all just first floor roof existed for get up to the attic level there is two small bedrooms up there they're very clipped it's very low the front here is at 3 foot 6 in high here this wall is at 5 foot 10 you know it's a clip this house is all C none of that is changing the existing elevations the front now we call the front really the Hobart side but for us tonight probably the biggest concern is really the what we call the right side here up the Windom side and R ask tonight is to add this building into this front area I drew it a couple of different ways and actually sent it early on to Barton and kind of went through the best roof to use to sort of allow this building to look subordinate to the main building but also to give us the space that we're trying to get because you know it's nice to be able to update the housing to fulfill our like clients needs and we went back through and picked the um the sort of flat roof has the most di Minimus of the additions and that's how Barton and I went through this see there's a the rendering supposed to yeah it's in your P good sometimes the renderings come late and it's hard for me to get it to get into the packet in this that is actually our addition here right this rendering is the same as the rendering that you have right in front of you and then our landscape plan is over here we really are reading just some perimeter Landscaping cleaning it up the uh the site itself is Prett well landscaped right now we adding really foundation planting the um the whole request for us today is really this little one story addition right and um the rebuilding or actually the building of this pier to match existence because it's been totally removed you know the photos of the existing building are on that page 24 your packet in the and 25 and the photos of the pier on that page 26 all that material has been all kept and stored and all ready for us to reuse I also included the zoning just so you had it because we are fa fail ing on building coverage and we are failing on lot coverage although we don't really have an increase in lot coverage because there is an existing patio where we're proposing this building um this lot is really only 11,248 square feet and it's in a zone that requires a 20,000 foot lot so to make it simple the lot is about 55% of what it would or what the the required would be for this Zone and that's kind of triggering their some of our zoning issues and that's um that's my uh entire application I would I think you know I have David Gibson's original report and I think you have it too from Barton and um he that's I gu I I guess in that report they talk about it being in 1850s house originally and um Bon's ass says to match all the materials which is easy for us to do we were already actually doing it anyway and um he wants to see the construction documents he gave us three little points at the end of his approval of what he wants all of that is fine this I have one little exibit if I can find it but that may interest you I don't know what I get with it but it was almost like an old sandboard map that looks to me like it shows the post office as part of this property which I thought was kind of interesting like the post office was privately held I guess or rented as OPP post to office but that is um my entire application for tonight thank any questions you're putting here the existing like patio Mall whatever that is there do we know how old that is is that original is that something that added recently idea I think it was built in the 80s I think it was that patio was added when the garage was when the garage became a family if you get what I mean that was the way they came in they built that patio which somebody around here would tell us is a zoning violation but they bu they they must have removed the driver built the patio and then added the garage and it looks to me like that all that work was done in there mid 80s okay I just have some clarifications if you the root material on the flat roof is it can you talk yeah we'll use like a torched down material to match the asphal okay we'll we'll the roof that's on the porch right now and the reusing the material on the pillar how much of that was still on the pillar because if you you showed us the picture of the other pillar the pillar is gone no no I know that but I mean how much of the material the old material do you have everything right we stopped as soon as it happened they called me I said get a tarp put everything on the tarp let's cover it up put it on the side of the house and get to the historic commission so we had everything they have the plaque they have everything okay right the will you have to match some of the bricks or whatever that was because were there some missing I guess is what it was already uh cement it like we have everything okay but it was it has it had already being repaired and and what happened is that like water in it's crumbly everything there sa we will reuse as much as we can we're going to reuse everything we're going to chip the mortar we the mortar pop right up because it's that old mortar so we'll reuse everything but if we do need more material I would say you got to call me right away because I'll find material to match it'll be easy because I just run around to these other jobs and find it IDE but we I know what you mean we don't want to put new material into the ideally the whole thing would be covered like a one solid everything is before it came down and it was restored before a lot of that had already come off and people put cement which is yeah to my knowledge it's I would rather have the whole thing lay by layer Bri we really want to yeah the front yes but sides back yeah yeah that's the thing like just just to make it look like that the front but all sides right we're going to do it on all sides if it's what they saying it was like like the this is the back of the other P here and I think somebody's come and stuck it over it or something but we'll yeah I mean like with the town because if they are restoring the other one you know we want oh yeah we can match yeah the other one well I'm hoping that and we could talk to the neighbors also we can certainly make the match exactly great well no I guess if the neighbor wants to repair that one they would well maybe we come informally right I mean it that tier would have to come to you guys also yeah I'm just saying that maybe working with whoever whether it's the town or the neighbor or whatever and try to match materials would we need another permit for for the Neighbors as well or can we basically do both it's ideally if we can work on both to get them both some I think since we know what you're doing to this one I think that could be a minor work do it as a minor I've been through this the um because it probably need another permit too from the town because it's a different property you know I'm sure they you can work with Barton I can deal with Barton and with everybody want okay perfect uh any more questions comments um is there anyone in the audience for the open meeting Flor to the public on this application nothing no one on Zoom okay so have no more questions or comments do I hear a motion to approve this application motion do we have a second yes Mr yes Mr yes good luck thank you application approved I'm excited I hope you do some history on who owned it yeah 1850 you know you're in walking distance to the society you should have them research that yeah yeah I would love to know more about the the history Tamlin covered a lot of interesting things yeah thank you so much thank you toar all right last but not here okay okay this is 95 sites yes okay this is application number 590 95 sit street block 207 Lot number six it's a non-contributing property in the Wyoming historic district it's a regulatory application to construct an addition to the side and rear of the existing house and other Associated site improvements um if we could have the applicants and profession coun do you swear or affirm that the testimony on the application tonight the commission will be the even uh so my family and I moved uh into this house two years ago it's our first home uh after a long search for for house um we just pretty much love it first s we love the neighborhood uh we looking almost exclus even in in the Wyoming district and we love the house inside and out uh on moving in we we love the the feel and the the look of the inside quickly realized that there were uh since we we intended to to live there for we intend to live here for a long time uh some usability improvements uh that uh which is why we consulted Steve uh to see if we could uh make things more livable for us uh while keeping the exterior and interior as as close to the same as possible is there any questions for me um so as as you said it's a non-contributing house um in the Wyoming historic district um what we're doing to the house is exclusively on the back of the house I know that the description says it's on the side but it really is just in the back um what we're doing is on the and this is we're doing stuff inside but but I don't think that involves the historic dist but only that going to see on the outside is if you look at R sheet A3 do do you have the construction doc I believe you do you look at R sheet A3 what we're doing is where the bathroom is now we're going to take it out we're going to raise the roof slightly and we're going to move the bathroom into where the formal right rear bedroom is and we're going to put an on Suite bathroom for the uh primary bedroom and then put a whole bathroom in so basically it's still going to be a three-bedroom house except there's going to be two bathrooms there and you look at R sheet A4 what we're doing is we're just raising the roof over this one little part of the house and square footage wise we're only adding 22 sare feet to f um and the way the house is set up I believe you have photographs is there's bump outs on both sides of the house on the left side and on the right side so the addition that we're doing is really tucked in so it's really hard pressed to even see the addition from the street and we're not touching the front of the house um all the work that we're doing to the house we're going to make it as seamless as possible the existing house we're going to match the materials we're going to use the same kind of Windows um and and we feel that you know just updating the house and making it more livable and doing the work on the back of the house um it is an appropriate addition and also um everything complies with zoning so um we don't need a air variant so we can do this by right as long as you guys are pro it and really that's the whole thing pretty simple addition thank you um Commissioners any comments or questions i' just like to say very welcome it's and thank you for taking and updating this historic house we're glad you like it and we thank you for doing the work that you're doing and being conscious of where it is and the size of the [Music] house we felt that was in context with the neighborhood not to make the you know monster house it's really going to be an appropriately sized house for the neighborhood it doesn't you're not taking it over F by2 no everything is complying and um so we don't need any bar and we're not building anything on the ground so there's no more building covery and the one thing uh we had I had asked earlier is it it's approved tonight can we proceed with the uh with the permitting while waiting for you to M more and I think you got an answer that was kind of depending on so what I do and this is an easy one so I'm happy to do it is I write a letter to the um building department uh and I say um we've approved it and here are all the conditions so in other words all the things that I would write in the formal ordinance for the most part I write into the letter I have to tell you that this building department i' I've done this many times in fact I do it regularly at other townships this Township seems to think that's something new and different um but I think I've got them used to it now you'll be the chest well I have done it in another building department that's why I'm asked but yeah no it's I understand with the variant I didn't know with the yeah I I try not to make people especially with there uncomplicated um applications uh to you know and they don't want to wait or they can't wait a month to to do it this way so um our secretary puts it on letterhead and it goes over there and it's official and maybe they you may need to massage it a little okay you know what I'm saying absolutely couple ex little emails or phone calls you know absolutely give me like a week smiles and laughs and jokes okay about a week you know appreciate no problem so I do have to ask if there's anyone in the audience for the chne is yes the on the back of the house course we're updating the mechanical system there's a chimney that is comes up in the back of the house that you can't see from the front of the house so we're taking it out and we're we're just patching over the roof so it's it's not going to affect the aesthetic anywhere so it was just a little bit up top just a little bit up top where it came through no no it was just where in the roof so nobody for the open meeting um have no questions or comments do I hear a motion to approve this application second second this is yes Mr Chad yes Mr Jenkins yes yes thank Youk you good luck to you thanks thank you so much and thank you for being patient who all I tried to get you in soon did you see that yes I don't know I don't know if Tim would app app thank you very much for your time thank you terrific so now for our last section I really wanted uh Mr Ross to guide us through this document um it is Essex County Safety project we have done this before really they're really just saying we don't have any um historic ACC to this but if we could is this is this something so Barton can better explain this we move this to the September meeting hold on okay yeah it's Safety project and they have to ask if there any historic pieces to where they want to make some safety improvements do they give a timeline though for it's 12 inter sections for when they're when they have I think it was 60 days did a quick yeah I think if anybody finds it but certainly um for comments and 30 days of the date of this letter date of the letter is July 15th okay for this there was only there's only one intersection that's in Township right yes and then it says that it wasn't seem like there's anything exactly St I did look up the intersection and the only piece that I found was the fion M um that's why I wanted Barton to be available um to give us some kind of um information on this um I think could we proceed [Music] by Barton write a report yeah okay I I I would not bother with a report I would just write a comment letter um because all these are standard they're just yeah um you know they're making Ada compant programs and bump out curb extensions which is good for pedestrian sa signing and pavement Mark upgrades you know the standard I'm sure seen it yeah so I don't think uh you're gonna have any objections but if you have suggestions they should go in a letter by August 14 okay so we'll I'll speak and if there's anything that um or he can discuss it also the the comment letter and all that so yeah perfect or you can just send a direct around okay I mean that's not a problem I don't view that as a open public perfect um discussion items uh I gave you guys a copy of the Milbourne Short Hills Historic Society museums having an open open house showcasing the work of the summer High School interns um and celebrating uh the birthday of the shills founder Stuart haror location is at the train station August 13 10 to two um again really just showing our support if you're around just stop in um also uh you know it shows that we're supporting this educational program for internship programs and it really teaches the importance of historic preservation in the community and also Beyond and it's kind of nice it's like a precursor to these young young people that want to learn more about their Community or historic pieces um just so you know one of our very own board members Justin sling was uh one of the interns for this society and um we asked him to join us on this board and we're very lucky to have him and his enthusiasm and you know his interest at this age to get involved so with the actual town and Township so please if you if you have a minute just just stop in uh this really concludes our meeting for uh this evening I move to a journ do I have a second second what