we're good can be heard hopefully text if you can hear in accordance with Section Five of the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 be advised that notice of this meeting was made by posting on the bulletin board town hall and mailing to the officially designated newspapers a list of the meeting dates annually indicating that this meeting would take place at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday December 6 2023 R call Cory Diller here Michael Cohen here Maggie miggins here de nevas here sujan David cosgro here Michael Vice chair Gaston hord here here here we have a few items of business on our agenda the first is the approval of minutes um we'll begin with August 16th 2023 um we received we received uh I guess refreshed copies of all three thank you uh I need for recirculating those uh this week were there any comments or revisions on uh meeting minutes of the 16th okay did you receive any or make any final changes since it was last circulated um typographical nothing subst nothing substantive and I don't think there were any on 16 okay uh I move to approve do have a second second okay I's okay great all in favor I any oppos okay meeting minutes of August 16 2023 are approved uh we'll move next to September 20th 2023 comments Corrections Eileen and any changes have been made since or similar uh line line 121 the the word collaborate was collaboration that was the only change okay uh I move to approve the minutes with that change have a second second from Deborah all in favor I oppose great meeting minutes of September 20th pass meeting minutes from October 18th 2023 same question for you ien did do receive any comments or make correction since we received it not on these the only thing that had changed was the end of the meeting was not 945 it was 750 like there's no way that meeting I can't read over from the prev okay 50 adment okay uh I move to approve would that change a second second Michael thank you all in favor I post okay meeting minutes of October 18th 2023 also approved uh we have one memorialization uh tonight uh application 22003 that was Annie Milburn partners and we received the first draft of it November 17th and then this week we received a Blackline version um incorporating changes uh with com made does anybody have any further um clarifications questions on that application or that memorialization okay um only those who voted in favor can move to approve and second it um I will move to approve that memorialization do we have a second second done okay Cory biller yes Michael Cohen yes Deborah nevas yes guess on helbert yes that's all yes thank you okay and we have an item of business on our agenda for tonight and we have our um board planner with us K welcome uh to discuss the open space element of the master plan uh open space and Recreation element I should clarify welcome good evening chair uh members of the board um less of a discussion more just kind of a process update I just wanted to advise the board as to where we are uh with the open space element uh update process um so first of all um you know we do have a full draft of the plan that has been completed and been circulated to both uh our subcommittee of the membership that is here that I would like to thank their participation this year uh mayor miggins uh G Vice chair Gaston hoard and Deborah Nevis thank you for your time um in reviewing the document and providing your comments and feedback it's been a very helpful process to kind of facilitate this review uh the draft um has also been circulated with uh the recreation director Chris Meers and with uh Alex McDonald the business administrator uh for some just clarifications as far as process and a couple of other items that we wanted them to review um following their review this week we will then be Distributing the full draft out to both the board and also to the larger stakeholder Group which we've been engaging throughout the process um for their review and comment um by the end of this month I will uh the document will be posted online live for the public uh to begin to review the document draft and provide any comments uh I will also provide contact information for us directly um so if any members of the public have questions want clarifications or want to submit comments or feedback they can do so uh directly to us to facilitate the process um I spoke with uh chair all last week uh regarding kind of timing and where we are in the year um and given that we are in December this is a travel month uh holidays um you know we don't want to engage in conclusion of this public process at this point um also um you know the board will be going through a reorganization uh next month um and there will be some new members here I'm sure um so we don't also don't want to you know start to finalize up a process uh that's that may finalize with a new group of folks or begin the the process of finalization of a document that may wind up uh being done with a new group um so my suggestion in our conversation last week to the chair was that we um at a meeting in January do a full introduction of the document uh before the public not the public hearing not the final you know adoption evening uh full presentation an opportunity for the public to come and ask questions um all during the public comment period um following that you know subject to the new board scheduling and timing would uh then scheduled public hearing perhaps in the month of February um you know so that would Avail the public um almost two full months uh to provide comments and feedback on the draft document um and also allow for the board to you know fully engage and review the document as well um and ensure a good public process for the new board members uh to also get up to speed review the document so that they feel comfortable uh you know weighing in uh and adopting uh or you know whatever action they may take on the uh plan and its draft form um happy to answer any questions but I just kind of wanted to know given that this has been a long process um you know provide this update and share that with you all um and also just make the public aware that you know this document is coming and that there will be this close to 60-day period um for public comment on the full plan great thanks I have two points of clarification or underscoring one is part of the stakeholder group uh the Milbourne environmental commission yes the Milbourne environmental commission is part of the stakeholder group great um and then yeah you mentioned 60-day comment period so that's it would kick off once the the document is made public on the website and then the way to provide comments or feedback is to you directly or to the TC directly so that's going to be so again I I want to clarify so not the TC because this is a planning board document so it's the board jurisdiction um I'm not sure you know I'll speak with a Township Administration um to see if they want to use their let us know at mbour email address or my email address but there will be information provided on how to submit those comments great okay just clarify the 6 period starts you said you might you're G to post it this month but we're not going to really introduce it till January makes sense a 60 Period start when you introduce you it the the the conclusion of the period will I I think be subject to the new board once they're seated in January you know I will give the introduction and at that meeting then we can identify when we want to schedule the public hearing for final adoption um but I don't want to um do it too close together I want to you know make sure that we do have some time um so the public can sit with the document and is there a requirement on 60 days there's I say with that okay you yeah just yeah I'm just trying to yeah I want to give especially given the holidays give kind of an extended period of time so books are traveling may not be available to to have time okay great so it'll be available for public review you'll give a presentation on it in January to the the the entirety of the new board yes and then they can discuss ask questions comments more public comment can be received before any is taken in February absolutely yeah so I want to make sure that we do give the public almost two opportunities one of the introduction to ask questions or clarifications and then also at the public hearing uh to you know Lodge more formal you know comments on the document that the board may consider for adoption or incorporation thereof um and I did also just want to mention that in posting the draft of the plan we will also be posting the public Outreach summary we have a separate document that summarizes all 1600 comments that we' received um statistics data numbers everything is there um so the public can kind of review these two in tandem to see um you know how the goals and objectives were built upon the the feedback that we receive thank you other questions and yeah I want to Echo your appreciation for the subcommittee thank you for your U work on this it's uh it's been many months ongoing when did uh the public Outreach period was um at the end of May into June um then we kind of took a pause over the summer months as folks were away um and then since September we you know finished out the draft of the plan and have been reviewing of you know amongst the subcommittee and the stakeholder group um so now we're kind of at the point where it's ready to to be released for the public great thank you all right anything further and any further questions or comments feel free to reach out and i' be happy to to assist so but look for the document to be forthcoming um I just didn't want to take time at our next meeting I know we have some scheduled business at that meeting so I wanted to give the opportunity this evening to update okay thanks so we will look forward to uh when it's available I guess we can just access it on the municipal website I'm sure that we'll provide it directly to you all as well a link to it so just so the board members are aware um but then we'll also post it on the township website and um I'll be sure that Township Administration does use their communication means to advise residents that it is available the com period of starting great we are looking forward to it all right thank you thanks everyone okay I believe uh we have one other item of uh update um we just wanted to provide uh status on the um RFP processes for two planning board professional positions and I think I provided it last time likea you to right at this time um okay so we um the uh the subcommittee um subcommittee has uh we put out the rfps um they were due uh back in November uh we received four four proposals for a plan and we received three proposals for a Township attorney planning board attorney planning board attorney sorry stuck um for planning board attorney uh that the uh the subcommittee Met um we chose to interview one of the uh one of the candidates for planning board attorney um and we we've discussed it as a committee we've discussed uh the uh the different candidates U that's really where where we are we uh I think the as far as the planner goes that the subcommittee has a has a unanimous recommendation for what to do and for the attorney um it's not unanimous but we we also have a recommendation great make so and we will make a recommendation I guess from the 2023 subcommittee to the back to the board for the 2024 incoming board to so do we need to go into close session to talk about what the recommendation is I thought we would might be doing that tonight yeah why are we pushing it off to next year it's not a matter of pushing off to next year it's the the decision of the board they they vote and elect to bring in so they they vote to approve just as we did at the reorganization meeting in January to approve the Professionals for the year I think we should go into I recommend we go into I'd like to make a recommendation we go into close session for now for the moment okay and I think to do that we just need a motion on a second I have a iot to go into close session i' second it thank you um are you going to take any action tonight there'll be no action so we yes the the meeting will stay will remain open we will go into closed session we would return to a there's no action no action will be taken this evening good night