okay all right we can go to green on our lights please in accordance with Section Five of the open public meetings chapter 231 Public Law 1975 be advised that a notice of this meeting was made by posting on the bulletin board town hall and mailing to the officially designated newspapers a list of the meeting dates annually indicating that this meeting would take place at the Town Hall at 7:30 pm. on Wednesday February 7th 2024 Cory Biller here Michael Cohen here gon Haler here deor Nevis here franking here sraa Shan try VJ here David cosbro here Michael Zion here F here thank you okay uh our first item of business is approval of minutes um we have uh why don't we do first the December 6 2023 as that comes first chronologically um only those members who were present uh do you have the list could you yeah list the members here who were present there um I think Corey Michael Deborah sua David Gaston be thanks right here as well okay great thanks um were there any comments or Corrections or edits to the 12 six minutes okay uh I move to approve the minutes of 126 second um favor oppose and I assume those who were not present would abstain okay thank you minutes are 126 approved um 1220 23 um members in attendance include Corey Michael Deborah SAA shy David Michael Gaston and myself did anybody have comments or Corrections um the only two Corrections on page one and then again on page four um I incorrectly put Jason to B because he was listed as the attorney but it was actually Benjamin Weise who appeared on his behalf so I've changed it in those two spots thank you so that change of name okay given that change of name I see on pages one and four I moved to approve the minutes of 1220 a second second thank you Deborah all in favor I oppose and assume if somebody was not present they will abstain thank you minutes of 1220 2023 um there were two memorializations that were listed on the agenda for this evening um but one is going to be held as there were some substantial changes uh that were requested so we're just going to defer that one until we have Incorporated those changes um or confirmed whether they were accurate and then we'll uh send out a markup uh to the board again for review or a red line um so we will uh discuss the memorialization of application 237 which was the uh 85 Woodland Road LLC memorialization uh I did you receive any edits or I do have a few I I made them I did tell you but I um was just need to make them public here there's a few minor Corrections do you want to go through them sure okay um page four Roman numeral four after um Barbosa should say on behalf that's just a typo okay uh there were two spots on page um 10 and then again on page 11 um Roman three on page 10 you refer to Jerry cun it should be Jerry Kung on the first one second line same thing with ran new one to on page 11 that was it I have one as well one oh yes you have yeah finding number 14 numeral six um Mr L ofama testified to grassy papers just to make sure we get that in there as well as as a paper path yeah grass seat paper path a grass SE paper path okay thank you any other Corrections or changes okay okay um if I'm correct can only those in favor be the ones to nominate we have to yeah and they would have had to vote in favor of the application and the extension correct because it's here the uh well yes because we'll have more than enough to to adopt so yeah it should only be those who approved both are you able to confir there's two voting MRI matri is still check in so the only ones who can vote on this or Corey Michael Zion Gaston and Beth are you sure all four of those voted in the affirmative for both and not either negative for one or an exstension for one Michael Cohen and Frank voted exstension on so then we would well they're in the majority but I would yeah I would go with the three affirmative votes or however many affirmative for both right Corey suata no I'm sorry not Su because you um so it would just be Corey Michael Zion Gaston and okay great I move to approve the resolution memorialization I'm sorry I second yes Michael Zion yes G on Halbert yes Beth yes okay thank you application 237 memorialization approved and tonight we have one item of business um we had deferred it from the last meeting thank you to Graham for your patience on that um this is a presentation of the open space element of the master plan this is the the draft plan we received uh some of us received it back in December we' had it it's on the website and then there's also in front of us is a I guess a slideshow presentation of those slides uh and just as a reminder for for us as the board and the the members of the public who are here gr I'm sorry if I'm stealing the Thunder the intention is a presentation of what this draft plan entail um board members can ask questions or how we can have discussion and then the before anything would get adopted we would schedule a public hearing um at which time it would come up there will be opportunity for public input questions Forum um in addition to I guess the public input you have heard already that will hear and then the board could take action to approve if it so chooses okay yeah just to clarify the board can approve or amend and approve or deny it's up to the board and and and all the statutory notice will be provided that's correct so um before we begin this evening um I apologize we don't want to disrupt the live stream broadcast on YouTube so we're I don't have the screen available so if any of the board members would like to share so we just can share an additional I know one there's one member of the public with copy there's one additional um so but just they have the benefits to see what we're ping as well thank you all okay thank you all right um good evening everyone members of the board my name is gr pedo here capacity uh I guess two hats Township planner and board planner um so um this evening um after a lot of long work uh and great contributions from the public and participation from um the subcommittee master plan subcommittee here by the board um proud to present to you this evening uh the first draft of the um open space and Recreation plan element of the master plan plan is it two um before we begin I just want to acknowledge other team members of mine that um contributed to this plan um sitwat Sayed uh who with our public outreach program as well as will kurzenberger planner in my office who helped with Outreach and then Mark liner who is um my kind of planner extraordinaire that really helped with a lot of the meat and potatoes of what we have here so I just wanted to acknowledge those other folks from my team um that have supported us in this effort um so and just for members of the public that are watching at home the presentation is also posted on the planning board web page so if you pull that down um I will you know announce the page the slide numbers as we go so you can follow along um if you're watching uh online all right so first onto slide two um just a general uh layout for the agenda this evening we're going to talk about the background of this uh open space Recreation element plan uh the open space inventory the needs analysis that we did the resource assessment and what our timeline and next steps will look like slide three um so so and looking at the background for how we got to this point um you know was with respect to master planning and policy here within Milburn Township uh the open space and Recreation plan um was first included uh in the 1991 master plan um that the township adopted and that was adopted by this board um in February of 1991 was the adoption um in 2014 the township completed an environmental resource inventory assessment in 2018 we had a master plan re-examination and update to the master plan um 21 there was a Downtown Vision plan effort and now we're happy to present to you this evening an update a 2023 version of that open space and Recreation master plan um so it's been uh 32 years in the making um but we're happy to to share a new vision for open space and Recreation planning um slide number four um so just a little bit of background about what this master plan element does and what it doesn't do so we'll talk about these on the next two slides so first what does this master plan element do it incorporates extensive public feedback as part of the element development process it details goals and objectives to guide Township planning and policy in the context of open space and Recreation it provides a Township with an inventory of existing township open space and Recreation facilities including private Recreation facilities it conducts a needs analysis to assess ongoing capacity and other factors informing future programming and infrastructure decisions uh conducts an analysis of prospective open space and Recreation facilities improve ments to existing facilities and expansion of pedestrian cycling infrastructure to support the connectivity of those facilities um in addition the master plan element also will fulfill requirements for certification by Sustainable New Jersey this plan was uh developed in with that in mind so you know this can be submitted to sustainable Jersey for certification uh to help that effort um it provides a planning basis for the township to financially plan for recommended improvements as well as pursue supporting funds from njeda D's Green Acres Program sustainable Jersey and other entities so this kind of is the legs upon which you can submit those grants and formulate those um financial support efforts um it facilitates the township updating its uh open space immigration inventory the ri um to protect dedicated um to protect and dedicate additional lands as park lands in the township and it enumerates various uh actionable tasks that the township can undertake to support implementation of the elements recommendations um and then I wanted to highlight and distinguish what this plan does not do uh because these are actions that are kind of built upon what we've laid out here so this plan does not appropriate capital or operating uh funds or expenditures to implement recommendations of the element um funding decisions are the basis of the governing body and you know that should be uh those decisions should be made in light of what we are presenting here and the policy framework um this plan does not provide design or engineering work for those recommended improvements um so it'll say this this could be an opportunity for a park but we're not designing what that looks like we're not selecting facilities or features to do that we're you know identifying opportunities and locations for those things um it also does not obligate the township to implement recommended improvements or Implement programs nor does it restrict the Township from from pursuing alternatives to satisfying the Township's needs so this is a plan it's aspirational but certainly not lock step what has to be done this is just what has been uh result of the formulated uh Vision that the town provided um so we are on slide seven now understanding that open space recation plan um this presentation is just intended to summarize the findings of the plan and just Orient the board and the public regarding its contents um we can't capture all the Nuance of the findings and all the the small details um but you know everything is available to to you all and it's my hope that between now and the public hearing date if there are any further questions you know concerns from the board um please let me know happy to work through those and address those as well members of the public can also reach out to us to address those as well okay all right so moving into the open space inventory so we're now on slide nine um and this is some GIS mapping that we've done um in our office to kind of support this process so you'll see a map on the right side and then a table um of open space distribution by ownership um so here we've kind of done a complete thorough analysis looking at parcel data inventory ownership records um the Rossy inventory just to kind of get a full picture as to what lands we have in the township and who has ownership over those different lands um and where we may have kind of a first level look at some opportunities um so as you see in the table on the left hand side the township of Milburn itself um owns about 155.5 Acres across 31 different Lots uh for open space purposes um Milbourne Bard ofed 127 .7 Acres across 11 Parcels Essex County obviously with South Mountain reservation here within the bounds of the township uh has 922 Acres um city of East Orange um which you know many residents are aware of uh which owns the golf course and the water water facility um lands about 644 Acres of property city of Orange also has property within the township at 44 Acres New Jersey American water which is deed open space area for the reservoir 557 Acres other private nonprofit um lands uh such as um Greenwood Gardens for example um is uh 224 AC so we're totally looking about 2,672 Acres um and of that 813 are listed on the uh registry of open space inventory okay so now slide 10 um we're starting into the needs analysis so um here on slide 11 the national Recreation and park Association um sets forth detailed metrics and criteria for uh determining the um number of um acres of land per thousand residents um and you know how we look at um available Recreation opportunities proportionally to the population here within the township um so in the table in the middle I won't read through all the numbers you'll see that we have the different open space types uh passive passive public active active public and preserved lands uh total Acres within the township um and what that ratio looks like as far as acres per thousand residents um and then you'll see um the standards listed what the national recreation park and park Association standards are um and then the standards per thousand acres per resident so in summary and and my points out the bottom of the slide roughly 42% of the township is parks open space and preserved lands Milburn does fair quite well uh compared to surrounding communities um you know it has four times more total land per thousand residents than uh joining communi such as Livingston and chatt so um and I think the presence of South Mountain reservation for example and other large facilities um booies the Township in the statistical review um but then we wanted to switch gears and focus you know we heard a lot of comments and concerns um regarding um feedback from the public during our Outreach process um so the next slide here on slide 12 we're looking at available sports facilities and programming um the open space and Recreation plan enumerates that public Sports and recreational programming as well as private Sports organizations operating in town so we go through and have an inventory of those we also reviewed available Sports Fields by type and by season and to support this effort I just want to acknowledge Recreation director Chris Meers who was super helpful um in his work and um he's done a lot of um extensive research and Analysis of programming and Fields availability um to do that in 2022 um he led an effort to conduct a Township Field capacity study uh upon which we built a lot of our recommendations and uh used that data um there are 279 public sports teams uh with about 5,422 participants in 2022 um which required a total of 12,000 hours of playable field time um so you know it's a great metric um that the recreation department was able to provide us to see you know what kind of quantity of time are we looking at how many hours of play playable field time do we need um so however you know in kind of looking at the fields available um and also hours of daylight person was very very good at this um there's only about 9,800 hours uh of field playable time available so the township has a deficiency of about 2200 um Field hours and this was corroborated you know his findings in this um capacity study were corroborated by much of the outreach comments that we heard um they indicated that there is insufficient open space available to satisfy the needs of the township and accommodate Recreation opties um and I thought this was this is a nice kind of two sides of the coin you know if you look at the previous slide we have a lot of land available for open space it's just not necessarily programmed um for what we need and that's that's what we're finding here on this slide um other usage patterns there's a correlation between the Park's level of improvement and its usage um so Taylor Park and J park being the most improved with uh the greatest number of facilities um are certainly the most popular in respondents that we heard uh from the public so considerations for their use or maybe overuse are important to think about onto slide 13 other usage patterns um the uh plurality 25% of respondents indicated difficulty bicycling within the park system or between Parks um 58 8% of respondents indicated that they participate in recreational programming in Milburn Parks so I thought that was a great number to see that your Recreation Department is heavily used and people are really taking advantage of the opportunities um and that there is also significant usage of parks for Passive Recreation especially walking um so many residents do like to partake in those um so you know we wanted to couple the needs analysis and kind of make sure it was holistic and looking at facilities on the ground the numbers but then also what what residents were telling us um next we took we took advantage have an opportunity to look at some future conditions and kind of look ahead as to what we may be seeing um to make sure that we are accommodating growth uh here within the community so long-term trend of growth of growing household size uh in the township um you know as you can see in the table that we have on this Slide the average household side back size back in 1980 was 2.4 um persons per household and now we're up to just over three as of 2022 so household size is increasing um and population projections uh a couple of different ones the um njtp who's our regional um transportation entity they do modeling forecasts for municipal growth they're projecting a 4% annual increase to about 23,000 residents in 2050 so something to be cognizant of that you know there may be growth that we need to think about as we plan for facilities going into the future while we have constraints now we just need to be aware of that as we go forward um also to supplement this we took a look at um Public School enrollment uh in Mur and public schools you could see kind of the change in enrollment um over each of these uh years dating back to 2010 through 2023 um and we've seen you know some slight upticks in 2021 22 uh 22 23 as well um you know with some additional children uh within the schools so also important to consider as we think about future needs in the community um so moving on to slide 16 um some additional future considerations that we wanted to think about within the open space and Recreation plan are land use and air quality uh considerations of existing and future land use conditions that will affect the Township's open space planning such as U multif family development stormwater uh runoff um soil erosion Transportation modes to Parks air quality Regional impacts and potential local measures so just things for us to think about as we um program additional um future considerations okay so next moving into the resource assessment phase uh slide 17 and now to slide 18 um so the resource assessment the basis of this analysis is to review a available land um within the township so Township and Board of Education owned um and then also owned by other municipalities and public entities and vacant land um and then we wanted to look at factors that could inform whether these lands were suitable for open space uh natural features such as topography and wooded areas water bodies site constraints steep slopes flood plan site contamination proximity to residential neighborhoods uh commercial and Civic nodes uh sufficient site access for anticipated uses in programming and whether sites were Township controlled or uh readily available for acquisition or lease you know how quickly could township act to you know activate some of these opportunities in the resource assessment um and then prioritization of projects so you know in looking at these different um opportunity areas you know which ones are shovel ready or shovel light which which are the quickest to turn around um where do we have outside benefits from small improvements Synergy with other parks and projects providing a additional capacity Miss that's missing or underprovided within the township um or areas that have significant ecological or stormwater benefits uh for conversion to Parks uh or space and then also looking at the site location relative to existing facilities uh considering servicing neighborhoods currently underserved by open space and Recreation facilities as well okay so on slide 20 um we have the overall map and then kind of a couple of inset views just to kind of highlight some different properties that we identified as opportunities to create some additional um open space or prospective parks in open space um so we've highlighted a couple of different areas uh shown on these two maps and then I believe in the next couple slides I'll talk through just some high level examples of of these opportunity areas okay um so on to slide 21 um so our perspective parks in open space areas that we've identified by the numbers um we've identified 1994 seven acres for primary consideration is New Park PL across 30 different Parcels um and two paper streets uh we call them um these are uh paper streets on a tax map that have not yet been improved but may provide opportunity for you know conversion to Recreation purposes that they're not being used as a street um Township Board of Education owns or controls um 69.7 six acres of these properties and 26 parcels and two of the paper streets actually um and then East Orange owns 29.4 Acres um and then 1.5 Acres three Parcels are currently privately owned so of this about 70 Acres um we would consider more shovel ready or easily act easy to easier to act upon given that they're in um either Township or Board of Education control and then additional properties are also identified in the plan and analyzed um for secondary or tertiary considerations based on the other previously identified factors um okay so onto slide 22 this is a resource assessment perspective parks in open space um so these are just some examples of Visions for places um so something that we discuss in the plan is perhaps considering uh downtown River Walk consider acquisition of the futters property for park access and programming um a recreation or Community Center via acquisition of a sports academy or another approximate site within the downtown area for expanded indoor Recreation opportunities um a Riverfront Park along long rdge road to help with some flood mitigation and also provide some recreational access um the old Hollow Road property South Mountain reservation Gateway a multi-use pack um to allow for some additional connectivity uh Parker Plaza by the Milburn train station at the corner of Glenn Avenue and lacana Avenue uh and creation of pocket parks on small unused Municipal properties for smaller scale uh Recreation and open space opportunities um next so moving on to slide 23 this is where we talk about about um some Greenway opportunities and and creating that connectivity that residents uh highlighted in their comments to us um that they felt were deficiencies and getting to Parks you know most residents we we saw surprising number of people that just drove to the park because they didn't have any opportunities and so uh Park facilities with parking you know kind of become the more heavily used Park opportunities so how can we activate some of these smaller Parks or neighbor neighborhood opportunity Parks um and so it's with the green ways that we've kind of identified here on this map um so these are opportunities that we've identified to create connectivity between um our perspective recreational opportunities and existing facilities within the township um and on the map you'll see we have a key that talks about um different type of um opportunities sharrows or ex if there's an existing sherrow in some locations U multi-use paths and the like and different mileage associated with those these are all recommendations for facility improvements for connectivity um on to slide 24 Greenway just some addition addition highlights to talk through um so we provide some just general design recommendations for bicy facilities as well as considerations to guide future technical designer engineering for roots and potential alternate routes um The Greenway that we've kind of identified would connect all existing and proposed Township parks and schools to bicycle and pedestrian facilities allowing for better um connection between these places um as well as connection to the downtown and both of the train stations in the township as well um and it includes expanded vision for the downtown Riverwalk to connect Taylor Park to the papal Playhouse or other opportunities uh to to have a a vision for forward thinking too okay um so on to slide 25 uh timeline and next steps okay um so just kind of wanted to revisit where we've been throughout this process and you know what the what the future looks like as far as next steps um so uh May 3rd 2023 um is the date at which this board the planning board established the master plan subcommittee to um facilitate development of the open space and Recreation um element of the master plan and I just want to thank uh Vice chair Halper and Miss neevis for their volunteer service on that group um and I also do want to thank um all of the other Township um boards and committees that have facilitated or reviewed or provided comments to this process the Recreation Commission the environmental commission the flood mitigation uh Advisory Board um we've worked with a lot of different partners to um get feedback input so I want to thank them as well um between May 26th and July 31st of last year we conducted our extensive public Outreach uh effort um which included um three Outreach sess uh I guess well was three Outreach uh sessions at um Milbourne middle school and Milbourne High School two at the middle school we we were at two lunch periods um then a lunch period at the high school which was a great opportunity to present we had boards and shared um what we were doing as students and we got a lot of good feedback directly from the youth in the township um I appreciated that opportunity it's a more unique approach that I've seen um and it was a great way to get some engagement um from Township youth who are heavy users of Park facilities and youth programming so it was good to get their input um we also had a a public session uh in Taylor Park on a Saturday um and our team kind of went out to all of the t-ball games that were happening and talked to parents on the sideline so that was a great opportunity as well um and then we had an evening session here in this room where we did the same thing got some additional feedback uh and this was all of course in addition to the online survey that we did so that was also a great exercise to get some feedback directly as well um and uh so then in September of 18 September of 2023 our public Outreach summary was completed um and we circulated uh draft goals and objectives to our uh planning board subcommittee um as well as to the advisory boards uh that we uh were working with as well um and then at the end of October last year October 31st we completed the first internal working draft of this plan document um circulated that for review and comment amongst the planning board subcommittee and out to the advisory boards and commissions as well um and then uh provided I provided you all with the status update in December of last year um we finalized our draft on December 7th and of course then number seven is January 17th we were unable to do that at the last meeting but tonight uh is just kind of a general first introduction to the plan element for you all um for the benefit of the public um and then obviously not February 2024 but this board at the conclusion of this evening can decide at what date public hearing would be held for formal adoption of this document um so that is it the full presentation um happy to entertain any questions or U answer any comments thank you br sure questions yes yes so I a questioned so what next how weate us so yeah I ask you to just restate the question I didn't catch it um uh so Mr vj's question is um regarding the prospective parks in open space that are identified on slide number 20 um what is the process for how we move forward with those and who kind of takes the lead on that action I think I think is the the nature of your question um so it's important to remember recall that um and it's really this slide in conjunction with the next slide that kind of details the ownership breakdown um you know 70 Acres of these 199 that have been identified um are either Township controlled or Board of Ed controlled so um as far as our priority ranking which is discussed in the plan those are kind of the lwh hanging fruit opportunities or easiest paths to effectuate because they're already under local control here within the township um so those would be the opportunities that um would you would pursue first then second secondary to that would be opportunities to then enter into negotiations or discussions with other property owners such as um other Municipal entities or with private land owners to effectuate Opportunities there um and really you know this plan is to kind of guide Township decision making across all different areas Administration governing body um so as you know things are being thought about if we need to think about a new park we're supposed to look to this plan first and see well what were the easiest Parcels to to effectuate or what were the easiest opportunities to kind of move forward so that's really um kind of the way to do it um it's difficult us as planners we always have this kind of you know syncing feeling that Master plans we do all this work and then they sit on the shelf and nobody thinks about that so um you know it's G to be my job here um as your Township planner you know advising on both sides to make sure that we always kind of go back to this document so as discussions come up or things are discussed or um you know we're planning for Capital budgeting or thinking about those things at the governing body level that we remember that we have this plan uh you know we're hearing for residents that they're wanting us to act on some of these things you know this is where we can always go back to as kind of the North Star in that decision- making process so I hope that answers the question can you just tell us what we're looking at on 20 on slide 20 um it looks it looks like there's something over in Glenwood and then something I can't quite tell tell us what it is sure sure so these are properties that are either owned by the township or the board of educ or other Municipal entities or privately owned that are basically inactive for recreation purposes at this time but are situated as such or identified or we felt approximate enough to create opportunities for um Recreation fairly quickly um and that's that was kind of our process in going through and identifying these properties was to say these look like Prime opportunities to create um new park facilities or expand Park opportunities so that's what you're looking at here um for the benefit of the slide I streamline things um but the plan as I see you have the page there um kind of details some of those properties a little bit more and explains some of that so yes so one of those properties that looks like is Gilbert place in said one is but then I'm looking on slide nine of today's presentation and it seems that it's County open space or New Jersey de D yeah there's a couple of different overlaps so there I think so maybe County owned for like Recreation purposes but there's an opportunity in partnership with the township to create a walking path to create to create facilities for that so maybe functioning in some of those ways but there's opportunity for Partnerships to available the fact that it's something by although on page 35 of the report it says it's count so that's guess yeah that maybe yeah the colors get a little close because there's Municipal and then yeah County and then there's also the Rossy color so I can and I don't know if the colors carry over well on the slide either so I'll take a look at those and I can sort get back to you and the the other property that was interesting that was mentioned in this report is that Sports Academy that was once well I guess still is private but apparently bought but never actually improved upon or open that's right does the township have any or do you have any information on on we don't we identify we we discussed it with the recreation director you know just as as a prior facility and you know it's it's I'm not sure of the current intentions of the ownership entity but you know it is kind of a readily available you know kind of a turnkey opportunity for the township so that's why we decided to include it um here's a potential opportunity so David yes yeah C I had a question actually on the on the the plan itself the element page 43 okay just gears and just open up yeah I mean I can hand it to you too it's whatever it's the vacant land analysis page 43 just get down to it sorry I'm just Switching gears sorry to do this no that's okay 43 yes yes okay so so the the last part of that Bacon Land analysis comment um third line from the B fourth line from the bottom in the middle of the line starts with the township must also consider whether it would be worth losing tax revenue so see okay so so just to get you there yes I'm just wondering who made that determination because I don't know that I agree with that that you know that it's um that it's recommended that the town should not pursue acquisition of vacant properties I so I think the way that we and that's something certainly we can we can obviously we're still at the phase where we can amend this and change this and I'm glad that you're bringing this up I think from from a priority ranking context of what was easiest most and most easily ready to effectuate um some of these private purchases or private properties were ones that we didn't recommend for Pursuit at this point um that's why we kind of prioritized the other 199 Acres of parcels but um if you'd like us to take a look at that we could certainly go back and and take a look at this or you know maybe just even delete that that last line just to say it's really you know something that the township I think has to think about um as far as you know the investment to effectuate these as Park facilities versus you know the privately owned Revenue aspect yeah I mean I'd rather see it deleted but I don't know what the rest of the gang or at least made it you know that it would be on a oneoff basis someone we look it up these big not we but you know um because I I get nervous if someone a year from now looks back at this and says okay there's a determination already made that we're not going to buy private land because of the potential to lose tax sure sure yeah and I think also in the alternative if one of these were to become available maybe it's not something that we want to say is off the table because of this statement you know if it were to become available we want to keep that option available to us too so great no I think that's good so yeah I think we can rework that to to clean that yes I have a question same document on page 48 so there's a paragraph reimagining the mour free public library and I just don't remember going through all this that you talk to anybody at them over in free public library so you know it seems there's a lot of statements about what they could be doing but I don't know that anybody consulted with them it's never come up I also sit on the library trustees board and the open space plan has never come up okay at any of our meetings so you know I'm not saying I agreee or disagree sure but they would seem to be an important stakeholder imagining what it is and certainly I think between now and whenever the public hearing is we can certainly reach out to them in coordinate this this specific point they very sensitive back parking lot so yes yes so that's a great point would you be available to facilitate that'd be great yeah we can work together on that and another and then on page 39 just a question in the the Glenwood school Forest paragraph I just didn't understand it says beside as heavily wooded and contains steep slopes in its Western half and along the southern property line that sounds like would be you know tough then it says given these considerations the town should further improve the site as a primary consideration so the first sentence sounds like this is not a good area and then the second sentence sounds like this is where we should put all of our effort so I can't imagine if it's heavily wooded I can't imagine that we are advocating by cutting down Tre right yeah and that's why I think the recommendation is just about additional walking trails uh to facilitate you know access to that Ste slopes makes me even concerned about walking trails okay yeah we'll take a look at that one too and see if we can Fe that that set up as well any yes yeah on 14 of the presentation from tonight it talks about the njtpa 40-year municipal forecast and it has milb bured you know about 23 23,100 residents in 2050 when was that study done and specifically does that account for the affordable housing projects that are now sort being Inus so these are so the njtpa um Municipal forecasts are done I think on every five years I believe I don't know exactly the date of the one that's presented here within the plan I can get that for this as well um but they do it um regionally to look at Transportation Planning efforts predominantly so it's it's really kind of a a Rough Guide um it's not meant to exactly capture planned or programmed development locally within the municipality it's kind of an aggregate figure to look at forecasting across the region and align Transportation infrastructure Investments regionally you know in that effort um so it's kind of a proxy to look at regional growth and not necessarily weighted in uh some of that on the ground effectuation of development patterns doesn't account for arguably more po potentially I question yes uh so you posted this I know you know thank you for describing this robust public input since you've posted it I know you had your contact information available have you gotten feedback since this draft not so but I'm hoping after tonight maybe there'll get some some of that that was one question and then second and I just I didn't pick up on it I'm sorry if I missed it when you spoke with the w Department um that was really helpful understanding the fields and sort of Youth use yes do you also have a sense of like number of households that take advantage of you know the golf or pool memberships or tennis you know which which are all things that town households or individuals can purchase the you know the card the ID C us yeah Chris Myers to provide us some of that information and access and that the survey was provided to all of those users as well so anyone who uses just getting a sense of sort of I don't know if there's historic growth and demand you know is demand gr for these resources is it waning just so we could actively planning for the no that's great that's of interest and then of course there's things that don't exist that people might right so looking at capacity or needs on those facilities not just Recreation programming needs which was the Capacity Analysis okay follow yeah no that's good that's good m other discussion okay great um we just gave you some food for so you just gave me a couple of homework items but that's fine a little bit of homework which is okay I think that's uh that's that's what we want you know and thank you no and that was the purpose of tonight yeah yeah of the board for for reviewing and taking the time to look through and and to you presenting it um I think yeah we'd love sort of sort of continued feedback um if we have as if any board members have anything further obviously we can always Reach Out directly to Graham and then possibly responding to some of the questions we heard tonight absolutely being able to prepare that for the ultimate presentation yes um and public input session yes so I think as far as timing goes um we'll take the feedback that we heard from you all this evening and I will distill those down and make those updates and then circulate a revised draft to everybody and update the draft on the we website um and I think once that exercise is done then maybe at um maybe the next meeting or I can update you when that's complete and then we can discuss scheduling the public hearing for adoption would be my suggestion okay I think that seems appropriate and would a revised draft be also circulated on the website oh of course of course yes okay um so then Eileen we'll wait until we have that to schedule it put it on an agenda okay yeah and and just just for the benefit of the board there will be a period of time where I come back to you with the update and then's going to need some time to the noticing there's a lot of noticing that has to go along public hearing process so there may be a gap between when I tell you it's ready to go and she's able to get that process done so understood appreciate that um any final comments or thoughts okay great thank you thank you okay um our next planning board meeting is scheduled Wednesday February 21 2024 7:30 p.m. here in two weeks there are no applications there are no applications as of now okay we will I will not be here just letting you know that that will bearing on whether chance you may not see one another on Wednesday February 21st but we will if it's going to be canell we will um okay okay I move to adjourn we have a second second okay all in favor thank you