it's just black screen okay yeah okay with Section Five of the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 be advised that a notice of this meeting was made by posting on the bulletin board town hall and mailing to the officially designated newspapers a list of the meeting dates annually in the indicating that this meeting would take place at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday April 17th 2024 Alison camfield here Michael Cohen here deah Nev here Frank seandre here s Sean here try BJ here David cosbro here Michael Zion here gon Halbert here that's all here our first order of business tonight is uh the review of the minutes from our February 7th 24 meeting um they were distributed last week thank you El did you receive any uh edits or corrections I did not okay does anybody have any comments or Corrections on the February 7th um I was I on that as having voted because I refused um I did not vote on the minutes no the resolution just a resolution well the vote is not on here okay justed you recused from that discussion I yes all right so I will um yeah you are listed here as a yes so I will I had obained okay okay great I moved to approve with the correction of uh Deborah you and somebody else also twois you were recused you didn't abstain you wereused great do the notes reflect all three yeah they they will okay I move to approve with that correction do we have a second second thanks gu all in favor oppose and anybody who was not present can recuse from approval thank you meeting from February 7th are approved our next order of business tonight is a a final review and public hearing on the open space and Recreation master plan element um Graham i' invite you as our board planner to um come forward and just walk us through the memo that you had most recently shared or provide any updates and changes since your last presentation Madam CH with your permission I'll swear in since it is a public hearing thank you you'll raise your right hand do you swear to God or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you sure uh good evening uh and chair uh members of the planning board uh Grant pedo here this evening as board planner and Township planner um happy to share and open the public hearing for final adoption of the open space and Recreation uh element of the township master plan um this is a process that began uh just under a year ago so happy to see this conclusion here this evening um I we did Issue a memo uh back on March 8th to the board which I think was circulated via email um but I also will read it into the record here for your benefit this evening um which kind of summarizes what we've uh heard so far in this process and a couple of uh final updates that were made following the presentation that was given uh back on February 7th um so at the February 7th 2024 uh meeting of planning board um I presented the uh open space and Recreation master plan element to the board for discussion uh in advance of this public hearing this evening um and any potential action on the plan element by the board uh during the course of the presentation uh members of the board as well as members of the public provided recommendations for revision to the plan element content um we have uh Incorporated this feedback into a revised version of the plan element uh which is the version that was circulated for public notice this evening for public hearing this evening and uh this memorandum that I'm reading here serves to summarize the scope of such amendments um the uh we remain available to answer any questions that the board may have regarding content analysis and recommendation of the plan element um and I just want to note that this memo is is posted and has been on the uh the planning board's page of the township website um and is available for public view as well um so first uh on the acknowledgement section on page two uh we did update um to reflect a 2024 roster of elected officials and professionals uh and members of this board um as well so those are all current now with year 2024 um number two um the additional perspective land section specifically pertaining to Glennwood School Forest on page 39 we have revised that language to clarify that given constraints from wooded areas and steep slopes that limited walking trails may be recommended or identified as an improvement um however being cognizant of those constraints within the area um number three uh regarding the vacant lands analysis that's included on page 43 of the plan um we did qualify that the prior recommendation that the town should not pursue vacant land acquisition for provision of parks in open space instead stating that those vacon properties identified do not appear conducive to park planning and further providing considerations for the township further evaluating those those vacant properties um and then a second point to that in that clarification is that we added a clarifying paragraph that differentiates and distinguishes the plan elements vacant land analysis from the vacant land adjustment um which is conducted as part of the municipality's housing element fair share plan we want to ensure that distinction so there's not confusion between the plans um and then finally uh item number four I want to thank Mr Cohen for uh providing support in this area um Improvement to existing facilities collaboration with the Milburn free public Library um on pages 47 through 48 um in collaboration with the director of the public library as well as Mr Cohen we've revised this section content to incorporate the library's four-year strategic plan um and better reflect the libraryies role within the Township's organizational context um and how it would be situated as a potential facility to support um recreational opportunities within the township thank you very much yes yeah I appreciate those conversations were very very helpful so um so that is the the set of uh changes that we've made since the presentation back on February 7th um happy to answer any questions or any further clarifications should the board have thank you anybody have any questions I have one question yes and it's a tremendous amount of work did an excellent job you know so but the Genesis were starting said it needed to be done because it it was so old but the Genesis for this was the debate we were having at the time about par three and maybe eliminating that and putting in a cricket pitch there or other fields or whatever you know got contentious and all of that seems to have sort of resolved itself on its own in in ways independent of this effort so I'm glad that we did this but I'm I lost the connection between the the the cause for starting this and and how we you know here we are today sure yeah no I think I think at the highest level um that this plan element now upon adoption provides the road map for future scenarios to address that and mitigate those circumstances before they come to aead in the public forum um this document now allows for the township to follow kind of a path to say this is what we we have a need where where can we meet those needs you know you have a rubric and a framework within this open space plan to to execute those decision-making trees um to follow something that has been you know uh adopted by this board and vetted by the public as well so if that helps and I'm glad those things settle themselves as well did you have a question or no okay sorry you're allow to stretch too actually if no other board members have a question I have one question I pleas the uh Graham in your opinion with this element be consistent with the goals and objectives of the overall master plan and would you opine that it guides the use of lands in the municipality in a manner which protects the public health and safety and otes the general welfare I would yes thank you nothing further thank you madam chair good to be on the planning purpose um thank you thank you okay at this time um we would open up to members of the public if anybody has any comments or to provide testimony on on the element and they would be it is a testimony right yes I'll swear uh you in might as well please please raise your right hand do you swear to God or Refirm that the testimony you're about to give his the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you and name and address for the right all right Jeffrey Feld 11 Alexander Lane Short Hills New Jersey the only question it's really a comment in question because when we talk about the Genesis we get to like the book of D Armory something occurred in between I think your presentation the concept of maybe an open uh space tax and the question I have is will this report be be used to allow us to do that because there was presentation I think by the environmental commission and they started talking about vacant land and I don't know if you compared their presentation and the numbers that they use to your report and I didn't have an opportunity to talk about that when we were here last I think in March on February 7th we talked about I'm very happy explaining the difference about VA but I just hope that that there's some consistency that someone can look at because there was a presentation about the open space tax and they were talking about how much open space is in the town and that could be used and I just hope that the numbers sort of correspond that they're not you know apples and orange Mars and Venus that's the only thing really comment and I appreciate you know what went on the Genesis of this whole thing and hopefully we'll have some clarity especially as to how VA works thank you thank you um great points yeah can take share that back with the environmental commission certainly and they've been aware of this ongoing process so thank you uh any other members in the public comment okay anybody want to make a motion regarding this uh and I I think I know where you're going thank you madam chair as the board is aware my apologies for the 11th Hour as well as a typo I'll mention in a moment but we did uh uh draft a resolution for the board uh assuming that the board does wish to adopt this element that's how that resolution reads you can adopt the resolution uh and I think ien uh for the noticing uh all of which was done uh for this public hearing uh and uh and gr for his presentation and his opinions uh and if it is the board's desire to adopt the master plan this you can do it by way of motion second roll call vote to adopt this particular resolution the uh plan would be uh amended to it uh probably I feel more like it would this would be amended to the plan the plan is much more significant um and I uh with one change and that being the correct uh County planning board being referenced in section three my apologies for that I just quote that um that's y so the um so with that I believe it to the board great um I will move to to I guess approve the amended master plan open space uh and Recreation plan element uh appended I guess with the resolution of adoption is that that's a second on that Al who it Alison Campfield yes Michael Cohen yes debor nebas yes Frank Sandi yes Sue J Sean yes J BJ yes David cosbro yes G on halber yes that's all yes good thanks the element is approved and now part of our master plan and thank you to those uh who served on the sub committee with graham a Year's worth of work is is no insignificant so thank you um with that said we have no further orders of business tonight um our next meeting as of now scheduled for May 1st I mean do we have applic applications completed as yet not yet okay and do we know if there's any ordinances anticipated to be introduced not for May 1 it will be until the May 6 meeting of the planning board so we'll do it at our May 15 18th I think they're doing definitions they're doing something I know there okay so stay tuned we may have a meeting on May 1st we'll keep it until next next week until we know for sure if there's anything and at that point we would do a notice um if not possibly the 15 um I move to adjourn do have a second second all in favor oppos okay 7 46 put that in the minutes