we're live but I think scream for some reason all right you turn your mics on all right so we're just wind it back real quick just read the uh notice real quick the notice in accordance with Section Five of open public meetings act chapter 231 public 1975 he advis that a notice this meeting was made by posting on bol of board Town Hall mail the officially designated newspapers list of the meeting dates annually indicating this meeting would take place Town Hall 7 pm on April 1st 2024 uh attendance okay uh chre harj here Amy Lawrence here Gary Rosen here uh Priscilla SRA here uh Vice chairman Jessica blat here cner is here um also president Rob Simon and Eric fish um next up here okay um first we're going to start with approval of minutes of February 2nd 2024 um that February 5th sorry February 5th 2024 let see um this right so um any corrections or changes to the minutes of February 5th 2024 if not eligible is Joe Coffield who's not here CH Johnny Jessica GL craiger so can I have a motion regarding moralization sorry minutes 2524 move approval second all those in favor anyone opposed okay next up we have a moralization of calendar 39 5823 um eligible tonight are chre Jessica and C so that that's there anyway um so any corrections or changes to that moralization under stroller it's 150 Main Street if not um actually uh oh Amy you're eligible on this Gary sorry you're eligible on this as well um okay uh um do I have a motion in that case motion to approve the memorialization for calendar number 3958 d23 I'll do have a second I'll second second Amy yeah uh Gary Rosen yes Amy Lawrence yes shro Johny Yes Jus glad yes craiger yes next up we start with a couple announcements then we'll get into our our show here um we have we're carrying uh a few cases tonight so application uh calendar 39123 is be carried to 6324 that's aaya gar bio Lo at 149 sagore Road uh there'll be no further given no notice given on that uh please check the town all uh website for any changes that may be added to that case calendar 39 2523 which is Lucky Express USA LLC uh that will be carried to 5 2024 once again no further notice please keep an eye on the website for any changes to that application and lastly we have calendar 39684 which is property location 249 Main Street 249 Ms Park partners that will also be carried that'll be carried to 41524 no further notice on that um that application has been submitted and it's also on the website so that's the story so tonight we only have two matters in front of us uh so before I start and you mentioned earlier that you're here regarding the 249 Main Street you're 249 Main Street okay so you're not carried to 4:15 so that's the whole show there's no reason for you so the matter has been carried to April 15th so if you're interested in the application you can come back here two weeks from today 7 o'clock are you are you the applicant or are you the applicant you are the applicant so you're Ms Partners yes got it okay so my lawyer couldn't be here and so he said I should show up in case it's not officially carried forward nothing that's officially carried you're good you can go so you enjoy your evening awesome okay all right so first up we have um calendar 39723 which is uh Rachel Wier 29 South Mountain Avenue uh South Road sorry Milburn that applicator is requesting oneye extension for previous Varian um so I will ask the board if you have any um comments questions or thoughts on that application that was previously approved the front yard set back uh where they were proposing the front porch um so that's pretty much the whole Trail there and they were delayed due to some health issues with the family so they look to seek the building permit in May 15 2025 so otherwise if anyone have any issues with that pH comments or otherwise then in that case uh can I have a motion so uh yeah here so yeah goe I'll make a motion to uh Grant the one-year extension for um calendar 391 17-23 and do I have a second I can second thank you shrew um joh yes Andy Lawrence yes Gary Rosen yes Priscilla yes uh Jessica yes Craig clner yes okay moving right along so we go to our first full application this evening um calendar 39662 24 35 Mill Street so whoever wants to speak come on down we're going to swear you in and um and then we'll move on from there so whoever's gonna speak to us okay raise your right hand please you swear a FR testimony you g tonight hearing be the tree Paul by the tree yes your name's for the record please spell h o n g c h e n g last name Steven Hawkin s v n last name h o c k s t i n sorry first name again h o n g c h e n g um so who would like to speak first I can I can speak first yeah go ahead so so I live in the 35 milon Street we've been living there three years we really like the neighborhood uh and now that our roof have some issue we need to fix and we want take this opportunity to do some renovation uh to add some more living space so that we can live there forer thank you and like Steve I'll give you more [Music] details Steve you're me what capacity this evening I'm the architect great want you give us your qualifications uh on board um my name is stepen Hawkin I am a partner at ahm Architects 281 Main Street I have testified in front of this board and numerous other boards in the area my uh license is current in New Jersey thanks so muchif by for to proce um I don't know if you want to mark this I I don't know if you've had a chance to see the property but I did a Google print out of so what's this us now just a Google print out of site and the elevation just so these are um Google Images they're all Google Images they all Google Images I print it out today we G Mar that I just did three of them this is fine down um first of all uh thanks for uh like to thank the board for coming out for this uh meeting and hopefully we'll get out of here quickly um this property is in the r six Zone it's a corner property it's 5,000 square ft and a own where 6,000 square ft is the minimum so it's an undersized lot lot is 50 ft deep um off of Milton and 100 100t off of Cypress um what we were hired to do is currently if you I'll show you the plan there is a and Steve you're referring to this is sheet A2 on the set that you was submitted there been no revision no this is same as submitted um the existing house has a living room dining room bedroom and kitchen on the first floor and then there's a deck heading out towards the corner the corner is on the left side of the property so what we're doing is only thing we we were ask we're asking is that we Square Off the corner of the house on the first floor we're just adding a little more space on the first floor on the second floor currently there's two bedrooms and no bathroom on the second floor um so what we're doing on the second floor is we're taking the roof off we're making a primary bedroom suite with a walk-in closet and a bathroom a secondary bedroom with a bathroom and then a little Loft area for people to gather um and also use as a home work space the existing house has a flat roof Dormer in the front which if you look at the print out that I handed out it's a it's it's not a very attractive house um addition to that the flat roof is leaking so our goal is to raise the house up and make it more attractive and so the way the house is going to [Applause] look is because the house is very symmetrical the existing house the addition that we're doing we stepped it back a little bit so that you still feel the symmetry of the main part of the house so it step back a foot just just for aesthetic reasons and what's triggering um our application tonight is we are in conformance with everything as far as the bulk requirements but because of the new setback requirements um I believe that you have in your handout the um the average setback that we had uh Casey and Keller do and the the prevailing setback along Cyprus is 15 .3 ft our house is behind that and we are 24.3 ft back and with the new ordinance you have to be within 25% of that 15.3 so we're actually further back along Cyprus so we need a variance to be further from the street along Cyprus along Milton we have an uh situation where there's no other houses on that block so we default to 40 ft the house is currently at 12.5 ft and the lot is only 50 ft deep so essentially there's nowhere to build on this property so all we're asking is that we can fill in this corner and we want this front yard setbacks to maintain what's there and no worse and that's uh the extent of our our our requests is just to fill in this corner here and we don't feel there's any negative impact to the master plan of Milburn or and the fact that it's on the corner none of the neighbors are affected it doesn't affect the sight lines or people coming on Cyprus um and it's pretty simple we're just asking for uh so what's on Cyprus yeah on Cyprus what's the extent of the deviation that you're seeking um we have to be between 15.3 and 19.1 so we're actually too far back from the street in accordance with the new the new ordinance so we're asking for variance to be further than what's allowed yeah it's great I hopefully it'sin today about causing us lot hopefully it's GNA be altered a little bit like right so and that's it everything else is complying even though it's an undersized lot we're not asking for f or building coverage or lot coverage just filling in that little corner it's pretty simple it's called law UNT consequences so so if you actually built closer to Cyprus by six feet if you added more mass mass it' being conformance well only on Cypress on cypess because on Milton we'd still be right asking for a set back on Milton yeah it's actually not we saw the same thing I think last last application we saw one where we had not enough houses on the corner right to form a out uh any questions for uh architect or theate um I will let let me record reflect there's no one in the audience to see me so I will not be open for public question um so I close the public portion of the meeting uh any any thoughts on this I would be happy to support this application yeah as what I said unfortunately this just the intent is one thing of this new ordinance but unfortunately the application of it has become so um yeah I would support this application think the house will look better uh also yeah I agree suppor and it's a mod ask so support a supp great um do I have a motion uh in this case motion to approve the application for calender number 3966 d24 second second uh CH harani yes Amy Lawrence yes Gary Rosen yes Priscilla saraf yes jessat yes Craig pler yes good luck with the project thank you is this the record for the quickest uh meeting yeah yeah all right I don't know if it's a record all these other applications it doesn't make it easier for us so well thank you all for coming out yeah thanks uh also once again let you know that there's no one else in the audience so uh can I have a motion to [Music] adj that's new dates they