good evening everyone uh real quick before we start I just like to acknowledge someone um Mary mcnett was a board member here for for many years and uh she passed away uh on Thanksgiving and you know I I just wanted to pay a little bit of a homage to her only because she uh was an incredible uh volunteer for this Township she sat on the Town Council uh was a huge uh influential member of the HPC and then was on this board for uh I think about 14 years and you know I was fortunate enough to sit next to her she sat down at the end Corner over there and I was fortunate to sit next to her for many years and whenever I adjudicated and for some reason I wasn't on the same side as she was I had to really think twice about why I wasn't because her her decisions were so measured and well thought out and she also was kind of a Visionary in in some of the decisions that she did make so uh she she will be be missed and uh I know I know Jessica had had a special relationship with her as well so uh I just want to to let everyone know and uh and you know it's it's a loss of the township to have someone that was such a conate uh volunteer over the year so now now she would be shaking her head at me saying Craig could you get on with it she never really like that kind of stuff so we will we will move on this evening um so real quick before we even start anything else I just want to go over these applications because if you're here you can bit you out what's that let's oh yeah go that no get everything started here we go um all right and according to section five of the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 be advised and noce this meeting was made by posting on Bolton board town hall and mailing the officially Des newspapers list the meeting dates annually indicating this meeting will take place at the Town Hall at 7M on Monday December 4th 202 Ashley here amyr R here herei here here here so as I was saying um before we start with our minutes memorializations we have three cases that that are going to be carried this evening so I just want Cas anyone's here that can get going but uh calendar 39123 which is Amaya Garbo which is 146 Sagamore that matter will be carried to 1824 for scheduling purposes only so if you are here and you're to for that case make sure that you check in uh before the January 8th meeting that may change again uh calendar sorry so for that um matter that Barbo matter the matter has been carried to January 8th 2024 7M in this room and no further notice will be offered by the applicant and that's just for scheduling purposes so the expectation is that the hearing will not take place on January 8th but at the January meeting we'll announce the new uh hearing date and so if you're interested in that application you should be present to hear the new hearing date unless you as Craig said checked in earlier and found out that it's been carried to a date C and this applies the same thing for the next two calendar 39 2523 which is Lucky Express USA llc at 11 Mount hour road um that is under the same situation that's carried to 182 for for scheduling purposes only there will be no further notice given by the applicant so please check in on that one are you he on that one are you guys here on that sore you're on Sagamore okay um and the other property located on Sagamore 99 Sagamore was calendar 39 5223 uh Duran and arah hegi that has the same situation is that sorry is that sagore yes that's 9 sag there's two there's two on so that will be carried uh as well once again no further notice will be given by the applicant so please either check the website or check the town hall um uh as we will be discussing where we go there on so that's also carried to January 2024 for scheduling purposes on year correct 7 o'clock thank you correct so those two cases so we're going to start with our approval of minutes we have three sets of minutes to approve this evening first ones being October 2nd 2023 any changes or corrections to those minutes if not um who's eligible vote everyone okay uh then can I have a motion to uh approve those minutes motion to approve and a second all those in favor anyone oppose next we have the minutes of 10623 um we have there Ashley shandre Regina Joe Jessica Craig the only thing that I had to add at the last minute is on page 15 um the calendar 391 18-23 at 20 kerma was the first applicant it was Carri to today but it was left it will just be notation indicting okay thank you any other Corrections or changes that seven minutes then I'm sorry I I couldn't hear the uh the issue of 199 side more Road has been postponed is that correct that is correct it's postponed till 1824 for scheduling purposes only so it may or may not be heard that evening um so you're gonna want to check before that okay so either call Town Hall check the website um but it will be mentioned that evening but if we get any further notice we will we'll move forward thank okay thank you so uh getting back to the minutes at 10623 uh one of the people that were mentioned can you please make a motion move approval 10623 second take your second all those in favor anyone opposed and lastly we have the minutes of 11623 any corrections or changes who's eligible everyone [Applause] um if there's no questions or changes I have a motion appr 116 I can second thank you all those in favor I oppos okay uh next we have three memorializations this evening uh starting with calendar 39422 uh hakan goas got toss at 91 Mountain View Road in mburg any corrections or changes all full members all full members nice um then in that case could I have a motion motion to approve calendar number 9 39 48-22 moralization great a second second yes Shand yes Amy Lawrence yes Gary Rosen yes TR yes J yes yes next up calendar 39 4523 uh Anana Mahi and Ryan Looney at seven Park Circle Short Hills any corrections or changes same slate is okay um I have a motion in that case sure I I make a motion to memorialize calendar 39423 I can second thank you Ashley abor shandrew Amy yes Rosen yes reget Tru yes Jessica GL yes yes lastly 39 5423 Jason and Caris Stern at 66 Spencer Drive I'm assuming same slate uh any corrections or changes I move I'll make a motion to approve calendar the memorialization for calendar number 3954 d23 thank you a second second as having sh Amy Lawrence Gary Rosen TR yes Jess yes yes so our first application this evening ofunity calendar 39823 uh gang Yao at 20 clar mile drive this application carried from 10623 are who do you have S up thought we spent a lot of time minutes we're now as I recall they presented testimony on the 17th of April and at the time they came is that still you're not voting can never replace him you're up okay then we're GNA move on and then we'll Circle back uh we have I'm sorry we have seven eligible vote voters for that4 so next up we have calendar 39 3323 uh Zing L and Yun Yang at 38 add drive going once going twice 10 this was it was it was carried from was this the I was this the one I I called you about to see if they had new plans or revised plans submitted this is side setback mostly on second floor this is this needs several these combined side side it's mostly sidey Bas stuff okay I hav't heard don't moving on Tim what are you which one you got all right come on down count 39 4723 a yeah are you're 15 dunan yeah okay you'll be next WoW okay so both you going to speak intim yes your name for the record please Raj Timothy um like start so uh St to the microphone good so we've been uh uh we moved in Charles in 2007 we have two boys our old son is uh special needs he was born Down syndrome and he's also autistic uh he's now 24 years old he has uh been uh actually still weight listed uh in a couple of adult programs uh since the pandemic he graduated from eclc chat uh so we we have a pretty difficult time you know just kind of managing his schedule and all that um so um we decided that uh we should have uh some extra space for him um in the Attic area where he could uh uh where he could do some therapies uh maybe has have some Recreation for him um our roof is in a pretty bad shape so we were initially thinking of replacing the roof but then somebody recommended that you could raise the attic a little bit and create some extra space which he could use um so I have been in touch with e uh got an uh uh engineer uh you know to do the do the plan for the roof as to where the beams are needed and uh what structural work needed to be done but uh I guess we had some issues with setbacks and all that so I recommend it that we should have uh an architect who's familiar with all the codes and well so I reached out to Tim and uh uh Tim has you know basically uh worked on the plan and submitted all that was required so that's the background basically great thank you very much I mean oh let the show Clos up is uh 78 qualification sir I'm a licensed proect in New York and New Jersey I've been licensed for about 30 years believe it or not and um my license is in good standing I uh I presented in front of this board on numerous occasion and then at this point kind of boards all over the place New Jersey New York and also at State and um everything's well paid up and I'm good standing qualifications are accepted thank you um okay so I picked this up and um they had already filed with Eileen and Eileen had been um they had already completed the application and done some other things and but um I I think probably what really happened is I just thought they needed a more adequate set of drawings to be able to come in front of the board like probably and so we um we did a set of drawings for them which are enclosed in front of you and I included those drawings with the cover letter that I sent on November 15 that I think everybody should have a copy of okay and that's the summary of what's really going on at this point if I flip to um or the intent here is to build an open area up on the second floor sort of like a place space workout space just sort of a large area so instead of asking to put a second floor in this building you know which they could really do they were really raising the plate up five feet so it's sort of like a a larger half Second Story right like it could be a you know bigger building but we have kept it down um so that it didn't get too large and and um give us a large play Space on the second floor and then I figured out when I went through the zoning I could see that the if I take you to uh the attachment e which is the second one in this little uh 8 and half by 11s that I gave you the the big deviation here is for side yard setback and that was um on the left side if you're looking at the building and we contemplated not adding up on that section of the building so that we wouldn't impact the sard setback but we made the decision we did that the building looked better with the second floor so we should just come to the board and I'll show that to you and the other thing that's going on here is um building coverage because the existing site is really sort of an expanded Ranch and it has an existing building coverage a 14.8 where it's only allowed to be 14% you know it's over in building coverage by you know 150 200 square feet and our request here is to add a portico to the front door and that Portico has kicked us up by another 60 square feet and that's the request for this variance let me interrupt you a second so in your up of attachment e under under B for building coverage you have here existing over by I think it says 179 is that need to said 150 I just want to get make the record clear as to what it is oh I wrote yeah that's true the existing is presently over by 179 square feet I'm sorry I was kind of just rounding but it is exactly I wrote it on the bottom the existing was over 179 and the increase tonight is 45 Square F feet for the Portico and that brings me up to the 224 square feet because the whole everything that's over is actually a request even the existing non-conforming 179 another 45 45 Square you're asking for 65 um because you're resisting sh 3155 right and it proposes 3220 what's this's 65 and the 3155 is 14.8 versus the allowable 14 I would say then the Portico is probably 65 square feet not 45 square feet okay so because I I think that 45 is probably I wrote it wrong okay because the ptico is probably bigger than five by I think it's deeper than 4 by1 but it looks like 3220 is what we proposing 3220 you got 3155 existing yes okay but the deviation yeah so that's the spread and but the deviation that we're requesting this evening is for 1.1% so that the existing non-conforming condition becomes conforming the uh it's going to take you to my say I guess I'm going to do it right here I don't know how to do this but I'm going to do it here Tim I don't think we have certainly that cover sheet with those photographs that and just describe what it is with the date please this is um the exact same boa1 sheet that you have except that I added two photos to it just so you could see it um the photo on the left is the existing building right it's really a one-story expanded Ranch it's um what's sorry what's the what's the date last revision date if there is one or this the date of that plan uh 11423 the um that's really an expanded Ranch that we're asking to raise the roof everything that we're raising is actually conforming except for this one little bit on the left side uh this is a rear view of the same thing in the adjacent house the adjacent house really is a driveway going to the left and into the basement area so there's a good amount of space here there's about another 30 ft from the property line to the adjacent house you to swing the cars in so if I look at my survey in the middle which is the same as the survey that you guys have everything that we cross-hatched is new sort of second floor area and this area on the left side is really second floor space but it's open to below we just didn't need all this area on the second floor and this small little triangle that's on the left over here is the deviation of why we're here in other words if we deleted the Portico and we deleted this addition we wouldn't be here tonight but we decided to come because we wanted to increase this roof so that it would better match the roof that's on the house to the right on the primary building so I'm just going to flip now you building over the first floor well really just literally building over the first floor no the only addition is the P so now if I go to my boa2 sheet which really is exactly the same as yours the first floor we just changed it to a double door in front added a Stairway because there no stairway going up to the second floor there was no second floor we come up we opened that as a twostory space we just came up and we planning to open these floors this line that's coming through is the 22 foot line that's related to that second floor right the first floor is allowed to be 15 and the second floor is 22 now if I go to my boa3 sheet I'm up on the second floor I come up the stairs and I can look down to the right down into the first floor I come over I can look down into the kitchen and then I come in a set of doors and I just come into this play Space is all that's all it is a large open space the plate around the perimeter is five feet high so the plate is at this height and then the roof is sloping up till we get to the 8 ft that's where that that line is and then we're just creating the space and we kept it lower because they just didn't want it to look like too big on the site itself and it's more than enough space to what we need to be able to do you know what we're trying to do here so what's the ceiling height on the second floor on the right the ceiling height on the right is really an 8 foot ceiling yeah it's almost like it's like a cape up there the way has the click so now if I come to the to the front the old gutter line was right there coming through and all we've done is taken the roof and really that's the five feet that we pushed the roof up so that we could kind of create that second floor space this architectural treatment it's really just treatment just to make the facade look better really this area that little block is the block of space that the zone that the variance request is for tonight it's taper right this is the worst condition and it it cut tapers down to almost a foot wide at the back but that's really that block that the guys poet in there and this is that new Portico that we're asking to put in on the front that really takes me through um really my paration if I come to the sides my boa5 sheet you see that all we've done really was take the old roof cut it and raise raise the second floor up so that we create some sort of an open area space up on the second floor okay that's I think that's really um that's really it unless if the board has any questions the um I guess I should just tell you that the f is under by 4% I mean the site isn't saturated right the building coverage is over the lot coverage is the same as it was right we've made no change to the lck coverage at all and um all we did really was raise the building height so that we could create the second floor space in it's conforming the height so in terms of the height so the the maximum permitted height in the R4 is 32 ft you're 23 ft Max what are you at the actual permitted height is 35 35 and we're at 32 foot6 to that high Rd oh you went from 23 to 3 we went from 23 to 32 foot6 at that high rid you go everything else about this site you know conformed they um any questions your numbers are off on every calculation the numbers were a little bit yeah but they're all off um I'm not sure it's going to make material amount for in terms of making a decision but you're building covered right now it is 14.8 okay based on if your lot is TR 21255 okay you're you're low and then you're you're you're you're actually 3165 but if you go down your floor area ratio you at 31.9 you're at 4654 not 4661 so you're so you're high there um and your building coverage it need low but it's by a little bit here and there so it's it's I it's probably because we had a couple of different lot areas that was I think probably what caused the problem I had a bunch of different surveys okay 10et up or down on each thing if you use 21 21255 we ended up deciding that the lot area was 21255 okay then but I did start with a bunch of different lot areas right so that's why that's that's probably what happened here yeah because that would be if your existing is .8 you're actually 3145 instead of 3155 right and that's what he has here right I I was just looking at this table here you have 3155 right ex 3145 see Mr as you know the thing that we're concerned about is just to make sure that if the board is inclined to Grant your relief that we don't want to Grant your relief and then you build the project and then you get to stop working right not you didn't ask for the right thing I understand so you're building I know you're trying to help here I mean yeah I know so 3145 okay is your actual current coverage based on what you submitted and then um you be at 30 I mean if you're asking truly asking for 15.1% of based on 21255 you're 30 209 not 3220 if 15.1% is the correct number so well if you know what else is true let's say that the first one was 3145 plus 65 that would bring me to it's probably 3,200 3,200 really that's 3220 soc2 so then your percentage is off however you want to look at it if you actually well if you're if your 3 3145 is the actual amount plus your 65 that's 3210 that gets to my 3210 do you so the problem is if we approve this and I mean the only good thing is we actually Pro it 10 square feet high it's high actually yeah so do you want to stay with these numbers I think the numbers are fine okay said the way I look at it I I know what you're saying but I you're 10 high like your application's 10 high technically from your numbers are correct yeah I think because you're flirting with like kind of tight numbers yeah why don't you take a couple minutes we'll move on to another application okay and you can verify the numbers and then tell us I'll come existing proposed deviation so we can get it all through you have that survey is this survey correct right now that's here um that I don't think that survey had a total number that was I add a bunch of different numbers for lot area that I got from the surve well pick one that you want to go with I I took the lowest number in the end 21255 yeah all right well then just you know take a minute get your get your application to match 21255 it's off all the way around right now okay so we can do it we'll move on real quick okay this this next case right thanks okay um the matters being temporarily Jour for a little bit to let the applicant verify some calculations that he prepared for the application but anyone member of the public is interested he'll be back soon uh calendar 39 5523 Candace how are you even good how are you good uh we will are you both going to speak U I'm a planning consult if you would like that yes please ttim theu theth I do I do your name Candace h h m Peter St great would you like to start uh sure thank you um good evening everyone um my name's Candace Tom um my husband and I um and our family live at 15 Duncan Street um we are applying to have a side deck built um on our property we purchased the property in December of 2014 and um we have two sons ages 11 and seven and uh we want a deck because we want to make use of our outdoor space and I I'm sure you've had a lot of applications since the pandemic but we wanted to spend more time outside we don't really have any um large area out aside from our front porch which is covered but we uh would like to make more use of our side and backyard um so um I understand that decks are supposed to be in the rear yard um but we do have a practical difficulty in putting it in the rear yard um just because of the existing layout of the house um and I do have this um um exhibit that I don't know if I should package or no no this is something that Mr St actually um put together okay hold on a second if Peter put it together he should be presenting it okay um well I'll just explain that you know sorry do you want um I prepared this given some notes by Miss ham so it's a combination of my work and her work but I think it would be helpful to hand out because it shows the interior layout of the house understanding that it's a combination product don't okay is that okay great how many pages is it one page one page one page okay we're gonna whatever this is we're going to mark it as A1 okay once we get we'll Iden okay so we're going to Mark as exhibit A1 um a handout existing floor plan application of Candace holl okay great thank you and this is a one-page exhibit it was a combination of both of our efforts um I took the picture of the kitchen on November 28th and Mr SEC prepared uh oh he actually took the other two photos and he can attest to their accuracy um but I believe it fairly and accurately depicts the house interior and the kitchen layout um so as you can see the back of the house is where the kitchen is and the window that is in the middle picture goes to the backyard but I guess well my husband and I feel it's important to be able to see our our kids when they're outside it would be uh the sidey is is actually a natural location because um there's an extensive uh window area as well as existing French doors that open to the sidey and those were put in by the uh owners before us so they were pre-existing when we purchased the home um and our property is unusual um because we do have an extended width um most of the houses have h a width of 50 feet but our house and one other home I believe on our street have a width of 75 ft um so that's that's certainly helpful um we also have the benefit of an existing landscape of trees that provide privacy between our home and the adjacent neighbor's home um um and that would certainly help keep our deck private um and also the deck is not would it would not be visible from her home or from as not really as much from the street um because there's existing um trees there um and I have spoken to our to our neighbor about this project um she has expressed her full support to me um um and was really very positive um and was very confident that we would come up with something um with a deck that's great um so she had no well she expressed no she's not here we can't really take that as testimony but that's correct we understand so that's correct um but um I've had nothing but positive experiences when talking about it with my neighbor um and um if I'm happy to stand up but the board may have questions for you sure any questions for m in the bot in the bottom picture what what is that red tape or line refer is that where the deck would go exactly that's uh Mr Seck actually came to her home and outlined it with the red tape and that's the extent of it basically oh I have a question and and you know I was there visiting it is the deck going to be at the same level as the stairs or it's going to be like on ground level I think it will be um up to where the stairs are okay so basically a small step out of the house basically onto the de exactly anything else sorry I have one more sorry sorry one more question um are you planning on putting anything on a deck like a grill or anything like that um I mean I think we want to buy a grill at some point we don't know where we would put it I think we have to figure out like what where it would cause most um odor or or smoke and we certainly don't want that going into the home so I'm really not sure about that yet we haven't gotten to that point a couple more questions so what is the area of this deck is that if that's here don't that's 307 ft yes yeah it comes of Dimensions do you as Peter St for the record I produced a memo that I believe the board should have dated August 21 yesy it shows the dimensions of the deck in red just s thank you you got anything else okay all right sorif yes my name is Peter St and I'm a licensed planner New Jersey since 1976 and my license is still in effect and PR for this board and others yes I have about 200 municipalities in New Jersey great your qualifications are accepted thank you uh so just to I don't know if you want to mark it separately but I produced a memo dated August 21 2023 we're not going to mark it because it's part of okay so uh I would invite you to go to the second page you see the lot layout on Duncan and most of the lots are 50 uh feet or approximately 50 ft wide uh this lot happens to be 75 and um the house is a little bit left of center of the lot this is in an R six Zone if you look at the third page you'll see I've indicated the dimensions of the deck that are proposed it's 307 square feet in area and there is all already a partial deck there there a a little porch uncovered that extends from the bump out of the house and then two steps down to a uh a walkway which will be covered by it uh that red tape shows the dimensions as it appears and as you can see if you're facing the pro the next page is helpful uh that it shows the front view of the house and you can see on the right hand side there's extensive Shrubbery which is not going to be changed um the bottom photoand interrup um regarding the Shrubbery is that all on your client's property I believe it is yes okay thank you um and as indicated by Miss ham that the kitchen is all in the back wall of the building so to try to get access to a deck you would have to remove the kitchen which has some practical and cost difficulties so uh the the variance that we need is simply that uh your ordinance requires a deck in the rear yard um that's logical uh because in most houses that's the most private part of it um in this case there are practical difficulties simply because of the design of the house I'm not sure we have a constitutional right to a deck but a deck is becoming a com a common apperance to uh modern living pretty sure Jefferson did leave that I'll check on it later um but uh but again while it's for personal reasons the um the applicant has a family and uh wants to them to enjoy the outside but yet if they were in in a traditional deck in the back of the house they would essentially be invisible because there are higher Windows um there's no door access you have to jog out to uh one side of the building for a an open porch um what is unusual about this property is that there is more than enough space to place the deck uh there's more than the minimum side yard so we're not encroaching on the side yard the only relief we need need is that we're providing it in the side rather than the rear yard and what I would suggest is because it's in the back half of the house because of the excessive width and because of the Interior um there are practical difficulties um that um discourage a deck in the rear theoretically it's possible to change the kitchen around or you know walk out the side of the house and enter the deck separately but makes kind of a non-functional deck the purpose of a deck deck is to have a horizontal extension of your house that's outside so I I think it is uh proposed to be designed in a handsome way there certainly are some aesthetic venant for doing it there are practical difficulties because of the arrangement of the house I think it meets the negative Criterion because of the existing Landscaping uh the fact it's on the back half of the house so not that visible from the front and the real worry of your master plan in the r six Zone was you wanted you know houses to preserve the character of the neighborhood um this is not a baly thing it's it's going to be essentially at the level of the front first floor or a little below uh not highly visible as a major addition and and I think that it does not at all injure the character of the neighborhood and um I guess it's helpful that there are no neighbors that have shown up uh in objection okay um any questions for work go question um will you do landscaping the front so that the people from the front of the street can't see the deck um we we don't anticipate I mean we have actually talked with um the person who's who we've asked to build I mean hopefully build um we've talked with him about possibly putting some additional Shrubbery so that's something that's and um we've also talked with some designers about about that as well so it's something that we've talked about um but it's not something we've set anything we haven't set anything in stone um but I think aesthetically and to provide more privacy it's certainly on the table um and I think it might not be realized until after we see what it looks like and whether it's visible from the front in which case I think we'd be more inclined to add some Shrubbery because when I goove by I did see that um there was an air conditioning unit I think close to that I don't know if that's going to interfere with your construction or it's going to stay there and they're going to build around it they're going to build around it so you able to think about ventilation and Shrubbery with regards to shrubbery any other questions right then uh you have anything else to present and I close public meeting board members what are your thoughts I'll start go say I can see it's a modest request um I am a little concerned about said you could probably see it from the street because I could see clear through to um just from my car I could see through so I would feel completely comfortable with this if you put some large shrubs and you probably talk to someone yeah yeah the traditional thing that we ask people who have offenses we often say just to just to preserve the privacy and also the cohesive look of the neighborhood that would be but I'm anxious to hear what my colleagues yeah I'd go with that I would I would part put as a condition of of um the um imization would be to have plants planted six feet above the roof wall something along the lines of a you know Green Giant type thing something that's going to screen thoroughly screen the uh the porch from this the deck from the street I think that would do the job because obviously you know with people standing on it you know you're already off the ground probably two two and a half feet someone six foot tall is now8 feet off the ground um in the sidey yard so ideally you know you want to block that so um I would like to see that as a condition approval that they're maintained yeah that they're maintained as well for the 11 foot I guess I'm guess it's the 11 foot Str the know elating hang on one second open meeting second all those in favor go ahead stand up for the mic uh there the the deck as you can see in the photo is proposed to have a opening in the railing both in the front and the back so with a provision that when we plant we don't want to plant so close that you you know can't access the deck from the front so we're you know I I think the applicant is happy to accept that condition but the question is do you want a solid wall or do you want something that's a little bit staggered so you can still use the stairways to uh I'm not a big fan of the steps in front I don't want to see that so I'm GNA Tre right across this you know I'll be honest with you you can easily put a deck on the back of this house and use that with your porches access all right so it's not impossible to do that job and put the deck rip along so realistically looking at this you know I don't see why a deck can go on the back of this house and use that existing porch as access I me you have an open porch right here off the mud there's no reason why you couldn't put a deck on the back of the house it's just that it wouldn't be visible easily from inside the house that was one of the concerns well that's not our concern I understand that so um and remember our decision runs with the land so you know that's why we want to make sure that this thing is protected from the street understood sure suggestion um in terms of the plantings in the front um I don't know if the board might want to consider something other than Green Giant Arbor VY given the existing uh mature trees in there I just don't know if it's it's going to look I'm saying like once they grow it might look a little out of place you're gonna have this big you could do Hing you do yeah just to maybe give a little more yeah more flexibility to to screen well as long as as long as it screen with the height but they may consider something landscap I mean said my biggest concern is that you're standing on this deck now 8T off the ground and you're standing in the side yard standing in the sidey yard um typical uses of a deck so uh you know Green Giants grow very fast that they also tend to blow over but I think what you're talking about is Evergreens that are at least 6 feet high at the time of planting or boxwoods whatever you know you know whatever you want something that's tall enough at least six feet let's say at the time okay you know understood and maintain question so is your can I we still can I still ask okay so your intention is to have connection between the open porch that's in front and there is an open thing P now in the front that's staying the way it is yes did you but you didn't want them continuous no no there's going to break so you could plant just in line in the front just bring it around it would just nothing say it has to be in front of the deck yeah as long as it's blocking it so if you come in the front of the house where your open porches in the front there and you build a a wall there of something green that makes it that you don't see it it's the idea is to block direct Vision understood so and what about what's the board's dire in terms of access yeah as I was seeing it I think it's right next to the AC unit yes yes so if we talking about shielding that area then you might want to move it probably the access I'm not a don't do the yeah I'm not a fan of that entrance to the front I don't think that's if the purpose is to watch to kiss The Bu front backyard you don't need to step from the front I think that also is going to look a little crazy with the front stairs going up to the house and another those stairs going up there so I I think that element could be eliminated you know I I would agree I mean I you know we haven't gotten this far but I was going to say that you know when I went to see the property and looking at the plans like there really is no reason why you can't put a deck on the back of the house um you know there there's absolutely access there there's already you know stairs no you can't go directly from the kitchen but you could go from right next to the kitchen and there's there's definitely room there so I think for me personally if we are going to allow a deck on the on the side you know on the side of the house which is not really you know a great place for it in my opinion then I don't think that there should be access from the front we're going to have people coming and going you know from the front or have like a little thing in you know in between the the hedge of trees where you can you know come and go I just I think it's asking for too much um and I think it's going to be detrimental to the you know the landscape of the neighborhood and the character of the neighborhood so I would not be comfortable with that I think it's again pushing it to even have a deck coming off the side of the house so all right I close the public portion um any other thoughts on this all right so then um I would have a motion please consider considering the removal of any type of stairs in the front and with a six foot um called a green fence above the roof wall I think that's what to be maintained to be maintained in perpetuity um do have a motion to such make a moove second second Ashley AB yes Shandra yes Amy Lawrence yes Gary Rosen yes Regina Tru yes Jessica BL yes yes thank you good love brother thank you um so we are heading back to application 39 4723 263 long I figured out what I did wrong yeah we got if you go to attachment e attach attachment e that's with your November 15 2023 letter yes okay under the building coverage variance all the way to the right I have um extented variance 224 it's actually 244 it's like I that's where I dropped the 20 square feet and as soon as you do that everything works okay so it's not so the current coverage is not 3145 but it's 3155 yes okay and the proposed coverage is 3220 yes so it's your percentages that are off um well I I didn't carry the second Point that's all I mean it is 14 point it's 1.1% right but I'm saying 14.8% of 20 21255 is not 3155 because that 14.8% is predicated on the lot size yeah but it's um it is 3155 14.8 3155 is 14.8% okay okay yes it work it's good I checked I went through everything it's the only thing I messed up was that I wrote 2240 or wrot 224 sorry really sorry deviation is still 1.1% Mr yes yeah yes and your sidey yard setback calculations are still accurate yes for for your attachment e yes okay all right um any questions for Mr Cy or the applicant that oh yes um yeah be known that you have any questions regarding application super uh any comments regarding this application the record show that there there's no in the audience um so now it's Clos public members your thoughts I I think it's relatively modest I don't you know you look at the other homes around they have legitimate second floors or legitimate second floors um you I I don't I don't think the ask is particularly agre just I would be support on it yeah I mean I would agree with that you that that I guess it would be I don't know is the east or west side of the loot the one where you have the side set back issue I a lot it does slope in exes it which causes a little bit of a hardship there and since we're working with an you know existing home which is a ranch that does make it difficult uh in terms of building on top of it because usually typically they have much larger for PL I would support the application I agree I think you've done a nice job of keeping the massing um modest because you could have gone all over the place and with the second floor on that but I think design takes that in consideration and keeps it modest in it's massing and I think that the fact that you could have gone up 35 you haven't and you kind of kept it as low as possible with the Sid only of you know 5T then slanting up so I think from all that perspective very well thought out plan for meeting the needs yes in that case I have a motion make a motion for approval a second I can second have yeah shre hor yes Amy lawren yes Gary Rosen yes Tru yes project thank you thanks so where you guys at yeah I mean um yeah so come on come on now so so who's your who's your who's your plan John John M and he was with another meeting so he maybe on the way back here after finish did you calling him but maybe not did you call I didn't call him so maybe he was right another did you call he didn't answer or did you not call him he didn't call him but he didn't text and he was supposed to all right so here's the deal it do this is yes oh sorry so this application is uh calendar 39 1823 20 Claremont um so here's here's this problem with all this that if we get started and we do need testimony from a planner you know just waste a lot of time I know what your thoughts are on this well we also well yeah I mean's the 18's the 18th look like 18 a lot of room did John know that he supposed to be here tonight yes he know yeah great because you're really the fourth case so we move along uh so can you do it on the 18th 18th of December December that's our next I mean my concern is like you said you get halfway through this case and you need his testimony I mean you do have you know de here I believe cor right testim and December 18th how many people are you gonna have here uh yeah you're gonna have plenty of Voters so how many cases we have I think I have four yeah that's fine so can we secure one spot on December 18 you sure can before the Christmas yeah you sure can all right so see if John's available conf yeah we'll get someone else but back again so so this application regarding 20 Claremont Drive is being carried until December 18th clock in this room no further notice will be required or provided uh record reflect there's no one El in the audience this evening um that Cas motion what do we want do oh uh yeah I mean I would why don't you kick it January to January 8th F purposes we'll do so let the record also reflect uh that which one is this here this is 3933 39 um application calendar 39 3323 will be carried to January 8th that's 38 Addison Drive Zing L we still get so you're December else so uh I have a motion to adj second