e call vote any resolutions that have been fering content agenda will be discussed at this time they will not be discussed when the kids are up front Okay so if we choose to if we do choose to pull anything it will be set aside until this portion the meaning when our real council is up to discuss it and then take action on it um so once we get through that if if anything is pulled blah blah blah then it will be real Council comments so council president rinsky will open up with Council comments will go down the line like we always do with e to answer what we will do is you know so e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening I'd like to call the May 13th 2024 burrow council meeting to order will the clerk please read the opening the open public meeting statement at a quit notice of this meeting has been provided as required under the chapter 231 PL 1975 specifying the time date and location by posting a copy of the notice on the municipal building Municipal website providing a copy of the annual notice schedule to the official newspapers of the bureau and is filled in the clerk's office will the clerk please call the role council president Foster president councilwoman Conroy president councilman Rodriguez president councilman f present councilman Redondo present councilman viz present mayor SS present bur attorney Colin Balo pres burrow engineer Matt Thomas present burrow administrator Edward Dy presid Burl clerk Brady Stephano pres will everyone please stand for a moment of silence which will be followed by a salute to the flag PL allegiance to of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all tonight we have several proclamations at this time I'd like to invite Ralph jski from the Department of Public Works to accept the proclamation for National Public Works week presented by Public Works Le councilman F whereas Public Work professionals focus on infrastructure facilities and services that are of vital importances to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health high quality of life and well-being of the people of the burough of miltown and whereas these infrastructures facilities and services cannot be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals who are Engineers managers and employees at all levels of government and the private sector who are responsible for rebuilding improving and protecting our nation's Transportation water supply water treatment and Solid Waste Systems public building buildings and other structures and Facilities essential for our citizens and whereas it is in the public interest for the citizens Civic leaders and children in the Bure of miltown to gain knowledge of and maintain an ongoing interest an understanding of the importance of Public Works and public work programs and the their respective communities and Rise the year of 2024 marks the 64th annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association now therefore be resolved I councilman Fama on behalf of Mayor and council do hereby designate the week May 19th through May 25th 2024 as National Public Works week I urge all citizens to join with representatives of the American public works Association and government agencies in activities events and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our Public Works professionals Engineers managers and employees and to recognize the sustainable contributions they make to protecting our nation National Health safety and advancing quality of life for all at this time I'd like to invite the miltown police department to accept the proclamation for National Police Week presented by the public safety leas councilman Rodondo whereas there are more than 800,000 Law Enforcement Officers serving in communities across the United States including the dedicated members of the miltown burough police department and whereas since the first recorded death of 1786 there are currently 24,067 law enforcement officers in the United States that have made the ultimate sacrifice and had been killed in the line of duty and whereas the names of these dedicated public servants are engraved in the walls of National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington DC whereas 282 new names of fallen heroes are being added to the national law enforcement's officer Memorial in this spring including 118 officers killed in 2023 and 164 officers killed in previous years whereas the service service and sacrifice of all officers killed in the line of duty will be honored during the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial funds 36 Candlelight vigil on the evening of May 13th 2024 whereas the candlelight vigil is part of the National Police Week which will also be observed this year May May 10th to May 16th whereas May 15th is designated as Peace Officers Memorial Day in honor of all fallen officers and their families and US Flags should be flown at half staff therefore be be it resolved that burrow Council will observe May 10th to May 16th 2024 as National Police Week in the burough of miltown and public P publicly salutes the service of law enforcement officers in our community and in communities Across the Nation [Applause] at this time I'd like to invite the miltown rescue squad to accept the proclamation for National EMS week presented by the public safety leas councilman Rodondo whereas yes whereas Emergency Medical Services in vital public service and whereas the members of Emergency Medical Services teams are ready to provide life-saving care to those in need 24 hours a day 7 days a week and whereas access to Quality Emergency Care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury and whereas Emergency Medical Services has grown to fill a gap by providing important out of hospital care including preventative medicine follow-up care and access to Tele medicine and whereas the Emergency Medical Services System consists of First Responders emergency medical technicians paramedics emergency medic medical dispatchers firefighters police officers Educators administrators prehospital nurses emergency nurses emergency physicians train TR members of the public and other out of Hospital medical care providers and whereas the members of Emergency Medical Services teams whether career or volunteer engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their life- saving skills and whereas it is appropriate to recognize the value and accomplishments of Emergency Medical Services providers by designating the Emergency Medical Services week now therefore I Council president Richard revolinski along with the burough Council of of the burough of miltown and recogn recognition of this event do hereby proclaim the week May 19th to May 25th 2024 as Emergency Medical Services week the 50th anniversary anniversary of EMS week theme is EMS week honoring our past forging our future I encourage the community to observe this week with a appropriate programs ceremonies and activities the following minutes on the agenda for approval April 29th 2024 special meeting are there any comments or Corrections Council what is your pleasure I make a motion to approve these minutes as typed I second all in favor I any oppos motion to approve passes the following minutes on the agenda for approval April 29th 20124 regular meeting are there any comments or Corrections count what is your pleasure I make a motion to approve these minutes as typed I second all in favor I any opposed motion to approve passes now is the time for public comment limited to the resolutions on the agenda if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone and state your name and address for the record again this public portion is limited to comments only on resolutions listed on the agenda at this time seeing none I will close this public this public comment portion of the meeting Council has received and reviewed the department monthly reports for April can I have a motion and second to accept and file monthly reports I make a motion to accept and file these reports as tight I second all in favor I any opposed motion passes these reports have been accepted and will be be filed in the clerk's off office this is the introduction of ordinance 24-1 1536 there will be no public input on this ordinance tonight the introduction summary will be published as required by law in a second reading public hearing and final adoption will be considered on May 28th 2024 full copies of the ordinance will be posted on the burough website on the bulletin board at the municipal building and available at no cost in the office of the municipal clerk between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday will the clerk please read ordinance 24-1 1536 by title only ordinance 24-1 1536 ordinance amending the revive General ordinances of the buau of miltown chapter 29 storm water management article one storm water management and control may I have a motion and a second to adopt ordinance 24-1 1536 I'm a motion that ordinance 24536 be adopted on first reading I second I have a motion by council president Foster and a second by Council by councilman viz will the clerk please call the role council president Foster I councilwoman Conroy I councilman Rodriguez I councilman f i councilman Redondo I councilman viz I the motion carries to introduce ordinance 24536 a second reading and public hearing on this ordinance will take place on May 28th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in council chambers the following ordinance was introduced on April 29th 2024 and published in accordance with the law if any member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance they may do so after the reading will the CLI please read ordinance 24-1 1535 by title ordinance 24-1 1535 ordinance to the amend chapter 22 section 11 entitled right of access chapter 22 section 22 testing meeting failure of meters chapter 25 section 7 entitled meter testing chapter 22 section 2 entitled fees for municipal Services chapter 5 Section 1.7 entitled dog license fees chapter 5 Section 5- 2.3 entitled cat license fees chapter 4 section 40.7 entitled fees chapter 6 section 6- 3.4 entitled classes of Maximum numbers of licenses license fees and Chapter 15 Section 2 entitled administrative fees for all subcodes and the Revis revised General ordinances of the Bureau of miltown may I have a motion and a second to adopt ordinance 24-1 1535 I make a motion that ordinance 24535 be adopted on second reading and published according to law I second I have a motion by councilman president Foster and a second by councilwoman conell I will now open the public hearing on ordinance 24-15 35 please state your name and address for the record these comments are limited to comments on this ordinance only seeing none I will close this public comment portion of the meeting will the clerk please call the role council president Foster I councilwoman Conroy I councilman Rodriguez I councilman f i councilman Rodondo I councilman bizik I the motion carries to adopt ordinance 24-1 1535 next on the agenda we have authorizing payment of Municipal obligations will the clerk please read the resolution by title resolution 2024 d150 authorizing the payment of bills claims and statements against the burough of miltown and the total amount of 66,0 25 and $25.56 Council you have heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure I make a motion to approve the Bill list resolution 202 24-15 as typed I second the motion I have a motion by councilman Rodriguez and a second by councilman F will the clerk please call the role council president Foster I councilwoman Conroy I councilman Rodriguez I councilman f i councilman Rondo I councilman viz I the motion to approve resolution 20245 carries a consent resolution has been prepared for the resolutions listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature having been reviewed by the buau of council will be enacted by one motion any item may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of funds if any member of the council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and it will be pulled from the consent resolution will the clerk please read the consent agenda resolution whereas persuaded to the rules of council the council May establish Lish a consent agenda for any regular or special meetings upon certain conditions and whereas each of the following resolutions to be presented before the bur Council and its at its May 13 2024 meeting appear to have the unanimous approval of all members of the burough Council 20241 152 through 202 24-1 164 now therefore be it resolved by the burough Council of the buau of miltown that each of the above listed resolutions be approved and adopted by the burough council with the same legal effect as though each was read in its entirety at the May 13 20124 meeting and adopted by separate vote you have heard the reading of this consent resolution what is your pleasure I make a motion that this resolution be adopted I second I have a motion by council president Foster and a second by councilman Rond will the clerk please call the role council president Foster I councilwoman Conroy I coun Council man Rodriguez I councilman f i councilman Redondo I councilman viz I the motion to approve the consent agenda resolution carries now we have the report from our elected officials president Foster thank you Mr Mayor I would like to start with a report on four Avenue Redevelopment C agency we have some exciting news after more than 20 years we expect to have resolution of Fort Avenue a trial to determine the value of the proper property associated with the Ford Avenue Redevelopment is scheduled for May 29th and is expected to last 8 Days the court will be validating expert Witnesses from each party before the trial upon the conclusion of the trial if the br's redeveloper in middlex County agree with the value determined by the court money will be deposited into an account and paid into the proper property owner the B will then convey the property to the de redeveloper who will begin removing all debris from the property before commencing environmental cleanup activ ities a Ford Avenue Redevelopment agency meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday May 21st 2024 at 700 p.m. for the finance department for all those watching the coun meeting held on April 29th 2024 the Bro has hired Mr Joseph Zinga as the Burrow's Chief Financial Officer Mr Zing's experience as a CFO in the Burrows of South River give Billtown a CFO who is qualified and experienced additionally because South River also owns its own electrical utility utility like miltown Mr Zenga can share with miltown the benefits self River has realized through sound financial planning and improvements to their electric utility currently the CFO and finance department are working to develop the 2024 budget the 20 the 2024 budget closely mimic the 2023 budget and be updated for incured cost from the previous years budget preparation will include cost for cont contractual obligat to burrow employees as well as new employees hired to better service our residents the finance committee will then prioritize a varities wants and needs of bur departments which will hope will include replacing of 25-year-old firetruck improvements for Gloria Bradford Park rod for improvements utility improvements as well as meeting other anticipated Department's needs for equipment personnel and materials please note the third quarter tax bills will be estimated passed by the resolution 2024 d133 at the April 24 April 29th meeting the estimated tax bill is being prepared and will be mailed out residents said anticipate a 4% increase compared to the second quarter tax bills once the 2024 budget is adopted and approved by the state the fourth quarter tax bills will show a re a reduction compared to the third quarter tax bills the average of the third and fourth tax bills will very closely represent the first and second quarter tax bills in 2025 so please do not be alarmed with the third quarter tax bills rate water and SE Water and Sewer finances continue to impact the burrow the difficulty in AC accurately predicting Water and Sewer bu budget can be attributed to four major factors consumption based billing Cycles increase water Purchase cost infation and flow referred as I I an increased cost of operating and aging system unfortunately review of the water/ sewer finances thus far is revealing a nearly $500,000 shortfall in Revenue which will need to be generated in the remaining months of 2024 last year the bur received over $300,000 in federal aid for go covid which was utilized to balance the water and sewer budget while this benefited residents at the time and did not eliminate the need to amend rates in order to generate necessary revenue for the operating budget unfortunately this year there is no Co money and ab Death full overhaul of the water sewer rates and Abduction of those rates by Council will be needed in order to adopt the 2024 Municipal budget additionally in 2023 the city of New Brunswick increased the rates they charg the miltown for water over the next several years miltown will see an annual increase of approximately 3% each year in direct cost for New Brunswick for water supply a rate increase should come as no surprise to the members of the council who served the finance committee in 2023 and other members of the council present when miltown adopted the new water rates from new Browns in 2023 in order to ensure the budget of 2024 is adopted based on sound financial planning we must ensure significant Revenue to support the Water and Sewer Department in an effort to better educate our residents regarding these issues in the OR audience would we would like to represent upon introduction of the ordiance at the next council meeting on Tuesday May 28 2024 at 7 p.m. in an effort to involve more committee skate holders in future projects we will we will be introducing a revolution at the next council meeting creating a a working committee for developing the former DPW facility along the M Pond into a re a Rec a recreation facility the site which is behind the parking lot here at bur Hall offers tremendous opportunities to better the quality of life in miltown and attract and attract and retain business to miltown several ideas such as kayak launch storage and Rental fishing supply shop outdoor Pavilion and EMP theater as well as a new pedestrian crossing over and Rental fishing mil Pond and Rehabilitation of walking walkways around mil Pond has been expressed by the council and we will welcome members of the community community to provide their input as we work towards rejuvenating the center of the town now the buau has also received inquiries regarding the sale and repurposing of both Cottage Avenue and T Main Street firehouses these facilities which are currently not in use provide provide and more opportunity for new business in miltown the finance planning and administration committee will be speaking with the buroughs planner in the near future to discuss the process for the sellling slash or repurposing these facilities our BR business administrator has done a great job keeping mil time moving forward we continue to build up our capabilities and strengthen opportunities with the Bro due to his help summer employment opportunities for the Midtown Pool and Department of Public Works are also available thank you Mr M that concludes my report than councilwoman Conroy water utility department a sewer line that was clogged with cooking grease on Washington Avenue was cleared a hydrant and valve were replaced on Clay Street and the area was restored Tracy Drive side walk was restored after work after work in the area please take note that that hydrant flushing starts on Thursday May 9th and will continue for 2 weeks flushing starts at 6:30 a.m. and will continue until 2:30 p.m. electric utility department a new utility pole on Mary courp to replace a rotten one repaired lighting at pardon tennis courts removed a tree on Clay Street performed troubleshooting for residential power problems performed line clearance and various areas thank you councilman Rodriguez Recreation Department time to Than Sunshine and poolside pool memberships for bur pool are now on sale please visit Community pass to purchase Albert Avenue Camp still has some spots open Camp runs from July 1st through August 9th the hours will be open 9:00 a.m. through 12:00 noon mil time Recreation will be starting an adult Co Ed softball league registration is open until May 15th program information is on community pass exciting new program coming to miltown burrow pool for 2024 season miltown Splash Squad this program will be a swim Clinic with many swim meets for participants registration is now open if you would like to host an event at one of our Parks please call rec department for rental fee and application thank you for your continued support for the recreation department councilman follow what he's not done Library report Tuesday May 14th and May 28th adult yoga will be at a new time 11:15 a.m. please register for the program also on Tuesday May 14th is the library board meeting at 6:30 p.m. and is open to the public Wednesday May 15th the library will be doing a cheerful handprint Garden craft at 11:00 a.m. Thursday May 16th there is an after school movie detective Pikachu Saturday May 18th crochette for beginners at 11:00 a.m. and read to a pooch at 12:30 p.m. Monday May 12th maximizing maximizing garage sale Revenue program at 6 p.m. please register for this program Tuesday May 21st lincolin Basics at 6 p.m. please register for this program Wednesday May 22nd after school craft edible book cover art Thursday May 23rd after school Jeopardy Tuesday May 28th read what you want Book Club theme Mayhem the library will be closed on Saturday May 25th and Monday May 27th the staff which is the staff wishes everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend councilman F seniors May report we have a several upcoming trips which include a trip to Rucker's Gardens Thomas and Edison Light house Shrimp Box Point Pleasant Haley's Pub zimmerly Art Museum and busov please check the calendar for specific days and times of events we have a new joint program with Parker entitled Social Club at Parker every Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. the bus from Parker picks up miltown participants at the senior center and brings them to Parker for the day they provide lunch access to swimming Fitness instructions chair exercise arts and crafts career event discussions trivia gardening music and other activities at 1:30 p.m. the bus brings participants back to the miltown senior center the cost is $3 per week if you are interested please see Debbie for more information and sign up 90th birthday celebration sponsored by middlex County Office on Aging and disabled surfaces on Friday March 24th at Oldbridge senior center from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. this is an annual lunch in and celebration to recognize County residents over the ages age of 90 sign up is required registration is also required by May 17th please see Debbie or call 732 296 0681 for more information and to sign up on Wednesday May 15th at 1:30 p.m. mayor George Murray will have a question and answer session sign up is not required on Tuesday May 21st at 1:30 p.m. will from the miltown rescue squad will have a question and answer informational session sign up is not required on Wednesday May 22nd at 1:30 p.m. we will have a lunch and learn presentation by exceler Care Group sign up is required as we will serve lunch the VNA nurse will be here on Tuesday May 21st from 12:00 p.m. to 3 p.m. please sign up on the butin board if you would like to meet with her Public Works counter reports black top repair was done on benart Clay Desmond and Harkins Albert Avenue soccer nets posts were painted and new Nets were installed in per preparation for the start of the Season bathrooms are painted at Alber Avenue Michelin and burrow Parks DPW staff assisted and participated in Earth Day setup clean up and set up the table to give out our information about Recycling and storm water runoff DPW staff prepped the field and ground for Spotswood High School baseball games at Michelin field staff prep field 2 for High School girls softball game the quarterly outfall pipe cleaning and inspections were completed to meet the D storm water regulations a clogged water pipe from Ford Avenue to North Main Street was cleared a dead tree on Clay Street was removed councilman Redondo Police Department monthly report between April 1st 2024 and April 30th 2024 police responded to 1,100 35 calls for service during this period police the police conducted 109 radar details in numerous locations police made 354 motor vehicle stops during this period police investigated nine motor vehicle accidents seven arrests were made which include hindering forgery receiving stolen property DWI reckless driving simple assault possession of CDs and paria paraphernalia shoplifting conspiracy shoplifting conspiracy shoplifting unlawful possession of a handgun possession of a high capacity magazine in response to speeding complaints from res residents on South Main Street the police department conducted a traffic study and found that numerous cars were driving above the posted 30 mph speed limit specifically between the hours of 6:00 and 10:00 a.m. residents will see an increased police presence in the area we will be conducting numerous radar enforcement details to help gain speed limit comp compliance community invol community involvement is crucial in maintaining more secure environment we strongly encourage you to insist Us by reporting any suspicious person's vehicles or incidents that you may come across our non-emergency line is 732 82810 in case of emergencies always dial 911 concerns can also be submitted by using the official burough website under reported concern tab together we can make our community a safer place thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns miltown fire department the miltown fire department will be interviewing three candidates for a Cadet program on Monday night we have a joint training with the miltown rescue squad on vehicle extraction on April 27th 2024 volunteers always needed if you're interested in joining please stop by the firehouse any Monday night after 6:30 miltown Rescue Squad our annual open house will be Sunday May 19th at 12:00 p.m mark your calendars this is for family this is a familyfriendly event fun for all ages we will have information on becoming a member where where your donations go and demonstrations on the life-saving equipment we use every day we will be at the senior center Tuesday May 21st at 1:30 p.m. for a Q&A session we will also have an equipment demonstration anyone with questions prior should reach out to Senior Center Director last month three of the members completed their EMT training programs and are now fully certified five five more members will begin their classes in the coming weeks thank you to everyone who donated our TW to our 2024 fund drive we truly appreciate all the love and support from residents of miltown if you have not sent your donation there is still time visit our website learn more about how you can support the squad anyone who is interested in learning about joining the rescue squad or becoming an EMT should email recruitment Milltown rescu squad. org to learn more we're yeah we are happy to answer any questions from the miltown 4th of July organization we are less than two months away from our 4th of July celebration in miltown if any business businesses or organiz organization is interested in being in the parade please contact us miltown 4@gmail.com May 21st is the D to donate at the miltown diner from 700 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. please come out and have some delicious food while supporting the miltown 4th of July organization and that concludes my report Council man viz the free rabes clinic will be held at the miltown DPW building on Tuesday May 28th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with the ABD abdos of resolution 2024-the to apply for the community energy plan grant program and if chosen may receive $10,000 and grant money for developing a community energy plan to help the state achieve the goal of 100% clean energy by 2050 the human Relations Committee had their reg reorganization meeting on Tuesday May 7th the committee picked a chair's person and secretary they picked up on top topics they left off on in 2023 including pan Avenue the next meeting is Tuesday June 4th at 700 p.m. and now the mayor's report last week the Personnel committee conducted interviews for the full-time position of payroll clerk we will hopefully be filling that position soon VFW Post 133 and the township of East buwick are hosting the traveling Vietnam memorial wall at the East brunwick Community Arts Center 721 Cranberry Road from May 23rd to May 27 the traveling Vietnam Wall is an 80% replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC the wall contains the names of US military personnel who lost their lives in the Vietnam War accompanying the wall will be the cost of Freedom tributes to every US military action after World War I including September 11 to Echo council president rinsky's Report with the progress and full potential of the property behind burrow Hall we would like to name it Progress Park to show the residents how forward progress can be can be made and what the outcome will benefit the residents to enjoy that is the end of my report now we have the report from our burough professionals burough engineer Matt Thomas um westfolk Avenue improvements the proposed improvements to westfolk Avenue generally include the Reconstruction of existing roadway from South Main Street to Albert Avenue with hot mix asphalt surface course hot mix asphalt based course and then graded Agate base course sanitary sewage system improvements replacement of water services and the installation of under drains placement of concrete sidewalk and curbing handicap ramp improvements maintenance and protection of trafficking during the improvements of restoration and other related work to date the sanitary sewage system improvements water services and under drain improvements have been completed in the B curb of and sidewalk has been replaced the remaining work includes the restoration of turf areas and the Reconstruction of the roadway Albert Avenue bike path improvements the Albert Avenue bike path improvements generally consist of the construction of a bike path around the existing athletic fields including dense graded aggate base course hot mix asphalt base in surface courses uh clearing restoration and other related work the bid documents will also include an alternate item for the removal in replacement of the existing bfield back stop subject to available funding we are pleased to report the plans specifications and bid documents have been prepared and we're requesting authorization from mayor and barel Council to coordinate the advertisement of bids with the bur clerk upon receipt of authorization to bid from the NJ dot bur attorney Colin Bala the buau council adopted an ordinance this evening modifying the the fees charged in a number of categories one of these categories concerns the fees of dog licenses including potentially dangerous dogs at our last meeting councilman Collins questioned the definition of potentially dangerous dogs un under New Jersey statute minable Court shout declare a potentially dous dog if the dog is caused B bodily injury to a person during an unprovoked attack or poses a serious threat of a serious bodily injury or a death to a person cause serious bodily injury to another domestic animal or killing another do domestic animal and poses a serious threat or of serious bodily injury or death to a person or poses a serious threat of death to another domesticated animal additionally at our last at our last meeting of the burrow Council council president reev revolinsky requested that I look into the process of changing the form of government to a nonpartisan form of government I've have begun my research and I will not and I will have update at the future meeting finally as indicated at at our last meeting I am still awaiting the title search on the train the train trestle property once I receive it I will provide I will provide copies to the mayor and counsel with my comments burough administrator Everett Daly report of the business administrator interviews were conducted to hire a payroll clerk in the finance office office to replace the woman who left in january/february we continue to work on the 2024 budget with the part-time CFO and our Consultants from the suple Clooney the new accountants receivable SL payable clerk has started and we are working through our backlog account burough clerk Brady Stephano a reminder to voters in districts 1 and four that your polling locations has changed and you will be now you will now be voting at Burl Hall May 14th is the deadline to register to vote forms are available in the clerk's office May 28th is the deadline to apply for a mail and ballot forms are available in clerk's office early voting will be May 29th to June 2nd Tuesday J June 4th is primary election day poll workers are needed we have an immediate need for registered Republican and unaffiliated work voters to work the primary you must be registered to voters to be a poll worker the current pay is $300 for a full day or $150 for a half day of working PID training is Avail available call 732 828 210 extenstion 181 if you are interested in working with wedding Sy season fast approaching we encourage all our happy couples to call the clerk's office to schedule ano appointment for their marriage license applications you must have a ceremony data and someone to per date and someone to perform your ceremony before you can apply for your license we encourage all residents to call ahead for any service including notary and requesting C certified copies of Vital Records as we are still working under staff and it is very busy time of year in the clerk's office congratulations to Deputy clerk Mary for passing her intro class for municipal clerk thank you Mr Mayor that concludes my report the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comment until the speaker has finished it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session please state your name and address for the record when you come to the podium please come to the microphone and state your name and address for the record hi good evening Russell L binder 152a North Main Street miltown uh first of all somebody's been doing this for about quarter Century with young people want to tell you with your teachers and with the clerk's office you did a great job that can tell you that somebody seen it a lot of times wonderful thank you for doing this again all of you and people that helped get you here that's just me as part of the Fourth of July committee uh councilman Rondo I know is doing a report and mentioned on the 21st we have the um Dy to donate at the diner they're being generous staying open all day for us which I never do on a Tuesday also I just got notified the other day that Bagel Express who you all know from baseball games and stuff helps us out all the time is doing it on the June 2nd and 3rd that's a Monday and Tuesday all day as long as he's open a big portion of his proceeds will also go to the 4th of July and as you heard it's getting closer and closer and we have like always raised the bar a little bit having some new and exciting things this year we' moved some things around to make it even better looking forward to seeing you all there and you will be seeing some stuff in your uh door knob sometime within the next month also folks thank you for that and also moving to the Lions Club which we've been trying to do more we've been trying to do more things locally working with the spirits of 53 core vet club like we did last year we raised quite a bit money to help out people that need it and this year they're having their big show this coming Sunday May 19th at the legion last year over a 100 Corvettes in that parking lot if you didn't see it it's a sight to behold I strongly encourage you to come by check it out the legion's going to be uh selling food there they're letting us use their facilities wonderfully and it's a great day and for a great cause and thank you very much please please come to the microphone and state your name and address for the record good evening Alan godber for for in place um environmental commission and uh the lab warshed partnership um I'm at the last council meeting I mentioned that we launched W partnership was going to be doing a cleanup fing to Lake cleanup which is very important we've been trying to do that each year didn't do it during the pandemic of course but we're trying to do that again so this this coming Saturday in the morning from 9: until noon and we're doing registration from 8:30 in the morning it will be started at B Centennial Park which is just off River Avenue in East bronswick if you'd like to come and join us please do so we would like to see you whoever would like to come and there's lots more copies of this flyer there's some out in the lobby and I've got more copies if you'd like to have them um a separate issue that I'd like to discuss is um related to a new regulation that was passed I think was last month to do with um regulating traffic on JFK drive on the west side of JFK Drive during school hours and this is very important as we've got school represented very strongly here today I have noticed uh I'm not quite sure what hours that was supposed to be it said it was doing school hours well to me school hours would include when children are leaving school and going home which would be at 3:00 in the afternoon and so on several times recently I have seen traffic parked on the west side of there at 3:00 in the afternoon so I would request that the council look into this matter find out if there are some regulations that are not being followed properly and um maybe we can make sure that it works better in general it has been working better I think but I don't know quite what the hours were supposed to be but I think it's important that we check we can let Chief Johnson know and have him check out thank you confirm the appr yeah and and I believe the signs are on order so once the signs are up the police will definitely enforce there are no signs up right now no I didn't see so we didn't make that announcement however so once the signs are been put up then we'll be able to thank you that that's good good information seeing no additional comments I will close this public comment portion of the meeting at this time I'm going to ask council president revolinsky to take over and request the council to confirm the actions taken at this meeting by the passage of resolution 2024-25 thank you mayor SS uh will the clerk please read just swap everybody oh that's right gotta [Music] wait okay council president thank you mayor SS uh will the clerk please read resolution 20 24 165 by title resolution 20241 165 approving the actions taken by student Representatives during the May 13 2024 Youth and government council meeting you've heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure council president R Linsky I proudly make a motion that this resolution be adopted I second that motion will the clerk please call the role council president rolinski I councilman Collins councilman moo I councilman NY councilman Potter I councilman zamber I we can skip over item 17 called Next we have Council comments do any of the members of uh Council have any comments to make councilman P NY uh there's someone else I can go last that's fine you can also go first if you like okay uh two things um first I want to say um I'd like to express my pride in these young patriotic and brave students sitting up here at front and center putting your face and name here to be critically judged as courageous and Noble it's so much easier to let others decide the fate of your life than to be a part of solutions I hope your experience here Sparks you to look Inward and outward to find your values ethics and principles your parents are instrumental in helping you build the foundation let your inequalities be your guide even if you feel that you're standing alone lead by example don't follow whatever you decide to do with your life even if you decide on a life of Public Service be the best that ever was you all of us we're born to do great things in our lives that is why you and all of us here always always remember that again I'm proud of all of you um I'd also like to say with the upcoming holiday more day coming up I'd like to use a snippet from a speech by Winston Churchill never in the field of human contact conflict was so much owed by so many to so few where he was describing his Royal air force during World War II saving England in its Darkest Hour our fine military has saved us in Wars from the Revolutionary War the Civil War the world wars Korea Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan Etc our young people mostly teenagers with hopes and dreams gave up their tomorrows for the freedoms that we all enjoy today we have former military employed in town especially on our flying police force to everyone here and at home please remember those that have served and were lost in the conflicts please honor them please honor the flag the red white and blue that meant so much to them that they died for it that's it thank you thank you councilman does any other council member have uh comments council president re revolinski uh I'd like to congratulate our Proclamation recipients uh also wish to thank assemblyman sterley Stanley uh for being able to provide us with the Mobile DMV this past Wednesday it was very successful and all the time slots were taken and we're expected to have it here again uh in miltown on October 17th uh it was also great to have our Spotswood baseball and softball teams here on May 3rd and May 7th both teams had victories and having a great season winning their divisions uh good luck to both in the state tournament and finally I know we were going to do this but let's have a round of applause for our youth and government councel did and we would also like to thank their teacher Mr debrowski and our bur clerk Monica and Deputy clerk Mary for all their efforts in prepping in them as well thank you very much councilman Collins yeah yes thank you uh Council council president rinsky I'd also like to thank all the students how proud We Are of your performance tonight and uh i' just like to say also thanks to Monica and the bough clerk staff for the great job they did prepar and everybody and uh that's all I have to say thank you anybody else ditto all right well I uh I will go last um and while we prepare for Memorial Day I'd also like to say it's never too late to thank or kiss your mother yesterday was Mother's Day um glad I had the opportunity to spend it with both my mother and my wife um and I think uh everyone up here you know you guys are obviously here because of special lady in your life who has uh who has helped you get here and and shown you some good characteristics so be sure to thank her um thank you to the student representatives for their hard work this evening and for making this one of the smoothest and fastest meetings that I've ever sat through that has been I'd also like to point out that through your actions tonight you guys actually hired some employees so if you ever want to come down and tell them what a great job they're doing by all means do so um this was not just a rehearsal or uh or a show you guys actually did make changes to the community this evening so uh so good work on that and if there are no further comments I will close Council comments and I'd like to turn it back over to our esteemed mayor [Music] heirs thank you council president revolinsky at this time we have the review of the agenda for May 28th 2024 council meeting swearing in ceremony officer Robert G wle III any comments or questions from Council presentation by the count by the M the miltown historic preservation committee any comments or questions from Council ordinance introduction 24-1 1537 ordinance amending the revised General ordinances of the buau of miltown chapter 25 Water to amend water rat and chapter 26 sewer to amend sewer any comments or question from Council yes will there be a presentation um to for for our parttime CFO on what the uh revised water or the amended water andwer R will be yes we're working on that now I know they had a meeting earlier this evening to uh discuss those there still working through the finite details good ordinance introduction 24-1 1538 authorizing the installation of two additional stop signs at the intersection of Clay Street and Oak Street to convert the intersection to a four-way stop controlled intersection any comments or questions from Council ordinance public hearing second reading 24-1 1536 ordinance amending the revised General ordinances of the burrow of miltown chapter 29 storm water management Article 1 storm water management and control any comments or questions from Council at this time I will entertain a motion from Council to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn I second I have a motion from councilwoman Conroy and second by councilman F all in favor say I I any oppos so move meeting adjourned e