I did um there's a don't want to go with a jacket intire this is the of being selfemployed you can you can actually everyone like yeah is what it is [Music] I'm ready whenever you are guys good good evening I'd like to call the regular B council meeting to order adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 specifying the time date location and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice in the municipal building providing a copy to the home News Tribune and by fing a copy in the office of the burough clerk will the clerk please call the RO council president Zam Brana here councilman Collins here councilwoman odonnell here councilman petti here councilman Potter here councilman revolinski here mayor mayor here uh will everyone please rise and join me in a moment of silence and followed by aute to the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay so now we will move on to the um public comments are the public comment is limited to resolutions listed on the agenda if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone and say your name and address for the record seeing none I will close uh public comments and move on to the approval of minutes uh these are the minutes from the December 11th 2023 regular meeting any comments or correction can I have a motion to accept the minutes so moveed second have a motion by councilman Potter second by councilwoman O'Donnell all in favor I any opposed okay next we'll move on to the bill p payment will the clerk please read by resolution uh will the clerk please read resolution 318 2023 Au authorizing bill payment by title only authorizing the payment of bills claims and statements against the borrow of miltown in the total amount of 83,7 455 you heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure Madame Mary I make the motion that the bill list be approved this typed second I have motion by councilman Potter second by council president Dan Brana uh any discussion yes Madam mayor I had a couple questions on this uh it says we got the design for uh fos Avenue phase one here on page [Music] five we got the design for f and also you have the design for the bike path what's your question no I just want to make sure that that these are going to get uh done in the next year I also had a question on uh page four under Home Improvements it says Home Improvements there's two items on here for $ 34480 do you know what that's for that's for the fair housing um Home Improvement program that we are required to provide and that's managed by Community plants and granting uh Community uh grants and planning let me see okay let me see I just got one more I think on page six let me see is that it yep that's it mad okay anyone else um who the please call the all council president Zan Brana I councilman Collins I councilwoman odonnell I councilman pretti I councilman Potter I councilman revolinski okay now we'll move on to the consent agenda a consent resolution has been prepared for the resolutions listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by the burough Council will be enacted by one motion any item may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure are supported by a service ification of funds if any member of the council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and it will be pulled from the consent resolution nothing okay will the clerk please read the consent agenda resolution whereas pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular or special meetings upon certain conditions and whereas each of the following resolutions to be presented before the burrow council at its December 26 2023 regular meeting appear here to have the unanimous approval of all members of the burrow Council resolutions 320-223-1797 adopted second I have a motion by councilman Potter second by councilman pretty uh will the clerk please uh call the roll council president Zam Brana hi councilman Collins councilman odonnell I councilman paret I councilman Potter I councilman revolinski okay um now we will have the reports from uh officials we'll start with councilwoman Marvin Odon thank you Madame mayor as promised everyone I have a year in review for each of the uh committees that I served as uh liaison for I'll begin with the police department it's been a busy year for miltown Police Department as I reported each month on the volume and nature of the calls and activities I was enlightened to their diverse responsibilities and unique challenges we had already welcomed three new officers this year and welcomed a fourth with the resolution at the last meeting it's also been a year of preparing for change there have been several retirement announcements as members of the department reached impressive Milestones of service two quick stories about our retiring Chief and uh Lieutenant um I think everyone uh recognized that uh Chief canelli was pretty unflappable um and we always whenever we uh chatted by phone it was always a greeting of councilwoman and I do my best imitation and respond Chief um but one night one day in uh December of 2021 uh when I called him I didn't even wait for him uh to make his traditional greeting I just said Brian it's Margaret and he immediately knew that something was up I had been the victim of a crime I was a victim of identity theft and it was a strange situation in which the person um used my identity and um uh ordered some things to my house and I encountered them outside my house um when they tried to pick them up I just didn't realize it I had gone to the bank thinking my uh credit card had been used so I was at the bank and when I called him and uh made this um you know um unusual greeting um I was in a safe place but he didn't realize it and he kind of screamed where are you um and um get to the police station um and um yeah so um poort poort Chief uh canel I really uh gave him uh gray hair and loss of hair and you've all seen the evidence of that um that day but I thank you chief for um the care that you took uh of me personally and um for all of miltown um you great uh officer and chief when you were here and we're going to miss you and one quick start about Lieutenant uh kenon Lieutenant Dan as he was known to all the kids and around town so even when he moved um onto his position as Lieutenant one of the things he clearly still liked to do was um when the officers accompany um uh the bike to school day um so uh he was there when they set off on one of those days and I I I was as well so he left in his police car um to escort them across H CA Avenue and I walked home from the park and as he he was returning um to the police station he was actually in an unmarked uh vehicle and going up the street and I was at the at the bottom um at the intersection near Kon um Albert and um he stopped because someone was backing out of their driveway and the car behind him then stopped and another car came racing up the street as we so often hear about and um blared on their horn and started to go around both the car behind lieutenant kenon and Lieutenant kenon so he did exactly what I dream about doing myself which was slam on the brakes throw the car in park flash on the police lights and jump out of the car and turn around in very Lieutenant unlike Lieutenant Dan and say what um and it was just something that uh he fulfilled my dream all the things that I've always wanted to do but I did promise the police department that I wouldn't be conf confrontational with drivers so um that goes along with being the public safety Le on FYI um but we will miss both of them uh a great deal um one other thing I wanted to mention in the yearin review was that we had a great Public Safety form at midye and immediately instituted several changes and improvements as a result residents please continue to provide your input and to share your concerns you can reach out to the police department um or use the convenient report a concern feature on the burough website um additionally security cameras that were budgeted for this year should be available in the spring for exterior locations such as uh Parks um my recommendations to uh future Council and uh they're uh working with the police department get traffic studies F excuse me funded so we are ready to apply for Grants as well as to Lobby for lower speed limits um truck weight limits speed bumps humps or tables and um new controls at intersections my year and riew for the fire department the miltown fire department is much more active than most residents probably realize at the moment they're actually at the scene of a car that um went over an embankment uh over on Ryder's Lane um in addition to the many calls they respond to they also drill and train extensively each month this ensures that their members are prepared for the wide variety of situations they might encounter miltown fire department is also actively preparing for anticipated scenarios by learning about topics such as laying hoses to fight fires in garden department layouts um because they're anticipating uh that being part of our population in the future with state regulations about personal safety equipment and in mind the fire department applied for another annual Grant to replace turnout gear for each member by 2025 the department is also anxious to replace apparatus to avoid repair costs and downtime they've experienced with vehicles 62 and 63 there's some money already allocated in the capital budget towards such a purchase and recommendations for working uh with the fire department in the future continue to plan for the purchase of new apparatus and gear stage purchases over several years so replacement in the future um is also over several years um we're closely with the burough staff um for fire extinguisher training thank you Charlie Miller for that suggestion um and look into uh grant writing service and I'll provide some information that I found about the league of municipality at the league of municipalities to our next uh liaison my hearing review for the rescue squad in any given month the rescue squad responds to 90 to 120 calls some in the burrow proper some on the turnpike and some in the form of mutual Aid to surrounding communities those calls can involve removing accident victims from vehicle crashes attending to and transporting injured or ill residents or visitors to the hospital being on scene at fires and much more and before I uh go on with the rest of my uh formal report I will mention that 2 days before the last Council meeting I experienced a medical emergency myself and I am profoundly grateful to the miltown rescue squad for getting me quickly and safely to the emergency room and for those um members of the squad who uh specifically came I'll be forever um indebted to you um unlike many volunteer squads across the state the miltown rescue squad has seen increased membership they're clearly doing something right you you'll typically get to see the squad participate in many burrow events don't miss visiting their annual open house each spring their Council liaison gets to assist with extrication demonstrations a highlight of my year was partaking in this event it's a great way to get to meet Squad members see their vehicles and learn more about all that they do the squad's annual fundraiser takes place in the spring each year too the squad relies heavily on donations so please please be generous if you can and my recommendations to the Future Council um the Burrow's funding to the rescue squad increased in 2023 and to keep that up if possible um in my uh year review for OEM there were no fullscale activations of the office of emergency management this year though the last couple of weekend storms were really close calls but that doesn't mean that the o wasn't active they're continually training and preparing they're always ready for the just in case an example from this year included having a county water truck on standby when we had de decreased water pressure due to a pump failure as well as During the period that fire hydrants were used to provide water supply to homes while the water lining project was underway on Highland Drive and nearby streets in the coming year among other things you'll hear about their plans to do Swift water rescue training and obtain the gear needed to execute Swiftwater rescues I hope that the OEM is able to share more about what they do in a setting such as a council meeting that the public can learn more about what happens when OEM is activated they do so much that residents never see and I will um conclude that Portion by saying that miltown our Heroes don't wear capes you'll see them in green jumpsuits turnout gear and Kevlar vests our police fire and rescue squads are the best in the business and it's been my privilege to work as early aison this year and it will always be my honor to know each and every one of them we should be thankful for all that they do and all that they are willing to do and I have some information for Council comments later but I think that concludes my report thank you great thank you very much and thanks to all of the police fire and uh next report from councilman Dave Potter thank you Madame mayor uh two short reports tonight Madame mayor uh on December 21st uh the utilities committee met with the auditor which provided the committee with the water sewer utility and electric utility connection fees um and Monica passed it out to all the um all the council members uh the committee has decided to table this information as it'll be shared with the new Administration utilities Committee in the upcoming year and as far as the planning board the next planning board meeting is scheduled for the reorg meeting on January 3rd and that concludes my report thank you uh next we have councilman rich rinsky thank you m mayor not much rep even thank to the DPW Department offici I issue that we had occurring week um and as for the library I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year and look forward to much more fun and adventure in 2024 thank you uh next we have councilman John Collins thank you madam mayor I just have a short report there's no environmental me just from the Board of Education uh congratulations to Danielle Papa and evangelie dunis for being uh staff members of the month for December 23 uh congratulations for to Jim Lloyd who's retiring from the Board of Education is served from 2015 to 2023 best wishes on your future endeavors congratulations for that new member Robert shef Houser who will be sworn in on January 3rd um the reorg meeting is in January I didn't get the date it's I know that it's in January uh the reevaluating the head injury policy and they said the U the winter wonderland was a uh tremendous success and they it'll be returning next year that concludes my report Madam mayor thank you and next we have councilman James Paretti thank you madam mayor I have a report for the month of December from the recreation department uh so some things to look forward to in the upcoming year um the rec department is beginning to work closely with E the company to have um a partnership set for this coming spring hopeing hoping to offer multiple different class types up coming from as early as 6 months all all way up to 8th grade um please stay in touch stay tuned for more information come this spring for current activities basketball registration is closing December 29th it's been a very successful registration and the program is set to start on January 20th uh last reminder we always need more more coaches so if you're interested or at least know someone who may be interested please spread the word and sign up adult winter programs have been registration has been opened and are filling up quickly those include yoga men's basketball and women's volleyball the we had the rec department had their holiday family movie night at Parkview gym um a couple Fridays ago we had 150 participants registered the children were asked to bring a blanket and wear a holiday PJs we played the Grinch and before the movie started we had a special guest surprise all the kids that was a local resident who was the Grinch um so hoping that more movie Nights in the future possibly outdoor activities come warmer weather stay tuned for more 2024 is fast approaching and the rec department has partnered with mad science to offer half and full day programs when school is closed I mentioned at the last meeting so upcoming school closures are January 15th February 16th and February 19th so for any parents who are looking to have um children get out of the house for a few hours they have half day and full day programs for the math science which has been very successful in the past year um and the on Tuesday April 9th the rec department will be heading to the New Jersey Devil game for a miltown night dicket will be purchased through our community past and will include group box seating private space with family entertainment options post game photo $10 food and beverage voucher which each ticket under uh each ticket and each person under 18 will receive a devil string bag a flyer with that information will be posted soon and we'll let you know when tickets are available but save the date ahead of time and I just want to say um for this past year in the rec department we had um Ron seone Revo Department who he user in a lot of changes and transitioned us to a kind of a new way of working particularly with um online usage and Community pass and now we have Kelly Boyd um steering the ship and she's done a tremendous job already so I'm really looking forward to what to see what Kelly and Kim have upcoming in that department as you can see there's already plenty going on in just this last month and more to come in 2024 so please stay tuned for more for the Department lastly if you have not done so already please submit your citizen leadership application um we had some exciting meetings up for revalorization recently um and we already have some members reaching out to sign up for that so make sure for all those listening and watching at home go on to the Midtown website is right on the homepage for the citizen leadership application fillable PDF and send it into our Clerk and that concludes my report okay thank you very much and next we have council president pH thank you madam mayor um there's no Finance report tonight but I just wanted to uh piggy back on the analysis that um councilman Potter uh spoke about about the connection fees uh tabled so that it can be shared for the next uh utilities uh committee coming in it should also be shared with the new finance committee coming in so they're aware of all the different uh costs and Analysis uh tied to the water sewer and Electric utilities that was uh was actually accomplished this year um Senior Center I don't really have a report other than to say that the uh cable box in the uh in the senior center was uh repaired there was a bad box it was repaired everything is is is good um the next miltown historical preservation committee meeting is this Thursday uh at 7:30 it's via Zoom uh anyone is welcome to click on the link it's on the calendar uh you will be let in and and we'll go from there and in the Ford Avenue uh Redevelopment agency meeting I actually could not go attend that meeting although I did get some uh some feedback uh so the uh the one thing that's still out there for Fort Avenue um is that rich rrom will continue in his u in his role as executive director until a permanent executive director is uh is chosen hopefully that will be uh taken care of in uh in the January uh period uh by members of the new Ford Avenue Redevelopment agency and that concludes my report great thank you uh bro administrator M Lon anything this evening um just want to wish everyone a a happy healthy New Year thank you appreciate same to you our bro attorney Mr venola anything report just sharing the same sentiment for a happy and healthy New Year appreciate it you too uh our Bureau engineer Mr mclen and Mr bonka on behalf of all our partners at CME and the staff wish the mayor and counsel and the president miltown a happy and valy New Year and peaceful yes thank you very much same to you all right and back to me um just to be quick just thanks to all the folks who made the holiday season so pleasant around miltown it was certainly nice to see Santa driving around on Saturday and thank you to the fire department the police the rescue squad who did a fantastic job um it was really nice this year I had my whole family home and we were decorating and making cookies and seeing Santa came come around made it um extra special so thanks to everyone you know it's another part of our small town charm and and we loved it and so I I can see that a lot of people around Midtown did as well all right so with that let's move on to Old business does any member of the council have any old business to bring before us this evening I would just like to thank councilman Z for getting that cable TB box fixed at the senior center he didn't do it he it was sorry wrong person it was there's somebody that works there they just needed to be alerted to call cable vision simple as that simple as that y Simple Solution yep we're not paying for anything we're not getting anybody else have any old business new business does anybody have any new business to bring before us this evening seeing none I will close new business and move on to um public comments no I'm sorry what I'm following my script hold on oh yeah know you're right on my um the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comment until the speaker has finished it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is structured as a question and answer session please state your name and address for the record when you come to the podium good evening George Murray for work drive uh I would just like to uh thank mayor Mir councilwoman oono councilman P for your service and uh good luck in your endeavors and uh I'm sure we'll be uh working together in the future uh i' like to uh wish Chief [Music] anden anyone else yes sir good evening hello Council William moris 210 Albert Avenue I just want to say I've lived in mtown since 1969 other than for two years so almost 50 years and I've seen administrations come and go I've seen good and I've seen other and I'm happy to say I'm I'm very glad I've seen good finally I've since in bed before you all came here let me also mention any one of you counts of people serve and put their time to serve our town and make it better I know I really do sincerely believe we all do this for make our town better and this past administration not a doubt has made it better so I've seen ugly and it's not it's just under way to run our town and we we know every town has the challenges you always want do more I know you all want to do more want to be million happen my left I can't remember how many times come to meetings asking the lawyer a question I don't know I'll get back to you Mr Peter seems quite knowledgeable in count in girl Affairs always wonderful CME never always did great left we were in disarray it was aw there was probably growing pains when you came in but we seem to be in a good place we got funding we got funding there money from the county from the state from fed there's money there you don't get that money they just get you have to go for it and we went for it and we got thanks that's thanks to all of you up here that did that for us so in closing Margaret thank you I remember when Margaret came up I went who is this lady Noah puts in more voluntary time her time to make us a better T councilman um the first time you on I thought it was Joyce K what is it this guy sh [Music] may may may always say mayor mayor I know how much you love more history I have that's right I think I wish I mean I'm sure you know George is a great guy I've known him for a long long time I I hope it's in good hands here but I know you probably a little disappointed not to see a lot of these things you know that you proposed and that are on the books like John brought it up about some projects coming up that I'm looking forward to Al part I can to play new basketball cour y still Sho for but anyway this is just the fact you know of you that's very nice Lu to the new Administration keep our town on a good let's not go back to the ugly yep thank you really appreciate thank you much anyone else seeing none I will close audience comments I have a couple of proclamation all right well let's see let's get counc PR first okay so this is an official of proclamation so whereas the buau of miltown council would like to recognize councilman James parade for his years of service for miltown and whereas James is a lifelong resident of bur miltown and is now raising his family with his wife Mariana in town and whereas James has been involved in serving the community since his days playing Youth Sports in town and working at the burough pool and whereas James was elected to the burough Council in 2021 and as served as leaon to the miltown Chamber of Commerce historic preservation committee human Relations Committee cable TV committee revitalization committee and Rec advisory committee therefore now therefore I mayor treina a mayor along with the burough Council of the burough of miltown to honor James pretti and thank him for all his hard work and dedication to the residents of the burough of miltown signed by my hand on this 26th day of December 202 [Applause] okay and next where at the girl of miltown council would like to recognize councilor Margaret O'Donnell for her years of service for milk toown and whereas Margaret made the burrow of milk to her home in 1999 and whereas Margaret began her community involvement by serving on the miltown planning board and whereas Margaret was elected to the burough Council in 2021 and served Des liaison to the board of health environmental commission miltown Library board miltown historic preservation committee Rec advisory committee and whereas Margaret has most recently served as liaison to Public Safety which includes police fire and rescue squad whereas Margaret has been and continues to to be an active proponent of traffic and pedestrian safety in town now therefore I mayor Trina mayor along with the burough Council of the bur of miltown to hereby honor Margaret O'Donnell and thank her for all her hard work and dedication to the residents of the burough of miltown signed by my hand on this 26th day of December 2 the agenda so is it no surprise yeah oh sorry so I'd just like to read this official Proclamation I never get to do this this is really cool cool oh come over here nice and Loud whereas the bur of miltown council would like to recognize mayor Trina mayor for her years of service for miltown and whereas Trina was born and raised in miltown borrow and moved back to miltown in 1998 with her late husband Paul to raise her family and whereas Trina has dedicated much of her life to miltown as co-founder of the miltown Education Foundation serving as trustee for eight years and serving as a miltown board of education member for four years and whereas Trina was elected to burrow Council in 2017 and served as liaison to the board of adjustments cable TV committee miltown Library board mil on Board of Education Department of utilities and Municipal Alliance and whereas Trina was elected to serve as mayor of the burrow from 2020 to 2023 now therefore I Phil zamb Brana council president on the behalf of the burrow Council of the burough of miltown do hereby honor Trina mayor and thank her for all her hard work and dedication to the residents of the burough of miltown signed by my hand on this 26th day of December 2023 I appreciate that and I especially it's nice to come from Phil because he was the one that got me into this political Life by calling me up 10 years ago asking me to run for the Board of Education thanks Phil all right uh let's go on to uh any further Council comments yes Madam mayor I just have a few comments that I'd like to make um so first to councilwoman O'Donnell uh it's been a pleasure and my honor to serve on the Midtown burough council with you these past three years your attention to detail and the dedication and enthusiasm that you brought to each of your different Council committees that you chaired over the last 3 years will be extremely hard to replace uh I won't ask you to stay involved in Community because I know you'll stay involved in the community and I look forward to working with you to keep moving miltown forward not only as a resident but as my friend and a member of my extended family councilman paret it has been my pleasure and my honor to serve uh with you on the B miltown burough Council for the past four years uh I will miss the many back and forth discussions that we've had concerning B issues and the different perspective that you brought to the council across all of the different Council committees that you chaired over the past four years I have two wonderful daughters but I am old enough to be your father and if I had a son I would have liked him to be just like you thank you I know that you'll stay involved in the community and bring forth any issues that you see to keep miltown moving forward and finally mayor May four years ago you were elected mayor and I became a councilman on my third tribe that's right three months 3 months after being sworn in uh this thing called Co happened and then we spent the next year and a half communicating via Zoom which was not a lot of fun sometimes but uh I will miss your grace your composure your Wick and your wicked sense of humor and your dedication to the burrow of miltown as we all work together to keep the burrow open for business and to put the burrow back on Solid Ground you worked with your Council to resolve many of the issues whether they were DPW Recreation Public Safety or utilities related that have been neglected over several years I hope that you stay involved in the community and continue to move miltown forward you are leaving the B of miltown in a much better place than before you became mayor and for that reason alone I salute you thank wow I I didn't know this was going to be a roast of James we uh any other Council comments yes Madam mayor I'd just like to thank Madame mayor between the mayor councilwoman Margaret odonnell and councilman James pry your service to the town and you know people don't know the difficulties we face in this town until they sit up here and then you wonder sometimes how ever did it and I'd like to also wish the residents a happy and healthy New Year mtown thank you thank anyone else yes madame mayor um you know uh council president Zan brano and councilman Collins you know said a lot of stuff and I I I agree with they what they said and um your passion your dedication your commitment um mayor mayor councilwoman donnald and James and councilman Paretti um it's been a truly a pleasure serving with you and I hope to serve with you again in the future thank you thank you thank you and happy happy new year to all the residents anyone else I um I had some uh closing comments if that's okay um I I did Overlook some recommendations for a future Public Safety liaison but I will find out who that is and share those items with that person uh individually um but in general for the incoming uh uh council members actively participate in the commissions committees and boards to which you are assigned as liazon as you report on the activities of those commissions committees and Boards share all that would be relevant to the council and to Residents and businesses who are watching meetings there will be a lot of Demands of your time but give as much as you can um to this meaningful work and in closing it's been my honor and privilege to serve as your councilwoman miltown my role will change in 2024 but my dedication and commitment to our community will remain strong and I look forward to seeing you all around town thank you okay fine I'll get on the record I guess um no thank you guys everyone there's extremely kind words and it has been it wasn't something I anticipated doing ever in my life to be sitting up here um but I'm happy I did it it's since I've been up here I got married became a father so I've saw a lot of life change um while sitting in the seat so it's been a big part of my like growing Journey as um an adult Midtown resident so this will always have a special place in my heart these years and I want to just thank everyone who supported me and all the work who every single person who sat up here um has helped one way or the other and all the residents who put in countless hours to really make this town special um that's where all the praise go so thank you for allowing me to do this and I look forward to being on the public side supporting the new Council thank you y thank you anyone else look at it okay all right now it's on to me so I really didn't prepare anything but um since you've all been so kind I will um say a few words first I would like to uh wish the incoming mayor and councel well um there have been some nights where I was rushing home from work and I had to go to a meeting or I had to go somewhere so Mr Murray thank you very much for uh giving me U more time back I just joined the Jim and I will looking forward to uh getting a health off to a healthy New Year um you know of course we wish uh everyone well and I you know I I as I look around the room I just want to say thanks to those folks you folks at home might not see it but there's a lot of people that come here and sit at every meeting and it is really heartening to have the people that care enough to sit here it's great when you watch it at home but they are truly interested truly care about their town and and it's much appreciated as well as those folks that are behind the camera who do a lot we have Ben we have Robert in the back we have um Jason Sean all all under the uh tutelage of Mr einbinder there so thank you to all of the uh channel 15 uh folks as well as all of the employees you know I've gotten to work closely with the department heads um you know they are really the people that do things while the council May advise and you know Garner resources it's the people that work here that actually run the town and I think that they do a great job so but uh so and it's been my pleasure to start to get to work with our new clerk M Orlando who has jumped right in and done a fantastic job um our professionals Mr vinolo it's it's been a pleasure as with CME um you know any questions that I had that the utilities committee had they were right on it and I know that even just up until the other night there was an issue going on and Mr mlen was there through the middle of the night making sure that the midtown's uh utilities were uh taken care of so appreciate all of your partnership and thanks for everything you do for for the buau um Miss larrison who is our CFO and business administrator it's been an honor and a pleasure working with you I know you've done the Yan's task to update a lot of our systems to put together our Capital plan working with the finance committee and working with all of the department heads to really um you know head Us in the right direction I I actually had forgotten until Phil mentioned that we started out through Co which was a lot of phone calls and closures and um you know so the time has really flown by I I feel the world is certainly different than it was when we uh when I sat in this chair first four years ago but uh anyway it it's been a true honor and a pleasure to get to know so many of the people around town I look I certainly will always be around I'll see the guys at Dunkin' donuts and all the the people around and I'm happy to keep up with with all of you so thank you so much for allowing me to rent this chair for four years I really appreciate it and I wish nothing but the best for everyone else going forward and I wish all of you here and at home a joyous holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year so thanks so much for everything and really appreciate it and with that I will take a motion to adjourn motion to ajur second I have a motion by councilman oh wait wait wait one thing I forgot to mention as Council MC predy did to thank all of the people that sat up here in my in our time serving on Council there have been many people that have come and gone um it's as everybody said it's not easy sometimes to uh you know come here have meetings it's not just this meeting once a month there's a lot of other things that go on in the background in the phone calls and um you know nothing would have gotten done without each and every one of those people that that sat here so thanks thanks to them as well and all of the people that helped us get here we we really all appreciate it so thanks thanks for everything now uh I have a motion by councilman Collins to adjourn but I didn't hear who second I second M second by councilwoman O'Donnell all in favor all right so move how was that