[Music] sounds good e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right every day no why e e e e e B clerk Mary gyy B clerk monac orando presid um just want to confirm there no items actions taken no action to be taken Mr Mayor coming out of executive session thank you sir at this time I will entertain a motion to adjourn so move moved second third motion made by councilman Potter seconded by council president rinsky all in favor say I any opposed no okay then we will roll right into the [Music] meeting good evening the April 29th meeting for miltown bur Council will now come to order will the clerk please read the open public meeting statement adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 specifying the time date and location by posting a C of the notice on the municipal building Municipal website providing a copy of the annual notice scheduled to the official newspapers of the burrow and is on file with the clerk's office will the clerk please call the rooll council president revolinski here councilman Collins here councilman moo here councilman pansy here councilman Potter here councilman Zen Brana here mayor Murray here bur Attorney Peter Veno pres burrow engineer Mike mclen pres burrow engineer Lanka pres burrow administrator Fred Carr still here Deputy burrow clerk Mary gyy president bur clerk Monica Orlando present okay please join me in a moment of silence followed by of the United States of America and to the for stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all now is the time for public comments listed on the resolution listed on the agenda if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone and say your name and address for the [Music] record good evening Michael shakarian environmental commission 19 yarell Avenue um I'm just uh coming up because I um uh wanted to fill you in on a um matter that we discussed last week in the environmental commission meeting um with our Council liaison uh councilman zambrana and councilman moo was present as well and I've sent an email forward with regard to this as well and um the reason uh for there being some urgency is because of the fact that there's a dead deadline of May 24th and a resolution is required so what I'm talking about is uh that the sustainability nonprofit sustainable Jersey sustainable NJ has approached us and encouraged us to apply for a community energy plan Grant uh that Grant would be for $10,000 and um the opportunity basically trickles down from the Board of Public Utilities um developed to support the goals of the state's energy master plan and including attainment of 100% clean energy by 2050 um and in addition to the $10,000 it allows technical support from sustainable Jersey itself to create a community energy plan is what it's called the plan would chart potential implementation over 3 to 5 years um and if granted the the plan would establish a team to review and recommend potential strategies such as Energy Efficiency resilience and Renewables uh from a work plan template this that sustainable Jersey provides um and then we would meet with sustainable Jersey staff for discussion and advice um and submit a budget within three months of receiving the monies or receiving the grant um which would allow us you know uh to get some money to get the monies um and hold two meetings with stakeholders in the community uh one early in then one later during the granting period um and then formally adopt the community energy plan by passage of a municipal resolution um and the $10,000 that we would get uh could be used to cover the time and effort of Municipal Personnel or if we're interested in having a consultant well Andor if we're interested in having a consultant uh then we could we could use that money to hire a consultant um and the completion of the grant allows this opportunity for further Grant monies either from the state or from the federal government um and uh but there is no actual requirement to implement the plan at this point what sustainable Jersey and BPU is interested in is municipalities getting a plan together um and the application is pretty simple there's a there's like a one-page application form uh there's a certification by notary that we need to fill out and then importantly there's a resolution that needs to be passed a one-page resolution and so I understand that um the um the last meeting prior to that May 24th deadline would be May 13th uh and so that's why I'm raising it now um and asking uh whether you would be interested in uh putting it on the agenda for that meeting so um that's the information that I can provide right now and I I'm happy to provide more um um if you're interested okay thank you very much good evening I I'm first meeting of attendance so I think I'm speaking at the right time um I'm Jean Patrick a lifelong member of miltown for 50 plus years M Patrick one quick second is it for the resolutions or is it General it is for the resolution 20 24137 but indirectly okay I because there's no no resolution that ties indirectly with it okay um I had been a lifelong teacher educator uh for uh 35 years when I retired one of the things goals that I had was to see the world and I did I traveled than I saw the world and the last trip I took impressed me the most and if I gave you a 100 guesses to what country it was I assure you you wouldn't guess it was to the Philippines to the Philippian Islands the friend that I traveled with her great great grandfather was the first provincial governor and we were guests and traveled through the Philippines extensively the Philippines is a third world country but what impressed me most about it was how they recognized senior citizens everywhere we went we received a significant reduction in fees if I tell you I never felt so honored being a senior as I did in the Philippines so how does this relate to this resolution I know it is late now but I'm hoping that my words will carry forth maybe next year when the time comes up for you to set prices at the pool regarding senior citizens right now current price is $60 for a senior many seniors will not pay [Music] $60 and I'm here to tell you that as a member of our senior community we pay $10 fees and we get a whole lot in return I am asking you in the future instead of charging what I consider a large amount of money that discourages senor seniors to decrease that amount to $10 or charge seniors nothing miltown is a very special town I moved from way next door south river to miltown for one reason my mom didn't drive she could walk to church we had a butcher shop we had a grocery store Here miltown is known in this state because of two things we have a parade a parade that is not just a poultry little parade it's a it's significant parade and we have a firework display on the 4th of July that Rivals any of the towns I would like you to consider a third reason to put Milton on the map that we respect our seniors and we value them in everything we do starting with the barel pool where we want welcome them with open arms I thank you I thank you for serving this community I don't know if anyone ever gets up here and says thank you to you volunteerism is a thing of the past people are not willing I joined the miltown citizens the senior committee and then the second meeting I became the second vice president because no one would take on the social committee obligations until the president begged please somebody volunteer and not a single hand went up and at the end of the meeting I said I will volunteer but I'm a new member I don't even know how we work and he thought the sky opened and the Angels were singing so again for you stepping out and giving of your time and talents I thank you seeing no further comments this portion of the meeting is closed to the public we have three proclamations tonight Mr guys would you come a whereas George G was born on May 1st 1928 and has been a lifelong resident of miltown and whereas George G is a Korean War veteran proudly serving his community from 1951 to 1955 and whereas George married Dorothy in 1955 and they raised our daughters Cheryl and Cindy in the burrow of miltown and whereas George joined the miltown fire department in 1950 and remains an active firefighter to this day and whereas George has been active in our community throughout his life including working at chiap manufacturing for 37 years worked part-time for the burough of miltown as a janitor serving as a fire Foreman for the hose company Firehouse in 1965 serving as miltown fire department exe president from 1982 to 1984 serving as an usher at Our Lady of Lords church and a member of the American Legion Post 25 whereas the burough of miltown wishes to celebrate and honor George G on his 96th birthday now therefore I George Murray mayor of the burough of miltown along with the burrow Council declare May 1st 2024 as George G day in the burrow of miltown and we extend our deepest gratitude for George for all he has contributed to our community yep you certainly did pull spech speech oh thank you very much like say something uh rain and firemen thank you for everything been a long road I uh had a laugh the other day I came in and the T to pay the taxes and the tax collector was there and she asked me she said what do you attribute to to living to a long life like this is and I said well the first thing you do when you get home at night after supper you go in the refrigerator and you take a bottle of Sam Adams out and have yourself a nice little drink now I I I uh I think that what helps a lot is that to have a good attitude you have to have a good attitude you can't get up in the morning every day fight in the world for the sip on your shoulder say good morning to everybody join the fire department with the greatest bunch of guys in Midtown that keep you young keep you moving and uh I think that's that's what makes you stay a little longer and maybe I don't know maybe we can make another one out another year thank you man there's no one for the second one George I don't know for you there's nobody for like Tel Communicator one you can just read there's nobody here to take it Congress has and the president of the United States have established the second week of April as National telecommunicators week and whereas an emergency occurs The Prompt response of police officers firefighters paramedics is critical to the protection of life and preservation of property and the burough mtown Public Safety telecommunicators are single vital link between first responders and persons seeking immediate relief during an emergency and whereas the work of these unseen First Responders is invaluable in emergency situations and whereas each dispatcher has exhibited compassion understanding and professionalism during their performance of their job in the past years now therefore I George Murray mayor of the burough of miltown along with the burrow council do hereby proclaim the week of April 24th uh 14th through 20th a 2024 as National Public Safety telecommunicators Week in the burough of miltown I encourage the citizens of miltown to express their appreciation to the miltown burough Public Safety telecommunicators for their diligence and and professionalism and keep our town and citizens safe whereas the office of professional Municipal clerks a time honored and vital part of local governments exists through the world and whereas the office of professional Municipal clerks is the oldest among public servants and whereas the office of professional Municipal clerks provide the professionalism professional link between citizens and local government bodies agencies and government at other other other levels and whereas professional Municipal CL s have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartial rendering of equal services to all whereas the professional Municipal clerks serve as information center on functional of local governments and communities whereas professional Municipal clerks continually strive to improve the administration of the Affairs of the office of the professional Municipal clerks through participation education program seminars workshops and annual meetings of their state provincial count County and international professional organizations whereas it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of professional municipal clerk now therefore I George Murray mayor of the burough of miltown along with the burough council do recognize the week of May 5th through 11th as professional Municipal Clerk's week and further extend our appreciation to our professional municipal clerk Monica Orlando and professional Deputy municipal clerk Mary G and all professional Municipal clerks for the vital Services they perform in their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent so exciting where' everybody go he said come the following minutes on the agenda for acceptance April 8th 2024 regular session are there any comments or Corrections can I have a motion to accept the minutes as typed so mve all in favor I any oppos who second I'll take the second I'll go second next time dve no worries all good motion made by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Potter uh all in favor I any oppos okay ordinance introduction will the clerk please read ordinance 24-1 1535 by title only ordinance to amend chapter 22 section 11 entitled right of access chapter 22 section 22 testing meters failure of meters chapter 25 section 7 entitled meter testing chapter 25 section 7 entitled oh uh chapter 22 section 2 entitled fees for municipal Services chapter 5 Section 1.7 entitled dog license fees chapter CH 5 Section 5- 2.3 entitled cat license fees chapter 4 section 40.7 entitled fees chapter 6 section 6- 3.4 entitled classes and maximum number of licenses license fees and Chapter 15 Section two entitled administrative fees for all subcodes of the revised General ordinances of the burrow of miltown that's you have heard the reading under this resol this ordinance what is your pleasure go ahead Dave no no go ahead the Ordinance one is long uh I make a motion that this ordinance be introduced adopted adopted on first reading and public hearing May 13th why don't you just say it and I'll say I okay May 13th meeting and I'll second and that's why I let you take you is um motion made by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Potter is there any question questions or comments yes Mr Mayor I had a question on uh section uh 55-17 dog license fees it says in accordance with the provision of chapter 307 the laws of state of New Jersey the annual fee for potential dangerous dog license be renewed shall be $700 hours is that the standard that that is standard and that's the state fee and uh that's that's not being amended that's that's what it's been in our town but that's also the state State fee for the dangerous dogs okay thank you yeah is a bassard Hound a dangerous dog well I got just want to make sure sorry question what is the definition of a dangerous dog that's not the question you asked I know I I asked originally if a basset hound was a dangerous dog but I I'll amend that question to be what is the definition of a dangerous dog is it a dog that has a record of causing harm or is it just of specific breeds uh I'm not you know P I would have to pull the the state statute for you and see exactly what qualifies I don't believe we have any in town that I'm aware of okay I think it's if it bite your bites three times or something isn't it or or it's a stri your out I that I'll defer to uh attorney on this one that's as well as you should well I've going to answer for the 13 thank you um would the clerk please call the role no it's okay I'll just die a little bit council president revolinski councilman Collins councilman moo hi councilman posnanski councilman Potter councilman Zam Brana I a public hearing on this ordinance will take place on May 13th at 7 p.m in council chambers public hearing on second reading ordinance the following ordinance will be introduced on April 8th as advertised in accordance with law if any member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance they may do so after the reading will the clerk please read ordinance 24- 1534 by title ordinance renaming Lanny Lane to Paul W cor Lane in miltown New Jersey you have heard the reading of this ordinance what is your pleasure move that this ordinance be adopted second second motion by council president red Linsky seconded by councilman Collins is there any comments no I will open a public hearing on ordinance 241534 no the public hearing is now closed will the clerk please call the role council president rolinski councilman Collins councilman moo I councilman panski councilman Potter I councilman Zam BR by authorizing payment of Municipal obligation will the clerk please read the resolution by title resolution 2024-the the bill payment of bills claims and statements against the burrow of miltown in the total amount of 3,235 2282 you have heard the reading of this resolution what is your pleasure may I make a motion that this bill list be approved as typed second uh motion made by councilman Potter seconded by council president rinsky um if if you you heard the reading this resolution your pleasure pleas comments or questions no comments or questions will the please will the clerk please call the rooll council president revolinski councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilman posnanski I councilman Potter I councilman Zam Brana I consent agenda a consent resolution has been prepared for the resolutions listed on the agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and haven't been reviewed by the bur Council will be enacted in one motion any items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any council member if so removed it will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure are supported by certification of funds if any member of the council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution number and it would be ped from the consent resolution uh m Mr Mayor 20 24-135 please yes Mr Mayor I'd like to pull 20 24 137 Mr Mayor if we could pull um 2024 140 good God 2024 143 145 and 148 143 43 45 48 48 43 45 um will the clerk please read the consent agenda resolution whereas pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular or special meetings upon certain conditions and whereas each of the following resolutions to be presented before the burrow council at its April 29th 2024 regular meeting appear to have the unanimous approval of all members of the burrow Council 2024-25 2024 136 2024 138 through 142 2024 144 2024 146 2024 147 149 and 2024 149 now therefore be resolved by the burrow council at the burrow of mil of the burrow of miltown that each of the above listed resolution be approved and adopted by the burrow council with the same legal effect as though each were read in entirety at the April 29th 2024 regular meeting adopted by separate vote you've heard the reading of this consent resolution what is your pleasure I move that this resolution be adopted second a motion made by Council pres president revolinsky and seconded by councilman Potter are there any comments on the resolutions that are not excluded okay well cler please call the RO council president rolinski I councilman Collins councilman moo I councilman posnanski councilman Potter I councilman Zam Brana oh sorry will the cler read resolution 24 2024 135 by title Please appointing Board of Health secretary what is the pleasure of council uh Mr mayor uh I would like to discuss this one and uh I asked for this to be pulled actually uh because I know you had some email correspondents going back and forth and some thoughts that you wanted to share with the rest of council so I wanted to afford you that opportunity thank you um I just uh had some I was trying to identify some clarification um this resolution as conversations had been occurring resolution 24-1 1530 of the salary ordinance spelled out the board sec secetary in resolutions 064 2023 and 200- 2022 spelled out Board of Health secretary this is just for information um that indicated uh $100 per meeting not indicated as a stien um on the the current resolution uh I did look at it there's only five meetings uh per year and the next meeting is on June 25th so um if you wanted to there's time to discuss before the next meeting but that was just for for clarification so everyone was aware of uh exactly what that was all about and also from clarification from the clerk's office uh the current Board of Health secretary has not paid $100 per meeting she has paid a monthly stien um and even though there are only five meetings there's monthly work that the Board of Health secretary has to to do there are reports to the county health department there are dog bite reports there's Vital Statistics there's food licensing it is not just attending meetings the workload that the Board of Health secretary does is not just attending meetings it's preparing for the meetings preparing reports and those resolutions I don't believe would sued a salary ordinance that has read the same salary since 212 3 and 24 and the past practice of the current Board of Health secretary gets paid monthly she does not get paid a month a meeting stipended uh Monica we miss Orlando um what is the current stien or monthly um pay to the Board of Health secretary I would have to confirm that I believe she's doing 100 a month but I don't want to be exactly quoted on that being that there's a lot of interest in the clerk's office does the mayor have other offices that he has an interest in as far as uh stipend or or or salaries or anything like that not sure that it's a question but I'm not sure that it's remain to the president uh it's a particular office that seems to gather a lot of interest that's where my question starts but does you don't have to answer what is the pleasure of council uh I got a question on this one but you also have to go to the rabies clinic is that correct incl it's not just the five meetings there's a lot more work that goes into and the reason it's in the clerk's office is because we are certified as registrars we handle the food licensing and any Other Board of Health licensing goes to the clerk's office yes Mr Mayor I make a motion that this resolution be adopted second uh thank you councilman Potter a motion made by councilman Potter it was seconded by councilman Collins um is there any discussion no we had it um clerk please call the RO council president revolinski I councilman Collins I councilman Mano I councilman panski councilman Potter I councilman Zam BR I thank you for providing the clarification thank you uh will the clerk please read resolution number 20 24-1 137 by title authorizing preparation advertisement of bids for the lease and operation of the miltown municipal pool Snack Shack yes Mr Mayor I just had a question is is shouldn't this go out earlier I mean cuz we only have two months before the pool opens is there do we traditionally do it this way or well with with having the a new qpa and wreck um you know a new Rec director I think we had to kind of get all our eggs in a row or eggs in one basket eggs in a row whatever the saying is ducks in a row crap uh to get everything done um you know it went out there we we looked at last year's bid that was not very successful and then I believe the year that was successful I want say was 2018 or 2019 did a comparison on both uh did a lot of email back and forth between myself the rec director the business administrator and the qpa and that's how we got put together but it should be it'll be the bids are due we're doing the bid opening this month so it'll be good to go for the pool season okay thank you yeah there was I was say to to back off on that there was considerable back and forth between the QP and the staff to to clean up some of the the the open issues to make sure we had a good bid that provides a quality service uh and also compared to what we have done in years past not to put an undue St strain on the staff just an independent person run the snack shock that's their step and we do the rest of it okay thank you Dr um will the Clair please call the roll we we didn't get a motion or a second motion okay second uh motion made by councilman Collins second by councilman Potter will clerk please call the role council president rolinski councilman Collins councilman moo hi councilman pansy councilman Potter hi councilman Zam BR hi will the clerk please read resolution number 2024 145 by title please 4 143 143 authorizing memorandum of understanding with the middle sex County prosecutor's office automated license plate recognition devices what's pleasure Council so I I just pulled this just to get a little bit more information and I I noticed my my watch went off and some mou showed up about this about 25 minutes ago so what exactly are we doing here I didn't see a cost I didn't see like that missing pages so tell you I just the agreement not in your packet something about missing pages two missing pages so if I could clarify uh I actually just got the email when you guys were in executive session at 4 something 4:30 4:45 um so I waited because I didn't want to bombard your executive session with phones going off so I waited until you guys got out of executive session prior send it it but I wanted to make sure everybody got it it from what I read and it it was the um the maintenance cost and fees for it uh we currently have uh two devices in miltown currently right and we're uh according to the police chief we're looking to obtain uh two more if possible um and this is to allow for more scanning oversight surve yes correct and it's from what the chief was explaining to me was um if you want to do both sides that are Road you have to have one on each side of the road cuz it only gets One Direction right uh so uh like they're currently going to install one um on Rider's Lane there's going to be one on each side so it's going to so we have two right now we currently have two but we're looking to get two more do do we know or can we say where those two are located right now okay I will say that they were ineffective in locating a stolen dirt bike got um and I will add that you know these are what we're talking about for folks at home if you if you didn't hear this is about um automated license plate recognition devices uh what they do is basically if there's a crime that's reported um these are taking photographs of license plates as they come in and out of town with time stamps so if there is a child abduction if there is a theft or if there's something uh real severe going on we can log into that database see all the vehicles that pass through town at a given time and start to to narrow down our search um this is also integrated into a state um a state system so you can actually travel some track someone from miltown to St Newark and possibly locate your stolen car so uh this is all in real time right this is these are real time and councilman Zen Brown just to let you know this that this Mo MOA is just an agreement between us and the mcpo yeah that's they provide the equipment for free and we allow them themall and it's part of a nationwide uh countywide initiative free is good free is very good y that came from Chief Johnson thank you thank you I think this will be is a good deal and I think it's going to help the town and the residents out with the some of the crime that we've had you know people coming in and breaking into cars and stuff I think it's going to help them couldn't agree um we need a motion to so moved second um motion made by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Potter will the clerk please call the role council president revolinski councilman Collins councilman moo I councilman panski councilman Potter I councilman zbr I will the clerk please read resolution number 2024-25 by title Please authorizing the hiring of a computer it consultant vendor through the competitive Contracting process so I I pull this one to uh ask a question um usually we go out to bid for for the for this type of situation more towards we're get to the end of the year August September October uh why are we going out so early and is there an issue with our current provider from what I understand um Mr par if you can correct me if I'm wrong I think because we did it in end of 23 beginning of 2 before and we didn't have a qpa in place to accept the information I think it's a re repost or rebid is that a correct statement yes sir uh a little more detailed for the for you so there was a qpa in in in place uh when we initially went out for bid the uh qpa was replaced by a different qpa during that interim process of appointing the current qpa the RFQ or RFP went stale that's the language uh Council took no action to extend the date of time of that viid process they took no action it died it went stale new qpa uh came in on board and evaluated a couple of the stale bids that we had out there this was one of them she recommended that we redo it that's why it's here tonight there is no problem with the current one he's a hold over he's still working and I was fogging him uh just last Friday for something so he's still out there problem thank you yes sir what's pleasure of council move that this resolution be adopted second it I have a motion by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Collins um will the clerk please call the rooll council president rolinski councilman Collins councilman moo councilman panski councilman Potter I councilman Sam Brana I well the CL please read resolution number 2024 148 by title authorizing hiring part-time Chief finance officer so only question uh wait that one uh we're on 46 aren't we oh 48 oh I'm sorry Z Bron said 45 through 49 when he no no no just I'm sorry so um I understand that is on on um uh on the agenda for tonight for approval um I actually sat in uh thank you councilman rinsky for uh inviting me to that uh interview with the CFO I'm sure Joe is going to be wonderful um I was under the impression I wasn't under the impression it was going to be a 4-year term though maybe it was me I thought it was going to be like a oneyear term we revisit it again but this is going to be a four-year term if I can just step in every every resolution that we've done for C has been that CU that's a statutory term okay and then my my second question was so uh the dollar amounts High I I get it um but double what we paid our our previous CFO we're good with that I can answer that question if you like yes so the as uh there was a series of emails out there I'm I'm pretty sure the council was involved in those that started off at the beginning of the year with the original appointment of the one gentleman um with his hourly rate times pot with a Max of 25 hours as you know a Max Denise came in at 60 we brought in uh Joe Mone at 30 with the conversation that a portion of that salary would be used to assist in that mentoring conversation that we started because he was an inexperienced cfoo right right so that's so the math would have been 30 for Joe and 30 for Brunswick to to allow that shared service that interlocal agreement that shared so he could work there with that CFO looking over his shoulder and helping him uh that went South uh I reached out to Mr zanga who I've known for a few years 12 the math yes 12 years since Sandy and ask him to come up here and give me a hand uh and that's where we are today so I I understand that I'm sure Joe is going to do a wonderful job agree and and obviously we're at the point where we're beyond the point past the point where we need a CFO um it's just it's double what we we paid our our part-time CFO last year just want to make sure that everyone understands that what you raise what you raise in this position you're going to have to save somewhere else wherever you're saving that money from and I'm not really sure thanks okay would is pleasure of council I move that this resolution be adopted second I have a motion made by council president rev Linsky seconded by councilman Potter will the clerk please call the role council president revolinski Hi councilman Collins I councilman M hi councilman posnansky hi councilman Potter hi councilman zamb BR I reports of elected officials council president rolinski uh happy to report that we've got a CFO now so I thank everyone for that we look forward to working with him on the upcoming budget and uh hopefully the introduction of that in the coming weeks um as for Ford Avenue Redevelopment agency we did have a meeting a few weeks ago and we uh appointed the new um ex sorry thank you executive director I apologize drawing a blank there um who we' look to really have do a great job and putting a a positive face on what's going on over there at Fort Avenue um or at least to come and uh the planning board meeting unfortunately was canceled for this month so hopefully again we'll have something next month that concludes my report thank you councilman cols no report Mr B no report Mr B NOP thank you councilman M um so the uh few things for the library uh Wednesday May 1st there'll be a tween craft at 3 Thursday May 2nd uh there's after school Jeopardy origami for beginners with Miss Wright at 300 p.m. is also that day uh the movie in May will be Thursday May 9th at 3 p.m. uh and there is Western Rodeo bingo with square dancers on Saturday May 11th at 11:00 a.m. the friends of the miltown library will be having a bling and mini book sale on Saturday May 4th from 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. um and you can reach out to the library if you like uh want to give or donate anything uh and on Monday May 6 the library will be a host location for a pollinator Garden planning program at 6 p.m. if you'd like any more information about the library you can always call them um sure know write down their number now but it is available in the web take a look there uh as always they work very hard at being a highly attractive part of our town they do a lot of good things as well as an earth day they were there too uh just just quality just quality it's a good thing for our town uh Additionally the rec department had a few things uh that I would mention um so Saturday Saturday June 29th is the expected date of the play in the Park from the musical theater program uh we mentioned that just to be ahead of the game a little bit uh so you can put that into your calendars uh there is an adult softball league uh that was started and I believe they are still accepting some people should we need anything else for that um and beyond that the devil's night was a huge success uh the spring programs are running and uh they're no longer accepting applications for the pool that have started uh going through and willing things uh but the other thing I would mention is that the uh the Green Team I know uh they're starting to move forward I got uh the Home Depot doing it a lot of things with Dorian uh to go and start with the senior center um I don't know exactly when the time frame is but that should be coming up pretty soon and I believe she's also involved with the livebrary and the pollinator department on some level that was Community Day s Community Day Earth Day Earth Day oh um oh well so after they at the park uh I had a great time it seemed like a lot of people did it started out didn't look good it was drizzling in the morning and uh with the variety of different groups involved you really don't have have one person to call uh but I went down there at the DPW I got to say um thank you you guys because they took all the kayaks 16 kayaks from my front yard that uh some were mine some were donated by other people in town uh other people just randomly messaged me like hey I have vests for kids that I haven't used in 10 years and they were there um and uh had a few friends of mine my brother and another friend of mine who spent the day in the water uh but a lot of people were there a lot of people helping set up um all of the different groups in general Earth day was uh I think it had a tremendous cleanup there was a lot taken there was uh the bat houses seem to work nicely and they got some kids involved decorating they're going to be put up around town uh by our DPW and the uh environmental committee also kind of give some characteristics or good spots for where those will be we're thinking there might be a map available if people want to go looking for any of the ones that they decorated so the Girl Scouts the week before uh had decorated a good they assembled in getting a woodworking badge about six of them and decorated them as well and donated them back to the Earth Day uh extravaganza the library was there of course um just a whole lot of people a lot of great help um a lot of the town just came out that day and uh and this young gentleman to my left here you seem to be setting up and involved in so many things that you're on the stage for so and one of the library people was quick to mention that so I thought it's good to mention that too thank you plus he's bashful so I figur uh but it was a great day we got about 80 people in the water with the kaying um we're hoping maybe to do another event maybe this maybe this summer at some point uh on the other side of the dam it has been cleaned up quite a bit the access is good and um it seems like there are a lot of people that are interested in it um down the road good stuff I don't want to talk about that either so thank you thank you councilman pansy sure um I represent the senior center and I'll start here with presentations on Wednesday May 15th 1:30 mayor George Murray will have a question and answer session sign up is not required Tuesday May 21st 1:30 will from miltown Rescue Squad will have question and answer inform informational session sign up is also not required on Wednesday the 22nd 1:30 we'll have a lunch and learn presentation by the Excel your Care Group sign up is required as we'll serve launch the VNA the VNA nurse will be here on Tuesday uh May 21st from 12 the three and upcoming spring and summer trips we have several upcoming trips which include a trip to ruter Gardens Thomas Edison Lighthouse shrimp box at Point Pleasant Haley's Pub Zim early art mum and Boscovs please check the calendar for specific days and times of the event we have a new uh program in conjunction with Parker entitled Social Club Parker every Friday from 10:30 to 1:30 the bus from Parker picks up miltown participants at the senior center and brings up to Parker for the day they provide lunch access to swimming Fitness instruction chair exercise arts and crafts current event discussions trivia gardening music and other activities at 1:30 the bus brings participants back to miltown Senior Center the cost is just $3 per week if you're interested please see Debbie for more information and sign up and I also have for the DPW um not much of a report but Ralph jaski who's a director has received he applied for and received a $10,000 recycling Grant which will be onsite for drop offs uh different uh recy different types of recycling and I also have for historic preservation uh we spoke about the train station and for the Historic Society they've received $110,000 as a gift from um Joyce crille and they would like to restore the outside of the uh of the museum house to preserve the the wood and for uh new paint and uh that ends my report thank you councilman Zen Brer oh I'm sorry councilman Potter I apologize no worries no worries thank you Mr Mayor uh from the miltown police department this past Thursday night a burglary occurred at the miltown Foreign Car Service the suspects gained entry by prying open a side window to the business the incident is currently being investigated by our detective Bureau the Billtown Police Department is accepting resumés for the position of an entry-level police officer and will continue to accept them until May 24th 2024 I just wanted to read a quick excerpt from the press release uh the miltown police department has started a recruitment process for a position of an entry-level police officer Chief Johnson stated if you're ready to embark on a rewarding career that makes a difference every day we invite you to apply today join us in our commitment to serve and protect our community County and state with honor and dedication our ideal candidates are those who will be committed to the mission of law enforcement are willing to put in the effort and dedication required and who have demonstrated Integrity respect and accountability throughout their lives applicants must be willing to face challenges and complexities of modern policing with uh integrity and courage no prior law enforcement experience is required you must be at least 18 years old old and no older than 35 sorry at the time of appointment uh you must uh be a US citizen a resident of New Jersey and possess a valid and New Jersey driver's license applicants will undergo multiple interviews criminal background investigations drug drug screenings physical fitness tests medical and psychological exams are you ready to step up and make a difference in our community if so apply today from the miltown fire department members are needed any cand is interested in joining the miltown fire department are encouraged to stop by the firehouse on Monday night at on Monday nights at 6:30 or email join miltown fire gmail.com from the miltown rescue squad the rescue squad's 2024 fund drive has begun uh keep an eye out for the mailer which is right here that has come out and it's been sent out to all the residents and businesses uh the rescue squad will be conducting a door-to-door campaign from May 6th to May 9th but residents are encouraged uh to donate by either scanning the QR code on the uh flyer uh or mailing Their donation or place it in the secure donation box at the rescue squad on the side of the building facing the parking lot the rescue squad's annual openhouse will be on Sunday May 19th from noon to 4: this is a family friendly event and all are welcome and anyone interested in applying to join the rescue squad should visit their openhouse or email recruitment miltown rescu squad. org and and finally Mr Mayor from the miltown 4th of July organization uh the miltown 4th of July organization would like to thank everyone who participated in the fun and successful celebrity bartender event that occurred on April 20th I personally like to thank all of my council members that uh joined us behind the bar uh Mr Mayor as well it was a great event and the organization would like to congratulate our 2024 Grand Marshall for this year's 4th of July parade former mayor Trina Jensen mayor who is with us this evening so congratulations and that concludes my report thank you councilman s yes thank you Mr Mayor uh as uh Michael sharian uh uh notated at the beginning of the meeting um there is a Grant application that will be um submitted on May 24th so we're hoping that we can get a resolution on the May 13th meeting to as one of the requirements to submit that Grant um Earth day was a good success um as councilman moo said along with the kayaks we actually had a good turnout about 100 volunteers showed up to bag trash which uh our DPW Department picked up um and there were about 30 to 45 other volunteers that showed up at the fair um the commit the uh our meeting uh last Wednesday the 24th uh at that meeting the commission asked me to ask if it was possible for the burrow to insert a budget line item however small it may be for next year's Earth Day to help them um uh procure a couple of items that would help uh them next year um there was also a question from the commission if the general public or the residents can make a donation uh to fund activities for the environmental commission like Earth Day for 2025 and I I I did fire off an email in the middle of the meeting to uh our our bur clerk um Monica Orlando she was away at our Clerk's conference so we'll we'll take the up at some point um about having further discussion about that uh in the future um one thing uh that I'd like to get uh is it possible to get a copy of the AR architect's report for the schwanman property um members of the I we reached out to him recently absolutely that I don't see why that report wouldn't be made public or made available to anyone who wants it uh we did reach out to him two weeks ago to inquire as to when he was was going to perform his study um he had communicated some dates with Ralph but I haven't I don't know if he actually performed it yet or not okay I I'll relay that to the to the commission and then as councilman Mano said the bat houses were a great success um they will be placed um uh along certain uh areas of the U of of the burrow most likely next to bodies of water so um don't know if anyone will be able to spot them but that's that's the plan anyway um our Board of Health uh meeting the next meeting will be June 25th uh Mary congrats and welcome to the uh to the uh Board of Health and we'll see you on the 25th and then our revitalization uh advisory committee uh our next meeting will be on the 14th which is the second Tuesday as we continue to make uh preparations for miltown day uh 2024 and then um last but not least our HRC committee will be meeting for the first time first Tuesday in May which is May 7th a week from tomorrow um that meeting will be person pizza will be available and some soft drinks and hopefully we'll have a a reorg and move that committee forward and uh that concludes my reports thank you sir um mine's brief I have a couple questions as well um this is this might be under fall under old business but I just want to see if the finance committee can provide an update for the South Main Street fire house property I don't know if it's been discussed sorry writing that down um yeah as uh as we had previously discussed we have to um reach out to our burough planner and find out with that and uh bring it up to the council and see what they want to do but uh I've actually been contacted by a few different individuals all asking about you know procuring the property and possibly putting in a business there so we're sitting on an asset and we should probably do something with it okay thank you uh I want to thank the Bor clerk for creating the 2024 folder in the agenda's me meeting minutes and resolutions under of our website um she got that taken care of while she was at her her U Municipal Clerk's conference so I appreciate that um is there a update for the title search for to Trestle Mr venola they are still working on it thank you as as indicated it's a little more complicated than thought yep okay um I have a letter from the uh National Car Association this is a um a National Association of letter carriers or basically your your mail carriers do a um food drive every year so the letter carriers in miltown will be participating in an NC Stamp Out Hunger food drive again this year on May 11th um and the citizen all you have to do is uh if you have bags or boxes of canned goods or or boxed uh goods and you just put it out by your door and the postal carriers will pick it up put it in your trucks and then they bring it to a central uh location so that is May 11th and I'll see if uh Mr einbinder could put that on the bur website on the uh channel 15 as well um that's that our lady of Lord school on 40 cev Atlanta Avenue will be hosting annual clothing drive and used sporting goods event that ends Tuesday night for pickup on items on Wednesday morning um items can be left at the entrance door of the school at 40 Cleveland Avenue and then I just had one more uh question councilman panski um if you had an update uh cuz there was conversations about uh psng so I didn't know if you had an update or if you can reach out to Mr jezowski for an update of the timing of when psng is looking to mil pave and strike Main Street I'll do that I don't have enough update but I'll get that from Ralph thank you thank you sir and that's the end of my comments uh reports from burrow professionals um bur engineer yeah thank you Mr Mayor just a quick update on the west f Avenue improvements um to date the sanitary sewer improvements have been completed and tested the water services have been completed the under drain work is complete the contract excuse me contractors installed kban sidewalk on the south side of the road and he's presently working on the curban sidewalk on the north side of the road once that uh work is complete he can start excavation of the pavement and putting in the new base pavement for the roadway that's all I have Mr Mayor thank you uh can I also comment salute thank you very much um as Council councilman Zan Brown and I got question from a few of the residents you know regarding the communication so the information that you provided to council has been shared and and also to thank you Monica and Mary for posting that also on the uh the website as well so the residents can see the twoe progress so um did you I mean how I mean have they been putting the information on the resident doors or that's the only way they're going to find out is from the website well there there's um notices that we put out to the doors when certain phases of the job start so once they get done with the curbman sidewalk and move to the road improvements another notice will go out and perfect tell the res least they can see the twoe progress on the uh on the website as well so perfect thank you Mr venol no report I was big report regarding the lack of any information on the uh pedal search but you be me to with a question thank you bur administrator I have nothing sir okay B clerk Monica I have a few things uh as always talking about election day May 14th is the deadline to register to vote you I have forms in my office May 28th is the deadline to apply for a mail and ballot those forms also available in my office early voting will be May 29th through June 2nd Tuesday June 4th is Primary Election Day 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. um as I said at the last meeting uh districts 1 and four have been moved here to the municipal building those affected should have gotten postcards in the mail by now I also sent out emails to all of my poll workers regarding training and if they needed it and had to sign up for the payment portal through the county because they are finally paying you directly um so if you were expecting an email and you didn't get it from me reach out to our office um as as far as the website for the updates um we our office has been working on making the page a little bit more uh user friendly so if you go to the government tab uh you can see burrow Council ordinances and resolutions for each year you can click through them also there's a tab that says burrow council meeting documents there you will find the agenda packet any approved minutes and we also added the link the YouTube link for the meetings uh to make it easier for you to access the 2024 folder that um the mayor was speaking about earlier was always there we had actually taken it down last week when we put all the 2024 stuff on the news side but we put it back up um at his request also on the website on the front page you'll see the West fo updates um that we get from the engineer it's an image you can click on it and make it bigger uh our goal is any updates like that you'll be able to find on the front page now we also put notices about the special meeting try and link to the agenda just so you're not searching through trying to fight the right tabs to where you're going it's right there front page and you click on it uh let's see what else uh Financial disclosure this applies to the volunteers and the council people tomorrow is the deadline if you have not filed it I I can't do anything to help you um the state is issuing fines they issued fines last year I've sent like three reminders out to everybody uh May the odds be ever in your favor um um our secretary Kathy Beardsley is retiring tomorrow I'm sorry um it's her last day we're all very sad uh I'm good we're hosting a retirement lunch in here in council chambers uh starting at 11:30 going through the end of the day I invite anybody any of our residents who know and love Kathy stop by please come say Hello Goodbye wish her luck her next venture maybe give me a hug you know we're all going to need one um but there'll be food here it'll be a very relaxed environment here just please come and say goodbye and wish her well uh and along the same lines of Kathy retiring uh we have not yet posted her position so as far as the clerk's office starting May 1st things like uh coming in to have items notorized coming in to obtain certified copies you're going to have to call us ahead of time and schedule an appointment it's just going to be Mary and I we're balancing a lot in there um we will do our best to work with your schedule but we're going to need a couple of weeks to find our our footing and and get used to just being the Two of Us in that office uh and that concludes my report oh man does any member of council have any old business to bring before the council yes I do I I have a question and could be seemed rhetorical but I don't want an answer to I'm finished can anyone tell me what is happening with the situation with St Paul's Church we know they have had for-profit use of the church Hall with uh multiple police response that had and and uh neighbors that live in surrounding homes have painfully come forward to ask for help multiple times the consist president has pleaded the case for understanding he also has told councel that there would be no more events there have been events nonetheless no one's coming after freedom of religion I am not if someone would say that I am I suggest they read first and 14th Amendment because I have what people see is that their neighbors have asked for help numerous times on issues that could affect them and no one seems to care I'm speaking out now because I do speak for those that do not believe they have a voice whether they are are our residents or our Laural loyal burough employees where there is mistreatment Justice is delayed is Justice denied if the matter is being discussed council is not informed this would not be this would be a lack of transparency to those that actually are tasked with the decision making uh for the record my understanding is that it is still pending in the Municipal Court can you talk into the microphone please it is my understanding that it is still pending in the municipal court I believe that a municipal summons is issued and it is being uh handled by our zoning officer sir thank you anything else um new business to read old old business I have new business no does any member of council have any new business to bring before Council yeah I I have a few things Mr Mayor um first one is uh Council presidency thank you very much for bringing up uh the pscg um be very curious to see when that's going to happen because from a public safety perspective the of course all the crosswalks on Main Street you they're they're affected because there half of them you can't see so I would encourage um pscg to get out there and do it sooner rather than later um second uh this was actually brought up last year and I actually uh was there and actually consulted with Chief Johnson so um the stop between and on clay and Oaks um it's now a two-way stop I would highly recommend that the council considers putting an ordinance in place I guess I was speaking with Monica we're going to look into what needs to be done to make that an always stop um it's for the safety I was actually there and there's no sidewalks on oats and cars are just flying on Clay I talked to Chief Johnson and he said it'll just slow slow the cars down on Clay so from a public safety perspective I I believe we should as a council look into um doing an all way stop um and then that is all oh yeah that's all I that's all I have for new business thank you can I just I'm sorry I I reached out to Ralph real quick uh June 24th is the target day for psng they're waiting until school's out that's why so June 24th is the target date as date that's Target I I would hesitate because July 4th we use something happening on July 4th yeah I think there's a little something going on that in Midtown so we need that road for July 4th so okay yeah I would hesitate all right I'll let him know maybe to wait to wait after July 4th if something's going on that day and as I do have one other thing be Monica regarding uh 2024 149 um I know we passed that that's um is there any way to inform the residence that that road will be closed for I can post it on the front website and we could throw a nixel out there that would be awesome thank you so much just so they're notified and that's all I have Mr yes Mr Mayor I'm Mike do you have anything for public service cuz they told us in uh at the meeting here they were going to PVE Main Street in April and I'm getting a lot of complaints from people about South Main Street is there uh C Collins most of that coordination has been handled by your public works department dep okay yeah it's very disappointing now because what Dave saying is uh or Monica was saying is June 24th and what happens if we have rain around tomorrow I'm not sure why the delay is yeah I mean it's like like Dave said we're having the Fourth of July parade on the 4th that's 10 days I mean and they say it's probably going to take two weeks to do my understanding they were able to do it one shot Main Street would be done two days Mill two days pave and one day to strike 5 days so it's a week but that pending one shot that's also pending any delays with weather mhm yeah so yeah we were trying to avoid the chaos of what happened last year with multiple road closings at one time with with PSG running around so figured that at least after the school got out would be better South Main Street's so bumpy I'm not sure we could you could run the parade through there the people will be falling off the floats let's hope not let's hope not only their off-road cross country shoes do you have any new business I wait thank you councilman pansy um two new items um the first is I uh I failed to me mention this during our my report on finance it was kind of a quasi finance and utilities meeting but we started looking into the utility rates both water sewer and electric uh we're going to hold off a little bit while we get our new CFO up to speed but um essentially the way that our rate structure is now is based all on consumption and I'd like to compare it to uh being a salary employee versus being a commission employee commission employees the more you sell the more you earn right well in miltown the more you utilities that everyone uses whether it's electric or water the more Revenue we get unfortunately when you have a wet summer or you've got a warm winter that tends to hurt us financially and we always try to play catchup that in conjunction with uh our our vendors whether it's psng or um or the city of New Brunswick changing their rates and us trying to react so the thought was to be proactive I met with councilman Collins and councilman Potter and discussed this and and we're thinking about doing it where the rates cover our cost as a base rate and then decreasing the consumption value such that if you use more water terrific good for you but we're not making a whole bunch of money on that we want to make the money on the base pricing um and become more of a a salary employee than a commission employee if that makes sense everyone um nothing new on that update yet we have a lot of numbers to Crunch and things to look at um but we are hoping to have something moving forward uh the last thing Mr venola I asked uh you about this and I know uh our mayor has indicated some interest as well and believe it or not this came from a few other council members um what steps does the burrow need to take and what are the changes in our government that would occur should we choose to go nonpartisan as a as an entity off the top of my head I do not have an answer but I can look into that for you i' appreciate certainly it's not exactly something that happens regularly that is of course if the rest of council is interested in pursuing that making the burrow nonpartisan first I've heard of it do we have to put that on the ballot Peter uh I am not sure of the mechanism for changing it so I changing government is not something that is typically a question you get for as a municipal attorney and so I'll have to look into that for you so I would get a hold of Mike Canon and Red Bank they just did that last year okay great thank you and I know I know Spotswood is also nonpartisan right that was a number of years ago I'd like to thank Jane for coming tonight and speaking tonight I saw her at the senior center last week she came running up me uh councilman can you just microphone I'm sorry thank you I I thank Jean for coming tonight and and bringing her her friends um I saw her at the senior center last week and she came running up to me I thought she was coming up to give me a hug but she was coming up to ask me about the uh senior swim which I had already been working on so I i' I'd like to read what I what I wrote and and I'm very appreciative that you you guys came tonight um I wrote up a resolution to allow miltown seniors over the age of 65 to swim for free it was not allowed to be on the agenda for tonight I was on the impression that that as council person I would be allowed to put up a resolution but I'd like to say that approximately 66% of our taxes go to the board of education for the schools of of for for schools of miltown students and the state gives millions of taxpayer dollars to the Board of Education the fields for sports are maintained for the children the lights are used for the fields new dirt was brought in for the fields again this is taxpayer dollars I'm as supportive for the children in town as I am for the seniors I've raised my son here I was very involved in baseball and wreck basketball for many years most of these seniors have not had a child in the school system for 30 to 40 years or more they ask for very little and are mostly forgotten as we have no senior housing in town many of them can no longer afford to stay in their homes free swimming is the least they deserve for as much as they give that's it I got a I got a question here under Council rules I got this section four it says uh it contrast with New Jersey there there's a revised status of title 48 mpal and municipalities and County Section 48 call 9-33 is there a way where you could look at this Peter CU I can look at whatever you'd like me to but you just read a bunch of numbers and I will admit I'll give you a cop exactly what you were referring to I made an extra copy don't worry about it sounds good I will happily take a look at whatever you'd like me do thank you actually Mr Mayor I'm sorry I have one one other thing I know in one of our resolutions the two police cars in um by the DPW have been donated to the rescue squad but I understand we still have the fire chiefs truck there do we have an idea of what we're going to be doing with that or if not can we at least move it because Memorial Day one of the ones that's listed on the resolution of stuff to go to auction okay I have to look at the list cuz there was another email about some other stuff but then the chief said some of that stuff they still needed so I have to sort through I I spoke to the chief the other day he's actually willing to go over and assist with getting those items posted up there he's no but done it stuff that you had emailed about that he said that's right the two trailers that were tan and color that are former military he said those are no longer needed but there's other vehicles over generator that's on to stick around correct right generator was was a let's get going on it yeah so we just got a I got to sit down make sure that we're all on the same page with exactly what's going and then at a minimum if we can least move the that truck because Memorial Day the fire department's going to have their service at the uh at the firehouse so if we can clear it a lot it would it would help so we have till the end of the month to move it thanks okay the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comment until the speaker has finished it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session please state your name and address for the record when you come to the podium um Judy scalla 56 South Main Street Street miltown New Jersey hello mayor councilman Clerk and attorney this is not ever easy for me to come here I'm a nervous wreck but there is still a problem with St Paul's and the rental of the hall which shocked me on April 13 that there was such a huge event a wedding I would say about 20 to 125 people but why I'm shocked is because on the 11th the president of the consist came to my home and I welcomed him in and we must have talked for a half an hour in my kitchen and he wanted to see if I was thinking about coming back to church and then I if I felt uncomfortable I could even sit with his family and I told him at this time I just cannot walk into a church where somebody was so rude to me in December then goes the pastor goes on social media and talks so poorly of our Police Department so poorly of the Neighbors which I am one of the neighbors saying that we hate the church we say lies about the church that the police are harassing I said to the president of the consist there is a serious problem with those statements and he said that he has spoken to him he told him to take that down immediately and that he's not to go on social media and that he's working with him and guiding him then the conversation switched to that he hopes I realize that all the rentals were cancelled and he went over the list with me the AA Scouts um the autism or organization once in a while for the children and a repass and um thir Church coffee hour and I says yes that is correct because I had spoke to the zoning board and that's what he said and he said to me is there something you think we could work on to fix this and I said I don't think so because this is zoned residential it's it's against the law to be you're you're going and violating an area where you're not supposed to so after this huge talk and I kind of felt good that he came to the house but now I don't even know what this whole discussion was about because then on the 13th they rented the hall to this huge wedding so I don't know anymore where to go for help so once again I'm back to you all to see if you can help me but I I just don't Fe think it's fair to the residents the neighbors cuz I've lived here 49 years and I think I've been a good good resident of miltown I never have to be honest ever watched a council meeting in my life before never thought I'd be coming to one so I thank you all kindly for listening to me and I hope you can help me with this I really do cuz it seems to be they know maybe they have to have it in in what they could have and I even asked about fundraising and they said fundraising could take place in the church in the church itself and he went down the list of everything again what is only allowed in the hall so I'm going to say good night and I I really hope somebody can help me because I'm very tired of this okay then good night you thank you thank you just as indicated previously in in response to councilman pansy's comments uh the matter is pending at the Municipal Court this is embarrassing councilman pinski I would ask if you could just refrain from commenting on the situation because it is pending it's embarrassing okay so come on now good evening Alan godber for place um environmental commission and Lawrence wship partnership and I here this evening to announced that we're longb Ward partnership is going to do the first cleanup of the year and that's going to be two weeks on Saturday the May the 18th in the morning from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon and primarily it's going to be in East Brunswick so we will start at Bicentennial Park and we're going to be cleaning up down towards the lake we' I've been around and inspected some of those areas and there is tremendous amount of pollution in certain areas you wouldn't believe that human beings could create such awful mess that's down there right next to the lake and then there that Island Brook on the border between East bronswick South bronck it looks like somebody just went went out then through trash about all over the place just Dreadful so if you'd like to come and help us we need some volunteers I leave some of these flyers um outside this two weeks on Saturday the 18th from uh 9:00 a.m. until noon and we start at 8:30 we'll do signups at 8:30 please come join us I'm sorry where is the start location at the Bison Park bis on the rer okay thank you thank you thank you Richard Ryan 60 South Main Street just let the record reflect I'm not here with a cell phone and an iPad they just dragged me kicking into the last century notes Mr mayor council members professionals ladies and gentlemen um my neighbor Judy is tired um it's wearing all of us out I don't have the strength for this if I did maybe I would still be in politics but I'll tell you this I'll not stop coming until this mayor and counsel deals with this situation all right so I'm going to recap for you it's been established that the point and facility in question is the school that is under the ownership group of St Paul's it's been established that it's a pre-existing nonconforming use Condition it's a conditional use use requires a variance from the zoning planning board the school I suppose falls under public private institutions of educations not operated for profit I further believe that St Paul's has no choice but to completely cease and desist all activity in that in school effective immediately all of it um if you need me to be more specific I certainly will I think the next step which we're still here debating for four months now is that St Paul's has to file an application with the zoning planning board to obtain a variance if they choose not to which seems to be the case right then I think their only other recourse is to apply to the planning board to ask for an interpretation of the current zoning law as it pertains to that zone um if they do that I still stand Where I Stood months ago that in my humble opinion this mayor and councel can't arbitrarily um come to their own conclusion and rule on this thing unless certain certain steps are taken right if the planning board were to determine that we took a good look at this and we think the language should or could be changed I think then that comes to Mayor and counsel for mayor and council's decision on saying I don't know if any of that's going to happen if it doesn't I still say at this point cease and assist they have continued to prove they do not care about us and several other residents who by their own choosing which is fine don't come out here but check the police records we're not the only two people calling and complaining about what's going on over there so um I've questioned in the past if there have been steps taken behind the scenes to try and resolve some of these things I don't think there was a unilateral decision that was made um I appreciate those steps um but anybody who thinks that they are going to successfully negotiate with the pastor and the president of that consist is I'm sorry a little bit out of touch because what have they done over and over and over violate the law all right so here's the part that's a little bit difficult for me there is some thought that this could have been dealt with immediately after the first time I came and brought it up to council what's immediate I understand the wheel of government it's a slow moving wheel I also understand that it was not until two weeks later the next council meeting where they had an opportunity to Come Share their perspective on what was happening so I didn't expect anything to happen immediately but we would not be here four months down the road if somebody would have stood up and said to the consist and the pastor this is is unacceptable in any in any possible thought process it's unacceptable that you would continue to do this stuff I said it before I'm going to say it again tonight essentially council's complicit because they have sat here and listened to me saying why should we be burdened with the fact that their Church can't raise enough money to support itself so that we're impacted by decisions they make and then they come here and talk about how it's late you know you can't cancel events there's Caterers there's invitations I don't care about any of that anymore I really don't they're breaking the law all every single time anything happens in that school I don't care if it's social hour after Sunday mass really don't their social hall is what they call it you know what it is it's a school it's not a social hall I don't see how Boy Scouts are there I don't see how AA and na are there I don't see how there's a day Care Facility there I mean what do I have to do how far do I have to go to get the people that are elected to do these things for what's best for the whole Community right to do it so you know they can refer to that as they're social all they want it doesn't change the fact there's a number of things that are going on and there's always questions about well what is it is it noise is it people what is it uh the president of the consist when he was here made reference to the fact that well if it was 10 if it was 1 minute after 10 or 2 minutes after 10 what are we going to do you know that people are calling the police and then he said or if they're calling at 8:30 to tell them that they're going to call at 10:00 I've done nothing but come here and share facts and I'm going to continue to do that I have called at 8:30 I have called at 2:00 in the afternoon I will continue to call because I'm calling to make the record reflect that every time there's an event there they're breaking the law right now when it becomes late if it's running after 10:00 or even at 8:00 if the noise level is too high there other phone calls coming in I reporting the facts they want to sidestep all that I wasn't going to go here but I'm going to now because councilman P nansy has uh made some comments and I appreciate that and I respect his point of view as I respect everybody's point of view I also have said time and time again that I respect the fact that the burrow attorney is telling you guys that you shouldn't have public discussion about this because it's litigation I take a different stance after what they did again last Saturday I take a different stance I say it's high time you talk about it and if you guys decide collectively that you need to communicate better with one another I understand that but I think the discussion should be public right because just because violations have been written two of them four months two violations one was set aside essentially saying well if you know you got probation right if you behave and you don't continue to do this that violation will go away they did exactly what theyve wanted to do all along now they got two violations four months I've been coming gang four months two violations you're complicit you really are I'm sorry to have to say that you know there's language and um there's plenty of language and Zoning law about um strict adherence about things that uh may be detrimental to the community right or the Neighbors in that zone where that stuff happens that's real language that means something it means something certainly at times on a far larger scale than this but it's been demonstrated over and over again that's my only recourse to go there I know I'm wearing you guys out but um I will also say that I think that when we Endeavor to run from public office and are fortunate enough to be elected we put our hand on a Bible and we take an oath so I don't necessarily care how you're being advised any longer right I think we're here in that position to stand up and speak and answer questions and do the right thing I don't believe that there's litigation against this mayor and councel with regard to those violations right that's before a judge and a prosecutor whenever that date comes and I want to make a point that when that date comes I certainly would expect somebody to share that date with me because when they got the first violation it was coincidentally scheduled on Virtual only day so I came down here to speak to the prosecutor knowing that that would be kind of off the Record that I wouldn't really participate in the court hearing right but there was nobody here and I sure would like to see those two violations coming a day when everybody's got to show up and I'll be back here to talk to the prosecutor hopefully this time I'll get her I want to touch on a few future coming is issues with regard to the same scenario over here right I started to touch on it sidetracked myself but it's not just noise it's pedestrian traffic it's vehicle traffic it's noise it's late hours some of these events have been hundreds of people okay and it's our backyard you know what my neighbor sees when she sits in her family room and looks at the back window wall of her home a garbage dumpster whether this particular truck is running or not registered or not I don't care when the pastor moved in he parked a pickup truck there and it's been there ever since never moved that's the view from my neighbor's living room and from my backyard I want that dumpster mooved back where it was in their parking lot that's what I want and I expect that a zoning official has the authority to go over and demand that of them I want that truck G and I'll go one step further I'm sorry I have to do it but you can get rid of that boy scout trailer too if necessary get rid of it I don't want it in my backyard nobody asked me permission only you'll take your chance you'll take your time up you'll have your sense to say I'll attack you if it's necessary this is not unlike what I have to deal with with the pastor okay and I'm not wasting everybody's time you can go home my times is equally important as anybody else I want that dumpster moved that dumpster typically gets picked up first thing Monday morning sometimes it's a daylight sometimes it's later in a day the truck to come against the dumpster barely fits in the fire lane not a driveway that circles behind that school sometimes based on who the driver is it's any number of Maneuvers to fit through between the overhang over their side entrance and the fence on my property line so where am I going when they hit the fence am I coming here social media the comments that were made on social media on the miltown for all site late on a Saturday night after the police came by to check and make sure everybody was okay because there was alarm going off on the vehicle um we're Troublesome at best I understand these sites I understand people who interact on them I understand that particular site does an awful lot of good for the community I see plenty of positive things that take place on that page I also am aware that some people like to go there and comment just to stir trouble there's something else that the public should be aware of the police showed up at the pastor's residence to ensure that everybody was okay when the car alarm was going off through many cycles late in the evening it was after 11: it might have been G on after 12 and he went and spewed Venom okay Russ you listening he spewed Venom let me tell you something it was the fifth time he did it before he got caught I have video evidence of it once he sat out there with his little fire in the base of the driveway with the key fob for his van that was parked right behind him setting it off cycle after cycle till all hours of the morning it might have been one or two in the morning it was still happening okay once all the Neighbors on Main Street were on their front porches asking what's going on here as he was having a fight with his wife because he was sitting on his front porch doing the same thing and she was trying to get the key from all right but the miltown police are awful the only reason we have any sanity with regard to this issue is because the police department has stood up every time to try and help us and we have had some support from a couple of council members we've certainly had some support from the burough attorney but I'm not convinced this thing doesn't go away until somebody says you're finished out of business see you in two weeks Thank you Rich and Judy Thank you Rich Peter I can't say anything here can I councilman pansy as indicated previously this matter is currently pending in Municipal Court I would you not under penalty of what what's my what's my penalty if I speak this is a shame this is sh liability potentially the bur couny that is that is what the potential is okay can can I ask a question pet can I ask a question for you Peter you can ask me a question Council if if they can't answer it don't answer it certainly will not okay isn't it possible that being that this is tied up in court Mr Ryan there can pursue a summons on his own Mr Ryan has private rights as a citizen that he can pursue and he can pursue a summons on do to our inability but well I what what his rights are for him to figure out this is this is not a place for private residents to come and get Council regarding their rights so thank you hello everybody hello Janette larrison 441 Spar Avenue Beachwood I know you're all probably really surprised to see me tonight I just happen to be in town having dinner with friends and I thought why not stop in and see what I've been missing um you know something came to mind to me that I when I was here uh for the for five years and comments that I would make and I find myself in the same position so I swore that I would come out and address it so I in the 5 years I saw a handful of people employees come and go for very ious reasons and I would jokingly say and when I watch them move on to other uh career choices most of them moved on to greener pastures got better jobs more money closer to home whatever it was and I used to jokingly say to my faithful assistant gez I never got to thank you not a fruit basket not an Edible Arrangement not flowers for helping them move on when they maybe otherwise would not have and so that is the rationale that brings me here tonight because I find myself in that same Paradox so I just wanted to say thank you to those of you who were instrumental um in my termination no hard feelings um but I have been able to move on to greener pastures and further my career path and I don't think I would have done that had that not happened I probably would be sitting in that chair right there and in it with all of you so I want to thank you all for the opportunity you afforded me here and for the opportunity that led me to my uh current position have a good night [Applause] Dar Murray 35 JFK uh good evening SE councilman most of you know me uh very well uh what you mostly haven't seen me is that I usually have two accompanying parties with me my dogs and as most of your council members know me and I know your dogs as well too and I've come here to talk in behalf kind of of them but also of the greater good of miltown um May Mary you've got this great plan you ran on about revitalizing the area out here fridge uh have and all that and I've spoken to some of you guys off the Record but I want to speak on the record just to kind of have an idea of how things go at the speed of government and I get on the record that i' like to propose is part of your plan your rization of this area to have a dog park in here in the old the side of the old Public Works I feel it's a good place environmentally uh noise wise accessibly it brings people together BR other uh it just becomes a part of the recreational Society out here so I was kind of wondering to know how to get it on the kind of the agenda is there a committee do we need surveys the more I talk about it the more people seem to like that idea of having a dog park in mtown so we can call our own something we can socialize in those type of areas as well too now all of you I know love your dogs as much as I do and probably think to feel the same way about that so I was kind of curious to say I know a lot of things have to be have to be put in motion and have to be done but how can how can we have this this put uh into play to say okay we we we can maybe put it in with the rest of our plan as well too as per the time just to have it on record um how could that be done or just to say Hey you know I know the speed of government it kind of fast slow hurry up and wait I I I get these things but at least put it maybe in the agenda uh for that greater plan you have I I can tell you sir I've been pushing for that since 2002 I like you ready all and like poor Mr Ryan we can't get anything done in a hurry you know I get that so I mean I know it's a it's perfect the cor plan out here it's it's Township property uh it won't be a noise ordinance I talked to the environmental commission uh I've talked to on the planning board I've talked to onization I talked everybody seems to be a good idea how can we get it into this rization plan and gu he have the agenda can there be a committee about it and if so how can I get on it and kind of get Works done upon that and put on the record that yeah we'd like to do this and we'll put it in the agenda with the rest of it so that's kind of what I'm asking about and taking it from there not to rush you guys I mean I appreciate all your time and effort and all this and your patience listening to me but I want to put it on record to say we need to do it let's get it done let's have a Bark Place for miltown thanks um say is there is there just a process I just like is there a I just want to know is can this or how would this be done or can someone tell me like yeah we we'll mark it down we'll put it on on our agenda upon that or if any has any questions or want to shoot me down while I'm you know standing up here I I I just wrote it down uh I wrote down committee DPW Park um because I think it is good to get more uh community members involved in you know the the thought process and and stirring ideas around of what could happen over there I know we we've started moving forward already looking for the title for the train tracks that cross over over there and in conjunction with some other things now we've got we've got some work going on at Albert Avenue Park but that that's planned for the near future some other things over at Burl Park they need to get done you know only so much money that goes around each year so right now do what we can but I like the idea of having that committee uh to for everyone to join in and say hey here's what I'd like to see over there and and what could benefit the town so okay I appreciate you bringing it up yes um and would it be formed why we be formed or can I get at least uh someone to put my name on want to list in a phone number to say hey Darren we're starting up the band let's let's do it I don't typically tell F list but I know where you live so Darren I think you I think I think you just did I think you just did it's all in the records so it's all in the minutes so your information's in there oh phone number and all that too just like I said just I have all that in my I'm the keeper of all the things my family that's why so but I just figured put it formally and let's do it and sign me up and me in there and let's bookie so Dar we did have the conversation multiple times which you know you know we we uh commenting on um the size you know we'd have to look at all that obviously but I'd like to be part of that if possible yeah we did discuss it um when you had that conversation with me um I did mention to council president rinsky so uh it didn't fall on De ears it was just you know we're still the RO guys are still trying to get it cleaned up we're trying to um get everything taken care of you know as quickly as possible so is there somehow I can be a party to the next official part update or whatever if it is considering or I I think I think we need to get our our ducks in a row eggs in a basket and dogs the and dogs in a park um so that we can uh formalize a committee and invite folks of the of the town if that's what the okay the Council feels is appropriate for looking into that point and sign me up with it when that happens please please please I thank you for your time and thank you for your Pa thank you Darren uh Council comments excuse me on Sid by I have a quick question for the clerk I see now that they've announced St Paul's a bingo night oh here we go coming in May I'm curious are you aware of any uh application for permit for that particular event I have received applications you have yes yes okay I sure hope that Bingo is happening in the church basement people are there any Council comments we need to close the public portion sorry uh we got to close the public portion of the uh meeting yes does any member of council have anything they would like to bring up at this time yeah yes I I I missed this I'm sorry on resolution uh jeez it 24 1535 and let's see it's like I think it's page three under C licenses it says fee of $12 and in parentheses it says 15 we got to make a correction on so hold on what are are we looking at the ordinance yeah looking at the ordinance I'm sorry I should have P I pulled that before that's a multicat discount multicat is that page three yeah it say it's will be 12 I think is that right oh that is a sorry typo yeah I'm sorry I should have picked that up before that is a typo I will I will be sure to fix that thank you for catching that the cat didn't get out of the bag I be perfect all the time um and just to be quick uh so the Board of Education uh there uh their meeting regarding their budget is going to be next Monday uh and then there's also a meeting the following week which I believe is a standard agenda meeting and um we talked a lot about the Board of Ed in general even I have before I got here certainly a lot of money that moves around um and realistically so the timing of it doesn't work out for councilman always get to those meetings um but if you can anyone can they're open certainly worth taking a look and um I've been I've been talking a little bit with the with people in the Board of Ed um just in general I think I think that there's not that many people at their meetings and I think having some extra people there are people coming in and expressing an interest and Beyond expressing an interest or critique of them just the idea that hey we are interested maybe there's something that we can off for them uh they might appreciate it I uh I get the feeling it is a big undertaking they run a lot of things and uh a little support in town people at the meetings um even here we not hear exactly you know we don't we don't get parades we don't always hear the things we want to hear but it's nice when people come and uh so I think we keep that in mind if you can get to a board of bed meeting would be very important uh a couple quick things I for to mention about Earth Day uh was that Home Depot donated and pre-cut all the bat houses and just gave it to us in kits for us for us to put them together which uh made things a lot easier and um we were supposed to have someone who was uh basically a bad expert coming out of an exterminator company that was going to do uh some details and a little information about how good bats are for an environment how they can eat a couple thousand uh bugs in a night uh and that guy couldn't make it uh and he was also going to be a a distraction while I may be a assembled some houses or taught kids how to do it and U Melissa elmire from uh uh untraditional Revival stepped up and did that which uh which was clutch and uh just a consistent volunteer and uh and thank you Darren also for helping me move a lot of kayaks putting people in and out of the water I see I see people but really it was boats not many people we did put a lot of boats in the water and all the people that went in the water did come out so that's true success and uh but you know it uh it it takes the town to run a great event a lot of great people involved in that day whether they're there on the Forefront or behind it or they just show up and I mean I turned around and uh I think one of the guys like who might be behind the camera was suddenly uh holding my screw gun and assembling bat houses so other kids could put them together and you know when I say like you know it takes a town to raise you know whatever you want to whatever that phrase is takes a village to raise a uh I think uh this is a great event for a lot of reason so thank you everyone Mr Mayor I'd like to also uh congratulate our well-deserved proclamations Grandpa George G our burough Clerk and Deputy Clerk and our police safety telecommunicators uh Kathy Beardsley we wish you all the best on your day tomorrow we will miss you and thank you for your years of dedicated service to the burrow and also to Happy Mother's Day because we understand uh before our next meeting Mother's Day will happen within so happy Mother's Day to all the moms yes Mr Mayor just had one uh final thing I'd like to send thoughts and prayers out to the jsky family uh C jsky passed away this past Friday uh I had the Good Fortune of getting to know him um when my father-in-law attended uh the seniors um and then I continued getting to know Cass little by little um he was a uh committee man a democratic committee man in town and um just a great guy he was all about service he was all about his family um any uh any contributions that may be made uh can be sent to either the rescue squad or Elijah's promise just shows you um what Cass was all about and I'll miss him dearly thank you well set well set yes Mr Mayor I'd also like to thank Kathy beerley for all her service the town and she did an outstanding job in her all the nights she spent at the Board of Health uh there late and I'd also like to thank George G and we missed something in his uh excuse me no we missed something in his background that he is also a not only a Korean veteran but he's also a Vietnam veteran and he's an outstanding individual and he's been an inspiration for me and I'd just like to say thanks George congratulations I'd like to say two things uh first I'd like to apologize for our last meeting that devolved into disharmony we un counil are six out of approximately 7,000 residents much is expected of us and we must do better we've been elected to lead by example to make our town as good as we can make it we must hold ourselves accountable we've earned the trust of our Town's people and hopefully the respect as well we're held to a higher standard we need to live up to that and behave accordingly there's no one coming to save us it's up to us up here on the de to give the people value and services for their taxpayer dollars each of us has put our reputations on the line gone door too for months working very hard behind the scenes which people don't see because you only see us on on these Monday nights and it's for for you all of miltown we have you our neighbors best interest at heart the beginnings of new governments often have Growing Pains they usually normalize and we shall also after the last meeting we had very productive talks we all agree on our obligations to our town as for the politics of Washington and Trenton that's upsetting to many people we do not abide by polit politization here we will work together for the betterment of our town that is a promise to you we live here as do our families lastly please be respectful to those of us sitting before you in your tone and your demeanor towards us please do your part in your families in your community as I said no one's coming to save us please volunteer to do your part I'll do mine together we can make miltown greater than it is and as great as it can be and from the day that would be us Council mayor comments are not for negative um comments towards towards anyone else I I also have something else to to bring up which is on a positive note it's um I would like to to make a proclamation for uh for our next meeting it's for night of honors I recommend that we honor um her name is Melissa lazark she's a nurse that saved uh the life of uh her name was France Zs at the muscle Mill gym on Main Street and I know both of those people and she absolutely saved her life her her heart had stopped and uh also thank you to uh the miltown police department and the rescue squad for for doing their part and I also recommend uh we honor U miltown fire department and the rescue squad for their response to and bravery at the eight alarm fire in North Brunswick in the warehouse that was destroyed they were there if anyone knows they were there from 4 in the afternoon approximately till about 7:00 the next morning and I also uh recommend that we honor officers mccab and Espinosa of the miltown police Police Department for saving the precious life of the young child um uh few weeks ago and lastly I would like to honor our beloved kathle Beardsley who gave us almost 20 years of dedicated loyal service in the miltown burough clerk's office Cathy has been a comforting presence and will be very messed and that's that's it for me oh I just like to say Gary I was working on that same thing from Melissa were you yes it was I just talked to Michelle today about it so yeah once you guys gave me all the background information I can make uh write up those proclamations and put them on thank you thanks okay I had a quick one um when you guys were in executive session uh tonight I uh returned a call from uh somebody from Robert Wood Johnson University hospital that was interested in having uh it's a a grant pilot grant program for the county uh that they teach um second graders it's up to um $118,000 they teach second graders had a swim um it's it's just a grant um we don't have to pay anything for it all we do is submit the time uh that the lifeguards uh spend uh I just wanted to see if Council would uh approve me submitting for the grant I would actually have to talk to uh the director to see what the swimming lessons costs were so they could be included in the potential for the grant um I just wanted to see if that would be something that you guys would be okay with you know the deadline on the grant I'm sorry the deadline for the grant it's tomorrow she contacted me and she sent it to my email but she sent it to um miltown dorg so I never received it she said that last week uh I'll forward it I just didn't want to do it there in the meeting to be disrespectful I I have uh I personally have no problem with it I mean I'm it always makes me nervous when we do things last minute if there's any underlying costs or things of that nature uh also disturbing our Recreation director at 9:16 on Monday night might not go over well correct but uh if you get a hold of her tomorrow morning and and they can throw some numbers together i' I'd gladly take some money and hey maybe that goes towards helping us offer some uh reduced rates even further for the pool well it's not it's for the swim lessons for second going to be specific but I will forward it to everyone on Council and uh and the clerk tonight and then uh tomorrow morning when I get with the recreation director then I'll provide the updates with that send the updates that you guys are going to need to take some kind of action tonight yes you're essentially going to be the motion in a second to move forward with that Grant I'll make a motion we move forward with that Grant second motion made by councilman Colin second by council president rsk all in favor I I any oppose okay thank you um I don't have anything else for that uh agenda session next on the agenda we have items for discussion for the May 13th 20124 meeting it's Youth and government uh we will have ordinance public hearing second reading 2024 1535 ordinance to amend chapter 22 section 11 entitled right of access chapter 22 section 22 testing matters um testing meters fire of meters chapter 25 section 7 entitled meter testing chapter 25 section 7 entitled meter testing chapter 22 section two entitled fees Municipal Services chapter 5 Section 1.7 entitled dog license fees chapter 5 Section 5-2 3 entitled cat license fees chapter 4 section 40.7 entitled fees chapter 6 section 6.34 entitled classes and maximum number of licenses license fees in Chapter 15 Section two entitled administrative fees for all subcodes of the revised General ordinance of buau of miltown any questions or comments thank you at this time I will interc motion to adjourn Mo tojn so quick to get out of here motion by councilman Colin second by councilman trying to get any oppos isn't there any discussion everyone get out typically