EXA oh wait now every minutes expl good evening the February 26th meeting of the miltown B Council will now come to order will the clerk please read the open public meeting statement adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 public 1975 specifying the time date location and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice on the Municipal Building Municipal website providing a copy to the official newspaper of the burrow and by filing a copy in the office of the burrow clerk in accordance with a certification by the clerk which will be entered into the minutes will the clerk please call the role council president revolinski here councilman Collins here councilman moo here councilman pansy here councilman Potter here councilman Zam Brana here mayor Murray here bur Attorney Peter Veno president B engineer Mike mcleland president burrow administrator Fred Carr here Deputy B clerk Mary gy pres and burrow clerk Monica Orlando present please join me in a moment of silence following by the sedute of the [Music] flag FL the United States ofer stand na all right so we're going to do um announcements in miltown Little League presentation [Music] or uh um I don't need that Mr Mayor and council members thank you for allowing myself and the miltown Little League board of directors the time to share our presentation with you all uh my name is Bobby samel I'm the president of miltown little league the uh miltown Little League board of directors and I wish to continue to build off many improvements that you allowed us to make last year to both the Little League facility and Gloria Bradford Park uh through our fundraising efforts we were able to purchase additional equipment and supplies specifically designed to work on and maintain the baseball Fields the softball fields and the grounds around the fields uh this greatly improved the experience for the children and parents of our town not only during Little League season but also during the Fourth of July celebration the uh Winter Wonderland event and miltown day uh with that said uh the storage capabilities of our equipment is limited um if you refer to the diagram that's has been given uh we have three batting cages behind the existing blue shed um with your approval we would like to eliminate the first batting cage closest to the firehouse and Slide the large Blue shed uh back straight back and it would sit where that batting cage is now uh through our fundraising efforts and again with your approval we would like to purchase another shed to put in place of the blue shed where it currently sits today this shed will be nowhere and in better condition than the blue shed which is why we want to touch push the blue shed back out of sight uh the new shed will be used to neatly store the additional equipment we have required and it will also be used to store the materials that are left outside in the elements between the blue shed and the pole barn this will allow the burrow to take over that space and to use it for whatever you guys see fit um so essentially we will be occupying space that we have already designated for us we are simply just changing the layout uh the goal is to safely store our equipment while providing a neat clean look to that area of the park um another goal of the board of directors is to provide much needed new fencing around the dugouts on the major field and also field two uh upon your approval and at no additional expense to the burough we will provide vendor information and a license number again this request is only for new fencing for the two dugouts and will be purchased through our fundraising efforts uh we hope to raise those funds uh for the much needed fence dugouts improvements this year uh and the last goal of the Midtown little leag board of directors is to install Wi-Fi at the little leag complex again at no cost to the burrow this tool allow us to have internet during our board meetings live stream uh live stream games for friends and family that uh cannot be present and assist in our daily operations with the cad Str stir and The Snack Shack so to conclude uh the requests CH the requested changes are eliminating the bat and cage closest to the Woods Slide the blue shed towards the woods purchased new shed install new fencing around the dugouts on major field and field two and uh install Wi-Fi uh thank you all again for your time and careful consideration please feel free to ask any follow questions or send them to me at another time but I could field any questions you guys may have now okay oh I have two just two quick questions so you said that the the shed that you're going to purchase is going to um contain additional equ equipment uh equipment that we already have you already have yeah what kind of equipment is that um the uh the V uh the quad and the golf cart that we have to uh maintain the fields drag the fields move equipment bags of you don't have any pitching machines right uh we have a pitching machine but that's that's kind of tiny that doesn't take up too much space it's more about the liner that we have we get pallets of liner and uh conditioner and uh Speedy dry okay thank you well stuff like that I have a question how big is the shed the new shed that you're looking to get uh the one we're looking to get is uh 14 by 25 14 25 thank you yeah the current we one we have I believe is 32 by 12 Bobby quick question you have you run any of this by Ralph J KY yet or just K this is your first step coming here get the approval and then going to talk to Ralph uh we we we've discussed it okay yeah all right cuz I'd like to make sure he's on board with any changes um yeah absolutely yeah and I know you would do that any and and like I said just to this just to confirm this is all on the little leag the uh burrow right even with the Wi-Fi is there when you get the Wi-Fi is there monthly charges with the Wi-Fi that the yeah we we would cover right across it wouldn't be be under your account y okay okay uh with that Council mtter I know the original requests for security cameras over there required Wi-Fi as well so that might be something I had looked into this uh about a month ago I asked the recreation department what the bills looked like for the pool and stuff so if we could help them out a little bit with that because we might need it anyway that that might also be an option but yeah just good one to cover you know yeah the bandwidth and stuff yeah absolutely yeah would greatly improve our day-to-day operations and monthly meetings and all that yeah great Bobby would there be maintenance required from the township like uh with Ralph jesnowski with in regards in regards regards to what you have going on there Will Will there be things that you need done by him with these improvements yeah no okay we' be able we would hire a company to deliver the shed and place it and that the Wi-Fi I'm sure would be Verizon or whoever would Supply that and then the fencing we would hire outside vendors to install the fencing person I appload what you're doing I I was I was also on the the board for about 10 years so I appreciate what you guys are doing coming here same thank same here I was not on the board but I but I appreciate it nonetheless uh what you guys did last year with your efforts I think really made a tremendous impact on our ability to even hold other events through town so uh I'm all for giving you guys permission and I know right now you're forced to store some things outside which are slightly slightly because of the fact that they're outside so I think having the additional storage uh cleans everything up and puts a nice facelift on there so yeah sure absolutely and you're not you're not using that third batting cage that's why you guys are getting rid of it yeah well we as you know we put in the new batting cage last spring behind uh field uh two y so we have four cages and we could utilize the space in a more efficient manner we could still have three batting cages so makes sense what would be the next step that they need to do do we um I was just going to ask say do we need a a voice no you did a resolution last year so it'll be a resolution to outline all the terms and conditions we can put that on for next meeting if you guys want it I make a make a motion that resolution be put forward Absolut second just all in favor I just wanted to see I perfect I I once that's pass on the 11 meting I'll send certified cop have it all right yep we got thanks John what did he say all right uh I also like to take this time to officially invite you guys for our opening day ceremony to be on the field uh uh it's April 13th uh time to be [Music] determined but we'd love to have everyone out on the field for our ceremony and appreciate your time thank you for the invite thank you for thank you thanks thank all right open to the public now is the time for public comments listed limited to the resolutions listed on the agenda if you wish to speak please step up to the microphone say your name and address for the record Nick lagti n j court my apologies for being late and I sorry if I'm not in the right section or sign but uh is this to bring up anything in the consent resolutions is that where we are yes um resolution 24 20 24- 86 as I don't have uh detailed but could somebody explain that one to me and what the plan is or what what we're doing with that we've um we've had uh interviews already with uh potential candidates for CFO but since uh Miss Bianca Mano had uh had left previously it leaves us for this time frame without an official CFO so this is more of a um I believe it was acting CFO correct not not temporary per the statute is it's temporary but it yeah which allows us one year until uh until we have someone else another CFO to fill and and did I read it correctly online that it's Mr car that's correct how does that affect his current position is he still if I'm allowed to speak is he part-time is it full-time now is it's the same hours just two jobs within the same hours I'm curious on that it's it's just the same it's my understanding that it just allows him to sign as the CFO for this interim period so he's going to be doing his current job he's adding on the CFO position for a year but he's keeping the same hours I'm assuming there's a a bump in pay for this as well no no there's no no it's not for May Council it's not for full year it's until we um fill the position of CFO that we're looking to accommodate right now so Fred is just signing we have uh Chipley Clooney who's our vendor who is doing that Mr Carr is signing uh the official paperwork uh as a temporary that is correct sir the state stat so the statute allows you to appoint a temporary CFO without a state statute without a state certification for one year with a one-year follow on uh which we should have a CFO by then as a council president they are doing uh interviews as we speak but we are required by state law to have a CFO to sign documents uh and as the mayor mentioned we have Supply Clooney assisting and I don't sign and I will not sign anything as the CFO until I have something from the auditor saying yes you can sign that I I hit my head sir but I'm not crazy you're very good man thank you very much from miltown I appreciate that that was my only question thank you guys thank you seeing no comments this portion of the meeting is closed to the public will the clerk please resolution 24 202 24-8 enter an executive session whereas the open public meetings ACT public law 1975 chapter 231 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas this public body is of the opinion that such circum circumstances presently exist and whereas the governing body wishes to discuss Personnel matters and real estate acquisition and whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the above no longer requires that confidentiality then the minutes can be made public now therefore be resolved by the burrow Council as the bur of miltown County of middlex state of New Jersey that the public be excluded from this meeting so just to clarify we will not be taking action upon Return of the matters discussed in executive session correct I I don't know I just wanted to make sure I'm reading the right statement that's to the best of my knowledge no one's taking action when you come out of executive session can I have a motion to enter executive session so move [Music] second there is there's an actual form front of Phil Phil is okay pH Phil put it there Phil put it there oh [Music] understand yeah fine okay the going rate so we are now back in Open session at 826 will the clerk please call the rooll council president revolinski here councilman Collins here councilman mango here councilman pansy councilman Potter here councilman Z BR here mayor Murray here the following minutes on the agenda for acceptance February 12th 2024 executive session February 12th 2024 regular meeting are there any comments or Corrections can I have a motion to accept the minutes as types I move that the minutes be approved that's tight second second oh I'm going to say the delay was on calls he get he gets the a motion made by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Potter uh all in favor any opposed no okay um will the clerk please the ordin please read ordinance 24-1 1531 by title only ordinance amending chapter 23 streets and sidewalks section 23- 5.3 D establishing a fine for violation of the section does the council have any questions or comments yes Mr Mayor so my question is I we all know this ordinance is in place but the only updates to the ordinance is uh getting rid of the mandatory court date and also establishing a fee well it's essentially councilman Potter it's it's to establish a fee and create a a fee that's certain so the problem I believe with the current ordinance it is it didn't have a penalty section and in the absence of a penalty section there's no way for someone to pay a fine because you don't know what the fine is so this establishes that F go to if it's if it's going to be paid in advance so well the only person you're going set the fine if there is no fine is the judge if you're found guilty of well exactly so people are getting tickets and there's no F and they have the only way to find out what they owe is they have to go to court exactly so by doing this we're we're put it in that Fe structure and then which eliminates creating the ability to pay and not go to court okay thank you I have one quick question okay when was this original ordinance drafted or adopted did you happen to know that what I know when the I just I just find it curious that something has been on the books for this long and we never like it's never been addressed before I was just curious from what I understand it's been in existence since the police department was uh started uh it was revised in 2015 um because there was some changes that needed to be made um so that's that's from what I understand from the chief interesting yes okay I just just curious so one thing I would like to also mention is because I discussed it with judge Heyman uh this afternoon and um by the approval of this it's also going to be uh retroactive as far as these new round of tickets so um that's why they pushed the court appearances out so all this could be done uh we could get this hopefully approved and done and then the residents could actually pay the uh fines versus coming in for a court date uh so that's what the judge and the chief had um come up with to try to make it a little bit more convenient okay does any more questions when when the full policy enacted microphone when the full policy enacted Where will it be present where we can uh there's a lot of qu lot of people asking questions and I know you know it would be nice to give them here here's a link this is exactly what you're expecting what to expect from now on and uh I did notice like throughout Co a lot of new bodies in town broad houses and we didn't have snow for two years or nothing so I think there's a lot of surprises this time for some people and uh just we can make if we can wherever it ends up on the burrow site if it's noticeable if it's promoted a little bit um I do think our site there's so many places to get information from people get lazy and don't go looking through our website councilman moo if I may um I actually went on a bar website and that site just typed in the snow ordinance uh and that's how I that's how I discovered 2015 um I mean I'm familiar with it and I I know what you're saying and I'm just saying as much as the amount of uh questions that people ask in town instead of just Googling it which would I mean it's just funny if they were on a desert island with a phone they'd find out anything in the world if they're they can't they can't go any do anything without asking neighbor or you know uh yeah just a thought if if if I may I I think a great way to find out about ordinances that are passed would be to come to a council meeting and pay attention to the council meetings thank you uh roll call is required um motion I move that ordinance number 24-1 1531 be adopted on first reading published according to law and that the public hearing be held at the next regularly scheduled council meeting on Monday March March 11th at 700 p.m. in council chambers in burrow Hall second I have a motion by counc president revolinski seconded by councilman Potter will a clerk please call the rooll council president revolinski Hi councilman Collins I councilman moo hi councilman pansi hi councilman Potter hi councilman Zen Brana I thing will the clerk please read ordinance 24-1 1532 by title Oni ordinance amending chapter 7 traffic section 7-15 parking prohibited During certain hours on certain streets to impose parking restrictions on the west side of JF Kennedy Boulevard correction Drive between Violet Terrace and Nicholas Court will the council make a motion actually we have questions first yeah yeah okay do you have questions I I do on this one uh Peter yes sir um with this I I read it and everything looks good but we need to add school days because you just said Monday it's just Monday through Friday but that could also be on the summertime too and we're really putting this ordinance in place for pick up and drop offs correct I can do that if you would like me to um you know I we'll keep it Monday through Friday but just put in parentheses school days so we know when it'll be in effect is it is that I'm going to need to take a look and see how we're going to handle that and yeah I I actually had I thought councilman Potter looked at my notes here cuz I have school days question mark I'm wondering is that easily enforcable considering considering if a resident's parking there and they're unaware if they're school that day or not does that open the door for more issues or well it's it's really your call on how you want it to be handled but I mean but then you're going to have it in the summertime that you know that's why we're putting it there because there's issues with people you know parking there during drop off and pick up so we we can great correct me if I'm wrong we can amend the resolution at the second reading or I'm sorry the ordinance at the second as long as it's not a Subs of amendment so the question is going to be whether it is or it isn't if you'd like to change it now on first reading to be I honestly I just need to go back and look at you know your ability to do that it's just going to be a little difficult um again from enforcement so that's I was going to say maybe we should get the um Chief's uh feedback on that amend you guys just want to table the ordinance until next meeting I mean I don't know that this was when you talked about last meeting we can carry it to next meeting and we'll we'll we'll clean up the the questions you you guys have and then um and then my my second comment here was since we're doing it with the snow ordinance here making it a range of 50 to 500 so that folks don't need to come down and uh go to court in order to process a violation can we do the same on this I know we spoke of it you guys can do whatever you would like to do but the question is it's it's a different kind of animal because I think your snow ordinance is something that exists you don't have signage like a lot of places have for snow routes so like the no parking when road is snow covered signs if you have sight specific signage that says you can't park here between these hours um you may want them to have to go to court to explain what happened so but it's just your call I mean we again I can do whatever you want but I'm just giving you the flip side of it because otherwise you know if if the fine isn't substantial enough and people can do it until they get caught you may not have the same uh you know your officers may have the ability to enforce it during those hours on a regular basis so you know you may not get the same reaction you want so do would you recommend that we table this until we get those answers yeah I mean it again if you guys have substantive issues regarding ordinances that are drafted we you know better to have it all hammered out before we try to take action on it can I ask one question um did anyone have a conversation with the residents Ong that that route because how what they think how that might affect them did it need to be I know there's seven houses I I will say that um I drive that route every day um and after school hours the residents are not parked on that particular side of the street and so really it just seems to be the folks who are doing drop off and pickup that are blocking both sides so I think the concept here was we we obviously introduce the ordinance and then send out a notification to the residents on that block saying hey come give your opinion here um in fact I think maybe perhaps that we're tabling it now if that is the motion idea could I add something go ahead John uh there's there's I says has a sign you know of that hours and says during school hours and you could put that on the sign well yeah that's that's what we're talking no but do you again do you you're you're trying to make it only during those specific hours during periods when school is in session that's right okay yeah so you you're not looking to prohibit parking there during school hours on school days correct those hours during yeah school yeah during school hours and and I've seen it because I've seen no turn on red during school days so corre so I've seen it on signs so correct better than the nebulous when children are present CU that's always confusing it's true when they're in your car will Council make a motion to table I'll make I'll make a motion to table and I'll second I have a motion by council president V valinsky and seconded by councilman Potter I have a role council president rinsky all right councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilman panski I councilman Potter I councilman Zana I all right um following ordinance was introduced on February 12th 2024 and advertised in accordance with law if any member of the public wishes to comment on this ordinance they may do so after the reading will the clerk please read ordinance 24-1 1530 by title ordinance to fix and amend salaries and wages for various miltown B employees and providing the manner of payment thereof I will now open a public hearing on ordinance 24-1 1530 okay public portion hearing is now closed will the clerk please call the rooll I need a motion in a second well I actually had uh you had just mentioned uh Council counselor um that Subs amendments um I'm looking here at the senior account Clerk role which is on the first page of the ordinance uh and I bring this one up because as you know we have um some likelihood of uh of filling a position with this and from the feedback we're getting that the salary range might not be appropriate with people uh with substantial experience uh currently it goes from 36 to 55,000 at the top range and I was wondering if Council would be interested in accepting an amendment to this to be up to 65,00 000 for this particular position General range you see the range that's still within the steps of the uh Union contract though I'm sorry that's still a union position so you can do the range but when you hire somebody it'll still be within the steps okay R it's on the uh on the first page under Administration finance and planning full-time position write down under secretary you have senior account clerk is this a subs for change Peter well it's I mean it's a salary ordinance that has numerous salaries over across of the board I don't know that this woman would rise to the level of making it I mean it significant enough to require it to be started over again but I I understand the question bless you question is there any anybody else have thoughts on that we good with uh bringing that up seeing none I'll make a motion that ordinance 24530 be adopted on second and final reading and be published according to law why don't we get a vote on the amendment first if we're going to amend the ordinance before we adopt it let's let's vote on the amendment and then we'll vote on so so the the the amendment would be from uh council president revolinsky to make the maximum salary range of senior accountant clerk go from 55,000 uh be increased to 65,000 is that correct okay correct okay um so we would need a motion and a second to amend the order okay motion was from Rich yeah we then a second we need a second yeah we need a second second second I can second second you can't second you move second motion made by council president rinsky seconded by councilman Collins will clerk please call the rooll council president revolinski I councilman Collins I councilman moo hi councilman posnanski hi councilman Potter hi councilman zamber no all right let's and let's do this let's reopen to the public because while I don't think that necessarily any member of the public was sitting out there wondering about senior account clerk I think the better practice would be making sure okay I will now open a public hearing on ordinance 24-1 1530 is there any okay okay public portion of this is now closed okay we have to recall the role now need a motion in a second I make a motion that ordinance 24530 be adopted on second and final reading and be published according to law as amended as amended is there an echo we need a second second second second okay um motion made by council president rinsky uh second by councilman pansi will cler please call the rooll council president revolinski I councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilman posnanski I councilman Potter I councilman zimbrana no will the clerk please read the resolution for payment of obligations authorizing the payment of bills claims and statements against the burrow of miltown the to and a total amount of $ 45,5 59 you have heard the reading in this resolution what is your pleasure Mr may make a motion this resolution be adopted second councilman Potter um made the motion seconded by council president rinsky um is there any questions comments no will the clerk please call the RO council president revolinski I councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilman panski I councilman Potter I councilman zbr I all right consent agenda consent resolution has been prepared for Resolutions listed on the agenda all matters under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by borrow Council will be enacted in one motion any items may be removed from the consent agenda and like people drop off yes M mayor and request of any council member if so removed then will be treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure or support by a certification of funds if any member of the council wants any resolution acted upon individually please give me the resolution numers and it would be pulled from the consent resolution yes M mayor I'd like to pull 202 4- 84 which one I didn't hear 8484 okay and Mr Mayor I'd like to pull uh 202 2486 and 2024 89 okay will the clerk please read the consent uh resolution and uh exclude 8486 89 please whereas pursuant to the rules of council the council May establish a consent agenda for any regular or special meetings upon certain circum certain conditions and whereas the following resolutions to be presented before the burrow council at its February 26 2024 meeting appear to have the unanimous approval of all members of the burrow Council 202 24-85 202 24-87 2024 88 now therefore be it resolved by the burrow Council of the burrow of miltown that each of the above listed resolutions be approved and adopted by the burrow council with the same legal effect as though each were read in its entirety at the February 26 2024 regular meeting and adopted by separate vote you've heard the reading in this consent resolution what is your pleasure I move that this resolution be adopted second council president re revolinski made the motion seconded by Council uh Council Potter um is there any questions comments concerns seeing none um will clerk please call the RO council president revolinski I councilman Collins I councilman Mano I councilman pansky hi councilman Potter hi councilman Zim BR hi will the clerk please read resolution 24- 84 by title 202 24-8 authorizing submission of the middle sex County Recycling enhancement Grant what is your pleasure move Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion that we uh uh postpone this uh motion that we put and uh apply uh get some feedback from the board of house before we uh approve this motion I'd like to make a motion we suspend this till next meeting can I can I ask a question on on this one um can't ask a question until we well you have a motion on the floor to table this so you need to see if you have a second is is there a due date on this yeah March 11th council meeting in two weeks it's before the council me we're not going to John did you hear that no the uh this Grant application is actually due the night of our next council meeting however it's due by 5:00 p.m. or 4 p.m. where as our council meeting is at 7 so if we table it we miss out okay okay so then I can vote no on that okay like to hear a motion of no for the tabling of the well no you you had a motion to table it it had you you had a motion you had no second so that motion dies so in the now you need someone to make another motion with respect to what to do with resolution is there any discussion yes M May Mr Mayor I I think this will put an undue burden on the residents because I anytime that there's food left outside it creates a Vermin problem and we've typically had that in the past and I can't see that passing this resolution and putting the burden of extermination on the residents is going to benefit the town that's what it is okay any other questions comments concerns I have a question have a question the wording of it you know recycling drop off center and or providing food for funding for a pilot food waste I I'm not crazy about a pilot food waste program but General recycling I mean the funds can be you can get the funds and decide then how we disperse them is that the wording that sound am I correct in that the the the intent of this grant is that um we are working towards having a facility or location that in the off weeks since we only have recycling pickup every two weeks that would provide a location where residents might be able to drop off and to facilitate that um you know there's there's 10,000 in here um if you go back years and years ago uh the original recycling location was back in the old vpw yard they used to have three different containers and you would throw your colored glass in one your green your brown and your clear glass and then you'd have to bundle your recycling at the curb we've Advanced since then but right now with our program the way we do recycling is that the county provides all the recycling um for us and it's only once every two weeks so this would enable us to have a dumpster or bin possibly at the new DPW facility where residents would be able to drop off um in between those those weeks so the grant itself does not mandate that it's we have to have a pilot food waste program no it's and or it's so so the C so and for councilman Collins it's it's and or we're talking about your regular old everyday recycling not the food waste for our application you have question no Okay so so uh we had a motion have a motion in a second you've had your discussion you want to ask we call the RO councilman council president revolinski Hi councilman Collins no councilman moo I councilman pansi I councilman Potter I councilman Zam bran I okay um will a clerk please read resolution 24- 086 by title budget for the borough of miltown no so we're still on the lookout for a CFO yes sir and by my count this is our third CFO before the end of February this year that's correct do we have any idea when that CFO may be found appointed so forth so on we interviewed someone last week that person is currently employed with another municipality and we are trying to work out the details of bringing them on if that is the selected candidate that person already has a full-time job that's correct so if they already have a full-time job how are they going to with a with a shared service agreement you would be enabled to perform duties on behalf of the burough of miltown during your normal work hours but you have to have a shared service agreement with that specific other municipality and that municipality is fine with that discussions have begun okay but not not finalized yet which is why we don't have a resolution appointing that person this evening okay if Fred is a temporary CFO does Fred have to be approved by the division of labor uh local government services BR so a copy of the resolution of my appointment will be sent to DCA tomorrow and that's within the statute of a temporary CFO who's not certified to meet the statutory requirements of the of the of the state and the expectation is that that's going to be approved and okay should not be a problem and when the new CFO or the shared service agreement as uh the council president mentions you know that appointment and the acceptance of that shared service agreement if we get that far part of that will be that I don't have to do it anymore okay and you know based on our history in the last three months I'm a little nervous about being the CFO to but you know I can handle it okay yes any that's all I had thank you any more questions comments will the clerk please call the role council president revolinski Hi councilman Collins hi councilman moo hi councilman pansi hi councilman Potter I and thank you Fred councilman Zan BR I okay will the clerk please read resolution number 24 uh [Music] 204-8900 um is this the same uh qpa that was presented uh sometime in January um for appointment yes okay so uh if I remember correctly looking at this uh candidate's resume um her the job title on the resume is a little bit differently than the job title um that she was just promoted to how how so they're not the same that that's my that's my question again I'm going by the resume at at that point and then um when I looked her up in in in the town where she works uh I believe it was a January 23rd agenda meeting she had just been promoted to a new to a new um position within that within that municipality does that give you reason for pause uh that and what gives me more reason to pause is that um um if you look at her resume she does a lot for that town and I don't understand how she's going to be a part-time qpa in this burrow that's my problem is she going to be doing remote work yes most qpa too okay so we're okay with allowing folks to work from home who are professionals and who are appointed in that respect but not in not in employees of the burrow well I think we have the employee handbook which dictates the rules by which we operate for remote work policy at this time and it's our pleasure to adopt a new policy should we see fit okay and the resolution is uh so she has her certification this this candidate uh I don't see that the the resolution actually lists a bid threshold so is it 175 is it 345 why do you think it's 345 just asking a question it says $7,500 no that's that's the um that's her compensation I mean like the bid threshold so she's she's she's so would our our bid threshold not be the same as it was with any other qpa just saying it's not on the resolution that's all that's all I'm saying I was provided the resolution by the labor attorney no I'm just curious no qpa provides you up to a particular thrh so whatever the so the bid threshold is set by the statute if a qpa is pro is if a qpa is in the borrow that uh bid threshold set by State Statute not by the qpa itself no I understand it's just I think it's 44 and change we're we're appointing we're appointing a qpa but you know I've seen resolutions in the past where it actually lists in the resolution the bid threshold that's all okay any more questions comments concerns for the clerk please call the RO council president revolinski I councilman Collins I councilman moo I councilman pansi I councilman Potter no councilman Zam Brana no reports from the officials so council president rinsky yep thank you Mr Mayor um looking for one item here I apologize um as far as Finance goes um we do have current openings within that department um and as soon as we have our new CFO appointed and uh working for us we'll be getting the budget preparations all of our departments are fully aware of the expedited Nature by which we want to get this done um we did have a meeting for the Ford Avenue Redevelopment agency the other night and that is the specific piece of paper that I'm looking for and I do apologize to the residents but uh in essence a uh a court hearing was held earlier this week which or uh last week rather that detailed some of the parameters by which a trial will be held and I believe that trial is to begin on our about June 20th again I apologize actually Council R council president rinsky I believe it's happening in early June I think it's June 6th sorry about I mean June 6th or third so worry about that range thank you you got it and uh I have nothing else to report okay thank you councilman Collins don't report Mr Mayor councilman moo uh I do have a few things the briefly the uh the library doing some great things they have a library photo Puzzle Challenge please inquire at the library sign up is the March 1st uh they are also still in the uh waiting stages of their food drive uh it is themed for we love babies food and clothing collected until uh February 29th which is uh rapidly approaching uh join us on Wednesday February 28th at 10:30 a.m. for a drop in and play featuring puzzles duplos and more uh ages two two and under adult yoga is also offered at the library and that will be on Tuesday March 5th and the 19th at 9:15 a.m. registration is required for those events and uh starting in March March 2nd actually there will be some after school programs of bingo for tweens and teens on Wednesdays and Throwback Thursdays we have a movie day uh and then reading to the pooch uh on March 9th at 12:30 uh and then Additionally the rep Department which uh has also been very buy and doing a lot of great things they still have about 10 tickets left for the uh for the hockey game uh Community pass is very good to use to pay for that uh and then tickets are $55 each I commented about at one point and it didn't say it on the flyer and I was corrected by uh 11 or 100 or town folk so 55 each uh your own transportation need needed and additionally uh they still have slots left in the theater program beyond that U that's all I have for today thank you councilman pansy sure um I'm going to read about the uh miltown Senior Center update following activities take place each week in the Midtown Senior Center the activities run through the Office of Aging for those 60 and older some of the activities include aerobic aerobics line dancing Cherry yoga Billiards walk aerobics men's club cor Spanish Arts and crafts Bingo monthly visit from the VNA nurse and sing with the oldies the classes are a dollar and for out of town seniors it's $2 uh the senior center also offers opportunity to join the senior citizens Club it's $10 per year and uh please contact Bob ginski uh the upcoming trips in March uh March 5th bus trip to uh Ross department store and Trader josen lawrenville Wednesday March 6th bus trip to Mammoth kitchen Diner uh 12th uh freeold mall and Monday the 18th uh bus trip to uh Delicious Orchards March 25th a bus trip to bosov and on the 26th the bus trip to the Portuguese fishermen um March 13th it's a lunch and learn with uh Parker House and um let's see Tuesday March 19th it's uh bingo with prizes presented by the United Healthcare Wednesday the 27th Marty O'Neal the uh code enforcement service officer will will be there to answer questions uh V VNA nurse will be there on Tuesday March 19th from 12: to 3 and uh I'm also going to discuss um uh we have grants uh I spoke to Dorian yesterday she was uh supposed to send me uh an email on on updates I don't have that as of yet and uh I'm still working with Ralph on uh grants for for the outside of the senior center and uh uh also for uh the DPW if uh anyone's noticed the schwinderman property is is is looking beautiful as is the DPW Yard over here um been a lot of updates it's it's uh it's really cleaned up uh Ralph jaaski has sent his guys over there they've done a huge cleanup it's a it's a big difference and uh uh I hope people are happy when they look over there CU it looks great and uh they did a great job with the snow also other other towns uh may not have uh guys that we have they're very dedicated they were out from 300 in the morning till about 3:00 in the afternoon which was on Saturday and so when you guys were sleeping that's what they were doing and uh historic preservation committee um Phil would probably be better at discussing what went on I I know the one thing that um I have an interest in is the uh the uh railroad station and a meeting with uh Mr Curran tomorrow to try to get U an extension um but um Phil could you could you talk about some of the other things because I don't quite understand what what everything that uh went on that night so there's a so there's a um been reaching out to the county for the last year and a half with help in moving that Railroad Station from Mr curr's property uh across the street to where four boys is um still waiting for um some more feedback from the county they have asked for um in in true County fashion dollars to go with um you know what what that may be to to move that station across the street um I know there was a um a potential meeting for today but schedules couldn't match and so they're going to see if they get together next week um I think You' mentioned uh previously about the uh East Oldtown uh in in Piscataway uh in May at some point uh it might be the 18th if I remember um that was really the the coverage U of that meeting thank you you're welcome councilman Potter thank you Mr Mayor uh for the public safety report from the police department uh the police department is currently accepting applications for crossing guards Public Safety Comm telecommunicators if interested applications for both positions can be found on the burrow website for more information please contact Lieutenant Carmen dorenzo at C dorenzo miltown pd.org uh the police department also are very happy to help our community with any problem as a reminder for emergencies and life-threatening situations please dial 911 all non-emergent situations please dial 732 82810 or enter a report of concern on the official burrow website for the miltown uh fire department on February 20th the uh newest uh fire department recruit William mcnf started with the fire school at the middle CES County fire academy uh also save the date for the annual flower sale located at the fire department on March 28th 29th and 30th from 9 to 6: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. or while supplies last members are always needed any candidates interested in joining the miltown fire department are encouraged to stop by the firehouse on Monday nights at 6:30 or email join miltown fire gmail.com uh regarding the miltown rescue squad the miltown rescue squad is still accepting applications for their spring onboarding process anyone who is interested in learning more about joining the rescue squad or becoming an EMT should email recruit miltown rescu squad. org applications for the April 2024 submission date are to be submitted by March 10th and please feel free to contact the miltown rescue squad if you have any questions uh Mr Mayor regarding the Public Safety Committee no new updates and finally miltown 4th of July backed by popular demand on April 20th the miltown 4th of July organization will be hosting their annual celebrity bartender event at the miltown American Legion poach 25 more details to follow and that concludes my report thank you councilman Z BR thank you Mr Mayor um so the revitalization committee met on Tuesday February 13th uh to start off the process of planning for a miltown day uh I will have to say that the date right now um as of today as it stands for miltown day will be September 28th which is the last Saturday in September I have to announce the date because I told uh I had to mention that to to Russ I'm berer to see what uh his schedule was like and that's probably all over town by now um so the the committee is uh uh one of my tasks or a couple of my tasks was to reach out to Fred Carr Fred's new Fred I need to bring Fred up to speed on some Advanced purchases for the Planters along Main Street Fred has been very helpful in in making sure that those uh purchases uh can be made my other ask was to follow up with Monica uh Monica I will ask you now um miltown day uh Community pass registrations obviously it's not till September but we we got a lot of help last year um when uh Ron was here um I know Kelly's uh new I did mention it to her but we will look to kind of back up on to a community pass especially when it comes to checks and cash and stuff like that for registrations and sponsorships um the next revitalization meeting will be on March 12th which is always the second Tuesday uh of every month it is via Zoom it is at 7:30 p.m. um our Board of Health meeting is scheduled for uh tomorrow it will be in person at 7:00 in the round room in the back actually it'll be I'm sorry in council chambers tomorrow night council chambers I I stand corrected um the environmental uh committee uh will be meeting on the 28th that will be via Zoom uh and that will start at 7:00 p.m. and then I have just a short report um for HRC I'm I'm short three resident members and I'm pretty sure I have folks that I'll be able to hand over to Monica so that they'll be appointed at the next uh council meeting by then um it is to continue the work that was started last year with the HRC committee about uh potentially renaming uh patan Avenue uh to a new name uh had a very short conversation with our Bor attorney um Mr spolo um which if if you don't mind just what are the steps we're going to do sure um so I obviously the logistics of it are are you know uh the ramifications are the things that I think the HRC was going to look into but I did take a look at um just you know from a practical perspective the numbering and seeing whether or not hey could just be extended and the way the numbers seem to run are from the lower numbers up by North M South Main uh going you know towards uh its intersection with pain so you could conceivably just keep running the numbers down the right hand side of that street and just make those two houses on patain the next two numbers I believe it's the odd numbers they'd be like 25 and 27 uh on the right hand side and in Li of creating a new name for a two housee street thank you you got it and that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you um I do not have a report this evening reports from B professionals um at a prior meeting there was a discussion over um trying to figure out whether there was um some desire to pursue the Farm Stand SL food truck uh concept um and thinking about it um it it really seems to be almost akin to uh you know a regularly occurring miltown day on a small scale uh just for you know uh a number of vendors you know with food trucks and and maybe a couple Farm Stand operators um that being said I don't know whether the council would think it would be appropriate to have the revitalization committee kind of take a look at that and see if it's something that they could handle um assisting with because really it's it's the same idea just in a different place so just a thought actually um so I don't want to interrupt the reports from B professionals but I actually wrote on here tonight food trucks vendors for on public property so I I know the sorry I'm not talking close enough here I know the uh revitalization committee focuses primarily on miltown day as well as some other nuances throughout town but I I would think this becomes more a function of the burrow with someone registering to rent a particular location and be authorized to set up whether it's a food truck or Farm Stand on a recurring basis and not just a a oneoff opportunity well you've got to decide whether or not you want to allow someone to essentially subscribe for the season or if you're going to tell people that it's uh first come first served on particular days and it may be that you know I I know that people who operate those food trucks uh will take them to festivals and and move them about so you might not have the same people every week because you may have people who can get a greater payday being at you know a uh you know State Fair somewhere so um you know those are the types of things you've got to figure out but again those aren't really um I can do them but they're not really legal in nature they're just you know something that any anybody can do the idea of having that type of an activity on burough owned property well I was just merely pointing out that you already do it and it's you know you do it as miltown day this is kind of the same thing it's just in a different location on a smaller scale you don't have you know the public interest groups coming in to hand out flyers DPW isn't going to be handing out buckets um but you know you're you're going to still have this the food trucks that are at miltown day are the same food trucks most likely so I I think you know it's just a question of who you want to handle the interaction on it so just a thought so just trying to see how to move it along but I mean uh I don't know that you authorize miltown day to allow you know the revitalization committee to operate it I think it's just a function of one of the Committees that you have and they do that so the question was whether or not you wanted to try to task them with also assisting with that since I was we we also have the the Fourth of July I was just curious as as to how the revitalization committee got looped in but I mean if if that's the you know your your thought process there I would say that um councilman Potter if you could possibly assist as well with the Fourth of July there's so many vendors that they interact with to understand what someone pays on a routine basis in order to operate at a particular location um that might be helpful so just look you know Fourth of July is separate from the burrow I understand and you know so uh something you also have to you know think about too is insurance issues you know if we who's who's monitoring those trucks if you have a truck in there and they poison the the residents who's that who's that who's liable for that so um do we try not get poison trucks what's that we're going to try not to get the poison trucks get poison from the non-poison so so my my question is too is who's got the bandwidth to to manage all this too we're we're currently I mean and well that's and that's why I'm trying to figure out who can I mean again it's a lot of work work it's a lot I can tell you this it's a lot of work right it's a lot of work to manage and that's why I asked whether or not that committee might be capable of taking out if they don't have the ability to I'm sure they'll let us know but after that then you've got to figure out who you're going to task with handling that well I think I think first off we need to identify that where the locations would be if any as a council which which we would feel acceptable number two if we want to do this and then number three it's a matter of advertising and saying how do we implement it so I I don't think that we need to make a decision tonight on that but I think it's something that we can start the discussions and evaluate and consider so totally hear where you're coming from but we run into this all the time on revitalization food trucks are booked months in advance so if that's something you want to do probably sooner is better than later well I'm I'm I'm saying we we need to discuss how we're going to implement a policy right when when the book is not up to us particularly I mean they they might book tomorrow they might you know 9 months from now but understood I just didn't you know from a practical perspective I was indicating that you have the ability to really allow it to happen cuz it's something you're already doing so to the extent you need to identify a location you know you probably want police input you know there's a couple different things but we had discussed previously the fact that your burrow Hall shuts down during summer hours around noon you could do it in the afternoon in the parking lot if you used the portion of the lot that's closest to where the DPW Yard is you can close it off at either end you could have parking in front of it you know and it's walkable for residents so it's you know an idea of where to put it but obviously you know you guys can make the call on anything else but that seems to be a place where you have open space during those hours you know you don't want to use up any of your Parks cuz during the summer they're pretty active right and then on top of that uh to get back to the poison trucks um yeah everyone I didn't say I was just giving I say but everybody anyone selling food would have to be a licensed food vendor have inspections and active anyway so we just have make sure that's I see you looking at me me no I'm not looking I'm trying to figure out again ideas are great and I think everybody thinks it's a great idea that that we want to try to pursue but the question is who's going to pursue it and I I don't know that I mean I I can try to come up with a really workable concept for you guys but I don't think that's where you want to task me so um just merely indicating that the ability for you to do it is is is there you've got to decide where you want to do it when you want to do it and you know how many of each how so that's why I thought perhaps trying to use one of your existing um committees that already does something similar might be beneficial but you know certainly if you guys want to kick it around that's good too I just don't want to see you know if we're 3 months from now we're talking about it again your ability to do it in the summer is going to be somewhat curtailed I have I have no problem spearheading it um as I had brought the this up last year multiple times about possibly having food trucks in town so um if the council is open to pursuing this and moving forward with it then I have no problem putting in the leg work just uh one one question just when we're looking at these trucks make sure it's not competition to our businesses because we don't want to bring in a business that's going to have competition if they're paying taxes and stuff and you have a food truck coming in so just something to keep in mind well and that's going to be that's going to be difficult then so that's something else you may want to take into consideration whether you want to pursue it because I don't know the we're not going to be able to limit who can and can't rent the types of TR you know if somebody wants to come in with an ice cream truck cuz we are you know the mecca of ice cream parlors um they will have that ability to do so I don't know that we're going to be able to say no ice cream trucks had there been any discussion about you know just generally speaking as a concept yes we have food trucks is great but is it you know maybe um as a as a pilot program during the summer do we want to try it like you know every third Thursday that way we're not unfair to our our existing businesses but we get the feet wet we kind of get to build a little ground swell it also gives us time to maybe get people booked uh I'm just want I I mean I like the idea I'm all for it on some level uh but you know I do what think that uh how we promote it and if we want to be successful uh you know if we have too many food trucks in one spot that's either a big happening or it's um it's six food trucks that don't make money and two that did okay and they don't show up the next time so maybe we can you know I just think there's some analysis we got to do well I I mean I think we can work on this as as a as a subcommittee um and start diving into some of those details what we would want it to look like I don't imagine this being too many and I don't want to continue this forever I see the the clerk kind of saying oh no no I just if I can where I live they have a couple towns around me on Sundays during the nicer weather they do a combination of a farmers market slash food truck thing and it's I know we have a lot of local people who bake cookies and do stuff like that so they could potentially rent a space like that so it wouldn't just be all food trucks taking uh but it would also be spotlighting some of our local vendors that do crafts and things so it could be a combin of both and those are typically very successful I don't know that Friday is the best day to do it because just because we get out at noon doesn't mean everybody else in the world does I think you know a weekend would be good to look at it but I wouldn't limit yourself to food trucks I think if you opened it up to vendors food trucks potentially Farm stands that come with their their crop shares I think you get a lot better turn I agre I I I look at this in all honesty I don't look at this is just creating a spot for one food truck I look at this as an opportunity for a new business is to enter town with a small cost of Entry to evaluate the market for themselves and hopefully they're successful and say I do so well here I want to open up a brick and mortar it is a great testing that's that's the incentive here that we're we're taking one step to encourage new businesses to check out miltown get to know our population and hopefully open up a brick and mortar and in the meantime we're we're providing them a venue to do so I got agree with councilman poter with uh competing with the businesses I mean it's not fair that they pick up the you know cost for having you know physical uh how would I say uh facilities for people when a a vendor is going to come in and with a food truck and not have to you know absorb the core and this is why I wanted to bring it up because obviously you guys have a a fair number of issues you're going to need to work out before you get to the finish line so um but but again they're not really I mean I know everybody you kind of looked at me and said can we try to do this the answer is you can but you're going to need more information yeah do we also have to call a resolution for the food truck uh the ordinance for food trucks as well I thought there's an ordinance in place prohibiting food trucks I think it's a different type of food truck that you you prohibit you don't have food trucks that come in I like you know itinerate moving about selling or or parking in a specific location other than when you endorse them so you if you're going to sponsor it on your property clearly it's going to be permitted okay thank you just a short report Mr Mayor uh please a report that the plary work has begun on West F that's all I have right report so I just have mayor I just have one comment uh on behalf of the Office of the CFO and the ba and the clerk we don't have the bandwidth to do food stands I second that my that ends my comment for now question for uh Mr mclen yes um at the preconstruction meeting we stressed heavily the notifications to the residents about when the works beginning the stages and kind that planning is they were handed out they were handed out okay and that was like that has something of a two-e look ahead of this is the work and then we're going to start the next phase which would be whether it's tree removal or curb rip outs we checking that detail but that's what they were were supposed to say thank you I will leave old business does any member of the council have any old business to bring before Council no okay new business does any member of the council have any new business before they'd like to bring before Council nope open to the public public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's their attention their concerns or comments the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comments until the speaker is finished it should be further noted that the public comment of the person of the meeting is not structured as a question and answer session please state your name and address for the record when you come to the podium Mr mayor council members ladies and gentlemen Richard Ryan 60 South Main Street um so get your gavel ready we go we going to break the first role I have a question that I have to ask and whether you can answer it or not I understand may be driven by many things but I think it's important um for it to be asked for the record so I'm curious as to whether or not since the last council meeting there was any dialogue with members of council or burrow employees with members of the church with regard to um granting permission for ongoing events at the school behind my house and I would step in quickly as Mr Ryan might expect because as indicated at the last meeting there was a summons issued to St Paul's church for the activity that had happened the preceding weekend and that is still pending so as it is a pending piece of litigation I would Council the mayor and the council members not to provide any response to questions unfortunately I appreciate that thank you not a problem Mr Ryan um so to that point I asked the question because we were here February 12th and on Friday February 16th there was another event at the school um it was one that happened earlier in the day than is normally the case but it did run pretty late uh I personally called the police department to make them aware of the fact that um there was an event going on I don't know if anybody else called or not um this past Saturday February 24th there was another event um Saturday evening um which was a significant event um I don't count heads um but I can go based on Cars full parking lot for the lot across the street from the school um the parking behind the school that I raised issue with last time was completely full um the noise levels were such that several phone calls were made to the police department I again called myself um so that the record would reflect that there was an event going on that I still seem I still am of the opinion um are events that are not authorized um so I bring that up because it leads me to two points one if that conversation did not take place with members of the church um I want to point out what I happen to feel is the audacity of some of those people at the church who sent a person to knock on my neighbor's door at 10:00 on Friday morning to ask her to look the other way on another event and shocked no a little bit surprised yes um they stood here they made comments and promises and offered certain things like they have continually and again did not come through on any of it and asked the neighbor to look the other way fortunately that neighbor told them that um they were not the authority on the issue that the council was and that that's where that question should be asked um I don't think it Happ happened so to the point of a violation that was issued for an event preceding the last council meeting I understand why um you cannot be in a position where you're having open dialogue about that but I'm now referencing at least two more events that I believe they should be violated for and I don't believe that just because there is a violation ending uh that we collectively as a barel and as a governing body uh should wait for the outcome of that because frankly um I think maybe it would be important to the burough prosecutor and the judge to have a complete understanding of what's really going on here right so it's not just one violation it's now this group of individuals from from St Paul's telling the entire town including mayor and Council we're going to do whatever we want so if anybody feels differently here this evening I understand um but I sure would um be appreciative if you took my comments here this evening um seriously enough to have it weigh on any decisions you make with regard to what our issues are over on South Main Street thank you again for your time thank you good evening Russell einbinder 152 Street oh it's John sorry miltown uh I'm here for a couple reasons first of all uh as uh head of the TV station uh I did hear some echoing as you were pointing out to me before Mr Mayor um I think I just for amplifying here it might be turned up a little bit too high when we're trying to overcompensate the last meeting so we'll have to check that after the meeting okay sir that's number one uh number two uh for the 4th of July thank you councilman Potter Dave uh I think you mentioned a little bit about the date um the tickets will be on sale with the GI butter site to pay online and stuff some time this week I'll get around to getting all that restarted I have to make a new campaign they call it when we do that all right so that should be available any day now people want to get tickets in advance once again just as a reminder like uh the 4th of July being like our big event in town we don't use tax do we there a little contribution from the B always of course but most of it is done through private and corporate and Local Company donations like CME and like viol all the same people and they're just two of the people in this room that do it there plenty other people that do it but also events like this help raise money for everything that we do that day every year we try and raise the bar so we want more people enjoy Midtown 4th of July the more we raise the more we can do okay and the other big event at least to some of us right Mr Mayor yes this Saturday is the annual Boy Scout Troop 33 spaghetti dinner at the American Legion and it starts at 4: we're going to go serving up till 7:00 um if you haven't got tickets yet we have a bunch of Boy Scouts all around town running just be careful some of them are really good salesman they might sell you more stuff than just tickets they're really good um come join us help raise the wonderful program and scouting we have in miltown and uh the other thing is just as a side also on the next morning our local masons are here here in town have their wonderful breakfast that not everybody here always knows about and Mr poter you know that is an amazing breakfast and I talk about it every year on the 4th I'm announcing everything they do such a great job for so many groups okay fantastic job and there's one more little heads up I put all up on TV and a lot of Robert put up already but not everybody sees that number one and number two is people are asking me dates all the time so I'm trying to say it all at once and the last one I want to mention is March 23rd our Lions Club of which a bunch of us are in this room uh we're having our annual Easter egg hunt at 12:00 noon sharp in Albert Avenue Park I don't think any of the uh Renovations will be done by then but we're going to be using the park like we do every year bring your uh favorite uh little basket and have a lot of fun with the Easter Bunny and maybe win a basket priz thank you for your time have a good thank thank you Russ I see no further comments Council comments is there anything from Council we need to close the public portion I i' just like to bring up I'm sorry I'd like to close public portion yeah just close the portion goe gar I just like to bring up I I I keep getting asked about uh people wanting us to lower their taxes and and the one thing that I'll say to them is we all know the proportion is um School Board is around 66% of the taxes Count's around 133% we're roughly 21 22% but what I would I tell people that that that we what we have are I think the best Services um and I was just as a citizen also I I I thank the police fire rescue ladies at burough Hall Library staff and Senior Center and and of course Fred um because even though I would never promise to lower taxes we do offer the best Services I think with dedicated professionals and I appre I appreciate them that's it so uh I'd just like to make a uh a small comment um and uh I'd like to thank Kristen pinho uh a member of the finance uh office who will be leaving the burrow of miltown this Friday March 1st um for all her hard work and dedication over the past two years um I got to know her when she was hired two years ago go and uh I I really appreciate her work ethic and for her changing that office from a paper-based office workflow to a efficient digital-based uh office workflow uh she made things a lot easier to find she made things a lot easier to analyze uh and for that I'm grateful and uh I must say it is a little bit disappointing to me that the reason that she's leaving the burrow of miltown is because she felt that she did not have the support of of her mayor and her council president but with that I wish her and her family I think you're way out of line there with that comment and I suggest you just stopped thank you council president yes yes Mr Mayor hello yeah we're here John well thank you i' just like to thank uh our business manager Fred for stepping up and taking the uh the CFO job and uh thank Monica for getting me on for the B agenda and great work you did with the agenda me uh syllabus tonight that's it may okay thank you m Mr Mayor I just just to add uh speaking about new businesses um Council councilman Zam brano the May mayor mayor uh mayor Murray and myself were all at the ribbon cutting at AFC urgent care this past Friday uh they open up today it's where the coffee bar used to be um so I would encourage people if they need to to go visit um also too I just want to confirm uh council president bre Linsky there's no planning board in March correct I believe I saw something on the sign didn't know if that's correct I believe that's been cancelled okay so there's no planning board meeting for for March okay and and lastly uh Mr Mayor um I will not be at the next council meeting uh council meeting I'll be TR the the next uh scheduled planning board meeting is 700 p.m. on Wednesday April 3rd thank you and that one should be happening don't take my schedule um I've got a comment um tonight in our bill list we paid $21,000 in the month of February for our dumping fees over at uh over at the County Dump uh and I bring that up because while I'm a I'm a serious person who brings all his garbage out to the curb I'd like people to be mindful of the fact that we do have quite a robust recycling program um so if you find yourself throwing out that paper instead of us paying to get rid of it let the county pay County pays for our recycling folks so um recycle where you can and be mindful of how much you're throwing out if you see someone bringing something in from outside of town to dump it please ask him not to uh and that's all I have to add thank you counc M I just had to real quick was um couple of things I did find out this week just randomly uh miltown out recycles a lot of the towns around us just thought it was a nice thing to hear kind of a little I seem to be proud of we do some good stuff uh secondly was um I spent far too much time on social media uh but I did hear just an interesting change in something that was great um someone said you know this person was flying down a street and it bothered them and instead of the usual what used to be a considerable amount of people compiling on that complaint there were people going they can't get everyone but they're doing a hell of a job our policemen have really stepped up made a lot more presence known uh I just think it's it's noticeable and it's a change in tone which um thanks thanks guys so just wanted to say that and there was one more got to remember what it is now uh oh uh Rec Department is also looking for people to do simmer work so if anybody has any of that that would be a great place to get started great started in a burrow maybe stay there forever who knows maybe someday you can be mayor kids still dream it's a good thing uh the other thing is we've had a lot of transition in our uh INB all and with that a lot of people have stepped up and doing the utility infielder thing that I'll reference from uh where I think a lot of people are doing a lot of great things and the fact that nothing that things keep moving forward is uh just a tesate to a lot of good things that are happening that you just can't see them but people just throw have a round of applause and you know just to hey good job for everybody who's doing that thank you for all those people ju just one more thing somebody Dunkin Donut did reiterate what what Frank is talking about he said what's with the cops giving tickets out I said well they'll slow down now won't they okay I have my comments um I was contacted by a resident this weekend and they had the interest of South Main Street Firehouse with the possibility of converting it into a Pub bar or restaurant so so I'd like to test the finance committee with some scenario options um if you would uh one the sale of the property outright um what the potential is with that lease of the property and this is where uh our attorney Peter Veno will get involved lease at a property with the town owning the liquor license um the the U potential of or leased property with Town not owning anything but with the liability ities are with that uh if we lease the property um to the individual we'd also need to know um uh if the establishment gets sued or we going to then turn around and get sued for if we lease the property versus sell the property um they'll always sue you so but you you I mean whether you're liable or not exact exactly and that's just paper that's get filed so the question is whether you have immunity from suit and that would be another thing so sure and then I guess the other question would be about subdividing the property so the historic houses or remain in its entirety over there versus the whole lot um I guess that would be you've actually got two Parcels over there one is the property that is the parking lot and the historic houses and the piece that runs behind the businesses over and kind of comes back out I think opposite Violet terrrace um and then you've got the piece that the firehouse sits on the piece that the firehouse sits on I believe is just about as wide as the building itself uh so the parking lot is actually on the uh the adjoining site okay so you you at some point may want to consider moving your lot lines around depending on what you want to do with those properties okay so if the uh committee could at least start to dig into that that and I'm happy to talk with the committee about that we can certainly you know I'll I'll do whatever they need can you touch on that liquor license thing that we don't have liquor licenses for the town to own the question is whether or not well it's the question is whether or not they need a liquor license because if it is a municipally owned property they they may be able to get a different type of permit so we we can we can look into that it's there's different ways to kind of dice it up but really until we start looking into it that's that's what we're going to have to do thank you all right um agenda session next on the agenda session we have items for discussion for March 11th 24 2024 meeting um we have uh ordinance introduction for 2024 1533 uh title Municipal services and then we have ordinance public hearing second reading 24-1 1531 ordinance amending chapter 23 streets and sidewalks ordinance 24532 ordinance amending chapter 7 traffic section parking prohibited during certain hours that will not be on second reading that was tabled so it'll be first reading it'll be on first reading okay thank you and that's it for there um can I have a motion for to adjourn so MOJ second second third motion by councilman Collins seconded by councilman otter all in favor I iOS [Music] thank oh