second guy the ethics class to flag the United States of America to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice thank you all right Rich can we get a call to order yes Mr I'm sorry I'd like to call the meeting I'd like to call the November 21st 2023 miltown Fort Avenue Redevelopment organization meeting to water can we get a roll call please Rich Mr farcus here Mr latti here Mr mangarella here Mr mshi here Mr olinski here Mr pen here council president Zam BR here seven president Mr chairman thank you sir all right uh can we get the meeting notice Rich yes let the meetings reflect that adquate notice of the holding of this regular meeting of the for Avenue Redevelopment agency was provided by the adoption of a resolution and the posting filing and forwarding of a copy of the same to the official borrow newspaper home News Tribune publishing company on January 6 2023 public participation in this meeting will be permitted during the public hearings and after the agenda of scheduled matters has been completed thank you all right can we has everybody read the meeting minuts can we get a motion to accept the meeting minutes as type motion to approve the meeting minutes as type second second all in favor all right Rich bills and claims yes uh everybody should have a copy of the bills and claims um a total $35,200 uh for the month uh we have a replenishment of $30,000 that the developer has given us and and the balance remaining in the account after we pay the bills will be $1,886 thank you can I get a motion to accept the bills and claims as read so both second all in favor I all right BR us the Chairman's report um I have a couple questions I think they'll fall on the new business so I'll let them like go that so that I'll take us to number eight correspondence anything I don't have any correspondence anybody on the board Mr Cahill no correspondence Mr chairman all right next is the audience comments Kathy you something to say no all right come on up Sir Le weisenberger 99 JFK Drive miltown uh I'm just curious It's related to fordav but with the EPA and the D is that site done with them I mean is it got a green light that everything's okay I'm going to say I think not I'll defer to the lawyer but I don't think it really becomes our we don't have any jurisdiction over till we actually take ownership that that is correct um so there is still a remediation that needs to be done um there are Grant funds available uh to the agency uh to undertake that um cleanup there has been um uh several rounds of study that was done to identify the areas and to develop the remediation plan all of which have been approved by the D but uh until the Redevelopment agency takes title um the the property hasn't be cleaned up okay at least by the Redevelopment agency right so uh when that happens then it's possible then that the D or the EPA would retest at that point too now what happens is under under the way that the D it it's the d uh and not not the EPA the EPA is the state agency um there is a um licensed uh professional who's retained by uh the in this case it'll be the redeveloper the redeveloper uh finalizes the the remediation plan submits that plan to the D uh and then takes the responsibility to oversee it uh and provide proof uh and a certification to the DP that the premises have been remediated and cleaned up to the standards of the D um and spells all of that out and then the DP accepts that as final conclusion and they give a document that's called a no further action letter okay but if more contamination comes about who would pay for that um it would be the if it comes about before the redevelop before the agency takes title it'll be the responsibility of the property owner current property owner current property owner even uh once again through this process if if he was to be foreclosed on because of taxes or something and it becomes miltown property part of it in in this process yet or some of it even because the Pond is still a question mark here the the um the way that the Redevelopment agency would be protected is that in the condemnation process the the Redevelopment agency would uh with the developers money place that money on deposit in the courts and that money cannot be withdrawn by any party until the premises are cleaned to the standard they need to be cleaned to uh and if the cleanup cost should whatever the cleanup costs are uh they are uh the Redevelopment agency is entitled to reduce uh the amount of the money to be paid to the property owner by the amount of the cleanup okay the only reason I bring that up uh I brought up at the council meeting because East brunic with freed Industries over there uh they took ownership of that in 89 foreclosure and and they went back and forth with d and stuff and in 2021 they found more contamination that's what they're taking out of there now 8,000 cubic yards going to edgeboro and like I said there's a fee involved with that so I'm just curious how this ties in with what's going on here but yeah I was going to ask because what yeah what happened free because that's the only one I know around here yeah because they had a clean bill of health in 2021 and for some reason they retested why who knows uh if he could find that answer out but like I said now they're Trucking all that out of there so like I said appreciate it it's not uncommon in in in development projects that when you're you're digging the land up you find things right yeah um doesn't always happen but it's It's Not Unusual okay appreciate it anybody else all right we're going to go on to members comments anybody have any comments we're going to go on Old business Mr kahill uh old business uh the only thing I have to report on the old business is that the settlement conference which was scheduled for the latter part of October uh did not take place due to some trial scheduling on both the part of the judge who is going to conduct it as well as uh the attorney for Mr burer which was legit uh and uh so the the settlement conference is now scheduled for December 14th uh at 9:00 and the pre-trial conference is now scheduled for January 16 um 2024 at 2 p.m. you said January 16th 16 yes 16 and December 14th right right 14th yeah I first date was December 14th uh first one is 12:14 yes they did they have any more postponements left or was that a legit postponement if I had a crystal ball that would explain that I'd be a very rich man uh you know every the court seems to be um um impressed with the concept of speeding this along but there are sometimes at scheduling things happen a trial goes a little bit further or a a one of the attorneys who are going to litigate the case gets called into a trial on another matter and as a general rule if you're starting a trial or in the middle of a trial that takes predent precedence over uh over a settlement conference okay that will move us on a new business now we've got to get to the budget and the audit and approve those but I just was wondering and I didn't know if I should have done that under original comments or not do we have any candidates yet for Mr R position uh Mr chairman what I was going to suggest is that uh under the open public meetings uh law um you have the right to discuss Personnel matters in closed session um and my recommendation and you have a resolution um that was placed before you um to authorize to go into Clos session okay of course we we always discuss what we talked about you know generally at the end of that uh but the simple answer to your question at this point in time is no uh but I would suggest anything else as to what the actions are and what we need to do and what we're looking for and suggestions that that would be best done in in close session so let's do the let's do the acceptance of the audit the budget then we'll ask the audience to leave we'll discuss it you guys want to hang around we're done with discussing it we'll wave you back in and we'll you know let you know we you know a little recap of what we discussed so everybody has in front of them had a little crazy week at work so I'm a little behind but we have the acceptance of the 2022 audit yes which everybody has in front of them uh I did not get a chance to read through the whole audit did anybody get read the whole thing and have any questions I know Pete probably read it all fours twice did you find anything in there there is one there is one correction um Randy had pointed out I saw something else which I thought it was a mistake was not a mistake uh and Randy pointed out that when it lists the members of the agency have reviewed the audit um it was Randy as the council person and Phil as a member and that should be reversed so if you when you vote on it to approve it assuming you do um please you'll note that that change will be made tomorrow and we'll have a corrected version anybody else Noti anything needs to be corrected check [Music] change all right so can I get a motion to vote on the 2022 audit with the correction Mr pan as the councilman no no yes that Mr zamb Brana is the council Mr Z BR I said be a t and that Mr Z BR as a councilman and Randy as a member right can I get a motion move that to 2022 would it be accepted second second let's do a roll call Rich Mr parus hi Mr lagu hi Mr mangarella hi Mr M hi Mr olinski hi Mr Penza hi councilman Zan Brown hi seven eyes Mr chairman thank you all right that brings us to the introduction of the 2024 budget um Mr chairman I do have uh in front of me a uh document that is an affid that you have all read the audit that each member has to sign you've done this in the past and uh Mr Kill will test it and then it goes in with the order report so I'm going to give it to Mr Mari and if you would just uh pass it certainly thank you did anybody have any questions on our 2024 did anybody see anything wrong in our 2024 budget I have a question just looking at it quickly and like I said I had a bad week at work so I'm a little behind um will we have to change because right on the front page has got rich as the executive director and that won't be true in 2024 uh but it it is at least budget prepared as of now and because you're considering it now it reflects that it's been reviewed by the current executive director uh and he is certifying that the information that's in there that was presented in the budget is an accurate account of where we are and where we project to be thank you the uh the hearing on the budget will take place at the December meeting at which time we'll have a public hearing and uh then we vote on uh on the budget after the hearing um tonight this is just an introduction to get it before the public so it does not require any action on your part except to uh vote on the accept the introduction yes so a mo a motion to introduce the budget uh and a roll Cod R and a second of course and a roll call vote to introduce the budget um and the the public hearing will then be scheduled for the December meeting okay can I get a motion move that the 2024 budget be introduced can I get a second second can I get a roll call please Rich yeah Mr Parkin hi Mr latti hi Mr mangarella hi Mr mshi hi Mr olinski hi Mr Penza hi cilman Z bro hi seven eyes Mr chairman all right thank you very much so basically that covers everything we have to do except for the injured and our little close session to discuss candidates in Mr ROM's position so in lack of a better term everybody could step out for a couple minutes you should you should adopt a resolution to go into Clos session we got if you give me two minutes I'll I'll read it and sure whereas the miltown fort Avenue Redevelopment agency has a need to discuss matters involving the selection of an executive director and whereas the open public meeting acts provide that a public body May exclude the public from portions of a meeting and discuss certain matters in closed session including any matter involving the employment appointment terms and conditions of employment including matters falling within attorney client privilege and therefore be it resolved by the Midtown Fort Avenue Redevelopment agency that the agency enter closed session to discuss the above mentioned matters be further resolved that the discussion held in closed session will be disclosed to the public upon return to open session so a motion um make a motion that we go into close session second you do all in favor all in favor I all right yes so on and we're going to if if anybody wants to come back in and hear a recap of what we discussed Mr K will give a recap and then after that we're joury yeah you got it bro I