e e e e e e good evening everyone everyone stand stereo testing one two hold on a second please hello we have two of them test one two just bear with us a second okay technical difficulties is this one quiet no I can hear it's coming through should he's got it he's got it the sen you're in the hot seat test one [Laughter] two let's try this again good evening everyone please stand to salute the flag Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all in accordance with the open public meeting act it is hereby announced and shall be entered into the minutes of this meeting that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the following posted on the bulletin board of the office of the Township Clerk posted on the bulletin boards within the municipal complex printed in the home News Tribune and cranberry press on December 29th 2023 posted on the Monroe Township website and sent to those individuals have who have requested personal notice Madam Secretary roll call please miss Carrie present Mr Lupo here Mr Masters here Mr busman miss kator here Mr tany here Mr jaffy here Mr Cole Mr jadice here chairman LF here in the absence of Mr busman Mr jaffy you be full voting member this evening okay board members you received the minutes of our last meeting April 30th 2024 do I have a motion to accept I'll make that motion I I have a second second all in favor I thank you Mr L was okay I'm G to let Council take over the first application sure which is ba-52 42-23 uh Mr chairman we received correspondence from the applicant requesting that the application be carried to the board's July 30th 2024 meeting uh initially the request was made that the notices be carried but uh subsequent to that we received a email this afternoon acknowledging that the board would likely require the applicant to re notice in advance of that meeting and that was acknowledged so it would be a request for the application to be carried to the board's July 30th 2024 meeting uh with an acknowledgement that they would need to Ren notice by mail and publication okay do we need to put that to a vote or you can you have the discretion to okay I'd rather get it on the record that we're requiring the uh Concordia mzl LLC to repost for July's meeting um do I have a motion I'll move that Concordia a second second Madam Secretary roll call please miss Carrie yes Mr Lupo yeah yes Mr Masters yes M katori yes Mr tany yes Mr jaffy yes chairman LF yes thank you okay next application is ba-52 21-22 sesh mapi Maxwell Masa please com forward good evening it's Laura Li tton with Crest engineering and the applicant Maxwell Mena and um he is not does not have attorney so I will be doing the majority of the speaking if that's okay with the board that's fine right I'm going to go get my displays I didn't know you were so full of Technology tonight if I could swear you in quickly Miss Totton do you swear the testimony provide us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address for the record please yes laurelai tton T is in Tom OT tteen with Crest Engineering Associates Inc at 100 Reich Drive Millstone Township New Jersey you want me to do my uh credentials as well at this point what was it you want her to set forth her professional credentials on the record no you've been here before so thank you we'll accept you your licenses are still in good standing they are perfect thank you not used to having to do all the description part so the project before you has a very interesting history uh we Crest engineering prepared a major sub division back in the late I would say '90s maybe 95 to 99 that was uh filed at that time it created it was a subdivision of lot 9 block 32 it created three lots there was a kind of a factory on one of them that's lot uh 9.03 there was a a large lot in the middle 9.02 that contained most of the wetlands that are in the rear of the property and this lot was created lot 9.01 which contains three acres at that time this the zoning was uh uh R3 I think zoning and it complied with all the zoning then a um a buyer purchased the property in I would say around 2004 by that time the Zone had changed to R six 6 Acres zoning we came before this board and the application number is ba785 and at that time this board uh found it appropriate to Grant approval for bulk variances a lot area from 3 to six acres um the you you have an F as you well know for your single family developments so the F was also granted it was I don't remember what it was but it was granted at that time and then also lot Frontage and um lot width was granted because they all met the are the 3 acres Zone but not the six acres zone so then uh somewhere between 2010 and 2014 that property owner had a potential purchaser potential purchaser who um I don't recall whether it was the potential purchaser or the property owner who uh hired a contractor who brought in Phil because at that time the house was to be located in the low part which is adjacent to Hoffman Road on I guess the top of the sheet that you're looking at um and that soil was very black it was a recycled soil that had come from uh sand blasting ship Bottoms Up in Bon and there were uh testing results that I believe were clean but you can't reuse soil like that um without getting permits from D so the uh Builder removed the soil and then uh Mr Mena purchased the property a couple of years ago in 2022 I think 21 thank you in 2021 and he would like to build a house up closer to the top of the hill where he's going to have a a view of the area and uh be able to enjoy the trees that will surround His property uh and he's come he's submitted plans prepared by another engineer so there's been work done on this prior to my becoming re-involved with this project so now with the 10 acre Zone we're back here asking you for bulk variances to allow the construction of a single family home on this lot that is uh 3 acres and a 10 acres Z so that's pretty much where we are I can give you a description of the property it slopes from the south to the north towards Hoffman Station Road there's a low area just before Hoffman Station Road there's still a little bit of a tree line along Hoffman Station Road a lot of it as you can see from the aerial uh portion uh to the right of the actual drawing is wooded and I note that the neighbor to the right has a row of trees he's installed close to the property line you can see them if you look really closely at that aerial uh and you can see that there is on that aerial and also on our plan and Survey of property that there's an existing dirt drive that goes from Hoffman station uh down a little bit then uphill to the area on the right of of the of the white kind of box shaped with a corner cut off um and that area that's been cleared there that is where or that is cleared that is where the house is proposed to be located to give you a sense of where it is on the aerial compared to where it is on on the site plan now unlike the application we submitted back in uh 2004 or 5 for the 3 Acre to acre variances this one has a very specific home Mr Mena has had architectural plans prepared for this uh and he's um had the testing required on the site uh for the the um septic system uh he wants to continue using that dirt road or or Gravel Road to reach to the site there is a small uh ditch with a pipe in it which you can see and that pipe would be replaced to allow better grading of the road to become wider at the bottom uh it's been requested by the your Township engineer to install a uh a paved entrance 20 ft into the site which I think is a great idea keeps the stone on the property we're proposing Stone because it's more environmentally sensitive than asphalt is and it is a long driveway which the stone does require a waiver which we're asking for and that's the reason for the waiver to have the least impact on the site as possible um additionally as I pointed out there are a lot of trees on the site and we're trying to minimize the amount of clearing that would be done in addition to what the cleared spots that exist now I don't believe any other trees need to be removed but we would be happy to stake out the limits of clearing to identify any trees that do need to be removed so that uh that could be taken care of properly with a tree removal permit um and it was requested that the steep slopes be put into an easement I would be very happy to work with both the planner and engineer to make that easement happen to protect the steep slopes and the trees that are on those steep slopes with regard to the soil that I described to you there is a comment in Mr reso's letter with regard to that as well and what I would propose to you is that we provide some more soils testing to ensure that that black soil that was very objectionable um 10 years ago be uh it has been totally removed from the site to protect not only this property but those downst stream of this property and I have to look at my notes to see if I forgot anything I would like to put on to the record the variances that we are requesting um we are we want a we would request a variance from 10 Anor lot size where 3 acres is provided uh the density which is um Lots per acre permitted is 0.15 we with 3 acre lot it ends up being 1.33 uh lot Frontage for 10 acres is a 400t requirement and this lot has 239.50 7 ft lot width because the lines are not parallel is approximately 236 were 400 FTS required we do have sufficient lot depth it's 612 ft deep uh the front yard setback is 75 required and we have uh three 47.8 ft the rear yard is 705 and we have 14 6.1 ft and the sidey setback is required is 50 we are asking for a a slightly under 4T waiver to 46.2 ft to allow the house to be located so that it does the it infringes the least on those trees that are on the steep slopes so we can protect those slopes the house is shaped as it is with an extension to the front and the the garage so that it does fit nicely in the area uh the garage doors do not face the street they face the driveway um and all of that is one single it was at one point a detached garage but it's been made into and connected to the house uh so that it's all one building now the house height is under 35 ft when measured along the front as is required by Monroe Township and we would add all those Dimensions to all of the architecturals as well as add the distance between the house and the septic system to show that it meets the requirements of Monroe and the chapter 199 rules for septic systems finally um we're proposing a well instead of connecting into the public water system which is uh not only is it 3 almost 50 ft from the house down to the road it's another 400 ft up the road so we have submitted for an application to the uh I always want to say Sewer Authority the Municipal Utilities Department for a water well actually a negative water approval we have submitted documents showing that it would be much more expensive to to bring a line 400t down and then a um sewer a u water line service line up to the house uh and and in comparison to building uh installing a deep well along with the required water treatment that might be needed for he created lot in the R3 Zone back in the late 90s and the zoning has changed twice since that time ones to six acres wherein the board did deem it appropriate to Grant a uh an approval for it we had shown at the time that there are other 3 acre lots in the area we had um probably not as detailed a design as this showing that a reasonable home and could be constructed on the property without uh Major Impact and I feel the same is still true we have shown that a house can fit very nicely on this lot we're not looking for any coverage variances um uh which it's a smaller lot so you have a smaller area you can cover we are only asking for if it was a 3 acre lot with a 50ft side yard setback we would be asking for a slight variance from the lot uh sidey setback so be because we could technically move the house over and it would not need that variance but it's better suited to the topography to be located where it is so we're asking for that waiver um with regard to the house sizes I brought the tax maps with me I'm sorry not house lot sizes U quite a few of the Lots across the street from this property are 3 acres so this is not out of character with a neighborhood um the house size is similar to those in the neighborhood there are other Lots along here that have fairly long driveways notably the lot to the right of this property has a pretty long driveway itself so it's definitely not out of character uh with the neighborhood at all and I'll I can go over to my tax maps to show you the smaller lot sizes but the most of the other side from uh Route 522 down to around this area are 3 Acre and smaller Lots uh so it does fit into the character of the neighborhood and and based upon all of that I think you can grant the bulk variances since in the past you the board did Grant this although every case I understand does stand on its own and we have to make this case for itself but it is a a pre-existing lot it's definitely a C1 hardship in this case um it is one house one lot it's a residential use so it all fits well into the master plan it's just that the master plan changed and we can't change the lot um the has submitted letters asking the owners on either side to either sell or purchase and I it's I believe he has received no uh answers to those in fact I think he's done that twice no response just one no response so both neither time correct no response either time so I think that the board can grant these bulk variances without harm to the master plan uh and the Zone it's a zoning plan it's a unique site in that it it exists it's a not a use variance and we meet all of the uh criteria that would provide light Air and Space meaning the sidey setbacks the rear yard setbacks the front yard setbacks with the exception of 3.8 ft on one side and the house is pushed over a little to accommodate the tree line um I think that's really all I have to offer okay M will'll start with you please uh Mr Orton quick um uh question uh you are in receipt of CME review letter March 12th 20124 I am and um I think you've answered most that you would be providing um you know information on or are complying with most of these items not the only thing I saw was perhaps some Landscaping on that side where you're asking for the variant and engineer already mentioned that so thank you any other board members going off I am in agreement with with the variant um because moving the house though they could meet the setback uh it would put the house closer to the steep slope is on the other side of the property so I would I would agree with the variance recommendation thank you again any other board members any questions okay seeing there's none we're going to open this up to the public at this time sir I'm going to ask you to take a seat behind you somewhere if anyone in the public wishes to be heard on this application and this only at the present time please come forth if I could just swear you in quickly if you could raise your right hand do you swear any testimony you're going to provide us the truth the whole truth and nothing with the truth I do if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please for the record my name is Michael yatco y a TSK my address is 47 Hoffman Road Monro Township Jersey you can sit relax it's okay go ahead shoot away right so I guess my first concern we talked about uh contaminated soil on our property so well actually just start off I just want to make one correction you had referred to the property on Hoffman station I know it's hman Road road so in case that matters at all but the uh the front of the property I guess at some point in time had have been filled in with with contaminated soil do we know for a fact that that soil was removed do we have any record on that we going refer that to the engineer I'm going to ask the applicant and the applicant's engineer what information they have uh regarding that we did go out and inspect it after it was removed to make sure that it was removed and uh that it was back to the grades that had been there previously so I do know that that's a fact okay it was required um the person who was uh in the board and the Construction office is no longer with Monroe though so but we will conduct testing because it is important to make sure that it was all removed okay so at that point that you inspected the property what what type of inspection was that walking the property okay so just a visual inspection well the material that was brought in was black so it was easy to see where it was no longer but anything could be easily covered up with a pile of leaves or you know kicking around soil so how much how deep how far did that soil go when you're concerned with having drinking water you know we all have wells out there as Mr Mercer is going to have his own well also one point so we are concerned of what's going on in the ground any kind of disturbance that happens during construction during testing if anything has to be remediated what happens and who's responsible if our clean drinking Wells that are current all of a sudden become contaminated and there's been that problem on Hoffman Road before the applicant is required is going has has indicated that he will allow us to do the testing that's required if something is found as was indicated by Mr Ras moitz it has to be reported to njd and then it has to be remediated and it will be remediated under the supervision of an lsrp which is a licensed uh site remediation yes remediation yes I always forget what it stands for but this person is specifically licensed by njde to oversee the REM the remediation of sites uh and they have a fiduciary responsibility there so you can be sure that person is going to oversee it properly and make sure that anything that's there is cleaned up the owner of the property and the prior owners are actually responsible for contamination on that site if there is any okay all right so we don't know for sure how much of this soil was brought in how much of the soil was taken out there's no record on that anywhere and we're going to test you'll have testing done to see if there's any more contaminated soil or any contamination that spread how far in that area on that property is that so is that so testing going to be done across the property to see if anything spread and how deep I guess are we going to go we'll be testing in accordance with the njd protocol okay and will we be will we be able to see the or get copies of all the test results I think that's important being a neighbor Mr chairman yeah whatever is submitted to the town is is public record okay when they provide that documentation to the township it's uh you know you can request it through the open public open public records act okay all right um in reference to I guess that handles all the contamination Factor right there um if there is any um in addition I'd like to talk about the tree removal on the property um I guess it was about a year ago that I came home to the property I maintained my property well um and I found a generous amount of trees on the left side of my property vandalized with orange paint they were spray painted marked X's arrows numbers letters um I guess somebody did not have a correct copy or survey when they came in to Mark the property and I was just told it's a mistake so I'd like to be notified if any clearing uh is going to happen i' like to be notified beforehand so I know when things are going to be done I'd like to be around I'd like to see is the property staked out like you're saying for conservation easement and I'm worried because it is a slope it is an area where a lot of storm water rolls through there the storm water rolls right through the front of that property comes down to mine it's like a raging River we're at the bottom of the trough right there everybody storm water comes from across the road through those woods so and down through my property so it's important that the land stay natural as possible to subside that that water to ease it and we're talking about you know it could be erosion problem and it does get bad at times with regard to uh giving you notice I don't see that there's a problem with that um I don't know whether it would be best if I notified Mr Ramo and he did or if I did it we did it directly when we staked out and we walked the site for the tree clearing my suggestion is to meet with the neighbor on the site um you know you and the applicant and and label all the trees so the the conservation eement that you're speaking about that's going to range from down the so the I guess you're going to call it the the left side of the proper you look at down the left side of the property loan the house and go all the way to the front down the side of the driveway out to the front there is that where you were we have to look at it and work it out but something along those lines the left side of the house following the limited disturbance line and then bring it out to the front to um you know depending on the soil testing and if you have any remediation to do um we'd have to restore that area but but the intent is that whole left side it's not being disturbed all right to maintain those slopes and uh you know to allow uh you know water to to percolate in the ground and the trees to hold the the SE SL back yeah you got a generous amount of of old growth trees on on that slope right there that hill and any kind of storm water that's generated from sides of this house you know it's got to go somewhere so you know everything runs downhill T is to keep keep as many trees as right keep as many trees as possible definitely MH okay I mean uh and from what I've seen you know you know we have on the pl there's no retaining walls no I don't believe so on the slope to hold back anything for the house no no retaining walls the driveway is a little steeper in the middle uh but no retaining reason I asked cuz there was quite amount of lines marked on the ground on my property as well spray paint all over the place and they just got concerned about you know why all this you know being done my property I have to say we were only hired in the fall of 23 so I think that precedes yes so no no retaining walls no heavy lines I was I could see that up there that this is the top of the bank right here here uh yes so there be be overhanging excuse me sir can you use the microphone that's okay the the house is going to be going past the garage and the left the call the right side of the house is going to be going past the top of the the the top of the bank right there on the hill is going to be disturbance to that slope right there but in the flatter part of it okay that's that is uh precisely the reason for asking for the sidey guard setback on what's the right side up on the display okay all right I guess that's that's all I have at this point it would just be uh to ask that if there's any kind of U you know more disturbance along the tree line to have additional Landscaping put it for screening you know Evergreens or whatnot you know on our side as well I think a lot of that was requested by the engineer and I think you heard testimony to the fact that the applicants professionals will notify you when doing such things that you need to be notified a phone number on there email just write it after so that I can contact you so Mr chairman I would just add you know um there was removal of some of that material we don't have any confirmation so so we're here to to ensure that it was cleaned up and if by chance it wasn't all removed you know get it cleaned up so so we're trying to get you know clean up the site and ensure it's clean so we're going to be doing the testing before we do any actual work I I will add that the testing and any remediation would be required prior to any building permits being issued for the site should it be approved by the board and you have guys have no problems or objections notifying this neighb no you know if you're going to speak we're gonna have to get you sworn in because just let's let us get him swor and you could stay there for a second please if you could raise your right hand you s the testimony going to provide us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do you talk louder into the mic please yes I do if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please for the recordi MS in Mary Us in umbrella TS in Tom HS in Henry Us in umbrella p as in Paul as and Andrew NS and NY DS and David I and is okay you can sit down for a second it's okay just name that mic down and what were you about to say I would like to add about the orange paint on his trees on his property okay what happened was when we applied for the permit for the building permit it was approved and we also got the tree permit approved as well so I spoke to the engineer from the township they told us to Mark the trees whatever that we want to remove and he wants to inspect before we do any work so what all we did is we decided whatever trees that needs to be removed we thought it's all on our property based on the survey we had we went and marked it but the only thing was we couldn't reach out to him at the time but definitely we were about to go and consult with him before taking out any trees but at that point it work got stopped because the township realized that the building permit should not have been approved because of this bulk variance from that's exactly what I'm just going to say had you get an approval on a house when you can't even use the land yet no no it was approved but we didn't know that it was okay so nothing has been built whatever was marked was marked in error yes it was all caught in time so now before you do anything your professionals will contact his neighbor and advise him when they're going to come in and do something yeah and I will also work with him to make sure that we are not cutting down any trees because of his erosion concerns okay is that suffice yeah would defin be notified before anything happens they ready it's on the record they will they'll notify I'm saying cuz you know there was no permit in fact for any kind of tree removal when he came on the property if you're going to Mark somebody's property out you know you're on you have to know where you're going to be at that point you were trespassing and you vandalized my property well nothing was vandalized yet so no it was they were mocked well it's a fine line I agree with you but um is the property currently surveyed correctly yes so how did we end up on this gentleman's property mocking frees if but it was so slope and with a lot of bushes and stuff so maybe we could not see the stakes on the property line okay so again as they indicated before they move forward with that they will notify you and contact you and and they'll be there and you guys can work it out as neighbors the side of the property is definitely marked out clear because after that was done I had our engineer rch come in they put they put pins holes ribbon on every point on that whole side along our property there so it is more than clearly marked right now I'm sure they will comply with that all right and that's all I'm asking for you know it was disturbing to come home and see everything I take care of cover in spray paint I understand and had to look at it for quite some time and uh I guess at this point that that's all I've got very good thank you okay thank you very much for your time you're welcome anyone else on the public yes ma'am come on up good evening if I could swear you in quickly if you could raise your right hand you swear any testimony going to Prov as the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please for the record Ariana yapelli I a sit down use the microphone Ariana yapelli i a o p l i 35 Hoffman Road Monroe Township New Jersey 08831 okay I heard mommy go ahead okay so um I'm the neighbor to the right um the house that's yeah on the right of that picture um so I've had the pleasure of meeting Mr Mena I didn't really know the extent of the plans and where things were going to be um but from our perspective um we really built here just because it was a very tranquil quiet Serene piece of land um and it seems I I've never been actually on his property but from our backyard there's just like a small plateau of land so our question is really like where is the house going to go especially a house that large in comparison to our house I think that's something for your not for you for your professional if you don't mind coming up and if You' be able to answer that question it would be greatly appreciated I believe our house is around 300 feet set back so I'm if you look at the uh display or my display over here you'll see the box with the corner taken off that's Mr Mena's lot and your house is to the right you can see the driveway coming off Hoffman station and your house is about halfway back along that white line that's adjacent to your pro that is your prop L right not hofman station I know I'm sorry I keep saying that it's right hofman station's right there Hoffman Road I'll get it before the end of the hearing um so your if you want to take the microphone go to that okay yeah just put it yeah on top of that cable there you go like a maze maybe I shouldn't it's kind of a spaghetti yeah we have faith in you I think I have enough now okay so if you turn if you can see this display that I'm pointing to I'm pointing to to the property line to the right and you can see your house is located a little bit more than halfway down the common property line and his the proposed house is going to be approximately in the same location slightly further back I believe his house your house is you said 300 ft off his is a little under 350 so still like a good 50 ft behind our house entally well it's adjacent to the back front of his house is probably going to be even with the back of your house back of our yes um I guess our question is like what could we do to maybe preserve the kind of ruralness of the area Laur can you just use the mic oh I'm sorry I'm sorry our question would I guess be what could we do to you know Ensure sure that the Privacy is still there and we're not essentially looking at the front door of their house um I think our engineer covered that with respect to uh Greenery trees and stuff Mark am I correct well they did agree to provide some buffering but I think it's appropriate to discuss that exactly what it would be for the resident I mean directly impacts our yeah CU I just feel like the front of the like when you come out in the backyard you're looking at the front of their house so is your client willing to enhance the buffering along that property line for the Neighbors pleasure yes yes and that would be submitted again before we do any work correct correct as part of resolution compliance and would they have to reach out to the I I would suggest and I you know I welcome some input from our planner as far as maybe like a double row of of Evergreen type plantings staggered yeah we would would recommend that we uh we would work with our landscape planner with M torton to make sure there's like a you know a staggered row of Evergreen planting to ensure you know buffering of 365 days would it be possible to also have like offense put up um I would defer to the applicant if they're willing to do that but um you know again I think working with the you know three professionals here we can try and install as much of plantings as possible to make sure the buffering is adequate what is your definition of a fence a PVC fence from where the fence store no all right I deserve that when I say from where are we coming from the street to the back of their property I would just say from the back of the property to like where the driveway would be like where it kind of the driveway wraps around like the closest point to our property so something that would start before your property but end after your property then there'll be nothing else just just a section and you would want that in L of Evergreens both just because I feel like it's just it's kind of invasive that it's right in our backyard I I do I mean I I don't have a problem at all with Mr Men building it's just the location of where the house would be you know again we built there for a reason and I feel like the you know peace and Tranquility of the property is now disturbed by having you know almost a 7,000 square foot home right in our backyard is that something your clients's willing to uh sit with the neighbor and and come up with a a certain section they would like to fence off um yes I would suggest perhaps from from this excuse me sir you're not on the record we don't know who you are at this point if you wish to speak you need to come up here and get sworn in you could stand there that's fine you don't have to come all the way up front if you could raise your right hand for me do you swear the testimony going to provide is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please Maxwell last name is Mena M N S age proceed sir your address sir oh I'm sorry so in regards to what she's saying privacy I'm sorry your your address uh H Wedgewood Court Monro can you just repeat that eight Wedgewood Wedgewood Court Monroe yep good thank you please proceed so in regards to what uh she's saying privacy I like my privacy as well as she does if I'm going to put trees to make sure this privacy happens I'm not in addition putting any PVC pipes we didn't say have to we're asking as a potential neighbor at their request would you consider doing something of that in addition to planting I think planting the tree will be enough well that's that's your opinion and that's fine and you're entitled to that we're asking as a board if you're willing to do it so it's either going to be you would sit and maybe meet with the neighbor and disc discuss it it would be a no or it would be a yes all right I'll talk to the Nea I'll talk to the ne hopefully we can come to a conclusion so if this application is to move forward it's going to be pending or hindering on the conversation because she asked something we're trying to establish some ground rules here before we even start anything and we want to make sure everyone is happy on both sides so again if it goes to a vote that may be a key factor in approval again Mr L I have no issue with Mr Mena building it's just where essentially the house would be let let my professional chime in here so in order to have some basis for the board to take a vote on I mean typically we would do either Evergreen plantings or a fence it's not typical to do both because a fence would be on the property line so you'd be looking at a fence you wouldn't be looking at Evergreens if if you if you went with a fence so it's usually it's one or the other is is the route the board typically takes okay so so I think we need to establish that I guess maybe if you have the preference which would you prefer uh you do have some I think you have like a single row of Evergreens over there near that property line that are yours are yeah so so you know I I I guess we would ask you and then we could ask the applicant if he's agreeable to whether it's a fence or the Landscaping okay Evergreens oh you got the okay H that from the beginning so is that acceptable and plan suggested double row staggered Evergreen plantings of of some substantial size of some size thank you yeah again like what are they going to be small like obviously they're going to take a long time to typically we ask for about 4 feet to start planting with I think four or 6 feet and they're 12 to 18 in um and again we'll work with our landscape um architects who was you know uh licensed landscape architect with Miss uh Toton firm to make sure you know they are following the the Evergreen planting row on your side and provide it more staggered so you see a more um um visually buffed okay and I guess my question would be how how long do they take to grow so typically in the beginning itself we ask for a minimum of four feet I don't know how high they grow I I do not have a landscaping background but uh you know our Landscapes that's what typically they ask for and it's a supposed to grow to about 6 to 8 ft okay okay and then also we were um notified that the set the sidey yard setback was short from our side of the property I believe it was like 42 feet should be 50 46.2 yeah that's the variance they're asking for so is there a w like I guess I mean I can't change their plan but is there a way that their house could be in line with our house I'm going to leave that to their engineer it's where it is to work if we move it further towards Hoffman Road it will be in more steeper slopes and uh because the slopes kind of uh curve in there so that's why it is where it is so there's no way of that happening no no it would be it would would impact the slopes to the north of the location right now it may be the best spot for the location to put home based on the topographical and everything that's what they're trying to achieve without disturbing as much as possible okay Miss Darden uh is it possible to measure the distance between the proposed building and the aerial of their house just an approxim to give as to how much distance is there I know it's 50 ft set back but in terms of so um your house does not show on our drawing but it does show on this aerial which is about 1 in equals 100 ft so your prop your house is around 100 ft off the property line so it will be 146 ft between the two homes okay but the distance behind our house well it's a little difficult to tell because we didn't plot plot it on the aerial um now I'm estimating okay so it looks like I I think that the front of this house is very close to the back of your house as best as I can tell looking at the aerial okay any other questions no thank you thank you anyone else in the public wishing to be heard seeing there's no one else I make a motion to close the public portion board members do I have a motion to close the public portion I move to close the public portion is there a second all in favor thank you okay board members we have an application before us you heard the applicants professionals you heard from the applicant they're proposing a house with some variances I need a motion to either approve or deny the app yes I got a question maybe you can help me out here name of the applicant is one name the name of the owner is another name who's going to be reside in there my understanding is Mr Mena is going to reside there I think my understanding is Mr Mena is going to reside there I believe it's his residence they both on the paper here Mar let say I believe um Mr mapon is is his contractor the applicant the applicants the actual Builder himself as well okay all right with that said I like to make a motion to approve I think we had a motion on the table I need to no we didn't I'm sorry motion to approve motion to approve under the stipulation the applicant adheres to our professionals requirements I'll second it Madame secretary roll call please miss Carrie um I want to First just thank the applicant for agreeing to do all that testing and ensuring that the property is clean I think that's an improve that'll you know be a nice thing for that neighborhood to the sense of peace knowing that that's looked at and addressed um and also for agreeing to put in the plantings as the other neighbor requested so um with that I'll say yes Mr Lupo yes Mr Masters yes Miss katori yes Mr kzy yes Mr jaffy yes chairman LF yes thank you okay you need a do you need a few minutes the stenographer do you need a few minutes just remember you said that now once we get started thank you everyone you're welcome good okay next application ba- 5230 d22 3C sack Self Storage LP please come forward good evening everyone Steven hail representing the applicant 3C saxs Self Storage U-Haul uh thank you all for coming out this evening Council before we get started I want to put on the record we would like a copy of the transcript please no problem thank you make it easier for Council to draft any resolutions yes so um yeah thank you all again uh we're here this evening for barrance and relief associated with the existing newth wall facility uh just what's we're what we're proposing here is an area additional parking for trucks and a copy area uh and you'll you'll hear from the testimony there's going to be no change and hours of operation intensity of the the use it's to provide better storage and circulation for the trucks and then the canopy provides some protection for uh patrons and the like when trucks are brought back uh we will have testimony from our site engineer inside engineering taking us through existing conditions and then what's proposed by way of improvements and then we'll have planning testimony uh from uh so will be J PES first testify from Insight engineering and then we have operational testimony needed but I think Jay can cover most of that and then we do have uh Robert Hudak as a professional planner to address any the relief that sought in connection with the application I do appreciate uh Laura has sent over to us your reports and the agenda and also again we've received both your planners report and your engineers report we'll have no problem addressing any of those Mr hail just for the record uh I believe the applicants engineer has just provided us with an exhibit is this exhibit A1 this is something that can be A1 okay going to say we we don't already have this is that correct correct cool thank you councel no problem think to please if you could raise your right hand for me you swear the testimony going to provide us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please for the record J badish B A TT 1955 Route 34 Wall New Jersey perfect thank you all right my credentials I haven't been yes if you could please give the board the benefit of your work educational experience a of expertise sure license you hold and whether you've been qualified before the boards courts in the state of New Jersey I have my Ms in civil engineering from the University of Buffalo I worked for five years as a engineer for the Department of Defense I've been in Land Development for seven years I've appeared before several boards mainly mammoth in Union County my name specifics if you need I've not been in front of this board but I'm excited to be and my La is in is current in valid Okay C we Council we'll accept his credentials as a professional great thank you very much Mr chairman all right uh Mr Ben you obviously well familiar with the site you provided the board with exhibit A1 uh take us through existing conditions and then we can move on what's proposed by way of improvements and he can point to uh any parts of A1 and perhaps also identify A1 for the record sure so this is an existing self- storage facility it had a previous approval in 1993 to add truck rentals which is a accessory use of U-Haul's business model um at the time was approved for 11 trucks to be on the site um the site is rather large it's over over 7 Acres and it's Unique in the fact that it is landlocked it doesn't have any Frontage um it's off of Route 33 um about 400 ft back by way of an access easement um with this application what we're proposing to do is add an additional parking area in the front of the buildings this parking area is 9,250 square ft and our goal is to use this parking area for U-Haul's rental trucks um currently some of the trucks are I'd say overflowing from the site they're parked within the driveway areas and this is really just going to help organize the site it's going to give space for the trucks to park on the property outside of the driveway um this space will allow 11 additional trucks so in total it'll be 26 trucks that we're proposing for this property and just for reference um U-Haul did some metrics on this property and it averages 25 truck rentals per week so that really helps and fits with their current demand for um the area um in addition we're proposing uh we call it a shade canopy it's a fabric canvas material it's over a uh steel frame I have included an image of another one from one of U-Haul's other facilities on this exhibit as you can see it's rather rather slim again it's just a fabric material that's on the top essentially a big umbrella which provides shade for the employee that works underneath it as far as the employee underneath it um what they're really doing is they're receiving a truck when it's dropped off they're vacuuming it out they're sanitizing it and they're parking it in one of their spots for the next customer um so this employee just if they're out there doing work on the truck not by work just cleaning uh it provides shade for this employee uh additionally we're proposing a 12T x 17 ft concrete pad this is to locate a propane refill station on um this is again a ancillary use to U-Haul's business model um one thing I not is they are the largest propane refiller in the nation so it's a typical use that's associated with it um this approval will go through the NJ DCA they have a liquid propane Safety Division so they're also going to review this application in regards to the propane refill and will be issuing their own um review and approval for it they also do inspections maintenance and training and everything after the fact not just the initial construction with the DCA in regards to the building there are no changes proposed to the building um I'd like to say this is a rather simple application that really the focus of it is that front portion of the facility so over the Seven Acres it's only about 10,000 square ft that we're looking to do work on everything else is to remain the canopy structure is 18 ft and 10 in tall um this is less than the office building there's no signage proposed with this application um that's one thing that we have revised and we're coming to no signage on this and then to reiterate too the canopy cover is a permeable material it's a fabric material so in regards to storm water management this is consider considered a minor development in accordance with both the and the local ordinance that means it's less than one acre of disturbance and less than a quarter acre of new impervious or Motor Vehicles impervious the way we plan to handle storm water for this new parking lot is by using a permeable pavement um this aligns with both the D's green infrastructure storm water management rules which are also adapted within the local requirements so those have been recently changed um by complying with the green infrastructure requirements the water is able to soak through the pavement and percolate into the there's essentially a gravel bed beneath it which can uh store it and percolate it back into the soil we've also proposed an inlet at the edge of the access driveway and the new driveway if there's ever situation where we have any overflow it would go into the inlet which collects it goes into the existing storm water pipes on site which connects to an existing Basin on site one thing that was noted at the time of the survey is that that manhole had water in it um U-Haul has looked into it what it is is where the pipe goes into the detention Basin hasn't been been maintained so there's still and debris that built up in that pipe um so in accordance with the engineering review letter we're adding a note to say that it'll be cleaned out in their presence to rectify that situation um we'll also provide an operations maintenance manual for the permeable pavement and that will be recorded with the D of the property also noted in the engineering review letter in regards to traffic we don't anticipate this creating any additional traffic on site there's currently three employees that's going to be maintained in terms of demand for these vehicles having additional parking spaces does not increase the demand it really just matches the local demand for the area um it's just really growing with the community to provide the trucks as necessary the exact breakdown of the trucks um I just want to touch on the size so in the 1993 approval it said uh I think it was 26t trucks um where it was noted that they're actually 34 ft long the difference in that discrepancy is essentially the cab of the truck when uh U-Haul refers to a 26t truck it's the Box itself is 26t so the overall length is 34 that's still going to be the largest vehicle on the property there's also smaller ones uh 10t 20ft cargo vans regular uh pickup trucks and trailers as necessary so the exact breakdown of the size of the vehicles we can't give an exact breakdown of the different sizes it really depends on the demand of what comes in and out from the site but again for reference of the 25 vehicles per week 80% of them are Vans trailers and pickup tra so it's rather the smaller equipment is preferred within this area for circulation we've provided a circulation plan on sheet c301 of the site plan set which was submitted so this shows an su3 U 30 foot straight truck coming into the called the shunting area essentially maneuvering within that parking lot um and shows that it's feasible the parking spaces within this parking lot vary they actually go from 40 fet in length down to 25 ft in length which works well with our um varying truck sizes um one other thing to not I guess is with this property we have a 25 foot wide sewer easement at the front of it so we're maintaining uh the sewer easement we're not putting anything within it and I kind of dictated the design of that parking lot but still works with the trucks that we need um one additional benefit of the canopy is it acts essentially as a kind of a beacon for when someone drops off a vehicle rather than just leaving in the axess way the canopy is really an identifier as you can see on the image that a customer would come up to it they would just park underneath it and from there it would be the U-Haul employees responsibility to vacuum it sanitize it and park it within the chunting lanes so we think that'll help with uh customer orientation on the property uh the additional parking on the property for customers coming in there are three headen spaces next to the office building and then there are two parallel spaces on the road which we're hoping to maintain additionally there's space around the site it's really a drive up facility so if a customer is unloading anything from the back of their car or truck they would just drive up to their storage unit and unload it from the front um for lighting we're proposing four pull mounted LED lights they're rather short actually they're only 15 feet tall um we could go higher however we thought that was a benefit of having the shorter poles to prevent the spillage on it with that it did create one waiver that we're asking for Relief on there's a requirement that the average uh the minimum lighting level has to be 75% of the average we're at 177% to make that work is really it wouldn't make sense on this site we need either more lights or taller lights the design that we've presented is the best option in our opinion as far as ad adequately lighting the parking lot we have a minimum of0 five or 08 foot candles where 0.5 is typical in an average of 4.8 foot candles so it's not excessively bright and we wouldn't want to raise up the light of the poles or anything so that is one waiver that we're asking for um and my opinion that it's very typical the lighting levels that we're proposing for a parking lot for landscaping we're proposing a doubled stagger row of red cedar trees um there's 10 of them proposed they're at the western side of the property line with the neighbors parking lot um and actually there's newly planted trees on their side of the property line as well which will just help to add to that buffer again there's no signs that are proposed um and then just to touch on bulk requirements quickly there's no change in the building setback or the building coverage we're increasing the lot coverage from 68.3% to 71.3% um for this over s Acres it's only 9,500 Square fet where 60% is permitted just for reference but again this is permeable pavement that we're proposing so we uh see that as a benefit to help with that lot coverage there's a requirement for a 20 foot setback for any parking areas from any non-residential uses or I'm sorry from uh any residential uses where we're proposing 25 oh 25 ft is required we're proposing 20 ft so we're asking for Relief on that 5T a setback uh however it does essentially mirror the neighbors that to the West that we're in reference to the newly constructed area and we're also asking for a variance for the parking area location it's not permitted to be in a front yard however because this is set back 40 ft uh from 33 we see this as fitting and it also works well with the uh business operations to have the parking lot there so customers can easily find it and then again the uh lighting level waiver and you've had an opportunity obviously to review board Engineers report and any applicable comments from board planner any problems complying with any of those nope we can comply with both letters okay uh Mr chairman I have no further preliminary questions of Mr next professional uh we do have our operational but again there's no change in operation Merlin is here in case there's any questions from the board so what I'd like to do is move on to our professional planner Mr Robert Hudak you s the testimony going to provide is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your address please for the record yes my name is Robert Hudak my last name hu D is and David AK and I'm a licensed professional planner in the state of New Jersey I've been accepted as a professional for this board before LIC your license is still in good keep yes the board Knows Mr Hudak so all right uh Mr Hudak if you could please provide the board with an overview of the justification for the relief sought and connection with this application yes so tonight we're here seeking both DN C variance relief along with preliminary and final site plan approval to make the improvements that Mr bsh had talked about as noted there are some existing conditions here uh in addition to the use which is not permitted in the zone you have lot Frontage you have front yard setback you have sidey yard setback issues uh building cover uh building coverage lock coverage impervious surface coverage you have these existing conditions and we're really uh we're here tonight because we're exacerbating the existing use as I understand as you've heard uh this use was granted at D1 variants in 1993 and because we're expanding it we're required to come back before the board seeking that relief again the D1 variant so it's important to keep in mind that this is an existing use of the property as you've heard we're not changing the overall operations we are expanding them but we're not changing them as noted uh with the D1 variance must prove out the special reasons criteria is noted in the statute that either hardship exists or that the project carries out the purpos of zoning and that the site is particularly fitted for the proposed use in this case the self storage and Truck Rental use already exist proposed additional truck truck rentals and propane sales are a natural complement to the existing self- storage use U-Haul as you've heard is one of the largest if not the largest um retailer of tank refills in North America I also would note that the master plan report reexamination report of 2020 recommends channeling a variety of commercial uses to the Route 33 Corridor and the highway development Zone and that provide needed amenities to the growing population in Monroe ouru is definitely complements this as you've heard this uh we we've been utilized uh pretty much as we're proposing at this point the number of truck rentals and such so definitely there's a need for this use in in Monroe our property also has access to 33 as you've seen but doesn't front on Route 33 so the typical uses that are you have in that zone uh really don't want this lot this is not their desirable lot however the HDs owning the master plan talk about this lot being commercial so in essence while we're not um in the use itself is not in line with the Zone it is a use that's cont a non-residential use that's contemplated there by adding the front parking area as we've discussed it's creating a safer site currently visitors access the site and park in the easement as we've all seen rental trucks are also parked in that access easement creating traffic Hazard and unsightly conditions there's no specific pickup and drop off location currently on site by providing a new space with a canopy and the park Cara in front we're offering a safer and more attractive location for pick up and drop offs outside of that easement so it's my opinion our proposal dovetails nicely with the recommendations of the Township's master plan re examination report and also provides a safer more attractive design allowing for better traffic cloth through the site thus advancing purpose a the safety and general welfare purposes purpose G uh providing sufficient locations for a variety of uses to meet the needs of all New Jersey citizens purpose H provide a location of Transportation routes that promote the free flow of traffic and purpose ey promoting the desirable visual environment so I think we satisfy the first prong of the D1 variants regarding sight suitability again this is an unusual lot that doesn't front along the highway the public must use that access easement to get into the site this is a particular condition that the businesses allowed in the HD Zone typically desire that Frontage along rout 33 think of McDonald's think of uh Tractor Supply think of the other uses and quick check and the other uses along Route 33 so our use doesn't require the same Frontage requirements as 33 as the other uses but still keeping within that non-residential character of the HD zone so in my opinion that makes a lot particularly suited for this use it still meets the objectives of the master plan as a non-residential use thus I believe our application advances both the purpose of zoning there is a hardship and there's also a it's also particularly suited for the site concerning the C variances I offer the following in relation to the C1 variance which is known as you know as the hardship variance where the exceptional narrowness shallowness or shape of the property and or exceptional topographical conditions and or some other exceptional situation including the location the buildings on the property affect the proposed development resulting in Practical difficulties or hardships for the applicant complying with the code requirements as noted this is existing site the building sidey yard setbacks are not changing and they are the result of existing conditions on the site similarly the distance to the residential Zone a result of existing conditions the development of our site initially back in 1993 predates the zoning changes that allowed for the residential use on the surrounding sites there's also a limited location which to safely provide the necessary parking on site uh outside of the front yard setback so there's really no practical location we can't add property to our site to create that so in my opinion these existing conditions related to the location of the buildings in existing conditions result in a hardship that justifies the variance requested you also have the flex C or the C2 the flex C variances where the benefits of the proposed deviation outweigh any detri or substantially outweigh detriments the proposal has to offer a better alternative zoning alternative for the community in our case we're seeking approval to modify the site to make the site safer and to improve usability so to my opinion our proposal advances the public good as noted this is a needed use in line with industry Trends proposed parking in this particular location allows a better site functionality although it it does increase lot coverage so there's your your benefits versus your detriment analysis the benefit of the making the site safer outweighs the lot coverage requirement because we're creating the obvious drop off location for the general public currently as I understand trucks are left uh they're enter and exit the site in different locations or there's not a specific location we're providing that and we're also as you've heard addressing the storm water concerns by providing um perious pavement where this parking area is going to be so in my opinion this advances both the safety and aesthetic purposes of zoning as I say as I said earlier also proposal provides adequate light air and open space and doesn't create a condition that results in any uh detriment to the surrounding properties of course no variance can be granted without the finding that the negative criteria is also satisfied that the variances can be granted without uh substantial detriment to the public good and without substantial impairment to the intent and purpose of the Zone plan and zoning ordinance in our case our proposal keeps the property in line with the current streetcape this is an existing use that we're improving so there's no negative effects of the surrounding properties this is existing the operations are there to my knowledge there are no there have been no complaints about this use there are in my opinion no detriment to the public good there is no detriment to the Zone plan that will result again the master plan talks about this area being commercial we are keeping it commercial we also have some design exception design waivers as well and the standard for those design waivers is reasonability concerning the lighting the majority of the site is lit as you've heard however the shunting Arrow doesn't really need the light we're open during the day we'll act as storage area during the evening hours for several truck that may be parked on site and we want to limit the light pollution which is a big factor in why we're uh developing the light the way we are we don't want to have that light spillage to other uh the adjacent properties regarding the canopy again it's going to be used as coverage for the employees who are working out there during the day so the employees can clean and inspect the trucks upon return it also provides them some relief from the Sun on those hot days as we've been getting more and more lately so it's in my opinion these are reasonable accommodations that uh can be granted by this board so in conclusion again uh the applicant has in my opinion satisfied both the ne the positive and negative criteria for granting the relief and also the reasonable is test for the uh design exceptions thank you Mr Hudak uh no questions at this time Mr chairman just so your professionals you done with testimony we're done with testimony again there's if we do need further operational testimony we have representativ so you can we're going start with mik thank you Mr chairman um I do have a qu couple of questions for Mr badish um to clarify um I believe the testimony was you are going to keep the 15 trucks that were permitted in 1993 and the 11 that are being added um could you clarify for the board purposes where the 15 parking spaces are currently and sure the current parking spaces are within there's the fence Once you pull up this uh I'll call it a driveway between the office building see if I can highlight on here it's where I'm circling with the mouse it's little rugged but this area within the fence line is where the current trucks are stored um they are numbered for convenience they have a a U-Haul employee Park them within this area so we are maintaining these spaces to keep the current trucks to meet the current demand the 11 additional spaces are the ones that are within the front portion of the property uh in front of the building so the 15 spaces that are there are um you know the stall size are regular 10x 20 or what were they approved for it was approved for the language said 26t trucks which are the box 26t box trucks which measure out 34t long all right cuz the the site plan drawings that site layout we have they do show the dotted lines of those 15 spaces however it measures to be a regular 10 by 20 so I just wanted to confirm if those you know would be able to contain the 26 or the 34 foot trucks or if the idea is that they move to the front of the property where now the 11 spaces are being propose which I know vary in sizes from 40 ft all the way and you did testify that 80% of the usual trucks are you know Vans or something similar of that size that can accommodate in the 10 x 20 is that correct yes that's correct okay so that is the idea to yes so it would come down to U-Haul's business operations from an operational standpoint it is going to be easier to fit the larger trucks in those larger spaces they're up to 40t Long easily accommodating larger trucks um it having them inside the fence line where they are currently parked it it's going to come down to their own operational procedures with it my opinion is that it's going to be simpler to have the larger trucks and the larger spots for them yeah I would recommend that too just because you have the larger parking stall size in the front now rather than which is what is inside the self storage facility um so that's one thing I would recommend that the larger trucks be uh you know if the board was looking to approve these the larger trucks be placed in the in the new 11 parking spaces that are being proposed and the smaller trucks go to the 15 spaces that are on the inside we have no objection to that okay um regarding the regular parking spaces um the the site plan did note that there are 18 parking spaces but I guess the testimony was there are five spaces that are located near the office and in front of the propane tank just want to clarify what they are so we had 19 spaces existing um that was coming from within our parking zoning chart Foote one says per zoning compliance verification dated 6 2613 for the project so that was from a zoning compliance letter from 2013 that's where we pulled that number from okay but currently uh for the office use these are those five spaces that are in the front of the that's correct the propane tank are the two parallel spaces that are proposed in front of the propane tank also being going to be used or that would be our goal is to keep those two spaces as well okay so you are proposing ballards around the propane it will comply with the uh DCA requirements for it so we have ballards around it they also have additional setback requirements for it which will be reviewed through the DCA but yeah we do have um on our plan we show the 6in ballards minimum of 4T on Center around that area okay and D DCA would be issuing a permit for approving this site and its location of propane tank yes correct yep okay I would recommend that that be provided as you are seeking building permits I don't know at what stage does DCA approve that but uh you know whenever that be provided a copy of that be provided to the planning division no problem with that um in terms of the lighting level we did hear the testimony of uh you know that why you're proposing the level you're proposing um uh one of the other items that was um dated in our uh planning review letter dated May 20th 2024 we had recommended that would you be considering reducing um the number of lights that are to be remain on after 12: midnight um could just could we just clarify what the operation hours are and if that can be met sure and the reason for asking that was because of the surrounding residential use around the property that would be recommended yep so for operational hours Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. and as far as having a reduced lighting level after midnight there's no issues complying with that thank you um is there any fencing being proposed any new fencing near the truck parking area there's no new fencing proposed um just the there's the double staggered landscape buffer on the western property line okay um now for uh my understanding purposes um say I am the um Truck Rental person who's coming in to return I just bring the my truck in and park it underneath the canopy and there is going to be uh a U-Haul person right there at the office who's going to take the keys from me there yes so there's the office is directly adjacent to it and there's also a there's a concrete pad that goes into the essentially a back door into the so the employee can just walk right out of the office right to that canopy area to receive the truck um as far as dropping the keys off that would be done within the office okay um and the testimony was given that uh that canopy area would be used for sanitizing does that mean washing of the truck it's typic vacuuming and then a sanitizing inside of it just for like essentially a Clorox or Lysol type of sanitizer that doesn't mean washing off the truck no as far as actually washing the exterior of the truck um that's done less frequently it's usually done with a maintenance period that's at an offsite location it's an offsite thing it won't happen on this side no okay um thank you for that is is there any Light maintenance on these trucks done on this site not done on this site uh the only last question I would um I would recommend if board were looking at this favorably if we could have a revised plan identifying the 15 spaces that would be used by the U-Haul um inside the facility and the 11 spaces that are outside that are already shown um um and the four um you know visitor parking spaces for regular usage CU that is also going to be used by the employees as well as the self storage facility is that right yes that's correct um typically the uall person is the same person that's running the self storage facility or would there be do you have any idea of how many employees would be on the site there's three employees on site currently and that's going to be maintained okay thank you thank you Mr chairman thank thank you Mo thank you Mr chairman I would just ask that there' be a note provided on the plan that there'll be no truck washing on the premises sure just provide a note provide that note on the site plan as well um the applicants already agreed to meet the comments in my May 10th 2024 review letter uh I would just note that under item seven the outside agencies that those would be as applicable whichever would be applicable to this they would need to provide those approvals and one item that I do have a concern with is the maintenance of landscaping around the um the backsides and the of the existing storage facilities um the sides and the rear you agree to maintain the Landscaping on the sides and the back of the storage buildings yes okay uh I would ask that that be noted on the plan as well that stems Mr chairman uh you know prior to the development behind them it was wooded or Farmland now we have uh roads and residents uh to the sides and the rear um and there is a landscape strip between the buildings and the property lines so that's all I have thank you any board members have any questions um either for the applicants engineer or maybe ours I'm just curious about the prvious pavement um is it okay under the parking area for trucks I've heard of it being used like in a drive AIS but not usually underneath where you know trucks are going to be parking in perhaps dripping oil and where am I just being sensitive chairman it's it's permitted out there they're not washing the trucks that would be a a a real concern if you were looking to do truck truck washing um they they do have to provide me some storm water calculation some additional information on soil testing on the impervious or the the the perious uh uh pavement so they do have to meet some conditions still to to prove that they can uh provide that there but but I'm comfortable with it uh uh both in that drive aisle it would be the drive aisle of the new parking area right not the main Drive aisle uh coming in off 33 I'm comfortable with that any other questions and Mr chairman to clarify that that is included in our impervious coverage calculation right even though you're proposing it as permeable that's still concluded as imper calculation yes so for the the exact number it was just over 70% imper impermeable surface that does include the permeable pavement ironically but yes that is included y thank you I'm going to assume all the vehicles are regular gasoline no diesel correct and there's no air brakes involved you know no trucks are over 26,1 PB and stuff okay and there's no gasoline on the property all anyway right you just going to erect the propane distribution correct or refilling yeah correct just propane any other questions board members we're going to open this to the public now anyone in the public wishing to be heard on this application please come forward seeing there's none I'll make a motion to close the public portion do I have a motion motion proposed do I have a second second all in favor I thank you the public portion is now closed I made the motion Mr Daffy nice okay board members we have an application before us you heard all professionals they're willing to meet everything all the requirements issued do we have a yay or nay for this application to proceed make a motion to approve I have a second Madam Secretary roll call please miss Carrie um although yes I believe that the um planner was correct that the safety improvements um moving the trucks out of the back area where they're obviously not fitting anymore um and moving them forward to this new location including there's a motion it's going to be yes or no okay yes yes Mr Lupo yes Mr Masters yes Miss kator yes Mr tany yes Mr jaffy yes chairman Lata yes thank you very much appreciate time and hope every going and enjoyed the holiday weekend me too okay board members we have to memorialize application ba-52 44-23 sukman ether cow I'll move the resolution ex me I have a second all in favor I thank you application ba- 522 d22 Rik car kovi I'm move approval of the resolution second second just a clarification you said 522 D2 5222 d two two five two yes three Deuces the there before the last two okay all in favor and the last application Central Jersey storage LLC ba-52 29-22 second second all in favor I thank you anyone from the public wishing to be heard on any matters pertaining to this board seeing there's none I make a motion to close the public portion second second all in favor I any discussion items any correspondences I make a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor