and uh let me we're being recorded all right started in fact we we are going to get started while you finish that up so good evening everyone this is a regular scheduled meeting of mclair planning board notice of this meeting uh is given in accordance with the New Jersey public meetings Act uh by posting a copy of the notice on the first floor Municipal Building also by posting a copy on the township website and by sending a copy to the newspaper designated by the township for notices uh this proceeding is being televised live on Channel 34 and is streaming and will be available on demand on YouTube uh this is a quasi judicial proceeding meaning that the board has powers and procedures resembling the court of law uh we're obligated to objectively determine facts and to draw conclusions uh from such in order to provide the basis for official action any questions or comments must be limited to the issues uh that the board May legally consider in reaching a decision and deor appropriate for judicial hearing must be maintained at all times the uh first thing on our agenda this evening is our roll call and I'm here Mr B I'm here Mr Mr here Mr or Mr Pierre present councilor Terry here M Willis is excused chair here Mr Jacobson here and Mr n here okay uh we have two new members of the board that I'd like to just officially call out and welcome um Jeffrey uh borof and Tamar um I will remember your names eventually but I have this block so that it it takes me a little while but tomorrow Campbell there we go okay so welcome uh we look forward to your participation and your contribution to us uh I'd also like to take the time to acknowledge uh the two members that that um you are sitting in for replacing um Tony andali and carel Lan uh I'd like to thank them for their years of service on the board um and uh we we will miss their input um while looking forward to the new input that you're going to give us um next on our agenda will be the uh minutes from January 22nd and I have received uh amendments to the minutes uh from Vice chair brok uh Keith I do note that you made a change on page two stating that the conditional license was a state license for Kush connection they also have a conditional license from the township oh okay which one was it that they needed to convert both of them both of them require that they need to get all their approvals one of which is a conditional use permit from the planning board and obviously site plan approval so so should we change that say State and Municipal yeah okay initial burden on you now brother not back well somebody else has to step up and scrutinize the minutes and resolutions don't go there so are there any other changes uh to the minutes is there a motion to approve so moved second second all in favor I opposed abent iions okay well I have two yes we have two exensions yes okay we have a couple of resolutions um the first resolution is to retain NE neglia engineering as board engineer um things have we had a little twist since we last appointed a board engineer and uh when we tried to enter into a contract with Boswell engineering they informed us that they could no longer serve the Montclair account they had some staffing changes as you know some people had left and they said rather than S not be able to serve you well we'd rather not serve you at all so um we went back to the proposals that were submitted and evaluated them and and the second ranked firm was neglia engineering uh so this resolution is to reject the contract with B well um enter into a contract with neglia engineering as board engineer neglia Engineering also had the highest ranking in terms of reviewing the proposals for traffic uh expert to the for the board for the planning board so and it was Al they were also selected by the board of adjustments so I formatted this resolution to enter into one contract with neglia engineering obviously separate from the Township's contract to serve as planning board engineer planning board traffic engineer and board of adjustment board engineer so that's why we are um facing this tonight and looking for actions well I'd like to move that we approve does anybody have any questions about what's going on here who were the other um applicants do you recall we had bre view engineering Boswell CME neglia and strand engineering all submitted calls packages and we interviewed and they were interviewed as well yeah and uh that was your second choice was neg or First Choice okay yeah we think there can be a we think there can be some good efficiencies by using neger um because of their involvement with the town and uh so we'll see um it's it's it's this is a one-year contract that can be extended up to 5 years and if after this year we're not happy we can move in a different direction okay I have to say you know I was calling all the engineering companies that were on this list and and they're like you it's it was February when we when I was reaching we don't know if we can really assigned an engineer to Montclair right at this late date so um yeah it's unfortunate but we'll see how things go with um with Meg engineering because Norberto would be he's works as the township engineer he would also o be here as the board engineer so he lives in Bloomfield obviously he's familiar with mclair and that's those are the efficiencies that we thought he told us that he would do whatever we needed okay to get it done so he and he was um he was I don't want to say anxious but he was eager to get the work and he felt that it would be um he felt that it would be a good fit okay sorry with that I'm comfortable then with the recommendation so do we have a motion to approve this resolution just made it oh you did Jeff I'm s John did John okay is there a second I'll second okay all in favor I opposed extensions I think you guys can can they vote on this members of the board you can vote on this one so the next uh resolution is um what I have here is the uh resolution tion to approve the uh site plan for uh the Mr Mrs rodeo at 225 Lorraine Avenue and I know we had some comments from Keith good comments yeah usually they are yeah they're so modest not always too modest and your question Keith is was the letter from Mr tulac to I believe it was marked as an exhibit if you look on page three yes um I saw that and I'm pretty sure it was marked as an exhibit I just don't have it with me yeah I thought we marked it that's I thought it should probably be in the resolution I I'll add that cuz I have it in the file okay I'm I miss that one yeah thank you Keith hey just just checking make sure that's all you know you're starting to look more like caramel every day is there a motion to approve this resolution that was you Jeff is there a second second all in favor I opposed [Applause] extensions and we have a resolution to approve the conditional use permit for Kush connection and just to clarify I think as I I might have mentioned this earlier yeah no I don't have any changes to this one does anybody in the board have any changes to this one I did have one edit that I made um where it said this is on page two where it said that the right penultimate whereas that which says at the end that the property was further than 250 ft away from any potential school and then I added or child care that's correct facility that's correct yep very [Music] good so is there a motion to approve this resolution so moved and a second second all in favor I opposed extensions We Gots here okay four extensions okay all right now for old business we have one application that has now been withdrawn that's for John's Automotive yeah yeah and um enough said they did not tell me I got uh a series of phone calls from their attorney just saying we're not proceeding we're withdrawing so so that's all I had to in their prerogative yeah then we have a application for 182 Glen Avenue that there's a request for an extension Y and Mr tyac is here if you have any questions but he's um submitted a uh letter explaining why he is requesting another one-year extension on his approval I don't know if you have any comments on on this matter we already extended it we extended it one year this would be for a second extension for those of you you know this is the one that's next s Glenridge Avenue it's just east of the Midtown parking deck and the extension just protects from zoning changes is that right yeah because the approval stands forever essentially the approval doesn't expire it's just the protection from changes in the zoning yeah I don't think that that approval is going to be impacted by any zoning that we've been that we've been considering lately so I don't have a problem with it okay so is there a motion to approve the extension so move and there's a second okay Kevin all in favor I opposed exensions [Music] okay so can if I can I I think we have um we're kind of tricking you with this one we have a a matter of housekeeping um regarding the committies Committees yeah the most important one by Mark the most important thing is we do need uh another name appointed to the development Review Committee because that is a committee that meets monthly and takes action uh on applications and and takes makes comments on pending applications so uh Jeff is currently a member of the development having to step it up carel was the single most active member of the DRC potentially history of the township so it's whoever's we need another name to to to it's a um the first Thursday of the month we meet they're not very long meetings they're not formal meetings but they are important because again it's a most for the most part they're technical meetings and it gives uh advice to applicants from board members not not uh staff and professionals sometimes it really helps to get the input from the board members because they'll tell you how they we keep an awful lot of garbage off the plates of the the full boards and um and they do there are sometimes applications we we the develop Review Committee is authorized to hold public hearings on minor applications that don't require any variances they could be fences you know uh on a commercial use um they're usually very minor and rather than take bring it the to the full board we handle those at this at this committee level so excuse me what that meeting it's the first Thursday of the month yeah so if we're looking for a volunteer to Phil caramels I see a hand happy and uh yeah you're um Jacob's experience be very helpful since I know you've got experience both as a planner and a tax assessor yeah a little bit very helpful Hallelujah and say Jacob and I see eye to eye on everything but you know will increase the efficiency of the meetings canold perfect Team of Rivals is perfect yeah so the other committees that I I um the other active committee that's particularly active right now is the zoning subcommittee and both Tony and Carmel were on the zoning subcommittee uh we right now the zoning subcommittee has been meeting because we have a new telecommunications ordinance that's been prepared by outside Council and there's some uh it's a 50 page ordinance that was submitted so it's Tak a lot of time for Carol and myself and we have Bill Harrison from the zoning board reviewing it so it's just an example of things like that right now that that's a very active committee and if anybody wants to be a part of the zoning subcommittee um and get insight into zoning ordinances that would be very helpful so there's two openings there like like they only meet as needed they're not regular meetings it just so happens we haven't met in a year and a half but now well maybe a year some maybe once a year we meet uh because some things come up we get zoning referrals it goes to this this committee they meet once usually carmell would write her report if not I write a report and now that she said that there'll probably be five or six yeah it's not that frequent but like I said just so happens that right now we've got this 50-page telecommunication ordinance that we're going through that needs a lot of work there V that I'm noticing when are you aspiring to have aspiring to have these they can remain open I'm just they opportunities the only one that had to be filled was the development Review Committee because we really needed to have that filled these other ones you know what I can leave them empty for now did I see a volunteer down at that end which one are do you want Kevin Kevin you want you're already on Redevelopment you want the zoning subcommittee oh I okay all right that would be that would be very helpful so there's still one one position open on that committee it's only busy when somebody wants a revision yeah yeah all right I can actually jump into sounds it's up my alley okay perfect good my first meeting you mentioned a section of the bylaws so I think that fits only person who's done so I read them and quite honestly right now I don't see any pending Redevelopment coming down the pike but you never know you know 6 months from now somebody in our new Council may decide that they want to do Redevelopment so um Kevin right now you're yeah the Redevelopment subcommittee that's when they that subcommittee in the past has worked to craft Redevelopment plans when requested by the council or re be do the initial review of Redevelopment plans when it's because a Redevelopment plan can be prepared by the planning board or it can be prepared by the council or it can be prepared by a Redevelopment agency which we don't have right now so it's either the council or the planning board and it depends on who's sitting on the council they make a determination who is going to be in charge of preparing it but in any event there is if it's prepared by the council there is a review component by the planning board for consistency with the master plan so I think it's an important committee to have although I can't tell you how busy it will be sounds just interesting so you want to put your name down for it okay which one the Redevelopment subcommittee okay good all right no there's still one at the zoning I still have one opening at the zoning subcommittee and one opening for the Redevelopment subcommittee so if anybody wants to throw their name in I'll go for zoning okay that's great oh there you go okay perfect and you guys it's not that you're wetted to these committees forever and ever and ever um you know we we review them at least once a year yeah so y you know if you if you're doing something and you decide that it's not for you then you know we'll find another way to do it generally when when these matters come to to to my attention you first try and shift it to a read a subcommittee review and honestly even if you're not a Prof have you don't have a professional background in it it's helpful to have your uh perspective and and your comments as planning board members um because we as you can imagine we have a lot of perspectives some of them even so okay well thank you all right we have um we don't have any committee reports uh speaking of committees we don't have anything to report on right now no there's been a lot of change going on so we've been actually kind of while there haven't been applications we've been busy you know getting the the consultant lined up um and the new board members is ready to go and so for the bills and we have bills I reviewed the bills and would move to approve them is there a second I was second All In favor I opposed extensions okay plan board meeting with my ten close thank you everyone is that a motion to adjourn yes second I I hi all right thank you one of my