all right thank you ladies and gentlemen we appreciate your patience on this warm evening at this time I'll entertain a motion to convene in Open Session Mo second proper move in second all those in favor State I I wait who was thetion I all those poos same right any extensions Harry none roll call please Mr Carlson here miss gy here miss felak here miss Franco Herman presid Miss Harris here miss W journigan here miss Spina Mr Tod here and Miss we have a quum please rise for the slute to the flag unit States Amica the stand at the time we'll have superintendent report and presentations superintendent good evening everyone tonight we have a presentation by Dr Young on njpa test result thank you all right there we go no no problem hi everyone good evening Stacy young director of equity data and accountability I'm here tonight to share out on the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment or NJ GPA results from this past spring 2024 please allow me to remind everybody what the NJ GPA is this is a state mandated assessment is a requirement for our 11th grade students to take it um it's designed to measure the extent to which our students are graduation ready on both English language arts and math the ELA component is aligned to the grade 10 New Jersey student learning standards and the math component is line to Algebra 1 and geometry all of our 11th grade students took the mgpa this past March the D keeps it really simple with the GPA performance levels our students are either not yet graduation ready or they are graduation ready the proficiency score for both the ELA and the math assessment is a 725 that's the cut score um so that's the goal for our students that's the first Pathway to meeting that graduation requirement the um if student if a student doesn't need the proficiency uh requirement they have the opportunity to retake the assessment in the fall of their senior year if they still want meet that 725 on the ELA and or the math they do the second pathway and that's to substitute and one of the other competency tests that the MJ say is okay to substitute such as an SAT or an ACP score if a student still doesn't meet the um C score with that second pathway then there is a third option and that's the pfolio appeal just as a reminder before we take a look at some of this data the doe does have laws that protect student confidentiality essentially what they say is that when reporting assessment data publicly they maintain 10 as the minimum end size for sharing um any data so if there's anything that you see that's suppressed that's because we didn't need the hit of them and size so jumping right into it you can see our Ela results we're right there in the goal you can see that 98% of our students met that cut score graduation ready leaving just 2% at not yet and the green is just the state is theirs math 9 4% of our students are graduation ready leaving approximately 6% at not yet taking a look at a three-year comparison the N GPA was brand new um in 2022 so you can see there in the black is 2022 in the gold is 23 and in the green is our current year 24 um so you can see some really nice growth um going on for both Ela and math Ela is on the on the left math is on my right so you can see for ELA in 2022 we were 72 or 73% graduation ready um and we're up to 98 this year and for now we went about 90% graduation ready um in 22 and you can see in 24 we're in 94 so we're seeing some nice growth for both Ela and math getting into the demographic data you can see our Ela results here broken up by gender and for ELA our female students met with 100% with our male students they came in at 96% graduation for math you can see our female students came in at about 95% grad ready and our male students at 93% graue taking a look at the preyear comparison again this is for our female students Ela again on the left map on the right you can see we're still seeing um you know great growth from year to year I won read every number to you but the goal is to to move up and we can see that here both Ela and math same can be said for our male students um tremendous growth in ela starting at 63 or 64% in 2022 up to 96 this year and some pretty great growth in math as well 88 89 to about 93 taking a look at the sub race this is English language arts that you're looking at and the categories that the DOA identifies on the bottom we have Hispanic Asian white and black going across the bottom um you can see our Hispanic students are coming in at 92% Brad ready in ela our Asian students at 99 nearly 100% Brad ready our white students at about 97% grad ready and our black students at 89% grad ready Ela same data for math same subjects on the bottom our Hispanic students coming in at 92% grad ready agent at about 99 nearly 100% gr read in math Point students at 90% and our black students at about 61 we have a threeyear trajectory for Hispanic students here again seeing really uh fantastic growth from 22 to 24 in both Ela and M taking a little Asian population here similar trajectory 22 to 24 you can see some steady growth there from you know 90A to nearly 100 this year 99 and on Ma study at 99 nearly 100 this year our white students seeing some significant growth as well started at 53% in ela at 97% um in 2022 82 and Ma nearly 90 this year taking a look at sub program this is Ela for students with disabilities you can see 87% are coming in gr ready on Ela and about 60% in math for students with disabilities and again that threeyear introductory is really helpful 22 23 and 24 and you can see here that we are trending in the right direction um certainly some significant gains in ela we started at 14.3% grad ready in 22 and in those three years we're now at 87% grad ready in math students have growth as well um 39% in 22 and we're now at 60 nearly 61% in 24 that's it for the DAT of the NJ GPA moving into just some notable achievements and some interventions our students out perform the state as we hope they do and expect that they do in both Ela and maap over 90% of our students demonstrated graduation Readiness as juniors in both Ela and MTH and as you saw through a number of the slides throughout this presentation we are seeing steady growth for all of our subgroups um in the 3 years that we have had and GPA which is fantastic a couple of reminders about interventions because of course there's always more work to be done data is a regular part of our day-to-day during the district our teachers our counselors or CS which is our child class study team our administrators for constantly regularly monitoring analyzing And discussing data in our day-to-day uh we use a number of different data points to determine the ethicacy of our curriculum of our structal practices and to understand whether our interventions are doing what we hope that they're doing uh and then our continuity supervisors who are fantastic here in the district are really at the um ground level working closely with teachers to figure out what standards skills or concepts are being missed um and how we can adjust their and our instruction to address those you do want to take a moment to just remind everyone briefly that uh in New Jersey we use ntss that's multier system of supports and that's a a series of intervention that we have in place for our students so for example tier one is that first level of intervention those are Universal supports that are for all students um that's an intervention that we can provide any student without uh needing anything extra so we can see that a student would benefit for um from the use of a graphic organiz organizer for example that's something that a teacher can simply provide uh if the student is not meeting with success with the addition of any of these tier one interventions that's when we move into tier 2 which is more targeted classroom support um that could be something like small group construction pull out pull in and if we find that uh with that next level of support student is still not meeting with success in whatever area then that's when we move into tier three which is that referral and evaluation step as a reminder we're in our we just completed our second year of using star 360 as an intervention that's an Ela and math assessment platform that's tied directly to the New Jersey student learning standards and um is used to predict how our students will score on the njsl uh we administer that in the fall winter and spring of each year and that helps us to identify students who might need those additional supports and specific to the high school because this is an ngj GPA presentation um just want to remind everybody that at the high school we have a math university lab that's available to students who have been identified as needing that extra support um in addition to our supervisors who run a number of maap and Ela clinics throughout the year to provide that extra boost for students to demonstrate need for that boost um and that's in addition to the regular Cas of the high school such as study all after school health Etc moving forward the next administration of the mjp will be in the March will be in March 2025 at this time I'm happy to take any questions from the board so this was only the third year for this test we didn't everything before they and and I think it shows us climbing on of the co uh pit I think you're exactly right yes this is only our third year of this test um and we're really glad to see that incline happening because certainly the pandemic had a significant impact whether or not you know um we want to admit that it did and I think that we can definitely see ourselves digging our way out of that so the the really important things will s the next couple of years where we expected to plant you got it thanks thank you I have a question so um we I mean like even though it's a small population of students that is not graduation ready but we still have those students um what is the the plan of action to help the and and reach that level of expectation and Readiness F on me thank you for your excellent question hello Heather pheno Beauty principal um first I would just like to note where you saw 100% that is not nobody achieves that um but please don't expect it 100% next year we're we're shooting for it but I just need to know that um so what we do and this is this is part of the beauty of the data that we get so State testing data is always lagging data which means that we get it when our students have already left our classrooms we have the opportunity with this data to then Target those students because they haven't left our school even so they take the test and then we still have them as students and we prepare them we actually retest them and our goal is to get 100% of them to pass and hit those ground graduation markers The Following fall or spring so the minute we actually have started targeting many of these students before they get to NJ GPA so we see where they're you know through our assessments through other data through njsla we take all of our data points and we see where kids have weaknesses that we have to start to Target and augment specific instruction for so we work on that and then when we get this data back we get it now in enough time that didn't used to be like this with the state where we can then say all right we have this and it is a very small group of students when you look at the physical number what are we going to do to ensure that they are indeed ready to meet those standards meing so our goal is to have them pass the test but more importantly our goal is to make sure that they have the skills so we have targeted courses that um the students will sit through we have targeted remediation where we work one-on-one with kids when they need it and it's really it really comes down to the skills of our teachers because they're able to take that granular data look at the specific standards and say this is exactly what you need and I'm going to get you there so there's a lot of beauty to it and there's a lot of beauty to being in a district where when you have so few students you can really Target all of your efforts and making sure that they become proficient thank you you're welcome may I just ask this is a very different type of testing um for students so do we do any sort of additional type of not teaching to the test but teaching them how to take this kind of a test that's different than assessments that they take throughout the school year so the answer is yes or no so when we're preparing our kids we're looking at the way they need to be able to perform on any assessment um and while this is a different type of assessment it's not wholly different from everything that they do so when we look at you know we're preparing our kids for post-secondary Success which is not always college success but we aim at the highest level for all of our kids so all of our kids are going to take the SAT the ACT they're going to continue to sit for different assessments we assess our kids in a wide variety of manners so some that I'm not going to say we do anything that looks specifically like the test where you're sitting there answering multiple choice questions that's really one of the lowest ways you can show proficiency but we do make sure that we Infuse those opportunities so that way our kids have encountered these things before the first time they're you know attempting a test question of this structure should not be when they're sitting for a high stakes test so we make sure that we Infuse that and that infusion starts I have a son who just finished kindergarten he has answered questions that are formulized at an age appropriate level the same way he will answer questions when he gets to high school the important thing is that it's Broad and varied how we assess our kids so that way no matter how the information comes to them they're prepared to answer it not just if it should come in the form of a multiple choice or a long answer just one more question um the skills lab courses as well as the after school clinics that were mentioned as some of the areas that students can improve their scores are those mandatory for students or are you relying on students to kind of feel accountable and attend those we have a lot of ways to say mandatory without mandatory so you can opt out but really when we sit down and explain to a kid and at this point you know when they're 17 years old we speak to the kids first we obviously speak to the parents as well because they're part of this um but when we explain why they need to sit for this and that's also why we offer it offer it in varied ways so that way we make sure it's accessible if I have a kid if I have a student that needs to go to an after school job or a sport I don't want them to not have the opportunity to build that skill so that's when often times our Educators become very selfless and find the time within their day to carve out to offer that same skill set but we make sure every kid gets it in one way or another every once in a while we have a kid that's like I absolutely not I refuse and then we still find a way to do it we'll we'll get them within their course and find a way to Target instruction in a way that maybe they don't realize what we're doing thank you sorry no that's great thank you all right thank you so much thank you at this time we'll move to committee representative reports starting with mtea [Music] good evening everyone Miker Olie MTA president everyone's having a good summer uh so dtea was over at Montgomery safe helping out our four-legged friends uh we gave donations of food beds and toys um a lot of animals that need a home so if anyone's out there looking they got a whole bunch of things from pups to senior animals over there so make a stop over there uh Montgomery summer reads is going on we've distributed 550 books to 80 different students that have just needed books for the summer so we dropped those off for them and then the MTA was able to send four delegates down to the National Convention this year we're able to link up with sea our County affiliate njaa our state affiliate and Nea our national affiliate uh the delegates were able to go on down and deliberate different topics throughout the nation in talks so it's was nice for us to be able to sit on the floor and hear different things going on uh the for representativ has got to meet so many different people from around the country different teachers so it's great to hear different perspectives so nothing's too crazy but that's about it for the n thank you thank you mril are there any board member delegate representative reports this evening heing none we'll move into board committee reports we will skip ACI for now thank you Michelle and we will move to operations facilities and finance committee so operations facilities of the finance committee met on Friday July 12th our meeting was dedicated to assessment of the maintenance and capital Improvement projects that are being planned to keep our district beautiful and in good working condition during the summer months the district scheduled several Ms and repair projects such as repair of the sewer line at um repair of the bathrooms stalls that have been vandalized at high school replacement of the boiler pump at Village cabinet replacement at ums are room pth hole repairs seed repairs at high school impa we talked about an issue raised by the UNS parent parents on behalf of their daughters about lack of privacy in the girls locker room at ums 7eventh and eighth grade is an emotional period for girls development their bodies are changing they and they welcome privacy when they change in the locker rooms the current locker room setup does not offer any privacy and girls feel uncomfortable changing for fit the administration will evaluate different options to medicate this concern and create more private changing space the committee discussed the cost of the removal of the decommission trailer used for the maintenance departments as well as the cost of the necessary repairs of the transportation department trailer the transportation department trailer needs to have gutters installed to prevent further water damage to the siding doors as well as the floor the football field Turf replacement project is underway the old tur has been removed and the work to install the new tur is progressing as scheduled the pickable courts have been renovated uh thank to our mayor and the township committee for partnering with our district to renovate these courts the ribbon cutting ceremony took place yesterday and the courts are available for our community to enjoy the district will begin working on a few major Capital Improvement projects such as upgrades of the hvap units at you at LMS replacement of the rooftop units at high school roof replacement ATS and Cher replacement ATS the funding for these projects will come from the district Capital reserves and the r ground s the r grants will cover 40% of the total cost of the projects the cost of each project and the r grants are on the today's agenda for approval if anybody is interested to see how much it cost um next month the committee will continue discussions about future Capital Improvement projects and the funding sources available to the districts thank you Miss F like questions from board members very none move on to assessment curriculum and instruction committee Miss G uh thank you we met on June 14th uh both virtually and in person uh we talked through a couple of textbook recommendations um particularly for the English classes and honors English classes for 10th and 11th 10th 11th and 12th grades um of note uh and important to emphasize is that all of the teacher um textbook recom commendations are um not to replace books they are in addition to the curriculum the only replacement taking place um is the Joy Luck Club is going to be replaced by crying and H marked which I actually read personally and I very much recommend it um all of the other books are additions to the curriculum uh we also talked about uh the Dei walkthroughs um it was clear that um the walkthroughs were brief and were sort of at the at the very beginning stages of um this initiative um the idea was to um have a 10 to 15 minute walkthrough to begin observations and the next steps um are for supervisors to deep Reef what they've observed uh and to determine um how to share some areas of strength and areas to improve upon uh performance in terms of the new tools um that uh address reading and writing uh we are responsible to all of the uh all all of our students by using the new standards and adapting to what the students may need to further help them outside of that scope um kindergarten in particular has done really really well this year um and when a teacher identifies a child that is lacking in some skill area um they then go into that multi-tier academic support um and the the addition of this will hopefully help us fill some of the gaps um that we've seen caused by the pandemic uh mental health awareness month we talked quite a bit about um the sharing out of K4 initiatives um that include days of play um get out of their routine and have some fun uh in the fifth through e8th grade buildings um the emphasis on self care and the 9th through 12th grade building um daily activities and messages led by um students and student groups um there was also a presentation uh called screens and stress um it was an event held for the community 150 parents attended uh and the presentation was uh made by the municipal Alliance and MTSD staff MTSD staff um The Wellness fair is available for staff this month and um they will have offerings throughout the year for the staff as well any questions or comments I did get a question from you Joanna and I will bring it up at the next ACI thank you via email I was going to say but like I I remember your email that you need a little bit more times so that's fine yeah we haven't met since I got your email so I will bring it up at the next C of course all right moving on any reports from policy and Communications committee no we are as needed for July and August and Human Resources committee did not meet since the June 11th at this time I entertain a motion for the approval of minutes for June 11th 2024 executive session June 11th 2024 workshop and business meeting June 25th 2024 executive session meeting and June 25th 2024 business meeting move second they proper to move in second all those in favor State I all those opposed same right exensions motion carried this time the board acknowledges the correspondence to the board at this time I will entertain a motion to reconvene an executive session um to discuss personnel and Hib with the intent of being in executive session no longer than 30 minutes so move then properly moov in second to move to reconvene to Executive session all those in favor State I I all those oppos same right exensions thank you as I stated Our intention is to be no longer than 30 minutes thank you for your patience we'll get started thank you all for your patience at this time I entertain a motion to reconvene and Open Session moved second proper move in second all those in favor St I all those oppose same right extensions motion carries action agenda items public comment the Board of Education welcomes and encourages input from the public members of the public are allowed one opportunity to address the board regarding agenda action agenda items only for up to maximum 3 minutes per speaker all comments must be directed to the board before you make your comment please State your full name and address to enter both on the Chromebook provided being mindful of privacy rights regarding students board employees and board members and to avoid any liability on the part of the speaker the board discourages defamatory and discourteous remarks the public common portion of the meeting are not structured as question and answer sessions but rather are offered as opportunities for the public to share their Thoughts with the board the board may need to refer an issue to the superintendent if the issue has not been handled through the appropriate chain of command usually starting at the school level responses may be provided with the end of this session public comments on action agenda items only is now open once twice public comments on action agenda of items are now closed at this time I will enter take Ain a motion to accept action items 1.0 through 4.3 and I will read uh and I will read 4.2 and 4.3 4.2 is being resolved that the Montgomery Township Board of Education remands the appeal of HIV incident 266 994 d ms-05 05 29224 and 4.3 he had resolved that the mcgomery Township Board of Education denies the appeal of HIV incident 26750 A- lm- 06072 024 yes so accept stain from their own reinforement General State okay General stat for my own reinforement so with regard to uh resolution 3.3 board members have to abstain have to themselves on on their own travel reimbursement uh requests so you can vote affirmatively if you choose on that resolution with um indicate that you are recusing yourself for the reimbursement with regard uh to yourself 3.3 at this time there motion to accept agenda items 1.0 through 4.3 the prop second all those in favor State roll call please discuss any discussion on any of the agenda items heing none roll call please Mr Carlson 4.3 no everything else yes3 4.3 just ask 3 you have toay I'm not you have tostain from Sorry Miss Dowling yes sorry and obain from 3.3 I do not have travel you are theba Workshop jba Workshop I'm sorry I do I'm sorry I forgot about that Miss f i abstain from 3.3 C and yes all the US Miss Franco Herman so yes and I'm not okay Miss Harris yes and I'm also not is belinka JN again uh yes I abstained from 3.3 due to charges for travel for a uh Board of Education session thank you and Mr Todd yes stay except for stay for 3.3 due to travel in Jersey school board's Workshop action the agenda items I pass apologies I need to uh amend what I said I I should not be listed I did reach out to Mr saying that I was not going to attemp that Workshop so I don't know why I listed on on the refor just remove that yeah I I did reap so the resolution will be corrected thank you wel all right agenda items pass new business from public the Board of Education welcomes and encourages input from the public members of the public are allotted one opportunity to bring any new business to the board for up to a maximum of 3 minutes per speaker all comments must be directed to the board before you make your comment please State your full name and address and enter both on the Chromebook provided being mindful of privacy rights regarding students board employees and board members and to avoid any potential liability on the part of the speaker the board discourages defamatory and discourteous remarks the public comment portions of the meeting are not structured as answer question and answer sessions the board may need to refer an issue to the superintendent if issue has not been handled through the appropriate chain of command usually starting at the school responses may be provided at the end of this session new business public comments are now open yes put your name in name and address well does seem to be respond my name is uh Steve H I'm a belme resident at 44 roll schol Court I'm here today to talk about the issue of public access to the High School tennis courts in my mind a High School tennis cours have always been available for Public Access after school hours but things around July 8th the cours are locked after communicating with the athletic director and the principal I was told the school district doesn't have a joint use agreement with a Township on this cour so the high school can deny public access to this course any time and indefinitely between the Middle School and the high High School Montgomery has 16 tennis courts this summer two of the tenants courts were converted to pickle courts and after the lock up of the High School tennis courts there six High School tennis courts the uh the courts that are available to the public for the public access is dropped by 50% to only eight courts this puts a severe strain on the tennis community of the Montgomery Township according to school districts 2023 and 2022 strategic planning go to objective four the school district expressed a desire to open up more school facilities after hours to engage community and students this act of locking up the High School tennis course seemed to run contrary to this goope I would like to know the current District policy on on this High School courts is the public permanently denied denied access for this course from this point on if this is not the case there should be some communication about when the course will be available to the public again I understand the course needs repair and maintenance from time to time and the school activities take priority 15 seconds and I also think the best solution to this problem is to have a joint agreement between the school district and the township that would remove any ambiguity from the issue thank you that's [Applause] all any questions or any any questions no it's public comment you just make your comment sorry thank you andri oh I did sign up oh you yeah thank yeah thank you umri pnik uh Montgomery uh here for the same reason appreciate an opportunity to to talk to you um so as as you yeah sure can as you can see I don't have a lot of experience with this so earlier this year the Township Board published its very own vision for the 5year Strategic plan to Montgomery Township the very plan that stepen just mentioned works Community engagement is considered as one of the board's strategic goals and one of the board's objectives in this plan is to explore using school buildings for non-school use activities after hours to engage community and students the recent decision by the Montgomery High School leadership seems to diverge from this objective and for the montgomer residents it will be very hard for me personally to interpret not to interpr that the board strategic plan is me rhetoric without tangible actions from the stakeholders and the residents furthermore may also rightfully uh question the allocation of public funds towards a vision that isn't upheld by the corresponding measures uh the Strategic plan also outlines the need for developing specific activities and success indicators for each objective and we're concerned that the closure of the uh Montgomery High School court is an action that one can consider a success indicator even though with a negative connotation could hinder the board's progress towards achieving the community engagement goals with the courts now closed There's an opportunity for the board to demonstrate its commitment to community engagement by reconsidering this decision and reopening reopening the courts as a significant Milestone uh what I more personal know I feel that this decision by the Montgomery High School leadership will put an additional strain on the community and particular on three groups of people first the most vulnerable population who are not in a position to afford renting tax tenis courts uh which as you know are expens it will also hinder the development of Montgomery children who may not be able to afford whose parents may not be able to afford uh enrolling them in a paid uh tennis program furthermore the courts at the MTAR High School were the most accessible courts in the area they were close to the driveway they were particularly convenient for the older people and people with disabilities just because they don't have to work and secondly because these courts were more shaded and protected from the elements because of the net they were particularly convenient for the young kids who don't generate who don't generate enough power and uh for who protection from the elements is particularly important so I would ask the board to kindly intervene and consider uh reopening the courts for public use thank you so much for your time [Applause] uh hello uh my name is I'm a resident of B uh dear board members tonight I'm here to support the other uh two Comm community members concern about how to and when to reopen the High School tennis court to the community because uh if you go to uh montgomer Township website right now they have a healthy survey request for uh all the residents to fill it up asking the residents how can you fill the township to make uh you guys healthier uh if you have any request so my thinking is go out and play sports is the best way to help the whole Community especially the children stay healthy and be active and get rid of the electronics we all concerning about unfortunately right now we have six beautiful Tennis Court located in the Mongomery high school was uh uh locked down for no reason I I don't see any reason why we do that or you know to protect the quality of the core it doesn't make sense because even we don't use it they still uh run down because the weather right we can't have the C on the High School tennis core so my uh request to the board member is to reopen the tennis coure to the public access to let all the children and community members to play during the pressure summertime especially in the Northeast in New Jersey we all know the three months is precious we don't want to waste any time any uh you know the the the the weather beautiful weather allo to encourage children to become the holistic uh uh you know developer that's the school uh District goal you know we don't want the children just stuck in the in the computer play video games or just you want to I I think the superintendent and you the supervisor mentioned many times we want to develop a student holistically uh not only on academic but on everything else so I think the sports is very important especially uh for this community we all know uh the tennis is a great sport yeah if we just do some simple thing let's see open the core that's we solve all the issues thank you very much have a good evening hello good evening um I am also my name is Aisha I'm a Montgomery resident um I've met you maybe two months ago um I'm here also to support the previous speakers on the topic of the availability of the High School tennis Sports um I fully support all of the other comments that the previous community members have made and would also like to reiterate I think what I think is the um Community benefit to having those tennis courts available I have two boys in Montgomery one in the school district one who will be entering the school district District that is his opportunity as he plays tennis has he been been playing tennis to engage with members of the community on school grounds in places where he can become familiar with the community um meet other people and uh eventually reintegrate back into the Montgomery schools um I also um uh there's also the impact um of the pandemic on our children as you all know the isolation and being outdoors especially in the summertime that with the of sports that is their opportunity um to phys for physical fitness Community engagement um activity that's not screen time that's not iPad that's not um you know being closed up indoors and isolated um I would also like to um State as some of the other community members made um reiterate the point of the crowding um I know that two of the tennis courts were converted to pickle ball courts um that combined with with the closure of the tennis scores has created limited availability the parking lot has become extremely crowded I know that there's another one to walk from that parking lot you're walking through grass I don't like my kids doing that um and it's dangerous to have so many cars there as well crowded in that one space you see cars lining up on the side and not in the marked um parking spaces so I do see an opportunity if we do open reopen those highight scho tennis scorts for Less crowding and um a safer opportunity for our children um again last I understand that it was taxpayer funded the courts um and I do believe for that reason that those courts should be available for the public for usage um that is all thank you I put my name in already uh I'm Alex wolson I live at 71 C Jen skilman my wife Natasha and I were at the school board meeting here in April 30th where we present it the local petition that's been circulating regarding uh starting our high school times later we now have almost 1,000 signatures I think we're up to 997 signatures um at this point aside from the signatures we've received numerous comments of support for this initiative from other community members including current and past students my wife started this petition to raise awareness of the issue of sleep Health in our high school students and to assess Community interest in this initiative to start our high school at a later time this has been received in a positive way by our community but not necessarily by the school board um I do think that if you're unsure of your answer as to whether or not there's actually indisputable scientific evidence for doing this there's the print out that's been left by me on your desk that's that wasn't made by me that's coming from the state um and I think it would be extremely helpful to have Dr Burt mandama our district physician actually present the research to you guys the last time he spoke was over 5 years ago 5 years ago in the scientific world is like Millennia there's been more and more data supporting this it's indisputable not only is Dr Mound not our district physician he's also highly regarded pediatrician in Montgomery and he's involved in the state task force devoted to adolescent sleep Health he's available to present all this data to you guys at any time you're ready to receive him in addition a community presentation with Dr M I would strongly encourage you to talk with other board members from other school districts who have made this change they've done it successfully and they've and the losing my TR of thought here sorry and more and more districts are starting this in September I don't understand why we choose to ignore this topic at the very least this should be looked at you should form a committee to look at it I understand that Mary mclin is not interested in doing this I understand that but at at any rate the board should form a committee to look into it see how it could be done and see if there's benefit to it thank you very much are there any other comments from the public he none public comments for new business now closed mayor are there any items that you wish to address the board will take um the issue regarding the mon High School tennis courts into consideration as well as the um research on later school start times and I actually am an advocate for it we just have to discuss it more as a board and through this strategic plan thank you are there any items from school board members to be discussed wondering why did we Lo the tennis courts did we did we start locking them what there was a vandalism we have a shared agreement with the township for the courts ATS where people have to go online and reserve them and I think it's a $10 fee I was informed of and when the public is there it's covered under the liability of the township not the school district is that something that might be with any to the off to talk about yes that should go to off any other audence from the board every none at this time I entertain a motion for adjournment second second any discussions on the motion all those in favor State I ition same right thank you all very much I appreciate your patience