United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice for All State that notice of this meeting was provided by virtual resolution B Council 2024 which resolution was adopted by the Council on January 4 2024 and we have everybody in attendance here tonight notice to members of the staff okay you want to open up with anything or anybody have any questions first uh just the budget was compiled I finally got all the Departments to give me their budgets and everything that they've requested is in here um you know some people have you know said though they wanted more but they you know they didn't know but I'll talk about those get there um want to start with administrative so that's the clerk's office um salary wages went up 2 and a half% which is what the council agreed upon back in December um Postage and stamped envelope um the postage rate is going up um the clerk had wanted 16 I saw that she spent 17 I gave her you know 17 but took the knock down she had a big mailing last year that put up a little bit but it might be more comfortable to have the 17 special since the rat's going up um office supplies she said uh she can de with a little bit less there um advertising and printing she kept the same uh training what she added here was um classes for purchasing there's an individual there that was interested in um going for some purchasing classes so the classes are about 900 and change per class a spring and a fall class would be $2,000 I think when I was finance that was something that we did missing like first ag ag correct we're still missing that actually save money in the long have to go up a bid for lower PR items that PPS up the threshold from 17 to 27 26 whatever oh really if you have a person purchasing AG but it gives you yeah more 17 to what 175 to about 26 I have to see what it is it changes every year January so you know there's certainly cost Savings in spending [Music] this the next line um uh membership she kind of dropped that down a little bit um miscellaneous she kept the same um last year they did get a computer and they used that line um Office Machines they kept it the same c vacation they lowered it a little uh mayor and Council expenses uh she kept it the same um website that's the um the Web Master and U the plugins that they use Constant Contact The Code Monkey oh that's that's we kept it the same there um the newslet so no she's getting paid differently right yes well that's not her salary that's that's just for the got it professional so um the newsletter um it's U at 25 so last year you just spend a little bit last newsletter did go up again this year um and in that was also the recycling they sent out a notice for recycling is that um talk okay where um is the postage for that sep well in that newsletter that's that's part of it for the newsletter supp post it's just included yes okay um convention it's up a little bit does anybody know if they are I'm going uh Business Development community so we added this last year for $2,000 I'm sorry did you have more about the commission no committee not Community committee committee I will change that so we added that last year for the farmers market because we were so I think we should move that too that's all that got spent from there is is for the farmers market so that should probably be noted as Farmers Market it's the same thing we added remember we purchas Char people right I don't think that's going to be form Mark dedicated we have a business development committee okay then we should get a budget for what's what is the business development committee going to spend that 200 the beginning of okay so then let's do the same for Farmers because what we put there was it finish please I did it doesn't okay come on it could be less than 2,000 so we we get a donation from proident Bank uh that covers and actually we've only spent $964 last year so we were very go with the we did what we needed in order to4 and8 and8 cents yeah so it doesn't include the the I guess United um service was covered with the the donation the right so we got um the face painter we got other stuff we want to pay entertainment because it's not right to have Arts performers come and not pay them um that they were not getting anything from putting out the guitar p so we feel like if we're going to have people come to you know bring people to the market we should pay them so what's the status of charging vendors to it wasn't a lot of money $50 $50 for the whole season yeah per vendor right per vendor per vendor so how many vendors have you had and where where is that money be going we we haven't charged here right but where is the money going to go well from what I spoke to Anna it's not like it go right it doesn't go to the farmers's market fund it becomes revenue for the that's like what doeses right go to the development Vis development go in there the use no no so if you have if you if you set up a fee for aend $50 you got right and you amend thee ordinance incl fee it falls under Revenue it doesn't get go to offset it has to come in as revenue and then we we raise we could raise approximately what we think we're going to get in Appropriations but it doesn't so offset it so nothing was put in the Fe this year yes it was we voted on thought we did okay I'm sorry yeah we we talk about 100 like marwn right it's not1 it's $50 what is mar Mars toown is it depends on how long you're going it's and it's upwards of we're only Charing a one time fee right now accounting of that then or obviously right the fees have to be paid through either the clerk's office or collecting the fees similar to the fees that we collect what you're saying is you're going to use some of that money to compensate for music for guys right just like what we got the face pain there the face pain there's 300 bucks right right so it's yeah we need some funds yeah I don't think Raymond who was there six or seven times is coming back this year unless he makes a couple bucks they my cover is good right and we end up throwing our own money into the guitar case so that they have we keep it here then and how much do you expect to topend similar to you with business development don't have plan yet for the year we just want to make sure we have money set aside good should be ,000 this well how many weeks are as the farmers working 17 weeks so if we pay somebody $150 to come and perform I say between 1500 and 2,000 I think might be yeah you're seeing one face bu yeah I think last year we had that and we had some paddle Bo like some little gifts and stuff to came out of this we got um table and chairs yeah we bought that still have those oh that's right that was a giveaway that was a one time thing yes so maybe we bump it up to well once again we're obviously we had 2,000 we spent 949 we're not we're we're being very frugal with no one's question is there but is there reason bur now is supplementing this I don't know if that's the right word but maybe it is a bur event right is it I'm not sure it is it's a bur event we're running we're there every Saturday we also talked about exping like a second sponsor for like another, but that hasn't happened so I'm not right no we can't we're not going to count on that it's not a event I'm just having yeah of course it's a got good feedback from the public amazing this is separate Jo from like the pumpkin lighting right yeah that's downtown that's downtown not they're their own entity they don't have a line item okay I got you they're totally separ okay thanks for the clarification so we want to add $500 that'll give you $1,500 this year yeah let's do that okay that business Dev uh development committee will be 2500 oh well why wait it's not why are we putting it under bus it shouldn't be under bus you own own line item we got make line right now it's all your buildings and grounds isn't it like is as part of your committee no it's under admin right now no that's Business Development she's talking Farmers Market yeah so let's put Farmers Market under buildings and grounds so when we get there that's that's where the bud came in all right so leave the 2,000 alone the 500 will pop it in the 2,000's for we don't know what but we're going to add a 1500 somewhere else yeah that we don't know what right oh addition well we know because we're going to use it for entertainment and we TR people to the farmers market and supp farmer market so we're leaving Business Development Community to 2000 we're leaving that at 2000 done let's go right okay you got that too right B that's it for administrative the next can can I just chime in real quick I'm sorry I'm sorry quick um under uh administrative just so everyone knows under salary and wages it's the clerk's office Council Michelle diamond and any special meetings that occur um when I met with Anna the other day I brought up WB Mason um I know that they're uh on the on the expensive side but Anna told me that it's actually a county contract we're actually told to use WB Mason is that correct correct and to change in 2024 so we we we part of Morris County Co-op and that's we B it out right they B it out overview like it's probably office supplies under office supplies we appropriated 10,000 for that but it's I asked about WB I do want to speak with committee first about how we do the how we do the purchasing I think there's a way to fine-tune the way we do our uh office supply purchasing that but that's for centralizing centralizing correct we talked about that every year it is Cal through office and hand everything there it isal it used to be the department so each one the Departments are being charged separately so that we know which what the each department is using but Nicole is now doing those getting experience okay okay so if you get a package of papers or box of pens they they charge your account she will charge yes she will charge account order but but she's the one doing the so it's not I guess what Dennis was looking at but that you know that's going to the right direction okay yeah it looks like we're moving in the right direction anyway for me I was like I was getting hung up on WB Mas as well because I know they're fairly expensive but that's our hands are tied our hands are tied there so unless we want to bid it out and then also we can you know it's research we can if there's paper on makes and we think it's expensive we can go somewhere else it's got to be a significant decrease over 10% and you know it's more more the count is doing it for us the count is doing it for us ride the way I mean it sounds good but if you bid out on a bulk basis if we're ordering as a municipality instead of ordering the police departments this many re of paper if we're ordering for the whole municipality and we bid it out I would think we'd be able to get a better deal but well the count will bit for whoever's the co-op and they give us the price the best price whoever joins that Coop could be 30 towns could be 50 whatever it is they get the bul discount they get the discount and whatever each one needs they're ordering we we would order 10s ordering a thousands of Pap great um do the police order from Nicole as well I believe everybody oh everybody everybody good step uh and then I just um under mayor and Council expenses uh expenses flowers keys to the city rocking chairs cakes P what's included under mayor and Council expenses um and I want to just real quickly address the plan's talk it's a four four times a year I need to speak with committee um I do have some ideas possibly um no more no more mailings I was going to say that uh I was going to suggest that we out a certain amount whether it's two to to 500 keep them keep them at the burrow for people who want an actual physical copy and then just have it available on online uh there could be a there could be a cost savings up between 16 and $18,000 on that line alone so um I do want to talk to you guys I don't expect to have major discussion about it right now but I think moving forward we can talk about that we talk is that they get them every Thursday everybody most get and we get two of them here it's not like that anymore I'm sorry sorry if we spent $1,000 a quarter that's $4,000 compared to 20 to 25 L [Music] Library yeah maybe anyway that's that's coming down down the pipe that's huge with postage savings and going yeah what is it like 65 cents or something yeah that's that's bulk it's about 4500 $500 for cheap it's still 2,000 a year that's all I have anybody else have anything on administrative ex well I mean mentioned mayor mayor counil right yeah what is that Keys the keys the chairs the flowers yeah that's what I it just looks like from well I guess 2022 to 2023 way yeah I mean so do we have a policy that every time a business opened they get a key it used to be like for a big anniversary right fire department thato there are Milestone ones also I have one well I hope that line item goes up 100% very good inre that I just small FR and of already treasure okay for the treasure so we have um salary and wages um did the split a little bit differently I think it was 33% of my salary was going into tax it should have actually been 30% um fixed assets I kept that line um fixed assets Dennis that that has to be done this year it's been in the budget done for a couple years has not done I found a company they're out of business oh okay so we need to get a u an amount of our uh cost like market value of our no they common you know you have a lawn mower you got 13 police cars you got a building department that sorty simple item it well yeah when I talk to the auditor it doesn't have to be like we we code every stapler or every every chair it's the big ticket items and he worked with rosemary from the clerk's office and they got a list of what we had as far as insurance and he the individual went to the different places and and assessed what the value is so that was a couple years ago they're out of business right now you know uh could ask me the auditor recommend or just let me know I did ask the auditor in the past and they don't uh I actually found someone with another um that was used utilizing this company and and they were based in Mor they were good you know and unfortunately the the person that I said you know they're looking for one as well don't have how much should we pay for it last time we had it done and Phelps and PHS oh it was like 1500 to that I think it was 2000 that was the company here I think we yeah I think the initial payment was 2000 and C years to update it would have been $500 so you have to do little else so do we have enough budgeted them we already have a list that's ongoing so oh so it's not as much work okay of the work was done that's why it would only be 500 every year to update your list start okay good okay so um and I'll work with rosem Marie as well I'm checking on that um office supplies are the same training I left the same professional membership um miscellaneous I left the same computer supplies and forms um that I look the same even though we didn't spend the whole lot I think we do have to upgrade U some storage for computers U payroll and finance that's our vendor and uh comes out to 11,100 edms for finance right correct that's their anual software software be and that's just for tax or that's tax no finance and then tax yeah and the website as well um computers and servers I left that the same that's licenses the licenses are coming up this year yes I think it's like every three years I think 2021 it got hit and uh subscription that's the co-op that we pay Mor Co-op uh internet subscriptions is Optimum Verizon and the mail router Grant Consultants um we have theire we need an outside company to help us with some grants computer consultant that's NOA we have and then the credit card fees that's the court fees the rer is included in in salary and wages for that one need an outside company if we needed a larger or something you have just forance $500 keep get it in I don't see anything coming up right now havar likeon million yeah I think something that has to be more specific we've done it in the past we specializ more yeah no I think Steve what he does now is the computer consultant has gone down like what happened there was it because we had Pur and they had to add new no we went out for bid yeah we went out for bid and I don't know if if they they they thought maybe they were a little higher before maybe [Music] they yeah well they always go up we always we have to also I mean they've been here for a couple years so they know like the buat that they did so it's it's you they don't need to do as much maybe that's what factored into it but I think that they also they knew that the servers and all that kind of stuff was coming up during that period That's all finished now so some of that work there was a lot of stuff Happ yeah yes anybody have any questions um Treasurer did we get reimbursed for the court the court fees the credit court fees no no she said she was working on it that's um so there was a Fass action suit that the court administrator was explaining to me but she hasn't can't can't put the super charge on the people no uh I guess you're talking you spoke to the court administrator no I didn't I just I I just wondered if why we pay that when we have to collect the money yeah no because they can't get charged cor for everything else we charge the residents for to use their credit card we don't cover that cost we charge them we got to go fight the state the state of New Jersey won't pay for credit card uses for the court yet they say that we have to accept credit P payments and we can't charge the person another state unfunded mandate thank you for some people only way just under salary wages just so you guys know it's percentage of hanah's U salary Steve wel and Melissa where are we Treasurer treasur salary breakdown salary wages breakdown Anna Melissa okay the next department is finance this is for our audit and every year we ask the auditor for their fees um for several years they didn't raise it and this year raing any questions on on the audit we only get one bit on that through it's a professional contract so it would be more of an RP if we were to go out or and the next department is tax collector so salary and wages is the tax there and um 30% of my salaries in there so um office supplies um she spent a little bit more um on there um usually she doesn't spend anything um so I did raise it to 1,200 advertising and printing we didn't spend that much in advertising and printing so with the adment program we have been printing our own delinquent notices instead of sending out and having those done so that that line has been seeing some some savings I didn't you know know exactly how much it was going to be so I did keep it the same but I mean could go I mean I didn't keep it I I knocked it down 500 but it could go a little bit lower if you wanted to everybody should be pay taxes put they pay but they 98 99% every quarter people paying time which is [Music] I don't know when I saw I sh that number I mean if you 500 you would know better than us you lower another 500 we could that's you want to do that I think the that's that's what the saving is right so I mean I already I knocked it down 500 I'm not sure you know if it stays if it continues to stay lower that's something we can revisit yeah um so training and Conference I kept $1,000 so since Co I tried going to a convention and I got Co year because I'm afraid that you know uh I was able to get aund the hotel room I try to get I'm AF to sh out the money and so I've been taking online courses but I do need um three more credits for tax so I kind of left that there hopefully I'll go down in going down I'm going down in May professional membership and Association I like the same and thenell $100 and computer supplies and forms I left that's the same as well again that kind of went down because yeah we're printing everything I should add more money to paper instead yeah and ink for the printer expensive expensive any questions on Treasure tax Sal and raes um portion of your and then Tracy Fula right under there tax assessor we had the the 2 and a half% increase that was aged upon in December uh training uh we kept it the same uh professional membership and associations I kept that the same um so tax binders um the we're no longer ordering tax binders the state uh the county I'm sorry is printing out the tax books and these already sealed uh books instead of us having to put them in tax binders so I don't know I I just kept it there to keep the Line open I agree with that uh reevaluation uh we have that now in reserve um so I didn't add anything for 2024 I still think that would be fine when if that comes up and tax appeals I did keep it at 80,000 so we do have some pending tax appeals they got a lot of them but I think there's a couple that have been settled and we haven't paid out yet very very luy with our tax uh printing I kept that the same um he does the assessment cards and you also with the postage that goes out as well on the that line um Professional Services this is for um the appeals that U for Tom hson and very if we pull out time any questions on the we had the top top people time who else did you say besides Barry and mower Tom very powerful reputable thank you okay so Legal Services um so miscellaneous I did increase it a little um apparently you know it's been canding issues still there so yeah um affordable housing I did knock that down somewhat I think we're going to be going for some auctions on there as well uh the retainage is what was agreed upon for this contract for Legal Services what are the affordable housing ones expected to be used for no master l no not on here this is John no she's talking about theable hous affordable housing yes that one okay we don't think we're going to need more services this year but next year we do 25 every time I hear they're having a special meeting till midnight to put affordable housing and then they delay it again to delay every time here till midnight yeah right engineering I increased it by 5,000 um you'll see um I did do a transfer and add some money in there because we were a little little short last year so I figure that that will cover it okay any questions on Engineering Services because I talked to the clerk and she said that she's comfortable without staying the same as 2023 do we have to print anything for that or we no do the mail what else is the don't think oh Watchers no them come here we well we paid this to to the county so what they do with it that come out to the workers and stuff right so part of that seven goes to the county where the whole thing goes the county we get buil by the county okay they give us a portion of the cost got it okay so planning board I have a 4800 to account for the increase um 2 and half% um professional membership and Association um this [Music] is okay yeah I was on the page sorry okay so this is their uh U the Committee Member submitted their budget and they asked for $600 in the professional membership and Association line wait where are the salaries for oh the salary that's for uh the person doing the uh minutes okay so they get paid an hourly rate and it went up two 2 and a half% like everybody else back in December so I did raise that accordingly that doesn't include attorney no not under salar they're under yes so attorney is uh Falcon and consultant is Liz lane and then under miscellaneous we have the the master plan and we did add money for the Max and the cast Chambers so we waiting to close on other property so we can has everything done except one piece of property engineering AR raise a little bit well not me they they did that you did that they didn't do that you did it I put it in Edmond I actually have their their requests with me so any one chooses to look at them uh any questions for planning board this study are we doing anything he Department this is our zon official the bo of adjustment mine too I'm missing Zing it's okay just go over Zing adjust Board of adjustment Zing right above it oh yes so there is nothing for Z zoning actually falls under of adjustment they have the same code in the budget that that is why and Edmond I did separate it because we we always had it separate and that's only his salary that you see pretty much that's only yes official and then uh office supplies and professional membership going office I think he borrows pens ever order anything shares paper that's called the shared service has all his Communications face to face old school the next one is Bo of adjustment I yeah so this is also from U the committee that's pretty much what he asked for which is yeah the only thing you know the professional service is Michael Sullivan any questions on board of adjustment hey inspector of buildings so that I did in pce somewhere so we we make the transfer and transfer money into that at the end of the year um because they were coming up a little short office supplies uh this is we talked about at some point when we don't need all those inspectors because we don't have as much building going on right we can evaluate that correct yeah a lot of those are part-time inspectors as well so you our well all working hard down that's for sure time so the construction official uh you know I sat down with him it's his first budget that they kind of did and we kind of went over it and um he wanted to keep office supplies the same the 21,500 in this um we originally in 2022 budget for cabinets uh we budgeted 14,500 for cabinets we still had to order them but uh I know that he's desires of making upgrades over there and hopefully um either cabinets or something to do with the storage will will happen because there's a digitizing files option too that could that be under that line or no in his in his budget he said scan and digitize all down documents in the office he didn't go out for bids you know he put a number I don't know what was that number 20,000 he gave me 50 cuz you and I had the convention that company remember he has they did reach out all the information and contact names and phone numbers they told you 20 we went down when we're down in Atlantic City yeah I know some municip closer to 10000 like 85 and that's only not not not going back to the dawn of time that's going back several years and then doing another more you go back the more money at least the last years do absolutely but we're favor that right because we're we're behind here guys every town has this well you can't keep finding we well the other thinging to file right the other thing he requested was um a future State requirement of the digital plan review um there's also uh the permitting is supposed to be online so um he gave me a I guess a document you know obviously was propag from one of the vendors marketing marke marketing marketing one of the vendors other Ed also offers um you know not not saying that you should go with what what's in finance they should go with what's best for them but it's something that I think a lot of municip not I think I think you know I believe a lot of municipalities have that option already and we're a little bit behind on that a state requirement out there yes there is is there a penalty when if you don't no it's the state they're never going to catch up propaga I guess they're saying that the uh you know people should have access 247 to um being able to file a permit and also schedule inspections and that uh we have to provide um I guess training and also the equipment for the building department to be able to access that which they already have they have computers they all have computers so whether you know the inspectors mean you know separate laptops which just one main computer where they have different Lins that's something that he would need to discuss I feel responsible to move this foot since I was there in the past the past two years it's not something that Kathy should have to Cath should have to deal with you know Nancy started this three years ago talk about about this I I know he's got a lot of work right now they're very busy over there but he has the now he has the resources he's got the contact names and phone I will help him with whatever he needs but I will not set up the actual meetings and the um when they come in and give their demonstrations the proposals this and that I mean that that needs to happen within that that needs to happen within that ours so that's what we'll talk about and you know the other thing to remember about the ca is that we also have a a third ad administrative person in there that does a lot of filing and touches a lot of paper and that's their primary job so this could eliminate the need for that at some point right that part has to log in all that history no she's saying you won't need that thir the third person that's there is1 want to look at giving her more education to maybe take more responsibilities on we don't know but that might be something down the road yeah um miscellaneous so here um they they put you know they they charge St for advertisements um also uh on here uh what we did budget was for uh boots and we added $1,200 for clothes uh in 2023 didn't order anything in 2023 he wanted a little bit of an increase in here um any where see let's see facility improvements so here we had uh increased uh for the sign that was put outside so that finally came in we had added 7,000 but it came in at 2350 but again that department does need some upgrades so I would hesitate to lower that until we figure out what kind of grades um he's actually looking for I wouldn't come into buildings and grounds they have their own well we want to separate them because build it it offsets the revenue okay gotta I know he had mentioned about U another one or two security security buttons for over there yeah um there's one right now in Karen's office but there's nothing like up front yeah you know what it's like over there you can you walk you walk right in and you're just she's there by herself right you're right you're right there so there should be should probably have they have a chain that they put up some about that during they you know have a chain you can itas there's a lot of things that you have they have to think about when they do that correct I agree structure wise may not work but the but the security buttons could work right under underneath the front desk underneath the counter and then well it should be where someone's actually sitting understand stand you do a buzz to be oh you never noce saw camera monitor see out the door but that's right once we get the permitting online that'll traffic over there will be a lot less leave the door open comes in and visit there's a dust ball um new cars so they they have not been able to find a hybrid um we're still exploring the hybrid and now that the hybrids that are possibly coming out there of course the prices increase cost I can tell you all about but that's a plug ohop but whatever so this is actually probably a little bit low but that's even truck Jeep indestructible have 310 I want to see Don driving a hybrid good with it okay questions on inspector of buildings the next department is police department so I have backup pretty much for a lot of these lines um there's backup for the salary and wages of what that entails the Union Officers the Chiefs the secretary um people doing the police records mat all those um I also added um under year uh the chief I asked for half a year for new officer possibly um and then theic which um last year now I have a idea how much it was last year so I was able to add are you talking about this this page here yes okay the break down in sing ages then the special police officer which is the special that goes over to the school our contract our budget was it 18 million 16 16 well it be like 17 May yeah with the I figured that 18 million just to figure go up but you figured 2.6 million is 145% and growing and growing how much increase in crossing guard cost did we take on when they cut the school buses good okay that's so um OT actually I did knock that down a little bit because they didn't have a lot of OT last year also there's people coming in a little bit um that's right the two grants so they apply for um a distractive driving Crackdown Grant I still don't know what that is now if I find out and we get approved for that then it'll be in the in the budget before we introduce it um then the distractive uh driver that's money that we have in uh reserved right now so I was able to put in 2500 for that page office supplies he kept that the same professional membership and associations uh he raised that up again that the chief did give us backup for a lot of these um addendums I guess so and that's included in there um office machines that went down a little bit uh convention um he increased that promotional firing he increased that um looking to is said was looking to hire somebody no I think that that is um there's two offic um I'm sorry um is it on other page I have it under salary and wages and also have it on o officers and then o sometimes they have supplies the testing supplies keep f um equipment new and replacement and crime prevention um Vaseline he lowered it a little so I just want people also oh my gosh we'll get down so uniforms uh that's also back up uh body armor replacement so he ordered body armor for a lot of the guys um with that we only have 6,000 in reserve from Grants that's left over so um the 5,000 would be in the budget I think that V the voucher I think so oh the bought it yes uh Chief's expenses he kept the same um so new cars he says he want um he wants two cars uh this year um so in 2022 we had the one car 2023 um one car got damaged so we did have to get two cars but we did receive some money back from the insurance to cover some of it so let's just talk about this for a little bit the um it's always been you know budgeted one car year since I've been mayor anyway and you know we run that replacement um the chief's car I would like to replace his car and move that over to the fire department and give that to uh replace the old Expedition over there he's asking for another vehicle as more of a spare and not as you put a new vehicle as a spare but one of the older ones would remain as a spare before person on the road and possibly you know cars breaking down and having enough cars I think there are enough cars for everybody this is a tough one this swall because now they're also talking and it's not in this number you have to raise this number up by about $10,000 and you'll see another line down here under vehicle maintenance $9,000 looking for extended warres on the new Tahoe and the new F150 so the Tahoe is about 5600 in extended warranty and I think it brings you out 60 month and 100,000 miles and the F-150 is like 4600 brings you out 60 months in the same 100,000 miles we'll never see the 60 months but you'll see the 100,000 miles so you're going to have to add another 9,000 or whatever it's going to be on this $125,000 line are they having issues L I don't think they're having issues the two that they're going to get the extended warranty on are the new ones so they just you know I suppose with Johnny and Seymour and they recommend getting Le moving forward getting these extended warres on price of yeah we put just put a Transit Bruce's car that was 5 grand um but he's got 90,000 miles on you got to expect that right so me personally I'm having a hard time swallowing the whole package you're talking 9,000 for two cars that you already bought and now you're talking another 9,000 on top ofic pay for sorry that's to say if they if they break down and they not you something happens that they're not drivable you're you're spending so what I'm saying is so that what I'm saying is Bruce's car is probably one of the higher driven cars he's all over just and you had to put 5,000 he's got and that's 90,000 miles so do you spend the 5,000 here or do you wait until something breaks down I don't know I'm having a hard time I'm just using but he's got 9,000 they want to buy extended we're just using this the trans he does not have ex warrant he ,000 got in the beginning of the car would it's the same price so now again it's G and you're adding 10 10 and 10 n2,000 and and another vehicle purchases so if one of these two die that you want to put the extended warranty on are we prepared to just they they're brand new they're not buying anything extended on any the old stuff it's the new 150 and it's the new Tahoe on one whatever one well because they're both new and they want to put the extended warrantees on them to cover to 100,000 miles sometimes you have like an extended time to get well it's 60 months or 100,000 mons right no what I'm saying is like when I bought my car they said you have until 2024 I bought it three years ago to opt in to this extended warranty well first of all you're talking passenger vehicle and the police right so the other thing that I'm bring up here is that manufacturers now instead of miles are going to be going to hours okay so I'll say 10,000 whatever the number is I have no IDE not this year in in the coming future because do you take the G and get ahead of the a couple vehicles and fight the bullet or or do do like we've been doing and and if something if something breaks or what have you then you fix it right I don't know that answer and I that's why I present it to you um the other thing that I will say if if the council is even considering a second vehicle is certainly not the toggles I don't know any have seen the uh the reports the police reports the gas is literally double but the Explorers are not the hybrids the regular Explorers so they're doing 200 gallons they're in 400 gallons so I would say no more tahos and if we can't get the hybrids I certainly recommend at least we explore cut the gas a little half and then the hybrids cut back again in half so not think they canel the orders and can't get an answer when they're going to come back in and they have to get a special like police type vehicle right well yeah no you can only have they have a police package that have so I this I'm I'm for the one the chief's car um you know I'm ify with the second I'll say spare car that'll go into the fleet take one of the old ones that SP but as you see we are we have three parked over there you got the whole line over here um the unmarked car that's here I told Mike I want to get rid of you saw in the reports or didn't that they hav't put any miles on the or anything so we'll get rid of that car and a little bit it's a decis when you spoke to to and he mentioned to you about the um B for yes next year we'll do the van I already asked he he wanted me to come over there something bad I want to come no we'll talk about the I talked about the van so van will be next year okay good you talk to them though yeah the second the green one yes including the how many so this will be six get another cars that are over there well i' have to count I don't three you got n you got 10 11 I think you have 12 12 police so that that makes no sense to me but I know that they had a situation this past year where they had several cars in the shop at the same time and then they were they had nothing couldn't get parts yeah they couldn't get parts they were sitting there waiting for parts so then they get that you know I mean we can have four break down after we get this other one too it's still being the same predicament right so again are they not why are there so many well those are three road cars okay so you have one that goes to the school that one's dedicated to the school so then there's only two Road car no job cars okay that's those you have Bruce's car you have the other detective vehicle then you have the five Patrol Patrol Vehicles they don't share the detector cars no they each have their own that's what I'm saying when you say road cars then that's the chief Patrol patroling no they're you know we're the officer not the chief so what were the first two you have one you have three that are parked over here at two a road job what's what's that oh so they're doing a job for another yeah but they're not right now they're not police uh set up right so they strictly a they can't they take the computers out of them they take you know all that stuff commission for Patrol they don't have to drive two of those one that's dedicated to the to the school you have two detective Vehicles which are new right one's brand new the other one is um you have five uh Patrol Vehicles okay there's four people on during the day and three so there is a spare now with four people on it uh this would add another spare we got two I don't know that's where I'm at parking back yeah I mean it's just for police I mean Mike said he oh I'll park somewhere I asked Johnny too we got paint paint lines over there for those they're all over we have to start stuff in I mean as now I mean you're going to have you're having a hard time with with employes fire department has something or call whatever those guys are here employees are parking here where residents should be able to park um it'll help get rid of that one other undercover car that we have post office too y I came in two spots three spots they were they they were here but any I mean I mean regardless but you know I just I don't know I don't have the right answer for this um 20,000 extended warranties that now you're adding on to these new vehicles that are already 50,000 without any upgrades I guess they're saying they're breaking a lot these car soes so let's look at that if they're if they're in the shop a lotes does it pay us to do the the extended War well no because right now they're still under warrant so it doesn't matter if they're in the shop or not they're under warrant this is so why why are the DPW uh mechanics telling us to get it because they can't fix some of these cars right the hard no no it's not that they can't fix them if it's a transmission they're not going to fix a transmission no matter what right whether it's a 1920s car A new vehic you know they can get one in a box and put a transmission in there but they're not doing that so all that work that's sent up regardless their oils batteries brakes wear items if a motor goes or transmission boosters needed a rear something's wrong with the rear end or the drive train you know all that goes boers was all covered under warranty will we get rid of his car before something else happens now he's got a new re and he's got a new transmission right so I mean where I don't know I I don't have the answer is this for discussion first and then full Council discussion now P to I mean my only thought with theer Warren is that we want to try to keep these cards as long as possible think it's hard to get right now we keep them up to a certain amount after 100,000 miles 120 you really that's when they start going over there 120 130,000 so we're taking a Gand 6,000 and then if you think about it they go sooner we can get rid of them we're getting more fuel efficient cars hopefully they'll become more available so the cost for the car the newer cars is going to be the lifetime cost will hopefully be less than they are today that's a crystal ball too so yeah yeah don't know that's either but I'm thinking we're going to be replacing these these gas g with better more efficient fuel or something or electric that could be whatever three four years down the road I guess they the he said hyd is better HS are everybody I would skip the extended War me too I'm not this this a conversation we have at home all time to do still got the light on I know [Music] the I was say the police whatever probably H down I think they take their own what does the finance expert say from a extended warranty perspective I'm sure you have an opinion not not can we get that under can we get that under Capital it's got a 5e life on it the warranty yeah 6 months not not the police come on ppw ones they should take are you I have my own you have do you get extent I do but she has a super you never need I negotiated that too do that again yeah I mean police cars historically they don't they don't last a long time they put a lot of miles on it so 19's that no he's not he's miles don't know, four vehicles if you want I'm just throwing this out there you take take one you know buy one vehicle and two extended warranties or you got options or you do the whole thing do nothing say two cars and there warranty I agree parking there yeah right yeah the warrant is I mean based on the wear and care and just you know I say we go two vehicles but we tell them we're not we need to get a hybrid one of them has to be a hybrid and if it takes six months six months I have a call into the person State all that so we'll see that's to conversation that the chair will have to have that's he said you know theah only, less or more than the explor whatever that's not the problem the gas you know trying to lower our footprint here doing the try to lower footprint car footprint I'm against the Chevy Tahoe the only reason we had it because we hav yeah we had explore right could get have emergency have good but I agree so is everybody in agreement then that the two vehicles no extended warranty a Chiefs veh for sure and the second one has to be in hybrid does does uh when I talk the chief he didn't want to give up his Chief's vehicle is that definitely the next vehicle in the order to go is it like the next one up for yeah that want to replace one over here too he didn't say he wanted he wanted he's been telling me it's been a while a while we talked about it his is a 17 yeah me yeah ventilated seats a long time they had fa mentioned here the chief vehicle 2017 get this two it'll be two vehicles vehicle for certain a hybrid only for the second vehicle and no no warres on either Vehicles so we'll take the $9,000 out of the vehicle maintenance 550 and drop that back down to so we'll get a new page for this right for all the Chang people so the warranty was five that already no warant 550 was the warranty the line 550 is 29 drop that back down to you oh vehicle maintenance 2 again I again I don't know whether that's the right decision or not I have no idea think it's just we're down okay the next item just so just in I think the chief said if we did get another TI that there's a guy locally who does it for right out fit it for us at a discount yeah in the back up you the so it depend on the Tahoe the Chevy Tahoe the four-wheel drive police so that one's package is 15,000 but the other one's only seven that us be yeah because he doesn't get to the cage he doesn't get all that stuff they don't take the is that what the discount all he does is he put the radio and his and and no not he won't get a disc that's only so Medical Services um you lower that down a little conceptual plans um you put in a another 10,000 in here does not need that 10,000 in there prices came in reasonable what we budgeted already and what I would recommend putting 5,000 in that line cion for inals we lower that 55,000 uh dispatch Services um that's the bill I included it in the backup sure would be nice if the county would start picking that up everybody tax service but we don't don't pay No it should should everybody in the county utilizes it it should be in the tax [Music] paining office drinking cim investigative expenses any questions on Police Department Emergency Management Emergency Management um so you kept it the same uh he did say that he's going to really try to do the OEM guide books um that they've been trying to do but uh also under the equipment line he wants to um keep that there for uh safety vs that he wants to get for the crossing cards they have those heavy jackets for safy I guess the refle yeah they have the yellow jackets yeah they I can ask exactly he probably just want best put t-shirt maybe like a summer one I so fire department um so Kevin gave me his budget and the convention he wanted increase it by $500 air pack repairs decreas to 5,000 um life benefit insance he want to inrease that by 300 uh the parades he's asking for that to double they want to do two parades instead of one the cost of the one is 1800 yeah St Patrick won't let us because insurance too crazy uh truck same um recharge extinguish is the same new equipment to replace that came the same a cards were the same uh gasoline he had it as uh 3,000 so he he received the I guess the copy of the budget and um I should I guess we we didn't give actual detail so there's only a couple of quarters that were in there not the third and the fourth quarter so I would recommend that that go up to 5,300 from 3,000 because it's only quarter three and they already spent 38 but he didn't have all that Thea um he thought it did go down slightly but if that's okay I would like to raise that by 2300 I'm sorry yeah 20 yeah 235 5,300 yeah um uniforms we kept it the same contingent um he's asking for a $2,000 increase on that so we we raised that up a couple years ago this is going back two years I four five years ago is it it's for uniforms and that's part of their contract right we give that $900 yeah that's have uniform for the other guys and what this is for the officers for the officers right right right Kevin on his right usually Chief one two engineer to add one or two more Kevin uniforms so it's actually 20,000 for uniforms for every so this is their their special outfits and blah all that stuff Chiefs train for the for the for the uh I'll say brass right what do you call lieutenants the captain the engineer Chief the assistant Chiefs all that stuff but they get like a new one every year think so a new one every year no well they get new stuff you did call it the unifor allowance so I guess it's more on okay so Medical Services uh increased by 500 testing U increased by um software um um and training went down th radio went down wind crazy one of our members has a trampoline in her backyard over cross got any questions with fire department okay fire prevention so um know discussed times so what I did is what historic other departments I took their um we and I times it by 1827 and I came up with that number um again you guys you know I could decide that but just for the budgetary purposes that's how I came up with that what's 1827 hours for seven days a week oh not $827 no the the the annual rate and that's on the salary ordinance I mean sorry the hourly rate is on the salary that's 3188 and that's been increasing every year um just like everybody else uh you know uh so that's what I took historically that's how we came up with other part-time individuals that became full-time we took their their current hourly rate ands if I have many hours they going to be working we should be 35 or 35 35 great so we'll have additional discussion on this and that number because this position would also probably require another inspector right so that that number is not in here as well correct there's a that there's a slight bit for that but not yeah so the 3188 is the same number for any type of employee no so in the salary U resolution there's an hourly rate for fire prevention officials has an hourly weight okay um and and that is what his hourly weight for for any parttime if they were to do any time fire I think when goes to the fireworks there there's a couple of things where they're hourly instead of right so that doesn't include the responsibility that's only that comes out to the 58244 so there is no actual extra for inspectors so if we hire a fire prevention official you don't have any more money in the budget inspector you you guys decide what's put in the budget so okay so my in case we need INSP I I heard of the meaning that it's a full-time job no one was get back to me as you know it hasn't been decided yet yeah we have to about it as the way I normally had in the past historically any part-timer when they become full-timer it's usually their hourly rate and you times it by the full-time position which it's 1820 for 1827 for 35 hours or 2080 if you're $8 a again so that's that's how I came up with this 58300 um let's just pick an arbitrary number of X Which is higher than this what happens like should we raise it case it's going to be higher than well that's your decision yeah we haven't discussion and the introduction isn't until April three months into into the year already right but it's not getting paid this yet so yeah so you're already three months into this whatever something happen if anything does happen by the time it does you're before 5 months into you really a half a year for half the salary so if it's 100 Pi a number 50 for months so this is this is a this is a 12 month salary that she put in here right now right but by the time if anything happens whatever it all comes to fruition you're talking four five months maybe six months into the year so you're only talking six months so to me I think I don't not talking we're not having that discussion now's move on What's happen on THS okay so um office supplies kept it the same that's for The copier maintenance and uses of supplies uh miscellaneous um he dropped that down to 2000 because of last year they had the radios which uh were 8,676 so those were already bought so he doesn't need that full 10,000 uh public relations uh he kept that the same um and he says there's $1,200 pending for that public relations administrative fire we had that the same it's code books uh updates that's what he uses it for uniforms we kept it the same um software that's the ti which is the mobile eyes um in 20 so he just paid the 2023 amount um that was $2,758 34 and training he kept it the same $1,000 I hate to bother because you go back to um public relations $1,500 how is that used propaganda that's the hallowe he says he's got $1,200 pending but it's for fire prevention items don't Calla any questions on fire prevention thank you aming uh Department of Public Works so and this I also gave you backup um for the tpw union salaries um that's the current salaries um then you have the superintendent assistant superintendent uh part-time help um weekend duty calls and then I split some of that with um they have three lines they have sewers and Stor order as well and then uh over time I did increase it by a little bit uh depending on where negotiations go on that and then the second U backup sheet is current employees and when they were hired so meal tickets we kept at the same uh signs we kept it the same leaf and brush pickup that's from the superintendent Road sweepings um we increased that office supplies um he increased that as well they did spend more than $1,000 last year equipment new and replacement um he kept that the same gasoline um he increased that slight um this they buy their own gas so they don't do the quarterly through um the county uniforms um he increased that slightly they went to 21 but they do have a contract for the uniforms and I think that's up this year 24 yeah um they have option there's option still available on that contract it was a twoyear with two onee options well that's one thing and um with the Union is that they want better UNS the pants ared they're thin right and polyester versus like jeans yeah so that's one thing that yeah more sturdy yeah I mean a lot of them are wearing jeans because it's like better protection than those thin pants melt C fire so that's one thing that um to look yeah I would definitely put an RSD or something for this year at the end of this contract so would be a bid so the bid so I'll have to look at what other towns do as far as B um you can't ask for um a particular brand um you can say something like you know that or similar and if it's similar then um they would have to be awarded but um I don't see issue with saying that it has to be durable material but cotton or whatever I might have to look at other towns and see what they have as far as their we sure the current uniform company has that option look that to see hey well we don't know what the specs will be yet either see whatever well they wouldn't be able to change their option another like so we have the the onee bid unless they honor the same price better quality sure that's great but I don't they wouldn't be able to change without us going since we D they did talk about a time clock I know I one time and Leo was like manually put in I thought they broke that was number one on list they have like the digitalized one where fingerprint maybe how they check in but then it would also create like a spread for so put it in time um they like around 500 bucks is a big ticket it I don't know how old Compu looking for UPG just two Compu or upgrade like antivirus they're different over there over here but rosan or Rosemary just got rid of one I don't know whether we can use it upgr I don't know how much they use it over there they need a new one new one so might be able toze we don't they just need their cell phones right do they really need to like res I know but give that residence the number of the cell phone no get get a borrow a phone you save so much money I was looking at that line item for phones like we could easily do that there's no companies that I think you got to have a landline for emergency it's like the pool you have to have a landline same sort of I but then they did remember and I've given you I think building ground but they had a a door that was so rusted it faed yeah that's on building and ground I still love that not them okay good last have a couple things in there and that sou he knows their steel frame going into a concrete building they don't know how to do that so did one Poli station yeah themselves new shop air compressor compress Capital over there five years so yes he did talk to me about the SE 40,000 and that would come from the sewer line get I that yeah so I guess the time CL is that you to put that the supplies I mean I guess there's a I I know I think John came in about the time clock because I know they have the they order the the pun cards the cards right so um and we discussed looking inor payroll and seeing if they have an option uh because cost of payroll does have where everyone can get logins and they can go and whe it creates like a spreadsheet the punch kind spending more time in spreadsheet than it should be yeah it should be a you do ITC you can they just have a reader like thing youit the reader on there time emplo the only so you say get a phone yeah don't need anything rep pH yeah what else do they have you canum some of that stuff yeah the compressor 5 grand SE cameras com but the shop light I don't know yeah say I what that would cost couple what they have hanging pictures they want they replace those themselves it says more so I think add then doors and windows would go build the ground so that's good and then that office window is all falling apart I think that was in building ground last year that was like $1,500 I thought you know train a lot I had the yeah repl lightings at outdoor uh tennis cour that didn't get done I still have that heater Simon Park lighting and turf field I still have that 555 speed will the KN that over here got Simon got oh I'm sorry those were the guesses I'm sorry replace seven Metal Man doors DBW building that did not get done corre okay uh replace the rotted um under cabinet for DPW the windows windows again they have with the reading um at DPW building um and then repair lighter um front fire bay door light window chice he's got the two on the side by the driveway and then the two in front I'm not sure I think it's the ones on the side wood side ones I'm the front got over the other then 55 only one of them the the basement door was in they did the other on I they got new steps back there door inside was that looks great really nice I don't know about the bement they got block got some other stuff so the the phones um will fall under office finary Trav guest um uniforms I'm going to look to uh for next year about um going out for different bids but to see if I can revise the bid um the shop air conditioner air compressor air compressor that would be buildings of grounds right is it just for well so it pumps they could the car tires up orol take the tires off so looks like I mean that would fall in their buildings and grounds as well because yeah they don't have a facility maintenance for DPW so I asked end of last year to give everybody a list of what what included each everybody's department so uh under office furner uh do increase that to how much is a phone supplies nobody even knows bucks for the furniture furniture1 I will take care of the phones um so ice control um wait where did I leave off Medical Services Medical Services he increased that a little bit um road maintenance we kept the same ice control um we kept it the same um we should go out for bids uh this year we said that are we do have a bid with the Morris County Co-op but just to see if we get a better price you know in the past we have gone out for bids for bids normally and then sometimes the county Cuts Cuts you off and bad winners and we normally have two suppliers werble to get it that one year we actually did good because we got the lower price lower than yeah they messed that up we got like a $20 T discount that's what we ended up using so um so training everybody knows what that is it's there I've also added in their RoR courses for certified public work certificate two people there one has 33 years one has over years about AOG to certified position they had to be certified do that get us this is for them to become superintendent or superintendent and assist leadership train no certification you need a certificate over in order to apply for those positions it's like a clerk certification or certification position so this would be for people don't currently hold that role but who aspire to hold that role in the future got it how do we choose process that Cent super points whoever applies people people I mean it's pretty Limited in terms ofor right the handful yeah there's probably not next vehicle maintenance kept it the same and that's all for DPW any questions next is DPW sewers so we don't have the bill yet from moris Township um I kind of estimate well I used last year's amount um I lowered the amount here for salary and wages but increased the overtime um sewer maintenance the same so that's we so then anyone that's weekend Duty correct that overtime comes in anytime they have overtime for sewers so anything over it's just so if you have a DPW person that completed his 40 hours in the given week doing services and he does sewers it's overtime if during that 40 hours he does eight hours and sewers it's regular P okay so nice um again uh I just kind of play with the numbers because the budget is what Mor St U is that like L 212 you mean gives us 922 there no this whole but this this whole so Morris Township gives us a certain amount of money to maintain our sewers um and we have a budget every year for that some of is the employee portion which is salary and wages and the rest is under um other expenses in there yeah in there I budget um you know a portion of health benefits I budget um obviously f i a little bit of we try um okay new camera when do we usually get that bill that when do we last year we got it the beginning of March they have a new um CFO person she retired but yeah there's a new guy there I'll have it before the next meeting any questions consumers these the storm water um this uh is also under um Department Public Works um they'll do some you know just the leaves and gra and storm water maintenance uh it's outside caps um and in there I do budget for salary and also overtime uh Leaf brusher uh that stay the same keeping stay the same um so state department fee it should only be about 2100 I think the one one year we raised it to four because they build two years equipment new and replacement affected the same and gas so when they repair the storm drains and stuff that's in here some yes I guess under salaries and well the the Manpower but then the the equipment would be um under uh equipment and replacement or any questions on storm water okay sanitation sanitation we have the Tipping fees The Tipping fees is going up from 107.5 a ton to $11.25 a ton um if you see I gave you the backup um on the usage I know we have the new apartments um so the fouryear average is 2,634 tons but um I did increase and around it to 2700 because of all the new apartments and everything that's going on there but if you I mean for some reason the tonage has been going down and the rate goes down because we have more of it okay from 107 to 111 I'm looking at oh this this is the so this is 2023 but for 2024 it's going to be 11125 okay you're only get char7 yep like a big thing last year with that increase on tipping fees and all that last year was a big thing the Tipping fees right tipping fees went up last year but it goes with their contract whatever the contract that they did Count yeah last year went up from you know 102 to 107 that was a big increase as well yeah it used to be like a dollar yeah no increase dollar now they're doing that's not includ colle so the 243 is what we pay our collector no so that's the garbage go so uh think these two part of that is outside CS part of is inside CS they give us a $3 per ton that we can put outside C the whole contract the tiing fees is the one when go when they go to scale when you go D scale we pay the county separate the hauler is just to the they pick up the stuff that goes to the but they so the garbage and trash is the next one uh I also made a copy of the contract which ends this year um and that's the contract for um 2024 um I I did increase it uh by $10,000 because of the new condos that are going up there any questions on Sanitation okay the next one isation sewers again for a good commissioner I mean it's just outrageous exponentially you allra time for good commission you so um some more Township sewer I don't have the bill um but um the engineer does a chart and we submit that to moris Township we did estimate like an increase of 13,000 so it did increase that uh somewhat um Handover Township Handover Township used to be reliably giving me a bill before January 1st and they got a new system in and for some reason new system it's a new systemer for for over yes it's an estimate okay spend all that money you can't get an exact yeah this system is wonderful cl to Han just joh right uh yeah there's a couple on Johnson and a couple on the top of Hickory and whatever up there par and then we also service we we service a couple Pary properties that I get money back from par the sewer SE any questions on sanitation sewers okay recycling uh this is for salary for our recycling coordinator um advertising and printing he the same professional membership and Association the same miscellaneous $100 seminars and conferences we kept the same uh the clean communities Grant now that that's in the recycling budget but that we have a uh I guess a grant coordinator volunteer who does that uh currently in our Reserve we have 21, 765 and 94 cents and um in 16,000 he only did 14 change last year if he if he spends more than that then um I could always do a chapter 159 towards the end of the year if there's more cleaning what is the miscellaneous just a lot what he did he put in here I mean 1287 yeah I think what he puts in here is for the entire collection and the the books book yeah but I don't think the books are anymore to be honest with do don't you only ask for 100 yeah yeah you would think you would ask for more right if you spend 1200 I guess if there's no pickups then 100 would be more than enough where's the cost for what we paid to have our recycling right 308 oh so yes so then the the next page is the facility maintenance and then the newspaper curb side recycling but that's just for the collection right our contract is um 22656 and I rounded it up thank you what about the actual disposal of the stuff that's at the recycling center or people drop off whatever they drop cardboard here elects all everything at the recycling center is not picked up at curbside so where are we paying for that to be so some of it the ties and the other miscellaneous but the the bul is through the that's part that's one of the colle okay so it's included in there okay in the 308 in 308 why 308 this in the the I'm sorry 30 yes the contract Al so they pick up of the houses and the dumpsters if everybody remembers we did that contract that went up 30% that cover the cost dumping years ago recy dumping was going crazy ta into all our reserves and everything so we signed a fiveyear contract that made everything flat so we didn't have to guess every year whether cardboard was going up the cardboard was going down pay whatever when is that contract though well with them it's going to be up um December 31st 2025 2025 okay I mean in the good old days we used to get some money smartest thing we from from the scrap metal and everything and then and then they were charging remember we were getting $14,000 bills whatever it was stupid y we're no longer getting revenue for the recycling like we used to right um the concept of having somebody up up there as a you know position is that is that necessary I think it's necessary it's another job takes care of all the pickup all the everything over T reports staing everything else yeah I think certainly if we have a recycling center we need somebody there if you don't one day a week Saturday there right like it does work during the week go got dumpsters are full or empty he has to to call allies and make sure up what happens if does does every town have a center like that where you can drop off in addition always there otherwise they throw in the trash and and then no they send the truck back no no no if you don't have a place to drop oh I'm sorry I thought the wrong stuff goes in the wrong place when they go to dump Nancy they pick it up and put it back and they bring it back in separ you got have a guy will not adapt to that change right so Center stuff right that's the argument you know so more s is pretty strict for more time you have to show your driver's license and if you're not they don't let go but up there I know come from hey check you know they know you they know you they have proper no right any questions on recycling have we ever entertained twice twice a month Rec recy pick up instead every once a week that's what I said if you start deviating from everything you're going be paying $111 a ton that's just well I mean if you if you tell people the numbers you know if they see how much they're spending on for convenience and this is a convenience for people we had it twice and I think people wanted it both my sisters are twice a month once every two weeks but like you had a business in town you'd go to to table Road your stuff right all the business of Mor Town go Mar PLS go to t Road right well no I they gave you a keep or no at at lovees I had the the toal guys came and picked up one recycling I got lucky you did got lucky cuz that's not that's not usual I know I think it encourages don't know I just I don't know what kind of savings it would be if we're going to $3,000 226,000 the other thing is the commercial establishments go there we're talking about cutting down four times in month right but if you go twice a month not there we're just talking different options right it's worth the discussion then the other one will be be it'll go there right we can have that discing on bu and grounds so this is salary wages for um individuals and um the people at the community center um with the appropriate in uh Christmas lighting um we kept that the same 12,000 beautification kept that the same um janitorial supplies um to increase that um John was telling me that 're spending more this with the yep uh moris Plains um Memorial Field we keep them at the same U Parks maintenance we had 36,000 in there we did spend a little bit over that hopefully we to talk about that with the yeah with shade um so there's this line item for buildings and grounds and that money is really to beautify our parts and our grounds right I mean it's to add shrubs or plant new trees and different things like that it's not meant to be a holding ground for things that shade tree doesn't have in their budget is that accurate well they utilize it for U but it's Park maintenance right so if there is a need for something I think that it should at least come to your committee and your committee should should look at it sometimes there is a need for right so I think a committee has to look at that so we did talk about this last year um so in 2022 it was $15,000 and we increased it to $36,000 to cover some of this um I guess um where sh Tre wanted more of an increase in their budget and the council was saying well maybe you know we could look at it if it's in our parts and not something like a resident that's complaining that's Town property or something like that that it should be something that the council approve and have a little bit more control over with SH treat's recommendation so that's why it wasn't put in into sh we're talking about now because we're doing the budget to my committee no if there's a request for it that request should go to Liaison I have it right here no no no if there's a request for a job at par for trees and yeah there is then that's liaison they come to the liaison the liaison talks whatever that price is whatever the park is for whatever the job is and they say yes or no brings it to the counil and the C should should decide but there's also a list of trees on residents properties pring work yeah but that's part of the budget that they're looking to well what yes what they want so in other words they want more in their in their shry budget I guess last year the council compromised and said instead of having more in your shade tree budget we want control over do we really need to C you know we want to have some say in it and that's why part of it was put into Parks maintenance which is the committee would have to decide whether yes we want to continue to do that or no let's let's hold off on that for future future years or let's look into it and see if it's actually necessary right so that's why that money was was put in there I mean shry I think would would prefer to have it in their budget well we did put some now this uh this request for the 7,000 that Joan was talking about because they did ask for they asked the committee on Joan um if they can have 7,000 from Fox maintenance so I I would recommend that this 7,000 put into the shade tree budget it is put in there right it's in the park maintenance in shade tree budget that not yet not yet it it was discussed after yeah so right now they only have the the 400 for Arbor so we'll put that seven in Parts maintenance we have but the line is f there's a line in sh yeah so we'll put that 7,000 in there now going forward anything that that that doesn't fall under shade tree it should be a council review and whether you guys want to give them access to that part's maintenance right that that would be there was a couple trees like during the year that neighbor on oh yes oh it's leaning we're afraid it's going to hit my house you know so we were we had to take say things come up right the wind I have questions does this include things like um repairing the tennis court fence uh that kind of stuff dredging the pond is that I don't know what one take that out of there's a watn for there's specific Parks too you have money Simons and right so like fixing the lighting is that in this L okay I'm just trying to understand what else is in this Park's maintenance it's primarily meant for ground keeping yeah maintenance maintenance of grass trees the but the fence that should be F the balls go under the fence you can't get the balls go outside I think every year they try to fix the other thing I want that wouldn't really be a maintenance thing it's going to be um would be okay and the Christmas lighting okay one thing that's um that we pay other services a lot for is the pruning of trees and so I one thought that I had was is that something that potentially DPW can handle and I know that sometimes it's because they're large trees right but if they're not is there an opportunity to train somebody on on DPW that could do that truck they have limited equipment but they do have the equipment in the bucket truck to do whatever that they can do and they do do that and I think they does work with Johnny on certain things and Johnny the yeah because we spent like $42,000 just oning trees last year it's not your your small saplings you know small little branches that they're doing Johnny can get a lot of that stuff and do a lot of Dave and John talk I said branch is broken or something damage the tree more and might be higher up but yeah they they have as May saying but yeah I would say let's C the Deep the first shot it yeah and maybe work with John if it's get criteria of what you know sometimes tree is so different a lot of yeah bucket truck isn't that isn't goes up 80 yeah maybe around it's John should go first yeah right no I mean and well I also thought that that could actually be a nice Focus area for somebody who's interested in it on the gbw right no you need two people all right two people but you know trying to get people ownership and and and look what what their interest areas are and kind of expand people I think we have some John took some classes in Far Street when we have toat require there he so telephone I raised that up a little um so you what we spent um community park at the same I know 53,000 you got the police calling all over the place foron I'm still everybody's everybody sorry sorry I get my head back in the game a lot s you don't have to call Australia for blood 21 in so then we have um Community Park we got the same Community Center um we DED it down by 500 water I increased a little bit facility Mains so this was where we had a lot of the the projects some of them were done some of them weren't um I kept it the same we were actually right on everybody was right on everything got very close to it yeah um so um yeah so looking to to keep it the same I know what we had that that wasn't done equals U about 23,300 we have a lot of teen center house repairs though remember that didn't get done with that gr we tried to get the so I um you should really into the T-Mobile gr it's quarterly and right that's the grant we get tce so I would just keep doing that and we could have done development for that are oh they're part of Sal yeah the first going who else is else um so are you saying we don't have any money this year that we can ED for facilities maintenance to work on some of those repairs for the team so if something is needed I think that we could rece that but you know something is dangerous so Steve can just well let's let's look to um maybe rewrite it or look to SC it up a little bit you know if it's already been div no once tce same one so so this is everything that the this was the window all that I the front door the windowss oh you were part of that too cont I mean some of this I mean power wash the building and sidewalk like we don't we don't need to wa for a grant for that um paint the exterior can we do that um even like the gutters do we need to I think the railing the railing on that cement pad that's in the back that was bad railing installation 3200 that one sounds like I mean get number one no it's needed it's prepare specifications we can get rid of that one yeah you don't need that you have need to do that yeah I mean if you could pick off a few of those we put them on it just yeah but now it's is painting the exterior something the DPW could do absolutely so that would have to go out just he takes care takes care of us so maybe those those we look at the railing the power wash the painting and the gutters you don't take care of the gutters and the flashing yeah the power wash you don't have to put that's just to was that the flashing The Flash is also chimy yeah because if you have leaking there then you got a problem I would have Johnny take a look at that first they can so I'll give you that list okay that sounds like so I made a I made a a note in there for for me for October that the buildings and grounds committee has to walk through these buildings and some of those things that they can do even if it's a mild window they're able to do some of those things maybe power on a mile day or something whatever some of those things they can take care of they already done a walk through but I don't I don't think they did any of these because we were waiting for so they did a walk through can we maybe start working on some of these okay even though they did a lot of stuff that's not on there at the window wells and cleaning and prepping they did do that so it's not that we didn't do anything they cover they covered Wells but they didn't take the dirt and stuff all right so I'll give you there's always leav and then some of these things are going to be budgetary like the gutters right actually that's not the rail that's the big one okay okay just Mar that down we rail that was the estimate for um 3,200 and then painting they had budgeted 4725 I don't know if yeah yeah no that's just supplies that's right okay that's the big one then really the basketball well I didn't even include that cuz I don't know how much like on the road basketball how we were doing a road how how bad is the basketball court remember you as far as Paving it use it could use it could use another code it's been a long long time a little okay you know but it's working because that's a big number big number gave us that just just so we want to wait on that one I agree times summer camp a little bit facility main oh no a twice a month and then and then W yeah this year they're GNA they're planning to move the the teams back over still it's it's it's usable man that's what you want to know not okay there's no bound all right so we're down facility maintenance we're all good with that one thank you electric electric raise that up a little to cover what we spent um gas um get that down a little Park kept that the same uh so Central Park I did raise that up a little to cover the field cost uh we got an extra couple hours there for some for park fields um wock Park we kept it the same um Children's Park I kept that the same uh the Historical Society so we usually budget $2,000 for the Historical Society the last several years they they didn't want it I don't know if they're looking to do anything this year but we usually do budget something for them you put two grand that's good affordable housing uh manager that's just there to keep the Line open in case we ever need a a manager right now Tracy F has been uh the council liaison for affordable housing so she's doing working with them and making sure that the stuff is online um that's it for buildings and grounds question I just had one thought will the W Park so um what were we talking about the the drudging oh no the um maybe it's more W okay yeah well we have that in the no I wanted to um remember we discussed getting a bench table around pick cards um oh does that want put that in with that which budget would that be we got we got money in here so I hear what you say no so she was looking to put venes where the pickle cour was so and that would be at Wet wat Park so I know had budgeted 5,000 for w Park improvements to pickable but it was for the fence um not so much for the benches so where what we have yeah I think we have 14 in there but some of that's for the dredging do you know how much it is um I got some estimates there I mean a bench is about $500000 yeah yeah um so but the the cost of the fence for the cck ball court we have that estimate yeah right 5000 was asking wanted to yeah I mean my backyard I offense and it said 5,000 that's bil's estimate I didn't talk to much it was like 4600 it goes all the way to the ground has to go to the ground I know who said about leaving it up don't put the fence at all that's what happens at the tennis court the fencing was go all the way to the ground but what John wanted was a bar a bar on the bottom of the ground no but Jason actually had a better idea at Simon we put the fence into the ground 6 in yes and then the bar and tied it s it down so now it's even harder to pull wow that's a good question is it a 4ot high fence or six high fence this was like four 4 or 5 um Jerry said I mean that's been long looked at that yeah record I thought it was foot the I can't remember I wish had that memory I'm sorry you don't need anything crazy you need something to keep the ball in tole ball go high that's all bounce lot Anna why did gas go down in 248 so much last year increase in beans in Farmers Market 25 oh it might be just the December bills not I say I don't remember gas price is going down that much and then uh what happened with Central Park you're charging us 10,000 more we get additional 72 hours that we we asked for more hours they're giving us that for more money well kind of got it okay thanks special events like Family Day black party that kind of stuff no Central Park would be wait talking two different so Central Park is just the the turf fields over there oh yeah I know I know about that one I get that I'm fine with that I I was looking down at special events 18 oh special events is the parade and then it's the block okay okay I forg okay but most of it is the party for Memorial and that's like mostly to pay the different groups to come yes I'm you also makes money to advertis right yes par right with the with the booklet well she had the booklets but that's the committee that does that it does yeah any questions on that so of Health that's the salary for um Carol car y um she kept office same um advertisement she increased that a little bit uh professional membership she kept the same convention so Contract Health Services the contract for this year I have the backup 73,9 63 that's going to be outside caps um also on here we budgeted last year for animal control because we exceeded what we collect for that um budgeted 10,500 we we utilized about 6,200 so that I'm going to U knock it down to like 9,000 round of the contract so 9,100 almost and then there's a donation to The Blood Bank of $1,000 that we put in that's under contract he all that yeah yes you uh so last year we we spent uh 6,287 any questions on board of he so Municipal Alliance um in salary wages is the alliance coordinator and also the team center salary and wages is included in this so I have a question about that we have a shortage of a lack of board members uh so the staff is stretched very thin because there's no parents to do the various tests and they've been asking for a while for an additional they used to have a third staff member and then Co happened and they eliminated that because everything was vir okay yeah that was long number of years one of the that was a number of years ago but one of the reasons for that wasn't a male and how many years they have three I don't know long that was but that was while there were two females over there that person left in 2020 and we didn't replace it because we were virtual right because of Co well I don't think that was the reason Jake was there no that was I was I had the conversation then I said it's not worth replacing it because we were rual for two years a year and a half two years that's reason sitation they just had they just had the last uh person on their board who the treasurer give notice that she's not coming back next year so all the tasks that fall on the board are now being swept into the staff we have one of the staff members going on a leave for medical in March so we're only going to have one staff person so we just need you know an extra person to have in case somebody gets sick like this or whatever can't make an event to have a paid another paid set of eyes there for one and also to do the administrative work that's not getting done by the board we're going to work hard at the April meeting to try to recruit a board to push hard for that but it's volun so you know this is the first short on board they never so we were asking for a third staff member for that do we have anything I don't think we have anything that would cover that it have to be something that would be hour there whatever I don't know was it hourly before it was a salary right salary part time Sal yes yeah but they were there you know they were there at every event all that that's what we need computer because some of the people that have the current jobs are not um so there's a lot of things that are not done that we're getting done by board MERS open this would bother go for it all okay perfect I love the cool weather that's so there's a board there's a board that has tax wait there two people that are there that are getting paid one of those people what's the process they're getting a salary you have no policy right now for part- Tim who are getting a salary what's the process I've never seen someone get we in the past I don't I don't know if we've evered that we've never I had a little bit of that problem no but that's she's saying in the an hour that they get paid when they're there the only time that we've stopped is that they on disability that was hard to explain well that it's hard to do it with one person we haven't done with other people in the past the policy based on illness not being to be there I think we bring back to third person for sure yeah being being part of Team you can get a person well yeah obviously I'm concerned about the treasure next year and I'm hate to say it now but yes all concerned we're all we're all concerned about the board but in the meantime we're also trying to get back to where we had people who had to show up at every meeting and had to show up at every EV have to raise those are the we're talking about the board know people volunteer for one night they're not going to volunteer for a school year to be official role you're getting volunteers directly to the team center right go to your general fund it's like the farmers market right we get $50 per vendor that's the the fees right but it doesn't go corly there's definitely a cost to providing this service to the community that's that's where we have to decide is it is it value that we want to provide or is it something that we don't want to provide because we want to provide I the field a couple so do we want to do an hourly then we're not get to people not being there this is going to be temporary it's temporary we have people but they get PA when they right that's the problem is that people were getting their salary and then not showing up to the me oh that's I don't hear a lot of that me I did yeah it's out a lot of it so we're not going to do anything between now and June so this is going to start in September so we'll look for it for next year and we got details personally I would like to see J descrition to pick up some of the responsibilities of the board that are not getting done so because what they're saying is not my job you don't even have any volunteers I hate that board responsibil that are not getting done so I tell these that this is your responsibility it's part of your responsibility we can talk about that yes you're have what what's an hour what are you going to call the person have there is something in the te Center supervisor I believe there's two positions I think there's the regular one I have to dou check there's a coordinator and then there's two super it's very strange the are wrong is that person I have to look and see if it's only if it's a salary let's do it for next time the next meeting we'll have that info okay we'll work we'll work on thatp you and I with that that right where transport hold on you want to Grant with match yeah so Alliance uh so we have the educational programs those are the two grants that we we're going to be receiving um we have to match 25% um we do match it with the Professional Services the special activities that's uh so Grant with match uh we're saying is that they don't need um us to we're only required to match 1,000 of the 2,000 that's going to be expected from the county that they always award every year so they don't need us to match it 2000 2,000 so she you said we can lower that, any other questions on Alliance for the drivers um miscellaneous I kep the same senior trips senior citizen trips so that's the senior citizen group that we donate so I kept that the same um C some of this we do get reimbursed from Township we do pick up you know like shared service with them any any questions on senior Transportation awesome okay Robert's Garden um that the same there you know can I just go back to Transportation I'm sorry go back just a second I just got to you guys um our terce has a lot of seniors there and the driver won't take them to our concert because it's outside the hours those people kind of like to go to our Su concerts think we could work it out with our senior transportation place over here yeah but not not not during just day have 600 at the park I would love for them to go yeah Sunday expand it what's everybody's plot I mean feel so bad driver he only works from Monday through Thursday from CH driver just ours are set from Monday through Friday 8 to 1 right 9 to 2 something like that John B right our driver so how do they get them to the what I'm saying is this is Sunday night you have a concert here I would love if we could expand this to pick up the seniors at AR teris and bring them to the uh concert is I'm asking I only Johnny okay right now it's Monday we have to a coun right now Monday through THS got Saturday Sunday not not for we would have to change and expand the hours you'd have to get you'd have to get new drivers too at least around on Sundays in Su I know that for a fact you can put the bus out on he's got a house I got I got I have a bus you don't need all right live we the driver no we have a third driver we have Thomas that's right Thomas E yeah we have a third driver who is the third driver Thomas Oh Thomas okay I didn't know that Thomas but if we can if we make it work you guys are okay with that oh okay or no yeah as long as they have their person with them res they're cover no I know oh yeah they're cover Insurance wise res just like anybody else anyway that's so this special EV is different right I'm sorry this special EV is that back they have special events okay that's all this okay aome oh I'm sorry Robert blah blah blah that's a salary for um um office supplies um I raised it up a little because they did spend 2100 but it should it shouldn't be more than that uh Recreation program so Caren did give us a list of normally she does this list for special events and for contributions in contributions she had uh improvements to watman park for 5,000 I said you're not contributing that to anybody that's in the wrong line also Sports fund was in the line I kind of move that up to Recreation program increase that to 15,000 I think that's just no it's not I Che that's for the fence for the pickle ball okay I did check with them I same yeah that makes sense yeah and then the Consortium that's the same that we've been paying for years on that look at her backup she has it all Goen down and then uh what I did add was the any questions on yes okay so shade tree commission um so on par maintenance they originally had the $400 but they want to beame it to Arbor Day so they want to aark that 400 just for Arbor Day so I'll probably be add a line for that um the request is to that 7,000 that Joan was talking about adding it to this line right so that would be 7,400 on the shade true commission Parks maintenance by calling it har no I'm going to keep Park maintenance and create a new line all right that's 7K on that for so that would be 7,000 and the new would be 400 so the Arbor Day is just plant a couple trees right I'm guessing those are free on the committee for five minutes it's already up 5,000 over hey I got the um this is pretty much from the sh commission uh the breakdown that they wanted um pretty much um it's like an increase of $4,300 plus the $7,000 someday I'd like to see the tree planting be higher than this tree removal well it's supposed to be this year it is year not sorry they took they took some out they they they gave it an extra thousand so it's 11 instead of 10 imagine if they didn't cut you'd have to be cut more I mean we got to worry about storm water and uh you know other things happening without this this tree can neighbors kind of put some treeson M always ask trees you got to put like a bush over there that's green all year he wants something high that lightss through window be any questions on the sh Tre commission swimming pool so um yeah I looked at the salary wages last year Andre that a little bit office supplies I increased it a little bit again um I'm just looking at what we spent last year to um so the salaries and Maes are the two people in the guard the everything else last 76,000 so I'm looking to but you know guess the increase in the minimum wage and everything else is probably going to be 8,000 and again I just looked at what we did last year okay we looked at that one enough forget saw and we have the in between what they have in fund balance and uh what they brought in its revenues the year before we do have that I know that last year they were trying to get some facilities mainten done at the pool did anybody they did over the winter did no no at the end of the season no there buch things that they in the restroom sidewalks so theom bathrooms at the door I didn't go over there but they were looking for somebody to do walk I spoke okay so you guys are on okay the next one is library library here I just did that annual report for the library um that's due by March 15th I just sent it out um this morning the next uh department is Street lighting we K that at 62,000 we just got a d for Street lighting um so it's it's close to that now JC P for the for the Street lighting only the the other lighting is in uh buildings and grounds and we go out for bid on Street lighting um every two years right okay the next item insurance and bonds so unemployment and disability I think that's the same we spent 8,000 you have a little bit more in salary that should it should be okay with that um other you'll see um the backup sheet so that's the the g bill that we get and then the bill that we get for concern and that falls under other insurance under Group Insurance I also made a sheet for that as well um and it shows the total that we have for health insurance retirees all broken down and what's coming back some of that I did put into other departments that we talked about so that total things actually a little bit of a decrease of $2,000 even though St benefits so we still have 25% increase since 2021 this this is a sh uh Group Insurance I'm looking at the total I guess thanks to the state thank you are a little bit a little bit more have we hit that Mas any questions on insurance we we tried going out tion the employee so that's the bill I did break it down to uh some other departments inspector and Municipal Court to offset some of those charges and that's the difference Social Security I took all the Sal by Social Security the amount split some of that salary between the building port and sewers and the difference is and the calculation is included as a back the next line contributions so in contributions is Morris minut man um last year we budgeted 1,000 this year we've been increasing at 2,000 so I increase it to 53 you guys let me know that's okay all season Garden Club we gave him 3,000 last year um and I left that alone and team Pride we also G 3500 U Melissa Gibson also donates to on their Municipal alliance with her programs she also get some money 155 uh she did say that she can utilize some of her trust funds that she had from the grant to give more or to compensate for that 3500 that's great that's onsite Mental Health Services for students which is so any questions on contrib the Municipal Court that's your the court administrator and the J so they have a grant as well um an alcohol education reation grant this is for Special Report sometimes comes up they have utiliz when the talk to the minister they ask her how much would you think have there so did budget th there and then 500 in we do have that our we have it reserved and then it's going to be in the ding reception correct um office supplies she brought that down a little training she brought it down um professional membership miscellaneous she kept with the same um Office Machines she brought that down a little this is why I said like I put health benefits uh special for services the trans there and then that's the other 500 from the money that we have in the reserve from her Grant and then the credit card fees are not the fees for the money coming in it's for the machine so that we can charge to the Municipal Court the fees that we people do the court do you see what the state helps us out with prosecutor uh that's the retainage and again it's a professional service contract that we do in the beginning of the year and the cour has all that information so that stay the same same as public defender Capital Improvement funds so in the past we did uh budget 325,000 um last year we increased that um because we wanted to fully fund some projects um and we did uh this year I requested the 325 but we have an opportunity to also um maybe fully fund another uh project s I was looking to make that instead 32550 125 450 or do you want to do 150 we can make it 475 475 okay okay the next item is Bond principal B principal I give you a backup sheet schedule of moris que Deb service I've think keep schedle this say 2016 I've been think I've been near 2012 so all the way back um the Auditors also use my schedule they like it just saying Prett Char I kind of followed what they had anyway so that's go down so 2024 um if you add the principal on the two bonds that we currently have the two issues that comes out to that 100 and I'm sorry 1 milon and also in my anual financial statement as well um principle on notes is also on the spreadsheet so principal on notes we have several um we have one note for the fire and that fire check is uh 9 I'm sorry 566 left 1.3 so we've been paying down um so the bond law says that we do have to after three years pay down um the minimum that we're require to pay down is 745 last year we did pay an extra 300,000 all that love it to bring it under that that million doll love it love it we can go for yearly notes instead of N9 month notes the council want to aggressively I'm I'm conservative guys so AGG remove the debt without killing too much Services we're able to do five times what they ask is great I'm asking at least what we did last year yeah no last year 374 what's left is 966 966 966 we paid down 6 550,000 right a third of the fire truck is PA I think the bur is in very good shape right now the next year or still have com get that down that's you want to do another 300 you want to do more wait a minute is there something you got to see how things are going during the year yes I me up to up to 375,000 come to this actually no uh this this no going to be the summer summer time yeah okay by the time you pass your in other words instead of going out three bills actually yeah 300 on top of 74,000 right so 374 would now if we can't do it we just can't but you have up to 374 to allocate the reduction of the uh note right will you budget it you want we will well that's the question on the table and if we have to at the end we we do that that's all yeah I want to see the yeah that's not being introduced to around pick come on that's principle on notes so interest on bonds again if you go back to the spreadsheet the um 201 that's why their price the same that's 2.17 interest I love that I love that I guess the that's for a long time so um interest on notes that's what um it it turned out to be U we bit at 4.5% but it's not exactly 365 days so the 4.47% but that's the amount and this is one you P this one no was for the bonds the one that got they resized it it's really we worked with the financial advisor uh it was the first time one from it was and the fee was only 1% of the of the fond issue which was nothing compared to what they attenion for police and fire so you look at the bill um what we're budgeting is actually um ual bill so they had on there for um the Retro so they were billing it they actually sent me a bill earlier in 2023 and I budgeted some but not enough so I called them up and they said no we always wait you know give it you an opportunity to do it in April I said if we can transfer the money which we want up doing then we get paid at the end of the year this is when you said you talk that's the state state St but this is part of the problem going over on a contract we were fortunate to have it P they had you for it's not just the contribution that's uh we don't have anything on deferred charges uh down payment on improvements so that one I also have a spreadsheet so the fire truck is what we have notes on so if we budgeted the 74 it would give us the balance of 892 but since we do next 300 that balance of of 2024 is going to be 592 um what we have open right now is this uh ordinance uh 2023 we still have debt open on that for 75,000 right here on the notes paid by okay ahead so the the backup I have behind it so the improvements uh that are currently that's still open for um that have debt or the possibility of that right so um i' we have paid down and made some of these um only funded improvements so the recommendations I would I would make would be the improvements to Glenbrook Road that recommendation is because that is a um Bond and I talk to bond Council they don't have an issue with the Shar service that we're uh having with the this the water company to make those improvements but I guess to be a little cleaner if we pay that down have it all then you know they wouldn't have to be any further language for uh Predators uh the acquisition of uh property we still have that um open uh that ordinance was for over a million dollars we got to get some Deb on that we could we have the opportunity to fully fund it if that's okay with the council so that would only leave um the two ordinances left unfunded if that's what you guys choose to do and that would be the ordinance 123 and 124 which we just did for Road job and well 11 19 but we have the the notes on there so I think you have the ordinances they correct 123 should 124 124 is on the bottom oh did I get you oh I'm sorry okay can this one 19 stay that's the one that we have notes and we're putting 123 then that's the the road job so we do still have some balance left there that we can cancel out uh as soon as soon as the engineer lets me know that the job is completely finished uh it did come under bid so um I think it's like a little over 200 so that would drop that down you're going to pay pay 223 so 223 is um for Glenbrook we have a grant and that that would be our after the grant but we also have a shared service that we can do with the water company so I would recommend paying that down and also the the property that's the balance doe on the property yes it was a million and change but we we funded a Million last year oh okay so I we we still have it somewhere just on this l no we funded it it's funded we funded it through Capital Improvement fund last year paid for already that part that one million yeah so the only the only debt is this 320 which can't be paid down but what's the interest rate if you were to borrow I don't know right now what they they yeah I mean last year we got four four and a half that was the summer of 2023 it was four and a half one thing um for the trail Grant going to be submitting for that again this year so I just wanted to mention that because that we would have to pay part of that correct well this would just be for the it would be the pering in design phase but it could yeah we had to put the money out up front which could potentially be about 50,000 I'm just making this up right but in that b if not more that'll be okay no I know I just want to like sure she's offer to pay we I do we capture something like that so that uh is a resolution for U but it comes out of capital okay so it it has to come out of capital our okay so I believe last time did a resolution for the same thing and we did spend some of that um that we're not going to get that we have to cancel that resolution and then do another resolution with the new I mean currently in our Capital 22 we're looking to another 32 we don't next meeting we will talk about our right okay yeah I wasn't sure where that went so I recommend at least paying those what are the options 12 that option it is an option what would that well it's when we talk about uh meeting we have in our fund balance so this year we generated a little over 3 million in fund Bal and when you talk about fund balance you you do have to talk about whether it's sustainable over time you know and a lot of times I say well if it's not sustainable as a as as Revenue in our budget to sustain our budget then it should be one time opportunity so well we on Lifetime thing well so our you know from from our taxes because we do a 95% um calculation and we we plug in for our our taxes and it came out to like one uh 1,700 last year we had um a roll over of our Appropriations from 2022 uh actually lower than normal normally we have like six to 700 but uh it came in 400 yeah my mind we had also an increase with our added assessments which was extra on top of the taxes and that actually did come out to um almost I would say 700,000 with our added assessments um our revenues I think went up 300 so overall it was about three three million and change that we realized increasing or coming back into fund now being that that was generated you know you could utilize that what I'd say is what's generated on a yearly basis would be our CLX plugs if we use the 95 1.8 million and then any leftover Appropriations which are not guaranteed revenues to sometimes be at a loss so even if you look at you know add 400 looking at 2,200 for our regular budget so that leads you with a million6 that you could 300 for that 150 for uh extra Capital Improvement fund and whatever else back to what we originally right now our balance is 4 million in change so it's still leave us like a million historically we've been down to 600,000 all right so just the two that's good these That's What I suggest 223 that yeah and we can look at how revenues play out would you say 223 1123 and that equals to 447 cash get last one we have pay onul I keep $1,000 in there just have Line open if we have extra payroll that we want to put roll back into TR we do that with transfers we can I'm leaving very back that we're doing 119 but we're bumping that up to 374 right two of I thought we were doing I thought we were doing the fire truck too oh the 300,000 extra on the fire truck the rest of 300,000 make that 374 yeah this this 119 bumps up to 374 520 yes okay under budget appropriation I'll give you any sheets for that and that'll leave us 599,000 it is unbelievable and we're on track to to pay it off before we have to go for permanent financing we have we have 10 years roughly 10 years it'sing about not lat in the first day the fth month following the close of the 10th what cling somewhere May no I'm just very happy anything I don't know I made of not I'm to see another time I'll make the changes and get those those sheets printed out thank you thank you so much we'll talk about revenues and and capital right so um I dep submits their Capital wish list I don't have their yet um I have DPW um and I'm waiting at a couple departments so hopefully we'll get and we pick and choose from what they what they submit yeah then you guys yes that won't occur all the time OCC it never occur again so it is what it is right no different than the American Rescue act it's a one time thing when's not going to occur again would I put the chairs back there no good to see you you I don't want to be offensive right why do you have my back and everybody else's faces it it dep it's