##VIDEO ID:JcmqGBHIXEg## join me in Pledge of Allegiance in prayer please I Al the United States of America the stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all almighty God we ask you bless this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding so that in fulfilling their public trust every deliberation will result in actions that will promote the common good and general welfare for all the people of Morris PLS amen notice to all members of the governing body and burrow staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purpose of bural business approval of minutes Miss Berger I I move that the minutes of conference executive and regular session from August 15 2024 be approved is there a second second second by Art all in favor I opposed abstained abstain Den abstains the eyes have approval of consent calendary is first I move that resolution 224-1 133 entitled resolution authorizing a shared services agreement with the southeast moris County Municipal Utility Authority for improvements to Styles Avenue resolution 2024 134 entitled a resolution consenting to the application of David harnoy for a water service outside the District of the southeast Mars County Municipal Utilities Authority resolution 2024 135 entitled burrow of Mars PLS team Center coordinator Richard Mahia resolution team Center supervisor the burough Council approved the excused absence of Kevin Rango Chief Delegate for the Mars PL volunteer fire department to attend the New Jersey state fireman association annual convention in Wildwood on September 13th and 14th 2024 as per the Personnel policies and procedures manual Joseph sakala Jr be granted permission to serve alcoholic beverages at a picnic to be held Saturday October 12th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the community park pavilion the resignation resignation of Brandy Ral full-time crossing guard be accepted effective September 4th 2024 Brandy Ral be hired as a substitute cross guard for the police department at a daily rate of $893 effective September 5th 2024 the DPW Department of Public Works be authorized to advertise for the position of two laborers retirement motion one left I thought it was three we had a promotion we had a retirement and then that his name I think I talked to John to but I'll revisit with him tomorrow and then I guess Department of Public Works we authorized to advertise for the position of two or three laborers having received quotes for goats to graze the invasive species at Community Park from the following neighborhood Farm LLC $1,650 Green Goats Reinbeck $99,000 Crescent Nar Farm $4,500 that a purchase order be issued at two neighborhood Farm llc6 7 buttermilk Bridge Road Asbury New Jersey in the amount of $1,650 Morris PL seniors be granted permission to park approximately 32 cars at Community Park Pool beginning parking lot beginning Tuesday October 15 2024 through Friday October 18th 2024 while on a bus trip to the Finger Lakes the mayor and Barrow clerk are hereby authorized to execute the labor agreement between the barow of Mars Plains and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 469 for the per January 1 2024 through December 31st 2026 having received public B bids for contract 20231 for improvements to Glenbrook Road that a contract be awarded awarded to saell and Son General Contracting Inc for their low bid of $394,500 4 from 4 p.m. to 11: p.m. further permission to serve alcoholic beverages be granted the DPW will provide the necessary barricades that the mayor is hereby authorized to sign and execute the developers agreement for 1625 Route 10 as required by planning board resolution number 246 and approved by the buau attorney Lauren KO 39 Sun Valley Way moris Plains be hired as full-time crossing guard at a daily rate of $696 effective M 9th 2024 is there a second second second by Kathy roll call please M ber Mr yes Mr yes M yes yes Mr Wagner yes congratulations moving on to public invitation anybody wishing to speak Step Up state your name and address and your compl how's everybody doing bill Houston Ed GL Road um first I wanted a couple of uh congratulations I want to say and I apologize if I'm stepping on everybody's Thunder I know you guys haven't done your reports of committees yet so I'm sure you're going to get to it but uh I just wanted to say congratulations to the fire department um for placing first of the parade uniform category in second place in the Cod guard category it's a good thing for them um the the uh see Mor mortown area Little League everybody knows that uh they represented New Jersey um at the uh Little League World Series many of those kids were uh Under 12 um and they were a lot of them were from more SPS they're my daughter's classmates so I was really excited to see them uh on TV in fact I know one kid went to a Yankees game as wearing his jersey and some other kid came up to him and said you were the guy on TV he said yeah uh and so he was kind of star struck by the whole thing so it was pretty cool yeah um uh and then just wanted to say congrats to to the town the rotary and the BFW for doing a successful block party uh 59th block party um I know that was uh that was great um really good event um obviously shout out to the police department and everything you guys do keep us safe and all that um just on just on that um note I wanted to uh ask a question about something you guys brought up during the conference session has which had to do with the the motorcycle um and the discussion that you guys had as a committee um from from what I heard it's kind of like the um the motorcycle itself would it cost around $8,000 um and from speaking with the chief hopefully I'm not speaking on attorne Chief but it sounded like a new motorcycle would cost a lot more than that um and I'm just thinking from a from a public safety perspective right um perhaps a motorcycle might allow it allow the police department to get to places that they can't currently um so it sounds like maybe that would have been a good thing and um you know do it'll do stuff for morale and recruiting um so I was just curious if if you guys could expand them a little bit more as to why you voted no on the we also have bicycles okay can go to areas you know that car though okay um the funds that that they normally generate we we keep and we use for you know we bought cars with that F I think that that would be more practical than motorcycle okay if we use it for cars but that money can be used you know for whatever Mike needs sure sure any kind of equipment any kind of radio whatever he needs that that money to get for him okay but it doesn't go any place else no I understand but but motorcycles off the table oh I got two motorcycles by the way okay I'm I'm just asking I just you just wanted to understand well my committee mad him we just felt that there's you know better use of that money right now for that but it's it's a want it's a nice thing it's cool come on cool I mean I being cool is the right thing is the right thing for for Mr P to use when uh right now you know we're approaching a little tough times and any money that we which me at least I feel hang on to and uh use for for what's really needed okay that's more of a want and a need and it's a beautiful one I love motorcycles I'm I got right around right right right yeah I it just to me it sounded like you know something that the the town doesn't have I mean in times of traffic and everything you said bicycles going to get there I think motorcycles are probably a little safer on the highways trying to get to where they at but that's all speculation so anyway I appreciate you you giving me the update there than so thank you appreciate it thank see no one else move public close the public portion move on to report committee Finance Mr wager thank you mayor um just a couple things we are progressing towards replacement of our current software platform Road Runner at the Construction office um we are hoping to modernize processes and move services online we continue to explore what will be the fit for moris Plains while being mindful of our taxpayer dollars presentation from company number two will be next week and uh I just want to mention our our uh Web Master also is one of our uh vendors here in town uh she represents agile websites and from what I've been told uh two weeks ago the background check process uh was uh was upgraded by gravity flow software um and this this is inter interconnecting in real time the Departments involved with uh with background checks uh speeding up the process making information more readily available to the people who need it uh in real time um and then also uh she worked on uh our municipay our pay online page uh the fire prevention uh feed processing can now be done online so she's working towards um you know where it fits best for our municipality getting some of these processes uh getting some of these uh board processes online so thank you to her good and that's it public safety Mr Court thank you mayor we have a fire chief here tonight I was going give a report but he told me he's coming so I'm going to yield I don't want to take any Fender away from you and congratulations uh in the meantime the uh on the uh Public Safety side the the police is preparing for back back to school school's opening up tomorrow right Miss Kelly I think so all right so everybody go a little slower go a little slower you know take it easy who's out there in the public spread the word the kids are on the road and that includes meeting with the with school crossing guards uh you know making them aware of you know make sure that they're prepared for for everything Mike does a fantastic job with that and um also they're going to I understand they're going to bring back the leads program that stands for the law enforcement against drugs um classes with the students and I think that's a nice thing for for Pearl School uh lastly uh the police also posted a community notice about zero tolerance during uh the enforcements uh with with the school period you know people you know usually go five six 10 miles nine miles over they're going to get stopped they're in a school from what I gathered and the right reasons for that and again I don't want to take the chief St but Mike do you want to go first Chief or chief chief or chief chief ahead Chief picky back on what Mr corz mentioned uh yes we're back to school Thursday September 5th first day for students right staff reports has some staff reported foration already but the uh students report back on on Thursday um so um at the mayor's request always our interest in public safety we did a uh preemptive uh detail for f trying to get our Motors in the mindset of pedestrians using especially our school zone crosswalks um so on August 27th we did a 4-Hour detail mainly focusing on the granis Avenue uh Mountain we area we stopped a total of 38 cars 14 summons as were issued however the unimportant part of that is that there were over 96 violations that we couldn't get to every motorist to fail to yield the pedestrians in crosswalk so once somebody steps off the curb line and is in that within that um white line of the crosswalk you have to stop and yield and allow them cross to the other side of the roadway safely so uh we all will be focusing uh Thursday our enforcement efforts on safe driving behaviors in the school zones and as s mentioned our Facebook post went up today zero tolerance so uh you can't blame us if you get for um and then the final thing I have is coffee with a cop um mayor counsel uh Saturday 914 uh we're doing a specific coffee with the cop for the venue at 9:30 and we're doing the collection at 11:30 that's uh you know close to those residents of those communities but we're uh looking forward to hopefully get one more in before the end of the year um but that's my report unless there's any questions comments or concerns uh just to piggy back on the enforcement um you had sent an off I talked to you previous about this as sent an officer to training for for this kind of enforcement and really just doing this around the school zones and just making people aware that school is opening and things are happening Beware of the the kids and whatnot um also with that the U uh blinking lights for the pest crosswalk at Franklin and Mountain way that we got the grant money for for AARP um those are in and Johnny casing those as well so they hit the button and you get the yellow flashing lights there solar and any movement on do still has not responding to our question update of represent out of the office on vacation um I was surprised I actually got an email the first time I sent the the request for an update and uh the second follow one yeah this is Hillview and and speed and uh so that's been in the process now for quite a long time most of this year the fundings already there for our capital budget so we're just we going to spend it just waiting on the do correct as usual as usual but that's good making everybody aw uh chief okay little presentation good evening all thank you he's paying for it that's okay uh started back earlier this year uh governing body was kind us kind enough to give us funding for a new fire so we're going the mini way a mini pumper thank it's a uh similar to what we have with our utility truck we'll have water in a pump lot those it's going to uh enable us to get into tight areas the parking garages uh the new streets in town around the apartment units and condos uh we sat down with four vendors uh this was the vendor that would gave us the best deal we think that's going to provide us the best vehicle that we can go forward with is a four D vehicle it will hold four four people unfortunately that's that's all Personnel is going to hold but it's going to be uh easy to drive with the bigger trucks it's going to help us out in the winter also winter months be a drive this thing is just about as capable of our full sizee apparatus that we can get so they currently hold it's the trucks sold 500 this is going to hold 300 gallons of water we're going to get it says on here 1500 gallons per minute yeah 1500 G yeah we'll have we'll have five in h on this and we're have two Haines that are going to give us K enough to handline in service when we have to get it quick enough get quick attack on things so uh on the first page it's uh this is basically the go through Houston gon we've gotten Source well in the past I know John I looked to that for us and Str will go through that so we don't have to uh bit it out to any other vendors uh the price is going to be $464,900 cheap but can't leave any money on the table right that's why we left you extra 5,000 that's okay so thank you very much thank you very much I like like in the past this vehicle is going to last us uh for a very long time it's going to be very very useful in our in our day-to-day operations and this is the insurance this is bring with the insurance this is going to help us this is going to help us greatly with the the iso the insurance bu insur town uh a pump on it so that's going help us out unfortunately and there's an 18 to 21 months probably going to be more like 18 month bu and it's being built in Long Island it's and you're going to go check on trelles come on the color of our current view I know I us to say cream the word yellow good I know thank you I do have the spec and if anybody wants to look at it's more paperwork I don't know I can is is the the back seat a bench or C chairs there going to be two two seat two seats there's going to be actually air pack seats so have air packs on what we have in our other apparatus just a chair like this so in the middle just be extra space there going to be a console we'll have custom console someip okay nice long things seem to be picking up the pict looks like a for right it will be a at 550 diesel very good Chief thank you very much and your committee put this all together did a fantastic job thanks to look forward to seeing it roll in here uh my report here two as of today we have 260 incidents um we have to say goodbye to R Rob robber is no longer with us um we've moved on to chap 360 it's the same kind of it's it's a little little different app but it still does the same recing and and I know I said some of some of you I'll find out who I didn't get to emails out there I couldn't get yeah it's kind of tricky at first but we can get in there we'll figure it all out uh today was the first day we actually started using it and we had a call so it does work it's good thing yeah and it's free that's even better count is picking it up as Bill said before we had a busy weekend uh at botin took first place for the ladder truck first first place marching C uniform and our Color Guard took second place who's the member of the than S it's hard to keep up there only there's only two companies there he got for on the back get that uh got congratulate to theer congratulate Andrew Lake Christian V completing fire one Alex kak and Shane Pano did the junior firefighter one they both passed so we have two Juniors that are going to be ready at 18 I ordered turn on gear that ordered I'll be scheduling the pump ladder and hose testing within the week get that done our air packs were tested earlier this year our radio equipment is in fantastic waiting for SIM cards that could be forever then uh that once the SIM cards come we're just going to start putting all equ in the towers and here and we'll be with our system and like I was saying about Rover we'll be losing our reporting software at the end of the year uh we've been going through vendors um looks like we're going to be going with CSI Who currently those the county sheriffs they do they're already in the county system all these other uh systems that are coming on coming out there's a interface charge which a lot of money to so we go with CSI which seems to be a very good system Jersey City uses it they have no problems complains with it and it's already in the county you may have to pay a little bit of interface because they don't do the fire Sy side yet so they're working on it and Mar County they do it in ESS they don't do it County we get pricing on that and we'll get competitive pricing for other vendors hope okay very good thank you Chief congratulations again on everything and thanks for everything that you do and all the guys and girls next door thank you very much thank you moving on to public works okay uh DPW they uh do a great job keeping our lease and ppw vehicles uh up to speed so they worked on those all the garbage out of the parks which we appreciate they cut grass watered the flowers I know it's getting towards the end of the season but they still look beautiful out there uh trim some bushes back on Grove Avenue um wood chips along Court Road did some work over levand Road they painted some of the crosswalks well started painting the crosswalks and the uh parking spots and yellow curb I think right around this time the town really Sparkles you we said about you know school starting so they make sure everybody's aware where they are and they look clean uh flushing basins uh they were working on uh some curb repair so they do a lot of good stuff set up for the block dance we do appreciate all the hard work on that um so thank you for them um the mayor asked me a couple questions about the goats last time we met um and I didn't have the answer so I I just want to read um the beautification I do want to compliment them they are very passionate uh they they are very educated on uh lots of plants that I've never heard of and I'm a little embarrassed about that but they I think they do a great job and so um I asked them for an evaluation of the goat's uh eating ability I guess um for the first time they thought they ate about 75 to 80% of the they call it foliage but the invasive species between the road the pond and the pool which they considered uh very good that they these invas species and they want to continue to combat them by bringing the goats in the fall so the mayor asked me art there's Poison Ivy and weeds that grow year after year decades after decades and what the hell is the different I said I don't know so the reason they are concerned about it is the um Japanese matwe Poison Ivy and I'm going forget some of the other ones that are invasive species take over the uh plants that the pollinators would uh be attracted to too so she gave me a quote I think from Thomas Jefferson that without pollinators there's no food or something like so anyway I'm not going to read them all but there's Christmas ferns Whitewood Aster sedges terella lindera clora and some of these plants that I'm not pronouncing correctly they would like to start planting soon because then these would take over and U grow faster than the knotweeds and then we'd have pollinators the bees the butterflies that would help make food and the young man's going to make the raiseed garden so now we bees for the garden well I'm glad I asked those questions are because I had no idea about any of that I I did not either so I I but listen you know thing I'm crazy I cut lawns youall see me they cut lawns when I see a a honeybee on a clover I try to shoot away with my machine so I don't kill it you know people doing there they fly away and they go so yeah well I like tomatoes you know so I wish I was a anyway so that's the update we're going to get the goats again uh we're going to uh speak to the farm and make sure they um are put a sturdy fence up put a little more signage um whatever the in was we'll make sure that doesn't happen um in the past I was there but so that's that uh and then you had asked me about the spotted lanternfly so I talked to Anna I talked to Steve Welsh I talked to our cler over there and they all gave me their knowledge I talked to council G so John sigard are going to come uh up with some list of of possible vendors that will be able to provide the spray there a new um herbicide or pesticide that they will actually kill the um Joan had mentioned different times or it was anyway they'll spray for X during you know spring eggs whatever so um it's funny after you and I spoke I was over by the rub dub between the acne and the rubber du and I was like why are these trees all wet and they were covered with spot or lter I said The Hot Spot yeah haven't seen him all summer but so thank you for that and we're working on that I don't have any MTI that is right yes yeah yeah it's a multiple multi yeah Steve Welsh said it is a multi-year grant oh6 good that's all I have okay great public buildings and grounds Jo so continuing on our discussion about our Parks um just wanted to update everybody we submitted the grant um for the Community Park Trail Grant um essentially what that is is our goal is to um have a trail around the perimeter of community park what we're going to do after speaking with the Mars County Park commission is um we submitted back in in 21 um and then there were some issues with the wetlands there so we're going around to the wetlands um what I will say though is that the Mars County Park commission has been a real to partner on this journey in terms of working with us to fill out the grant um both Steve Welsh and I have met numerous times with them and with our engineer as well to kind of walk through um all the possibilities and they've been really great about um working with us on the budget and having us add in things to even increase the grand amount which how often do you get that right when when going for those types of things so um we won't know if we officially um get it until the fall more towards the November time frame but um I've had a really good feeling um once again they've been really great partners and essentially what that is is for stage one which is design and permitting and then once we get through that we will go for the construction funds so it will take probably about a good two years or two three years before it's all done but it's definitely a journey and hopefully we get through phase one of that um I'm not sure if anybody's been the parks recently but I mean you know we know all of the different things the playground equipment that was put in sment that we talked about back in the winter Community Park is kind of under construction right now and also as well um is going to be giving some new playground equipment so that's going to be great I went I was at wat the other day oh my gosh I've never seen it so crowded I mean I think you know the pickle ball really it's been bringing so many people there but even I I just feel families are using it more than they ever have I mean I drive by there you know every single day they have a flag football thing tonight I dropped my son off to play there's like football little kids but I know and I know that wck is trying to also look for ways to use the fields in the back you know there's like some soccer bu post there yeah trying to reuse that as well so more to come on that but it's going to be even more used um than ever before um just an update on Simons um so you know that the out building where we have the refreshments and the bathrooms we're working with um soccer they want to update the mural that's on that building they hired a professional artist that's going to be doing that um we met with the DPW they um were going to power wash the building they're going to paint a first coat um soccer actually got the paint donated initially we thought that you know we would look to put that bill but it was completely paid for um within a day DPW had the whole entire thing power wash and all the sidewalks and the cement around it so it looks really great um time for our Halloween thing yes so it will definitely be done by then it won't be the building by Saturday their opening day hot going to taste better yeah no they won't so they will keep thinking but it will be done probably within the next two to three weeks so exciting news there and that's going to look great um and then um just some things on John Ham Mar's Plains um yesterday was the last or I guust um September 1st for the uh bike Rock design contest so uh downtown Mars Plains has um began to announce our panel of Judges proud to share that uh Nancy our council president will be representing the council as a judge um uh the business Round Table is on the 17th uh 21 businesses are represented to date um Centennial committee we had our second meeting in August we're currently in brainstorm mode we're meeting every other month and starting in 25 it will be monthly so we'll have more to update there um I'm not sure if anybody was at the farmers market last Saturday but it was hopping um attendance was great for for a late August date uh we had Candace leing I don't know if you um heard her but she's great she has over 41,000 Instagram followers um she opens up that thingss of stars B La Banner at the metti and some other stadiums as well so she will definitely be coming back we'll have additional entertainment in the remaining weeks in addition we had um to our vendors we had the BFW there selling uh clam bake tickets and uh the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts had booths as well and and uh lastly I just wanted to thank um Kelly duet from congresswoman Mikey shl's office who has moved on from her role as District director for nine years she's helped us tremendously with grants Community engagement and has helped advocate for congresswoman charl on issues of importance to the burrow she will definitely be missed that is it for me Public Health sanitation and seers Nancy thank you the Board of Health did not meet in August but we do have a meeting next Wednesday the 11th at 7:30 p.m. uh our assistant Health officer will be sending a letter informing residents that will be doing property checks in the area of Hillview and rosale and advise them on nuisances that will be addressed a team of inspectors will be conducting a survey of the area to identify any additional sources of harborage for recent rodent sightings in that area some good news on the health front uh that I wanted to share a national report shows that smoking rates in the US have hit historic lows just 11% of us adults now report having smoked in the past week it was at 33% in the 1980s and for 45% in in 1950 and just 6% of people under 30 report having smoked in the past week tobacco um Morris County Department of Human Services in cooperation with Interfaith Food Pantry Family Promise and Morris County Continuum of Care will be holding a re resource fa Fair called the community exchange for public health official officials elected officials Faith leaders and school leaders to share information about services for constituents that include housing Health Care food legal services and many other that's going to be next week next Friday from 9:00 to noon at Central Park so hopefully we can bring back some resources to share with the community here that we learn about Municipal Alliance did not meet in July and August but they do have a meeting on Monday September 9th I'll be reporting back on that teen center as I reported earlier has a new coordinator Richard nahia uh who was introduced to the board at our meeting last week and Jake also has accepted the role of supervisor so he's kind of flip-flopping roles and he going to help us bring Richard on board um on the agenda of our first meeting was registration we had our uh we have our first event coming up for all grades on September 13th it's laser tag and Bubble Ball which is sumo wrestling but we're not allowed to call it that um but you must register for team Center in order to participate in that event so if you know anyone in the middle school age they have to get online and get that registration in so um encourage them please as of this morning we had 64 CH uh students registered for team Center and we're working on background checks and verifying payment and medical forms and I want to shout out to Mars Plains Basketball Association who donated a new poll and basketball hoop for the team Center and DPW will be helping with installation for that for for the Green Team um the BPU released additional criteria that was used to scoring the grant we applied for which is the community energy plan implementation Grant and they said that at least 40% of the recipients had to be overburdened communities which we do not um qualify for it appears that eight 10 of the 18 awardees were over in overburdened category uh which was not us so we did not uh receive the Grant in our first round for our EV charging stations which we were hoping to locate at the parks uh locally Madison New Jersey did receive two grants of $100,000 each from this Grant and they plan to fully Electrify their burrow buildings so we're reaching out to the BPU to find out how we can improve our grant for another round hopefully in the future um trash trash collection contract has been out to bid and bids are due on October 2nd clean communities you'll be looking for information soon about fall cleanups that will be coming out from our uh leader James marandino uh they're also planning to come to a farmers market in September along with the Green Team beautification and possibly recycling to get the word out about what they do just the thanks to Morris plays basketball association they always uh back to the community whether it's at the school scoreboards whatever it is floors they always done a great job in doing that so thank you to them ordinances and Public Utilities Kelly yes thank you sir um first of all I want to thank the PD the police department and the DPW for all the help they did at the Block dance last Saturday it was a really fun night I'd also like to thank my ice cream scoopers art BR and uh wag over here did a great job um it was a great night fun night for everyone who was there um the mayor and Council were invited to the BFW post 3401 picnic in August um Alber Arbor and the VFW have a lovely relationship it was a beautiful day for it and many attended also the Morris County Veteran appreciation day was held on August 26th from noon to 5:00 P PM um at the local VFW Post 341 it was a celebration for all the veterans not just the ones from that we know from Warris Plains there were speakers and presentations by state and County officials and representatives from our veter excuse me veterans community part Partners um just a few reminders Patriot day is going to be held on September 11th um it's the 911 ceremony at 10: a. Colonel Patrick J Callahan uh will be at the Morris Plains Memorial Park as our special speaker soccer opening day as I found out today because I had it at the wrong date it's really this Saturday September 7th and the mayor and councel um were invited to attend that as well so I hope we as many can will show up that day um now that I have the right date I think I'll be there uh September 17th the downtown Morris planes committee has um gotten a Business Roundtable discussion set for uh September 17th at 8 to 10 a.m. and the Business Development C committee which uh includes the mayor Sal Cortez and myself uh will be at that meeting that morning um discuss things we can do to better the downtown businesses to help them uh September 17th also from 7: to 9:00 p.m. there's a mental health Symposium at burough school also the Girl Scouts were at the Farmers Market on Saturday selling their homemade bracelets and they have um they have made they can't ask for donations but they can make things and sell them and then hopefully they can people will continue to donate because they've gotten about of the money they need to buy the equipment to build this nine square game to achieve their silver award and that's all I have sir okay very good thank you we have no presentations of communications or petitions we have no introductions of ordinances if you have Anin on second I have it um I council member Kelly read by title the ordinance entitled ordinance number 6- 2024 and ordinance of the bur of Morris Plains count count of moris state of New Jersey establishing a new article 7 to be entitled storage of privately owned salt under chapter 18c of the code of the bur of Morris plans which ordinance was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting held on August 15 2024 i n meeting is open for a public hearing on this ordinance anybody wish to speak comment seeing no one I close the public portion I council member m Kelly state that the above or as read by title on second reading at this meeting be adopted and finally passed is there a second second second by Nancy Ru call please M yes Mr BR yes Mr Cortez yes M yes Miss Kelly yes Mr Wagner yes and like it says in the beginning this is just the guidelines for storage of privately owned so we have no resolutions no unfinished business no new business we have no vouchers we do need a quick executive session I to bring something up n be resolved by the bar Council of the bar moris PLS on the third day of September 2024 that prior to the conclusion of this regular meeting of the mayor and B Council of the B of Morris Plains this regular meeting has been open to the public the mayor and B Council shall meet an executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as permitted to njsa 10 col 4-12 subsections B7 B7 the time when the matter is discussed pursu to paragraph one hereof can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practicable after the final resolution of the acced matters is there a second second all favor oain have it back few minutes if you'd like to wait if not thank you all for coming out tonight --------- ##VIDEO ID:6li58sgB7Ow## Clerk of the burrow by preparing a notice dated August 19th 2024 specifying the time date and place of this meeting posting such notice on the Bolton board municipal building foring the notice to Morris County's Daily Record in Morris news and I hereby hand a copy of such notice to the cler of the B moris PLS for inclusion in the minutes of this meeting All Above All the Above actions being point with NJ 106 call please mayor pres M bur here Mr BR here Mr here miss here Miss Kelly here Mr Wagner here and the first word of business is I'd like to welcome Arman and his Yoshi and his family or his father anyway here he's going to talk about an e Scout project so just state your name and your address and my name is Arman Joi I live in C drive um can I thank you than you introduce who's with you here tonight this is my um father he he helped me for a lot of this so here he's not going for he's not going for his Eagles C too is he you can get the honorary B that's good um but yeah this is just my proposal for my um project that I'd like to do uh my project is is to build ra garden beds more community garden um it's it's um by Central Park on 50 Central a um I don't know you guys been but it's um it's like a nice large area where you can just rent a plot and um have your own garden uh the only thing is with the um garden plots they have there they're around ground level maybe like um six in off the ground right and um there's a lot of older members of the garden who may bending down to the ground to um you know reach the plants and stuff it can be a little strenuous and you know at some point it becomes too much and they have to stop going to the Garden so my project would be to build raise garden beds to um you know help alleviate some of the unbending down uh for these elderly members of the garden um so I would like to build four of these um garden garden beds and I would also like to fence in the area that they will be around because um you know the deer and rabbits and stuff that i' like to keep out um but moving on I have uh two sketches of um one is of the um area that they be in and the dimensions of the um of the area they' be in um and how they would be ADA Compliant so um ADA Compliant says that um needs to be three ft of space in between um in corridors but I have fourt of space um in between the beds and the fence and uh the beds in between each other so it's um it's accessible for people in wheelchairs and stuff so really um many people can use these beds um if they if they would like to but um the beds themselves will be 26 in tall um which is a little over 2T so um and through of Google searching um the recommended height of garden beds for elderly people would be around 24 to 30 Ines so this would be um an like I wouldn't say like ideal but this would be a good height for them to use especially because I um would encourage them to like you know you can make maybe bring a stool there they could use a stool to sit down on and do their gardening from there um and then for the actual G beds themselves I build them with uh wood that I have planned out on another slide um so materials um so I have a pretty extensive plan of what I'd like to build um what I need to build it um and when I'd like to build it so um I have like all the materials needed I have um planned out including um soil and mulch which uh I talk to Mr schenzel who is in char of the community garden she said that U they can get soil M Supply by the county um and so I would be able to get that for free which would alleviate a lot of the cost as well as um maybe she uh they could help out with some fencing um things and uh other things that maybe would be a little you know might need a little more of like a professional touch um and then also for the project the way would run is I would um plan work days where I would have um helpers come in they would assist me I wouldn't actually be able to do any of the work myself I would just have to leave the project right but um I would have you know around 25 people um total to help me around because I think that's what the labor would um entail um and as far as fundraising goes I'd speak to um local businesses about discounts and speak to local organizations for donations um like the Rotary Club said they be willing to help out with some money and then I'd also open a g funding uh for donation from family and friends um and that would hopefully cover the entire cost of the project as for time frame I plan to um start work as soon as possible but um I'd say around like September 15 and then I'd like to finish before November 1st um and that way I can have um I can have it done before it starts getting too cold um and you know workday has become a little um sh was because of that um I think that is all I have to say for now does anyone have any questions I have one quick question I notic it says you allowed to ask for donations from family and friends yeah you're lucky girl scouts can't ask oh really yeah Lucky them yeah my other any questions or comments so it looks like a 4ot perimeter between the fence and the the little boxes right the boxes so that they could walk around you school okay and what about the fence how how high is the fencing so the urrent fencing for the um for the rest of the garden is about 8T tall yeah I'm not sure if I need to make the fencing I I make 8 ft tall I think maybe six feet uh would be around fine but um I I want to talk a little more with that with mwel and U make sure that that's fine um actually there's one thing I forgot to mention um on the sketch of that burger was talking about there's also um about six feet of space in between the existing fence all the way on the right side and um the fence I would like to make that's because um the garden plans to put raise Garden bags for herbs for the food pantry so to give them a lot of space so they could um so I wouldn't be obstructing that um so that's why there's an extra bit of space there good so you have a gate on the side by the parking lot right yeah and then six foot fence and then where's the existing tree nursery from oh let me show you the picture that is on the second slid um I took a uh I took a I took a screenshot of from Google Maps right um so if you at um thing there's like a a patch of land that's yeah that's where it is i' say about 10t but um the only thing is so that's where the water fig is but I was thinking maybe I have to um make a water line uh going from the water SP into the um into the fenc out Garden area so people were using a woodn't have to walk all the way out turn it on come back in um but uh that would be after more discussion with the town of the Gard because you're a little more of a project than I know that um my neighbor was the one who worked on getting the initial community garden going and they they also du I believe underneath the ground put some type of barrier so that nothing could go under so you might want to talk to George Ross he's my neighbor if you want to I could set up talk toight he has some some info about that because he also has a huge Garden in his backyard and had to do the same thing Dennis I'm on thank you for being here going up with this project pretty pretty cool just the four plots will that will they be distributed on a first first come first sered basis so I talked to the garden and they say um they do a priority based thing but they said that would be pretty much all of them because I I'm I don't think I'm very qualified to choose out people but um they'll pick and choose yeah they said they'll pick and choose based on who needs it the most Maybe they been there stuff like that so makes sense thank you um I just do have one more thing maybe I missed it but aren't these beds outside of the fencing of the garden yes so your fence would be it would be completely separate because um actually thank you for bringing that up um it was mentioned when we met when we met up with M runzel and some other members of the garden that we might not be able to um lash this fence off of the existing fence because of just the way the corners are might be add too much pressure onto the fence and so it might not be sa after after that so I think I'd have to do a completely new fence but I'm not entirely sure about that yet work in progress yeah so I'm glad to hear that you met with M schel sounds like you've done your homework so that is great um so I'm a member of the garden and I think that this is going to be a really great addition as well I did have a question about the fencing because you mentioned is that going to be covered by the funds that you're um looking to receive so um the like the fundraising part would ideally cover pretty much everything all the costs but um the fencing would be um a little harder to cover because that obviously the most expensive part probably um but yeah that would be covered by fundraising as long as we can get it enough okay so if you're not able to raise it enough then you then it comes out of our pockets or my I canar you that was that loud I think that's all all right I like the project I thank you for I It's probably hard to come up with creative projects year after year you know for all these different young men that are going from the eagle scout pin I like the idea I mean I have a g there as with Council here and uh the weed I got to go live I get that on my hands and knees so if you want to do an experimental one in plot 80 but it's good you know bending can be difficult for anybody's age that I like that idea so good luck and let us know if you need help out PR he with the hammer not anymore so man you have a looking at your budget probably around $250 roughly um right now uh well the thing is at all these work days they kind of expect you to provide food for all the workers I come to then provide food we usually order extra anyways you got told me you're going to have about what how many people there 20 so I mean I think the like your food's going to cost you more than the project 25 people you're going to have there so there's a general estimate of how many I might need total but um maybe maybe depending on like the different work days like if one day you know there's one day where i'm fully just making the beds I can't invite some younger Scouts to that because they cannot uh use power tools other than you know the occas electric screwdriver but they couldn't use anything else so for something like that it would maybe be older Scouts um 15 and over 16 and over and then adults adult were open you have access to battery operator tools yeah um but there are some days where we'd be like filling the beds with dirt that would be that would probably be the things with the most maner um so it it depends on the work day but maybe I think the most I get in one day would be 15 but that's hopeful um if I can get that many people to come but it would really make it prodct a lot easier so well I'm a contractor in the area so I'm got to tell you but I can definitely help you if you if you want Mrs Shel to talk to with a saw on the mulch um and also with with the wood I have spent a lot of my compan a lot of money at Lowe's Mar Lum they might be able to do something for you so reach out to me and I'll be more than happy to help you if you want thank you and uh I think this is something that that's doable you know some people have come here with project a little more difficult and uh you're you're you're good it's manageable I think you can do it do a good job and I think a lot of people are going to be cing from you because people are not getting younger just like Mr art down you know he'll be wanting one if you want to further do you can if you want a plot we'll build it for you for X some people might want to do that there maybe other Scouts can get merit badges or what they they do but uh I can tell you something not getting any younger and when he said that I the bending down is very hard you to pull the grass real quick and whereas when it's elevated of course it's better for the back anyway wonderful I love it thanks Pop thank you for coming and uh again use me if you you need me and always Mr Shel and I can I can help with with the project thank you and uh how about the chief one Eagle Scout to a potential future Eagle Scout what do you have for advice or any comment on this project so way back r on Eagle Scout um built fencing around a playground may may not be present here speaking but um uh I reached out for um local fencing companies just to get their idea I mean I don't know what you know your concept is if it's the kind of the The Wire netting around the entire uh facility but um well I couldn't really do um you know the funding was tough to to get through certain places um but all Quality Fence in Morris County they're located in Kenville now um they donated uh time and materials for their employees so and they might have other fening options that might be a little bit more stable you know you talk about the deer and things jumping over you know the wire netting to get to those things just you know reach out to some local fence companies um referred by former Eagle Scout they got a lot of crudos from the community for helping out with an Eagle Scout project so that's something they can always you know hang on the wall you give a nice plaque or certificate for helping out U but just that would be my suggestion reach out for somebody else that might have some other ideas of how you can make it a little bit more you know sturdy and then they can like I said I did chain link fencing so like I had no idea how to do that they sent an employee down they helped us with a come I think it's called to get the the you know the fencing attached to the post and thing but just reach out on that behalf and see if someone like that might be able to help me with that those other Concepts that might be something like I said a little bit more sturdi than the the chicken wire as we call it so and you know happy to help us any week can with any part of the project thank you so I think it's a fantastic project I I really give you a lot of credit for um you looking out for our season gardeners around around the bar I do have a question are you going to name it is it going to be named anything special or do you have a thought about that you haven't thought about it you know the when you when you're thr that project proposal the first thing they asked is to find a title yeah I had no idea what to do so right now I think I think I put it as moris sp's community garden raised garden beds U which kind of a mouthful so I I'll find a better name for it um but that's a work in progress as well okay very I I think it's a great idea and I think a lot of people are going to appreciate it and use it and uh enjoy the fruits of your labor so it's U it's going to be a good thing so you good with this yeah great Dennis I think it's yes all right yes last question who came up with the plastic sheeting around the lumber that was him we have a Gard bed at our house our house and I this way I think it kind of covers the uh if anybody has any objections to the ground contact material because that can get to the soils and plus it'll protect the untreated wood so so yeah there's under untreated wood and then pressure treated wood touching the ground so in case someone um doesn't want their uh their guard to be touching you know the chemical pressure wood which I understand um that's what that um I actually have one question so I was talking to some of the Scout Masters and they said um that for permits I I need to talk to someone about having being able to dat um I think you're only going to be going down in or I don't anything no yeah I think you're okay and if you have any questions or someone says anything feel free to call me I have 800 811 I think you have an unanimous vote here yes proceed with your project and good luck and reach out if you need something and can't wait to see it finished in the fall and being used in the spring you thank you Dad for coming out and thank you guys helping him along with this project financially and it sounds like any to be seen so financially just give a good pat on the back so it's a great project best of to you thank you very much pict I'll you I'm not taking a picture today you want me to stay here okay and thank you for setting all this up problem enjoy it I enjoyed watch I enjoyed yeah stand side a little bit and I'll get picture you I will no I won't hold on that's much squeeze in a little bit just a little on if I keep backing up I'll wind okay okay here we go if you want to sit down I can take I'm good I'm good thanks you sure well okay L pictures sorry I know I dropped no no no all right three two one there we go thank thank you for thank you very much project I can take the you want to keep this you can keep it if you want keep my not you're not going to build mine I don't want for a fee of all little business iide thank you all this up any time I'll be there to help too I'm old enough to use the power tool thank you have a good evening apprciate have a good night thank you thank you thank you um just a couple things I have soccer opening day I will not be Saturday else um I need one judge from the council for bike rack contest volunteer for that next week that's actually 14th is soccer seven well I'm glad you mentioned that today I was be that would have missed it um so I was um I was I don't know if anybody had noticed but the cannon in the middle of town we they got a flat tire a few months back and uh was kind of just waiting to see what was um going to happen here with the end of the year so we can kind of get it fixed if we had any excess funds um I was actually I was doing a job in Marist toown and I saw somebody painting their Cannon over there if anybody's familiar by Washington headquarters which is very similar to our Cannon uh the gentleman's name is Ryan Dawson and he's doing the uh uh the refurb on that Cannon over there um so I was I was over there and the guy was painting it but he didn't understand what I was asking him or talking to him so I had left and out of the clear blue two days later this Ryan Dawson reached out to me he says he was in Morris Plains and some shopping and he saw the can and I said yeah you know it's coming into some disrepair we we fixed it once at least that I know of and it needs to be repaired Again by the law I went through the whole story so he's the who um uh ran I don't know if anybody saw he ran a fundraising campaign for that uh for that canon in marown raised about $10,000 for it and refurbished it uh with an expert Carpenter and all kinds of specialized people I'll say um he wants to know whether we'd be willing to do the same thing here the same gentleman who donated our Cannon donated this cannon in in marst toown and and they're going to be doing some uh a ribbon cutting I'll say I think towards the end of this month um the owner who donated this cannon is is happy that this is getting redone and would have be happy to see ours get redone um so the council would wish I could call this Mr Dawson up and tell him he to start his campaign I told him we had the 100 Year celebration coming up and I really wanted it to be done for that that's why I was going to see if we had any funds to redo it but uh what are the council's wishes or questions that you have so he would organize a fundraising campaign yeah he organized the fundraising campaign he organizes the uh the work to be done uh he's he started this now as his I'll say pet peeve and he wants to continue moving throughout the state doing similar projects you know around the county first and then around the state he be honored if you could work with Mar PL yes yeah I mean as long as signicance town is it it was donated by um person quite a few quite a few years ago and he's still alive to see I thought was kind of kind of weird that they just called out a I was actually taken back we didn't get that far ours will fire right now do you have anything sure uh Team Center a couple things Morris PLS Basketball Association has generously offered to donate a basketball hole and a new hoop and um out of their funds to the teen center and it's apparently much a much needed item it's very much well used over there when they have their uh events and um we just wanted to see if it would be okay if we have the DPW help with installation the whole like cement and whatever permanent poll not a okay yeah it's not like a weighted thing okay that one over there is a little sketch you and Kids jump on it yeah it's come down a couple times so so that that's exciting um you saw here on the consent calendar that we have the new coordinator who accepted and also JK Hill staying on as supervisor um You didn't hear from the other person right no okay did not so uh we might want to repost we have somebody who might be interested in the second supervisor position so since the person that you know we had offer made the offer to has not responded and it's been over a week now right yeah so we think we uh would like to repost it with your permission sure questions did you have an update on affordable housing I do I'll talk about that okay I'm good no I'm glad you're talking now nothing just a question that I got asked a couple times with the block party a couple of times I said the motorcycle that the police were looking to buy and I don't know if the kind of Texas out but you said we can talk a little bit more about it I just wonder what the committee discussed and what they came up with the committee right now felt that there was a need for motorcycle you know we' like to use that those funds also for for police know cars or whatever I just was it an expense thing or well like I said do it's not nice to have a lot they have a horse couple of horses motorcycle but you know you know we we talked about and that's what we came up with if you want to reopen it and talk about it again oh no like like I said they I they said what's going on the most I don't know what's going with most they said that um Cedar Grove you know willing to sell it for pretty good price 8,000 yeah and there wasn't much to do besides change the emblem to Morris Plaines and I just so I didn't have any information more of a want than than a need I mean it's nice don't get meong I got a motorcycle I love motorcy that's that's what we felt andine hearing whether people want to say but that's what thee felt right away I it also would involve buying um motorcycle insurance which is usually pretty high each for anybody who would ride it for the people who it I thought we had Fleet self insured we were told that it would we would have to get it in each person's name that is ring well that's I know the writers are insurance company going to want to know oh no no I I thought the town like when you get maybe like you buy a fire truck or whatever vehicle it's like we're Self Insurance you know I didn't look into the insurance but just in general in general we just put whatever vehicle onever I don't know particular about an individual person I know there's I didn't mean individual person but anybody who was going to drive it um I know I own a motorcycle and I had I mean ride it whatever you want to call I we had to get a wrer on our regular insurance no Municipal Insurance different than an individual I don't know I was just asked a few times that I had no answer so I was just questioning or trying to get answers they asked me so the answer is no to the committee the committee said no and we're open if the council that's the committee came up like we called a lot of that of those funds there's $8 generated for U please jump in anytime Mike per hour when the car goes out for the another $10 we get the $8 have been going a lot per hour that we get we going lot lot towards payroll taxes and biking on stuff the 101,000 we've been actually accumulating in a sep fund and Through the Years we' bought cars we bought you know whatever mik needs we that we I think we ended up buying a couple of cars out there it's what that money is used for to buy new things for the police department and that's still stays yeah I think that's what doesn't get a couple officers said there was money there and everything but using that would be money answer anybody else or S no not for this part didn't we talk about cleaning people at one point yeah the cleaning people were up on Friday I update on so we um we've had discussions with Nick um um so Nick and his company are the one is the person who gave us um the current or as a Friday was our curent current uh cleaner and um she applied for the position um she's one of three we're going to be interviewing the candidates but there was a discussion because if we hired her there would be some sort of you know essentially poaching right and so I wanted to have a conversation with which I did and I was very open with him in terms of the fact that we were interested in his employee and he was very gracious and um was just checking with essentially the company um so I'm waiting to hear back from him hopefully we'll hear by tomorrow and it's going to take a good week or two the good thing though is you know we'll do those interviews and it might be that person or it might be somebody else um but we'll be bring sure can we do the interviews in the intros sure get the process going because I never police everybody else to wait two weeks for we have problem we have no back thank you for um do you to everything's open just the sit down that we had yeah yeah okay just want make sure yeah I will um so the um you weren't available so I filled in yeah and uh the pool we discussed with uh Bill Ryden that some of the costs associated with making an ADA Compliant some of the the environmental effects of currently runs off into a scream you know the chlorine um there was some electrical issues um the grading was rough because or steep you know that was a big thing uh so he said Bas oh the found the current concrete is also cracked and barel and it would need bril just to be removed and rebuilt at this point and make it a a compliant it was like a 2.3 to $3 million very general budget nothing in stone the other option was to it is it there was a stream you probably know that runs through there um so they have to kind of pipe it to continue to stream and then fill it in and potentially make it a park um which could be just a sitting Park could be a joggy park could be an exercise Park any kind of Park you know maybe not a pickle ball park because that gets a little noisy um and the neighbors up there are probably used to a more quieter uh especially the last couple years uh so that was around a $300,000 again just a general fill you know nothing you know with any permanent pared material or swing sets or something like that so um you know it was you know it seemed like that was a better option for taxpayers um a park as a pool there was was there other so did I miss something else no I think that was it really it's the Ada it was the sand would have to the municipality for under a different set of rules than the association previous when we were looking to purchase the property I did tell the people that were still involved that we would look into it and my Hope was that we did open it up as a pool um looking into it further now and getting some expert um experts to look at it there is a there's a structural problem with the concrete the Ada uh getting people into that pool uh the way that it is now is is not viable for Ada would have to be upgraded the sand would have to be removed because you can't have sand in a public park just because of geese duct whatever whatever in the sand water um the way the chlorine was uh left that facility before we could not do we'd have to put in some some sort of recovery or pumping system in there for that so there's a tremendous amount of obstacles like art said that would be2 to3 million just to get that you know somewhat up and running and without really anything else so I mean the cost of that when we already have a town fol is in my opinion is now it's gone too far and I think the council really should look at other avenues or other ideas toize that the other thing just to add is that even if you did make it ADA Compliant with some of the things you would have to do you would actually have to put a path around the entire pool and then a path leading up to the interest and it would have to be you know obviously all adaa compliant there's really not a lot of land there to begin with for people that come and set up their blankets and their chairs so by doing that it would actually take away a lot of that space so even if you make that big investment there wouldn't be a lot of room for people to actually have better go just not to be confused still going to have to be ADA Compliant with whatever we put there as well but it will the restrictions will be less we'll have more room to play with cool structure there itself there are bathrooms there already there's Plumbing there there's electric there there's a lot of options that that can be done at that location um something that we'll have to look at get different ideas and uh and move forward we did put money aside on U this year in the budget for repairs over there whether we want to utilize that this year to look at other ideas or whatever we can't look would decide what we're going to do with right you know it looks horrendous now I get it so it was horrendous even before when they were using it well it wasn't horr it was a lot of Band-Aids I I was a member there a lot of Band-Aids everywhere just something that got got dated and eventually you can't put any more bandaids on to give anybody in the public an idea $3 million on a we have a $18 million budget three million is about 16 that's for maybe under 1% of the population very justifies and municipality so so I think that that's what the next option will be deciding what we're going to do with it deciding what you're going to do with it and you don't want pickle ball well I just said we haven't decided what kind of pickle ball is fun but it's a little noisy that's just I don't think it's going to be pickle B the where noisy no decision made on what type of I don't think it's viable for pickall it's in the middle of the neighborhood it's in the middle of the neighborhood up there so it would have to be something more on the quiet side so but we'll figure that out moving forward and it was a good meeting with Bill we had a lot of information we spent some time there we also did get um from our insurance company electrical upgrades that have to be done um confine space upgrades that would have to be done uh a couple other things so there's a lot of obstacles there and a lot of cost involved getting that to be we'll move on to plan I think that's everything that I have we do need an executive session sorry he resolved by the bur Council of the bur of Mars Plains on the third day of September 2024 the mayor and bur Council shall meet in executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as permitted pursu to njsa 10 4-2 subsections B7 B8 B7 and B8 the time when the matter is discussed pursuant to paragraph one hereof can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practicable after the final resolution of theed matters is there a second second by Joan all in favor abstain un we'll be returning here by you know no later than 8:30 so just wa outside the wa