SE operator so he can he could address some of those questions and I think he was part of it originally I think I understand that for m just had five breaks over the years so certainly I agree with that but I'm talking about the uh gravity sewers that flow roughly from honey well twoot that collect everything all the way to Quick that one and John sarelli is interested in the line along Sun Valley Way which goes along the railroad um hard to get to these things will be hard to get to but there's just no reason not to do this after 50 years 60 years no reason at all and no one can say you don't have any problems because no one knows my second request you want Bill to talk about that first Mr Mayor we' have to have to take a look at the the maps I'm not even sure that that that large c pipe is ours I don't think so we'll have to look jurisdiction here who's going to be overs town or more toship I I don't know it's not ours I'm pretty sure it's but in any event you know I I understand the concern that SCH systs need maintenance and inspection but you know there's at this point there's no indication that there's any major problems in the system in terms of f failures and that's that sort of thing but the jurisdiction of that PR well still then if you could talk to Handover to do it right because it needs to be done and the same with the other line along Sun Valley Way which probably is our line um it's going through quick check it probably be go to Borth I mean to Township I'm sorry hand right it's going towards crck Che going directly to l go right through right through our town from Honeywell under the railroad under the park under all those roads uh to critchen so it's hard for me to understand what's being said there but I'll leave that at this point I'm just telling you even though there's no evidence there's no reason that something might not be happening and might not be caught before it happens because if it collapses you're in a big big problem second thing is another sour system that's the generator for the pump station on Johnson Road that generator is a diesel generator it was was put in in 1970 um it's old they have a hard time finding parts for it um it's diesel so they if they run out of diesel such as happened in superstorm Sandy they needed back then they were using 5 gon cans through the hurricane through the night running them up there um and now they have a truck with a tank that can take over there and dump some diesel uh fuel meanwhile there's a natural gas line that's in the road that wasn't there when they put the generator in so um we have a reliability problem here that that that generator could break or access to it to get fuel to it could be blocked by wires down we now have flooding occurring on Johnson Road as another you know mitigating Factor you can have trees falling down um I I I think we it's time to put in a new uh a new generator and run it on the naal gas and not have this problem I asked John if thought we could get into the building or we' have to mount it outside and he says they get they're smaller today than they've ever been in the past so he doesn't think it would be a problem getting in there but I think I think it needs to be done that's that's the SEC that's the second the last thing is just to ask uh Mr Ryden the S reports that handed into the D are they semiannual or annual we make no reports of who fills out the collection system report who fills out the collection system report I make report mon re don't have to send anything to the need that's okay thank you um that that report that you make out is what when is included in it it's it's a it's a general status report of of whether we had any situations that could could impact the treatment plan or uh affect the system you know failures so things like that but it's it's just a status report every month I said ni who who in in the burrow do you send a copy of that to I don't send it to anyone like I think I think someone in the borrow should be receiving this report we have a council person in charge of that area and maybe the chief the the head of the DB the Department of Public Works just just so there is some monitoring by the owner that's subject to your approv thank you very anybody else we do have a special guest here today correct yes he's there okay you want to come on up and state your name and the reason for you being here I'm a Boy Scout with gr 39 my name is Arman Joi I was recently elected as a senior patrol leader which is like the um head of the youth in that tro um I'm here to work on um two merit badges that are required for Eagle Scout so I'm just here to observe for the requirements and report back to my counselor good do you have any questions so for no nothing is this interesting or is this it's good to see this works I haven't really been to one of these so and who's here with you oh it's just me just you they kicked you out and they when you're done so what I'm going to do is maybe you want to take a seat for a couple minutes I'll go around the table and everybody can kind of explain a little bit of what they do in in two seconds or two minutes and give you an idea of all the responsibilities that everybody has you have a good meeting we have our engineer here our police chief so this is the probably the most people that that come that sit up here help the girl so you have a good meeting why we start off with Nancy she's our council president this year and she can just overrun say what she does hi Arman so we we all switched roles uh for our committee assignments this year so I'm kind of the new uh new chair of Public Health sanitation and sewers so I U probably will be getting a new report thank you um one more to the list yeah exactly I can read it off at the meeting to um um so one of Public Health is the Board of Health so we have we have a contract with the county they help us with a lot of our Board of Health inspections of the restaurants and things like that so they meet monthly they didn't meet in February but they're going to meet again in March and um that's been really really interesting they also do the rabies clinic and and those types of things anything also animal licensing is under my responsibility and some fun things too like the team Center and the municipal Alliance who has a lot of great events around the you you'll hear during my report I'll be talking about some of the activities that the municipal Alliance is sponsoring like the stage fun show that's about to happen um so those are I also have recycling so the recycling center the recycling pickup which you'll hear me report on that as well and um sanitation so that's your your garbage collection which our contract is up at the end of the year so we'll be looking at some options for that and uh clean communities so we we get a grant to keep our community clean and we have somebody who chairs that and he uh you probably as a Boy Scout have been involved in some of those Community cleanups right so he coordinates that so that's pretty much the nutshell what I'm working on right now Kathy two minutes oh two minutes great thank you um uh we all have new committees and I still have to read what I'm doing what they're doing because I didn't memorize it yet but I do ordinance and public utilities and some of that is ordinance uh street lights zoning officer fire subcode officials planning board of adjustment right now my biggest feel Fe feeling is with the uh planning board because they have come to a a cessation of of one of the projects they're working on not cessation but I'll explain that in a few minutes but um I have I'm the chair but I have two people on my committee and that's Nancy verer and Sal Cort so we all get together and and decide things and we try to share all the information we have with them so everybody knows what's going on okay I'd like to know if you have any ideas about what you want to do for your badge your big badge have you decided no still working on it okay good we can still talk about it okay thanks I have some good ideas for you okay I'll share them with Kathy thank you good thank you Joan do you know anything about sores no doesn't want to either yeah um so very nice to I believe you've been here before right no just his brother older brother so I don't think he's ever been here specifically just seen him so yeah well nice to meet you welcome we're thrilled to have you um and it's it's good for us to be able to share a little bit about what we do with our different committees as mentioned we're all new in our holes uh this year um and I manage build uh public buildings in ground so that is essentially all of the burrow owned properties um and then the volunteer organizations that help support the things that happen on our property so um I'm the liaison to our rep commission um which is responsible for everything including uh you know the parks working with the little leagues um our swimming pools uh they also help with some of our um burrow events as well so very tapped into to them I work with with our shade tree commission so they are responsible for the maintenance and pruning of our trees in the burrow and also identifying those trees like for example recently when um uh councilman R was on it they there was a big project about the ash trees right because many of them were hollow inside they were at risk of falling uh so for a few years we were working on uh chopping down a lot of those trees what I'm proud of is now that I'm on it we're in the replenishing phase so we're looking to plant many trees um make up for all those ash trees that we um we had to cut down um also patriotic celebrations so I'm part of the parade committee which is a big big um event in our town and then a downtown Mars plan is um it falls under me as well I just had to mention the pumpkin illumination I think we're uh we're on a roll here for for keeping that going this it's uh such a good event that we had but really thrilled to um hear what they have going on for this year and that's a little bit about me good all right two minutes or L just want to clarify did not bring the ashb over here you helped combat the problem we were removing trees that were damaged by that um I'm cilman Brun and my liaison this year is public works so if you see snow in the road those those are the guys that take care of the snow removers they do a fantastic job uh leaf collection uh Park maintenance they really do amazing job U I share with the council president bur and Dennis is not here tonight but we as Kathy mentioned if something's a big discussion we'll get together talk about it and try to make a decision as a committee and bring it to the floor here and make a full vote um but they they do a great job maintaining the roads if there's a curb this damaged as they you know plowing or however got damaged the basins um sword maintenance we also work with the engineering company um Safety Committee so they do quite a bit of of of hard work it's hot in the summer it's cold in the winter so but they do a fantastic job and good group of guys and um you know that's I'm looking forward to working with them this year so it was nice to meet you and congratulations on your efforts welcome I was also a Boy Scout in tro 59 in moristown so are you getting a a merit batch tonight or yeah two which one citizenship and community and Communications congratulations I'm s Cortez I'm I'm the chair of the public safety and I have the I'm very lucky to be working with councilwoman Kelly and Council Godard very Dynamic we oversee a lot in the town I have to read these because my memories like be used to be but just to give a quick police department Municipal Court licenses Fire Department fire prevention traffic committee and local emergency planning which is the Department of U of Officer Emergency Management which is done by a police chief he's going to talk right after me um and um it's fun it's a lot of work but I love it and uh it's nice to give back to our community we have a great Community here in Mars Plains and you're probably here because you heard we were good right right I'm gonna pass the mic to Mike our chief how are you I'm good how are you good uh Mike grin the chief police been a police officer here for 22 and a half years um over see Police Department daily operations the department our Patrol Division our Support Services Division and the investigative division as mrz said I also am the chair of the Emergency Management coordinator here um seeing things like mitigation of Storms and how to prevent loss before the storm even happens and then clean up in reimbursement from the federal government in the state following so a busy SE to be sometimes but uh happy to do it and Mike is an eagle scout and Mike wears the same pants size now as he go 22 years ago really something to be proud of a if you're looking for Christmas Bill yes why don't you to tell us I'm the burrow engineer Bill Ryden um we handle all engineering matters for for the burrow that's a planning reviews for the planning board and the board adjustment we deal with the sew systems storm drainage Recreation facilities any any and all and every U aspects of engineering we handle here for so it's interesting it's diverse you never know what comes up what kind of projects we have to deal with good luck to you and rosan our bur clerk hi nice to meet you we were emailing back and forth nice to finally meet you I oversee the daily functions of the mayor's office respond to requests from the public I'm secretary to the governing body and and I have to I'm required to attend all the meetings and record all the proceedings which I'm doing as I speak um on the official records manager I keep all the municipal records all the documents ordinances agreements resolutions um my office accepts applications we issue licenses permits and other documents um that are required by the municipality um the bur clerk also serves as the elections officer and regist of Voters and um we're also regist Vital Statistics we issue marriage licenses we have our burough attorney here today too so my name is John haran I'm the bur attorney here and uh what I do and what you've you've seen tonight is this body the mayor these council members they make laws here in Mar PL they they set forth policies and regulations and they do things that they think are going to improve the burrow um and they work hard at that but these laws tonight that they pass don't just stay in this room they have to go somewhere else they don't really have any effect so one of my jobs and what I do is I take these policies and these regulations and these laws that this governing body passes tonight and I and I put them on paper and I turn them into laws that become enforcable and become recorded So everybody body knows that they the laws it's a a small function of what I do I also provide legal uh counsel to to the mayor council and other employees here in in Mars Plains when they have legal questions because in this industry legal questions come up all the time so so so that's kind of what I mean that that's generally what I do but I also do what you think lawyers do on behalf of the burrow too you know I do go to court like the lawyers you see on TV in fancy suits with with their cuff links and they look like they just came from the gym I do that too I go I go to to the court I argue in front of the judges and I try my best on bre the difference is I don't look like I just came from a gym and I surely don't have uh cuings so I sit here and I'm not on TV um and then lastly I'll say this I was impressed tonight that you came up here you sat here and you have nobody here with you young guy and you're confident enough to do that um you know I I think that speaks volumes about your character I wish you the best of luck too I think you're going to go very good places here welcome again um I know that's a lot of information in but in a nutshell I mean that's generally what everybody does around here these aren't the only people that make the bur go around we have volunteers we have our DPW a lot of people who are represented here today so this is really just a small portion of uh people in the B that make make the wheel go around my job as mayor is to manage all of this and and I'm on the phone with the attorneys uh I'm on the phone with the police chief a lot the department heads and and the clerk's office uh daily uh if not three four times a day and uh it takes a lot to keep everything moving and and manage everything and and know what's going on and make the best decisions that are that's possible so I enjoy my job I love doing what I'm doing and I was a council person for 11 years and now mayor and uh it's a very rewarding position to be in so I hope you get something out of this tonight and congratulations on on the two gues that you're going to get we hope to see you with an Eagle Scout project back in the same seat is there any other questions that you have I don't think so if you have questions throughout the meeting feel free to raise your hand we'll try to answer your questions and you're not going to sit in the back going to sit right in the front front row that's empty that's that's your new seat any comments you want to make no well I I want to get some of the younger Scouts in our troop to uh come to show up to some of these well they they all need to at some point anyway so I think it'd be good to get them to come and I was going to get a couple to come this time but it was a little last minute I don't know if I was going to get anyone in the first place but I know there's two in March I think I believe so so I think there's more I think it's two so I'll I'll tell them then good well we welcome you and them if they want to show up that would be fantastic thank you thank you very you very much thank you thanks moving on to reports of committees or department heads Finance Mr Wagner is not here with us is anybody a report Mr W see nobody remov to Public Safety Mr Cortez thank you mayor I have a short one U about more explains but I just want to say keep it the victims of the Kansas City uh parade in prayers everyone was a sad day for all of us to to to see that and uh can't believe it um as far as Public Safety I met with uh my committee and police chief and Dave Schultz regarding the expansion of the police stations and talks are going on with that and the chief willion with that um I want to I want to also commend the chief for uh his application for distracted driv and Crackdown how many times are we down sped Avenue and the light turns green and people don't move they're on your cell phones and next thing you know it's you know re accidents you know people take off because they think it's green instead the car behind them in front of them didn't move uh so it's really uh I I after I saw that application I went on the road I couldn't see how many people were just not moving and the light's green and um it it it's a good thing and anything that can promote safety I can't tell you how much I'm for it uh it's important uh I do want to apologize last meeting our our our our fire chief was here but I never got a chance to uh give him a chance to give his report he couldn't make it tonight but I'm sure he'll give it to us at next meeting and um I'll be meeting with with some more communties as far as traffic and our fire chief also in um in the three weeks that we have a little break over here to catch up on things that's all I have here good CH good evening I'll start with uh late last year I mentioned uh an arrive pilot program that Mor PL partip in the first of its kind in Morris County arrive as alternative response to reduce instances of violence and escalation uh we're starting Tuesday February 20th with an intruction to mental health staff that'll be arriving with police officer close in time not exactly with the police officer in the car we're looking to reduce um incidents of mental health uh that we see uh constantly reoccurring not not only in moris PLS but throughout moris County throughout the state of New Jersey so we are one of the four towns in moris County pil the program for Morris County prosecutor's office and the attorney generals of the state of New Jersey so uh we're looking to reduce the number of times that we interactive indiv individuals experiencing mental health issues uh try to get ahead of them a little bit unseen to reduce the violence and then offer some Services as a followup so our Comm placing and for that with our two new communities on America Road and tab Road we're hosting a coffee with a cop with a date hopefully to be determined in uh towards the end of March where we're specifically going to have coffee with a cop um at the uh common rooms in both of those venue so that way we can meet those new residents I know they're a little bit on the outliers of our communities but we want to make them feel just as welcome and introduce them to our staff uh we're doing baseball coach CPR coming up uh towards the end of March as well 20th and 21st I believe uh Council C councilman Cortez also mentioned our building committee design plan team that uh met Monday and losing track of all my days during the week but uh we do have some final proposals that we're reviewing and hopefully getting some uh closer to some much needed Renovations and revisions downstairs in the police department and that's also going to help the B well some additional office space if uh all goes to fruition and lastly councilman Cortez also mentioned the 204 driving campaign that application is going in for some cell phone and other distracted driving that is a reimbursement by the state for the hours that the officers will put in so um we'll be out there hopefully in the spring enforcing some of our uh traffic walls around speed Avenue and those distracted driving areas that result in our collisions so that's all I have this evening let just any questions comments or concerns so just with the CPR stuff I think that was a suggestion at a council meeting by somebody and GL to see that we've done in baseball and my concern is always getting that initial CPR and defibrillator on somebody so we have trained CPR instructors we have two right now we're training another two coming up uh I think in the next couple of months that we'll be able to expand our program and uh help protect the youth and any bystanders are at baseball games that might have a medical emergency so we have the staff to do it so doesn't cost us anything other than $5 for card so a better way to protect their community and have a lot of First Responders on scene absolutely thank you by the way Chief how many lives has the police department saved already oh God couldn't tell yourself too too many to count isn't that wonderful I mean come on is there anything better than that in the world God bless you guys thank you thank you Chief Public Works Mr broom thank you just want to start off with the snowstorm we had Tuesday it was a pretty fast moving storm uh I know they were out plowing and as soon as they plowed the streets were covered again but they were kept at it and they did a great job so compliments them they continue to work on on police uh DPW Vehicles out in all Town Vehicles picking up garbage in all the parks fixing Pooles uh started doing some interior painting U when they weren't doing all the other stuff they did some spring clean up in Simon's Park prior to the snowstorm they put a couple new basketball uh backwards up at WNAM Park uh did some rounds of brush any of the sticks that had fallen uh painted the annex kitchen just spruing things up side U they flushed all sore trouble spots um and then he think said they they did ploud assault to the town so I think they did a great job on that all engineer I'm sorry Mr R yes Mr Mayor just one quick update last month regarding the t Road Warehouse project on Route 53 I advise you that they they were supposed to start clearing that site in early in February and it's been a delay some loan closing issues or whatever they tell us early in March that's all I have very short thank you public buildings and grounds Joe okay so has anybody been to uh Simon's Park to see the new playground there it looks amazing and uh kudos to the DPW for all their hard work in getting that up and and Rec as well for uh planning all of this the new um swing sets and other things the funniest thing though is um the kids couldn't even wait because there was caution tape all around it and there were a bunch of kids inside play looking at the caution tape no worries because it was all done um but we're thrilled uh to really have those upgrades at Simons it's so well used um a few other things that we've been working on um the team has met with uh Ben schaer Recreation they're a vendor to review proposals for new playground equipment at Community Park as well so they're working on that and they're making some adjustments based on the Ada guidelines but hope to have more report and some some news on when that will be um completed uh we also um are getting pricing for the fence around the pickle ball courts yay so um I know every time I drive by there there's people there rain snow they're there so um really um excited to have that moving forward and I'll continue to give updates on that we're also getting uh updated quotes for the bleachers for Community Park and that would be for field 2 um speaking of field two uh we met with the Little League field rep um and DPW uh councilman Cortez um and Jerry stman there's some real drainage issues on that field and it's really sad because that's the t-all field um and everybody's really first introduction to the field um with young kids um at Community Park what's happening is because of the High Ridge the mountain there all the water is coming off field one flurry field for for some reason is Salvage thank God but it's all kind of coming down onto the field and it was quite shocking right s just in terms of how damaged the field was um but the good news is that the DPW was there with us um we were you know s was able to give some of his expertise from his day job um and really start talking about how be going to fix the drainage there because we want to replenish that field it's an active field very well used um but there's a lot of work that's going to need to be done in order to have that ready for uh for te- ball season so more to come on that and it's probably end up be a phased approach right yeah so um we're going to see what we can do there um we're also looking for ways that we can partner with neighboring entities so for example the Red Oak School has requested to used the turf field so we're being good neighbor partners and and allowing them to do that on April 7th we're also discussing with uh the lakelin Y uh the director of Summer Camps they're looking at the possibility of renting the community pool during uh the two weeks in August so it would be after the Marlins right but it would be in the morning hours so it would be before the pool is open and it would actually be a nice way for us to generate some Revenue so um it wouldn't um have anything to do with our opening hours of the pool they would bring their own lifeguards but it's a really nice way to generate some Revenue um so then regarding sha tree uh so we've been discussing uh the Arbor Day festivities uh the Sha tree is responsible for putting on a celebration of Mountain Way school every year that's that the kids love uh the full committee is going to be planning the event and that will be on Friday 426 so we'll give more updates as we get closer to that and then as I mentioned earlier um we've been discussing about the replenishment of trees and we're um hoping to encourage residents to accept some new trees because believe it or not sometimes when people go and say hey we have a tree available people don't want them so um we're thinking of ways to make it um you know that people can really see what it could potentially look like and obviously you know people might be like I don't want that type of tree or it's not the right color leap or whatever the case may be but we're hoping to get to a point where we can um make them understand exactly what type of tree it will be and then hopefully they'll accept them so more to come on that but that is it for me good is the shade tree do they have a chair AR day the the full committee is going to be working on it uh Public Health sanitation and sewers okay we have a recycling pickup this Saturday for those of you who aren't on the raave alert which if you're not I recommend you get on that because there's always great information there that's very timely so uh I know Sally your neighbor has their recycling cans that have been plowed into the snow unfortunately because they didn't get he didn't get that message about Saturday guess not I texted him to so and the recycling center is also doct so for those people who are like oh my recyc didn't get picked up and and they bring it there we'll have people to take it um Board of Health did not is not meeting this month but they have a new burrow email address that they requested it's Health Morris PL .org they do ongoing blood pressure screenings the second Monday of every month at the Morris Plains Community Center from 1 to 3 during our senior meetings and also the fourth Wednesday of every month at the Morris Plains Library from 10:00 a. to noon so the next one is on February 28th at the library um they're meeting again on March 13th the Board of Health Municipal Alliance met on Monday February 5th they are doing some great programs including seventh grade students be a buddy not a bully program in the school which combines martial arts mindful fullness and self-discipline um stage fund is going to put on Finding Nemo the performance is March 8th at 7M those are always awesome I I look forward to that they also are partnering with our Mars plan Police Department for the lead program for Fifth and seventh grade so uh the Mars Plains Municipal L provides the funding and our officers provide the you know the the assistance to conduct the training for the students they are working with the marown high school to do the coffee house on March 1st which is a great program for high school students who want to entertain their peers with performances of Music poetry even standup comedy that was always great U my kids went through that program was really good uh for Friday nights place to hang out and then in the spring they're doing an around the word world food festival at the school uh with is replacing their family game night and their Pizza Bingo and books into one event so save the day March I'm sorry May 17th and there'll be more details on that um Community groups are going to be cleanups in April to coincide with Earth week which is April 21st to 27 so if you're Boy Scouts Girl Scouts they're they're going to hope to Rally some help during that time period and teen center had their their Valentine dance last Friday they had 75 students attend which was great and they had a really nice time with the DJ and everything um we made a push for parents to submit their backr check forms so they'll be able to volunteer and a large majority of families have completed complied with that now we're also looking still to fill several board positions for the team Center which is a good spot for those who don't want to chaperone because it's an alternative way to volunteer and the next event is February 23rd for the sixth grade teen center house um let's see and I think that's it very good ordinances and Public Utilities Cathy thank you um ordinance for municipalities it's kind of a law type thing and this one is about storm water control storm water can be devastating to any town uh it just causes flooding so this is a very important ordinance that we're working on um I met with the town engineer and we talked uh at length about this um ordinance and I'm meeting with my committee miss Mr Cortez and Mrs verga to complete the ordinance and submit it the other thing I'd like to talk about is the planning board I love the planning board it is so fascinating so much information and I'm so new to it so I feel um I I don't give it I don't give enough energy to to asking the right questions I know there are no right questions but still there's a lot to be known and they're talking right now um about the wer property um this might help you with some of the things you have to say Okay um there uh the wiper property is on Route 202 Route 10 and Johnson Road if if you're going up Route 202 it's on the right hand side before you get to stop and shop that whole big parking lot area and it goes way back but uh this past Monday there was a public hearing of the application for that property and it's called Uh its working title is Highline Marketplace and um they got the final site plan approval for phase one and to that point phase one has been um given to Andrew Brewer which is Morris Plan Board of board of excuse me planning board uh attorney and may I digress for a minute to tell you that this becomes the planning board there are people sitting up here you wouldn't recognize if you don't know who they are they're none of these people and there is a different attorney here and there's a man that sits over here that they're showing the pictures the drawings the architectural SC uh pictures of drawings of what that is going to look look like and it's fascinating um and I guess people are always welcome to come to that and listen it's fascinating uh but Andrew Brewer is going to um draw up an agreement for appr approval by all the planning board and and wer and uh there's more to come on that but phase one is a a done deal so far so it was good to hear uh we had a sen senior meeting it's really not part of my uh my reports but we had a senior meeting the second Monday of every mon we had one this past Monday and uh it was fun I try to take things there the little tidbits from meetings this meeting um that they may not hear and uh it's always fun to be a part of their organization and I'm always looking for speakers if uh anybody wants to volunteer their time to come up and speak about something they like doing or have interest in it would be great let me know and and um that's all I have fantastic thank you uh we have no presentations of communications or petitions we have no introductions of ordinances we do have ordinances on second reading I sorry I was getting to it um I council member Kelly read by title the ordinance entitled ordinance 1- 2024 Bond ordinance providing for the Improvement of various roads in and by the burrow of Morris plane in the county of Morris New Jersey appropriating $684,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 640,000 49,800 in bonds or notes of the Bureau for financing such appropriation which ordinance was introduced and passed on the first reading at a meeting held on February 1 2024 I announce the meeting is open for a public hearing on the ordinance anybody wish to speak see no one I close the public hearing I council member Kelly state that the above ordinance as read by title on second reading at this meeting be adopted and finally passed is there a second second roll call please M yes Mr yes Mr Cortez yes Miss yes yes I declare the ordinance adopted and finally passed this ordinance is putting the funds into place before we do our budget for the various road projects that will'll take on over uh 2024 probably over the summer we have no resolutions no unfinished business we do have some new business that I'd like to bring up I spoke about the Committees moving forward um one is the affordable housing committee um that I feel is going to be very important our new round or our new obligation will be coming out in July 2025 which is really right around the corner as you heard earlier um on the consent agenda the resolution um opposing the new bill that the state has put forth uh at least and the assembly has passed it with little or no input from municipalities and a lot of other people that should really be weighing in on such a extravagant bill um hopefully with all the opposition with Mayors and councils around the state uh they get back to work and and do something that is reasonable we all we all want and need affordable housing but it just cannot be so detrimental to communities as far as services and infrastructure and that sort of thing which this bill didn't take only a few things which this bill did not take into into account so um in preparation for whatever comes down down the road um I'd like to put together a affable housing committee um which would consist of su mclusky from the planning board Frank dretler the master plan committee Dave Schulz from the board of adjustment Joan Gard from the council myself from the council and Kathy Kelly from the council Ed bzac Liz leany and Bill Ryden uh to look into the what we have AA what our numbers are uh moving forward or what we have now the reserves and whatnot so I'd like to put that forth that be the affordable housing committee moving forward the other committee that I'd like to so so those committee that committee in particular is you're going to have to that requires under our bylaws um consent councel okay so so we have to get consent councel okay is there a motion to accept the affordable housing committee as stated some move is there a second can I second I'll second it all in favor local or well it supposed to be discussed with the council before the next is there a discussion this is what I've come up with well I mean shared with the council so that we have an opportunity to according to the bylaws dis so that's that should be done separately before correct yeah the pro really the procedure here um give me a second the bylaws provide that committees are appointed here in the burough form of government by the mayor with the consent of burough Council so when we appoint here tonight what we should do or when you appoint what you should do is you should set forth the individuals and then have a roll call that's consented to by Council I I would I would think that as you make these appointments to these committees now standing committees are different but these committees that are advisory committees in nature um because it does require thorough counsel consent um you know there there probably should be at least a discussion before the appointments to make sure that there is the consent of council um and that it gets a little bit uh some discussion but that's you know that's really you know discussion for Council and the mayor to have but um theoretically I you know I would think going forward that when we assign to advisory committees that there be a discuss of the meeting there because otherwise to be fair then what you're doing is you're appointing to a committee and there is really not a lot in other words there's there's appointments to committees but then there's not really an opportunity to to to discuss it beforehand and then of course you're also then put in a position where you're in a public meeting and the first time you get the opportunity to speak about it is in that public meeting um and then you have some limitations as to what you can and can't say um or you might not be as comfortable saying because you are in a public meeting um so to to protect against issues that would arise there I just think it would be going forward to have a discussion before the meeting about appointments that's just my my sense I mean you don't have you don't have to accept it but that would be my my well that's the bylaws right I mean we're following well the bylaws have the one sentence that says committees are appointed by the mayor with consent of council so the question that's really here in front of the board right now or the question that that's on the table is whether or not it's we should put names out and then have a roll call on those names or if we should have a discussion before the meeting about those names so that there's I'm that you guys have a discussion and everybody knows the names that are here yeah as opposed because because again you can't you can't have a full discussion so necessarily without triggering concerns if you do it in for the first time in a public meeting it's in having these discussions you know don't violate the open public meetings act they don't violate the Sunshine Law either if there's not enough so you know it's you should have a discussion on it but again it's that's a that's a that's a question of council and and the mayor you guys have to you discussion but but that's just my advice okay I'll get these to everybody and then they can have a discussion uh moving on to vouchers Council I move that the vouchers in the amount of 1,784 76499 be approved is there a second second roll call please M yes Mr yes mrte yes m yes yes uh we do have a need for another executive session Nancy resolve by the Council of the B Morris on the 15th day of February 2024 that prior to the conclusion of this regular meeting of the mayor and bur Council for B of PLS which regular meeting has been open to the public the mayor and bur Council shall meet in executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as committed puru to njsa 10 col 4-12 subsections B5 and B7 B5 and B7 uh B5 purchase lease or acquisition real property and7 is pending litigation um uh the time when the matter discussed pursuant to paragraph one here of can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practicable after the final resolution of thees matters a second second all in favor opposed abstain the eyes have it we're going to an executive session and then we will be back I don't know whether it be five minutes or longer but you're certainly welcome to wait and come back in --------- allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice for All almighty God we ask you bless this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding so that in fulfilling their public trust every deliberation will result in actions that will Pro promote the common good and general welfare for all the people of moris Blain amen like to welcome everybody tonight thank you for coming out approval of minutes I move that the minutes of the conference executive and regular January 18th 2024 meeting be approved is there a second second all in favor I oppos abstain eyes have approval you approval of consent agenda uh reports from January 2024 we have the police department Municipal Court barl Clerk animal licensing sanitarian grant writer Animal Control tax collector Treasurer building inspector resolution 20244 entitled burough of Morris Plains resolution of support to submit a Grant application to the state of New Jersey Department of Agriculture division of plant industry for the 2024 to 2026 spotted Lantern fly treatment program resolution 2024 46 entitled resolution entitled first limo car service LLC limousine driver license number ld1 Ms 2024 resolution 202 2447 entitled Rotary Club of Morris Plains raffle license number 34124 resolution2 4- 48 entitled Barrow of Morris plain's resolution of support to submit a Grant application to Morris County Community Development block grant program Davenport Village resolution 2024 49 entitled burrow of Morris Plains approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for a local Transportation Project funding 2024 pedestrian walkway along Route 53 0048 resolution 2024 entitled resolution authorizing New Jersey Department of Community Affairs local Recreation Improvement Grant application resolution 2024 51 entitled resolution of the burrow of Mars Plains County of Mars opposing assembly bill number four Senate bill number 50 which proposes to overhaul the Fair Housing Act FHA in a way that imposes unrealistic obligations with unrealistic deadlines based upon onerous standards the burrow Council authorized the release and return of the $20,000 letter letter of credit number F GAC 2359 to us home court dbaa lenar forant to the burough Engineers correspondence DED February 5th 2024 the mayor be authorized to sign the police department's application for the 20124 distractive drive and Crackdown Grant resolution approving the response to PBA step two grievance filed by Officer Ferris pertaining to promotion procedure and authorizing the mayor to execute the response on behalf of the burough Council having received quotes for 2024 water treatment to Community Park pond and monog Pond from the following Lake Management Services Community Park Pond $294 including njd permit watnong Park Pond 1804 including njd permit Princeton Hydro Community Park Pond no quote monn Park Pond no quote a purchase OT issued to Lake Management Services PO box 2395 Branchville New Jersey in the amount of $3 3,898 is there a second second second by Kathy roll call please M yes Mr BR yes Mr Corte yes Miss yes Miss Kelly yes and now we're going to have a public hearing on a soil disturbance application excuse if I get your names wrong Sandy and Nikita Puna for for kakowski Drive state your name and address yes uh good evening uh mayor members of council attorney Rosemary Stoney with the law fir of jound and War here tonight on behalf of the applicants Mr and Mrs uh as you have just indicated for four kakowski Drive known as block 8201 blot 3 and I have with me tonight our engineer who can just briefly describe the application that we're seeking for the soil disturbance and the N soil exp export thank you thank you and step up your name and and address and reason for being here uh rocki uh engineer for the applicant uh address for the company is post office box 509 CR NOS New Jersey uh Mari engineering um Meri engineering is uh my father he is uh the sole owner I work with him I'm a licensed engineer in the state of New Jersey uh we prepared the plans for SLE family house for CTIC house we drive um fully compliant uh application for uh new single family dwelling um only thing we have are required to notice and be in front of you here for is for uh soil disturbance um total export material 113 cubic yards it's not going to be all at once it's going to be over a time per of the house construction initially you are going to excavate through the foundation you're going to stockpile your remove a couple truck loads initially as they back fill you know grade the site more material come out it's about eight truckloads of material to come out of here and then we also spoke with Mr Hall who um as you aware was the bur's planning board engineer and talked about route and making sure that obviously no trucks would be during the of the school having any pick up or drop off locations when that was done we also provided a schematic of the route to the burough engineer as well in compliance with both his letters of November 27th 2023 and January 9th of 20124 and then the second part of our application is for the soil disturbance which is a total of 670 uh 672 cubic yards correct correct total excavation but obviously once you build your back fill uh you know layout you know these going to build retaining WS at this site there will be material staying on site the total that we gets the 113 correct um and obviously you'll comply with the French and perillo's um requests here soils engineering about the applicant must provide 30 days prior construction notice did you receive this we didn't get that one but we can the 30 day uh 30 days you know when the trucks and the DAT of the soil movement really would like you to pay attention there is a school on that route and U obviously the times but you know all all during the process just be aware of the kids always in that area a few blocks down from where your house is going or the construction work that we'll be doing um all posted Li time there's an issue with something I know it's only eight loads but again there's a hill there and and a school so extra caution using that by all the vehicles is there anybody else that has any comments on the application of question I just had one comment um um with the soil excavation is there any concern with the houses that are on Dogwood that but up again that property that there would be anything from like erosion or you know any water or anything any concerns that you would have from the excavation at that site to neighboring residents no so we uh as part of the application which we've already received we received uh moris County Soil Conservation District certification for soil erosion um it will be hay bales there will be silk fences up in place on the downhill side um stor water management will be put in place with this project to control stor water associated with the new home um so no sir bill this application to be generally in order no issues we have couple comments in Mr Hall January 9th uh there a motion to approve the act the soil disturbance application so move by Nancy is there a second second by sou second by sou roll call please M BG yes Mr yes mrte yes M yes missell yes thank you thank you very much of luck I hope everything goes well for you up there next we move on for public invitation and discussion there'll be a time for you to talk right now I'm doing the public invitation for comment right now so public invitation for comment or discussion um hang on to them for a minut the engineer maybe attorney yeah just the attorney engine okay um I I live at 17 Dogwood Road which is directly downhill from um the property in question and what is your name sorry it's Jason 17 um I just I wanted to see if I could enter these photos this was taken in the summer this was erosion that was happening the summer um so there were no silk fences or py bales or anything to stop erosion from coming down the hill in the summer so it's it really is important it's a real thing that happens over there so I want to be extra sure that you know it's not just um talking about it but actually doing it you know that we really have that police and looked at when it's so the engineer will look at that also Morris County they have the Morris County so permit which requires them to put that sort of soil erosion stops in place yeah I know it's supposed to but when I send pictures to the town nothing happened so well that was prior to any construction yeah right that's true but well there's piles of dirt on this but there was no construction there whatsoever well there was no house but there was piles of dirt yeah but now moving forward there would be soil erosion and everything else in place that will be monitored by uh by our engineer all right can I sure you also have the Sol motion hold hold hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on are we turning these pictures in Council right then we should Mark want they have to be marked so let's let's mark it at both pictures is one is P1 and P and the other one is p and P3 for and let the record reflect do when did you take those pictures I took those um about five months ago okay and you took them personally yeah those those pictures have been in your possession for the last five months I still have right so P1 P2 and P3 are are hereby submitted essentially into we should keep a copy thank you okay thank you good anybody else Frank main 35 gway Place moris Plains the subject is sewage system I'm a retired Waterway water consultant and the uh you should be proud of the system we have it was put in in 1960s most of the pipe is Terra Cotta ties uh and you don't put that incorrectly it cracks and there's been relatively few problems in our system so that's the compliment but my request is this the system has never been televised there is no reason not to telev at least the main line which is two feet diameter goes roughly from py well to cryst if that line ever collapsed you had to pump all that sewage around it rained out flooded You' be you'd be in a terrible situation so no one knows what the condition is of of those Pips so I'm asking for with the mayor's approval to request the engineer to put together request for quotes for televising that main line also I spoke to John he's interested in the line along Sun Valley that goes along the railroad to also be and so I leave that up to you but I think these things they won't be chap but I think they very much need to be done in defense otherwise you're waiting for a Calamity to happen thank you Frank um just we did apply for a grant for I forget now million5 or million eight whatever the grant was