please and if you remain standing for a moment of silence I pledge flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice for All almighty God we ask you bless this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding so that so that in fulfilling their public trust every deliberation will result in actions that will promote the common good and general welfare for all the people of Mars Plains amen amen you can just remain standing for a moment of silence for Dale Quinn who was a 30-year employee of the b as a Crossing thank you notice the members of the governing body of FAL staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purpose of burough business do have a mayor's appointment appointment I he by appoint the following alterat to the office stated which is the Board of Health and for the term specified Sean K Mulligan alternate one two years Kelly burrow alternate two two years approval of minutes I move that the minutes of the confence executive and regular session from June 20 2024 be approved is there a second second all in favor iOS and abstain uh I move that reports for 2024 in June be for the following be approved building inspector the grant writer sanaran police department Municipal Court Animal Control bar clerk animal licensing fire prevention tax collector and Treasurer that resolution 2024-25 113 entitled Barrow Wars pl's approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the improvements to North Drive project resolution 202 24-14 entitled barl Morris plan approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the improvements to gr Avenue project resolution 2024 1115 entitled Redemption resolution block number 39 Lot number 28 redeem third party tax lean resolution 2024 1116 entitled PL 1994 chapter 72 state of New Jersey resolution 2024 117 entitled bar Mars plain's resolution of support to submit a Grant application to the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation to obtain a Lucas 3 automated compression device costing approximately $2,015 resolution 20248 entitled resolution authorizing the 2024 Mars County Trail construction Grant application resolution 20241 19 entitled bur of Mars Plains Municipal Alliance supplemental funding the bu treasur be authorized to advertised for the receipt of bids for improvements to Glenbrook Road NJ do Grant contract number 2023012719 for pedestrian safety enforcement be accepted the resignation of Jared hopping laborer DPW be accepted effective June 28th 2024 the highlighted Community Park employees attached be hired for the pool season at the position salary and date stated for the 2024 season the res resignation of Lorenzo lagalante crossing guard be accepted June 24th 2024 Stephanie Osborne 38 Washington Avenue moris plan be hired as a full-time crossing guard for the police department at a daily rate of $696 effective September 5th 202 24 the Mars Plains fire Association be granted permission to serve alcoholic beverages at their annual family picnic to be held Saturday August 24th 20124 with a rain date of Sunday August 25th 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the community park pool the Nights of Columbus Council 34.95 be granted permission to serve alcoholic beverages at their annual family picnic to be held Tuesday August 27th 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the community park pavilion having received quotes to the alleyway at [Music] 666-6614 Harrington and Suns $465 Alo Brothers paving no quote that a purchase order be issued to Bri Brothers paving PO Box 106 Mars Plains New Jersey in amount of $4,500 the bur Treasurer is authorized to solicit public bids for solid waste collection transportation and Disposal Services and collection and transportation services for yard waste and metal appliances legal notice to be placed in the Mars newsby and the Star Ledger on July 25th 2024 and bids to be accepted on September 25th 2024 at 10:30 a.m. in council chambers that the burrow clerk is hereby authorized to solicit applications for employment for the position of uh okay part-time custodian building maintenance for the burrow building and Annex is there second second second myor roll call please miss ber yes Mr B yes Mr Cortez yes M Kelly yes Mr Wagner yes this time I'd like to invite any members of the public who wish to speak to step up state your name and address and your compliment I just have a question I want to say something about the tree ordinance is now the right time or should I wait until the ordinance is uh discussed when the ordinance comes up for discussion okay thank you anybody else see nobody we move on to reports of committees and or department heads Finance Mr wager thank you mayor um just a couple things uh got some good news out of our finance office this week uh apparently our property tax payments over the next 12 months will be less than our property taxes over the previous 12 months so uh hurah yeah that's great um uh and this is as a result of our uh Municipal tax uh which benefited from increases in our ratables and a favorable School tax so um that's some really good news for us and uh just something I want to just give a shout out to our our Web Master who continually you know works with the the clerk's office and engages with them and looks at our uh systems and our our functions of that of that office and tries to uh uh build a build a better Mouse strap um uh she suggested uh this software called gravity flow and what's that that's going to do is a facilitate our background checks as um you can imagine background checks are you know as for vendors and individuals are so important uh now um she the software will help to um move towards digitizing uh the background check process uh as opposed to um a lot of paper in folders and file cabinets which needs to be upgraded uh so U discussions continue between our Web Master uh Roseanne our bur Clerk and our chief of police uh a couple minor Kings to work out uh in terms of confidentiality and that those types of uh personal information but um I I think for in terms of bang for your bang for our buck we're moving in the right direction in in terms of our background check so let oh um this was kind of a carryover initiative from when Nancy wasaon and um did anything else to add because I know you had a lot of only she um she's doing this particular function as a contractor and not Web Master because her Web Master contract right through agile websites correct correct so this would be under agile website which is a contract role that she does for us where it's process improvements and implementing soft ET thank you that's it yes sir just getting back to the tax increases U you know it's pretty remarkable coming out of Co and all the struggles and challenges that the burs had moving forward out of that that we're in this financial position the bur is is financially strong we have businesses coming into the burrow we have businesses filling up empty spots um we do have new residents in here that's that's a big part of it but it all brings Revenue in and it does help with the tax base unlike the state who whose tax rates are going up people do say that the best government is local government and uh we know how to manage probably the state does just this lower tax rate and payment that you're paying keeping all the services the way that they are the W programs our police with all the equipment our fire department with all the equipment and and everything that they need to keep all of us safe and keep them safe is truly remarkable accomplishment whoos to everybody involved here in that process of the budget so thank you and tax state statements will go out at the end of next week um so everyone you know residents will be able to see actual breakdown I me I can talk more about those numbers and ratios at the August 15th meeting but um I think everyone will be pretty pleased Public Safety Mr Cortez thank you mayor um first I just want to actually thank the fire department and the police department who've had crazy heat in Mar along the whole East Coast I guess and heat main shine those guys either construction work for the police department fire call for fire department while we were in air conditioning room those guys were were out there and uh Sweating Bullets I just want to say thank you for uh for stepping it up number one um my committee also met with uh we had a monthly meeting with the fire prevention officer and it went very very well just so you guys also got a report from him I hope you guys had chance look it over if you have any questions I was Chris told me about it but he did 110 inspections uh we also went over U everything that was outstanding and there was you know a lot of really old stuff that's that's in there that we're going to have to be worked out with the Department of committee Affairs and we're working on that too to see what the mayor actually contacted uh the Senators to see if they could do some kind of legisl with the old stuff where the tenants and the owners have changed but the charge is still there and uh it's a little messy but um you know we have a good handle on it and we're going to do our best to uh to to stop everything clear everything up not easily though um we have Lieutenant mcab here and Mark Bell third engineer I say it right third third police chief chief chief assistant chief chief who wants to go first uh just to highlight some of our June stats uh between calls for server self-generated and uh people contacting us we had 3,19 calls of those we had about 86 uh dismounted foot patrols and checked in various locations throughout Town 61 Medicals thank you uh 61 medical calls motor vehicle crashes that resulted in no injuries we had 27 uh we had four that resulted in injury uh 17 community policing events that our offic stepped out at uh and just a little over 466 motor vehicle stops um as far as some things to highlight tomorrow as most of the uh FAL Council knows we have the tri Mars junior Police Academy graduation at 12:30 um at the police academy uh officer Paris has done a phenomenal job with that program uh this was our first year basically running the whole thing U with the assistance of Mars Township and marown uh we also have short to Chief mention it August 6th is National Night Out at the community center and also August 13th will be Arona ice that we've been doing for several years now that's what we got thank you public warps Mr oh sorry I would love to just blend it in back there mark bis second assistant chief also known as chief uh to date uh we've had 191 calls uh since the last council meeting June 20th we've had 34 calls uh two of them being uh Mutual Aid uh assistance for actual fires uh residential structure fire in New Vernon um commercial fire and seols with the the contents of the building uh July 8th uh we conducted a training drill 21 members and attendance um it was a very hot night so what we did was a pumping and water flow drill so it kept us a little cool uh we also did reviewing of of the operating the bucket on the ladder truck um we also did the fireworks standby on June 29th and I'm happy to report that our two firefighter um that went to firefighter one finished class Friday they've gotten their written results uh one of them came out second highest grade of 92 the other was an 82 um they're just waiting on their Hazmat scores and then they'll be fully certified those it two Juniors no no those U regular members uh we just had Monday we just had the two Juniors 16y olds start the junior fire academy so um they're on day four today bet you they're loving it well a lot a lot of it classroom at the beginning so they were nice and cool all right thank you thank you for your time thank you moving on Public Works art it just add the report I think the ladder went over to the um summer camp today yes they sprayed you know water like kids were a couple of our uh junior members are Camp counselors so one of them s that they were over there that's amazing that's good um so beautification U you mentioned the heat cell um they I see our ladies going around with one gallon jugs of water watering buckets or flower pot Planters I guess our tpw has helped out and it's amazing that um one that really grows in the drought are weaves so they do a great job pulling crab grass and whatever else grows uh so we want to thank them for keeping our town keeping it look as beautiful as possible in this difficult weather conditions uh DPW same with the police and fire guys are out there every day in the Heat and they're working on our town Vehicles picking up the garbage and the parks uh whatever grass has grown it's very slow with the lack of rain they're keeping up with the properties um repaired and cleaned some basins in town order flowers spread some wood chips along wat on Park uh put the flags up and down for the July 4th celebration uh they swept the town streets which we appreciate they do brush pickups with some trees and branches from the few thunderstorms that we did get that mayor mentioned earlier tonight so they also installed some playground safety mulch at the pool Sall and Glenbrook so they're they're quite busy so we appreciate all their work and good bill Ryden our engineer with us tonight as well Bill thank you mayor um an update on the capital road projects the contractor making good progress right now we work on Cedar Avenue Rural Street Sun Valley Way and white Coss is the Preparatory work is complete that's the curving the catch Bas work for the milon P he's now moving into Allen Leland Hillside Court and Jack clay expect that work to take another 10 days or so and then they'll move p on all Ro so we're looking at Mid August to third week in August for completion of the project so making good progress no problems to do good GL to hear that that's what I have thank you public buildings and grounds Miss Gard is not with us tonight she had shared far farmers market news Saturday August 3rd is National watermelon day and we're to celebrate there will be a watermelon carving contest news about the timing rules and a special guest judge will be announced next week so start thinking about your designs didn't know this was a thing have you seen this marplan summer Recreation Theater Camp performances will be held on Thursday July 25th and and Friday the 26th at 7 pm at the community center $5 at the door and the performance will be dear edua Jr downtown Morris Plains she's leou on for that group um they are having their first business round table at the community center from 800 to 10: a.m. on Tuesday September 17th and they have invited all local business owners and operators to attend the objective is to create a forum for them to connect and collaborate they will also be offered a prior private tour of the museum health sanitation sewers okay the Board of Health met on July 10th and uh they reported that they have done 11 blood pressure screenings during the month of June um and let's see what else um they had held a food handlers class for retail food establishments with 33 participants they had a successful Family Health day at the community center with um lead testing can skin cancer prevention education materials and other health screenings um they have reported one case of pertusus which is whooping and they do wanted to share that the revaccination is recommended by the CDC for adults every 10 years the State Health Department has issued a new rule for testing whenever they're testing an animal for rabies they will also be testing for Aven flu and they've announced a new communicable disease in New Jersey that's been seen called feline Taria which affects the liver of the animals and can be transmitted to humans through ticks contaminated water and also bites and scratches um I met with the Board of Health the mayor County Health Department and Animal Control to discuss some clarification around the um their suggested changes for the Board of Health to the new cat ordinance so we're working on revising that continuing to work on revising that I want to make sure we include all stakeholders in the feedback uh animal control is is doing welfare checks for a roaming cats report on Winding Way and they've been busy this month inva injured baby birds a snapping turtle a possum and a mom with kittens Municipal Alliance had no meetings in July and August team Center we've been interviewing candidates for team center jobs we're interviewing for both the coordinator and the supervisor position and that's ongoing the team Center board had its first meeting of the new board on July 9th with the full board and we're happy to thank the new members who have stepped up we still have our interim team Center coordinator Jake kahill who's a um Town employee we have the board chairman eron Marone Britney Daniels our Treasurer new members include Vanessa Waxman our secretary Tara Kaiser who's a registration coordinator Jean Lloyd our U facilities coordinator Lisa Lombardi our chaperon co-chair and Dory missan chaperon co-chair so our town is run by volunteers and we are very grateful for those who step up to help with things like that uh you'll see on the agenda that we have our sanitation and sewers committee uh put together an RFP for trash collection which I mentioned in the conference session that we're looking for to try to get some competitive bids on and we're we're changing we're offering um to collect bids on two different methods of collection this year in addition to the rear load that we typically do now we're also looking for bids on an automated load pickup without changing the um frequency of service at this time clean communities 2023 report was submitted this week the burrow spent $1 16, 83 on community cleanups using this grant M money and reserves from the Grant in Prior years the new coord coordinator is getting up the speed on this process and payments are going out to the volunteer groups now for the cleanups that they've participated in since last October thank you ordinances and Public Utilities Kathy yes thank you mayor um to uh talk along the lines of Lieutenant McKay's report um Tri Tri Morris police academ place up the uh police academy and it's a program for children who are from 7th through 12th grade for a twoe program and um I have to thank Amry Ferris for um when I asked if I come up and visit while they're working while the students were working she allowed me to and talked to me a lot about what goes on I know that she's been in charge of organizing the program this year and has done a spectacular job uh I asked her if she'd come to my classroom when I substitute and get those in shape because the kids at that at the Tri County uh police academy are doing a spectacular job um all the way around and um there is the graduation as you mentioned thank you tomorrow at 12:30 at the police academy if you have a chance to go uh you and another person are welcome to go along uh the Recreation Commission held their annual senior citizens luncheon delicious hot dogs hamburgers homemade salads very terrific and also um um dessert and the seniors were uh lucky to have a preview of the play that's being shown as Nancy said on Thursday the TW July 25th and 26th at 7M $5 at the door the uh the C the cast all of these children got up on the stage and sang three songs from the play that they were just fantastic um also there were three women who were presented with flowers for being honored with the volunteer of the Year for all they do for others um and it was it was very touching they they know other people our age my age their age need help uh getting around some don't drive and they need to be driven places and these volunteers of the year do that all all year long so that was a really special uh part of the event um then 's and Sophia's uh silver award project Girl Scouts that have been here to explain to the mayor and counsil what they're trying to do to build a nine square game at uh Simons Park and from July to December now they're trying to raise funds from December to March they're going to buy supplies and next year uh from March to June they will be building the nine square over renter Park um the girls were uh selling their handcrafted bracelets on Saturday June 13 at the um I'm sorry at the farmers market and they are going to have another uh sale on August 31st so I'd like to ask everybody to try and attend that they made some really nice bracelets here's one they're really cool and they made them um that's part of that's part of their job to get this award um there was a blood bank held at the VFW on Friday July 12th because the community center could not be used due to the camp being held there our representative is Robert a Flynn from jcpnl and he wants to remind he wants everybody to be reminded that when using generators during power outages please pay attention to these things the proper generators generator selected and installed by a qualified electrician make certain power coming from the home should always be disconnected because if not the power from the generate could be sent back to the utility lines creating a hazardous situation for utility workers oh that's all I have I thought I had another page sorry very good thank you I just do also want to recognize uh officer Ferris um she did receive the police Shield award uh the other night we were at award ceremony um Bob Guild and so many other officers Kathy myself um along with her family and friends but uh was presented to her by the Knights of Columbus so that's welld deserved award for everything that she does do here in the burrow from the kids lead all the way up to the even Le is on there so again thank you for everything she does and congratulations to her we have no presentations of communications or preditions uh number 13 introduction of ordinances uh we were going to table that we have ordinances on second reading mayor before we go into ordinance on second reading here uh for purposes of the record I'm going to place on the record that I was recently advised Visa this ordinance on trees here that there's couple issues with the the ordinance as written um some of which appear in the definition section there's an issue with Street trees um and uh we were given some advice in that regard too from the uh Department of Environmental Protection so according L what I think would be wise here in light of this is because I'm going to suggest to this Council here this evening that we strike down this ordinance and we we uh vote to uh reject it and then what we are going to do is we are going to amend the uh ordinance accordingly and at a future date we will introduce the new ordinance with some of the uh suggestions from from shade tree here in town as well as the D M Kelly so you just want me to read the one about the second privault no trees trees 5- 2024 yeah okay um I Council M member Kelly read by title the ordinance entitled ordinance number 52024 an ordinance of the burrow of Morris Plains County of Mo state of New Jersey amending chapter 23A trees of the code of the B L PL which ordinance was introduced and passed on the first reading at a meeting held on June 20th 2024 I announce the meeting is open for a public hearing any want my name's Rob M of the team I'm also the vice chair of the tree commission I think I think you are can never remember my exact title so um maybe some of this is mot and I don't want to waste the cil's time but I just wanted to weigh in about this uh tree ordinance briefly which is to say that um um I'll speak as a member of shade tree if not for shade tree to say that we were surprised when we read it that it um seemed to be in conflict with the current ordinance that's on the books which says that no tree can be cut down um without the permission of shade tree um this ordinance seems to allow for uh the removal of any Street tree that is less than two and a half inches as many of you know we work quite hard to find money in our funding to plant trees I went with a tape measure I've been out there with ar knocking on people's doors I've been out there with Joan um I went out there with a tape measure to one of these new trees it's less than 2 and half in so theoretically underlying with this ordinance we could someone could remove the trees that we just planted um there's several other issues which I could go through but I just encourage everyone to vote against um passing this ordinance tonight uh I think that there's uh issues with the language of the ordinance the way that it's written um and I also think um there would be a net loss of Revenue to the burrow because right now in shade tree it cost us $400 to plant a new tree the um penalty or the amount that goes under the tree fund here is $250 not only does that insurance but it also seems like it's less than the cost of the borrow to do that so I just think that perhaps because um we're so close to the deadline this was pushed through and I would encourage people um to just hold on it I watched uh I spent three hours this this morning to prepare for this watching the um Department of Environmental Protection and in Jersey shet tree federations um videos about this ordinance and one of the things they made very clear in there that is that this ordinance is supposed to be fle fible and customizable to the municipality and they also said that they understand that this process could be complicated and while there is a deadline they're going to work um with the municipality on that and there's a there's a case counselor case leaone for each municipality for this org so I'm happy to answer any questions I have a lot more I could say because I really dug deep into this but I don't want to waste time if it's going to be table and whatever um I think that the other members of the shade tree committee would like to have um the ability to give some recommendations for the part of this surer specifically the street trees as well so I think I can say that for questions for me thank you very much thank very much seeing anybody else seeing nobody I close the public hearing I counc member Cy state that the above ordinance as read by title on second reading at this meeting be adopted and finally passed is there a second second second by roll pleas Miss B no Mr BR no Mr CTE no Miss Kelly no and Mr no this ordinance will not pass defeated we have no resolutions we have no unfinished business no new business we do have bouncers Mr wag report checklist here dated July 18th 20 24 yeah what about the Sal not not read both both okay um okay so yes I have a checklist here dated July 18 2024 in the amount of 2 2 milon 691 uh7 691 $512 is there second second R call please miss yes Mr yes mrz yes M Kelly yes and Mr yes uh we do have a need for an executive session Nancy resolve by the B Council of the bur mois claims on the 18th day of July 2024 that prior to the conclusion of this regular meet meeting of the mayor and bur Council of the bur of Mark claims which regular meeting has been opened to the public the mayor and buau Council shall meet in executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as permitted pursuant to njsa 10142 sections eight the time when the matter is discussed pursuing to paragraph one here of can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practicable under after the final resolution of the AA matters is there a second second second by S all in favor stain the eyes have we're going into an executive we will come back I don't know when you're welcome to stay we'll call you back when --------- notice of the meeting was provided by virtue of the resolution scheding the time date and placees of meeting B Council of B for year 20124 which resolution was adopted by the B Council on January 4 2024 newsp and the Daily Record by posting a such resolution on the B board in the B Hall all the above actions being in accordance with njsa 10 call please mayor pres M pres Mr B pres Mr pres Mr pres uh not with us tonight is the councilwoman Gard she's vacationing she's having a good time have anything confence yes so uh the trash RFP is on the agenda for the um consent agenda and uh sanitation and sewers committee met several times to discuss as well as a meet I have meetings with the mayor and discussions with John Pan about the wording and we're our attempt here is to try to increase the number of competitive bids we were going to get uh we also wanted the committee wanted to help understand where potential cost savings for taxpayers were available if we changed our method of collection frequency of collection and we were hoping that this price information could help us inform decisions down the road uh but we were recommended to move forward with the RFP with the only variation being um The Collection method um and solicit vids for that method which is the manual process that we currently use as well as a hybrid automated process um but to leave the The Collection frequency the way we currently which is twice a week for curb side so I um we agreed that we were going to see where we land with that uh with those bids uh we do have to accept the lowest bid of the of the collection method that we select as a council to move forward with so we will have to select one of the the lower bid of of the option we select um and so then we'll go from there in terms of whether we want to move forward and collect some further information um also the Green Team uh there's a green team as a result of the community energy plan and we the chair and co-chair met and I met with mayor Carr about the charter that they put together we met on June 17th and I circulated his changes to the Council on July 1st via email with Ran's help and wanted to find out if there are any comments uh because the team would like to begin recruiting a few more members and also we want to begin working on uh they want to begin working on application for a direct install program through the clean energy program New Jersey which which provides uh measures for reducing your utility costs by replacing inefficient equipment with high efficiency Alternatives we've already done some of these in the buau and uh what they do is they cover 70 to 80% of the retrofit cost and we reap 100% of the Energy savings sustainable Jersey offers free technical assistance to get the direct install application started and all we need to do is give them one month of our utility bills and they can pursue that application with our support um so did anyone have any comments on the charter that was circulated which basically just outlines the purpose of the Green Team and the approach the scope um and you know how the team will be structured and the fact that we're going to be recruiting they would like to recruit up to eight members with the agreement of the mayor anyone have any feedback or you good with that I I think it's good okay cool um and then finally the ordinance committee I'm on that commit and and um the tree ordinance that's on the agenda I never was I never received a copy of that before it was introduced and today I received an ordinance for review at 3:50 p.m which was not sufficient time to review I had other things before the meeting I had to take care of and um I think we should be when we're enacting legislation we need to solicit stakeholder feedback and especially Council feack so um I'm sure you all have busy things your days are planned in advance as well and when we're you know legislation deserves proper attention and and questions and answers that we can we need to pursue and I just don't think this is good governance our number one job as council members is to introduce legislation that governs the burrow so I just want to state that I feel I'm being rushed through to pass to pass and vote on ordinances that I'm not prepared to vote on and I don't think it's okay no denn uh yeah I have a couple things for for conference thank you um I circulated I gave everyone a uh schedule just so that it's clear as to um the DPW as to when our burrow banners um are displayed and what types now that we're adding um uh another another summer one um and a schedule of uh when they're up in C months um take a look at it I I I reached out to John uh he's okay with it uh if you have any questions or you want to make any alterations let me know we can we can discuss it right so so that so one set doesn't stay up you know over and bleeds into another when another certain one should be up at that time so it's kind of just a little schedule easy schedule for them to follow um also so uh towards the end of my time as liaison of ordinances of Public Utilities I was asked by um jcpnl representative um to consider um discussing with Council and putting our support behind the energized New Jersey program um briefly and I I put a the support letter to Sher golden a copy and then for future consideration a resolution to adopt um I worked with uh the liaison for two years at jcpnl uh very responsive I feel and I I I speaking for the mayor as well that he went above and beyond uh for Morris Plains um I am completely behind this uh this initiative uh real quick it's a 5year $935 million proposal represents the largest infrastructure upgrade investment in company history did not include the cover the uh the the cover sheet looks like two pages I will get this out to everyone um if they're okay with the letter to be sent I'd like to get that sent pretty quickly but then we have until uh you know a couple weeks before the next meeting August 15th to decide on the uh resolution but I think it's important that everyone looks at the um uh the initiative the overview of their Five-Year Plan and make sure it aligns with uh what your what your interests are as well I think the uh the resolution mimics The Letter People are okay with the letter I think we should do the resolution I I agree you know that initiative is for U you know big stuff that they're upgraded not just near homeowners wires this is substation work and all infrastructure improve them everybody sees the problems that we're having you know the power and grid and everything else and New Jersey Transit blah blah blah I think it's for okay looks like they're going to integrate some clean energy as well correct that's what I yeah that's what iing our carbon footprint hopefully that's it yes I do um I'd like to just let everybody know that I did send out um a um an ordinance regarding the uh storage of privately own salt under chapter 18c of the code of the bur of moris plains and the purpose of that ordinance is to prevent stored salt and other solid DIC materials from being exposed to storm water establishes requirements for storage of salt and other solid deicing materials or properties not owned or operated by the municipality so they're privately owned including residences in Morris Plains to protect the environment Public Health and Welfare to pres and to prescribe penalties for uh failure to comply and that is the essence of the um ordinance that will be introduced later toight that's it yes um so my committee met with the four candidates uh that were interested in taking the um assistant superintendent that's that's personel I should should be confence I would I wouldn't discuss that person that should be an executive session but we chose two candidates we chose two candidates well we chose a candidate and then we were suggesting a second candidate to be eligible to go in the next three years we summarize it not so so we met my met um with the superintendent met the four candidates I won't mention names um and we were all in agreement with the uh candidate to go to the class and also we were all in favor of the second candidate so I went back to 2018 and looked at resolution 201887871 program uh for a threeyear period And it you know three years after that so we um met and thought through all agreement with the two candidates I going to mention them but we can do that executive that's you feel it should be are we taking formal action tonight I brought conference I thought a conference and the full Council like FKS on it on the C think there should be discuss we didn't hear anything about the candidates executive I can certainly tell you about candidates what we should do is discuss the candidates in executive session and if we take formal action we come out of executive session at which time we will then propose to two candidates at that time and take appropriate I don't want to start getting into the qualifications and positive people conference that's that's the reason the exclusion to the open public I was going to say they all strong I I get I get it person anything else I don't know for a close session but my my uh one of my dilemas here is like the cleaning service like which department does it fall under I talk about it now or later I want to take from anything is it bus and grounds is it probably should end up under buildings of grounds uh I think it was DPW before because they're around right so buildings and rounds aren't aren't around I know that there was sometimes that you got involved s just I don't mind I understand but just because of the language barrier sometimes and getting the the message across to the different people that that we need to um my feeling is is you know DPW DPW just because they're around they order the supplies bu ground for DPW which one no it really no it really should am no it really should go under buildings and grounds but what I'm saying is DPW does the ordering DPW does all that stuff right um they're around looking at at the buildings also so all right you know it's it's I I I don't want I just I found out that one of personnel was going to go on vacation and and you were able to uh to find the subtitute and I hope I don't stop anybody's foot I just got it done um just for a couple of weeks nothing nothing major but I think in the future like you know who who is in Fall who's fall I don't mind doing that you can call me every time but I just don't mind anybody's foot if somebody wants ground if it is building grounds we should it as a line if it's buildings and grounds I mean the road department does the ordering you know if it's building they do all that it's all kind of integrated makes a difference okay is everybody okay with that was the ground doing it I'm okay goes clean supposed to report to the DP excuse the DPW so with the DPW is a good idea but they kind of yeah they categ you know un the clean people I think that was something that brought one time when I was no no this is just what department thinky said she thought ground report okay thank you question is the temporary um worker where they filled in about specifically the bathrooms at the snack stand that seems to be we we walk through with both the ride that's going on vacation the company for those couple of weeks uh there's no respect rual and yes and the other thing is the bathrooms are almost done because camps just you know for reference I mean the Little League used to do this all the time I was that's what I was as well you know now they've asked for more and demanded more in the fields now that we've joined with the other towns that there's more people here right so but the little league isn't doing that anym that was kind of just put on the lap of this cleaning person without really any talking so have to understand his position too so in the future moving forward we're going to have to figure know where where those funds or extra funds are coming from if this is going to continue it was never like this always did all the people who cleaned that those bathrooms was one person oh all the time yes well it doesn't it doesn't matter who it doesn't whatever it doesn't we have to talk about this some will be made because everybody knows our little league program M Township so if they start using the fields we may have to adjust the cleaning of the bathrooms typically by the end of July it's it's stag it's not that much you know all star very very occasional use depending on how far they go I got my answers thank you everybody um couple things that I have um I'll be attending the New Jersey Transit board meeting with Lieutenant next week put our concerns on record with the uh New Jersey Transit board reference to the bridge underpass flooding um constantly now they put a new pump in there Wednesday or Thursday Friday we got rain neither pump worked we had to shut the bridge had a foot of water couple hours whatever doesn't really matter um Saturday morning rained again told all we'll have a crew out there until it's fixed obviously it didn't happen they left at midnight but nobody was there so I just I made phone calls repeated phone calls to the CEO and Kevin Corbett with no response from him from his chief of staff and uh and this is getting Absol totally ridiculous we're using our resources the DPW uh the police are blocking it off we don't get know police support from New Jersey Transit either and angry residents angry residents we pumped out the bridge uh on that Friday night this last time that it happened and you know no sooner did we pump it out the Min man had to go through to get to a mutual aid for all of an industrial accident so you know it's a major throw there and we've had the Morris County speak with New Jersey Transit as well and uh this is got it's 2024 you put men on the moon we can't pump out the bridge okay it's absolutely ridiculous and my Homer buckets wore out had I see here at 2 o' in the morning there I see it's it's it's over now did did you say put there were two new pumps put in or one new pump was put in Wednesday or Thursday before flooded on Friday everything was supposedly tested obviously not and neither pump worked on Friday night Saturday wow and then I guess Saturday also the fire department I forget that Friday whatever they fired for also had a call I believe it was 250 jums a road the panel or some part building or something got hit by lightning or something so it's a main thr um had a meeting with New Jersey do representatives about 15 of them along with neon about the continued discussion of Route 10 widening from Route 53 down to Route 202 um they showed us some conceptual plans what that would look like some of the portions of businesses or parking areas or whatever that they may end up taking as a result of this third lane that we've been asking for for probably close to 30 years now not longer um but it's a step in the right direction if we finally have something on paper that we can look at I don't have anything physical to look at this was a a presentation Zoom presentation that they did um but they're going to get us those plans and then review those Leon and back to them some time so this is just in the very early stages of this and uh this will Tak a while but it's certainly a positive uh positive sign like the a um I just had a question or not question are you aware of the spoted lantern fly grant that we yes I think no the new one that we got a couple months ago so you're going to have to work with Van on that and uh can be used over a twoe period specifically for the sprain of the of the insect itself so it's a little different thanes was last year theive oil work as well well he's just spinning his wheels on right and cook so just work with work with on that's all I have right now oh we do need an executive session okay resolve by the B Council of the B of Mor plan on the 18th day of July 2024 the mayor and bur Council shall meet an executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss matters as permitted pursuant to njsa 10 col 4-12 subsections eight seven and eight seven and eight the time when the matter is discussed pursuant to paragraph one of can be disclosed to the public is as soon as practicable after the final resolution of theed matters there second second second by sound all in favor oppos estain guys