please I America to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all almighty God we ask you bless this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding so that in fulfilling their public trust every deliberation will result in actions that will promote the common good and general welfare for all the people of moris plains amen M notice to members of the governing body and burough staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purpose of burough business I'd like to welcome everybody here tonight it's good to see everybody happy St Patrick's Day I know everybody's Irish on St Patrick's Day Maybe not today but and i' really I'd like to congratulate Jack Aaron being the Grand Marshall I have pin is coming Saturday congratulations to uh approval of minutes for the approval of the conference executive and regular minutes from February 1st 2024 is there a second second in favor I I opposed abstain the always happy I move for the approval of minutes from conference executive and regular session February 15th 2024 is there a second second second by Jones all in favor I oppos abstain the eyes have it approval of the consent agenda we have the grant writer report February 2024 and municipal court February 2024 resolution 202 2455 entitled resolution authorizing the moris Plains Police Department to par ipate in the defense Logistics agency's law enforcement Support Office 1033 333 programed to enable the Mars Plains Police Department to request and acquire excess Department of Defense equipment resolution 202 2456 entitled resolution of support for rectangular rapid flashing beacons rrfbs resolution 202 2457 entitled transfer of funds resolution 2024 58 entitled resolution establishing lean block 7 lot 7.01 resolution 2024 59 entitled resolution approving the issuance of a soil disturbance permit resolution 20246 entitled Award of contract 2024a architectural services and concept plans for renovations to the municipal building and police headquarters resolution 202 2461 entitled authorizing disposal of surplus property having received quotes for bleacher upgrades for community Park from the following Park Warehouse 8,278 194 gopher $1,394 Ben shaer Recreation 9,624 71 a purchase order be issued to park Warehouse 7495 West Atlantic Avenue S 200- 294 delr Beach Florida in the amount of 8,278 94 having pulled the Council on February 22nd 2024 Stephanie Osborne 38 Washington ad Morris Plains was hired as substitute crossing guard at at a daily rate of $893 affected February 15 2024 having pulled the Council on February 22nd 2024 Lauren cotch 39 Sun Valley Way Mars Plains was hired as substitute crossing guard at a daily rate of $893 affected February 15th 20124 the recreation department be authorized to advertise for the position of Summer counsel summer team camp program the Veterans of Foreign Wars bont post 3401 be granted permission to conduct the annual field of flags display at the corner of Taber Road and Littleton Road from Thursday May 23rd through Thursday June 6th 2024 the buau council approved the membership application of Andrew Lake five Crossroad Morris Plains as a member of the Morris Plains fire department the burough clerk published the proper notice of date change for a regular scheduled budget Workshop from March 22nd 2024 to March 19th 2024 and this year now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and burough Council are hereby authorized to employ the services of an outside third party company to perform a Personnel investigation is there a second second second by Dennis roll call please miss yes Mr yes M yes Miss Kelly yes Mr Wagner yes and at this time I'd like to invite any members of the public who'd like to come up and speak and give us your compliment sure up front and state your name and your address thank you Frank morasco 17 Franklin please I just wanted to come and uh speak to all of you tonight because I have concerns about the former T-Shirt Factory building and uh I'm urging you to do whatever it takes to acquire that property whether you condemn it whether you purchase it but that whole property is in sad shape the building is terrible that Stockade Fence is uh about to fall down and last year there were a lot of weeds growing there in the parking lot so I think you can kill two birds with one stone if you acquire that property and uh tear that building down and beautify the parking lot you could put shrubs there or burn whatever to to improve that because you you will not only improve something for the town you'll you'll protect the neighborhoods on Franklin Place at Jakey Avenue even Mayfair and Glenbrook I'm I'm really concerned that the wrong kind of business might go in that building up to this point I've only heard that there's been a pub or breweries and things like that and it's one thing if you had a business that was open let's say 9 to5 or 9 to6 at regular business hours and then they closed but if you have a if you have liquor there and you have a restaurant or a pub you're going to have people going in and there you know till late at night there's going to be noise there's going to be traffic some people might be inebriated uh I know because I've been living over there since 1987 and before you renovated the other parking lot behind Tony's there in Arthurs we would get a lot of people from the bars that would park in front of our house and make noise and and carry on so and then if you do that then you're going to make moot the issue of what's going to go in that building if you buy the property and tear it down um so I think you you're you're solving two problems I think the board of adjustment let us down when they allowed those lots to be rezoned by not requiring that owner who I guess he owns the pharmacy as well so it was one thing to reconfigure the Lots from I guess it was they were East West and the and the two buildings were on the same the pharmacy and that building were on the same lot then they allowed them to go north south so the two buildings are on separate Lots but as a condition of that resoning they should have made them tear all that stuff down but they didn't do that so were you at those meetings I was I was at one of the meetings not all of them did you make that suggestion I did not okay check it for the rec okay it's hard to know about some of these things I mean I got notice of when uh there was some activity at the board of adjustment when they were going to do the resoning but I don't remember ever getting any notice of the applications apparently the Collins Pub people wanted to go in there I think that application was pulled to Bo even came that's probably but I'm just appealing to all you because you're the the last line of defense I think you if you do this then you take the planning board off the hook and they don't have to worry about whether they have to approve something that goes in there because of some an application is made and it meets the criteria I don't know that they can prevent it and uh so I think it's really important and I hope you would consider that and take that uh in with the other things you're talking about because I think it's really important moris Plains is a nice town and if you do something with that parking lot area and beautify that you'll uh preserve that going forward thank you point well taken thank you did you have anything else know that that's it okay thank you very much no problem thank you anybody else see nobody I close the public portion reports of committees or Andor department heads Mr Wagner thank you mayor um from the just quick update from the clerk's office they have been busy uh mailing out six-month and annual parking notices continuing their work uh on opras and food truck vendor licenses animal licenses and marriage licenses they ran uh the part in running of the quarterly safety meeting with department heads on February 22nd and recently Anna uh our CFO and Rosanne met with Colonial Life Insurance Representatives who would like to set up meetings with employees who are interested in supplemental health and life insurance so keeping busy there um we took part in our first budget workshop on Friday March 1st uh so all our departments submit their budgets um Finance also submits what we spend on bond principal note principal interest whatever money we spend uh is discussed uh amongst ourselves um and we're broken we are in a don't spread those rumors Wild we're in a uh we're in a good spot um but we we look you know each uh looks at what budgets were submitted um from their from their departments and uh we have uh good honest discussions about uh where we want to uh make some changes um good open discussion discussion will continue within committee and it we continue to our next uh budget Workshop which is on uh which is changed to Tuesday uh March 19th a little better some some better topics of Revenue fund balance and capital projects so um but this is a process and we are looking uh we we left we leave no stone unturned um I think we really put uh with taxpayers uh we consider all our residents young and old as we deliberate and uh we we'll continue to continue to discuss all the way through I believe the budget passing and being presented in early may I believe so we've got to work it out for us but we all we all enjoy it April April April end of April that's it okay very good Public Safety Mr Cortez I have a a short report mayor that's okay can you hear me we want to go home and watch the State of the Union here you go n o' all right at first uh my uh my committee met with the fire chief and over the budget as we know March for the public that's our first meeting we have a March for the uh the budget and uh it does look good for March planes I just want toate what what Dennis said um for the uh can't read my own handwriting over here at our last meeting with the committee for the expansion of the uh burough Hall we uh we approved the hiring of an architectural firm and I want to thank the council and the mayor and everyone for approving uh the resolution 202 24-6 so we can start uh making our police chief happy is very very tight where he is and uh that's about all I have there I can also read our report if you need to I think Joan has it Joan has CH good evening February very busy month for us 55 footp patrols of the train station seems to be uh tamping down some of the problems that we've had early morning there uh two times in the morning we check that facility 51 medical assistance response calls prior EMS arrival 26 motor vehicle crashes with injuries three motor vehicle crashes with injury unfortunately one of those was a fatal crash on Littleton Road in early February 514 motor vehicle stops 93 proactive controls of property checks residential neighborhoods commercial properties things of that like just want to touch on uh resolution 2024558888 nature it's it is vehicles and other equipment that the police department the police department can use flashlights flares things of that nature that department has uh defense has surplus of that uh we can get through uh a website no charge as long as we pick it up wherever it is in the country um resolution 202 24- 56 is a resolution uh supported by the traffic committee and uh the police department looking to increase pedestrian safety on speed Avenue maybe one other location throughout the burough we have to have uh the do resolution of support first um looking to replace The Pedestrian Crossing flags on speed Avenue by rosale and Hillview with flashing beins that were activated by The Pedestrian when they're about to cross the street we know that the flags work in some places but you know it's only visible to the first car maybe in line we'll get those a little bit more visible to P Vehicles traveling north and south so that they don't pass those stock vehicles on the right which we've seen uh fairly frequently uh our dear call ended at the Poli and also supports and uh runs basically uh in early February total 16 total deer 10 de uh six male U various locations throughout the B unless there's any questions comments or concerned that concludes my report can you get us a Howard with a parade through that Surplus might be able to you helicop I don't know bad experience with helicopters no just fire chief couldn't come that was my next not he has back spazm but just letting us know that he he's home and he is applying for FEMA grant for the he will be our next meeting super thank you Chief thank you or sound uh Public Works Arts report yeah I can jump in for art while he's out um so just a few things with the DPW you probably hear the trucks going around there um already collecting starting to collect brush they completed three rounds uh cleaned all pars of sticks brush um they're working on the improved drainage on field two um I mentioned that in the last meeting that there was a lot of work that needed to be done because of all the water that comes off the hill so they're doing a really great job on that um they and the little league is going to also be helping by providing some of the clay that we need to kind of get that field back in order for opening day so a lot of good um collaborative work going on there they started improvements on the team Center we have a working list that they were given from buildings and grounds that includes a power wash painting the entire building um looking at some of the windows and there was some bring on the window sills so fixing that so doing a lot of work there getting that ready because we um are going to be hosting the summer camp the teen center Camp there this summer for a few years during covid it was all over our community park but they're going to be bringing it back um for the team Center in the summer so Switching gears um over to buildings and grounds and so just some updates on Recreation we're going to be um scheduling a walkth through of the Town pool to assess uh the restrooms ladders lifeguard stands the drainage all those things that are out there all winter that might need some sprucing up for um for opening day uh Simon Park field is going to be power seated by the soccer club and roped off um for no use for several months so that's going to be good getting that field back in order uh the Easter Bunny is coming to Mars Plains uh the bunny will arrive by fire truck on Saturday March 23rd the rain date is the 24th uh there'll be a burrow school at noon um Mountain Way at 12:30 and the community center at 1:00 and the nice thing is that there'll be Easter egg hunts at each location um applications for summer rep employment will be accepted through April 22nd and that is for camp counselor and life guards I also wanted to give an update on downtown Mars Plains on the liaison um for that group um they have their q1 priorities are recruiting volunteers fundraising um the bike parking design contest I'll have more info on that and uh building the business directory so just a little on the bike park design contest we announced back in December that they won a grant which was really wonderful news from Mar Hearts um and they'll be launching that contest this year the grant will help fund the contest and the installation of um of the bike parking and it's an exciting project that blends the Arts and accessibility to our downtown it's a it's a great nice win for uh downtown Mars Plains and the fundraising uh they're meeting prospective corporate Partners as a way to secure funding and buy in uh there's a new volunteer application that will be live I think it actually is live now on their website and social media this month they're looking to expand their board and committees and at the business directory they're collecting information from businesses in order to celebrate milestones and promote them in the most effective way and in addition they're going to have a spring event there'll be more details to come on that that is it for me Public Health sanitation and sewers Nancy the Board of Health is meeting next Wednesday today um sure they will be discussing the new CDC change and guidance for preventing the spread of covid and other respiratory viruses so that will come up and I'm sure have more to report um Municipal Alliance met on Monday March 4th and they are discussing a new event possibly in May May 18th it's going to be Family Fitness morning for all ages they're going to have they've already secured jazzer size for moris Plains a martial arts instructor and they're trying to get pure Bar so that's going to be 8: a.m. to 1 p.m. and as I said all ages so lots of things for people to try out there uh they also are sponsoring Mental Health First Aid which is a great program if you are familiar with the uh CPR program that's offered through the Red Cross it's similar but it's for mental health crises and it's anyone can learn how to um intervene in these crises which could save a life it's going to be at marown High School Learning Center free on April 24th from 7 to 8:30 p.m. uh don't miss stage Fund performance tomorrow night Finding Nemo I think that's grades three through seven through seven U and they will be Finding Nemo March 88 at 7M school yeah excited um we're also looking at renewing a bit of the partnership that existed between the alliance and the teen center there because there are some funding synergies that could happen there if we can include some brief parent education at the parent orientation um and show some that some of the team Center programs build teamor confidence and resilience than we can use some of the alliance Grant funds for team Center activities so we're looking forward to researching that a little bit more Earth week is April 2st to 27th we definitely will have clean communities groups out doing cleanups during that time and working on some other education and promotions to highlight Earth friendly activities going on during the week including a walk or bike to school day with the mar Poli Department team Setter had a sixth grade house on Friday Friday February 23rd which is a great time dpw's helping in addition to what Jan said they're going to take some of the old upholstered furniture and get rid of it and and they're going to look to have more space in there because some of those pieces are large and the rooms are quite small so they're looking for a refresh there and uh we'll be probably going on the free site for some uh supplies and games and sports equipment to get ready for the summer we're also getting ready for the fifth grade parent orientation working on a new code of conduct as I mentioned at the earlier session um to uh help ensure some positive behaviors there across all the staff volunteers and participants uh they also have fun activities coming at routine Center including a skate night at men and Arena um our energy plan Grant was submitted and so part of that was to start a was to continue this green team that helped work on the grant so we met on last night wed March 6th on Zoom due to the storm and uh we just started discussing what this group should look like what what kind of mission and they came up with something like the Mars Plains green team is an Advisory board with a mission to promote and support a sustainable future for the Mars Plains Community through research education and action so more details there and probably they will be we'll be discussing other volunteers that might be appropriate for that group um inter uh n that's it for me St there ordinances and Public Utilities Cy oh that came up fast good may I comment on um Chief um Rango uh on patch on the patch um online um it talked about all the fire departments that were getting grants and I didn't see moris planes listed but I was happy to get that email from him I know he's not feeling well I'm sorry for that but it's nice to see that he's applying for a FEMA Grant so I just wanted to say that he applied last year well we didn't get one this year so I'm glad he's doing it again last that's perfect okay regarding what I really need to report on was uh the fact that um there was a revision of the storm water Control Ordinance and um the draft of that ordinance was sent to Mike D D D jolio who was a senior planner at the Morris County Office of planning and preservation and he did find one paragraph and a link um that really was in the draft but was just a reference for whoever was writing the ordinance so that was taken out and he sent it back and it's fine and I believe uh will be um we will vote on it next um or I will read it next at our next meeting but in the meantime I want to thank Leon Hall who's not here tonight and Roseanne Denman for helping me with that uh report um because Corrections had to be made uh even what I sent to Roseanne so I appreciate the help with that and we have it and we're ready to go super thank you very much we have uh no petitions of communications or petition or presentation of communications of petition you have an introduction of an ordinance Kathy yes I got it so bad um I I council member Kelly introduce the following ordinance and read the Same by title and move be passed on first reading ordinance 22024 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank njsa comma 40 a capital a colon 4- 4514 is there a second second second by ro please M yes Mr Cortez yes Miss da yes Miss Kelly yes Mr Wagner yes thank you I council member Kelly offer the following resolution whereas the above ordinance was introduced and read by title at this meeting on March 7th 2024 and passed on the first reading now therefore it be resolved that a meeting to be held on March 21st 2024 at 8:30 p.m prevailing time at the municipal building in the said burough this Council will further consider second reading and final passage the set ordinance and be it further resolved that the clerk of this burrow b and she is hereby directed to publish and mail the proper notice therefore including the ordinance post the ordinance on the bulletin board in the municipal building and to make copies available to members of the general public there a second second second by Nancy all in favor I I opposed abstained yes have it this just establishes we can exceed cap if necessary on our budget only if there's emergency so that's just regular housekeeping that we do every year for that we have no ordinances on second reading no resolutions no unfinished business no new business we do have vouchers Mr checklist March 7th 2024 for a total of 2,451 651 39 is there a second second second by Cathy please miss bergo yes Mr yes Miss yes Miss Kelly yes Mr wag yes we have no need for another executive session but before I do adjourn I just like to say happy St Patrick's Day to everybody thank you for coming out and enjoy the rest of your week and have a good week is there a motion to adjourn all in favor the eyes have it thank you very much here