##VIDEO ID:5ZrcTVHka9A## so I call to order the regular meeting of the planning board of the township of Morris for August 19th 2024 um the legal notice required in accordance with the open public meetings act has been satisfied and a statement certifying the same will be executed Pledge of Allegiance Pledge Al to the flag FL of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands uh can you call the RO yes here Mr RIT here M Murphy here Mr quillin here Mr B here Mr Warner here Mr slave here and we have a qu you have a qu yes thank you for it's been a while so it has even though it's a light of I just wanted to come and say hi to everybody I don't know if any of these applicants have been waiting desperately to have their resolutions memorialized but it is something we know them so good good to have good that you working with them uh okay so first item on the agenda is the consideration of the approval of minutes we'll start with May 6th has anyone have any comments I make a motion we accept the minutes as derived so second second uh all in favor I I I do have a question oh uh which is about the checklist review that's mentioned in here whether there's anything going on with that uh it's on the last page need to do some more follow that was the board of adjustment checklist review or the planning board because there was a separate issue with the board of adjustment I guess both checklists were yeah yeah they'll be they'll have to be the same this yeah one would think they'd be the same I thought they were same yeah they should be the same y um okay moving on to May 22nd any comments questions on 22nd a motion we accept minut I second all in favor allos approved uh moving to the minutes of June 3r any comments I'll entertain a motion approve so moved all in favor you may have a quorum issue because I did not attend that meeting we we yeah but we do have uh Mr aleso can second the motion I don't have June 3D I'll second it Murphy I Murphy can second it fa hi hi and Sonia will reflect the two abstentions okay who exensions those board members who were not there on June 3D are list okay thank you so we have three affirmative votes is that y more than enough okay so uh moving on to the resolutions um can you read them off for our consideration I'm sorry moving on to the resolutions we have or you want to move right there Mr Warner you I can give a quick summ yeah first one's the Lial application that was the amended preliminary and final major site plan and bulk variants relief for uh signage uh exterior facade sign exceeding 100 square feet uh monument and ex one more Monument sign than than the uh ordinance provided for as well as 38 temporary light pole banners I've seen them already yeah uh the not as many as they have put in plan not appar apparently not or at least not as of yet yet um 191 East Hover Avenue at the Mars Marketplace uh that was approved with numerous conditions including uh temporary was uh allowed to be longer than provided for in the ordinance as I recall but still nevertheless limited to a six-month period and no illumination of fixtures Beyond 30 minutes post closing of the respective stores and numerous other conditions hopefully that resolution and frankly hopefully the other two as well accurately memorialize your decision but I'm about to find out any comments questions thoughts on resolution as a motion to accept the resolution as dra we might I I'll second the motion but I do have a question we can I can ask my question after the vote if you like my question is about a different topic than whether we approve the resolution and that is whether this um subdivision has been perfected it's uh being signed tonight y as we speak I gu we have a motion and a second and a second that's a roll vote and is every yeah roll call vote please so you have who's eligible correct yes Mr Al yes Mr rabbit yes Miss Murphy yes Mr quillin yes Mr B yes and I hope they're successful I hope so too they got good stuff there the next I actually the signs the standard signs are pretty nice out there and kind of dress up the parking lot I thought maybe we should Rec consider having that part of ourin the um with your permission Mr chairman we do have then the Red Bull Arena there were two votes on that but it's one resolution so we can we don't have to do two separate votes on the resolution unless for some reason Somebody went in One Direction on one and the other direction on the other I don't think that was the case um but uh um and that is an amended GDP appr General development plan approval as well as an amended preliminary and final major site plan approval uh uh for that a particular application and uh we did also have conditions of approval as always including uh on-site loading and unloading and trash removal between the hours of 7: am and 7 PM uh post construction noise audit Ida dark sky compliance at both levels for the sports field lighting uh and a merger of uh the two Lots at the appropriate time frame question yes sorry the um post noise post construction noise just just for question how's that done do they hire do they hire an expert or do we hire the expert no they hire an expert and uh do the noise measurements and then submit report to us and then who would reuse that who we hire an expert to review that or no we review it I mean basically if it's in conformance they're okay if it's um if it's not they have to you know attenuate the sound to meet the uh you know standards make a motion that we accept this resolution just a real quick comment before I before I second that so this this sound um in assessment that's being made is when this is when the fields are in Peak use uh during training or not related to the fields it's more towards the equipment generator uh hbac that sort of stuff chillers so that stuff has to meet the noise requirement not necessarily not the usage okay okay I would say if I may uh however of course the there is we have ordinances uh that are uh consistent with d required uh uh uh ordinances and levels that so they're enforceable and the state uh DP through the state regulation nj7 callon 29 has standards um and uh so for all noise at the perimeter of any property so I just didn't want it to appear as if uh the post construction noise audits going to be done for the chillers Etc and in one time and that'll be that uh uh we our laws including our noise ordinance which is also State regulation are always uh applicable and should there be a problem I'm sure we'll hear from the residents if there is I guess yes well there will be noise if there's noise I'd be a little surprised however because i' went out to our on some in the current one during while they had a full day bunch of games on and on the street right facing it you could really hear a very faint yeah human voices don't carry very far the whistles weren't you know particular so I I don't think I hope there won't be an issue okay so I'm sorry so do we did did you second I we have a motion and a second from I have one comment yes which is there's a correction needed this isn't going to change anybody's vote it's on page 12 okay item 26 bear with me Roman numeral three he mentions Kathy Wilson but it her first name should start with a c instead of a k boy I know that okay my oh nice catch that was a member of the public who who I and I apologize I do I I should have caught [Laughter] that yes Mr rabit yes M Murphy yes Mr quillin yes Mr B yes and if I may Mr chairman uh the the Joseph Savage 34 staright Drive application that was a monor subdivision with variance in design waver relief lot wids quite a few lot widths uh because we measure them at the front uh the front yard setback and 40 feet beyond the front yard setback and some steep slope disturbances uh that monitor subdivision and variance relief was granted uh with numerous conditions uh and uh bear with me as I try to turn the pages uh driveway and utility easements deed restrictions uh for uh to ensure tree removal in camera inspections uh I'm sorry in camera I'm in court camera inspections for the sanitary sewer line uh deed restrictions for the shared driveway uh removal of a tennis court Etc storm water drainage easements again hopefully an accurate reflection of the board's decision in that particular application any comments questions make a motion we accept this one as this resolution as drafted a second I was not at this meeting so I'm gonna have to stain Mr RIT yes Murphy yes Mr ala yes three made it through our three minute sets of minutes and three resolutions going for a record right so we have no we have no application for review uh is there anything from the legislative committee no we haven't met with TCC in a few months there's been really no movement on the Madison Avenue Carter U re Redevelopment unless uh Jim or Steve you want to chime in on that no nothing to report on that okay okay we have no public here so there's no can I just ask a couple of questions um I haven't heard anything recently um about cannabis in the area other than the fact that marown withdrew approval for the site that was already under construction which is very strange um over on rale Avenue um has anyone heard anything else about uh cannabis facilities in the area that we should be aware of uh bo one just opened in BO okay every so I don't know what's going on in moristown we're not really moving we don't have any applicants that I know of here right we have we have people that that submitted um straw man proposals when they heard that we were looking to do this and um the the township committee is is in essence favorable to it um I think that we're going to see something after the after November probably in the November for um moving to that direction so my comment is one of the concerns that I had uh having sat on the Cannabis uh committee was that we didn't want facilities next door to each other one in Morristown on Ridgedale and one in the of the jail which was that that industrial area that we thought was the best location for our Township if the one on Ridgedale doesn't occur then then I have less reservation about potentially looking at that industrial area for a manufacturing site or whatever else you know that the governing body decides is you know useful from a Township from a Township perspective and speak for for myself um regarding Mars towns um what what they're doing there I don't really know the politics of what's going on there but I can say that if we did something similar if we did something similar um we would want to protect our um business so it becomes a time to Market and first to Market kind of issue right where uh if we could do that and beat marst toown they would probably be rethinking their their plan but you know it all depends on you know how we move and and when we can get things done but uh I don't foresee anything between now and our November Township committee meeting right I'm I'm guessing that since they're not renewing that permit and there was an agreement between the property owner and that supplier that that lot is probably off I'm thinking now I'm I'm hoping it's off the table yeah um important they they already were under construction it's just really strange yeah they had demolished the building that was sitting there yeah if if uh if this is the you know what the township committee is deciding to do then you know I would I would hope that you know we would be first to Market and be able to protect our our our Township business okay and do we have excuse me I have a couple other questions do we have any new insight Steve on what's going on with fair share have you heard any Rumblings and that everybody's not only waiting for the quote unquote numbers to come on or before October 20 2024 um but they're also waiting for the rules uh to come as to how uh the process is supposed to exactly take place the affordable housing uh mediation program um the judges the former judges who are appointed to that administer that program themselves are still waiting for the rules to come so with baited breath yes so uh so I guess the short answer is nothing new still and yet so yeah and then my last question this is the last one I promise ask a question about affordable housing sure go ahead yeah so you mentioned a date in October October 20 something 20th as I and that is a date by which every town is supposed to get a number from from the state from DCA uh uh correct there's that's the let's just say though that's the deadline for DCA to provide those numbers my understanding is primarily they're working with Rowan University doing mapping GIS mapping and that's what is quote unquote holding it up thus far um but uh but that and then that number would form the basis for each mun IP ality most importantly ours to decide if it's going to be that number or something different for some reason and adopt a resolution honor before January the last day of January 30 days after September April June and 31st uh and uh uh by to adopt by way of resolution binding resolution uh and what I am stating is just simply what the uh assembly Bill uh the law states assembly Bill four and Senate bill 50 if I recall um the the new fourth round legislation from March so so those are those are dca's deadlines um DCA has already extended one of their deadlines there was supposed to be auditing uh uh that all the municipalities had to do by a date in June that was extended to I think September so let's just say that that is the deadline that the legislation uh uh provides to DCA at least until it's extended does DCA have the right to extend its own deadline or well no I don't think DCA does I think that would have to be a legislative well yeah I think it would well I would think it would have to be legislative just try to imagine the amount of work that's involved with 560 whatever four last towns the I I guess technically um some would not be a part of the program Urban Aid municipalities but so little less than 564 my last question um is for anybody who wants to comment uh we're a couple years out from the from the new date for master plan I think it's in 20 27 277 um we were going to get started on some things and then we kind of put that in bance because we're so rushed with all the other work that we're dealing with right now so my question was really do is there anything that we can start picking away away at or that we should be picking away at we have time now we have the luxury of some time and I'm I'm just thinking uh out loud that if there's anything that we could work on and kind of tuck it away you know for future use in the Master Plan update should we consider that in some way and I I I don't in my mind have anything in mind particularly it's just it's just I'm asking the question to we have we have the luxury of time maybe we can make better use of it as I recall um yeah we kind of I think the plan was to kind of start to hit the ground running in January of 2026 right to give us the 15 months plus a right but in order to do it which would mean that we would want to start some work middle middle of 2025 so we're really you know unless there is something now except we wanted to put off anything having do your turn because of the affable housing and that's going to tie up a lot of people's time so yeah we will I I anticipate the we'll be fairly busy uh the first half of 20125 okay fast approaching so we have we basically have five months and don't have much to do until the affordable housing numbers come out that's it looks like right well yeah did did well yeah they're not going to for yeah the the affordable housing doesn't necessarily directly affect us right that much but certainly everyone it affects these guys so the whole the whole the township is uh being proactive and it's planning that I can say right uh uh but uh but formally as a board uh uh with respect to housing El and fair share plan uh that wouldn't kick in until January of 20 would be okay I just wanted to check and make sure we we weren't missing an opportunity and again it's assuming the October 20 date and all the other dates in the legislation hold right right okay so buy a boat and go [Laughter] fishing a question Sonia VI responses from everybody on the league of League of municipalities conference whoever responded has been register okay so so I'm I'm not going to go because I go with the school district so I don't really like back-to-back trips to Atlantic City that much um so you probably won't see me down there okay just wanted to make sure that everyone was had gotten their they wanted to I am going yeah okay um Joe motion turn so second second all in favor sure and sweet coming