legal notice required in accordance with the open public meetings act satisfied certify United States of America stand goldber here M Simmons here Mr will here here last is Santiago here consideration for approval of the minutes of the January 22nd 2024 meeting uh any board members have any comments or issues with the minutes I have a motion to approve the minutes second second all in favor I oppos motion carries next we have the uh a resolution for application number ba- 26-23 Mr rer thank you Mr chairman this is a memorializing resolution for the application filed by Jonathan BL who applied to the board for permission to install a generator within the front yard of a townhous style condominium property where no accessory structure may be located closer to the street line than the greater of the minimum required front yard setback or the actual front yard setback to the principal building properties at one wheat she Farm Road for the reason set forth in the resolution the application was conditionally granted with our standard conditions as well as conditions indicating that prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant shall provide a landscape buffer plan which shall be satisfactory to the township engineering department and for which the applicant shall produce written confirmation of acceptance from the Condominium Association shall provide a signed owner's consent form from the Township's application packet signed by the president or vice president of the condo association Board of Trustees certifying that the association has authorized the applicant to make this application and that the association agrees to be bound by the application the representations made and the decision of the board uh with respect the same and also to provide written approval from the condo association for the installation of the proposed generator in the same location as approved by the board okay board members any comments yes okay a motion motion to approve have a second second thank you San roll call please B yes Mr Williams yes Mr Schuster yes M Simmons yes yes okay next we have um pa-22 d23 Handover states which I understand is going to be AJ reest evening Mr chairman uh we're still uh still working a little bit on getting some information and since we have the other matter that I have tonight um we ask this be carried to the next available meeting when would that be 20th 20th we need any extension on that Mr so Sonia where are we on time with them do we need an extension I would I would request an ex okay through through June 30 okay and then just for members of the public with respect to uh application filed by Handover Estates for property at 245 251 East Hanover Avenue that application is not being heard this evening it instead will be heard on May 20th at 7 pm in this room and there'll be no further notices from the applicant thank thank you okay next we have da-1 d24 santiago4 Morgan Stanley care for 6101 lock 5 340 mono Avenue in the O 40 zone for have section c d section c applicant proposes two buildings pad mounted sign one building identification sign and one build and one building entrance identification sign good evening Mr chairman members of the board Joshua cudre appearing from the law firm of ss cumus and gross on behalf of the applicant Morgan St Stanley which is care of signs of success for this application Miss uh Santiago noted at the outset the pro subject property is located at 340 Mount kmav and identified as block 411 lot five and it is located in the O 40 Zone U Mr chairman I'm cognizant that the board does have a full agenda this evening and given the straightforward nature of the application I'll be brief in my opening remarks um but I did just want to remind the board and for the benefit of the public that the subject site is improved with a multi-tenant office building that was previously approved by this board um as Miss Santiago noted at the outset again um we are proposing the installation of two Morgan Stanley facade mounted signs um and there are no modifications to the previously approved site plan building footprint parking Supply circulation plan Etc strictly limited to the facade mounted signs this board is retaining jurisdiction over this application because the original application actually uh granted D variance relief so just consistent with past practice um that's why we're before the board this evening um just want to note for the record that we are in receipt of the TCC report authored by Mr Phillips which is dated 22824 and one of the more important things that I'll draw the board's attention to is that um Mr Phillips notes in the report that the signs that are proposed fully conform with the ordinance and we do not require any variances for this application um we're also in receipt of the memo from the fire department authored by Chief none dated February 21st 2024 and letter of no comment um notice was served and published on March 14th 2024 and Santiago was provided with an affid appr proof his service Mr Aller I think you can confirm the board has jurisdiction yes the um the applicant has served his notices timely in proper form and published timely so the board has jurisdiction so Mr chairman um I gave an overview really that I do have a representative from signs of success with me this evening like to bring them up just briefly to give the board an overview of the plans and then obviously answer any questions from yourselves or the public okay thank you proceed sure I'd like to call Mr Carl kin please would you I'm sorry but would you rise again and raise your right hand you Solly swear that the testimony you'll give to this board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God would you state your full name for the record please Carl J K and would you spell your last name please k a e l i n thank you so Mr kayin you heard me introduce you um you're a project manager with signs of success is that correct yes okay how long approximately have you been in the field of this industry uh I've been in the industry for about 30 years and I don't think you've ever appeared before this board but you have appeared before other boards in the state of New Jersey Conneticut Pennsylvania Etc right I have you've been accepted as an area in this field of expertise I am okay and you're familiar obviously with the plans that were presented to the board this evening I am okay if you could just briefly um in light of what I said early at the beginning of my uh opening remarks can you just give the board an overview of what's being proposed um the signage materials illumination Etc we have two facade signs that are currently being proposed one it's going to be mounted on the parking lot side at the back of the building or I guess might be the front of the building but it's parking lot side of the building it's a set of internally illuminated Channel letters Channel letters are made out of aluminum construction with an acrylic base illuminated with LEDs the size that were showing on the drawings was dictated by the landlord for cap height for what we were allowed for Morgan the m and Morgan of Morgan and Stanley that's the one that's up on the top the of the building then there's a lower secondary sign down by the main entrance which is a aluminum box with route and backed up copy internally illuminated as well this says Morgan Stanley again size was dictated by the landlord they are the only two signs we're asking for Relief um Ken you're familiar with the site um it's fair to say that in your professional opinion the signs may be a little bit undersized for the for the building but you've reviewed the ordinances and you can confirm that we do fully comply correct we're within compliance I mean for a three-story building and a 12inch character on a three story building probably small uh but to stay within compliance Morgan Stanley was willing to go with the smaller letterers Mr chairman that's all I have on Direct all right um You Say It's LED lighting will have that lighting have any effect on any of the neighboring properties no the nice thing about LEDs is they're dark they're dark sky compliance so they don't create a lot of light pollution like you think of the old parking lot lights where you saw the light picture that was this big and you saw the light rang around that it was this big they were high-intensity discharg be it high pressure sodium metal haly um lamps of that type LED illumination is more direct so it's really only lighting the face we did a on what they were and I think they came out to give me a second here because I think I had the lumens I printed out on it before I came but LEDs are very uh dark sky compliant they get rid of the light pollution they're energy efficient so you don't have the problems you had with neon and some of the other previous ways of Illuminating a sign the total sign's only 1300 lumens Morgan staning which is fairly not not really bright considering it's three stories in the air that will have no effect on any neighbor no chairman the signs are also internal to the corporate office park right and there's an office building basically across the street and the signs would not impact the closest residential was on the other side of the building correct it faces the parking lot there's a building side parking lot just was Rec confirm board members any other questions any members of the public with any questions of this witness see n close the public portion board member V will this application conformed with the ordinance liting will not affect anybody and I'd be in favor there's no variances required no they're here to amend the site plan to permit the signs and it's only here because there was previous l f variants on this site so the board retains jurisdiction over the site now so Mr chairman if I may shortcut things I move that we approve vote to approve you have a second second thank you Santiago Mr Gober yes Mr Williams yes Mr Schuster yes M Simmons yes Mr Kramer yes Mr wher yes thank you very much thank you thanks all that easy a good that yes next we're going to do uh ba- 0224 uh block 3806 lot 26 Santiago Brian loock 3806 Lo 26 point turn Avenue in the R15 zone for section c applicant proposes 157 sare foot addition to a sitting garage creating a front yard on dwire Lane of 6.6 ft with 50 is requir a rear yard set back of 0.2 ft Where Feet in closing 5.5 ft over the property line 2 I'm the wrong one sorry sorry sorry now I understand the look on your face like I don't remember sorry sorry about that black 3806 26 21 day 11 in the ra15 zone section applicant proposed a construction of two addition to the rear of the house creating a sard setb back of 9.9 ft where 20 ft is required and a combined sard setback of 19.9 Ft where 50 ft is required applicant will also seek a variance relief for the expansion of a non-conforming structure thank do you have anyone else is going to testify or just you no just me okay would you stand please raise your right hand do you solemnly swear that the testimony you will give to this board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you got and just for the record state your name please Brian thank you you can you can sit thanks so just before you start uh your presentation I understand this is a 50 foot wide lot correct and the setback lines if you comply with the zoning ordinance would be a 50 foot side yard correct and the project you're propos in would move one side yard from a 10 yard 10t side yard to a 9.9 ft side yard that in a nutshell essentially I believe it's 9.9 to 9.8 just given the slight angle that the house was built on you also have combined sidey yards because of the location of the existing garage and right so yeah those aren't those aren't changing you're not no no those structures aren't changing but but it is the combined side yard number comes off with that okay right you uh so my name is Bri Lanzo homeowner at 20 fale my wife Betsy and I are lifelong residents of Mars County uh Betsy's a Mars high school graduate we met in Mars toown we married at something church we we love the town we love our burn and Park neighborhood and our home on fnav um we actually bought there with the intention of raising our family here in Mars Township uh our first son Owen was born last September and we're in need of a bit more space we're hoping to expand F accommodate our growing family specifically we're hoping to enclose the back notches located um off either side of our home to create more kitchen space our current kitchen has seating for two our pantry is located in a coat closet across the adjacent room and the niche for our refrigerator is tucked away down the hall we've done some preliminary work with an architect and engineer to make more efficient use of our first floor space and we're here this evening seeking permission to expand and relocate our kitchen uh our property is located in an ra15 Zone that requires a minimum lot size of 15,000 square ft our lot is only 9,162 ft as you noted The Zone requires a minimum lot uh width of 100 feet our property is only 50 feet wide our lot is considered an existing non-conforming lot it is undersized and not as wide as zoning requires this presents a hardship the ra15 zone is a maximum building coverage of 20% the current conditions are at 24.9% we are proposing a modest increase of 159 Square ft which will increase the coverage 26.7% if the property was a conforming lot of 15,000 square F feet we would be allowed a total of 3,000 square feet which are still well below the proposed sidey Varian is we're seeing relief from 20 yard 20 foot side yard setback and 50 foot combined setback this is already a non-conforming condition we are only proposing to square off the back of the house however because the house is slightly skewed on one side this decreases the setback from 9.9 ft to 9.8 ft which is a minor Minimus change in other words we're not expecting any exterior wall to be materially closer to any neighbor than it already is nor are we planning to increase the height of our structure the house is not exceptionally wide nor is it increasing in width our lot is just narrow if the lot was 100 feet wide and the house was situated in the middle of the lot it would conform with the setback requirements we appreciate your consideration in this matter thank you board members any questions members of the public any questions regarding this application I noted it's dominous um change in the side yard over the house you favor of approving this motion any other comments no I have a motion motion to approve I have a second second M Santiago Mr Gober yes Mr Williams yes Mr Sher yes Simmons yes Mr Kramer yes Mr worker yes so move okay we'll have a resolution at the next meeting and then after that you can submit to to Dave and uh for billing permits okay okay next one is ba-1 17-23 uh block 653 lot 54 40 Spring Brook okay y 1723 Michael Black 653 La 54 40 sprin Brook Road R15 zone for section c this is a continuation from December 11th of 2020 pru hearing applicant proposed construction of a two-story Edition creating a side yard setback on the right side of 8.7 ft and on the left side yard of 5T where 20 ft is required creating a combined side setback of 13.7 feet where 50 ft is required applicant will also seek a variance Rel 484 fence where 6 foot is allowed a building height of 39.2 six ft where 35 ft is required and a building coverage of 2.57% where 20% is allowed good evening Mr chairman members of the board if I can I'll uh kind of back us up a little bit first for the record David Brady is the firm of Brady and queral on behalf of the applicant Michael euwing 40 Spring Brook Road uh we started back in December uh went through Mr Ewing's testimony and uh Mr Dorn's testimony then uh went back and we revised the pl some we submitted revised plans earlier this month um if I can I'll go down some of the revisions that we've made um kind of going around the property from the in a uh clockwise motion the existing garage we had proposed to expand it as you recall we had testimon about how difficult it was to get into that garage it's 17.78 feet from the side yard now we're proposing 14 that hasn't changed going further back propos Carriage SL poolhouse that was proposed suppos to be at 5 feet from the property line went back and made some significant revisions even going so far as to rotate the AIS of the pool house recording DJ so so right now okay we'll say this good okay good um we rotated the axis of the pool house and we moved it instead of being five feet off the property line we just over 14 feet um going further around to the um covered Veranda we move that further away from the right hand property line we were at 17.2 feet we're now at 20.8 which is compliant um the office uh we were at 8.7 feet it's gone up just a little bit to 9 feet both sidey yards are supposed to Total 50 feet they're at 33.7 now we had proposed 13.7 and now with the revisions were 23 feet as I said the covered Terrace we've changed that tightened it up so it's now compliant with the sidey yards building coverage we exceeded that originally in our proposal we were at 21.57 where 20% is permitted we are at 20% now we had sought a variance for the maximum height of a wall plus a fence on top of it um but in going through the ordinance moris Township 95- 36 Capital d1h says that you don't count that fence if it's less than 25% solid and equal to or less than 2.5 ft we revise the type of fence we're going to use from a picket to one of these cable fences so it's less than 25% solid so that variance has been obviated tonight I have Kathy Mueller who's our professional engineer Peter Dorne the architect cilia de Huff who is a landscape architect and she will we will have a uh landscape plan to put into evidence and Mr tobia our professional planner okay then M meller would start with good evening I you raise your right hand do you solemly swear that the testimony you will give to this board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God would you state your full name for the record please Catherine with a c Muer m l l r thank you hey Dave before you start I just wanted to point out as you can see we have six members here this evening and um so if we if you were to conclude this evening um if you wanted to put that off until 7 member could read the transcript okay um you could do that thanks for the head okay yep Kathy if you could give the board of your professional educational and professional fa sure have a Bachelor of Science in civil and environmental engineering from clarkon University I'm a registered professional engineer in the state of New Jersey since 2003 uh my license is in good standing I've been in for front of this board before and uh numerous other boards uh across my career I'm the principal and owner of the firm paig Mueller engineering located in Warren Township New Jersey Mr chairman i' ask that you be accepted as an expert in uh civil engineering so any any objection from any board member please accept thank you this yeah you sure can let me just give you this thank you so what we have on the screen right now is the lot development plan page two of two this was revised March 4th of this year and submitted as part of our application I'm also going to I'm going to describe the lot in uh the similar way as Mr Brady I'm going to go clockwise from the front um the existing conditions of the lot it contains a single family home uh it slopes from Springbrook down to the rear uh North is towards Springbrook the left side is the east side and the right side is the West Side um we're continuing those drainage patterns but I'll uh start with the front it has a slightly under sized front yard setback that is going to remain at 49.89 uh we have a addition on the front which we turn the C Edition for a covered porch that falls behind the plane of the existing house we've done some grading improvements on the front yard uh it's a downhill lot and presently it's poorly graded so it actually flips towards the house and then to the sides so what we've done is you'll see the grading we've created a low point to alleviate that problem of the water hitting the house and I'll go down the left side um for the driveway what we've done for the revisions is we've pulled the driveway closer to the location where it is now uh before we had it closer to that Eastern property line what that enables us to do is to put in a smaller wall previously we had as tall as a six foot wall with a three- foot fence on top for a total of nine so the wall that's there now the outer wall adjacent to the property line uh starts at 08 feet increases um by one course and one course and right where the two walls split there's a small area that's four feet tall um that's the only point where it's 4 feet the height of the wall adjacent to the property line then decreases to 3 feet which wraps around to the side of the building addition a um and again with the relocated driveway we're able to tiar this wall and at the 4 foot point we pull the other wall in and the interior wall ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 to three at the back left left corner um we've separated them the distance for 3 feet and three feet so they don't combine in height so as you've heard we no longer with the the opaque or the um less than 25% solid fence we've eliminated the variance that we had before so before we had a total of 9et cumulative and now um we're in compliance with the the maximum height of four and a half what we've done for the grading is we've created a plateau and a courtyard uh the existing garage was a rear loaded garage and the left as you're facing the garage doors left door was very close to the existing house so the proposed widening of the two-car existing garage gives 24 feet they're able to adjust the location of the garage doors for easier access and have a more properly sized garage and you'll hear more from our architect we have a central drain here for storm water management under existing condition there was a drain at the bottom of the driveway in a similar fashion that drained to the back uh proposed addition a that's as you've heard has been reconfigured for a stacked two-car garage and that has also been made smaller along with the dining area by7 71 ft previously we're at a 5ft setback we're proposing 14.25 this is slightly further away than the improved existing garage which is set at 14 so it's slightly behind when you look down the the driveway we have a retaining wall off the back left of the Garage pool housee we did this so that we could put some fill in between the walls and and cover up the side a little bit there and then we have a landscaping plan which you'll hear more detail we have a 4 foot compliant P pool compliant fence that runs along the easterly property line it'll be in front of the proposed wall in the back I'll come back to that in a second um that is in front of the wall it's no longer on top of the wall so you'll have that 4 foot adequate buffer um all the way around the backyard and we tie it in to the proposed building Edition D on the right side so the whole backyard will be enclosed with pool compliant fence the retaining wall in the back um we've now proposed that to be a maximum of two foot high we've used some of the slope and the grade when we redid the backyard we lowered the pool so that that wall is less severe uh again only two feet high at the back left corner the proposed pool uh remains basically the same that's at compliant setbacks 20 feet on the right and greater than 25 ft in the rear so I Come Around the right side or the west side of the property we've also brought in The Veranda the measurement to the covered uh Veranda or Terrace and the chimney that was 17.2 feet now the measurement to the chimney is 20.8 Ft so we've brought that in and along with that we've brought in the Landscaping uh Hardscape which doesn't count as building coverage but that was able to be pulled away from the property line as well um these stairs are not going to be exposed they're actually cutting down um along with the grade so the stairs are lower than those walls they won't be visible they'll be below grade and to the right side of those stairs you'll see we have some grading um the neighbor to the right there water comes across the backyard through our backyard is the back left corner so to not impede that we've put in a Swale so it's still continue onto this property and be conveyed to the back in the direction that it was going before the improvements the covered Terrace was brought in that was made 141 square feet smaller and the uncovered Terrace was also made smaller by 57 square feet and then we have the proposed addition D which remains very similar to what we had before so all in all the impervious coverage on the site was reduced by 538 Square F feet and the building coverage 458 ft less impervious and 3113 Square ft less building coverage um we were complying with impervious coverage before but now we're proposing less and the building coverage was brought into compliance at 20% for storm water management we have a very similar system that was proposed before uh we have a series of dry wells in the back we've taken the net increase in impervious coverage which is slightly over 3,000 it's 396 Square ft and we've sized the dry Wells for a volume of 3 in over that increase so that will be all before it overflows towards the back so again the general drainage patterns were from the front right to the back rear of the lot and we're not changing that um from a point of analysis it all still goes to that southern boundary the building height was recalculated we did the average around the building um within 20 feet and we measured it to the highest Ridge um there's a couple different ways this is a conservative way we took the average all the way around to the highest point and the height is still compliant at 33.6 FT um that details in the upper right corner of the property there's also provision for a maximum height from the lowest to the highest when you're not averaging around and we are compliant with that as well allowable is 46.67 and we're at 40.5 so that's the lowest which would be in the back left up to the highest Ridge which is the main house not the additions and I think that's kind of explains the the dimension of the property in the storm water looking at the uh Courtyard between the two driveways have you looked at that in terms of whether uh Vehicles can back out of those garages and make appropriate turning Maneuvers yes so one benefit with the um tiered walls and where the driveway is uh we were able to make it a total of 33 feet wide where right now it's about little under 30 which is tight so a car can come in make a right-and turn towards the main house back up and enter either of the rear loaded garages and then to leave they would back out and have a very simple movement to leave the property and then with the other the new garage towards the back it would be in the inverse it would have very easy access to the door and when they backed out they would have plenty of width to turn around and make a k turn out um just by comparison when we do a side loed garage just on a typical house we try and keep the apron between 30 and 35 feet deep from the face of the doors and this is at 33 so it's adequate to turn the car around and make those movements in and out I think we've covered everything this M questions yeah just one question on the swell that you mentioned if you could just elaborate as the part of that how that's implemented as part of the storm water management plan um just curious if the creation of that swell will coming from the top right down to the bottom left will create any sort of a mini River or more flow that's visible or any sort of potential issues so there was so yes it does pitch to the back and then the Contours wrap around on the left side which then takes some of the water to the east side of the property okay thank you for elaborating any other questions from board members can you say sheet flow wouldit of the public could you explain that so in the Swale it's going to collect the water in the lawn um it's not a pipe we're not doing a pipe discharge but as the Swale hits goes towards the back the water will start to Fan out U it won't take a direct route water will then start to to what we call sheet flow so instead of having a concentrated sale when it discharges at the end it'll start to spread out um like if you were holding a garden hose and you left it on your driveway you'll see a triangle start to form as the water runs downhill so we have that 25 foot buffer which the water will then start to slow down across the lawn it's fairly flat and it will disperse as it goes towards the back Mr chair so you're not expecting it to impact Lot 24 onane at all no so if you actually look at the some of the Contours they're flat across the back there's a slight pitch to the left um and we when we looked at this we'll take the neighbors water down that right side then the rest of the water from the improvements will be detained in the dry Wells and that'll be discharged straight towards the back and that'll split to the East and to the West due to that existing Contour so under existing conditions basically everything from the garage to the right went straight back and then the rest started to move to the left any other board members with questions members of the public any questions Mr chairman here yes please good evening members of the board my name is johnon the law from of shank chice I represent one of the adjacent uh neighbor Margaret sellers so I have some questions for the engineer M meller um this property as it currently exists does not comply with the Township's zoning code correct that's correct and the proposal that's here tonight makes a number of the variances and non-compliance makes them worse correct that's correct for example uh the sidey guard setback on the one side uh that used to be nearly 18 ft is being reduced to 14 feet that's addition B that's correct and the addition B is reducing the existing from 15.44% 3 3.22 where 50 is required and you're proposing to reduce it to 23 is that correct that's correct and all of these uh increases in variance increases in the encroachment into the setback protecting the neighbors they're all caused by the size of proposed addition is that correct uh the building coverage and the impervious coverage for the lot are complying it's going to be easier if just answer my question if the size of the buildings is what's causing the encroachment into the side yard towards the neighbors correct I would classify it uh it's more of a planning question maybe the location but um again the size for the building coverage and the perious or are compliant addition a is getting bigger and it's encroaching further into the neighbor setback correct that's correct and I um I don't want to waste the board's time but I'll ask you the same questions with addition B and addition d and the total side yard it's because of the size of the buildings of the setbacks that I am uh referencing that you're encroaching into the neighbor setb again I I would take it more of a location and possibly the shape that is encroaching that are causing the increase side yard Varian okay how about if I ask it the other way if you made addition a smaller it would encroach less again um I could keep it the same size and re possibly relocate it that's good to know thank you addition B if you made it smaller it would not encroach as much into the side well the Ben the one thing that I didn't touch on and you will hear more from our architect is the addition B is actually removing an encroachment that's there now it's increasing the encroachment into the sidey yard closer to the neighbor's house from almost 18t to 14 ft correct and we've noted the side talk about addition D just so the board has some scope of size of the vars required here morrris Township requires 20 ft sidey yard and addition D you're offering the board less than half of that is that correct correct we're at nine feet and minimum side yard both which is the combined Morris Township requires 50 feet and you're offering 23 feet that's correct and the existing house is deficient on total sidey yard setback under existing condition okay that's that's also helpful um did Mr Ying consult you as an engineer when he purchased the house he did not if he had consulted you as an engineer would you have advised him that this was a good house and a good lot with the existing zoning requirements to increase the footprint of the structures 1500 ft I think that's that's an opinion outside of my engineering profession so you're an engineer you review zoning ordinances correct that's correct and you advise people who buy houses are going to build houses as to how to comply with zoning uh typically not to buy houses but to build houses yes and if someone came to you and said that they were buying a house that was already significantly approaching into the sidey yards and their plan was to increase the surface area the square foot surface area footprint of the house by 1500 square F feet so that there would be less than half compliance with the side yard variances would you tell them that that was a good plan well again I think I would be stepping over my license and giving some planning testimony um in terms of that I think the fact that we comply with building coverage and impervious coverage um it's a narrow lot so again from a engineering standpoint I can't give a a true opinion on that I think it's more of a planning defense okay so your observation as a professional engineer was that this was a narrow lot so was this lot that if you had a blank Sate in front of you you would recommend to the owner to make the house wider on both sides I would look at the neighborhood um obviously we're at the the board of adjustment to ask for some exceptions to the regulations and in um in the drawings and the uh the zoning chart that you've provided uh this uh just the building structures itself you're getting 1,29 ft of new footprint just from the proposed building Edition is that correct we're proposing for the building coverage 4,000 existing is 2245 I know but I want I'm I'm I'm not this isn't a trick question I'm going by your your currently proposed lock coverage chart that's on your chart and I'm just trying to point out to the board that this isn't one things it's actually a list of things sorry correct I guess I'm not understanding the the question well you have listed on your chart um proposed main building addition and that's going to be 1,29 square feet of new building footprint for that line item correct that's correct and then you also list proposed office building addition and that's getting 2 12 ft of new building footprint that's correct and then you list the garage 78 ft of new building foot print and then your list goes on and I'm sure the board members can look at it for the various other things that are going out of the yart but just in building footprint alone that's over 1500 square feet of new building footprint that's correct Mr chairman I don't have any further questions there may be other neighbors he the other members of public with questions this new your name for the record Jon on the right side thank you you a question about the height of the building and the um the allowances in our Township due to some questions we had when we did our renovation the um ground floor of addition a to go from the ground floor of the main house that's there right now goes down seven rocks to go from one level to the other my question is then doesn't this make this a three and a half story home instead of a threeory home and my let her let her answer one question um a building addition a the main floor matches the first floor of the the existing house and our architect can expand on that um in terms of measuring the number of stories um building code typically um takes the average grade we did not do this calculation um but it looks at the volume of your lowest level that's above grade um so the existing basement under the existing house would not count towards would not be considered above grade so although the back is you know lower as you had pointed out it's like a typical walk out basement situation I guess maybe that's my question for town with a walk basement that's now at a lower grade than the basement of the main home right so understanding this that we were that our town order ordinance was three stories this makes this three and a half stories Mr I'm just going to look at the definition of story so the definition in the ordinance for a story is that portion of a building in included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it or if there be no floor above it then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it that's a story good story so how many floors are there so there's the walk out basement level the main level and the second story so when we get to the new architecturals it may be clearer that this isn't a second basement right I think the question is when you walk out the back out the walk out basement and you go over to um addition a you're GNA walk right into addition a from there is that correct you're not going you're not going down another flight of stairs to get to the basement of you're right at the ground you're at the first floor of addition a basically the first floors are matching and first floor at the same right yes but I I really would like to defer to the architect if there's any internal stairs I wouldn't know between the first floors okay if you're looking at the building from the outside does the proposed a is more of that visible below what you call the first floor that at the house yes it's it's essentially a walk out basement out the back under addition a okay so so the first I what Miss Nan is saying is if you walk out in the back and then you're walking over to um the addition a you're basically having a three-story house is that what you're trying to say actually three and a half yeah let let me ask you another question along that line um when you said that the maximum Building height uh from lowest grade at building where was that measurement taken in that'd be the behind addition a okay and that goes up to the um addition no the highest Ridge out of the whole proposed which would be the the bridge on the existing dwelling which is going up so9 ft from the back of the ground behind building a to uh the height of the roof that's correct so at the back left corner we have an elevation of 84.7 and the proposed Ridge of the main house up front which is the highest Ridge proposed for the whole prop project of 12516 yields a difference of 40.5 that that is the numbers on the right side the second or third set of calculations under the building height detail and how far off the rear the from the addition a is that measurement taken it taken right at the base or is it like three feet out or it's the average within 20 feet okay and did you go on to the neighboring prop property to get that average uh we have Topo lines on the left you'll see we have some elevations that overlap right and we use that to do the average of existing and proposed but did you look did you do did you run those lines out onto the neighbor's property to the average of 20 ft out yes so if you there's a dotted line beyond the improvements right in the building height and then if you come over to the left side you'll see we have topographic information um within that 20 ft all right you have further questions yes about the maximum height is that that I had a hard time following the plans there's changes in units from inches to feet and so I was trying to calculate the height on my own another question about regardless of how noted is is that measurement supposed to also include the chimney because that doesn't seem to be taken into account the new chimney that is being put da chimneys are excluded in the definition right and then it'll be more of a question to Mr D because I can't follow with the units and how added up and I have to figure out oh this is inches this is feet um trying to calculate that maximum height on my own would you like later would you like Miss mother to go through how to have to go the back elevation right all of my plans are in feet um but due to Elevation so we on the engineering plans there's no inches so what we do is we work with Mr Dorn's office and get those Dimensions either from floor to floor floor to Ridge and then we convert it into elevations which are all any other questions thank you any other members of the public with questions of this witness if so please come up to the microphone Street construction what's the address 35 okay what's your question my question is if if you're a Maggie on one side of this this proposed structure and you're you're Le Tony on the other side and you're in your house on any given what are you looking at when you look to your right or to your left I mean this house is all lit up um is it I think it's a beautiful house by the way I think PL before and I didn't see the most recent plans but when I looked at the first PL I got the sense that you had like Star Wars Landing in the neighborhood all a sudden like I just thought is this a time for asking questions not you can testify later on but right now it's asking questions okay well like if this house is lit up that you have a structure that is just dominating people on both sides of you that's my question maybe that's more a question for the architect Mr chairman than the plan or both maybe JN they're gonna have the architect come back up and testify and then they have what the uh what's called a professional planner who will testify as to how this um plan lends in with the neighborhood and why the B be so that's one you want to ask a question okay all right sorry about that any no no no problem uh any other questions uh no any other questions to members of the public please come up to the mic ma'am my name is John Ferrari I live at six Spring Hill Lane which is also in Spring um I have a question about theol house question I don't have I'll have to defer to the architect for the exact building well some towns try and limit um square footage or size of homes by having um f ordinances Morris Township doesn't have an f a floor area ratio ordinance so um and it's not inappropriate to have a pool house connected as part of your residential home it probably isn't one yeah I'm sorry yes sure uh for maximum impervious which includes all improvements down to AC pads the pool water surface is 42.2 4% 45% everything oh with the walls are walls going to be all the way around this basically ened no um so on the left side we have a tiered wall which will hold up the driveway that's correct that's for the length of the driveway to the um building Edition a we have a small wing wall um more decorative and again to lessen the view from the west side on the back that's maximum of three fet and then we have a small two foot maximum along um halfway along the the left and along the back and that's to create a a level Plateau adjacent to the pool for usable area and that's more um we put that in for the grade due to the easement in the back so that we didn't encroach in the easement that's there property well we actually we teared the we were able to tear the walls we pulled the driveway back get closer to the existing location as you enter and pass the existing house and we have a landscape architect here that enabled us to put a planting shelf in between the two walls to soften the look versus the six foot wall that we had before I'm not I'm not as concerned about what it looks like from the the subject property I'm asking the walls look when when you look at the the property when the walls are all put up is is it like an encampment and from the other properties you see walls all the way around it no um as I said with the revisions that we did this time we've kept them quite modest and we'll have landscape um testimony to show what we've done with the walls that we have correct do matter see I think that's that's those basically are my oh the dry wall dry they're in the back left corner um where I'm circling it up on the screen uh we have four tanks proposed and why are they you got well it's it's a lawn area um I can put them under the driveway but we prefer not to um just because in they're traffic loading um they'll be in the lawn area and underneath they won't be visible from the surface that's correct we looked at the increase in impervious coverage um and we sized it for three inches of rain over the increase so it's a volume calculation it's consistent with what the township requires but is not involed no that's that's just to ensure that we're not blocking if the if the neighbor was draining on to us is the case in this in this application we cannot impede their water we can't put a burm there and not allow the water so we accounted for that and what we're doing is we're just it's it's not a structural element it's just a grading element to to keep the water going in the same direction that it is today so the soil does not have a well connected to it no it's just directing the water that exists today uh there's no increase coming from the neighbors so we're just redirecting the water from the neighbors that come onto the property not subject property that's correct so the neighbor to the right is higher and Flo goes towards this property you know it just as the the road steps down so it's not a structural component it's not a reduction component it's just a design component I think that's all I have Miss nent there was another uh member of the public wish to ask questions so before you come back up again let her ask her questions hi I'm Gloria carsten g l r i a k a r s t n at nine spring Lane nine Spring Hill Lane and I'd like to apologize to this group because I'm a little bit naive and I do not exactly know what a pool housee is having never had a pool myself um I'm thinking it's a building that has pool equipment maybe a powder room changing areas could someone please describe the composition of the pool house we'll have our architect come up and he'll explain what's in that well this is just very basic high level information from what i' rather have the architect he's familiar with the structure itself whereas Miss Muer deals with the engineering of the site okay Does it include a living is it a living structure okay I think um Mr rer indicated that there's no legal definition in the order and I verified there is none right okay because I I I'm pretty sure that you are not allowed to have two living structures within a single property and if this should be considered a living structure wouldn't that be an issue well this is all attached is one building attached so the is the question is if they were detached by attached by a little faux walkway or no because they have the U room going out to the back the the octagonal room and that connects over to the okay well there's the letter of the law and there's the intent but it's all connected okay well there's the the letter of the law and the intent of the I do have the question you mentioned Leon nent 38 spring Brick Road marst toown Mars Township you mentioned that the swell was to uh compensate for the water runoff from our property to the right are have you considered how the water runoff is going to be aggravated by all of the expansion and change of levels in the backyard not just from water run off from the right uh yes we have uh we have the dry Wells for storm water management that'll attenuate and hold volume off of the increasing impervious coverage but is that a misnomer to say the swell is just for the runoff when you're increasing the levels in the backyard then there is more of a golly coming down again the the grading on the right side is is just for Overland positive drainage we cannot impede the water that's coming from your property I understand contained on our property um and conveyed to the rear where it's draining to now then with the improvements we'll have added storm water runoff and we mitigate that with the dryw system system okay lawn is still running off as lawn The increased impervious will be collected and reduced another question is have you considered instead of putting a whole row of steps that's 13.3 feet from the property line on the right instead coming off the patio the covered Veranda on the back and going straight back so as not to impede the set setback further on the right and be closer to the neighbors us being them on the right have you considered that The Hardscape that's proposed is not um subject to a setback I I understand that but did you consider putting steps straight back so that to not have another if we were to move them in the back they would be more of a structure and above grade we're coming off at grade on the I'll say right side of the Terrace which is a Terrace today and then we're catching the which is a Terrace that's not as close to the property line catching grade down so the stairs the the wall on the right the grade that hits it the stairs are actually below that they're not above it so if we were to start them at a higher grade in the back you would see more of the stairs because they would be above grade this we're working with the terrain on the right side to walk down and around and coming closer to the property line yes yes yes it'll be constructed on the right side of the the Terrace thank you um what's the depth of sorry your name please sure Tony nent 38 Spring Brook Road thank you what's the depth of the wall footings uh that hasn't been determined yeah for the retaining for the landscape Hardscape wall it would depend on the type of wall that we chose right what about retaining walls and walls along the property uh that's all going to be determined when the type of wall is picked so typically if you have a modular Block it's one block so what's another option there's ported Place walls so the difference between the two different uh blocks or whatever how what does how how does that impact with the depth again it it depends on the structural design of the walls which has termined yet they haven't been fully designed yet um we have the heights the types will be picked out they'll be submitted as part of the I'm I'm sure the building permit with the township and be inspected so I guess ask the board is there restriction on that as far as depth not that I'm aware of Dave are you aware of any if it's modular block and it's less than four feet high it's considered a landscape structure and it's whatever the wall designer would pick out which is usually one block it ends up becoming uh reinforced concrete it would have to go to the frost line which is about 40 inches down um a lot of landscapers are using the modular block uh to forgo um extensive construction and uh forgo some of the uh the permitting that's required um don't know without seeing the detail on the wall uh for the stairway going down from the Terrace down to the patio at the pool um I don't know what they propose on on using for uh wall construction it could be modular block could be concrete it'll be out of place for the area if it was concrete but uh most likely modular block but it's up to them okay that has to be submitted to you to the town yeah I would look at it before it gets submitted over to the building department thank any other members of the public with questions you know I had a question because this is where I thought he was going but I want to talk about the other side of the um property that retaining wall so that's the East Side retaining wall um especially in the area where you're showing it's patched where where you have a height variance or will there be any underground support structures that would go off property side no um these walls are holding up our property versus the inverse if we were digging in there may be some geogrid that goes behind it but since we are higher anything structural would be towards our our property okay and and so that can be built without going on the neighbor's property correct that's correct okay thank you any other board members with questions so this witness okay please thank you Mr chairman I'll call Peter Dorne Mr J has been previously accepted as an expert in theart don't have to go through that but you do have to stand and raise your right hand do you solemnly swear that the testimony you will give to this board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth so help you got and just for the record State your full name please thank you great first of all I I just like to say that any of the questions that any folks have brought up i' be happy to answer they're all veryable to deal with and yes ex and I would hope wherever this goes and hopefully it'll get approved is that at the end of it I would like the opportunity to meet especially with the neighbors and things like you talked about about the walls and material for the walls and planting deal with Celia um come up with a solution that works for everybody that's all I'll say on that for now Peter why don't we kind of do the same thing that Kathy did on the engineering and go through your plans kind of explain where we were and where we are now okay can we go yeah go to that one go to the um FL or we could go to the site I guess Kathy s plan yeah that's great okay so um I don't set out to create things that are just making big for big sake or spreading things out for whatever sake I always ask I always ask can everybody in the rear hear I always ask my client for a program and a program is where they State all the things that that is wrong with the house and things that they'd like to do with the house and then from there I start to design the other thing that I always do is I'm always very careful when I enter a site to kind of get a feel for what I think about the property and what I think the possibilities are so I get a feel about the topography I have a pretty good understanding I I I studied engineering originally at West Point so I I try to get an an idea about what the Topography is like and what just feels wrong so the first thing that I noticed when I when I drove down a lot is that and and I and I worked on Melissa corbo's house which is across the street years ago um one thing that I always remembered is that there's no off street parking and people do sometimes try to park and I just it's it's a terrible thing because cars it's steep there and I mean you could almost push a car over on on on our side of the street it's it dips down there's kind of a severe topography there so as I went down the driveway I kind of said boy you know it would be really nice and and I noticed that the garage floor is about 18 inches down from the house floor I said it would be nice if instead of that that long incline plane if I could shorten that and bring it up on a plateau and I think it and I thought it would make it feel a whole lot better and so we started with that and and as it turned out um there's no there's no door between the house and the garage which is kind of odd because if you have groceries you have little kids you're old um I mean and I and I deal with my people that are old people that are young babies and stuff like that so I try to take that all into consideration so I said we really it would be great if we could get a door from the house uh from the garage to the house there's no mud room so um I I started with that and I think if you if you question a hundred Architects or design professionals or interior designers or anybody and he said just throw out a geometry on garages they would say 24x 24 because it works it works really well this garage is a lot less than that we added 3.8 feet I think to the garage which made it 24 it's 22 feet deep it now becomes at least a reasonably wide garage you can get you can get two cars in there you can get a really nice door that goes into a mud room it it's like a normal house now and um so that that's where we came up with moving that I I spoke to Kathy Mueller and Muller and she we talked about well you know the driveway is going to be wide enough and then I spoke to uh Celia the huff about how we could do the wall and the planning so we could so we could take care of The Neighbor Next Door make sure there's sufficient planting Celia and I on a number of projects have had a similar situation where she really has almost blocked off uh the sidey guard with u I'm not a plant guy but I think they're called arbites and she'll she'll talk about those um we talked about how we could manipulate the walls and and listen we really you know I've been before this board number of times and we listened to what the criticisms were or the concerns were uh of the first project and so we came back and we I think we eliminated an awful lot of variances so my feeling was if we were going to expand the um the garage by 3.8 ft to give us 24 which we did it also is going to give us a nicer driveway down it doesn't go down as far it gives us an area where we can have parking it's it can be maneuverable in there and then um Mike had asked about another another garage so before we had two two garages excuse me side by side so I said well why don't we just turn it so it's a you know it's a double double stack garage instead of a side by side and that seemed to make sense because we could then align I I know one of the neighbors had said well what do you see when you look down down the property and one of our concerns was that you know if you look down at the house we we kept it in a little bit so you really you know it it doesn't go out any further than the expanded garage so I think it's somewhere around 14 feet somewhat a little bit less than what the garage is um so we're able to get you know two two garages in there and I think somebody asked something about make make making this into a two family house Mike has got children I think I think three they're about my kids ages they're you know at at between late 20s and 30s and they have kids and he he wants to enjoy their visiting the Mr D question about whether this is kind of a separate building or a separate residential use on the property can you describe how they're connected together yeah what the what the rooms are inside of it well first of all absolutely not they're not two separate buildings they're connected we really couldn't find a good way to get a fourth bedroom into the house without you know finding a different place to put it so we put it and and again there the kids are older and they have children so I would think that the children with the most kids that would be a great place for them to be um it's right off of the dining room the Octagon dining room it's right pretty close to the kitchen I mean you have to come down the stairs but that you know you deal that with stairs in every house almost um so it's it's connected in the basement it's connected on the first floor and um so it's fully connected I mean it's obvious it's not a separate apartment or a separate house um I'm 72 years old I've been designing for a while I know the difference um so when again when the board had said you know we have to start to make some compensations we got together and we We Shrunk The Octagon we turned the garage and then another part of the garage is that originally there was kind of concern about the the Gable of the of the of the garage and how it was higher and there was a window up there so we actually changed the direction of the Gable so that the lower part of the roof is facing the neighbor to the to the east is that depicted on one of the sheets of this yeah you can see it when we get to the elevations yeah um and you know I mean we we have Windows the fenestration is appropriate for the size of the building that we didn't put you know 30 windows in we put three obviously nicely designed windows in they're they work they they look really good we're you you know everybody has lights and to to the question about are is it going to be Nork Airport I mean is any house going to be Nork Airport these people are going to have the same lights that anybody else has including the outdoor lights the outdoor lights are going to be very minimal there are codes for lights and that's what we're going to follow um so We Shrunk The Octagon We Shrunk and changed the G geometry of the garage and the Randa we pulled in the chimney I think we lowered down a bit and uh so as we come around to the right side of the house to the neighbor to the um to the West um yeah it it's I believe it's 9 ft now and before it was maybe 12 or 13t but remember there was uh where the where the three condensing units are on the plan there there was an addition there that was 199 square feet and it was like a a train car it was stupid it was ugly and it didn't work so I said to Mike first of all I'm concerned a little bit about the big tree that's in the upper right hand corner and why don't we and he he saw um my office on 109 Washington Street that I did this this really cool little office um years ago and I actually had to go to the marst toown board for approval on that and he said yeah that looks really good and you could take you could take the little bump out off but it would it would ruin the geometry and that little bump out is where you can have the desk and a chair and it makes it really makes it nice and it's it's a really we'll we'll have we have some pictures that we'll hand out of my old building and it really is a is a nice little structure to look at uh it's transparent and it's kind of kind of beautiful um as far as the stairs going down the back on on the right hand side if if we put them off the back they would be clunky and they the structure of them would have to be reinforced concrete or or or um structural block these stairs are going to are are are sunk into the grade you're not even going to see them and whether or not we do a monolithic concrete um little footing in there which would go down to answer I guess who ever question about a foot uh to 18 inches not much we can use um there's all kinds of you know dry laid block that we can use but I think you know the the house is a nice whitewash brick again if if everybody would not be hostile and we could get together and say hey you know what we we like the brick and we like it red brick but we also like it with being whitewashed or you know we'd like to have something that looks a little bit more like Stone but nothing encroaches into the sidey yards no structure does no anything does you know the the idea of that we're we're not creating a compound we're creating walls where we need them they're appropriate they're not high we don't need a variance for them they're going to be really really beautiful Celia is going to plant them so that we have really great Landscaping it's going to look beautiful it's not going to look like a compound or anything like that um and then you know we came across to the front and we put a little porch on the front I I just didn't I the house doesn't have a little porch and I thought it would be nice to have a little Portico there so we did that and yeah I mean of course we added square footage it's right there I I don't even know why that's a question but we don't we haven't we're not more um we're not over the percentage of of lot coverage or building coverage we have really reduced this thing by an awful lot I I mean I hope the board you know can see that um the fact that the garage is where it is today and and to make it a a two-car garage yeah it gets a little closer to the neighbor on the on the East not much you can do about it because it's there um we didn't we pushed the the back uh building back so that it's it's out of the way so looking at the house from you know head on you don't really you see the old house basically just the house you don't see the rest of it although if you go around the corner obviously you can see to the back um uh you know I mean that's where we came up with it and I I just my mother's was Italian she's dead now but she she was like always oh Peter why are you doing this why are you doing this I I hate it I don't want it after it was done it was I couldn't live without it so I kind of go by that I try to do things that that make the neighbors happy make my client happy there's a happy medium it doesn't have to be adversarial doesn't everybody have to fight about it um I don't I don't do that I try architecture is a really cool thing and we want to make everybody happy um and we listen to everybody I mean it immediately after the last meeting we all got together we sat down and we said okay how how are we going to deal with this stuff and we did Peter you said you Shrunk The Octagon how much did you shrink that by hund what brought the entire thing like six inches okay we brought everything in six inches so a foot on each side and the I don't know probably and you rotated the the pool house uh what did you do with the covered Veranda We Shrunk it we we brought it in so was compliant so there was no side yard setback anymore we made it smaller we so the furniture went from being left and right to front and back it was not that big a deal to do it we you know it worked out really well Mike was really good about about listening to us to do that there was there was no argument everybody was like yeah get on board uh let's make this happen so to the woman I guess it's Gloria um about the pool house and we call it a pool house it's the pool is obviously down there it's nice to have a powder room there it's nice to put all the equipment inside so the neighbors next door don't hear filters going don't hear heaters going we put it all inside so it's you don't see it and we just switched over on a different slide can you tell what tell everybody was going on the bottom floor there that's the pool house in the back and that's the bottom floor of that pool yeah so you walk through the basement to that under the Octagon we have to we have to build the structure there anyway you could just make it block and leave it there but so it' be nice to put a little table there and windows in there and um and then yeah we get a little you get a little table with a little sink and a and a wine cooler and a bathroom and then rest is uh you know mechanical me those are Mechanicals for the pool the pool the house yeah like every everybody else's house they have in the basement they have maybe they have the bathroom maybe they have a little a table little eating area maybe they have a little billiard table down there who who knows and that's a walk out yeah and it and it happens to be walk out because the topography you know you know goes down that way I mean we didn't we didn't do it because we created the topography it's there we work with the topography and we utilized it as good as we could can we can we go to the slide that has the first floor then which is I guess explain how that what's going on in the pool that's just the garage that's that's that's at the same level as the other garage and and it's two cars that go in there or or storage in a in a car so it's basically a three car garage that the house has on the right side stairs yeah stairs that go up to the to the um main floor the next okay so here you can see that we have you know four bedrooms I think I would think that most of the houses in the neighborhood a normal would be three I mean would be four bedrooms it just so happened that this is the geometry that we had to work with so we did you know it's the same amount of bedrooms that I think almost everybody else would have it's just that they're configured differently the front you can see that the front is almost exactly the same the roof got a little bit bigger in in the main part we move the chimney over so it would be centered looks a lot better you can see that the terrible little shed on the side looks like whatever um that's what's there now that's what's there now and then this is the glass structure that we we put over here which would be Mike's office and then on the on the left hand side you know we we expanded the garage and instead of putting a big roof on it what we did is we have a much lower plate and we put Dormers in it so it's a little bit more diverse and it's not as high so we kept try to keep things you know you know feeling like they're they come down on each side rather than just big BL going ac across and I think it looks a heck of a lot better than what's there now okay along this side here what side is this this is this is the West boy side so the right side is your facing the house yeah so you can see that the terrible little office that Mike has there now is gone and we opened up house so that now now really that you know it it feels like there's a much better set setback because we we Consolidated the building instead of having it elongated it's Consolidated and we pushed it back so it wouldn't you know interfere with the tree the big tree um I'm a tree hugger I like to keep them if we can um and then the veranda and the chimney and we pushed everything over and again Celia will get IV growing on everything and it'll look all green and Flowery and all that stuff okay so this is a section through the back um probably be better off to go to the rear elevation so the rear elevation is the veranda and the and the the garage single car garage and and we put a nice little bay window on the a bay entrance on the back I I I can't help it I I make things look nice and and you know I why make things look ugly when you can make them look nice so I put a nice little copper roof on it The Veranda has a really beautiful copper roof it's all transparent because it's all open and the little um arches down below are set in about four feet it just it because it faces South and it's nice to have a little shaded area in there there I always kind of talk about things like that if you had a cat or a dog on a really hot day that dog would want to be in there because it's all shaded yeah on the right hand side that what do that show is that the front of the garage everything here is the rear of the house that yeah okay so this is a section as well going through but this is yeah so this is this is the easterly side and again we got rid of the Dormer so we don't have a a high window up there and and again I mean the comment about about lights I mean M is younger than I am his kids are about the same age as I they're going to be there infrequently it's not like he's going to turn on all the lights and have them shining out at everybody they're appropriate they're bedrooms the garage the garage is hardly ever going to be used other than have a car in there so those lights are hardly ever going to be on in there so that's just kind of a crazy crazy thought that he's going to you know light it up every night um and then again Celia is going to landscape that side uh pretty heavily and uh so that'll mitigate any lighting as well that it oh yeah okay so we have some R rendering for you too actually Peter we also had you said this was the office was based on your office in Mar I thought we had a picture of that do we have those yeah oh scre see well we did it the oldfashioned way too we actually have pictures if we need them no okay I'm gonna find them for you but I mean this little structure looks really good I mean there are so many you know a lot of people they design the front of the house and the rest of it looks like junk we designed four side sides of the house I would like it if my neighbor put that little addition on rather than that junky railroad Abomination that's on there now so you know this just part of s St all right so yeah there's there it is you see it yeah can you get it bigger no it's not loading hold on let's try the other one is that what's going to be in the pool yeah those are going to be in the pool right you don't want those in your pool there it is it's in the winter time it's my old office at 109 Washington sorry uh Peter but Dave do we have this Mark or we yeah we have this in an email we can I want to do not Mark that we brought paper though yeah I want to mark one if you have a hard copy then that'll be a five yeah A5 so Mr Dorne would just for the record would you we're going to mark that as A5 would you tell us what that is please sure that that that's pretty much the same addition that we we want to put on yeah but it's a picture of what oh it's a picture of my old office 109 Washington Street in marown and everybody that goes in there loves it I can't tell you how many people you know I've said over the years they knew my old office was there and they said oh we loved it when you built that it it's friendly it's open it's like I don't know why you wouldn't like it and that's a different picture it's the same it's the same building but you know different different picture yeah but it's just it's just nice for a lot of different things is that are you replicating that with the office that's being added on the right side here yeah so that rather than that thing that's on there now three and a half foot bump out right yeah three and a half foot bump out so that's where to the attorney's thing that he's talking about yeah it does it does make it closer but it makes it better unless you guys don't think it makes it better and then you're going to vote just so we're clearing the Public's clear that those two photos A5 A6 the the window configuration is similar to what you're proposing would be used at addition d right for the office okay thanks yeah the neighbors ejected to the ballustrade we don't do it it's a it's a really beautiful little hip copper roof up there standing steene copper roof and and again I I just like yeah it doesn't take a genius and a lawyer to tell me that yeah we made it closer obviously we made it closer I can do math but we think by taking down that that shed addition which is 199 square feet and adding this at 25 Square F feet and moving it back so it's further away from the trees I i' rather look at that than what's there today and I'm hardpressed to argue that with anybody okay sorry right are you okay now yeah okay um renderings yeah renderings this one yeah let's see if this rendering oh you do not have so so this is A7 I'll get these all up to you so this is A7 but just for the record describe what A7 is please Peter oh yeah sure it's rendering on the east side um depicting you know the new the new garage in the back the the garage in the front the expansion in the front the driveway going down CIA is going to talk about the planting and and this really this rendering doesn't really do it justice um she's planning on doing a whole lot of of plants trees and plants I I kill them she makes them live so she'll tell you more about how we're going to do that and we've done it on other projects um in different towns and she can literally do a green a green wall across there okay I to say about that we've been talking about uh the cable fence yeah it's just the cable fence yeah C you will show a picture of it and then I mean I I think you can see that you know having that little parking CT in there it really let lets you maneuver in there and uh Park cars like I said anybody I know the one neighbor lives across the street he said and you can't park in that street it's it's impossible so is there a plan to uh put Landscaping between the the new garage and the property line it looks like here like there's Landscaping AER drive but it's plan do you know or maybe CIA can talk about Landscaping down there well you mean against the building yes yeah I mean she she grows um I don't know what the IV is but there's one that's really nice looking and it grows really well in that so that'll all be green and Flowery and and uh like I said you know she she plans on doing a lot more than this this rendering really quite quite doesn't do it justice but the existing house is a brick you're talking about it's whiteash Bri it's whitewash brick what is the what is the new garage going everything's going to be whitewash bre and what about the roof well it's copper in the back and it's slate in the you know the rest of it to match the the roof that's there and you can see that you know there's there's a lot of difference in Heights so it doesn't look like just one big house it's you know and if you're looking at it from the front you really don't see a lot of the stuff that's in the back and quite frankly I you know again I mean I think I think it's going to look really nice it's going to be very friendly I just hope the neighborhood after everything's done is is really I mean I really like it when people actually enjoy it when they're done we have other renderings from other angles what uh yeah I think there's another one like frankly I think the drawings are a lot nicer than the renderings so this is this is more of what introdu second so we're going to mark this A8 and again Mr Dorne just identify what that is for the record that's the easterly um oh no that's the Westerly elevation and that's the big tree that's there now and then I think there are varieties whatever there's the big tree right so point out if you would Peter the uh office the office is right there you can see the little ballustrade up on top and the windows and there's the chimy over on the side and and remember that the neighbors to the West their houses a lot higher so this is kind of looking at it like this whereas they're kind of looking down on it more so you point out where the veranda is yeah it's right where the chimney is right okay and so that window that you see kind of right to the right of one of those I think the cursor is coming you bring it down please right around there is that part of the what is that part that's the D yeah that's I I'm just seeing this for the first time so so it's open back to that yeah and and the other thing is we're going to match everything on the outside so it's going to look everything's going to match it's going to look like it's been there um and after a year and the plantings get put in they're all going to start to mature C is really good at not putting them in so that there's two rows and they grow well together they don't after a while die because they're too close and you can see we put the she put the planting in the walkway in the front so that's the the front where the walkway goes that's the little uh porch area yeah it's a little a little Port yeah I mean I I think it's kind of nice to have that if it's a rainy day or something so anyway that's it can you go back back to the um rendering from the west side yeah so that tree that's depicted there the big one yeah the big The Tall Tree yeah there are two of them there there are two big ones I see the I see the 26 in tree it looks like it's located the adjacent property and then where is this tree how far is it from the building your proposed addition how far is what the tree from the proposed Edition I don't know I think it's about 10 feet 10 12 feet right according to the m M's plan it looks like it's 12 and a half feet to the property line and the tree is that's a perpendicular measurement the tree is a little forward from that so let say a little forward the tree I see on this um on drawing two of two shows a 26 inch tree that's on the adjacent property so how is Arbor VY going to get planted if it's on the adjacent properties I think they're underst storing and I don't like I said they got the renderings yeah they got the renderings wrong the Ari should be on the other side that's why I'm asking it to the right and he'll he'll need testify I'll screw it up sure as sure as it gets and and it'll probably die in the meantime um why don't we take a five minute break and then we'll come back with cross examination with Mr D uh for five minutes goldber yes s yes here William Kramer here here Hans here here noer here no longer here no longer here deserted now he was only here for the Deep variants I know water okay we got I no on this so why can't we share screen this um start with the uh proposed office we granted this variance for this office what prevent somebody on the adjacent property for putting their own office 9 ft off the property line or putting some other structure 9 ft off the property line so it only be 18t the answer is that that case then has to be approved right this is not necessarily a precedent we all know it's a board of adjustment every case stands on its own two feet right but what would we use to justify they said well it'll look really nice well the thing is is that you already have a structure there on the side right so I mean my just my your justification my justification is that there's some really ugly structure there right that we're going to take off it's 199 square feet we're going to substitute it with a new structure that's slightly bigger and yeah it's a little bit it's a little bit closer following up on that um you've got a nice living room there we all know that with many people especially at the house this size the living room gets walked into about five times a year why not put the office there expand the den I mean it's the living room he wants the living room want well I'm just saying he wants the he wants office he wants the den he wants the living room youve got to accommodate it I was wondering how you could you do that with uh expanding the den and putting the office towards the front uh front right of the house to the Upper Front yes well again then it it's closer to where the two big trees are so that was part of the reason why I pushed it that and and the other reason is is I I just think that you know let let's just say he was going to go ahead and leave the building that was there which is a terrible geometry so with that geometry if you walk in there you you really can't even get a desk in there so you'd have to cut that whole wall out but you'd still be stuck with a 199 square feet of a structure there right so I'm saying I take that what you call the Ugly structure there take that off and just work within the main frame of the house we're putting a office in the front right I don't think that would be an appropriate Place plus it'd be too big of an office well you you can move can you move the den wall forward no because there's a there's a wall in between the den and the step down family room there's there's two separate places there right now and they're about somewhat equal size one is kind of like a a flame a family room and one is like a living room um I have no problems with the front that's like a no okay um the qu pool house what kind of ventilation do you need for the mechanical mechanics back there it's all it's all um the heaters and and everything they have their own vent there's no exhaust there's no anything it's a it's a like just like if you were going to have a uh any of the new hot water heaters there's no exhaust it's all self-contained so let you say there's no exhaust explain that for there there is a a vent that comes out right but there's no gases emitted it's the intake and it's the exhaust and there's no there's no gases really admitted there's the intake and the exhaust is is it it's about this big around it's a PVC pipe yeah it's PV PVC pipe it goes where it can go right out the back and go wherever you want go out the roof right would it go towards the neighbors that's the closest thing no I mean it could but we're we're not planning on that we would run it right out the back or out through the roof are we talking gas powered yeah okay so it's there is exhaust you are putting out some monoxide yeah but okay you I mean you're putting it out outside the back I mean it's there's plenty of space I'm just trying to make sure I understand what we're exhausting yeah it it's not like a if you had an oil heater and you'd had all the fumes coming out like that it's very it's 92 high efficiency everything's like that what questions yeah I have a question about the uh the proposed right elevation you want to bring that up sure that's stone wall that's uh visible there by the stairs that's the foundation correct that's that's the foundation for the so we don't we don't see the retaining wall that would be hiding the stairs there right that holds the flower beds right there flow there's flower beds to the left and right of the chimney that that W holds that right there understood but in the uh in the site plan it shows that there's a retaining wall that's hiding the view of those steps isn't that correct no no we're the steps are going to be just like that they're going to go along the Contour of the property wall is not going to be something sticking out of the ground right yeah along that line Mr Dorne uh we don't have a complete view of the entire hey uh outline of the with the pool on that right elevation we don't have the pool we don't even have the stairs going all the way down yet yeah no the stairs go down to where the pool is yeah they go just right but it looks like they go right into the ground they they kind of it's a section yeah right there it's just it's a section showing where the the stairs go down so the railing will be visible yeah okay stairs are in the ground right sunk right yeah we're not changing the topography we're just going right along with it sorry interrupt no no forget it you ruined my train of thought no we're good thank you other board members Goldberg um thank you Mr chairman just in terms of I think Miss Miller had said earlier they look around the neighborhood at other other properties um so from you indicated you had done some work across the street I've driven up and down the street I'm not familiar with every lot and implementation along that lines but in terms of one of the concerns I have is just in terms of the the sort of enormity of it compared to what's around it is there any other similar scale type housing that's getting I think if you went around the neighborhood there are newer houses that are probably bigger I don't know that it would be the same geometry because some of those houses were built tot new I know Jim mong's House was built new on the other side um of you know the other side of um and there were other houses there uh and that's why we tried to keep everything confined within as much as we could the width of the width of the building that's there other than the 3.8 ft that we added to the garage other than that I mean in looking at it it it looks pretty much like the house that's there in terms of the the setbacks of that's one of my biggest concerns is the the the proximity to the neighbors any I mean any examples of you know I think this would be I mean probably the closest in terms of proximity to to other other residences I can't answer that I I did I didn't do any study with that but you know again with the garage it we're stuck with where it is we we didn't make it any bigger than we thought we had to make it so that was that was there on the right hand side there's an addition there already and you know I was talking to call about you know I just we moved it back we took that the shed roof off and it it pushes it you know much further back and it's kind of in a hole too um because the topography drops off pretty severely though thank you so Mr Dorne in your opinion um there was testimony about what they're not the stories was it three and a half stories was it two stories how do you see it two stories three and a half three it's three stories it's the it's the BR it's the basement level and the first floor and the second floor thank you is there a Level under the basement a half level is there a mechanical room no the mechanical room is in well in the old in the old basement there's mechanical for the old part of the House Full House itself the what we're calling the ground floor yeah there's nothing underneath it no okay I have a problem with that let me take a look at the rendering of I guess it's a one. which is the basement and can you walk us through that's those different spaces there's a sitting room a cover Terrace laab a Terrace lab above what are what what is being contained in all of those spaces at that lower level well I mean first first of all kind of label things because we had we did it I mean where we have the sitting room that could just be because there there is basement there already we kind of matching that I mean we made it look pretty I don't know if Mike's going to do anything about it but you know it seemed to be that might be nice to have a little sitting area there because there's nice light there and there's a door to that you know where those three arches are so there's a nice door so you can go either out to shaded area or to Sun Sunny area and then the other you know then it just goes into the hallway where the stair goes up you have all the pool equipment there's a there's a shower and a and a bathroom down there and a you know place for kids to play cards and you know do stuff like that so it's not possible to put the office in any one of those other spaces just as an example no to answer you honestly I mean you could you could put the office wherever you want but I I didn't like magically say I'm going to put an appendage on the house because you know if there was nothing there already I wouldn't have I wouldn't have said let's let's put the office there I mean I would have but I knew that that was not going to go anywhere but what I'm doing is substituting 199t structure or something something that's 215 square feet and yeah I mean yeah of course it's closer to the setback but I mean I would think that if anybody was really honest they'd rather look at the one that we're going to build and because it's it's further to the back than the one that's there and then to that point just leaving it the size that it is so it's within the setback and just kind of refreshing it is not an option oh of course it's an option yeah it's an option but what what would happen is that because it's not really deep enough and if you walk through it you would see it immediately but you'd have to cut out the the the Brick and the structural wall and you'd have to open it up and it just um quite frankly it's just I don't think it would ever look good from the front I don't think it looks good now I don't think it's going to look you know that old saying slap lipstick on a pig you know it's not going to look it's not going to look good so you know to me I think it you know sense to do something that's a little nicer and yeah I get that it's a little closer than what's there but the massing of it isn't anymore thank you so you're welcome other board members with questions I I have a question if you go to the proposed rear elevation and uh I'm looking at the uh markings off to the left you stab 12516 uh it's like the ridg line at that number correct yeah okay and then and what's the FF mean first FL okay so you've got the as you're going down towards the bottom we've got 95.7 uh for the garage correct yes and then you've got 88.6 for the basement it looks like the doors are much lower than that 88.6 yeah that that's the existing basement okay so what's the the proposed basement is what how far down further down seven risers another five six feet no it's seven risers so seven time7 like 50 Ines so more than four ft yeah so I mean Paul oh no my point is you're going from 125 down to 84 and that's 41 ft and we were testifying before about being it being the engineer was testifying it being 30 no 40 was M Mueller's plans indicate 12516 down to 84.7 for 40.5 Ft I just didn't see it listed here so I was question how much is it going down from there and Paul if I mean we the the only reason we have those extra stairs in there is because that's the way the topography goes through but I mean if we wanted to make the that that floor the same as the floor that's already there we we could only it would be four feet above the ground so it makes you know we're just utilizing the topography to work with what we think is is better hey members of the public with questions why don't we get the attorney Council uh Mr D just again just for the record please your appearance sure John ersen shank price uh representing uh Margaret sers and Mr Ur before you get too far we were talking before about stopping at 9:30 so we can reach the next application um this evening as well so just so that's on your mind as you begin um yeah unless you want to refer to other members of the public yeah I I think there's there's probably very little point to me starting for six minutes that's what I was starting to get to right we could handle a couple of other members of the public maybe in that time and then you will have uninterrupted uh cross time next time very good okay all right so other members of the public with questions come up to the microphone my name is Bill Robinson I live at nine Spring Hill Lane and it's this is sort of a definitional question I'm not a trained architect you obviously are very skilled and experienced architect and I respect that um we're calling the appendage room a pool room but uh it looks to me you've got a bedroom you've got a dining or a kitchen you've got a bathroom and you've got a sitting room is there any reason it couldn't be an apartment yeah it' be illegal okay or I mean it it's there there's no there's nothing structurally that would keep it from being a separate dwelling like a BNB or Airbnb or something like that you don't have separate UTI and it's illegal you have you have a kitchen right you don't have separate utilities you don't have separate gas electric okay you don't have anything that's metered separately okay no does that matter no Myles all haveed I'm not saying you can't I'm I'm just saying in a normal situation if you were building something new like if I was building this to be an apartment I would I would get separate but I'm saying a future owner even even if Mr Ewings and I had intended intending to do that could a future owner do that I'm sure the neighborhood would notice that there's people that look like they're renting it and coming in Mike has family that any other members of the public um I just want to make sure I understand the bees that are being requested um the height is now no longer an issue correct and the is no longer an issue correct but the setbacks sidey set back ISS can you tell me those again on the uh for the the Garage pool housee the new setback is 14.25 50 okay for the no 20 20 20 the um extension of the existing garage widening of it that leads you to 14 feet and again 20 yes yep okay and that's VAR no the the office with all the windows we talked about that's 9 feet and then for yes and then for completeness there's a regulation that says both side yards have to Total 50 and under the proposal they total 23 that a lot and no other variances no other variances well Dave I think you do show still show a wall height variance at seven and a half show that but then the testimony was with the cable fencing that we're using we will be less than 25% solid and that section I quoted which if you want to write it down is 95- 36 Capital d1h says that if you're less than 25% solid and less than equal to or less than 3.5 feet high you do not count the fence all right so we are omitting that again Gloria Caren ni spring I think we can all agree that the proposal by proposal by Mr Dorne is very attractive and functional for the home owner but it does come at the expense of it's questions right now doesn't it come at the expense of the immediate neighbors and in the entire neighborhood gives them ljo is that I don't think that's a question for Mr dor no we're here he's an architect we're going to have a testimony from from a professional planner Mr Dorne is how can you accomplish the same uh high quality project you want for your client without violate when there are zoning laws that are already being violated and many many more are being violated how can you accomplish the same quality product without violating any resing well the property already has some issues but we're not that's why we're before the board it's before before the board that's why we have you folks voicing your opinion that's why the board is going to vote on this I you know I'm not trying to violate anybody's property trying to make it nicer for everybody and that's not true well it's not true it's not true for you but I'm sorry about that I'm not an immediate neighbor I have okay let's limit at the questions agent 38 springb Road can you go back Mr Dorne to your office sure yeah so you understand my neighbors are my friends so you understand what I was talking about yes okay and I livein can I go back oh before you go I'll stay on this one because I do have a question for you on the back elevation if you could lower the view so we can see yes so this would be looking from the and I do not believe the neighbor below this property is here but addition that is three stories with the walkout my question again comes back to look how much higher the main hous is above it we can all say one floor if we have steps going down from one Flor to the other seven risers split levels have that too they're different floor levels so my question to you is that still a three floor as three story home yeah the way you have to the way you have to think about it is that the ceiling of all of that is all the same so the fact that that in the old house it's say 8 feet and and you come down to where the new part is it's higher um the steps just facilitate you to get down there and as I said before if that was ever an issue we could make the floor all the same but because the topography exists the way it is it's EAS it's nicer and it's easier from our client for us to facilitate coming down and having higher ceiling in there but it's still one floor and the neighbors behind look up higher a bigger structure I know when we wanted to put and this is more a question for the town and we wanted to put Dormers out of our attic because we have a walk out basement we were told that we could not without a major variance that because we already have a walk out basement our atct could not have Dormers to be used so this structure seems very similar in that Ence but if you could go back a picture of my old office so what is the setback from your side of your office to your property line there I see a driveway driveway not larger than 9 ft wide it it's it's very similar actually the on the other side of the driveway I think it's 1.9 ft so it's about maybe 12T 12T not 9 ft not 9 ft think about this ceiling this ceiling height to have that structure this ceiling is taller than 9 ft to have open glass you you make your assumptions of what's beautiful it's a beautiful structure but the old structure you're making your assumptions and making it demeaning to us that there are two beautiful Windows gives privacy it's set back further and just would you like that structure is my question 9t from your property line closer to this ceiling than what this is first of all I'm not making I I never make assumptions I never make I I made okay don't argue let him answer I I didn't make an assumpt I I made a decision because I thought it was nicer I think yeah it's a lot nicer but obviously everybody has their own opinion about architecture everywhere so your opinion is that for you you'd like to keep the structure that's there with two windows in it if we we would be allowed we wanted to if we kept that building we could put that all glass so it would be actually still would be as close as this don't argue let him answer I'm not believe me I'm not trying to argue with you I what whatever you want you know that that's your prerogative and and I I respect that and you know the board's going to make a decision everybody's gonna everybody's going to talk about it uh I'm not here to be adversarial uh I'm just an architect and I designed something that I think because it's further back and it's more compact for me as an architect it's a a better structure for you you could look at the S and the location of the Tre keep saying that it's further away from yes the front tree not the back tree it is that structure will be closer to the thate is not even well represent is on theorder of our two properties so thate system will be affected being so close to it so you keep claiming moving it back is helping the trees the tree is then established with what is there moving struct I'm not going to argue with you I mean there are things that you can do if you are digging the the the foundation for that isn't going to be that deep going to be 42 in so it's not that good but I'm not you know you guys think I'm here to argue with you guys I'm not I I like to be friendly so I'm not here to argue and you say things I'm taking it in that's what we did the first time we went back and we tried to make as many changes as we could we thought we thought would be be good obviously you you disagree and that's why we're all here but I don't think we have to okay that's not an argue there a question or the question if not we're going to move on but it is 25 of and so we had talked about stopping at 9:30 so we can get this other application in so when can we reschedule this to continue cross you what's the next state we have you'll be busy on May 20th got your other ones got to that right okay I had three last yeah poor guy all right so is that the date then May 20th yes okay so for the public the this hearing is uh being adjourned until May 20th at 7 p.m. in this room there'll be no further notices from the applicant big problem my son's graduating fromy well I have also the green wall hover States application yep which will'll probably take up most of the night if you wanted it to you can run this one June yeah what do we have in June no Mr chairman my clients asked nothing in April that could be done April is April's booked April's booked yeah um I think we're gonna do june unless you want to ask for a special meeting I wouldn't mind a special meeting at all would you mind I would I assume there's a fee for special Mee yes there is you know what that is I don't but I would guess 1,500 do you 35 35 that's each each yeah each 3500 each there is a special meeting is it our special meeting meeting for you yep when can we schedule we' have to pull the board we would have to pull the board so Dave we could schedule you for May 20th with the thought that you would not be heard only that if um you know we were trying point a special meeting on May 20th and if we can why don't we do that for April yeah all right we'll do it for April's meeting and we can get you a special maybe in May if we can do something before the April meeting you'd have to Ren notice to reti right schedu announce the April meeting now then on April we announce when the regular meeting special meeting yes right I'm sorry I didn't follow so we're going to do is we're going to reschedule this for the April meeting but the April meeting is merely to give a date for when the special meeting is going to occur I'm G have to coordinate the special meeting tonight so is it not going to be on a regular meeting not it if not it would be in June it own special meeting but it's gonna be on a regular meeting no no no no it'll be a special date just for you why don't we just pick a date now because we have to like have everyone here we have to make sure the board members are available sorry no we have to make sure we have enough board members okay that I understand that's that's the that's the reason and we're missing too yeah I understand okay so April is uh when so for notice purposes April what sorry 29th April 29th Okay so this meeting as you just heard is being adjourned until April 29th for the sole purpose in April of assigning a new hearing date April 29th this matter will not be heard except for assigning a new date and understand and if we get a special meeting earlier new notice will go out right if correct what he said if if the board is available earlier than that he'll have to send new notices out you need any extension of time where we are why don't we go through June 30 right June 30 right gotta thank you very much yes yes hey what's going on next morning figure it out yeah take your time but hurry up y see you later all this technology empty out did you want to put it did you want to tell your an option than so you may proceed C G Gil g and Rudy Law Firm for approval tonight and we'll moly as you would like one expert Jeff would you stand raise your right hand do you solemnly swear that the testimony you will give to this board will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God thank you Frank Jeff roing and you're here to testify as an expert in what field uh architecture and your license is intact and you've testified here many times yes we accept thank you very much we do have jurisdiction um the notices are in proper form served timely to the 200 foot list published uh timely so the board has jurisdiction thank you okay you may proceed thank you uh to give you an overview of the of the project there's there's an exhibit on the board which is the submitted plan um it is our drawing t101 it shows the uh the survey of the property um it uh is on the corner of wire and South Street across from the firehouse uh you're probably all familiar with it the subject of this application is the garage on the lower portion of that site that uh uh presly has two garage doors immediately at facing M crossing the fir house um the uh applicant uh has owned the garage for a number of years uh prior it was a uh construction uh garage for uh uh noile construction uh they used it for uh their construction equipment uh presently it's used uh by uh John Murphy our client who has a uh as a hobbyist collects uh fire trucks and uh works on them a little bit in there and has a lot of has a lot of storage in there if you're familiar with the building uh the uh roof itself has two Gables fronting on dwire uh both of which are in dire need of repair uh and uh really this is a uh this is a request to repair uh a dilapidated uh building right now uh there is rotten wood up there there's trusses that are broken there's a lot of things that are wrong uh we have some Boeing walls and some other some other issues going on uh in as a result of us uh uh going for the repair uh we uh have generated a variance uh presently there are uh two non-conformities on the property um otherwise we're in compliance uh two non-conformities are U overall uh building coverage uh right now the required coverage for accessory structure is not 900 sare ft this this building is and I want to make a correction to the to the application this building is not 1,875 Square fet U we made a mistake we didn't add 57 square feet we only added 42 square feet and I'll explain that in a minute uh but the overall number is 232 square feet that we're asking for so we're really only adding 42 square feet to the building and I'll I'll explain that in the plan um the uh the other issue is a front yard setback uh presently uh we are uh pretty much on the road uh and uh we're we're uh that's a pre-existing condition and that will not change the variance we're looking for if I can uh move on to the next page Shi the dra there only one page up there second page there we go uh so this is the floor plan of the building um it's it's our drawing a101 and uh to to orient you on the right hand side uh is dwire uh so you'll see the right hand elev the right hand walls have two overhead doors that front wire uh is our uh desire to replace those with new doors uh essentially rebuild the structure over those doors because the the headers are sagging over those doors uh and then the uh the building proper is an L-shaped building if I can uh if you look in the lower leftand corner of the uh the lowest portion there don't have a cursor uh but there's a there's a man door uh shown going in the lower uh leftand Corner that little section right there and that alone is being added that's only that's only uh 6 foot by 7 foot it's about 42 Square ft in the corner the the survey that you have in front of you is is dated and uh we didn't pick up the fact that there is there is a piece of the building uh and maybe I can enter this as an exhibit this is t101 and here's that same that same dwire this portion of the building is existing we're only adding this small portion here to square off the building essentially okay and and and you'll see buddy ation when we get to it why we squared off the building if you uh could move to the next drawing please so now this is what we're proposing if you look on the uh the center uh leftand elevation that is the uh elevation that you would see from dwire if you look at the lower elevation that is the uh elevation you would see from the ballpark from gy field and if you look at the uh the top elevation that's from the parking lot that's a existing parking lot U that's on the South Street side and then uh the far elevation the far right elevation is is uh where we were proposing uh the 42 foot addition if you look at the Mand door on the far right effective we we squared off that corner uh we took what was two gable roofs on that front elevation with the overhead doors and we want to replace them with a gable roof running in the opposite direction rather than having Gables face dwire we want the shingled roof to to turn and face the other way uh from a plan standpoint it covers the entire workspace with one truss uh and and very it very much cleans up the space uh in order to get a compatible pitch with h what what I'd say is a residential look uh we we uh have a pitch on there of five on five on 12 uh uh which uh drove our height from uh 16t and change 16 fo8 up to 20 feet to the ridge uh so uh we're we we could lower the roof we could lower the roof pitch but frankly uh we think the aesthetic of the 5 on 12 is in keeping with with the firhouse across the street uh and it's uh it's certainly uh a little bit more attractive than a than a a 4 12 or three on 12 pitch on a roof like this um again this this whole this whole project started with us uh coming in for repair and and effectively um it it drove this variant so we're here to ask you know relief uh from the height ordinance and that is the only variance that we do have any questions no questions any members of the public with questions no question poose the public portion um have witnesses any discussion not I'll entertain a motion I move that we approve second I also would like d might two sense that it's aesthetically much better it's a need of repair and pitch is in Conformity with the surrounding buildings yes I've been gazing upon that structure for many years and you know you know I like it I mean this is going to be a big Improvement but it's uh that along with ripping out that other building by the ball field that they took out good it look really good when it's done okay uh we had a motion we had a second so Santiago Mr goldber yes Mr Williams yes Mr yes M Simmons yes Mr krer yes Mr yes thank you all resolution for the next meeting okay I'll send it to you to look at all right thanks okay we got a couple other thing before we J guys take care number one we have to reapproved the uh minutes from the January meeting because uh dell was not at that meeting so he can't approve the minut he couldn't second the motion gotcha so wow you didn't know that Pi that read us read it son you picked that up good job son I was careful not to vote so you want a motion to approve the January meeting units then with without the N voting yeah let do that there you go okay you have a second second okay do you need a roll call Simmons did did you move I did did simm you were not here she was January oh no wasn't here I make a motion to to move can we vote with four yes yes do it again next month second okay all in favor I made the Motions all in favor Shuster all opposed motion Carri thank you second thing is we have a draft of the uh annual report we have to send to the uh mayor and the members of the township committee everybody reviewed it any comments questions right we go with it all in favor I any opposed motion to adjourn I just have one question for the uh board if that's okay so the member the application with the G on Normandy with the the lights and the tennis court po sing what's sing City how can we forget it said it on the wall I can't recall if where we landed because the polls are still up so I didn't know if we were requiring him to him to take them down or just not turn on the lights I thought it was that the polls had he actually has to take them down it was denied so he's been he's been sent a letter to remove the poll so you can leave them on site and has stated that he is getting together with his engineer and they're going to put him in a proper location facing into the property what and uh they're going to come in front of the planning board because it's conditional use at that point poor Rusty yeah as for the wall I told them that uh back when we had warmer weather like three weeks ago I asked why the wall wasn't painted yet and uh he stated he was going to tarp it I don't know if it was tarped I haven't been there to take a look at it but he's he's given me two paint ships neither of what I like but they're both green so uh he's going to be painting the wall as soon as the weather permits So the plan is that the polls are going to come down and be reimplemented with upon approval from the planning board somewhere else on the property facing in facing towards his house in a permitted location in a permitted location okay okay thank you there was the tennis cour and there was a side entrance into the tennis court where there was a sitting area now he's proposing putting a light to the left of that walkway and a light to the uh right of the walkway it's all within the setback so going to the planning board for uh the conditional use okay thank you thanks for the update and the planning board will have to decide if that's glare because your ordinance doesn't Define glare but it says it can't cause so yeah right I mean there's a ways to avoid it right okay thanks for the update pered then okay thank you a clarifying question sure so this Spring Brook Road issue um and we were going to Poston it till May but we decided not to because resent couldn't be present or because of they next door so they really do deserve to be here if they spoke up proudly not like we got far into it it's something about Notre Dame Army something the kid graduating D okay she being commissioned as an officer I certainly can understand that one they Al on Monday is weird but okay yeah well you know another day might take a a lot did she say she's commission or I thought I thought the son yeah oh probably in South Ben and they probably can't get back but the point is it's the next door neighbor who has a vested interest so yeah it was like me was Spring Hill probably yeah for the people who live on Mount kemell and want to kibit yes yeah yeah yes but the ones who come up to the microphone and say I really have no interest in this but and I want to ask questions that's that's what I was referring to yeah okay so um this annual report is okay for me to distribute to yes it is any other business any other questions I could just say something as much as they call this neighborhood quiet and prominent I just shut down the boarding house on Spring the on Spring Brook Road oh oh really yeah had six Apartments in a three-bedroom house all right basement first floor portion of the second floor so wow as much as they hate development they're not paying attention to seven cars in a driveway and people going in and out all times of the day all right interesting who aren't related to we who aren't related yeah and they're not all on the same lease so they're just renting rooms out h it was just one of the news in New York New York City three weeks ago 19 units in one house yeah I can tell you right now there's 10 there's 10 off of Monroe Street Bo yeah we're not even allowed to go in there right the states fire department can't go in yeah it's too dangerous and one on the corner of Monroe and Cedar yeah where is that the uh the state has taking over our enforcement of that one okay okay and West okay Tucker field I know Tucker field and one Directioner in the other yeah we did okay I move the we ajour okay do I have a second second all in favor I I