so call to order this meeting will be planning board for March 4th 2024 legal notice the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God ivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all Barett nun here flowers here Murphy here benoir here Mia Goodbye Mr Warner here and I Sonia Santiago here okay uh so moving on to somebody's coming oh there he is he hey Mr aleso here okay okay so moving on we have this will be a short meeting discuss so forward I was afraid that Joe was going to miss it I I wouldn't have missed this meeting well you may have if you've been a few minutes later so the first item consideration consider the minute for December 4th and January 8 we any comments or changes minutes for me I will motion for approval of the December I'll second December 4th minutes are we doing them together we I think we could do them separate I can't motion the January I you got second in favor uh actually you do thank you yes right I was you weren't listed as absent but I now I realized why you weren't with us yet uh so as and same for board members nun and benw would be OB don't vote okay I can and we got that one so moving on to January you have any comments questions issues with the dec the January 8th minutes okay I will entertain a motion to approve those I may we approve them as written thank you is there a second it here second okay all in favor Alain I was here exensions okay uh the minutes are approved okay moving on um if you don't know that we have no public hearing now there's no application you want to explain the situation sir certainly Mr chairman we uh on March one we got letters requesting uh that both the Lial us LLC application PB 8-23 block 10401 lot 3.0 191 East Hover Avenue the applicant uh proposing to install additional signage uh Etc uh that that application uh as well as uh the Mars Marketplace request for an extension to file the subdivision deed uh which is pb4 d23 I'll if I can take them both together uh the same Council requested that both those matters uh be adjourned uh and so I can formally announce with the chair's permission that both those matters will be carried without further notice to our April 1 2024 meeting no fools my apologies uh the the um but as you know I rarely let them go uh it will be carried till April 1 2024 at 7M at this same uh Municipal Building location uh and uh if need be the applicant will Pro for Lial will provide us with an extension of time to act through the end of the month of April okay thank you that will be April okay moving on to the bylaws which also came um we did not we need to approve those for the for the year or you want to just comment on on them certainly you know if you give me the opportunity Mr chairman I will the um our board all all all board all land use boards on per section eight of the municipal land use law are required to have and uh adopt or reopt annually rules and regulations sometimes referred to as bylaws we have our 2024 Edition um I did not uh see or feel the need to change anything they are uh uh both um consistent with the municipal land use law as we always make sure they are uh and also the uh we have not changed any of our policies or procedures uh that would warrant or at least require uh us to change these bylaws um so with that if no one has any requested changes we can adopt them for the 2024 year CH just one clarification since I'll be traveling more this year I understand the remote access meeting for board members can only occur if there's no if there's no project hearing yeah it's for per the bylaws and per best practices and recommendations at least from this board attorney uh is that um in order for uh board members to uh participate and vote in hearings on applications for develop vment it's difficult to do so remotely uh when everything is taking place in person uh so for that reason uh and it's consistent with the emergency meeting protocols that were established uh and are actually Administrative Code Provisions uh uh uh uh since covid um for remote meetings there's a distinction between hearings on applications for development and other public business uh so my apologies for the long- winded version but the short-winded version is that yes we do make that distinction so participation by board members for business other than hearings on applications for development can be remote but under our bylaws not for participating in the actual hearings How about if there's a hearing going on but the vote's not taking place till perhaps the next hear could could I listen remotely and not have to read absolutely oh excellent question and I've had that come up with other uh boards that I'm privileged to represent uh and uh yes absolutely if you can listen to the tape or watch the tape or both uh at a different time there's certainly no reason why you can't do it right then and there uh live so to speak uh what would if the uh would a remote person vote on a resolution yes yeah again yeah vote on a resolution that would be okay it's just not the hearing itself it's the hearing process and without making it too long-winded or or or much more long-winded they they it's the due process concerns that arise in any uh hearing it's a quasi judicial hearing and so when people participate uh in a way in which they might not be able to see and hear everything that's going on uh it makes it some potentially vulnerable to challenge uh so I it's it's mine and others I can't take all the credit of best practice uh to to avoid doing that if if at all possible any other questions I'll make a motion that we accept the rules and regulations as recommitted for 2024 there a second a second this a Voice vote uh voice vot's fine yeah all in favor hi thank you it passes uh that's and we have no public here so there's no public comment we open public comment um I just would also note that you notice that uh Mr Warner said that we're going to carry this application till April 1st because there apparently is nothing on coming up for the scheduled meeting on the 18th so notice meeting will be canel there will be no meeting on the 18th and if I may Mr chairman Sonia we have nothing uh in the pipeline that could even try to notice in time for the 18th no okay so do you want me to do the Schoolboard yeah sure yeah yeah L had offered to give us a little update on this the school budget has nothing to do with planning board but it has to do with Township residence so so we're going to be we're in the middle of uh our budget process as is the municipality uh we're going to be doing a preliminary budget approval on March 11th which is our next board meeting that's a public meeting so people who are interested can attend that uh after that we submit the budget and required schedules to the county superintendent advertise the budget in the Daily Record pending County approval and then a open public hearing on the 29th will be where we adopt it again members of the public are invited to attend we do not have uh zoom on our board meetings we meet in person but we do tape it so you can watch it on our website after the fact if you're interested in seeing it that way so the reason I wanted to say something tonight is because of good news for a change um I looked back at tax levy contributions to the mor School District going back to 2010 2011 we operated on a fiscal year as opposed to a calendar year Year and have found that almost uh every year we the township pay a lion share of the property taxes to support the school district uh and as you all probably know uh that's based on Municipal equalized property value assessments um the highest we've paid is 67% of the tax levy um the highest that marown has ever paid was in 201819 and they paid 37 um I will say they have done a good job of managing their contributions through the Strategic use of pilot um so there's that uh and they did just go through a reevaluation which is what has changed the nature of the game so this year uh both mors toown taxpayers and mors Township taxpayers are going to see a decrease in um the tax levy coming for the school dist District uh and this year for the first time ever in since 2010 at least marown is paying a full 40% share I'm sorry 40% 40% we are 60% so that's wonderful news and uh as I said we've paid in the past as high as 67 I was concerned with aggressive pilot activity we might pay as much as 70 but we didn't quite make that so um so we're still running preliminary numbers we don't have the final yet and when we do so we'll present that in public but I wanted the takeaway I wanted you to know is that you're going to see at least $150 per household reduction perhaps more and uh so I just uh wanted to share that good news I'm being aggressive $150 couple bottles well it's a couple bottles of wine a nice dinner maybe I don't know but you know what it's better than going up dinner in more town a tie is always better than a loss so I was excited when I saw that and my my verbal Outburst was it's about time so that's it that's all I have and I'm gonna assume that's not to drop in property value no actually the revaluation up to the valuation in marown our state essentially flat or more or less flat and uh and so they actually doubled their their U equalized property assessment valuation from it was around two and change before now it's over four so um finally they they put that off for many years as you know 10 right yeah long time 10 years I've often wondered about those Pilots because when I was in Jersey City that all these high rises going up and all pilots and I really thought this not right for the kids the school districts that was my opinion at the time it's I understand it yeah to some extent but I just thought that the schools really needed it it's particularly difficult when you're a Regional School District as we are Morris Plains pays on a tuition basis so it's really based on their count of people going to the high school but Morristown and Morris Township share the load so if someone creates an out of- balance situation it's really it's really difficult where Jersey city has a Jersey City School District so it's just them and the school district right and aren't there not that many that have the shared School District in there are a few there are a few but anytime you get a a regional district you always get complaints about one or another not carrying their full share and we've had that for years so that's it thank you thank you thank you well we hope you stay on the board thank you I'm running again for those who are interested it'll be nine years if I get voters willing if they put me back in you could promise US $150 tax deduction listen you have no idea you have no idea how difficult this could be all you gota do is make the promise I'll promise I'll promise good point H okay any other comments or Joe do you want I'll make a motion that we adjourn second I second all in favor so we missed it by three minutes we had another conversation you did that just so I'd lose the under that's okay