##VIDEO ID:bohouBh1KwM## e e e e e e e e e e here's what's happening at the University of Minnesota I would like to call to order the August 27th regular board meeting of the MS View School Board good evening and welcome the first item of business is one. two adoption of the agenda I would entertain a motion so moved second the agenda has been moved and seconded any discussion hearing none all in favor I I any opposed motion carries we'll move on to section um 2.1 announcements and we'll have Shauna read the gifts all right thank you Diane there were 19 gifts for schools and programs received this period for a total of $4,095 and there were 14 gifts received for the well Freer Food Shelf this period for a total of $3,858 it is recommended that the board accept these gifts and extend our thanks to the donors thank you shaana um upcoming meetings our next work session is Thursday September 12th at 5:00 pm and the next regular meeting of the school board will be on Tuesday September 17th at 7 pm both here at the district Center uh next we'll move on to item 22 superintendence report great thanks Diane uh yeah just have a couple updates tonight uh first I want to mention that while our our class have not officially started fall activities are well underway August 12th was actually the first day for Minnesota State High School league activities to begin um absolutely great to see so many of our students already back in and around our schools and we want to wish them great success this fall in addition for any families or students even out there adults who might be looking for things to do this fall Community Education activities are open registrations available online so if you think you or your child might be interested in participating in activities this far I really would encourage anyone to take a look at all of the variety offerings that are available through our community ed program uh this fall lots of activities for all ages so go give it a look and then uh I also want to uh welcome a couple new District administrators to our uh team this year specifically John Perry will be joining us as the district technology director uh John was previously the uh technology director for Stillwater schools and Lena Christensen will be the or is the new principal at Pinewood element Elementary uh Lena is a veteran uh administrator and educator spent a lot of her years in St Paul and most recently was working as a principal in oio schools before coming to join us in Ms vieww so welcome to both Paul and uh Lena I would mention we also had some movement of uh existing principles and APS in our system all of that communication is taking place by buildings as as we welcome um student staff and parents back to our our School site so for any of you with new leaders I'd encourage you to reach out and connect with them they're wonderful people I'm confident they'll be excited to meet with you uh as we enter the new school year with that I'll end my report great thanks superintendent Lennox well now move on to item 3.0 approval of the consent agenda I would entertain a motion so moved second the agenda has been moved and seconded any discussion hearing none all in favor I I any opposed motion carries next is item 4.1 um I am going to turn it back to superintendent Lennox but we'll be discussing the 20242 District operational plan correct a lot of me talking so far at the um so yeah uh tonight we're bringing forward the 20242 District operational plan uh for the public uh to know uh Administration and the school board have had uh the opportunity to review and discuss these goals now for months multiple times um at work session uh this year our focus is on seven total goals with three of them having a priority status so I'll just run through the highlights of of the goals um all of these will be online if approved to so uh public can go take a look at those the first is the prek in kindergarten Outreach goal that is a priority goal for us that is continuing from from last year uh the second goal is exploration of a community resource center to support our students and families who might need some extra support uh in their educational journey Third goal is uh the review and evaluation of our the continu of services and programs uh that we have available to support our students as they make their way through our system goal number four is the uh implementation of the technology audit recommendations that is a priority goal and so uh not only will the board get a chance to meet um John Perry our new tech director but John will be specifically talking in September around that uh goal as well uh goal five continuation and implementation of the recommendations for our middle school program so again that started last last year and is continuing into this year for um implementation as we move forward with recommendations uh goal six is studying the viability of an online Academy for our high school students and goal seven is year one implementation for the new read act um that was uh written into legislation this past this past year that also is a priority goal for us and and again as board you know but for the public that is all schools across the state will be uh engaged in that in the read act moving forward so uh the final draft of all of these goals is included in the board materials this evening we have made no edits or changes since the last time you all reviewed that uh in early August so when we were preparing for this meeting so at this time Administration is submitting that copy for your review and we are recommending approval for the 20242 school year great so I would entertain a motion that the board approve the 20242 District operational plan as presented so moved second the motion has been moved and seconded any discussion hearing none all in favor I any opposed motion carries uh thank you superintendent lenx um now we will welcome up um ber hnik um Executive Director of Business Services um she is going to uh discuss the transportation services agreements good evening this this evening we're here to cover the transportation services agreements with American student transportation and Metropolitan Transportation Network Incorporated the contract extension overview we have a current contract in place the existing contract with with American student transportation and MTN has been in place for the F past four years we're asking for an extension provision the contract language allows for a 2-year extension with a maximum duration not to exceed 10 years the current focus is on discussions have centered around implementing a twoe extension to the current contract with a American student transportation and MTN the rate comparisons and proposed adjustments include the following large yellow buses our current rate was $375 a market comparison um showed a range of $375 to approximately $500 per route and we have settled the contract and are proposing the contract at $425 per route positioning Us in the mid-range of the market small buses currently $357 per route Market comparison was $357 to 490 per route the propose rate is $43 for the small buses type three vans use for um care and treatment homeless and special ed the proposed increase is a 3% increase the extracurricular routes proposed adjustment is a 3% increase the overall Financial impact is estimated to be 10.94% we are asking this evening that the extensions for the contract for American student and Metropolitan um transportation Network be approved I want to um also mention that Tom Watson was instrumental in helping us navigate this contract Bernice I know we got to hear go through this as a board at during our work sessions but I'm not sure that I just want to reinforce to the public that all the examples you provided um the range we were a very low end and so while there is an increase coming it's probably less of an increase than we really anticipated knowing we are on the low end of that range so thank you and your team as well as Tom for the work in getting us kind of the best contract we could have hoped for I think at this point time yes thank you Bice great thank you okay so I would entertain a motion um that the board approv the student transportation Serv Services agreements with American student transportation and Metropolitan trans Transportation Network Incorporated for two contract years 2024 to2 and 2025 to 26 commencing with August 1st 2024 and ending July 31st 2026 anyone so move second the motion has been moved and seconded any discussion hearing none all in favor I any opposed motion carries so we're going to keep Bernice up here and she um is going to give us an update on 20242 enrollment and class size update we have great news about enrollment and class size the school board passed a resolution at its December 12th 2023 meeting opening enrollment to non-residents on a limited basis in grades K through five where capacity work we had capacity as we begin the new acad mic year we are pleased to report that the district enrollment numbers exceed our projections our projections were 11,096 they're currently as of uh as of 819 11,319 that's great notably our expanded open enrollment policy has successfully attracted over 180 students opting to enroll from neighboring districts this helps to B balance our enrollment across various schools optimizing the use of our facility and resources we remain committed to closely monitoring these Trends and adjusting our strategies as needed to ensure that every student in our district has access to high quality educational opportunities that's wonderful any questions for Bernice no I think that's wonderful I know there was a lot of work put into that to make sure that we could maintain the resources that we had for the students that are currently enrolled so I know it wasn't an easy decision for us as a board to make to open enrollment but it was a much a very strategic approach and very targeted um and it worked very well so I thank you again for for all the work that you put into that yeah and for the board and the public I think even as of today that number is up so I mean you're you're we're giving you the information that was in your packet from last week I think we're at uh over projection 240 some over projection now 180 of those being non-resident you can see that we're our resident enrollment is holding and even increasing a little bit too so we're in a good spot we're pleased about where we are uh obviously the one thing we'd always tell you is I'm sure about one thing that won't be the exact number on October 1st um but whatever it is it looks like it's going to be up for for what we were were projecting and uh are thrilled to be able to offer those programs and Services across the district so thank you for this opportunity yeah thank you Bernice great thank you thank you uh next item is five five3 Readiness for school opening and I'm going to turn it back to superintendent lennu yep originally uh Darren Johnson was going to be able to provide this uh unable was unfortunately unable to to be with us tonight so I'm I'm standing in I'll I'll do my best uh patching it together for uh for Darren Chris pockette and his team too um I don't know that everybody understands that's not in education or around education closely how busy summer is especially for our buildings grounds and maintenance staff it is really a short window to do a tremendous amount of work uh to get in make improvements to our sites to have them ready again then when when students and and staff and parents families return to us here each fall so I'm going to give a little bit of the highlights of some of the projects uh that that took place this summer so that as board members you probably already know some of these but for the public uh as well so across the district always every year painting projects across all buildings we always try to freshen up update do all the painting uh some of our sidewalks and curbs were also replaced on an as needed basis so if you go around and you see a new a new curb or a new section of sidewalk that was kind of on an as needed basis across all of the sites so then sight by sight um at snail Lake one of the big projects there the roof over the gym was replaced and a new air handling unit uh got installed there at at snail Lake as well over the summer uh they also installed a new fence around the playground uh that was one of the things that obviously for safety reasons right that close to Highway 96 wanted to make sure that was uh up installed and ready to go for the for the school year at Belair they did some minor remodeling of classrooms uh you may recall we moved some programming there some District programming so they did some some remodeling to classrooms at meair they also replaced their parking lot uh over the summer at Island Lake they seal coated the parking lot and did some additional work installing carpet flooring and lights uh throughout that that building a big project at Pinewood this summer was a gymnasium re model so that was nice uh to be able to get that in and completed for them at Sunnyside New casework was installed uh for the art room and all of the first grade classrooms were retied and painted as well Valentine Hills has a new playground wo and thank you to all of the volunteers we had a lot of folks who showed up uh to help with that project that's outstanding uh at Chipawa new flooring was installed in the band hallway uh their parking lot was also seal coated the cafeteria wall was retied at Edgewood uh and then new carpet was installed in their band room at at High View also did a parking lot reseal so seal coding that parking lot Mountains View High School had some General Flooring projects completed throughout the building and new stairs were installed at the crosswalk uh in front of the school school and the district's by far the district's largest project was Irondale this school year where there really was Major construction um so the multi-purpose room has now been renovated uh if you were there even a week ago there were still plastic up so here Plastics down now and um multi-purpose room you can get into is has been renovated all domestic water lines were replaced so not little deal I mean like big deal construction part of their main gym floor was uh taken out and replaced Landscaping work was completed all throughout and around the campus and all of that was happening while we are in the middle of a complete geothermal system being constructed uh on that site so uh clean energy uh movement as the board has made that a priority great project for the district um that will help to heat and cool that building U that project the geothermal project really is ongoing there will be some more work happening yet this fall um as we move forward and we'll continue to provide updates to both the board and the public as those are are available and we give you more information about uh that project so um I just want to extend a huge thank you uh to all of the staff members who are involved and and make efforts to improve our buildings it it's just it feel like a long summer but it's a short summer I mean it's just here we go uh because we're already ready for students and and families and staff to come back so again thank you to everybody who was involved in in cleaning refreshing improving our buildings uh over this summer and uh I am happy to to report on behalf of of Darren the operations team Chris pockat all of the staff that are buildings will will be ready for our students when they return Tuesday September nber 3rd and we're looking forward to a great school year so lots happening over the summer yes thank you superintendent lennu you bet okay we'll move on to item 6. one summer school and summer work by teachers and I'd like to welcome up Angie pesel executive director of curriculum and instruction Carl Brown Community Education director and Bobby Olen principal at the area Learning Center welcome thank you thank you hello thank you well it's August so we're here to give this report it's a tradition here in Ms Public Schools where we come together to share with you all the wonderful things happening in our summer programming I have a team with me tonight um that was just introduced I'll have them introduce themselves fantastic I'm Bobby Olen I'm the principal at the mountains view area Learning Center and Carl Brown director of Community Education so tonight we're going to start off by sharing um some information about the elementary program move into our secondary programming um Community Ed and then I'm going to share some information about what our teachers have been up to um during the summer to continue their learning fantastic and I am standing in for Ryan Lang um who helps with our elementary sites for the summer he wasn't able to be here so as well I'm going to do my best um to highlight all the work of our elementary programming um all of our programming elementary middle and high school is 16 days it's from July 10th to August 3rd um Elementary we do mornings only there were six sites with one k Center um and there were about 580 students with 63 classrooms operating so it was fairly large um but we were able to maintain those small class sizes for students focused on literacy and math and then also building in that social emotional component for students all of our students um were able to work with teachers and support staff from our district so we like to continue that as well um we did have some additional support staff positions that we carried over in order to help our students and support them and um prioritize their instruction we have some lovely Scholars here they had an opportunity to receive some books and some other literacy focused goodies which is always fun and our Elementary staff survey we do surveys at each level each summer to receive some feedback on how we're doing and how we can approve what did they like most about summer school obviously seeing our kids is just a super highlight the one-on-one time being able to really focus and connect with those smaller groups and then also helping some of our youngest Learners access our buildings and access learning um so they were ready for the fall some of the other highlights that we have here what could we do to help you be more effective in your role um we're really looking at trying to create more time right everybody wants more time to set up their space um we like to see our students consistently we know that summer is a time where lots of families have vacations and then of course paperwork is always something that we're working on we have some more of our Scholars who got to experience some Hands-On learning through math and literacy our Middle School programming occurred across all three of our middle school buildings this summer uh I always like to include some past numbers because I like like to know where we're at how are we doing are we maintaining we really are maintaining at the middle level um you can see some of our numbers from our past school year but about 169 students across three buildings participated all of them were teachers from our district again um steam based programming so again focused on literacy focused on math incorporating the Arts we also looked at building those relationships and enhancing those relationships with peers and staff and then connecting our students to their school communities that's always our big goal for summer we have success stories as always strengthening relationships using Hands-On learning to engage our students we have that transition from elementary to Middle School especially for our sixth graders all of the um coordinators at the middle level emphasized how crucial that was to get them in the building and get them comfortable it's a big big transition for them this fall some places that we always like to improve building those field trip experiences having that Hands-On learning outside of the classroom to help connect math and literacy to the real world and then continuing that partnership for those sixth grade students to have that soft launch and then of course we have some lovely pictures of our Scholars out in the community and then also bringing the community in for some of that learning High School Credit Recovery um probably the section that I most t to we were successful again we had a lot of students participate an increase in numbers um up to 248 uh I believe our first day we had around 26 students show up so we had a really high attendance rate right away first day um we really hit it's 16 days we're here to help you we want to Target it and once you're here you get to go home when you finish when you finish um we had an increase in credit earning and as well we were up to 212 credits this summer um from 204 last summer and you can see how that increase is pretty exponential um we had nine students finish their diploma and graduate this summer which alone is worth at um meeting students and families where they're at and helping them continue on their Journey forward um keeping those doors open and ideas for improvement we really like to partner closely with our Dean teams at our high schools to identify students early so we know how to support them best and then retaining teachers from our teaching staff to continue to join us each summer thank you all right tonight I'm GNA go over some highlights of our community education programs we have a pretty broad uh program with Summer enrichment programs Summer band summer Orchestra um at a number of different levels uh Sports Camps and Clinics Early Childhood family education and also adult education programming so with our summer enrichment programs uh this year we had 4591 enrollments and so lot of students coming in there we run uh between eight and 12 weeks of programming eight eight of a consistent summer block that's a turtle Lake and then we have really um programs starting as quickly as we can after school let out it all the way up uh we have a sports camp a multiport camp happening this week and then we're done and as Chris mentioned before we move right on into fall programming so a lot of different uh of things our traditional Elementary day camps uh we had 3,774 registrations and in in pars there um 887 unique enrollments and so for me what I like to share with that is a variety of things where our program is pretty flexible for 887 students this was their their single Camp they did with us and it was an opportunity for them to have a program um but many of those uh students were repeats so depending on how they wanted to have their schedule they could sign up for a morning block take a couple weeks off and jump right back in um lots of different ways they can come up with that and each class is a block schedule so they could pick and choose uh different interests do a lot of repeats in there so if there's a highlight of a class that you missed on one session you can pick it up later in the summer so lots of fun there um we offered our summer uh summer explore program which is a traditional day camp we wanted to have a variety for it wasn't always a specific activity based it was more General arts and crafts and sports and activities um 497 students with 228 um we're unique enrollments so really a really good mix of that um it's a little bit less expensive than some of the programs so for families just trying to balance budgets it's a nice opportunity for them um to have programming and then um save some money at the same time uh Lunch Bunch we ran again uh this has been very popular it's the bridge between our morning block of classes and afternoon so families that need a full day of care they can sign up for that lunch bunch and have morning and afternoons our drop off time is 8 in the morning we start class at 9:00 and then our pickup time is at 5: clock so really it builds that full8 to five time for families if they need it um been pretty popular and um we anticipate all of these things happening again next year uh fun Friday field trips one of the strengths of our model that we feel is really nice is that we offer a fifth day programming on Fridays um had 177 students uh participate in those it's usually smaller groups and we go to a variety of different places and we've also found that many many families love it because they can have four days of programming and not be locked into a fifth day and just take the day off and and do that so it's a nice um addition and mix uh for those weeks for families we also have a lot of different enrichment programs across the district um one of the ones that we had um brought to the board a couple of years ago we've been trying to uh figure out a middle school programming piece we always hear from middle school families that it's an interest and sometimes I think we struggle to find something that kids enjoy as much as their parents think they would um but this year we had a number of new Middle School camps we had 595 students enroll in those and 300 300 of them were unique and so when we were looking back at the information we saw students for you know maybe a couple of camps each one or two and some students uh definitely participated in more but I think what we found is that it allowed uh middle school kids to have a little bit more ownership a little more um responsibility with things they could check themselves in and participate in a program that's an enrichment program and and go onto their day so um we're looking for more feedback on that from some of our participants but anticipate that would be a program we'd offer again next summer all right uh high school middle school and Sports Camps we we run through in the offseason with that a lot of our um strength and conditioning programs and other pieces for a lot of our uh Sports and activities 600 students in there um like Chris had said fall Sports start at August 12th so this is usually something that happens anywhere between uh middle of June through roughly August 12th and is a way for students to get in there um and then on top of it there's just a lot of uh different coaches and teams that are doing other things that aren't necessarily programs but kids are getting ready for the season uh so they're ready to go all right here's a few pictures of some of our kids lots of different variety and lots of excitement and a lot of fun all right moving on to Summer band U we've offered a Summer band program on our district for many many years it's uh a beginning band program for students entering fifth grade and it's something that's returning for um kids that have been in a middle school program but also having the addition of an intro uh to Middle School band so students really have two entry points that they can do that in the summer but they can also start the program uh they can start in the fall as well so they don't have to be in summer but it's always been a pretty popular option for families um pretty similar numbers to the last or for the past few years 532 students uh 253 in the beginning program for elementary 279 for the Middle School um and that that includes the TR to middle school or the beginning and as well as the returning students grades 6 through n and they have an optional Valley fa performance field trip where 303 students and about 25 staff in chaperon was kind of the culminating event so a lot of kids had fun with that um it was a very warm day but they still had a great time all right moving on to Summer Orchestra um similar numbers again almost 700 students uh total uh Orchestra the entry point or the starting point is fourth grade so we saw um 228 students in fourth grade 192 to in fifth grade also have a middle school option that is um beginning options as well as Symphony Orchestra and small group performances for uh middle school students um so once again very strong numbers in those programs and as of uh the time we were doing this September 24th Orchestra has done a national anthem performance for a number of years down at Twins game and they have about 800 uh people that are signed up for that and it's um very popular and very fun for a lot of kids and families so um I think that should be a fun night all right moving on to Early Childhood um we had offered a number of classes I think we had nine classes that we offered um 51 enrollments is something where we had availability with that um not a lot of families that did it but the families that did um take advantage of the program and really enjoyed the programs or music programs are always popular they always fill um and we offer anything from art classes and different things where parents and kids can interact to uh gearing up for preschool and just some of those things that will help um students and families be ready for the upcoming school year all right and the last area adult education um very similar to other um academic areas we have we offer a summer school program that is U from early July through early August so the 16 days of summer um our programming really is mirroring a lot of the programs we have for the school year but it's a shorter session um it allows some students that are with us in the spring to continue on and not take a break during the fall um but it's also an opportunity for some students to come in and start with us just listing all of those um we have morning and evening um English language classes that really um try to Encompass all different levels for our Learners um we continue with CompTIA security uh which is we have a number of CompTIA they're the tech um career Pathways we offer um kind of basic help desk uh pieces we offer networking classes we offer security classes and those are a great class that people can get a good start on in the summer um we've continued to see popularity with a par educator training that will help people get certified for to become a par educator in schools um our GED and diploma classes um and that prep really continues year round but it's something that students can come in for um the summer um and then Microsoft boot camps and other computer Essentials those continue to be popular just those um career Pathways that sometimes people can build those skills that they may not have had in previous work um we'll do that and then the last piece is really something that's year round but we see a big uptick in that as our piercing testing center is where we are an authorized piercing testing center so not just for our own adult education classes there's a number of tests that Pearson offers uh industry credentials and we offer those five days a week and so lots of people um take advantage of those for this summer so overall commit Ed has a broad range of things in almost all of our buildings we're operating and um I think we had a great summer with a great team of people helping to put on opportunities for kids and students and it's good to move on into the next school year so we're ready for the next uh for fall session and one thing that we keep forgetting to mention is Adult Ed and the alc in silver viiew this is our second summer where we partnered to provide child care um to our adult Learners who were pursuing summer programming and then any of our high school students who may already have children of their own and they wanted to make sure that they had some Child Care over the summer so Janette wolf and her team at our silverview child care center has been amazing and it was our second summer being able to provide that for families absolutely yeah thanks yeah and they're doing all that around Chris pette and his team as they're getting the buildings ready for school so um well great opportunities for our um students we also have opportunities for our teachers in the summer to engage in some um some meaningful professional learning so um early in August we welcomed over 50 new teachers to our system so that included everything from Early Childhood to special education School psychologists and classroom teachers we had them um do a day and a half long of District level orientation um telling them what the sports that are in place is that they begin their career here in mview public schools and they had some time also within their buildings for some building orientation also in the summer we have our professional Learning Community teams Gathering we have a very strong professional Learning Community here in mby public schools across all levels and every summer they engage in some summer work as they prep for the school year this year was a little bit different for elementary teachers um as Chris mentioned earlier the read Act is asking all of our teachers to get specific training around the science of reading and so we started that this summer with our teachers that um learning professional learning for those teachers will continue throughout the entire year but they started that this summer our secondary teams met over the summer to review information about incoming students discuss goals for the upcoming year and then make curricular adjustments also for the upcoming school year so that in um included all the teachers across our system also we have some optional opportunities for our teachers who want to engage in some professional learning so we have um courses that were offered one of them is called collegial coaching where they learn about how to help each other be better in their craft we had 39 um teachers participate in that another course that we offer is called foundations of effective teaching um 25 participants um are part of that program right now it's it's going on right now some of these start in this um summer and finish in the summer others start in like late spring and then finish in the summer some start in the summer and actually go through the fall they're anywhere between 15 and 45 hours uh that teachers are engaging in this um we have a foundations effective teaching that's specific for our special education teachers and we had 13 participants in that instructional strategies that work helping teachers identify best practices in um in education we had 13 participants there and then a Capstone orientation that allows our teachers to do a uh action research project throughout the year to um impact practices in a different way again I want to highlight that all of these are optional and the fact that we have over 112 teachers engaging this really shows that they have a commitment to um continuous impr Improvement as they really strive to improve um their skills and have better outcomes for students so proud of those um that we can offer those courses and that we have so many teachers taking advantage of them and then the final course is the introduction to English language Learners we had nine participants um in that course um in addition we um uh have systems and structures in place that allow teachers to decide what type of writing and um what kind some of work they want to do to help them in the next year so as I mentioned literacy we got the react that includes um um most elementary teachers and some secondary teachers our science teachers at uh the elementary middle and high school level engaged in some specific uh work to look at some units around fourth grade Science fifth grade science and the units are listed there and then we have new core resources in seventh and eth grade um open scet is a resource that we are using that's new so we had some training for sixth and seventh grade teachers on that and then um earth science is coming to 9th grade to a classroom near you very soon um in the fall and we had some core resources and some planning around that we had some Math teachers in second grade looking at some fluency work and then fourth grade looking for some math extensions for students who are ready for some enrich enriching activities and then also we had our Spanish teachers do some work um specifically around level two so they wanted to take a look at that uh curriculum and they did some updates on that curriculum for students and then finally we had um an English 12 course design so this is a new course for our system in the past when students in order for students to get their fourth year of English credit for graduation they selected from a group of electives and some students said well that's nice to have those electives just kind of tell me what I need like give me one course that I can sign up for that will allow me to meet that requirement so we listen to students the teachers were interested in um putting C putting that course together so this summer they spent some time designing that course so we're excited to offer that to students um this next year so I just want to uh take a little bit of time to thank everybody who really spent some time to to enrich students summer experience and also for themselves that as they pursued those professional growth opportunities um it really does you know it takes added time and added effort and every year we have a number of teachers who are willing to sign up to um engage in all the programming for students and then also to better themselves I just want to thank all of them for their time and dedication because our system is better because they decide to do that work for us so be happy to answer any questions you might have the numbers for band and Orchestra always amazing me I feel like it can you know just grows every single year and then I love hearing about um the um high school students that go back to um get their credits and then graduate so it's good to hear so thanks to everyone you know I'll Echo what Angie just said but thanks to all of our teachers and staff and to all of you for all of your hard work it's much appreciated more incredible than the numbers is the concert they put on at the end of the summer yes CU sometimes I was like listening to my kid play and then you go there and they they suddenly know how to play when they comes together um but it's fantastic it was really great to hear the sixth seventh and eighth graders yeah it's really good that's awesome yeah I'm always impressed with just the diversity of offering right like you guys it amazes me that you can get all of that done in that short period of time so just Echo that nice work all right well thank you so much for being here thank you all right at this time we'll move on to item 7.1 updates um shaa do you have a Northeast Metro uh we met early in August but it was just a very routine meeting so I do not have anything to report we will meet again uh the F the second day of school I believe we meet again great um and um I am going to give the amsd um um update on behalf of um Mr deay so um at the August or um I guess the last meeting um of amsd Dr Lucy Payne and former mounts vieww School Board member Amy Jones discuss mental health and schools um our our very own Jim deay um was elected um Vice chair of amsd and then the next meeting um they will highlight their 50th anniversary of amsd so um for those um amsd is the association of metropolitan school districts um and that represents the interest of the larger school districts in Minnesota so um that is on behalf of Mr deay and then um we'll move on to our final item number 8.1 um School Board member reports does anyone have anything to share I was goingon to say the marching band played at the State Fair last Friday uh they performed Michael Jackson's Thriller um which was phenomenal as always but it was really fun to see the kids uh be able to participate in that that's awesome yeah anything else no no I'd just like to wish all of our families a great school year you know it's a really exciting time I just moved my daughter into her dorm at college so uh it's always that that really fun time of transition so I just wanted to wish everybody a great school year yes it's that time start watching for the school buses right yep blow down in those areas I know um Edgewood and iron Dale have back to school nights tomorrow I think maybe sunyside does as well um so yeah excited to meet the teachers and get kids schedules y all right so any if there's nothing else um to come before the board we are adjourned thank you thanks Diane that was lovely e e e