e how are you good how are you I'll call the meeting to order if we could all uh stand for the FL please Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all all remain standing for a moment of silence for others in harms way and for um all of our forces overseas and home thank you and the notice requirements of the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey have been satisfied by the inclusion of the date time and place of this meeting in notice of regular meetings adopted by this board on January 8 2024 such schedule and notice of meetings is posted at the municipal building Mount Olive Public Library the Board of Education offices and the six schools and was submitted to the Daily Record for publication on January 9th 2024 and was filed with the clerk of Mount Olive Township on January 9th 2024 I direct that this announcement be entered into the minutes of this meeting and we'll take roll call please CHR Jones Mrs Aquino here Mrs Fenton here Mrs fera Mrs Fitzgerald here Mrs Melendez here Mrs O'Neal here Mr orillo Mr Chach Mrs naris I am here and I would take a motion to go into a brief um closed session for the um purpose of confidential matters so moved have a second second all right we resolved that the board meet in confidential session for the purpose of discussing um personnel and matters of attorney client privilege and we are be further resolv that the matters discussed in confidential session be disclosed to the public when the reason for conf confidentiality no longer exists action may be taken all right we are in close session very briefly e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e order here we have do we uh can we take a roll call please M Jones Mrs Aquino here Mrs Fenton here Mrs fitzerald here Mrs Melendez here Mrs O'Neal here Mr stachi here Mrs lares I'm here and before we go to um moving for the approval of the minutes I just want to read one item that will be added to the agenda so that should anyone wish from the public to speak you you all the items so for items 2.09 approval of special education settlement agreement it will read resolve that the board hereby approves the settlement agreement and release in the matter capture caption to Mount Olive Township Board of Ed verse a w o b o KS identified as o docket number e DS1 14199 D2 o docket number s 42-23 in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the stipulation of the settlement agreement and further be it further resolved that the board secretary is hereby authorized to sign the stipulation of settlement agreement and release on behalf of the board and we will then make a motion for the approval of the minutes and we'll take uh Miss Miss ferera oh she's not here Mrs strs I'm like looking at you I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes um meeting minutes from items 3.1 and 3.2 second and do we have any questions from the board see none will take a rooll for Miss Jones Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mr stachi yes Mrs naris and yes yes do we have any Communications or petitions from from the board or superintendent no anyone else no we will move to the reports um anything for superintendent report yes I would like to invite Miss Elizabeth German or a wonderful assistant superintendent who's going to be talking about our MJ GPA test results [Music] no worries and here you go multiple meetings over there yeah thank you so much for having me tonight to report on the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment which was admin in March of 2024 to our incoming or our uh our incoming 12th grade students the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment is a required graduation uh requirement for all New Jersey students the NJ GPA is designed to measure the extent which students are graduation in both Ela and Mathematics the test is administered in March of their year so it really assesses students understanding of ela Concepts up to grade 10 standards and in math Algebra 1 and geometry standards because that's the majority of um academic knowledge the students have had mastered in mostly their freshman sophomore year some students in their junior year as well the NJ GPA is a newer assessment um for the state and the state has developed a cut off score of 725 for both Ela and math if a student does not meet that minimum cut score then they have multiple other options to prove that they are graduation ready so the first option is every student or the first pathway the language that state uses is that every student has to sit for the graduation proficiency assessment if they don't meet that 725 cut score then they're offered uh to take multiple different types or look at different assessments that they may have already taken some that you might be familiar with are the SAT the PSAT and the ACT our guidance Department takes a look at all of our students scores to see if they've met the cut score on those specific substitute compens tests and if they have then they are considered graduation ready if they're not then we offer for them to take an additional substitute compos test um and this year we're offering the Apper that communication was already sent home to students and families um when their individual student reports were sent home and an invitation to take that acup Placer um over the summer so one administration of that has already taken place for our students additional Administration will happen this summer and then again in the fall in the acup Placer um we get the results right away so that's really helpful for our students decreasing that level of anxiety um that they met the graduation requirement instead of waiting like we sometimes do for the State Testing results come back weeks or sometimes months later if student still doesn't meet the graduation requirement on those substitute competency tests then they can sit and complete a portfolio um which is the third pathway and that is a a series of different um tasks to show their understanding either in ela or in math at the state then reviews to make sure that they are graduation ready so if they don't pass NJ we have multiple of our options and our high school team has worked really hard to make sure all of our students really meet that graduation requirement in one of the multiple Pathways that are being offered when we look at our results in particular we're really proud of the performance of our students for ELA 95% of our students were considered graduation ready compared to the state um average of 81.6% and in math 68.2% of our students considered graduating ready compared to the St 54.7% as we break this down and look at the different subgroups the first chart is really broken down into our racial subgroups for ELA performance and as you can see while there is some variation in the overall performance you can see that there is alignment on how our students from different racial backgrounds did perform on the ELA and that we um really are you know proud of this overall alignment with what they were able to achieve when you break that down into different subgroups of our students special education 504 needs and economically disadvantaged you can see there does become some disparity between how our students performed and when we look at those subgroup results a little bit more in depth and specifically with our staff we'll really take a look at those Trends identify instructional practices that were working well especially for our general education population take a look at um the instructional gaps that we had and really Target them and make sure that we are meeting the students where uh their needs are in order to bolster these scores moving forward as we get into math we do start to see some variation in the sou performances um the Asian students in our district have outperformed their peers while you can see our Hispanic and black students underperformed their peers so again this is something that we'll take a greater look at especially with our staff just to see what are some of those instructional gaps that these different subgroups are having how can we really Target them in the classroom and ensure that they're getting what they need and filling in maybe some of that background knowledge they need some further support on those variations do become even greater though when look students who have special education needs and this is something that um we'll be working with our staff on as they fall to really take a look at what are some of those co- teing practices and structures that we're utilizing in the classroom what are our course offerings currently we break up Algebra 1 into part one and part two and a lot of our special education students are part of that meaning that their freshman year they're taking part one sophomore year taking part two then they're taking geometry their junior year and are only halfway through that cour work when they're sitting for this assessment right so then what level of exposure do they have to those different content areas and what benefit are we seeing from them having that Algebra 1 course broken up into two different years um again that might be something that we keep but we really want to take a closer look at that and make sure it's serving the students current needs um in the district so just to clarify Mr Derman so you know the actual exam is based upon Ela grade 10 standards and what are the math standards again just algebra 1 and geometry so we have a core of students who have not even completed that class the ability for them toally then you know achieve proficiency is more difficult much more difficult much difficult um and then some of these cohorts of students overlap a little bit so even our economically disadvantage students we're seeing them underperform their peers so taking a look at what are the additional supports that those students might need in order to um get closer to the peer group with that performance I really focus on the math interventions because at 95% there's not so much that we can do with Ela which is wonderful ful um math is going to be the focus of our district K12 but I'm going to speak specifically to what's going to be happening at the high school all of our Algebra 1 and geometry students are going to be going to conquer Math training which is going to be funded through our ESA Grant um and those conquer math professional development trainings are really going to focus in on the content and pedy that our teachers really need to master and understand the various Concepts that are aligned to the standards to make sure we're really hitting those as we are going through those courses um they'll also look at different best practices and we also are looking to purchase different materials that will help support that with going to a concrete pictoral and Abstract framework when we're doing math instruction and really what that means students need to be able to see how pieces of math problems really come together so giving them visuals things that they can actually hold in their hands to actions be able to divide them and manipulate with manipulatives different types of framework so they can actually see it and then they can think about it abstractly as they move forward so it's just a a different approach that I think will really benefit our students and give our teachers just another tool in their toolbox of how to meet the needs of the kids that are sitting in front of them our classroom assessments we really want to take a closer look at and make sure that they're really aligning not only to the types of questions and formatting that we see on assessments like link or J GPA but also the word structure of those um the more exposure we give our students more comfortable they're going to be higher Stakes assessments and all those questions are standards align so there's no harm in us um doing that within our classroom assessments and then really taking a look at the lesson and unit plans that our teachers are doing what uh we really want to ensure that the strategies that we're giving them from that conquer Math training the differentiation strategies that they've been provided the tier one supports that giving our students are all really developed in those lesson plans that we can get feedback on and um evaluate and support and go in and and give a lot of teacher feedback that's even informal to ensure that we're meeting students where where they're at so a lot of focus is going to give to math across the district this is kind of a framework that we're using um really between fourth and fourth grade in our geometry classes to make sure that our students have a shared experience our teachers have shared knowledge and are really diving in deeply to the standards making sure that we're aligning our curriculum and our instructional practices to that so we put our students in the best possible situation to perform and so that they also have the skills needed to graduation ready so they can go out into the workforce out into their careers and feel confident in what they're able to do notable achievements um I said we both we surpass the state average for both Ela and math and I really just want to reiterate um for our Ela department at the high school the department supervisor and the teachers how hard they really worked um to ensure that our students were graduation at that level and for the students who really the effort on this assessment to really show what they know and um it's an incredible achievement and we're really proud of them for that so a big congratulations to the high school staff and the students for that it's a nice and short presentation um so that's supposed to say October 14th um and we'll get that date for you guys it'll be that board meeting that will cover the New Jersey student learning assessment um data which is really our third grade students through our nth grade students both in ela and MTH so we'll be able to share that thought with everybody do we have any questions from the board I'd like to preface by saying I think we offer our kids a great education you guys do a great job thank you I always have a problem when I see these these slides and what have you with comparisons if we don't beat the state state is all incy on everything we have a problem I would love to see it comparisons once in a while with two or three District Factor groups like us so that we can have a better understanding of where we are because we're always going to be above the state the state takes in everybody so I mean I think it would be better for us to understand if we were looking at schools the same as us and see how we compare to them very fair um so one of the I'm happy to do that work and and share that with you one of the things is um the distri factor groups the state isn't offering that anymore they're they haven't updated them about 20 years but we can do that work to say okay here's similar districts to us exactly that we know we're competitive with and that we want to be compared to and say where are we at um i' I've shared that work internally so we can definitely um have that conversation with the board and with the public so we have a better idea where we're at we're not far off with those schools some of that we have looked at internally or like Rox pipany um more sales Regional um I'm trying to forget who else is on that kind of list but we'll we can definitely get that to you just to follow up on that you can expand on that because if we have some schools that we can compare with and we see that we're having a similar problem we can talk to them and say what are you doing what are we doing and so on and so forth and have a better handle on how to correct it absolutely because some schools then can say well look why don't you try this because this is what we're doing and it's helped us improve we we need the communication completely agree with you um I will say that no one's thrilled with their math scores I tried to get some scores from people and they're like I haven't shared them publicly yet I'm not to share them with you um which is totally fine and but I'm a part of the Morris County curriculum Network which really meets with other curriculum directors assistant superintendents and we have these really significant conversations about student learning and especially around math instruction so these are where I'm recommendations to go to conquer math getting a of what might be our next year our math um teex series is up we have like this our last year on that contract so looking at what are some other materials people are using that when they're finding success what are some different um professional developments so those are really important conversations to be having with those collegial members because if one of us had the answers we'd be the richest person in the state fixing math across the board so it's going to take a lot of teamwork not just here in the district but outside in our our districts as well order to do that we have any other questions from the board I have a couple questions right I know that we you mentioned that we were focusing a little bit on more on you know working with the high school staff but you know from my experience math is definitely a building block right so is there conversations between the high school staff and the Middle School staff about about where can we start to build that blocks those building blocks so you know freshman sophomore year when they're going into junior year and taking these exams that the groundwork is already covered you know and also speaking to the fact that there some of these students are only partially through the geometry curriculum is there any you know look back at you know realigning Middle School to that flow into the high school with the math curriculum yes uh short answer yes longer answer is that we really see this trajectory through our math instruction share you I have the initial numbers for the njsla and they're not going to blow you out of your receip either so we know that it's a problem from really third grade assessment all the way through and it's something that's very much on our radar which is some of the reasons that we hired a K5 math supervisor right to really focus in on that instruction and really understand how are we supporting our students K5 but then that bridge gap between fifth and sixth grade right um because the the courses start to differentiate a little bit there we see those leveling out and especially between eth grade and nth grade some of our eighth grade students are taking that algebra one so our Middle School teachers are teaching the same content as our high school teachers um a little bit different populations in middle school they're the highest achieving and at the high school there are some of our students who struggle a little bit more with those math concepts so I don't know if traditionally we've had that level of articulation between the Middle elementary middle and high but it's something that we know that needs to be happening and we're putting the structures in place to have that um both the math supervisor for 612 and myself met with all the Middle School staff at the end of this school year took them out for a half just to look at the standards and say like what are we doing in sixth grade that going to support those seventh grade standards what's something that's a building block here that we know is going to have to be built on again so we really want to make sure that's solid like you're helping your your colleague out right and you're helping the students have that that Mastery so it's definitely something that we um are taking a look at with the new standards of how they build on each other and how we really can support the staff and having that Mastery of that knowledge and then also Mastery of the pedagog that goes along with it to ensure the students have a stronger Gras um those foundational skills and I have one one more question I think I've asked this one in the past um you know we are recognizing that our Hispanic and black student population and our under you uh economically disadvantaged population is they're showing much significantly lower test scores with the man have we looked at what is occurring there is it that you know and how long have they all been in District before they get to the test and what what is the main major differential is it the access to extra home the knowledge that there's extra home after school something like there's some kind of Disconnect we see we saw in the LA they're much closer right but there's some kind of Disconnect or you know that populations are having access to or information or or coursework um that the others aren't have we somehow identified what that magic piece is missing um say because you know they're they're all receiving the same you know education within the building during the class hours but what's what's the support that's missing for the that population so some of that work is being done by each of the principles I know that Mr stanbury for the high school has been looking at each individual students's um performance and then looking at their time in District what their coursework has looked like so we can start to identify those Trends and patterns um it's really important for us to make sure that we are providing not only Equitable instructional experience for everyone in the buildings but and in their classes but the supports on the outside as well and making sure that we're communicating that we're making sure that um the times they're offered the structures of those make sense for our students and that everyone knows they're available um but I think we have to dig a little bit deeper into like the real why to give you a better answer but it's something that our team is very much working on and looking at to at the individual students performances and not just there's you know 40 Hispanic students that didn't meet graduation requirement okay like who are they what is their background and what has their experience been in the district that better understanding of is it the course workor trajectory is it that they've been invited to maybe Osa after school and didn't attend is it that their trajectory has been they've only been here for a year or to or is it that they've been struggling since third grade and we haven't done anything about it um and I think those are going to be better answers for us to really pinpoint how we move forward do I just saw in a webinar about yeah just speak it yeah sorry I can't hear myself so um I just was watching about like a some new AI testing that for younger kids and it like identifies where their how they learn what they learn from do you ever seen about that I've seen lot about it I just don't know how like valid it is so I think that's like with AI especially at the precipice now I'm not afraid of it I'm not afraid to use it and embrace it I want to like dig a Little Deeper to figure out like how valid those results are before we lean on them to make curricular decisions yeah I did anyone else there no a real short one and I'm I've been curious about this when you mentioned it why do some districts do um algebra one and then geometry and then Algebra 2 is it because of the testing or I think that's a a large majority of it but there are some general concepts the way that the the state does the standards that um that's like more traditional rout of doing it um Algebra 2 has some pretty complex pieces to it and it's not necessarily um something that all students are are going to to take um so I think that that plays into the decision of like how we map it out Algebra 1 and geometry are things they really have to master for assessments like this so that's where everyone puts like the B bang for the buck in a sense and then to pre-calculus calculus all that other math is more you know different options for different students go forward so would it be more beneficial to do it that way why don't we do it you said we did it Algebra 1 Al two and then geometry right no we do Al one geometry Algebra 2 I'm sorry all right all right I'm sorry I no that's okay so we have a course for some students that's Algebra 1 part one oh algebra one part two so that was that was just articulated differently so it's just algebra one broken up into two different years oh I'm sorry I misunderstood no there you go yeah so we do Algebra 2 is mostly like a junior class or in that sequence um so some of our middle school students are coming in that earlier thank you welcome anyone else with any questions thank you so much your presentation welcome and we'll go we'll go right into Personnel committee report Mr quo the Personnel committee met on Tuesday July 16th all were present Miss Jackie Bellow discussed the district's climate and culture survey results the presentation touched upon some of the questions and responses provided by our District's parents staff and students the district will be sharing and analyzing the data with each of our schools climate teams in the fall and an additional climate survey will be administered in December and we are hopeful for high levels of school Community participation District exit surveys exit interviews and the newly created stay interview results were discussed with the committee Mr mois explained the three different processes and the committee was able to review and discuss several employee responses from reacted versions of the results Dr bji and Mr Moore discussed an additional need at the high school for a second summer weight wait room advisor there are currently a significant number of athletes from all of our sports teams utilizing the wait room in the summer and additional oversight and supervisions needed and lastly Mr Mo provided an update on the progress of the district wide implementation of the touch Point swipe in kiosks the kiosks will be installed in every building in the district by the end of the summer Administration will now be able to have an accurate accounting of who is present in the school building at any given time of day thank you any questions from the board about with regards to Personnel no okay we'll move on to the curriculum and Technology report Miss Fenton thank you um um so everyone uh we we also met on July 15th 4 o'clock everyone was present except for Mrs fera um we had our discussion topics we uh Mrs mcder previewed that pres lovely presentation that you guys just saw um we had her also discussed the esca grants she provided an over overview of each Grant the amount the district received and items budgeted to align with the district's P goals and focus on increasing student achievement we had Dr prer provide an overview of the accomplishments of the district's technology department in June and the upcoming technology purchases and programs and finally we had Mrs stac provide an overview of the Marauders believe to highlight the key themes of the program to reviewed the community based instruction opportunities job training curricular highlights to prepare our students for Life After High School any questions from the board with regards to um curriculum and Technology no seeing none we'll move on to finance and operations Miss fitgerald yes thank you um you'll see in um your minutes that there's actually two sets one from June 24th and one from Ju ju 15th we went obviously over the meeting um minutes in our last meeting but I just wanted to call attention to everybody that those minutes are now present as promised um in our July 15th uh meeting everyone was present for that um we went over all of our usual you know finance and operations but what took up the majority of our time this time we forget that finance and operations like it's like the afterthought it's really not um so much of what goes on in the district is you know operations and um obviously uh Mr Miller um has left and left an open seat for us so we have had um our interim Mr meso who is um acting as interim and doing a great job also auditing our needs in the district of um operations and grounds uh and so we spent a lot of time talking with him getting to know him listening to his recommendations you'll see um in the minutes but um we also discussed filling that position Mr Miller's position and um it was a thorough process uh you'll see there there were about 25 candidates five were selected as qualified and interviewed narrowed down to three and then they had to provide uh examples it was basically like a written exam I mean these we were thorough um uh documents they have written and completed a writing sample do not mess around the three then were um now down to two uh and they participated in a ride along um where they were taken around the district and so um you'll see tonight we are putting forth obviously our recommendation to that position after the thorough process um and then everything else there's a lot of other options there OT a lot of other things these Finance meetings are sometimes you know two three hours but that was the majority of our meeting um on the 15th any questions any questions from the board that's why you were given that um comme because we we all knew we were here I know I'm aware I'm aware that nobody wanted this I actually love this committee you guys I love this committee I love the finances of it I love the details of the operations is really interesting said no one ever I know I know I know it's very crazy but um I really do love it it's um awesome so um that's it thank you any questions no and we will go on to housing governance Miss Mela yes I uh the policy uh uh committee met on Tuesday July 16 um in attendance was Miss naris uh Mr estan ber Dr Banja and myself the policy board committee discuss and review policy and regulation updates related to stress May policy alert 223 and local school district needs these updates includes a variety of areas including War member terms curriculum content staff physical examination assing attendance service an student suicide prevention emergency drills Firearms weapons and Volunteers in schools and home communication because it's a various policy all of them are located in section 11 and are posted uh for the public also thank you thank you any questions from the board related to policy and governance no seeing none do we have any board committee uh subcommittee and parent teacher Association Le on reports no seeing none and I do not have anything for the board president report and we will to the first public comments on action items members of the community may comment on any action item prior to for discussion please state your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or obscene comments will not be tolerated and and the mic is open for anyone related to um action items good evening car 133 CL stre toown Road um may I request just to reread the item the action of the agenda item that the Clos session was going to be and the um the Eds number please is that possible yeah you want read them first and then you might have a comment yes it's going to be under finance and operations okay um subject item 2.09 approval of special special education settlement agreement be it resolved that the board hereby approves the settlement agreement and release in the matter captioned Mount Olive Township Board of Education First a w o SL o b o KS identified as o a l docket number eeds 14199 d23 perfect that's all thank you I missed I missed a one on there thank you and there's another um oal docket it's the is that 0035 142 -23 okay thank you very very much um two things that I just wanted to say really quickly um point to I love um everything that Linton has done for this District um I wish nothing but the best and I know we have more time and I will say this again but I will say it tonight because it hit my heart um words can't express what a treasure she is um a wealth of knowledge a historian advocate for the district and just um a keeper of of all things and um we are truly not going to be the same without her and I just want to wish her the best um and also miss neelon um it's you know um just the end of an era um on less sweet notes um am I mistaken that our two um bills and claims reports don't include our legal fees no that's correct I printed them out and um we're over six months into a contract now and I just want to make this a public comment that if you can't figure out the billing with this company um it really leaves a lot to be questioned about the efficacy of legal guidance so I just want to leave that there we're six months into a contract and the public still hasn't seen a contract signed we still don't know what we're paying unless we opr it and don't want to opr it because we don't know what we're paying to opr it um but this is this has been an ongoing issue of not seeing bills we just had at the last meeting an additional I think $120,000 but we can't even see where that's going or what's happening because it's not in the last two months wor of billing so that's beyond concerning that's it thank you thank you we have any other comments from the public for Action items and action items only no seeing none we will move on to the approval of monthly expenditures um 7.1 to 7.8 and we that to miss no um I'd like to make a motion to approve 7.1 through 7.8 second do we have any questions or comments from the board um can I just make a question to miss Shing I know that we re received copies of the um legal invoices which ones have we had so far on the bill list up to I know we came in before they everything else was posted we paid through April through April and part part of the problem is when with our financial sofware as we close out the school year there's a period of time where we're trying to Fook all of our accounts payables and make sure everything was recorded properly in the software we need to roll over that software but during that time period we cannot pay what's in accounts payable at this point would be May and June leg Fe um so those bills will be paid out in August it has nothing to do with the fact that the firm has not provided the bills in our required format because that was taken care of quite some time ago and we everything is going according to plan it's just a time delay on our end okay to process them due to our financial software in this time of year okay so perfect and on the August on our August list you will see payments for May legal fees June legal fees and July legal fees because what happens is as the the month closes out we get the bill within uh the first five days of the subsequent month depending upon where it falls and then that will be um reviewed and prepared to pay for the next Bills list perfect thank you so much and then the Cadence after that will be every month right we will be reviewing the previous months course uh legal Fe any other questions from the board saying no Mr Jones we'll take a roll call Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mr stach where the name Jody Bosch appears I abstain everything else Mrs NES and yes and we will move to Personnel action items and we have Mr quino I'd like to upon the recommendation of the superintendent move Personnel action items 8.1 through 8.34 second any uh questions discussions from the board I do I just want to say if we have four or five people rather that vote no on Mrs Jones's retirement oh we can hold Mrs Jones was going I we're tabling it for at least a few years that's a great idea what do you mean I haven't acknowledged that email yet never mind we don't know what you're talking about you will be sorely missed Mrs JK you yes L let just follow yes okay I have I have three on person uh first of all on the 8.2 retirement if a district could have a Hall of Fame representatives there are two here tonight that I would nominate one's retiring Mr Jones one sitting over there Mr stanburg and Mr Robinson and I hired both of those people and boy I'll tell you two of the best hires we ever had in our life Mrs Jones is going to be Mr Mr stanbury stand here thank God Mrs Jones is leaving and she is so important that when she leaves her job classification is going to be changed because there's nobody that can replace her so instead of hiring a board secretary who becomes a CPA and does account we're going to be hiring an accountant and have the ba be the Board of Ed secretary because she can't be replaced so if you don't want to retire it's okay with us it's really okay you want to go on your trip and then come back like AAL she she she has carried so many different hats it's it's just unbelievable and you were if somebody's going to be missed you certainly will will be and also tell Suzanne the same thing too for sure excellent excellent job she has done whenever I've called and Lynn's not there which is a lot of time Suzanne gives me the answer so we're okay there so I'd like to also go on to 8.17 I need some clarifications here if you would um on 817 we are changing instructional supervisors to BP I'd like to know what medicated that and if there is a financial component that goes along with that so I'll answer the second question first there is no Financial component in there their salaries remain the same however the actual operations of their job aligns more with the vice principal role and has been for quite a bit of years in in order to ensure that we are evaluate them evaluating them based upon their actual job performance and responsibilties it would move us to uh adjust them to a vice principal role the only reason why I asked that question is I you know I can't vote on personel so long time ago we had a salary guide and there was a different level for instructional super different level for VPS so that was the reason why I asked that question the second uh the last one I have is on 819 um I don't understand uh you have to explain to me why we're abolishing the BP at middle schools there two of them there sure there's doing different but I don't know what it is so we're just calling them all Vice principles so the fact that we're just cleaning up our current job descriptions um right now we have our human resources in the process of gathering all our job descriptions which are plenty of me many in between and we have duplicates so these represent duplications right now what we're having is we um in the past year we have Consolidated them and aligned them into two different groups so we have principal we have vice principal regardless of grade level and then we have supervisor we have instructional coaches so this is just abolishing redundant um job descriptions because our expectation is that our website should be including Aller job descriptions within the school year which is something that Mr Moore is kly working on thank you you're welcome that's it you have any other questions or comments from the board all right seeing n we'll take a roll call Mr Jones you're not leaving us Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs Fitzgerald I suppose yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal I've seen from anything with the last name Humphrey and then yes Mr stachi well I'm going to cry a little bit but I'm going to have to say yes Mrs naris yes for now yes all right we will move on to curriculum and Technology Miss Fon uh yes upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to move culum technology um 9.1 to 9.11 Second do we have any questions or comments from the board no seeing none M Jones will take a roll call Mrs Fenton yes m Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr stachi yes Mrs NES yes and I will move we will move to finance and operations for M fitgerald and let me just confirm you're working hard tonight I know there's a lot yeah I just want to confirm this goes into the um the added item goes into the finance and operations 10 just because it said 2.09 10.24 10.24 okay so miss F just for your record there I knew you had so okay 10.24 thank you all right uh upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to approve action items 10.1 through 10.24 second do we have any questions or comments from the board on the motion on the architect I know it's a good policy for this board every year to go out for rfps uh that's what we're supposed to do um and we had talked in finance at our finance meeting about the fact that we were going off RFB for uh architect uh he is on the agenda this evening uh Mr J for I was on the agenda this evening to be to be named the architect of record until the end of the year uh first of all I think that's a mistake I think it should be to the end of the school year which would be June 30th I we got problem projects going on whatever and then have the bar pink not have it in December um I think it's it's just a courtesy to this gentl this with us for over 20 years 25 years has done everything on time under budget he has had award-winning projects done everything we've asked for he's even been called out at 2:30 in the in the morning to go look at a problem at the middle school or the San I forget which one it was I mean he has donated his time I think he donated something like $24,000 worth of time on the scoreboard um and yet we're we're kind of just thrown him by the sideline and say okay we'll give you four more months and then you got to you got to re come back and talk to us again I think that that should be discussed and that uh particular action item should be labeled um to extend that contract until June 30th the end of the school year that's all I have I forget what what number that is 10 107 10 I'm sorry2 21 1021 anyone else from the board with any comments um are you making that a motion are you making a motion Mr or make that a motion just making a comment sorry you want to make a motion did you want a motion have motions yeah to to make it to J 30 amend amenda amenda motion to June 30th okay so the motion on anyone else the motion on the table is to amend 10.21 do we have a second for the amendment second all right any questions or comments on the amendment piece I think we should take that back to finance and operations for more conversation I do also think that we need to spell out our expectations for all any vendors across the board more clearly um I also would like to you give some time too for you know our new buildings and grounds director to be working with the you know contract vendor um because they're going to be working together closely I also think there's some um guidelines you know as I said that need to be put in place too um any other comments with regards to the amendment to extend the contract I do have a question can we just table this yep you can we can table it all together that would be another motion though so first we have to all right I would I prefer tbling it than okay because I think everybody should discuss it first but ahe we'll finish so any other comments or questions with regards to amending the contract to extend June 30th now so then we'll take them um a roll call on the amendment part first Mr stachi yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton I'm going to abstain Mrs um Mrs fitgerald I'm we going to abstain as well Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal this is for extending the contract for extending it or amending it amending the resolution to extend the contract extend the contract um no and Mrs noris I'm no on the amending of the contract at the moment ask for legal counil three it's 3 to two to two um and it would pass then the amendment passes so the okay so now 10.21 would read that the contract would be extended right from school year to the end yeah end of the school year so July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 is what the resolution would Now read any comments or questions with regards to now it is amended a resolution no but I would I would like to make um a motion to table all together the new 10.21 so we could further discuss it do we have a second on tabling allog together 10.21 to further discuss in amended but now I'd like to table it so we could discuss it further I'll second the tabling of it and bringing it back to finance and operations for further discussion do we have any conversation or comments with regards to table Ling 10.21 in its amended form no uh yes I have a question um or maybe a comment MH um if it's going to be table then we're going to the finance committee we need to to discuss that right and then it's going to be presented when we would if should it come back it would be come back on the August um board meeting for Action items on the and I I believe at this time we have no contract in place so it is my understanding M Shonen can you assist that the contracts are based right now we have no contract in place for naming the architect on ex but he has we we agreed to do contracts with him on different projects the existing projects he's already or the firm is already contracted for so they would have be required to continue working on those is that correct M I have a comment too I think all to all of our other vendors that we have listed here are through until the end of the 25th school year with the exception of him that's how we normally do it so we're singling out a person who's been so loyal to this district for 25 years who has done everything possible who's given his time and voted to him and you want to get rid of him in December which is what's going to happen if you table it instead of doing giving him courtesy same like everyone else I had no intention of getting him I just wanted to discuss something but um I did not realize that everybody else was at the end of the school year which I'm actually I'm okay with him I have no problem with him but I just I I don't like to do things quickly that's all but uh you know I think that please say no if you want to the conation of the and I think that the reason that we have been Enders until 2025 is for prevent any disruption in the operation of the schools uh this I just would prefer that Finance have discussed this similar to that that's all well and typically the contracts run on a fiscal year because we are July to June July 1st to June 30th what I would like for finance to take back is potentially looking at reviewing how the contract is worded and phras and whatever expectations of this District are clearly spelled out so if there's any so I would I I would prefer to vote to table it and take it back Finance to further discuss one the contract and the stipulation set included in any contract for any vendor if there's questions of how things have operated in the past and how we're going to continue doing business with said vendors um I think that where I stand with regards to spelling it out and having those contracts corrected when you sign a contract with him you have you put those stipulations in the contract and have those but there were items that were brought up previously that I don't I don't think were completely spelled out for the expectations of the contract with the spender so I would prefer that I would prefer this is just my vote or my comment that those be Spilled Out so there are no questions and no re reason for you know any any ongoing conversation that it is no there's no loopholes it's not oh we've always done it it is our expectations are very clear and set for any vendors anyone else any other comments or questions regards to tabling 10.21 so we are now going to go to roll call a vote on tabling 10.21 Mrs Fenton yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez no Mrs O'Neal yes Mr stach no Mrs Aquino no Mrs noris yes to table on that motion is tabled are there any other uh questions or comments from the board related to any items for finance and operations no seeing none um did we have a second on moving the the items Miss yes we did okay so we'll take a roll call for finance and operations items 10.1 through 10.24 excluding excluding item 10.21 which we've tabled Mrs is Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mrs quo yes Mrs Fenton yes Mr stachi yes Mrs naris yes and we'll move to administrative action items um 11.1 to 11.15 and Miss mandas open the recommendation of the superintendent I present a motion uh to approve items uh for administrative action items uh from 11.1 to 11 15 second do we have any questions or comments from the board related to items 11.1 to 11.15 see none will take a roll call Miss Jones Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mr stach yes Mrs naris yes and we'll go to Old business members of the board May comment on any item or topic that was previously discussed by the board do we have anyone from the board with old business seeing none okay we'll move to new business members of the board May introduce any new item or topic of discussion for the board to consider do we have anyone for new business okay we will move to public comments students parents employees and community members May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to the Mount Olive School District please your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or comments will not be tolerated and please remember to say your name and address for the record the mic is open waiting game anyone else that's a good one okay we will move on to board uh comments and administrative comments members of the board May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to Mount Olive school district and start that Miss I just wanted to say thank you very and wish you uh yes just on the retirements alone obviously I'm just in denial we're not talk about the fact that you're going anywhere but I just think it's also a testament if you look at the three people who are retiring 32 years 23 14 years that's a testament to the district too and we're very appreciative of all three your years of of service um but still in denial so we're going to pretend like it's not happening but thank you very much for theind us I yes uh you're are going to be uh surely missed uh guidance um you always are available for all of us and I really appreciate everything that you have done in this District not only as the bo secretary but throughout the years um I have been here 22 years and you always been present and and a pillar in the in the Board of Education um providing guidance to parents not only to board members um thank you so much and I still will call you miss quino uh I second that definitely and I will be calling uh but no comment thank you um miss Ben just okay um yes uh Suzanne will be sorely Miss James will be sorely Miss but Lynn you are definitely a um going to create a hole in District by uh you not being here and you know what I hope we get to do more lunches when you have some free time I want to say congratulations though and you well deserve a little bit of downtime um I'd also like to welcome Doug who I met hours ago and congratulate him on his new employment I'm very excited to be working with you and uh I just hope everybody's enjoying their summer and also known as Matt because I called him Matt four times before I really knew his name so I think he answers to that now too already she shortened the last name d anything else you're good thank you Mr shachi I just can't believe with 32 years old it just go so fast I'm telling you I think you should take everybody out to thank you M Jones When will your last board meeting be the end of September yeah okay we have a board meeting on my birthday this year my second to last is actually on my birthday we got the baker who's say what's your favorite who where's Miss Huff from the party planning I'm on it on it got it okay's choice that meeting I'm not acknowledging this until then okay otherwise everybody please enjoy your summer um that's all that's all I have anyone else you're good I'll take a motion to recess into confidential session so mov we have a second second okay and all those in favor all right be it resolved that the board meet in confidential session for the purpose of discussing Personnel matters of client attorney client privilege um any pending litigation there's the whole list we have further resolved that the matters discussed in confidential session be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality no longer exists and action may be taken we will not be very long we are now in uh close session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e right all right we will we're back into the session oh sorry I got to the Hammer okay I'll I'll take a motion for to close out and adjourn this meeting so moved do I have a second second all right we'll take a roll call all those in favor we are done for this evening see you next month