##VIDEO ID:I0s38OLyvRQ## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e see [Music] all right I'm going to call this meeting to order would everyone beis for the flag I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all everyone standing for a moment of silence for all those in har way and all of our military station at home and abroad thank you we have mik are we going to be y all right I'm just going to yell otherwise I'm going to have Lisa to speak all right the notice requirements of the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey have been satisfied by the inclusion of the date time and place of this meeting and the notice of regular meetings adopted by this board on January 8th 2024 such schedule and notice of meetings is posted at the municipal building the Mount Olive Library Board of Education offices and the six schools was submitted to the Daily Record for publication on January 9th 2024 and was filed with the clerk of M Township on January 9th 2024 I direct that this announcement be entered into the minutes of this meeting I'll take a mrso here Mrs here Mrs fitgerald Mrs Melendez Mrs oal here Mr here here I am here and I will have Mrs you please um make a motion oh she can't hear would you please make a motion to approve the meeting minutes uh and the close session minutes I have a any questions any comments a roll call Miss Jones Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fon yes Mrs figer yes Mrs oal Mr orill yes Mr yes Mrs yes Mr do I just want just let us know if there's anything you have a question on since the mic isn't picking up s you can see Lisa better no straight this Communications or petitions from uh to the board or to the superintendent no any Communications to the board or the superintendent no okay and we will move on to superintendent report I'm excited to inv Mr Kevin sty up to going to be sharing for class Che can you hear me now all all day no good all right so we have so I had the opportunity last week to uh do a brief presentation to the technology committee regarding some accolades uh from the class of 2024 so accolades accomplishments and aspirations of the class of 2024 uh just a brief overview of what this class and the Legacy that they've left uh from high school and they are more than just a bullet point list um they've been able to contribute some tremendous um accomplishments to school uh first and foremost bringing back the habits of learning which has been a big priority for us over the last few years with attendance and behavior and uh really focusing on their studies and taking advantage of the wonderful opportunities provided by this uh you see a breakdown class of 2024 we have uh 6 students of the class 2024 en rolling 2-year college and 209 students uh to fouryear colleges that represents 85% of going on to seek another pathway with postsecondary education you can see a number of students entering the career Workforce and we also as we celebrated graduation have three members of the classing you can actually see breakdown Bas sub groups and this Avail to you from the C committee and Dr Bia it gives you an overview of where our class of 2024 has gone uh in various subes a couple bullet points again uh about 85% of our graduates are moving on to foure schools um and 60% attending 4 College univers attending schools like Princeton University of Pennsylvania University of Michigan Corell University and the University of not and I also have a list of some other schools our students are attending as well uh and the frequency of the number of graduates moving on to those schools uh 80 students are going to be remaining in the state of New Jersey uh to attend one of our fine institutions and 84 of our students will be rolling at the County College of mar that's been a tradition High School in fact it's usually around 120 to 125 students every year at CCM and we' very proud of that because it's a highly accredited institution and their credits move on to fouryear Opportunities um but this year uh we have 84 students that are moving in that direction we have 31 graduates joining the workforce as we had mentioned earlier and three during the uh the military service here are valves and Sal uh for this year's graduation excises didn't job with delivery spe n students class of 224 recognized as National Merit Comm students while one student was a finalist um this past year for the National Merit Scholarship competition that's a huge accomplishment the sealed by diploma recognizes students who speak one or more languages other than English this year we had 24 students earn that distinction and have a special seal attached to senior awards for paper Bill we talked about this huge round of applause and graduation year we had 11 nominations at paper mill Playhouse star awards taking home three major awards that evening and there it was rather special you got a chance to watch the televised version uh was absolutely amazing our opening number for this past spring was the opening number proud of our students that we had state championship teams football wrestling and gymnastics while we earned conference championships in soccer girls traic field both indoor and outdoor girls and girl flb team 22 students of the class in 2024 are actually playing Collegiate Sports this coming school year so again that's a big number for us um the two tables for the next slides give you the uh tools that are class4 students are attending see colle Mars 20 students from this class attending the UN while students also on so it's a list of Highly accomplished institutions of Higher Learning that our students have uh threw this in here because the class of 2024 they were the first class to have to take the njtpa graduation requirement and 90% of class of 2024 met for expectations while 73% met were exceeded the expectations to the m i did throw the class of 2025 on there as Point Paris because we continue to grow our standardized T in Achi this year's class of 2025 scor 95% the we do know that we will be focusing laser focus on our math uh dual enrollment that came up at the curriculum in uh technology meeting uh we had 13 students participate in dual enrollment opportunities uh we have agreements with SE hall for fairly dickon and Kean University we've also had arrangements with CCM andary University what happens is we work with those they RW theer and qualifications of our teaching staff to see if they and if that is an alignment then they'll offer the opportunity for enrollment hey think we got some s I'm sorry everybody here okay outside okay thank you um so it's really um placed upon the student to make sure that they take the opportunity to enroll with these institutions for dual enrollment credit which usually runs about $350 to $400 per course and then that does develop transcrip schools which are highly transferable and we're going to be looking at this a deeper dive moving forward our AP results uh came in uh over the summertime we improved our percent of three fours and five to 77% up from 73% and our goal is to make it to the 85 to 89% range where we were as a high school in previous years we administered 84 AP exams this year which is absolutely outstanding it is 60 less than the previous year but it didn't impact the number of students earning AP recognition which we'll share with you later this evening some courses of noteworthiness had seven uh courses earn 100% 34 and fives AP Chemistry AP seminar AP research AP music theory AP US Government AP um United States history uh to name a few uh so outstanding test year and we look to continue to grow uh the success of this program as you are well aware the board has really provided some tremendous funding for our students to take advantage of the AP testing opportunities students have to pay for their first exam and the board uh absorbs the cost for all those uh AP exams after the first one so even despite that college board has figured it out because they have you registered in October all right so students really have to make a commitment early in order to sit for an a exam which has not changed in terms of the first and second week of the month of May um so we still continue to turn out uh incredible results and we'll continue continue to monitor our progress uh throughout this school year the next slide will give you a sidebyside comparison from the 2018 2019 school year to 2324 school year so you see that we're getting back on track in terms of the percent three fours and fives we ask students to give their best effort regard um if they feel like they need the course score or not all right that becomes parts of the challenges when we get to the month of May um but we'll discuss that in Greater detail you can see a side bys side comparison with the AP recognitions from the 2223 school year as it compares to the 2324 there were 60 less exams offered this year but the number of AP recognitions is around the same in fact it still represents around 20 to 21% of the students taking the um AP exams that qualify for AP dis okay any questions about the class of 2024 all right I say um while I'm up here I guess we go right into the AP presentation so a part of the Traditions that we've established are recognizing underclassmen who have earned the distinction of 8 Scholars so I'll just give you a brief definition of what each of the categories represent then I'll read off names and the uh distinction that they earned AP scholar it's a square of three or better on three or more AP exams in a year okay listen to the numbers all right it's pretty rigorous AP scholar with honors scores of three or better on four or more AP exams and an average of a 3.5 all AP exams taken AP scholar distinction schol uh scores of three or better on five or more AP exams and an average of 3.5 on all AP exams we also have the AP Capstone distinguished diploma and that's the successful completion of the AP research and AP seminar courses scoring on three on both exams and taking four additional AP exams and scoring three or above that will categorize student as student of and then we also have um recognition for successfully completing AP seminar and AP research so we'll get into those Nam um Dr alphabetical order we're a little thin tonight um obviously an August meeting uh we typically have done this some you know time frames of the school year but we're going to read off the names because these students Des heard Cassandra Alo AP scholar and AP seminar res certificate Caitlyn alexandrini AP Capstone diploma and AP scholar and distinction jayen Anderson AP scholar blessing Anna yange AP Capstone diploma and also the AP scholar W Mesa our Solin AP scholar with distinction Charles ainson AP scholar with distinction Elena Atri AP scholar AR aan AP scholar with distinction amlin Saba AP scholar with honors Robert Cahill AP scholar Elizabeth Cole AB scholar With Honor Stephanie quas AP Capstone diploma and AP scholar With Honor Angela Davis AP scholar With Honor Carly g d g comoo AP scholar tuna Tusa AP scholar with distinction AP seminar and research certificate Matthew AP scholar with distinction Angelina fante AP seminar and research certificate Nicholas fron AP scholar With Honor Kashi gangar AP scholar Layman Gali AP scholar Tomas Honda AP Capstone diploma AP scholar with distinction Oliver H AP scholar with distinction Nathan hang AP scholar with honors key Jarvis AP scholar [Applause] and Marine leeny call AP scholar with distinction emilene ker AP scholar Leila Khalifa AP scholar AP seminar and research certificate Jason Kim AP Capstone diploma AP scholar with distinction Sant Kumar AP scholar With Honor nyati laula AP scholar with distinction sea Lavery AP school with H or scholar With Honor AP seminar and research certificate Lily lusi AP scholar AP seminar and research certificate Noah Lopez a scholar With Honor Richard Matel AP scholar [Applause] Ryland McCumber AP scholar carthi Menon AP scholar pra mohapatra AP scholar Juliana moscatello AP scholar With Honor Zane maaba AP scholar AP seminar and research certificate indis subra Muny AP scholar Jordan Naro AP scholar AP seminar and research certificate ran pada AP Capstone diploma and AP scholar with distinction Joshua P AP scholar Eric C AP scholar With Honor Madison Ral AP scholar Maria Reyes AP scholar With Honor Robin riha AP scholar with distinction nor rizik AP scholar Lawrence Sanchez AP scholar Siri sigu AP scholar with honor and AP seminar and research certificate Aisha Sheik AP scholar Armen Shankar AP scholar sanvi Shankar AP scholar Andrew spaner AP scholar Omar too AP scholar With Honor Laura Thomas AP caps diploma AP scholar with distinction Maggie til AP scholar Zoya v a scholar Vanessa v a scholar Alis viser AP scholar Angelina Wang AP scholar With Honor Dominic Woodburn AP scholar With Honor Teresa Zeno AP [Applause] diploma congratulations to all of our recipients it was a great year and we're looking forward to the 2425 school year thank [Applause] [Music] you thank you Mr Stanberry and thank you for the all the students that were able to attend and we really we really do honor and appreciate you do we have any questions from the board no I'll give them a few minutes so the all right now it's all quiet and Dr B do you have anything else to report from superintendent report well we had an exciting um opening of the school year today we welcome back the staff the high school in which they participated in a full to day uh meetings in order to prepare for the students that are coming back on Wednesday thank you any questions from the board and just a reminder of the parents that we have all half days this week starting on Wednesday the first full day will be next Tuesday for students all right we'll move on to personel committee report sorry I got printed out the wrong one uh we did meet on August 20th at 4 in the board office all were present and we had uh Mrs Shing as a guest Mrs showning presented to the committee the reorganization plan for the business office beginning in October the proposal includes new job descriptions for an assistant business administrator account accountant and an administrative assistant to the business administrator Dr updated the committee on the large screen stien positions at the high school the positions are currently posted in applr and the district is looking for qualified individuals to fill both roles I think one is already filled is that correct Dr B yes pleas second Dr vanio also shared with the committee the finalized par professional longevity sidebar agreement between the Board of Education and emo the agreement helps bolster power professional pay by rewarding employees for their years of service in District this sideb was negotiated last year due to the additional minutes add to the Middle School Lunch Period this year the committee agreed to increase the mom's lunch coverage rate to $35 for 35 minutes of coverage long-term substitute sick days as a way to further incentivize potential employees to fill leave replacement vacancies the committee agreed to allow long-term substitutes to earn one sick day per month after their first 30 days of employment in the district the committee agreed to amend the job title of middle school teacher cat vone literacy interventionalist the committee also agreed to the extra pay for extra Services job description for a head occupational therapist position the position will oversee best practices in the field and will maintain an efficient and effective program through management scheduling and calibration of services in accordance with New Jersey administrative code and District policy the the committee reviewed the updated Human Resources tab on the districts the site is now a primary resource for All District employees that includes information for potential hires current employees and the newly created staff handbook and I'd like to just take a minute to thank Mr Moore and his team for putting that together thank you do we have any questions from the board with regards to the Personnel committee seeing that we will now move on to curriculum and technology for spent thank you so um we also well we met Monday August 19th um and our first uh thing was uh Mr stanbury reviewed the accomplishments as you just saw um and re and reviewed the AP scores he also reviewed uh the proposed structure of the new student program Mass which uh stands for Marauder assistance supports and transitions mass will be addressed dtive behav will address disruptive behavior code of conduct infractions by by providing targeted instructed interventions that can address destructive Behavior while maintaining a posi School climate and ensuring students receive the support they need to succeed academically and socially we have dual enrollment opportunities at manala high school we riew them including student enrollment in the course of 20324 school year the district is also looking to expand the dual enrollment opportunities moving forward we had Dr kryder review technology updates including the new equipment purchased for the upcoming school years uh some of the equipment included new Chromebooks for moms um for the students and the purchase of new prian boards Dr B reviewed mom's updates for the upcoming school year and related to the g& honoral and GPA programs uh new evaluation manuals for staff was reviewed the manual provides St with clear expectations related to evaluation and observation expect expectations and a student code of conduct for all three levels elementary middle and high school were reviewed changes included inclusion of support services available to families AI related issues and the use of biased language you have any questions from the board withs to the curriculum and Technology I hope I did the minutes Justice you did did great job it's not my thing well seeing none then we will move on to finance and operations committee report Mr orelo we also met on Monday the 19th um we got to meet um this the management team from the new food service mashos they presented their programs and services and areas of improvement they will be implementing for the 2425 and we're really excited to bring these options to our students in the district uh all also we discussed five new cameras were installed in the middle school this month and the new security office up front post the completion very shortly meanwhile our standard uh security measures remain in place uh transportation department sold bus at auction for 27,500 funds will be used to purchase a new bus for the district and that's about it you have any anything any other uh comments or questions from the board with regards to the finance committee's uh meeting report anyone else then we will move on to policy and governance M Mendes welcome uh the policy committee met on Tuesday August 20th um at the B offices present where uh Dr suit uh ban Lisa naris Ben figa and the server Louisa mandz uh Dr bja review updates to policy 5400 uh which is honoring pupil achievements which focus on alignment the to the current policy 5430 which is the class rank policy updates include clarification when student standing was calculated regulation of also you and several regulations to be approved include okay let's go regulation 7420 .1 uh blueb pathogen exposure control plan uh regulation 2415 Title One Services regulation 24 or 25 emergency virtual or remote instruction program uh regulation 5410 promotion and retention regulation 5513 care of school property regulation 5816 rules for safety patrol regulations H and disposal of body waste and fluids regulation 84203 natural disaster and my made catastrophes almost done bear with me revolation 8420 um uh point4 kidnapping regulation 84 20.5 Asus release regulation 8426 accidents to and from school regation 8451 control of communicable disase regulation 611 15.01 Federal Awards SL funds internal controls allowability of costs regulation 1570 internal controls regulation 24312 medical examination prior to participation on school sponsor inter school or intral team or Squad regation 74101 facility main rep scheduling and accounting regulation 8420 emergency and non-fire evacuation plan regulation 5330 04 administering of opio antio that's all the regulations that we review and with that all regulation thank you the up to date in the district any regulations actually left there I'm sorry there are any actual regulations left in the file we went over a lot for the past couple of months so thank you for the committee for all the hard work as well bear with me I said large files poliy committe has been very alive very very Bussy yes so policies and regulations are up to date Dr can you explain for everybody the difference that there be between a policy and a regulation since that was very specific that we went through the regulations and I think there's some um always questions around what's a policy versus the regulation that falls under that it's really simp policy the what and the regulation is how so really you know policy structuring various topics are expect are required by the state based on stat in law and regulation is how the district is going to en enforce those policies in the um practices in the district so depending on regulation um some of them are required to be approved by the board versus some of them are going to be umly um put into place by Administration thank you um any questions from the board on the committee notes any no I've seen none I don't know if we have any but do we have any subcommittee or parent teacher Association uh liaison reports no not yet they're on summer breaks though all right for board president report I do have something to share out I like positive news it's been actually a really great day um we got to kind of be getting tou a couple of us for the first day for our staff to return really what amount of energy but I did want to share something for somebody who doesn't like Spotlight um New Jersey School Board Association had sent out um every year we have a conference and yeah he's running away now so the board was uh giv the opportunity to nominate your unsung education superhero for recognition at the workshop he's bacing back and forth I'll read you the little criteria they gave us as a premier School District in New Jersey renowned for its excellence and education your staff undoubtedly excels at what they do Shine the spotlight on some of the most important but often Overlook staff by nominating them for the New Jersey school board association's unsung superheroes and education Awards they gave us a list of possible um individuals they said the program celebrates invaluable contributions of School District staff in the following categories and we picked one we had actually had suggested one and that came down to our school security Personnel these are individuals who were tirelessly behind scen often without recognition to ensure that our schools run smoothly and provide a safe and nurturing environment for our students we invite you to nominate your dist and help us shine a light on the amazing work they do every day so we were fortunate enough to embarrass someone and and nominate someone who really is a value to this district and that's Mr gy so I will [Applause] give what we had to do was you know include the nominees years of service had to be a minimum of five years Mr you just met that five years in District get their name the role and tell us why you're nominating that person and what is one thing that set your nominee a part in this category in two testimonies summarizing the nominees impact of district and we had to by May 1 and I'm sure be examples I'm going to give some just a little bit a couple notes that I provided to SCH Mr grief's been a 40 plus year resident forany he spent 25 years in law enforcement um he is a retired police captain from the pan Police Department he's a graduate of pany Troy Hills actually pany Hills High School you know anything you know you have to differentiate he attended Thomas Edison State College he has a Bachelor of Science in human services with a specialization in criminal justice for grad school he attended Dickson and Ministry of Science and he had a 4.0 GPA don't ask how I knew all that he also graduated the New Jersey state chief exam uh Association command and leadership course he's a graduate of the FBI's command Institute for law enforcement Executives he also HS a certificate from pen state University and budgeting for law enforcement agencies and grant writing he was once also an elected official all right coming M he actually served on the pany school board as a a member he was saw on the pany county committee he's a Creator and administrator of the pany Troy Hills Police Department Citizen Police Academy and he was a PTA member here in Mount Olive when he came in 2019 in October he took on implementing full scale reunification drill with a nearby Roxbury high school and then in 2021 a couple of highlights he went on with the guidance we were ranked as number one safest School District in Mars County byus so people said every morning parents School District with their children expecting them to be safe and secure as possible he said and that's a pack we te very seriously on a parent of school each myself and knowing nothing is more important he initiated was part of the initiation to implement cameras on our school buses he uh under his guide we have 16 designated security officers including 10 armed retired police offic believe we actually have increased that since this was written eight or full time employees in two part time we definitely have more than than that now um let's go on 2022 M School District again been named as safest School District in Mars County for two years in a row by Mars County Focus Magazine and let's see 2024 you initiated the Citizens Council which included M multifaceted Learning Academy for all of our parents who were interested to attend who had weekly sessions that spanned over 10 weeks um they were 90 minutes each and they and were an indepth exploration of various aspects of the district you had a Community Driven to I you also then LED another reunification drill with roxber successfully so Mr gy will now be honored in October at the school board workshop and that was just an brid version of what he has brought to this district and what we really really value but above all I think like every parent every person in this this town and this community and the school knows that our children beyond safe and they see as creepy know that you are an ally for them all of your staff values you they value everything that you bring from the top down you really do bring something amazing to this dist district and I know that I'm embarrassing the Lum deights out of you so thank you anyone else no okay all right now we'll move on we'll move on to public comments on action items and members of the community may comment on any action item prior to the board discussion please state your name and address for the record and all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or obene comments will not be tolerated and these are on the action items only we do have another uh portion for public comment afterwards as well and the mic is open got a lot oh yeah um I was going over the bills for tonight for it's being approved name and address please for Martin Wells Muller 25 bookrest Avenue but Lake New Jersey 07828 um you know I was going through the bill list which was many many pages over $4 million being sent out or has been sent out in the past month and a half covering some of the bills but I I noticed a few things that stood out me and and one of the things I I have a few questions on is that I see that we ended up buying some more command radio communications uh for additional cost of probably around $331,000 was that not included in the original proposal when they build the system out to begin with we're always replacing cameras I don't have that in front of me what bill is it it's a command radio communications Mr R Miller we can always get back to you with the more detailed answer or unless Mr KY behind you has a response we'll get back to you this is wait I can answer this this um this PO is going back to the 2223 school year so this is a final payment on a project okay so this is not new equipment this is the completion of the project so if you're looking if you're looking at that bills list you'll see the PO number there it says 23-24 58 so 23 references school year so that's the 22 23 school year okay so if it's if it's 24 it's the 23 24 and if it's 25 it's 2425 so that explains that it look like it was something new in addition to that's why I no right but that that's moving forward when you're looking at these bills lists that may help you um structure is a lot better now so appreciate that all right um now I also saw the huge dispersement for laptops and computers with an excess of over half a million dollars now it says these are Chrome leases now we don't we're spending a half a million dollars do we know how many laptops that encompasses totally can you tell me the vendor uh H Packard so this is um this is the last year of a three-year lease this was purchased 3 years ago it's 24 25 P because it's year three of three so this excuse me this probably um I don't know off the top of my head this was probably about 1,200 Chromebooks and Technology there is a technology plan in this District during my presentation we went through this um technology goes through their techn the technology department as a 5year plan and they replace and repair as needed but this particular this these are Chromebook leases the High School sandshore Mountain View and Tents so all right um so after these these These are these would be the books that we then ventually put out for auction to sell for these will these have even though it's a threeyear lease they have a useful life of upwards of five or six years because our tech department um has they know how to manage the technology so they'll they'll be moving forward for several years well this I know you weren't here for this last year um but last year they they sold a whole bunch of laptops for like $10 each to an organization and which they all have to be work in order conditioned and I would B those laptops to give them away to people in the community versus just selling them to some vendor that's going to sell them in another country for $100 each and down the road if we have a situation where we can give families in need in our town a laptop for the kids to have at home even though they wipe you clean and we wash our hands I think that would be a better use and just sell them out in the open street so that's kind of why I'm bringing this about we'll we'll keep that in mind when we get to that point okay all right um and then on I guess this is for the architect I see that we he performed like his many tasks and he's building us for $110,000 now do we know what what projects that he did or I see parking lot Mountain View like he's getting $84,000 so the first project is the Mountain View roof that project was awarded at $1,875 th000 to the contractor and the architect based on his contract gets a percentage that's 6% of his fate so 6% of that project is about $112,000 so this $84,000 is a partial payment on his Services now is that Fe negotiable or not negotiable it's it's part of his contract that was awarded part of the RFP you understand that that's an old contract but going forward can we negotiate a lower rate or is that a standard rate that's set by a government body it was part of the RFP that was submitted and the board approved it anything is negotiable but we're adhering to okay what what the board adopted so the fee so down the road we can negotiate 5% fees or 6% to save the district money down the road if we're able to do so all right um and then also I see generation Services where I guess we're doing stuff at the middle school and then it say Ms projector system upgrade Ms is is after for Middle School yes all right cuz it doesn't say Mount Middle School all right and no do we know what were these facilities are located in the school is that these are in the auditorium they were upgrades to the auditoriums okay um and I guess the other thing I looked at is that we're paying $184,000 to PS this over the past two months which obviously is a huge help is that I guess was the air fishing the whole time the summer you're looking at the bill to PSC and J yeah JCP oh JCP and that's our electric service it's probably from multiple because this bills list is so large is because we're paying all of our accounts p payable at June 30th that rolled over into the school year so number one that's why our bills list is over $4 million yeah I know Mr Rose Miller on JCP and are you looking at JCP andl yes the each month is listed there as well as the building that it's associated with that I understand but have we ever since we're such a large user of electricity know you can negotiate rates finding other vendors that provide it obviously which could reduce costs I don't know if that's ever been looked at before we stick with jcpnl with my fraternity house in North we had psad the provided to get the electri to us but we bought our power from someone else lot of money that's possible or not Mr these are supposed to be a questions not conversation back and forth so you can give us your question all our Mr Wells Miller if you have questions that we can answerly just answer them otherwise have we ever EXP any vendors for the electricity Co we just went through a bid process a couple of months ago for for the electricity at all of our form our utilities jcpnl and um New Jersey natural gas all right um and then I also see that we have some Consulting things from J Consulting and services for $114,000 is Professional Services but they're consultant do we know what the Consulting on he's our facilities consultant that he's our interim all right all right that makes sense um and then we have another MCL Consulting for another 7,000 almost $7,000 it says purchase Professional Services but it's coming from Consulting servic professional Education Services MCL Consulting is special education one to one8 that makes sense um and then now I also see that we're buying um wrestling Ms this year and you know my question is is do we have a tally how much we spend in each sport meaning football baseball softball so making sure that spending is equal per student I'm sure the athletic director has that type of information is there a way someone can because that's how she builds her budget as to the needs and should be within the budget otherwise we will ask the athletic director to provide her budget broke it down by each sport it will by Sport and by student to make sure that this money that's spent is equable among all you know because kind of like this we all talk equality and Equity so I would like to make sure that all the sports are treated that way so certainly Mr W if I want to interrupt here I also recognize that your kids played Sports as well there's different type of equipment that's required for each sport that required would also differentiate based upon that so I don't think it's necessarily Apples to Apples you know certain Sports you know convey or require a lot more equipment to others so I want to keep that in mind you certainly can get information but it's not neily you spend x amount of money on one sport thereby that Sport's more important depending on what you're looking at it does require keep safety in mind when we are reviewing each of them but we will do our best to get you down by each sport well I do value the value of the helmets as we know for lacrosse players and football players to threat concussions stuff like that so I do know that when it does cost more um booster clubs remember too when I know that I understand that all right and then I also see that we have a bill here from the uh was a Bosch Law Group do we know what that was for m is that for special needs or another type of you looking at that that was for an investigation what was that sorry it was for an investigation investigation yeah the bush Law Group is that finalize that investigation is that going okay is is the results of that investigation they were going to be brought out to the public or the report that was person matters or Personnel cannot discuss those on public well I know but it was still paid for you're welcome to Oprah where you're allowed to where we're allowed to release that is okay your right all right and then I guess the last one I have is I see that we have a pretty decent large contract with Lawn Treatment Services through True Green C Lawn I guess it is um and and my question is if we have the grounds maintenance team they're not qualified to work with the materials that they are that contract is not being renewed oh it's not no that's it that's it thank you anyone else from the public who would like to come to the mic with regards to action items and action items only all right seeing none we will move on the approval of monthly expenditures and reports uh m figero I'd like to make a motion to approve item 6.3 6.8 um 6.1 to 6.8 yes sorry 6.1 6. do we have a second second any questions or comments from the board seeing none I'll we take a roll call Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orilla yes Mr Stan the name Jody Bosch Iain yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs L yes and we'll move on then to Personnel action items Mr I'd like to make a motion upon the recommendation of the superintendent to move Personnel action items 1.7 through I'm sorry 7.1 through 7.35 second have any questions or comments from the board no seeing none we'll take a roll for Mr Jones Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal Mr orill yes Mr stach yes Mrs NES yes and we'll move on to ccum curriculum and Technology uh Miss Fen thank you um on the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to move ran technology 8.1 to 8.17 Second any questions or comments from the none see we'll take a roll call M Jones Mrs Fenton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stach yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs lucis yes and we were Go finance and operations Mr rillo uh upon recommendation the superintendent I'd like to make a motion for approval of 9.1 9.11 12 second we have questions or comments from the board no seeing none we'll take a roll call M Jones Mr orilla yes Mr stachi yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mrs lores yes and we are move on to administrative action items and Mr L can you make a motion for administrative action items you want to make a motion up the recommendation of the superintendent I make a motion to approve items under administrative actions items uh 10.1 to 10.42 Second do we have questions or comments from the board and I'm sorry Mela that I any questions or comments from the board no okay just um there is that a one question I don't know where I see it Miss Jones was there oh approval of professional development days those are the board members right yes okay just want to make sure yes the board M should have stayed on there yeah that's why it was on my radar this so for those um they are see where it starts 10.5 down to 10.12 each of those names the board members that are attending the workshop for New Jersey school boards in October so each of them has one of our names associated with it best practice would be for that individual to abstain it is up to them your choice how you wish to vote Yes okay every any questions other for not seeing n we'll take a roll call Miss Jones Mrs [Music] Melendez abstaining 10.5 through 10 no just yours which one so yours is 109 unless you don't want to send us in a minute I to tell you so yes to everything but stain to 10.9 10.9 okay I have't uh 10.9 are you sure yeah that's your name I'm looking at okay yes to everything and abstaining 10.9 Mrs O'Neal Mr orilla um let's see which one you hold on which's Mr y 10.12 up stain at 10.12 yes everything else Mr trach yes Mrs Aquino yes to everything abstain on 10.5 Mrs Fenton yes I'd like to obstain on 10.6 yes to everything else Mrs fera yes to everything with the exception 10.7 Mrs noris yes to everything except for 1010 all right that puts us at Old business members of the board May comment on any item or topic that was previously discussed by the board do we have any old business no do we have any new business yes I'm Mr yes getting back to Mr Wells Muller's last question about the uh contract that we didn't go through with about Lawn Service does that mean we will not be doing any Lawn Service no it means that our staff can do that work we're still going to treat of course but we we have the staff to do that okay the reason why I asked is well one year we did not and boy the following year we paid for it we have to do that every year so I just was wondering who was going to do it the other thing is if you would please at the next meeting I'd appreciate if we could have the enrollment of each School this year thank you anyone else for new business with that we're going to move to public comments students parents employees and community members May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to the manol school district please state your name and address for the record and all comments must be presented respectfully abusive or obscene comments will not be tolerated the mic is open hello I'm Lisa lavola I reside in room 172 at sore School hi I'm Ron and carer I'm mostly in room b303 at the high school um and we just wanted to take a moment to introduce ourselves as the new um co-presidents for the Education Association of Mount Olive and say we're looking forward to working with you and and uh having a great school year thank you thank you you sorry Hi everyone Anthony jordano oh boy 39 Center Street Bud Lake just a couple quick things I don't want to keep everyone here longer first of all shout out to Mr KFI um I don't take credit for a lot of things in this District but um I was fortunate enough be hir in par 2014 when Mr C was on the board of ed and he's great board member back then the opportunity with Dr zwiki and Miss Harrington um wanted to hire a a director of security his name immediately came to the Forefront um I passed his resume along and thankfully they were both smart enough to hire him so congratulations to him and his award Mr quino I wasn't in I was at the bathroom I wasn't I didn't hear if you talked about I sent an email to the personel committee Dr Bia about the dollar for the power professionals that addressed we didn't address that I don't think it was announced during our meeting okay so so everyone so give the board the background when we negotiate that with emo the idea was even though it's for emo you know we negotiate the contract for emo employees people in the uh Union it really the the the the spirit of it was any person whether they work esy or if they're not an emo they'd get that dollar uh they're working with our most challenging students um I've worked with those students it's very difficult and it was just an idea so I'm grateful uh that that Dr B on the board um Extended that to the non-o members also shout out to Mr Stanbery with APS that is great it's always nice to see that um I thrilled that the dual enrollment is going to be looked at I think it's something we have to look at I think it's something we have to expand we talk about equity and access um not all of our students are going to take AP even though this board has been very supportive of it over the years um duel Roma gives those students that aren't AP students the opportunity to earn credits and so the board committees can establish goals for themselves which could be your board goals so CNT could say hey we want to one of our goals is we want to double dual enrollment from 13 to 26 or we want to get 10 more students involved so um that's something I think is going to be great and I'm looking forward to see how that works out the plan you put in place Dr banj M MC Mr stanbury Mr Felman and that's all I have thank you very much for your service oh I'm sorry one more thing one more thing I have it right here I'm sorry I just this is the most important thing the $125 parking fee at the high school at this point it's Absolut I don't know if the board's aware of that in 20091 when we were still voting on budgets the budget got voted down the board let the community know we were not going to cut staff or programs so we got rid of pres of of curreny busing except for what the law stated we put in pay to play so everyone had to pay for sports activities and parking at this point we've got rid of all that except parking at the high school my recommendation is rean that back to the business committee have them look at it and reimburse those parents we have $120 million budget right we give out big increases rightfully so to our staff I'm always for that I negotiate all the contracts we're nickel and Diamond people at this point I think it's something that's Obsolete and we got to move forward from that so my suggestion would be look at that business and reimburse people what's it$ three $4,000 $5,000 the most so thank Youk Martin Wells 25 with AV by Lake New Jersey I know a lot of your board members run around during the summer for some of the summer sports that started kicking off for I have one kid left and my one kid to be a soccer player you know what a great event we had this summer with the mountain off high school soccer tournament uh had the best fundraising year ever for the sport I think almost raised almost $11,000 I want to give crudos to all coaches they actually boots on the all the other guys we working the session stands plenty of hamburgers and hotu coaching but we needed help to spot they stepped up that want to be recognized for their great effort doing stuff that they're doing for the summer also want to let the board know that uh Mount Al soccer club was invited to partake in an event which will be coming on September 12th at 7M where we are going to be playing hack towns Tigers versus m marage in the uh dome for the Red Bull stadium so we rented out Red Bull State Pool well each PTA so far came up with 5,000 each it cost $10,000 but the varcity players are going to be playing a game in Red Bull on professional soccer field give them that wow experience uh there's going to be tickets available for the sale for I think they're $10 each we have a flyer that's going to be out we'd like to find out if the school can share this for all the kids like when the football team does different things we them baseball like to see if we can get a lot of Team support to come out awareness for this um and just to let you know that you know we all put our money we about this this was expense you know I offered to pay a large of it my wife yell at me but our donating $750 to Ra's fames also donating $750 towards this event we're doing it because not just for our own boys but for all the other boys um I think this is a great experience uh the coach Grizz is going to have all the boys sued up to be to practice and warm up on Red Bull's field um and then the varc player will play against hackin toown um and I'd love to see board members that they can come out and show support as well um I guess and lastly like I said you know um this is my last year when he came to school and I let you know uh the education that was provided to my children from this SCH who all the years has been absolutely amazing I may be a pain in neck Sometimes some people call me El other words but I I really truly have the best interest for this District of the kids uh because the end of the day it's the Legacy that we leave behind for the children where our our best marks come out in life um a lot of the kids that came here from I coached a lot of them I take a lot of Pride I coach kids in football and other sports here in this town and I like the the unity that we have with the other sports clubs as they are the feeder clubs to the high school program and that's why I want to make sure that that keeps them going strong and and that we keeps on going proud for all our Marauders um like I said I'm hoping to see a lot of board members parents with the community uh September 12th red bu Stadium we have a flyer we'll get it out and people want they can buy tickets and if anyone wants to also donate for the for this um would be awesome because it's it's not cheap and we're curing a lot of the budget for the PTA but we thought it was an invest well they thought it was in the best interest for the students and that's why they're pursuing if it works out well this may be something going on for years down the road so thank you and have a good day and thank you for that you did thank you thank you and I just want to correct one thing Mr mser just said I know you misspoke when you said it to Mount Olive socer Club it's actually the Mount Olive boys team not the outside Club correct sorry I just wanted to look that clarification um I did have a question with regards to that while it's not a sanctioned njsi daa um program does does one the board still have to vote on it and two does our insurance carry over for any activity that the the uh Team then participates without sign of any of our sanctions I want to that were covered this is a sanctioned County game so it is it should be covered under everything it's a county game for so it's not just a uh a Showmanship game it's actually one of our County games that we play in the state county okay I think can can we just have U Miss Su check into a couple of the questions I just s make sure that what did you say Miss nures I just want to be clear of the question one are does our insurance then extend for the activities that are not under a sanction if it if it is not a sanctioned program okay and two is it a sanctioned program and does the board have to make any approval with that what I will say is It's a Wonderful opportunity for certainly by all means um just want to make sure we cover our bases appropriate okay we'll do one thank you and we are proud of them for having that opportunity extended to them anyone else mic no seeing none we will move on to board comments uh members of the board May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to the Mount Olive school district and we'll start Mrs oal just m you want to go any comments board comments no M yes uh congratulations to Mr kifi is well deserved um we are so happy to have you in our school district um always you go above and beyond and is our gratitude to you uh to stay for years come um I want to Welcome to the entire Community especially the teachers staff administrators uh today was the first day and we wish together to have an amazing year school years we have fantastic administrators uh union representative also uh our students our parents um um so let's start this year with a lot of energy and Good Vibes Mr quo of course I want to congratulate Mr kifi and I'm bringing my cowbell to um school boards when you get your reward um and I wanted to say what a wonderful opening day it was today Dr Bia thank you for that and for the guest speaker who I thought was lovely and had some very resounding um information to share which I thought every person should be hearing thank you thank you for teachers too Mr stachi I just want to Echo Mr Wes wish everybody another great fantastic year m b yeah I just want to welcome all the staff of Mount Ola thank you for everything you always do for us I wanted to thank all this people that work this summer tiously to get this school year going um thank you for a wonderful uh opening day the presenter was amazing Mr kifi you're amazing congratulations you deserve it um congratulations to the varsity soccer for being able to play such an amazing game and um congratulations to all our scholar students safy scholar students I appreciate all the hard work everybody is doing to get this uh school year started it's just uh I think we're going to have a very POS school year I'm looking forward to it we're going to swing around to Mr rillo congratulations Mr grief and did to what Mr blinda said and yes I'm hoping for a very positive school year this year thank you go to speaker ER congratulations and thank you Mr KY very well deserved honor and welcome back to all of our staff and students for what hopes to be amazing year do we have any comments from Dr pania as I shared in the beginning we had a wonderful opening as we welcome back students this coming Wednesday our Focus really this year is about making sure that people are seen and heard so as a district we're going to be engaging in a lot of conversation whether it be with their students directly their staff and we look forward to hearing their perspective on how we can make your District better so thank you you got one more week one more month left any comments or should we just wait till next month and really I have two more count could be three I'm Shing no comments I I want to also say Mr fera Happy Birthday happy birth so happy belated birthday welcome and I did want then point out I want to make sure um all members of our community had um looked at and actually read we have uh some new District gos um and really really excited about that I know we had some teams that really worked hard over the last couple months to formulate the goals and probably going to be looking to uh meet and talk again about how to implement those within our district and the goal of really return to the AC mics of our students as we saw all of the accomplishments but I also want to say you know Mr stanbury and Mr Felman and I were talking earlier you know just selfishly about you know what um my perspective now being on the other side also having graduate is but you realize not only do they perform in class the things that they're learning about really lifelong skills like learning how to be successful individuals in the world whether their you know um focus is in the classroom in the um on Sports field you know robotics Etc we really want to make sure that we provide the best education full rounded and have them form the skills to go out to this society and to the world to with the ability to have open mind to really understand others and it's really been intriguing now after a whole year of having my own child you know come back home and and really realize what special place has been to give those tools um you know I see that I was watching the AP scores and I was talking about you know my my son did take AP classes but he struggled in one of them but what did that that bring him it put him you know ahead then when he got to college and he actually took that class and it was then considered easy coming out of our district so it's very intriguing to remember that there's so many things that they are learning academically socially you know as as individuals and humans and that's really a big big goal of ours um I did want to one comment I know Miss Dr jird did leave and I guess this has come up U many times the parking spot I might be the main parent that made my chel pay the $125 out of his own pocket because it was a privilege to park on campus um but I know we we've discussed where that those funds go um so maybe guess make sure that we have that really of one world of go and to mind it is a privilege to have a vehicle to have a driver's license and to be able to drive to school and I think we definitely do lose focus of that and holding them you know even our young adults are our children accountable in that aspect you know so maybe if if it's the financial piece that's one side of it but reminding them that there is some skin in the game too um that's really all I have rambling and I'm very proud of you know the soccer team it's a really exciting you know moment to be able to walk out to the uh Red Bull Stadium Field um I'm hoping I can attend um and that's all I have anyone else have I ramble no well then I'm going to say do we have a motion to go into confidential uh session do we have a second is it for we have anything to no we have nothing oh all right so no close session no motion to adjourn oh let's go with yeah I'm going to go with motion to adjourn that second that motion right all in favor all in favor