e e e e e e all right I going to call this meeting to order and we be all rise for the flag Sal to the of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all for a of silence for all those in thank you and in compliance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following manner on Monday May 6 2024 Advanced written notice of this meeting was submitted to the Daily Record for publication on Thursday May 9th 2024 on Tuesday May 7th 2024 advance for notice of this meeting was hand delivered to the posting to the six schools the Board of Education offices the municipal building and the Mount Olive library and was posted to the school district website and to our board docs I direct this announcement be entered into the minutes of this meeting um roll call Mrs aqu here Mrs F here Mrs fera Mrs Fitzgerald here Mrs Melendez here Mrs O'Neal here Mr oilo here Mr stach here Mrs Nares and I am here and I will take a a motion to recess into confidential session so moved second and all those in favor I and then be it resolved that the board meet in confidential session for the purpose of discussing confidential pupil matters be further resolve that the matters discussed in confidential session be disclosed to the public when the reason for conf confidentiality no longer exists and we are going into close session now it will probably be um about 30 minutes and we'll reconvene around 6:30 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e in the entire District I know I'm going to call the U meeting back to order and can we have a oh oh we got a an echo going we're good and we'll take a roll call um Miss Shing Mrs Aquino here Mrs fanton here Mrs fera here Mrs Fitzgerald here Mrs Melendez here Mrs O'Neal here Mr ozero here Mr stachi here Mrs NES and I am here and I will take a motion for the approval of the minutes 3.1 and 3.2 um Mrs O'Neal not oh you're not locked in like to make a motion on with the recommendation of the superintendent 3.1 3.2 second in a roll call M uh any questions or discussions from the board no we'll take a roll call then M Shing Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fron yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr illo yes Mr stachi yes M Mrs naris yes and uh do we have any Communications or petitions uh to the board no anyone else no what well being none we will move on to reports and discussions we will move on to the student liaison reports do we have any ah hi there hi good evening everyone um I know this is a larger crowd than usual so to quickly introduce myself my name is Allison Rambo and I'm one of the Liaisons from the high school um our other liaison Gabby is in a flag football game right now so it's just me tonight but fortunately I only have a few quick updates to share um before I get to that I do want to say a quick thank you on the behalf of the student body to all of our staff members and attendance tonight I know that our students don't always make it easy for you to do your jobs but we do truly recognize and appreciate all the effort you put into our education now back to the high school we are currently right in the middle of our AP exam season which began on May 6th and will conclude on May 17th prior to this two of our classes also completed the njsla testing for different subjects with our freshman being tested in English and our juniors in science an additional njsla test for math will also be administrated before the end of the year only to students enrolled in math classes up to Algebra 2 despite all of this testing going on in our school and keeping our students busy we still found plenty of time to celebrate our wonderful teachers last week for Teacher Appreciation Week each day the teachers were offered fun new treats ending with student council's pick of cookies on Friday speaking of our Student Government students have also officially been elected into all of the main officer positions of our student council and individual class councils for the upcoming school year we have also recently begun the application process for two new students to fill the Board of Ed liaison positions I want to give a big thanks to all of our senior officers who will be graduating for all of their contributions to this club over the past few years as well as a warm welcome to all of the members we will be welcoming next year in the Sports World our teams are of course performing as amazing as always our girls outdoor track and field team in particular just won the Morris County relay championships for the first time in school history last week and then went on to win the njac Championships just Days Later congratulations to all of these athletes and good luck to all of our other teams as they reached their final competitions also as we mentioned in our last meeting there are countless more sporting events going on in the next month month that we would love for you all to show out to and show your support as well as Honor Society inductions club events concerts and more not to mention for seniors prom is only 10 days away we hope that you and all of your students can partake in these exciting activities to wrap this year up successfully any questions any questions from the board thank you thank you thank you thank you [Applause] and we're going to move it on to superintendence report so I can say this is probably one of my favorite board meetings of all time because what we're here today is what we're here as a district is to support our students make sure they feel safe and welcomed and we're honoring indiv indviduals who have gone above and beyond their roles whether it be teachers um custodians security guards um fac facilities U maintenance people secretaries across this District who have really made this not only a place to learn but a place to belong and I stand before you not only as a superintendent but also a former student so this is near and dear to my heart one of our honoraries actually happens to be my former teacher but I won't mention who you'll notice by the hug that I give her you know it I look back at my time here in Mount Olive going back to 1985 and the things that remain with me what made me want to come back home as I call it is the fact that as a child I always wanted to come to school I always knew there was a place for me and that was not only about the classroom teachers it's about everyone who made the school possible and really tonight that's what we're celebr in so without further Ado I'm going refrain from my full remarks because we're already about like an hour behind and I think families may be appreciating that but before we start to recognize our current um recipients if I can have any past recipients of Staff members of years to please stand and the reason we like starting that program off is look how many people came we're here to support one another and celebrate our accomplishments so it's not only about the people tonight who are getting the awards but also what came before them and certainly will come after them at this time we're going to be recognizing our recipients by building we're going to be starting off with the high school so if Mr Kevin STS fairy can please come to the front let's go he won't talk for two hours I told him no good evening ladies and gentlemen at this time I'd like to welcome up to the podium an officer of our Mount Al High School parent Club how about a big round of applause for Becky dressle Mount Olive High School's teacher of the year has been a teacher at Mount Olive high school for 24 years she has taught a variety of courses over those years including but not limited to World cultures US history economics uh human behavior sociology AP human geography and Native American studies she has served as the district uh has served the district as a class advisor interact advisor Key Club advisor and a coordinator of our ethos program which highlights student character and Leadership she has mentored eight staff members and served as a cooperate cooperating teacher for four student teachers she is actually married to an English teacher and has two teen teenage Sons it gives me a great deal of pleasure to introduce this year's teacher of the year I say ye Mrs Lori Craig 24 years and it's still hard to get up in front of crowd um good evening I would like to express my gratitude to Dr ban uh the members of our Board of Education Administration staff and community members for being here tonight I am personally humbled by and grateful for this honor and for the opportunity to thank the Greater Mount Olive Community as Mr Sansbury mentioned this is my 24th year teaching in the social sites department at the high school it is my belief that while our resources and facilities are truly lovely it is the people that you interact with that make all the difference I start each year by asking students to share information they feel I should know about them and in an effort to model my expectation I share with them that it is my strong belief that every single person we encounter teaches us something valuable I have been so lucky to learn innumerable lessons from amazing young people gifted colleagues supportive administrators and caring parents I knew early in the pursuit of my degree that I wanted to work in this District this was a result of my job as a local retail store manager manager during my college Years the M of high school kids in comparison to the other teams working there at the time were always respectful hardworking and genuine so when I earned my degree I began substituting in Mount Olive and was fortunate to quickly find a permanent teaching position at the high school I met my husband while teaching here and raised two boys who have always been made welcome in these Halls this district has been a second home for me and that is because of the people that live here attend school here and work here you have all taught me so much thank thank you for allowing me to nurture my career and my life in this amazing Community it has been and continues to be my honor to be a Marauder congratulations to all the [Applause] honor mov High School's Educational Services professional of the year has been dedicated to the field of speech language pathology for the past 11 years she completed her undergraduate work at the University of Connecticut and then pursued her master's degree at Syracuse University she began her career as a speech language pathologist working with Pediatrics and soon transitioned to secondary education she has been our speech language therapist at Mount Olive High School for the past seven years her work centers around helping our students with disabilities discover and use M multiple modalities to communicate with their families teachers and friends she enjoys collaborating with colleagues and families in order to promote successful educational and life experiences for her students she is also an avid supporter of inclusive extracurricular activities such as best buddies Unified sports and Special Olympics it gives me a great deal of pleasure to introduce our Educational Services professional the year I say ye Miss Kristen [Applause] lasi good evening everyone thank you Mr Sansbury for that wonderful introduction um I would really like to thank my peers first and foremost for selecting me as ESP of the year they're all such wonderful people and I just wanted topr express my gratitude to them I'm so lucky to work with such amazing professionals every day from my students who truly inspire me every day I learn so much from them to the supportive Administration um our wonderful secretaries who are here tonight you guys rock you're amazing like just everyone at the high school and in the whole district is phenomenal my talented co-workers um and the many many supportive families that I get to interact with on a daily basis uh you all surround my work and you make my job just so wonderful I'm I'm very grateful to be a part of a community like Mount Olive where we all strive to make a positive difference in the lives of our students every day so thank you very much and congratulations to all of my fellow honores tonight at this time we would like to welcome Miss Agatha Wilkey who's going to be um sharing the recipients from the Middle School oh I didn't even they're so wonderful I didn't even have to ask them to come up our amazing mom's PTO yes um so good evening everyone uh for the mount ol Middle School teacher of the year so for over three decades this remarkable educator has been an unwavering presence in the Mount Olive Township School District embodying Excellence both in her teaching and in her compassion as a human being throughout her distinguished career Miss Elizabeth Hunter has touched the lives of countless students guiding them through the wonders of Education with a blend of structure humor and kindness from first grade to e8th grade she has been a steadfast advocate for learning inspiring a love of literacy that transcends the classroom her dedication to the holistic development of her students is truly exemplary Miss Hunter's genuine care for her students and Community shines brightly in her actions her initiative to honor a former student with a dedicated reading Corner in the media center exemplifies her deep empathy and dedication to preserving the memories and passions of those who she has taught her compassion knows no bounds and her Legacy of kindness will endure for years to come but miss Hunter's impact extends far beyond her own classroom as a quiet leader and valued member of her professional Learning Community she has shared her expertise generously supporting her colleagues and nurturing a culture of growth and collaboration countless teachers have benefited from her mentorship and guidance recognizing her as a leader of professionalism and pedagogy her selfless dedication to supporting her colleagues reflects her steadfast commitment for the future of our school Community Miss Hunter congratulations on winning this well-deserved 2024 Mount Olive Middle School teacher of the year award but more importantly thank you for the warmth kindness and inspiration that you have brought to all who have had the privilege of knowing you congratulations this is like the Academy Awards and the academy award goes to oh thank you so much Mrs wilky I'm beyond touched this is like being inducted into the teacher Hall of Fame and so I'd like to begin by thanking all of my Mount Olive teachers first as a very proud Mount Olive graduate myself I only ever wanted to be a teacher because of them and I stand here at the podium tonight because of my Mount Olive teachers also I thank my students and our Mount Olive families people ask me Beth how many children do you have and I say 95 because I do these are my kids my seventh graders and they have always been my kids and the Mount Olive families have always been my family thank you Dr Bania your Mount Olive teachers especially me are so proud of you hearing from you personally that I'd won teacher of the year was one of the proudest moments of my entire career and I knew from the time that you were in eth grade that you were destined for great things and I'm honored to say that you're my student my love I thank our administrative team at the middle school led by Mrs wilky and Mr cro and Mr rean and Mr Barcia special thanks to Mrs Marg goak our Ela supervisor also all of your support means more than I could ever say every day I thank my seventh grade team my PLC Caitlyn Matt Rachel Trisha Marina guada Trish Casey Ken Sue Tanya Jenny Trisha Anna Marie I am truly surrounded by greatness you are some of the best teachers I've ever known and some of the best friends I've ever had I can never thank you for all you've done for me also overall when I reflect on my teaching career I can't help but feel thankful for all the loving and caring people who were uh each put into my life's path for a reason whether at the middle school where I taught for most of my career or at tins Road where I taught in the mid 1990s and one of the most loving and caring people I've ever known was Mrs Hilda Marson a special education Aid at tint Road our nation now knows Mrs Marson as Flight 93 hero and a national hero but to us here in Mount Olive she's always been ours love you Hilda and finally to my parents Jesse and Peter Hunter any compliment that I've ever received about the kind of person I am the kind of teacher I've been I've been is a direct result of having you as my parents you are the mom and dad of the year and my greatest gift and I know you're with me tonight as you are every day and so on behalf of my parents the three of us myself also thank you so much for this great honor and you'll never know how much it truly means to us thank you everyone thank you [Music] [Applause] I brought you not this one and now for the Middle School Educational Services professional of the year so in a world where guidance and support is often looked for but seldom actually found uh Mount Olive middle school students and staff have quite an advantage because we have Mrs Vicki Cavalier for the past nine years she has been the essential pillar of Guidance with her unwavering dedication and compassion working tirelessly to make our school Community a place where dreams are nurtured challenges are overcome and success is within reach as one of our school counselors Mrs Cavalier has worn many hats Mentor advisor Confidant and Advocate whether it's helping a student navigate through academic hurdles providing emotional support during times of Crisis or guiding them toward their future aspirations Miss Cavalier is always there ready to lend a helping hand and a listening ear Miss Cavalier goes above and beyond in her role though not only providing support to individual students but playing an overall integral role in many other facets whether it's coordinating our state testing efforts and ensuring that moms is ready every every year to tackle testing season or working with the elementary schools and the high school to assure a smooth transition she consistently surpasses in any expectation of her in addition to helping our students and ensuring that the building programs run smoothly Mrs Cavalier is Resolute in supporting our staff offering guidance and resources to help them effectively assist our struggling students and fostering a positive learning environment for all Mrs Cavalier your dedication passion and Relentless commitment to our school Community inspires us all you are not just a guidance counselor you're a Guiding Light brightening the path to success for generations of Mount Olive students I'm honored to name Mrs Cavalier the 2024 Mount Olive Middle School Educational Services professional of the Year congratulations I'm much shorter sorry okay thank you I am truly humbled and honored to receive this award tonight I want to express my deepest gratitude to the Mount Olive School Community for recognizing my contributions as a school counselor this journey has been incredibly rewarding and I am grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of our students I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Dr bangi and the Board of Education Mrs wilky Mr Regan Mr cro Mr Barcia the entire guidance and child study teams at moms all of my students and their parents for their unwavering support and collaboration through the years none of this would have been possible without your trust in me and encouragement along the way to the students I have had the privilege to work with thank you for allowing me to be part of your academic and personal growth your resilience enthusiasm and unique perspectives continue to inspire me every day remember to embrace your unique talents persevere through challenges and never doubt your potential last but not least although they were unable to attend this evening I want to thank my family for their endless love understanding and encouragement their support has been my Pillar of Strength throughout this entire Journey receiving this award is not just a recognition of my work but a testament to the incredible impact that each and every school counselor makes in the lives of our students together we cultivate a nurturing environment where dreams take root and Futures take are crafted thank you once again for this honor I am truly grateful and motivated to continue to serve our man olive school Community thank you at this time we would like to welcome Miss Nicole masara who is our principal of CMS good evening everyone I'd like to call up our SCA exact board thank you very much so this tonight is absolutely one of the most uh treasured nights we have in education where we really get to highlight some of the amazing people that work here in Mount Olive first I would like to uh recognize our teacher of the year Mrs Janine Adams come on up Janine Mrs Adams is one of the most dedicated and most loving people uh that I have ever known and that anyone would be have a privilege to have their children in her classroom she exemplifies what you would want and a kindergarten teacher from the magical classroom environment that she creates and her kids are constantly LA full of laughter and joy she has been just going above and beyond since the day I've met her and I go into her classroom if there's a day where I need to go in and have a smile I walk in and it's there's always wonderful things she is truly a dedicated and loving teacher a family woman and I could speak for myself personally that I am a better principal and a better person knowing Mrs Adams no one is more deserving than this woman right here thank you Mrs Adams for everything you do [Music] wow that was that was beautiful thank you so much good evening everyone thank you so much Miss masara for those kind words I'm deeply grateful for this honor I would like to thank Dr Bania and the Board of Education miss musara and miss Lopez for this incredible recognition to be recognized for doing something that I love is truly a blessing thank you Nicole and Ashley for your ongoing support guidance encouragement and for always having an open door I'm truly grateful I get to work with the both of you every day it it truly feels like family this is a really big moment for me tonight because I share this honor with my very first student my dad my teaching career actually began when I was 5 years old my dad who was a teacher for 40 years one teacher of the year the first year it began he would come home from teaching all day and play school with me he would stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance and complete all my tedious worksheets he was a great student I couldn't wait for some because I knew I would get to set up his bulletin boards and organize all the books these were just some of the moments when I knew I was destined to be a teacher Flash Forward to today every year my dad would ask me if I won teacher of the year yet when I replied no he would say you'll always be my teacher of the year tonight dad I share this honor with you thank you for all your guidance and love I love you so much I would also like to thank my incredible team this evening over the years I've been very lucky to work with a very Talent talented group of ladies who are smart kind and creative I'm so grateful for your support professionalism and friendship CMS is a great place to be walking through the Halls every day feels like home all the teachers and staff are amazing and deserve to be recognized as well thank you also to all my students and families past and present and for all the wonderful memories we've created along the way my goal at the beginning of every school year is to have my students fall in love with learning and love to come to school kindergarten is a magical place and it's truly so exciting and rewarding I want to say thank you to my dad again and also a great big thank you to my beautiful mom my brother-in-law my beautiful mother-in-law my father-in-law and and extended family members who came here tonight and friends who have provided me with years of Love wisdom and support I would also like to give a big shout out to my amazing family thank you so much to my husband Jeff and my two beautiful daughters Britney and Katie thanks for listening to me endless nights and weekends talking about school Jeff thank you for putting together all those bookshelves hanging all those Gumdrop shingles on my life-sized gingerbread house and for teaching me how to use a computer thank you Britney and Katie for all the paper you've cut and glued for me as well as putting together more bookshelves and for tutoring me on all the computer lessons your dad gave me I couldn't do it without the three of you I love you all so much thank you again for this incredible knowledgement tonight I am truly so [Applause] grateful okay at this time I would like to recognize our Educational Service professional of the Year Mrs Kathleen olup our school [Applause] nurse Mrs olop is our head nurse at CMS and that is quite the job she takes on each and every day she work Works alongside with her partner and they service all of the bumps the scrapes the paper cuts you name it there is no task there is nothing that she cannot do she brings tears into laughter in some magical way not only for the students but sometimes the staff as well she's truly amazing at what she does she helps everyone she gives a 100% of herself and I don't think there is even a single minute in the day that is downtime in fact I don't think in all the years I've known I've even seen her eat lunch although she she must but she does but she is so dedicated and so wonderful and the job it entails so much with connecting with our families and most importantly the kids walk out the kids walk in with tears but they walk out smiling and waving it is my honor to have worked side by side with Mrs olop and I congratulate her for this [Applause] award I'm very good at one in one but I'm not always so good about these groups so I will do my best here um thank you for those really kind words um I don't even want to say my speech I just want to say thank you to everybody for supporting me um I've been at CMS for about eight years and I couldn't do my job without my amazing colleague Michelle um who's here tonight who also won this award last year um our job is you know we wear a lot of hats all at once um and uh just like teachers and moms we do it all and I couldn't do it without Michelle by my side so I appreciate her and um I know a lot of you do also um so you know the school nur's role goes beyond the dispenser of ice packs and Band-Aids and it's not just all you know boo boos and Band-Aids although I do love a good bloody knee when they come in from the playground and I'm always like I'll take that thank you for getting blood on on your knee so I can take care of you um so I wanted to express my thanks to the amazing team at CMS um it can be a really crazy time there we have a lot of kids we have a lot of staff and somehow we just all work together and things get done and children get what they need and um it's just a really amazing team there uh I want to thank our administrators Nicole musara and Ashley Lopez um for your trust and uh and trusting me to do our job um and you know to the best of our ability and um to share our knowledge with others um to those who came here tonight you really surprised me um I may not be the person that you came to um support but those of you that I know that did thank you so much um my family couldn't be here tonight my husband was absent on the day that you presented me with the award he was in California tonight he's in Minnesota and my children are in college away from here so um thank you friends for showing up um um somebody that's not here tonight that I know a lot of you know is um Suzanne herps she's Mount olives District head nurse and she was actually the first school nurse that I ever met I came from California where at the I don't ever remember having School nurses there maybe they do now but not when I was growing up so I didn't even know that school nurse was a thing until I met her and uh she nursed was a school nurse for my kids at through um Mountain View and she would just kind of nudge hey why don't you become a sub so I did that for six years and really enjoyed going to the Planetarium I don't know a dozen times it was really you know the second grade field trip to the Planetarium that guy gives the same speech every single time okay but it was a wonderful trip um so Suzanne if it wasn't for her guidance and her love and um her gentle nudging I wouldn't be here so um I really appreciate her for that and um in closing let's continue to prioritize the well-being of our students and um you know love them like there are our kids and sometimes we don't what's going on with them sometimes that belly ache just needs a little TLC other times it really needs to go home and um we need to have the wisdom to know the difference so thank you [Applause] at this time I would like to welcome Miss Melissa kinsky for Mountain View thank you Dr ban and thank you to the board of education for letting us honor our teacher and educational specialist this evening I am thrilled to announce that Miss Ally our preschool disabled teacher has been awarded the teacher of the year for Mountain bu school come on up Miss Ally this well-deserved honor is a testament to miss Ali's unwavering dedication exceptional skills and profound impact on the lives of our students and the broader School Community Miss Ally graduated from MSI University in 2017 and is certified to teach prek through grade four and special education she then went to CER to earn a master's degree in special education and recently graduated in 2023 she began working here at Mountain View School in January of 2019 when we added two sections of half day pre Miss Ally was the most upbeat loving candidate and we were wowed by her demo lesson she captivated the attention of our three-year-olds and I just remember her disposition and the way in which she related to the students she has been inspiring our little on since in Miss alie's classroom every child is embraced with compassion nurtured with patience and empowered with the tools and support needed to thrive through Innovative teaching models personalized learning experiences and a deep commitment to inclusivity miss Ally has created a classroom environment where every child feels valued understood and capable of achieving full potential Miss alli's passion for Education extends far above the walls of her classroom she's a tireless advocate for her students a collaborative leader among her peers and a source of inspiration and guidance for families and caregivers her dedication to fostering a culture of empathy acceptance and empowerment sets a shining example for all of us please join us in congratulating Miss Ally on this well-deserved honor her impact on our school Community is immeasurable and we are incredibly grateful for her dedication compassion and unwavering commitment to the Excellence in education congratulation Miss Ally on this being named teacher of the year at Mount View School much smaller um thank you so much Mrs kinsky for that very kind introduction all your thoughtful kind words um good evening everyone anyone who's ever had a casual conversation with me probably knows that I love movies talking about movies quoting movies and recommending movies so I think it's only fitting to include a movie quote in my speech tonight in 2012 we all experienced super storm Sandy with widespread power outages across the state my high school had no power for 10 days so my friends and I decided to go to the movie theater since we found out the movie theater did in fact have power we went to see a random movie we never heard of called Cloud Atlas and just as an excuse to get out of our houses and it quickly became one of my favorite movies of all time my favorite quote comes at the end of the movie as one of the characters decides to join the abolition movement his father-in-law a supporter of slavery says to our hero no matter what you do you will never amount to anything more than a drop in a limitless ocean our hero replies what is an ocean but a multitude of drops this quote stuck with me first appearing on my Facebook quote section and later in my profession as a teacher it's so easy to get caught up in the big picture worrying about getting everything done that you need to get done meeting your sgo and PDP goals doing well on your observation the list goes on I'm so thankful to work in a district and be surrounded by so many people including my district community board of education administrators collaborating teachers and the wonderfully passionate AIDS who have worked with me over the years who have helped me to ground me and remind me to see the drops instead of the vast ocean each small and ordinary moment of growth forms another drop like one of my students switching from the third person to the first person when asking for help the first first time or another who used a friend's name instead of her own when saying hello these drops build into big moments of exciting growth but these big moments never would have happened without the drops Miss Jackie and I have been together for five and a half years every day we are so proud to see our former students walking around Mountain View School having conversations with their friends being respectful and kind to those around them it is the greatest honor of my life to be able to have been there for the start of their Journeys when many of them were shy and first learning how to play and communicate with others and then seeing them now I am grateful to be a part of the team who supported these kids over the years and I'm so appreciative of what their teachers did each year to help them grow their little oceans drop by drop I'm thankful to call Mount Olive home and appreciate having the support of an admin team co-workers families and a board of education who believe in the value of the growth mindset and who encourag me to see the little moments every day together I truly believe we are all making a difference every day with a drop you're all deserving so thank you all for coming out I really appreciate it up next we'd like to celebrate and honor one of the most intrical members of our school Community one of our esteemed school counselors Miss Jamie Berlin come on up Jimmy it is with great pride and admiration that I stand before you to recognize her remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication as she is named the educational specialist of the Year miss Berlin is a 2018 graduate of Scranton university with a degree in counseling and Human Services she then went to Montclair State to earn her master's degree in School counseling she graduated in 20122 after interning both at santour school and man olive High School we scooped her up right at right scooped her up at Mountain View that following summer after a long day of interviews Miss Berlin's maturity and background knowledge of social emotional and psychological development of children shown bright amongst the rest beyond the confines of our office walls Miss Berlin is a trusted confident Confidant a compassionate listener and a source of unwavering support for students navigating the comp complexities of childhood she Fosters a safe and inclusive space where students feel empowered to express themselves seek guidance and develop the skills necessary to overcome obstacles and thrive in all aspects of their lives during her first few days of her first year Miss Berlin jumped right in there was no learning curve she was in classrooms getting to know the students and teachers absorbing everything about our school and Community she quickly earned the trust of our teachers students and parents she has compassion for students but also has great intuition for understanding them even though she was just at a school and not a parent she was able to address parents and relate to them even from the first parent phone call she goes above and beyond to ensure the social emotional needs of students are addressed just one example is her DED to her dedication is with one student in particular this year when noticing she needed some education on personal hygiene Miss Berlin brought in different items and educated the student on what to do she also took it upon herself to bring in hair products and tools to comb through the student's hair to build her confidence but also her independence for the future today as we honor Miss Berlin as our educational specialist of the year I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for her unwavering dedication compassion and tireless advocacy on behalf of our students her impact on our school Community is immeasurable and we are profoundly grateful for her steadfast commitment to the well-being and success of each student please join me in congratulating Miss Berlin on this well-deserved honor her passion dedication and heart are truly make a difference in the lives of students in our school community and [Applause] Beyond thank you Mrs kinsky that was very kind of you I am truly honored and humbled to accept this award this recognition highlights the incredible support I have received since starting my career nearly two years ago the collective efforts of my colleagues the community and the student students have been significant in leading me in this moment I am grateful to collaborate and work alongside such dedicated and kind individuals my journey into education was driven by a love for children and a desire to make a positive impact little did I know that the students I set out to support and guide would have a special impact on my own life their res resilience in spirit brings joy to my heart every day reminding me of the true purpose of why I chose to be an educator thank you to everyone who has believed in me supported me and welcomed me into this role thank you to the Board of Education the PTA my Administration fellow counselors those who nominated me and the entire Mountain View staff your Collective influence has played a crucial role in shaping me into the counselor I am today working here is a true honor and I am excited to continue serving our our school Community with dedication and compassion thank you all from the bottom of my heart at this time I'll welcome Miss Jen Curry from sanure hello everyone I am honored to present Miss Lauren Peterson as sandre school's 2324 Teacher of the Year little known fact Lauren originally wanted to become an undercover police officer in New York City and knowing Lauren she would have been phenomenal in this role but we are incredibly lucky she decided to become a teacher instead Lauren received both special education and general education certifications during her undergraduate work and later went on to complete a master's degree in literacy she began her career in Mount Olive in 2016 as a long-term leave replacement at sandshore quickly being offered a 10e track special education ation position for the past 5 years she has been co- teing in an IC classroom with Devon Marquez as well as spending the last eight years working after school with young adults on the autism spectrum teaching them home and community life skills in her Spare Time Lauren also serves on the Byam Township Board of Education Lauren has an unwavering dedication to creating personalized lessons for all of her students tailoring her teaching to meet the needs of each individual ual child and creating an inclusive classroom where all kids feel valued and supported her lessons are engaging and fun especially when we celebrate 80s day and her students love to learn Lauren as you can probably tell is always positive and smiling always her day begins and ends at our car drop off Circle where she greets families by name shares laughs hugs that radiant smile and many high fives she projects warmth and positivity wherever she goes and maintains a wonderful reputation throughout our school Community she has touched the lives of countless students and has made an indelible mark on sanour school Lauren's joined today by her daughter Olivia I hope she's still awake her oh she's sleeping her parents John and Donna oh there she is and her co- teer Devin congratulations Lauren on this well-deserved honor woo hi it's very weird speaking in front of so many people um it is such an honor to be recognized as teacher of the year for sand Shure school being a special education teacher is one of my absolute greatest Joys and I cannot thank my students and the families I've worked with enough um I want to thank the board of education for their contined dedication and commitment to enhancing our school district thank you to Dr Bia and the administrative team for their immense support um to our fabulous administrators Miss Curry and Mrs McFarland for their exceptional leadership unwavering support guidance and encouragement I love coming to work every single day which is a direct reflection of the positive School climate you have both created to my partner in crime and my other half my co- teer Devin your energy and passion for teaching inspires me to the be the best possible teacher I can be for our students I feel incredibly fortunate to have you by my side to not only navigate any challenge but to also celebrate the victories teaching together is just so much fun and no matter what um beyond the classroom I'm truly grateful for your friendship love and support and last but certainly not least an enormous thank you to my parents my biggest cheerleaders who have supported every decision I have made challenge I have faced and opportunity I have been given without their support and encouragement I would not have been able to continue to grow both professionally and personally and I'm internally grateful I'm thrilled that my daughter Olivia my greatest blessing is able to be here tonight although I think she just left but um it is way past her bedtime um she probably won't remember this day but she's just under two but I certainly will and I hope to be a role model for her and will always be her biggest cheerleader I want to extend a heartfelt congratulations to all the incredible teachers and educational support staff being recognized tonight and for all the incredible teachers and support staff we have in Mount Olive thank [Applause] you and now I am proud to present Mrs robera goodness gracious Roberta juusto sandre schools 2324 Educational Services professional of the Year Mrs juo holds degrees in social work Elementary education and Library curriculum and design prior to joining Mount Olive she was a teacher in Patterson Roberta is an exceptionally skilled and educated media Specialists and one of the most Innovative teachers I have ever worked with with she is continually enhancing students Library education even teaching herself scratch coding to align with 21st century skills she creates steam lessons to spark creativity and works closely with the classroom teachers to better support their book clubs and the literacy curriculum across the grade levels Roberta plays an active role in our entire School Community she participates in numerous school-based clubs and committees including the school safety and climate team one book one school Aspire and first Lego league in only the second year of the program Mrs juusto along with Mrs Marquez brought an F Team all the way to the state championships truly inspiring the next generation of mort Roberto was often seen working with the FL members outside of the designated meeting time to Foster their love of early robotics there was such an overwhelmingly positive response to the first Lego League that she created a Recess Club so other students could participate Roberta is also involved in many Community organizations Sports and scouting in her role as a mora mom Roberta is joined today by her husband Anthony and her children as as I I can't speak tonight I know Isaiah and Eden congratulations Roberta respected colleagues administrators Board of Education members and fellow lifelong Learners I am both honored and grateful to be recognized as support teacher of the year as sandshore library media specialist I began my career in education as a classroom teacher and I truly never thought I would leave uh but this opportunity provided the possib ability for me to see teaching from a different lens and embrace it first and foremost I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my sandshore students who inspire me every school day their curiosity creativity and love of knowledge are the driving force behind everything that we do in the library whether it be coding steam curriculum maker space activities digital lit digital literacy or my favorite simply promoting a love of reading the students motivate me to dig deeper and evolve as a 21st century educ educator it is a privilege and a joy to serve them on their journey of Discovery and learning to the teachers and administrators at sandshore who have supported and collaborated with me over the years thank you for your Partnerships and thank you for your friendship Miss Marquez I'm so glad you were so persistent in convincing me to co- te FLL with you even though I definitely say otherwise when we're in competition mode Miss Curry and Miss McFarland you have always been beyond support especially during our first Lego League season and your authenticity and charm light up the building and keep the energy positive within our sandshore community I want to thank my family for their love and support my husband who convinced me to go for it many years ago and to my boys who have grown up within sand Shore school right beside me this has been one of the the greatest blessings of my life so thank you again for this incredible honor I am very proud to be a part of our Mount Olive School Community uh congrat congratulations to all recipi recipients here tonight and thank you for your exceptional [Applause] service at this time we would like to welcome Mr Mar gillo who's going to be introducing our recipients for tins Road School good evening Dr banjo Mrs naris and all of our board members distinguished guests and my fellow Marauders congratulations to all of this year's honores and those past honores in attendance tonight at this time I'd like to call on Mrs Michelle shock to come on up and join me here at the post Podium the tins Road school teacher of the year is a graduate of Ryder University with a double major in elementary education and psychology Mrs shock earned her certifications Elementary education teacher students with disabilities and early childhood education Michelle has been a cherished member of the Tin Road School Community for 5 years and during that time she's been a co-teacher in a third grade classroom with Miss Sam darn esto she's always looking to challenge herself and take on new roles she's also our adviser for the highly successful treps program and there was no shortage of compliments to describe what Mrs shock means to Tin Road school when asked to describe her her colleague said Michelle is flexible and is able to maintain Professional Standards in any situation she collaborates well with all staff and is well respected by her colleagues Mrs shock provides differentiated instruction that allows all students to reach their full potential I feel that what sets Mrs shock Above the Rest is her attention to detail and thorough writing of student individual educational plans Michelle shock is a colleague to be respected admired and well-deserving of the title of 20232 24 tins Road school teacher of the year good evening everyone sorry I don't like doing this so this is out of my comfort zone um I'm extremely honored for this prestigious award congratulations to all of our other educators of the year I looked at you Sam I should look up um congratulations to all the other educators of the year and educational Professionals of the Year being awarded tonight I'd like to start by thanking the Board of Education Dr Bania Mr gillo Mrs maragon and my colleagues who have welcomed me into their tin family especially the other half of our third grade dynamic duo Samantha D Desto ever since I was a little girl I've always wanted to be a teacher I always wanted to play school this is much harder sorry I practice this a lot too um I used to play school with my dolls or with my younger cousins when I was babysitting um many of my earliest memories are set in my elementary school I spent much of my childhood there my mother was a single parent who was an active member of our elementary school's PTA um sorry my brother and I would accompany my mom to attend the PTA meetings at events helping in any way that we could at our young ages through that time I was surrounded by such kind-hearted and inspirational individuals who I'm thankful to now be able to call my Ed my professional peers I'm very fortunate to say that my elementary school was filled and still is with individuals that care deeply for their students and put their heart and soul into their profession these these individuals are the ones that inspired me to become the teacher that I am today I wish to instill the Same Love For Education and pure compassion that they shared with me with my students upon completion of my undergraduate degree at Ryder University I set out looking for the job of my dreams throughout a multitude of districts throughout New Jersey it took five districts until I found my deski here at mant Olive I'm very thankful for my experiences before Mount Olive and all of those that are to come I am so grateful for my Tin Road family my marvelous students and their families who have made this journey so rewarding I want to thank my family for coming out tonight to support me a special thank you to my mother for her continued support and encouragement and to my husband there are not enough words to thank him for his never-ending support throughout all aspects of my teing career thank you [Applause] at this time I'd like to call on Miss Christina Capone to come on up and join me here at the [Applause] podium the Tin Road School Educational Services professional of the Year graduated from kown University with a dual certification Elementary and special education she earned a masters in Reading from Wilmington University and a supervisor certification from Ruckers University she's been a valued member of the tins Road Community for five years and during that time has served a vital role as reading and writing interventionist and been integral an integral part of our RTI or response to intervention team in addition Christina has served a number of roles to benefit the community at Tin Road school she's one of the mentor leaders for our popular Lego programs and first Lego League team she's also found time to organize and direct our read Across America events including Madame tin roads Wax Museum and wouldn't miss an opportunity to dress up in our cost in costume for our annual tins Sylvania trunk Retreat event she's a well respected member of our faculty and staff and recently a staff member and parent of a ttin road student describe Christina like this Miss Capone shows such love and dedication to all our students but I can speak from personal experience especially those she works with one-on-one Miss Capone worked with my daughter for a year and has made her the best reader and helped to grow her love for reading it is an honor to introduce the 2023 24 tins Road School Educational Services professional of the Year miss Christina [Music] Capone okay hello my parents are in the audience tonight they're in from skin Adis New York and they have been proud of me and they've been suppored ing me since December 6th 1977 now I just told my age thanks Mom thanks Dad this is so exciting there's nothing like working in an elementary school where when you go into the building you hear your name at least 10 times in a positive way hey Miss Capone good morning Miss Capone oh miss Capone you get high fives and fist bumps and little side hugs and they just make your day they tell you when you they like your outfit and they also tell you when you're having a bad hair day so you have to just appreciate the innocence of these children in my last District my work husband won this award and I was just so proud of him and I remember writing on his Facebook time timeline one large step for teachers one giant step for interventionists because I just think it's so lovely that we get appreciated and recognized for our contributions that we make to a school and a school district so thank you for being inclusive when I first became a reading specialist I didn't just want to be in a room quietly pulling groups teaching assessing analyzing data I mean that's part of my job I like doing that but that was never me and for those of you who know me it's you know it's definitely not me I wanted to help make the school literacy rich I wanted not just my students to know me but all the students in the school to know me is the one who's like painting on stage with the art teacher or uh the one who falls on the floor laughing when I get a code wrong in robotics um the one who tried her best to play basketball with the Harlem Wizards we did our best Dr ban and the one who's always giving away books that's always been my goal I want to be involved in everything one of my favorite compliments from I think he was a dad gentleman at one of the events last year he walked by me and I I checked him in and he looked at me and he goes man you're at everything and I was like I didn't know what to say I was well thank you you know it's all for the kids but that's my goal I want to be involved in everything for these kids because I look out in the audience and I see all of these people who are supporting us so I feel that's just what the kids think when we go and support them in after school activities you know what the most important thing about my job is and being a reading specialist common denominators okay I see you're a little bit confused because I just told you I was a reading specialist and now I'm telling you the most important thing is common denominators common denominators is the most important thing about being a reading specialist making that connection finding that one thing that you can connect to each student because basically we're I mean we're in the business of selling education and we can't have the students buy into our education unless we make a connection with them so the student that comes into my room and shares with me that she's allergic to pretty much every food I share with her that I'm allergic to GL gluten and I said come on sweetheart let's just cry about all the good foods that we can't eat I'm a huge Marvel fan so every time a new movie drops I find that student who's in fifth grade now and I talk about what he thought of the new movie that just came out I uh used to have goats and believe it or not I have one student who has had goats so it's just making that connection because once you make the connection you build a relationship and those relationships build trust and then they trust you to deliver the education that they need with that being said it's not just about what I do it's about the tense team oh boy here come the tears the team of teachers administrators and parents the teachers that I work with each day to plan and collaborate for the best interest of the students the ones that are there on all my read Across America nights labeling books and helping me with Google forms and handing out pizza and setting up music stands and just asking me what do you need what do you need those are the teachers that make the difference for the students the administrators oh God the administrators who sit across from me with a straight face as I tell them when I want to bring live rodents into the school as mascots for our one book one school initiative they're the ones that make my ideas successful and the parents the parent community at tins is so un believable they're the ones that are at home working with their kids helping to close the gap they're the ones that show up to the parent teacher events they're the ones who are at home making the mouse mazes and the mouse traps and dressing their students up as George Washington or Martin Luther King Jr to participate in the re Across America events you know I may have the ideas but I absolutely couldn't do it with everyone's support and it's BAS basically it's because we all love our T kids it's not about me it's about us as a team and I'm so proud to be on this tense team again thank you for this opportunity I'm honored to be chosen and I look forward to many more years serving the district [Applause] at this time we we transition to recognizing our support staff um Awards um if I have Miss trojanowski who's going to be speaking on behalf of the transportation department [Applause] hello so I have the privilege of introducing my amazing outstanding unequaled dispatcher I came to this District a very short time ago uh so I've only known Lori for a short time and in that time I have been nothing short of amazed at her abilities transportation is um a very strange animal and it has so many moving parts and juggling the day-to-day operations um can make one one to drink so uh in coming into the district and knowing that before I got here there was a time where the transportation department was only half staffed and during that time Lori was a major part of keeping the ship afloat something she wasn't even um um trained for she learned on the fly so that is extremely extremely impressive she started driving a bus at 2005 and she came to Mount Olive in 2017 and she moved into the office in 2022 after two people before her ran screaming from the building but she has stayed she has stayed the course and I am very grateful because to be perfectly honest to be a new Transportation supervisor in a new district with almost 5,000 students um it's a very fearful thing to undertake so without her I think we would have all just sank so I am so happy when when the email came to to um you know vote on someone to be the support person of the year there's no question like there was no question it was Lori all day long and she is kind and good and sweet and capable and intelligent and she treats everyone with respect and her tone everything about her is wonderful it it is it's just wonderful and I'm sure that her husband will concur um so there's never a dull moment she Rises to every occasion we have 240 routes that we uh take care of on a daily basis sometimes during flu season it's very very difficult to man the buses but she manages it to do it work it out all the time we have done over 700 athletic trips and field trips and she manages all of that as well so it is um my very my very great pleasure to introduce her as the transportation support person of the [Applause] year public speaking is not either one of our fores I'm used to not seeing faces when I talk to people it's always thr a mic um I'm very grateful to be selected as a support person of the year for the transportation department um I would like to thank the wonderful staff that we have working the drivers the AIDS the mechanics the office staff um and of course Patty for her continuing support and I would also like to thank the Board of Education Dr benjia and the administration for having me here tonight to accept this [Applause] award little group back there we I'm just teasing you're my favorite I didn't say that did I at this time I would like to welcome Mr Dave felini he'll be um awarding our secretary of the [Applause] [Laughter] Year someone else is going to do that after me so I I get the great uh privilege to introduce uh our support staff Secretary of the Year miss Jill fry so I've been working in Mount a for 24 years and for 18 of those 24 years I've been blessed to have worked for yes I said worked for for the Divi twins so the story goes like this so I spent 14 and a half years as the athletic director here at Mount Al high school and my Administrative Assistant was Linda best then I transition transitioned into vice principal position five years ago and my administrative assistant is Jill tardi fry so Linda said to me are you sure you want to do this I'm like what do you mean you sure you want to divorce the nice twin and work with the mean twin I don't know I'm still figuring it out she's been nice so far Linda but all kidding aside I wouldn't be able to do what I do every day as the vice principal without the work that Jill does um from day to day tasks of filing data entry finding coverages for teachers and other staff for lunch coverage making sure other things are covered taking care of senior and staff parking issues even though it's under my title she takes care of it all handling this time of the year senior cap and gown orders it's no small task and any other thing that comes across to her desk she handles perfectly about four years ago especially she is known as the Chromebook [Music] Queen She manages records all the data distributes Chromebooks to all the students and staff that have had problems with them each and every day it's an endless job at least 20 Chromebooks per day come in and she has like clockwork if you look up the word work holic in the dictionary you will see Jill's name in the definition um I am truly honored to have Jill as my administrative assistant and she is so worthy of this honor please put your hands together for your support staff secretary person of the year jilda Jill pry thank you I'd like to thank Dr Bania our board members and especially Dave felini I'm so happy you decided to divorce Linda and come to me and she never lets me forget it she pouted for she's still pouting about it trust me thank you to my administrators miss swety Mr Felman Mr stanburry Mr Moore formerly Mr Kramer and of course Mr felini no matter what through the best of circumstances to the toughest this administrative team is someone we could always count on I know I certainly have and we'll continue to do so it's a pleasure working with a phenomenal administrative colleagues and dear friends Alicia Tammy Christine Gloria Katie Lori and an added bonus being able to work with my sister Linda sometimes you know there is no way we would be able to succeed unless we work as a team and that's what we are it's it's a great gift no matter what's going on anyone who needs help we just drop everything and go and help them it's fantastic best team ever I learn so much from the students every day sometimes they make me cry a lot of times they make me laugh a lot of times I feel old but I love when they make me feel young and they say something that I really don't understand but I know it's a compliment and then I turn to someone else and say what does that mean and it it all works out it's great it's great watching these kids just grow and grow and grow and it's it's the best part of the job lastly thank you to my family thank you Linda thank you to my daughter Christie for all your love and support and being here thank you at this time I would like to welcome Mr Glenn Miller who will be introducing our um buildings and grounds staff member of the Year hi good evening so this year's uh building and ground support person of the year has worked at Mount Olive for over 20 years in which he has worn a lot of hats he was The Substitute Teacher he was a high school security person and now he works in the maintenance department he has been coaching wrestling for the past 21 seasons and is currently in his 14th season as the head softball coach he's also coached cross country for four years he has earned numerous accolades during his coaching career between head coach and assistant coach she has eight sectional state championships two group championships and also coached an individual State wrestling champion he was named njs AA district and region assistant coach of the year not once but twice and the njsia state assistant coach of the year uh he brings that winning Spirit to the building and grounds Department uh he distinguishes himself by being a hard worker that is ready to help other programs in the high school um it is my pleasure to present this year's award to William Billy Romano I'm a lot shorter than most people here um first of all I want to thank Kevin stanbury for letting me know that I had to dress up okay appreciate that um there's some guys over there that are turning red cuz I have the microphone don't worry your real still come when you guys retire so I won't get to you but um listen because of time restraint I'm going to be quick thank you for this honor um it's truly humbling and um it's a great place to be I mean I lived here since I was four years old and I'm still here so hopefully I don't go away but thank you again [Applause] at this time I'd like to welcome Mr James creepy who will be presenting our security officer of the year first off I'd just like to say let's give a round of applause for K Van Horn and Carissa kajiri for setting all this up my name is James griffy I am the director of security and I have the honor of introducing SEC security officer of the year Rich Howell Rich want to come up I don't have a prepared speech so I'm just going to shoot from the hip here about Richard so I know Richard for a long time Richard has retired from the precip police department after a long career throughout that time one of his main responsibilities was a lead field training officer and for those of you that don't know what that is it's a an officer that is specifically designed to train police officers after they graduate from the police academy throughout his career he's a recipient of numerous Awards three command citation Awards a life-saving award an exceptional Duty award he's also received the education achievement award because he holds a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from William Patterson University prior to his law enforcement career he was an or a sergeant in the United States Army if you ask Richard W if you ask Richard why he likes his job here his current job at the Mount Olive as a security officer he will tell you in a career in law enforcement he sold saw some horrible things that the world had to offer he saw some horrible deaths he saw some horrible sits he smelled some horrible odors and he met and dealt with a lot of horrible people but when he came to mon Olive he will tell you that he got to deal with the best part of the world meaning the children of this community and yeah that's a that's a round of applause and all the security officers not just Richard and most of them are here in the audience tonight they will give their lives they will sacrifice their lives in order to protect the children of this community they will there's no question in my mind as the Director of security I know that each and every one of them would do that so some of you may know Richard from the middle school as he navigates successfully I will say in the rain sleep snow the approximate 400 cars in less than 7 minutes in and out of but what you don't know about Richard is that he's the officer that the students go to when they don't have money and they want to get something to eat he's also the same officer that will go shopping for a winter coat because there's a student that keeps showing up for school during the winter time does not have a coat and he's also one of the student one of the security officers that will go out of his way in order to find a replica item that a student lost so he doesn't get in trouble when he goes home and faces his parents that's the type of character this man has without any further Ado Richard [Applause] Howell I guess Jame James must have pulled out my resume right before came here um you know I I don't know what to say other than thank you I'd like to say congratulations to all the recipients tonight to miss Hunter congratulations best of luck in your retirement you truly are one of the sweetest and kindest people I've ever met I mean that I had a lot you know I had a few things to say but James must have been reading my mind because uh I was thinking that there's every morning when I'm out there doing the traffic um p over it's been for almost four years now every you know so often parents will come and say um you know what how how do you have so much energy every morning and you're always smiling you're in such a great mood well I'll tell you the the the reason there's actually two one is because I truly want to be here I don't have to be here okay as far as I enjoy being here but I don't really need the job okay that's number one number two is that I see myself as being the first person that the kids see every day when they come here when they get out of the car and they see me smiling you know jumping around you know acting a little crazy I had one mom say I'm going to make you tick talk famous but whatever that means I don't know but as my wife can tell you based on you know cards and stuff that I've received at holidays and stuff there have been multiple comments where the parents have said you you know my child's face lights up every morning and looks forward to seeing you every morning and that's the approach that I think everyone in the district should have is that you know if they see you smiling hey it's going to be a great day even no matter what they have going on at home and like James said you know in you know in my past you know I've dealt with not not so uh Pleasant you know a lot of not so pleasant things and the fact is here is you get to be you know friends with the kids you actually get to Mentor them and you know try to set an example for him and be a positive role model because unfortunately in society today there's a lot of a lot of kids that don't have male role models or female role models whatever the case may be and it's important that they have someone that they can trust and talk to and um as as James was saying he one of the things I really wanted to say was expressed to the parents that your your students uh Safety and Security is our priority and there's nothing I'm 100% confident with the crew that I work with here that God forbid something happened you you would have nothing to worry about we would do everything we could down to our last breath to ensure the safety of your kids and the staff here thank you [Music] at this time can I have all the recipients of tonight's award stand up again one time more time [Music] I just have a couple last words to share one a thing that stood out for me not only from the administrator speeches but also the speeches of our honores tonight is how they look to this not only for themselves we're a team we're a family here and I can't be more proud to be the superintendent so at this time I would love to welcome all the recipients up so we can get a nice big um class picture and so also the families can get something too so please come up Pi let's get pictures picture [Applause] [Applause] know we got the podium thing going [Applause] [Music] [Applause] con do want to I don't know we are yet because we recognize how late has gotten we're going to take about a 5 minute recess so those who would like to get home you can do that e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] okay our mic's on now oh yeah all right if everybody could um come take their seats oh all right we're going to um come back to order and we actually have a presentation um Dr Bia um I would like to welcome Miss Jackie Bellow who's our director of student and support services and programming who'll be presenting on the ssds information as well as hips thank you good evening I'd like to first thank you for having that remission because to follow such heartfelt speeches um with some data can be a tough transition I was trying to think about how I was going to make that work but I will say this I know it's late in the evening I will give a small accolades in the middle of the presentation but you have to pay attention carefully to all the data in order to catch it so that's my that's my transition so good evening Board of Education Mrs naris Dr Bia community members esteemed colleagues I would like to present data from our student safety data systems and our harassment intimidation bullying report this information is from the first part of the school year not quite the first half through December 2023 so every school district in the state of New Jersey reports to the ssds system we report information such as violence vandalism weapons substance abuse and then we also report harassment intimidation and bullying we report all of the investigations that we do whether they're founded or unfounded and we report the trainings and the programs that we conduct in order to prevent instances of Hib first we're going to separate into the violence vandalism weapons and sub substance abuse portion here's the data that we have through December of 2023 you can see at the bottom we have um explanations for violence and vandalism so things like um fights assaults sexual assaults um threats simple threat criminal threat some serious things that could potentially happen um arson for vandalism computer trespass damage to to property Etc so we have um few instances especially in the elementary schools which makes sense a few more instances in middle school and high school as students get older you can see that substances um that includes suspected substance abuse you know we have Vape detectors in the high school so it's normal to see that there are some instances there they're not necessarily confirmed to report it to the ssds system and then all the way to the right we have other incidents leading to removal which could mean um typically it's something that happens off campus outside of school hours but as you know when we um investigate bullying or even if we investigate code of conduct if there's a substantial disruption to the school day we can take action disciplinary action um to prevent that from continuing to occur for the harassment intimidation and bullying I'm going to give some data about the investigation ations that we've done and this is where I wanted to pause and take a moment because this is a large number of Investigations so Hib alleged means investigations that we've done that were not founded to be Hib and Hib confirmed is instances that were founded that means we found that a student or an adult violated our HIV policy so that's for the first part of the school year and the Accolade that I wanted to give is that we are very proud of the efficiency and the Fidelity that we take to investigate each and every allegation of harassment intimidation bullying so that's why you see the large numbers anytime a student a parent a Community member a staff member an administrator we've even received anonimous letters we investigate every single thing and we're very proud of that but it does give us some high numbers in terms of our investigations so when I presented um back in December about the Hib self assessment that's where we grade ourselves based on our programs and preventions that we put in place I was asked by a couple members of the board about the Middle School data and why is the middle school have such high numbers for investigations so this graph shows um the New Jersey Department of Education results so this is not Mount Olive results but this is across the whole state you can see that the middle school is in Gray in the middle and that takes up across the state the largest volume of HIV investigations and then High School is at the top with the light blue Elementary is at the bottom with the dark blue we are trending towards more Elementary investigations than we have in years past but still Middle School is the largest number of Investigations across the state so our numbers are in keeping with what we're seeing throughout the state of New Jersey I'll talk for a minute about some of the prevention programs we have there are truly too many to list but in a in the next slide I will list them um so the trainings in the program some are in the beginning of the year some are in the the latter part of the year so this is just through December we tend to do a lot of um programs early on when the students all come back together after a long summer and we want to acclimate them back to working together in large groups so we have a total of 161 programs um throughout the district through December and 22 trainings when you look at some of the numbers like CMS for example has 44 programs they're the largest Elementary School and a lot of times what they will do is break up their programs so that they're only um working with like one grade level at a time whereas some of the smaller schools can do one program and cover more grade levels so that's the only reason really for that type of discrepancy in the numbers but they're about the same and then we have a large list this is not all-encompassing but this is just I asked the counselors what um they're most proud of because every year we tend to try to revise what we're doing in terms of programs to help students get along help them work together help them identify tenets of social emotional learning so they can identify in themselves when they're starting to get upset and then they can work better with others so some of the biggest programs we have kindness ambassadors in fifth grade is really big in the elementary schools they do lessons with the younger students but they also are learning themselves when they're trying to compile activities and choose books and things for the younger kids to do to learn about kindness they do some um food drives and donation collections but there are also seal lessons throughout um the buildings the counselors push in they pull out some smaller groups um and then there's all kinds of things from interactive bulletin boards to assemblies presented by students to students and then giving you know giving and being philanthropic is a big um way for students to recognize that there are people not like themselves in the world some examples of secondary prevention programs this could be at the middle school and um at the high school one of them um that I think we're pretty proud of is the jbws partnership that's about domestic abuse we're actually featured on their website Mount Olive because they do some uh nice programs with us each year and then um certainly things like School violence awareness week we highlight um prevention and recognizing um difficulties Within each other so that we can help each other and the students can help each other um disability awareness you know it's wonderful all of the programs that we have here in in Mount Olive all the different clubs and all the different encompassing educational programs so that students see people who don't look like themselves on a daily basis and then districtwide um some of the things that we've done this year are and I'm going to jump around um just kind of in order what some of my favorite things were the citizens Advisory Group that um Mr kify put together to for each of us administrators to go out and speak to community cohorts of people and just kind of have these Grassroots conversations about our processes for HIV and what that means that was such a meaningful night for me to connect with the community and there was a lot of positive feedback from that um we've done a lot of targeted Hib training what does that mean par professional targeted Hib training new staff Academy that means that above and beyond our required trainings that we have to do for the state for compliance I have pulled groups of people who I really thought it was important to sit and have a conversation with like the power professionals I trained them in the beginning of the year and did a presentation and they were very appreciative about it but they also asked really great questions because they are really sitting there with the students um um new staff Academy as well it was great to see the new staff a lot of them experienced people but it's important to talk about HIV um as it is here in our climate and our culture um and then of course we do legal training every year we have um legal teams come in and do case study analysis with the administrators with the anti-bullying specialist um we did the Thrive parent series social media managing stress and anxiety and emotion regulation tomorrow night is the last in the series you got the email tonight so if you register you'll get the zoom link even if you can't jump on Zoom tomorrow night you will get it emailed to you um and then there's a few other um a few other uh district-wide preventions that we have but that's that's all I have do we have any questions yes um can you hear me Miss Bellow can you perhaps explain to the board you know this idea difference between um a Hib finding and also code of conduct yes so the Hib uh definition in the state of New Jersey is actually quite narrow so our you know the policy has to comply with the state law but we're looking for the three I always think of it as three components we're looking to corroborate that the incident actually occurred if somebody's accusing somebody of doing something we have to thoroughly investigate talk to a lot of witnesses did it actually occur and then we have to find is there a distinguishing characteristic was that student being picked on for a specific reason something about themselves that they can't change and then the last part of it is um a substantial disruption to their education so um you know those are things that the anti-bullying Specialists and I meet every other week to review case study to review difficult cases to talk about best practice and to talk about um preventative practices as well but even if a Hib is investigated and it's not found to have meet all of that criteria it doesn't mean that we can't help the students and that's what I was talking about when I said Fidelity and efficiency we do investigate a lot so we have to make sure that our practices are solid so that we're not missing anything and that's why we meet every other week that's why we do all of these legal trainings but beyond that we want to make sure that our students are getting the help that they need because student conflict can be really hard for kids too so just because it doesn't meet the criteria for Hib it doesn't mean we don't want to help them it doesn't mean we can't put things in place and it doesn't mean that an incident that occurred might not have been a really egregious awful thing to have happened and that's where we pull in the code of conduct because we can still administer consequences and that's when you saw the statistics um instances leading to other removal that's the kind of thing that we can suspend or give a serious consequence for something that happened off school grounds if it's egregious and violates our code of conduct so it doesn't always have to match Hib and I always say Hib findings don't say that there's a winner and a loser it's not about a truth teller and a fiber it's just about whether or not it met the definition for that one specific policy that we have um Miss Bell do we provide support for both sides so the one that whether they're accused of being the aggressor or the victim I mean because we have two or multiple you know students that we still need to care about right right so regardless of what the findings are we do have to take into consideration both sides so for example if a student did something really awful and inappropriate to another student we don't want that student to do that again so there is followup and another thing that we do in our bi-weekly meetings with the anti-bullying Specialists is that we look for data for students who maybe were um victims of bullying more than once or violated bullying more than once because as the year goes on you know now it's May and we're still doing these investigations we have to go back and search did somebody do this same thing in September or October and how can our intervention be geared towards that and our conversations our counseling our remediation our consequences and in the case that um the HIV is found um on founded and the code of conduct kick in I know the HIV specialist do the investigation for the HIV portion uh but then who takes care of the conduct of uh the code of conduct intervention for prevention and support right so every Hib investigation the anti-bullying specialist investigates it and then they have to present it to the principal so the principal does a couple of things with it they do do um phone calls to parents to kind of talk them through what the fundings are and answer any questions that they may have they also administer any consequences or talk about counseling the principes especially at the high school and the middle school but everywhere meet on a very regular basis with the counselors to review Hib so that's part of our systems in place not only do I meet with them the anti-bullying Specialists every other week but then the principles are meeting with them weekly to review any open Hib cases to review things just like that is this student violating this too many times did these two students have a conflict before who's you know worrying about the student who did something inappropriate not just the person who was hurt but the person who did the hurting just also piggy back on that answer I think also you're looking for is if it if the incident results into be a code of conduct violation you know often the same similar conse Es are given so they still would meet with their counselor they would Pro be provided support for that child whether they're deemed as aggressor or a victim and so we tend to have very similar outcomes as far as consequences are concerned because I think I want to go back to what you had said Miss Bellow getting the help the students need and I think if that's something that the audience and people at home can um take away from this presentation is that's the goal of the district that we H want to investigate in every allegation that's why our numbers are quote unquote High because we do thorough investigations but ultimately regardless of the outcome Hib or unfounded code of conduct our goal is to always get the help the students need anything else else from the board no thank you before you go Miss B I I would just like to recognize Miss Bellow Miss Bellow joined our district last June and has really acclimated herself now not only to the administrative team but the school community at large her approach to be being so proactive with her programming and also meeting with her staff on a regular basis in order to learn and move forward together is highly commended and we can't thank you enough for all your hard work thankk you thank [Applause] you and that's all for me that's all did we get coffee all right we're going to move on to Personnel committee Mrs Aquino the Personnel committee met on Monday May 6 um and we reviewed and discussed the district's new administrative reorganization chart that outlines a restructuring of supervisory roles updated job titles updated job descriptions and the potential cost to the district a spirited conversation thank you Mr Moore that was a nice way to put that a spirited conversation ensued that centered around District academic needs topics included raising District test scores uniformity across elementary schools standards-based classroom instruction and the specific roles the team of academic supervisors will have in ensuring that District needs are being met the committee also reviewed the contracts of the Air Force rzi leadership team and approved the hiring of new Senior Aerospace instructor senior master sergeant Nate kof the committee approved Mrs cat vzone as a short-term administrative substitute at the tins Road school for a stien of $100 per day in addition to her teacher salary District exit surveys and interviews were discussed by the committee Mr Moore explained that a Google form survey is sent to every employee that is leaving the district the results populate a Google spreadsheet for human resources to review employees are then invited to an in-person interview once they have given their formal not notice of resignation Mr Moore holds employee meetings every Wednesday where a Mirad of employee concerns are discussed including exit interviews the committee inquired about the possibility of seeing a redacted version of survey results Miss Bellow discussed options for the year's District climate and culture surveys the committee agreed upon the importance of survey respondents remaining Anonymous and the possibility of transferring the questions to Survey Monkey in the hopes of increasing employee and parent response and I'd like to encourage all staff and parents to complete this survey because we value your feedback and we'd love to hear from you thank you any question questions or comments from the board okay seeing none we'll move on to curriculum and Technology Mrs Fenton thank you um so we also met uh May 6th he was in attendance first we had Dr krider uh she provided an overview of the accomplishments in the district's technology department and shared their goals for the next year we had Dr Bania had previously shared the school performance Report with board members for their review miss mcder explained that she and Dr Bia met with each school's administrative teams to discuss their areas of success and growth and develop a clear action steps to support both Miss mcder shared an overview of the training dates and topics from the past two years for the power professionals the committee discussed ways to improve the offerings to maximizes staff's time and ensure a meaningful experience um in special education uh Mr mcder explained the need for a special education audit and it's to be conducted by the new law firm to best understand our program services and compliance and M mcdom also provided an overview of the proposed changes to the structure of the administration team to enhance the district's practices and supervision these changes will be further discussed in personnel and finance and that is it any questions or comments from the board nope seeing none we will move on oh my computer's not clicking we'll move on to finance and operations committee and Miss Fitzgerald yes thank you so the finance and operations committee met Tuesday May 7th uh it was a 3-hour meeting so I am not going to read word for word what we covered I'm going to give you the cliffs notes uh you can read obviously everything that we covered in your three-page summary um in your board docks uh a few items to note um from Mr kifi 74 summonses for passing a stopped bus uh were issued so that is still happening uh $28,800 in fines have been collected by the town um we did conduct our mandated bus evacuation drills a ail 22nd to the 26th so if any of your children came home and said they got to jump out of the back of a bus it was scheduled uh so no worries there um Mr Miller shared with us they um if you didn't get to see once upon a mattress the Middle School play that set was really phenomenal and our um Mr Miller and team built the set it will look kind of familiar there's elements of it from our Rock of Ages set really great repurposing of that um so that was completed as well and then finally we are currently vetting Food Service rfps currently looking at that contract we are looking at three different vendors any questions okay did we did we mention that we had um discussed the gymnastics program we haven't mentioned that we certainly can we also met with our um gymnastics High School gymnastics coaches and one of the things that we've been discussing is how we can uh host home meets here in in Mount Olive it is no question that we are short on Space um as we've covered often couple referendum discussions in addition to others in the district but space especially big communal space for sports and other activities are a problem so um we discussed with our wonderful gymnastics coaches who came with so many different scenarios and so much information um a bunch of different ways that we could still host the meets while still you know having a space issue in our facilities and we I think have found a really great solution um that will allow them to host home meets here in town um off campus but still um able to host really Top Class meets and not get passed over for meets because we don't have a space to host so kudos to miss sule and Mr stanbury and uh Dr Bania for really coming up with some awesome solves and to the committee for really thinking outside the box to come up with some solutions do we have any comments or questions from the board and I want to say thank you though for the the gymnastics uh conversation's been ongoing it was a new program about five six years ago um as we all know we have so many growing uh activities here in District it was really important for us to hear from those coaches and come up with a a solution to know that we do recognize those athletes but we do we do want to move forward but we do also have a space for oneing activities as well as a storage issue going on and that was part of the big big conversation that we had so anyone else no okay we will move on then to policy and governance with uh Miss Melendez yes uh policy and governance committee met also on May 6 and presents were Dr Benja Dr crater Miss Jones Miss figura uh Miss naris and myself uh Dr crater reviewed the proposed new policy addressing artificial intelligence uh the policy is a work in progress at this time the administration hopes to present a policy for first reading in June or July for implementation in the upcoming school year uh Dr Banja conducted a thorough review of all of our ex policies kudos to Dr vanan for first time in many years and regulations also to make sure they are current uh Dr Banja reviewed changes to the following policies and regulations to bring them up to date each is included on the agenda for first reading updated policies are the followings uh P 8467 weapons policy P 5410 promotion and retention P 8651 Community use of Transportation P 8660 Transportation by private vehicle p6620 petty cash P 5860 safety patrol P 2466 needless public labeling of students with disabilities P 5335 treatment of asthma P 5332 do not resuscitate orders and I'm reading all because they are important policies uh P 5307 nursing service plan p2700 services to nonpublic schools p2423 bilingual and ESL education p2431 prevention and treatment of sport related concussions and head injuries uh some regulations also um where 24 31.4 prevention and treatment of sports related concussions and head injuries regul regulation 5308 a student health records regulation 5310 Health Services regulation 84210 active shooter regulation 84220 bomb threat regulation 84 20.7 lockdown Pro procedures um on the policies that I mentioned uh previously I would like to clarify that we have one two three four five new policies um within those needless public labeling of students with disability treatment of asthma do not resuscitate orders nursing Services plan and services to nonpublic school all those are new policies and that's it do we have any questions from the board or comments nope okay seeing none we will move along do we have any subcommittees or parent Association leis on report anyone from the public that's a sub commit just a little bit hello hello hi hi um I'm Amy Marini the president of ceg which stands for the special education parent advisory group we are just a review for everybody we are um New Jersey Cod driven group um that's parent L that collaborates with the district on systemic issues um and for those that may not be aware this week is special education week so happy special education week um so I wanted to report on the last few months um in March we were lucky enough to have um Margaret hefle from the Morris County special child health services join us in which she discuss all the supports um that that um service provides to families and children within Morris County um I also attended the span uh round table at the state level to discuss and brainstorm um activities and ideas and topics um and how to navigate the systemic concerns um within each district um going forward throughout you know through across the state I also attended the NJ State special education advisory Council also known as cak um which met virtually I just attended I'm not a part of the panel but um where this where it is a Statewide representation of both providers and receivers um meet in accordance with Federal Regulations of the idea to discuss multiple areas of special education across the state the um they discuss bus safety and policies coming down the line um within the state to enforce stricter guidelines while transporting uh special education students they also discussed the requirement for the least restrictive environment for preschool programs and highlighted programs in different districts um and their models for preschool in kindergarten discussing how um they can be more inclusive and how that's kind of the goal um at the state level um these programs highlighted um their classroom management uh scheduling um the panel also had a very extremely eye openening um and informative discussion about local special education determinations based on the five factors which was ridiculously long and very informative and I really wish that they had a recording that I could go back and take notes better notes but the five factors were the results driven accountability the local special education profiles special education determinations public reporting and and access as well as differentiated supports and continuous Improvement our next meeting is actually tomorrow um uh 7:30 virtually we always meet the second Tuesday of the month we did however shift our time to be at 7:30 to allow parents to not have to choose between coming to the cpag or coming to the Thrive Alliance Group presentation on positive parenting for emotional regulation starting and ending your day um and so um yeah so we'll be meeting tomorrow at 7:30 um we will be actually having um an extra if you would meeting on June 4th um also virtually um kind of to do a deep dive um into what it is um to be involved in cpeg um to try to get some more community involvement considering I'm the only one on the board so thank you thank you any question any questions from the board no thank you thank you oh thank you so much do we have anyone else hi I am Becky Park the president for Chester M Stevens Elementary School last time I came in to do the meeting I had talked to you guys about that we were going to be doing our rock and roll Aon it was to raise money for officer bill and the four Mount Olive police officers riding with him just this past weekend in the unity Tour uh they did make it safely down to DC everything went very smooth uh with all of the donations and everything collected we raised $4,800 that we were able to donate towards them uh we also just finished our last book fair for the year uh it was our BOGO book fair and we ended up having sales around $14,000 so it ended up being a very successful event uh just finished teacher appreciation week and we wanted to thank all the parents that donated Raffles we did a high five Monday we did a lunch for the teachers on Wednesday and then on Friday we did uh an ice cream uh Sunday party for the teachers as well as we held over 75 Raffles um uh the we just finished last week as well our elections so we will be announcing tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. on our Zoom meeting for our May meeting the uh the uh the one position that did uh go in for voting so we will be announcing that this coming Friday the 17th is our annual full school dance we're doing a glow theme and we have almost over 200 kids so far that have rsvpd for that wish to get more in our Carnival is still planned for June 3rd and we are super excited again about our dunk tank that we're going to have we're going to put officer bill in there Mrs smeski and then we're looking for one other staff member or possible super intended um guess uh we're still planning to have our trailers with our games our balance houses and everything so fingers crossed for good weather so that's our update well thank you any questions from the board no thank you so much any other um subcommittees or parent teacher associations anyone from the board oh there you go hi I'm uh I'm Nikki oison from tins Road school um I just have a couple updates uh this past week we celebrated our Superstar staff at tins uh with staff appreciation week I just wanted to give a big shout out to uh Colleen B Walder and Danielle woic for organizing the week-long Extravaganza that they planned our theme this year was around the world and we hope that um the staff loved all of the goodies and the treats and the surprises over the course of the week as much as we enjoyed planning and executing them uh big thank you to all the families who so generously donated raffle baskets to help us end the week on such a fun note the staff is so appreciative of all of the love that they received and um I always say to them these are just very small things to say a big thank you because these are the men and women that are with our children and teach our children daily so um the committee is already looking forward to uh to planning next year uh we just finished up our um our partnership with RH farms for our spring spring flower sales uh we wanted to thank the families who participated by ordering um flowers through r farms they're always beautiful right up on 46 uh and we also knew this year as part of our tense gives back initiative we if families would be willing to purchase uh potted plants for residents of paragon Village so we had quite a few families who went online and not only purchase for themselves but they also purchase for the residents of Paragon and so we'll be picking those up at the end of the week with some sweet messages that some of our families have written so that we can drop them off to them as well uh I can't believe we're almost uh through the school year and while I keep saying we only have a few weeks left uh we still have a lot of things planned uh we have field day coming up that we're coordinating with Mr rad and Mr a we have our fifth grade field trip we um we help celebrate Marauder Fest we have our end of the year class parties and our last big event at tins is our picnic on the playground um it's coming up on Friday March 7th from 5:30 to 7:30 uh we have Marty's ice cream truck coming um Dam rental uh equipment rentals has so generously donated a bounce house so thank you to the Malcom family and we are also uh hosting an Alex's Lemonade Stand which if you aren't familiar um it's our last tense gives back Initiative for the year so we'll be setting up an Alex's Lemonade Stand so that we can sell lemonade and then all the proceeds from that from those sales will go toward um Children's Cancer uh research our final meeting of the year is this Thursday May 16th at 7 o' it's in person in the TRS Library we'll be presenting and voting on our TRS uh uh panel for next year for the 2425 school year and um there were a lot more people here before but um I know it's broadcast so I just wanted to say um I just wanted to say that this may be my last meeting that I can attend for the year um I have three kids and we're in the you know full swing of spring Sports and um I just want to take a minute to uh to thank uh Mr gillo and the administrative staff at tins um all of the teachers and the staff at tins the families of our school our P our PTO board and um and everybody who's been so supportive this year as my first year as president including uh the other PTO boards and presidents we've really gelled and worked together this year to try to bring some cohesiveness especially across the four Elementary um elementary school so I just wanted to say thank you for everybody's support it's been an honor and we are already looking forward to planning for next year so please forgive me I do have to duck out because I have a little Miss who's been texting me she wants a kiss and a cuddle before she'll go to bed so wish everybody a good evening and thank you very much thank you so much thank you Nikki any questions H I see more one more one more that's it no come on up it's just you hi everybody thank you Kelly Huff from the middle school PTO board I actually had to put a few notes on my phone because I did not write anything down tonight um so back in I haven't made it to many meetings so I my apologies but um in March we had the Wizards come to the school and we were really really excited for that promoting it um that was our really big fundraiser for this year we were happy to say we made about $188,000 um in turn we decided to turn this around we spoke to Mrs wilky we are going to do a $5,000 School gift um something for the kids that directly relates to the kids one idea that came up is an outdoor classroom so we are working on different ideas um we're still talking about it but we're hoping to get that into motion soon uh we just wrapped up Teacher Appreciation Week great week um we did breakfast sandwiches on Monday from the after lottery tickets on Tuesday um Wednesday we had a food truck come in Gourmet egg rolls had a little issue with the fire marshall they showed up so it's going to be fine if anybody heard I was aggressive I was not but um going forward if anybody has any food trucks for their school Mount Olive Township is a little bit different I guess every Township is different Mount Olive requires per event our vendor happened to be here at Bark in the Park just a few days before so he had his permit he had his inspection that was not good enough so we paid the fine we we know the fee we did what we needed to do but um it was a little story for later um but just if anybody does that you need a permit per event um Thursday we did some M&M's and we did a Raffles we did about 25 gifts that we gave away and Friday was my personal favorite we loaded up um we got a lot of parent donations of snacks and drinks and all different things for the teachers and staff and we loaded up four of those really big carts and went to every classroom in the school it took us about 4 hours to go to everybody but every specials room um every Corridor we hit and the teachers were so excited they came out they to pick whatever they wanted from any car as much as they wanted um some of the staff are really tiny I didn't know they could eat that much they really had fun but it was just a great week overall um we have our eighth grade dance coming up on June 7th we are really happy to announce that we're doing our first um ever middle school scholarship to a graduating senior this year so we have all of the submissions in and I think we should have a decision by next wednes or next Wednesday which is our meeting so we'll be announcing the winner um and if I may ask does anybody know when that presentation is at the high school um for scholarships I have I do have it on my calendar think it's June thank you June 6 thank you there you go um and last but not least we're really excited because we are doing an obstacle course this year so we have a pretty big obstacle course that's coming we have um the company's going to have people running it we are going to get 1,200 kids through that in two days over the course of two days um we sixth and seventh grade are going the first day so we're going to do one in the morning and one at night or not night afternoon um and we spoke with the gym teachers and after they're done going through the course um the PTO just purchased a bunch of like fun side games like can jam cornhole um the spike thing ladder toss we just we got a bunch of things so the kids could actually like have some more fun on the side when they're done with that um and we're going to do ice cream for all the kids and then the last day is going to be eighth grade so they're going to do the obstacle course in the morning and we are bringing uh eighth grade barbecue for the afternoon to make it really fun and special for them so we'll have ice cream barbecue foods and just kind of make it a a great day for them and last but not least I think we are looking in currently planning all those ladies who helped me this year doing a tricky try next spring we did really well with it and we got a lot of great feedback so we're kind of in the initial planning for that and we will also be announcing our um board at our meeting next week we finished elections that's it the board all right have a good night thank you thank you we have any other do we have any others can I also just say like thank you though to all of the uh schools ptas etos you guys do an amazing job and thank you for all of the Flowers and Gifts for our our staff and for always always being so welcoming and taking care of the students and our our employees thank you thank you oh so let's keep moving along president report I don't really have much to report at the moment I'll probably wrap it up at the end with my comments um before we go into public comments on action items I do have a couple items to adjust here so we do have three items that we will be for the moment tabling they will be action items 11.22 or 22 11 11.23 and 11.24 we're simply tbling them so that the board can discuss them in close session we will be adding two items onto the agenda they will be item 11.25 and the resolution reads resolved that the board affirms to finding that allegations of Hib were unfounded in case number 26088 4-t 0223 2 024 heard during ex executive session and be it further resolved that the parent shall be provided with a written decision informing them of the disposition and their appeal RS that will be added to the agenda as well as a resolution item agenda item 11.26 the resolution reads resolved the board affirms the finding that allegations of hi were unfounded inconclusive in case number 2633 69- m o n- 02 032 72024 heard during executive session and be it further resolved that the parent shall be provided with a written decision informing them of the disposition and their right uh appeal rights those will be added so after reading those we will now welcome public comments on action items and action items only members of the community may comment on any action item prior to board discussion please state your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or obscene comments will not be tolerated and do we have anyone who would like to come forth and speak on action items and action items only and please state your name and your address for the record Tim Capone Highfield Road so very nice presentation on your hibs um but as we all know and you have been notified that's not true uh you don't follow the policy in the procedure you've received that documentation repeatedly for months you know that you don't investigate hibs within 24 hours as required and Miss Bellow although that's very nice presentation it's a lie so let me give you examples such as on October 29th that there is an email from Miss Bellos acknowledging the receipt of my complaint but no Hib is initiated by the 20th I was going to say that continues our policy uh indicates that it's not supposed to be personally directive and it's not supposed to be abusive so I just want to remind you doesn't say it's not personally directed actually all questions should be directed to the board specifically the board president and please also keep it to any action items that's what I'm addressing okay that's what I'm addressing so that's not true we know that a Hib was not initiated within 24 hours okay it goes on because I actually have then on the 23rd and it's not initiated within 24 hours right same thing from Miss Bellow so again there's two examples within the first week of what she just presented to not be true I can continue on because then I have and again I I feel like I read this the last time okay that you went and got a legal opinion from your prior attorney after you didn't open a hip and after talking to the attorney then you opened a hip not within 24 hours as required so you're not following the policies it's well documented that you're not and having your attorney or having somebody else repeat that publicly okay it's not true have the same thing with Mr gorilla over and over and over again the complaints were made he did not complete it within 24 hours again Mr our board policy does not allow personally directed about the the board policy Mr Capone board policy 0167 specifically states that for public participation and comments there are to be statements but they are not to be and you will be warned again the participant statements are not to be they can be interrupted warned or terminated at participant statements when the statement is too lengthy or personally directed abusive obscene or irrelevant it's a fact about your staff that's not irrelevant that's not OB also have a state a policy that says number 9130 that we are supposed to protect our district Personnel from unnecessary harassment so Mr Capone please direct your your comments to the board and please keep them to action items only and keep them respectful and not abusive or obscene breaking the law that's what your administrators are doing okay and that's what this board is supporting so for people that are talking about honesty and integrity okay that ran on that when we're talking about your job what your responsibility is okay you are not following the law repeatedly okay even to the point of your opma right are you supposed to have hi committees or are you supposed to have them in executive session it says executive session in the law it says executive session in your policy it doesn't say committee but you're not following it okay not for me all right not for the other people for how long so this is reaching a point where you're going to continue to say these same things and you're going to make these decisions there's going to be accountability okay there's going to be accountability th this community is not going to have to deal with this moving forward where we're looking at that you're not following the laws that you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing and you're not protecting our children I I'd also like to address the new teacher Coach position um you created a position that's not instructional that has no student impact no student contact okay this is a a k to5 coach that's going to be not working with children you just raise taxes an extra percent okay and this has got to be a $100,000 position now the description the job description on this says that it was adopted on July 1st 2024 Somebody explain that how you could have adopted something two months from now no I didn't think so and now we're going to have somebody coming out of the classroom okay and I'm my question in regards to this is is whether this is a an accommodation that we're making okay due to you know their their their personal mental state or whether this is something that's going to be a a continued process Mr Capone again you're personally directing comments and being abusive this this is the third time I've had to this is the third time I've had to bring it up this Mr you've told me other violating our board policy you violate your board policy please I think it's done yeah I was going to say Mr Capon time to sit down you have not been commenting with regards to the regulations have been following the board's request if you'd like you're welcome to come back up and make comments that are appropriate at the end of public comment okay well we understand your free speech and every right to you know speak we do not do not tolerate obsc there isation of personally directed comments Mr Capone this is for the purpose of the betterment of the students that we were here yes and when you have people not doing their jobs okay that needs to be addressed this is getting redundant I think it's time for you to sit down please Mr Kone the last comment I have is in regards to the don't you know what no the number of uh the the the way you're going to be voting in Block on this okay you as board members are all equal the president only runs the meeting okay so when you're talking about how it is that you can make motions okay and you should not be voting this in Block you should be voting for these individual people so the community knows how you feel about those people instead of having one agenda where all of the people are listed to be passed this should be done individually mhm the rest I'll save for later thank you Mr Capone anyone else who would like to come and speak on action items Karen fum 133 Flander drown Road um action item 8.1 to 8.3 I wanted to send out a truly sincerely heartfelt congratulations to the nominees and the recipients um we are extraordinarily fortunate to have exceptional people working with our children um we are are so very blessed um 8.5 the employee resignation of Glenn Miller is a major loss to our district and I want to thank him for hiring and overseeing incredible people in the buildings keeping our ground so impeccable and for the support of all the PTO projects that have landed on his plate over the years um that's how I was fortunate enough to meet him and um work with him and I'm I'm sorry to see him go um I 8.31 I am quite happy to see the director of Elementary position um being taken off of our lofty administrative pile um I would like to I think it was 8.32 I'm not sure um I would like to just commend the decision to make Miss hoppler a coach she's extraordinary both of my children had her she um she is professional and kind and she cares she is passionate she's creative um and I I think if a fraction of what she has offered my children could be sprinkled to everybody else in the district that she will work with we will be better for it [Music] um I only say names and compliment I have consistently done that so I will um continue to do that I I have a question about 10.13 the compliance audit of the special education depart uh Department I'm curious what the difference is between this audit and qac if somebody has an Insight onto that um we're gonna Dr bans and M mcor will follow up with you okay um my my comments to that kind of were predicated on an answer so I'll kind of go through it it's okay um I'm curious why the audit is happening now um versus any other time of the year or any other time when concerns have been um voiced I am all for audits but the timing of this with all of the upheaval of special education representation feels a little bit like a red flag um I have also for the last 3 years asked for a comprehensive audit of the district um I would like to see this Ted and have the Gen Ed also part of an audit and see where we are effectively utilizing our staff and where we could um make some positive changes um I also have um questions regarding if this audit must take place if it isn't tabled um I would like a third party to conduct it not the um attorney that is listed since the Third special education attorney in 2 months um still hasn't presented a public contract and we don't know what that $8,000 is getting us is it a 2hour audit or a 40-hour audit um and I think that's a significant amount of money to put the trust in for an audit not knowing where we're getting it without having to pay um an Oprah to find that out since it hasn't been made public um the last two questions that I have are uh the monthly bills um what is the check to the Ed Foundation is that possible to get an answer to I don't have a copy of the bills list in front of me do you happen to have can we um hold on I think it's on our board do yep it's it's on board dos sorry thank you let me see if I can pull it up otherwise um it's on the bill list right yes is while you look I will keep going so I don't hold up time I know it's very late um also I'm curious um why there are no legal fills legal fees and um any sort of payment to the attorney included in this month's bills um historically it is part of the monthly bills um as of 3 p.m. this afternoon I don't know if it's been updated since then um but even with no outstanding legal matters we still have to pay the non- retain or cost of having someone sit at our last two board meetings and I'm just curious why legal fees are not incorporated into this month's bills thank you because it didn't get onto our bills list in time we were reviewing the invoices we requested some changes to the format of the invoices so we could track them better that's why I appreciate the answer sincerely thank you um and if there's no answer for the Ed Foundation I would love an update on that just I just see a note on it Nicole but I'll show you it later just it's Che thank you very much anyone else from the public who wishes to comment on action items all right seeing none we will move on to the appro approval of monthly um expenditures and reports items 7.1 to 7.8 and I have notes and can I miss figer can I have a motion please I motion to approve items 7.1 through 7.8 uh second second and a roll call please oh any questions from the board no okay then U Mr sh sh a roll call please Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fanton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr oilla yes Mr stach exception of Jody B on 7.2 yes and everything else Mrs NES yes and we will move to Personnel action items 8.1 through we go all the way down to 8.4 Z and Mrs Aquino thank you upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to move Personnel action items one 8.1 through 8.40 second and do we have any comments or questions from the board yes please yep um on 8.4 I'd like to thank uh Mr Tom vanstone Mr haer for their long service to Mount Olive and on 8.5 I'd like to thank Glenn Miller better known as Tommy dorsy and tight circles uh for the job he has done if people only knew the size of our district and the things that come up every day and the job that he has overseen is a tremendous job there have been many times when he's been called out at 2 or 3:00 in the morning to solve a problem so Mr M Mr Miller you're going to be missed and I thank you very much I'd also like to make a comment I also would like to um wish Matt Robinson good luck on his next phase in his career and I would also like to thank Mr Miller for all his years of service and for for your help in keeping our grounds and buildings and your team looking beautiful thank you so much anyone else any other comments from the board no I'd like to first of all Echo everyone's sentiments and congratulations to all of our nominees and recipients um the one thing that I think really you know tied through is this is a district that's really a community are these staff members come here and they really really care and take care of our students above and beyond just the educational purpose so please congratulations to everyone congratulations to our retirees um you will be missed Mr vanstone um and good luck Mr Miller um and good luck to Mr Robinson in his next um Adventure we'll call it um know Mount is always here um otherwise I will move along and we'll take a roll Paul Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fanton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez abstaining 8.22 Sanchez Gonzalez Angela yes to everything else Mrs O'Neal abstain on 8 822 yes on everything else Mr orillo yes Mr Stace 8.21 sta Jody Bosch yes everything else Mrs naris yes and we'll move on to curriculum in technology um 9.1 through 9.10 Mrs uh Fen thank you uh upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to approve um 9.1 to 9.10 Second and do we have comments from the board no can I just make one um request when we're dealing with the some of these field trips if we could just um one I know there's been ongoing controversy with the fifth grade trips if we could make sure that um Dr B is overseeing them and you know approving them ahead of time before we're you know receiving them as the board um and that was my only request anyone else I agree okay and we'll take a roll call M joning Mrs Aquino yes everything but 9.4 Mountain View fifth grade trip in light of equity there's been a push to conform the fifth grade field trips for the past two years and three schools are going on the same trip so my vote is no for that Mrs fanton yes to all Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald uh yes to all except 9 9.4 uh that is a no on the Mountain View fifth grade field trip Mrs Melendez not to 9.4 Mount View uh fifth grade City crues and yes to everything else Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orello uh no to the 9.4 Mountain View field trip yes to everything else Mr stachi over the years I've had the opportunity to interview many many candidates for superintendant and with the exception of the last two because they changed the law I always asked one question of the superintendent because we are such a big district and our elementary schools are all scattered out we actually have schools all over our Township and they have their own territorial likes and dislikes so the question I always asked every superintendent is how can you make us a school district instead of a district of schools by having the elementary schools all go to one place except for one and send them on a cruise does not fit that category so I vote no on the cruise for Mountain View and are you good with the rest you good with the rest you're just voting yes on everything else I'm sorry okay and Mrs Nares um I vote Yes to everything with the request that in the future we do look to align the the field trips in that fifth grade I'd like to comment I'd just like to make one comment on why I voted yes I absolutely agree with all the people that voted no but in light of the um I don't know that they will be able to change uh venues this quickly and I wouldn't want the uh that particular school to lose out on a trip so I just wanted to make that clear but I really do not like the fact that they are not equal field trips I concur Mrs Fenton I just didn't want to see the fifth grade students suffer as a result of yes Dr B do you know by chance what the time frame is then with that trip if does not get approved this evening because right now the money is non-refundable so they're going to lose out on the money that was um put forth to that toward that trip and do you know the amount but that shouldn't have been done before board approval correct so the permission slips should not have been out and the money should not have been collected before the board approved the trip do we have a policy or procedure that would align to all of our trips that are showing up on our agendas where they've already put down deposits is there one is there a policy in place or a procedure in place or two can in the future going forward we maybe adjust that so we have better understanding and they put it deposit down so yes okay I I think we really need to have approval before any monies are transferred in the future agre okay are we good we're good okay we will move on to finance and operations and we have Mrs fitzerald 10.1 through 10.13 yes upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to approve action items 10.1 through 10.13 second did we uh we'll take a roll call to who Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fatton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi Mrs Nares uh yes and we will uh move forward with uh administrative action items 11.1 through we have table 11.2 2 11.23 and 11.24 for the time being we've added items 11.25 and 11.26 and Miss Melendez please you put complicated for me I know right the recommendation of the superintendent I present a motion to move uh administrative action items uh from section 11.1 uh to 11 21 and 1125 and 11.26 second do we have any comments or questions from the board on these items bless you bless you no seeing none we'll take a roll call please Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fanton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi yes Mrs naris yes and we are on to Old business do any members of the board have any old business they wish to uh discuss or bring forth no all right we'll keep moving along do any members of the board have any new items they wish to bring forth or topics they wish to discuss or consider no no all right and we are back to public comments at the moment students parents employees and community members May comments on any item of Interest pertaining to the Mount Olive School District please state your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive obscene comments will not be tolerated please also note that um all comments must be directed at the board and they are not to be lengthy personally directed abusive obscene or irrelevant Tim Capone Highfield Road so you're going to be doing a superintendent evaluation and based on what you just read you're telling me that people cannot comment on that action item they wouldn't be allowed to comment on somebody because it's personal you might want to check that okay cuz do you have something to say Mr G no I think I've been pretty clear this evening already so let my comments stand okay so I I have one last question um for the night um there's a posting actually I'm lying there's two there there's a posting on our website about public comment under the Board of Education written by Miss Bia okay and in it it says that public comment is not required it says public comment is not required okay so just like I brought to you back in February that your Hib policy which you passed in June was not available to the public okay until February when I brought it to your attention Okay you might want to check to see if you're required to have a public comment because your website says you don't and I think that goes right along with the violations of the opma that you have um I'll leave that for next time I I have one last question and and we we can call it hypothetical if the superintendent was notified of alleged sexual misconduct would an investigation take place Karen F 133 Flander drown Road I have two I promise I'll be quick um the first one is I am still questioning why um one board member abstained from a vote regarding special education at one meeting and voted on the decision um at the following meeting um and my second question is um during the presentation that Miss bow did um there was an elementary school that had a significantly higher number of um Hib incidents or reports whatever and I'm curious if there's ever been longitudinal study of behavior in the middle school and the high school as it relates to the elementary school that they attended and whether um effective behavior management at the elementary school has a long-term effect of behavior in schools at the higher grades um if there's consistency in the Four elementary schools and how behaviors are managed um then theoretically there would be kind of an equal distribution through the middle school and high school but since there is a a significant difference in the elementary schools um and not an elementary school that has the most students so it's not proportionate to their population um is there any sort of looking into the behaviors of the the hibs in middle school and high school as they relate possibly to a lack of effective Behavior strategies at the elementary school and that's it thank you am Marini I am out of District place but I live at three milissa Trail in Long Valley for anybody that cares um I do want to um kind of reflect on what you guys have already said I know it's been a long day um but that you know it is really reflective on the community and the supports and services that everyone um provides here in Mount Olive District but I do have a not so short thing to say um after watching the board meeting on April 29th I felt that it was extremely important for me to approach the board and to speak to you all tonight with a goal to educate the community and possibly the board on what it's like to be a parent of a student with special needs having a child with special needs is not something that you sign up for it's not something that you envision your life to entail when you cradle your newborn child at first there's a grieving process once you've learned of a diagnosis but then there's a huge process of learning and advocating learning a new diagnosis a new way of life learning how to advocate in your child's Healthcare needs early intervention and Early Child Development learning about school models and advocating in school to ensure your child or in my case children receive what they are entitled to and then continuing to Advocate into adulthood you're are constantly learning and listening listening to both sides of a situation looking at every single angle listening to the words that are not spoken because actions always speak louder than words as the now president of the Mount Olive special education parent advisory group I'm speaking speaking to you all about my personal opinion the public comment on April 29th that the board allowed without correction about the rights of special education students and their families was horrendous in fact I would call it discriminatory the statements that were made and accepted by the board with no comment was appalling maybe comments were made by the Board of Ed members privately in closed session and I sure hope that they were but for me I felt ex the extreme need to publicly inform here's a little info about my story so bear with me I have three children two with a terminal diagnosis who may never reach adulthood both were out of District plac in Mount Olive schools now my daughter remains here in attendance for those that are unaware out of District placement means that the sending District pays Mount Olive to educate these students I tell you this not to place a Target on my back but to educate both the board and the public that Mount Olive offers programs and services that many many surrounding districts cannot provide and pay them to provide here in Mount Olive in life as a rule I'm a patient Observer and for someone to stand up and cast a shadow on special education at special needs parents and see by saying that I should be enraged by decisions made by the Board of Education blows my mind in fact I would go out and say that often folks who come to the microphone over the last 5 months are not coming to the microphone with a question but are coming to cast a shadow to make people appear to be doing things wrong but because of my special needs experience I know that there are always two sides sides to every single story I also know that confidentiality is something everyone on the board takes very seriously also safety of all of our children is top priority I'd like to remind everyone that each of the board members are individual people and they all make their own decisions I know Genie O'Neal and I respect her on every single level not only is she an extremely knowledgeable parent of a child with special needs but she herself has a disability that the district continues to ignore and if she felt or any board members felt to stand before that are before me now as though they needed to replace the old attorney of schneck price King and Smith a trust that they did with good conscience because of their dignity and this Integrity that they stand on my heart genuinely goes out to the family of marburo and the and the heartache that occurred in that school situation but because of our new board's Integrity I would like to thank all of for I would like to thank all for standing up for what they believe and for terminating the contract with schneck price Smith and King everyone was enraged by their actions to replace the attorney here in Mount Olive when they wanted the board members to break confidentiality and answer all questions yet not one person has come up to thank them publicly thanking them for protecting the students of Mount Olive now to speak about the special education attorneys as a parent of a child or children with special needs you learn to trust your gut your sick sense because you have to sometimes read LS and become Ninjas for your children to understand what their needs are and because of that I trust Miss O'Neal Miss Figaroa Mr orillo Miss Finn and miss naris that they all trusted their intuition and their gut by not allowing the attorney's office of schnek price King Smith and King to continue with their services within the district and I can only assume that Mrs O'Neal abstained from voting from the RFP for the special education attorney because there must have been a conflict of some sort possibly respecting the staff and or the special education students within the district to abstain from the RPA but then my assumption is that after further information was able to vote but again confidentiality but again only a negative light was cast with only one potential perspective there are always two sides to every story always special needs parents have a sick sense and a strong intuition and I trust that the new board that everyone continues to call you guys is trusted their six sense with the actions that they took and I canot thank you enough for all of that clearly you have never had to read the mind of your child clearly you have never had to fight for your child to be treated equally and worry that they may be attacked just for existing as special educations were attacked attacked in the public comment of April 29th I hope you all educate yourself on the needs of special education students within Mount Olive District because it would behoove you to learn the heart and soul of these students and their successes which were reflective on all of you so before I go on to discuss what cpeg is and is not I would like to educate you all and Enlighten you all on the fact that special education is not a privilege like sports or drama just like special education is a requirement so is cpeg as part of New Jersey Law njac 6A colon4 that all districts in the state of New Jersey are required to have this parent-led group it's a mandatory Group which is code driven which covers systemic concerns across the district this group in turn supports Federal idea for those that are unfamiliar the individuals with disabilities educational act which is was originally known as the education for all handicapped children act from 1975 which in 1990 the US Congress reauthorized and change the title to idea with the overall goal to provide children with disabilities the same opportunity for Education as those students who do not have a disability to ensure that these children with special needs were protected and I may remind you all that federal government provides funding through idea to support special education programs in school districts like Mount Olive also the state provides funding to allocate resources to support special education programs as well yet our students with special educational needs are attacked frequently by the community and some members of the board about the cost of special education the room space used for special education the Staffing required for special education it all needs to stop this population is discriminated against every single day in this country and it's horrific that the Board of Education allowed a member of the community to stand up with apparently little to no knowledge and belittle the special education families it needs to stop now now what is ceg and Mount Olive it's a place for families that are raising children with special needs to learn their rights to make sure that they know how to advocate for their child or children to make sure that the district any District does the right thing by following the law and the IEP CPAC is a way to ensure that the children whom do not have a voice are spoken for CPAC tackles topics collaboratively of the district on systemic issues that affect our protected population it is never safe to assume anything with regard to special education let alone that going to CAG is a comfort and something supplied to the special education parents that is not supplied to the special education students cpag is not a support network or PTA as some may think it's law but CAG is also a place for parents to work with the district to help guide the district on systemic concerns we are not looking for recognition or praise but to shine a positive light on ceg these are just a few things we have done over the last few years we've advocated for parent professionals to be paid at a higher rate we've advocated for speakers to come and inform the Gen and population about kids with special needs advocated for better transition services for our students moving on to post-secondary education we've advocated for resource fairs information sessions on bullying and financial planning for the future highlight inclusive schools week and inclusive school programs increase unified programs within the district just to name a few anyone is and has been invited to attend our monthly cpeg meetings so before anyone has something else to say about us please come join us you might learn something thank you thank you thank you anyone else from the public who wishes to come and comment no seeing none we will move along and we will adjourn into to close session do I have a motion I moved anyone else second second second second second my my do you have it here sorry I'm looking for my all right be it resolve that the board meet in confidential session for the purpose of discussing um Personnel matters of attorney client privilege and any pending Le uh legal litigation and I think that's all we have for tonight uh be resolved that the matters discussed in confidential session be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality no longer exist action may be taken and we will come back out to close the meeting we are in U executive session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e yeah all right we are back in session um sorry that's okay [Applause] I don't like this job we're having a tech technical difficulty need roll call yeah you want me to do roll call we're all here would you like me to make a public comment Mrs Aquino here Mrs fanton Mrs fera here Mrs Fitzgerald here Mrs Melendez Mrs O'Neal here Mr illo here Mr stachi Mrs Nares we are here or I am here um all right we are coming back to I need a motion to to approve 11.22 11.23 and 11.24 for which we had tabled earlier um do I have a motion so moved do I have a second second and we'll take a roll call please M Mrs Aquino Mrs fanton Mrs fera Mrs Fitzgerald Mrs Melendez Mrs O'Neal yes Mr oilo yes Mr stachi Mrs naris yes and since I skipped over it do we have any board or administrative comments no no no everybody wants to go home do I have a motion to adjourn and go home all right all in favor thank you everyone thank you for staying and thank you to our staff for uh everything