e e e e e e e but all right we we're waiting just one minute [Music] y all right we're going to get started um I'd like to call this meeting to order and we'll begin with the flag Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all we'll take a moment of silence for those in harms way and all of our um Armed Forces right thank you all right statement of advance notice didn't notice requirements of the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey has been ified by the inclusion of the date time in place at this meeting in the notice of regular meeting meetings um adopted by this board on January 8th 2024 such scheduled and notice of meetings is posted at the municipal building de man all Library the Board of Education offices in six schools was submitted to the Daily Record publication on January 9 2024 and was found the clerk of Township on January 9th 202 for I direct that this announcement be entered into the minutes of this meeting and we'll take a roll call please Mrs Aquino here Mrs Fenton here Mrs fera here Mrs Fitzgerald here Mrs Melendez Mrs O'Neal here Mr orillo here Mr stach here Mrs Marc I'm here um and we'll take approval of minutes um Miss figer if you like to move um action uh items 2.1 and 2.2 I move to approve items I make an action to approve items 2.1 to 2.2 second any uh questions or comments from the board seeing none we'll take a roll call Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs fent yes Mrs N yes um do we have any Communications or petitions um to the board super attendent members of the board acknowledge any Communications or petitions received no anyone else no okay we will move on and with that we have some friends and uh guests here um and we'll go to superintendent report Dr B so I'm excited to invite Miss Jody Bosch up to the microphone at which time she's going to be celebrating our phenomenal of form arts program here in Mount Olive [Applause] MOS hello good evening um firstly thank you to the board for having us tonight we had a a great season and we're very excited to share some of our accolades with you um before we get to the students I did want to speak out about our amazing um administration at the high school full support and Always by Mr Kevin Stanberry in the back there and our great supervisor of the Performing Arts Miss Melanie and of course Miss Christine Nelson who's our biggest fan the high school for sure I'm too close see I don't normally talk in the microphone you're doing great okay uh also our outstanding staff for our um grade 6 through 12 for our drama Department Mr Christopher Bosch director of The Fall show and the Middle School Musical Rick Lancy our choreographer Beth Bud our choreographer Tyler backer our Tech director Andrew loer our lighting designer our music director and pit Orchestra Matt vianini our fall music pit Orchestra Mr Daryl Hendrick our costumes Maryann Hannon our Rock director this year Mr Steven Thompson and our stage crew adviser Miss Bethany francello also to thank our amazing family and friends that are here um our families are great for drama club they support us for everything and uh we have a newly formed LLC drama rers booster club starting up this summer so we're excited about that and our students we definitely have the best students around we had a a St season in the fall we had our 20th season that Mr BOS and I have um been running the club and we did a look back at all 20 Seasons we had 25 alumni um involved in the production and writing bios and coming to see the production along with our current students in the fall we did White Christmas and spring as you know we did Ages which was very successful year so we'll get to some of our accolades yes uh firstly we went to the tear competition in C and we have and since you can't come up there not the room we can stand if I say your name we had second place performance Excellence for musical theater we want you guys want you to come up um we did some directed by senior Justice Vera graduates Justice [Applause] Vera he directed um musical theater selections from Spring Awakening and that star Oliver certz Alexander McDonald Marin msia Victoria Morris Justice ver and L and we also first place the festival performance um directed by miss Lea Blakey they perform selections from rent and that was jelin Anderson Lea Blakey Michael fck Oliver ctz Matthew kosi Alex Maria Victoria Morris andarcia and that group also went on and was selected for the state Arts Festival for the bus County drama Festival we won five Awards um we won something called the scene stealer award for both of his roles in stealing the for Christmas ages and that was [Applause] Trevor we won the make him laugh award for his comedic role in Rock of Ages Daven Royo we won the The Show Must Go On For What Christmas because during the performance music stopped and the two on the spot had to make up performance until the music got working again so that was Jax scarcia and Lincoln Vera our winner for vocal power house for white Christmas and Rock of Ages because she truly does that's Sarah Hune and winner for the best love power ballad and my personal favorite scene probably 20 years from Rock of Ages Jack Garcia Oliver C at the paper mill uh Playhouse rising star awards we've been entering this competition since 2007 and every year we get one or two nominations but this year we made uh the big the big nom to get into um the final presentation for the production so we had 11 total um nominations and two honorable mentions so I'd like to go through now that for St and for students so come on up firstly for honorable mention for outstanding costume achievement for Rock of Ages Miss Mar [Applause] um he's not able to be here tonight but also honorable mention for outstanding achievement in music direction for Rock of Ages mrini um we entered the student Achievement Award category so that's someone selected by the director uh and I selected three students and one of them into the final round for his work as our Ensemble captain and that's Dylan kovat nomination and outstanding lighning achievement our very own amazing lighning guy Andrew Lauder good um nomination for outstanding performance by Orchestra student oriented and we had um many members of our rock and Ro Academy in the pit Orchestra on stage and in the pit and that was for nomination for performance by an orchestra nomination for outstanding performance by featured Ensemble member Rock of Ages and that was jopen nomination for outstanding performer in a male ident Iden ified supporting role for his great J is Stacy Jackson Rock of Ages Lincoln Vera and nomination for outstanding performer in a identified lead for his Ro in rock ages Jack also received a full P scholarship to the summer Conservatory which is really expensive into for the paper Playhouse and that's actually where he is right now so we were a winner in this category which I'm so proud of it's called The Rising Star Theater for everyone inclusion and access award and that's how our um drama Department integrates um theater for everyone and we give access to those special needs and um we did that for our best we have members in the cast crew and everything that's part of it so we won that and Maddie accepted the award for us and for the first time ever in 20 years and it was so exciting because we got to go to the event and perform with the other schools were the top seven in the state for being the best shows up so the rest of the cast can come up for outstanding overall production of the musical for RO [Applause] uh we will definitely miss our graduates of course but um next year we have a great season hope you can come out we are doing the prom in the fall we are doing Greece in the spring and our Middle School show yet to be announced but has been decided is going to be a really big exciting one so um we look forward it's Mr Bosch's show come on Mr how you doing I know I have one more award oh oh yeah oh [Laughter] okay all right who's going to make the next wait don't go don't don't move we got one more so one of the other Awards that was uh recognized at paper mill Rising Stars was that uh Miss BOS was named educator of the year so how about a big thank you okay just be careful the we certainly would like to thank both the staff the students and obviously the families for not only coming out tonight but certainly representing our district so well you know one of the things that we are so proud about with our students is that they don't only find the love of their lives in the classroom they find it beyond the classroom and as a district we are so very proud of offering all these programs and most certainly proud proud of the commitment that each of you have shown to um performing arts and whatever you'd like to do so a round of applause again for our students so before the students leave doing U board members have any questions or comments for our drama club I just have to tell you guys as somebody who has two children who are much younger in The District middle school or and Elementary School I don't think you understand understand you guys are rock stars in their minds if you were celebrities the fact that I got to tell my kids you were going to be at the meeting tonight they were like you're going to meet them I I just it's really amazing and so I appreciate everything you do obviously um but so much also as that example for our kids who are coming through the program I really appreciate that um from all of you as well so thank you El Miss O'Neal absolutely same as charl said ALS congratulations congratulations Miss BOS that's amazing it's um it was great to see the place but to hear you know all the accolades and all the younger ones are definitely looking at all anyone else before the I'm just going to say congratulations I am so proud of you all I have never enjoyed any performances more than yours and the only reason I'm saying is because I know probably not going to stay to the end of the show here where we do our comments so thank you for being awesome the adults the kids you guys like like it's just amazing talent and I'm just wondering I saw something today called the Jimmy awards are you familiar with that why AR we doing that [Music] [Laughter] um that is only for winners of the local organizations but paper mill doesn't um and we also didn't win in those categories so those are for the winners of well we should have one all of them should be there all the time anyone else on this for comment I want to oh there you go hi everyone uh congratulations to all of you you are really an example uh not only to the younger kids but to everyone in Township uh we are so proud of you and we appreciate so much your effort as well as the great team that supports you which is your parents teachers friends that D you off practice you up from you know it's an entire town supporting you so keep always your talent don't let anyone uh to diminish that keep that Beyond when you go to college when you go to different communities because you all are the stars and you order brighter uh everyone's life for your talents thank you [Applause] congratulations guys great job congratulations and thank you and thank you to all of your parents too for all their support it does take I'm going to say the best last watch you so I'll go again you well first of all you know my thoughts on drama you all are part of my family um being that I have a graduate right but as you heard the parents what we don't realize is you guys you know spend how many hours rehearsing you're at you know school till 10 11 o' some nights your parents are Uber dashing and IND door dashing food and driving you and we have our concession did you retire yet John Billy pretzels and all of that but the parents too are supporting you right from voice lessons to acting lessons and we have Tech lighting and I do know we had our stage crew here too it takes a village right all of you thank you you are amazing you you guys work maybe just as hard as any anyone who gets those varsity letters I think we need to look into that and we're gonna Save the Last best thank you well first of all I couldn't be more proud because as you know Jody's my daughter so it's just amazing to me how these kid well these kids do and I'm very happy for her and for the children but I really want you guys to know yes you're going to get the parents come to see you perform but when you get the town people coming to see perform I know I speak to them in shop right or wherever well to the playlist you're doing some kind of good place I'll tell you and I just think I don't I don't expect anything better from you because I know you're doing such a great job there every time we go there it's like I'm watching a Broadway play you guys are just fantastic from the stage crew the sound group to all you actors so thank you so much a great program I'd like to thank my ex son-in-law Chris you know I mean this is It's program just like our Sports middle schools our feed program and every year you guys seem to put on a terrific show I want I want people also to one time if you have time go on YouTube and go on 2017 Broadway night you will be entertained like you thought you were on Broadway one of my all time but these guys have put on a lot of great shows and you deserve the accolades that you could getting thank you yeah so actually so at this time what we're going to do is we're actually going to go into a brief close session allow anyone who doesn't want to stay for the entire meeting um to depart we want you to hear what we had to say though and with that I'll take a motion you guys have a song no no we really want that yes yes yes now it's [Applause] can I pick cuz I might know them all right right about now come on you guys can session until they sing us out yeah you guys okay we're sit here till Somebody sings s your seat you don't have to take a good one you don't want me to sing it's been a long time Linn you're in the I think I was I was byebye birdie if you really want me to start going I think they good all right good all right next time we will make note of that I I see you and I think uh PS I think our Rock of Ages our Rock of um rock and roll Academy is coming down to school boards again right so right all right with that I'll take a motion then to go into close session very brief uh any any conversation or opposition to um close session nope we have a so move do we have a second second and all in favor all right we are going into Clos session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right do we have everyone all right I will call our meeting back to session and we'll take a roll call Jones Mrs Aquino here Mrs Fenton here Mrs fera here Mrs Fitzgerald here Mrs Melendez here Mrs O'Neal here Mr orillo here Mr stachi here Mrs Mar I am here and welcome back everyone we definitely have cleared out and we will go on do we have to committee reports uh curriculum and [Music] Technology we did not meet all right and Personnel we did not meet and we have finance and operations and we did meet we met today uh in attendance was myself Mr salach and Mr orillo yes um okay just a couple highlights um one of the things a couple of things that you'll see obviously on action items tonight um one of which is the direct install happening at sandshore I just had to point this out um you guys uh Mr Miller uh worked very hard to uh find find some opportunities with our direct install over there waving at the crowd um what's happening it's Beal dollar AC upgrade new controls rooftops any kind of Replacements at Sand Shore the you'll see two different items um and on both of those for example the first one uh will cost $847,000 out of that we will pay $254,000 a discount of 70% on the other similarly a disc of 67% Glenn did a ton of leg work to find um these discounts on those direct installs so I wanted to point that out because it's phenomenal uh one of the other things that happened this month is um we uh took a look at our uh we Revisited our insurance benefits and our current broker also did a ton of leg work and um found a way to increase our coverage um to make sure that we were at the proper levels and come in under budget so uh really uh thankful for our uh provider for doing that and for Miss Shing um for working with them on that last item would be what I promised to all of you two weeks ago is to come back on the legal fees um to report out on where we are um last time we were together obviously I told you that um March and April were trending high and that we had put several uh things in place to really try and make sure that we were you know doing due diligence and and being um proactive on that uh Miss Jones did did a ton of work as well as uh Mr gerer really working together to figure out how to um put some cost-saving procedures together and I'm happy to report that may we're back for regular monthly spending levels U and we will obviously continue to monitor that but I really apprciate Jones Mr gber and firm for working with us on that um obviously we'll be monitoring it but it's all trending in the right direction any questions thank you for your to the finance committee for really working tails off all the time all the time even when you don't have a committee meeting you guys are constantly working so thank you finance committee thank you any other questions from the board okay then we will move on um to policy and governance we did a meit okay and we uh move on any board subcommittees or parent teacher Association Le on reports anyone from any of our committees [Music] sence okay and president's report I did want to introduce one new board member and her name is desie Miss O'Neal can you uh introduce desie to us and explain who desie is and I think we need a name cler for come out here yeah sorry put on the spot just so that I know that everybody has maybe possibly seen desie we can explain a little bit about our new friend so desie is a Canan companion for um in hearing dog companion and desie will be joining us at all of our board meetings with Mrs O'Neal Y and for me at home she will alert me to sounds people calling me the doorbell um alarm going off things like that at the board meeting she's just under the table and every once while I sneak her the tree she does look when there are sounds the fire alarm she'll lay um you know so I don't walk basically and she'll keep alerting like there is a sound but you can't go she's very smart she just turned two she so beautiful she so amazing the company is so amazing nonprofit and they do um lots of different service dos and they have puppy razor it's all run by volunteers and um they have campuses all over the United States and it's a great fundraiser if anyone needs War to do there's one in Long Island that's closer I for her they only do hearing dogs it's down in Florida and that's where I went to their campus in Florida but she it kills me how she's just completely in touch with me she is an amazing an amazing dog I mean she's smarter than most people so we wanted to share and also introduce Jessie but also inform everyone as to we have dessie here with us as well as when you approach Jessie um please ask Mrs O'Neal first if we can pet Des yes you can pet her I know a lot of service told you can you just have to me first and then she sits and say shake and she will shake your hand and then you can pet her then she she just knows she's not supposed to like get all SLO jump on you and like that when she's like in a control position right now she knows that I don't like standing in front of people and I'm sh and she is very upset that I'm upset a thank you so I think we need a name Placer for for desie I'd like to C the table with her and that I have something to say other then happy summer everyone um I do have before we go to public comments on action items I wanted to make sure that I read several items into the minute so should the public wish to comment they're aware of them ahead of time um so in finance under action item we will be adding 9.27 it is worded award a contract to weather proofing Technologies Inc of Beachwood Ohio for the roof and through wall flashing project at Mount Middle School in accordance with contract e cnj 23 24-30 in the amount of $621,000 44 and finance action item 9.28 whereas the emo contract article 9 A6 limits the board's total liability for tuition reimbursement for the 2023 to 2024 school year to a total of $300,000 and whereas tuition reimbursement requests submitted by staff members exceeded the contractual limit by $9,844 78 now therefore be it resolved that the board hereby authorizes the business administrator to exceed the contractual tuition reimbursement limit of $300,000 by no more than $40,000 and be it further resolved that this authorization shall be considered a one-time allowance and shall not establish a pres for future reimbursement payments and have a couple other items so you're going to have to listen to me read more and in administrative action items 10.5 resolution whereas on June 11th 202 for the manal Board of Education student code of conduct committee held a suspension expulsion hearing regarding pupil ID number 6501 9277 the student and whereas on that date the parent of the above reference student and the student attended the hearing and whereas the committee after having heard and considered all of the proofs and testimony presented and after considering the superintendent's recommendations recommended to the full board that the student permitted to return to the school during the 20242 school year subject to the terms of the RTI intervention plan now therefore be it resolved that the board approves the students return to school during the 20242 school year pursuing to the terms of the students RTI intervention plan and be further resol that with written notice of the board's decision and right to appeal shall be served upon the students parents and a finally resol failure bu the terms of the intervention plan and other board requirements or the commission of further code of conduct violations may result in additional disciplinary action by the board and to up to in including further suspension of expulsion and we have item 10.6 resolution as June on June 24th 2024 Mount Board of Education Code of Conduct commit suspension expulsion hearing regarding people ID number 3382 781 53 student and whereas on that date the grandparents of the above reference student and the student attended the hearing and whereas the committee after having heard and considered all of the proofs and testimony presented and after considering the superintendent's recommendations recommended to the full board that the student be permitted to return to school during 20242 school year subject to the terms of the RTI intervention plan and and the completion of psychiatric evaluation assign lease to talk to the students counselors evidence of contact with perform care and a behavioral plan meeting now therefore be it resolved that the board approves the students return to school during the 2024 25 school year pursuant to the terms of the students RTI intervention plan and the aformentioned uh conditions and be it further resolved that written notice of the school board's Deion and right to appeal shall be ser upon the students parents and be it finally resed that terms of the intervention plan and other Bo requirements or the commission of further code of conduct violations may result in additional disciplinary action by the board upon up to in including further suspension or expulsion and I swear this is the last one 10.7 whereas on June 24th 2024 the mount Ola Board of Education student code of conduct committee held a suspension expulsion hearing during pupil ID number regarding pupil ID number 59573 7396 student and on that date grandparents of theer student and the student attended the hearing and the committee after hearing having heard and considered all the proofs of intes presented and after considering the students recommendations recommended to the full board that the student permitted to return to school during the 2024 school year and subject to the terms of an RTI intervention plan and the completion of a psychiatric evaluation assigned release to talk to students counselors evidence of contact with perform care and a a behavioral plan meeting now therefore be it resolved that the board approves the student return to school during 2024 25 school year for to the terms of the students RTI intervention plan and a mentioned conditions be further resolve that written notice of the board's decision and the family's rights to appeal SE shall be served upon the students parents and be it finally resigned that to abide by the term the inter plan and other requirements the commission of the further code conduct violations may result in additional disciplinary action by the board up to including further supension or expulsion I think that's all we are trying to close out this school year as you can tell um now we will open up the floor to members of the Community you may comment on any action item prior to the board discussion please state your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or obsteen comments will not be tolerated and please note we will yeah we will follow all rules please no um excessive language um we will not go into Personnel items um and the floor is open to anyone who would like to take the please your name and address for the record Brian Gallagher 135 crch Drive uh just a couple of uh questions on the bill list and then uh something that Miss fitzgeral touched on uh with regards to your comments on the legal fees and the efforts being made uh are you able to name what the board thinks is a reason Mount which is what you said the legal expenses going to be brought down to or are we just taking we're just taking the board's word on whatever the number we get in the future is going to be what you think is yeah specific like the last attorney firm they had a retainer right so it was about was it 12,000 a month or 10,000 a month so we that being the retainer amount we're just not getting a number what you think the best effort of success would be redu number it's just it's going now so we just trust the board on that that's fine I just absolutely the with the prior firm the retainer was $1,750 a month and that included U I forget how many board meetings or inperson meetings yeah that was built monthly I think what Mrs Fitzgerald was saying um when we looked at legal fees over several years and trying to come up what what an average would be that's what that she's referring to that we're more on average spending obviously we can't control who requests an Oprah or who requests an hi or who um comes to us that we need to the board needs to defend themselves um we have no control over that but um the procedures that have been put in place between um our offices and Mr Gs our procedures on how we're going to handle answering an Oprah we have board secretary here who's extremely self-sufficient and very organized she handles the majority as a c of Records directly yeah um mon Olive is one of I think three districts in the state who has a separate position of a board attorney uh excuse me of a board secretary so she's quite self-sufficient so having a new attorney on board there are some you know they're used to dealing with their other clients in a certain way we handle our work a different way so they organized on how they were going to be handling moving forward which as a result lowers the amount of legal fees on the amount of time that's spent because Mrs Jones can handle the majority of handling those requests herself yeah she does an amazing job I just that than thank you for answering the question also by the way and I'm not trying to go and say that you weren't answering or anything like that but I always appreciate the answer I just meant like in in uh the view of transparency for the public I appreciate what you said the lot of was very vague you know can you m sh actually just did one example on how this is coming to fruition and I think that was a good soate that as well I do think it's surprising though that you know these were astronomical legal fees and the only example I've heard and it was just mentioned was opras I mean are we really saying that opras cause legal fees to go up by 200 300% I mean that's kind of crazy I mean we just charge people for the opras I know that we don't and a lot of places do I don't we actually have sent invoices to some good so we're taking it you making chiping that tens of thousands of dollars in overuse I guess yeah okay and I just want to point out too as well I appreciate that the board is making the efforts to lower the legal expenses but I don't think it changes the fact that another administrative item tonight is to increase the legal ter budget fees by $120,000 for this budget AR year 23 24 which is ending next week so even with one week left there's still some sort of need to increase Lees by $120,000 which I just think the taxpayers you know deserve a little more answers than you know I think ton was probably good start it sounds like there's a lot of work being done on it but I don't think you're there yet and I think that you know the proof will be when we see you know future efforts and future you know Bill list so I don't I appreciate what you said and I appreciate the the explanations but I don't believe any of it yet and I think there's a lot of people in town that feel the same way I'm not speaking for those people but if they want to say something they can and I just think it's pretty wild that this happened the first couple months bringing in a new attorney firm which you know we never really got an answer for so thank you Mr for putting us up into the hundreds of thousands of dollars now that we've been paying for legal fees where we had that problem in the past thank you anyone else may I just State for the record that this isn't question and answered if you want to State something you can but we're not required to answer you nor is it really an answer conversation I don't I didn't mean to be rude but rep that are you saying that technically it's not question or answer or are you saying that you don't have to answer it's not and we are giving you the courtesy of answering no I agree with that but saying that I'm not supposed to be answering asking questions at all no we want you to ask the questions but we we shouldn't be answering you on the day we should be getting back to you with those and I and I fully understand that I don't expect answers but I but I have the right to ask absolutely absolutely of absolutely no you have a right to ask anything I just want to make it clear for other people listening Public public comment that's what it's here Fork thank you thank you sorry about that Karen F 133 Flanders drtown Road um I have neither a question nor a comment just a suggestion um maybe we could potentially stop paying the attorney to be here for our word ceremonies at word meetings because we spend hours of doing that and uh since we don't have a retainer for two meetings a month which is what the old contract was um maybe we could stop paying him to hear our accolades thank you anyone else do I like to speak on action items and action items only okay then we'll move uh forward on to approval of monthly expenditures and reports items 6.1 through 6.8 and um let's see M Melendez upon the recommendation of the superintendent I present a motion uh to approve the monthly expenditure report section 6.1 through 6.8 second any questions or comments from the board no seeing none um we'll take a roll call for Miss Jones Mrs MZ yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orillo yes Mr stachi wh the name Jody bosain yes anything else Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs naris yes and we'll move on to Personnel action items Mrs aquo 7.1 through oh my goodness all way 7.39 upon the recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to move Personnel action items 7.1 through 7.39 second do we have any questions or comments from the board no okay we will then take a roll for Miss Jones Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez uh abstaining 7.17 and anything related to Angela Sanchez yes to everything else Mrs O'Neal abstain to anything related to hum Christian or Patrick and yes to everything Mr orilla yes Mr stachi I'm sorry this is what are we voting on right now A Personnel seven 7 7.1 through 7 39 okay so I'm going I'm going to have to obain on a lot of the supervisor position or what have you I'm not allowed to vot on Personnel so 7.5 through 7 whever it is here uh 39 yeah I think I've got to go to 711 I'm going to have to stay yes on everything else and Mr 75 to 7eleven 7eleven yes okay thank you not unless you want to go to Quick [Music] Check Mrs Nores um yes to all items all right and we will move to uh curriculum and Technology action items 8.1 through oh my gosh 8.10 Miss Fon yes upon the recommendation of the superintendent I like to approve Equipment Technology 8.1 to 8.10 Second and do we have any uh questions or comments from the board right so we'll take a rope call then M Jones Mrs Fenton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orilla yes Mr stach yes Mrs aqu yes Mrs NES yes and we will move on to finance and operations 9.1 through goodness 9 oh we added 2 and Miss uh Mr Gerald on the recommend of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to approve action items 9.1 through 9.28 second and do we have any questions or comments from the board no we'll take a roll call then M Jones Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal yes Mr orilla yes Mr trach yes Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Mar um I will abstain on 9.13 and 9.14 9.18 and 9.19 and yes to everything else and we'll move on to administrative action items it's 10.1 through 10.7 and we'll go to Mr orillo recommendation of the superintendent I'd like to make a motion to approve administrative action items 10.1 through 10. second do I have any questions or comments from the board no all right and we'll take a roll call then M Jones Mr orilla yes Mr stach staying on 10 one and 10 three yes and everything else Mrs Aquino yes Mrs Fenton yes Mrs fera yes Mrs Fitzgerald yes Mrs Melendez yes Mrs O'Neal obstain from 101 and yes to everything else Mrs naris um should Mrs O'Neal should we add uh 10.3 as well to hers um just want to make sure oh I'm just asking good we're good I would say yes all right it's up to you protecting Y and uh Mrs D um yes all right we are on to Old business um do members of the board um May comment on any item or topic that was previously discussed by the board do we have any items for old business no okay and we'll move on to new business members of the board May introduce any new item or topic of discussion for the board to consider any items no okay we will move on to public comment students parents employees community members May comment on any item of Interest pertaining to the Mount Olive School District please state your name and address for the record all comments must be respectfully presented abusive or OBS comments will not be tolerated anyone who like to come to the mic please state your name and address for the record yes that always brings a laugh hey I mean I'm with you on that one I'm with you it's okay we're unique you know a lot of personality and a small package I hope so dear Madame President members of the board faculty and staff honored guests and those individuals live streaming my name is G vogle I live at 48 June grass way Panther Valley in Alami I am the certified field rep fora and have been for nearly 5 years as such I am appreciative of the Mount Olive district and consider myself an honorary member of the community I am a huge fan of the district appreciate theard of education and its Mission and proud of the students and their achievements as was evidenced tonight by the drama group ostensibly my purposes in addressing you this evening are for three main reasons first of all thank you to the negotiating team first and ultimately to the board for your kind considerations with with respect to negotiating the moesa contract for the next three years I have said many times moesa is comprised of talented professional committed administrators whose number one Mission and pursuit is education of the Mount Olive student community obviously you recognize those attributes as well my second reason but certainly as significant is to wish Glenn Miller much good luck in his new position in full disclosure I expected Glenn to be in this District he truly loved and still does until he pushed the retirement button many years from now however things change as do needs and sometimes Adventure beckons still his unique and copious amount of knowledge makes him iconic thanks for all your support from oasa plan and for always being the gentleman and role model so essential in a leadership position though as you know we all know if you've been in a leadership position how quickly it can be challenged my third reason centers around Reflections as to leadership as a lead leader 100 years ago you can delete that I respected the the decisions of those around me some on the leadership team who sought other positions outside my district imagine those supportive I still reviewed the exit interviews carefully to determine if there was something I could have done differently an 18 is only as strong as the members view themselves as essential to the process of leading as confirmed by those in command I look at moesa and the exit of several individuals within the past 5 years I would expect that you would assess the culture and climate of the working community in A Renewed effort to determine that the reasons for leaving center around personal choice for growth and not the working atmosphere accordingly I am confident and reiterate this board of education the Mount Olive Board of Education recognizes the talent of its family of Educators thank you for your time that's a hard act to follow but do you have anyone else who would like to speak that was very nice um you know she said something about the word my name is Rich mcski from one CLA in court in but Lake she said the word gentleman you know I think uh that is in my mind I'm oldfashioned that is probably the the the best compliment that you can ever give to a man is when you call you some someone says you're a true gentleman so that's a big compliment that's very nice uh need glasses on here um so I really don't want to be here um but I wanted to follow up on a couple things that I talked about a couple weeks ago so uh as you know um uh from what I said before I love this District uh my son loves this District he's up here wanted him to sing but he would they wouldn't sing I was the one with the big mouth in the back trying to get him to sing um but they they didn't sing so um but I really love this District so the stuff that I say here I'm doing it because I care so much um tiptoeing around stuff so I'm not my son has a great has had a great experience here so it's not a negative stuff it's basically what I'm trying what's best for him okay so I'm just finishing up on some of the stuff that we talked about last week and so um as I said I was really hoping to just be a spectator here tonight but I'm pretty sure that this is my the last boat Board of Ed meeting for a bit so uh I'm here wrapping things up I could be in Cape May um which is one of my favorite places as follow up from a couple weeks ago there's difference of opinion between myself and District as to what we serve best Ser over the next couple of years again this is bigger picture here for every not just mat District think that mat belongs in the district and M Marauder belief program I believe he would be better served out a district in the Rand program so we've we had a bit of a stalemate I have options as we all do I've asked for the district to reconsider the decision and we're talking through that another option is that I could file due process apparently but that's a horrible process involes lawyers time money stress well not a very pleasant experience which is for the parents so that's just a horrible thing that you can think about but it's an option I guess but it's not one that I want or I can move and honestly I really don't want to do that either so as I said we're a bit of a stalemate right now the hardest part about this is that I've seen what's possible by looking at other programs we really are comparing apples to oranges right now the two programs are just completely different I feel program get really prepared for college and a certificate program in life we all look for steps and this is a nice step in the right direction towards a bigger Step to College as I said two weeks ago the 18 to 21 year old transition program is the very last structured opportunity for our very special young adults not only for them but for the parents as well at 21 parents and their young adults face that Cliff that I talked about and to better Define that Cliff the county and state take over and it's up to parents to navigate the roads by themselves without being within the confines of the school district my son is 18 and I'm on top of this as much as I possibly can for him I've been working towards this first step for a few years and even though I've done a lot I'm still missing pieces process is confusing and extremely overwhelming so in conclusion a successful 18 to 21 year old transition into Life program is a program that is built on great leadership Vision adaptability and most importantly student centered the student centered approach focuses on knowing student building something around them not vice versa this program is our last fashion of guided protection before going out into the real world as as scary as it can be for young adults it's so much scarier for the parent it's my feeling that it's responsib it's all of our responsibility to make sure that our young adults and their parents are Beyond are Beyond prepared for what lies ahead even if that sometimes take that means taking a good long look inward it realiz that a student is better served at another in another District I said I you know I love this District we came here three years ago and Maddie has really found a home I found a home and I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think it was in his best interest I have so much on my plate this is not really something that I really want to do so that's to go beyond that if you all of you don't know about the 18 to 21 year old program when I say it's the last Bastion before going out into the real world I really mean it so I don't know how much each of you know about the program but I would definitely tell you to take a look to learn as much as you possibly can about it and even more to look at other programs to see what they're doing well and how they can better help parents I met with a par a young a woman of a a young man who just left the program today or this year from The Marauder belief program and he this he's such a good kid nice young man and I'm going to try to do something with him in my company because I'm working on building like a Salesforce of of uh special needs kids my son a young man with autism another man with autism man because they have such great personalities they they don't just tie things up and put things in a basket they I watched Maddie when we were down Cape May uh earlier this week and we went on the boat from Lewis to from uh Kate M to Lewis and so I was I was on there and he said I'm going I said oh you're going to go can't go on the boat um so I'm sitting in the upper deck and I'm watching him he doesn't know I'm watching him he's talking to everybody he knows he's talking to these guys these guys he's he's introducing himself I have no idea what he's talking Lord only knows what he's talking about interesting conversations for sure but what I'm saying is we owe it to our kids to find out what their strengths are now when the kid when you say special needs automatically these kids a lot of them are you think all they can do is bag groceries when were used to be grocery bags at shoppr or they used to be or uh tie put a widget or separate or count stuff or whatever I got three kids including the young man I met with today who are great socially they're great with people I tell you the story about Maddie because I bring him into my customers with him have been doing this for years and when I'm with my customers I basically don't exist so when we work with these kids we find out truly what their strengths are what they can do who they are and what they want to do with their lives and also talk to their parents what they want to do with their lives we find out what they can do the world is unbelievable in closing I'll say this I'd be a good rich guy by the way I'd hire everyone but in closing this if if I owned a restaurant and because I've watched Maddy work he's a great coner host you know if I owned my own restaurant I would have and Danny used to be here uh in the school district if I owned my own my own restaurant I hire those kids and I would just put man in a nice which you likees to wear but Danny and but you know all these kids in nice suits let them go go over to the tables and say Hi how are you thank you for coming can we get you anything so and that would be incredible because you know how far that would go within a restaurant or a business so just think about it when we're working in this 18 to 21 program open up the world into the possibilities of jobs all the way out there help the parents find those jobs help the kids find out what they want to do and as a district we need to facilitate that for as much as possible so as I said I love this District I love the kids I love everyone that what what you guys are all doing but I think it's important that we have to really make sure that we focus on helping this 1821 year old group thank you everyone thank you thank you Dr with that can we possibly charge you and your staff to evaluate with regards to the staff and the CNT committee maybe a comparison of room for movement and grow to she's already comparison the in the area growth and engagement in the community and I'm happy to help Happ to help Chris is GNA be reaching out to you also Dr benj the really great Fant wonderful transition fair at the B center is open for registration for October so anybody can go last year it is amazing love it gives a lot of information on new ideas programs I got one one more thing say I'm sorry just in finishing up it's Rich mky from where the kids are in the High School location the location mhm you guys got to do something about that you got to do something about that you got to got to got to do something about that cuz they can't those kids need to be places where there's Windows where they feel a part of the community feel part of the school so you got to do something about that location and I know that can be done so thank you thank you any and Long Valley also the C president to Echo what um rich just said um the basement you guys know I email haven't heard anything so let me know when I can talk um the um the other thing that like kind of just spawned a couple years ago um probably before Dr bju was here even potentially right when oi started um the special ed program was doing something through recurse called pcast and it was a person centered approach for schools and transition and in my opinion that's something that probably should start when they when kids first get into high school because it helped a big team everybody to discuss with the student to find out what made them what was their Drive what they like to do and honestly that would be a beautiful way to help Branch out to figure out what you know are they into horiculture are they into woodworking are they into different things that would help them facilitate their growth throughout the high school years to then transition for what um for the transition program so anyway I just wanted to share that because it's a big process and I know that it's very labor intensive because I think that my son was one of the first Kids that actually went through the whole process um however it it was really functional it kind of brought the whole team together to find out like what makes it and I think it would be huge um so that's my about that but I wanted to um give you guys a little update about ceg um for the last couple months so I apologize for missing last month um but we did meet both in May and then twice in June um so um May I don't remember all of it because I didn't my notes but um we did talk with um the Elementary programs and what was available and Staffing that was going to come on it looks like some of that shifted since the meeting that we had from um the new higher list um but we did talk about that and then in June um we talked about the um the upper level the secondary head um programs and what is going on in there we had some really fruitful conversation um with parents one was about the location of the um special program which I shared with you guys um and then um the other meeting that we had was to try to shed a light on what cpeg is so that way we could try get some new members um and so um I did get a couple inquiries not too many but a couple so I have to kind of figure out how we're going to navigate through the next um next season and figure out topics and so forth so um we're still chugging along so thank you very much anyone else from the public like to come and comment okay we will close out of the comment and we'll move on to board and administration comment and I'm just going to start at the end Mrs O'Neal any any comment uh no it's showan yes I do um I wanted to say thank you to obviously miss fera Mr Gallagher for your comments um about Finance I do appreciate it Miss F we um have definitely discussed that as an option and it definitely makes sense when we don't start in close session and record legal representation totally agree on being very smart representation and when we do not so I appreciate that Mr Gallagher thank you for your comments um on behalf of the finance committee I say that you know when we're providing a report on some of our meetings we tend to speak in recap language But please understand that us speaking in recap language doesn't mean that we are operating in um you know generalities I will say so we are really working hard to um focus on specificity and due diligence to make sure that we are being very um practical with all the dollars for the district definitely for the meeting minutes so that you can see all of that specificity um laid out for you we just didn't want you know to bore everybody with all of that but please look for those um so that was uh my first thing and then finally a huge congratulations and thank you and we'll miss you to Glenn Miller Mr Glenn Miller um I believe this is his last meeting and um he will be sorely missed um so uh this he I have only obviously worked with Glenn for uh not even a year but the amount of money he has saved this District the amount of D diligence he puts in to making sure we doing everything we can to get the most out of our dollars out of our um facilities it's really remarkable and so congratulations on your next adventure and we'll miss [Music] you um certainly U Mr Miller you would be me um your familiar face and you're always uh pressed to to help anyone and to answer questions uh which is not easy sometimes uh my ex I I want like to extend my extend gratefulness uh to MOA for the negotiations a very professional at the collaboration kamarad uh all those points that were so important uh for administration uh were touched in a in a very delicate way and and discussed so I I deeply appreciate uh the effort of Mr Stanbery and um so thank you so much um for the program for the 18 to 21 Mr rck um I'm very interested in that in that program also I have been looking information and certainly will not stop on that um because it's something that is very important um so probably in the future I may reach out to you if I may um because we would like to maybe compare even notes and and the information that you already have uh available uh based on your thank you um I just want to tail um on to Mrs M's the mo um but you left out Mrs Curry M Curry so thank Curry Mr s Cur um and I also want to say that I get to have the privilege now moving forward to work with Mr Miller um and I expect lunch so I know where you'll be she'll be texting you so I'm sorry to see leave but I'm going to be seeing you again my arms I know swi shall Miss Glenn don't forget she likes dessert too has to have more than one one course um congratulations we are going to miss you very much Glenn um best of luck to you congratulations to the drama um I'm so glad we got to have them here uh tonight to uh honor them they deserve it um as far as special needs one of the things that I have looked into and I don't know if you know this it's called B and Views all right that's one of my favorite places to go it is a coffee shop in Bethlehem that has run 100% by special needs and it is amazing um what they can do like their their abilities is to manage to sweep to do the register to converse there is one siiz bit all and I I would really like to look further into not making it as much that um so I am going to support anything we do um as far as that goes and um I just want to wish everybody a happy start of their summer I know I'm going down the shore tomorrow too I can't wait what oh and te sorry thank you I I had um the pleasure of working with you guys and I want to thank you for everything uh we went through together it was it was really a pleasure and an honor to be able to work with such a great group of people agre so thank you agreed bring it over to Milla I just want to than Mr Miller uh I didn't know too long but thank you for everything work you and good luck M fig thank you for your service Mr Miller best of luck to you yeah first of all Glenn don't believe a word they tonging I think they're all happy or going I think I'm the only one here left who was here when we hired Glen and the first night I called dorsy instead of Glen Miller for a different lead but you know I've been down to conventions and I've talked to people and Mark can tell you too nine weeks it takes in between they're scamping to get the buildings ready to open in September there's no time these people are working heads a up and yet Mr Miller one year several years in addition to doing all of this work these other people other other districts can't believe is getting a building renovated is getting us moved over here a tremendous job and we never lost a single de that is quite a tribute to that gentleman and because of that he was voted outstanding uh director of Maintenance of the year in the state of New Jersey and that's quite an honor so Glenn thank you I hope you come back and fly some planes first or something but uh I know you're going to do well wherever you go and you know we're going to miss you and keep playing that trumpet all right I'll just like to Echo of sentiment about Mr Miller certainly um being here for two years he's been an instrumental part of the team and I can't thank you not not only for your hard work most friendship um he has really um brought the love and passion for not only the job that he does but the school community and you know we certainly miss you and we wish you all the best okay um I want to say I'm actually really proud of our contract teams for Moa and teamsters and um also those who sit on the emo we're we're a team right this is the whole District I think that that really speaks volumes that we can all come together to the table to do what's you know best for our staff and at the end of the day our students and those in the community I also want to say Welcome to our um new emo um leadership and we look forward to having a you know positive working relationship I know that we've already you know had um meetings and you know that that's really the goal right the kids at the end of the day doing what best for them and that means also making sure our staff are you know um happy healthy and you know the contracts are what's best for both sides um so I'm really proud of them everybody involved um I also wanted to say thank you to M Melendez my partner in crime this uh past week we got to venture down to New Jersey Schoolboard association's law Forum um we'll be sharing that out to the the board members in an EMA email so you're ready to put your your lawyer hats on um and I'm also really excited that we have um the district last meeting approved for us um board members to partake in training with um Mr David Nash as well which is our hip training so you know we want to make sure that we're doing what's best making informed decisions and that we are fully educated as well um I also want to say congratulations to Michelle Richmond 29 years um retiring thank you thank you for serving our students sa Mr Miller going very far um and swiss sh she likes the cookies but thank you the donuts oh Donuts just center with boxes of cookies okay please but thank you thank you for everything um and those who do come to the mic please know that we do like to hear you I know I think I've emailed some of you some you know responses we do take notes as you you see us writing you do take your your thoughts your comments um you know they they are val so Mr gallager please while there are times we may not comment back and forth um we do look to improve and we do listen so always please do come to the mic don't ever be afraid to that's not it's open public comment and question please do that and you know Mr mowy you know I Ador um Maddie but again we do take them in your your thoughts to heart you know and Club those if you didn't hear me before drama club has a special place in my heart I am a I guess alni parent of the drama club but always part of it um drama and music actually has driven my son to um go be a entertainment attorney someday so and that was found here in in our district he wasn't you know originally on that path but entered our middle school and found drama dance music and it was interesting I was listening to um little Stevie on TV and he was talking actually about other schools across the country that are cutting music and drama and arts programs and you know when we look at students it's one of the things that helps them thrive in you know another area you know utilizing their skills in here that is not the case we are we are growing and you know really value the Arts here so with that please have a great summer um we'll see you at the next board meeting and um I will take a motion to go into close session and we will go into motion to recess a confidential s the board meet and confidential session for the purpose of discussing um Personnel matters of attorney client privilege um I'm just reading to see do we have anything else anything else on the agenda uh well that would we have person now um be a further resolve that matters discussed in confidential session disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality no longer exists um action may be taken and do we I have a second to go in a session all those in favor all right we are in close session thank you e e e for